July 2010 Est. 1893
A Huge Than k You For AFa ntastic FestivalDearBruno&Barbara Hatfield Heath
A huge thank you to you and your team for organising
such a fantastic Festival. It is so good to know that so
many people are still willing to organise and run the
Hatfield Heath Festival on a voluntary basis. The new
music festival was a great success-very well done!
Best Wishes Dr Iain Gilchrist
Mark Lemon Cheque to Arthritis Charity
Art Exhibition Fancy Dress
Classic Car Show Dog Show
Ferret Racing Soldiers Launching
Chinese Lanterns
Fair Irish Dancing
Fun Run Mary Walsh Sam Cook
Hatfield Heath
Festival Jo Jingles
There will be lots of photos of the Festival on Facebook Email: [email protected]
Village Website :
1 a new you Mark Fisher
Unwanted Hair ....... Eliminated [American-born British Painter, 1841-1923]
Age Spots .........Removed Hello from Florida!
Pigmentation ....... Improved I own a few paintings by Wil-
liam Mark Fisher (1841-1923)
Lines and Wrinkles ........ Reduced an American expatriate artist
who became a member of the
Dull Skin ......... Glycolic Treatment Royal Academy. He had a
daughter, Margaret Fisher
Eyes .........Lifted Creases ......... Filled Prout, who was also an artist. I
believe Mark Fisher settled in
Cellulite ...Reduced Skin tone ..... Tightened Hatfield Heath at some point
(date unknown to me!) and
ESCAPE lived there until his death. Any
information you have on Fish-
All treatments are used in conjunction the latest er, including where he lived
Intense Pulse Light and Ultrasound Equipment, and painted, where he is buried,
Botox and Fillers applied by an experienced, and whether any descendants
qualified nurse................Jeannie Green still live in the area would be
much appreciated! Additionally, if any information on
of Halstead Aesthetics. Fisher was published in your magazine at some point, I
would be very interested in reading the article(s). Are
Call Escape on 01279 731 769 there works by Fisher in the Village?
or 07740 433 417 Thank you very much
Speak to Sue to book your appointment. Segundo J. Fernandez, Esquire
Situated in Hatfield Heath Oertel, Fernandez, Cole & Bryant, P.A.
Parking available. 301 S. Bronough Street, Suite 500
P.O. Box 1110
Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1110
(850) 521-0700
(850) 544-5300 (cell)
(850) 521-0720 (Facsimile)
Hi Bruno
has opened in Sawbridgeworth, I've checked FreeBMD for his death. A William M Fisher
offering a range of Studio and age 84 (only a couple of years out) was registered in Lon-
mat classes to suit all ages and don City district in the June quarter of 1923. There was
level of fitness. also a Mark Fisher registered in September 1923, but he
was aged only 73 and the registration was in Hull
Pilates will help to:-
I found a brief biog for Fisher on the net, and it says he
Improve Strength & Flexibility was living in HH by 1901. However, I've searched the
1901 census (April) and he isn't listed, but that could be
Improve Posture because he was staying elsewhere that night (London,
Improve Balance
If Mr Fernandez wants to order the death certificate
Telephone Co-ordination & Circulation (£9.50), which would give details of his address at least
and the cause of his death, I can supply the full reference.
07887 808 928 Reduce Stress However, this might not be the right man, so it's up to Mr
Fernandez if he wants to risk it
Absolute Pilates, Allen House, G27,
The Maltings,Sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9JX I don't have access to the 1911 census at home, but I can
check it next time I go to Kew (which might be some
time, though)
Bernadette who lives at 'Sandlewood' Stortford Road, on Manicure or Pedicure, Luxury Clarins Facial, Swedish
Saturday 22nd May 2010 told me she had just let her dog Back Massage. We know how to spoil you, feel truly
out in the early morning and was looking out of the relaxed, have lunch around the pool. Use the solarium
window and noticed her dog was looking at something
intently, but not barking . It took a moment to register ½ Day pamper - morning , afternoon,
and when it did, she ran out shouting to the dog to come or between school hours
What she saw was a black panther which ran off Gift Vouchers Available
towards the end of the garden.
01279 730 549
I told Bernadette that when I first McTimoney Chiropractic
came to Hatfield Heath, I also
saw a large cat in my garden. It The gentle treatment suitable
was no more than 15 feet away for people of all ages
and was walking across our
garden. It stopped to look Deborah Flack BSc (hons) Chiro MCA
sideways at me, I turned my
head to call to my wife and 01279 870 077 / 07908 918 934
when I looked
back it had gone.
The garden then was
just grass with no shrubs at all and so it couldn't have run Lavender Barn, Brewers End,
down the garden it must have jumped over the fence. This Takeley, Essex CM22 6QJ
was in July 2000, I hadn't realised what I was looking at
which is why I calmly called my wife to look. I thought at Hatfield Haven Care Home
first it was a large sandy coloured Labrador, but then saw
it’s long tail and the face was small with dark marking, at Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7DL
which point I thought we had wildcats in the area.
Tel: 01279 730 043
I asked my neighbour if we had large cats in the area and
described the size colour, long tail and markings on the
face of the animal I had just seen. He told me I must have Features:
seen a Puma. Apparently now and then there are reported Serene and homely environment;
sightings I looked it up on the Internet and there staring 24 hours care in compliance with CSCI Care Standards
out of the screen was exactly the animal I had seen an Medical care provided by local group practice;
hour or two ago. My wife phoned the editor of the Village district nurse, physiotherapist and a chiropodist;
magazine at the time and asked if anyone else had spotted Highly qualified and motivated staff - RMA and
the puma but we had no replies NVQ qualifications;
newly refurnished and redecorated
I was at a farmers show some time later and spoke to wild rooms (newly built extension included)
Each bedroom fitted with washbasin, TV and
life expert Barry Kaufmann- Wright, who had a stand call system to summon help;
there, about what I had seen. Screen TV and radio.
Large dining room with excellent meals on offer
[email protected]
by the in-house chef;
He said he hadn’t ever sighted anything and until he did A Stair lift and a passenger lift to all floors;
Activities includes talks, parties, summer barbecues,
he thought it was unlikely they are pumas or panthers. flower arranging e.t.c
I have since always listened and watched intently any Kindly drop by for viewing and to pick up our User Guide
and Statement of purpose. For placement and other
other reports of sightings and experts on the cats have said enquiries, please contact
that they could quite easily live in the wild here and the Amanda Austin (Manager)
email : [email protected]
public are in no danger. The only problem that could arise
Jane Chapman-Kane
is if a jogger ran past a large cat resting in a low branch of email: [email protected]
a tree it would automatically strike out with it’s paw, it’s
what it does to anything moving fast past it’s line of
vision, cats eyes are different to ours, they are designed to
detect movement. Bruno
Handmade contemporary jewellery in SSE EMBARKS ON FINAL MISSION
sterling silver, pearls and gemstones Stop Stansted Expansion (SSE) has launched the final
Beautiful, affordable designs perfect stage of its campaign against major expansion at
Stansted Airport .
for all occasions The key message of SSE’s new initiative is ‘NEVER
Shop on line, visit us at one of our AGAIN but we’ll settle for 50 years’ and the
events or have a fun night in with objective is to secure a commitment that no additional
runways will be permitted at Stansted until 2060 at the
friends and your very own earliest.
jewellery party! SSE’s first action has been to write to BAA Chief
Executive Colin Matthews setting out the justification
CALL US ON 07711 421 444 for the moratorium, as follows:
“The people of this area have lived under the threat of
Hatfield Heath a further runway or runways at Stansted Airport for
almost half a century. On four separate occasions
VILLAGE HALL since the early 1960s we have had to mobilise, raise
funds and expend enormous amounts of time and
Are Available for energy, fighting one public inquiry after another in
order to defeat the threat. On each of those four
Children’s Parties occasions we have ultimately won the argument, but
only to find that the same or similar plans for an
Small tables and chairs now available additional runway or runways at Stansted are
resurrected a decade or so later. We believe this is
Celebrations profoundly unfair and that it is time to say that ‘enough
is enough’.
including In 1979 BAA provided the people living in the vicinity of
Gatwick Airport with long term peace of mind by
Wedding Receptions entering into a legally binding agreement with the local
planning authority that it would not build a second
Classes etc., etc., Gatwick runway for a period of at least 40 years, i.e.
before 2019. We believe that it is now Stansted’s turn
PREFERENTIAL RATES to have long term peace of mind and for the reasons
FOR we have explained above we regard 50 years as the
appropriate duration for a Stansted moratorium.”
LOCAL ORGANISATIONS SSE wants to see a commitment to a 50 year
AND moratorium on any new runways at Stansted included
in the Government’s new National Policy Statement on
LOCAL RESIDENTS airports, due to be published in draft form early next
year. This will largely determine the long term future for
For Details Telephone Stansted and will be finalised following public
consultation in 2011.
01279 730 544 SSE wants to ensure that the local community is fully
aware of the importance of the forthcoming National
Policy Statement and its new campaign is designed to
raise local awareness so that as many people as
possible respond to next year’s public consultation. As
part of the build up to this the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ theme
will feature prominently in a new poster campaign.
Over the coming months SSE will also be aiming to
enlist support for its efforts from all relevant local
authorities in the vicinity of Stansted Airport as well
from local MPs and all East of England MEPs. SSE will
also be meeting Government Ministers and other
leading politicians to press the case for a 50 year
moratorium on major expansion at Stansted Airport .
Commenting on the start of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’
campaign, SSE Campaign Director Carol Barbone
said: “Having had to face up to – and defeat – the
threat of a second Stansted runway four times in the
past 50 years, we believe that the people of this area
have now earned the right to be given 50 years peace
of mind. And there is already a precedent. In 1979,
BAA gave a legally binding guarantee that there would
be no second runway at Gatwick for at least 40 years.
It’s now Stansted’s turn.”
MEETING FOR COMMUNITY UPDATE Visit our website for information and
NOISE MONITORS details of all our photographic services
Your Local Photographic Services Company
Dear All,
I have been in contact with BAA in conjunction with CHARTERED CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANTS
the results of the noise monitors, new trial routes and of
course Air Asia X. BAA are now in a position to For local, friendly advice contact Paul Dixon
provide our community with an update. We are also
hoping that Sir Alan Haselhurst will be able to attend. Wallburys, Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7DL
The Summer holiday season is here and the aircraft
numbers will be no doubt increasing over the school Tel: 01279 739076
holiday period .This will probably mean more early
morning flights and evening and late night flights! Email: [email protected]
Anyone trying to have a BBQ recently on a Saturday
would have already experienced the low flying, very
noisy aircraft! We need to put an end to this! Red BarnInteriors Limited
This is also an opportunity for the public to raise any
issues at the question and answer session that will be
held at the end of the meeting. So PLEASE show your
support and help make a difference to your quality of
village life. The meeting will be at
Jo Stewart
Hannah and Michael Shine would like to thank all who
supported their Open Garden at the Bank Holiday
weekend in aid of Grove Cottage (MENCAP).
Initially, we were opening only on Saturday, but by
popular demand we agreed to open on Sunday as well.
Although we had a huge downpour on Saturday, Sunday
was bright and sunny. Everyone who came enjoyed the
garden, the plant sale, coffee, and home made cakes. We
would like to thank all our friends who made delicious
cakes, all those who helped on the day, and all those who
generously donated raffle prizes.
The total raised for the charity was £2,052 – a very
rewarding sum. Grove Cottage are most appreciative.
Grove Cottage is affiliated to Mencap and is maintained
by local donations only. It provides activities for children Beautiful Hand- made
and adults with learning disabilities and respite care for Kitchens, Bedrooms, Office Furniture
parents/carers. This provides a much needed break for
the families of these children and adults. Telephone: 01279 722 811
Many thanks again. We hope to do it again next year –
May Bank Holiday weekend Email: [email protected]
Hannah & Michael Shine
Greenleys, Slough Road, Allen Green, Sawbridgeworth, Herts, CM21 0LR
Village Hall Car Park
“A matter of Opinion !!”
I refer to Mr James MacHardy's letter published in the
June edition of the Village Magazine regarding parking
in the Village Hall Car Park
I have lived in H.H. for over 30 years and I have had
reason to use the V.H.C.P for attendance at various
societies and clubs, I have been involved with, in my
official capacity; there have been several occasions
when it has been impossible to park because of the
school traffic, also to suffer the abuse from some of the
GM Property Maintenance Societies and Clubs hiring the Hall for a fee, surely you
are entitled to park in the V.H.C.P.
Decorating Specialists
Many of the persons who bring their children to the
Est. 1987 Primary School; live out side of the village and with the
volume of vehicles it is amazing that no child has been
Specialising in: injured, with the large 4 X 4 being used , with the excess
Home interior and exterior decoration traffic arriving and leaving the car park at probably the
Building maintenance and restoration busiest time in the mornings, also creating traffic,
Professional and reliable service Fully insured
This is not a "Public Car Park" but a private one. The
Tel: 01279 730733 Village Hall Committee and Trustees are responsible for
07867 805382 the upkeep of the Village Hall and Car Park.
E-mail: [email protected] Mrs B O Jenkins
“If only the school and parents had agreed”
CARPENTER I am writing on behalf of Monday and Thursday
afternoon bowls. I was shown the article on Mark
John Adamson Lemon's retirement from the Village Hall committee on
the grounds of anti community spirit. I think he would
Bespoke fitted furniture think differently if he had to deal with the school and also
Free quotations Fully insured the parents that park in the hall car park.
The school were not interested and the parents were very
07779 715 888 01371 811 688 abusive, (with children in the car as well)
If only the school and parents agreed to parking at either
HERTS HEATING end of the car park this may not have ended up with the
Town Grove, Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath, Edith & Alan (afternoon bowls)
Bishops Stortford, Herts CM22 7BN
For all your Gas Installation and Servicing needs
High Efficiency Condensing Boiler Installations “What a shame the community were not given
Gas Boiler Servicing and Breakdowns the opportunity to resolve the issues”
Landlord’s Gas Safety Records
Free Quotations for gas heating installations Dear Bruno,
Plumbing and Pipework After checking the date on the latest issue of the village
Replacement Bathrooms, including Tiling & magazine on several occasions, I was surprised to
Decoration discover that the letter from Mrs Arnold wasn’t an April
Local company established in 1974. Fool’s Joke. Over the past few years I have read with
Gas Safe register number 222 interest many hot topics gracing the pages of the
magazine; A-Board Insubordination, Broomfield Verge
Parking, The Shaw Yellow Line Debate, the list is
Call us on 01279-730 060 endless. Now we have “Carpark Gate”. So, after I had
Fax us on 01279-730 065 removed my chin from the floor at the sheer audacity of
E-mail us at [email protected] the author, I felt compelled to write in response. I’m
6 Continued on nextg page........
sure I’m not alone! Toilet trailers Luxury and
You see, what Mrs Arnold may not know, is that our Party Range, single event
local school is host to families throughout not only our portable and disabled
local community but reaching from Sheering to Takely units available for hire.
to Bishops Stortford and many places in-between. The
reason for this is because it is an Oustanding School and MHS Builders
us “Selfish women” and men want the best for our Local Builder
children. The school run for me is just a very small part Carpentry & Roofing
of my day and making sure my “little darlings” arrive Loft and Garage conversions
safely and in one piece is of the upmost importance. It is Kitchens & Bathrooms
wrong of Mrs Arnold to assume that parents have an Plastering
abundance of time to spare, just like it would be wrong Extensions
of me to assume she could leave home 10 minutes earlier references available on request
if she needs to go to the shop before work or heaven
forbid, do her shopping the night before. Call Mark Savage
But poor Mrs Arnold isn’t really the problem here. The Tel: 01279 739 409
problem is the installation of a barrier in a “community” Mobile: 07718 539 969
car park. And what spells community to passing
motorists and visitors more than a big yellow sign which CORNELL DECORATORS LTD
may as well read “WE DON’T LIKE OR SUPPORT
OUR LOCAL SCHOOL”! • Interior & Exterior decoration
With more than 150 families at our local school, it is • carried out to a high specification.
fairly obvious that not all those people will have the • Full public liability.
luxury of walking to school every day. If you do choose • 30 yrs Experience
to walk to school, you take your life in your hands from • Ceilings papered.
pretty much every corner of the village. There is no safe • Wall coverings and wall paper hung
crossing point and an increasing number of motorists are
using our village like an F1 circuit. Contact Steve.
Added to this, we also have pre-school parents who are Phone : 01279 724 805 Mobile : 07836 588 886
no longer allowed entry to the car park. So, we now
have circumstances where motorists are parking E-mail: [email protected]
practically anywhere they can – in Beehive Court, Address: Field View, Sheering, Herts.
Broomfields, the Church Grounds and even on the
chevrons outside the School Gates. The situation now
has become far worse than it ever was. What a shame
the community were not given the opportunity to resolve
the issues before the decision to block them out was
And so finally, Mrs Arnold, I make no apology for
taking up your valuable time in the morning or for
sending you on to other local stores but instead ask you
to please give us a wave on your way through!
C. Bissell
As I walk my 'little Darling' to school
Hi Bruno'
I hold my hands up!!!I I'm one of those mums who parks
outside the co op/white horse while I walk my 'little
darling' to school in the morning, but if Simon, the co op
manager came out to me and handed me a leaflet asking
me not to I would be most offended as I shop in there every
morning and have just as much right to be there as
everyone else! I'm more than happy to use the village car
park if there are no spaces available, which certainly does
not make me 10 minutes late to school.
Maybe we should be looking at the issue of congestion and
Continued on next page............
........................Continued from previous page
RELIABLE & EXPERIENCED parking up Broomfield's and the doctors and the
15 YEARS IN TRADE abundance of young children trying to cross the main
road to school, (an accident waiting to happen) now the
Grass cutting, Hedge Trimming, Planting, village hall car park sits empty rather than worrying
about being late to get a paper in the morning!
Mrs E Snell
Weed Treatment, One off Tidy Ups and
Call for a friendly chat on IN BROOMFIELDS
Mobile 07956 524 586
Home Tel 01279 830 960 Dear Mums etc,
I am becoming increasingly concerned about the mass
of school traffic parking in Broomfields at school drop
Fed up with off and pick up times, nearly every day at both times
moss and weed? we have a large vehicle if not blocking our drive, a car
We offer:- either side both partially blocking it amounting to the
•Regular lawn feeds
•Weed and moss treatment same thing.
•Scarification I have appointments at different times, my husband
works different shifts and my family visit all different
times and my elderly mother has been very ill with
Friendly professional service Lawn Treatment Service pneumonia over recent weeks so the need for my drive
to be clear has been extremely important, so can you
CALL NOW FOR A BROCHURE put yourselves in our position for a moment and try to
understand how frustrating it is to see your drive
01279 466 100
Several years ago, at a huge expense to ourselves we
had a drive done, one because we had trouble parking
near our house and two because including our children
we had five cars between us and thought it unfair to
take up so much space on the road.
Why should your problem become ours?? especially
LTD when there is a large car park in the village!!! which
would altogether be safer. I find it both disrespectful
and a total lack of consideration for other people, not a
great thing to teach the children.
There was an episode a couple of months ago where
someone was blocking us in and i went outside simply
to ask the lady if she could not block us next time, i
said excuse me four times and she totally ignored me,
there really is no need for rudeness like that.
• Specialising in all types of ponds Another rather important issue is the safety of the
& features.
children, surely that should be uppermost in your
• Professionally designed,
installed, restored or maintained. minds, these huge vehicles are parked on bends,
• Local company established since directly opposite entrances, in the middle of the road
1987 with excellent after care
service hurriedly ushering the children out of the cars as they
Tel: 01279 461 052 are blocking the road, it is not safe to do these things,
(Answer phone) the times i see the children playing by the road side
Mobile: 07711 087 004 whilst waiting for their mum who may be chatting,
running across the road to the car, going round the
road side to get in the car, all of it is just an accident
waiting to happen, is there not some way some of you
can car share, get a cheap old small car or possibly
walk to help lessen the traffic?
Please mums, consider other people, but most of all
think how you would feel if your child was that first
accident..... Name and address supplied
From a total nine raindays only 1.60inches Relaxing, healing, holistic
were recorded. This represents 77% of our Massage
May average.
So far this year (2010) we have had one Stressed out or wound up? Overdoing it ?
month where rainfall was above average, Or Just too much gardening!
with four months well below the normal.
This means we are very much in a drought Stretch out that aching body and soothe away the
situation, unless we have significant tension with a relaxing but firm massage.
rainfall during the coming months.
May Extremes Unwind in a relaxing environment
Or in the comfort of your own home
Caroline Tel: 01279 731 334
Highs Lows
2007 - 4.94 inches 1999- 0.53 inches
2000 - 4.11 inches 1995 - 0.81 inches.
25 Hatfield Heath Rainfall May 2010
Rainfall mm.. 20
lamailfn Total = 40.75mm
15 (1.60 inches)
Last month we saw the usual early MALLON TREE CARE
emergence of the Brimstone
.(Gonepteryx rhamni) NPTC QUALIFIED STAFF
During May we were inundated with 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE
the Orange - Tips, to the exclusion of
almost all the other species, we FULL INSURANCE
normally expect.
The interesting feature about this ALL TREE WORK
butterfly, is that only the males have the
orange tip so we could easily be fooled
into thinking that the females were
Cabbage Whites!!
Brian Bland
Dear Editors
Whilst passing Billie & Steve Amey Cottage; I could FOR A FREE ESTIMATE
not miss the efforts they have created in front of their CALL
cottage, a mass of blooms and colours,well worth a
photograph for the village magazine.
Kind regards OFFICE : 01279 877726
Tony J
PS I have not had a reply from the Chief Constable of MOBILE : 07946 550777
Essex as yet, perhaps 07986 147 914
he is on holiday; Steve also wrote to him, lets hope he
was one amongst many!! [email protected]
Find us in YELL
Made to measure by
All types of Curtains & Matching Accessories
Below are the names of the committee and main
Made to measure
Telephone:01279 730 608
Andy & Jeanette Beet George Beet
32 Broomfields, Hatfield Heath, Herts. CM22 7EH
Mel Sullivan Wayne Fogg
Nigel & Carol Robley Sandra Rust
If you are Looking for an
Excellent Standard of Decorating Philip Green Sandra Saban
by a Paulene Brakspear Paula O’Sullivan
Professional Tradesman
Irene & Ivor Lewis Derek Millen
Karen Camp Kim Grieve
Then look no further
Please call John for a free estimate Rob Jones
Janice & Dave Page John White
Michael Hockley for providing the bales of straw and
clearing up afterwards
Luxury Toilets Ltd for donating 50%of the toilet hire
King Transport
for providing the lorry for the stage
for sponsoring music
Long Island Shutters
for sponsoring music
John King For the large generator
For all those involved who we haven't mentioned
please accept our thanks as well
I know you all worked your socks off to make it work.
In the process tidy sums were made for various charities.
I will report on the amounts in the August magazine.
Bruno & Barbara Scheggia (Chairman & Secretary)
Hi Bruno & Barbara,
Thank you for this email. I just wanted to add that I too
thought it was one of the best festivals I have been to so far,
so well done for all yours and the committees efforts to make
it a success. There seem to be a lot of people there and
comments from speaking to people since seemed to echo my
thoughts. I also thought the music festival was really good
and helped to get people to 'hang around' longer and to enjoy
Broad Oak Consultants
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01279 718 596
Email: [email protected]
more time there.
It was good to see the community spirit in the village!
Well done and enjoy a good rest.
Kind regards, Sara
The organising of the Music and Fun Run was the work For over 30 years we have been
of Andy & Jeanette Beet - I am sure they will be carrying out local, national and
pleased that it was liked and enjoyed overseas relocations for personal
Bruno and business clients. We
understand that everyone's move
THE RESULTS OF is different and that is why we
THE HATFIELD HEATH FESTIVAL tailor our service to each
individual customers needs.
FUN RUN 20th June 2010 Kings Removals was set up as and still runs as a family business
Juniors today. Great emphasis is put on customer satisfaction and this is why a
1st Stephen Fafalios 2nd Poppy Walton (winner of high percentage of our work comes from recommendations and repeat
Lisa Slater memorial cup) 3rd Henry Watton business.
1st Richard Johnson 2nd Oliver Walker
3rd E Rudge
Women Hallingbury Hall Equestrian Centre
1st F Brunker 2nd Michelle Dawson
3rd Tracey Beckett British Horse Society Approved
Mens Riding lessons for children and adults
1st Matt Cutchey 2nd S Walton 3rd Paul Dixon
Thank you to the Hatfield Heath Co-Op beginners to advanced riders
for providing bottled water at the finish line.
Also thanks to Kim Grieves who provided water
table halfway round the course
Super indoor school, three outdoor arena's,
show jumping arena, and cross-country course
We have super ponies from quiet schoolmasters to
ones trained to do jumping and dressage
Children's own a pony day courses are held every
Wednesday and Thursday during the holidays, Great Fun!
Maximum four riders on a 45 minute lesson gain
confidence and enjoy on one of our lovely sensible cobs
DONATED RETIREMENT Improve your dressage, learn about tests
COLLECTION OF £705.04 lateral work, engagement and collection
Or join a jumping lesson and
practise courses, grids and related distances
Money was raised by surgery and Please ring or pop in for a chat
patients to buy a gift for Dr Iain
Gilchrist on his retirement. Iain opted to donate the 01279 730 348
£705.04 raised to a charity Arthritis Care in which he is
involved. John Powell from their Head Office accepted Little Hallingbury, Bishops
the cheque on behalf of the charity. He actually stayed and Stortford, Herts CM227RP
enjoyed the Festival until 1.30, leaving after a cream tea.
Well done to both of you for all your hard work. The
innovation of the Music and Bands seemed to go really HIRE UR CHURCH HALL FOR
well. I spoke to someone who lives close to the area and
thought they would complain about the noise but they BIRTHDAY PARTIES
You can hire the hall for children's parties
thought it was good to have something to offer the
£9.50 / hour Tel :01279 730 581
youngsters. Bob and Sue
Here to help you through difficult times
Have you ever had one of those weeks where certain
01277 366677 conversations were a bit strange? I had one recently
and two conversations in particular stood out. The first
24 HOUR SERVICE one was one often encountered by members of the
clery when out late in the evening and wearing your
Chapels of Rest Pre paid funeral plans clerical collar, or ‘dog collar’ as most people call them.
Linda and I were peckish after a long day’s work and we
26 FYFIELD ROAD, ONGAR, ESSEX CM5 OAJ didn’t feel like cooking an evening meal so decided to
email: [email protected] treat ourselves to supper from a chip shop. Whilst wait-
ing for our order another customer who had had a few
Daniel Robinson drinks began to chat about his theories on the various
& Sons religions in the world. When he finally asked me a
question about Christianity I pointed out that, unlike
Independent Family the others he had described, Christianity is a relation-
Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons ship with God through Jesus rather than a religion.
A personal caring service Religions tend to be based solely on rules and regula-
from family business day or night. tions to stop you doing certain things and forcing you
Our trained staff will be pleased to give free to do others. Being in a relationship means that you
confidential advice on any matter don’t want to do certain things because of how you feel
about the other person. Therefore because I have a re-
GOLDEN 3 BULLFIELDS lationship with God through knowing his son Jesus, I
CHARTER SAWBRIDGEWORTH don’t have to follow rules but use them to guide me in
my daily life. The man eventually toddled off home and
FUNERAL PLANS (01279) 722476 shouted back that he would like to discus the idea of a
relationship with God in more detail. I shouted back
79/81 SOUTH STREET WYCH ELM where he could find me if he wanted to talk, you never
BISHOP'S STORTFORD HARLOW know when you’ll change someone’s life.
(01279) 655477 (01279) 426990 Living life simply by rules and regulations doesn’t help.
There are those who do so and make other people’s
HASLERS LANE 146 HIGH STREET lives very difficlut and often earn themselves the title of
(01371) 874518 (01992) 560890
24 hour Family Careline
Golden Charter Pre-Payments Plans
“job’s worth”. The second conversation was when I was NIKKI ROBINSON MCSP MIFPA
asked questions that obviously didn’t need to be asked.
They were asked because the person had been trained PHYSIOTHERAPY
to do so and could see no alternative. I had been suffer-
ing with as blocked sinus for a couple of days so finally Do you feel you’re falling apart?
decided to go to the chemist and get a nasal spray. I can help put you back together!
When I presented the spray to the sales assistant she Complete treatment from head to toe.
said, “I have to ask you if you are over 18.” Now even
on a very good day and in the right sort of lighting I def- Sports injuries
initely look over the 18 mark. Linda’s curiosity was
roused so she asked, “What is significant about the age Back, neck and joint pain and stiffness
of 18 for a nasal spray?” The sales assistant replied, “It – even long term
shouldn’t be sold to children as it contains a chemical Tight, painful muscles
that can stunt your growth.” The sales assistant looked Stress-related disorders and sleep problems
a bit puzzled as everyone around her burst into fits of Chronic pain and swelling, and varicose veins
giggles. Why would I be bothered about my growth be- Post-operative rehabilitation
ing stunted having been 6’ 5½” (1.97m) since I was 17! Arthritis exercises and education
Because she had been taught to ‘religously’ follow rules To make an appointment
and regulations she had no way of interpreting the situ- or for more information, please contact me:
ation she was faced with – even though it was blatantly
obvious that they were not necessary. When God start- Tel: 01279 718 331
ed out teaching the nation of Israel how to live togeth- [email protected]
er he gave them a set of rules and regulations that we
call the Ten Commandments. Time and time again the Cannons Lane, Hatfield Broad Oak
Israelites realised that they could not follow just a set
of rules because rules become boring and we start to HATFIELD HEATH INSTITUTE
try and bend them and eventually break them.
Jesus did not wipe out those commandements but he
showed us that if we have the right attitude towards Drop in for Tea, coffee and light refreshments
them, in other words keeping them because we want MONDAY TO FRIDAY MORNINGS
to through having a relationship with God, then follow- 10.00 AM – 12 NOON
ing them becomes easier. If you want to know more
about what it means to have a relationship with God FREE but donations welcome
rather than being part of a religion, please don’t hesi-
tate to talk to any of the clergy.
Terry Keen
1 20.00 Induction and installation of INSTITUTE 730 544 WATCH
Rev Stewart Gibbs HT
PRE-SCHOOL Paula Sullivan 730 281
3 morning RBL Table Top Sale H (2 ½ -5) [email protected]
08.00 Holy Communion HT
09.30 Family Service HT LITTLE FRIENDS For all Senior Citizens
10.30 Family Service URC 730 581
18.00 Service at The Close Mother,Baby and Toddler ITALIAN LANGUAGE
18.00 Evensong HT Group
5 11.30 for 12.00 Luncheon Club URC Michelina 07786 341 754
7 10.30 Holy Communion at The Close Thur 9.45am term time
09.30 Holy Communion HT Village Hall - 07956 563 710 SPANISH LANGUAGE
10.30 Family Service with Communion 01279 730 375
Ann Whale 01279 731 288
URC followed by a Church Meeting
15 20.00 Village Hall Committee Meeting CR URC FOOTBALL CLUB 730 212
08.00 Holy Communion HT 739 218 HEATH PLAYERS
09.30 Matins HT JO JINGLES
10.30 Family Service URC (6 mths - 7years) 868 410 and play reading for pleasure
18.00 Service at The Close
21 11.30 for 12.00 Luncheon Club URC SCHOOL FOOTBALL 730 825 or 730 517
Gardening Club Outing CLUB HISTORY SOCIETY
25 morning RBL Table Top Sale H
25 EIGHTH SUNDAY after TRINITY SCOUTS 812 586 Robin Gurnett 730 672
09.30 Holy Communion HT CUBS Chris Hancock ROYAL BRITISH LEGION
10.30 Family Service URC
28 10.30 Mothers Union Holy CommunionHT 731 646 730 042
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy BROWNIES 734 391 BELL RINGERS 730 526
Trinity Church / URC-United Reform Church / I-Insti-
tute / S-School SUNDAY CLUB CHOIR 730 390
9.30am Holy Trinity WOMANS LEISURE HOUR
730 288 730 465
H.T. YOUTH GROUP Hatfield Broad Oak
731 318 01371 872 550
JUNIOR KARATE 01279 651 270
01992 575 679 OR 01279 653 925
WU CHI 07947 599 801 Mark Lemon 730 581
Friday 10am
Broomfield Surgery outside
730 512
Paul Simpson ....................................730 026 Monday 10.30am Village Car
David. N. Parish............................... 730 573 730 425 Park 722 156
KEEP FIT FOR OVER 50S 07956 563 710
Village Hall
Weds 9.30am 07776 221 975 Uttlesford Badger Group
KEEP FIT Derek Barry (on call 24/7 )
PLAY BUS 01279 503332 Home
FOR UNDER FIVES Village Hall Fridays 9.30am 07941185171 Mbl
07776 221 975
Buffy Bus is a playbus designed to give the under fives an Hatfield Heath resident Simon Rose of Rose Opticians
opportunity to paint, play and socialise in a playgroup Harlow is available for domiciliary visits for
environment that they would otherwise not have access to those who find it difficult to get out of
their home. A full eye examination and
dispensing services are available through the NHS
PARKS ON CENTRE OF VILLAGE GREEN and privately. Call to book an appointment to suit you
TUESDAYS 9.30am - 11am 01279 443 181
URC Hall Wed 7.30pm
14th July
Village Website
PARISH COUNCIL Village Magazine
Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick............... 730 770
Chairman - Paula O’Sullivan.....................730 281 Surgery Websites
Vice Chairman - Mel Sullivan.................. 731 434 (Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites)
Mark Lemon (District Councillor)....... 730 581
Bart Sheekey.................... 730 663
Robert Jones........................ 730 741 H. H.Football Club
David Parish (H.H.Tenants Forum Mem.).730 573
Gary Waller.......................................... 739 345 H.H. Cricket Club
Janet Briscoe............................................. 730 674 Bridge club
Sandra Saban..............................................730 042 Terry’s Photos
There will be a retired policeman Rick Jones at the The Mobile Library Hatfield Heath
police station who you can talk to on
Tuesday visits Fortnightly
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm - 6.30pm Broomfields 2.45pm to 3.35pm
The Close 3.40pm to 4pm
PHONE NUMBERS OF The Heath 4.05pm to 4.35pm
SCHOOL & CHURCHES FRIDAY 10am Broomfields Surgery
PCSO Jo Trevail-Philips Email:[email protected] MON 10.30 am Little Hallingbury car park
Pc Brad Healey Email: [email protected]
Mobile for above police officers........ 07779 316 979
Police Great Dunmow............................ 01376 551 312
Police Hatfield Heath.......... ................. 01279 730 388 16th
Emergency ............................................... 999
Non Emergency ..........................................0300 333 4444
DOCTORS Broomfields......................... 01279 730 616
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth.................... 08444 773 360
THE SAMARITANS............................... 01279 421 110
HATFIELD HEATH C.P. SCHOOL...... 01279 730 382 July
PRE-SCHOOL........................................ 01279 730 354
Email :- [email protected]
Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, floppy
Rev. Stewart Gibbs.....................................01279 730 288
disc, CD, or email - [email protected].
Gerald Pearson .............................................01279 730 526 If posting or delivering by hand you can send direct to me :-
Lesley Noel ................................................ 01279 870 390
Irene Harriss..................................................01279 734 334 Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield
Fiona Klimeke............................................. 01279 831 965
Heath CM22 7BD.
URC Rev Terry Keen............................. 01279 726 771
Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498
Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606 309
Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
GREEN SKIP Secretary: - Jean Clarke 01279 730 667
Chairman - Brendan Carrig
Sundays 3pm - 4pm Broomfields/Ardley Crescent Printed by Cornerstone 01279 437 851
BROOMFIELDS ARDLEY CRES DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
July 12th 26th July 5th 19th the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
accepted in work done by advertisers.
Garden need tidying, grass cutting, HELD AT 7.30 PM ON WED 9th JUNE 2010
Barrie Ekins
01279 739 356 Mobile 07960 418 573 1 member of public present.
Richard Barnett complained again about the
VILLA TO LET footpath from Village Hall to Cox Ley being un-swept
for over two years. Clerk to check ownership and
Beautiful villa to let obtain permission to instruct clearance.
in Menorca, Spain. Play Area Paling missing from fence. Someone needs
See details online at to monitor play area. Hedge needs cutting between
Cox Ley and Play Area. Clerk to instruct Barry Newman to carry out works.
Complaint re builders vans on heath at Amberton
APARTMENT TO LET Cottage and Lyndune. Clerk to write to owners with
polite request to consider the condition of the village
15 mins from San Javier Airport, green.
Spain. 2 bed ground floor No parking signs to South of Church and Matching
Road end of cricket field are lying on ground. Clerk
apartment with garden, sleeps 4. to organise re-erection.
From £150 pw. For availability Waste bin opposite gun shop is always full. Second
bin required or larger bin
and further information telephone Fly tipping on Broomfields Green. It maybe that they
are awaiting green skip on Sunday. Councillors to
01279 730 479 monitor and report to Clerk if it remains after
Paula's Petsitting Service Unlawful signs on village green to be removed by
ECC Highways. Clerk to write to HBO and ask them
Going on holiday? Paula offers personal pet care in their to remove their festival signs.
own home! Choosing Paula’s Petsitting Service you can Cox Ley street sign is lying on the ground. Clerk to
leave home knowing you will return to happy pets. check with UDC and offer to replace sign,
Dog walking also available. All at competitive rates GW joined the meeting
For more information, please call COUNCIL MEETING Minute
PRESENT: Cllr Paula O’Sullivan (POS) (Chairman)
01279 876 277 or 07986 270 336 Cllrs Janet Briscoe (JB), Bob Jones (BJ), David Parish
Or email: [email protected] (DP), Mel Sullivan (MS) and Gary Waller (GW)
In attendance: Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick
For All Building Works - Chairmans welcome:
Extensions/Renovations - The Chairman welcomed everyone present.
Decorating - Plumbing - Electrics 244. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE
Carried Out with Great Attention to Detail Cllrs Mark Lemon (ML,) Sandra Saban (SS)
Tel: 01279 757 323 07836 205 103
245. minutes of meetings
The minutes of the Annual Council meeting of 12th
May were signed as a true record of the meeting.
The minutes of the council meeting of 12th May
were signed as a true record of the meeting.
James Gardening Service 246. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS
All Garden Works None
247. reports to / from county and district
& Odd Jobs councillors
01279 651 498 07963 989 851 248. Public Participation on Agenda Items
249. clerks report:
Matters from last meeting and Action Register Applications
Information on Grants. Millview Stortford Road HH: UTT/0798/10/FUL:
No funding officer employed by UDC. Sue Hayden Single storey rear extension: NO OBJECTIONS
suggested CVSU for details. Clerk awaiting
information from them. High Pastures Stortford Road HH:
War Memorial road repairs. UTT/0815/10/FUL: Renewal of planning approval
Clerk has received confirmation of £1488 grant UTT.1052/07/FUL Single storey side extension, two
from UDC Community Grant scheme. Clerk has dormer windows to front, one dormer window to
spoken to contractor and awaiting uplift on price as rear elevations.
quotation was for 1 month. Order to be issued on The Council objects to the proposal on the grounds
receipt. that this development is too close to the boundary
Dog Bins to Heath of the site.
Sue Knight UDC dog officer will survey Heath to
check on which bins are being used and if there can Land adjacent High Pastures Stortford Road HH:
be a re-distribution, but UDC are not installing any UTT/0813/10/FUL: Renewal of planning approval
new bins due to cutbacks in budget. UTT.1048/07/FUL Erection of new dwelling
Continued on next page........
i. Essex Rural Broadband Survey
ii. ECC CIF Highways Grant was unsuccessful. JLY Bookkeeping Services
iii. Battery recycling Essex CC, in partnership
with district authorities, will be operating a recycling ICB Certificated & Sage Qualified in
scheme for household batteries, and we have been
asked whether we wish to participate. Agreed that Bookkeeping & Payroll Services - Self-Employed,
we should do so if possible, with boxes placed in
suitable locations. Clerk to check if deadline has Sole Traders & Small Businesses - VAT Returns
passed. Year End – Profit & Loss Friendly & Efficient Service
Training courses received from EALC
i. Minutes & Agenda Course 9.30 – 12.30 8th Call Jaime Yardley AICB (Comp)PM.Dip
July Foakes Hall Dunmow £36 Home - 01279 877 957
Mobile – 07512 688 373
[email protected]
Professional Indemnity Insurance and a Computerised 4446
Associate Member of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers
250. financial matters:
Clerk reported that current bank balances after the
payment of the following cheques are
Deposit Account £36418.31
Current Account £2012.31
The following payments were approved:
Zurich Insurance Insurance Premium £1072.23
E Fenwick Expenses £155.20
HH URC Churchyard Grant £300.00
Holy Trinity Church Churchyard Grant £300.00
Information Commissioner Data Protection £35.00
251. planning
Decisions by UDC Planning Dept
Silverthorn, Chelmsford Road HH:
UTT/0000/10/FUL : Erection of 2.1m high brick
piers and 1.9m high walls, gates and fencing to
front boundary. Retrospective application for
construction of hardstanding. REFUSED
Gibsons, Friars Lane, HH : UTT/0575/10/FUL :
Single storey rear extension. CONDITIONAL
Maycroft, Chelmsford Road HH: UTT/0333/10/FUL :
Replacement dwelling and detached cart lodge.
Former Deputy Headteacher .....Council minutes continued from previous page
very effective at raising standards The Council objects to the proposal on the grounds
that this has resulted in the plot having two
Reading techniques coached; books loaned separate dwellings, which we referred to in our
Clearly taught NC maths objection of August 2006. The reason given for the
cottage was for a full time carer for a disabled
Quality of writing and handwriting improved child, who has not and does not live at the
SATs, 11+ and Common Entrance property.
Weekly follow-up activities Heyst, Chelmsford Road HH: UTT/0897/10/FUL:
New vehicular access and drive
01279 600 102
Denise Ings
King’s Thursday, 2 Rowney Gardens, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 0AT Foxglove Farm, Dunmow Road HH:
UTT/0913/10/FUL: Two storey rear extension, Two
[email protected] Single storey front extensions, two additional
chimneys: No objections to this application but
Sing Along with Jo Jingles! concern over the failure to complete investigation
on existing alleged breach of planning.
Fun Music Singing & Movement Classses
For children aged 3 months to 5 years Tree Preservation
Birchwood Cottage, Broomfields HH:
Chidren’s Parties & Nursery Sessions also available! UTT/0896/10/TPO: 2 no horse chestnut trees to
crown reduce by 30% thin & lift canopy. pc would
For details on classes in: not object to a larger reduction of 50%
Bishop’s Storford, Epping, Harlow
Sawbridgeworth, Stebbing & Hatfield Monthly Enforcement Reports
Heath Plus NEW classes starting in This month report was received earlier today
Potter Street, Harlow
Call Lucy on 01279 868 410 252. Procedures Committee
[email protected] Clerk reported that the council are able to form working groups to research issues and then report
back to council for decisions to be taken. Working
Hobbs Cross Road groups cannot make decisions. Committees must
Old Harlow be held in public with 3 clear days notice given and
CM17 0NJ minutes taken. Sub-committees can be formed
from committees. Agreed that our procedures are
Tel. 01279 429 910 adequate at present
253. vehicle activated signs Clerk has asked Chris Stoneham to consider an
additional sign at the location of the existing sign
Saint Nicholas pointing in the opposite direction. Chris did not feel
A small independent school, that was possible but would look into the possibility
located in of reversing the sign and alternating the direction.
Churchgate Street, Old Harlow MS said that Hatfield Broad Oak have a double
sided sign. Clerk to contact Chris Stoneham
We take pupils from Reception
through to Year 11 254. Affordable housing
Architect's report, forwarded to us by Hastoe
• Small class Housing Association, considers 11 possible sites
sizes and narrows down the choice to 3 preferred
options. Agreed that we should contact Hastoe,
• Wide range of providing information and setting out our views.
curricular and
extra-curricular 255. Village green – ponds
activities Clerk confirmed that volunteers are covered under
our insurance policy for public liability and personal
• Extensive accident. DP reported that we have now submitted
• Heated pool
an application to commence works and are awaiting Hunters Meet Restaurant
a decision. Cabaret Nights
256. parish council website
GW reported that several alternative options are Here at Hunters Meet , on Friday and Saturday
under consideration. A matrix, setting out the nights, we hold some of the best
benefits and disadvantages of each to be drawn up Dinner Dance & Cabarets Nights in the country!
for consideration by the Council. JULY
257. cycle racks TRIBUTE NIGHT
GW reported on possible locations for cycle racks, Thurs 8th TOM JONES TRIBUTE
near to main facilities in the village. Agreed that Fri 9th NIGHT OF DANCE
landowners should be contacted regarding Fri 16th Live Superb Band CLICHÊ
placement of stands Sat 17th Live Superb Band CLICHÊ
Sat 24th Top comedian RUSS WILLIAMS
258. reports from members on meetings Fri 30th Live Band WISHFUL THINKING
MS and POS attended South Area Forum & comedy from RUSS WILLIAMS
Forum centred around a presentation on community
safety but excluded road safety even though road 01279 730 549
traffic accidents are high in Uttlesford. Uttlesford is
the 5th safest district for crime in Essex (Rochford is Independent co-educational
the safest). The following points are attributable to day school and nursery
Uttlesford: Anti social behaviour has increased but for 2 - 11 year olds
decreased in every other district in Essex (still the
3rd fewest in Essex). Assaults increased but still 2nd Creating Opportunities
fewest. Domestic violence increased but still fewest. Realising Potential
Acquisitive crime (thieving) increased but still
fewest. Living Life to the Full!
The next forum will centre on a presentation on
road safety by Highways. Call us today on 01279 657706
259. matters raised by members for
Criteria for book token award. MS to ask Peter Lines
Parking in Broomfields
Notice boards
260. dates Of next meetings
14th July 11th August
8th September
StreetStyle! StreetStyle!
Come and learn to street dance in a friendly local dance class. DANCE CLASSES
Starting Saturday 4th September in Institute Hall With Gemma Grieve
(free parking opposite in Village Hall car park) I am 18 years old and I have lived in the village all
my life. I have been dancing for 11 years and have
Pay on the door £4.00 per session. No termly fees. enjoyed classes in a number of different dance
styles, including street, hiphop, freestyle and Latin
Ages 9-11 Saturday 9:30 – 10:30 American. In all my years of dancing I have had
some wonderful experiences including dancing in
14 – 17 Thursday 19:30-20:30 the West End at Theatre Royal and Her Majesty’s
Theatre on 3 occasions. I have also danced at
12-14 Saturday 10:45 – 11:45 Sadlers Wells Theatre and the Royal Albert Hall. I
have taken part in Bishop’s Stortford Carnival; St
17+ Thursday 20:30 – 21:30 Mary’s Performing Arts Summer School’s and class
showcases. Having enjoyed my dancing so much, I
15+ Saturday 12:00 – 13:00 decided to share my passion and experience with
others in the local area and have set up street
For any queries/more information call/text: 07508 515 264 dance classes as I feel that this is something that
can be enjoyed by males and females alike and is a
or Email: [email protected] great way of getting fit whilst having a good time in
a friendly atmosphere.
Gemma Grieve
State Registered Chiropodist
Home Visiting Practice
Mrs. Julie Golden S.R.Ch.
Est. 1994
01279 817810
Stansted Mountfitchet
A professional service at a competitive rate AND GOES NATIONAL
Hatfield Heath Walking in Essex is a website
packed with useful information for walkers.
Farmer’s Market With more than 430 walks to download and print, free, and
details of around 100 guided walks every month, it also has
4th Saturday of every month books of walks, contact details for all the walking groups in
9.30am-12.30pm the county and much more. Whether you want to walk on
your own or with a group all the information is there in one
In Hatfield Heath Village Hall place.
Now, after three years hard work John Harris has taken the
Please come & support your local producers! concept Countrywide. Walking in England has thousands of walks to
Hannah - 07956-563710 or download and print – and all free of charge!
John said ‘There is so much walking information on the web but it is difficult to find. Walking in England has brought it
together in one place so whether you are walking from
24 July; 28 Aug; 25 Sep; 23 Oct; 27 Nov home or away on holiday you will be able to find a walk
suitable for you’.
24th July With walks from half a mile to twelve miles long, and a
note of suitability for pushchairs and wheelchairs, everyone
Handyman Local can find a walk to enjoy.
Did you know that walking for just 30 minutes a day can
Skilled Handyman help you to:
for furniture assembly
picture hanging Feel good (you will feel fitter, your body will be
more toned, and you will feel better about yourself).
putting up shelving, decorating
building cupboards & much more Have more energy.
No Call out charge Sleep better.
rHeaavdey fYoorutrhinseswudmecmkerb!uilt
• Affordable hourly & daily rates Reduce stress (have you ever noticed how it’s
• Fast & efficient service difficult to walk and worry at the same time?).
Reduce your blood pressure.
Call Chris Manage your weight.
Free quotation 07931 566 372 So home or away, check out the websites and get walking!
Among the market aims of supporting local people & their C F SECURITY
local businesses, & bringing the whole community together
to enjoy an event with each other, are the aims of: educating Lt Hallingbury
people – particularly school age children whom are our
future – about where their food comes from; encouraging 01279 600 025
environmental awareness; and to encourage safe, hygienic
and sustainable production methods, including use of Email:[email protected]
traditional breeds and varieties to help maintain genetic
diversity. So to try to start to fulfill these aims Hatfield LOCALS NIGHTouth-WFaoteordEingvery ly
Heath Farmers’ Market is promoting growing your own Tuesday 6:30-
fruit vegetables. 8pmLoSvteaff
Growing your own vegetables is not just a pleasant activity,
but also reduces food miles, is a source of healthier- M
chemical-free food, helps you get exercise and get in touch
with nature; and is a great source of educating young (and Main Courses just £6.95
some old!) people about where food comes from. It is a
great past-time, & whilst I understand many of you would Promoting Neighbourhood Get Togethers
not have the room or inclination to tend to a huge garden of
vegetables that could supply you with a year round source 01279 730 549
of fresh produce, I would encourage you to start growing
even just one edible herb or vegetable, to get back in touch Website:
with what every family would have been doing in years
gone by. Woollcott House Restaurant
Growing your own vegetables is simpler than you may Gt Hallingbury 01279-504 397
expect: you do not need lots of space to grow-your-own:
you could have just a grow-bag of cherry tomatoes against www.woollcott
a wall, or a pot of planted herbs like I have outside my 2010 Opening hours
window. To start you off with some easy to grow
suggestions, why not try: lettuces; carrots; potatoes; Wednesday to Saturday evenings.
tomatoes; courgettes; or dwarf beans. They do not take up Thursday, Friday and Sunday lunchtimes
much space and can even be grown in pots or raised beds.
Or for something pretty year round, try planting a simple ( other times by arrangement)
herb garden of rosemary, thyme, basil, and sage in a pot or Regular Dinner Dances. Superb Choice of Menu.
box outside a window, and add them to your salads, roast A la Carte menu and Table D'Hote Menu's available.
dinners, and curries. Private Parties, Wedding Reception Packages
For the more experienced gardener, why not try keeping available, Christenings, Funeral refreshments.
some of our heritage vegetables alive, and growing some Ideal location for a large marquee, ample parking.
highland red burgundy potatoes: a dark purple coloured
potato which keeps its colour when cooked; or some There is NO ROOM CHARGE for exclusivity.
Shetland Black potatoes which date back to Victorian Sunday lunch a speciality. No relays! A leisurely lunch.
times? Have a look on for
inspiration. IYENGAR YOGA
Highland Red Burgandy Potatoes
Classes to suit all ages
For those school children that would like to have a go at
growing your own vegetables, I hope to see you at the and levels of flexibility
festival where the Farmers Market stall will be giving out
free vegetable seedlings ready for you to have your own go Beginners/intermediate/over 50's
at growing your own veg.
Day and Evenings Available
I look forward to seeing everyone at the Farmers Market on Contact Jenny
the 4th Saturday of the month in the Village Hall
9.30am-12.30pm! 01279 730 751
Kind regards, Hannah. 07946 777 669
Email: [email protected]
Hatfield Regis
Tue 25th May 2010
The Society, together with the Leisure Hour,& Bishops
Stortford Natural History Society, visited the Old Forge
Museum at Much Hadham on Tuesday 25th May, and
were treated to a memorable tour given by the Museum
Curator Christina Harrison.
The old Forge is a complex of late 15th and early 16th
century buildings, where the farrier continues his
blacksmith's craft today.
As well as a number of artefacts of all descriptions, and a
series of early picture postcards of views of the village, the
finale was a stunning and rare display of late 16th cent.
Wall Paintings having retained much of their original vivid
colouring, The Forge Museum is very fortunate to have
such a fine display of unique paintings.
After the tour, split into 3 groups of nine persons, we
enjoyed cups of tea and coffee served in giant cups,
together with some delicious home made cakes.
Robin Gurnett
New book! Launch Summer 2010
Favourite recipes
from across Uttlesford
50 recipes from 35 Essex villages
From old-fashioned gingerbread to modern
yoghurt cake with history in the baking
stories & anecdotes of local interest
Front cover photo
shows Jamie
Oliver's favourite
chocolate cake
cooked by his
mum for special
£3.50 each (pp
£1.10 =£4.60)
Cheques payable to:
'Recorders of
Uttlesford History'
LET THEM MAKE CAKE: ORDER FORM c. and b. W.Francis 1 b. Francis 17
H Vale, b. Hawkins 3 not out 3
Name: C.Nash,
Address: c. Gurnett, b Hawkins 5 b. Hawkins 35 J.Francis, not out 3
No of books:..................... @ £3.50 each+£1.10 post J.Dixon, run out 0 c. and b. Pamphilon 1
& packaging if mailed (£4.60) J.Nash, b.Hawkins 0 run out
Cheques payable to Recorders of Uttlesford History H.Eade, run out 0 b. Pamphflon 0
Orders to: Cake Book, RUH Treasurer, The Bury, T.Brown, run out 1
Manuden, CM23 IDG Extras 8 3
enquiries: [email protected] 30
Extras 9
Recorders of Uttlesford History 71
Conserving the past & recording the present of our Special Event?
historic communities in Uttlesford District, NW Essex
Want to give a personal Gift?
HATFIELD HEATH A verse for any occasion.
MARRIEDS VERSUS SINGLES, Bev Rogers 07796 493 453
A very close and exciting game was played here on CARPETS • VINYL •LAMINATE
Monday, 26th ult. between two elevens of Married
and Single.
The "Benedicts" seemed at first to have it all their
own way, for the "Single" men had to get 71 to beat,
in their second innings, which it was thought they
would not accomplish, and especially when 4 of their
wickets went down for 2 runs, but such is the glorious
uncertainty of cricket, that Messrs C.Nash and
W.Witham went in and made a good stand, and the
bachelors were victorious by 3 wickets. Unit 11 Heathview Pond Lane
The weather was everything that could be desired, and Hatfield Heath CM22 7AB
at 7 o'clock the players sat down to a capital spread Steve and Donna have a shop in the village where you
can choose your carpet or other floor coverings.
provided by Mrs Miller at the White Horse Inn, where Steve is a fitter with 16 years experience working with
the finest carpet companies. He will give professional
a very agreeable evening was spent. Subjoined is the advice and quote. Prices from £8.50 sqm
score. • All prices include 10mm Underlay,Grippers,
Door Bars, Fitting, Uplift and Dispose
• Cheaper than major stores but same quality
1st Innings 0 2nd Innings 0
W.Wolfe, b. Francis 3 b. Francis 4 • Heavy domestic loop structure carpet
T.Cooper, sen, run out 0 b. C.Nash 4 average hall,stairs,landing 12sqm £165
S.Pamphilon, b.Francis 3 c. and b. C.Nash 5
T.Green, c. & b. Nash run out average lounge 12sqm £165
A.Hawins, 21
c. C .Nash, b. Francis 7 b. Francis 5 • We can obtain any carpet
W.Baker, b. Francis not out 1 If you have seen it we can get it.
J.Gurnett, 6
c. Brown, b. C.Nash 0 run out 0 • Wood many ranges
W.Francis, b. Francis 0 • Laminate Balterio
H.Bowyer, not out 0 run out 10 15 year guarantee - Average lounge 12sqm £260 fitted.
W.Tebbit, c. and b. CNash 0
IBacon, b. C.Nash 10 b. Francis 13
Extras 50
c. C.Nash, b. Francis 4
runout 0
Extras 4
SINGLE ELEVEN So why travel miles when you can have better quality
service from a local company just a few minutes walk away
1st Innings 2nd Innings “I guarantee my quality of work and service.”
H.Patmore, b. W.Francis 1 c. Wolfe, b. Hawkins 0
T.Cooper, junr, 3 Steve & Donna
c. Cooper, b. Francis 2 not out
H.Cooper, Office: 01279 730 172
c. and b. W.Francis 6 runout 0 Mob: 07939 739 845
W.Witham, Continued top of next column.......
General DIY, Curtain Rails and Shelves Erected, Flat Packs Thursday 1 July
assembled. Patio, Drive and Brickwork Pressure Washed,
Fencing and Sheds Preserved and Repaired, Hedge Cutting, THE COMEDY CLUB
including Shrubs and Tree Pruning, If you’re looking for the
House Painting, Exterior & Interior, Windows Pipe Work and real feel-good fun factor,
come along and enjoy
Weather Boards Stained and Painted. Fencing Erected, The Comedy Club at
Gardens and Driveways Shingled and Pebbled. Guttering Harlow Playhouse. With three top comedians from
Unblocked, Roofs Moss and Mildew Power-washed Off. the UK comedy circuit, The Comedy Club brings
laughter to life with more fun and laughs than you
Please do not hesitate to ask. Contact lan and Jan at can shake a curly whirly at! Each comedian comes
San Michelle, Jacks Lane, Takeley hand-picked to ensure you will only enjoy the best
comedians. Visit closer
MANY OTHER SERVICES UNDERTAKEN to the date for the full line-up.
Not suitable for anyone aged under 18
01279 873 933
01279 870 968 Monday 5 - Wednesday 7 July
[email protected]
Phone now for a friendly chat
with Sue to get more information
Tel : 07885 510 400
We offer a Friday 9 – Saturday 10 July
CERAMIC TILING Sunday 11 – Monday 12 July
Friday 16 July ENGAGE 2010
All carried out with the minimum eNgage is the annual youth and community dance
of fuss and mess by experts! showcase for Epping Forest Arts.
Also all Plumbing &
Domestic Heating Installations Saturday 17 – Sunday 18 July
C.F OAKES For a show full of fun and audience
participation. Remember, no job is
too big for Pat, the special delivery
always gets through!
Established in Harlow for over 45 years Monday 19 – Tuesday 20
WORLD CUP TRIVIA Lampwork Beads - Silver
Original and Distinctive Jewellery
THE World Cup 2010 might be in its latter throes, but as Designed and Handmade Locally
the rest of the footballing world continues to enjoy their
close-season break, here’s a few brain teasers to get you
thinking about the teams competing in this year’s tourna- Shop online or just browse
ment in South Africa.
I am happy to work on individual items,
1. What country’s team nickname is the Green and Gold so whether for a gift or for just something personal
please send a message via my contact page or
ring Chris on 07976 966 491
2. What is the nickname of the Nigerian national team? Family run business
3. What country’s national club is nicknamed Los Catra- We offer a friendly service
chos? and take pride in our high
standard of fitting
4. What country is known as Gli Azzuri? CARPET, VINYL& WOOD
5. What country’s national team is called Bafana Bafana? Free estimates & advice
6. What country's national team is known as Little Canary We can supply to all local areas
and the Selection? including: Sawbridgeworth,
Bishop’s Stortford, Harlow,
7. What country's national team is nicknamed "A Clock- Elsenham, Hatfield Broad Oak,
work Orange"? Hatfield Heath
111a London Road Sawbridgeworth Herts CM21 9JJ
T:01279 724878 - F:01279 724878
8. What African country's national team, whose team in-
cludes Samuel Eto'o, is called the Indomitable Lions?
By Billy Shaw. Answers onpage 27
She works all day and was always tired when she came
home from work and I thought that a ride-on lawn
mower would help her get the garden done quicker so
she would have more time for the housework.
I’m good at diy and made her a ride-on lawn mower.
I thought she would be pleased and give me a big hug.
Why are some women so hard to please? Heath Computers
Name and address supplied (especially if you are an
easy woman) For all your IT needs
Whether you run a business, or are a home user,
Heath Computers has an IT solution to suit your requirements
• IT Solutions for home or office
• Web Design (CGI / PHP / Java Scripts )
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• Internet, E-mail, Broadband
• Virus Protection and Spyware removal
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Web: Mob: 07958 482 889
Email: [email protected] Fax: 08715 227 252
Superb organic cleaning NEW
of carpets, curtains, VICAR
upholstery & leather
• Organic carpet, Our treatments It’s Official
upholstery and
leather cleaning Remove We are delighted to say that all the paperwork has been
Odour done and we can now officially announce that our new
• Curtains & mattresses vicar’s name is the Rev. Stewart Gibbs. His wife’s name
deep cleaned Remove is Sam and he has a young son called Thomas. The
Dust family have already moved into the Vicarage.
• Guardsman stain Mites
protection plans Stewart will be inducted and installed in Holy Trinity at 8
Remove p.m. on the 1st July and the Bishop of Barking will lead
• Oriental rug cleaning Bacteria the service.
• Allergy treatments We would like to thank the Rev. Brian Surtees for all his
available help during the past year when we have been in
• Expert spot and stain removal
Lesley Noel - Churchwarden
• All work fully insured and guaranteed
For a FREE non-obligational quote call Matt: Hatfield Heath?
0800 7836647 THEN TRY FOR A £50 BOOK TOKEN
Beautiful Holidays in Cornwall GRANT
For more details please visit Hatfield Heath Parish Council
Applicants are asked to submit a formal
application of not more than 500 words stating
Phone Wayne on 07958 482 889
why they have chosen their particular degree or
- 3 Bedroom holiday home,
sleeps up to 8 people college course, outlining their career
- Situated on a holiday park aspirations and what contribution
with full use of the park facilities
they have made outside their school
- Weekly lets and short breaks
- Near St Ives, Penzance and Truro or college life to the community
- 5 minutes from 3 miles of
and/or a particular clubs, societies
golden sandy beach
- Non Smoking etc.
Applications are
welcome not only
from university
candidates but also
those following
college courses
such as BTEC or
Applications should be submitted to Mr E
Fenwick, Parish Clerk, 2 Lea Hall Bungalows,
Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath, Herts, CM22 7BL
email: [email protected]
By the 8th August to be considered for selection
at the meeting on the 11th August 2010.
TO LET AT Flooring
Friars Lane. Bespoke Hardwood Flooring
Two bedroom, semi-detached timbered cottage in Supply Traditional & Contemporary Wood
Flooring Installation, Floor Sanding & Finishing,
rural setting. Economy 7 storage heating. Extensive Product Range, Bespoke Design Service,
Open fires in dining & living rooms.
Recently refurbished kitchen. Experienced & Insured
Small garden, off road parking for two cars. Call Anthony Yardley Home - 01279 877957 Mobile – 07930 278550
£850 pcm. [email protected]
Available end July. Hair by BEE BEE
Telephone 07976 801 062
SPECIAL PRICES:Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s for Senior Citizens
for 3 school age children in Hatfield Heath
16 to 20 hours per week OPEN: Tues & Wed 9am - 5pm• Thur 9am -1pm
September start
Please call Deirdre on mobile no. 0794 117 4808 Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-1pm FULLY TRAINED
LOST CAT Heath View, Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath
Has anyone seen BAILEY? he is a beautiful dark FLYING HIRE
creamy colour male 2year old cat with amber eyes
and a long fluffy tail, he went missing on bank CAR & CHAUFFEUR SERVICES
holiday monday and he is very much missed. If FOR ALL OCCASIONS
anyone has any news of a sighting even of the worst
To and from Stansted, Luton, Heathrow,
type please call 730211. Many thanks Gatwick and City airports
DEOS SEPLLNIG HVAE TO BE Corporate & A complete
Sporting events London Service
National meetings Shopping trips
Theatre/dinner Hospital visits
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was trips
rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoc- Urgent courier
cdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mt- Guided tours services
taer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt
tihng is taht the fsirt and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Weddings
The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it wouthit a Our fleet of air conditioned vehicles
porbelm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ranges from executive cars to luxury
lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
people carriers and coaches
Hatfield Heath Half Hour Helpers
8 passenger vehicles now available for all events
Need a friendly neighbour to help you?
with task that will take approx 30 mins e.g. For professionalism with the personal touch
Shopping small repairs collecting prescriptions etc. contact Chris New at
Please note there is no ageism. Tel: 01279 721 427 Fax: 01279 723 947
Anyone young or old can call for help from volunteers. Mobile: 07968 026 032
PHONE 07-944-748-478
Phone manned 10am to 12noon
ANSWERS to SPORT QUIZ or visit our informative website:
1. Australia. 2. Super Eagles. 3. Honduras. 4. Italy. 5. South
Africa. 6. Brazil. 7. Holland. 8. Cameroon.
John Jackson who lives in
Broomfields has Sky Dived for
His adopted daughter was
looked after by St Clare
hospice when she was
diagnosed with terminal
cancer. He has raised around £1000 for them in
appreciation of how they looked after her while she was
there. He hopes to well and truly top this at the final count.
Ollie Abby Jess Chloe
Robart Wedding
Our mobile First Aid & Stansted Security Police
Julian Cowley, Ashton Hunt, Martyn Stables, Mark Bissell
and Beast Eastland (not pictured) who took part in the
Blenheim Triathlon on 6th June.