Village Magazine
Michael Nazir-Ali See inside for full details ........
Service at Holy Trinity ALLOTMENTS
Sunday 20th September 11am
Hatfield Heath Parish Council has agreed in principle to
Followed by coffee & Cakes in the Institute invest in the Broomfields allotments project.
1pm Lunch with Bishop Michael in the Village Hall See inside for full details ........
2.30pm Question and Answer Session with the WE DID IT!!!!!!!!
Bishop in The Village Hall
May I take this opportunity to say a
Until September Bishop Nazir Ali big THANK YOU to everyone who
will be Bishop of Rochester. Before supported Tamara & I in our abseil.
he announced his retirement he had We dropped down the tower at
accepted an invitation to take part in Waltham Abbey church, on Aug 8th,
our 150th Anniversary. Bishop under a clear blue sky!
Michael has kindly agreed to honour
this commitment which recognises See inside for full details ........
that at it's formation Hatfield Heath
ecclesiastical parish was in the Dio- GIVE IT A TRY
cese of Rochester.
Nationally known and sometimes VILLAGE HALL
controversial Bishop Nazir Ali's vis-
it is a highpoint of our anniversary year - do come and join BOWLS CLUB AGM
us at this special celebration. For further information
please ring 01279 730288 0r 01277 363 607 See inside for full details ........
‘The Big Toddle’ U R CHURCH
On July 16th children, parents and teachers from Chelmsford Road
Hatfield Heath Pre-School took part in 'The Big
Toddle' to raise money for Bernados. Induction of our new Minister
See inside for full details ........ See inside for full details ........
Village Website : Email: [email protected]
01277 366677 Holy Trinity has two
exciting things happening this
24 HOUR SERVICE month. The first is on the 13th
Chapels of Rest Pre paid funeral plans when we will suspend our
26 FYFIELD ROAD, ONGAR, ESSEX CM5 OAJ normal Sunday Service to join
email: [email protected] with our friends at the United
Reformed Church who will be
Daniel Robinson welcoming the Rev'd Terry Keen, their new minister at
& Sons 11.00am that morning. During this service we will sign the
covenant that formalises our working together. Our visits
Independent Family to our friends at the URC are always special and joyful
Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons occasions - and as we share Holy Communion we will be
further solidifying the relationship between the churches
A personal caring service that has grown in depth over the years.
from family business day or night. The following week - Sunday 20th. September, we will
Our trained staff will be pleased to give free again depart form our normal pattern of services as we are
confidential advice on any matter welcoming Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali for a special service
as part of our 150th. Anniversary programme. When the
GOLDEN 3 BULLFIELDS parish was formed we were part of the Rochester Diocese
CHARTER SAWBRIDGEWORTH where Bishop Michael has been their Diocesan Bishop for
the last 15 years. We were delighted
FUNERAL PLANS (01279) 722476 when he accepted the invitation to
join us this year to mark the link
79/81 SOUTH STREET WYCH ELM between the parish and it's original
BISHOP'S STORTFORD HARLOW home. Since then we have also been
part of St Albans Diocese (which
(01279) 655477 (01279) 426990 seemed to make more sense in the
days before the Dartford
HASLERS LANE 146 HIGH STREET Tunnel) but in the early years of the
GREAT DUNMOW EPPING last century "came home" to the
newly formed Diocese of
(01371) 874518 (01992) 560890 Chelmsford. Since accepting our
invitation Bishop Michael has resigned from Rochester. This gave an opportunity for many people to write in
appreciation of his ministry. One comment was: "We wish
24 hour Family Careline to express warm appreciation for the ministry of Bishop
Golden Charter Pre-Payments Plans Michael Nazir Ali as a senior Bishop in the Church of
England, and in and beyond the Anglican Communion. He
has exercised a ministry as a ‘Christian public intellectual’
and apologist for the Christian faith in our public life
which has made a very significant contribution to our
national life." We welcome everyone in the village to join
us on the 20th. when in addition to the Church service we
will be having lunch in the Village Hall prior to a "question
and answer" session with the Bishop at 2.30pm. If you
would like to give prior notice of a question you would like
to ask Bishop Michael please let us know - ring the Parish
office on 730288 or email to
[email protected].
Most of this letter has been about things we are doing - I NIKKI ROBINSON MCSP MIFPA
need to remember something that a very old lady wrote
down for me when I was leading a retreat at her church - I PHYSIOTHERAPY
don't know who wrote it but I have tried to let it be a
reminder that "what we are" is often much more important Do you feel you’re falling apart?
than "what we do" - she told me “Some go to church to see I can help put you back together!
and be seen, Some go there to say they have been, Some go Complete treatment from head to toe.
there to sleep and nod, But few go there to worship God” .
And it is worshipping and knowing God that must be a high Sports injuries
priority for any church Someone else (well lots of people Back, neck and joint pain and stiffness
actually) have said to me "I don't need to go to church to – even long term
worship God" - this can be true - but why not join with Tight, painful muscles
others so that faith can be measured in relationships with Stress-related disorders and sleep problems
other people as well as with our creator? The writer of the Chronic pain and swelling, and varicose veins
Epistle to the Galatians said "So then, whenever we have an Post-operative rehabilitation
opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially Arthritis exercises and education
for those of the family of faith. " Holy Trinity tries hard to
fulfil this vision and this month several of our members are To make an appointment
on an exciting trip to Kenya sharing business skills with or for more information, please contact me:
some of the poorest people who will then be trained to
"cascade" their new abilities to others. Tel: 01279 718 331
[email protected]
Finally we are now in the period when we will be working
Cannons Lane, Hatfield Broad Oak
with our sister church in Sheering and the Patron of the
benefice to prepare for the appointment of a new Rector
following Canon Tim Potters retirement. We will be
arranging a public meeting where members of the Village
Community can share with us what they feel about the
Parish Church and what they would like to see us doing in
the future – more news of this next time.
Very best wishes, Brian Surtees (Rev'd)
extensions conversions new buildings interiors
landscape design garden design PARISH COUNCIL MEETING
01279 731770 07774 281115 HELD AT 7.30 PM ON WED 12th AUGUST 09
email [email protected] 1 member of public present.
New GM of Down Hall Country House Hotel outlined
his proposal for placing an ‘A’ board on Chelmsford
Road. Discussion followed and request a written
application to be submitted and placed on the Agenda for
next month.
Cllr Sullivan presented a complaint from a resident of
Cox Ley who has telephoned the BAA hotline and found
the mailbox full. Councillors have also rung the hotline
but have not had a problem. Cllr Sullivan will undertake
to obtain an information pack for the resident.
Cllr Bart Sheekey (BS) (Chairman) Cllrs Janet Briscoe
(JB), Mark Lemon (ML), Paula O'Sullivan (POS), David
Parish (DP), Sandra Saban (SS), Mel Sullivan (MS) and
Gary Waller (GW).
In attendance: Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick
Apologies from Cllrs Jones.
The minutes were signed as a true record of the meeting.
Cllr Lemon is a District Councillor
ML reports that flight paths from Stansted Airport have
Qualified for all domestic carpentry changed. A Public meeting is being organised for 6pm on
9th September at URC hall. Cllr Willcox will attend
Free quotations Fully insured along with Martin Peachey who sits on Noise committee.
07779 715 888 01371 811 688
Cllr Artus from HBO may also attend. Noise monitoring
equipment is being sourced and site to be agreed. ML has
HERTS HEATING arranged for an article in the Parish Magazine.
Town Grove, Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath, 58.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON AGENDA
Bishops Stortford, Herts CM22 7BN
For all your Gas Installation and Servicing needs Matters from last meeting
High Efficiency Condensing Boiler Installations Footpath from Cox Ley to West Hayes
Gas Boiler Servicing and Breakdowns Works completed. Barry Newman paid.
Landlord’s Gas Safety Records Correspondence received
Free Quotations for gas heating installations Letter from Buffy Bus with new timetable has been
Plumbing and Pipework circulated. Copy to be published in parish magazine
Replacement Bathrooms, including Tiling & and on notice board
Decoration Consultation on sandbagging
Local company established in 1974. No need for sandbags in this village. Clerk to advise
CORGI registration number 222. Mrs Danbury has requested Parish Council hold a public
meeting to discuss the land acquisition within the
Call us on 01279-730 060 Metropolitan Green Belt and the village. Item to be
Fax us on 01279-730 065 placed on Agenda for next month and invite Cllr S
E-mail us at [email protected] Barker and a representative from UDC planning
department to attend.
Clerk to investigate rural bus shelter grant for opposite Ltd
the Thatchers floor coverings
Clerk to thank UDC for sweeping the kerbs and litter CARPETS • VINYL •LAMINATE • SUPPLIED & FITTED
picking. Can they arrange to have litter pickers following Old Carpets Uplifted &Disposed of
Free grippers and Door Bars
the kerb sweeping machine.
Steve & Donna
Large bough has fallen from a tree on the village green.
Office: 01279 730 172 Mob:07939 739 845
Clerk has advised Henry Turtill. No response as yet.
Unit 11 Heathview Pond Lane Hatfield Heath CM22 7AB
Clerk to advise that this is a hazard. ML will also contact
MHS Builders
Henry Turtill
Carpentry & Roofing
60.FINANCIAL MATTERS: Loft and Garage conversions
Kitchens & Bathrooms
Clerk reported that current bank balances are Plastering
Deposit Account £38384.66 Local Builder
references available on request
Current Account £1840.84
Call Mark Savage
The following payments were approved:
• Interior & Exterior decoration
B Newman Play Area footpath £2540 • carried out to a high specification.
• Full public liability.
Zurich Insurance Insurance Tax £49.20 • 30 yrs Experience
• Ceilings papered.
E Fenwick Expenses £230.32 • Wall coverings and wall paper hung
J Kenney Services Grass Cutting £4000 Contact Steve.
Phone : 01279 724 805 Mobile : 07836 588 886
E-mail: [email protected]
Survey has identified a need for approximately 14 Address: Field View, Sheering, Herts.
affordable houses within the village. ML will raise the GM Property Maintenance
issue of 6 flats on Scout Hut site being allocated to only Decorating Specialists
2 people with connections to the village. Est. 1987
ML proposed that we contact RCCE and ask them to Specialising in:
Home interior and exterior decoration
pursue their recommendation to provide 14 homes within Building maintenance and restoration
Professional and reliable service Fully insured
the village. Seconded by MS. Agreed. Different types of
Tel: 01279 730733
tenure with as much flexibility as possible. 07867 805382
62. PLANNING E-mail: [email protected]
Decisions by UDC Planning Dept
Great Heath Farm building, Hunters Meet, Chelmsford
Road: Single store Rear extension. PERMISSION
5 Lea Hall Bungalows Dunmow Road:
UTT/0831/09/FUL Replacement dwelling
No objections
Rear of Camberley Chelmsford Road:
UTT/0903/09/FUL Single storey dwelling and Double
The Council objects to this application on the grounds of
back development, overdevelopment of the site,
interference with the amenities enjoyed by neighbours
Gibsons, Friars Lane: UTT/0927/09/FUL Construction of
No objections unless floodlighting is to be installed, but
within the curtilage of a listed building so may require
LB consent.
9 Cox Ley: UTT/0948/09/FUL Two storey side & single
storey rear extension
No objections
9 Broomfields: UTT/0840/09/FUL Two storey side
Cllr Saban declared an interest as her son lives in the
attached semi-detached house.
No objections, but concern over other properties
including the adjacent semi have been underpinned.
4 Manse Cottages: UTT/0834/09/FUL Erection of front
Cllr Lemon declared an interest as he is a neighbour
Object on grounds of height of wall and the building is a
General DIY, Curtain Rails and Shelves Erected, Flat Packs listed building and in an area of special landscape value
assembled. Patio, Drive and Brickwork Pressure Washed, to the village
Clerk to write to the proprietor of Hatfield Haven
Fencing and Sheds Preserved and Repaired, Hedge complimenting them on the development being
Cutting, including Shrubs and Tree Pruning, undertaken at present.
House Painting, Exterior & Interior, Windows Pipe Work and To consider response from ECC Highways to
Weather Boards Stained and Painted. Fencing Erected, engineering measures for speed limit
Gardens and Driveways Shingled and Pebbled. Guttering Clerk to acknowledge letter and receipt of proposals.
Unblocked, Roofs Moss and Mildew Power-washed Off. New VAS to be in an agreed position. Clerk to check
insurance position regarding change of batteries in
Please do not hesitate to ask. Contact lan and Jan at signs.
San Michelle, Jacks Lane, Takeley MS proposed sign positioned for traffic exiting village
on Sawbridgeworth Rd seconded by POS
01279 870 946 Counter proposal from Cllr Lemon and Sheekey for
sign entering village.
COMPLETE SERVICE FOR YOUR HOME Entering village carried 6 to 2
BLINDS To consider support for provision of allotments at
CONSERVATORY Broomfields. Record thanks to Frank Walsh for his
HOUSE work. 16 registered interest with 7 requesting a half plot
PLEATED and 1 full plot. Assume half plots for other 8. Costs for
PINOLEUM preparation of site approx £4-5000. Clerk to research
ROLLER requirements of PC to provide allotments and cost of
ROMAN water provision and make contact with owner of land
COMMERCIAL Mr David Milne. Contact National Allotment
Phone now for a friendly chat Association.
with Sue to get more information Cllr Sullivan proposed that the PC supports idea in
principle. GW proposed that we setup a working
Tel : 07885 510 400 committee in due course to consider this and to report
back to the PC. Agreed
Complete Service Cllr Waller proposed that the parish council consider
working to achieve quality parish council status under
DESIGN the scheme administered by the National Association of
CERAMIC TILING Local Councils. Councillors agreed to look at the
website and to discuss next month.
WOODWORK ETC. To consider plan of action to benefit from CIF. Deferred
to next meeting
All carried out with the minimum 67. CHAIRMANS FORUM
of fuss and mess by experts! To consider introduction of a Chairman’s Forum for all
Also all Plumbing & associations, groups, clubs etc to co-ordinate activities
Domestic Heating Installations within the parish. Agreed in principle and discuss next
Sub-committee reported on meetings regarding
C.F OAKES restoration of Pond.
We are seeking to get the existing County Wildlife Site
Established in Harlow for over 45 years to a "favourable condition" and for that we need a
19 SERVICE BAY, WYCH ELM , HARLOW survey and Conservation Management Statement
(CMS) which should include any proposed
modifications to the existing cutting regime. This
exercise is eligible for the EWT grant.
We are also seeking to get Uttlesford District Council to
agree the extension of the Wildlife Site to the
surrounding ponds and that part of the Village Green
from Pond Lane westwards along the Sawbridgeworth
and Stortford Roads as far as the mill. UDC is amenable
to this proposal but needs a survey and recommendation
from EECOS. We have requested and received a quote R & S BUILDERS
from EECOS (Essex Ecology Services Ltd. is a wholly
owned subsidiary company of the Essex Wildlife Trust); Hatfield Heath
the work will be done as one job but the costs are £500 All your general building, maintenance and repair work
for the CMS and £300 for the survey and report on the
adjoining sites. Essex Wildlife Trust may be able to undertaken by honest, reliable builder with
provide a 75% grant (£375) towards the CMS. The PC 22 years experience.
agreed to covering the costs preferably net of grant.
No job too small or too big - talk it over with Rob first
ATTENDED 07958 785 519
Cllr Waller reported on planning training day. Attendees
from about 60 other Parish and Town councils. Among 07715 566 246
the topics covered were: The Parish, Village and Town 01279 876 352
Council role in Town and Country Planning, Knowing Bretts, Chelmsford Road,
the system, Material considerations, When is planning White Roding, Essex CM6 1RF
permission needed?, Enforcement, and Parish plans /
Village design statements. * Country Pine * Oak Furniture * Window Blinds *
*Bespoke Furniture made to your design*
Relevant points during the day included: *Garden Furniture * Giftware *
* Parish councils should develop their own planning
policies, to be used as a framework for assessing
applications. Tues - Sat 10am - 5pm and Sun 10am - 4pm Free Parking
*some planning authorities allow representatives of
parish councils to speak for 3 minutes at meetings when THE MOBILE POLICE OFFICE WILL VISIT YOUR AREA
applications are considered. (UDC allow this) ON THE FOLLOWING FRIDAYS IN 2009
* powers of decision can be delegated to the Clerk ENQUIRIES 07989 335 719
under statutory powers (Section 101)
* ask district planning officers to attend parish council Hatfield Heath - Stortford Road
meetings to introduce themselves and get to know them Friday 11th Sept Friday 9th Oct
– including enforcement teams. Wednesday 4thNov Friday 4th Dec
* Request further information or updates, when
required, on reported matters. Hallingbury Hall Equestrian Centre
* If you have a problem or are not satisfied with an
outcome, seek a face-to-face meeting. British Horse Society Approved
69. MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS FOR Riding lessons for children and adults
Litter Picking on Village Green beginners to advanced riders
Drinking water provision in open spaces
9th September , 14th October, 11th November Super indoor school, three outdoor arena's,
show jumping arena, and cross-country course
Need a friendly neighbour to help you?
with task that will take approx 30 mins e.g. CHILDREN'S LESSONS
Shopping small repairs collecting prescriptions etc. We have super ponies from quiet schoolmasters to
Please note there is no ageism. ones trained to do jumping and dressage
Anyone young or old can call for help from volunteers. Children's own a pony day courses are held every
Wednesday and Thursday during the holidays, Great Fun!
PHONE 07-944-748-478
Phone manned 10am to 12noon Maximum four riders on a 45 minute lesson gain
confidence and enjoy on one of our lovely sensible cobs
Improve your dressage, learn about tests
lateral work, engagement and collection
Or join a jumping lesson and
practise courses, grids and related distances
OPEN COFFEE MORNING Please ring or pop in for a chat
FREE but donations welcome
Drop in for Tea, coffee and light refreshments Little Hallingbury, Bishops
10.00 AM – 12 NOON
15 YEARS IN TRADE 12 Hatfield Heath Rainfall July 2009
Grass cutting, Hedge Trimming, Planting, 10
Weed Treatment, One off Tidy Ups and Total Rainfall
8 58.00mm
maintenance 6
Call for a friendly chat on 4Rainfall mm. (2.25 inches)
Mobile 07956 524 586 2
Home Tel 01279 830 960 0
Day 2nd
LTD A total of 2.28 inches fell in July 2009 in nineteen days.
The average rainfall for July stands at 2.02 inches, which
meant that we were 13% above the norm.
July Extremes
Highs 5.02 inches in 1999
2.70 inches in 2001
• Specialising in all types of ponds Lows 0.59 inches in 1994
& features. 0.93 inches in 1995
• Professionally designed, With the potential transpiration rate in the range 2
installed, restored or maintained. inches per month , we experienced a soil moisture deficit
this year. Many garden plants and vegetables wilted as a
• Local company established since result.
1987 with excellent after care Other areas of the country, particularly the West and
service North recorded heavy rainfalls and plants there were never
under stress.
Tel: 01279 461 052 Brian Bland
(Answer phone) GARDEN WATCH
Mobile: 07711 087 004 Last month I posed the questions - where are our native
butterflies and the predicted invasion of tens of thousands
of Painted Ladies. No sooner had I written this - the
butterflies appeared. The Peacock arrived on July 13th and
from then onwards the rest of our native species appeared.
The estimate for tens of thousands of Painted Ladies were
up to a billion and many of us will testify to this.
Fed up with
moss and weed?
We offer:-
•Regular lawn feeds
•Weed and moss treatment
Friendly professional service Lawn Treatment Service
01279 466 100
Common Newt people the two shell pictures she was working on which
will eventually hang in the Shell House. Anne has been
Both are adult females working with us and two local primary schools, Takeley
and Peterswood, to create two panels to replace those
Great Crested Newt that have gone since the Shell House was auctioned in
The common newts duly vacated our garden pond in 1923. We hope to eventually replace all 10 that are
mid-July which is quite normal. We are still waiting for currently missing so keep your eyes open for further
the Great Crested Newt to visit us - maybe one day. progress throughout the year. For those of you who were
Brian Bland able to join us I hope you enjoyed the day as much as we
Hatfield Forest Highlights
Karen’s Cakes
did a fantastic
iced Shell House
Hello everyone,
It’s already September, the year has been flying-by and
school holidays are almost over. Here at the Forest we are
busy sawing and milling in preparation for the upcoming
Wood Fest and as always this month there is plenty to
talk about.
As autumn colours start to make their way through the
Forest there is always an impressive array of fungi to be
found throughout the Forest. You can help us by taking
part in the National Trust Waxcap Watch where we are
asking people to let us know where they are spotting
these most colourful of toadstools, over recent years 16
different waxcaps have been found on the Forest, how
many can you find? To find out more visit
As I hope all of you are aware the Shell House Birthday
Party on the 8th August was a resounding success. It was a
lovely summer day as Jacob and Laetitia Houblon arrived
at their Shell House by pony and trap and welcomed all
the visitors to the Forest and began the celebrations.
Guests were able to talk to Jacob and Laetitia about what As always I look forward to seeing people enjoying the
they were eating for their picnic which included venison forest and welcome any questions or comments if you
sandwiches (Hatfield Forest Venison, of course!), see me around.
gooseberry fool, jelly, fruit and most importantly cake.
Karen’s Cakes did a fantastic iced Shell House which had Laura Slater Shell Picture
everyone gasping in awe and provided mini cupcakes for Community Warden
all to enjoy. In addition to meeting the Houblon family, [email protected]
we had Anne Schwegmann-Fielding there showing 01279 874043
*** MD Health International *** MEETING TO DISCUSS
* Call Michelle on 0800 298 5280 * AIRCRAFT NOISE
Independent Herbalife Distributor
Your Local Photographic Services Provider
Special Occasion Photography;
Photograph Restoration; Jo Stewart who wrote the article on the increase of
noise over Hatfield Heath last month and Mark
VHS & Hi8 tapes to DVD Conversion; Lemon are having a meeting to discuss the problem
Musical DVD Creations They will provide a presentation of sorts and have a
Q & A session.
Contact us on 07950 689018, or email
[email protected]
for more information. YOUR HELP NEEDED PLEASE Excerpt from SSE
email asking for help with aircraft noise issues.
Why Pay High Street Prices? Two aircraft noise issues which are dominating the noise
complaints we’re currently hearing about at Stop Stansted
Mimosa D E S I G N S Expansion prompt us to email you for your help.
The first of these is the increased noise resulting from
new practices by aircraft taking off from Stansted which
are keeping planes lower and noisier for longer between
800ft and 3000ft. We mentioned this in our letter to
supporters earlier this month but we now need your help
to gather further details so we have the full picture.
While we’ve already had a series of emails from
supporters reporting disturbances resulting from the
lower flying, we know this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Your efforts on one or more of these fronts will help our
noise adviser Martin Peachey to investigate further
through his role on the Stansted Airport Consultative
Committee and BAA’s Noise and Track Keeping
Working Group and to press for meaningful action.
The second issue on which we’re trying to gather more
information stems from the introduction of the new Air
Asia X flights whose aircraft have been upsetting the
community since the Malaysian service was first started
in March.
The planes being used are Airbus A340 aircraft – large
wide-bodied, four-engined noisy machines – on the
‘Clacton’ route which means that people east of the
airport are affected both in the day and at night. The fact
that they’re flying at night makes the noise nuisance
worse and in June there were a number of occasions
when these aircraft contravened even the Department for
Transport’s noise restrictions. This means BAA has to
take action, so your reports will be valuable to pressing
for change.
For further details please contact ACCURATE INFORMATION FOR STANSTED
Esta Dennis Tel: 07703 438 059 NEEDED, SSE TELLS ENVIRONMENT
Louise Cunningham 07821 584 514 / 01266 287 271 SECRETARY HILARY BENN
Email; [email protected] Stop Stansted Expansion (SSE) has called on the
Branches in South Yorkshire & Hertfordshire Secretary of State for the Environment, Hilary Benn, to
intervene in BAA’s draft Noise Action Plan consultation to ensure that correct figures are published which show
the true extent of the noise impacts from Stansted
This, say the group, is essential to allow public
consultation to be conducted on the basis of accurate and
consistent data before the deadline for responses of 2
Analysis by SSE has revealed that BAA’s consultation Tuesday - Friday 12 -2pm
misrepresents and understates the number of people
affected by overflying associated with the airport. Snack and full menu available
BAA’s draft Noise Action Plan claims to provide the
results of noise mapping carried out in 2006 but this is Monday - Saturday Day times
untrue. BAA has published lower figures for the numbers
of people exposed to aircraft noise than the official LITE BITES & LUNCHES £9.95 NEW
figures published independently by the CAA, who carried 1main course £6.92 2 courses
out the 2006 noise mapping in accordance with the
Pensioners Lunch £5.95
requirements of the EU Environmental Noise Directive
BAA has provided noise data based on an entirely 01279 730 549
separate methodology, which does not comply with the
END and could well result in the public being misled as
to how much they are affected. Website:
Reconciliation with the official CAA figures is impossible
for four out of the five sets of figures given by BAA in
the draft Noise Action Plan. In the one case where it is
possible to reconcile the two different sets of figures,
BAA’s figures significantly understate the number of FLYING HIRE
people affected compared to the independent CAA
This inconsistency is not specific to Stansted Airport. CAR & CHAUFFEUR SERVICES
There are similar inconsistencies in BAA’s draft Noise FOR ALL OCCASIONS
Action Plans for Heathrow and Gatwick Airports, which
also understate the number of people affected by aircraft
noise, compared to the official CAA data.. To and from Stansted, Luton, Heathrow,
.Critically, BAA’s error undermines the objective of the Gatwick and City airports
END which requires a common approach across EU
Member States to measuring and then reducing the noise Corporate & A complete
impacts of airports upon local communities. Sporting events London Service
Writing to Hilary Benn, the Government Minister
responsible for implementing the END, SSE Chairman National meetings Shopping trips
Peter Sanders said: “The misrepresentation and
understatement of noise data in the Stansted draft Noise Theatre/dinner Hospital visits
Action Plan is unacceptable and is another example of trips
what can only be described as a casual approach towards Urgent courier
implementation of the END by the Government and BAA Guided tours services
SSE is nevertheless urging all members of the community Weddings
affected by noise from overflying to respond to BAA’s
consultation and has issued step-by-step guidance with an Our fleet of air conditioned vehicles
overview and background briefing to assist those without ranges from executive cars to luxury
specialist knowledge of the issues. As well as being
concerned about BAA’s misrepresentation of the data, people carriers and coaches
SSE considers the draft Noise Action Plan to be mostly a
wish list rather than representing a meaningful plan to NEW - GROUP TRAVEL
reduce Stansted’s noise impacts. 8 passenger vehicles now available for all events
Report aircraft noise on 0800 243 788
or email: stansted [email protected]
JLY Bookkeeping Services For professionalism with the personal touch
contact Chris New at
Call Jaime Yardley AICB (Comp)
Tel: 01279 721 427 Fax: 01279 723 947
ICB Certificated & Sage Qualified - Self-Employed, Mobile: 07968 026 032
Sole Traders & Small Businesses - VAT Returns or visit our informative website:
Year End – Profit & Loss Friendly & Efficient Service
Home - 01279 877 957
Mobile – 07512 688 373
[email protected]
Professional Indemnity Insurance and a Computerised 4446
Associate Member of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers
New You
Bridal and Special Occasion Make-Up
* Tired of the same ole look?
* Need a skin care and/or make-up overhaul?
* Is your make-up bag looking like a jumble sale?
* Do your brushes look more like chimney sweeps?
* Want to learn lots of great facts, tips and application skills?
Then it’s time to book a Make-Up Masterclass Lesson
One to One session £35 - Group session, max 4 persons £30
Special Occasion Gift vouchers available
Call Jan on 01279 419 085 / 07747 787 241
For details of other therapies please visit
SPA DAYS ON YOUR DOORSTEP! May I take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to
Manicure or Pedicure, Luxury Clarins Facial, Swedish everyone who supported Tamara & I in our abseil. We dropped
Back Massage. We know how to spoil you, feel truly down the tower at Waltham Abbey church, on Aug 8th, under
relaxed, have lunch around the pool. Use the solarium a clear blue sky! Nerves were very high on the agenda but it
was worth them to feel the rush of adrenaline afterwards! With
½ Day pamper - morning , afternoon, your help we have managed to raise around £1,200 for St Clare
or between school hours Hospice. Please may we take this opportunity to thank you for
your support & sponsorship with this fund raise. We are very
Gift Vouchers Available grateful to everyone.
Many thanks,
01279 730 549
Beautiful Holidays in Cornwall
For more details please visit When was the last time you did something life
changing? Have the adventure of a lifetime on the
Great Wall of China
Phone Wayne on 07958 482 889 Trek in aid of St
Clare Hospice.
- 3 Bedroom holiday home, Discover a landscape
sleeps up to 8 people steeped in over 2000
years of history,
- Situated on a holiday park mythology and
with full use of the park facilities ancient traditions.
Encounter sections
- Weekly lets and short breaks of the Wall which
- Near St Ives, Penzance and Truro date back to the Ming
- 5 minutes from 3 miles of Dynasty, off the usual tourist trail.
To join the Great Wall of China Trek you will need
golden sandy beach to pay a registration fee of £290 and then pledge to
- Non Smoking raise a minimum sponsorship target. In return your
flights, food, accommodation, guides etc will be
provided. All profits from the challenge will support
the work of the hospice.
For more information
contact Sally on 01303 862996 or email
[email protected]
Hatfield Heath Parish Council has agreed in principle to
invest in the Broomfields allotments project. It will seek
a formal long term agreement with the landowner and
look at setting up proper running of the site. Protective
fencing and water supply are being investigated. The
council has been complimented on its bold decisions.
That’s the basis of the council’s decisions when it met on
the 12th. The same day the 17th person registered their
interest in becoming a plot holder. So far the majority of
names have opted for half-allotments.
If you have not registered your interest, contact
Frank Walsh on 01279 730 512
‘The Big Toddle’
On July 16th children, Parents and teachers from
Hatfield Heath Pre-school took part in 'The Big “SAY GOOD BYE TO WAXING & SHAVING”
Toddle' to raise money for Bernados. They walked
around the Lake at Hatfield Forest and raised £191
for this worthy cause. Well done to everyone who
took part. Michelle Pyle
Hatfield Heath Bridge Club
Invites you to keep your brain active and make new friends
Our relaxed and friendly
Classes for beginners are held on Tuesday
New Term starts at 7.30 pm on 29th Sep 2009
If you already play bridge but would like to improve your game
and feel more confident about playing in a club our
Monday classes for “Improvers” may suit
New Term starts at 8 pm on 28th Sept 2009
Classes are run by our English Bridge Union
trained teachers Brian & Penny Hassell
who can be contacted for more information
By telephone on: 01279 721 428
Or email on: [email protected]
McTimoney Chiropractic
The gentle treatment suitable
for people of all ages
Deborah Flack BSc (hons) Chiro MCA
01279 870 077 / 07908 918 934
Lavender Barn, Brewers End,
Takeley, Essex CM22 6QJ
2 10.30 Holy Communion 1662 The Close INSTITUTE 730 544 ITALIAN LANGUAGE
20.00 Leisure Hour URC Michelina 07786 341 754
08.00 Holy Communion – 1662 HT (2 ½ -5) Ann Whale 01279 731 288
09.30 Family Service.HT 730 354
10.30 Family Service URC FOOTBALL CLUB 730 212
18.30 Evensong HT URC CRICKET CLUB 730 674
7 11.30 for 12.00 Luncheon Club URC FRIDAY CLUB (7-12 years)
20.00 PCC CR 730 465 HEATH PLAYERS
JO JINGLES and play reading for pleasure
13 TRINITY 14 (6 mths - 7years) 868 410 730 825 or 730 517
No 9.30am service at HT– join with URC for HISTORY SOCIETY
10.30 Family Service with Communion. SCHOOL FOOTBALL Robin Gurnett 730 672
Taken by new Minister Rev Terry Keen CLUB ROYAL BRITISH LEGION
18.00 Service at The Close SCOUTS 812 586 730 042
18.30 Induction of Rev T Keen at St Andrews, The Stow CUBS Chris Hancock BELL RINGERS 730 526
16 10.30 MU Holy Communion HT 731 646 CHOIR 730 390
08.00 Holy Communion HT 9.30am Holy Trinity 730 288 CATHOLIC CHURCH
11.00 Joint service with URC as part of Holy Trinity’s Hatfield Broad Oak
150th Aniversary with Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali H.T. YOUTH GROUP 01371 872 550
(formerly Bishop of Rochester) followed by a pot 731 318 TALKING NEWSPAPERS
luck lunch in the Village Hall. HT KARATE 445 539 01279 651 270
23 11.30 for 12.00 Luncheon Club URC JUNIOR KARATE OR 01279 653 925
19.45 Gardening Club H 01992 575 679 SECRETARY U.R.C.
SOSEN GORE Mark Lemon 730 581
27 TRINITY 16 JU JITSU 07947 599 801
09.30 Holy Communion HT
10.30 Family Service URC WU CHI 07947 599 801 AEROBICS Rachel Eastland
18.00 Service at The Close
Mon 9.30am & Thu 8pm
SENIOR BOWLS 724 833 731 076
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy Trinity OPEN BOWLS 730 539 HEALTH WALK
Church / URC-United Reform Church / I-Institute / S-School
BRIDGE CLUB 723 948 Friday 10am outside
GARDENING CLUB Broomfield Surgery
Ardley Cresc Sun 8 Nov 2009 8am to 11.30 am
730 425 730 512
FITNESS CLUB WED AM Monday 10.30am Village Car
Park 722 156
Sundays 3pm - 4pm Broomfields/Ardley Crescent LUNCHEON CLUB Uttlesford Badger Group
For all Senior Citizens 730 Derek Barry (on call 24/7 )
September 6th 20th September 13th 27th 581
01279 503332 Home
Alzheimer’s Society
01372 872 519 07941185171 Mbl
Monday -Tues 9am - 1pm 2pm - 5pm
PLAY BUS Wednesday 9am - 1pm Closed
Thursday -Fri 9pm - 1pm 2pm - 5pm
Saturday 9pm - 12.30pm Closed
Sunday Closed Closed
Buffy Bus is a playbus designed to give the under fives an Need a friendly neighbour to help you?
opportunity to paint, play and socialise in a playgroup with task that will take approx 30 mins e.g.
environment that they would otherwise not have access to Shopping small repairs collecting prescriptions etc.
PARKS ON CENTRE OF VILLAGE GREEN Please note there is no ageism.
TUESDAYS 9.30am - 11am Anyone young or old can call for help from volunteers.
Buffy Bus will start timetable again on 7th September PHONE 07-944-748-478
Phone manned 10am to 12noon
URC Hall
Wed 7.30pm 9th Sept
14th October Village Website
PARISH COUNCIL Village Magazine
Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick............... 730 770
Chairman - Bart Sheekey.................... 730 663 Surgery Websites
Vice Chairman Paula O’Sullivan...............730 281 (Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites)
Mark Lemon (District Councillor)....... 730 581
Mel Sullivan............................................ 731 434
H. H.Football Club
Robert Jones........................ 730 741
David Parish (H.H.Tenants Forum Mem.).730 573 H.H. Cricket Club
Gary Waller.......................................... 739 345 Bridge club
Janet Briscoe............................................. 730 674 Terry’s Photos
Sandra Saban..............................................730 042
FRIDAY 10am Broomfields Surgery
Paul Simpson ....................................730 026
David. N. Parish............................... 730 573 MON 10.30 am Little Hallingbury car park
HATFIELD HEATH The Mobile Library Hatfield Heath
Tuesday visits Fortnightly
There will be a retired policeman Rick Jones at the Broomfields 2.45pm to 3.35pm
police station who you can talk to on The Close 3.40pm to 4pm
The Heath 4.05pm to 4.35pm
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm - 6.30pm
Sept 8th, 22th
Oct 6th, 20th
Held at the Police Station 6-7pm Wed
Sept 7th, Oct 5th, Nov 2nd, Dec 7th
SCHOOL & CHURCHES Email :- [email protected]
PCSO Jo Trevail-Philips Email:[email protected] Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, floppy
Pc Brad Healey Email: [email protected]
PCSO Emma Webb Email: [email protected] disc, CD, or email - [email protected].
Mobile for above police officers........ 07779 316 979 If posting or delivering by hand you can send direct to me :-
PCSO Emma Webb..............01279 730 280 EXT 63554
Police Great Dunmow............................ 01376 551 312 Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield
Police Hatfield Heath.......... ................. 01279 730 388 Heath CM22 7BD.
Emergency ............................................... 999
DOCTORS Broomfields......................... 01279 730 616 Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth.................... 08444 773 360
THE SAMARITANS............................... 01279 421 110 Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606309
HATFIELD HEATH C.P. SCHOOL...... 01279 730 382
PRE-SCHOOL........................................ 01279 730 354 Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
HOLY TRINITY Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
Rev Brian Surtees.. .................................... 01277 363 607
CHURCH WARDENS Secretary: - Jean Clarke
Gerald Pearson .............................................01279 730 526
Lesley Noel ................................................ 01279 730 390 Chairman - Brendan Carrig
Elsie Baker ...................................................01279 734 013
Fiona Klimeke............................................. 01279 831 965 Printed by Cornerstone 01279 437 851
HALF HOUR HELPERS........................ 07944 748 478 DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
accepted in work done by advertisers.
Handmade contemporary jewellery in CHILDS GLASSWORKS
sterling silver, pearls and gemstones
Beautiful, affordable designs perfect
for all occasions ITEMS WE CAN RECORD?
Shop on line, visit us at one of our One of our future projects is to recall and record some of
events or have a fun night in with the local businesses , shops and other retail outlets, that
operated in the village in the past. Some of which
friends and your very own continue to the present day.
jewellery party! One of the first projects is Childs Glassworks (behind
Hunter's Meet)
CALL US ON 07711 421 444 We have already had several bits of information about
some of the people who worked there, and even some
HOLIDAY RENTALS 2 Bed Spanish home examples of the goods produced. Do you have any glass
items we can record?
in Ayamonte, Spain If you can help us build up a picture of this small but
significant part of the Heath's history, please contact any
Sleeps 6 people,Pool onsite of the members of the History group.
Golf, water parks, beaches, Telephone 01279 730 672 or
shops, restaurants close by
– from £275 pw.
Last minute deals available
4 Bed Orlando home in
Florida. Sleeps 8 people
Close to all major theme parks – Universal, Disney, Sea World etc
Pool onsite
– from £400 pw. Last minute deals available
David Cansick 01954 205090 / 07900 991836
[email protected] E-mail robingurnett@tiscali. co. uk
Keeping a worthwhile record from our past local history
is important to us all. Thank you Robin Gurnett.
WHY NOT COME TO OUR Hatfield Regis Local History Society
Farmer's Market NEXT MEETING
September 19th
U R C Hall Chelmsford Road
3rd Saturday in the month Wind & Watermills -Robin Webb
10am until 12 noon
Matching Tye On Tuesday afternoon a horse driven by Mr Milbank
of Corringales, who was accompanied by one of his
Stalls include men, took fright at some boys playing football and
after kicking in the front of the trap threw both
Farm-reared Beef, Freshly made occupants into the road, broke the shafts and bolted.
Lamb and Pork Indian food Neither was seriously hurt and on arrival back at
Homemade suet Corringales they found the horse in its stable
Home Made Cakes and sponge awaiting them.
Organic Vegetables puddings Herts & Essex Observer 17th January 1920
Smoked Products: Free range eggs
Fish, Ham and Plants FRIDAY CLUB
Cheese Goats milk soap
Honey products on 4th September 2009
Cornish Pasties, Bottled real ales
Pork Pies, Mini- Fresh fish The Children's Friday Club will start again at the
Quiches U R C Hall at 7.00pm on 4th September 2009
Please note that there has been a lot of interest but
Home-made because of limited facilities, numbers will have to
Chocolates be restricted. Therefore, only children from seven
up to those starting year 7 will be welcome.
Supported by Howick & Brooker Estate Agents 01279 418 888
Chelmsford Road
* Ground Works
Induction of our new Minister * Driveways
* Extensions
The Induction of Rev. Terry Keen will be held at * Fencing
St Andrews The Stow Harlow on * General Construction
13th September at 6.30pm Local Friendly Service
Chris White Mobile 07704 948 803
SERVICE AT HATFIELD HEATH AT email: [email protected]
13th September at 10.30 am Hatfield Heath
4th OCTOBER AT 10.30AM
In the evening we will be joining Holy Trinity for
their Harvest Service to be followed by supper at
the Village Hall.
Wednesday 2nd September 8.00pm - Silk Are Available for
purse from a pig's nose Robin Webb. Children’s Parties
Wednesday 16th September 8.00pm - My year as
High Sherriff of Essex. Lady Diana Kemp- Welsh Celebrations
We meet at the U R C Church Chelmsford Road
New Members and visitors welcome
Jean 01279 730 465 Wedding Receptions
ESSEX CHURCHES Classes etc., etc.,
12th September 2009 PREFERENTIAL RATES
will take place on 12th September 2009. Please sponsor a
local rider or a walker LOCAL ORGANISATIONS
Red Barn
Interiors Limited LOCAL RESIDENTS
Beautiful Hand- made
Kitchens, Bedrooms For Details Telephone
Office Furniture
01279 730 544
Red Barn Interiors Ltd, Telephone: 01279 722 811
Greenleys, Slough Road, Allen Green, Sawbridgeworth, Herts, CM21 0LR
Email: [email protected]
The card below was found by Brian Bland at the War
Memorial on the Heath, where he was laying flowers.
ForPWpSaaitnorrteiynntgeitms eanhSdticcDakaArirnepgirvnsrkwoesinthsacPfShlnaipinuylddgdrrioneounBgngvhaiisgdedcdeu1do5itSmsW!
Hatfield Broad Oak Village Hall 9.30am to 10.30am
Little Hallingbury village Hall 1.30pm to 2.30pm
come along and join us !!!
Hobbs Cross Road 17 June, 1898 - 25 Jul 09
Old Harlow He was a plumber from Somerset He left school at 15 and
became an apprentice plumber but
CM17 0NJ within a year came the outbreak of
the Great War.
Tel. 01279 429 910 His brother had been wounded at
Mons so Harry had an idea what to expect when he was finally
conscripted into the Duke of
Saint Nicholas Cornwall's Light Infantry at the age
A small independent school, of 18.
located in He trained as a machine
Churchgate Street, Old Harlow gunner before embarking
from Folkestone in May
We take pupils from Reception 1917 en route to Reims. On
through to Year 11 his 19th birthday he found
himself in the trenches.
• Small class He arrived on the eve of
sizes what was to become the last,
and one of the bloodiest,
• Wide range of British offensives of the war, the Third Battle of Ypres,
curricular and better known as Passchendaele.
extra-curricular Many soldiers spent the whole war in a network of
activities trenches.
The battle lasted three months, gaining just five miles of
• Extensive ruined ground at the cost of more than 300,000 British
grounds lives.
Harry Patch's war came to an end on 22 September, 1917
• Heated pool when a German shell burst over the heads of his five man
Lewis gun team. Three of them were blown to pieces
while Patch was wounded in the groin by a piece of Interested in Mathematics?
Patch had no time for the Act of Remembrance on 11 Want to brush up on your skills over holidays for September?
November, an event he described as "just show business". Or maybe just help with parts of Maths you find difficult.
He always maintained that his Remembrance Day was 22 Well, whatever the case, get help at a reasonable rate from
September, the day he lost his three best mates and his war Kartik, a soon to be university student. Call me on my
Harry Patch was essentially an ordinary man who led an Home Phone: 01279 739 137
ordinary life. Even his experiences on the Western Front
were no worse than those shared by many other soldiers. Mobile: 07827 334 627
What was extraordinary was that he lived so long, bringing
first hand memories into the 21st century of a battle that If you are interested or would like any further information.
has passed into history. N.B. Tutoring sessions will take place in your own
home, but any interested applicants need to live in or
around Hatfield Heath.
ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Paula's Petsitting Service
Sunday 27th September 14.30hrs Going on holiday? What is the best thing you can do for
your pets while you are away? Paula offers personal pet care
At The War Memorial in their own home! While you're away for any length of time,
Parade to the Holy Trinity Church for a consider in-home pet care with Paula as a pet care option.
service at 15.00hrs Choosing Paula's Petsitting Service you can leave home
knowing you will return to happy pets. For more
Afterwards in the Village Hall for refreshments
information,call 01279 876 277 or 07986 270 336
All most Welcome
Hopefully soldiers from Carver Barracks will be in Independent co-educational
attendance. There will be a raffle for 'Help The Heroes'. day school and nursery
The R.S.M. will be given the monies on the day. We at for 2 - 11 year olds
this time would like to express out thanks to Brendan at
Hunters Meet for providing lunch for the soldiers who Call us today on 01279 657 706
attended the Hatfield Heath Festival. Many of us were sad
to hear of the death of the last British First World War
veterans. Last November all three were together at the
Horace Stone , Henry Allingbury , Harry Patch all very BISHOP’S STORTFORD, HERTS CM22 7UF
proud gentlemen. In 2000 members from our village stood
along side Harry Patch in Belgium at the Menin Gate. He Former Deputy Headteacher
returned that day for the first time since 1917 (September very effective at raising standards
22nd) the day he lost his close friends and was badly
wounded. Reading techniques coached; books loaned
At 8 o.clock that night as the Last Post was played he Clearly taught NC maths
shook hands with Charles Klauts a German First World
War soldier The Royal British Legion will continue to Quality of writing and handwriting improved
remember these men and women of all conflicts SATs, 11+ and Common Entrance
especially the young men and women of today our help is Dyslexia
very much still needed Weekly follow-up activities
We will remember them 01279 600 102
Sandra Saban
Denise Loomes
King’s Thursday, 2 Rowney Gardens, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 0AT
[email protected]
Back in June of this year, our
badger group were pleased to
have had the opportunity to
attend your resent Summer
Fair, thanks to your organisers.
Our aim was to bring
awareness of badgers to the
residents who are fortunate to
have their presence in the
surrounding villages. How
has opened in Sawbridgeworth, many of us have seen a badger?
offering a range of Studio and Most of us will have gone through life, never seeing one.
mat classes to suit all ages and You may have seen a dead badger on the road. There are
the few who have the pleasure of seeing badgers in their
level of fitness.
gardens, feeding on food left out for them, and what a
Pilates will help to:- lovely sight it is to see
Improve Strength & Flexibility Members of the Group are involved in a large number of
activities: locating and recording setts; patrolling setts to
Improve Posture check them for disturbance; constructing artificial setts;
collecting and disposing of dead badgers, most of which are
Improve Balance a result of road traffic accidents; care for and rehabilitation
and return to the wild of injured badgers; attendance at
Telephone Co-ordination & Circulation local events; liaising with local planning authorities,
building contractors, the Police, the RSPCA, local
07887 808 928 Reduce Stress veterinary surgeons and other conservation bodies; working
with neighbouring badger groups
Absolute Pilates, Allen House, G27, The Group constantly tries to find ways to raise funds. This
The Maltings,Sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9JX is not easy. We rely heavily on selling our Merchandise,
Lucky Dip and Donations. We do not receive any grants
Hatfield Haven Care Home from government bodies, local authorities, or other
registered charities.
Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7DL All our members are unpaid volunteers and no member of
the group receives any form of a salary.
Tel: 01279 730 043 The cost of looking after injured badgers can be
considerable, they need a safe and secure enclosure to be
Features: housed in, warm hay and straw for bedding. And of course
Serene and homely environment; food.
24 hours care in compliance with CSCI Care The group have purpose built units for hospitalisation
Standards; purposes, fitted with an infra-red heat lamp to provide
Medical care provided by local group practice; warmth for the occupant(s) The units are fitted with outside
district nurse, physiotherapist and a chiropodist; enclosure to allow the badger(s) to come out for fresh air at
Highly qualified and motivated staff - RMA and night whilst recuperating. Vets bills must be paid when
NVQ qualifications; incurred, but our vets are very supportive, and keep their
17 newly refurnished and redecorated rooms; bills as low as possible.
Each bedroom fitted with washbasin, TV and The Group has purchased a wide range of equipment to
call system to summon help; handle badgers safely and humanely. Special badger
A large day lounge with TV and radio; graspers cost £85 each, these are used to catch the injured
Large dining with excellent meals on offer by badger, and this allows the user to control the badger
he in-house chef; without risking personal injury. An injured badger can
A Stair lift and a passenger lift to all floors; inflict a severe injury to the handler We have also
Activities includes talks, parties, summer purchased a range of carrying cages, these are used to
barbecues, flower arranging e.t.c transport the badgers to the vet, or back to the release sites.
Our latest, a Crush cage costing £112 contains a
Kindly drop by for viewing and to pick up our User mechanism that when operated, pushes and holds the
Guide and Statement of purpose. For placement and injured badger against the wall of the cage without the need
other enquiries, please call the to handle it and allows the vet to anesthetize prior to
Home Manager Donna Turner on 01279 730 043 We respond to all call outs from members of the public
or email: [email protected] who have reported Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) that’s
involved a badger. When we respond to the call, it is
always on our mind that the badger may still be alive and THE LAW
we try and get there A.S.A.P. On some occasions we have Under the badger Protection Act 1992 it is an offence to:
found badgers alive, but due to the nature of the injuries, the Wilfully kill, injure, take or attempt to kill, injure or take a
badgers had to be euthanized. badger
Sometimes we are lucky. Back in April of this year a young • Cruelly ill-treat a badger
badger sow was knocked down by a car. Some young lads • Use badger tongs in the course of killing, taking or
on a late night out came upon this injured badger lying on a
country road. These lads reported the incident to us, and attempting to kill a badger
stayed with the badger to prevent it being hit again and • Dig for a badger
killed. • Interfere with a badger sett
• Damage a badger sett destroy or obstruct access to it
Mercer and Hughes at Saffron Walden were alerted and • Causing a dog to enter a badger sett
were waiting for the arrival of the injured badger. On • Disturb a badger when it is occupying a badger sett
examination it was found that the badger had bitten through If you would like further information about badgers or
its tongue and was suffering from concussion. The vet would like to get involved, visit our Website and the Links
treated it for shock and gave it some antibiotics. The badger at Also click on the Movies and Turn
was taken to one of the group’s recovery pens in Lt your volume up and enjoy the five video clips of the
Hallingbury. badgers and foxes in the garden. And in particular, Patch
During convolesance, the badger’s sett needed to be located the badger cub chasing a rubber ball around trying to get a
for the later release following Its recovery. The area where custard cream biscuit out and read his story.
the badger was found was surrounded by farm land. The
local farm manager was located and was very helpful and The group may be contacted by phone 24 hours a day for
knew of some setts close to where the badger was found. EMERGENCIES ONLY on the following numbers:-
A couple of weeks later the evening came for the badger’s 07751 572175 Hotline
release, the farm manager along with his family were 01279 503332 (Bishop's Stortford - Derek Barry)
invited to see the release. On their arrival the badger, in its 01371 830451 (Thaxted - Robert Perry)
carrying cage was slowly carried towards the sett. Badgers
will sniff the air and start to get excited and know their sett. Many thanks for reading this.
The cage was placed on a badger run near to the sett. After Derek Barry Field Officer
a few minutes the door of the cage was opened and out- Uttlesford Badger Group Email: [email protected]
came the badger straight down the entrance tunnel.
Being involved and seeing a release like this is rewarding COME AND SEE US AT THE HATFIELD FOREST
and satisfying. WOOD FEST SEPTEMBER 12TH &13TH 2009
Our thanks go to those lads who stayed with her, the vets
and staff that treated her, and the farm manager, all helped Sunday 16th Aug @ 11.22. Photo taken of two young
to give this badger a chance to live its life with its family. badger sows who were
knocked down and killed
HOW CAN YOU HELP US? together during the night or
early hours, along the London
On many occasions we are called out to an RTA only to Road. They were probably
find that the badger is not there, they have either been, about to cross to the other side
removed by some well-meaning member of the public or of the road following each
local authorities! The badger’s removal creates a problem other to forage for food and
for us. For example: During the breeding season in and were hit by a car. The stains of
around February and during the feeding period for young blood on the road suggest they
cubs through to May, we get reports of dead lactating sows. were hit at the same time and
When this happens, we need to know, the exact location of judging by the distance apart
the RTA so we can find the badger sett, and look out for the they were found, would
orphaned cubs when they surface in distress, and remove suggest they were hit at high
them to safety to Secret World in Somerset or Wildlife Aid speed. I just cannot for the life
in Leatherhead. of me understand why
Should you find an injured badger do not try and pick it up, motorist don't see these
as stated earlier they can give you a serious bite. Instead, try animals along the edge of the
and cover it with a blanket to keep it warm (most badgers road. Its ironic that there is a
die from shock) If at all possible stay with it until help SLOW sign on the road just
arrive, we have the correct handling equipment. Also whilst before they were hit!!!!!!
waiting, avoid placing yourself in any danger with traffic. Someone picked these dead
Finally, we would also like to ask for your help when out badgers up from the road and
walking the countryside, to keep an eye on any badger setts placed them on the verge. You
that you are aware of, for disturbances-other than normal would be surprised drivers
badger activity-that is, spoil heaps of earth removed by continue to drive over dead
badgers. Keep an eye open for destroyed setts, and setts animals on our roads.
with spade marks at the entrance and blocked sett. All of
which are illegal!!
Made to measure by
Jennie Childs Sport in Hatfield Heath
All types of Curtains & Matching Accessories CLOSE-SEASON DRAWS TO AN END
Made to measure The close-season for Hatfield Heath CP School Football
Club draws to an end in the coming days as the new-look
Telephone:01279 730 608 2009-10 squad looks forward to learning who they will
play on the opening day of the new campaign.
32 Broomfields, Hatfield Heath, Herts. CM22 7EH
With the playing season due to get underway shortly
Superb organic cleaning after the start of the school term, the as yet unnamed new
of carpets, curtains, manager of the side will have his work cut out to fine-
upholstery & leather tune the squad before their first game.
• Organic carpet, Our treatments West Essex Primary School League officials have
upholstery and already indicated that the same eight teams from last
leather cleaning Remove season will be competing – including multi-time
Odour champions Hatfield Heath.
• Curtains & mattresses
deep cleaned Remove In-depth fixtures, currently under embargo, are due to be
Dust released shortly, and will be published in a future edition
• Guardsman stain Mites of Heath Sport.
protection plans
Remove The school team still requires a new manager for the
• Oriental rug cleaning Bacteria forthcoming season – please contact the school office if
you are interested.
• Allergy treatments
• Expert spot and stain removal A new volunteer-run sports programme has recently
opened near to the village. The previously derelict
• All work fully insured and guaranteed Norman Booth Centre in Old Harlow has been opened up
by a band of volunteers, who are staging sports and
For a FREE non-obligational quote call Matt: fitness classes at the venue.
0800 7836647 Activities such as table tennis, junior football coaching,
karate, and martial arts for the kids are operating at various times throughout the week in the outfit affiliated
to the Sport England programme.
Broad Oak Consultants
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01279 718 596
Email: [email protected]
Other activities include 5-a-side football, bowls and Heath Computers
For further information on how to get involved, please For all your IT needs
contact Neil on 0781 462 3879 quoting the Hatfield
Heath Village Magazine. Whether you run a business, or are a home user,
Heath Computers has an IT solution to suit your requirements
By Billy Shaw. • IT Solutions for home or office
• Web Design (CGI / PHP / Java Scripts )
GIVE IT A TRY • PC Repairs / Upgrades
• Network Installation - Fixed and wireless
• Internet, E-mail, Broadband
• Virus Protection and Spyware removal
• Data Recovery
VILLAGE HALL Web: Mob: 07958 482 889
Email: [email protected] Fax: 08715 227 252
Free wine and nibbles
NEW MEMBERS VERY WELCOME Commercial Specialised Security
Manufacturing Ltd
S.O.S. A few Examples:
Ornate Gates
Calling all Christian parents living at Hatfield Heath -
Are you on the Electoral Roll of Holy Trinity Church? If you Railings/Fencing
are, have children and attend Church why do not bring them
with you, so that they can also learn about our faith? There Shutters
are several members in the congregation who are capable - it
is appreciated that it may be difficult but it need not be Radio Controlled
impossible for another afternoon or evening (Summer) to be
arranged so! Systems
I am sorry to write this but am sure I am not the only one to
be upset and embarrassed for Philip Taylor who took the 01371 874 600
Family Service on the 2nd August, where there was a good
congregation. He came prepared to give a talk to the children Unit 3 Station Yard Industrial Estate, Great Dunmow, Essex
and had prepared his talk ,which must have taken him a very
long time . Philip asked for the children to come forward but
there was not ONE child - after a along pause he asked for
any young people - Still nobody - he became desperate and DIXON & CO
asked for anyone - very reluctantly five and myself (age 89)
offered our help and he then talked to us as he would have CHARTERED CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANTS
done and of course to the whole congregation.
The preparation must have taken so long to think and put into For local, friendly advice contact Paul Dixon
effect. Six large photos of bread being made - showing real
yeast to make it rise, demonstrating with a bottle of water and Wallburys, Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7DL
yeast and explaining how learning and trying to be like Jesus
who makes the whole loaf rise and be so fulfilling and Tel: 01279 739 076
satisfying - He showed a Matzos which was dry and almost
inedible. A lesson for all but quite incredible and should not Email: [email protected]
have been missed by any child.
Poor Philip must have felt so dispirited after taking so much
trouble PROGRAMME FOR 2009
Irene Delderfield
Meetings are every 4th Wednesday
PAMPERED PETS At the Hatfield Heath Village Hall at 7.45pm
Away for the day/weekend or going on holiday? or do you need
a regular dog walking service? September 23rd. Organic Gardening Patrick Hughes
Other animals catered for :- Cats fed litter trays emptied , Fish
Fed Etc. Pampered pets offers a personal caring service for JOIN THE CLUB OR JUST VISIT
animals large or small.
Also on offer regular house checks, Plants watered, Post Single membership for year £7 or Family £12
collected etc. In house ironing service also available Excellent Non Member’s £2 per visit
references available. Call Helen on 07973 185 644
Hatfield Heath Gardening Club
Call 01279 726 357 or 01279 730 498
LADIES and GENTS St Mary's Church Matching
:Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s for Senior Citizens
Cakes - Preserves - Children's activities
OPEN: Tues & Wed 9am - 5pm• Thur 9am -1pm
Produce Craft Plants
Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-1pm FULLY TRAINED
Gifts Raffle Books
Heath View, Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath
Tel: 01279 730 870 LONDON HAIR STYLISTS
Companion Dog Show (Sunday)
Homemade lunches and Teas
Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th September
11.00am to 5.00pm
Harvest Festival Service 10.30am on Sunday
All are welcome
Hunters Meet Restaurant
Cabaret Nights
Here at Hunters Meet , on Friday and Saturday
nights, we hold some of the best
Dinner Dance & Cabarets Nights in the country!
Guests generally dine between 7pm to 8.30pm.
Around 9.30pm the band strikes up to get you up
dancing& in the mood for our featured Cabaret
which begins at 10.30pm.
With Hip Hop Dancers
Thur 17th Sept
01279 730 549
Flowers for all occasions - gift work, funerals,
weddings, plants, balloons, chocolates etc
Local deliveries available
Mon-Fri 9-5pm Weds 9-2pm Sat 9-3pm
Telephone: 01279 731 150
The Heath, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7EB
Little Hallingbury Village Hall Tuesday 2pm -4pm
Sept. 22 Ian Murray 01279 724 836
My Life in Ladies Underwear Terry Taber
Oct. 27 Essex Workhouses John Drury
Essex Police NewsLine
Fines for mobile phone drivers
By Denise Harvey
A countywide campaign targeting mobile phone users is
taking place this week to tackle a rise in the number of
motorists caught out using their mobile phones at the
Fourteen percent more drivers were issued with fixed ARE PROUD TO
penalty tickets for using their mobile phone while ANNOUNCE
driving compared to last year.
The Essex Casualty Reduction Board (ECRB) is In beautiful, air conditioned buildings
launching a campaign including a hard hitting radio with brand new equipment and facilities
advertisement. Essex Police will also be stepping up its
enforcement activities and motorists can expect to see Free Education Grant Places
more police checking for mobile phone use than ever Full time or Part Time Available
before. School Bus Picks Up & Takes Home
Local road safety officers, police and fire officers will be After School Kid's Club & Holiday Schemes
speaking with motorists about the dangers at a road
educational event at Sainsbury’s, Loughton on Friday, For details
July 31 from 10am to 2pm. call Jan on
Essex County Councillor Norman Hume, Chairman of 01279 718 823
Essex Casualty Reduction Board and Cabinet member
for Highways and Transportation said: “Over recent
months, it has become quite clear an increasing number
of motorists are ignoring the dangers and continue to risk
their own and other’s safety by texting or phoning at the
“Breaking the law risks death or serious injury. It also
means a fine and three points on your licence. If you are
a new driver you only need to be caught twice to lose
your licence.”
White Horses
The powerful ocean ebbs and flows.
I begin to dip my toes.
Peace surrounds, apart from sounds
Of sea, and breath in me.
Footprints in the sand disappear from view.
The surface once more new.
Sun glistens on the water’s surface.
A wonder of nature man cannot surpass
And gently from beyond the ocean deep
White horses rise and softly creep
Towards me in my reverie,
Inspiring dreams. My thoughts run free.
© Bev Rogers – WordWays
I hope you enjoy reading this piece and maybe
be inspired to write something of your own
GREAT HALLINGBURY 01279-504397 Community Forum
Now in our 22nd year, Robert and Jane look forward to Come along to the
welcoming you to Woollcott House. We offer a Superb A Multi-agency Forum
La Carte Menu changed monthly offering Fresh seasonal
on Tuesday 8 Sept 2009 in the Main Hall
produce. Also Table D'Hote Menu's 2 courses £15. Helena Romanes School, Parsonage Downs, Great
You don't need any Newspaper Vouchers here! !!on
Friday and Monday we offer a 2 course lunch for just Dunmow - 7.30 pm
Presentations from: Andrew Brown Landfill Restoration
£10! Available all year round except December
Regular Dinner Dances. Manager, ECC – Proposed Landfill site in Dunmow
Chief Inspector Joe Wrigley - Essex Police (10 mins)
Next Dates Sept 19th and 26th, October 17th. Peter Massie – Assistant Area Manager - Essex
Sunday Lunch a speciality. A leisurely lunch, No Relays!!
Christmas dates now available. Menu and special Xmas Highway’s Department (10 mins)
Toni Coles – Director of Primary Care and Localities -
Wine offer can all be found on our website. NHS West Essex (10 mins)
John Mitchell – Chief Executive - Uttlesford District
Private Parties, Wedding Reception packages now
available. Funeral refreshments. Ideal Location for a Council
Large Marquee also Plenty of Car parking .There is no
Room Charge for Exclusivity depending on numbers . This is your opportunity to hear about, and discuss, issues in
your area with Uttlesford District Council Councillors and
Open Friday to Monday inclusive. Officers, Essex Police, Essex County Council’s Highways
Other times by arrangement. Department and NHS West Essex
Please feel free to ask about other days of the week. Doors open at 7.15pm - meeting starts at 7.30pm
James Gardening Service Everyone welcome
& Odd Jobs Dear Sir
I refer to Albert Murrell's letter in the August edition
01279 651 498 07963 989 851 Albert's approbation is very much appreciated, as I know that he
himself has done a lot of research on the subject of the Great War
IYENGAR YOGA and the men of Hatfield Heath who are commemorated on the
War Memorial. Unfortunately there are two serious difficulties in
Classes to suit all ages resolving the issues to which he refers
and levels of flexibility First, lack of original information. Not only have so many service
records of the soldiers who fought in that war been destroyed or
Beginners/intermediate/over 50's damaged, but there are relatively few other published sources for
the millions who served in the ranks of the Army. Officers are
Day and Evenings Available much better recorded because many regimental journals
produced short obituaries, and because officers tended to be more
articulate in terms of writing letters, and publishing books and
diaries. Although many letters from the ranks do exist, several
books were written by rankers, and many academics have
published studies using contributions from particular individuals,
the experiences and personal details of the vast majority of
soldiers remain unknown
Second, contradiction between records. The story of James
Francis is a simple case in point. Whereas Soldiers Died In The
Great War records him as having been born in Hatfield Broad
Oak, he clearly stated in the 1911 census that he had been born in
Hatfield Heath. In 1915 this discrepancy would have been totally
irrelevant; in any case, those records were not created for us, a
century later, but as contemporary working documents serving a
contemporary purpose. Researchers can sometimes tease out the
Contact Jenny
01279 730 751 For All Building Works -
Extensions/Renovations -
07946 777 669 Decorating - Plumbing - Electrics
Carried Out with Great Attention to Detail
Email: [email protected] Tel: 01279 757 323 07836 205 103
facts, and I will be discussing one such example in a talk I will Claire Wainwright
be giving to the Little Hallingbury History Society in
November. However, in many cases there will always be doubt, LLSA Hons, MIFA Reg, AOSM, LCIC, BWY Dip.
and although I will do my best to try to resolve anomalies where
possible, some of these issues will forever remain enigmatic. YOGA, MASSAGE & AROMATHERAPY
John S Sly For Health, Happiness & Peace
EVE'S SIDE OF THE STORY YOGA classes in Hatfield Heath
After three weeks in the Garden of Eden, God came to Thursday evenings from 17th September
visit Eve. "So, how is everything going?" inquired God. United Reformed Church Hall
"It is all so beautiful, God," she replied. "The sunrises
and sunsets are breathtaking, the smells, the sights, BOOKING NOW
everything is wonderful, but I have just one problem. Call: 07801199006 for details
It 's these breasts You have given me. The middle one
pushes the other two out and I am constantly knocking For monthly E-News email: [email protected]
them with my arms, catching them on branches and
snagging them on bushes. They're a real pain." Eve went HIRE UR CHURCH HALL FOR
on to tell God that since many other parts of her body BIRTHDAY PARTIES
came in pairs, such as her limbs, eyes, ears, etc. She felt
that having only two breasts might leave her body more You can hire the hall for children's parties
"symmetrically balanced". "That's a fair point," replied £9.50 / hour Tel :01279 730 581
God, "But it was My first shot at this,
you know. I gave the animals six breasts, so I figured Special Event?
that you needed only half of those, but I see that you are
right. I will fix it up right away." God reached down, Want to give a personal message?
removed the middle breast and tossed it into the A verse for any occasion.
Three weeks passed and God once again visited Eve in Bev Rogers 07796 493 453
the Garden of Eden. " Well, Eve, how is My favourite
creation?" "Just fantastic," she replied, "But for one
oversight. You see, all the animals are paired off. The
ewe has a ram and the cow has her bull. All the animals
have a mate except me. I feel so alone." God thought for
a moment and said, "You know, Eve, you are right. How
could I have overlooked this? You do need a mate and I
will immediately create a man from a part of you. Let's
see....where did I put that useless Tit?"
Now doesn't THAT make more sense than all that
rubbish about the rib?
Forwarded on from the Rev Sandra of Salford Quay
together with this message "Life is short! Break the rules!
Forgive Quickly! Love truly! Laugh uncontrollably and
often! Go for it, Live life to the full, that's what God
made you for".
Caroline Powell-Allen M.A.,
UKRC (Reg. Ind.), MBACP (Accred.), CPC (Reg.)
Offering brief & longer-term counselling
Twelve years experience working with children, young people, adults
& couples at Bell St. Surgery, Sawbridgeworth & for Uttlesford Mind
Also offering counselling supervision for individuals & groups.
Please telephone for an appointment
01371 873 270
Emma & Jonny FOR SALE
on your recent marriage FLEXA CHILDRENS FURNITURE
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with love Wardrobe - 210 x 104cm
from Cupboard with shelves above 145 x 87cm
all the family
Bookcase 130 x 87 cm
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Dowdeswell 352 Kubota 200 engine 5.2hp
Electric ignition
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01279 730 498
New season barley straw available
LARGE - 210 cm high x 178cm
Free local delivery. wide x 61cm deep
Phone 07976 801 062
MEDIUM -210 x 150 X 61 cm
MALLON TREE CARE Purchased at Hatfield Heath Pine
£250 the pair (can separate) buyer
07748 651 912
ALL TREE WORK 01279 730 789
UNDERTAKEN AT N.B. All non commercial Ads. and Greetings as above are Free
OFFICE : 01279 877726
For small local company
MOBILE : 07946 550777 to clean offices
Please phone Martin on
07986 147 914
[email protected] 01279 731 507
Find us in YELL