Paul Graves was the successful applicant for the award and this
is his application letter :-
Dear Mrs Ayres
I would like to apply for the award as advertised in the village
I am 19 years old and about to start on the second year of a
three year honours degree course in Creative Music
Technology at the University of Hull. I have lived at my
current address in Hatfield Heath all my life. I attended the
village Playgroup and Primary School, then continued my
secondary education at The Bishop's Stortford High School. I
also worked in the local Alldays part-time for over a year.
In my first year at university I have found that there have been
many demands on my (very limited) financial resources and
any help that I can obtain would be most welcome. There are
many books that would be useful for my course, but are quite
expensive. I have a student loan to pay for living expenses and
have been working as a postman through the summer vacation
to supplement this.
I hope I will be successful in my application.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Graves
Your Parish Council urgently needs a Parish Clerk. Lynn Ayers
has regretfully decided to leave us due to increased Domestic
Pressures ( two infants one a baby ). This responsible position
requires at least 8hours per week and remuneration plus all
expenses are paid at local Government rates. Full training is
given but word processing e-mail capabilities and basic book-
keeping are essential.
Contact Peter Fuller Lewis on 01279 730 587 for further
In the Village Hall – to
capture your vision of what
you want Hatfield Heath to
be in the future.
Themes that you were asked to consider
Community Safety Economy & Employment
Education & Learning Environment & Conservation
Health & Well-being Heritage
Housing & Development Leisure & Recreation
Services and Facilities Transport and Access
You can find further information and examples of what other
villages have done by visiting the website at
We got an excellent response to that exhibition and we are now
looking to move forward in creating the plan for the Parish so
If you feel you could lead or contribute to the Steering
Committee please let the Parish Council know or contact the
committee [email protected]
The Task Force must be separate from the Parish Council and
must include residents who are not councillors.
End of page 1
1 10.30 Holy Communion – 1662 The Close
14:00 Hatfield Heath Under Fives H
20:00 Leisure Hour URC
20:00 Bridge Club H
3 20.00 Football Club Quiz H
08.00 Holy Communion HT
09.30 Family Service and Baptism HT
10.30 Family Service with Communion URC
18.30 Harvest Evensong HT
19.75 Harvest Supper H
6 11.30 Luncheon Club URC
7 14.00 Bridge Club I
14.00 Teddy Bears Tea Party H
8 14:15 Pram Service HT
20:00 Bridge Club H
09.30 Holy Communion HT
10.30 Family Service URC
14 14.00 Heath Ladies H
14.00 Bridge Club I
15 10:30 MU Holy Communion HT
14:00 Hatfield Heath Under Fives H
20:00 Leisure Hour URC
20:00 Bridge Club H
18 20.00 Country and Western H
08.00 Holy Communion HT
09.30 Matins HT
10.30 Family Service URC
18.00 URC Service at The Close
21 14.00 Welcome Club H
14.00 Bridge Club I
22 11.30 Luncheon Club URC
14:00 Hatfield Heath Under Fives H
19:45 Gardening Club H
20:00 Bridge Club I
23 20.00 Village Hall Committee CR
26 Last after TRINITY
09.30 Holy Communion HT
10.30 Family Service URC
27-31 inclusive Half term for Pre-school and School
28 14.00 Bridge Club I
29 20.00 Bridge Club I
30- 1 20.00 Heath Players Production H
NOV 2 4 before ADVENT
08:00 Holy Communion HT
09.30 Family Service HT
10.30 Family Service with Communion URC
18.30 Evensong HT
4 14.00 Bridge Club I
5 20:00 Bridge Club H
20:00 Leisure Hour URC
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy Trinity
Church / URC-United Reform Church / I-Institute / S-School
End of page 2
1ST OCTOBER 8.00pm U R C Hall ‘Bees in your bonnet’
Roy Cropley
15TH OCTOBER 8.00pm U R C Hall Talk
by Don Gardiner
New (and Old) members and visitors will be very welcomed
MONDAY 27TH OCTOBER Poppy Appeal Coffee
Morning at 28 Cox Ley 10.30-12.00 EVERYONE IS
(19th Century Broomshawbury (Hatfield Broad Oak) Farmer
and Local Magistrate)
S Green married at West Hackney Church to Miss Mary Parris
of Hatfield Broad Oak. Went to Brighton for Honeymoon,
returned to Broomshawbury on the 13th
Following our very successful garden meetings that I
mentioned last month, we were back at our usual venue in the
village hall. We all enjoyed a very interesting talk by Tony
Jenkins about his prison visiting experiences.
Next month we will have another talk by Anne Brooks. She
gave us a very interesting talk earlier this year about local
ghosts. This time she will give us an insight into “Witchcraft”.
This will be at the village hall at 2.30pm on Tuesday 14th
October. As usual visitors are always welcome.
On a purely personal note, I was very interested to see the
results of the Essex Village of the Year 2003, also the best kept
village 2003 were Coggeshall with runner up, Kelvedon.
Having lived in both places for more years than I care to
remember, I wonder whether next year’s title might follow me
I would also like to mention, should this years judges read this,
that Hatfield Heath does have a garage.
Diana White
The beginning of October sees Holy Trinity celebrating
Harvest Festival following the United Reformed Church's
celebration the week before.
It is a great opportunity to sing familiar hymns like "We plough
the fields and scatter" and enjoy warm feelings of autumnal
mellowness. The annual reminder of our dependence on
nature's cycle and on God's provision for us is important in
these days when most of us get all our food from the
supermarkets and have never experienced real shortages. The
fact is that we are much more dependent on the weather and the
land around us than we care to admit most of the time.
An even greater reality is our dependence on the love and grace
of God.It is tragic that most people seem to live their lives as
though there were no God and that He has no call on their
Of course, when the tragedies of our lives strike then most are
only too quick to want a God to call on. He is there and He
longs for each and every one of us to be in relationship with
Him. Perhaps a good way to begin that would be to come and
say 'Thank You' at Harvest time.
Yours sincerely
Tim Potter
With “Barcardi & Coke”
At the Village Hall on the
18th October at 8pm
£4-50p Bring you own drink
In aid of the British Legion and the Village Hall
Local Contact: Mrs M. Perry 730 652
Secretary Sandra Saban 718 102
End of Page 3
September 16th was our welcome
club’s harvest festival meeting, which
was taken by the minister Nigel
Rogers. He spoke of our outbursts of
“its not fair”, our attitude and lack of
thought when we think that something
that happened to us wasn’t fair. We
sang harvest hymns, because there
wasn’t a piano available we la la la’d.
Our chairman Mr Tony Jenkins was
on holiday so Robin opened the meeting. We said a silent
prayer and thought of Nancy Betts who died recently and Jean
read out a letter from Nancy’s daughter in which she thanked
our members for their card of condolence. Our meeting was
well attended we had a quiz, a raffle, a bring and buy stall.
Birthday posies were given out to Lou, Ada and myself. Jean
displayed some photos of members present and past and they
brought back some memories to our members. Our next
meeting will be held on October 21st and our speaker will be a
Mr Gurnet who will speak on the subject of pottery we look
forward to that. Our tea hostesses were Robin and Joan
Keep Smiling
Ivy Scott
Welcome Club Member.
Unfortunately Diana Richards is unable to speak to the society
about Rivers Orchard on 12 October. Fortunately we have been
able to get Wally Wright to talk to us about the Arkwright
family (of spinning and weaving fame). A branch of the
Arkwright family had connections locally, owning Gladwyns at
one time and with connections with the Essex hunt. This
meeting is at St. Mary’s church HBO at 8 pm.
Derek Cater will be at the URC hall on Sunday November 9th
to tell us about the findings from the TRANSCO pipeline dig
last summer.
Meeting at 8 pm.
End of page 4
The holiday break may have finished but the glorious summer
continues to shine and keep our spirits high.
My New Zealand flatmates and myself have enjoyed the Hatfield
Heath and surrounding area summer treats with a plethora of fetes,
flower festivals and numerous car boot sales. The cottage is
quickly filling up with treasures we have found and memories
caught on film for later perusal and recall. The new school year
has started and as a supply teacher I have had some super
assignments teaching brand new classes full of eager children
ready for new and exciting learning challenges. As the children
adapt to their new classrooms and teachers I am reminded of the
importance of good supportive learning spaces. I was particularly
reminded of this when I observed a child in a wheel chair
meticulously choose his right space after I said to him, 'Where in
the classroom would you like to sit today?' He intuitively moved
to the front arena of the classroom near a group of boys who
socially included him in the class group. I believe he had a
wonderful time being where he wanted to be.
It is so easy to organise others by what we think is best for them
but I challenge facilitators to explore where students feel the most
comfortable, then to work the teaching dynamics and behaviour
expectations around this in order to encourage independence and
healthy responsibility. For ourselves, what would our preferred
learning space be like? Would it be a quiet space, would it be
colourful and light, would it reflect our personalities and would it
feel comfortable?
My workspace today has been grand. I look out over the fields and
view a truly wonderful English country scene, its quiet, except for
the occasional aeroplane whisking people off to exotic places and
as I near the end of this writing task I feel the garden beckoning
me out to play. Curiously I wonder how I will feel after a year, this
October, in Hatfield Heath. So far, it's been great.
Very Able Kiwi. – Prue Nixon
How do they best learn? What skills can they develop to make
the most of their schooling?
TEL : 01279 731 740
End of page 5
Dear Editor,
I am relatively new to the Heath, having immigrated a year ago
from the frozen North, to live with my daughter, Paula, in
Friendly Terrace. The original plan was to retire here but, after
a year 'doing' retirement I've decided it isn't for me and have
already started tutoring two courses at the Institute.
I have long experience of working in both Community Arts, in
tutoring adults for various Education providers, and in schools
as a special skills tutor. My subjects include Watercolour - at
all stages from novice to advanced and specialist subjects; soft
pastels; drawing and sketching; sugarcraft (cake icing); paper
crafts and creative writing - but not all at once!
The people on the Heath whom I have already met have been
friendly and welcoming and I look forward to meeting many
more in the future - especially in my classes!
A fun course with a qualified tutor, this course covers
everything, from making the cake to dealing with the left-
The 6 session course starts
OCTOBER 27TH FROM 7.00 - 9.00 P.M.
wish you could do it - learn how you can to do it Absolute
beginners are welcome!
Pre-enrolment is essential as places are limited
Ring for details Paulene Brakspear :-
01279 730 281
Anyone can learn to paint! This is a basic skills class
with a qualified tutor who is also a working artist. Come along
and learn all the things I wish someone had told me when I was
learning this fascinating medium! Classesstart on 30th October
from 7.00 - 9.00 p.m. in the InstituteHall, Hatfield Heath.
Pre-enrolment is essential as places are limited Phone: Paulene
Brakspear (01 279) 730281
Also being organised - Daytime courses - ring for details
Want something a bit more challenging than a beginner's
End of page 6
course? It can be arranged! Ring me
p.s. I'm running a painting holiday in Gascony between 28th
September and 15th October -just leave your number with the
answer service and I'll call you when I get back
Minutes of meeting held 23/7/03 at 7.30pm
Councillors present: Mr. P. Fuller Lewis (Chairman)
Mr. M. Hockley, Mr. M. Lemon, Mr. B. Jones, Mr. B. Sheekey
&Mr. M. Sullivan
Clerk: Mrs. L. E. Ayers
1. Open Forum
Two members of the public present - Mr. B. Scheggia &
Mrs.G. Collins.
Mrs Collins stated she was concerned about the speed of traffic
coming through the village, the amount of litter and the large
area within the Heath that her two sons, who are litter pickers,
have to cover. The Clerk will speak to PC Bradley to see
whether the mobile speed unit could visit and ask him to liaise
directly with Mrs Collins. The Litter Picking issue is covered
under Section 5.e.
Mr. B. Scheggia was in attendance to observe a Parish Council
meeting in its entirety.
2. Apologies for absence
Cllr. C. Lidgey
3. Adoption of Minutes
The minutes were amended, approved and signed from the
meeting held on 11/6/03 and the Planning meeting held on the
4. Matters arising from previous meeting/minutes
Mr. Carrig of the Hunters Meet and the couple who are getting
married on the 26/7/03 have been in contact with several
Councillors regarding the Parish Councils decision to decline a
request for a 10 minute firework display on the village green as
part of their wedding celebrations. We understand the display
involves a Fire-eater, not Fireworks and, in the circumstances,
have agreed provided there is no music, fireworks or mess and
that the event is concluded by 10.15pm.
The Clerk reported that May Gurney, contractors, have agreed
to repair the pothole at the entrance to the village car park for
free as they are working in the area. This gesture was very
much appreciated.
Cllr Lidgey was absent from the meeting and therefore unable
to update the councillors
regarding discussions with Norman Mead concerning increased
plane noise & interference over the village.
5. Maintenance and Drainage of the Heath
a. Grass cutting – The rough-cut has been done,
although the area on the other side of the church pond has not
yet been cut. The Clerk and Cllrs Fuller Lewis, Hockley &
Lemon will meet Mr Kenney on the 24/7/03 to discuss the
above, strimming requirements & costs, together with other
telegraph post & kerbing issues, the grass cutting by the church
hedge and the grass on village green in front of Bentleys.
b. Village Green – The new telegraph pole on the island
in front of Heath View was installed without permission. The
Clerk will follow up with BT and liaise also with Bidwells. The
Clerk will also ensure the recently vandalised telephone box in
front of the Post Office is replaced with a red box in keeping
with the village. The Water board have not repaired the grass
area on village green in front of The Stag Public House. The
Clerk will chase. Cllr Lemon enquired whether a sign could be
ordered to state ‘Residents Parking Only’ for the lay by in front
of the Thatcher’s Public House as residents are having
problems parking. The Clerk will investigate. It has been
noticed that the infill by Tudor Lodge has deterred cars from
parking but Cllr Sullivan remarked that an articulated lorry and
oil tanker had recently been parking there. Cllr Sullivan will
make further enquiries and write to the company concerned.
c. A Boards – The Councillors agreed it was Parish
Council policy not to allow A Boards to be displayed on
village green. Cllr Fuller Lewis/The Clerk will compose a letter
advising that the boards must be removed or otherwise the
Parish Council will remove and destroy any offending boards.
The A Board in front of the White Horse Public House will
remain as it is on Highways; similarly, the Pine Shop’s A
Board is on a footpath, not village green.
d. Footpaths –. It has been reported that the
undergrowth has not been cleared enough on the Sheering
Road. The Clerk will investigate
Rubbish – The Street clean has recently been undertaken. Two
bins have been ordered from UDC at a cost of £406.66. One is
to replace the bin by the Fish Inn which was destroyed in a car
accident; the other site is still to be decided on. Sue Lawrie
from UDC will suggest a suitable position following a site
visit. Stuart Jackson will undertake a litter pick through the
village and on all the exit roads commencing the first weekend
in August. Some of our weekly litter picking routes are to be
amended; these will be
End of Page 7
e. discussed and confirmed in writing with all litter
pickers concerned. It was agreed that all four litter pickers will
be paid £5 for one hour each weekend. Cllr Fuller Lewis
thanked Cllr Lemon for successfully deterring the travellers
from parking their caravans on the heath again recently.
f. War Memorial – Cllr Jones has taken responsibility
for the refurbishment of the War Memorial from Dr Bland. A
response has been received from the Friends of War Memorials
Small Grants Scheme - in principal, they support our
application but have some reservations with the proposed
methods of cleaning. Cllr Jones/The Clerk will liaise and
g. Trees/Pond Grant – The response from
BTCV/Peoples Places regarding the proposed church pond
project was disappointing. Cllr Lemon has supplied the clerk
with a new contact to ascertain their interest in the project. The
Clerk will make the initial enquiry. It was agreed that the tree
in the middle of the pond was dead and very dangerous. We
already have permission from UDC to remove this tree. The
clerk will contact Mr Lawrance, the tree surgeon, for a quote
regarding its removal. A maximum fee of £70 was felt realistic.
Cllr Hockley kindly agreed to remove the debris.
6. Road Matters
a. Traffic Calming Measures – Cllr Fuller Lewis has
discussed our request for a 30mph speed limit with the
County Council. P Hardy/ECC will produce a plan for
consideration. If accepted by this Council it would
need the support of our, County and District
Councillors. It would then be forwarded to the District
Environment & Transport Committee to enter the
local expenditure budget for March 2004. Cllr
Sullivan will be writing to P Hardy to clarify the
process/procedure regarding the above and will advise
that there have also been four serious accidents within
the village within the past 24 hours. The closing date
for comments on the 40mph Sawbridgeworth road
scheme is the 8/8/03; no objections have been
received to date. It is anticipated that the re-aligning
of the Stortford Road/Sawbridgeworth Road junction
will commence in August. The mobile Camera Safety
Unit should be visiting the village before the end of
the year. The Speed Management Strategy for Essex
will be circulated amongst all Councillors. The village
sign as you enter Stortford Road from Little
Hallingbury has disappeared. Apparently BT removed
it when they were doing some work in the area and it
has not been replaced. This has been reported to UDC
who are investigating.
b. The kerbstones in Broomfield’s have now been replaced.
The Clerk will report the
damaged gulley stones outside the new cottages on the A1060
junction to ECC Highways.
7. Planning
See separate Planning Minutes dated 17/7/03.
8. Car Park
Footprint has been chased again to amend the car park sign to
reflect the revised maximum 6 hour stay in the village car park.
The replacement small car park signs have been ordered with
the Parish Council contributing £75. The no parking sign by
the damaged bin outside the Fish Inn has also been damaged;
Cllr Fuller Lewis suggested that the existing directional
parking sign on the opposite side of the road should replace the
damaged one when our new car park signs are put in place.
9. Open Space/Play Area
The recently repaired Spring Chicken in the Play Area has been
vandalised again. This will be repaired and replaced shortly. A
letter has been sent to UDC confirming that the Parish Council
are happy with the construction of the footpath leading from
Cox Ley to the Play Area.
10. Village Design Plan
The Clerk has circulated the village inputs to all Cllrs and those
who wanted to be on the steering committee - the Clerk awaits
responses to convene a meeting which will elect a chairperson
(not a Parish Councillor), committee etc.
Coggeshall won the Best Kept Village 2003 Competition.
Hatfield Heath received some very positive comments, a copy
of which is on the Notice Board and will be published in the
Village Magazine.
11. Stansted Airport
It was reported that the District Council have suggested that a
refuge for asylum seekers should be placed within the confines
of Stansted Airport. BAA has replied that there is no room
despite planning permission being granted for new industrial
12. Police
The recent public meeting held in the village was poorly
attended by villagers. Pc Brad Healey now produces a monthly
list of crime incidents in the area; the clerk will request a copy
of these. Barry Kauffman Wright has retired and will not be
replaced. This means that PC Healey will have to cover Barry
Wright’s territory as well.
13. Code of Conduct
All are now updated. The Clerk will arrange for a new register
of members interest form to be delivered to Cllr Lemon as
14. Affordable Housing
Cllr Fuller Lewis is seeking to obtain an update from The Rural
Housing Trust. Negotiations are proceeding for an interim site
to the north of Broomfield’s where some land has been made
available. The original site identified will be available in three
years time. The Rural Community Council of Essex has also
contacted us although this will not be pursued until we have
further information. The Clerk will respond as such.
15. Reports of Councillors attending meetings
Cllr Fuller Lewis has attended the following meetings; The
UALC Committee meeting & AGM, West Essex Forum,
Harlow Options Study (to discuss Mr Prescott’s proposals for a
minimum of 36k houses, in effect doubling the size of Harlow),
East of England Local Strategy, PCT Trust, Agenda 21 (to
discuss GM Crops which Cllrs Hockley & Lemon also
attended) and a Best Value meeting on Day Centres (which
reported that in Uttlesford they are rarely used except for
occasional lunches for nearby senior citizens).
Cllr Sullivan attended a meeting on the Stansted/M11
development corridor options study which highlights three
towns for significant development, being Harlow,
Sawbridgeworth & Bishops Stortford. Apparently these towns
have been highlighted as they will have spare capacity in
secondary school places by 2007. Cllr Lemon will investigate
this statement. The Clerk will circulate this paper amongst the
Councillors for comment to enable Cllr Sullivan to collate &
reply. Cllr Sullivan also attended the EALC AGM where most
of the meeting focused on ‘Quality Councils’ and gaining
accreditation. Cllr Sullivan attended the Broadband
Announcement, Hatfield Heath was one of the successful
applicants and a meeting is now required to discuss contractual
arrangements and conditions.
16. Golden Jubilee
No applications have been received.
End of page 8
17. Emergency Planning
Cllr Sullivan is in the process of updating this document. Cllr’s
Sullivan & Lemon will shortly attend an Emergency Planning
exercise which aims to test Parish Emergency response
18. Finance & Grants
The Following cheques were approved for signature:-
£ 72.26 Playground Management Ltd re ROSPA check
£ 50 Petty Cash
£ 114 Litter Pickers re 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30/8 & 6/9
£180.25 Cllr P Fuller Lewis re Expenses
The Cost of annual membership of The Rural Community
Council of Essex has doubled to £50. The Clerk will request a
copy of the handbook to ascertain what membership includes.
£150 of maps has been sold by the Post Office. A letter
requesting closure of the bank account at Lloyds was signed.
Lubbock Fine, the external auditors, has requested the accounts
for year ended 31/3/03. Cllr Sullivan proposed that the Parish
Council accepted the model standing order and financial
regulations prepared by the NALC as they are a requirement
for audit. These will be subject to review on the 3/9/03 and will
be modified to meet local needs. This was seconded by Cllr
Lemon, all others in favour apart from Cllr Hockley. Details of
income, expenditure and reconciliation to bank account
statements were given to all Councillors present along with a
summary of key points and changes. All present agreed to
submit the paperwork for audit subject to identified historical
errors and omissions. Cllr Sullivan will discuss in depth with
Cllr Fuller Lewis before the accounts are given to I Whybrew
who will undertake the internal audit for us. A separate
meeting will be held in October to discuss general reserves,
asset list and feedback on proposals and budgetary cost.
19. Correspondence
Letter from Nockolds re Down Hall/Transfer of
Information Bus Summer Programme
Essex Strategic Health Authority Board Meeting
30/7/03, 9.30am at Colchester
St Clare Hospice Annual Summer Fete 27/7/03
UDC Quality of Life Public Meetings in
September – To Village Magazine
Decriminalisation of Parking Enforcement – Cllr
Lemon on Committee at UDC
Consultation Paper On indemnities For Relevant
Authority Members And Officers – Cllr Jones
20. Circulation
EALC County Update No 2 June 2003 – Cllr
Fuller Lewis
Minutes from EALC Executive Committee
Meeting 15/5/03 – Cllr Fuller Lewis
Bus Passenger News June & July 2003 – Cllr
Stansted Campaign Updates 24 & 26
Press release from SSE including New Noise
Maps – Cllrs Lidgey/Fuller Lewis
UDC Response re The Future Development of
Air Transport in the UK
Policing Essex
Uttlesford PCT NHS Newsletter Edition 9 June
2003 – Cllr Fuller Lewis
Ways & Means Issue 39 June 2003 – Cllr
St Clare Hospice News Issue 35
Essex Matters Issue 13 July 2003
Voluntary Sector Courses Sept – Dec 2003
The Quality Parish & Town Council Scheme –
Cllr Sullivan
RCCE Financial Statements for year end
31/3/2003 & Annual Review
Clerks & Councils Direct July 2003 Issue 28 –
Cllr Fuller Lewis
Rural Matters Issue 28 July 2003
Planning Update Issue 3 July 2003 – Cllr
The £5 Stephenson note is being withdrawn in November.
These notes can be used normally until the 21st November. For
several months after the 21st November, most banks, Building
Socities and Post Offices will still accept these old notes. The
new style £5 note with the portrait of Elizabeth Fry will remain
in circulation. The Bank of England will always exchange old
For further information Tel: 0207 601 4012
E-mail – [email protected] Website –
Public Enquiries, Bank of England, Threadneedle Street,
London, EC2R 8AH
Hunters Meet Beauty Salon is now open 7 days a
week with flexible times to suit all-
We offer a fantastic range of treatments including pamper days,
gift vouchers.
Christmas packages & lots lots more...
Personal & Friendly Service
01279 730 549
Hunters Meet Restaurant, Hotel & Leisure Centre.
Chelmsford Road, Hatfield Heath,
Bishops Stortford. Herts. CM22 7BQ
End of Page 9
Those who have walked past the Village Hall recently may
have noticed that we have installed CCTV cameras covering
the car park and front of the building, security gates preventing
access to the rear, and other measures to deter climbing onto
the roofs. Many of us find it incredible that this has been
necessary in our village, but it has been done on police advice
following a spate of vandalism and damage over the last year
or so including repeatedly broken windows, torn down
drainpipes and other damage. This damage has not been
associated with any particular bookings but has typically
occurred late at night on weekday and weekend evenings, two
or three times a week at its peak. The work has cost over
£6000; it has been funded mainly from Village Hall funds built
up from fundraising over the years, together with grants of
£2125 bid for and obtained from Uttlesford District Council
Community and Safety funds. Now that these security
measures are installed, there is a programme of work in place
to repair outstanding damage and redecorate external
Our contractor for installation of the disabled access ramp was
unable to complete the work in the summer as scheduled, but it
is expected that the work will be done during the autumn. This
will provide access at the front of the building into the
Committee Room. The cost will be approximately £3000, aided
partly by a grant of £1000 from the Stansted Airport
Consultative Committee.
Many people may not realise the extent to which even Village
Halls are subject to rules, regulations and licenses! As a
building licensed for Public Entertainment the Hall will soon
be subject to its annual safety inspection, usually in December
or January of each year. This requires an annual test of the
electrical installation, evidence of servicing of fire
extinguishers, checks on fire escape routes, flammability of
materials such as curtains, effective emergency lighting etc.
Problems in any of these can lead to suspension of the Public
Entertainment Licence. There are also requirements on us in
areas such as Portable Appliance Testing, Data Protection
registration, Health and Safety legislation, Performing Rights
Licensing and Employment Legislation.
Peter Lines
“Let me emphasise that the British Isles is larger than the
Stansted, Heathrow and Gatwick regions.
It is madness to concentrate development in these three areas.
It is madness to destroy our heritage. I make a plea for sensible
planning, proper respect for the views of ordinary people, a
healthy respect for our heritage and recognition from big
business corporations that there is more to life than increasing
profits. Life is for living and the people around Stansted have a
right to enjoy their heritage rather than being made slaves to
big business ambitions. Any government that seeks to serve the
people properly will do well to listen to the people of Stansted
and district.”
Extract from Terry Waite Statement
BAA's attempt to justify the relentless growth of Stansted
Airport by writing off the role that the railways could play in
addressing future transport needs within the UK is laughable
say Stop Stansted Expansion campaigners, responding to a
press release issued by the airport operator today (29 August).
And, say campaigners, this latest bleat makes it obvious that
the airport operator is running scared of the reality that an
improved railway service - notably high speed rail links - could
actually give a better deal to many travellers, significantly
reduce pollution impacts and avoid the destruction of
irreplaceable heritage and countryside. Commented Stop
Stansted Expansion Chairman Norman Mead: "Everybody
knows that while an internal flight might (as BAA says) only
take 50 or 55 minutes from take off to landing. Check in times
and security controls, taxi-ing, baggage reclaim and travel to
and from the airport at each end of the journey typically means
a 'door to door' journey time of nearer four to five hours1.
Contrast this with the fact that high speed rail links have more
than proved competitive with air journeys of anything up to
1000km in France2, Germany, Holland and Belgium - all of
which have seen a shift away from environmentally damaging
short haul planes to rail as a result. Applying current
technologies would mean Edinburgh or Glasgow could be
reached by train in as little as two and a half hours and
Manchester in one and a half." "Meanwhile," he continued,
"environmental watchdogs like the Royal Commission on
Environmental Pollution have already made clear that using
planes for such short journeys as cited by BAA is totally
unsustainable in environmental terms since the greatest
emissions from aircraft arise during take-off and landing. If
the government is serious about finding a truly sustainable long
term solution, a properly integrated transport system for the
UK must be developed." BAA is also disingenuous in the
extreme in talking about the potential effect on what it styles
'the less well off' says the campaign group, pointing to recent
figures from Friends of the Earth which show that if the
aviation industry didn't receive such massive benefits from
VAT exemption on parts, planes and fuel, those on lower
incomes (£10,000 pa) would be £112 per year better off. Since
the 'better off' account for 83 per cent of those who currently
travel from Stansted3 and who are likely to continue to do so,
talk about 'pricing people off planes' is a red herring which
BAA is using to try to frighten people who don't at present
realise how much they are being charged even if they don't fly.
"The bottom line is quite simply that BAA is terrified its profits
might be dented if realistic air travel pricing, more high speed
rail and better passenger choice reduced its customer base,"
concluded Norman Mead.
A massive 47,700 new houses would be needed locally if an
additional runway was approved for Stansted, according to new
report from Essex County Council, due to be published on
Tuesday 22 September. The study shows that expansion of
Stansted Airport would compound existing pressures for more
houses arising from anticipated local population growth. The
report 'A Study of the Possible Urbanisation Implications of the
Potential Expansion Options for Stansted"1, prepared by
consultants, Colin Buchanan and Partners, sets out a preferred
strategy for future housing development within a 30 minute
'drive time' from Stansted Airport. The strategy proposes
14,600 new houses for Harlow, 7,300 for Stansted
Mountfitchet and 5,800 for Great Dunmow. It also proposes a
new town near Felsted and another between Elsenham and
Henham. These two new towns would have almost 7,000 new
houses each. A further 2,000 new houses would be added to
Bishop's Stortford
End of page 10
1,000 at Braintree and another 1,000 houses at other sites in the
local area. In addition: The proposals for Harlow would
increase its population by 50% with massive new housing
development to the north and west of the town. Stansted
Mountfitchet would grow from a population of 6,000 today to a
town of 24,000 people and would be almost joined with
Bishop's Stortford.· Great Dunmow would treble in size from
7,000 to a population of 21,000 with new housing
developments to the north-east, north-west and south of the
town. "The report demonstrates that we face severe housing
pressures in the years ahead and the last thing we need is
another Heathrow on our doorstep on top of this - or this whole
area would become an urban sprawl," said Norman Mead,
Chairman of Stop Stansted Expansion. "This is a wake-up call
that we must all resist BAA's expansion plans and persuade the
Government that it must not allow additional runways to be
built," he continued. BAA has asked the Government to give
approval for up to two additional runways at Stansted and the
Government will announce its decisions about future airport
policy in a White Paper, expected in December. Essex County
Council commissioned the report because it is obliged to make
long term provision for the County's new housing needs. If the
Government approves an additional runway at Stansted, the
housing implications must be provided for within the regional
planning framework. The consultants also produced housing
projections for two and three additional runways at Stansted.
These include a proposal for a third new town at the Hadhams.
Norman Mead described these higher projections
as"completely unthinkable". Norman Mead concluded: "Essex
County Council will have very little choice in the matter if the
Government approves an extra runway for Stansted. That's the
battle we must win and to do that we must continue to bombard
our MPs with letters and show our opposition in every way we
A SHORT RALLY AT 3PM. Further information on the
event is available from Stop Stansted Expansion T 01279
870558 or
End of page 11
Friday 12 September saw the new football season get
underway for the school football team with a friendly
match against Little Hallingbury.
With the majority of last year’s team having now left the
school, it was all change as far as the team was concerned
with many year 5’s making their first appearance for the
first team. A solid performance in the first few minutes
set up a great first half. It was Hallingbury who went
ahead first with a well taken goal but that was cancelled
out soon after by Tom Bennett’s first goal for the school
In the second half, the players began to tire (not
surprisingly if you take the pace of the first half into
account) which lead to substitutions aplenty for both
sides. 1-1 it ended, with a great start-of-season showing
by both teams alike. Here’s how our team lined up:
Michael Eaton (GK); Ollie Hancock (Capt.); Jamie
Stevens; Ross Williams; Freddie Shaw; Lloyd Hammett;
Tom Bennett; Chris Clark.
Georgie Hudson
Jordan Baker (GK).
As mentioned in last month’s column, our football team
are starting up a new Sunday team to play in the North-
West Essex League. Two fixtures will have already been
played by the time you read this but there is still one
fixture to be played:
Sunday 5 October
HH Sunday Team vs. Risden Wood
Kick-Off: 10:30am.
As soon as more fixtures are announced, Heath Sport will
bring them to you.
Heath Sport can exclusively bring you the hot off the
press football fixtures scheduled for the first part of the
season for Hatfield Heath CPS Football Club:
Monday 6 October
Home vs. Little Hallingbury
End of Page 12
Thursday 16 October
Away vs. St. Mary’s Stansted
Friday 7 November
Away vs. Rodings
Thursday 13 November
Home vs. Bentfield
Thursday 18 November
Home vs. Howe Green
(Fixtures for after Christmas will follow soon….)
(We played Takeley on September 25. Details to follow
next month.)
All text by Billy Shaw (14).
Do you need any other evidence of why the speed
limits through the village should be reduced?
I know that this was a drunk driver but it does show the
damage a car can do. If you have any information
regarding the above incidents please contact the Police,
contact details at end of this report on page 15
End of Page 13
Between 1800hrs & 2000hrs 5th August a Road Roller was
taken from Bambers Green, Takeley.
Between 1200hrs & 1400hrs 6th August a garage was forced in
Woodside Green, Great Hallingbury a sit on lawn mower &
petrol strimmer were taken.
Between 0900hrs & 1415hrs 6th August at Tilkiln Green, Great
Hallingbury money was taken from a shed, a blue vehicle was
seen to drive off, one of the occupants was not wearing a shirt.
Between 0900hrs & 1930hrs 7th August a house was entered in
Latchmore back, Great Hallingbury, property was taken.
Overnight 7th August tiles to the front of Hatfield Heath
Village Hall were damaged.
Overnight 7th August a farm building at Bambers Green,
Takeley was forced open and a red coloured Honda Foreman
4x4 quad bike and strimmer were taken.
Between 2100hrs 11th & 0700hrs 12th August a shed was
forced open in Holloway Close, Leaden Roding, two petrol
cans were taken.
On 11th August a mobile phone was taken from the High Street,
Hatfield Broad Oak.
Weekend of 12l August damage was caused to the pool cover
and rail at Little Hallingbury School.
Between 1200hrs & 1615hrs 12th August a house was entered
in Stortford Road, Little Canfield and property was taken.
Between 1230hrs & 1700hrs two metal gates were forced in
Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath, a stable was entered and
two saddles and other "tack" was taken, also taken was a
blue & white Ifor Williams horse trailer was taken.
At about 2pm on 12th August 2003 a walk in burglary occurred
in Stortford Road, Little Canfield.An untidy search was carried
out and Cash and debit cards stolen.
Between 11th August and 12th August entry was forced to a
shed in Stortford Road, Leaden Roding, petrol and petrol cans
were stolen.
On 17th August an Audi TT Quattro was stolen from a
driveway in Mole Hill Green, Takeley.
Between 1930hrs & 200hrs 20th August, a Peugeot car was
forced open and property was taken while parked in Hatfield
At 12.05pm on 21st August a gardener witnessed a petrol
strimmer being stolen from a farm in Hatfield Broad Oak. The
persons responsible made off in a white flat back vehicle with a
distinctive red stripe. The registration No was E482LPR.
On 22nd August entry was gained to a house in Stortford Road,
Little Canfield via a ground floor window. A jewellery box and
a playstation was stolen.
At lam on 22ndAugust a Ford Escort was damaged in
Broomfields, Hatfield Heath. Overnight 22nd August two
fence panels were damaged on the Heath, Hatfield Heath.
Between 1745hrs & 1800hrs 24th August, damage was caused
to a Citroen car whilst parked at Hatfield Forest.
Between 19l & 26 August an attempt was made to enter a
house in Southview Villas,Takeley.
Prior to 26 August, three tyres were damaged to a vehicle
parked in Garnetts, Takeley.
End of page 14
During the afternoon of 27th August believed two persons, both
early20's, 5'4"in height, one male (no other description), female
(non white) dark longish hair tied back, wearing a cream or
white suit) entered two elderly persons houses in Priors Wood
Court, Takeley and took a handbag and carrier bag.
About 2100hrs 27th August a blue Ford Sierra index
number K215JHJ was taken from Sawbridgeworth Road,
Hatfield Heath
On 28th August a vehicle was damaged while parked in
Coopers Villa, Takeley.
Between 1700hrs & 1800hrs a Vauxhall car was damaged and
property taken, whilst parked at Hatfield Forest.
Any formation regarding the above incidents please to Hatfield
Heath Police Station for the information and attention of the
Police Officers. PC 1892 Richard Williams. PC1712Brad
Healey. Telephone number 01279 730388. Answering machine
(checked daily) 01279 730280. Fax number 01376 55265.
E-Mail numbers [email protected] or
[email protected]
A burglar walked into a house in Ardley End Hatfield Heath
and while the occupants were in the garden, stole two wallets
and a purse. The incident, which happened on September 5
between 5pm to 6m, resulted in one wallet being taken from
the pocket of a coat downstairs and the items other from
upstairs. They were worth £400.
Police say that probably the best solution would be to close
entrances to Village Green at night so that cars could not drive
on to the Green. He said he would put the idea forward to the
Parish Council
H 37inches x W 44inches x D23inches
(H 94cm x W 112cm x D 58cm)
Very good condition
Tel: 01279 730 613
End of Page 15
Love from - Nan Perry xxx
Lots of Love, Mum & Dad, xxx
Love Nan & Granddad,
Nan Doris & Aunty June, xxx
Uncle Paul, Charlotte & Jack xxx
End of Page 16