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Hatfield Heath Village Magazine February 2016

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Published by markratcliff, 2017-09-30 07:40:56

February 2016

Hatfield Heath Village Magazine February 2016

Keywords: hatfield,heath,village,magazine,february,2016


Hatfield Heath

Parish Plan 2015 Easter Sunday,
The Parish Plan is in the centre of the March 27th at 11 o’clock
magazine as a pull out.
This will enable you to track to see if See inside for entry form........
the actions are being implemented.
The timescales are a guide to when PANCAKES IN
they should happen THE INSTITUTE

Wanted Shrove Tuesday
Magazine Editor Feb. 9th, 10-12
With a bring & buy

Editor wanted For the Hatfield Heath Village "We have 2 green parrots flying
Magazine. Would you consider giving a small around in the Dunmow Road area.
amount of your time each month to produce
the Village Magazine Has anybody lost them?
This is voluntary . If you have a basic computer
knowledge and a wish to keep everyone Please phone 01279 730 479
informed and involved in our community then
this would be enough; it’s not difficult, honest! We have had a few other sightings in Chelmsford
You will be given everything you need to Road and have been asked if anyone else had seen
produce the magazine. the Parakeets which they had spotted. I imagine
Probably by April Barbara and I will be moving these are the same guys.
Southwards, so the quicker we find a volunteer . In London they are flourishing which is not good
the more time we will have for a smooth news for all our native small birds as they are heavy
transition Bruno competition for food. They eat Fruit, berries, nuts
and seeds and are found mainly in south-east
If you feel you could help, England, particularly Surrey, Kent and Sussex..
please get in touch

with Bruno on 01279 730 498 or
email [email protected]

Web : Email: [email protected]


General Building & Maintenance I recently gave a 15 minute interview for the
Bishop’s Stortford & District Talking Newspaper
Conversions, Bathrooms, Kitchens that covers much of the Hundred Parishes area.
Plastering, Brickwork, Decorating The interview – about the Hundred Parishes, of
Call for Free Advice & Estimates course - was added to readings of the
01279 739 136 or 07900 694 664 week's news, taken from the Herts & Essex
Observer, and was distributed on memory sticks to
FULLY INSURED about 100 visually-impaired folk throughout our
area. Preparing for this interview made me even
15018 December 2015 more conscious of how fortunate I am to be able to
see clearly the beauty and variety that is all around
DOMESTIC CLEANING us, and also how fortunate I am to be mobile
SERVICES enough to explore it. I resolved not to take such
blessings for granted and to strive to be more
We provide -weekly cleaning <£11 per hour>, inclusive when pursuing the Society’s objectives to
monthly or a one–off basis <£14 per hour>, according to educate and to encourage exploration.
your needs, NO JOB IS TO SMALL OR TO BIG FOR US Use of our footpaths has been more challenging
Trustfull - Sole trader - Fully insured than usual in recent weeks following the persistent
12 years’ experience -Top references rain, and a decent pair of walking boots is
essential. However, a few hours in the fresh air are
Please call Isabela on usually rewarding in any conditions, especially if
07955 658 347 or 01279 902 991 accompanied by rest and refreshment at one of our
tea rooms or pubs. If you need inspiration to get
15102 Dec 15 out, please consider one of the walks on our
website or simply stroll around a new village or
town with a copy of our parish introduction. We
show plenty of organised walks on our What’s On
page and our own self-guided walk descriptions
can be downloaded from the Walks section. Our
website address is
Ken McDonald

Wednesday 17th February 2.00pm
Whitechapel Mission for the Homeless

Speaker : Tony Miller
U R C Hall 2.0 pm - Everyone Welcome

Details Jean on 01279 730 465


Sunday 14th February Outreach Service
10.30am Led by Rev Sam and Rev Tim Yau
Please join us and stay after the Service - Bring a
packed Lunch!


At the U R C Hall 11.30 am
Monday 1st February Wednesday 17th February

All over 55s welcome Transport Available.
Ring Judy 01279 730 581


We look forward to welcoming you to our Flexible Travelling Tutor
annual Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Bonnet
competition which takes place on Easter Does your child need: - Help with Maths or English? -A confidence boost
Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. or to improve their levels?
Children hunt for replica eggs in the church
and churchyard and then exchange their I can help!
collection for a real egg.
All are very welcome, but please fill in the Experienced teacher in both private and state schools,
entry form so that we know your children from Reception to Year 6.
coming and can buy in enough eggs and so With an open communication, relaxed, flexible approach,
ensure that no one goes home I have been privileged to see many children succeed.
disappointed. I tutor children in the comfort of their own home.
Lesley Noel
✔ High reach windows
Come and hunt for Easter Eggs! ✔ Conservatory deep clean
Easter Sunday, March 27th at 11 o’clock ✔ Fascia and gutter clean
in the churchyard. ✔ Building clean (cladding, pvc)
There will also be an Easter Bonnet ✔ Signage
Competition to be judged before the hunt ✔ Shop fronts
takes place.

[email protected] T: 01279 436196 M: 07403443959

15096 July 16


Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7DL

01279 730791 / 07833 300255

Name of Child Age Entering an

EYaesst/Nero Bonnet Thread
Yes/No Veins

Yes/No Milia
Skin Tags
Entry Fee £2 per child. Spots

Family surname _________________ Common
Phone number _________________

The deeds of the Stag from 1840 Plane Wart


Planter Wart

Electrolysis: Permanent hair removal


• Interior & Exterior decoration HATFIELD HEATH
• carried out to a high specification.
Brian Bland December 2015
• Full public liability.
• 30 yrs Experience Hatfield Heath Rainfall December 2015
• Ceilings papered.
9 Total for month
• Wall coverings and wall paper hung 8 51.75.00 mm
7 (2.04 inches)
No job too large or too small
6 Rainfall
Contact Steve. 5 mm
Phone : 01279 724 805 Mobile : 07836 588 886
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Field View, Sheering, Herts. 3 2

15019 Dec 15 1


Nineteen raindays in December 2015 produced a
total of 2.04 inches, which is only 88% of the normal
for this month.
December Extremes
High 4.13 ins in 2012

3.75 ins in 2013

15037 Jan 2016 Low 0.75 ins in 1991
0.77 ins in 1996

It is ironic that this part of Essex in December 2015
was relatively dry whilst the North of England and
Scotland suffered extreme flooding - yet again.
The other major feature was record temperatures for
the month.

Garden &

Wih such high temperatures this month. Plants and
wild life considered that spring had arrived.
Primroses and Hellebores were in full bloom early
in the month and a number of trees produced
flowering buds. On the 21st December a large
Brimstone butterfly was seen actively working the
garden. It also thought it was spring and it is usually
the first to emerge.
Lawn grasses continued to grow and many people
were seen mowing the lawns on dry days.
Broad Beans, garlic and saffron continued to grow
and a light frost would be welcome to arrest further
growth. For 2016, along with our venture into
Samphire growing the Italian plant called Agretti
Roscano will take its chance, as an alternative to

415027 Dec 2015

ADDENDUM Leanne Lewis Bsc (Hons) (EEBW) (EEMR)
Having contributed rainfall data and notes on garden
& nature watch for the last 25years. I thought you Equinine Sports Therapist Fully qualified and insured in
ought to have a change and this is my last effort.
Information was supplied to Bruno, our magazine • Equine Sports Massage
editor and the excellent presentations were all done
by him • Passive Streching
Many Thanks
• Myofascial Release
Dr Brian F BlandAlternative Route?
• Rehabiltation

Fig 1Sessions between 1 - 2hrs from £25
*Travel costs apply after 15miles

Improving your horse’s well-being, by giving the freedom to move

15043 Feb 2016


learn more about these fascinating insects

Come to

"Introduction to beekeeping course"

Run by : Harlow Beekeepers

On : Tues evenings: Feb 23rd and
Mar 1st , 8th , 15th , 22nd 2016
8pm — 10pm

At : Kings Church, Red Willow
Harlow CM19 5PA

PLUS : 2 Apiary Sessions 11am - 1pm
10th and 17th Apr Weather Permitting

COST : £45 Includes Comprehensive Manual

BOOK ASAP: Pauline ~ 01279 441 941
Email - [email protected]

Broad Oak Consultants

IT Solutions for everyone

Established 1993 Home & Business

Broadband • Sales • Networks • Repairs
Internet • Upgrades • Web Design • Programming
• Databases • PC Systems • Training
Supplier • Internet • E-mail • Virus Protection

01279 718 596


Email: [email protected]

5 15031 Dec 2015

Happy New Year from all the

Trustees and Volunteers at

the Gardens of Easton Lodge

We are all really excited as 2016 is the year in which

we aim to get our project to build a replica of Peto’s

01279 882 822 Tree House in the garden under way. This historic
structure was built for the Countess of Warwick by

For over 30 years we have been Edwardian architect and landscape designer Harold

carrying out local, national and Peto in 1902

overseas relocations for personal

and business clients. We We kick off our year by welcoming visitors to our
understand that everyone's move is hugely popular Snowdrop Sundays which this year
different and that is why we tailor are on February 21 and March 6 – we are not open
our service to each individual on the Sunday in between; opening times are from
customers needs.

Kings Removals was set up as and still 11.30am until 4pm, with last entry at 3pm.

runs as a family business today. Great emphasis is put on customer The annual ‘Snowdrops’ event has become a must-
satisfaction and this is why a high percentage of our work comes from see feature of the garden lovers’ calendar as the
recommendations and repeat business. many thousands of blooms form a stunning white

carpet beneath the trees.

Entrance fees are £4 for adults, with 50p per person

going directly to our Tree House Appeal; entry for

children under 16 is still FREE.

! You can get more information from the website, get

in touch on 01371 876979 or email [email protected] if you would like to
15003 Dec 2015 help with the conservation and restoration of this

wonderful place.


Spencer Piano

Upright piano Black £50
Money will be given to “The Childrens Society”

through Chloe taking the challenge to climb
Everest for the charity

Buyer to collect 01279 730 498

15003 Dec 2015 6

NOTICE OF VACANCY Your Friendly Local
Hatfield Heath Parish Council
Sockets to Full rewire
Notice is hereby given that a vacancy has Electrical testing
occurred in the office of Parish Councillor for & certificates
the above Parish arising from the resignation of
Cllr Matt Richard Fault finding & maintenance
An election to fill the vacancy will be held if Fully qualified
notice in writing of a request for such an
election is made by ten Local Government Call Mark on
electors from the Hatfield Heath Parish Council 07785 221004 or 01371 876552
area and received by the Chief Executive of the
District Council of Uttlesford at the District 15097 July 16
Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden,
Essex CM11 4ER by not later than 2 Fed up with
September 2014.
If an election is not requested by ten Local moss and weed? Lawn Treatment Service
Government electors as detailed above, the
vacancies will be filled by the Parish Council as I offer:-
soon as practicable after the expiry of the date •Regular lawn feeds
given above. •Weed and moss treatment
Date: 13 August 2014 •Aeration
Ernie Fenwick •Scarifying
Clerk to Hatfield Heath Parish Council
2 Lea Hall Bungalows, CALL ANDREW NOW FOR A
Hatfield Heath
Bishops Stortford 07791 128 399
CM22 7BL

15013 - Dec 2015

National Lighting of 15112 Dec 15

Beacons To mark

The Queen's 90 Birthday

Thursday 21 April 2016

The Parish Council agreed to become
involved in the National lighting of
beacons on 21 April to mark the
Queen's 90 Birthday. They wondered
if any organisations or individuals
wanted to organise or help with this
village event. The lighting of the
beacon has to be registered and may be
of interest to local media. Could any
interest be conveyed to the Clerk or
Thanks Bob Jones


MARY PERRY 2000 from lung disease, Jean continued to live at the
property until 2015 when she went into a dementia

1924 - 2015 residential care home in Bottisham, Cambs.

Mary sadly passed away, at the age of 91 on 31st Jean was born on 5th November 1927, growing up in

December, 2015. Bethnal Green and Hackney areas of London and was

the second oldest of her 4 siblings. She went to school

Mary was born at Bush End on 14th March, 1924 with the Beverly Sister twins (a famous singing group

and moved to Hatfield Heath at the age of 10, where in the 1950’s) and at age of 12, World War II had
she was to spend the rest of her life. She left school started and changed everything in Jean’s life. The era
at the age of 14 and of taking gas masks to school, food rationing, air raid
went to work as a warnings, doodle bugs, search lights and bombing raids.
housemaid, until at This led to Jean being evacuated to Northampton and
the age of 19, joined Norfolk, before coming back to London. She wanted to
the Wrens, as a cook, help in the war effort knitting socks & jumpers for the
and was based at armed forces and being pen pals with the Soldiers, she
Portsmouth, where later joined the land army and “lent a hand on the
she met Roland. land…” During the war mum looked after her father
They married in who was invalided out due to a centenary machine gun
1947 and had 2 falling on his leg, this was while Jean’s mum and sisters
children, Sarah and were still evacuated. Towards the middle of the war the
Christopher. They family were reunited back in London and moved to
moved to Chingford. Aged 14 Jean worked as a machinist to earn
Broomfields in 1955, money for the family before getting a job working for
where Mary was to the Post Office in Islington, a costing clerk for Lambert
& Butlers, a pay clerk for Bethnal Green Hospital and

live for the rest of her later as a County Court clerk before she left London.

life. Jean learned to play badminton at her church hall with

her sister then became a member of Leyton, Woodford

Mary was a founder member of the Women's and Loughton Badminton Clubs– she was talented

Section of The Royal British Legion and was an becoming county champion for several years playing

active member until early 2015, when poor health singles, doubles and mixed doubles. This is where she

forced her to give up attending meetings. She was a met John from Woodford; they married in 1953 in the

keen member of the Leisure Hour and really enjoyed Queen’s Coronation year.

the meetings and seeing her many friends. Mary Jean and John enjoyed the outdoor life, sailing up and

loved all sport, especially Tennis, all forms of down the Thames, camping, gardening and taking long
Motorsport and Football and was a passionate walks with their dogs. The devotion Jean and John
supporter of Liverpool FC. gave to me (their daughter) was amazing; they helped
me to achieve my dreams and were always there for me.

Mary lived a very long, healthy, happy life. She was Over the years, Jean enjoyed going to the theatre, ice
very well known in the village and will be greatly skating shows, horse racing,
missed by her family, Sarah and Stephen, Chris and summer picnics with music
Sheila, Emma, Glenn and Tilly and Kate and Leah which she loved, as well as days
and her many friends. out and each year had a holiday
visiting national trust properties

A celebration of all over Great Britain. Jean
grabbed life with both hands

Mrs Jean Rolstone’s life always being in the moment.
In Jean’s lifetime of 88 years

1927 to 2016 she has seen more changes than
any other generation will ever

Hatfield Heath is a village that is a experience. The list is
living breathing organism which is extensive, as a child Jean
defined by the people living in it. listened to the radio for
My mother and father were a part entertainment with her family, it
of this community for 44 years. was only from 1950’s she had a

In 1971 Jean and John Rolstone small black and white TV a world away from the

moved to Hatfield Heath from widescreen colour TV’s of today, Jean has experienced
London. After John’s death in war and the change from horse drawn to modern day


cars, from gas lit and paraffin lamps to homes having it is needed, forward our views to the relevant
electricity for light and appliances; when Jean started authority.
out, she worked with the latest invention tele-printers
which now has been superceded by computers, the We have already done this in the case of The Old
internet and mobile phones. Barn, Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath. Coupled
My mum, Jean was a truly amazing, formidable woman with others, our submission resulted in the initial
loving her family unconditionally while having a zest planning application being withdrawn. This has
for life. She will always live on in my heart, rest in since been replaced by further submissions, moves
peace Mum. to which we have already raised an objection.
In loving memory,
Your vigilance is essential.Please inform your
Lorna Rolstone concerns to: Frank Walsh,


President: William Gosling Lord of the Manor Violets Floral Designs have grown onto Hatfield Heath
as well as Sawbridgeworth.
A call for vigilance We offer a wide range of gifts, cards, indoor and outdoor
plants as well as beautiful fresh flowers.
This year, 2016 as your Hatfield Regis Local Our floristry classes will start in the beginning of October
History Society enters its 16th year, it spreads its and will be taught by a qualified floristry teacher. Please
wings ever mindful of the vision of those who first contact the shop for details.
set its name on our local scene. We have, to date, set
our minds to recording its history. The history of When you are next passing pop in and have a look
Hatfield Broad Oak, Hatfield Heath and Bush End around.
and their people, of its ways and its trials and its
tribulations. Writing about them, picturing them, and 1 Chestnuts (next to the fish and chip shop)
making the results available to all by publishing Hatfield Heath.
them forever adding to our sizable archives.Now we 01279 730 003
embark on a new but vital theme: we extend our
aims to not only record its history but to help DIXON & CO
safeguard it. We already have dedicated volunteers LTD.
watching over our footpaths and our trees in
Hatfield Heath. From now, your Society will be Chartered Certified Accountants
closely monitoring our heritage buildings and LOCAL TAX AND
planning applications affecting them. Those graded
as worthy of preservation: watching the planning ACCOUNTANCY SERVICE
pressures of the modern age, pressures which too Call PAUL DIXON on
often result in the loss of centuries old habitats, 01279 739 076
changing them beyond recognition, losing examples
of age-old skills, and the disappearance of beauty in
architectural design.

The Society will monitor planning applications
affecting preserved buildings in its homeland. To
this end we appeal to villagers to inform the Society
of planning applications which arise within the two
villages and hamlet involving Graded buildings –
most commonly here Grade 2. We will investigate
the proposals and the history of the property and, if



TREE SERVICES 'A Village Voice' - Continuing the series of articles
drafted by the Editor for the Magazine in the 1970s
- Leslie Gilchrist

This months village voice is a Lady who memories

• Felling • Pruning • Shaping stretches back to the days when Broomfields meant

• Reduction • Thinning • Stump Removal Gravel- pits & yellow-flowering brooms, when there

Hedge cutting and shaping was still a Blacksmith who shod horses opposite the
Free no obligation quotes Mill which still ground the corn. The Saddler made
and repaired saddles and bridles and everything for
Tel: 07940 231 964 or 01279 730 659
Email: [email protected] horses. They smelt `lovely and tanny!`. A
wheelwright use to trade opposite the bake-house.
WW 15070 April 2016 Hay wagons passed through the Village, their

drivers stopping to quench their thirst at one of the

four pubs. The Brooks from Gladwins came to

Church in a Brougham but most cycled and where

they could get their bicycles repaired in a shop next

MEMORIALS to Bucks stores

Hatfield Heath Primary School

Issue No: 33Date: 18th December 2015

Last week we held our performances of “A Midwife

Crisis” and “Cinderella & Rockerfella”. It was an

exhausting time for the children having performances for

parents, grandparents and senior citizens from the local

community but I’m sure you will agree that the children’s

J. Day & Son hard work and effort paid off and they were all amazing.
Thank you also
for your generous collection, we raised £714.00 to split
between the charities; Essex Air Ambulance and

Macmillan Cancer Care, both of which were chosen in

memory of two members of our school family

Station Road, Bishop’s Stortford

Bishop’s Stortford 01279 654 555
Edmonton 0208 807 3712

15021 Dec 2015


SPORT Year 5/6 Tag Rugby Tournament: We offer a
On the 7th of December, two mixed year 5 and 6 teams Complete Service
from Hatfield Heath Primary School competed against
eight schools at Leventhorpe in a tag rugby tournament. DESIGN
Each team played 4-5 different teams and the games got CERAMIC TILING
very competitive and very close. The players on Team A
were Scarlett I, Lilly, Jack, Louis B, Jonathan, Jack R, LIGHTING
Jude, George, Alanna and Oliver B. The players on Team WOODWORK ETC.
B were Imogen, Antony, Ben, Eleanor M, Sean, Natasha
L-J, Stan, Charlie H, Ruby and Charlie G. Team A won all All carried out with the minimum
their games and Team B won all their games for the first of fuss and mess by experts!
half of the tournament. Both teams made it through to the Also all Plumbing &
semi Domestic Heating Installations
finals and both played Spell brook. The A team lost
against them with a total of 18-17 and scored some SO LOOK NO FURTHER THAN
amazing tries. They came 3rd overall. Furthermore, the B
team won with a score of 10-5 and were very proud that C.F OAKES
they got into the finals. Team B won the
final 5-3 and collected the winning trophy! Established in Harlow for over 45 years
Both teams scored some fantastic tries, showed great team 19 SERVICE BAY, WYCH ELM , HARLOW
work and played brilliantly. Thanks to Mr Peasey for
coaching us and supporting us on the day.Year 2 Trip to 15008 December 2015
Pantomime This week Year Two have been fortunate
enough to visit the pantomime, Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs at the Harlow Playhouse. In the show, Snow White
escaped the clutches of the evil Queen to discover
seven extraordinary individuals, and made some very
special friends along the way. Lily and Gethin were brave
enough to go onto stage with the characters and sing in
front of the whole audience! It turned out to be the perfect
way to finish our topic on fairy tale writing and became a
real treat for all of the children's hard work this term.
Thank you to Sarah de Souza Ingle and Tamara Daly for
joining us on this trip and to Mrs Skyrme and Mrs Stevens
for their continued support.

Reception Class
Reception class have been learning about the Jewish
Festival of Lights which is called Hanukah. This festival
lasts eight days and Jewish children receive gifts and play
games during this time.
We made our own candles and played a game using a

Congratulations to the Yellow team who have won the
House cup for this term.

Just in case anyone is looking for an idea for an extra
Christmas present, the next title for our reading group will
be 'My Name is Mina' by David Almond.

Continued on next page................... 150353 Feb 2016


Congratulations to the following children who
were awarded certificates in our praising
‘For Showing a Growth Mindset’ Reception – Beau
Vaughan Elsa Brooks
Year 1 – Emily Sellwood
Year 1 – Emily Sellwood Joseph Lines
Year 2 – Mia Walker Joseph Peasey
Year 3 – Nicholas Manning Daisy Coombs
Year 4 – Olivia Bull Huw Jarrett
Year 5 – Bobbie Carroll Oliver Silvester
Year 6 – Scarlett Ibbotson George Jarrett

15094 Aug 16 PUPIL NEWS
HUTLEY ELECTRICAL LTD Following last edition’s news on Oliver Brooker (Year 5),
Oliver has now played at Manchester in a 16 player
DOMESTIC & INDUSTRIAL national tennis tournament. Qualifying was a great
ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS achievement in itself and there
Hutley Electrical offers a full range of was hope that Oliver could win
Electrical Services and has been just a couple of matches just to
established for over 20 years. get through to the knockout
From House re-wires to Industrial/ stages and he would have done
Commercial projects we pride ourselves amazingly well.
on offering a competent, polite, tidy However, not only did he get
professional service and endeavour to through the knock out stages
work with the minimum of disruption to but he went on to win his
you wherever possible. quarter final and then after a
tense semi final
**We are a full member of the NICEIC won through to the overall final
and have been for many years.** playing some
truly amazing tennis!
Call Bob now for a free quotation Being un seeded he
TEL: 01279 722 351 or disappointingly narrowly
MOBILE: 07774 941 668 lost in the final to the number
one seed.
Boys from all over England,
Wales &
Scotland competed and Oliver
is now, with his
current form, looking forward to playing more
upcoming national events in 2016 with other
top ranked boys in Great Britain.

On 29th November Callum Dodd
participated in the British Taekwondo
championships in Derby. He was
among 1300 entrants, so for his very
first competition it was one of the
biggest! Callum did amazingly well
and got scores of 95,94,94 out of 100
for his pattern. Next is the
international championships!
On 5th December Callum had his
exam for his next belt, he passed with
a higher grade and is now only 3 belts
away from a black belt, which he will
achieve by the age of 12!

15032 Dec 2015 12

100% ATTENDANCE 15062 March 2016

Wow, an amazing 72 pupils achieved 100% attendance for 01279 898 953
this Autumn term. Well Done!
It would be great if any of the people who have contributed 15106 Aug 2016
to the World Map could ask their relatives who live abroad
if they would like to send us a postcard to add to the 15078 May 2016
display. Thank you.

Thank you to Ross Simpson (Dad to Jay, Year 1) for
organising and setting up the concert stage lighting. Also to
Nina Hughes (Mum to Owen, Year 6 & Lauren Year 3) for
accompanying the children’s singing for the church service
and rehearsals and to James Hughes for running the school
Disco. The staff and Mr Clements would like to thanks you
and the children for the cards and gifts given as we break

CAR PARKING – And Again! At this time of goodwill
and in the spirit of Christmas can we please politely remind
you to think about where you park for school drop off
and pick up. The Office staff are receiving some significant
abuse from local residents as a result of poor parking.
Whilst we can understand how problematic parking around
the school can be, we cannot excuse inconsiderate
or dangerous parking. Your co-operation in this matter
would be very much appreciated.

If anyone has any clothing suitable for Early Years –
Reception and Year 1 - that is no longer required, please
could it be donated to the Reception class for the children
to use if & when required.

If your child is absent from school, please telephone the
school office by 9.30am on 01279 730382 to let them
know. We will then let their class teacher know. Please do
not email as we cannot guarantee that this will be picked up
before 9.30am.

If your child is sent home in any clothing borrowed from
the school, we would be grateful if you could return it at
your earliest convenience as our back up supplies are very
low. Many thanks.

Thank you to every single one of you who
made the bazaar such a success, whether
you donated, organised, worked during the
day and on a stall or came to the event to
spend; we are really appreciative. Whilst the main PFA
target is to replace a large piece of wooden outdoor play
equipment, they have already donated to support the
Christmas Concerts, trips and reading resources. Thank you
very much.


In a Frame The Thames Area Accordion
Festival 2016, is being held
Picture Framing and Art Supplies in Hatfield Heath Village Hall,

F19 Allen House Business Centre, The Maltings, Station Rd Sunday February 7th

SAWBRIDGEWORTH CM21 9JX 10:30 -- 4:30
Telephone 01279 260 069

Framing for pictures, photographs, prints, posters,
objects and memorabilia.

Canvas stretching and needlework lacing
Sports shirt framing

We now stock a good selection of Daler-Rowney art materials
including stretched canvas, canvas panels, brushes, paints,
papers & easels as well as Screen Print Kits,
Lino Cutting Sets & DAS Modelling Clay

15109 Oct 15

State Registered Chiropodist

Home Visiting Practice

Entry is by programme, these can be purchased on

Mrs. Julie Golden S.R.Ch. the door for £1

Est. 1994 Anybody is welcome to come and listen. The more
advanced players will be scheduled for the afternoon.

01279 873 492 Christmas is always a special time for me, as often I
hear news in letters and cards from past pupils. This

year I had news and a photograph from Beverley

A professional service at a competitive rate Raynor who attended the local junior school. I taught

15086 Dec 2016 Beverley Maths and Accordion. As a school girl she

played in international music competitions and

Escape Beauty passed her Grade 8 at an early age. Beverley went on
to qualify as a music therapist and now works for the
Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy Charity in

• G5 Anti - CelluliteTreatment 40 mins £20 Newcastle. She works in three different schools and
Or course of six £100 one day a week in the Oncology, Children's Cancer
Unit in Newcastle City Center.
• Hydrafuse Aqua Dermabrasion Facial £45 It is wonderful to hear that Beverley is sharing her

• L.V.L Eyelash Perm plus tint £40 lasts up to six talent with so many others, and sometimes when
weeks teaching is demanding, I can see that it has all been

• Eyebrows re-shape plus tint and eyelash tint only £15 worth while.
Beverley is on the second row, second from the left.
• I.P.L Laser hair removal for all areas of the face Next to Beverley, third from the left is my son
& body from £20 up Consultation & free patch test James, and many of you will have seen his Piano
req. van in the village. James' company

• Ultimate spray tan in 3 shades light, medium & provides all the music you will need at a wedding.

Dark £20 On the first row 4th from the left is my daughter

• Glycolic facial peels Judith, Dr Garforth, having studied Environmental
Science and now working for the " Woodland Trust".
• Judith still enjoys her music and plays viola in a local
orchestra in Melton Mowbray.
• Ultrasound skin toning facial

• Deep tissue massage

• Waxing including hot wax for sensitive areas. I do know the names of the other children in the
I look forward to hearing from you photo, it was taken over 20 years ago, the time when
we had school dinners in the village hall! All the

Sue Burgess Tel: 07740 433 417 players are from the local school. I would love to
orText know what they are doing now? Do get in touch.

Situated in the Shaw Hatfield Heath Stella Hughes

1415105 Nov 2015

Hatfield Heath
Parish Plan



Hatfield Heath Parish Plan

The objective of a village appraisal is to determine what is considered to be good,
worth retaining, missing or needs adding and what needs changing. Once all this
information has been collected and analysed, a Parish Plan can be drawn up for
adoption by the Parish Council.
The first Parish Plan was published in 2005 and in 2014 the Parish Council
thought it would be good to have an updated plan. A small group of local resi-
dents and business people volunteered to form a committee to create a new Par-
ish Plan.
In March 2015 a questionnaire was delivered to every village property for com-

pletion either on paper or online by 3rd April 2015.
In the June 2015 edition of the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine a summary of
the findings from the completed questionnaires was published and delivered to
every residency.

On the 14th October 2015 the Parish Council agreed to accept the Parish Plan that
the committee had put together. A copy of this plan is on the following pages.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the creation of this Parish Plan.
If you would like to receive updates on progress of actions or volunteer to assist
please contact the Parish Council. You can find details of councillors and the
Clerk at

No Area Action Lead Responsibility Partners Priority Timescale
1 Parking
2 Safety Resolve parking shortage Parish Council Parking 2017
3 Safety outside shops Partnership in Medium ASAP
Colchester 2017
4 Safety
Improve road safety for School Governors Essex CC High
5 Safety PTA/PFA
school children Parish Council
6 Safety

Ensure safe means of Parish Council Agency, ECC Medium
crossing main road Highways, Cllr


Improve safety and Parish Council Essex CC High 2016
access to shops by Parish Council
shrinking the island Parish Council Lord of the Very High 2016
outside the Stag Manor / Ongoing
16 Highways
Create safe pedestrian Agency
route from
Ardley Crescent to Highways
school / village centre
Agency, ECC High
Extend speed limit Highways, Cllr
areas in line with
Parish Council policy Barker

No Area Action Lead Responsibility Partners Priority Timescale

7 Transport Evaluate demand Parish Council Transport Medium 2016
8 Communication and feasibility of Parish Council
9 Communication bus service to Parish Council BT Openreach High Ongoing
10 Environment Sawbridgeworth Parish Council /ECC, UDC

Enable Superfast Mobile phone Medium Ongoing
broadband for all providers
of village
UDC High Ongoing
Improve mobile phone
coverage throughout

Enforce HHPC's policy
and guidelines on
shop signage and


Reduce litter in village by agencies/peo Visible
evaluating and improvement
improving on current Parish Council ple currently within 3
arrangements months.
11 Environment involved in High Ongoing

litter bins and


litter pickers

UDC. Village


GP Surgery




ments are the


Established acceptable of Highways. Visible
standard for improvement
footpaths/pavements Highways within 3
and manage ongoing months.
12 Environment upkeep Parish Council Rangers Very High Ongoing

respond to

requests to

maintain. The


outside the

GP surgery is

on UDC land.

The bollards

were installed

by the PC.

13 Environment Improve appearance of UDC, High Twice a year,
14 Environment hedges that encroach on Parish Council Highways/ e.g. Spring &
public pathways Village Summer

Improve standard, Parish Council Highways. High 20016
amount and cleanliness 17 UDC
of road furniture

Continued on next page.........

No Area Action Lead Responsibility Partners Priority Timescale

Resolve the issue of the Highways. 2016/17
replacement of budget
15 Environment kerbstones in Parish Council UDC. High Ongoing
16 Environment Broomfields
Householders Ongoing
17 External Issues
18 External Issues Protect Metropolitan Parish Council UDC, ECC , High Ongoing
19 Education Green Belt Cllr Lemon, ASAP
20 Housing Cllr Barker, Ongoing
MP Sir Alan


Highways, Cllr

Mitigate the effect of Lemon, Cllr
any proposed new M11 Parish Council
junction. Barker, MPs High
Sir Alan


and Robert


Monitor Stansted Parish Council High

Address school School Governors Head Teacher Low
admission criteria to
support children from

Increase number of UDC High
affordable homes to rent Parish Council/UDC
and buy

Apology to the Parish Council I missed the second page of the Precept Letter in last months magazine so here it is.


Clerk to the Council: Ernie Fenwick 2 Lea Hall
Dunmow Road
Telephone: 01279 730770 Hatfield Heath
Bishops Stortford
Email [email protected] Herts. CM22 7BL

Bruno Scheggia Editor

Hatfield Heath Parish Magazine

Dear Bruno

May I, through the medium of your magazine, explain the situation regarding the Parish Councilprecept for 2016-17.

The precept is the amount required by the Parish Council to perform their duties and is collected by Uttlesford

District Council as part of the Council Tax.

Over the last 10 years the increase in the amount required by the parish council has been kept to a minimum, with a
zero increase in three years and less than 2.5% in another four years.
Within Uttlesford, there are 10 parishes of a similar size to HHPC Budget 2015-16
Hatfield Heath and you will see from the table that
Hatfield Heath was the second lowest in terms of precept Village Green Admin Expenses &
and Band D payment for the last financial year. This has 12% 8% Grants
been consistent over the preceding 10 years at least, and



in fact the Band D payment for 2013/14 was £28.89, so a

reduction of £2.32 was achieved over two years.

What does the Parish Council do with its income? Play Area Grass Cutting
The major expense is in keeping the Village Green neat 2% 29%
18 1% Highways

Within Uttlesford, there are 10 parishes of a similar size to Parish Precept Band D
Hatfield Heath and you will see from the table that Flitch Green 20029 25.72
Hatfield Heath was the second lowest in terms of precept Hatfield Heath 21490 26.57
and Band D payment for the last financial year. This has Wimbish 15526 28.85
been consistent over the preceding 10 years at least, and Elsenham 43048 45.93
in fact the Band D payment for 2013/14 was £28.89, so a Stebbing 33430 53.35
reduction of £2.32 was achieved over two years. Felsted 66052 54.50
Hatfield Broad Oak 32048 60.49
What does the Parish Council do with its income? Newport 61430 66.32
The major expense is in keeping the Village Green neat Henham 37752 68.80
and tidy with Grass cutting and repairs and maintenance Great Chesterford 49646 85.48

This year has seen the provision of 17 allotments on the Moat Field development beside Cox Ley and we continue to
maintain the wildlife area around the ponds near to Holy Trinity Church.

Precept However this year presents us with a different problem.
Recently, each year has seen the arrival of travellers on the
30000 village green, usually just before the festival, but in 2014
25000 there were five different incursions with the Lord of the
Manor paying substantial legal costs to have them removed.
It was agreed between the Parish Council and the Lord of the
Manor to install a series of measures to prevent, or at least

20000 dissuade, the travellers and we were given police assurance
15000 that should these measures be breached, the police would
10000 act to have them moved on immediately.
The measures seem to have been effective and have
generally received approval from our residents.

5000 The Parish Council contributed 40% of the cost of the works
and as this cost was not envisaged when

0 the budget for last year was set, was taken from our
reserves, which are now quite depleted and we
2006/07 need, over the next two or three years, to replenish those
2007/08 reserves.

We are therefore proposing to increase the precept from £23120 to £41000. This will mean an
increase on a Band D property from £27.57 to £48.66 per year or 41 pence per week. This would still only place us
fourth on the table of parishes. We hope that this information is helpful to you, but if you have any questions, please
do not hesitate to contact me or any member of the Parish Council and we will be only too happy to discuss these
issues with you.

Ernie Fenwick
Clerk to Hatfield Heath Parish Council

Local Builder
The AGM for the magazine is on Carpentry & Roofing
23 March 2016 3pm Hunters Meet Loft and Garage conversions
Kitchens & Bathrooms
Happy BT Broadband Customer Plastering
Hi Bruno, references available on request
I live in Chestnut Drive and I’ve been able to order Call Mark Savage
BT Infinity Broadband with 40 or 80 mb.
They’re installing it on 5th Jan. 15020 December 2015
Just wanted to let you know so you can let people
know it’s available.
Thanks Chris
Unfortunately for us in the South East of the village
we come under the Roothing exchange which is
under review so probably not anytime soon



1 11:30 for 12 noon VILLAGE HALL 730 544 LEISURE HOUR
INSTITUTE 730 544 730 465
Luncheon Club URC PRE-SCHOOL Hatfield Broad Oak
(2 -5 years)
6 19:30 Bridge Club Quiz H 730 354 01371 872 550

7 08:00 Holy Communion 1662 HT

09:30 Family Service Speaker from LITTLE FRIENDS TALKING NEWSPAPERS
Mother,Baby and Toddler 01279 651 270
Leprosy Mission HT Group
OR 01279 653 925
10:30 Family Service Brian Herring URC

11:00 Accordion Event H all welcome Thur 9.45am term time SECRETARY U.R.C.
Betty Bennett.. 01279 508 455
18:00 Service at The Close Village Hall -

18:30 Evensong HT Michelle: 07762 083 355

9 10:00 Pancakes in the Institute Elle: 07976 592 364 HEALTH WALK

10 10:30 Holy Communion at The Close URC Friday 10am outside
FRIDAY CLUB (7-12 yrs) Broomfield Surgery 731 434
09:30 Ash Wednesday service at Little

Hallingbury 739 218 HEALTH WALK

20:00 Ashing Service Hatfield Broad Oak JO JINGLES LITTLE HALLINGBURY

14 09:30 Holy Communion HT (6 mths - 7years) 868 410 Monday 10.30am Village Car

10:30 Family Outreach Service With Park

Communion Rev Sam and Rev Yau SCHOOL FOOTBALL The new leader Is Mr. G.

URC CLUB Barron. 01279 899 451
812 586

16 19:30 for 20:00 Lent Course Sheering CUBS Chris Hancock FARMERS MARKET

15-19 inclusiveHalf Term for Pre-school and School 731 646 07956 563 710
BROWNIES 734 391
17 11:30 for 12 noonLuncheon Club URC
11:00 Lent Course followed by light lunch I 9.30am Holy Trinity KEEP FIT FOR OVER 50S
730 288 Village Hall
14:00 Leisure Hour with raffle Weds 9.30am 07490 726020

21 8:00 Holy Communion 1662 HT KARATE 445 539 KEEP FIT

09:30 Matins JUNIOR KARATE Village Hall

10:30 Family Service URC 01992 575 679 Monday 10.30- 11.30 am

18:00 Service at The Close 07776 221 975

22 10:30 Holy Communion at The Close BRIDGE CLUB 723 948 BOOTCAMP

23 10:30 Holy Communion at The Haven GARDENING CLUB Village Hall

19:30 for 20:00 Lent Course Sheering 730 425 Mon and Friday 9.15am-10am

OPEN COFFEE Men and women of all ages &

24 11:00 Lent Course followed by light lunch I MORNING AT shapes 07775 663 742

25 21:45 Gardening Club H INSTITUTE 730288 VISITING OPTICIAN
01279 443 181
28 09:30 Holy Communion HT LUNCHEON CLUB
For all Senior Citizens
10:30 Family Service URC 730 581 NEIGHBOURHOOD
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy Michelina 07786 341 754 Paula O'Sullivan 730 281
[email protected]
Trinity Church / URC-United Reform Church /

I-Institute / S-School SPANISH LANGUAGE

Ann Whale 01279 731 288 Afternoon

730 212 730 539 724 833


HEATH PLAYERS Men and women of all ages

Mark Ratcliff 503 174 Uttlesford Badger Group Derek Barry
Chrissie Richards 864 536
(on call 24/7 )01279 503332

Registered Charity Number 1051491 HISTORY SOCIETY Home 07941185171 Mbl
Ivan Cooper 730 275 Air Training Corps –
Buffy Playbus visits
ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Cutforth Road, Sawbridgeworth;
The Heath, HATFIELD HEATH. CM22 7EB 730 042 Tues/Fri 19:15 – 21:45;
PARKS ON CENTRE OF VILLAGE GREEN CHOIR 730 390 (t) 01279 723517;
TUESDAYS 9.30am - 11am (e) [email protected]


Parish Council -
URC Hall Wed 7.30pm
Village Magazine - view past 27 issues
10th February

Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick.................. 730 770
Email : ............. [email protected] Eden Surgery Websites

Mark Lemon Chairman ........................... 730 581 (Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites)
(District Councillor) Broomfields
Vice Chairman -David Parish ................... 730 573 Broad
Robert Jones................................................ 730 741
Gary Waller................................................ 739 345
Chris Overton........................................... 731 036
Colin Skyrme............................................. 730 480 H. H.Football
Ian Fitzgerald .............................................. 730 036
Mark Bissell ................................................ 730 376 H.H. Cricket Club:


David. N. Parish 730 573 Parish Council

PHONE NUMBERS OF Email: [email protected]
PCSO Simon Horne Visits Fortnightly on Wednesdays
Email:[email protected]
Essex Police Non Emergency.................101 Broomfields Arrives Leaves
Emergency ............................................. 999 The Close 14.45 15.35
The Heath 15.40 16.00
DOCTORS Broomfields........................ 01279 730 616 16.05 16.35
DOCTOR Broad Oak............................ 01279 718 245
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth.................. 01279 603 180 MAGAZINE DETAILS
THE SAMARITANS.......................... 01920 464 099
HATFIELD HEATH C.P. SCHOOL.....01279 730 382
PRE-SCHOOL....................................... 01279 730 354

HOLY TRINITY Bruno Tue16th
Vicarage Office....................................... 01279 730 288 Barbara February
Eileen Ashworth ..................................... 01279 730 610
Diane Barnett .- PCC Secretary............... 01279 730 425

URC Rev Sam - Phone........................... 01279 453 781 Email :- [email protected]

URC Secretary - Betty Bennett.............. 01279 508 455 Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, CD, or
email - [email protected].

Village Volunteers when you need help..07944 748 478 If posting or delivering by hand you can send direct to me :-

Air Training Corps – 309 (Sawbridgeworth)Squadron; Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield
ATC HQ Cutforth Road, Sawbridgeworth;
Tues/Fri 19:15 – 21:45; (t) 01279 723517; Heath CM22 7BD.
(e) [email protected];
Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498

Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606 309

Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434

BUFFY BUS Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
Secretary: - Jean Clarke 01279 730 667
from 9.30am to 11am every TUESDAY morning Chairman - Brendan Carrig
during term time and at half term breaks. Printed by Cornerstone 01279 437 851

We have many exciting toys and activities including

a regular cooking session, available for pre-school children to enjoy. DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
Buffy Playbus gives you and your child an opportunity to meet and responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
make new friends within your own community. accepted in work done by advertisers.
We make a charge of £2.00 for a child to visit Buffy,

and £1 for each additional child

Come along and see what fun you and your child can have. 21

C WIRELESS ALARM SYSTEMS We started 2016 by leading a group of about
CCTV CAMERAS thirty five people from the village on a

ACCESS CONTROL New Year’s Day stroll around some of our local
footpaths. We set off along the
footpath behind Pond Lane, down to Shrubbs
FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRONIC SECURITY NEEDS Farm and then across the fields to
Ardley End. We returned down Matching Road
15017 Dec 15 and took the footpath
from Ardley
For All Building Works -
Extensions/Renovations - Crescent to Pond
Decorating - Plumbing - Electrics Lane.
Carried Out with Great Attention to Detail
Tel: 01279 757 323 07836 205 103 As ever, if anyone
wishes to contact us
15015 Dec 15 about footpath
matters, or to help us

maintain the parish
footpaths as part of a
P3 working group,
please use the email

address below.

Stella and Ian

Email: [email protected]

“Wendycot”,Chelmsford Road, 309 (Sawbridgeworth) Sqn Air Training Corps
Hatfield Heath,
Bishop’S Stortford, Herts Cutforth Road
Opening Hours Herts.
Mon - Fri 8am - 5.30pm CM21 9EA

Sat 9am - 1pm Tel: (01279) 723517
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01279 730 274
Calling all former Sawbridgeworth
[email protected] AIR CADETS
the CO requires you back on

75th Anniversary of the A.T.C.


Flt Lt Andrew Passfield RAFVR(T)
invites you to reacquaint

yourselves with the cadets of 2016
at an open evening celebration of
75 years of the Air Training Corps.

ENUE: SQN HQ -Cutforth Road, Sawbridgeworth

DTG: 5th February 2016, 19:45 – 21:30
Come along and identify your young self in our archive photograph

collection or take control
again of the instrument you played in the Drum & Fife Band!
2215023 Dec 2015

Notes from the Village Vet *Emergency Door Opening
*Insurance Upgrades to BS3621
Dog Owners - make sure you are complying with *Upvc Locks Specialist
*Whether Broken,Repaired,
the law!
or Replaced.
From the 6th of April 2016, all dogs must be
microchipped and registered to an approved Member of *All Locks Supplied & Fitted
database (there are several in the UK) by the time *All Lockwork Undertaken,
they are 8 weeks old. For every dog that is currently DBS checked *Doors,Windows,garages,Sheds.
not microchipped, you will have until 6th of April to *Est over 10yrs, Fully Insured
get them microchipped and registered on an *Oap Discounts
approved database. If a keeper of a dog which is not
microchipped gets served with a notice requiring Call Keeley For a Free Quote Or Friendly Advice On..
them to have the dog chipped, they will have 21
days to do this. 01279 739 156 07736 929 440

Under the regulations, your dog is considered 10 Chesnut Drive, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7ER
microchipped when you (1) implant the dog with a
chip and (2) register your details on an approved 15091 July 2016
database. Failure to do so could result in a fine of
£500. Heath Computers

If any keeper subsequently moves, changes contact For all your IT needs
telephone number, etc. then the dog is no longer
considered microchipped under the regulations and Whether you run a business, or are a home user,
enforcement can be taken and a notice served. If the Heath Computers has an IT solution to suit your requirements.
keeper does NOT get their details up to date within
21 days of the served notice, then you will be liable • IT Solutions for home/office
to pay a fine of £500. • Domain Registration and Web Design
We are often asked to reunite dogs with their owners • Mac/PC Support, Repairs and Upgrades
in the local area, many of which are microchipped • Smart Phone/Tablet configuration and setup
but details such as phone numbers are out of date. • Network Installation - Fixed and Wireless
You will now be breaking the law if these details are • Internet - Email - Broadband
incorrect. It is also a legal requirement for your dog Virus Protection and Spyware removal
to have external identification as well as a
microchip. Web: Office: 01279 912345
If you are unsure if your pets' microchip details are Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07958 482889
up to date, the database provider can be contacted
online or by phone. The separate databases are 15006 Dec 15
linked, so if you have lost your registration details
you can contact any database and they may give you IYENGAR YOGA
the details of an alternative provider. Anibase - 01904 487600, Petlog - Local Classes for all ages 01296 336579, Pettrac- and levels of ability
  www. pet trac. co. uk
Pauline Sell runs a Veterinary Service for the You will be taught in a very warm friendly atmosphere
Hatfield Heath and Hatfield Broad Oak area and So come and join us
can be contacted on 07970 651710 or
[email protected] For further information about times, venues as well as the health
benefits to be gained

01279 730 751

07946 777 669
First Class Free

Email: [email protected]

15090 Dec 2015

Handyman Services

❖ Furniture need assembling?
❖ Shelves or pictures need hanging?
❖ Blinds need fitting?
❖ Radiator covers need installing?
❖ Door need planing?
❖ Small plumbing job?

BIRTHDAY PARTIES No odd job too small

You can hire the hall for children's parties Local resident with 15 years experience
£10.50 / hour Tel :01279 730 581 Contact Scott

01279 731104 07817 223339

23 15089 July 2016


Magazine Editor- to edit `Hatfield Heath Village
Magazine` each month.

Distributor - to take the magazines to the
deliverers around the village every month.

Advertising Secretary - to organise advertising
in the magazine.

25 YEARS IN TRADE Hatfield Heath Festival `Hat Fest 2016`
Chairman & Secretary - to organise and book
Grass Cutting, Hedge Trimming, Arena events and to liaise with the Festival
Planting, Committee to organise all the other events e.g.
Classic Car Show, Fun Run, ` Hat Fest` Music.
One off Tidy Ups Fun Dog Show etc. Put together programme and
Regularly Weekly Maintenance find advertisers to cover costs

Jet Wash Barbara and I cover all the above at the moment,
Patio Cleaning but we hope to be moving to the coast in April.
Email: [email protected]
Please contact me on 01279 730 498
Mobile 07956 524 586 Or email: [email protected]
Home Tel 01279 830 960
Do you think you could make
15085 July 2016 a difference to this student’s
We are looking for individuals
with tutoring/teaching experience
in all subjects, who are
passionate about learning.

For more details

please contact us today on 01279 654 424
e-mail [email protected].

15067 Mar 16

24 15012 Dec 15



We are looking for someone who

is flexible to work one set full

day a week catering for up to 50

children in that day.

Also willing to assist a few hours

in the week with light

Housekeeping Duties

Working Friday 9-5.30

(Additional hours to be discussed)

For more information Please call

Grace or Marisa on
(01279) 730331

Hatfield Haven Care Home 15093 Aug 2016

Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7DL Escape


Features: Look up to 10yrs younger within the shortest time!
╚ Serene and homely environment;
╚ 24 hours care in compliance with CQC Care Standards • Fewer wrinkles by regaining elasticity volume & tone
╚ Medical care provided by local group practice;
• Firmer skin as collagen fibres contract
district nurse, physiotherapist and a chiropodist;
╚ Highly qualified and motivated staff - RMA and • Facial muscles are strengthened so contours

NVQ qualifications; become firmer and lifted
╚ 20 single and 1 double newly refurnished and
• Facial fat & double chin melt away
rooms (newly built extension included) Single £45 1hr Course of 10 £350
╚ Each bedroom fitted with an en-suite bathroom and Treatment recommended
call system to summon help;
╚ A newly extended and enlarged day lounge with Flat THE BYAS EYE LIFTER
creen TV and radio.
╚ Large dining room with excellent meals on offer • Helps reduce swollen tissue

• Dark circles disappear

• Wrinkles reduce within a short time handbag size

pen to be used on the go day and night £55


by the in-house chef; • Treats stubborn problem zones
╚ A Stair lift and a passenger lift to all floors;
╚ Activities includes talks, parties, summer barbecues, • Fat cushions melt away £30 per

flower arranging e.t.c • Reduces cellulite Treatment

Kindly drop by for viewing and to pick up a copy of our • Tightens skin
brochure. For placement and other enquiries, please contact
• Treats all areas of the body arms - waist - abdomen
Sarah Furniss (Manager)
email : [email protected] Course of 6 recommended £170


07740 433 417 Sue Burgess
Situated in the Shaw Hatfield Heath



Hatfield Heath


Children’s Parties COUNCIL MEETING

Small tables and chairs now available Minute

Celebrations PRESENT:
Cllr Mark Lemon (ML), (Chairman), Cllrs Ian
including Fitzgerald (IF), Bob Jones (BJ), Chris Overton
(CO), David Parish (DP), Colin Skyrme (CS),
Wedding Receptions In attendance: Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick,
and 7 members of the public
Classes etc., etc.,
PREFERENTIAL RATES The Chairman welcomed everyone present and
FOR opened the meeting.

LOCAL ORGANISATIONS The following items were raised by members of the
AND public
• New bus timetable and a request to have the
timetable posted in the bus shelters
For Details Telephone • Damage by refuse lorries to edge of green. ML

01279 730 544 will report to UDC tomorrow
Registered Charity No. 268367 • Holes on entrance to The Stag car park is getting

15004 Dec 2015 worse.
• Broadband Phase I is implemented. Phase II is

scheduled for 2016-2019. Nothing scheduled for
the length from Lancasters to B184. Subsi
dised satellite system is being offered to
remote buildings.
• Planning application on Friars Lane (


1 The Fairway, Bush Fair, Harlow, Essex

➢ Specialists in design, manufacture and installation of manual and automated gates; including video/

intercom entry systems.

➢ Staircases, balustrades and railings. ➢ Builder’s steelwork. ➢ Expert advice and service

➢ Free quotations with no obligation.

Tel: 01279 635 525

E-Mail :[email protected]

26 15108 July2016

Cllr Mark Bissell (MB), work commitment. Gary Luxury Toilet Hire (UK) Ltd
Toilet trailers (both luxury and
Waller (GW) EFDC planning meeting party range), single event
portable and disabled units
1554. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING available for hire.

The minutes of the Parish Council Your local service provider for all liquid waste
removal, including cesspits and septic tanks
Meeting of 9 th December were signed
as a true record of the meeting. or call 01279 504 638


INTERESTS:ML is a district councillor. DP is a

member of the Tenants Forum. Bj declared

an interest in Planning Item 1561 iv The Old Barn


.......Matching Neighbours.......

1557. Dog Walking/Day Care, Cat Feeding Garden
DISTRICT COUNCILLOR Maintenance, Home Watch Visits Contact
ML Reported he has donated £1310 of his
£3000 new homes bonus for a new ‘The Neighbours’ Est’d in 2000
ECG monitor for the doctors
surgery ML has been elected as chairman Ask us to look after your pets for regular or one-off
of the transport forum which has not dog walks and general pet care.Plants watered, house
met for over 1 year. the first meeting
will be tomorrow morning. UDC have calls & checks. Local residents since 1999
confirmed there will be no reduction in Fully insured - References provided.
council services
Phone Robert & Andrew on 01279 731 537 or
Email: [email protected]

1558.CLERKS REPORT: 15061 Mar 2016

Matters from last meeting and Action Register

1510/03 Chase ECC Highways for designs for Stortford

Road/ Sawbridgeworth LONDON & ESSEX
1511/01 Clerk to arrange change of signatory forms

1511/03 Clerk to obtain Police reports regarding Fatal

and Injury road accident

1511/04 Contact ECC Highways regarding resurfacing of

Dunmow Road footpath

1511/05 Clerk to write to local parish councils asking for

their support over M11 Junction 7a

1511/06 Clerk to write to ECC Cllr Barker re footpath 12.

BJ has passed on the response To neighbours

and suggests we keep this on file

1511/08 Victim Support Service

1511/09 Investigate flooding in Dunmow Road. No • Oil Fired Appliances • Oil Heating Systems

flooding noticed CLOSED • Oil Boiler Breakdown • Repairs & Servicing

1511/10 Ambulance Service to attend future PC

meeting. Attendance postponed CLOSED • Oil Boiler Installations • Commissioning

1512/01 Signs in Pond Lane on Village Green. Letters • Replacement

sent and one sign removed • Oil Tank


1512/02 Extending 40 mph speed limit on A1060. This is WORK GUARANTEED / FULLY INSURED
now to be traffic calming

1512/03 Footpath 12. Contact Essex CC FOR INSTANT SERVICE PLEASE
1512/04 Query allowing chickens at the allotments. CALL: 01277 369 709

30 Rodney Road, Ongar, Essex CMS 9HN

email: [email protected]

Continued on next page............. 27

.....................Continued From Previous page

Renewable Energy Solutions

of Sawbridgeworth Landowner will not allow chickens On the site
Design and Installation of Solar PV Systems
1512/05 Order keys for allotments. Ordered. Clerk to
Tel: 01279 912 626 [email protected] Chase

Certificate Number Correspondence
NAP 16782 i. History topic for Hatfield Heath Primary school.
Solar PV
Hatfield Regis history Society responded.
15016 Feb 16 ii. Breaches in planning control
iii. Footpath 12 – letters to/from Cllr Barker
T: 01279 730 343 M: 07889 413773 iv. Quotations for Replacement posts
Chesnut Drive Hatfield Heath v. Highways Issues vi. Resurfacing of Dunmow Road footpath
vii. Road Traffic Accidents, Fatal and Injury
15092 July 2016
In a Frame viii. Stansted Airport RNPI
ix. Weekly Police Partnership report.
Picture Framing and Art Supplies x Housing and Planning Bill
xi. The Stag island
F19 Allen House Business Centre, The Maltings, Station Rd xii. Allotment Association letter of thank
xiii. Broadband update
SAWBRIDGEWORTH CM21 9JX xv. Greater Essex devolution update
Telephone 01279 260 069 xv. Uttlesford Local Highways Panel (LHP)
schemes for 2016-17
Framing for pictures, photographs, prints, posters,
objects and memorabilia. xvi. Sector Led body – Audit procedures

Canvas stretching and needlework lacing Meetings & Training.
Sports shirt framing
Parish Forum 22nd March
We now stock a good selection of Daler-Rowney art materials 1559. CHAIRMANS REPORT
including stretched canvas, canvas panels, brushes, paints, Cllr Matt Richards has resigned as a councillor and a
papers & easels as well as Screen Print Kits, Notice of Casual Vacancy has been published. The end of
Lino Cutting Sets & DAS Modelling Clay the election request period is 3rd February.
The Scouts have requested a road closure for their St
Georges Day Parade. This is not a Parish Council matter
and they will need to obtain permission from UDC


A wealth of expertise on your doorstep ACUPRESSURE (Trigger Point Therapy)

We provide an experienced wealth MYOFASCIAL RELEASE
management service and offer specialist CRANIAL, SACRAL & ILIAC RELEASE
advice in a wide range of areas including:
• Investment planning RELAXATION MASSAGE
• Retirement planning
• Inheritance Tax planning 60 minutes from: £35.00
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For further details contact Heath
Financial Planning Ltd on: FULL BODY: 60 MIN: £40:00/120 MIN £80:00


Tel: 020 7495 1771 07823 775356
Email: [email protected] 01279 214748
28 15083 June 2016
ITEC, FHT Acred Dip, VTCT, REIKI Degree,

15084 June 2016

Bank Balance after the authorisation of the

following payments £13680.20

I. Town Farm Allotments 40.00

ii. Uttlesford DC Planning Application 385.00

iii. Holy Trinity Church Churchyard Grant 350.00

iv. Uttlesford DC Green Waste Skips 1991.71

v. E Fenwick website maintenance 20.00

vi. Clerk Expenses 82.58

vii. Staff Salaries


DP and CS to authorise

1561.PLANNING MATTERS T: 01279 730 343 M: 07889 413773
a. Decisions by UDC planning dept. Chesnut Drive Hatfield Heath
15092 July 2016

b. Applications

i. foxglove farm, lea green road hh; utt/15/3810/hhf;
proposed conversion of domestic barn to residential
annexe. object on grounds of green belt and outside the
village development envelope. ongoing problems on this
site with several developments.

ii. land south of oakhanger, friars lane hh;
utt/15/3816/ful; erection of 7 no dwellings including new
road and associated landscaping. object on grounds of
green belt and outside the development envelope.
previously agreed that this type of development was
needed in the village. cs & co declined to support the
objection. development on green belt is allowed on an
exception site

iii. 5 lea hall bungalows, dunmow road hh;
utt/15/3704/hhf; proposed new steeper pitched roof to
existing double garage to create home office for use
incidental to main dwelling. no objection unless the ridge
height is higher than the existing house. bj left the

iv. the old barn, dunmow road, hh; utt/15/3724/hhf;
demolition of single storey rear lean-to, erection of one
and a half storey rear extension and detached garage.
recladding and insulation of walls and roof. conversion of
loft incorporating rear facing dormer and velux windows.
object on grounds of not in keeping with a listed building

adverse affect on neighbouring properties. some of the
new buildings not in the original footprint. four different
types of tiles. cladding to the front wall completely
changes the style of the building. two storeys instead if a
listing as one and a half.
bj re-joined the meeting
v. 3 chestnut drive, hh; utt/15/3738/hhf; garage
conversion and new dormer window to garage roof.
vi. clovelly, chelmsford road, hh; utt/15/3783/hhf;
erection of single storey front, side and rear extensions,

Continued on next page............. 29

PLUMBER .....................Continued From Previous page
Bathroom & Kitchen Design and Installation
All plumbing repairs & Installations front porch and loft conversion with dormer windows to
Unvented Systems/Drainage side elevations. no objections
Joe Williams
07957 356506 – 01279 731727 1562.
[email protected] HIGHWAYS
15095 Aug 2016 flooding in stortford road has now been cleared from the
croft to earlsdown. ecc are now going to install a sump
which will allow easier resolution to the problem and will
then move further along the road to clear other areas.
Dunmow road footpath will be submitted to the lhp for
2016-17 schemes the stag potholes to be photographed
by the clerk and forwarded to highways. Drains outside
the white horse and the nursery are flooding. Clerk to
ascertain progress on Broomfields kerbstones.

Open Tues - Thurs 9 am-5 pm Service road from post office to the nursery requires the
Fri 9 am-6 pm double yellow line scheme installed as soon as possible.
Sat 9am-4pm clerk to contact parking partnership.


Litter from Pond Lane towards Sheering is unacceptable.
Clerk to contact UDC

Footpath from Cox Ley to Village Hall has fences installed
inside the wire fence and is full of beer cans. Clerk to
place order with Handyman

Following the New Years Day walk which was well attend-
ed a letter of thanks to Mr & Mrs Hughes for organising
such a good event and their efforts during the year on the


Church Lane Car Park

This will now require secretary of state approval and if
approved will be leased to the parish council. clerk to

15107 Dec 15






07974 766 108


1564. BROADBAND Nothing further


BJ has received a response from MP which he feels

should be published in the magazine. Clerk to clarify.

1566. POLICE
Nothing to report. Neighbourhood watch volunteer
article for magazine.
Clerk to ask Paula O’Sullivan for advice

Request from Allotment Association to reconsider the size
of sheds and greenhouses. No increase as it is felt that
24 sq. ft. is adequate for storage of tools. It was agreed
to provide one further load of manure, but any future
requirements must be from the Allotment Association or
their members.


Merchant Navy Day, Queens Birthday celebration.
Christmas tree and decorations.


10th February 9th March 13th April

Member of Parliament for Saffron Walden

House of Commons London


14th December; 2015
E. Fenwick, Esq. 2 Lea Hall,
Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath,
Bishop's Stortford, Herts CM22 7BL

Dear Mr Fenwick

Thank you for your letter of 16th November on behalf of Hatfield Heath Parish Council about the trial of RNP1 by
Stansted Airport.
I was very surprised to learn of the Council's concern, because all the feedback I had received seemed to indicate a
welcome for tighter adherence to the midpoint of the flight path. When I tackled the Airport Managing Director,
Andrew Harrison, he replied in the following terms:-

"I have been made aware of a resident from Hatfield Heath, who also sits on the Parish Council, who has written to
local press and published some inaccurate information in the Hatfield Heath village magazine, which has certainly
influenced some residents. We have responded to these articles with our own factual information".

I believe this may be the resident to whom the enclosed reply may have been sent. The airport obviously stands
by this reply.

Tel: 020 7219 5214 Fax: 020 7219 5600
Email: [email protected]


I am advised that the community feedback from the focal RNP consultation has generally been positive with 66%
support for the proposals. They really have nothing to do with the NATS proposal in respect of the Dover and
Clacton routes. You will, of course, know by now that the CAA has approved that change albeit with a requirement
that daytime take-offs will have a steeper climb in order to reduce noise disturbance.


New Bridge and steps

Wednesday 24th February

Lots of love Ollie, Mum, Ross, Nan, Grandad, Dave, Nicola,
Monty and Tessa xxxxx

New Years Stroll/Walk

Dear Readers. Please can I ask all the dog
owners to pick up their dog's mess. I have just
walked to the shop and luckily dodged 4 piles.
It's disgusting. In fact, am I right in saying it is
breaking the law to leave it?
From an unhappy residents.

If you cannot train your dog......

New Bridges Please bag the pooh yourself! Thanks

I am absolutely disgusted with the state of the paths lately they
seem to be covered in dogs mess,. Being a dog owner I know it
is not hard to pick up after your dog, so why are owners not
taking the responsibility?????? I’m fed up of my children
running through grass and treading in it or worse falling in it.
Also when u pick it up please don't put it in bins at the
children's play ground this is not a designated poo bin...
The pictures I've added are taken right outside the village
primary school gates I'm disgusted that someone has allowed
there dog to poo and just left it there. Knowing that children
use this entrance every day...
Owners if your going to have dogs then pick up after them and
be responsible
Amy Milton Broomfields

Same Old Walkers
(but young at heart)


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