Hatfield Heath Community Bring If you haven’t done it already please register
and Share Family Get Together! your interest on the Superfast Essex website
( , click on
Come and Join our VJ Day ‘Street “Register your interest” under the “Get
Party’ on the Village Green Involved” heading) See inside for full update........
When? Saturday, August 15th from 2pm
Who? Everyone Welcome
Why? To celebrate the 70th anniversary of
the end to WW2.
· Party Fun Sharing Afternoon with music,
games for both children and adults as well
as all sorts of other casual entertainment.
The bells of victory at 3pm
Games from 3pm to 5:30pm
Eat drink and listen from 5:30pm until the
lighting of the beacon at 9.45pm as all the
lights go on in the UK!
Organised by RBL, HHPC, URC and Holy Trinity.
Bring your own gazebo's, tables
chairs and food to share
Web : Email: [email protected]
*Emergency Door Opening Hatfield Heath
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5 Cox Ley, Hatfield Heath
14087 July 2015
Reception Open Afternoon
On Wednesday, special family members of those in Reception
were invited into school to spend the afternoon with the class.
It was an enjoyable experience for all involved, as they built
dens, completed a sound treasure hunt and had lots of fun
“Wendycot”,Chelmsford Road, Poptastic Success
Hatfield Heath, Anyone who attended the School Fete recently will have
noticed the Year 6 Business Enterprise project in full swing.
Bishop’S Stortford, Herts Having named their brand, designed their product, produced
their packaging and cooked their popcorn it was time for the
Opening Hours big sell! We ran out of popcorn in less than an hour and the
Mon - Fri 8am - 5.30pm children did a great job drumming up sales in adverse weather
conditions (popcorn and drizzle do not mix well!). The results
Sat 9am - 1pm were in and several teams made a significant profit. The girls
from ‘Poptastic‛; Shona, Rosie LJ, Ellie and Daisy were
Tel: 01279 730 274 crowned the winners having made the most profit after material
costs. It was great to see the children working together as teams
[email protected] and gaining an understanding in to the cut and thrust world of business!
15023 Dec 2015 Book Fair
Thank you to everyone who visited and bought books from our
Book Fair earlier this term. As a result of the purchases, the
school was able to choose £335 worth of books for the library.
This will provide the pupils with a wide range of reading
material to continue their enthusiasm for reading and broaden Handyman Services
their knowledge. Happy reading!
v Furniture need assembling?
The Crucial Crew Workshop v Shelves or pictures need hanging?
On Wednesday 17th June, the pupils of Year 6 v Blinds need fitting?
visited the Crucial Crew workshop. At the v Radiator covers need installing?
event, the students were able to receive v Door need planing?
valuable advice on topics such as road safety, v Small plumbing job?
fire, drugs and alcohol, first aid and Internet Safety.
Keziah and Molly May in Year 6 said of the No odd job too small
workshop: “We learned some interesting
facts and discovered some amazing Local resident with 15 years experience
information about what we might face in the Contact Scott
future. For example, we should always tell
our parents if anything rude or unnecessary 01279 731104 07817 223339
has happened on the Internet”
15089 July 2016
The Hungry Caterpillars
The Reception Class has recently IYENGAR YOGA
been sent five caterpillars in the post,
and they are eagerly watching them Local Classes for all ages
transform into
Butterflies. Theo in Reception said: and levels of ability
"The caterpillars ate the food, then
they made a chrysalis. I am very You will be taught in a very warm friendly atmosphere
happy and very excited" So come and join us
HATFIELD HEATH IN THE COMMUNITY For further information about times, venues as well as the health
benefits to be gained
Recently, Molly in Year 1 donated some of her hair to the Contact Jenny
Princess Trust charity, which supplies wigs to children
suffering from hair loss as a result of cancer therapy. This is a 01279 730 751
truly selfless and kind-hearted gesture which will help many
young children going through difficult times. Molly‛s 07946 777 669
charitable deeds towards the wider community should be
admired by all, and will hopefully encourage others to help First Class Free
those who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.
Ukuleles at Hatfest Email: [email protected]
On Sunday 21st June, Year 6‛s Ukulele band made their debut
at Hatfest. The performance was a big success, as they played 15090 Dec 2015
Jason Mraz‛s ‘I‛m Yours‛ and delivered an accomplished
display to the audience. A big thank you to everyone who Shenene Glashan B.Ost
participated in the performance, and also to those who came to
provide support. The band will be performing again soon with Registered Osteopath
some new material so watch this space.
Do you have any
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its own!!!
Get it looked at before it
starts to affect your day.
SG OSTEO is a friendly,
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Don't delay what you can do
SG OSTEO LTD, Bretts Farm,
Chelmsford Road,
White Roding
07908 221 888
3 15060 Sept 15
Hatfield Haven Care Home SCHOOL COUNCIL
Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7DL On Friday 19th June, the oldest members of the School
Council were selected to attend the Young Essex Assembly
Tel: 01279 730 043 Day at County Hall in Chelmsford, accompanied by Mrs
Jackman. These students were Erynn, Matthew, Rosie and Johanna. The students learnt about the role of the local
government and met councillors, such as the Vice Chairman
Features: of the County Council John Aldridge, over the course of the
╚ Serene and homely environment; day. The pupils worked with students from a wide range of
╚ 24 hours care in compliance with CQC Care Standards schools across the county with the PACS group, which
╚ Medical care provided by local group practice; focuses on enhancing confidence skills and preventing
bullying. The students were treated to a delicious buffet lunch
district nurse, physiotherapist and a chiropodist; and caught the Number 59 bus home, which they counted
╚ Highly qualified and motivated staff - RMA and amongst the highlights of their trip! The final meeting of the
year will take place next week, giving the pupils an
NVQ qualifications; opportunity to feedback on their experiences to the rest of
╚ 20 single and 1 double newly refurnished and the School Council. Mrs Jackman would like to thank the
pupils for their exemplary behaviour, and also to Mrs
redecorated Harrington for accompanying Them.
rooms (newly built extension included)
╚ Each bedroom fitted with an en-suite bathroom and
call system to summon help;
╚ A newly extended and enlarged day lounge with Flat
creen TV and radio.
╚ Large dining room with excellent meals on offer
by the in-house chef;
╚ A Stair lift and a passenger lift to all floors;
╚ Activities includes talks, parties, summer barbecues,
flower arranging e.t.c
Kindly drop by for viewing and to pick up a copy of our
brochure. For placement and other enquiries, please contact
Amanda Austin (Manager)
email : [email protected]
15011 Dec 2015
Grass Cutting, Hedge Trimming,
One off Tidy Ups
Regularly Weekly Maintenance
Jet Wash
Patio Cleaning
Email: [email protected]
Mobile 07956 524 586
Home Tel 01279 830 960
15085 July 2016
Quiz Drive
7pm 24th Sept 2015
In aid of maintenance of
Holy Trinity
01279 730 241
Congratulations to Oren in Year 5 and Anya in Year 2, who • Interior & Exterior decoration
both won awards in their first Apex trampolining club annual
competition. Oren came 1st in his category of age 10 and under • carried out to a high specification.
with a score of 47.4 points, while Anya also came 1st in the 5-7
year old category with a score of 50.1 points. Furthermore, • Full public liability.
Anya received the Steve Locke award for gaining the most • 30 yrs Experience
points on the day of all the age categories. A huge well done to • Ceilings papered.
you both! Passmores Academy Football Event On Monday
22nd June, girls from Years 3 and 4 were able to enjoy a • Wall coverings and wall paper hung
morning of football. The event was comprised of an hour of
training drills No job too large or too small
followed by a mini tournament, in which pupils were put into
teams with students from other schools. The Year 5 girls Contact Steve.
participated in the event in the afternoon, and played games Phone : 01279 724 805 Mobile : 07836 588 886
against the other schools despite the fact that some of the girls
had never played before. In addition, the women‛s goalkeeper E-mail: [email protected]
for Watford was present at the event giving the pupils the Address: Field View, Sheering, Herts.
opportunity to talk to a professional, who hopefully provided
inspiration to those girls who may wish to play football more
regularly. All those involved put in a lot of effort and found the
activities fun and entertaining. 15019 Dec 15
Netball Professional Service in a warm
On Tuesday 23rd June, and friendly atmosphere
Year 5 had a friendly
netball match against Open Tues - Thurs 9 am-5 pm
Little Hallingbury. Fri 9 am-6 pm
They won 8-0, an
achievement made Sat 9am-4pm
even better by the fact Free Parking
that 3 of the children
had not played a match 5 15039 Aug 15
before. Well done to
Sofia, Lilly, Abi,
Nancy, Scarlett, Ben and Louis.
For All Building Works - The Year 6 netball team won the Leventhorpe League, which
Extensions/Renovations - was against the local Primary schools of Sheering, High Wych
Decorating - Plumbing - Electrics and Reedings. Well done to all those who were involved, the
Carried Out with Great Attention to Detail trophy will take pride of place in the school‛s trophy cabinet.
Tel: 01279 757 323 07836 205 103 The rounders season has started at Leventhorpe, with the
school narrowly losing their first match against Sheering by
C 15015 Dec 15 only one rounder! The next fixtures will be played on Monday
29th June and Monday 6th July, with the results to follow in
ACCESS CONTROL We would like to congratulate Willow in Year 1and Abby in
INTERCOMS Year 5, who both progressed to the second round of Radio 2‛s
500 words competition 2015. The feat was made even more
FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRONIC SECURITY NEEDS impressive by the fact that only 3,800 entrants were selected to
CALL go through from an initial number of over 120,000 entries
nationwide. Unfortunately, neither of the students were able to
15017 Dec 15 advance to the final 50 contestants but it was still a brilliant
achievement nonetheless. Congratulations to Ellie in Year 5,
Renewable Energy Solutions who this week passed her Grade 2 LAMDA ‘Speaking Verse
and Prose‛ with merit, only narrowly missing out on a
of Sawbridgeworth distinction by two marks. In addition, Ellie appeared in the
Class Act Theatre School Production of ‘Any Dream Will Do‛
Design and Installation of Solar PV Systems at the Victoria Hall Theatre. Ellie performed her role as one of
the brothers of Joseph superbly, and was even supported by
Tel: 01279 912 626 [email protected] some of her Year 5 classmates who came to see the show. Well
done Ellie!
Certificate Number
NAP 16782 PFA
Solar PV We would like to thank the PFA, their team and helpers, for
creating such a successful Summer Fete. Despite the drizzle,
15016 Feb 16 the event was well supported by parents, friends and members
of the local community. We are still waiting of confirmation of
the final sum raised but believe this is in excess of £2000 These
funds will go towards updating and improving the play
equipment in the playground. Thank you
For Summer
My daughter Erin Fowler along with her friends
At Oscar Dolan and Eva Masters, raised £31 for
Children in Need. This was achieved by them
Escape Beauty standing outside my house, for about an hour and a
half in the Shaw with a collection bucket with Oscar
Ÿ G5 Anti - CelluliteTreatment 40 mins £20 playing the Cornet. They thought of doing this all by
Or course of six £100 themselves and we are very proud of them for
wanting to raise money for charity.
Ÿ Hydrafuse Aqua Dermabrasion Facial £45 Claire
Ÿ L.V.L Eyelash Perm plus tint £40 lasts up to six weeks
Ÿ Eyebrows re-shape plus tint and eyelash tint only £15
Ÿ I.P.L Laser hair removal for all areas of the face &
body from £20 up Consultation & free patch test req.
Ÿ Ultimate spray tan in 3 shades light, medium &
Dark £20
Ÿ Glycolic facial peels
Ÿ Ultrasound skin toning facial
Ÿ Deep tissue massage
Ÿ Waxing including hot wax for sensitive areas.
I look forward to hearing from you
Sue Burgess Tel: 07740 433 417 orText
Situated in the Shaw Hatfield Heath
615071 Sept 2015
Superfast Broadband to reach the East of the Village Chelmsford Road, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7BQ
The latest update on the Superfast Essex website shows
that cabinet number 3 (outside the Police House) is to be [email protected]
connected to the Superfast optical fibre network. This
cabinet connects most dwellings in the east of the village,
you can check whether it includes you by going to and putting in AUGUST
your postcode.
According to the Superfast Essex website, cabinet 1 (next Friday 7TH – EIGHTIES NIGHT
to Pond Lane) is scheduled for connection by the end of BE TRANSPORTED BACK TO THE EIGHTIES
2016 and cabinet 3 by the end of 2020. Informal GLAMOROUS DRAG ACT FANNY GALORE!
discussions with the Superfast Essex and BT teams
indicate that the programme is ahead of schedule and that £34 Per Person
cabinet 1 may be connected this year and that the
installation team may decide to connect both cabinets at Friday 14TH – PARTY NIGHT
the same time…so fingers crossed. PARTY ON DOWN - LIVE BAND BABY GO BOOM!
If you haven’t done it already please register your interest
on the Superfast Essex website £34 Per Person
( , click on “Register your
interest” under the “Get Involved” heading); the more Friday 21ST – (NEW THEME!!!) 50’s and 60’s
interest shown the more likely BT will prioritise Hatfield BE TRANSPORTED BACK TO THE 50’S AND 60’S!
£34 Per Person
£40 Per Person
Table Top / Garage Sale Beauty Lodge Leisure Club
Saturday 15th August 10am to 4.00pm Spa Days/Spa Weekends Fully equipped Gym,
Indoor Heated Pool,
White Lanterns, Ardley End H/H Massage/Facials Sauna, Jacuzzi
Take the Matching Green Road
House 300 yards from the Heath Cosmetic Treatments and Steam Room
These are just a few of the items for sale: Manicure/Pedicure No Joining Fee,
Coffee Table : Chest of Drawers
Chandeliers and Wall Lights Reiki/Sports Clinic please bring
2 Small Glass Fronted Wall Cabinets Waxing/Threading this advert with you
& much, much more
Call Lesley now on
01279 730 549
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15084 June 2016 7 15083 June 2016
A mature, friendly, caring, experienced SSE RESPONSE TO AIRPORT COMMISSION
housekeeper/qualified carer FINAL REPORT 1st July 2015
(CRB checked) is available to help/assist you. This morning (1 July 2015), the Airports Commission,
I can help you in all aspects of domestic duties ie:- led by Sir Howard Davies, published its Final Report
after almost three years of independent analysis and
Housework • Shopping Laundry • Light gardening investigation.
Days out/social events • Hospital appointments. It is now for the Government to consider the
NVQ Qualified carer also available for Commission’s recommendations, and it could be as late
sitting service and occasional sleep over as December before the Government announces its final
Please do not hesitate to ring me with your enquiry. The Commission’s main recommendation is that there
I look forward to hearing from you. Please contact should be a third runway at Heathrow. Further, the
Commission believes that there may be sufficient
Melanie 01277 899 428 or 07879 427 953 demand to justify one other additional runway in the UK
by 2050. However, the Commission emphasises that this
15074 July 15 would also need to be justified on economic and
environmental and that no decisions should be taken
15037 Jan 2016 until the impacts of the new Heathrow runway have
been independently evaluated.
Whilst Stop Stansted Expansion (SSE) is obviously
relieved that the Commission has not recommended an
extra runway at Stansted, it has never been part of SSE’s
policy to seek to transfer the problems associated with
major airport expansion onto the doorsteps of the
communities living around other airports.
In SSE’s view the need for additional runways in the
UK has been greatly exaggerated by the aviation
industry. Business travel has been declining for 15 years
and now accounts for less than a sixth of all
international travel from UK airports. Moreover, the
total number of flights (business and leisure) from UK
airports has grown less than 1 per cent over the past 15
If additional runway capacity is provided in the South
East it will stifle the growth prospects for airports
elsewhere in the UK. In addition it will make it virtually
impossible for the UK to meet its climate change targets.
It therefore seems inevitable that there will be a series of
legal challenges to the Commission’s recommendations.
So far as Stansted is concerned, the Commission simply
states that:
“…there may be a case for reviewing the [35 mppa]
planning cap if and when the airport moves closer to full
capacity. Its forecasts indicate that this would not occur
until at least the 2030s”.
This is in line with what the Commission said in its
Interim Report and it will, of course, be dependent upon
demand. TShtaendseteeddscuorrfetnhtelySctagterfsrofmor 12814.50 million
passengers per annum (mppa) which is exactly the same
throughput as 10 years ago and so it is clear that there is
currently no case for raising the existing planning cap of
35 mppa.
15027 Dec 2015
SSE Chairman Peter Sanders said: "Ten years ago Do you think you could make
Stansted was first in the queue for a new runway to serve a difference to this student’s
London. Today’s report marks a remarkable turnaround confidence?
and that must come as a great relief to our local We are looking for individuals
community.” with tutoring/teaching experience
Peter Sanders continued: "There is no doubt that the in all subjects, who are
Commission has examined the issues conscientiously and passionate about learning.
in painstaking detail but for the reasons given above we
disagree with many aspects of the Report.” For more details
Peter Sanders concluded: “It looks as if it will be the end please contact us today on 01279 654 424
of this year before the Government makes its final e-mail [email protected].
decision(s) and having regard to the likelihood of legal
challenges, there may well be a longer period of 15067 Mar 16
uncertainty. Whatever the timescale, SSE will continue to
play a full part in the debate for as long as it takes to 15035 Dec2015
ensure that no-one is allowed to ride roughshod over the
interests of this local community.”
On the 12th of September 10am till 2pm cleaning
We will be trying to make our beautiful Church even more
If you have half an hour (or more) to spare on Saturday
12th of September we are love you to come along with a
duster or garden tools and help us with a spring clean of the
Church and Church yard. Bacon sandwiches will be served
between 12 and 1.
If you would like to help please just turn up on the day or
phone Doreen 730539 (Church Cleaning) or John 731079
(Church Yard)
We will not be trying to convert you to come to Church
every Sunday, BUT if you would like to come and "See Us
In Action" we have an open day on Saturday the 26th of
September where there will be an exhibition of Church
records, archives etc. There will be music refreshments and
other activities it would be great to see as many villagers
attend as can make it. Transport can be arranged for the
less mobile.
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Email: [email protected]
9 15031 Dec 2015
Hatfield Heath
Are Available for
Children’s Parties
Cllr Mark Lemon (ML), (Chairman), Cllrs Mark
Small tables and chairs now available Bissell (MB), Ian Fitzgerald (IF), Bob Jones (BJ),
David Parish (DP), Matt Richards (MR), Colin
Celebrations Skyrme (CS),
including In attendance: Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick, and 5
members of the public
Wedding Receptions
Classes etc., etc., The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened
the meeting.
FOR The following items were raised by members of the
AND • Broadband. ECC Superfast Essex team were at the
village festival and had 75 questions. They were very
LOCAL RESIDENTS pleased with the response.
For Details Telephone · Affordable Housing. Information from Hastoe is that
Market price housing can be built on exception sites
01279 730 544
Registered Charity No. 268367 · Local Highways Panel. Mel Sullivan has written to
ECC Cllr S Barker regarding highways schemes inn
15004 Dec 2015 Hatfield Heath have slipped on the programme to
January 2016. The design scheme for the Stortford
Road/Sawbridgeworth Road junction has now slipped
from March 2015 to August 2016
Ÿ Speed limit request for Hatfield Heath to Sheering
has received no response.
Ÿ Village Festival was excellent with a large
attendance and the main organisers Bruno and
Barbara Scheggia deserve a vote of thanks.
Ÿ Allotments appeal for support.
Ÿ Rubbish accumulating outside Tudor Lodge
1 The Fairway, Bush Fair, Harlow, Essex
Ø Specialists in design, manufacture and installation of manual and automated gates; including video/
intercom entry systems.
Ø Staircases, balustrades and railings. Ø Builder’s steelwork. Ø Expert advice and service
Ø Free quotations with no obligation.
Tel: 01279 635 525
E-Mail :[email protected]
10 14099 July2015
Ÿ Road Safety for schoolchildren. Suggestion for Luxury Toilet Hire (UK) Ltd
Pelican crossing, lollipop patrol, repositioning of bus Toilet trailers (both luxury and
pickup points. MR offered to assist in discussions party range), single event
with County Council. portable and disabled units
available for hire.
Cllr Gary Waller (GW), late arrival, attending an EFDC Your local service provider for all liquid waste
meeting, Suzanna Wood (SW), holiday removal, including cesspits and septic tanks
The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 10th June or call 01279 504 638
were signed as a true record of the meeting.
15013 Dec 15
1432. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS INTERESTS: .......Matching Neighbours.......
Ml is a district councillor. DP is a member of the Tenants
Forum. SW is employed by UDC. MB declared an Dog Walking/Day Care, Cat Feeding Garden
interest as a director of a company on the list of Maintenance, Home Watch Visits Contact
approved contractors for UDC and Hastoe Housing ‘The Neighbours’ Est’d in 2000
Association MR declared a personal pecuniary interest in
planning Item 1438 b(ii) on Sunnymead.
1433. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON AGENDA Ask us to look after your pets for regular or one-off
dog walks and general pet care.Plants watered, house
calls & checks. Local residents since 1999
1434. REPORTS TO / FROM COUNTY AND Fully insured - References provided.
Phone Robert & Andrew on 01279 731 537 or
ML attended the consultation on the new M11 junction Email: [email protected]
7a. ECC officers are adamant that this junction will
reduce traffic through Hatfield Heath. Engineers will 15061 Mar 2016
come and talk to the Parish Council in December.
Matters from last meeting and Action Register
1501/01 The Stag island parking issue. Clerk has
1501/05 ascertained that an application for ownership
of the Village Green including the islands in
1505/01 front of The Stag and The White Horse has
been made on behalf of the Lord of the
Manor. EF
Kerbing in Broomfields. Clerk has submitted
proposals to Local Highways Panel. Clerk to
request a response. EF
Parking spaces at Nursery on the Heath. File
passed to Enforcement Officer who has
confirmed a breach of planning has
occurred and asked owner to regularise by
last week. EF
Quotation received from Village Handyman
for maintenance of war memorial garden.
Request meeting with Cllr Barker and ECC
Highways EF
Stortford Road potholes. Request for
meetings refused by ECC Highways EF
1506/02 Village Green protection works. Further 14097 Aug 2015
measures were discussed with the Lord of the
Manor and posting was agreed to the large
green next to Holy Trinity Church. An arch will
be provided for access at the head of Church
Road and lockable access gates installed at
the Church Road/Sheering Road Junction
Continued on next page.............
.....................Continued From Previous page
DOMESTIC CLEANING 1506/04 RCCE Housing Survey. RCCE are currently
1506/05 interviewing for a Housing Enabler and ask that
SERVICES we postpone a survey until that appointee
Starts work, probably in September EF
We provide -weekly cleaning <£10 per hour>, Removal of bulrushes. See Item 1444
monthly or a one–off basis <£14 per hour>, according to
your needs, NO JOB IS TO SMALL OR TO BIG FOR US i. EALC training bulletin
Trustfull - Sole trader - Fully insured ii. Bus tender outcome VL5 is ok Service 59 is ok 347
12 years’ experience -Top references is under question
iii. Bus service 301 consultation
Please call Isabela on iv. Island outside The Stag
v. Play Area Inspection
07955 658 347 or 01279 902 991 vi. Highways Panel report
vii. Adverse possession
15048 June 15 viii. Condition of cricket field
ix. Financial Accounts, Home Start Uttlesford, Essex
Air Ambulance Trust, SSE, Womens Leisure Hour
x. Footpath 12
xi. M11 junction 7a public meeting
xii. SSE response to Airport Commission report
xiii. Housing Needs survey
Meetings & Training EALC Gt Dunmow
i. Councillor training day 1 EALC Gt Dunmow
Wed 30th Sept 9.30–3.30 £70
ii. Councillor training day 2
Tues 6th Oct 9.30–3.30 £70
14105 sep 15 1436. CHAIRMANS REPORT
ML reported that the Landlord of the White Horse is
negotiating with the Co-op to allow three parking spaces
for their customers.
ML wished to thank Bruno and Barbara Scheggia and John
White for the organisation of the Hatfield Heath Festival
Parish Appraisal committee have split the appraisal into
four main subjects and would like a parish councillor to
chair each of the subjects. Broadband, Housing,
Education, MR volunteered. Existing councillors are ML, BJ
and CS
1437. financial report:
Bank Balance after the authorisation of the following
payments £15213.53
i. EALC New Councillor folders 51.00
ii. Playsafety Ltd Play area inspection 99.60
iii. J Kenny
Services Rural Verge cut 1902.53
iv. Citizens Advice
Bureau S137 Grant 345.00
v. Holy Trinity
Church Legal Power Grant 350.00
vi. United Reform
Church Legal Power Grant 350.00
vii. Hatfield Heath
Cricket Club Legal Power Grant 175.00
viii. Hatfield Regis
History Soc. S137 Grant 50.00
ix. Buffy Bus
Association S137 Grant 150.00
x. St Clare HospiceS137 Grant 150.00
xi. Essex Air
15007 January 2016
Ambulance S137 Grant 100.00 PHIL SNELL
xii. SSE S137 Grant 50.00
xiii. 30.00
xiv. Women’s Leisure Hour S137 Grant 30.00
xvi. Home Start Uttlesford S137 Grant 30.00
xvii. Alexia Wilson Trust S137 Grant 25.00
xviii. 66.00
xix. Volunteer Centre 30.00
xxi. Uttlesford S137 Grant 20.00
xxii. CPRE Subscription Fees Salaries General Building & Maintenance
xxiii. PAYE
xxiv. UALC Subscription Fees Conversions, Bathrooms, Kitchens
Plastering, Brickwork, Decorating
RCCE Subscription Fees Call for Free Advice & Estimates
01279 739 136 or 07900 694 664
CVSU Subscription Fees
E Fenwick Website
15018 December 2015
Clerk Expenses
1438. Planning matters ü High reach windows
a. Decisions by UDC Planning Dept. ü Conservatory deep clean
ü Fascia and gutter clean
None ü Building clean (cladding, pvc)
ü Signage
b. Applications ü Shop fronts
i. Kinver Chelmsford Road HH; UTT/15/1953/HHF;
Proposed rear conservatory No drawings have
been received. Parish Councillors that have [email protected] T: 01279 436196
viewed the plans online have no objections. M: 07403443959
GW joined the meeting, MR left the meeting
ii. Sunnymead Matching Road HH; 14100 July 2015
UTT/15/1801/HHF; Proposed single storey rear
extension. No drawings have been received.
Parish Councillors that have viewed the plans
online have no objections.
MR re-joined the meeting
a. Update on Highways Issues
i. Potholes in Stortford Road. Several have recently
been marked for repair but many more have not.
Ask SB to attend our meeting in August
ii. Mini roundabout scheme
iii. Stortford Road/Sawbridgeworth Road junction
iv. Footpath 12
v. Road Safety for schoolchildren and people with
vi. Broomfields kerbstones
vii. Parking on pavements and corners of roads
1440. VILLAGE GREEN Please email/call regarding the location of “Farm Studio” in Hatfield
Discussed previously Heath
War memorial treatment from Adamson Conservation
Approval to purchase combination locks for the gates to To book your place or for more info please call
the village green. email
ML thanked GW for his work on behalf of the Parish
Council on the development at Moat Fields
DP presented a list of materials required for the provision
of water troughs and footpaths to the allotments. GW
proposed that subject to financial concerns the provision
of the materials would be supplied to the allotments.
Approved unanimously
Continued on next page............. 15042 Dec 15
.....................Continued From Previous page
Festival Football Game 1443. CHURCH ROAD
Previously discussed
DP presented a quotation for spraying the bulrushes.
GW proposed seconded IF. Approved
GW will raise the issue of the empty Police House with
the estates officer of Essex Police.
Davis Commission preference is for a third runway at
Heathrow. Parishioners should be encouraged to report
None attended
T: 01279 730 343 M: 07889 413773 1448. MATTERS TO BE RAISED BY MEMBERS
Chesnut Drive Hatfield Heath FOR THE NEXT AGENDA Allotments. Road Safety. Parking,
14086 July 2015
12th August 9th September 14th October
State Registered Chiropodist
Home Visiting Practice NEAR DOCTORS SURGERY
Mrs. Julie Golden S.R.Ch. The following items were found on Sunday
Est. 1994 5th July,
near the Doctor's surgery "in the road"
01279 873 492 The Simpsons game PS2
The Hale Pace book of "Writes & Wrongs"
A professional service at a competitive rate Kingfisher book "Draw 50 Horses"
I will keep them at home if anyone wants
15086 Dec 2016 to claim them.
Cilla Anderson 4 Coxley Hatfield Heath
Tel; 01279 730 496
07974 766 108
WANTED We meet again on
Wednesday 2nd September
by Johanna Beumer MBE
'Come and meet Charlie and his mates.'
U R C Hall 8.00pm - Everyone Welcome
Details Jean on 01279 730 465
To Hatfield Heath Village magazine. T: 01279 730 343 M: 07889 413773
I belong to a clock club at Epping, and Chesnut Drive Hatfield Heath
we have been given an old clocking in
time clock. We have restored it back to
working order, and wish to put it on 14086 July 2015
display. We are looking for a small
piece of racking that would have held In a Frame
the time cards. Has anyone got any, or
know where I might obtain some? Picture Framing and Art Supplies
I include a picture taken in the 1950’s
of a similar time clock installation. F19 Allen House Business Centre, The Maltings, Station Rd
Richard Masters 26 The Shaw. SAWBRIDGEWORTH CM21 9JX
Or email [email protected] Telephone 01279 260 069
Framing for pictures, photographs, prints, posters,
objects and memorabilia.
Canvas stretching and needlework lacing
Sports shirt framing
We now stock a good selection of Daler-Rowney art materials
including stretched canvas, canvas panels, brushes, paints,
papers & easels as well as Screen Print Kits,
Lino Cutting Sets & DAS Modelling Clay
Image from 1904 postcard.
The Hundred Parishes Society
HUTLEY ELECTRICAL LTD The very last parish introduction to
go onto our website happened to
DOMESTIC & INDUSTRIAL be for Barkway. This parish lies in
ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS the far northwest of the Hundred
Hutley Electrical offers a full range of Parishes area, one of just three
Electrical Services and has been (with Barley and Nuthampstead) in
established for over 20 years. the district of North Hertfordshire.
From House re-wires to Industrial/
Commercial projects we pride ourselves Our introductions always include a few photos,
on offering a competent, polite, tidy usually recent images, but Barkway’s also has a
professional service and endeavour to copy of a wonderful photo that had been published
work with the minimum of disruption to as a postcard in 1904. I’m hoping your magazine
you wherever possible. editor will be able to print it with this article, but if it
doesn’t appear here please go to our website
**We are a full member of the NICEIC Select the Parishes
and have been for many years.** section from the menu and then, from the alphabet-
ical listing, click on Barkway. When I first saw the
Call Bob now for a free quotation picture, I knew I had to go and find where it was
TEL: 01279 722 351 or taken and perhaps take an equivalent photo of
MOBILE: 07774 941 668 today’s scene. I hope it may inspire you to do the
I was not disappointed. The view down the main
street had hardly changed – except that there were
now pavements and the once-empty main road
now had parked cars – including mine. Nearly all
buildings are still recognisable, although their uses
may have changed. Today there is just one pub,
where once there were many to service the horse-
15032 Dec 2015 16
drawn coaches on this once-popular route between
London and Cambridge.
The local lasses didn’t all come out to marvel at my
pocket camera, nor did they wear long posh frocks
and bonnets. I also didn’t see any lads in flat caps,
but it wasn’t difficult to find the spot where the pho-
tographer had stood. Besides, the stroll through the
village was a most pleasant experience, with little
passing traffic and lots of lovely old buildings. I hope
this old photo may inspire you to explore Barkway.
Ken McDonald
We would like to thank those of you who 15078 May 2016
volunteered to help on the P3 (Parish Paths
Partnership) working group. Essex County Leanne Lewis Bsc (Hons) (EEBW) (EEMR)
Council have to approve our proposed repairs
before we can proceed, and unfortunately this is Equinine Sports Therapist Fully qualified and insured in
taking longer than we had anticipated. We will be
in touch as soon as we get the go-ahead. Ÿ Equine Sports Massage
The rotten footbridge on Footpath 45 (which runs
beside Little Eden, behind Pond Lane properties Ÿ Passive Streching
and onto the Sheering Road) has been replaced,
making this path more accessible, although it still Ÿ Myofascial Release
involves the climbing of two stiles. A circular
walk including this path will hopefully be ready Ÿ Rehabiltation
for publication in next month’s magazine.
Stella and Ian Hughes Sessions between 1 - 2hrs from £25
Email: [email protected]
*Travel costs apply after 15miles
CONDITION OF THE STORTFORD ROAD Improving your horse’s well-being, by giving the freedom to move
Hello Bruno, 15043 Feb 2016
would it be possible to write a little something to
the residents on Stortford road and ALL the people 14103 Aug 15
that use the road to go to Bishops Stortford.
I wrote to the Highways to complain about the HIRE UR CHURCH HALL FOR
state of the road only to be told that it will be done BIRTHDAY PARTIES
end of September. !!!!!!
This I feel is totally unacceptable so if anyone is You can hire the hall for children's parties
not happy about it could they send an email to this £10.50 / hour Tel :01279 730 581
man Duncan Mackay Ref 2409206
email address: [email protected]
As I have done and my immediate neighbours.
I have been complaining for ever. They did the
Little Hallingbury road which had nothing wrong
with it and we are being left till last!!!!
If anyone needs any further info they can email
Jane Woollcott
Newton Grove
Great Dunmow RAINFALL
Essex CM6 1DX
Your local N IC E IC electrician Brian Bland June 2015
Tel: 01 371 876 552
Mob : 07785 221 004 7 Hatfield Heath Rainfall June 2015
email: mark @ 6
web : Total for month
14101 July 2015 5 Rainfall (0.95 inches)
4 mm
Only eight raindays were recorded this June,
producing less than one inch (0.95 ins) which is only
48% of our current June average .
June Extremes
High 4.99 inches in 1997
4.26 inches in 2012
Low 0.16 inches in 2000
0.28 inches in 1996
Garden Watch
15003 Dec 2015 With only 48% of our June average rainfall this year
many garden vegetables and fruit really suffered
Heath Computers without additional watering.
Potatoes seem to be the worst affected, with earlies
For all your IT needs completely losing their tops by the end of the month
Needless to say yields were relatively poor by
Whether you run a business, or are a home user, comparison with other years. Roses have benefited
Heath Computers has an IT solution to suit your requirements. by the high temperatures and have been the feature
in many gardens. It looks as though will enjoy a
Ÿ IT Solutions for home/office good harvest of figs - (birds permitting).
Ÿ Domain Registration and Web Design Nature Watch
Ÿ Mac/PC Support, Repairs and Upgrades Honey bee numbers have been low, but the various
Ÿ Smart Phone/Tablet configuration and setup species of bumble bees have taken their place.
Ÿ Network Installation - Fixed and Wireless The TV program Countryfile programme features
Ÿ Internet - Email - Broadband the Mason Bees, which was very interesting and
Virus Protection and Spyware removal illuminating. Apparently one mason bee can do the
same amount of pollinating as 120 honey bees. We
will keep our eyes open on our “bee box”, where the
mason bee can be found.
Ladybirds did not feature at all in June and they
were very difficult to find.
Web: Office: 01279 912345
Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07958 482889
15006 Dec 15
The Pond Skaters left en-masse on June 15th a Classic Car
feature we have not noticed in other years,
It was much appreciated when we had a visit from Fed up with
a summer visitor - the Yellow Wagtail (male), a
most beautiful and elegant bird. I hope other people moss and weed? Lawn Treatment Service
had the good fortune to see it. It would be nice to
know if they did. I offer:-
Brian Bland •Regular lawn feeds
•Weed and moss treatment
Hatfield Heath Bridge Club
Learning bridge opens up a whole new world. FREE LAWN SURVEY
It keeps your brain active and introduces you to 07791 128 399
many new friends.
Our relaxed and friendly classes are for two hours
and are a mix of tutorial and play with a break for a 15013 - Dec 2015
drink, a biscuit and a chat. TREE SERVICES
“Beginners” Classes • Felling • Pruning • Shaping
Tuesday evenings starting 7.30 pm 22 Sept 2015 • Reduction • Thinning • Stump Removal
If you already play bridge but would like to Hedge cutting and shaping
improve your game you may enjoy our Free no obligation quotes
“Improvers” Classes Tel: 07940 231 964 or 01279 730 659
Email: [email protected]
Monday evenings starting 7.30 pm 21 Sep 2015
For more information contact: 15070 April 2016
Brian & Penny Hassell WW
Tel: 01279 721428
Email: [email protected]
19 14117 Oct 15
2 08.00 Holy Communion 1662 HT VILLAGE HALL 730 544 LEISURE HOUR
09.30 Family Service HT INSTITUTE 730 544 730 465
10.30 Family Service URC
Holy Communion HT (2 -5 years) Hatfield Broad Oak
9 09.30 730 354
10.30 Family Service with Communion 01371 872 550
12 10.30 Holy Communion at The Close LITTLE FRIENDS TALKING NEWSPAPERS
16 08.00 Holy Communion 1662 HT Mother,Baby and Toddler 01279 651 270
Matins HT Group
09.30 Family Service URC OR 01279 653 925
10.30 Holy Communion HT
23 09.30 Family Service URC Thur 9.45am term time SECRETARY U.R.C.
10.30 Midweek Holy Communion HT
26 10.30 Holy Communion 1662 HT Village Hall - Betty Bennett.. 01279 508 455
30 08.00 Holy Communion HT
09.30 Family Service URC Michelle: 07762 083 355 HEALTH WALK
10.30 Holy Communion The Haven HATFIELD HEATH
31 10.30 Elle: 07976 592 364
URC Friday 10am outside
FRIDAY CLUB (7-12 yrs) Broomfield Surgery 731 434
(6 mths - 7years) 868 410 Monday 10.30am Village Car
SCHOOL FOOTBALL The new leader Is Mr. G.
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy CLUB Barron. 01279 899 451
Trinity Church / URC-United Reform Church / I- SCOUTS
Institute / S-School 812 586
731 646 07956 563 710
BROWNIES 734 391
9.30am Holy Trinity Village Hall
730 288 Weds 9.30am 07776 221 975
A few Dates From the KARATE 445 539 KEEP FIT
01992 575 679 Village Hall
Meetings are every 4th Wednesday Monday 10.30- 11.30 am
At the Hatfield Heath Village Hall at 7.45pm
BRIDGE CLUB 723 948 07776 221 975
August No Meeting
Sept. 23rd. Butterflies and Moths in the Garden
Stephen Waters 730 425 Village Hall
Oct. 28th. A.G.M. And Members' Evening OPEN COFFEE Mon and Friday 9.15am-10am
MORNING AT Men and women of all ages &
INSTITUTE 730288 shapes 07775 663 742
JOIN THE CLUB OR JUST VISIT For all Senior Citizens 01279 443 181
Single membership for year £7 or Family £12 730 581
Hatfield Heath Gardening Club Michelina 07786 341 754 Paula O'Sullivan 730 281
Call 01279 726 357 or 01279 730 425
SPANISH LANGUAGE [email protected]
Green Garden Waste
Ann Whale 01279 731 288 Afternoon
Skip Diary Evening
Saturday Times 14:30 - 15:30 FOOTBALL CLUB Bowls Bowls
724 833
Sat 1 August 2015 Ardley Crescent 730 212 730 539
Sat 8 August 2015 Broomfields
Sat 15 August 2015 Ardley Crescent CRICKET CLUB 730 674
Sat 22 August 2015 Broomfields
Sat 29 August 2015 Ardley Crescent HEATH PLAYERS Men and women of all ages
Mark Ratcliff 503 174 Uttlesford Badger Group Derek Barry
Chrissie Richards 864 536 (on call 24/7 )01279 503332
HISTORY SOCIETY Home 07941185171 Mbl
Ivan Cooper 730 275
730 042
CHOIR 730 390
URC Hall Wed 7.30pm Village Magazine - view past 27 issues
12th August 9th Sept
Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick.................. 730 770
Email : ............. [email protected] Eden Surgery Websites
Mark Lemon Chairman ........................... 730 581 (Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites)
(District Councillor) Broomfields
Vice Chairman -David Parish ................... 730 573 Broad
Robert Jones................................................ 730 741
Gary Waller................................................ 739 345
Susanna Wood........................................... 730 806
Colin Skyrme............................................. 730 480 H. H.Football
Matt Richards.............................................. 731 180 H.H. Cricket Club:
Ian Fitzgerald .............................................. 730 036
Mark Bissell ................................................ 730 376 Bridge
PCSO Simon Horne Visits Fortnightly on Wednesdays
Email:[email protected]
Essex Police Non Emergency.................101 Aug-5, 19
Emergency ............................................. 999 Arrives Leaves
DOCTORS Broomfields........................ 01279 730 616 Broomfields 14.45 15.35
DOCTOR Broad Oak............................ 01279 718 245 The Close 15.40 16.00
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth.................. 01279 603 180 The Heath 16.05 16.35
THE SAMARITANS.......................... 01920 464 099
PRE-SCHOOL....................................... 01279 730 354
Rev. Stewart Gibbs.............................. 01279 730 288 Sun16th
Eileen Ashworth ..................................... 01279 730 610
Richard Barnett .................................... 01279 730 425
URC Rev Sam - Phone........................... 01279 453 781 AugustBruno
URC Secretary - Betty Bennett.............. 01279 508 455 Barbara
Village Volunteers when you need help..07944 748 478
Email :- [email protected]
Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, CD, or
David. N. Parish 730 573
email - [email protected].
If posting or delivering by hand you can send direct to me :-
Buffy Bus is a playbus designed to give the under fives an
opportunity to paint, play and socialise in a playgroup Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield
environment that they would otherwise not have access to Heath CM22 7BD.
TUESDAYS 9.30am - 11am Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498
Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606 309
Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
Secretary: - Jean Clarke 01279 730 667
Chairman - Brendan Carrig
Printed by Cornerstone 01279 437 851
DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
accepted in work done by advertisers.
Coaching Letter In July 2015 Village Magazine
Every Tuesday on the Heath Hi Bruno
From Tuesday 5th May, 6 - I thought I would make a comment on the letter
from Pat Curran regarding the Heath looking like an
7:30pm Entrenched Battlefield.
I think the posts and trenches are the best ascetic and
15062 March 2016 environmental solution to the problem we encounter
at regular intervals of travellers camping on the
Heath. Everyone complains about the mess they
leave behind and the cost of clearing up, yet when
an environmentally friendly solution is found
residents still complain. You can't have it both
Access is still available for everyone to enjoy the
Heath and likening it to an Entrenched Battlefield is
harsh. The posts didn't seem to cause any problems
during the festival, which incidentally was brilliant
and if they solve the problem of illegal camp sites
I'm all for them.
Jean Clarke
Carpet...Vinyl...Wood TRENCHES v TRAVELLERS
Supplied and Installed by Knightbrooks ltd NO CONTEST
07776 147 928 - 07939 739 845 Dear Pat
Unit 11.Heath View Pond Lane.Hatfield Heath. CM22 7AB I have also been a resident of Hatfield Heath for
over 10 years.
£8.50 per sqm..includes 11mm underlay,installation,gripper My property overlooks the village green where I
rods,door bars,uplift and dispose old flooring. often walk my children to or from school and
always walk my dog 3 times daily.
....................................................................................................................................................... I am absolutely thrilled that these so called ‘war
trenches’ have been dug around the green to stop
Heavy Domestic Loop structure, Bleach Cleanable, the awful travellers from setting up ‘home’ on our
beautiful village green time and time again.
12 sqm hall stairs and land 4 colours £165 My children can not play and I can’t walk my dog
there from fear of constant abuse and their dogs
................................................................................................................................................................................................ which roam free and have chased my small dog
leaving him petrified.
Budget Twist Pile Bleach Cleanable, Not only that, but when they do eventually go they
leave behind their faeces and utter disgusting mess
12 sqm hall stairs and land 9 colours £165 at a cost to the Parish Council to clear!
Also, our Lord of the Manor who owns the green
................................................................................................................................................................................................ has a cost running into a five figure sum each time
to remove these travellers from his land!
80%wool 20% nylon 50oz 6 colours
average 12 sqm lounge £270
Heavy Domestic Twist Saxony Shag pile 14 colours
average 12 sqm lounge £250
Vinyl average 6 sqm kitchen or bath room 11 designs £105
Laminate Floor good quality
12 sqm 6 colours £260 fitted
All Prices Shown Include Underlay,Installation,Gripper
Rods,Door Bars,uplift dispose old carpets.
Visit Our Showroom So, to put it bluntly, many people that live close to
To View our Huge Range Of Samples the green are happy with the ‘war look’ now
I Will Then Come To Measure around the green so if I see the next lot of travellers
scratching their heads with where to go, perhaps I
With Your Chosen Samples and Measure and Quote For should direct them to your property as knowing
Free at the same time you can see The Carpet Sample in where you are, you will be able to accommodate
them comfortably on your land?????????
Your Home.
We can supply any carpet available from any manufacturer T Latham
No Hyped Up Sales We Will Give You The Best
We Can For Your Budget
07939 739 845 or 07776 147 928 7 Bentleys
2215040 Dec 15
Bathroom & Kitchen Design and Installation
OPEN GARDEN All plumbing repairs & Installations
AND COFFEE MORNING Unvented Systems/Drainage
Joe Williams
Many thanks to all who came and enjoyed coffee 07957 356506 – 01279 731727
[email protected]
and our open garden on the 25th June, it was an
excellent day for weather and we had a record 14098 Aug 2015
number of visitors.
The raffle was particularly popular with many DIXON & CO
good prizes particularly the unclaimed village
hamper, kindly gifted
by the committee. Tax returns from £200
for local, friendly advice contact Paul Dixon
The hamper was won
my Mr and Mrs. Vic Wallburys, Stortford Road,
Archer from Hatfield Heath, CM22 7DL
Sawbridgeworth and
was presented by Tel: 01279 739 076
Paula O’Sullivan.
Email: [email protected]
15029 December 2015
Overall the event Superior Tuition
raised £789 for Dr. Graham's Homes in
Kalimpong, India. The UK Committee for the Former Deputy Headteacher
Homes raises money for sponsorships to support,
nurture and educate needy children – mostly ü I bring about progress and get results
Christian, Anglo Indian - taken out of difficult ü improve confidence
conditions. ü teach reading comprehension answers
ü techniques for excellent quality writing
The Homes were started in 1900 by a Scottish ü clear, simple maths
Missionary, Rev. John Anderson Graham and ü relaxed, enjoyable sessions
today have a total of 1500 pupils of which 550
are boarders. Denise Ings; [email protected]:
01279 600 102
14028 January to Dec 2015 missed in 14
23 15080 Sept 15
01279 420 736 President: William Gosling Lord of the Manor
[email protected]
Top quality flowers and designs Programme Arrangements & Meeting Dates for 2015
at great value prices (including some arranged talks)
All Meetings will be held at the
Hatfield Heath, Hatfield Broad Oak, Sheering, Bishop's
United Reformed Church, Chelmsford Road at
Stortford, The Hallingburys, Takeley, Priors Green, Little 7.30 pm Third Tuesday of each Month
Canfield, Sawbridgeworth, The Rodings, Harlow
Oct 2015 14112
July Exhibition Arrangements are pending for a
2016 date and will continue a theme of WW1
which is planned to take place from 2014-2018
15 Sept15 Footpaths in Hatfield Heath -
MEMORIALS Stella and Ian Hughes
20 October Hatfield Heath Players
Steve Foster
17 November Lodge's Coaches
Robert Lodge
15 December Christmas Meeting
Summer Visit
J. Day & Son Easton Lodge Gardens
Station Road, Bishop’s Stortford Tuesday 23 June 2015
Seventeen members of the Society made their summer
visit to Easton Lodge Gardens. A guided tour of the
grounds by preservation trust volunteers Claire Matthews
and Jim Boutwood provided an insight into a historic
property. Gardens date back more than 400 years with
possibly the most renowned owner
Countess of Warwick, Mistress of the
Prince of Wales, later Edward VII. In
1902 designer Harold Peto created the
formal yet romantic
gardens in an
Italian, French and
Japanese style the
latter being most
The Tree House was built from oak and
soft wood for £100. The Countess of
Warwick enjoyed asking her friends to take
tea with her in the ‘crow’s nest’. It could
seat ten adults. The tree still stands today
Bishop’s Stortford 01279 654 555 fashionable during the Victorian period. In 1939 the War
Office commissioned Easton Lodge for use by the Army
Edmonton 0208 807 3712 and Home Guard. 1942-1943 saw many trees felled to
accommodate an airfield followed by US Air Force
residence. From 1950 for almost 45 years the garden was forgotten
and everything was covered in brambles, nettles, fallen
15021 Dec 2015
and unwanted trees but with the dedication of We offer a
volunteers revealing the ‘glories’ of over 100 years Complete Service
ago. Their efforts are now creating garden and
landscape vistas which enable visitors to enjoy past DESIGN
glory and present splendour. A perfect example of CERAMIC TILING
such restoration is the Italian Sunken garden which
has particular reminiscence to the past. Despite some LIGHTING
crumbling balustrade its effective reconstruction has WOODWORK ETC.
provided a stunning and picturesque image. Split into
two groups each party had the benefit of extremely All carried out with the minimum
knowledgeable guides. Historical details of the of fuss and mess by experts!
house, gardens and owners were covered from the Also all Plumbing &
Countess of Warwick to the Creasey family who Domestic Heating Installations
have played a major role enabling gardens to be
enjoyed by the public. Planned group visits play an SO LOOK NO FURTHER THAN
important part in supporting the gardens and
‘Warwick House’ garden can be visited on open C.F OAKES
The tour concluded with tea and cakes and the Established in Harlow for over 45 years
opportunity to discuss additional questions which our 19 SERVICE BAY, WYCH ELM , HARLOW
guides were pleased to answer. An enjoyable trip
which also benefitted from exceptional weather. 15008 December 2015
Ivan Cooper
150353 Feb 2016
Eden Cottage Hospital
The History Society is trying to obtain
information on Eden Cottage Hospital. So
far we have received notes from Evelyn
Notley and Ernie Fields. We would be
very pleased to receive anything which
would help us in this research. Please
contact [email protected] or telephone
01279 730275.
Many thanks
4th August 1859
Petition for the Consecration of the District Church
(diocese of Rochester)
In the will of Thomas Lowndes late of Barrington Hall
and George Alan Lownes of Gladwins.
A parcel of land containing 160 ½ perches on Hatfield
Heath, forming part of the waste land of the Manor
granted with rights of common thereon to Ecclesiastical
commissioners for building a Church “ a commodious
building hath lately been erected by voluntary
contributions and donations of 'piously disposed people”
All seats were to remain forever free and unappropriated
except those in the Chapel erected at the cost of John
Thomas Selwin Esq of Down Hall for the use of his
Church and burial ground to be fenced with a live hedge
protected by post and rails and a ditch.
No house to be built within 100 yards of the burial
ground. 25
Speak out to stop scams from spreading
Uttlesford Citizens Advice
“Scams thrive on silence. “Scams are run by
professional con artists and it can be very hard to
know what to look out for.
Top tips for avoiding scams
Dog Agility ● If it sounds too good to be true it probably is
● It you haven’t bought a ticket – you can’t
win it
your first order with this advert ● You shouldn’t have to pay anything to get a
Is now delivering in the Hatfield Heath area prize
every Tuesday Afternoon ● If in doubt, don’t reply. Bin it, delete it or
With a wide variety of over 20 different types of hang up
Fresh Fish, with no minimum orders ● Contacted out of the blue? – be suspicious.
Remember to get it fresh ● Don’t be rushed – resist pressure to make a
It has to be from Ship to shore to your Door decision straight away.
● Never send money to someone you have
For further details ring Ian on 07885 224 269
or by e-mail at [email protected] never met.
● Walk away from job ads that ask for money
14122 Nov 2015
in advance.
● Your bank will never attend your home to
collect cash, your pin, payment card or
chequebook if you are a victim of fraud.
● Your bank will never phone you to ask for
your PIN or your online banking password.
● Your bank will never ask you to transfer
money to a new account for fraud reasons.
· Suspect a phone scam? Hang up, wait five
minutes to clear the line or use another
phone to call your bank.
● Genuine computer firms do not make
unsolicited phone calls to help you fix your
● Don’t suffer in silence – speak out about
What to do if you have been scammed
● Report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040
26 15012 Dec 15
U R C CHURCH Every Friday
Saturday 26th September 10.30-11.30am
Open Day at the Church and Church Hall
Hatfield Heath
10am - 3.30pm
Organ Recitals * Games* Painting tuition with Village Hall
Pauline Brakspear (£5.00 charged for organ fund
£5.50 pay as you go
restoration) Book your 15minutes.
* Church Archive display* Please contact Tam on
* Refreshments * 07738 421 311
for more details
In aid of Organ Restoration Fund
15073 April 2016
Hatfield Heath Community Primary
School MHS Builders
Local Builder
Village Project Carpentry & Roofing
Loft and Garage conversions
Six Pupils of Year 6 from a total of 30 entries received Kitchens & Bathrooms
certificates for their approach to the theme of ‘My Plastering
Village’. An important element of some work they Extensions
produced related to earlier participation in producing their references available on request
own Parish Plan comments. Frank Walsh and Ivan Call Mark Savage
Cooper, who judged the project, were very positive when
presenting the certificates. ‘It is a credit to the School and
Pupils of the quality, content and enthusiastic approach in
producing a diverse range of interesting projects’ said
Frank when addressing the Pupils. It was noted by the
class, with a great deal of applause, ‘high fives’ exchanged
between Frank and two of their number.
01279 882 822
The six pupils who achieved certificates – For over 30 years we have been
from left to right: carrying out local, national and
overseas relocations for personal
Erin, Erynn, Charles, Molly, Shona and Rose. and business clients. We
Mr Rob Aiken, Year 6 Teacher is in the centre. understand that everyone's move is
different and that is why we tailor
Before the presentation of the certificates a short slide our service to each individual
show on the renovation of ‘the Stag’ public house, customers needs.
Hatfield Heath, describing its history from 1723 to the Kings Removals was set up as and still
present was given by Ivan. runs as a family business today. Great emphasis is put on customer
satisfaction and this is why a high percentage of our work comes from
An annual event between Hatfield Regis Local History recommendations and repeat business.
Society and the School setting a project which is totally
supported by the Head, John Clements and Rob Aiken,
Year 6 Teacher. There is every intention that this should
continue for it offers the Pupils an opportunity to extend
part of their curriculum and move from Primary to
Secondary School with added confidence.
Ivan Cooper/Frank Walsh
27 15003 Dec 2015
Chris Hancock Ivor Lewis
Doreen Millen Rita Slater presenting Fun Run Award
I have hundreds of photos of the
Festival but I can't put many in
The magazine. I will try to put
a lot onto facebook