Village Magazine
PLANES 458ft LOWER “measures recently introduced with a view to saving fuel
have led to aircraft on the defined departure routes
OVER HATFIELD HEATH retracting their flaps
earlier than in the past
Dear Bruno, with associated
Recently I have been in contact with Uttlesford District different acceleration
Council in conjunction with what seemed an increase of noise and climb rates. This
from particularly, the early morning aircraft flying over the means that they are
Heath. Thankfully, I spoke to the Principal Environmental lower and noisier for
Health Officer at Uttlesford DC, who has helped to push the longer between 800ft
matter forward within the council. In addition, the Flight and 3000ft” The swathes of
Evaluation Unit at Stansted carried out a comparison of the see page 18 for full both flight paths
height of the aircraft specifically over Beehive Court in the letter. completely cover
first three months of 2008 and compared it to a similar period Hatfield Heath
in 2009. The results show that the average height in 2008 was Charity Cycle Run
4095 ft and in 2009 it was 3637 ft (above the airport level) an
average difference of 458ft lower than the previous year
which would explain why the noise from the aircraft seemed
Kolkata to Kalimpongmore noticeable!!! There was also a slight increase in average
speed, 227 knts to 231 knts.
The explanation given, is that a different Noise Abatement
Departure Procedure is being followed by most airlines,
called in the trade NADP2, rather than NAPD1 which was
more usual back in early 2008. This should only be affecting
the way in which the aircraft fly from 800ft to 3000ft so
shouldn't be affecting us when they pass over at 3600 ft (our
average being 3637ft) or more, but, given the reduction of the
average height of the aircraft, there are more flights at a lower
height than last year. On checking Webtrak, a website
providing the flight height and speed of aircraft, arriving and
leaving Stansted, there are many flights that are flying over
the Heath between 2300ft and 3000ft which means that we
will still be affected with the noise pollution!!!
I believe that we need to raise this issue further and need Find out how you can be involved, details on page 12
support form anyone in the village that feels the same way.
Cllr Wilcock, is assisting in addressing the matter as he has ALLOTMENTS
been involved with Stansted airport issues for sometime. We
need to make people aware of the decrease in the aircraft Outline of a project for allotment plot has moved a
height so we can prevent aircraft noise spoiling our village step forward. See inside for full details page 6.
any further!.
Anyone who wants to join me and show their support please
write your comments to - [email protected].
Jo Stewart. Have you thought recently how tatty the village
Beehive Court looks at times. See page 13
Village Website : Email: [email protected]
01277 366677
Chapels of Rest Pre paid funeral plans
email: [email protected]
Daniel Robinson For Holy Trinity the last few weeks have been busy and
& Sons we would like to thank everyone who supported our
Flower Festival which was both successful and a very
Independent Family enjoyable occasion.
Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons This is going to be letter with a lot of “thank you’s” in it
– After arriving at Church early on a sweltering hot July
A personal caring service day I had a chance to enjoy the bench that Mrs Haran has
from family business day or night. donated in Frank’s memory, sitting there on a peaceful
Our trained staff will be pleased to give free afternoon was perfection – so my personal thanks as well
confidential advice on any matter as those of the Church need recording. Time seems to
have flown since the announcement that Canon Tim
GOLDEN 3 BULLFIELDS Potter was retiring. This is the place to record our thanks
CHARTER SAWBRIDGEWORTH to Tim and his family for all they have meant in the life
of the Church and I know that many in the village will
FUNERAL PLANS (01279) 722476 feel as grateful as the congregation. Inevitably changes
like this give an opportunity for “mis-communication”
79/81 SOUTH STREET WYCH ELM and if there are any things you feel need clarifying please
BISHOP'S STORTFORD HARLOW feel free to contact me either via the Church office
(730288) or where I live (01277 363607).
(01279) 655477 (01279) 426990 You don’t need telling that the Heath is a very special
place. With another hat on I have recently listened to
HASLERS LANE 146 HIGH STREET very positive comments from a councillor from another
GREAT DUNMOW EPPING part of Essex who was waxing lyrical about the sense of
coherence and effectiveness of the village community –
(01371) 874518 (01992) 560890 and well she might! The Church is privileged to play a
part in the community and although we will be a little less active during the Summer Holiday period we are
already looking forward to the visit of Bishop Nazir Ali
24 hour Family Careline
Golden Charter Pre-Payments Plans
in September. By then he will have just retired from his Q. Why did the spaceship land outside your bedroom?
post as Bishop of Rochester, but has kindly agreed to A: I must have left the landing light on
honour the longstanding commitment he made to come to My brother and me were in this cottage in the
us in our 150th. Year to mark the fact (to me pretty hard country, all on our own, in the dead of night. My
to understand given the bit of water between here and brother said, ' What was that noise? I thought I
Rochester) that we were in that Diocese at the time the heard an owl.'
Parish was established. We want this to be a Church and I said, ' You probably did. I just stepped on the dog's
village occasion with the Church Service followed by foot.'
refreshments and then a lunch before the Bishop joins us
for a session in the village hall – Please book the 20th NIKKI ROBINSON MCSP MIFPA
September and look out for publicity and invitations a
little nearer the time. PHYSIOTHERAPY
But before then many of us will be having holidays – so
if you are going away have a smashing time! –If not then Do you feel you’re falling apart?
please find the time to relax and enjoy the best of the I can help put you back together!
summer – even if you do need an umbrella to do so! Complete treatment from head to toe.
Faith in God has a lot to do with being a “whole person”
and it’s difficult to give attention to being ourselves in Sports injuries
the pressured lives many of us lead with busyness
robbing us of the time we need to relax and be whole. Back, neck and joint pain and stiffness
This is easier said than done, but Jesus still offers to meet – even long term
us saying “come unto me all you that labour and are Tight, painful muscles
heavy laden and I will give you rest”. Folk at Holy
Trinity have found this to be true, including two of us Stress-related disorders and sleep problems
who were confirmed by the Bishop of Barking in July.
Do let us know if you would like to explore this – or any Chronic pain and swelling, and varicose veins
other spiritual matter.
Best wishes, Post-operative rehabilitation
Brian Surtees (Rev’d) Arthritis exercises and education
To make an appointment
or for more information, please contact me:
Tel: 01279 718 331
[email protected]
Cannons Lane, Hatfield Broad Oak
7.30 PM ON WED 8th JULY 2009
1 member of public present.
John Adamson Resident asked about the proposed open space
landscaping. Chairman advised that although several
Qualified for all domestic carpentry options had been discussed, it was felt that there was no
support from the village and nothing was proposed at
Free quotations Fully insured present.
Cllr Briscoe presented a list of queries on behalf of another
07779 715 888 01371 811 688 resident concerning the sweeping of the footpath at rear of
2a - 12 Broomfields, cutting back of hedges at same
PLANNING AND BUILDING REGULATIONS APPLICATIONS location, clarification of the surface of the new footpath
extensions conversions new buildings interiors from Cox Ley to West Hayes and advertising notices not
landscape design garden design removed from the village after event dates. Clerk
confirmed that the surface of the new footpath will be
01279 731770 07774 281115 tamped concrete and will progress the other queries with UDC, ECC, and HH CP school.
email [email protected] Cllr Bart Sheekey (BS) (Chairman) Cllrs Janet Briscoe
(JB), Bob Jones (BJ), Sandra Saban (SS)
HERTS HEATING and Mel Sullivan (MS).
In attendance: Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick
Town Grove, Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath, 38. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE
Bishops Stortford, Herts CM22 7BN Apologies from Cllrs Paula O'Sullivan (PO), Mark Lemon
(ML), David Parish (DP), Gary Waller (GW).
For all your Gas Installation and Servicing needs 39.MINUTES OF MEETINGS
High Efficiency Condensing Boiler Installations A. MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF 13 ™
Gas Boiler Servicing and Breakdowns MAY Following the deferring of approval of the minutes
Landlord’s Gas Safety Records at last months meeting, the minutes were signed as a true
Free Quotations for gas heating installations record of the meeting.
Replacement Bathrooms, including Tiling & JUNE The minutes were signed as a true record of the
Decoration meeting.
Local company established in 1974. 40. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS INTERESTS:
CORGI registration number 222. Cllr Sullivan declared a personal interest as a member of
the Village Festival Committee. Cllr Saban declared a
Call us on 01279-730 060 personal interest as a member of the Village Festival
Fax us on 01279-730 065 Committee.
E-mail us at [email protected] 41. OPERATION OF MEETINGS:
Chairman presented his proposal for the future operation
of meetings. Approved
None present
44. CLERKS REPORT: Matters from last meeting
Broomfields surgery
UDC have agreed to install more posts to prevent parking
on the areas behind the verges outside Broomfields
Surgery, but the verges are Highways land. SS raised issue
of a vehicle parked there for several days and not being
moved. SS will contact PCSO
Footpath from Cox Ley to West Hayes
Order placed with Barry Newman. Due to commence
works 7th July
Correspondence received
EALC AGM at Plantation Hall, Heybridge Essex Ltd
Wednesday 23rd September. Motions for agenda by 24th floor coverings
Inspection report from RoSPA for Play area Old Carpets Uplifted &Disposed of
Free grippers and Door Bars
Steve & Donna
Chairman's Day 1 10.00 - 3.30 Wed 9 th September
Office: 01279 730 172 Mob:07939 739 845
Foakes Hall Dunmow £54
Unit 11 Heathview Pond Lane Hatfield Heath CM22 7AB
MHS Builders
Clerk reported that current bank balances are
Deposit Account £43382.79 All types of carpentry
Roofing and tiling
CurrentAccount £192.32 UPVC windows, doors and conservatories
Loft/Garage conversions
The following payments were approved: Plastering
All other work undertaken
RCCE Subscriptions 55.00
Tel: 01279 739409
EALC Training 54.00 Mobile: 07718 539 969
E Fenwick Expenses 174.11 • Interior & Exterior decoration
• carried out to a high specification.
Playsafety Ltd Inspection report 75.90 • Full public liability.
• 30 yrs Experience
46. PLANNING Decisions by UDC Planning Dept • Ceilings papered.
• Wall coverings and wall paper hung
Alleged Breach of Planning Control
Contact Steve.
Change of use of agricultural land without permission. 1/7 Phone : 01279 724 805 Mobile : 07836 588 886
Matching Road E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Field View, Sheering, Herts.
No unlawful development has taken place. No further
GM Property Maintenance
Decorating Specialists
Little Heath Farm, Mill Lane - Clearance of Site, Hard
Est. 1987
standing created. Under investigation
Specialising in:
Pippins, Chelmsford Road. Annexe rented out separate Home interior and exterior decoration
Building maintenance and restoration
from main residence. Under investigation Foxglove Farm, Professional and reliable service Fully insured
Dunmow Road. Change of use from Agricultural to Tel: 01279 730733
07867 805382
Commercial use, development carried out without
E-mail: [email protected]
planning permission. Under investigation
Applications None
MS proposed we should have a plan on utilising CEF
grant. Chairman proposed all councillors visit website and see criteria
and try to come up with project for the village. Item for
agenda next month. Approved
MS proposed we should make a grant of £1000 towards
the provision of a storage container. Seconded by BS.
Meeting has been held between ECC Highways, HHPC
and ECC Cllr Susan Barker regarding engineering
measures to assist in reducing vehicle speed through the
village. ECC are obtaining quotation for feasibility study
which would include the preparation of alternative
designs. This feasibility study is expected to be completed
in January 2010
Nothing further to report this month
Allotments report from Frank Walsh
12th August - 9th September - 14th October
Little Hallingbury Village Hall Tuesday 2pm -4pm The outline of a project to revive the allotment plot at
the rear of the bungalows at Broomfields has moved
August ? Ian Murray 01279 724 836 a step forward. The 12 or so plots were last used three
Sept. 22 Village hall - party? or four years ago and have since become overgrown.
My Life in Ladies Underwear Terry Taber
Hair by BEE BEE
:Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s for Senior Citizens
OPEN: Tues & Wed 9am - 5pm• Thur 9am -1pm
Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-1pm FULLY TRAINED
Heath View, Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath
Tel: 01279 730 870 LONDON HAIR STYLISTS
Looking at edge of plot in question the allotments
were situated behind this bungalow
View towards the Bungalow
View looking past bungalow and you can see the
"The Close" at the end of the road.
Flowers for all occasions - gift work, funerals, Opposite view
weddings, plants, balloons, chocolates etc
Local deliveries available
Mon-Fri 9-5pm Weds 9-2pm Sat 9-3pm
Telephone: 01279 731 150
The Heath, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7EB
The landowner is willing to consider the project. A
rough idea of the cost of clearing the site, treating the
regrowth, ploughing in the winter and cultivating
early next spring has been received. Water mains are
nearby. Cost of a rabbit-proof fence is being
An initial report on the proposal appeared in the July
parish magazine and by July 6 six people had
registered their interest, some opting for half-plots.
A report on the present situation was presented to the
parish council on Wednesday July 8 by Councillor
Mel Sullivan.
The council indicated that the size of response will
influence any decision to invest in the allotments. So
it is vital anyone who thinks they would like a plot to
registere that interest as soon a possible by leaving
their name and telephone number with
Frank Walsh at 01279 730 512
An old Italian lived alone in New Jersey. He wanted
to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very
difficult work, as the ground was hard.
His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in
prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and
described his predicament:
“Dear Vincent, I am feeling pretty sad, because it ARE PROUD TO
looks like I won't be able to plant my tomato garden ANNOUNCE
this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a
garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles In beautiful, air conditioned buildings
would be over. I know you would be happy to dig with brand new equipment and facilities
the plot for me, like in the old days. Love, Papa”.
A few days later he received a letter from his son. Free Education Grant Places
“Dear Pop, Don't dig up that garden. That's where Full time or Part Time Available
the bodies are buried. Love, Vinnie”. School Bus Picks Up & Takes Home
After School Kid's Club & Holiday Schemes
At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI
agents and local police arrived For details
and dug up the entire area call Jan on
without finding any bodies. They 01279 718 823
apologized to the old man and
That same day the old man
received another letter from his
son. “Dear Pop, Go ahead and
plant the tomatoes now. That's the
best I could do under the
circumstances. Love you, Vinnie”
Hunters Meet Restaurant Hatfield Forest Highlights
Cabaret Nights Hello everyone I hope you are all enjoying the summer
holidays and have been joining us here at the Forest.
Here at Hunters Meet , on Friday and Saturday
The 250th Birthday year of the Shell House is in full
nights, we hold some of the best swing and everyone is invited to The Shell House
Birthday Party on Saturday 8th August. Bring you own
Dinner Dance & Cabarets Nights in the country! picnic and find out how Jacob and Letitia Houblon would
of picnicked in the 18th century. Also you can come and
Guests generally dine between 7pm to 8.30pm. meet our Shell Artist, Anne, who will be working on two
shell pictures that have been designed and started by
Around 9.30pm the band strikes up to get you up Takeley Primary School and Peterswood School. Over
two days in June both schools came along and took part
dancing& in the mood for our featured Cabaret in a variety of activities that included creating their own
shell pictures to take home and helping us to design and
which begins at 10.30pm. make two pictures that will eventually be hung up in the
Shell House to replace those pictures that have gone
Night of Dance Wishful Thinking missing.
Live Music
MALIBU band & There are two further free events this summer with St
SIMON SANDS Joseph’s Company setting up camp for the weekend of 1st
Friday 3rd July Comedy Cabaret August and Wood Fest, our annual intimate festival, on
the 12th and 13th September. St Joseph’s Company, a
01279 730 549 medieval re-enactment group, will be demonstrating what
life in the Forest might have been like, including Archery
15 YEARS IN TRADE and Man-at-Arms. The annual Wood Fest is a fantastic
Grass cutting, Hedge Trimming, Planting, celebration of
Weed Treatment, One off Tidy Ups and wood and
traditional craft
maintenance with
Call for a friendly chat on demonstrations,
Mobile 07956 524 586 live music and
Home Tel 01279 830 960 timber and craft
products for sale
LTD and should not
be missed.
• Specialising in all types of ponds
& features. This year has
been a fantastic
• Professionally designed, year for
installed, restored or maintained. butterflies and
the Forest has
• Local company established since been teaming
1987 with excellent after care with them. In
service particular we
have had several
Tel: 01279 461 052 sightings of
(Answer phone) Fritillary for the
first time on
Mobile: 07711 087 004 record here and
also Ringlets are being spotted at a potential record high.
For more information of any of our events please ring the
Estate Office on 01279 870678.
As always I look forward to seeing people enjoying the
forest and welcome any questions or comments if you see
me around.
Laura Slater
Community Warden
[email protected]
12 Hatfield Heath Rainfall June 2009Rainfall mm. NPTC QUALIFIED STAFF
10 Total Rainfall
OFFICE : 01279 877726
2 MOBILE : 07946 550777
Day 0 07986 147 914
[email protected]
Hatfield Heath had nine rain days in June 2009 which
produced a total of 1.93 inches. Find us in YELL
Everyman was saying what a very dry month, with
gardens and allotments wilting in the heat. However, we
must remember that June is normally a fairly dry month
and our average is 2.02 inches. This means we were close
to normal - to be precise we were 95.5% of average.
June Extremes
Highs 4.99 inches in 1997
3.37 inches in 2007
Lows 0.16 inches in 2000 Fed up with
0.28 inches in 1996 moss and weed?
As you can see from the above figures - our “drought We offer:-
•Regular lawn feeds
years” were 1996 and 2000. •Weed and moss treatment
with a dry Wimbledon year behind us we are promised •Scarification
heavy rain in July, which will be a relief to many of our
thirsty plants, vegetables and lawns. Brian Bland
GARDEN WATCH Friendly professional service Lawn Treatment Service
Q.1 what has happeened to the CALL NOW FOR A BROCHURE
predicted invasion of the OR FREE LAWN SURVEY
Painted Lady butterfly?
01279 466 100
Q2. Where have our garden regulars (butterflies) gone?
To date we have not seen Red Admirals, Peacocks,
Large Blue, Small Blue, Fritillary etc. etc.
it is strange to see Butterfly Bushes )Buddleias) without
their usual visitors. Reading the previous page it looks as PROGRAMME FOR 2009
Brian Bland though they have congregated in the
Meetings are every 4th Wednesday
Forest this year Bruno At the Hatfield Heath Village Hall at 7.45pm
September 23rd. Organic Gardening Patrick Hughes
Single membership for year £7 or Family £12
Non Member’s £2 per visit
Hatfield Heath Gardening Club
Call 01279 726 357 or 01279 730 498
The Society's Exhibition tent at the Village Festival
created a great deal of interest.
has opened in Sawbridgeworth, The display commemorated 70 years since the
offering a range of Studio and outbreak of WW II (World War Two) in 1939, and
mat classes to suit all ages and included a wide variety of posters and artefacts
level of fitness. from the period.
Pilates will help to:- Ration Books
Improve Strength & Flexibility and an actual
Improve Posture tray of the
Improve Balance restricted Weekly Ration , Milk Jam, Sugar,
amounts of food Eggs, Cheese, Meat - for two probably
Telephone Co-ordination & Circulation
per week, per adult ( butter, tea, sugar, sweets, and
07887 808 928 Reduce Stress
one egg ) caused some surprise especially to the
Absolute Pilates, Allen House, G27,
The Maltings,Sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9JX younger visitor.
Hatfield Haven Care Home The map of ariel activity over and around The
Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7DL Heath, with locations of bombs and crashed aircraft
Tel: 01279 730 043 etc,, caused some people to question whether the
Features: many evacuees that came here to escape the
Serene and homely environment;
24 hours care in compliance with CSCI Care bombing in London, were any safer ! However
Medical care provided by local group practice; these incidents were very
district nurse, physiotherapist and a chiropodist;
Highly qualified and motivated staff - RMA and infrequent, and without
NVQ qualifications;
17 newly refurnished and redecorated rooms; any humans being
Each bedroom fitted with washbasin, TV and
call system to summon help; seriously hurt.
A large day lounge with TV and radio;
Large dining with excellent meals on offer by Robin Gurnett
he in-house chef;
A Stair lift and a passenger lift to all floors; Rationed - Food, Clothing, Fuel
Activities includes talks, parties, summer & ID cards
barbecues, flower arranging e.t.c
The Rev A E Beaven the vicar of Hatfield Heath and
Kindly drop by for viewing and to pick up our User his good lady, who left the shores of old England last
Guide and Statement of purpose. For placement and autumn for a voyage to Australia, returned safely
other enquiries, please call the home on Monday last, reaching Sawbridgeworth by
train which was timed to arrive at 8.27.
Home Manager Donna Turner on 01279 730 043
or email: [email protected] News of their return had preceded them and the
parishioners accorded them a most enthusiastic
reception, all classes, including school children,
being glad to welcome them back.
As they emerged from the railway carriage and then
drive along the road to the Heath parishioners greeted
them with vociferous cheering while across the Heath
and in the entrance gate to the vicarage flags had been
placed by Police constable Thompson.
Then the children, directed by Miss Cooper, sang a
sweet welcome home to music arranged by Mr Alcin.
Herts & Essex Observer 16th August 1884
THE SAD DEATH OF JAMES FRANCIS destroying the mortar, the colleague was killed, and
James Francis was severely wounded by pieces of hot
By John Sly metal piercing his left thigh. He was immediately
Not all the Hatfield Heath men whose names are on taken to hospital, but died on 31 August from shock
the war memorial served on the Western Front. One and loss of
of these was James Francis. blood.
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission A court of
records that Private J FRANCIS, 20299, 2nd
Battalion, Norfolk Regiment, died on 31 August enquiry held
1917 and is buried in Kut War Cemetery, Iraq.
Soldiers Died in the Great War adds that he was born on 9 August
in Hatfield Broad Oak, and that he enlisted at
Sawbridgeworth. exonerated
The 1901 Census records James Francis, age 14, an
agricultural labourer, son of Joseph Francis, living at him from any
Hatfield Heath. The 1911 Census records him, age
25, a Horseman, living at 12 Davis Row, Hatfield blame in the
Heath, with his wife Ethel and his ten month old
daughter Nellie. He also claimed to have been born in incident.
Hatfield Heath.
Loading Stokes Mortar - Middle east
His service record has survived at The National
Archives. This confirms his address when he attested JLY Bookkeeping Services
for the Army on 11 December 1915, giving his age as
29 years 8 months, and his trade as 'Horsekeeper on Call Jaime Yardley AICB (Comp)
He was 5 feet 9¼ inches tall and weighed 11½ ICB Certificated & Sage Qualified - Self-Employed,
stones. He had married Ethel Maud Victoria Tatham
on 10 March 1910, and by 1915 had four children. Sole Traders & Small Businesses - VAT Returns
Probably because of his domestic situation he was
initially discharged to the Army Reserve, and was not Year End – Profit & Loss Friendly & Efficient Service
mobilized until 13 June 1916, when he was posted to
2/Norfolk Regiment, then serving in Mesopotamia Home - 01279 877 957
(modern Iraq), arriving on 23 December 1916. Mobile – 07512 688 373
[email protected]
Professional Indemnity Insurance and a Computerised 4446
Associate Member of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers
James Gardening Service
All Garden Works
& Odd Jobs
01279 651 498 07963 989 851
Although it is impossible to be sure, it is likely that For All Building Works -
James Francis saw frontline action with his battalion, Extensions/Renovations -
which crossed the Tigris on 23 February 1917, Decorating - Plumbing - Electrics
pushing on towards Baghdad. Carried Out with Great Attention to Detail
On 24 March he was posted to the Stokes Mortar Tel: 01279 757 323 07836 205 103
Batteries. At 0800 on 6
August, at Amara, he McTimoney Chiropractic
was a member of a
Stokes Mortar party at The gentle treatment suitable
firing practice in a for people of all ages
gunpit. He handed a
shell to a colleague, as Deborah Flack BSc (hons) Chiro MCA
instructed, but the
colleague made a 01279 870 077 / 07908 918 934
mistake with the safety
tape of the shell when
loading. The result was
that the shell exploded Lavender Barn, Brewers End,
in the breech, Takeley, Essex CM22 6QJ
New You Charity Cycle Run
Kolkata to Kalimpong
Bridal and Special Occasion Make-Up
Founded in 1900, the Dr. Grahams Homes in
* Tired of the same ole look? Kalimpong provide nurture and education for
destitute Anglo-Indian children and is today, a
* Need a skin care and/or make-up overhaul? thriving home and school community. Situated at
* Is your make-up bag looking like a jumble sale? 4,500 ft. in the Himalayan foothills, of the 1250
scholars, 250 boarders are fully supported pupils
* Do your brushes look more like chimney sweeps? from deprived and impoverished areas of Kolkata
and other parts of the sub-Continent.
* Want to learn lots of great facts, tips and application skills?
Then it’s time to book a Make-Up Masterclass Lesson In February 2008 a group of ten cyclists raised
One to One session £35 - Group session, max 4 persons £30 £42,000 when they cycled from Kolkata to
Special Occasion Gift vouchers available Kalimpong. On the journey, camping out for five
nights, the group experienced first hand the town
Call Jan on 01279 419 085 / 07747 787 241 and village life of West Bengal.
For details of other therapies please visit
Manicure or Pedicure, Luxury Clarins Facial, Swedish
Back Massage. We know how to spoil you, feel truly
relaxed, have lunch around the pool. Use the solarium
½ Day pamper - morning , afternoon,
or between school hours
Gift Vouchers Available
01279 730 549
Beautiful Holidays in Cornwall We are undertaking this again in February 2010 and
looking for volunteer cyclists, what is required is:
For more details please visit A suitable bike and reasonable degree of
Sociable and relaxed attitude to the ways of
Phone Wayne on 07958 482 889 India
- 3 Bedroom holiday home, 13 spare days in February 2010
sleeps up to 8 people A commitment to cover your own costs and
raise at least £1000
- Situated on a holiday park
with full use of the park facilities
- Weekly lets and short breaks
- Near St Ives, Penzance and Truro
- 5 minutes from 3 miles of
golden sandy beach
- Non Smoking
No subsidies from the Charity can be offered;
participants arrange their own travel to and from
Kolkata, visas and insurance. Travel and
subsistence within India including 5 nights in
individual tents and 5 in hotels, all meals, backup
support and sleeper train back to Kolkata will be
provided for an anticipated cost of £1000.00
Anyone interested and wishing more details please “SAY GOOD BYE TO WAXING & SHAVING”
contact James MacHardy, Roseisle, Sawbridgeworth
Road, Hatfield Heath. 01279 730711
I asked James how he became involved below is his
In 1994/1995 our daughter taught at the school after
being told about it by a former teacher from the
school who now lives in Stortford. Since then we
have visited the school and always kept up an
association. The main contact we have now is a
Church of Scotland Minister who now lives on
Arran and was a Chaplin at the school in the 1960's.
He organises charity events, including the cycle run,
to raise money for the school.
Have you thought recently how tatty the village looks
at times.
Litter on the Heath – we have an anti-litter law but it
never seems to be enforced by the police. Have you
seen the litter today, Tuesday, 14th July, on the cricket
outfield and in the hedgerow, no doubt left by the
youths who park and kick a ball around in the
evenings. I know that members of the public regularly
pick it up but what can be done to stop it being
dropped in the first place?
When did you last see a Uttlesford footpath sweeper in
the village?
The service road in front of the Post Office, does it
need re-surfacing?
The recent proliferation of advertising signs that have
no connection with the village – there is village
organisation advertising sign on the village outskirts
that has been there for 13 months – it had been removed
by Wednesday, where was it and which organisation?
Estate Agents advertise houses for sale in Hatfield
Heath with the wording “Attractive Village”, is it?
We pay our Council Tax but do we get value for
money or are we just at the end of the line, and border
of both Uttlesford and Essex?
Answers to the Editor.
email : [email protected]
01279 730 498
Richard Barnett
08.00 Holy Communion HT
09.30 Family Service HT Michelina 07786 341 754
10.30 Family Service URC
18.00 Service at The Close PRE-SCHOOL SPANISH LANGUAGE
18.30 Evensong HT
(2 ½ -5) Ann Whale 01279 731 288
5 10.30 Holy Communion at The Close
9 NINTH SUNDAY after TRINITY 730 354
09.30 Holy Communion HT FOOTBALL CLUB 730 212
10.30 Family Service with Communion URC
18.30 Benefice welcome service for the new URC CRICKET CLUB 730 674
Archdeacon, Martin Webster and his FRIDAY CLUB (7-12 years)
wife at St Mary’s, Sheering
08.00 Holy Communion HT
09.30 Matins HT JO JINGLES and play reading for pleasure
10.30 Family Service URC
18.00 Service at The Close (6 mths - 7years) 868 410 730 825 or 730 517
19 10.30 Mothers Union Holy Communion HT
09.30 Holy Communion HT
10.30 Family Service URC SCHOOL FOOTBALL Robin Gurnett 730 672
10.30 Family Service URC
SCOUTS 812 586 730 042
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy
Trinity Church / URC-United Reform Church / I- CUBS Chris Hancock BELL RINGERS 730 526
Institute / S-School
731 646 CHOIR 730 390
Broomfields Sat 22 Aug 2009 8am to 11.30 am
9.30am Holy Trinity 730 288 CATHOLIC CHURCH
Sundays 3pm - 4pm Broomfields/Ardley Crescent
August 9th 23rd August 2nd 16th 30th H.T. YOUTH GROUP 01371 872 550
KARATE 445 539 01279 651 270
JUNIOR KARATE OR 01279 653 925
01992 575 679 SECRETARY U.R.C.
SOSEN GORE Mark Lemon 730 581
JU JITSU 07947 599 801
WU CHI 07947 599 801 AEROBICS Rachel Eastland
Mon 9.30am & Thu 8pm
SENIOR BOWLS 724 833 731 076
BRIDGE CLUB 723 948 Friday 10am outside
GARDENING CLUB Broomfield Surgery
730 425 730 512
FITNESS CLUB WED AM Monday 10.30am Village Car
Park 722 156
For all Senior Citizens 730 Alzheimer’s Society
581 01372 872 519
The Mobile Library Hatfield Heath
Tuesday visits Fortnightly
Broomfields 2.45pm to 3.35pm
The Close 3.40pm to 4pm
The Heath 4.05pm to 4.35pm
Aug 11th, 25th,
Sept 8th, 22th
Buffy Bus is a playbus designed to give the under fives an Need a friendly neighbour to help you?
opportunity to paint, play and socialise in a playgroup with task that will take approx 30 mins e.g.
Shopping small repairs collecting prescriptions etc.
environment that they would otherwise not have access to
Please note there is no ageism.
PARKS ON CENTRE OF VILLAGE GREEN Anyone young or old can call for help from volunteers.
TUESDAYS 9.30am - 11am
PHONE 07-944-748-478
Phone manned 10am to 12noon
URC Hall
Wed 7.30pm 12th Aug
9th September - 14th October Village Website
PARISH COUNCIL Village Magazine
Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick............... 730 770
Chairman - Bart Sheekey.................... 730 663 Surgery Websites
Vice Chairman Paula O’Sullivan...............730 281 (Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites)
Mark Lemon (District Councillor)....... 730 581
Mel Sullivan............................................ 731 434
H. H.Football Club
Robert Jones........................ 730 741
David Parish (H.H.Tenants Forum Mem.).730 573 H.H. Cricket Club
Gary Waller.......................................... 739 345 Bridge club
Janet Briscoe............................................. 730 674 Terry’s Photos
Sandra Saban..............................................730 042
FRIDAY 10am Broomfields Surgery
Paul Simpson ....................................730 026
David. N. Parish............................... 730 573 MON 10.30 am Little Hallingbury car park
Monday -Tues 9am - 1pm 2pm - 5pm
There will be a retired policeman Rick Jones at the
police station who you can talk to on Wednesday 9am - 1pm Closed
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm - 6.30pm Thursday -Fri 9pm - 1pm 2pm - 5pm
Saturday 9pm - 12.30pm Closed
Sunday Closed Closed
Held at the Police Station 6-7pm Sun
Aug 3rd, Sept 7th, Oct 5th, Nov 2nd, Dec
SCHOOL & CHURCHES Email :- [email protected]
PCSO Jo Trevail-Philips Email:[email protected] Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, floppy
Pc Brad Healey Email: [email protected]
PCSO Emma Webb Email: [email protected] disc, CD, or email - [email protected].
Mobile for above police officers........ 07779 316 979 If posting or delivering by hand you can send direct to me :-
PCSO Emma Webb..............01279 730 280 EXT 63554
Police Great Dunmow............................ 01376 551 312 Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield
Police Hatfield Heath.......... ................. 01279 730 388 Heath CM22 7BD.
Emergency ............................................... 999
DOCTORS Broomfields......................... 01279 730 616 Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth.................... 08444 773 360
THE SAMARITANS............................... 01279 421 110 Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606309
HATFIELD HEATH C.P. SCHOOL...... 01279 730 382
PRE-SCHOOL........................................ 01279 730 354 Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
HOLY TRINITY Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
Rev Brian Surtees.. .................................... 01277 363 607
CHURCH WARDENS Secretary: - Jean Clarke
Gerald Pearson .............................................01279 730 526
Lesley Noel ................................................ 01279 730 390 Chairman - Brendan Carrig
Elsie Baker ...................................................01279 734 013
Fiona Klimeke............................................. 01279 831 965 Printed by Cornerstone 01279 437 851
HALF HOUR HELPERS........................ 07944 748 478 DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
accepted in work done by advertisers.
Made to measure by
Jennie Childs Sport in Hatfield Heath
All types of Curtains & Matching Accessories SCHOOL SIDE IN NEW
Made to measure
Telephone:01279 730 608
32 Broomfields, Hatfield Heath, Herts. CM22 7EH
Superb organic cleaning The hunt is on to find the new boss of Hatfield Heath
of carpets, curtains, School’s successful football team.
upholstery & leather
Long-serving team coach Nigel Shaw stepped down from
• Organic carpet, Our treatments the role at the conclusion of the recently-ended season,
upholstery and with applications now being welcomed for his successor.
leather cleaning Remove
Odour Taking charge for eight seasons, Mr Shaw guided the team
• Curtains & mattresses to a staggering four league wins, with three runners-up
deep cleaned Remove spots also achieved in that time frame.
• Guardsman stain Mites The side recently won the West Essex Primary School
protection plans League for the third consecutive year.
• Oriental rug cleaning Bacteria Mr Shaw, who has been involved at the school in various
capacities since 1993, was presented with a special club
• Allergy treatments shirt by the school, signed by many of his former players.
Those wishing to apply to take on the voluntary role
• Expert spot and stain removal should contact the school office.
• All work fully insured and guaranteed CONSTITUTION REMAINS THE SAME
For a FREE non-obligational quote call Matt: Hatfield Heath CP School FC will defend their league title
against the same seven opposing teams as last season.
0800 7836647
The West Essex League has revealed that the line-up for the division will remain the same for the 2009-10
campaign, which kicks off in the new school term in
The line-up will be: Gt Easton; Hatfield Broad Oak;
Broad Oak Consultants
IT Solutions for everyone
Established 1993 Home & Business
Broadband • Sales • Networks • Repairs
• Upgrades • Web Design • Programming
Supplier • Databases • PC Systems • Training
• Internet • E-mail • Virus Protection
01279 718 596
Email: [email protected]
Hatfield Heath; Howe Green; Little Hallingbury; Woollcott House Restaurant
Rodings; Takeley; Thaxted.
Great Hallingbury 01279 504 397
Fixtures for the new season will be published in a later
edition of Heath Sport. Superb Family owned and run Restaurant
Set in 7 acres specialising in Weddings,
By Billy Shaw. Private Parties, Funeral Refreshments
HATFIELD HEATH FESTIVAL A La Carte menu & Table D'Hote Menu's
June 21st 2009 all fresh produce from local Source
A BIG THANK YOU TO……… Regular Dinner Dance & Theme Nights.
Special evenings include, quiz night, Music from the Shows
Michael Hockley for providing bales and for
sweeping the Heath afterwards Sunday Lunch a Speciality.
Kings Transport Services for providing the lorry for New Opening Hours - Friday to Monday inclusive
the stage Offering a 2 course Lunch Monday & Friday for just £10
Vi Maile for loan of games and for organising the
Raffle (Other times by arrangement)
Sandra Saban for the Raffle Flower Arrangement
`Now & Then` Country/Rock Group who played
free of charge Heath Computers
Kim Grieve and family for providing a water table at
`Fun Run` For all your IT needs
Ivor Lewis for providing the rubbish skip
John White and family for organising the excellent Whether you run a business, or are a home user,
Classic Car Show Heath Computers has an IT solution to suit your requirements
Paulene Brakspear for organising the Art/Craft
Exhibition • IT Solutions for home or office
The two PCSO`s for attending • Web Design (CGI / PHP / Java Scripts )
Village Hall for loan of trestle tables and chairs • PC Repairs / Upgrades
Hunter`s Meet for Raffle Prize • Network Installation - Fixed and wireless
All Games & Stallholders and helpers • Internet, E-mail, Broadband
Our Programme advertisers • Virus Protection and Spyware removal
All volunteers who helped us set up and clear up • Data Recovery
Web: Mob: 07958 482 889
And, of course, OUR COMMITTEE Email: [email protected] Fax: 08715 227 252
Barbara and Bruno
Commercial Specialised Security
Manufacturing Ltd
A few Examples:
Ornate Gates
Radio Controlled
01371 874 600
Unit 3 Station Yard Industrial Estate, Great Dunmow, Essex
Red Barn DIXON & CO
Interiors Limited
Beautiful Hand- made
Kitchens, Bedrooms For local, friendly advice contact Paul Dixon
Office Furniture
Wallburys, Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7DL
Red Barn Interiors Ltd, Telephone: 01279 722 811 Tel: 01279 739 076
Greenleys, Slough Road, Allen Green, Sawbridgeworth, Herts, CM21 0LR Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
10 July 2009
The second runway Inquiry has been put on hold yet
again, pending the outcome of the appeal being made by
BAA against the Competition Commission's ruling that
Stansted must be sold. The news brings with it the relief
of a stay of execution from an expensive Public Inquiry
lasting more than a year, but the fact remains that despite
repeated pressing for its withdrawal by SSE the
application is still on the table and could be revived in the
near future. It is therefore essential that we maintain the
pace of our campaign so that we are not caught out. We
must not allow ourselves to be lulled into a false sense of
BAA's appeal will be heard by the Competition Appeals
ForPWpSaaitnorrteiynntgeitms eanhSdticcDakaArirnepgirvnsrkwoesinthsacPfShlnaipinuylddgdrrioneounBgngvhaiisgdedcdeu1do5itSmsW! Tribunal at a four day hearing starting on 19 October,
with a decision to follow shortly thereafter - possibly
before Christmas. This means that a start date in early
2010 for the Second Runway Public Inquiry is entirely
possible. However, by that time almost two years would
have gone by since the planning application was
submitted and the start date for the Inquiry would depend
Hatfield Broad Oak Village Hall 9.30am to 10.30am on how quickly BAA was able to update all of the
Little Hallingbury village Hall 1.30pm to 2.30pm baseline information provided in its application and to
deal with additional information requests arising.
Meanwhile, the political debate over the second runway
come along and join us !!! goes on. While the leading opposition parties are firmly
opposed to the expansion plans, the outcome of the next
General Election, due no later than 3 June 2010, is still to
Hobbs Cross Road be decided and there is no room for complacency. Our
own political lobbying continues therefore as we seek to
Old Harlow have pledges to veto a second Stansted runway included
CM17 0NJ in the manifestos of the opposition parties so that there
can be no doubt as to where they stand on this vitally
Tel. 01279 429 910 important issue.
As one would expect, BAA is currently working towards the opposite objective, trying to persuade opposition
parties not to rule out major expansion at Stansted and
Saint Nicholas Heathrow. However, it would seem the company's
A small independent school, thinking here - and in relation to its appeal against the
Competition Commission ruling - could be focused on
playing for time. The parlous financial state of BAA and
located in its parent company Ferrovial is such that the sale of
Churchgate Street, Old Harlow Stansted is almost inevitable. However a better price may
be achievable if BAA can buy some time, in the hope
We take pupils from Reception that economic conditions will improve. If BAA fails in
through to Year 11 its appeal to the Competition Appeals Tribunal it could
seek to delay matters still further by taking its case to the
• Small class Court of Appeal or even the House of Lords. We are in
sizes uncharted territory but it is clear that our work is far from
over and we therefore need the continued support of our
• Wide range of members and community at large.
curricular and SSE's Court of Appeal action
extra-curricular Unfortunately we have reached the end of the road in
activities challenging the planning approval granted last year
allowing Stansted to handle 35 million passengers per
• Extensive annum (mppa) compared to the previous limit of 25
• Heated pool mppa. However, while we did not secure the result we all
hoped for, the Court of Appeal has provided some
valuable clarification of the original decision. One of our Patron: Terry Waite CBE.
main reasons for appealing the 35mppa decision was our Stop Stansted Expansion is a working group of the North
concern that key aspects of our case at the Second West Essex and East Herts Preservation Association
Runway Inquiry could have been severely compromised FORTHCOMING EVENTS - contact SSE or see our
if we accepted matters as they stood. The ruling by the website for more details
two senior judges presiding at the Court of Appeal Sunday 9 August, 12 - 6pm: Gardens ofEaston
hearing largely removes our concerns in this regard and Lodge, Little Easton, nr. Dunmow - one-off summer
this alone has made the action worthwhile. A copy of the opening with children's activities and refreshments.
ruling will be posted on our website when it becomes Cake donations requested
available. Sunday 30/Bank Holiday Monday 31 August:
ACTION ON NOISE Countess of Warwick Show, Little Easton, nr.
Many members have become jaded with the way in Dunmow - SSE bookstall and information. Book
which BAA handles noise complaints and we have donations in advance to SSE please!
therefore produced the ' Concerned About Noise?' to Sunday 20 September, 2pm: Heritage Hike, SSE's
remind you of how to report noisy or off-track aircraft - annual runway ramble, a four mile circular walk with
and why. For example, measures recently introduced with assembly point and BBQ at Molehill Green, nr
a view to saving fuel have led to aircraft on the defined Stansted Airport
departure routes retracting their flaps earlier than in the Saturday 3 October, 7.30pm: Race Night,
past with associated different acceleration and climb Broxted- tickets available now
rates. This means that they are lower and noisier for Sunday 29 November: Sunday Lunch with our
longer between 800ft and 3000ft. If you are affected, this Patron, Terry Waite CBE in Little Easton
might be something that you wish to report the next time
you are disturbed and subsequently as appropriate. As
described in the leaflet, our noise complaints form on the
SSE website (linked from the home page), is the best way
to make your report. It will automatically forward your
complaint to BAA but it means that we can keep track
Noise is also the subject of a new Noise Action Plan
consultation by BAA which runs until 2 October. BAA is Independent co-educational
required by law to set out a five year plan on how it plans day school and nursery
to reduce the unwanted noise effects of community for 2 - 11 year olds
annoyance and sleep disturbance, as well as adverse
impacts on health and education arising from the airport's
operations and overflying. Our noise team is currently
preparing recommendations and guidance to help the
community to respond and these will be circulated by
email and on our website in mid-July, with hard copies
sent to parish and town councils whose views are also
being sought by BAA.
We have concerns about the BAA consultation and the Call us today on 01279 657 706
way in which information is being presented, as well as
about the glaring gaps in BAA's proposals for addressing
noise issues; for example, measures to protect those under
flight paths further out from the airport and from arriving HOWE GREEN HOUSE SCHOOL, GREAT HALLINGBURY,
traffic and the need for quantified and verifiable limits. In BISHOP’S STORTFORD, HERTS CM22 7UF
short, this consultation is a start, but there are no teeth in
the guidance for delivering the plan that would ensure
BAA did anything it wasn't already doing. Former Deputy Headteacher
Christmas is coming... very effective at raising standards
It is with great pleasure that we announce we have a new
SSE' Christmas card, new notelets and 2010 Community Reading techniques coached; books loaned
Calendar. These items have generated valuable income Clearly taught NC maths
for our campaign for many years and I hope you will
again support us by buying from our new range. Once Quality of writing and handwriting improved
again, we are seeking more people to sell these items in SATs, 11+ and Common Entrance
Weekly follow-up activities
the community and if you can help, please contact Ken 01279 600 102
McDonald on 01279 813226 or [email protected] Denise Loomes
who will be pleased to explain what is involved. King’s Thursday, 2 Rowney Gardens, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 0AT
Yours sincerely Peter Sanders Chairman [email protected]
Need a friendly neighbour to help you? .
with task that will take approx 30 mins e.g.
Shopping small repairs collecting prescriptions etc. Have you time to spare? No I hear you answer - but think
Please note there is no ageism. again.
Anyone young or old can call for help from volunteers.
The H.H.H.H.H 's need more, numbers are declining for
PHONE 07-944-748-478
one reason or anotherand the remaining few are
Phone manned 10am to 12noon
overworked and will have to give up, which makes
TO MAN THE MOBILE matterers worse.
Bruno -could you put a plea in the next village mag So if you could save this 'life saver' get in touch, phone
for volunteers to have the telephone for the odd week
during the year there are only about 5 of us at the Judy Lemon 01279 730 581
Many residents are on their own, handicapped, or unable
Thanks Judy Lemon 01279 730 581
to change washers on taps, fix curtains, a thousand and one
jobs around the home - it takes so little to make life happier
and help the community spirit, which maybe we are losing
because so many commute. Please stand up and be
counted Irene Delderfield
FREE but donations welcome
Drop in for Tea, coffee and light refreshments
10.00 AM – 12 NOON
You can hire the hall for children's parties
£9.50 / hour Tel :01279 730 581
Hatfield Heath Bridge Club At the Hatfield Heath Festival The History Society had a map
showing where bombs dropped during World War two
Invites you to keep your brain active and make new friends 4/ was where a Dornier was downed
Our relaxed and friendly 4b/ Landmines sheering
Classes for beginners are held on Tuesday evenings Road
New Term starts at 7.30 pm on 29th September 2009 9/ 13th Dec 1940
unexploded bomb on B183
If you already play bridge but would like to improve 30yds south of church
your game and feel more confident about playing in Churchgate house badly
a club our Monday classes for “Improvers” may suit damaged.
New Term starts at 8.00 pm on 28th September 2009 12/ Heath Oaklands &
Ardley house damage
Classes are run by our English Bridge Union
trained teachers Brian & Penny Hassell
who can be contacted for more information
By telephone on: 01279 721428
Or email on: [email protected]
18/ Crashed aircraft Chelmsford Road a B26 Marauder As the contents of the lorry are going to land fill you
crew killed & damage to 3 bungalows. should only put in material which can be put into landfill.
21/ 50 x 20 Crater - 10 bungalows and 5 caravans Electrical goods also cannot be put into lorry and that
damaged it was on its way to Matching airfield. includes computers.
*** MD Health International ***
* Call Michelle on 0800 298 5280 *
While we are talking of unexploded bombs I came across Independent Herbalife Distributor
this photo of me at the Festival talking to a soldier from a
bombclearing unit with the appropriate name of Squibb Paula's Petsitting Service
Going on holiday? What is the best thing you can do for
your pets while you are away? Paula offers personal pet care
in their own home! While you're away for any length of time,
consider in-home pet care with Paula as a pet care option.
Choosing Paula's Petsitting Service you can leave home
knowing you will return to happy pets. For more
information,call 01279 876 277 or 07986 270 336
Broomfields Sat 22 Aug 2009 8am to 11.30 am
Driver of lorry asked me to remind you that liquids and
any objects that could have liquids in such as engine filters,
paint tins etc should not be put in to the lorry as they will
be crushed and spill oil, paint etc. which will leak out of
the lorry on to the road continued top of next column
Special Event? ‘WordWays Poetry Corner‛
Want to give a personal message? I have written poetry for a long time now and during
the last couple of years started my business
A verse for any occasion.
. My poetry is unique in that I write from
Bev Rogers 07796 493 453 information and anecdotes supplied by my client to
formulate a personal poem. This is usually given in a personalised card for a special occasion. Please see my
web site for more details,
Tuesday - Friday 12 -2pm
Snack and full menu available Since advertising in Hatfield Heath Magazine I thought
it would be great to share some poetry with you
Monday - Saturday Day times monthly. Not the personal stuff but pieces I‛ve
created along the way for myself. I have found that
LITE BITES & LUNCHES NEW poetry is a wonderful way to express feelings,
1main course £6.92 2 courses £9.95 sometimes shared and sometimes not, but always
fulfilling and often beneficial.
Pensioners Lunch £5.95
My poem for the first ‘WordWays Poetry Corner‛ is
01279 730 549 ‘Wonderous Joy‛. Last year saw the birth of my first
Website: grandchild and what an emotional time it was for my
family. I hope you enjoy reading this piece.
Mimosa D E S I G N S
Wonderous Joy
The moment I see your little face,
with eyes, nose and mouth all in their place.
My mind strays to another time.
Where memories flood. It‛s so sublime.
To watch my child with theirs is such joy!
The miracle of birth will n‛ver age.
Each new life brings love at ev‛ry stage.
A life so new and fresh my heart is full.
My child fulfilled, beyond anything
I could ever do!
To watch my child with theirs is Wonderous Joy!!
© Bev Rogers – WordWays
Happy August everybody.
Bev Rogers
For further details please contact On Sunday 9 August 2009, 12 noon to 6pm
Esta Dennis Tel: 07703 438 059 Lovers of garden design and cultural history will have a
Louise Cunningham 07821 584 514 / 01266 287 271 rare opportunity to experience the enchanting
atmosphere of one of the jewels of North West Essex on
Email; [email protected] Sunday 9 August when the Gardens of Easton Lodge
Branches in South Yorkshire & Hertfordshire throw open their gates for a special summer open day,
with free admission. The gardens, in Little Easton near Great Dunmow, were
one of the most important creations of the Edwardian
designer Harold Peto. His commission in 1902 came
from “Darling Daisy”, the Countess of Warwick, who Your Local Photographic Services Provider
regularly entertained society guests there including the
Prince of Wales before he acceded to the throne as Special Occasion Photography;
Edward VII. Photograph Restoration;
Visitors to the one-off summer opening will be able to
enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of the gardens whose VHS & Hi8 tapes to DVD Conversion;
restoration to their full glory is the long term objective of Musical DVD Creations
the Gardens of Easton Lodge Preservation Trust. The
Trust has taken on this mantle from Brian and Diana Contact us on 07950 689018, or email
Creasey who, while they retired last year, nevertheless
continue to maintain an active role in taking care of the [email protected]
Gardens, alongside Land Securities who own much of for more information.
the land.
Sadly, the gardens have been closed to the public for Why Pay High Street Prices?
much of this year because of financial constraints but the
Trustees are determined to share their vision of what FLYING HIRE
restoration could achieve as they work towards a more
regular reopening pattern and securing major funding to CAR & CHAUFFEUR SERVICES
complete the dream. The open day will serve to remind FOR ALL OCCASIONS
garden lovers and the community of what will be
possible with the right level of support. To and from Stansted, Luton, Heathrow,
Despite the scale of work still to be undertaken, the Gatwick and City airports
loveliness of the Gardens continues to shine through.
From its origins in 1302 as part of a vast deer park, the Corporate & A complete
23-acre haven is notable for its natural beauty and ever- Sporting events London Service
changing landscape.
Designed in Italianate style around the home of “Darling National meetings Shopping trips
Daisy”, Warwick House, which is set in its grounds, the
gardens were maintained until 1950, after which time Theatre/dinner Hospital visits
nature took over. Tantalising glimpses of those designs trips
have been resurfacing since 1993, when the restoration Urgent courier
project began. Today’s visitors can see Peto’s Italian Guided tours services
Sunken Garden and the herringbone and cobble
courtyard, plus other examples of his work. Additional Weddings
creations by the Creaseys include the Living Sundial,
Dark Pool and Shakespeare Border. Our fleet of air conditioned vehicles
Entry to the Gardens of Easton Lodge on Sunday 9 ranges from executive cars to luxury
August is free and visitors are encouraged to bring a
picnic but tea and cakes will also be available for people carriers and coaches
purchase during opening hours (12 noon to 6pm).
Childrens activities are being organised for the NEW - GROUP TRAVEL
afternoon. The Gardens are in Little Easton, just off the
B184 between Great Dunmow and Thaxted. Further 8 passenger vehicles now available for all events
information is available online at, from 01371 876979 or
[email protected].
Stop Stansted Expansion has worked For professionalism with the personal touch
closely with the Gardens of Easton contact Chris New at
Lodge over the last seven years to Tel: 01279 721 427 Fax: 01279 723 947
campaign against the expansion of the airport which has
jeopardised the gardens’ future restoration. Some of our Mobile: 07968 026 032
volunteers will be helping again at the only summer or visit our informative website:
opening this year – on 9 August – and we hope you’ll be
able to show your support for the gardens too by visiting
with family and friends. If you want to go a stage further,
why not donate a homemade cake to the refreshment Stop Stansted Expansion
stall? Please call Carol on 0777 552 3091 or Maggie on 01279 870558
07714 767921 if you can help in any way. [email protected]
The Campaign Team
Handmade contemporary jewellery in YOU CAN BUY NOW
sterling silver, pearls and gemstones
To order Tel: 01279 730 498
Beautiful, affordable designs perfect or email: [email protected]
for all occasions
Shop on line, visit us at one of our
events or have a fun night in with
friends and your very own
jewellery party!
CALL US ON 07711 421 444
HOLIDAY RENTALS 2 Bed Spanish home
in Ayamonte, Spain
Sleeps 6 people,Pool onsite
Golf, water parks, beaches,
shops, restaurants close by
– from £275 pw.
Last minute deals available Pack of 12 Notelets and envelopes
(2 of each design £6)
4 Bed Orlando home in
Florida. Sleeps 8 people FOR THE EXCELLENT
Close to all major theme parks – Universal, Disney, Sea World etc
Pool onsite
– from £400 pw. Last minute deals available
David Cansick 01954 205090 / 07900 991836
[email protected]
Farmer's Market Re:The Mystery of Willie Brown by John Sly.
On behalf of all those interested in the names on the
AUGUST 15TH Hatfield Heath War Memorial, I would like to thank John
Sly for the excellent investigation into who was the
3rd Saturday in the month Willie Brown on this Memorial. John’s article was
10am until 12 noon included in the magazine for July 2009 and his
investigation proves without any doubt in my mind
IN GROUNDS OF FOX INN which of the two William Brown’s this is.
Matching Tye Regarding the William Brown who served and died with
the 4th Essex regiment as John asks “why was he not
Stalls include commemorated” – a question we are unlikely to be able
to answer.( Just one minor correction to John’s report is
Farm-reared Beef, Freshly made that this William Brown’s service number should read
Lamb and Pork Indian food 200077 not 200066). There are at least three other
Homemade suet casualties from this war who were born in Hatfield Heath
Home Made Cakes and sponge who are not commemorated, these being John Edward
Organic Vegetables puddings Bardell, Joseph
Smoked Products: Free range eggs Loveday and yet
Fish, Ham and Plants another Brown, this
Cheese Goats milk soap one being Alfred.
Honey products
Cornish Pasties, Bottled real ales Unfortunately, as John
Pork Pies, Mini- Fresh fish records, there is no
Quiches service record for the
William Brown of the
Home-made 4th Essex regiment at
Chocolates the National Archives,
but from reviewing
REFRESHMENTS where the Regiment
was serving at the time
Supported by Howick & Brooker Estate Agents 01279 418 888 it is possible to give a
likely reason for his
death. This William
Brown was killed in CHRIS WHITE
action on the 26th DIGGER HIRE
March 1917 in
Palestine and on that * Ground Works
day it is recorded that * Driveways
the British attacked the * Extensions
Turkish positions at * Fencing
Gaza – known as the * General Construction
1ST Battle of Gaza. This attack was unsuccessful
although the commanding officer Sir Archibald Murray Local Friendly Service
presented the defeat as a victory. (Source: A Popular Chris White Mobile 07704 948 803
History of the Great War). On that day and the day
following, from Soldiers Died in the Great War email: [email protected]
Database, the 4th Essex suffered some 190 deaths in this
battle including soldiers from Harlow, Bishops Stortford Hatfield Heath
and Great Hallingbury.
I hope that we can prevail on John to continue to use his
expertise so that the other mysteries regarding the names
on the War Memorial can be resolved – Oscar Anderson
perhaps being the most difficult. Thank you again John
for the efforts you have made.
Albert Murrell.
As part of a government-led programme Councils Are Available for
have been asked to assess the amount of land
available for housing development in England. This Children’s Parties
process is known as a Strategic Housing Land
Availability Assessment (SHLAA). SHLAAs will Celebrations
provide the evidence base to support the delivery of
sufficient land to meet the community's need for including
more homes. The Assessment has been carried out
in line with current government guidance. In order Wedding Receptions
to plan for the future and ensure each Council is
making the best use of land, the assessment must Classes etc., etc.,
identify sites which could potentially be suitable for
housing. There is no guarantee however, that PREFERENTIAL RATES
suggested sites will be appropriate for housing FOR
development; the Assessment rigorously examined
all sites to determine their suitability LOCAL ORGANISATIONS
All the SHLAA documents have now been
published and can be viewed on the Uttlesfords LOCAL RESIDENTS
Council's website by searching for SHLAA or
looking under Background Studies under the Local For Details Telephone
Plan and LDF page of the Planning Service pages.
01279 730 544
Local Development Framework
The public are encouraged to participate in the LDF
General DIY, Curtain Rails and Shelves Erected, Flat Packs A SAMPLE OF MAPS AND INFO OF AREAS
assembled. Patio, Drive and Brickwork Pressure Washed, AROUND HATFIELD HEATH WHICH ARE
Fencing and Sheds Preserved and Repaired, Hedge SHOWN ON THE WEBSITE OF UTTLESFORD
Cutting, including Shrubs and Tree Pruning,
HH1 Four Acre Field Matching Road Hatfield
House Painting, Exterior & Interior, Windows Pipe Work and Heath
Weather Boards Stained and Painted. Fencing Erected, Surrounding Land uses North
Gardens and Driveways Shingled and Pebbled. Guttering Heath/Grassland
Unblocked, Roofs Moss and Mildew Power-washed Off. East – road with residential beyond
South - residential
Please do not hesitate to ask. Contact lan and Jan at West - Agricultural
San Michelle, Jacks Lane, Takeley Current use Agricultural
Status Promoted through Core Strategy
01279 870 946 GR Centre point 525 146
Developable Site Area (Total site area) 1.7
Phone now for a friendly chat
with Sue to get more information
Tel : 07885 510 400
We offer a Conclusions
Complete Service Site Ref Comments HH1 Potential
highways issues – land ownership and possibly
DESIGN visibility but maybe capable of resolution.
CERAMIC TILING Clear caveat should be included because the
site is currently within the Green Belt and this
LIGHTING policy constraint should be recognized. The
WOODWORK ETC. potential size of the development might be of
concern to local people. On balance the group
All carried out with the minimum felt it should be included. Check accessibility
of fuss and mess by experts! to Secondary School. Traffic light shows red
Also all Plumbing & but would be within 30 mins travel time of
Domestic Heating Installations schools in Bishops Stortford.
SO LOOK NO FURTHER THAN HH2 South of Sawbridgworth Road, Hatfield
C.F OAKES Surrounding Land uses North road with
heath/grassland beyond
Established in Harlow for over 45 years East – Residential garden?
19 SERVICE BAY, WYCH ELM , HARLOW South - Agriculture
West - Residential
Current use Paddock
Status Promoted through Core Strategy
GR Centre point 518 150
Developable Site Area (Total site area) 1.2
Hatfield Heath
All your general building, maintenance and repair work
undertaken by honest, reliable builder with
22 years experience.
No job too small or too big - talk it over with Rob first
07958 785 519
Conclusions Site Ref 07715 566 246
HH2 The eastern access would need to be 01279 876 352
across the village green. C.H. explained that Bretts, Chelmsford Road,
the western access could be achieved directly White Roding, Essex CM6 1RF
onto the highway. Highways identified a
possible safety issue with the visibility splays * Country Pine * Oak Furniture * Window Blinds *
being achieved within highway land. The pond *Bespoke Furniture made to your design*
would add to the difficulties of achieving *Garden Furniture * Giftware *
suitable access. CH confirmed that no transport
assessment had been done. CH then left the
room. Tues - Sat 10am - 5pm and Sun 10am - 4pm Free Parking
The group considered that the site was not as
well related to the village as some of the other THE MOBILE POLICE OFFICE WILL VISIT YOUR AREA
sites in Hatfield Heath and that development ON THE FOLLOWING FRIDAYS IN 2009
would be visually intrusive. The site is currently ENQUIRIES 07989 335 719
within the Green Belt and this should be
recognized Do not include Hatfield Heath - Stortford Road
Friday 14th Aug
Hallingbury Hall Equestrian Centre
British Horse Society Approved
Riding lessons for children and adults
beginners to advanced riders
Super indoor school, three outdoor arena's,
show jumping arena, and cross-country course
We have super ponies from quiet schoolmasters to
ones trained to do jumping and dressage
Children's own a pony day courses are held every
Wednesday and Thursday during the holidays, Great Fun!
Maximum four riders on a 45 minute lesson gain
confidence and enjoy on one of our lovely sensible cobs
Improve your dressage, learn about tests
lateral work, engagement and collection
Or join a jumping lesson and
HH3 East of Cox Leys (Option 1) Hatfield Heath practise courses, grids and related distances
Surrounding Land uses North Agricultural
East – Residential Please ring or pop in for a chat
South – Public open space with residential beyond 01279 730 348
West – Residential
Current use Vacant grassland
Status Promoted through Core Strategy 3.1 (3.5) Little Hallingbury, Bishops
GR Centre point 524 152 Stortford, Herts CM227RP
Developable Site Area (Total site area)
8th July Lucy
17 years old
25th August
Love from Linda, Richard, Nigel and Splat
From - Mum, Dad, Beautiful Sister & Sammi Sheila & Christopher Perry would like to thank all
who came to their surprise party on the 4th July and
x for the donations to the RSPCA which raised
Thanks once again
N.B. All non commercial Ads. and Greetings as above are Free
Wednesday 26th August at 1pm
at Woodview, Stortford Road, halfway between
Thatchers and Sutton Arms on the right.
Red hedge, blue water pipe sticking out of ground