April 2007 Village Magazine Est. 1893
Our band of litter pickers do a grand job on the village
green but the edges of the village are looking a little
scruffy - we seem
to be the distance
from McDonalds
and Burger King
that it takes to
finish a meal and
drink and discard
the wrappers. When
people remark that
something should
be done – it reminds you of the four people whose names
were Everybody, Somebody, Nobody and Anybody.
Whenever there was an important job to be done,
Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody actually did it.
When Nobody did it, Somebody got angry because it was
Everybody's job.
Everybody thought that Somebody would do it, but
Nobody realised that Anybody could do it.
Consequently Everybody blamed Somebody when
Nobody did what Anybody could have done in the first
Let the Parish Clerk know on 730 770 if you are See inside for full story of their awards Page 5
available, he’ll get back to you with details. Litter
grabbers, bags and hi viz waistcoats will be provided. See inside
Let’s get the village smart for the summer and the “best Page 4
kept village” judges.
for full story
VILLAGE HALL Email: [email protected]
Thursday 19th April. 8 p.m in the Committee Room.
731 076
08.00 Holy Communion HT For all Senior Citizens
10.30 Family Service with Communion URC (2 ½ -5) Michelina 07786 341 754
18.30 Evensong HT 730 354 SPANISH LANGUAGE
18.00 Service at the Close
HH UNDER FIVES Ann Whale 01279 731 288
2 Start of Easter break for Pre-school and School Mother & Toddler 730 212 FOOTBALL CLUB
11.30 for 12 Luncheon Club URC
FRIDAY CLUB (7-12 years) 734 056 - 730 975
4 10.30 Holy Communion – 1662 The Close CRICKET CLUB 730 674
20.00 Leisure Hour URC 730 440 & 730 465 HEATH PLAYERS
and play reading for pleasure
20:00 Joint Holy Communion URC 730 825 or 730 517
(6 mths - 7years) 868 410 HISTORY SOCIETY
14:00 Last hour at the Cross HT SCHOOL FOOTBALL 730 530
09.30 Family Communion HT 730 042
10.30 Family Service URC SCOUTS 812 586 URC JUNIOR CHURCH
Sunday 10.30am 730 690
15 2nd of EASTER CUBS Chris Hancock BELL RINGERS 730 526
08.00 Holy Communion HT CHOIR Canon Tim Potter
09.30 Matins HT 731 646
10.30 Family Service URC 730 288
18.00 Service at the Close BROWNIES 734 391 WOMANS LEISURE HOUR
730 465
16 Last day of Easter break for Pre-school and School SUNDAY CLUB
17 14.30 Welcome Club H
18 10.30 MU Holy Communion HT 9.30am Holy Trinity 730 288
11.30 for 12 Luncheon Club URC H.T. YOUTH GROUP
20.00 Leisure Hour URC
19 20.00 Village Hall AGM CR - – note change of 731 318
KARATE 445 539
22 3rd of EASTER
09.30 Holy Communion HT JUNIOR KARATE
10.30 Family Service URC
20.00 HT Annual General Meeting I 01992 575 679
25 19.45 Gardening Club H SOSEN GORE CATHOLIC CHURCH
29 4th of EASTER JU JITSU 07947 599 801 Hatfield Broad Oak
08.00 Holy Communion HT
WU CHI 07947 599 801 01371 872 550
NO 09.30 at HT – Joint service at St. Mary’s Sheering
18.00 Service at the Close
OPEN BOWLS 730 539 01279 651 270
2 10.30 Holy Communion – 1662 The Close BRIDGE CLUB 723 948 OR 01279 653 925
3 District Council Elections H
730 425 Mark Lemon 730 581
730 421 Creative Writing Rod Smith
MORNING AT INSTITUTE Mon 9.30am & Thu 8pm
730 288 731 076
ART CLASSES 730 281 PILATES Hannah Macfie
ART CLASSES Jen Allen Wed 10.20am 817 935
07749 263 339 Tues 7pm
FITNESS CLUB WED AM Alzheimer’s Society
01372 872 519
731 420
Hatfield Heath Police Constable Bradley Healey:
Mobile 07779 316 979 or 01376 551 312
08.00 Holy Communion HT
09.30 Family Service HT PLAY BUS FOR UNDER FIVES
10.30 Family Service with Communion URC Buffy Bus is a playbus designed to give the under fives an
18.30 Evensong HT
opportunity to paint, play and socialise in a playgroup
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy environment that they would otherwise not have access to
Trinity Church / URC-United Reform Church / I-Insti-
TUESDAYS 10.15am -12noon
NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Meetings take place in the Hatfield Heath
Village Hall and start at 7.45 p.m.
April 25th Abbots Hall Farm
11th April 2007 Dave Smart
PARISH COUNCIL 730 770 Just come along, everyone is welcome, or if you would
Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick like to know more about the Hatfield Heath Gardening
731 434 Club
Chairman - Mel Sullivan 730 741
Vice Chairman - Robert Jones 730 581 Call 01279 726 357 or 730 498
Mark Lemon (District Councillor) 730 244
Michael Hockley 730 663
Bart Sheekey 730 281
Paula O’Sullivan 731 229
Sandy Rust
HELP LINES Sunday 3.00pm – 4.00pm Broomfields/ Ardley Cresc
POLICE LOCAL NUMBER WITH ANSWER April 1st ,15th , 29th April 8th , 22nd
MACHINE CHECKED DAILY 01279 730 280 May 13th , 27th May 6th , 20th
Calls are automatically redirected when necessary
DOCTORS Broomfields 01279 730 616 June 10th , 24th June 3rd , 17th
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth 08444 773 360 July 8th , 22nd July 1st - 15th , 29th
THE SAMARITANS 01279 421 110 August 5th , 19th August 12th , 26th
HOLY TRINITY Canon Tim Potter 01279 730 288 September 2nd , 16th , 30th September 9th , 23rd
MINISTER of URC Rev Michael J Rigney 01245 231 580
Police Community Support Officer Sally Wardle Hatfield Heath Surgery Broomfields,
Email: [email protected] Tel: 01279 730616 Fax: 01279 730408
Mob: 07779 316 979 (answered by Pc or PCSO it seems)
LIST OF WEBSITES Monday 8:00am - 6:30pm/Tuesday 8:00am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8:00am - 6:30pm/Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm
Village Website Friday 8:00am - 6:30pm
www.hatfield-heath.co.uk For out of hours support please contact The Emergency
( You can see past magazines on a link from this site) Doctors Service, (TEDS), on 01371 877410
www.hatfield-heath.co.uk/magazine MAGAZINE DETAILS
Surgery Websites Monday
(Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites) 16TH
Email :- [email protected]
Hatfield Heath Football Club
www.hatfieldheathfc.co.uk Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, floppy
Hatfield Heath Cricket Club disc, CD, or email. If delivering by hand you can either drop it off
wwwwww.h.fartefeiewldebhse.acothmb/rhiadtgfieecldluhbe.aothrgcc.uk at PBM printers in the magazine tray or direct to me :-
Hatfield Heath Business Association Link Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield
Heath CM22 7BD.
Need a friendly neighbour to help you?
with task that will take approx 30 mins e.g. Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498
Shopping small repairscollecting prescriptions etc.
Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606309
Please note there is no ageism.
Anyone young or old can call for help from volunteers. Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
PHONE 07-944-748-478 Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
Phone manned 10am to 12noon Secretary: - Jean Clarke
If no answer leave a message on the answer phone
Printed by- PBM 01279 730 444
DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
accepted in work done by advertisers.
On the left is Olive Mays celebrating her 94th Birthday
On the right is1978 photo of Olive in newspaper
mowing lawn. Heading was "after 36 years of driving
buses she has changed gear to motor mowing"
Bus that Olive used to drive parked outside the Stag
She will hate me for mentioning this! Irene Delderfield held
the party in her house and laid on the splendid spread and
baked and decorated the birthday cake. Irene told us that
having visitors had made Olive's day. She doesn't have many
visitors nowadays which is a shame for someone who used to
be so involved with the public. Bruno
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been a member of the British Legion for many years and
has helped with poppy collection and other Legion events.
She has distributed the church magazine for more than
10 years, she has lived her whole life in the village and
comes from a family which, including her parents and
grandparents, has served the village for more than a 100
years. Her friends say she definitely deserves to receive
this award.
COMMUNITY ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS At our Welcome Club on February 20th,
Tony Jenkins our Chairman welcomed us.
Doreen Millen has been involved in Village voluntary
work for many years. She has given a great deal of her time He told us that he has advertised for a new
to Hatfield Heath welfare including visiting housebound secretary as there is too much work
villagers and running errands for them. Doreen has involved for Barbara.
committed a considerable amount of time along with her There were not very many members
husband Derek to a local club of people with learning there through illness Barbara read the
difficulties organising the weekly social evening. She is a minutes and told us that the Hatfield Heath whist drive had
United Reformed Church elder and has represented the donated to the Welcome Club one hundred and fifty
church on the village hall trust committee for more than 7 pounds. We would like to thank them all. Birthday posies
years. She also helps serve tea and coffee to the were given out to Sylvia and Margaret. We had a game of
congregation after church services, undertaking as well bingo and a quiz. The tea hostesses were Jenny and Sylvia
many other duties and services in the church. She has with help from Tony.
always made herself available for community work in Hope to see all of our members next meeting
Hatfield Heath with enthusiasm and cheerfulness Keep Smiling
regardless of her own commitment to her own family Ivy Scott
problems, Doreen is a good neighbour to whoever needs
Lily Barker has been the Welcome Club representative on MEETINGS OF THE WELCOME CLUB
the Village Hall Trust committee for over 10 years. She
also serves The Close, the sheltered accommodation in The Chairman of The Welcome Club for the over 60's
Hatfield Heath organising literature with information of requires a secretary. We meet once a month on the 3rd
village functions and distributes the village magazine Tuesday every month at the Village Hall at 2.15 -4.00pm
around The Close. Lily helps Close residents with their and for our occasional committee meetings. The
personal needs, errands, getting shopping and visiting those secretary's duties are to take the minutes at all meetings
with disabilities who just need someone to hand . She has and assist with arranging speakers; computer skills
would be helpful, but not essential. Should there be a
volunteer out there in our village, and you are interested
please contact the
Chairman Mr Tony Jenkins on 01279-730421
Full co-operation is assured
Chelmsford Road, Hatfield Heath, Herts 01279 730 549
FAMILY RUN YOU’LL Why not treat yourself to one of our pamper days. They range
LOVE THE DIFFERENCE from £45 - £100. We know how to spoil you, feel truly relaxed,
If your feeling tired ,can’t have lunch around the pool, use the Solarium.
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Gift Vouchers Available Website: www.huntersmeet.co.uk
Restaurant & Hotel
For local, friendly advice contact Paul Dixon Obstacles like a rock or low posts may be a possibility as
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Tel: 01279 739076
Email: [email protected]
PaintingandDecorating RBL QUIZ NIGHT
If you are Looking for an
Excellent Standard of Decorating
by a
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Exterior/Interior Mick & Sandra Saban "Aunty" June
Then look no further They organised yet another great Quiz Night young and old
Please call John for a free estimate
finding something they knew in the questions.Well done M&S
Irene Delderfield blowing a kiss to the camerman Heath Computers
Michael & Jane Ronan and the missus Lesley Bushell are For all your IT needs
hoping Tony Bushell is going to leave them some cheese
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Pictured above. Top team and bottom team, I ain't saying which Arts & Roses
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Quality at the right price
Once upon a time there was a shepherd looking after his sheep Unique floral designs for
on the edge of a deserted road. Suddenly a brand new Jeep weddings, funerals,
Cherokee screeches to a halt next to him. The driver, a young Valentines, birthdays,
man dressed in a Brioni suit, Cerutti shoes, Gucci sunglasses, anniversaries and
Cartier wrist-watch, and a Charvet tie gets out and asks the
shepherd, "If I guess how many sheep you have, will you give many other occasions...
me one of them?"
The shepherd looks at the young man, then looks at the grazing Local, National and
sheep and replies, "Okay."The young man parks the car, International Deliveries
connects the notebook and the mobile-fax, enters a NASA
website, scans the ground using his GPS, opens a database and We can supply to all local areas including
60 Excel tables filled with logarithms, then prints out a 150 Sawbridgeworth, Bishop's Stortford, Harlow,
page report on his high-tech mini-printer. He turns to the
shepherd and says, "You have exactly 1586 sheep here."The Hatfield Heath, Hatfield Broad Oak...
Shepherd answers, "That's correct, you can have your sheep."
The young man takes an animal and puts it in the back of his Website www.artsandroses,co.uk
Jeep. The shepherd looks at him and asks, "If I guess your
profession, will you return the animal to me?" The young man 01279 730 400 / 07931 275 875
answers, "Yes, why not?"The shepherd says, "You are a
consultant." Shop: Behind Bee Bee hairdressers
"That's amazing-How did you know?" asks the young man.
"Very simple," answers the shepherd. "First, you came here Heathview, Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7AB
without being called. Second, you charged me a fee to tell me
something I already knew. Third, you don't understand Opening Hours:
anything about my business. Now, can I have my dog back?" Tuesday-Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 9am-2pm
(Closed Mondays) Ample parking available
General DIY, Curtain Rails and Shelves Erected, Flat Packs This month sees the great Christian Festival of Easter.
assembled. Patio, Drive and Brickwork Pressure Washed, Fencing On Good Friday Christians remember that Jesus Christ,
the Son of God, died for us all on a cross outside the
and Sheds Preserved and Repaired, Grass and Hedge Cutting, city walls of Jerusalem. This death was both an
including Shrubs and Tree Pruning, example of love in action and also an effective opening
of the way back to full relationship with God. He died
House Painting, Exterior & Interior, Windows Pipe Work and and was buried in a tomb carved out of rock. On the
Weather Boards Stained and Painted. Fencing Erected, Gardens third day, what we now call Easter Day, the tomb was
empty and He was alive. The resurrection proves that
and Driveways Shingled and Pebbled. Guttering Unblocked, what He did was effective and shows that death has
Roofs Moss and Mildew Power-washed Off. been ultimately defeated. Christians rejoice that this
Jesus is alive and knowable today.
Please do not hesitate to ask. Contact lan and Jan at
San Michelle, Jacks Lane, Takeley
01279 870 946
HIRE UR CHURCH HALL FOR Unfortunately, the real message of Easter is becoming
BIRTHDAY PARTIES less and less known. Many will think of Easter as just
the time for a couple of extra bank holidays and a long
You can hire the hall for children's parties weekend off work, a time for giving Easter Eggs and
enjoying spring life. Children especially often grow up
FLYING HIRE without having had the chance to learn about the basic
Christian truths.
FOR ALL OCCASIONS As someone in our village reminded me recently, many
still think of themselves as C-of-E when it comes to
To and from Stansted, Luton, Heathrow, ticking a box on a hospital admission form or some
Gatwick and City airports other official document but may not really know what
saying one is a Christian means. Our children
Corporate & A complete frequently have no clue as to what Christianity is all
Sporting events London Service about. This should not be so and especially in a
country with a strong Christian heritage and in a world
where understanding the different faiths is going to
become even more important as the years go by.
National meetings Shopping trips How can we address this and how can we help our
children to have some understanding of faith? Some
Theatre/dinner Hospital visits have suggested imaginative ideas for involving more
trips youngsters in activities connected with the churches.
Guided tours Urgent courier The URC children’s club is full and we need other
services opportunities besides our Sunday Services and Sunday
Weddings schools. Can you help us? Have you ideas or
enthusiasm which could come alongside the two
Our fleet of air conditioned vehicles churches and help fill this gap? Please do contact me
ranges from executive cars to luxury if this challenge hits home to you.
people carriers and coaches Happy Easter to you all.
Yours sincerely
8 passenger vehicles now available for all events PS. Don’t forget the
For professionalism with the personal touch Bar-B-Q/Barn Dance
contact Chris New at
(6pm – 10pm, on the School field by kind
Tel: 01279 721 427 Fax: 01279 723 947
Mobile: 07968 026 032 permission of the head teacher) on
or visit our informative website: Saturday 16th June
with “The Famous Potatoes”.
Booking forms out next month.
Made to measure by
One of the UK's newest and fastest growing medical Jennie Childs
charities, the Lewy Body Society, was recently All types of Curtains & Matching Accessories
established in Hatfield Heath. Lewy body disease is the
second most common cause of age related dementia Made to measure
amongst older people, affecting approximately 130,000
people in the UK. Like other neurodegenerative Telephone:01279 730 608
diseases, it also immediately affects carers and/ or
family members. 32 Broomfields, Hatfield Heath, Herts. CM22 7EH
The Lewy Body Society (UK registration number
1114579) is the only charity in aid of Lewy body HAIR BY "PIA"
disease in Europe.
Lewy body disease shares symptoms with both All types of hairdressing
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. There is memory in the comfort of your own home.
loss and confusion as in Alzheimer's but also,
distinctively, extreme swings of consciousness and Adults or Children
hallucinations. There are also Parkinson's -like For appointment
symptoms such as slowness in movement and
difficulties in walking. Accurate diagnosis is essential 15 YEARS IN TRADE
for successful treatment as the wrong drugs can be Grass cutting, Hedge Trimming, Planting,
dangerous or even fatal. Weed Treatment, One off Tidy Ups and
Lewy bodies are microscopic protein deposits in the maintenance
brain associated with cell death. They were first Call for a friendly chat on
discovered by Dr Friedrich Lewy in 1912 but the Mobile 07956 524 586
disease was not recognised by the medical and Home Tel 01279 830 960
scientific communities until the mid 1990s, largely
through work done at Newcastle University. The
charity is honoured to have as its President Prof. Ian
McKeith, of Newcastle University, who is
acknowledged as the world's leading expert in the field.
An information filled website, www.lewvbodv.org has
been on line since November 2006 and attracts 30-50
hits each day. Visitors are invited to sign up to join the
Society charity on line. Membership is free.
The Lewy Body Society will celebrate its first
anniversary in June.
WALK, PROBABLY SUNDAY 13 MAY. moss and weed?
Arrangements are still being finalised. The second is an We offer:-
exciting shopping event on 6 June featuring sales of •Regular lawn feeds
exclusive jewellery, bags, clothing and candles in a •Weed and moss treatment
private home. •Aeration
Please watch this magazine for further details of
these events or contact the charity on 01279 Friendly professional service Lawn Treatment Service
NB The spotty ribbon tied into a L shape is the OR FREE LAWN SURVEY
awareness symbol of the Lewy Body Society. The spots
are symbolic of Lewy bodies, the L is for Lewy and the 01279 466 100
knot in it is for remembering. That's what it's L about.
HOW OO U SE USE Little Kickers classes introduce football to
E G REEN H children aged from 2 to under 5. The
programme was developed by FA
Independent co-educational day school qualified coaches and nursery
and nursery for 2 - 11 year olds schoolteachers.
Rather than focusing purely on football,
the programme incorporates a number of
early learning goals.
Call us today on 01279 657 706 Valuable concepts such as sharing and
www.howegreenhouseschool.co.uk teamwork are introduced in a fun
H environment. Classes also enable children
balance whilst providing them with a positive
introduction to sport.
Hatfield Heath Classes operate in Bishops Stortford, Sheering
and Great Dunmow with classes planned in
Harlow, Stanstead and surrounding Villages.
Please contact the Little Kickers hotline
& 01279 734878 for further information.
INSTITUTE Easter Services
Are Available for Thursday 5th April 8.00pm
Wedding Receptions
led by Canon Tim Potter
Dances Joint with Holy Trinity
Family Parties Sunday 8th April 10.30am
PREFERENTIAL RATES Family Service every Sunday at 10.30am
FOR Everyone welcome
Wednesday 4th April 8.00pm Ron Eldred
LOCAL RESIDENTS Around our Villages
For Details Telephone Wednesday 18th April 8.00pm
All about Elephants!
01279 730 544
Contact Jean on 730 465
30 mph Speed Limit don’t let your child
By the time you read this the 30 mph speed limit
should be installed in the village or will be in the next
few weeks. The next challenge is to ensure drivers
conform to it. We are negotiating a pedestrian centre
refuge on the A1060 close to the URC and Matching
Road. We had hoped to have another close to the
school but the topography of the road makes it
unsuitable, so we have asked Highways to investigate
other traffic calming measures further along the
Stortford and Sawbridgeworth Roads.
We are negotiating with a few other villages to jointly
purchase, with the aid of a grant and money from
Highways, a few speed activated signs. These advise
drivers when they are exceeding the limit, you may
have seen similar ones at Pye Corner and along the
A414 close to the Hunsdon turn off. We will have use
of the sign for a few months every 12 to 18 months.
Hit Hit We offer a
at Complete Service
at 30mph
40mph There is an CERAMIC TILING
80%* chance
There is an I’ll live LIGHTING
80%*chance WOODWORK ETC.
It’s 30 for a reason
I’ll die All carried out with the minimum
of fuss and mess by experts!
*80% is an approximate figure Also all Plumbing &
Domestic Heating Installations
The other option to help make drivers aware of the SO LOOK NO FURTHER THAN
new limit is to participate in the Community Speed
Watch organised by Essex Police. This has proved C.F OAKES
effective in other villages throughout the country.
To participate we need at least 6 volunteers willing Established in Harlow for over 45 years
to be trained to use the speed gun and to check 19 SERVICE BAY, WYCH ELM , HARLOW
vehicle speeds at various times during the month.
If you are interested in volunteering let the Parish
Clerk know on 01279 730 770
Insect & Vermin Control Sport in Hatfield Heath
Young midfielder Hamish Lovatt netted a hat-trick for
Tel: 01279 830 003 Hatfield Heath CP School FC’s new ‘B2’ Team when they
Email: contact @clarkes4pest.co.uk visited Howe Green School on March 12th.
www.clarkes4pests.co.uk Hamish also played in the first ever game for the new ‘B2’
side at home to St. Andrews School of Much Hadham in
MILES COMPUTER SERVICES late February, where he scored twice in Hatfield Heath’s
3-1 win. Striker Jack Clucas completed the scoring for the
• Repairs & troubleshooting The new team was introduced this season due to the
overwhelming popularity of the local school’s footballing
• Wireless networks (WIFI) sessions, and to allow more students to represent their
school in organised matches.
• Viruses and Spyware
Having beaten St. Andrews in their first taste of
• Internet and e-mail set up competitive action, the side travelled to Howe Green,
where Hamish’s first half hat-trick put them 3-1 ahead at
• Upgrades No fix - no fee! the break. The home side pulled a goal back in the second
half, but the challenge of drawing level proved
FOR A FRIENDLY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE insurmountable for Howe Green, and the visitors ran out
IN YOUR HOME OR OFFICE CALL 3-2 victors. The squad for the game was….
07951 339 529 Hatfield Heath B2: Michael Bunyon (C), Jacob Bellieu-
Cruise, Alex Colella, Sorcha Garavan, Josh Parker,
ASCOT CLOSE, BISHOPS STORTFORD, HERTS. CM23 5BP Harriet Long, Jamie Profitt, Hamish Lovatt, Kirsty
Johnson, Jack Clucas.
MHS Builders
� All types of carpentry
� Roofing and tiling Hatfield Heath CP School FC were due to visit Bentfield
� UPVC windows, doors and conservatories
� Loft/Garage conversions School on March 20th, and they’ll have been hoping for a
� Plastering repeat result of the last time the sides met.
� All other work undertaken
Brennan Backs and Adam Lake were on the scoresheet
Tel: 01279 739409
back on October 30th as the two teams faced each other at
Mobile: 07718 539 969
Sawbridgeworth Funeral Service
Arrangements made in the comfort of your own home
5 West Road Affordable prices
CM21 0BJ For immediate attention call
01279 600 381
Hatfield Heath’s ground, the hosts consequently running has opened in Sawbridgeworth,
out with a 2-0 win. offering a range of Studio and
mat classes to suit all ages and
Victory on March 20th would have added to Hatfield level of fitness.
Heath’s hugely impressive list of results this season, with
second-placed Rodings being the only side to topple them Pilates will help to:-
through a 1-0 win on March 6th. Aside from this result,
Hatfield Heath were unbeaten at the top of the West Essex Improve Strength & Flexibility
Primary School League with 34 points as Heath Sport
went to press. Improve Posture
To find out how Hatfield Heath finished up against Improve Balance
Bentfield on March 20th, be sure to check the latest results
on the league website at www.westessexleague.tk Telephone Co-ordination & Circulation
Don’t miss the May edition of Heath Sport! Can 07887 808 928 Reduce Stress
P.A. SYSTEM AND GENERATOR Absolute Pilates, Allen House, G27,
STILL NEEDED FOR FESTIVAL The Maltings,Sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9JX
We have an offer of a generator from a long way away CARPENTER
but if we can find one locally it would be easier. An
experienced committe member said a radio mike P.A. John Adamson
system would be preferable.
We will be non profit making and so are trying to keep Qualified and experienced
costs as low as possible. Any help will b gratefully for all domestic carpentry
received. If you can help please contact.
Free quotations Fully insured
Bruno Tel 01279 730 498 or
email: [email protected] 07779 715888 01277 624834
ILS Ltd. have come to the Heath. We have been carrying out
this type of work for over 26 years.
Fully qualified electrical inspector/ contractor.
Qualifying manager for N I C E I C for many years.
Very competitive prices, Cannot be beaten on P A T Costs.
Results all computerised. All enquires most welcome to
I L S Ltd, The Elms, Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7ED
Mr. Patrick Connelly. 01279 730 605
Mobile 07818 455 413
e-mail to [email protected]
Sunday April 15th 8pm
St. Mary’s Church, Hatfield Broad Oak
Edna Halls will be speaking about the events and
people that are the more recent history of the village.
All welcome: further details: Liz Wright 730 530
Daniel Robinson HURDLE END
The first known owner of the house was Raphe
& Sons Whitnoller who was the probable builder of the house
in the mid sixteenth century. Sometime between 1570
Independent Family and 1590 he sold the house to Thomas Dowsett of
Funeral Directors Monumental Masons Gibsons. In his will of 1592 Thomas Dowsett leaves
the house to his brother Robert with a “great oak”
A personal caring service growing in one of his fields. Timber was a valuable
from family business day or night. commodity leading one to speculate whether Robert
Our trained staff will be pleased to give free was intending to rebuild or extend the house. Robert
confidential advice on any matter in turn left the house to Thomas’s grandson “all that
my tenement in which Robert Hubbard now dwells
GOLDEN 3 BULLFIELDS called Moses.” The tenants for the greater part of the
seventeenth century were the Darken family. Richard
CHARTER SAWBRIDGEWORTH Darken was left money in the will of John Man of
1625. From a later will we discover that there is a
FUNERAL PLANS 01279 722 476 barn, outhouses and an orchard. Little is known of the
house for the next hundred years but in 1780, on a
79/81 SOUTH STREET WYCH ELM map of Hatfield Heath, land is marked belonging to
01279 655 477 01279 426 990 The story of the house can be picked up again in 1806
when John Man “of Hyde Hall in the parish of
HASLERS LANE 146 HIGH STREET Sawbridgeworth in the county of Hertfordshire,
GREAT DUNMOW EPPING Yeoman” left a freehold cottage or tenement situate
at Hatfield Heath then in the occupation of George
01371 874 518 01992 560 890 Harris” to his nephew Israel Man, the proprietor of
the White Horse Inn. Israel died on the 17th April
24 hour Family Careline 1834 leaving his executors with a problem as he died
Golden Charter Pre-Payments Plans insolvent. His debts amounted to
£383-9s-8d. His children, John, Elizabeth, Mary and
Harriet seem to have disagreed as to what to do so
their uncle, Moses Man of Neteswell, co-executor of
the will with Elizabeth, bought the cottage. Each of
the children received 10/-. At the time the house was
occupied by John Blatch.
In 1841, disaster struck Moses Man. He became a
bankrupt and from 5th June until 1st July he was
imprisoned in Chelmsford gaol. The cottage was put
up for auction at the Green Man, Takeley, where it
was bought by J. D. Taylor for £62. The tenants at
the time were George Stone and James Newall.
continued on next page.................
Eventually the lease was sold to Ernest Henry Domestic &
Hockley, a Hatfield Heath builder, for £24. At that
time, in 1904, only one of the cottages was occupied Commercial Specialised Security
by a Frederick Stanes. Manufacturing Ltd
E. H. Hockley owned the cottages until 1930 when A few Examples:
he sold them on the 7th April to a Mrs. Agnes Ornate Gates
Roberta Burstall for £200. They were described as
two cottages at Hurdle End in the occupation of Railings/Fencing
Staines and Frances. On 5th November 1930 the
thatch was set alight by fireworks, the entire roof Shutters
being destroyed. It was replaced by the tiled roof
which is there today, In 1936 the house was bought Radio Controlled
by Benjamin Mudditt. During the war, in 1941, the
roof was damaged by the explosion from a bomb Systems
which fell on the Heath and in 1947 the roof was
refitted and underfelted. At this time the fireplace 01371 874 600
with bread oven on the east end of the house was
removed. Unit 3 Station Yard Industrial Estate, Great Dunmow, Essex
19th Century Farmer and Local Magistrate www.grillesandgates.com
Broomshawbury (Hatfield Broad Oak)
Hair by BEE BEE
25th April 1843 Had James Drake Examined
before Rev. J Glen of Gladwins and remanded to ALL ASPECTS OF HAIRDRESSING
Epping bench next day. Thom Clarke apprehended
that night. 26th April 1848 James Drake fully LADIES and GENTS
committed for trial, Thom Clarke liberated for want :Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s for Senior Citizens
of evidence. These arrests relate to 40 Fowls stolen
on 8th January 1843 from Broomshawbury. James OPEN: Tues & Wed 9am - 5pm• Thur 9am -1pm
Drake was, later sentenced at Chelmsford Court to
Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-1pm FULLY TRAINED
Heath View, Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath
Tel: 01279 730 870 LONDON HAIR STYLISTS
For all your domestic needs
Established for 7 years - References available.
Please telephone Maxine on
First of all I would like to thank all those
who gave their time towards getting
Cemetery Club on stage. The production
was a record selling success i.e. we sold out
all three nights, our audience showing their
appreciation during and after the performances. It
was a great feeling having such positive support from
all the village.
Building on this support we have submitted Cemetery
Club (and had it accepted) in the 2007 Hertford Theatre
Week. The theatre week takes place 23rd April 2007
until 28th April 2007, with six plays, one performed each
night and followed by the drama critics adjudication. The
awards are presented after the last show on the Saturday.
The Heath Players would love your support on our
Thursday 26th April show night. Tickets from Box
Office, Castle Hall, Hertford SG14 IPS. Telephone No.
01992 53500 Monday to Fridays 10.00am to 4.00pm and
Saturdays 10am to 1pm. As stated we
would love your support.
Steve Foster
MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING potholes had been noticed. Clerk advised that it was
probably either the Lord of the Manor or the Church.
WEDNESDAY 14th MARCH 2007 URC HALL Clerk to speak to Rev Tim Potter to clarify position.
3 members of the public present. 01 PRESENT: Cllr Mel Sullivan (Chairman) Cllrs Bob
Resident asked for clarification of vehicles being allowed Jones, Michael Hockley, Mark Lemon, Sandra Rust and
on the Heath. Council discourages parking on the Heath Bart Sheekey
during the winter and notices are posted to that effect. 02 IN ATTENDANCE: Ernie Fenwick Clerk to the
Several cars park on the Heath watching cricket matches. Council and 3 members of the public
Police are informed if undue damage is being caused and 03 Apologies from Cllr Paula O’Sullivan.
Resident asked whose responsibility it was to maintain
road from Sheering Road to Holy Trinity Church as 14TH FEBRUARY 2007: The minutes were signed as a
true record of the meeting.
Cllr Sullivan raised issue of black sacks not being
Tel :01279 730 431 collected at SW Area panel meeting. Reiterated policy is
Mob: 07856 940 558 not to collect additional black bags other than a week
immediately following a holiday period e.g. Christmas.
Park & Ride
Cllr Sullivan also raised issue of impending closure of
Park & Ride scheme at Bishops Stortford. UDC have
made comments to East Herts CC regarding closure.
Road Safety Panel
Cllr Sullivan requested the reinstatement of the Road
Safety Panel. No answer given at this stage.
Keep Clear markings outside PBM.
Mrs Delderfield has written thanking council for their
work and now feels that it is safer to cross the Dunmow
Road beside The Shaw.
Rail Strategy 2007
Feedback form Rail Strategy 2006 handed to Cllr Jones
for completion
Green Waste
Green Waste itinerary has been received from UDC and
circulated to all councillors and village magazine editor.
Clerk has contacted John Dyson Finance Director of
UDC regarding ‘Net Book Value’. His advice is that we which appears to be dangerous. Previously reported last
should show the value of major assets depreciated in year and Clerk had written to Bidwells but received no
accordance with rules agreed by this council, and a note reply. Clerk has since written to both Bidwells and Lord
shown on the balance sheet of those depreciated values. of Manor. Response from Lord of Manor today saying he
Clerk to discuss with Ivan Wybrew (internal auditor) and understood that this had been dealt with and would ask
bring proposal before meeting Bidwells to confirm. Clerk to write to both Bidwells and
07 FINANCIAL MATTERS: Lord of Manor expressing our concern over the complete
Clerk presented draft End of Year expenditure figures. lack of response from Bidwells.
Actual expenditure figures to be circulated at the end of Commemorative Plaques.
the financial year to councillors prior to next meeting. Plaques received, given to Cllr Sullivan and will be
installed by Phil Snell
The following payments were approved
Holy Trinity Church - Grant - 220.00 continued on next page.....................
Glasdon UK Ltd - Bench Plaques - 123.44
E Fenwick - Expenses (February) - 134.50 DRIVING
HH URC - Hall Hire - 82.50
08 MAY ELECTIONS Nomination Packs
Clerk has spoken to Peter Snow at UDC and they are ADI T D N S O M. . . . . .
awaiting a leaflet which should be with them tomorrow. DIA
Packs will be sent out hopefully by the end of this week. Tim D Nelson School Of Motoring
Cllr Lemon asked the Clerk to ensure all councillors
receive a pack and reminded councillors that they must 01371 875 496
07706 086 631
have submitted their nomination forms no later than 4th
Posts outside PBM Mature, reliable animal lover will care for your
Clerk to contact J Kenney Services to arrange hand pets in their own home while you are away.
digging of post holes as services criss cross the area .
Litter on Green outside The Thatchers Approx 8 miles radius of Takeley. Reasonable
Letter received from Matthew Lumley’s father regarding rates for 24 hour care, special needs taken care
litter picking areas and rates. Clerk to meet Mr Lumley
and discuss. of, great walks for micro-chipped dogs.
Lyndhurst. Several pets are no problem
Following the Council's most recent letter to the Lord of
the Manor and the subsequent action, the issue of the usually at no extra cost - just discuss
posts outside Lyndhurst is now resolved.
Post Box Chelmsford Road Reference available. Tel:07878 731 166
Post Office are arranging to remove debris of demolished
post box from Chelmsford Road as soon as possible.
Willow Tree, Dunmow Road
Letter received from Mr Piercey regarding willow tree
Create your perfect outdoor space
with Three Counties Decking
Three Counties Decking
Bishop’s Stortford : 01279 830 402
email: [email protected]
1968 White Rolls Royce Silver Shadow continued from previouspage...............
1982 White Rolls Royce Silver Spirit
1984 White Cadillac Personal Limo 10 HIGHWAYS, FOOTPATHS, CAR PARKING
(Celebrity Owned) AND POLICING
Vintage 1928 Dodge Victory Six Dropped kerb, The Institute Clerk has requested a
Cherry & Black dropped kerb to enable pushchair access to the Church
1958 Three Door Black Taxi and Institute. ECC Highways have responded saying
officer concerned will contact
Now Booking for 2007 - Short Notice Bookings Available Keep Clear markings outside PBM.
Mrs Delderfield has requested that KEEP CLEAR
Owner Driver – Realistic Prices - Photo's on Request markings be painted on the road outside PBM where
there is a dropped kerb. Cars regularly park across this
Paula's Petsitting Service area which prevents wheelchair / electric scooters /
pushchair users from using this route. Clerk has requested
Going on holiday? What is the best thing you can do for ECC highways to carry out this work. ECC Highways
your pets while you are away? Paula offers personal pet care have responded saying officer concerned will contact
in their own home! While you're away for any length of time, 3P scheme
consider in-home pet care with Paula as a pet care option. Cllr Sullivan has attended an RCCE meeting where the
3P scheme was discussed. Membership is free and they
Choosing Paula's Petsitting Service you can leave home arrange and assist to clear footpaths and bridleways.
knowing you will return to happy pets. For more Details to be passed to Teresa Mascall to apply for
membership on our behalf
information,call 01279 876 277 or 07986 270 336 Footpaths Warden
Cllr Hockley suggested formal recognition of Steve
COUNSELLOR Walsh's handover as Footpath Warden to Teresa Mascall
at the Annual Assembly.
Caroline Powell-Allen M.A., Community Clear Up
We are entering the Best Kept Village competition and
UKRC (Reg. Ind.), MBACP (Accred.), CPC (Reg.) Cllr Sullivan has contacted Diane Burridge at UDC to
arrange litter grabbers, bags and High Visibility jackets
Offering brief & longer-term counselling for a community clean up. Date to be 15th April (Sunday
Twelve years experience working with children, young people, adults after Easter). Notice to be placed in village magazine.
& couples at Bell St. Surgery, Sawbridgeworth & for Uttlesford Mind Car Park
Resurfacing of the access road to the car park has been
NOW PRACTISING IN HATFIELD HEATH completed. Clerk to arrange Domestic Soldiers to clear
Also offering counselling supervision for individuals & groups. vegetation and spray perimeter of car park
Village Hall footpath
Please telephone for an appointment Cllr Rust reported that a lady had fallen on the footpath
alongside the Village Hall due to the uneven surface and
01371 873 270 queried ownership. Cllr Lemon advised the footpath
belonged to the school.
Advertising • Marketing • Print • Design Hunters Meet Parking
At the last Parish Council Meeting it had been reported
Marketing House, Hatfield Heath, that there was excessive parking and noise outside the
Nr Bishop’s Stortford, Herts. Hunters Meet. Cllrs Sullivan and Hockley had gone to the
Hunters Meet and met with the owner who said there had
A COMPLETE been a Romany wedding with 80 guests in the afternoon
COMPREHENSIVE and a further 40 guests in the evening, but that more and
more people had arrived and he was unable to prevent
SERVICE them. The matter had been reported to the police but there
had been no attendance. Clerk to write to Chief Constable
Production and printing of Stationery, Mail Shots, asking for an explanation as to the failure to attend.
Newsletters, Brochures, Catalogue, N.C.R. Sets Pond Lane Shops
Posters, Tickets and Labels. Cllr Sullivan has had a request to provide signs to the
Advertising production, Media advice shops in Pond Lane. Agreed to approach John Bradford
Placement. Leaflet Printing & Distribution UDC to get two signs legend ‘Shops’ to be fixed under
A photocopying and fax service ‘Pond Lane’ signs
Mill Lane Traffic Calming
01279 730 444 Cllr Sullivan has written to Chris Stoneham ECC about
speed calming measures in Mill Lane
Meeting on Noise Workshop will be attended by Cllrs THE COUNTRYMAN
Sullivan and Lemon
The majority of the council are opposed to the Change of
use as the loss of another place of employment further
degrades the employment in the village and makes us less
liable to support the other businesses in the village. The
Mill is on a regular bus route, is in an excellent position
for walking or cycling from within the village and since it
has been bought there have been no advertisements to let
the building for commercial use. Parking will be a major
problem as the places earmarked for parking do not
belong to the Mill but are on Village Green land.
The Council supported the Proposed Core Strategy
Policy E2 which says ‘Safeguard existing employment
sites where these remain appropriate’
The appearance and character of the building is
materially affected by the large number of windows
which overlook the neighbouring existing properties and
will detract from their existing enjoyment.
Planning Meeting THE HEATH
Date arranged for a meeting with John Mitchell on HATFIELD HEATH
Tuesday 27th March at 2.30pm
13 30 M.P.H SPEED LIMIT. 01279 73O 475
A1060 islands
Ownership of grass islands bordering A1060 has been put www. countrymanrestaurant.co.uk
on hold while Lord of Manor clarifies ownership.
Probably not required now as we will be unable to have Simple Beauty
central refuge in that area due to road alignment. Cllr
Hockley to raise progress on ownership with Lord of Get ready
Speed limit for the WAXING,FACIALS
Chris Stoneham says limit should be in force by the end summer MANICURE, PEDICURE
of the month although the central refuges will not be in INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE
place. Investigation needs to be carried out for traffic
calming measures in Stortford and Sawbridgeworth LUXURY TREATMENTS
Variable Speed signs *******
ECC are now looking at a different range of vehicle
activated signs which can have a variable message rather MALE TREATMENTS
than a fixed message which will make them much more
Community Speed Watch
Community Speed watch is a new scheme now approved Tanning to suit everyone LOYALTY SCHEME
by the police, but we need at least 6 volunteers before we
can apply for inclusion on the scheme • Kaloss Spray Tanning in *******
14 PARISH PROJECT only 4 minutes
Committee formed under chairmanship of Brian New for Summer 2007
Galloway. Cllr Sullivan has met with Gif Godfrey, SIMPLE BEAUTY
Uttlesford Youth Service who has visited the village and
has spoken to several young people and got a good • Horizontal and vertical TRAINING ACADEMY
response. It is envisaged that young people will be
invited to contribute to the discussion. The Youth bus sunbeds Certified courses including
will also be visiting the village next month and will
hopefully give some ideas. • St Tropez cream tanning Acrylic nails
None Manicure and Pedicure
16 DATES OF NEXT MEETING Waxing and more
Unit 7
Pond Lane
Hatfield Heath
Nr Bishop’s Stortford
Herts TUES,WED &FRI. 10AM - 6PM
CM22 7AB
SAT. 10AM - 4PM
Phone: 01279 731 762
Avian Flu. It may be necessary to have a Vet
willing to be called out if necessary. Will ask
Michael Hockley if he will provide straw bales.
Carole & Barbara: So far about eleven groups
will be taking part either with Game Stalls or an
Event. All progressing well.
Apologies for absence: Sandra Rust, Philip Green, Maurice: Will need 5 Marshals + 1 extra to help at
John White, Sarah White, Katie Howe, Sandra the Fun Run and 5 fluorescent jackets. Advertise
Saban, Nigel Robley, Ivor Lewis. for volunteers. Suggests start at 11am with separate
Present: Bruno Scheggia (Chairman), Barbara races for girls, boys, men, ladies and teams of three
Scheggia (Secretary), Irene Lewis, Andy Beet, which must include a lady. Prizes will be awarded.
Carole Robley, Maurice Lawrence. 5 boards are needed, Peter Lines may know if they
have been kept from previous Race.
Minutes of the Festival Meeting held on 20th Andy- Teenagers`Club: All progressing well.
February 2007 read and approved. Hopes to be able to use URC upstairs room as well.
Will make a small charge for entry to cover cost of
Bruno-Chairman: Insurance Form and Risk hire of hall.
Assessment have been completed. Waiting to hear
if the venue of the Cricket Match can be changed - Irene: Asked if Pubs have been approached for a
should know shortly. A date then needs to be Tug-of-War. Still no Rope available. Carole to talk
arranged to measure and walk the Heath to decide to Nigel (Thatchers). Also suggested asking Shops
where to place Arena, Fair, Classic Car Show etc. etc. in Village for donation to Festival e.g. water for
Footprint has offered to make signs. There may be Runners.
a problem with the Falconry Display because of the
Barbara: To write to Paulene Brakespeare
More Than Just Carpet regarding Art Exhibition and Sale in Village Hall.
& Upholstery Cleaning It was generally decided that Paulene be responsible
for her own requests as set out in her letter to the
As featured on West Essex Committee i.e. Exhibition Arrangements, Insurance,
Ten.17 Business Awards Painting of Boards and cost of paint, Tea-making,
Flower Arrangements and Donation to Village Hall
2006 Finalist for hiring of same.
Flooring and Fabric Cleaning A.O.B. It was considered to ask the Stallholders to
• New van mounted self sufficient donate 10% of their takings towards funding of
machinery Festival, but whether we do depends on total
• Up to 20 times more powerful than expenses at the end of the Festival.
portable machines We are still looking for loan of a P.A. System. A
large Diesel Generator has been offered by a
• Deeper cleaning person living some way from the Village, so
• Faster drying hopefully someone living nearer has one we can
• Even better value for money borrow. Forms will be printed in the Village
Now with allerg-stop protection Magazine for entry into the Fun Run & Fancy
you really have that ultimate clean Dress Competition and for younger Volunteers
(instead of the usual O.A.P`s), to help on the day
® with erecting Marquees & Stalls and lifting of
STOP Straw Bales to make an Arena.
01279 866 838 / 07902 448 871 TUESDAY APRIL 24TH 2007 7.30PM
info@mcs- clean.co.uk www.mcs-clean.co.uk U.R.C UPSTAIRS ROOM
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR FESTIVAL TO As a start to our Sunday festivities, we are plan-
HELP SET UP MARQUEES AND STALLS ning a Fun Run and the emphasis is on FUN.
Marquees stalls and bales of straw will have to be put in place We start at 11.00 a.m. with the boys and girls
early Sunday morning 17th June 2007 at Festival. We also (under 13 years of age) battling it out to win the
will need marshals for the Fun Run. Nobody will be prize for the fastest boy and girl. This would be
spending too much time helping. It is intended that everyone followed by the men running twice around the
enjoys themselves at the Festival course and then the women will have a go (once
Please contact me to offer your help and how to contact you. only). The grand finale will be a team race of
We will spend half an hour having a dummy run in a few three, one of which must be a lady. This hopefully
weeks time so we all know how and where everything goes will be popular as we hope very much to get a
sponsor to provide an excellent prize but to make
Bruno Tel 01279 730 498 or it worthwhile it will be necessary to have at least
email: [email protected] seven teams competing.
Festival Fancy Dress Competition The race will cover a distance of just under 1.5
miles and will start in the lane across the road from
Sunday 17 June 2007 Hunters Meet towards Down Hall, passing Ardley
Crescent, then turning left at Ardley End into
Entry Form Friars Lane, passing Gibsons and Friars Farm,
turning left at the junction with Chelmsford Road
Entrants to meet at 12.45 pm in the Arena for and then the sprint just past the Police Station back
a parade followed by judging at 1.15 pm to the finish line.
prizes 1.30pm from Mr Marvel
Name(s): .............................................
Address: ............................................. More details will be provided in next month’s
mag. but please make a note in your diary and
............................................. prove to yourself that you are fit!
............................................. We hope very much that many will be interested in
participating and would ask those interested to
(Please attach additional contact details for Group entries complete the form below and drop it into a box
and enclose £1 per child) being provided at the Post Office. Alternatively,
you can email the details required on the form to:
Parent / Carer details: [email protected].
Name: ............................................
Home: .............. Mobile: ................
Category you wish to enter: FESTIVAL FUN RUN
Under 5s �� 5-7 years � Name: ………………………………….........
7-11 years Telephone No ………………………………….
�� Group (mixed age) �
I wish to run in the race for:
Prizes will be awarded as follows: Tape a) Boys and girls
b) Men
1st, 2nd and 3rd for each category. £1 coin c) Women
d) Team
Overall Most Original outfit here
Overall Most out of Least outfit
(the best home-made outfit produced at least expense)
To Enter:
Please place entries in envelopes labelled:
Fancy Dress Competition, Pre-School Committee,
c/o Hatfield Heath Pre-School, Village Hall
Bishops Stortford
April 28th 7.30 pm
Bishops Stortford Choral Society
J. S. BACH Leader - Kokila Gillett
EVANGELIST Andrew Staples,
CHRISTUS Andrew Wickens
PILATE PhifflipTebb
SOPRANO Laurie Ashworth
ORGAN CONTINUO Christopher Weston
Conducted by Christopher Bayston
Tickets from LEDNORS 3 Bridge Street or from
01279 505 582 £13 Centre; £12 Side Aisles (£10
(BSCS) is the premier choral group performing large
scale works in Bishop's Stortford.
We rehearse locally and perform at least two full concerts
a year.
From its inception the Association included both Chorus
and Orchestral Sections, but in 1984 it was renamed The
Bishop's Stortford Choral Society; it remains a Registered
Charity and is proud of its role in bringing both new and
established composers before a local audience.
Christopher Bayston joined us as Musical Director in
September 2004. In 2000 he moved to Hatfield Heath
after 35 years on the staff of Eton College, where he
directed every music ensemble except the military band.
His current ambition is to enthuse the members of the
Bishops Stortford Choral Society and Christopher is
currently also an experienced examiner for the Associated
Do you like singing? New members are always welcomed
to our friendly, fun society. Our enthusiastic musical
director, Christopher, will ensure both the rehearsals and
the concerts are a very enjoyable experience, and you
won't need an audition to join.
Please contact us if you would be interested in joining -
we especially need male voices, both Tenor and Bass, but
all are welcome, young and old, experienced or novice.
THE 80S NIGHT FUNDRAISER For food & other supplies:
Budgens Sawbridgeworth £15 (Check out the website
WAS A WILD NIGHT for latest offers / community information:
The 80s night fundraiser was a wild night of ra-ra skirts, Co-op Hatfield Heath £15
footless tights, fingerless gloves, hot pants and leg Sainsburys Thorley £10
warmers….and that was just (and only!) our table!! Waitrose Bishop’s Stortford £10
There was even a surprise appearance by George Footprint for help with the decorations
Michael (in his younger days) although his friend
Freddie Mercury kept disappearing outside, allegedly to For Raffle & Quiz prizes:
watch the lunar eclipse!! Bespoke Beauty, Aurevoir to Stress Massage,
The food and drink all went down very well. The only Colchester Zoo, 2 children’s tickets
thing that was missing was vol au vents and pineapple Down Hall, Afternoon Tea x 2
chunks ‘n’ cheese which would have blended in Friendly Fitness (Ray Eastland) 01279 731 076, 5
perfectly with the cocktail glass decorations. Together Aerobics Classes
with some great ‘tunes’ from the disc jockey which Hunter’s Meet, Sunday Dinner for two
brought back some good memories, the whole night was Manor of Groves, Sunday Dinner for two
a staggering success raising £1,000 for the pre school. Shotakan Karate RYU (Donna Ring), 2 Karate Lessons
& a Karate Suit, www.skr.org.uk
We would like to thank the following for their generous
contributions: The Village Hall Committee for allowing us to hold the
event free of charge.
Also the Lines families for serving drinks all evening.
Katie Howe (assisted by ghost writer Toni Neville)
1 Andy, Richard & Nikki Lines
2 George Michael (a little known resident of the Heath)
with Freddie Mercury
3 Lisa Kennedy, Mike and Karen Wimbelton
4 The teachers getting into the groove – Mrs Bond &
Mrs Wilton
5 The Matching / Fleet contingent Toni Neville &
6 Sally Winfield, Katie Howe & Sam Marshall
13 TO 19 YRS OLD?
Do you have an opinion?
The Youth Bus is in the Village
7.00pm ‘til 9.45pm
Come along and tell us what you want.
Get your voice heard! Learn how to massage your baby
We are here for you – speak up!
The Uttlesford Youth Service. Massage Classes will
through be small
The Youth Mobile Information Bus is a project
which offers opportunities for rurally isolated young touch friendly and
people by offering a range of accurate informative
and impartial information, will and strokes
hopefully allow individuals to make
positive lifestyle choices on things For more information please call
that affect them. These include Kate 01279 319 896 or Val 01279 731 750
things such as careers information, local facilities
and events. Hobbs Cross Road
The project has been in operation for 3 years Old Harlow
supporting schools during the day and visiting CM17 0NJ
villages in the evening.
Tel. 01279 429 910
Benjamin & Alex
Saint Nicholas
on the birth of their daughter Lois Josephine Young A small independent school,
located in
Born 11 th January 2007 10lb 4oz Churchgate Street, Old Harlow
Love Mummy, Dad,
James Lucie & Simon
(Name chosen in memory of a special grandma)
A teenager at last We take pupils from Reception
through to Year 11
Lots of love,
Dad, Mum & Kayleigh • Small class
• Wide range of
curricular and
• Extensive
• Heated pool