J.E. White Motors Team
Organisers of the Hat Fest Classic Cars
left to right, Nicola Ward, Dave Ward, Ollie Camp,Melanie Camp, Ross Crisp, Sarah White, Martin Lee,
Diana White and John White.
Wicky Stickets -
winners of the Hat Fest 2015 Tug o War
Nige the Nige Email: [email protected]
Tuggers co-ordinater
& Referee
Nigel Robley
Web : www.hatfield-heath.co.uk/magazine
Hat Fest Classic Car Show 2015
“Wendycot”,Chelmsford Road, We hope everyone enjoyed the car show at the
Hatfield Heath, recent Hatfield Heath Festival. A lot of work goes
into putting it on but we all enjoy the day very
Bishop’S Stortford, Herts much. Pictured is the J.E. White Motors team
responsible for the show - left to right, Nicola
Opening Hours Ward, Dave Ward, Ollie Camp, Melanie Camp,
Mon - Fri 8am - 5.30pm Ross Crisp, Sarah White, Martin Lee, Diana White
and John White. Missing from the picture are
Sat 9am - 1pm regular helpers Duncan Larke and Cyril Lumley.
Mention must also go to Ivor Lewis who works
Tel: 01279 730 274 tirelessly on the day and is always on site early to
deliver our marker stakes.
[email protected]
www.jewhitemotors.co.uk Thanks to the whole team for making the show such
a success again this year.
Sarah White
J.E. White Motors
15023 Dec 2015 NATASHA TAYLOR
PLANNING LTD ¡¡¢ £¤¥¥ ¦¡§¥¢¨©£¥ ¥¥ ¡
¦¢©¡¥¥¦©¡ £ ¢ ! £" #$%&
'¨( ¥ ¤ ) ©¡)¡ ¥¡
A wealth of expertise on your doorstep © 0 ¤) )¥1¥¥ ¦©¢ ¢)¤02 ¤)£¤3 ¡ ©© ¡¢)'¡ ¥¡
We provide an experienced wealth ©¡) 4 £¤¨0 ¥¥ ¡
management service and offer specialist
advice in a wide range of areas including: 60 minutes from: £35.00
• Investment planning 120 minutes from: £70.00
• Retirement planning
• Inheritance Tax planning FULL BODY: 60 MIN: £40:00/120 MIN £80:00
For further details contact Heath
Financial Planning Ltd on: MOBILE HOME VISITS AVAILABLE:
Mob: 07771 866913 07823 775356
01279 214748
Tel: 020 7495 1771
Email: [email protected] FULLY QUALIFIED & INSURED
Website: www.sjpp.co.uk/stephenkeith
ITEC, FHT Acred Dip, VTCT, REIKI Degree,
RESIDENT ASKS IS IT ME!? Hatfield Haven Care Home
Dear Bruno Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7DL
Could I, through the the medium of your village
magazine ask if anyone else has had the same Tel: 01279 730 043
experience as me.
During recent shopping trips I have purchased www.hatfieldhaven.co.uk
things which are clearly marked as special offers
but have been charged the full amount, on one Features:
occasion it was £5. Serene and homely environment;
Fair enough when I have queried it the shop has 24 hours care in compliance with CQC Care Standards
apologised and refunded my money but how many Medical care provided by local group practice;
people check receipts thoroughly. Perhaps I’ve just district nurse, physiotherapist and a chiropodist;
been unlucky but its not once or twice but quite a Highly qualified and motivated staff - RMA and
number of times and I’m beginning to wonder if it’s NVQ qualifications;
deliberate policy. newly refurnished and
Anyway thank you for letting me have this rant redecorated
P J Merritt rooms (newly built extension included)
Each bedroom fitted with an en-suite bathroom and
Summer Holidays call system to summon help;
Top tips for Travel creen TV and radio.
Large dining room with excellent meals on offer
by the in-house chef;
A Stair lift and a passenger lift to all floors;
Activities includes talks, parties, summer barbecues,
flower arranging e.t.c
With the summer break nearly here, we are all Kindly drop by for viewing and to pick up a copy of our
counting down the days until our long awaited brochure. For placement and other enquiries, please contact
holiday. However, even the most seasoned of
travellers can get caught out; so here are some Amanda Austin (Manager)
suggestions to help your trip run smoothly and email : [email protected]
what do if things don’t quite go as planned.
15011 Dec 2015
Driving and car hire
To hire a car abroad, you now need a
special code from the DVLA, as the
paper part of the driving licence has [xtà{ [t|ÜwÜxáá|Çz
been computerised. Go to www.gov.uk
or call the DVLA on 0300 790 6801. The
code is only valid for 72 hours, so you
may need to do this whilst you are
Flights Professional Service in a warm
If you booked flights for a child aged and friendly atmosphere
under 12 before 1st May you may be
entitled to a refund of the air passenger
duty. Go to Open Tues - Thurs 9 am-5 pm
www.moneysavingexpert.com for airline Fri 9 am-6 pm
by airline information on how to get your
money back. Sat 9am-4pm
If you get delayed at the airport, know
your rights. If you are travelling in the
EU and your flight has been cancelled Free Parking
or delayed for more than two hours,
your airline must look after you.
Barnards Yard, CB11 4EB
T: 01799 618840
W: uttlesfordcab.org.uk
There was much more advice - go on to CABs
website and read the full advice on travel 5 15039 Aug 15
For All Building Works - Charity Festival
Extensions/Renovations - 8th & 9th Aug 2015
Decorating - Plumbing - Electrics
Carried Out with Great Attention to Detail Adult Day Tickets £8
Tel: 01279 757 323 07836 205 103 Adult Weekend tickets £15
Under 16s £2 / Under 10s Free
CF SECURITY 15015Dec15
WIRELESS ALARM SYSTEMS Homestead, Sawbridgeworth Road
CCTV CAMERAS Little Hallingbury, Bishops Stortford
INTERCOMS Hertfordshire CM22 7QU
FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRONIC SECURITY NEEDS I'm organising a charity festival in August raising
CALL money for the local special needs school that my 5
year old son attends in Harlow (Harlow fields
LT Hallingbury 600025 Email: [email protected] school and sixth form)
We are raising money for a memorial/sensory
15017 Dec 15 garden to be built at the school, a safe comfortable
place for the students and staff to be able to visit
Renewable Energy Solutions and pay their respects nothing special just a regular
mum wanting to help and do my bit. This school has
of Sawbridgeworth truly helped my Maximus and the family as a whole
I just wanted to give something back my husband
Design and Installation of Solar PV Systems family bill and gill Moodie (now deceased) lived on
the Heath for almost 40 years, my family
Tel: 01279 912 626 [email protected] www.vikingsolar.co.uk (pipes/Simpsons) have also lived on the Heath for
years now it's my turn to bring up my family were
¡¢£¤¥¤¦§£¡ ¨© ¡¢ we once had our happiest memories.
¨ The festival is called "followers of the old religion"
as a family we we are pagan we celebrate the
!§¢ " changing of the seasons and believe there's a
goddess as well as god, there's nothing evil about
15016 Feb 16 what we do, unfortunately our religion has had a bit
of bad press I don't know if people are scared are
Get Ready just uneducated about what it is we actually do so I
thought I would tie the 2 together, raise money for
For Summer the school and try and educate people what it is we
do hence the festival the festival is being held on a
At private plot of land owned by family (local farmer
and his wife) David and Mel Robarts, Mel is my
Escape Beauty grandmother we have over 40 stalls, entertainment
ranging from belly fire breathing to Viking combat
G5 Anti - CelluliteTreatment 40 mins £20 fighters and music over the course of the 2 days we
Or course of six £100 are hoping we have a good turn out and raise lots of
money for the school I was hoping you may
Hydrafuse Aqua Dermabrasion Facial £45 consider adding this to the village magazine we
have had a lot of interest from the local papers who
L.V.L Eyelash Perm plus tint £40 lasts up to six weeks have actually been round and done a feature on our
Eyebrows re-shape plus tint and eyelash tint only £15 event.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
I.P.L Laser hair removal for all areas of the face & Many thanks for taking the time to read my story.
body from £20 up Consultation & free patch test req. Kelly and Maximus Moodie
Ultimate spray tan in 3 shades light, medium &
Dark £20
Glycolic facial peels
Ultrasound skin toning facial
Deep tissue massage
Waxing including hot wax for sensitive areas.
I look forward to hearing from you
Sue Burgess Tel: 07740 433 417 orText
Situated in the Shaw Hatfield Heath
615071 Sept 2015
Wheels to Work Do you think you could make
a difference to this student’s
Mopeds available to loan! confidence?
We are looking for individuals
The Catch 22 Wheels To Work project offers with tutoring/teaching experience
moped loans at low cost for 16-25 year olds in in all subjects, who are
the Uttlesford area who are struggling to get to passionate about learning.
work or college. Over 10 years, we have worked
with over 150 young people to help them to For more details
access work and education. The project looks to
provide transport to those in rural areas where please contact us today on 01279 654 424
suitable public transport may not be available, e-mail [email protected].
whilst maintaining a good safety record and a
continuation of employability support. 15067 Mar 16
The idea of the scheme is to work closely with 15035 Dec2015
the young person, to ensure that they have the
support that they need to maintain access to
education or employment. This is achieved by
making sure that they comply with all moped-
related training, regular services and
maintenance, regular employability reviews, and
the use of compulsory safety clothing.
Package includes free CBT training, moped
maintenance, safety clothing and fully
comprehensive insurance. All the young person
needs to pay is a monthly contribution to the
project, depending on their circumstances.
If transport is an issue for either yourself or
someone you know/work with, please contact
Lorna Yeadon for more information and an
application pack –
[email protected]
9 15012 Dec 15
Hatfield Heath HEATH PLAYERS
VILLAGE HALL Great news!!
Are Available for The Players production of Bombers Moon has been
Children’s Parties listed for the NDFA All Winners Finals at Woking
Small tables and chairs now available on Thursday 23 July. We’re up against groups from
Celebrations Manchester and Halifax.
including Details here http://ndfa.co.uk/winners/
Wedding Receptions Tickets are available for anyone who wishes to
Classes etc., etc., come down to attend-only £8.00 plus booking fee
PREFERENTIAL RATES http://www.atgtickets.com/shows/british-all-
AND now
LOCAL RESIDENTS We’ll also be needing crew to assist in building the
For Details Telephone set on the day. Please let Mark know
01279 730 544 (01279 503174) if you’re interested and available.
Registered Charity No. 268367
We can offer tea/coffee and biscuits and our
15004 Dec 2015
undying thanks in return for your services.
Next play reading is at Dot’s on Wednesday 1 July,
from 7.30 onwards. We’ll be reading a couple of
radio comedy scripts ‘Hancock’s Half Hour’ and
‘Clare in the Community’, both of which should be
familiar to those of you who listen to Radio 4 Extra
on a regular basis. Steve Foster will be overseeing
the reading as he hopes to use these as a basis for an
Autumn Production at the end of October.
That’s all for now Mark
1 The Fairway, Bush Fair, Harlow, Essex
Specialists in design, manufacture and installation of manual and automated gates; including video/
intercom entry systems.
Staircases, balustrades and railings. Builder’s steelwork. Expert advice and service
Free quotations with no obligation.
Tel: 01279 635 525
E-Mail :[email protected]
10 14099 July2015
RESIDENT SAYS THE VILLAGE GREEN ¡¢£¤¥ ¥¦§¢£¤¦¨ © ¡¥ £ ¦ §
REMINDS HIM OF AN §¦¥ ¦§ ¤ ¨¢ £¤ ¤!¤ ¥
¡¦¥§ £¤ § ¢¨§ £¤ ¢¥¨
“ENTRENCHED BATTLEFIELD” §!§¢£§ £¤ "¡¦ ¢¦¤#
Dear Mr Fenwick $%&' (%)0( 12'34)2 5'%3462' 7%' 0(( (48&46 901@2
'2A%30(B 4C)(&64CD )21154@1 0C6 125@4) @0CE1
I have been a resident of Hatfield Heath for the last
ten years. I feel I should write to you and your WU acRR defgh idp qrs
Councillors to put on record my utter dismay at what 15013 Dec 15
has been allowed to happen to the village green.
What used to be a pleasant meeting place for the
local residents and for visitors to the area who
frequently park on the green and have picnics during
the summer has now been stopped and it looks .......Matching Neighbours.......
appalling. It now looks as if we are preparing for
war, with trenches and barriers all round, reminding Dog Walking/Day Care, Cat Feeding Garden
me and fellow residents of an entrenched battlefield. Maintenance, Home Watch Visits Contact
Was planning permission granted for this? ‘TheNeighbours’ Est’din2000
I look forward to your response in due course.
Kind regards Ask us to look after your pets for regular or one-off
dog walks and general pet care.Plants watered, house
Pat Curran Corringales Ryes Lane
calls & checks. Local residents since 1999
Fully insured - References provided.
Phone Robert & Andrew on 01279 731 537 or
Email: [email protected]
15061 Mar 2016
14097 Aug 2015
The new brood of orange tip Butterflies occurred on
May 19th, easily identified as they were only half the
size of the old adults.
Has anyone seen or heard a cuckoo?
Brian Bland
Fed up with
moss and weed? Lawn Treatment Service
I offer:-
•Regular lawn feeds
•Weed and moss treatment
april 07791 128 399
GARDENING CLUB www.simplylawns.co.uk
A few Dates From the 15013 - Dec 2015
Meetings are every 4th Wednesday • Felling • Pruning • Shaping
At the Hatfield Heath Village Hall at 7.45pm
• Reduction • Thinning • Stump Removal
July 22nd. Cambridge Colleges and Gardens
Rodney Tibbs Hedge cutting and shaping
Free no obligation quotes
August No Meeting
Tel: 07940 231 964 or 01279 730 659
Sept. 23rd. Butterflies and Moths in the Garden Email: [email protected]
Stephen Waters
15070 April 2016
Single membership for year £7 or Family £12
Non Member’s £2 per visit
Hatfield Heath Gardening Club
Call 01279 726 357 or 01279 730 425
13 14117 Oct 15
HELD AT 7.30 PM ON WED 10™ JUNE 2015
We provide -weekly cleaning <£10 per hour>,
monthly or a one–off basis <£14 per hour>, according to MINUTE
your needs, NO JOB IS TO SMALL OR TO BIG FOR US Cllr Mark Lemon (ML), (Chairman), Cllrs Bob Jones
Trustfull - Sole trader - Fully insured (BJ), David Parish (DP), Colin Skyrme (CS),
12 years’ experience -Top references Suzanna Wood (SW),
In attendance: Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick, and
Please call Isabela on 4 members of the public
07955 658 347 or 01279 902 991
15048 June 15
The Chairman welcomed everyone present and
opened the meeting.
14105 sep 15 The following items were raised by members of the
Moat Fields Allotment Association setting up a
small subcommittee to set up the allotments.
Local Highways Panel (LHP). Alistair Walter was
not re-elected. Minutes of UDC Annual Meeting
proposed that the LHP chair is taken by County
Councillor. Route to getting on LHP, Essex
Association of Local Councils (EALC) and
Stansted Airport Consultative Committee (STACC)
is by being an Uttiesfbrd Association of Local
Councils (UALC) executive member. Last LHP
minutes show the mini roundabout B183/A1060
is scheduled to start in August. Parish is entitled
to have more than one member on UALC.
Keith Artus now represents UDC on STACC and
perhaps should not represent UALC.
Cllr Gary Waller (GW), EFDC meeting
ML confirmed that after interviewing the following
candidates, all three were co-opted and ML warmly
welcomed them onto the Parish Council. Clerk will
arrange all necessary documentation Matt Richards
(MR) ,Mark Bissell (MB), Ian Fitzgerald (IF) then took
their places on the council.
The minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of
21st May were signed as a true record of
the meeting.
The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 21st May
were signed as a true record of the
1415007 January 2016
Ml is a district councillor. DP is a member of ttie
Tenants Forum. SW is employed by UDC. MB declared
an interest as a director of a company on the list of
approved contractors for UDC and Hastoe Housing
1415. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON AGENDA General Building & Maintenance
None Conversions, Bathrooms, Kitchens
1416. REPORTS TO / FROM COUNTY AND Plastering, Brickwork, Decorating
ML attended the annual District Council meeting Call for Free Advice & Estimates
where committee posts were selected. 01279 739 136 or 07900 694 664
15018 December 2015
1417. CLERKS REPORT: '(() 0 12')31 45(0'(67
Matters from last meeting and Action Register
1501/01 The Stag island parking issue. Clerk to ¡¢£ ¤¥¦§£ ¨¡© ¨
© ¥¤ ¦ ¤ ¥¥ § ¥¦©
approach legal department at ECC. ¦ §¡¦ ¦© ¢ ¥¤ § ¥¦©
! ¡ ¡©¢ § ¥¦© "§ ¦ ¡©¢# §$
The gates leading to the rear of the Stag are % ¡¢ ©¦¢¥
%£ &¤ ©
always closed. No parking
David Deacon
available for customers. BJ proposed we write
to the government asking for shops to provide
parking spaces. Not agreed. BJ proposed we
write to UDC asking for a share of the WINDOW CLEANING
business rates as we provide car parking for
the shops. Agreed EF
1501/05 Kerbing in Broomfields. Clerk has [email protected] T: 01279 436196
submitted proposals to Local Highways www.ddpropertycare.co.uk M: 07403443959
Panel. Clerk to request a response. EF 14100 July 2015
1502/04 Request Freedom of information
documents re Sheering speed limit. Clerk to
Write again pointing out the extension of the
speed limits at Sheering and Hatfield Broad
Oak on B183 and asking why Hatfield Heath
was refused EF
1502/09 Parking spaces at Nursery on the Heath.
File passed to Enforcement Officer who has
confirmed a breach of planning has occurred
and asked owner to regularise by last week.
ML understands a submission for approval You’ll be dripping with sweat and gasping for breath. Each week you’ll get
better and do more. Get ready to be in the best shape of your life!!
has been made EF
1503/06 Quotation received from Village Handyman
for maintenance of war memorial garden.
Clerk to query extent of works. BJ has
examined the site which requires some work
done to the box hedge. ML and the Clerk to
meet John Kenney in two weeks to resolve
issue EF
1505/01 Request meeting with Cllr Barker and ECC
Highways EF
1505/02 Speed signs to be ordered for car park. MB
will obtain and erect 2 suitable 5 mph signs
on the steel height barrier MB Please email/call regarding the location of “Farm Studio” in Hatfield Heath
i. RSN Rural Conference All classes £5 – attend 2 in a week and get 3rd free!!
ii.Ownership of land. The Shaw & West Hayes. Details
passed to Susanne Thorne and the management To book your place or for more info please call
company for The Shaw and West Hayes.
Continued on next page......... email
15042 Dec 15
been marked for repair but many more have not. *Emergency Door Opening
ii. Warning signs for horses & riders in Dunmow
Road. Request issued to ECC Highways. *Insurance Upgrades to BS3621
Locations requested from Susanne Thorne
*Upvc Locks Specialist
Very favourable comments received on posting and *Whether Broken,Repaired,
ditching which has been completed.
John Kenney has said the mounding will cause or Replaced.
problems on grass cutting. ML & Clerk to meet JK. BJ
asked if Adamson Conservation could be asked to *All Locks Supplied & Fitted
retreat the war memorial. Approved
LADY *All Lockwork Undertaken,
Affordable Housing has been well received and the LOCKSMITH *Doors,Windows,garages,Sheds.
small numbers of teething problems have been
resolved. Member of *Est over 10yrs, Fully Insured
GW reported his concern of the Governments proposal
on right to buy for Affordable Housing on exception DBS checked *Oap Discounts
Opening of Affordable Housing on 3rd July by Sir Alan Call Keeley For a Free Quote Or Friendly Advice On..
Clerk to approach RCCE regarding Housing Survey 01279 739 156 07736 929 440
Subcommittee formed with GW, DP and MB 5 Cox Ley, Hatfield Heath
The cost of providing the paths was considered too
expensive at around £4000. It was thought that the 14087 July 2015
plot holders themselves would be able to put in paths
to their own plot from the central path already The Three Chestnuts Riding Club
Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath
Small friendly riding club
Qualified instructor as well as dressage riderPetPlan Area Festival 2014
Lovely selection of ponies
Beginner lesson (on lead rein) £17
Child lesson £20 Adult lesson £24
Stable management £10
Private lessons, half day and full pony days
Also available for lessons on your own horse or part
share one of mine with opportunities to go to shows
Call Elaine for more information
07799 778 620
1424. WILDLIFE AREA Leanne Lewis Bsc (Hons) (EEBW) (EEMR)
Quotation of £600 to remove bulrushes and creeping
thistles to the wildlife area. Approved. DP to arrange. Equinine Sports Therapist Fully qualified and insured in
Someone has put a quantity of goldfish into the two
ponds which will eat all the Great Crested Newt eggs. Equine Sports Massage
Article in magazine
Passive Streching
Mel Sullivan gave a report on the parish appraisal. Myofascial Release
Next working group meeting 17th June. Suggested
there should be a parish council representation. ML, Rehabiltation
BJ and CS will attend. Mel will send full copy of
responses to clerk who will circulate to full council. Sessions between 1 - 2hrs from £25
Thanks to those involved in preparation of the
appraisal. Years 5 and 6 of the local school produced *Travel costs apply after 15miles
their own version of the appraisal
Improving your horse’s well-being, by giving the freedom to move
[email protected] 07530 309 552
15043 Feb 2016
1426. STANSTED AIRPORT 14103 Aug 15
Trial has been extended for another year. If s still the
case that Ryanair has not yet fully joined the trial, but HIRE UR CHURCH HALL FOR
assuming the results with all the other contributing BIRTHDAY PARTIES
airlines are sufficiently conclusive, as they seem to be,
then the airport hopes that this will become a You can hire the hall for children's parties
permanent procedure which would entail a prior £10.50 / hour Tel :01279 730 581
consultation period with local residents, particularly in
Hatfield Heath. This consultation could start as early
as this summer probably through HH Parish Council.
Continued on next page.........
.....................Continued From Previous page Stansted Airport, Wildlife Area, Affordable Housing,
Police House, Footpath 12, Mini roundabout.
8th July 12th August 9th Sept
None attended
HHPC Wildlife Working Group
FOR THE NEXT AGENDA Great Crested Newt
Breeding Sites at Risk
• Interior & Exterior decoration
• carried out to a high specification. We are fortunate to have Great Crested Newts
• Full public liability. breeding in Hatfield Heath and in winter 2010/2011
• 30 yrs Experience the Parish Council invested in improving the ponds
• Ceilings papered. and wildlife area to the west of Holy Trinity church.
• Wall coverings and wall paper hung The main pond was de-silted, the oaks and willows
were thinned or coppiced, the under-road culvert
Contact Steve. was cleared and several hibernation refuges were
Phone : 01279 724 805 Mobile : 07836 588 886 created for the Great Crested Newts. Other wildlife,
flora and fauna, have benefitted too.
E-mail: [email protected] The newts thrive in these ponds in particular
Address: Field View, Sheering, Herts. because the ponds are interconnected and,
importantly, dry out every few years so don’t
www.cornelldecorators-herts.co.uk support fish life. When fish are present they eat the
eggs and tadpoles so it is really important not to
15019 Dec 15 introduce fish to these ponds. Unfortunately, it has
been reported fish have been introduced to the
State Registered Chiropodist ponds and so put the breeding sites at risk. Please
don’t add more and if you see or hear of anyone
Home Visiting Practice planning to do so, please dissuade them. If we lose
the newts it could be many years before they return.
Mrs. Julie Golden S.R.Ch.
Wildlife Area Maintenance
Est. 1994
The Wildlife Area is generally left to manage itself
01279 873 492 but occasionally needs a little help to maintain a
balance. There are three invasive plant species that
A professional service at a competitive rate need to be controlled; Ragwort, Creeping Thistle
and Bulrushes. The ragwort is poisonous to cattle
14092 Sept 2014 and horses and generates many windblown seeds
07974 766 108
which could introduce the weed to crops in nearby T: 01279 730 343 M: 07889 413773
agricultural fields; so all ragwort is removed. The Chesnut Drive Hatfield Heath
creeping thistle can spread rapidly at the expense of www.securecom.org.uk
other wildflower species. However, it has an
attractive flower and is a valuable food source to a 14086 July 2015
variety of birds and invertebrates so rather than
eradicate it we try to restrict its spread by removing In a Frame
some flower heads before seed is set and treating
with chemicals. The bulrushes were removed in Picture Framing and Art Supplies
winter 2010/2011, treated and removed again in
winter 2012/2013 and they are spreading rapidly F19 Allen House Business Centre, The Maltings, Station Rd
again now and will fill the whole pond if left
So over the next weeks and months you may see Telephone 01279 260 069
contractors working for the Parish Council on these www.inaframe.co.uk
maintenance activities.
Framing for pictures, photographs, prints, posters,
DATE FOR CALENDAR objects and memorabilia.
Quiz Drive Canvas stretching and needlework lacing
Sports shirt framing
7pm 24th Sept 2015
In aid of maintenance of We now stock a good selection of Daler-Rowney art materials
including stretched canvas, canvas panels, brushes, paints,
Holy Trinity papers & easels as well as Screen Print Kits,
Lino Cutting Sets & DAS Modelling Clay
01279 730 241
Busy family with two children, a 3 month old baby
and a menagerie of domestic pets and horses
require a daily Housekeeper/cleaner to help in
their home in Hatfield Heath.
Hours approximately 4-6 per day. Long term/short
term position. For more information please send
Email to [email protected]
The Zig Zag in Dog Agility not good for dogs 150353 Feb 2016
with a lot of fur
2 20:00 Joint Elders/PCC Meeting URC VILLAGE HALL 730 544 LEISURE HOUR
730 544 730 465
5 08.00 Holy Communion 1662 HT PRE-SCHOOL CATHOLIC CHURCH
09.30 Family Service HT (2 -5 years) Hatfield Broad Oak
10.30 Family Service with Communion URC 730 354 01371 872 550
6 11:30 for 12:00 Luncheon Club URC Mother,Baby and Toddler 01279 651 270
8 10.30 Holy Communion at The Close Group
OR 01279 653 925
12 09.30 Holy Communion HT Thur 9.45am term time SECRETARY U.R.C.
10.30 Family Service
followed by Church Meeting URC Village Hall - Betty Bennett.. 01279 508 455
16 20.00 Village Hall Committee Meeting CR
Michelle: 07762 083 355 HEALTH WALK
Elle: 07976 592 364
19 08.00 Holy Communion - 1662 HT URC Friday 10am outside
09.30 Matins HT
10.30 Family Service URC FRIDAY CLUB (7-12 yrs) Broomfield Surgery 731 434
18:00 Service at The Close 739 218 HEALTH WALK
(6 mths - 7years) 868 410 Monday 10.30am Village Car
22 10.30 Midweek Holy Communion HT Park
11.30 for 12.00 Luncheon Club URC
19:45 Gardening Club H SCHOOL FOOTBALL The new leader Is Mr. G.
Last day of Summer Term for Primary School
CLUB Barron. 01279 899 451
26 09.30 Holy Communion HT
SCOUTS 812 586
10.30 Family Service URC 731 646 07956 563 710
27 09.30 Holy Communion The Haven BROWNIES 734 391
9.30am Holy Trinity Village Hall
730 288 Weds 9.30am 07776 221 975
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy KARATE
Trinity Church / URC-United Reform Church / 445 539 KEEP FIT
I-Institute / S-School JUNIOR KARATE
01992 575 679 Village Hall
Monday 10.30- 11.30 am
BRIDGE CLUB 723 948 07776 221 975
730 425 Village Hall
OPEN COFFEE Mon and Friday 9.15am-10am
MORNING AT Men and women of all ages &
INSTITUTE 730288 shapes 07775 663 742
Green Garden Waste For all Senior Citizens 01279 443 181
Skip Diary 730 581 NEIGHBOURHOOD
Saturday Times 14:30 - 15:30 Michelina 07786 341 754 Paula O'Sullivan 730 281
¡¢ £ ¤¥¦§ ¨© !"
¡¢ ¤¥¦§ ¨© # $$%& ' SPANISH LANGUAGE [email protected]
¡¢ ( ¤¥¦§ ¨© !"
Ann Whale 01279 731 288 Afternoon
724 833
730 212 730 539
¡¢ ¨ ¤¥¦§ ¨© # $$%& ' HEATH PLAYERS Men and women of all ages
¡¢ )¥0¥1¢ ¨© !"
¡¢ ( )¥0¥1¢ ¨© # $$%& ' Mark Ratcliff 503 174 Uttlesford Badger Group Derek Barry
¡¢ )¥0¥1¢ ¨© !"
¡¢ ¨¨ )¥0¥1¢ ¨© # $$%& ' Chrissie Richards 864 536 (on call 24/7 )01279 503332
¡¢ ¨2 )¥0¥1¢ ¨© !"
HISTORY SOCIETY Home 07941185171 Mbl
Ivan Cooper 730 275
730 042
CHOIR 730 390
Parish Council - www.hatfieldheath.com
URC Hall Wed 7.30pm
Village Magazine - view past 27 issues
8 th July www.hatfield-heath.co.uk/magazine
PARISH COUNCIL www.facebook.com/hatfieldheathfestival
Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick.................. 730 770
Email : ............. [email protected] Eden Surgery Websites
Mark Lemon Chairman ...........................730 581 (Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites)
(District Councillor) Broomfields :.......www.hatfieldheathsurgery.co.uk
Vice Chairman -David Parish ............... 730 573 Broad Oak:....www.hatfieldbroadoaksurgery.co.uk
Robert Jones............................................... 730 741
Gary Waller................................................ 739 345 School...........www.hatfieldheath.essex.sch.uk
Susanne Thorne......................................... 731 672
Colin Skyrme.............................................. 730 480 H. H.Football Club:.....www.facebook.com/hatfieldfc
H.H. Cricket Club: www.freewebs.com/hatfieldheathcc
POLICE, DOCTORS, SAMARITANS Bridge Club...www.hatfieldheathbridgeclub.org.uk
SCHOOL & CHURCHES Parish Council ...........www.hatfieldheath.com
PCSO Simon Horne
Email:[email protected] MOBILE LIBRARY
Essex Police Non Emergency.................101
Emergency ............................................. 999 Visits Fortnightly on Wednesdays
DOCTORS Broomfields........................ 01279 730 616 Jun-10, 24 Jul - 8, 22 Aug-5, 19
DOCTOR Broad Oak............................ 01279 718 245
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth.................. 01279 603 180 Broomfields Arrives Leaves
THE SAMARITANS.......................... 01920 464 099 The Close 14.45 15.35
The Heath 15.40 16.00
HATFIELD HEATH C.P. SCHOOL.....01279 730 382 16.05 16.35
PRE-SCHOOL....................................... 01279 730 354
Rev. Stewart Gibbs.............................. 01279 730 288
Eileen Ashworth ..................................... 01279 730 610
Richard Barnett .................................... 01279 730 425 Thu 16th
URC Rev Sam - Phone........................... 01279 453 781 JulyBruno
URC Secretary - Betty Bennett.............. 01279 508 455
Village Volunteers when you need help..07944 748 478
Email :- [email protected]
H.H. TENANTS FORUM MEMBER Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, CD, or
David. N. Parish 730 573 email - [email protected].
PLAY BUS FOR UNDER FIVES If posting or delivering by hand you can send direct to me :-
Buffy Bus is a playbus designed to give the under fives an Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield
opportunity to paint, play and socialise in a playgroup
Heath CM22 7BD.
environment that they would otherwise not have access to
PARKS ON CENTRE OF VILLAGE GREEN Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498
TUESDAYS 9.30am - 11am
Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606 309
Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
Secretary: - Jean Clarke 01279 730 667
Chairman - Brendan Carrig
Printed by Cornerstone 01279 437 851
DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
accepted in work done by advertisers.
Every Tuesday on the Heath
From Tuesday 5th May, 6 -
President: William Gosling Lord of the Manor
Audley End House - a talk and presentation
by Ted Pretty MBE
The recent presentation for HRLHS was an extremely
intersting and humorous talk by Ted Pretty MBE.
Although retired for 20 years from his work at Audley
End House an enthusiasm for his trade, as a plumber,
specifically working with lead, was all embracing.
Following two interviews he was offered a 6 months
trial with a promise of a contract yet 38 years and 4
months later he retired but still NO CONTRACT! His
introduction covered periods when he worked not only
at Audley End but also loaned to the Houses of
15062 March 2016 Parliament (saving a wetting for Winston Churchill
following roof repairs) and 5 years at the Tower of
Carpet...Vinyl...Wood London before returning to Audley End. He
reminisced details gleaned from a previous older
workforce referring to ‘upstairs/downstairs’ attitudes.
Supplied and Installed by Knightbrooks ltd
07776 147 928 - 07939 739 845 Ted explained that in March 1941 the house was used
Unit 11.Heath View Pond Lane.Hatfield Heath. CM22 7AB as a camp by the Special Operations Executive (SOE)
£8.50 per sqm..includes 11mm underlay,installation,gripper ultimately used by the Polish branch. As a designated
rods,door bars,uplift and dispose old flooring. training school there is a memorial in the main drive to
the 108 Poles who died in the service. The ninth Lord
....................................................................................................................................................... Braybrooke resumed possession but in 1948 the house
Heavy Domestic Loop structure, Bleach Cleanable,
12 sqm hall stairs and land 4 colours £165 was sold to the Ministry of Works predecessor of
English Heritage. Lord Braybrooke moved to Abbey
House, an early 17th Century Tudor framed and 19th
Budget Twist Pile Bleach Cleanable, Century brick core remodelled in the 1950’s and
12 sqm hall stairs and land 9 colours £165 enlarged in 1967-1970.
80%wool 20% nylon 50oz 6 colours
average 12 sqm lounge £270
................................................................................................................................................ A series of slides provided a visual atmosphere to the
Heavy Domestic Twist Saxony Shag pile 14 colours
average 12 sqm lounge £250 talk covering close views of Ted’s affinity to ‘lead’
................................................................................................................................................................................................ featuring piping, roof coverings and the way
application of lead was used in a range of workings.
Vinyl average 6 sqm kitchen or bath room 11 designs £105 His impressive visual tour around the house included
the Great Hall, Salon with its original furniture now in
................................................................................................................................................................................................ the hands of English Heritage, small and large
libraries. Reference to the Popes Chair which for many
Laminate Floor good quality years Catholics approached with considerable
12 sqm 6 colours £260 fitted reverence, yet turned out to belong to the author
Alexander Pope. This visual tour continued in the
................................................................................................................................................................................................ dining room highlighting an antique French clock
which had been found in the roof of a stable block.
All Prices Shown Include Underlay,Installation,Gripper The State bedroom and bed, Red drawing room
Rods,Door Bars,uplift dispose old carpets.
Visit Our Showroom
To View our Huge Range Of Samples
I Will Then Come To Measure
With Your Chosen Samples and Measure and Quote For
Free at the same time you can see The Carpet Sample in
Your Home.
We can supply any carpet available from any manufacturer containing silk made by a Braintree firm, some
No Hyped Up Sales We Will Give You The Best fantastic ceiling designs and a Chapel with a
We Can For Your Budget picturesque stained glass window from the inside but a
07939 739 845 or 07776 147 928 clear glass look from outside.
2215040 Dec 15
Grounds of the house and Capabiity Brown parklands RESIDENT SURVEYED
divided by the River Cam crossed by several ornate
bridges, a restored walled kitchen garden renovated to VILLAGE TOO
its late Victorian former glory.
I read with interest in last months magazine the results of the
Several questions from an intent audience followed village appraisal and wonder what happens next?
the talk which were answered by Mr Pretty with a It is nice to know that people are satisfied with the leisure activi-
knowledge significant of a man who has an appetite ties and that in today's technical age that everyone wants better
and keenness still thoroughly involved with his ‘craft’. phone and broadband signals, but what about the import issues.
Firstly parking we have a large car park at the end of the village
Ivan Cooper for the shops, the children at the school should be local so why do
they not walk. If the children walked maybe they would take in
President: William Gosling Lord of the Manor their surroundings and respect them. There is an issue with park-
ing in Broomfields, firstly there was a parking lot built for council
Programme Arrangements & Meeting Dates for 2015 residents of numbers 1,3,5 and 7 which is always full of commer-
(including some arranged talks) cial vehicles and residents of the houses on the main road, who are
All Meetings will be held at the to the point of being nasty to the designated users, and yet despite
complaints to the council and parish council still seem to get away
United Reformed Church, Chelmsford Road at with literally terrorising OAPs, the solution would be that these
7.30 pm Third Tuesday of each Month residents parked in Pond Lane and walked to their homes. I do put
some blame on letting agents who have informed their tenants that
July Exhibition Arrangements are pending for a there is parking at the rear of their properties. There is a large sign
2016 date and will continue a theme of WW1 on this car park which clearly states residents of BROOMFIELDS.
which is planned to take place from 2014-2018 I note with some interest that although a crossing was suggested
15 Sept no mention of the speed limit, I sit at the Broomfields junction
20 October Hatfield Heath Players every morning and watch as 90% of vehicles ignore the 30 mile
speed limit and yet Sheering people seem to respect theirs. Could
Steve Foster it be that speed limits and yellow lines for that matter should be
17 November Lodge's Coaches enforced, so where was the mention of policing and the fact that
we no longer have the coverage that we used to have in this vil-
Robert Lodge lage?
15 December Christmas Meeting Environmental issues are important and I agree that we should
keep our village as green as possible, but at no point does it men-
(Programme to be arranged) tion the Green Skip that our parish council kindly pay for and yet
this is regularly used by people outside the village, leaving it full
when the people living here want to use it, could we not issue an
ID card for villagers that want to use this service that has to be
shown to the collection driver if we are to put our green waste in
It is good to know that the school is appreciated , however could
we not ensure that this should be for villagers and not residents of
towns outside.
Well I suppose that will do for just a few points to be raised when
reading the surveys outcome.
Name Supplied
Hat Fest Hatfield Heath Community Primary School
Crockery Smashing
Our Year 6 children took their SATs (Statutory
Assessments Tests) last week and we were all very
impressed with the way they conducted themselves and
handled the tests during the week – we even had a few
children who said that they had really enjoyed the week!
They attended breakfast club every day where they had a
chance to relax and eat breakfast with their friends before
the tests. Well done Year 6.
MEMORIALS Year 2 also completed their SATs last week. The children
performed exceptionally well and we look forward to
Direct From Stonemason sharing the results with parents in the end of year reports.
Miss Ingrouille and Mrs Skyrme would like to congratulate
them on all their hard work and efforts during the year. We
are all very proud of you Year 2!
J. Day & Son Granny Grin Pickle and Poj meet Hatfield Heath School
The Theatre of Widdershins brought storytelling to life on
Station Road, Bishop’s Stortford were a sight to behold, each transforming the stage with
imagination and magic. There were three stories on the
FOR BROCHURE & PRICES menu to delight Reception – Year 3; the Magic Porridge
OR A HOME VISIT CALL Pot, Stone Soup and The Gingerbread Man. These stories
bubbled over with delicious storytelling ingredients and
0800 783 7521 characters,
including; Granny Grin Pickle, Poj, Granny
Bishop’s Stortford 01279 654 555 Goose Grape and Chef Waffle Sweat who was
Edmonton 0208 807 3712 a giant made out of stones!
Year 3 became puppeteers in the afternoon, meeting
Rumplestiltskin and
other crazy characters
before bringing their
own puppet to life.
Andy explained how
the puppets were made
and how they were
operated. Finally the
children made their
own puppets with
Andy in the afternoon,
each with its own
character name and
Andy often performs
at The Little Angel
Theatre in Islington.
15021 Dec 2015
His work can be viewed at: www.widdershins.co.uk. His We offer a
performance enthralled the children and if you are able to Complete Service
see his work in the future they would recommend you go!
“It was very clever how Andy made the giant out of stone” CERAMIC TILING
“My favourite character was Poj [the dog] because he was LIGHTING
“I liked the Gingerbread Man because he had a funny
face” Dougie All carried out with the minimum
“I liked Poj because he had real life actions!” Erin of fuss and mess by experts!
Also all Plumbing &
Recently in DT, the children in Year 4 have been learning Domestic Heating Installations
about moving mechanisms within storybooks. After lots of
research, planning and design the children have finally SO LOOK NO FURTHER THAN
produced their own books containing a variety of moving
parts! This topic has led the children througheach stage of C.F OAKES
the process, from designing a particular font for their
writing through to creating pop-ups, flaps, levers and Established in Harlow for over 45 years
elements for their book. The children have been very
creative and have learnt a great deal about targeting their 15008 December 2015
books for a
particular audience and choosing mechanisms that suit their
story. The finished books were all brilliant, and here are
Sam, Tiarna and Aoife with theirs:
Sam said “I like doing the pop-ups because it was really fun 15079 July 2015
designing the mechanism.”
which was a challenge for her! “I found drawing the car
really tricky, so I tried to design my own version!”
Finally, when asked about her finished book, Tiana replied
animals in the book but I ran out of time.”
On Thursday, Year 5 had a whole morning of art! We
looked at pictures of a famous artist named ‘Wassily
him because he is very mathematical!) We then drew our
own versions of…guess what?...our school in an abstract
style. We then printed our pictures using polystyrene and
Abi D
Year 6 are taking part in a business enterprise project
designing their own brand of popcorn to sell at the school
fete. This project has seen the budding entrepreneurs
research recipes, evaluate existing popcorn products and
create their own brand and packaging. Their amazing
popcorn creations will be available to sample at the fete
10% DISCOUNT OFF and, once their totals have been calculated, a prize will be
given to the most profitable team. Move over Alan
your first order with this advert Sugar!
You may remember that the PFA kindly
Fresh Grimsby Fish funded a school set of 15 ukuleles. These
have been a very popular addition to the
Is now delivering in the Hatfield Heath area Year 6 music curriculum and we now have a
every Tuesday Afternoon regular Thursday lunchtime ukulele club up
and running. We are currently practising
With a wide variety of over 20 different types of hard to showcase our new skills to the whole
Fresh Fish, with no minimum orders school in assembly and at Hat Fest next
Remember to get it fresh month.
It has to be from Ship to shore to your Door Congratulations to Bradley (Year 2) and Jude
(Reception) who have recently achieved their
For further details ring Ian on 07885 224 269 grading for their green and red belts. The boys
or by e-mail at [email protected] attend the Te-Ashi-Do
karate club in Hatfield
14122 Nov 2015 Heath. Well done
The Reception Class
to receive donations of
old, clean uniform
aged 4-6 years to be
used in the event of
They would also
appreciate any old pots,
or utensils to use in
Tax returns from £200
for local, friendly advice contact Paul Dixon
Wallburys, Stortford Road,
Hatfield Heath, CM22 7DL
Tel: 01279 739 076
Email: [email protected]
15029 December 2015
Superior Tuition
Former Deputy Headteacher
I bring about progress and get results
improve confidence
teach reading comprehension answers
techniques for excellent quality writing
clear, simple maths
relaxed, enjoyable sessions
Denise Ings; [email protected]:
01279 600 102 26
14028 January to Dec 2015 missed in 14
Every Friday
The Village Voice 10.30-11.30am
Hatfield Heath
as told to
Leslie Gilchrist Village Hall
£5.50 pay as you go
(Magazine Editor 1979) Please contact Tam on
07738 421 311
“There were four gas lamps on the Heath. for more details
My wife's grandfather used to light them
every night, one on the Sheering Road at 15073 April 2016
Reynold's, one at the baker's, one at the
White Horse and one against the Church. In MHS Builders
our houses and on our bicycles we had Local Builder
paraffin lamps Carpentry & Roofing
At the Post Office Mr Harris hired out Loft and Garage conversions
bicycles, charging one penny a day but for a Kitchens & Bathrooms
week it was five pence so you had a free day Plastering
- maybe there was no hiring on a Sunday. Extensions
We played Cricket on the Heath – the grass references available on request
was two to three feet high. When we took up Call Mark Savage
the fence to play, the rabbits used to run out
as did the partridges from their nests. 01279 882 822
People kept poultry on the Heath then and
the ducks and geese used to wander about. For over 30 years we have been
In 1921 there was great excitement. Word carrying out local, national and
spread that on August Monday a London bus overseas relocations for personal
would be coming through the Village for a and business clients. We
cricket match at Dunmow. … we'd never understand that everyone's move is
seen a bus or been on a train. We lined up on different and that is why we tailor
the Sheering Road- it was a lovely summers our service to each individual
day and you could hear the cheering a long customers needs.
way off as the bus came through. They told Kings Removals was set up as and still
us they'd be back at nine o'clock and the runs as a family business today. Great emphasis is put on customer
same crowds waited to see the bus again. - satisfaction and this is why a high percentage of our work comes from
It was a sensation in those days......” recommendations and repeat business.
We meet again on Wednesday 2nd September
A talk on Greyhound Rescue
by Johanna Beumer MBE
'Come and meet Charlie and his mates.'
U R C Hall 8.00pm - Everyone Welcome www.kingsremovals.co.uk
Details Jean on 01279 730 465
15003 Dec 2015
Friday 19th June
Lots of love Holly and Natasha xxx
Tug O War
Contestants were:......
The Horse Chestnuts` v `The Wicky Stickets`
`The Grabco Muckytruckers` v `The Kings of E-Sex`
`THE UVVERS` - Muvvers, Farvvers, Sisters, Bruvvers,
Teenies, Weenies, Teens, Luvvers.
Dog Agility
Fun Run Winners