Village Magazine
Saturday 20th June
& Sunday 21st June 2009
All local artists who want to exhibit their
work at the
Hatfield Heath Festival Art Sale on Saturday
20th June and Sunday 21st June 2009 should
contact, as soon as possible, Paulene
Brakspear on 01279 730 281 or email
at [email protected] for an
exhibition form, this year all work
exhibited must be for sale. If you are
new to exhibiting this is a chance to show
and sell your work in a friendly and
sympathetic environment.
Crafters who would like to demonstrate and/or show
and sell their work should also contact Paulene
Brakspear on
Paulene Brakspear on 01279 730 281 or
email at [email protected]
As soon as possible
Volunteers needed - you don't have to be an artist or
know anything about art!
1) On Friday, 19th June (after 7.30 p.m.)we need muscle 'The Easter bonnet competition which took place after the
to help put up the screens we hang the paintings on and Easter egg hunt was won by Lucy Barnett, aged 5, but all
again, on Sunday afternoon at 5.30,to dismantle them the entrants received a small prize as they each had put
and stow them in the Village Hall storage place. considerable effort into their creations.
continued on page 3 ................... Well done all of you.
Village Website : Email: [email protected]
Sunday 21st June 2009
Science Alive
SAARLTE Mr Marvel's
Magical Fun Show
History Exhibition
“Now and Then”
Hatfield Heath HELP NEEDED
SUNDAY JUNE 21st 2009
Are Available for
We desperately need volunteers to help SET UP and
Children’s Parties DISMANTLE Marquees, gazebos and stalls on the
morning and evening of the Festival. If you can help, if
Celebrations only for a short time, would you please contact Bruno or
including Barbara on 01279 730 498 or e-mail
[email protected],
Wedding Receptions
Classes etc., etc.,
If you have any good quality bric-a-brac, unwanted gifts
PREFERENTIAL RATES or jewellery you could donate to sell on our Stalls or to
FOR use as Raffle Prizes, would you please contact Barbara on
01279 730 498 or e-mail
LOCAL ORGANISATIONS [email protected] and I will pick them up
STARTS 4 pm 21st June 2009
For Details Telephone 50p per class entered
01279 730 544
Dog most like owner
Dog with the waggiest tail
Dog with most appealing expression
Dog Judge would like to take home
Dog Fancy Dress
Tick the boxes of the classes you would like to
enter your dog in then bring the form with the fee
to the desk next to arena marked “Fun Dog Show”
Name of Dog:....................................................
Your Name:......................................................
Awards for first & second places
floor coverings
............continued from page 1
2) On Saturday and Sunday between 11.30 and 4.30 we
need volunteers to work shifts manning the door, taking Old Carpets Uplifted &Disposed of
the admission fee and handing out catalogues. Even if you Free grippers and Door Bars
can only do one hour, we would like to hear from you
please because we'll organise a rota to fit in with Steve & Donna
everyone's availability.
Office: 01279 730 172 Mob:07939 739 845
3) On Saturday and Sunday between 12 noon and 4
p.m. we need volunteers to serve tea and coffee (no food Unit 11 Heathview Pond Lane Hatfield Heath CM22 7AB
except maybe a cake and biscuits) in the hall.
Paulene Brakspear on 01279 730 281 or
email at [email protected]
21st June 2009 Starts 10 am Extensions
All types of carpentry
Entry £1 Adults 50p Children Roofing and tiling
I/we wish to run in the race(s) for: UPVC windows, doors and conservatories
Loft/Garage conversions
a) Boys and girls ( 1 circuit ) Plastering
Name(s)................................................................. All other work undertaken
b) Men ( 2 circuits) Tel: 01279 739409
Name(s)............................................................ Mobile: 07718 539 969
c) Women ( 1 circuit ) CORNELL DECORATORS LTD
• Interior & Exterior decoration
d) Team ( 1 circuit ) • carried out to a high specification.
Name(s)........................................................... • Full public liability.
• 30 yrs Experience
Telephone No: ..................................
Enter number of persons running in each • Ceilings papered.
• Wall coverings and wall paper hung
box & bring the form and fee to the
registration desks at Start line outside Contact Steve.
Phone : 01279 724 805 Mobile : 07836 588 886
“Amberton” see map
E-mail: [email protected]
HUNTERS MEET Address: Field View, Sheering, Herts.
1 Circuit = 1.6 miles FRIARS FARM Decorating Specialists
(2.6 kms)
2 Circuits = 5.2 kms
Water Table Specialising in:
ARDLEY END Home interior and exterior decoration
Building maintenance and restoration
Professional and reliable service Fully insured
“GIBSONS” Tel: 01279 730733
07867 805382
E-mail: [email protected]
HATFIELD HEATH FESTIVAL Festival Fancy Dress Competition
CLASSIC CAR SHOW Children Aged 5 & under to 11 Year Old’s
SPONSORED BY J.E. WHITE (MOTORS) Sunday 21st June 2009
SUNDAY 21st JUNE 2009
Entry Form
Entrants to meet at 11.30am by the Arena.
Each Category will parade from 11.45am,
followed by judging at 12.30pm.
Name: .............................................................................. Entrants Name(s):
Postcode ......................................Tel. No........................
Details of Car:
Make.................................Model .............................
Reg. No............................. (Please attach additional contact details for Group
entries & enclose additional £1 per child, thank you)
Original Reg. Date............
Parent / Carer details:
Any Interesting History..................................................... Name:
A - Veteran & Vintage Cars Up To 1930 Home Tel: Mobile:
B - Post Vintage Cars 1931-45 Inc.
C - Post War Cars 1946-59 Inc.
D Classic Cars 1960-75 Inc.
E Modern Classic Cars 1976-89 Inc. Tick Category you wish to enter:
F Military Vehicles Any Year
For each Category, a Trophy will be awarded to the Age 5 & Under Age 6 - 11 years
vehicle, which in the opinion of the Judge is the best in Group (mixed ages)
that category. All entrants are reminded that the Judge’s
decision is final. All entrants will receive a plaque. Prizes will be awarded as follows:
1st, 2nd and 3rd for each category
Please enter my vehicle in Category: ............................ Overall Most Original outfit Tape
£1 coin
I understand that the Hatfield Heath Festival Committee Overall Most out of Least outfit
will not accept any responsibility for any damage or (the best home-made outfit here
accident resulting from the participation of my produced at least expense)
passengers, myself, or my vehicle in the event.
Signed To Enter:
............................................Date............................ Please place the entry form in an envelope
Please send this form before 11th June 2009 labelled:
Fancy Dress Competition,
to ensure inclusion in the event to: Pre-School Committee, (Sara)
John White, Wendycot, Chelmsford Road, Hatfield c/o Hatfield Heath Pre-School, Village Hall
Heath, Bishop’s Stortford, Herts, CM22 7BH or place envelope in
Fancy Dress box in Post Office/Tearoom
Tel. No. 01279 730 274
To be sure of entry form must
NOTE:- Late entries will be accepted up until 20th June
2009 subject to room being available in the show area. be in by Wed 17th June
All entrants will receive notice of times to arrive and a Any questions, please
map of Hatfield Heath showing the classic car area
contact Sara on 01279 731 189
John White (Car Show Organiser)
MEETING HH Friday Club S137 75.00
7.30 PM WED 8th APRIL 2009 URC HALL CAB Bishops Stortford S137 25.00
OPEN FORUM 1 member of public present. CAB Harlow S137 25.00
COUNCIL MEETING Minute E Fenwick Expenses 138.74
Cllr Bob Jones (BJ) (Chairman) Cllrs Bart Sheekey (BS) 7. VILLAGE GREEN and the heath
Paula O'Sullivan (PO), David Parish (DP), Sandra Saban Restoration of Ponds
(SS), Mel Sullivan (MS) and Gary Waller (GW). Cllr Mel Sullivan contacted Essex Wildlife Trust. MS
In attendance: Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick spoke to Adam Rochester responsible for wildlife areas.
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE & Will meet on 24th April at 3pm at the pond near the
Apologies from Cllr Janet Briscoe (JB), Mark Lemon Bob Jones spoke to Mick Briscoe regarding lease of the
(ML). cricket field / pavilion. Clerk has spoken to Henry Turtill
Cllrs Jones, O’Sullivan, Sheekey and Sullivan are and he will respond with details of any head lease or
members of SSE. sublease. Clerk to request details from Cllr Briscoe.
Moira Groborz (Rural Housing Enabler) made a Request all head leases from HBO Parish Council
presentation to the Parish Council on affordable housing Pond Lane - No progress.
schemes. Moira explained her role regarding the
preparatory work in surveying for housing need, 8. HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS
exception sites, housing associations, sourcing of sites, Planned Parish Visit
timescales of survey. Clerk to email Moira with no of In addition to the schedule circulated to all councillors,
houses, deadline dates, covering letter. the following repairs have been agreed. A number of
3. MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF damaged and fading signs will be replaced in this
11th MARCH: financial year. It is hoped that the carriageway repairs
The minutes were signed as a true record of the meeting. outside the shops on the Heath will be resurfaced early in
the financial year. Likely to take two days over one or
4. REPORTS TO / FROM COUNTY AND successive weekends
DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Repairs to the railings and fence at Downhall Bridge have
We are awaiting response from Mark Lemon to concerns been referred to the Bridges team at County Hall
raised over Local Development Framework and the Resurfacing of Matching Road from the green to the 30
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment. mph limit has been added to wish list of works to be
considered in financial year.
5. CLERKS REPORT: Cast iron finger post sign at junction of Matching Road
Action Register Clerk reported on Actions undertaken and Friars Lane has missing direction finger. If existing
on Actions Register (attached) finger is found report to ECC highways who will arrange
Bus Shelter Clerk has received replies from Stansted repair otherwise advise highways if sign needs
Transit, Excel and Arriva. They report 35 users per week replacement finger sign.
32 users per day and 190 users per week respectively, Engineering measures
although Arriva are unable to differentiate between Clerk has forwarded complaint letter to Chairman for
direction of travel. signature.
DP carried out a survey travelling east from the post Slip Road posts
office stop which confirmed the above figures. Clerk has met with Steve Rodzianko (ECC Highways)
ECC will install the shelter complete and will remove regarding the measures to prevent erosion of the green
the existing seat and we can reinstall elsewhere. along the slip road caused by large lorries parking.
BJ proposed an article be placed in the Village magazine Kerbing, posts and mounding was suggested as an option.
outlining the final proposal and requesting feedback. ECC will install and provide all traffic management but
6. FINANCIAL MATTERS: would look to HHPC for a contribution of 70% of cost of
Insurance kerbs which are approx £40/m and a total of 65m would
Clerk has spoken to Mr Forgione. Currently with his be needed.
solicitors and Insurance broker to justify. DP proposed we proceed with this scheme seconded by
Clerk presented financial reports showing that we were PO. Agreed
under our budget for year 2008/09 by £2887. Request timetable for works and length of contract
The following payments were approved: 9. PARKING AND POLICING
Car Park
J Kenney Village Green Maintenance 557.75 Barry Newman will clear the Car Park on Tuesday 14th
April and to look at the bus shelter opposite The
HH URC Hall hire 285.00
Thatchers for repair works.
Clerk to be research white lining to car park.
West Hayes. PO has spoken to local police who will
discuss issue with resident. Parish Council has now done
all it can.
10 PLAY AREA & open space
Footpath Awaiting return of quotations
Open Space No response from public so felt project
should be shelved.
Barry Newman to carry out repairs to the play area Your Feed Back is Needed
RoSPA inspection will take place in May Tel: 01279 730 770
11. PLANNING or Email
Decisions by UDC Planning Dept [email protected]
Old Time, 1 Lea Hall Bungalows Dunmow Rd HH –
UTT/0106/09/FUL – Replacement Garage
Conditional Approval
Holmby, Chelmsford Road, HH – UTT/0137/09/FUL –
Timber gates and fencing
Conditional approval
6 Broomfields HH – UTT/0153/09/FUL – Two storey
side and single storey rear extensions
Heath Cottage, Stortford Road HH – UTT/0170/09/FUL
Single storey rear extension
Conditional approval
Tree Preservation Order
Valdor, Chelmsford Road HH – UTT/0202/09/TPO
Crown lift 2 no Beech, 1 no Oak
Applications The following extract from the council minutes gives a
Pelhurst Sawbridgeworth Road HH – UTT/0393/09/FUL rundown on figures obtained from the Bus Services.
Two storey side extension “Bus Shelter Clerk has received replies from Stansted
No objections Transit, Excel and Arriva. They report 35 users per week
12. STANSTED AIRPORT 32 users per day and 190 users per week respectively,
Nothing further although Arriva are unable to differentiate between
13. OTHER REPORTS FROM COUNCILLORS direction of travel.
Mel Sullivan: Flats being built were understood to be for David Parish carried out a survey travelling east from the
rent. David Parish agreed that the Housing Forum were post office stop which confirmed the above figures.
under the impression that they were for low cost rental. ECC will install the shelter complete and will remove the
David Parish to clarify with UDC and inform Clerk. existing seat and we can reinstall elsewhere.
Bob Jones proposed an article be placed in the Village
Clerk to clarify position with Rural Housing Trust magazine outlining the final proposal and requesting
regarding Ardley Crescent flat for sale. feedback.”
Sandra Saban: Posts have been put up outside surgery You may have noticed that quite a few wooden bus
and vehicles are cutting up the footpath. Clerk to speak shelters have sprung up around Essex since the scheme
to UDC about installation of more posts. which offered funding of Bus Shelters was started.
14. DATES OF NEXT MEETINGS The Bus Shelter in the top left hand side of this column is
a bus shelter which has been installed at Debden Green it
13th May (Annual Meeting) 10th June has a pitched wood shingle roof instead of just a sloping
roof and is slightly deeper but can still have glass at the
CARPENTER back all are natural wood finished
Your Feed Back is Needed By The Parish Council
John Adamson
Tel: 01279 730 770
Qualified for all domestic carpentry
Email: [email protected]
Free quotations Fully insured
07779 715 888 01371 811 688
HISTORY OF EXISTING BUS SHELTER now is, are more needed? If so, what size and mix of tenure?
(Rented or shared ownership), does anyone have specific
Hello Ernie, housing needs? (E.g. wheelchair access etc.) And what is the
My name is Graham Anthony, living in main reason for needing a home? I would really appreciate it
Cornwall, but in my childhood lived & grew if you could watch for the form in next month’s magazine
up in Hatfield Heath from 1946 until moving and take the time to fill it out and send it back. This is your
with my family to White Roding in around opportunity to let your views be known. In the meantime if
1957. My Father, Harry Anthony, started a you have any questions or queries about this please feel free
building business in Hatfield Heath & to contact me.
gradually expanded until he moved to Devon Moira Groborz
in 1972. Rural Housing Enabler Rural Community Council of Essex
I may be wrong, as at 63 my memory going Tel no: 0844 4773938 (charged at local rate from standard
back all that time is obviously not brilliant, BT landline)
but I believe he donated & built the first bus e-mail: [email protected]
shelter on the Heath opposite Bucks Stores, & You can find out more about the RCCE at
nearer to the Sheering Road in around 1956.
My Mother who has survived him has
somewhere in her bungalow in North Devon a BOFFO
photo I took of that bus shelter.
Bruno very kindly posts the Hatfield Heath local artists cooperative
Mag to me monthly so that I can keep a check
on happenings in my "old stamping ground", EXHIBITION & SALE
which of course is where I saw that ideas for
proposed designs were being solicited by you.
I would therefore put my vote, if allowed for
"THE BUSHBY" as the most attractive!
Obviously the degree of "vandal proofing"
comes into the equation sadly in this day &
With best wishes,
Graham Anthony.
Village hall
Saturday & sunday
At the Rural Community Council of Essex (RCCE, an 30/31 may 2009
independent charity) our aim is to work with
communities across the county to help them 10am to 6pm
achieve a thriving and sustainable future. CLose 4pm sunday
One aspect of this work is around the issue
of affordable housing for local people. Painting & unique designs
Those living in rural parishes on modest In silver & glass
incomes are finding it more and more difficult to find a home FREE ENTRY
they can afford in the village they grew up in. Hatfield Heath
Parish Council recently invited me to talk to them in my role
as the Rural Housing Enabler (employed by RCCE) about
finding out if this is the case in your community.
In order to identify if this is an issue in Hatfield Heath a
questionnaire that will come with the next edition of the
village magazine along with a Freepost envelope to return it
directly to me. I’ll analyse the forms and produce a summary
report for the parish council but the councillors won’t see the
forms because all responses are treated in confidence. From
this report we will be able to see if there is a need for a small
development of affordable housing for local people. By
‘affordable’ we mean rented and shared ownership
properties that are kept for people with a local connection to
the parish in perpetuity so not just the first occupants but all
for years to come.
Hatfield Heath already has one scheme of this type of
housing by way of six shared ownership flats. The question
Hatfield Forest Highlights
PLANNING AND BUILDING REGULATIONS APPLICATIONS Hello all again. Hatfield Forest has been very busy
extensions conversions new buildings interiors recently with Easter been and gone and many of you
landscape design garden design coming to find the Easter Bunny on the Easter Egg Trail.
I hope you were all successful. At the moment the
01279 731770 07774 281115 buttercups should be flowering covering the forest in a beautiful yellow carpet. Also in May we will be
welcoming back our cattle who play an important role
email [email protected] grazing the plains and meadows of the Forest. Grazing
has been happening on the Forest for hundreds of years
RELIABLE & EXPERIENCED and is an important process in allowing our woodland
15 YEARS IN TRADE pastures to continue to exist as well as saving us from
doing a lot of mowing!
Grass cutting, Hedge Trimming, Planting,
Weed Treatment, One off Tidy Ups and Another exciting announcement for the Forest is the start
of a regular Health Walk in association with Natural
maintenance England and the WHI. The walks, starting at the
Call for a friendly chat on beginning of May will take place through the Forest and
Mobile 07956 524 586 encourage people to start walking more in an effort to
Home Tel 01279 830 960 stay healthier. We are also hoping to use this opportunity
to tell people something about the Forest that they didn’t
LTD. know before.
• Specialising in all types of Now that our Shell House has had its Spring Clean we
ponds & features. are looking for everyone to help us collect shells as part
• Professionally designed, on our ongoing restoration project. As this is the 250th
installed, restored or maintained. Birthday year for the Shell House we are hoping to get
• Local company established the missing shell pictures recreated and we need your
since 1987 with excellent after help to do it! If you have any shells that you’ve got
care service buried away in your cupboards that you would be happy
to donate then please bring them along on your next visit
Tel: 01279 461 052 to the Forest.
(Answer phone) Last month I told you about Ian Pease our conservation
Warden producing a new bell stay for St Michaels and I
Mobile: 07711 087 004 wonder how many of you were able to guess what I was
talking about. A bell stay is put in place above the church
bells to stop it swinging over when rung.
I’m looking forward to a fantastic summer and to seeing
you all in the Forest soon.
Laura Slater
Community Warden
01279 874043
[email protected]
Fed up with
moss and weed?
We offer:-
•Regular lawn feeds
•Weed and moss treatment
16 Friendly professional service Lawn Treatment Service
Rainfall mm. 12 Hatfield Heath Rainfall March 2009 CALL NOW FOR A BROCHURE
Total Rainfall
8 46.5mm 01279 466 100
4 (1.83 inches)
0 4.25 inches in 2001
3.77 inches in 2008
March Highs
March Lows 0.39 inches in 1993 07715 566 246
0.43 inches in 1997 01279 876 352
Bretts, Chelmsford Road,
March is one of our driest months, with an average, over White Roding, Essex CM6 1RF
the last nineteen years, of only 1.64 inches.
With 1.83 inches recorded, we were 12% above average * Country Pine * Oak Furniture * Window Blinds *
this year. In the country as a whole March 2009, will go *Bespoke Furniture made to your design*
down as warm and dry. It was the driest since 2003 and *Garden Furniture * Giftware *
the 30th driest in the last 100 years.
GARDEN WATCH Tues - Sat 10am - 5pm and Sun 10am - 4pm Free Parking
At the time of writing ( April 8th), no frogs had appeared, HIRE UR CHURCH HALL FOR
and only two small newts in the small pond. We were, BIRTHDAY PARTIES
however, very pleased to see a hedgehog at the begining
of April You can hire the hall for children's parties
Brian Bland £9.50 / hour
Tel :01279 730 581
Meetings are every 4th Wednesday
At the Hatfield Heath Village Hall at 7.45pm
I am organising an outing on Thursday 25th June to May 27th. Outing to Leonardslee
Goodnestone Park House and Gardens in Kent,
calling in at Canterbury en route. June 24th. Light Amongst the Trees Part II
The gardens cover approx. 14 acres, with a variety of Peter Beale
features from woodland area and a 1920’s rockery,
walled garden and modern planting. There are guided July 22nd. Alpines and Other Plants at Chelsea
group visits to the house – frequently visited by Jane Doug Joyce
Austin, incidentally.
We shall be leaving Hatfield Heath – opposite the August No Meeting
Co-op at 8.45 a.m., with other pick ups at Thorley,
Sawbridgeworth and Old Harlow. September 23rd. Organic Gardening Patrick Hughes
Cost will be £21.00 per person.
Please contact me on 01279 730 425 if you wish for October 28th. AGM in URC Hall
further details.
November 25th. Plants in My Garden Robin Carsberg
Diane Barnett
Single membership for year £7 or Family £12
Non Member’s £2 per visit
Hatfield Heath Gardening Club
Call 01279 726 357 or 01279 730 498
Special Event?
Want to give a personal message?
A verse for any occasion.
Bev Rogers 07796 493 453
Town Grove, Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath,
Bishops Stortford, Herts CM22 7BN
For all your Gas Installation and Servicing needs
High Efficiency Condensing Boiler Installations
Gas Boiler Servicing and Breakdowns
Landlord’s Gas Safety Records
Free Quotations for gas heating installations
Plumbing and Pipework
Replacement Bathrooms, including Tiling &
Local company established in 1974.
CORGI registration number 222.
Call us on 01279-730 060 Young Person of the Year Award
Fax us on 01279-730 065 On 8th, April 2009 Our very own village resident Jack
E-mail us at [email protected] Sykes who co-runs the Hatfield Heath United Reformed
Church Friday Club was one of ten finalists in the local
Mimosa D E S I G N S Young Person of the Year Awards hosted by Glaxo
Smith Kline in Stevenage.
Wedding Stationery
Here is the photo of Jack with his cheque he received for
his nominated charity - The Make A Wish Foundation.
All of the 10 finalists received a cheque from the
sponsors to give to their charity.
Jacks parents John and Tracy, LLoyd,Callum, Doreen
Millen respresenting the United Reformed Church and
Mr Loveday Jack's PE Teacher and Mentor all went with
Luxury Handmade Wedding Staionery As the person that nominated Jack I would just like to say
Elegant Contemporary Design I have watched him grow from a cheeky child into a
Hard-working, caring and giving young adult who I am
so very proud of.
Well Done Jack !!
Bespoke Service Available Sue Saban
Sample Pack Available
For further details please contact The Mobile Library Hatfield Heath
Esta Dennis Tel: 07703 438 059 Tuesday visits Fortnightly
Louise Cunningham 07821 584 514 / 01266 287 271
Broomfields 2.45pm - 3.35pm
Email; [email protected]
Branches in South Yorkshire & Hertfordshire The Close 3.40pm - 4pm The Heath 4.05pm - 4.35pm
Mar 10, 24 - Apr 7, 21 - May 5, 19 - Jun 2, 16, 30
You Why did the bubblegum
Ought 2 cross the road?
Teenage Because it was stuck to the chicken's foot
Hoodies Most of them are GREAT
My Moving Memories
Dear Friends
As you may have heard, we leaders at the Your Local Photographic Services Provider
Sawbridgeworth Explorer Scout Unit have picked the
worst year in recent memory to fund a once in a lifetime Special Occasion Photography;
trip this summer. Our young people are going to make a Photograph Restoration;
difference in this world, by helping aids victim orphans
in Swaziland. VHS & Hi8 tapes to DVD Conversion;
Musical DVD Creations
We have agreed that 9 young people and 2 leaders from
Sawbridgeworth will join the Hertfordshire Scouting Contact us on 07950 689018, or email
contingent of 60 for this exciting and worthwhile project
which we all hope will help these youngsters appreciate [email protected]
how well off we all are compared with others in this for more information.
Why Pay High Street Prices?
We are sure that you appreciate the good work that is FLYING HIRE
being done to help an ever growing band of young people
in their transition to adulthood by the scouting CAR & CHAUFFEUR SERVICES
movement. The Bishop's Stortford District is the fastest FOR ALL OCCASIONS
growing area in Hertfordshire which itself is the fastest
growing area in the Country. We want all young people to To and from Stansted, Luton, Heathrow,
have something to do, and an aim, in those difficult Gatwick and City airports
teenage years.
Corporate & A complete
Our trip is booked for this summer, We still have £600 Sporting events London Service
each outstanding, and we are now starting a community
effort. The theory is that many smaller donations add up, National meetings Shopping trips
spreading the “pain” in what we all accept is a harsh
economic climate. Theatre/dinner Hospital visits
Please consider purchasing one or more of our 600 Urgent courier
£10.00 “ YOUTH ” units and join us in our community Guided tours services
push to encourage the youth of Sawbridgeworth to spend
some of their time considerately and constructively Weddings
through the tried and tested ( and modernised) methods
of Scouting.
Thanking you in advance for the help that you can give Our fleet of air conditioned vehicles
us in our “community project” that in turn helps others ranges from executive cars to luxury
less fortunate than ourselves.
people carriers and coaches
In return,and in recognition of your support, please
accept our badge and display poster (issued on receipt of NEW - GROUP TRAVEL
your help) so that others will know that you have helped
us with our project. 8 passenger vehicles now available for all events
Thank you For professionalism with the personal touch
T. Dobinson D.Ashworth contact Chris New at
Sawbridgeworth Explorer Scout Leaders.
Tel: 01279 721 427 Fax: 01279 723 947
** Cheques made payable to “ Conquest ESU “ Mobile: 07968 026 032
(reg charity no. 302582) **
or visit our informative website:
To; The School House High Wych Sawbridgeworth
Herts CM210JB
*** MD Health International *** Chelmsford Road Hatfield Heath
For free advice & information on: 17th May
WEIGHT CONTROL, Anniversary Service 10.30am
SPORTS NUTRITION AND Preacher - Andrew Hollins
* Call Michelle on 0800 298 5280 * Woman's Leisure Hour
Independent Herbalife Distributor 6th May Wednesday at 8.00pm
Essex at War - Doug Killick
McTimoney Chiropractic
20th May - Wednesday at 8.00pm
The gentle treatment suitable A G M followed by
for people of all ages
My Experiences on an Oil Tanker - Mrs Vincent.
Deborah Flack BSc (hons) Chiro MCA
We meet at the URC Hall on the
01279 870 077 / 07908 918 934 Chelmsford Road Everyone Welcome
Lavender Barn, Brewers End, Details Jean on 730 465
Takeley, Essex CM22 6QJ
26th May U R C Hall 8.00pm
ARE PROUD TO The Evacuees Story - Terry Cansick
Held in the Upper Schoolroom of the U.R.C. on
In beautiful, air conditioned buildings
with brand new equipment and facilities Tuesday 24th March 09
19 people were in attendance
Free Education Grant Places The Chairman Robin Gurnett, after thanking all those
Full time or Part Time Available present for their support, referred to the Treasurer Ivan
School Bus Picks Up & Takes Home Wybrew for his Report, in which he indicated a loss had
After School Kid's Club & Holiday Schemes been sustained over the previous year, and that
applications to the local Parish Councils had been made
For details for grants to sustain the Society. The accounts were agreed
call Jan on and accepted by a proposal from the floor by Leslie
01279 718 823 Hutchin and seconded by Mick Saban The Committee, who all agreed to stand again, was re-
elected en bloc following a proposal by Sue Morse and
seconded by Dinah Hutchin. Unfortunately there were no
volunteers for the position of Secretary. (Anyone who
could help - please contact us)
The RECORDERS Day at Saffron Walden on Sat 28th Mar
09, which was free, was discussed and hoped that some
members could do an hours relief during the course of the
day. The group displayed an up to date version of the
"Now & Then" photographs. It was suggested that a box
for Donations should be used to help funds. This turned
out to be a great success with over 2,000 people visiting
fitness for hire
fitness for life
You can get fit in the comfort
& privacy of your own home
and when you no longer need
the equipment, we will simply collect
It! Also makes an ideal Christmas gift!
Robin Gurnett Terry Jameson treadmills £21 per week cross trainers £17.50 per week
the event. exercise bikes From £12 per week
rowing machines £16.60 per week
Our society was represented by Dinah Hutchin, Ivan NEW!
vibration plates £45 per week
Wybrew, Terry Jameson-who was responsible for the
recent photographs- and Robin Gurnett. Several former
residents from both the Heath and Broad Oak were
pleased to see some of the photos of old houses and views All of the above rates are based on
minimum hire period of 4 weeks.
they had recalled with fond memories. These rates are reduced for longer durations.
The Chairman put forward an idea for the Society to get
involved in the celebrations for St. George's Day in 2010 *Book for 8 weeks and we’ll add a further 2 weeks
free of charge. *Not applicable to vibration plates
(too late for 09) which will be discussed at a later date.
The programme for 2009 was discussed, where several Please telephone for delivery charge quote and
further info:
outings were being arranged. Ivan also reminded
01279 739 416 / 01279 739 413
members that the April meeting is to be held at Broad Oak
e-mail: [email protected]
School where Robin Gurnett will be speaking about
Royal Doulton China and with some of the workforce
called Barlow, who had lived for a while in Hatfield
Broad Oak
After the limited formality of the AGM, we were treated
to an interesting & illustrated talk by local historian Wally
Wright, who told us of some of the well known families
in the area, and their connections, several of which still
May we remind you that Membership Subscription of just
£5 each are now due.
Robin Gurnett
RABIES IN SHEEP has opened in Sawbridgeworth,
offering a range of Studio and
28th November 1885 mat classes to suit all ages and
level of fitness.
On Friday morning a sheep belonging to Mr Walter
Witham of The Laurels Hatfield Heath went mad, Pilates will help to:-
becoming very violent. The animal was bitten about
three weeks ago by a dog which was considered mad Improve Strength & Flexibility
and shot at the time.
Herts & Essex Observer.
Improve Balance
FREE but donations welcome
Telephone Co-ordination & Circulation
Drop in for Tea, coffee and light refreshments
07887 808 928 Reduce Stress
Absolute Pilates, Allen House, G27,
10.00 AM – 12 NOON The Maltings,Sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9JX
A chance to meet others and chat All welcome
Organised by Holy Trinity Church
Michelina 07786 341 754
(2 ½ -5) Ann Whale 01279 731 288
09.30 Family Service HT 730 354
10.30 Family Service URC
18.30 Evensong HT FOOTBALL CLUB 730 212
FRIDAY CLUB (7-12 years)
6 20.00 Leisure Hour URC HEATH PLAYERS
730 465
10 FIFTH OF EASTER JO JINGLES and play reading for pleasure
(6 mths - 7years) 868 410
09.30 Holy Communion HT 730 825 or 730 517
10.30 Family Service (Communion) URC HISTORY SOCIETY
18.00 Service at The Close SCHOOL FOOTBALL Robin Gurnett 730 672
10 – 16 Christian Aid Week CLUB ROYAL BRITISH LEGION
16 Christian Aid Walk to be confirmed SCOUTS 812 586 730 042
08.00 Holy Communion HT 731 646 CHOIR 730 390
NO 09.30 but Holy Trinity join BROWNIES 734 391 WOMANS LEISURE HOUR
10.30 Anniversary Service URC SUNDAY CLUB 730 465
9.30am Holy Trinity 730 288 CATHOLIC CHURCH
15.00 Joint Rogation Service – Hatfield Broad Oak
more details later H.T. YOUTH GROUP 01371 872 550
19 20.00 Joint PCC/Elders Meeting URC 731 318 TALKING NEWSPAPERS
20 11.30 for 12.00 Luncheon Club URC KARATE 445 539 01279 651 270
19.45 Leisure Hour AGM with Speaker URC JUNIOR KARATE OR 01279 653 925
24 SUNDAY after ASCENSION 01992 575 679 SECRETARY U.R.C.
09.30 Holy Communion HT SOSEN GORE Mark Lemon 730 581
10.30 Family Service URC JU JITSU 07947 599 801
WU CHI 07947 599 801 AEROBICS Rachel Eastland
Mon 9.30am & Thu 8pm
731 076
27 Gardening Club Outing SENIOR BOWLS 724 833
30-31 BOFFO Art display and sale H OPEN BOWLS 730 539 HEALTH WALK
31 PENTECOST BRIDGE CLUB 723 948 Friday 10am outside
GARDENING CLUB Broomfield Surgery
08.00 Holy Communion HT 730 512
730 425
09.30 Family Communion HT OPEN COFFEE 730 288 HEALTH WALK LITTLE
10.30 Family Service URC Monday 10.30am Village Car
25 – June 1 incl School and Pre-school half term break
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy For all Senior Citizens 730
Trinity Church / URC-United Reform Church / I-Institute 581
/ S-School
outside Broomfields Surgery
01279 730 274
MON 10.30 am
Little Hallingbury car park PLAY BUS FOR UNDER FIVES
Hatfield Heath Half Hour Helpers Buffy Bus is a playbus designed to give the under fives an
opportunity to paint, play and socialise in a playgroup
Need a friendly neighbour to help you?
with task that will take approx 30 mins e.g. environment that they would otherwise not have access to
Shopping small repairs collecting prescriptions etc.
Please note there is no ageism.
Anyone young or old can call for help from volunteers.
TUESDAYS 9.30am - 11am
Phone manned 10am to 12noon
Next Parish Council Meeting at the LIST OF WEBSITES
Wednesday 13th May 2009
PARISH COUNCIL Village Website
Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick............... 730 770
Chairman - Robert Jones........................ 730 741 Village Magazine
Vice Chairman Bart Sheekey.................... 730 663
Mark Lemon (District Councillor)....... 730 581
Mel Sullivan............................................ 731 434
Paula O’Sullivan....................................... 730 281 Surgery Websites
David Parish (H.H.Tenants Forum Mem.).730 573
(Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites)
Gary Waller.......................................... 739 345
Janet Briscoe............................................. 730 674
Sandra Saban..............................................730 042
H. H.Football Club
POLICE H.H. Cricket Club
There will be a retired policeman Rick Jones at the Bridge club
police station who you can talk to on
Terry’s Photos
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm - 6.30pm
Ardley Cresc Sat 4 July 2009 8am to 11.30 am
Broomfields Sat 22 Aug 2009 8am to 11.30 am
Ardley Cresc Sun 8 Nov 2009 8am to 11.30 am
Held at the Police Station 6-7pm
May 4th, June 8th, July, 6th, Aug 3rd, Sept Sundays 3pm - 4pm Broomfields/Ardley Crescent
POLICE, DOCTORS, SAMARITANS May 3rd 17th 31st May 10th 24rd
PCSO Jo Trevail-Philips Email:[email protected] MAGAZINE DETAILS
Pc Brad Healey Email: [email protected]
PCSO Emma Webb Email: [email protected] Sat
Mobile for above police officers........ 07779 316 979
PCSO Emma Webb..............01279 730 280 EXT 63554
Police Great Dunmow............................ 01376 551 312 16th
Police Hatfield Heath.......... ................. 01279 730 388
Emergency ............................................... 999
DOCTORS Broomfields......................... 01279 730 616 May
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth.................... 08444 773 360
THE SAMARITANS............................... 01279 421 110
HATFIELD HEATH C.P. SCHOOL...... 01279 730 382 Email :- [email protected]
PRE-SCHOOL........................................ 01279 730 354
Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, floppy
Rev Brian Surtees.. .................................... 01277 363 607 disc, CD, or email - [email protected].
Gerald Pearson .............................................01279 730 526 If posting or delivering by hand you can send direct to me :-
Lesley Noel ................................................ 01279 730 390
Elsie Baker ...................................................01279 734 013 Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield
Heath CM22 7BD.
Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498
Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606309
Fiona Klimeke............................................. 01279 831 965 Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
HALF HOUR HELPERS........................ 07944 748 478 Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
Secretary: - Jean Clarke
Post Office opening hours Chairman - Brendan Carrig 01279 437 851
Printed by Cornerstone
Monday -Tues 9am - 1pm 2pm - 5pm DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
Wednesday 9am - 1pm Closed responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
Thursday -Fri 9pm - 1pm 2pm - 5pm the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
Saturday 9pm - 12.30pm Closed accepted in work done by advertisers.
Sunday Closed Closed
PLEATED I am Pc Brad Healey and I have been stationed at
PINOLEUM Hatfield Heath since 1989. My beat now covers
ROLLER Hatfield Heath, Hatfield Broad Oak, Little and
ROMAN Great Hallingbury, Takeley and the Canfields,
COMMERCIAL Barnston, High Easter, Aythorpe Roding, Leaden
Phone now for a friendly chat Roding, White Roding, High Roding, and Margaret
with Sue to get more information Roding. PCSO Emma Webb is also stationed at
Hatfield Heath, and we have been joined by PCSO
Tel : 07885 510 400 Jo Trevail-Phillips. You will see both officers
patrolling the villages.
Caroline Powell-Allen M.A.,
UKRC (Reg. Ind.), MBACP (Snr. Accred.), CPC (Reg.)
Offering brief & long-term counselling
Twelve years experience working with children, young people, adults
& couples at Bell St. Surgery, Sawbridgeworth & for Uttlesford Mind
Also offering counselling supervision for individuals & groups.
Please telephone for an appointment
01371 873 270
We offer a Pc Bradley Healey Telephone : 0300 333 4444
Complete Service
Mobile : 07779 316 979
CERAMIC TILING Beat Surgery 6-7pm May 4th 2009
LIGHTING Joanna and Bradley will be there
All carried out with the minimum Hi Bruno,
of fuss and mess by experts! Rick Jones here at the police station.
Also all Plumbing & Just to let you know the
Domestic Heating Installations station is open most
Tuesdays and Thursdays
SO LOOK NO FURTHER THAN from 5pm - 6.30pm.(Please
check board on verge
C.F OAKES outside Police Station placed
there by me when office is
Established in Harlow for over 45 years open)
19 SERVICE BAY, WYCH ELM , HARLOW As you may be aware I do
this on a voluntary basis and sometimes can't open.
continued on next page............
I am not only here for a chat but can take details if Uttlesford South Neighbourhood Policing Team would
people wish to produce their driving documents, or like to make residents aware of a recent rise in crime
report incidents that have just occurred that do not associated with Sheds and Motor Vehicles. Recent trends
require an emergency response.(Can also be done in show that we are currently suffering from levels of theft
Internet on Essex Police site). from cars and shed burglaries in the Dunmow, Stansted
Rick Jones and Hatfield Heath neighbourhoods. It would appear that
these offences are happening overnight and we ask all
THE MOBILE POLICE OFFICE WILL VISIT YOUR AREA residents to be vigilant and assist us in identifying those
ON THE FOLLOWING FRIDAYS IN 2009 acting suspiciously in vicinity.
ENQUIRIES 07989 335 719
All residents should ensure that no items of value are left
Hatfield Heath - Stortford Road in vehicles whilst unattended and in all circumstances
15:00-16:00 vehicles should be locked and alarmed where possible.
Friday 22nd May Our recent crime has come where suspects are entering
insecure cars and stealing items from within. Leaving
cars insecure is careless and may effect any insurance
claim you may wish to make.
In other cases we have seen registration plates stolen
continued on nex t page...............
Emergency services were called to Address on Chelmsford Going on holiday? What is the best thing you can do for
Road .It seems there was a worry that a child may have your pets while you are away? Paula offers personal pet care
fallen into a pond, thankfully it turned out this was not the in their own home! While you're away for any length of time,
caseWe were told that all the services Fire/Police, etc were consider in-home pet care with Paula as a pet care option.
there very quickly.
Choosing Paula's Petsitting Service you can leave home
RISE IN CRIME ASSOCIATED knowing you will return to happy pets. For more
information,call 01279 876 277 or 07986 270 336
Uttlesford South Neighbourhood Policing Team would
like to make residents aware of a recent rise in crime Red Barn
associated with Sheds and Motor Vehicles. Recent trends Interiors Limited
show that we are currently suffering from levels of theft Beautiful Hand- made
from cars and shed burglaries in the Dunmow, Stansted Kitchens, Bedrooms
and Hatfield Heath neighbourhoods. It would appear that Office Furniture
these offences are happening overnight and we ask all
residents to be vigilant and assist us in identifying those Red Barn Interiors Ltd, Telephone: 01279 722 811
acting suspiciously in vicinity.
Greenleys, Slough Road, Allen Green, Sawbridgeworth, Herts, CM21 0LR
Email: [email protected]
Simple Beauty continued from previous page........
from cars overnight. Please be aware and report
suspicious behaviour.
Sheds are also being targeted and I would urge residents
to consider photographing items of value and record any
serial numbers or equipment such as lawn mowers and
hedge cutters. Residents should make efforts to secure
outbuildings and where possible give consideration to
lighting and alarms.
Please pass the word to other local residents that
anything suspicious should be reported. Local officers
are committed to bringing to justice those who commit
offences and would relish the opportunity to convict
those responsible.
If you see something happening (suspect breaking into a
shed or car) phone 999. Any other behaviour that is
deemed non urgent should be reported to Essex Police
using 0300 3334444.
If you require further advice please feel free to contact
your local Neighbourhood Specialist Officer.
PC Healey - Hatfield Heath 07779 316 979
Tel . 01279 731 762
Closed Sunday & Monday
Pond Lane,Hafield Heath, Bishops StortfordHerts CM22 7AB
HUNTERS MEET BAA’s debt mountain seems likely to prevent it from
obtaining the compulsory purchase orders (CPOs) it
LEISURE CENTRE & BEAUTY LODGE would need to allow a new runway to be built at
Stansted. As a consequence, Molehill Green, the
SPA DAYS ON YOUR DOORSTEP! picturesque Essex village threatened with extinction
by the proposed new runway now seems far less
Manicure or Pedicure, Luxury Clarins Facial, Swedish likely to be buried under concrete.
Back Massage. We know how to spoil you, feel truly This latest blow for BAA was identified in an
relaxed, have lunch around the pool. Use the solarium Appendix to last week’s Competition Commission
½ Day pamper - morning , afternoon,
or between school hours
Gift Vouchers Available
FOR MORE INFORMATION OR MORE PAMPER report which ordered the airport operator to sell
PACKAGES PLEASE CALL LELSEY Stansted Airport but gave it up to two years to do so,
raising the possibility that BAA might press ahead
01279 730 549 with its second runway application in the hope of
obtaining approval and achieving a higher selling
New You price.
Legally, however, CPOs can only be granted if a
Bridal and Special Occasion Make-Up developer can demonstrate that he has sufficient
financial resources to implement the project within a
* Tired of the same ole look? reasonable timescale. It seems very unlikely that
* Need a skin care and/or make-up overhaul? BAA could demonstrate this because its latest
* Is your make-up bag looking like a jumble sale?
* Do your brushes look more like chimney sweeps? financial accounts show debts of £18.1 billion and
* Want to learn lots of great facts, tips and application skills? negative equity of £1.7 billion as at 31 December
Then it’s time to book a Make-Up Masterclass Lesson In the light of the new information, Stop Stansted
One to One session with Jan £35 - Group session, max 4 persons with Jan £30
Special Occasion Gift vouchers available Expansion (SSE) has written to the Secretaries of
State for Transport and Communities and to the Chief
Call Jan on 01279 419 085 / 07747 787 241 Executive of BAA calling for the proposed Public
For details of other therapies please visit
Inquiry to be abandoned. ESCAPE
SSE Campaign Director Carol Barbone commented:
“Without CPO powers, plans for a second Stansted RID YOURSELF OF UNWANTED HAIR
runway are dead in the water. The list of obstacles
just gets longer and longer. It’s time for BAA to do a IPL permanent Hair Reduction and
reality check.” Photo - Skin Rejuvenation at Escape
Ms Barbone added: “We recognise of course that a
new owner could be in a stronger financial position Fully covered and insured by care standards
but a change in ownership would give rise to all sorts
of other issues. Either way, the current plans are INTRODUCTORY OFFER
going nowhere and both BAA and the Government 50% off 1st Treatment
must realise that by now.”
consultation and patch test required
IPL ( Intense Pulsed Night)
THE RUBBISH LORRY can treat all areas of the face and body.
A minimum of five treatments is necessary
It was another type of **** up I had in mind.. I sent the
following email to the Parish Council Book your free consultation by June 30th
Hi Everyone Please call for more information
The Rubbish lorry turned up today Sunday 19th April
2009 and parked at Wagon Mead, Broomfields. Susan Burgess
I checked with the driver of the lorry that the rest of the
dates were correct and they are. 01279 731 769
To put you in the picture, when I noticed that the first 07740 433 417
date didn't tally with the day, I phoned the Council
Office to check the rest of the dates and they still told me Situated in The Shaw, Hatfield Heath
the wrong date for to-day’s delivery - not good!!
I asked the driver what can be put into the lorry. Look forward to hearing from you
No electrical goods (have to be recycled) No paint tins
and other things that may have a liquid in as it's the
normal rubbish lorry with a crusher and it will leak paint
and other nasty liquids all down the road, No green
waste lopped trees etc.(there is the Green Waste lorry
on Sunday afternoons for this anyway) and No paper &
No cardboard you should put this out with your
On the other hand what surprised me was he took
bicycles and other metal toys as well as large plastic toys
in fact most things that somehow creep into your loft and
Handmade contemporary jewellery in
sterling silver, pearls and gemstones
Beautiful, affordable designs perfect
for all occasions
Shop on line, visit us at one of our
events or have a fun night in with
friends and your very own
jewellery party!
CALL US ON 07711 421 444
JeMnadne itoemeCashureilbdy s Sport in Hatfield Heath
All types of Curtains & Matching Accessories THREE IN A ROW!
Made to measure
Hatfield Heath CP School FC’s dominant march towards
Telephone:01279 730 608 a third consecutive league title was completed this month
with a final day win over closest rivals Thaxted.
32 Broomfields, Hatfield Heath, Herts. CM22 7EH
The rampaging side had effectively already sealed the
IANS AUTOS silverware with a controversial draw at Howe Green nine
days previously, but they wrapped it up in style by
thrashing Thaxted 5-1.
Little Hallingbury The result completed another phenomenal season for Hat-
field Heath, and marked the second year running that they
The Dairy Farm, Lower Road, CM22 7PX have won the title without being beaten. In the previous
season, they were crowned champions have lost only
MOT TEST CENTRE once throughout the entire campaign.
Service and Repairs However, with the side hoping to set a new West Essex
Collected and Delivered League record going into their final two games, contro-
versy reigned at Howe Green. A win for Hatfield Heath
on arrangement would have seen them take the title with a game to spare
within a 5mile radius – and help them further towards setting the record of
completing the season with a 100 per cent record.
But some highly impartial refereeing from the home
Monday - Friday 8am- 5pm club’s match officials halted the party until the final day
Saturday 8am - 1pm of the season. Following a goalless first half on March
17, hosts Howe Green took the lead mid-way through the
TEl: 01279 724 534 second period. However, Hatfield Heath replied almost
immediately through Harry Bovington, meaning there
was to be no upset. However, with the decisions going
their way, Howe Green held out to steal a point with a 1-1
draw and blot Hatfield Heath’s copy book.
The result meant the reigning champions would meet
Thaxted – the only other side who could mathematically
Broad Oak Consultants
IT Solutions for everyone
Established 1993 Home & Business
Broadband • Sales • Networks • Repairs
• Upgrades • Web Design • Programming
Supplier • Databases • PC Systems • Training
• Internet • E-mail • Virus Protection
01279 718 596
Email: [email protected]
win the title – in the final match of the season on March Woollcott House Restaurant
26. In order for the visitors to usurp the championship,
they would have had to win by some considerable mar- Great Hallingbury 01279 504 397
gin, giving them the glory on goal difference.
Superb Family owned and run Restaurant
But it was never going to be, as Hatfield Heath carried a Set in 7 acres specialising in Weddings,
2-1 lead into the half-time break, before netting three Private Parties, Funeral Refreshments
more after the interval to complete a satisfying 5-1 victo-
ry and clinch the title. A La Carte menu & Table D'Hote Menu's
all fresh produce from local Source
Scorers for the hosts were Harry Bovington, Harry Feest,
Ewan Rockell and Rory Marrow, while the fifth came Regular Dinner Dance & Theme Nights.
from an own goal. The squad for the Thaxted game lined Special evenings include, quiz night, Music from the Shows
up as follows…
Sunday Lunch a Speciality.
Hatfield Heath: Jack Jones (GK), New Opening Hours - Friday to Monday inclusive
Rory Marrow, Cameron Lock, Daniel Cox, James Bau- Offering a 2 course Lunch Monday & Friday for just £10
ghurst, Ewan Rockell (Capt.), Harry Bovington, Harry
Feest, Abigail Stevens. (Other times by arrangement)
Fresh from winning the West Essex League, the Hatfield Heath Computers
Heath school football team was preparing to enter a sum-
mer football festival as Heath Sport went to press. For all your IT needs
Organised by the Harlow School Sports Partnership, the Whether you run a business, or are a home user,
7-a-side tournament was set to be held on Monday 27 Heath Computers has an IT solution to suit your requirements
April, with Hatfield Heath being invited to enter for a
second year. • IT Solutions for home or office
• Web Design (CGI / PHP / Java Scripts )
Last season, Heath got to the final of the competition be- • PC Repairs / Upgrades
fore controversially losing in extra time, but they were • Network Installation - Fixed and wireless
aiming to go one better this time around, doing battle • Internet, E-mail, Broadband
with other schools from Harlow and the surrounding area. • Virus Protection and Spyware removal
• Data Recovery
A full run-down of proceedings will appear here next
month. Web: Mob: 07958 482 889
Email: [email protected] Fax: 08715 227 252
By Billy Shaw.
Domestic &
Commercial Specialised Security
Manufacturing Ltd
A few Examples:
Ornate Gates
Radio Controlled
Food@The Stag 01371 874 600
E xce rp t of P iz z a M en u
9I 12 I ch Unit 3 Station Yard Industrial Estate, Great Dunmow, Essex
n ch n
90 9 0
M a rg h e r it a – £ 3. £4
A c la ss ic b le n d of r ic h to m a to sa u c e,
M o zza re l la
P ep p e ro n i Fe a st – 00 00
£ 5. £6.
P e p p e ro n i a n d ju st P ep p e ro n i DIXON & CO
Th e P ig – £ 5 .5 £6 .5 For local, friendly advice contact Paul Dixon
B a co n , Sa la m i, P ep p e ro n ia n d P in e a p p le Wallburys, Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7DL
Hatfield Heath 0 0 Tel: 01279 739 076
– £ 4 .5
V e ge ta r ia n £5 .5 Email: [email protected]
P e p p e r s, O n io n s , M u s h ro o m s and Sw ee t
N ow se rv in g f re sh
co rn
H ot an d Sp ic y – 00 00
£ 6. £8.
o n eb a ke d P iz z a in a
T a n d o o ri C h ic k e n, C h ic k e n T ik k a,
t m
f r ie n d ly o sp h e re
Ja la p en o s, R ed O n io n a nd P ep p er
Ch oo se f ro m an y of th e a b o ve to p p in g s
t in o rT a k e aw ay
c re a te yo u r ow n m o u t h -w a te r in g
fe a st S i d e O rd e rs B ow l of C h ip s - B ow l of
Tw is te r F r ie s -B ow lo f Sa vo u ry W ed ge s
Email: [email protected]
a r li c B re ad – a r li c M u s h ro o m s– H ot
01279 730 404 an d K ic k in g C h ic k e n W in gs – C h ic k e n
S t r ip s - Se rv e d w it h B a rb e q u e Sa u ce
in Ayamonte, Spain The presentation below was emailed to the Mag a while
ago. I can't remember the reason given for it being
Sleeps 6 people,Pool onsite sent but I guess it was to bring our attention to the
Golf, water parks, beaches, Bruno has gone walk about so can't refer back
shops, restaurants close by PRESENTATION BY HBO YOUTH CLUB
at HBO Council Meeting
– from £275 pw.
Simon Fenn (youth leader) introduced Sophie Whitbread as
Last minute deals available the chair of the Youth Club who went on to give a
presentation on the benefits and need for a youth shelter.
4 Bed Orlando home in During the presentation and in subsequent questions the
council learnt that:
Florida. Sleeps 8 people Such a shelter would be about 10 square meters probably
with seating round a table;
Close to all major theme parks – Universal, Disney, Sea World etc Shelters are already provided in several local villages;
Pool onsite Shelters are readily available and typically comprise glass
– from £400 pw. Last minute deals available panels in a framed structure on a concrete base with solar
powered lighting;
David Cansick 01954 205090 / 07900 991836 The Youth Club believed that they could obtain the
necessary funding which they anticipate being £10,000-
[email protected] £15,000;
The council would need to take some or all responsibility
Independent co-educational for the ongoing maintenance of the shelter;
day school and nursery That the Youth Club wanted the support of the Council
for 2 - 11 year olds principally because the preferred locations for the shelter
were on council owned land.
Creating Opportunities
Realizing Potential Bob Merrion informed that Council and the HBO Youth
Group that the CIF youth fund may well be able to offer
Living Life to the Full! funds.
Call us today on 01279 657 706 It was agreed that the best location for the shelter would be the
proposed village green. However it was also agreed that a location in the recreation ground be pursued as a short term
expedient and that the shelter could later be moved to the
Contact Hatfield Broad Oak Parish Council Clerk, Richard
Former Deputy Headteacher Ridler on 01279 718111
very effective at raising standards
or by email at [email protected]
Reading techniques coached; books loaned
Clearly taught NC maths STUDY OF YOUTH SHELTERS
Quality of writing and handwriting improved When Mark Wilkinson undertook a study of youth shelters
SATs, 11+ and Common Entrance as a course project here at the University of the West of
Dyslexia England, I encouraged him and his colleague Roger
Weekly follow-up activities Hampshire to try and publish their findings for a wider
audience. At the time I thought it would have a limited but
01279 600 102 worthwhile readership. Twenty five thousand copies later
and into a second reprint, I realise that there are a lot of
Denise Loomes people out there who want to do something positive for
young people! This is most encouraging as, for far too
King’s Thursday, 2 Rowney Gardens, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 0AT long, we have regarded gatherings of young people as a
problem to be eliminated rather than as a need to be
[email protected] catered for.
Young people need to socialise as part of their normal STICKY FINGERS
growth and development; they need to learn how to relate
to each other in the absence of adults – this is how they ForPWpSaaitnorrteiynntgeitms eanShdticcDkaaArirnepigrvnsrkwoesinthsacPfShlnaipinuylddgdrrioneounBgngvhaiisgdedcdeu1do5itSms!
mature. It is true that they will sometimes make fools of
themselves, take a few risks, get too boisterous and show Every Friday during term time
off inappropriately in front of their peers. It is much better Hatfield Broad Oak Village Hall 9.30am to 10.30am
to let them do this in a designated space out of harm’s Little Hallingbury village Hall 1.30pm to 2.30pm
way, than to try and stop them gathering outside shops or
bus shelters and asking the police to move them on. At Phone Ali 01279 718 632 Caroline 07802 896 328 or pop in
best this merely displaces the problem and it may well come along and join us !!!
lead to other, more serious difficulties that could cost
dearly in the longer term.
Youth shelters are not the whole solution – young people
may also need more structured environments such as
youth clubs, organised activities, drop-in cafés, advice and
counselling services – but shelters and sports systems can
make up an important part of the youth development
jigsaw. Failure to invest in facilities that young people
want is a false economy. This guide shows you how to
invest wisely and I commend it to anyone who wants to
improve the future for all our citizens.
Henry Shaftoe
Award Leader, Community Safety and Crime Prevention
Old Harlow
CM17 0NJ
Tel. 01279 429 910
A small independent school,
The lease for this area has recently been signed, and this Churchgate Street, Old Harlow
space now belongs to the Parish Council (999 Year lease),
and has been granted a lease based upon the creation and We take pupils from Reception
maintenance of a Public Open Space through to Year 11
The restrictions appear to allow the erection of only 3
Benches, and there does not appear to be the rights to • Small class
erect any other other permanent structures, i.e. no walls sizes
or buildings etc
It does appear however that we can introduce pathways • Wide range of
and hard landscaped areas. curricular and
• Extensive
• Heated pool
Hair by BEE BEE
SPECIAL PRICES:Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s for Senior Citizens
OPEN: Tues & Wed 9am - 5pm• Thur 9am -1pm
Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-1pm FULLY TRAINED
Heath View, Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath
Tel: 01279 730 870 LONDON HAIR STYLISTS
beautiful garden to Time to tackle the gruelling 26.2 miles of the
London Marathon on April 26th. I've also had
relax & entertain in ? my arm twisted to do another challenge,
‘Let me help you to create a I will be trekking up
beautiful innovative Kilimanjaro at the end of
garden…we offer a full garden August. Not sure which
design & build service…we one I'm dreading the
manage the whole process so most!! I will be supporting
it’s 100% stress free …we Epping Breast Cancer Unit
work to your agreed budgets and hope to raise much needed
with no hidden extras…we can
even provide you with an money for the research and clinical trials of
almost no maintenance garden "wonder drugs" to combat this disease.
should you wish…’
Please sponsor me by logging onto
Patricia Fox
ndoremaomre Many Thanks Janice Page
tel.01279 730 040 TAKELEY FARMERS MARKET
9.00am Saturday 4th April saw the doors open for the
markets return after a 6 month break.
Quite a few hundred people turned out to support it, there
A R A L I A was a constant flow all morning.
The former regular customers and stall holders were
pleased to see each other and there was great interest in the
G A RD E N D E S I G N new stalls too. All the meats were available with a new
Beef and Game stall. Among the new stalls were Bread,
Saffron Brewery and Pate; and different stall holders
selling cards, cakes, soaps and honey from Hatfield Broad
Four stalls are actually from the village area; Nikki Treend
with husband Rays garden creations, Julia Dennison with
crafts and projects for children, House of Cup Cakes from
Flowers for all occasions - gift work, funerals, Priors Green and Ian Woodley from Hope End with Fresh
weddings, plants, balloons, chocolates etc Free Range Chicken, Duck and Goose Eggs, also blown
goose eggs for decorating . Pretty much something for
Local deliveries available everyone and mileage was kept to a minimum where
Mon-Fri 9-5pm Weds 9-2pm Sat 9-3pm possible.
The Tea/Breakfast Room was run by the Holy Trinity
Telephone: 01279 731 150 Church Social Committee. It was good to see people
The Heath, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7EB meeting for tea and a chat.
Next month Saturday 2nd May it will be run by Moonwalk
HAPPY CIRCLE - PROGRAMME FOR 2009 ladies Rebecca Brett and Sarah Wesson Webb, who are
raising money for the breast cancer charity. They will be
Little Hallingbury Village Hall Tuesday 2pm -4pm serving breakfast, bacon rolls,
May 19 Ian Murray 01279 724 836 cake and muffins.
Outing with cream tea The doors open 9 - 11.30 am. We look forward to seeing
Grebe Canal Cruise you.
To design a birthday card to celebrate
Holy Trinity Church’s 150th Anniversary!
The cards should include the words
“Happy 150th Birthday” & “Holy Trinity Church”,
other words are optional.
There are three age groups:
5 and under; 6 – 8; and 9-11.
Entries to be the child’s own work please.
The Bishop of Chelmsford will judge the cards on June
7th (Trinity Sunday), when he visits us for Evensong.
Parents: please make sure your child’s name, age and
address is written on the back of the card.
Give the entry in to The Vicarage
by Sunday 31st May
To design a birthday cake to celebrate
Holy Trinity Church’s 150th Anniversary!
The cake designs should be 2D and include the
“Happy 150th Birthday”
and “Holy Trinity Church”, other words are optional.
There are two age groups:
12 - 14; 15 – 18.
Entries to be the young
person’s own work please.
The Bishop of Chelmsford will
judge the designs on June 7th
(Trinity Sunday), when he
visits us for Evensong.
Parents: please make sure your child’s name, age
and address is written on the reverse of the design.
Give the entry in to The Vicarage
by Sunday 31st May.
VOLUNTEER ESCORTS On the 5th April worshippers at Holy Trinity were
saddened to hear that Canon Tim Potter is to retire in the
On a Monday evening to help pick up summer as incumbent of the parishes of Hatfield Heath
special need adults. If you live in and Sheering as well as from his other posts across the
the village you will be picked up Diocese, and also as Rural Dean of Harlow. The
at 5.30 pm and be home by 7 to Churchwardens reminded the congregation that Tim was
7.17 pm away on compassionate leave, which was first announced
at the beginning of March because of stress from
Also Volunteer Drivers needed overwork, and which was expected at that time to last at
least three months. The Churchwardens went on to say:
Please ring Derek Millen on 01279 730 539 “The rector wants us to know that along with all the work
pressures, which have been very real, there have also been
Daniel Robinson many personal pressures, especially within his family. He
& Sons has informed us that all this has culminated in the reality
that he and his wife are separating. It is unlikely that we
Independent Family will be seeing very much of Tim before he finishes at the
Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons end of July and he has indicated that he will not be
undertaking any duties in the benefice within this period."
A personal caring service In his letter to the Churchwardens Tim asked that people
from family business day or night. be informed of his grateful thanks for all the hard work
Our trained staff will be pleased to give free and support he had received and described working in the
confidential advice on any matter benefice as "a privilege".
The Bishop of Chelmsford (who is visiting Holy Trinity,
GOLDEN 3 BULLFIELDS Hatfield Heath later in the summer) said in a statement: "I
CHARTER SAWBRIDGEWORTH was very sorry to hear of the circumstances which led to
Tim’s resignation. My thoughts and prayers are with Tim
FUNERAL PLANS (01279) 722476 as he comes to terms with his retirement after many years
of ministry in the diocese, and also with Jane and their
79/81 SOUTH STREET WYCH ELM family as they also come to terms with their new situation.”
BISHOP'S STORTFORD HARLOW At the request of the Bishop of Barking, the Rev'd Brian
Surtees who was formerly a curate in Hatfield Heath and
(01279) 655477 (01279) 426990 Sheering, has been asked to minister in the two parishes
for as long as necessary. He can be contacted via the
HASLERS LANE 146 HIGH STREET church office or by phone on
01277 363 607 or email at [email protected]
(01371) 874518 (01992) 560890 Everyone at the church values the support of the
community, and we will be finding a way to mark Canon Tim's very special contribution to the life of the village as
well as the Church.
24 hour Family Careline
Golden Charter Pre-Payments Plans
150 Do you feel you’re falling apart?
I can help put you back together!
1859- 2009 Complete treatment from head to toe.
150th ANNIVERSARY WITH Back, neck and joint pain and stiffness
– even long term
THE ST. MARK PASSION Tight, painful muscles
In the years following the First World War Eric Stress-related disorders and sleep problems
Milner-White who had gained the
D.S.O while serving as a chaplain put a proposal to Chronic pain and swelling, and varicose veins
the composer Charles Wood for a choral work
describing the events leading up to the Crucifixion Post-operative rehabilitation
and death of Jesus Christ.
Some 90 years later the augmented benefice choir Arthritis exercises and education
under the co-ordination of Lydia Taylor and
accompanied on the organ by Christopher To make an appointment
Bayston,who had inspired us or for more information, please contact me:
to choose this work, sung the Passion in Holy
Trinity Church which was almost Tel: 01279 718 331
filled to capacity. The Choir was conducted by [email protected]
Malcolm Knowles with Stephen Law- rence, Philip
Taylor, Amy Taylor and Arthur Taylor taking major Cannons Lane, Hatfield Broad Oak
The darkness of war and conflict seems to pervade Hallingbury Hall Equestrian Centre
this piece, but the final words that were sung
reminded the audience that the joy of Easter is that British Horse Society Approved
hope has been won by the sacrifice of God's only Riding lessons for children and adults
begotten Son.
Those words : "Earth's redeemer won the day" beginners to advanced riders
found a resonance in the Family Communion
SHervAicPe oPn YEasBterIRSuTndHayDwAhenYin response to the Super indoor school, three outdoor arena's,
show jumping arena, and cross-country course
statement "Jesus Christ is risen today" the
congregation responded "He is risen indeed" CHILDREN'S LESSONS
We have super ponies from quiet schoolmasters to
ones trained to do jumping and dressage
Children's own a pony day courses are held every
Wednesday and Thursday during the holidays, Great Fun!
EASTER EGG HUNT Maximum four riders on a 45 minute lesson gain
confidence and enjoy on one of our lovely sensible cobs
On Easter Day, thirty children took part in our Easter Egg
Hunt. We hid small coloured laminated eggs for the INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED RIDERS
children to find, which they did - and very quickly. Once Improve your dressage, learn about tests
the correct number of laminated eggs was found they lateral work, engagement and collection
could be exchanged for a genuine chocolate egg. Or join a jumping lesson and
All the children seemed to enjoy themselves, and a practise courses, grids and related distances
number of the parents as well!
I would like to express my thanks to those who took part Please ring or pop in for a chat
for responding to our request to be respectful when 01279 730 348
searching around the graves and amongst the flowers. The
behaviour was brilliant.
It went so well that this could become an annual event, but Little Hallingbury, Bishops
Stortford, Herts CM227RP
we might have to make it a bit harder next time.
Lesley Noel
6 Heavy Duty Trellis Panels 6ft x 6ft
and 1 panel 6ft wide with a slanted top. Squier by Fender as new £50 ono
01279 730 101
Tel: 01279 730723
ROOMS TO LET Two large G-plan Cognac Leather
Ardley End Quiet house - Wireless Broadband Incliner Chairs
Off road parking - Own kitchen Buyer collects Tel: 01279 730 479
from £75/wk - All inclusive
01279 739 356
Opportunity to buy a modern
FOR SALE One Bedroom Flat
Jay-be Single Metal Framed Bed Ardley Crescent, Hatfield Heath
with Sprung Slatted mattress support
"Galaxy" model - Metallic colour 74% share no rent to pay
Length 2 metres x Width 1 metre For More Info. Tel: 01279 730 265
Very Good Condition £45
Please call 01279 739 342 Paula's Petsitting Service
(Happy to deliver locally)
Going on holiday? What is the best thing you can do for
N.B. All non commercial Ads. and Greetings as above are Free your pets while you are away? Paula offers personal pet care
in their own home! While you're away for any length of time,
Tuesday - Friday 12 -2pm consider in-home pet care with Paula as a pet care option.
Snack and full menu available
Choosing Paula's Petsitting Service you can leave home
Monday - Saturday Day times knowing you will return to happy pets. For more
LITE BITES & LUNCHES NEW information,call 01279 876 277 or 07986 270 336
1main course £6.92 2 courses £9.95
Pensioners Lunch £5.95 DIGGER HIRE
01279 730 549 * Ground Works
Website: * Driveways
* Extensions
* Fencing
* General Construction
Local Friendly Service
Chris White Mobile 07704 948 803
email: [email protected]
DOMESTIC SOLDIERS Hunters Meet Restaurant
Cabaret Nights
General DIY, Curtain Rails and Shelves Erected, Flat Packs
assembled. Patio, Drive and Brickwork Pressure Washed, Here at Hunters Meet , on Friday and Saturday
nights, we hold some of the best
Fencing and Sheds Preserved and Repaired, Hedge Dinner Dance & Cabarets Nights in the country!
Cutting, including Shrubs and Tree Pruning, Guests generally dine between 7pm to 8.30pm.
Around 9.30pm the band strikes up to get you up
House Painting, Exterior & Interior, Windows Pipe Work and dancing& in the mood for our featured Cabaret
Weather Boards Stained and Painted. Fencing Erected, which begins at 10.30pm.
Gardens and Driveways Shingled and Pebbled. Guttering
Unblocked, Roofs Moss and Mildew Power-washed Off. Tribute Nights
Please do not hesitate to ask. Contact lan and Jan at Thur 18th June - Elvis
San Michelle, Jacks Lane, Takeley
01279 730 549
01279 870 946