Thanks to all the volunteers, you have the magazine
delivered every month, which helps generate a
revenue through advertisements. This not only
enables the magazine to be delivered free, but also
over the last 11 years, the excess generated has been
used to pay:- £2000 for a container for the
Festival’s equipment, tents, games etc., donate £250
Bart & Margaret Sheekey, Diana White towards the repair of the Cricket Club’s tractor,
Mary Woodford, Ivan & Jean Wybrew £233.36 towards publishing of a History Society
Stella & Ian Hughes, Jude Foster booklet and recently £1800 for the purchase of Mat
Pam Tyler, Bob Mearns Handling Equipment for the Bowling Club.
Sue & Bob Jones, Volunteers also include Mel Sullivan our Treasurer,
Richard Barnett, Joanne Clargo Barbara Scheggia proof reader and distribution
Callum Sykes ,
Doreen Millen organiser and to keep us in line we
June Plaistowe have an AGM every year, with
Mr & Mrs Waverley, Mel Sullivan Brendan Carrig our Chairman and
Barbara & Tony Jenkins, Judy Lemon Jean Clarke our Secretary and me
Angela Bashford, James MacHardy Bruno Scheggia
Barbara Scheggia. (Editor since November 2002) Bruno
Web : www.hatfield-heath.co.uk/magazine Email: [email protected]
DIXON & CO Essex County Council propose new junction
Chartered Certified Accountants PROPOSAL FOR NEW
For all your tax and accounting needs JUNCTION 7A
Contact Paul Dixon Tel: 01279 739076 ON M11 (HARLOW)
www.dixonandco.com ECC are proposing a new junction (Junction 7a)
to the east of Harlow. It will link with the B183
Wallburys, Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath somewhere between Mayfield Farm and the
Bishop’s Stortford, CM22 7DL bridge over Pincey Brook. ECC are not
engaging with the villages along the A1060 and
13023 January December 2013 B183 because their modelling indicates that
traffic along these routes will halve as a result of
Airport the new junction. So no schemes are planned to
Transfers, mitigate increased traffic through these villages.
Theatre Nights, All the traffic that presently cuts through Little
Restaurants. Hallingbury, Hatfield Broad Oak, Hatfield
Heath and Sheering to get to Harlow, the M11
07973 635 143 and Epping is going to go by some other route!
Pete Isherwood And none of the traffic that battles from the
www.idrivercars.co.uk Chelmsford direction along the A414 to the
M11 is going to divert to the new junction via
Heathrow,Gatwick, these villages!
City Airport & Luton. What do you think?
There are no exhibitions in Uttlesford so get
13046 Jan - Dec 2013 along to the exhibitions at
Harlow Civic Centre until 31 January 2014
Epping Library until 31 January 2014 and
Sheering Village Hall on 10 January 2014,
3pm to 8pm
and make your views known.
Or see the proposals here
Junction-7a-on-M11-Harlow.aspx and answer
the on–line questionnaire
THE CHOIRS Paula's Petsitting Service
Going on holiday? Paula offers personal pet care in
TREE their own home! Choosing Paula's Petsitting Service you
VOTED can leave home knowing you will return to happy pets.
BEST Dog walking also available — All at competitive rates
For more information,call
THE 01279 876 277 or 07986 270 336
HOLY Or email:- [email protected]
XMAS 13021 January to Dec 2013
Every Monday 3:20 – 4:20
Holy Trinity Church Hatfield Heath.
started 11th November (term time only)
Learn to sing * Build your confidence* Have Fun!
For more details speak to;
Catrin Mills Or Stewart Gibbs 01279 730316
Our Choir leaders are fully CRB checked
(It’s free to join the choir)
3 13074 Mar 2014
You don’t have to live with pain!
Perhaps you would pass on to the person who is
Relief from back, neck and joint problems having trouble with Broadband and being thrown
Relaxation of tight, painful muscles out.
Effective treatment for migraines, tennis As you know I live on Stortford Road, near New
elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, Common and I am often `thrown out' of the
plantarfasciitis, achilles tendonitis, web/email. Perhaps you would pass this info on to
fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, her for me, if it's not too late. There are also often
IBS times when I can't get in to the web. I made an
Help for breathing difficulties and stress assumption that it was busy and because I am at the
related problems `end of the line' I had to expect my speed to be
Gentle treatment for new mothers and slow.
babies What happened following the public meeting earlier
this year when I thought we were having fibre optic
To make an appointment or for more information, cables installed and our speed would get quicker? It
please contact me: appears from a letter in the December issue
this is no longer so.
Jean Clarke
Tel: 01279 718331 WRINKLIE IS FED UP WITH
[email protected] SLOW SPEED BUT HAPPY
www.holisticare.co.uk WITH SPORT HE CAN DOWNLOAD
Brook View, Town Farm, Hatfield Broad Oak CM22 7LF
1301 Dec 2013 Hi Bruno,
Further to your campaign re BT( The second word is
'tardy' I'll leave your readers to guess what the
Daniel Robinson second word is) I bought a tablet last week - Bad
& Sons move they're not meant to be played with by
Independent Family Back to the plot. As a special deal I also got some
cloud memory, 500Gb - that's techno speak for lots.
As an experiment I tried hooking up my PC and was
Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons asked to Upload all files? so, that evening, I did.
When I got up the next morning the PC was sat there
A personal caring service quietly doing nothing and when I checked, it had
from family business day or night. uploaded nothing, nowt, nada!
Our trained staff will be pleased to give free It would seem that my dear wife had got up in the
confidential advice on any matter night to get a drink and ever conscious of the high
cost of electricity had turned off the PC.
GOLDEN 3 BULLFIELDS ......The next night I tried again (Stay with me, we're
CHARTER SAWBRIDGEWORTH getting to the plot ) and although it hadn't managed
to complete the task, it was manfully plodding on.
FUNERAL PLANS (01279) 722476
79/81 SOUTH STREET WYCH ELM It actually took the rest of the day and Good old BT
BISHOP'S STORTFORD HARLOW managed to average 131Kbits, fractionally over
double the old dial up system could do.
(01279) 655477 (01279) 426990 Facetious as it might seem I could have loaded all
the files on to a memory stick and got a passing
HASLERS LANE 146 HIGH STREET pigeon to take it to BT faster, at least BT are now
GREAT DUNMOW EPPING able to download plenty of sport while you wait for
the rest of the outfit to get their act together
(01371) 874518 (01992) 560890
24 hour Family Careline Tony B
Golden Charter Pre-Payments Plans
13010 January to December 2013 4
Professional Cleaning
I'm new to the lovely area of Hatfield Heath and live
in The Close, Broomfields. Like the rest of you, my Three good reasons why to
Broadband is very slow and sometimes doesn't work consider Professional cleaning for
at all, especially on my iPhone. Like all of you, I'm
very busy in the lead up to Christmas but have still your Carpets and Upholstery
taken Jo Taylor's advice and have registered myself.
It took just a few minutes.
Kind regards,
Sandy Cardy
HELP THE HOMELESS AT WHITECHAPEL Manufacturers Recommend Professional
Homelessness is on the increase, 27%of rough sleepers cleaning every 12-18 months
have been on the streets for 2 years or more. Rough Everyday dirt and grime Reduces the life of
sleeping is up by 47% this year. Whitechapel served your Upholstery and Carpets
102586 breakfasts this year, an average of 281 per day! It simply Looks Better
Between 200 and 300 people come every day for break-
fast and to take advantage of a shower, clean clothing, A Local company trained and Insured in the
medical services and somewhere to have a shave. There expert cleaning of all types of Upholstery and
is also further help available a recovery programme, life
skills and job skills training and addiction recovery. Fur- Carpet care.
ther information at www.whitechapel.org.uk
On behalf of the Whitechapel Mission for the Homeless, Call Nick: 01279 276 018
may I thank the many people in the area who have
donated clothes, toiletries and food during the year. To- For your FREE Quotation
day, Mark and I took over 24 sacks of food, clothes, and
especially toys which are given to children living under Herts and Essex Carpet &
very difficult circumstances and many in care. We would Upholstery Cleaning
particularly like to thank the URC Friday Club who gave
us toys beautifully wrapped and ready for Christmas also 13059 Feb 2014
Members and Friends of the Hatfield Heath URC who
also generously gave gifts at our toy Service yesterday. Superb organic cleaning
At the URC we collect warm clothes, blankets and towels of carpets, curtains,
throughout the year as well as breakfast foods and toilet- upholstery & leather
ries – Please ring us if you have a collection for
us.730581. Again thank you so much you have no idea • Organic carpet, Our treatments
how much your kindness is appreciated. upholstery and
Judy Lemon leather cleaning Remove
THANK YOU AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR • Curtains & mattresses
Hatfield Heath Pre-School Dust
would like to say a huge thank • Guardsman stain Mites
you to everyone who supported protection plans
our Christmas Raffle this year – Remove
from the local businesses who • Oriental rug cleaning Bacteria
donated the amazing prizes to
those of you who kindly bought • Allergy treatments
lots of tickets. available
We would also like to take the opportunity to thank
Barbara and Bruno for everything they have done for • Expert spot and stain removal
both the pre-school and the local community this
year. They work really hard all year long either • All work fully insured and guaranteed
running this brilliant, well read magazine or
organising HatFest our summer festival. I know it For a FREE non-obligational quote call Matt:
takes lots of hours and it is all done for free, so thank
you! 0800 7836647
5 Jan 2014
Local Classes for all ages Hatfield Heath Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire CM22 7EA
and levels of ability Telephone: 01279 730382 Facsimile: 01279 739023
You will be taught in a very warm friendly atmosphere Email: [email protected] Website: www.hatfieldheath.essex.sch.uk
So come and join us in January Head teacher: J H Clements MA
For further information about times, venues as well as Hatfield Heath C.P. School PFA
the health benefits to be gained
Contact Jenny Advertising & for providing the School with their Christmas Tree:
Howick & Brooker Estate Agents, Old Harlow
01279 730 751 Café Contributions:
07946 777 669
Broad Oak Sausages Company, Hatfield Broad Oak
Email: [email protected] Dorringtons, Sawbridgeworth
State Registered Chiropodist Raffle Donations:
G.E & A.F Silvester Ltd
Home Visiting Practice The Co-Operative, Hatfield Heath
Down Hall Country House Hotel, Hatfield Heath
Mrs. Julie Golden S.R.Ch. The Green Room, Sawbridgeworth
Schoolz Out Childrens Sports Club, Hatfield Heath
Est. 1994 Taste, Hatfield Heath
Rebecca Woolard Sewing School, Hatfield Heath
01279 873 492 Field Stream & Covert, Hatfield Heath
Pixies, Hatfield Heath
Churchgate Sausage Shop, Old Harlow
and finally
Hatfield Heath Village Festival Committee for the loan of their games
A professional service at a competitive rate
13134 Dec 13
Need an Electrician?
Call 07525 920115 / 01279 718585
• NICEIC Domestic Installation Hatfield Heath Community Primary School
• All work guaranteed
• £5 million Public Liability Insurance TRIPS AND ACTIVITIES
• On 26th November Year 6 visited Duxford
• Experienced Local Electricians Imperial War Museum as part of our World
• All calls answered personally 24 Hrs War II (WW2) studies. We were greeted in the
• Household, Commercial & Industrial Learning Zone by our instructor and she took
us around the eight different zones:kitchen, home guards
[email protected]
www.broadoakelectrical.co.uk WW2 lost and found. It was great fun as we were allowed
to touch ancient artefacts. We saw lots of aeroplanes from
13104 July 14 P WW2 and also had the opportunity to walk through the
prototype of Concorde.
After lunch we had a look at some more aeroplanes and
ships in the hangers. All of these were actually used in the
Battle of Britain. We also went to the operations room
which was actually used in WW2 so it was interesting to
find out what happened in Duxford during WW2.
Holly Kennedy and Riley Cross
On 25th November Derek Millen (Grandad to
Jack Millen Year 2) visited Year 6 with Allan Wilton, Vice
Chair of Governors. The classroom was transformed into a
bomb site, Allan morphed into an ARP warden, and Derek
recounted his experience of being bombed in November
1945 in Woolworth's, New Cross. Derek told the children
how he had been buried under the rubble for 8 hours.
Unfortunately his friends did not survive.
The Reception Class would like to thank the PFA for their
new role play equipment. They are thoroughly enjoying it!
Year 5 On 21st November Year 5 had a Super Hero Day.
The class came to school dressed as the
Superhero that we had designed in our Art and DT lessons.
When we arrived we found that our teacher had been
kidnapped by a villain and the classroom had a colossal
hole in the middle of the floor. The chairs and tables had all
been knocked over too!
been sent to help us to overcome the obstacles which were 13124 March 14
down the hole and to rescue our teacher. We each had a
map of the tunnels leading from the hole and we had to HUTLEY ELECTRICAL LTD
work in pairs to plan which of our powers we would use to
get past all the obstacles. When we had written our plan, DOMESTIC & INDUSTRIAL
Red Lightning (who we really think was Mr Aiken in ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS
disguise!) chose the pair with the best plan to go down the
hole to find our Hutley Electrical offers a full range of
teacher. Luckily Mr Aiken was rescued by Tortoise Boy Electrical Services and has been
and Guardian Girl just in time for the last part established for over 20 years.
of the day when all our parents came in to see the From House re-wires to Industrial/
Superhero work we have been doing all term in Maths, Commercial projects we pride ourselves
Literacy, Art and DT. on offering a competent, polite, tidy
Daisy Howe and Jacob Knightly professional service and endeavour to
work with the minimum of disruption to
you wherever possible.
SPORT **We are a full member of the NICEIC
Congratulations to our football team who won and have been for many years.**
their first match of the season against St.
Nicholas 5-0. Call Bob now for a free quotation
On Friday 29th November 11 pupils for Years 5and 6 TEL: 01279 722 351 or
competed in the Cluster Cross County event held at MOBILE: 07774 941 668
There were four races; Year 5 girls, Year 5 boys, Year 13043 Jan - Dec 2013
6 girls and Year 6 boys
Continued on next page............... 7
[xtà{ [t|ÜwÜxáá|Çz They raced against pupils from Mandeville, Little
Hallingbury and High Wych. They were a credit to the
Val & Karen would like to school and all ran exceptionally well. They were placed as
Wish all our clients old & new follows:Year 5 girls: Milly McSweeney 2nd : Keziah
Kugachandran 6th : Molly-May Plowman 8th Year 5
A Very Happy New Year boys:Charlie Reynolds 1st : Sebastian Ibbotson 2nd : Asa
Fletcher-Snow 9th Year 6 girls: Grace Forbes 5th :
& many thanks for their support Summer Wimbleton 9th : Amber Mearns 10th, Year 6
boys:Matthew Ayers 1st : Archie Cowley 2nd,
Jan & Feb 20% off Perms & colours HATFIELD HEATH IN THE COMMUNITY
Thank you to everyone who gave a shoe box
Closed Mon parcel in aid of ‘Operation Christmas
Open 9 -5 Tues - Thurs
184 boxes – a
9 -6 Fri fantastic achievement.
Thank you to the PFA, parent helpers, staff,friends and
For All Building Works - family who supported the bazaar last Friday. It was a huge
Extensions/Renovations - success as always
Decorating - Plumbing - Electrics CONGRATULATIONS
Carried Out with Great Attention to Detail Year 3 currently have the highest attendance in the school
Tel: 01279 757 323 07836 205 103 with an impressive 98.16% - well done!
Year 5 are the monthly prize winners for ordering the most
13038 Dec 13 P school dinners in November
GM Tuesday 7th January 2013 – Children return to school.
Decorating Solutions Ltd. Hatfield Heath C.P. School
We offer a wide range of painting and decorating If there are any artistic members of the
solutions for your home or business. community who would be willing to come
into school to share their talent, expertise
Our qualified decorators offer a full consultation to and inspire others we would be delighted
ensure you receive a service tailored to your needs. to hear from you. Please telephone the
school office on 01279 730 382 if you
Services include: would be willing to help us. Many thanks.
Interior and exterior redecoration
Tape and jointing
Plastering This was attended by the Reception and
All staff undertake CSCS health and safety approval Year 6 Classes and the School Council
Please contact us for a full range of services reps across the school years.
Children in Need raised £418.24. All the
or a free consultation. children had a 'Bad Hair Day' and a
Office: 01279 730 733 competition was held throughout the
Mobile: 07977 775 672 school. Photo of the winners below.
Website: www.gmdecoratingsolutions.com
E-mail: [email protected] BAD HAIR DAY
13033 dec2013 8
13032 Dec2013
£¡ ¤¥¦§¨© ¤©¥¦ ¥¨ §¥ © © !" #$ General Building & Maintenance
£ %&'() 0 &1 2&3'4 Conversions, Bathrooms, Kitchens
56785 22 Plastering, Brickwork, Decorating
¢¡ ¥¨ §¥ Call for Free Advice & Estimates
9@7A5 B3C4DEF 01279 739 136 or 07900 694 664
¡ 13013 January to December 2013
Nineteen raindays in November 2013 only produced 2.35 inch- General DIY, Curtain Rails and Shelves Erected, Flat Packs
es, which is 83% of our average for this month. assembled. Patio, Drive and Brickwork Pressure Washed,
November rainfall was identical to that we received in Septem- Fencing and Sheds Preserved and Repaired, Hedge Cutting,
Overall November has seen real extremes of rainfall as you will including Shrubs and Tree Pruning,
see from the details below. House Painting, Exterior & Interior, Windows Pipe Work and
November Extremes
High 6.66 inches in year 2009 Weather Boards Stained and Painted. Fencing Erected,
Gardens and Driveways Shingle.
6.32 inches in year 2000
Low 0.28 inches in year 1995 . Contact lan and Jan at
San Michelle, Jacks Lane, Takeley
0.57 inches in year 1991 MANY OTHER SERVICES UNDERTAKEN
Garden Watch 01279 870 968
07939 531 872
By the middle of the month the Blue Tits had arrived
in quite large numbers and were seen queuing up to COMPLETE SERVICE FOR YOUR HOME
get at the peanuts.
Ground feeding of the other birds tended to be only [email protected]
in the mornings and roosting seen to be much earlier
than normal. 13017 January to December 2013
On November a male Blackbird was seen eating
fruits of the Himalaya Honeysuckle (Leycesteris MHS Builders
formosa), which are much more numerous than is Local Builder
usual. This was a first for us. Carpentry & Roofing
Brian Bland Loft and Garage conversions
Kitchens & Bathrooms
references available on request
Call Mark Savage
Tel: 01279 739 409
Mobile: 07718 539 969
13 25 January to December 2013
LOCAL RESIDENTS • Interior & Exterior decoration
DISCOUNT CARD • carried out to a high specification.
• Full public liability.
EXPRESS SET DOWN • 30 yrs Experience
• Ceilings papered.
NEEDS RENEWING • Wall coverings and wall paper hung
The Express Set Down
discount card expires Contact Steve.
and is not renewed automatically. There is no date Phone : 01279 724 805 Mobile : 07836 588 886
on the card or any indication that this will happen.
Renew your card now or you may have to pay the E-mail: [email protected]
full wack instead of 50p next time you drop Address: Field View, Sheering, Herts.
someone off.
13030 Dec 2013
The Hatfield Heath & District Royal British Specialist in bespoke fitted furniture
Legion Poppy Appeal Raised the Sum of
£10,544-52 p John Adamson
I would like to thank all those who gave so
generously towards helping those who now need 07779 715 888 01371 811 688
our help, the Poppy Appeal goes on all the year.
May I take this opportunity to thank you all once www. adamsoncarpentry.co.uk
again for the hard work put in collecting and
knocking on doors, also all those who help with 13018 January December 2013
the counting.
Poppy Appeal Fella's
Sandra Saban (Organiser)
Burns Supper & Dance Over 65's £7.00 Mondays)
Saturday 18th. January, 2014 Adult £10.00
6.30 for 7.00pm
Children £7.00 (Under 8)
Memorial Hall, Sawbridgeworth Appointments not always required
Dancing to Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath
Chris Dewhurst & his Scottish Dance Band
Within Simple Beauty
Tickets £30.00 on sale until 12th. January TEL 01279 731 762
from Marjorie MacHardy on 01279 730711
1401 Feb 2014
07974 766 108
730 544 Hatfield Broad Oak
5 08.00 Holy Communion 1662 HT INSTITUTE 01371 872 550
09.30 Family Service HT
10.30 Family Service Rev Keen URC PRE-SCHOOL
18.30 Evensong HT
730 354 01279 651 270
LITTLE FRIENDS OR 01279 653 925
8 10.30 Holy Communion at The Close HT Mother,Baby and Toddler SECRETARY U.R.C.
Group Betty Bennett.. 01279 508 455
9 19.30 Elders Meeting URC Thur 9.45am term time
Village Hall - 07956 563 710 HEALTH WALK
12 09.30 Holy Communion HT 01279 730 375 HATFIELD HEATH
10.30 Family Service Mr C Ripley
URC Friday 10am outside
FRIDAY CLUB (7-12 yrs) Broomfield Surgery 731 434
19 08.00 Holy Communion 1662 HT 739 218 HEALTH WALK
10.30 Service of Christian Unity JO JINGLES
Rev T Keen URC (6 mths - 7years) 868 410 Monday 10.30am Village Car
SCHOOL FOOTBALL The new leader Is Mr. G.
CLUB Barron. 01279 899 451
22 10.30 Holy Communion HT SCOUTS 812 586
25 16.30 Bell Ringers Service HT 731 646 07956 563 710
BROWNIES 734 391
26 09.30 Holy Communion HT SUNDAY CLUB KEEP FIT FOR OVER 50S
10.30 Family Service Rev J Buxton URC 9.30am Holy Trinity Village Hall
730 288 Weds 9.30am 07776 221 975
KARATE 445 539
27 10.30 Holy Communion at The Haven JUNIOR KARATE KEEP FIT
01992 575 679 Village Hall Fridays 9.30am
07776 221 975
HT = Holy Triniy URC United Reformed Church BRIDGE CLUB 723 948 BOOTCAMP
730 425 Mon 9.15am-10am &
streetlife.com, the local social network, has a simple aim:
to help people make the most of where they live by OPEN COFFEE Thurs 7pm-7.45pm
connecting with their neighbours.
The website provides a free and easy place to share local MORNING AT Men and women of all ages &
news, views, recommendations and resources, enabling
people with busy routines or reduced mobility to keep in INSTITUTE 730288 shapes 07775 663 742
touch with their community.
Conversations started on streetlife.com have helped unite LUNCHEON CLUB VISITING OPTICIAN
lost pets with owners, expose doorstep scammers, save
threatened public services and recall local history. For all Senior Citizens 01279 443 181
730 581
Michelina 07786 341 754 WATCH
Paula O'Sullivan 730 281
SPANISH LANGUAGE [email protected]
Ann Whale 01279 731 288
Evening Afternoon
730 212 730 539 724 833
HEATH PLAYERS Men and women of all ages
Mark Ratcliff 503 174
Chrissie Richards 864 536
HISTORY SOCIETY Uttlesford Badger Group Derek Barry
Ivan Cooper 730 275 (on call 24/7 )01279 503332
Buffy Bus is a playbus designed to give the under fives an ROYAL BRITISH LEGIONHome 07941185171 Mbl
opportunity to paint, play and socialise in a playgroup
730 042
environment that they would otherwise not have access to
CHOIR 730 390
TUESDAYS 9.30am - 11am
HOUR 730 465
8th January Village Magazine - view past 27 issues
PARISH COUNCIL www.facebook.com/HatfieldHeathFestival
Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick.................. 730 770
Email : [email protected]
Mark Lemon Chairman ..........................730 581 Eden Surgery Websites
(District Councillor)
Vice Chairman -David Parish ................ 730 573 (Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites)
Mel Sullivan............................................. 731 434 Broomfields :.......www.hatfieldheathsurgery.co.uk
Bart Sheekey.............................................. 730 663 Broad Oak:....www.hatfieldbroadoaksurgery.co.uk
Robert Jones............................................... 730 741
Gary Waller................................................ 739 345 School...........www.hatfieldheath.essex.sch.uk
Sandra Saban.............................................. 730 042
Steve Foster................................................ 730 690 H. H.Football Club:.....www.facebook.com/hatfieldfc
Domenica Ciccarelli....................................739 350
H.H. Cricket Club: www.freewebs.com/hatfieldheathcc
POLICE, DOCTORS, SAMARITANS Bridge Club...www.hatfieldheathbridgeclub.org.uk
SCHOOL & CHURCHES Parish Council ...........www.hatfieldheath.com
PCSO Jo Trevail-Philips Email:[email protected] Parish council website is now live
Pc Brad Healey Email: [email protected]
The Mobile Library Hatfield Heath
Mobile for above police officers........ 07989 174 801
Essex Police Non Emergency.............101 Tuesday visits Fortnightly
Broomfields 2.45pm to 3.35pm
Emergency ............................................... 999 The Close 3.40pm to 4pm
The Heath 4.05pm to 4.35pm
DOCTORS Broomfields......................... 01279 730 616
DOCTOR Broad Oak............................ 01279 718 245 HIRE UR CHURCH HALL FOR
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth.................... 01279 603 180 BIRTHDAY PARTIES
THE SAMARITANS............................... 01279 421 110
You can hire the hall for children's parties
£10.50 / hour Tel :01279 730 581
HATFIELD HEATH C.P. SCHOOL...... 01279 730 382 Deadline
PRE-SCHOOL........................................ 01279 730 354
Rev. Stewart Gibbs.......................................01279 730 288 Bruno Barbara Jan
Lesley Noel ................................................ 01279 870 390
Eileen Ashworth .........................................01279 730 610
URC Rev Terry Keen............................. 01279 626 771
URC Secretary - Betty Bennett...................01279 508 455 Email :- [email protected]
HALF HOUR HELPERS........................ 07944 748 478 Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, CD, or
email - [email protected].
H.H. TENANTS FORUM MEMBER If posting or delivering by hand you can send direct to me :-
David. N. Parish 730 573 Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield
Heath CM22 7BD.
Hatfield Heath Hatfield Broad Oak Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498
Surgery Surgery
Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606 309
01279 730 616 01279 718 245
Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
Mon 8am-6.30pm Mon 8.30am-6.30pm Secretary: - Jean Clarke 01279 730 667
Tues 8am-4.30pm Tues 8.30am-6.30pm Chairman - Brendan Carrig 01279 437 851
Wed 8am-6.30pm Wed 8.30am-1pm Printed by Cornerstone
Thu 8am-4.30pm Thu 8.30am-6.30pm
Fri 8am-6.30pm Fri 8.30am-1pm DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
Sat 8am-11am Sat Closed responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
accepted in work done by advertisers.
Wishing you draughts.
a happy new year
Now offering 3D eyebrows
if possible. Eating regularly helps keep energy levels up
during winter.
one chunky layer).
and every hour.
Advanced fat loss body wrap 70F), and the rest of the house at least 16°C (61F).
Please call for more information room during the day and the bedroom just before you go
Look forward to hearing from you to sleep. Wear shoes with good grip outdoors to prevent
slips and falls.
Sue Burgess
to go out too much when it’s cold or icy.
Sue Burgess 07740 433 417 01279 731 769
every three years. Never use a hot water bottle with an
The Shaw Hatfield Heath electric blanket.
[email protected] medicines in case you are unable to go out. Ensure you
have a stock of over the counter remedies such as
MERRY XMAS paracetamol and ibuprofen.
1402 Jan 2014
checked and keep your home well ventilated.
Scholar ships To find your nearest service, such as GP, dentist or
and Comm unit y Awar d
pharmacy go to NHS choices at www.nhs.uk.
Rewar ding and nur t ur ing
ex cellence and t alent Hypothermia happens when a person’s body
Saint NicholasSchool areofferingscholarshipsand the temperature drops below 35°C (95°F). Normal body
Community Award tochildr en whowill enter Year 7 in
temperature is around 37°C (98.6°F), Hypothermia can
September 2014.
quickly become life-threatening and should be treated as
For mor e infor mat ion cont act Admissions Secr et ar y, J ulie Br adley
The deadline t o apply is Fr iday 29t h November. a medical emergency. If someone you know has been
13027 Dec 2013 exposed to the cold and they are distressed, confused,
have slow, shallow breathing
or they’re unconscious, they may have severe
hypothermia. Their skin may look healthy but feel cold.
Babies may be limp, unusually quiet and refuse to feed.
You should seek medical help immediately if severe
hypothermia is suspected – Dial 999 to request an
a c t Fa s t !If you’re with someone with
hypothermia, while waiting
for an ambulance, remove
any wet clothing and wrap them in blankets or
towels. If they’re conscious, give them something warm
(but not alcoholic) to drink. If they’re unconscious, not
breathing, and you can’t detect a pulse after feeling for
60 seconds at the carotid pulse in the neck, then cardio-
pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be given if
Half Hour Helpers Heath Computers
Hatfield Heath HH For all your IT needs
Neighbourliness is not a thing of the past in Whether you run a business, or are a home user,
Hatfield Heath. Heath Computers has an IT solution to suit your requirements.
We want to help anyone who could do with IT Solutions for home/office
a minute to “Half an Hour” of our time Domain Registration and Web Design
Mac/PC Support, Repairs and Upgrades
e.g. Help with shopping - change a light bulb Smart Phone/Tablet configuration and setup
pick up prescriptions etc, Network Installation - Fixed and Wireless
Internet - Email - Broadband
Virus Protection and Spyware removal
No job is too small - some may be too big Web: www.heathcomputers.co.uk Office: 01279 912345
ring us and we will tell you Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07958 482889
Tel:- 07944 748 478 13026 Dec 13
Monday to Friday 10am to 12noon CLEANING
(any other time it will be an answer phone) Windows
Please remember Property Care Solar Panels
we are not an emergency helpline Guttering
We are looking for more volunteers you only need Cleaning/ maintenance UPVC
to have the mobile phone every six weeks or less.
You are not obligated to do any jobs Contact David Deacon MAINTENANCE
Learn to Swim With Plastering
Swimstart 01279 436 196 07403 443 959
Swimming lessons during school hours for pre-school www.ddpropertycare.co.uk
children, aged 2.5 years and over in a private pool in
Leaden Roding. 13102 July 14 P
Qualified ASA Level 2 swimming teachers (CRB
checked) make lessons fun in a calm and safe CLEANING
High child to teacher ratio – 2 teachers to 4 children max SERVICES
per class.
Domestic cleaning services
Term times: Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday.
Sessions are 30 minutes at £9.00 I provide -weekly cleaning <£10 per hour>,-
monthly or a one–off basis <£12 per hour>,
(Private lessons are available on request) according to your needs, no job is too big or small
To book a place or find out more, for me,
Please contact RACHEL - 07962 802652 Trustfull - Sole trader - Fully insured
[email protected] 10 years’ experience -Top references
One off cleans or ongoing Please call Isabela on
07955 658 347 or 01279 370 077
Fully insured and CRB checked
13131 Feb 2014
Just £10 per hour
Ironing services just £15 for 30 items
not inc bedding.
SPECIAL OFFER if booked a minimum of 4 hours
cleaning a week just £9 per hour 07525 422 603
130143 June 2014
Clean & Efficient 130143 June 2014
Vacuum & Brush
01279 424 983
NACS Registered
HETAS Qualified Sweep
13070 Feb 2014
Foremost in many thoughts throughout the coming
year will be the centenary of the start of the First
World War and associated with that the Flanders
13090 June 2014 The poem “In Flanders’ Fields” written by John
McCrae speaks of the many poppies that were the
Fed up with first flowers to grow in the churned-up earth of the
Flanders battlefields after
moss and weed? Lawn Treatment Service the carnage which took
place there. Strangely, it
I offer:- was an American, Moina
•Regular lawn feeds Michael, who inspired the
•Weed and moss treatment idea of the Remembrance
•Aeration Poppy by vowing always to
•Scarifying wear a red poppy as a
symbol of remembrance of those who served in the
CALL ANDREW NOW FOR A war, an idea later embraced by the Royal British
FREE LAWN SURVEY Legion and other veterans’ groups.
01279 466 100 or 07791 128 399 Poppies have long been used as a symbol of sleep,
peace and death. Sleep because of the opium
www.simplylawns.co.uk extracted from them and death because of the blood-
red colour of the common poppy in particular. In
13022 January December 2013 Greek and Roman myths poppies were used as
offerings to the dead and those on tombstones
symbolise eternal sleep.
LTD. The Flanders poppy, the
common poppy, was also a
common sight in the
countryside in this country at
that time. It was not unusual to
see vast numbers growing
amongst the corn and at
harvest time the reapers were
quite often overcome by the narcotic effects of the
cut stems.
• Specialising in all types of Quite recently a couple bought an old farm in
ponds & features. Herefordshire and set about restoring its derelict
garden. They dug over and rotavated the ground to
• Professionally designed, recreate the borders only to find that in the following
installed, restored or maintained. spring they were taken over by innumerable poppies.
These turned out to be opium poppies. It transpired
• Local company established that the house had been built on a site once occupied
since 1987 with excellent after by an apothecary. Opium had been a medicinal staple
care service since the middle ages and was used in medicine until
Tel: 01279 461 052 the early 20th. Century. Laudanum, a tincture of
opium in alcohol being especially popular. On the
(Answer phone) darker side it is interesting to know that 2013 saw the
best ever crop of opium poppies in Afghanistan.
Mobile: 07711 087 004
1303 January 2013 to December 2013 18
The papaver family, poppies, meconopsis, escholtzias We know that your home is precious to you.
and the like are a firm favourite with gardeners. Their Professionally trained, certified member of the Guild Of Master Chimney Sweeps.
hardy nature, tolerance of disturbance and tendency
to seed readily make them a good choice for filling Fully insured, All chimney & flu types swept
awkward spaces or difficult conditions with a wide Insurance recognised certificate issued on completion of sweep
range of colour and form. Multicoloured Californian For full service information or advice please contact me anytime
or Iceland poppies complement the herbaceous
border plants very well or can be naturalised in Mob: 0787 030 4347
meadow gardens. The larger varieties Email: [email protected]
of opium poppy, some of which can be
double flowered, create patches of Tel: 01245 230 929
spectacular interest and provide the www.safer-chimneys.co.uk
flower arranger with their beloved urn
shaped seed capsules. 13132 Oct 2014
The Hatfield Heath Gardening Club > Large selection of pet food, bedding and litter
> Most pets catered for (from birds to horses)
starts off their programme for 2014 on January 22nd. > Free local delivery on set days (see website)
with a talk by Lois Bostock on Plant Combinations. > Easy online or telephone ordering
> Automatic re-order on request
On February 26th. Richard Barnett will give a > New products added regularly - just ask!
07927 464142 / www.HalfMoonPets.co.uk
presentation and on March 26th. Rodney Tibbs will be
speaking on “Patio Gardens and Gardening in Small 13123 Dec 13
Spaces”. Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday
of each month, take place in the Hatfield Heath
Village Hall and start at 7.45 p.m. Just come along,
everyone is welcome, or if you would like to know
more about the Hatfield Heath Gardening Club call
01279 726 357 or 01279 730 425.
Brian Prosser
A few Dates From the 01279 647 286
2014 PROGRAMME 07838 165 171
Meetings are every 4th Wednesday [email protected]
At the Hatfield Heath Village Hall at 7.45pm www.pest.assured.co.uk
Jan 22nd Plant Combinations Lois Bostock
Feb 26th Richards Surprise Richard Barnett
Mar 26th Patio Gardening & 13054 March 2014
Gardening in Small Places Rodney Tibbs
Apr 23rd Cacti & Succlulents Barry Gayton
May 28th My World of Roses Bill Bossom
June 25th Marks Hall Jonathon Jukes RELIABLE & EXPERIENCED
July 23rd Outing 21 YEARS IN TRADE
August No Meeting Grass cutting, Hedge Trimming, Planting,
Sept 24th Shrubs for all Seasons Peter Jackson
JOIN THE CLUB OR JUST VISIT Weed Treatment, One off Tidy Ups and
Single membership for year £7 or Family £12 maintenance
Non Member’s £2 per visit
Call for a friendly chat on
Hatfield Heath Gardening Club
Call 01279 726 357 or 01279 730 498 Mobile 07956 524 586
Home Tel 01279 830 960
19 1302 January to December 2013
Fun Music Singing & Movement Classses
For children aged 3 months to 5 years WEDNESDAY 11th DECEMBER 2013
Chidren’s Parties & Nursery Sessions also available! IN THE URC HALL, HATFIELD HEATH
For details on classes in: PRESENT:
Bishop’s Storford, Epping, Harlow Cllr Mark Lemon (ML), (Chairman), Cllrs Bob Jones (BJ),
Sawbridgeworth, Great Dunmow David Parish (DP), Sandra Saban (SS), Bart Sheekey
& Hatfield Heath (BS), Mel Sullivan (MS),
Call Lucy on 01279 868 410 In attendance: Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick, Gary
[email protected] Disley of Buzzcom Wi-Fi, and 4 members of the public
13024 January December 2013 CHAIRMAN'S REMARKS
The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened
with the open forum
The following items were raised by members of the pub-
Condition of Matching Road across The Heath.
Resident advised we have been constantly pushing for
works to be done by the Lord of the Manor
Broadband speed for home workers permanently
connected to the internet.
1 member of the public left the meeting
Gary Disley of Buzzcom gave a presentation on radio
links to WiFi service. Setup charge £135 and £12 per
month for 12.5 MB. Contention rate of 40:1.
Contention rates of 20:1 and 10:1 are also available.
Initial contract 12 months and a 30 day rolling
contract. A high point is required in this area to
provide coverage for the village.
1 The Fairway, Bush Fair, Harlow, Essex
Specialists in design, manufacture and installation of manual and automated gates; including video/
intercom entry systems.
Staircases, balustrades and railings. Builder’s steelwork. Expert advice and service
Free quotations with no obligation.
Tel: 01279 635 525
E-Mail :[email protected] 13110 ends July 14 P
No minimum take-up required. Q. What do Elves learn at school
A. The Elv - abet
Security of supply. Business is 4 yrs old and has no
borrowings. Timescale is short for installation, but
agreements take the time.
ML thanked Gary for his time. Gary and 3 members of
the public left the meeting
Cllrs Steve Foster (SF), another engagement
The minutes of the Council Meeting of 13th November
were signed as a true record of the meeting.
ML declared personal interest in Planning Item 1062 b(iii)
Stonebridge Farm, Chelmsford Road Hatfield Heath
Attended a cabinet meeting which mainly discussed
environmental issues.
Matters from last meeting and Action Register
1310/04 Parking A1060/Beehive Junction protection request EF Are Available for
1310/06 Court Junction. submitted to Parking Part- EF
nership Children’s Parties
Posts around cricket
field ML to speak to SF about Small tables and chairs now available
Telegraph poles at Matching
1311/06 Cherry Tree encroach- ML & MS will look at the ML/ Celebrations
ing on 8 West Hayes problem MS
1311/07 Peter Lines Memorial Ordered and delivered.
bench Plaque to be ordered Wedding Receptions
Correspondence Classes etc., etc.,
i. Community Energy Projects Grant deadline PREFERENTIAL RATES
ii. Home Heat Helpline FOR
iii Additional Housing Numbers and sites
iv ECC Reveiew of supported local bus services LOCAL ORGANISATIONS
v Grants for war memorials AND
Meetings and Training LOCAL RESIDENTS
i. UDC/Parish meeting20th Jan 7.30pm Gt Dunmow For Details Telephone
ii. Emergency Planning Workshop Wed 19 Feb 01279 730 544
7pm-9pm UDC Registered Charity No. 268367
1060 CHAIRMANS REPORT 13020 January to December 2013
ML has a letter from Teresa Mascall wishing to resign as
footpaths representative. Clerk to write with our thanks
for her years of service. Advert to be placed in Village
Continued on next page............... 21
Q. Which of Santa's reindeers needs to mind his ........Continued
manners the most From
A: "Rude" olph Previous
alf Hour HelpersTel:- 07944 748 478
H Monday to Friday 10am to 12noon Magazine for a replacement. Teresa will continue until a
replacement is found.
(any other time it will be a answer phone)
The bank balance after authorisation of the following
payments is £22553.08
First Class Care Agency Glasdon UK Ltd Bench £503.32
EALC Training Course
RCCE Subscriptions £66.00
Are you looking for care for you or a R Chapman Landscape works £20.00
loved one? G Chapman Erecting dog bins £80.00
J Kenney Grass Cutting & Rural Verges £9,351.91
British Legion Remembrance day wreath £30.00
We are an independent local agency based in SSaban Xmas tree & lights £50.00
Harlow with a client base in Harlow, Hatfield Website Maintenance £20.00
Heath, North Weald and Ongar. Dedicated to E Fenwick Expenses £4.30
provide personally tailored care plans to meet E Fenwick alaries
your requirements. Staff PAYE 10
Services include: HMRC
Personal Care a. Decisions by UDC
Housework/Laundry ii. Fenny Slade Stortford Road HH :
Meal provision UTT/13/2371/TPO: 1 no. Oak remove dead
Shopping branches & raise crown: TREE CONDITIONAL
Sitting services APPROVAL
Pet care
Or we can be your peace of mind and call when ii. Oakhanger Friars Lane HH : UT/13/2774/CLP:
you live nowhere near a loved one. Proposed hip to gable extension and rear dormer:
We are registered with the care quality APPROVE CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS
and all staff are trained and have criminal Records iii. The Stag Inn The Heath HH: UTT/13/2378/FUL
and reference checks prior to employment. & 2390/LB: Demolition of rear extensions and
outbuilding. Change of use of existing public
house and erection of 1 no. single storey and 1
no. two storey rear extensions to form 3 no.
Call and book a free consultation ground floor shops. Dormer window to rear ele-
01279 418013 vation. Change of use of first floor accommoda-
13097 Jan 14 P
Falcon House is a long established privately owned and managed local Care Home which has been serving people in the Bishops Stortford area for
over 30 years. The premises have recently undergone an upgrade to its facilities adding a further 5 bedrooms totalling 22 with improvements made
also to the communal sitting areas, dining room and lounge area. All the facilities are of an extremely high standard and it is Falcon House policy to
encourage and support our residents to enjoy as much independence as possible.
Services at Falcon House.
We provide a safe, homely and caring environment ensuring personal
privacy and individual dignity. Personal independence is encouraged
and supported with a high standard of care delivered by
compassionate fully trained staff.
All residents enjoy an exceptionally high standard of hotel services
and our experienced Chefs create a variety of tasty fresh menus
accommodating resident’s individual tastes and requirements.
Resident’s friends and family are also very welcome to join them at
Falcon House encourages residents to participate in their own
hobbies and pastimes but also arranges many activities which all the
residents can enjoy along with regular social events throughout the
Falcon House is also able to provide both Day and Respite services.
Falcon House: George Green, Little Hallinbury, Bishop’s Stortford CM22 7PP, T: 01279 658393
22 Dec 2013
tion associated with the public house to 2 no. Toilet trailers Luxury and
flats. Erection of 4 no. dwellings to the rear of Party Range, single event
the site : APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS portable and disabled
iv. Gowrie House Chelmsford Road HH: units available for hire.
UTT/13/3167/TPO: Crown raise to 5m and prune
branches to clear telephone cables 1 no. Horse 13042 Jan - Dec 2013
v. Hatfield Heath CP School The Heath HH: 75 channels from £119
UTT/13/3205/TPO: Lift and reduce Crown,
Prune back by 2.5 meters 1 no. Copper Beach. : 130 channels from £89
TV wall mounting from £59 Additional room TV link £49
b Applications
Additional phone points Foreign satellite TV installations
i 19 Ardley Crescent, Hatfield Heath:
UTT/13/3136/HHF: Erection of part two storey T: 01279 757192 M: 07889 413773
part single storey rear extension: SUPPORTED www.visual-solutions.org.uk
ii. Land to the rear of Friars Lea, Chelmsford Road 13094 July 2014
HH: UTT/13/3071/FUL: Proposed new dwelling
with attached garage as an amendment to that LADY LOCKSMITH
approved under UTT/13/2056/FUL: NO OB-
JECTION *Emergency Door Opening
*Insurance Upgrades to BS3621
C. Enforcement *Upvc Locks Specialist
*Whether Broken,Repaired,Or Replaced.
i. Breach of Planning Control ENF/13/0543/C *All Locks Supplied & Fitted
*All Lockwork Undertaken,
1063. HIGHWAYS *Doors,Windows,garages,Sheds.
*Est over 10yrs, Fully Insured
The Parish Council have met with ECC Highways and *Oap Discounts
engineering design consultant regarding junctions at Call Keeley For a Free Quote Or Friendly Advice On..
Dunmow Road/A1060 and Stortford 01279 739 156 07736 929 440
Road/Sawbridgeworth Road. The meeting was positive 5 Cox Ley, Hatfield Heath
and designs are being prepared before the end of this
financial year. It is likely that the Dunmow Road/A1060 Feb 2014
junction will be improved first and hopefully in 2014/15,
with the Stortford Road/Sawbridgeworth Road junction
following, perhaps in 2015/16
ECC have published a public consultation on junction 7a
of the M11. The preferred scheme is shown below and
the timescale would be completion around 2019/20.
Consultation period extends until 31st January 2014.
Alternative proposals are available at
The Parish Council encourages all residents to visit the
public consultation sessions and to make their views
Continued on next page............... 23 13015 January 2013 to December 2013
SECURE YOUR PROPERTY ........Continued
Lt Hallingbury Two trees down adjacent to Reynolds. DP to obtain
quotes. No action has been taken on the tree down on
01279 600 025 the Dunmow road opposite Ongars.
The derestriction sign needs replacing. (Reported 1/11
Email: [email protected] Ref 2273215)
13037 Jan - Dec 2013
Wording for the memorial plaque and location of the
bench has been approved by the Lines family. Clerk to
arrange installation
01279 882 822 1066. EMERGENCY PLANNING
For over 30 years we have been Clerk has circulated an update on the Emergency plan-
carrying out local, national and ning leaflet. MS will provide telephone numbers of the
overseas relocations for personal keyholders to the Village Hall & Institute. Other council-
and business clients. We lors to provide any information to update the document
understand that everyone's move is including interpreters.
different and that is why we tailor
our service to each individual 1067. RISK ASSESSMENT
customers needs.
Kings Removals was set up as and still The amended Risk Assessment circulated previously to
runs as a family business today. Great emphasis is put on customer all councillors was approved for adoption.
satisfaction and this is why a high percentage of our work comes from
recommendations and repeat business. 1068. PARISH MEETING
www.kingsremovals.co.uk To be held in May
MS attended a Commons & Greens training course
which was well worthwhile. He attended an EALC
meeting where there was a presentation by ECC Cllr
Rodney Bass regarding Highways schemes. The
information given was very useful with regard to our
own two highways projects currently with ECC Highways
He also served on the adjudication panel of the
Communities Initiatives Fund where various projects
were awarded sums of money for their projects. He
Broad Oak Consultants
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01279 718 596
Web: www.broadoak.net
Email: [email protected]
24 13014 January to December 2013
recommended that we consider projects for Hatfield
Heath for the next round of grants.
Standing Orders , Projects; Stansted Airport, Night flying
Restrictions; Wildlife Area
8th January 12th February 12th March
Meeting closed at 9.52 pm
Hatfield Heath Parish Council
FOOTPATH WARDEN 13088 May 2014
Hunters Meet
The Footpath Warden is an important position in reporting Hotel, Restaurant & Spa
back to the council with any repairs or maintenance issues 01279 730 549Chelmsford Road, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7BQ
that are required. We are seeking a volunteer to take over We’re Looking After Our locals
from our retiring warden. For further information regarding
the role, please contact the Parish Clerk on 01279 730770 Now Hosting a Locals Night
or [email protected]
Every Tuesday evening
Enjoy delicious food from our much acclaimed Bar
BLACK WRIST WATCH & Bistro Menu, Our Locals Table will sit down at
The watch has black face black strap in fact 7.30pm every Tuesday Evening!
totally black. Catch up with old & new friends
Sentimental gift - Reward given Or bring your own party
01279 730 703 bookings start at 6.30pm
Afternoon Tea Platter for Two Only £10.00
SLIMMING WORLD SHEERING (Monday – Friday Lite Bites Also Available)
Mid Week Lunches from £6.95
Sheering Village Hall, The Street
(Tuesday – Friday)
Afternoon Cabaret Shows
Sunday Lunches (12-3pm)
[email protected]
WEDNESDAYS 5.30pm & 7.30pm
Alison 01279 776 272 or 07826 252 321 Beauty Lodge Leisure Club
** NEW GROUP - Launching 3rd January 2014** Spa Days/Spa Weekends Fully equipped Gym,
Indoor Heated Pool,
Bishops Stortford Rugby Club Massage/Facials Sauna, Jacuzzi
Silver Leys, Hadham Rd, Bishops Stortford
Cosmetic Treatments and Steam Room
Manicure/Pedicure No Joining Fee,
Reiki/Sports Clinic please bring
Waxing/Threading this advert with you
& much, much more
FRIDAYS 9.30am Call Lesley now on
Alison 01279 776 272 or 07826 252 321 01279 730 549
13016 January to December 2013
Carpet...Vinyl...Wood fghipq rgfq sitiut vsvipvhpq
Supplied and Installed by Knightbrooks ltd ¡¢£ ¤¡¥¦ §¨©¥ £
01279 730 172 - 07939 739 845 - 07891 191 486 6 @"7 %$'A57 ( %2 % 47!% 439 B"8% 7 (%& % A% $("4!" C5%"% 4# ) #0 5D4 $%$ %5&4 % E %@1F %@ & wxyy xyw
Unit 11.Heath View Pond Lane.Hatfield Heath. CM22 7AB GH IPQRSTU VWXIY `aHbHH rrr stuvvumlddwexjdfnguhhiyxjdowzp{jqekvkx gfddls{dsd|}
£8.50 per sqm..includes 11mm underlay,installation,gripper eH IPQRSTU VWXIY `ddbHH
rods,door bars,uplift and dispose old flooring.
13077 mar 14 P
Heavy Domestic Loop structure, Bleach Cleanable,
12 sqm hall stairs and land 4 colours £165 4 kitchen bar stools
................................................................................................................................................................................................ chrome with black seats
Budget Twist Pile Bleach Cleanable, Twelve months old
12 sqm hall stairs and land 9 colours £165
Price £27.50 per stool
................................................................................................................................................................................................ or £100 for four
80%wool 20% nylon 50oz 6 colours Patrick 01279 730 605
average 12 sqm lounge £270
For Sale
Church Pew, Light pine, 8ft long - £220.00
Heavy Domestic Twist Saxony Shag pile 14 colours Pine table - 4ft diam. plus 4 chairs - £200.00
average 12 sqm lounge £250
Pine wardrobe, 6ft 6" x 4ft - £250
................................................................................................................................................................................................ Pine single bed, (leg needs repair) £15
2 Spode christmas plates (boxed) £12 each
Vinyl average 6 sqm kitchen or bath room 11 designs £105
Telephone 01279 730 716
Q. What did Tarzan sing at christmas time ?
Laminate Floor good quality A. Jungle Bells
12 sqm 6 colours £260 fitted
All Prices Shown Include Underlay,Installation,Gripper
Rods,Door Bars,uplift dispose old carpets.
Visit Our Showroom
To View our Huge Range Of Samples
I Will Then Come To Measure
With Your Chosen Samples and Measure and Quote For
Free at the same time you can see The Carpet Sample in
Your Home.
We can supply any carpet available from any manufacturer
No Hyped Up Sales We Will Give You The Best
We Can For Your Budget
07939 739 845 07891 191 486
For Complete Peace of Mind
Use the Professional Local Installation Company
We Install and Service Burglar Alarms, Fire Alarms and CCTV
Established in 1993 we now have over 2800 systems installed locally
Earning us a proud reputation as a reliable and Trustworthy Company.
We have the Highest Security Qualification NACOSS Gold A Quality Assured ISO 9000 Company
meeting the requirements of All Major Insurance Companies and Police Authorities.
Our Customers include Essex Police, The Salvation Army, St Johns Ambulance and Essex County Bowling Club .
Why settle for less when you can have the best with prices starting at £520 fully
installed or have your alarm serviced from £60 why take a chance on your security
with other Companies that give a bad service We give a true 24/7 and 365 day service
Barry a Company Director lives with his family and has a local office in Hatfield Heath. Our Senior Director is a retired Essex Police Officer
and Home Office Trained Crime Prevention Officer With over 30 years police experience placing him in a unique position to give good advice.
Telephone: 01279 448678 or 01702 547754 or or [email protected]
26 1304 12 months Jan - Dec 2013