whaT shoulD
01 My naMe Be
2017 The MonThly RegulaToRy CoMplianCe TeaM newsleTTeR
In this issue
The Scorecard Skinny, Process Updates & I need a name P.1
Comcast Connection P.2
Marketing, Next Tech & Leadership Corner P.3
Professional Development & Employee Celebrations P.4
Our Newsletter is in
search of a name.
The Scorecard Skinny
Get your creativity
flowing and we would
love to hear your ideas. Work Order Accuracy Tips
Send your ideas by Entering Tickets
March 24 to
When copying the worklog template from the RCT WorkLog and Hot Topic Cheat Sheet
[CHQ -- Corporate located on the RCT SharePoint, click on the verbiage in the cell and start your copying at
Regulatory Leadership the ‘G’ in Good at the beginning of the verbiage and end the copy at the ‘M’ in team at the
end of the verbiage. This will eliminate the quotations that will need to be removed.
Process The brief description should provide the Regulatory Agency, if applicable, line of business
(LOB) the consumer is having a problem with and a short description of the primary
Updates concern(s) in the form of a sentence. Please do not include abbreviations or copy the actual
issue type within the brief description.
Incomplete Guide
Phase 2 is now in
production. Continue
to use the most Please treat child tickets as you would a parent ticket. When addressing a child ticket in the
recent version additional issue section of the ticket, please be sure to provide a cause and resolution, just
located on the ECR as you did for the parent ticket above.
SharePoint Site.
Billing concerns, such as missing payments, final balance and installation charges can be
investigated without speaking with the customer.
The EAS CC and
Descriptive Video Response Letters
Complaint Process has
been updated and Know your VALUE when preparing and/or approving response letters:
uploaded to the How to Validate the company’s position in regards to consumer’s questions and concerns with
Guides folder on the clear and concise responses
RCT SharePoint. Allow your message to be stated in short sentences and paragraphs
The Employee Security Letters are a representation of Comcast and should convey a positive image
Concerns Process has Use a friendly and polite tone
been added to the RCT Errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling make your message seem less credible and
SharePoint on 2/28. convey an unprofessional image of your business
The RCT Newsletter Issue 01 March 2017 ***Don’t forget to submit your suggestion to name The RCT newsletter***
Additional Companies Owned by Comcast (CMCSA)
NBCUniversal Media, LLC
NBCUniversal Media, LLC, is Comcast Corporation's media, content and entertainment arm.
The company owns and operates numerous media properties, including broadcast networks,
cable networks, movie studios and theme parks. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Comcast Comcast
Comcast Spectacor
Comcast Spectacor is a live sports and entertainment company based in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, the same city where its parent is headquartered. Spectacor owns the The Comcast U.S.
Philadelphia Flyers, an NHL hockey team, and operates the Wells Fargo Center sports and Employee Stock
entertainment arena. Purchase Plan (ESPP)
open enrollment
Universal Studios period for the second
quarter of 2017 is
Comcast owns popular film studio Universal Studios; it is considered one of Hollywood's "Big
March 1-15. The ESPP
6" film studios along with Warner Bros. Entertainment, The Walt Disney Studios, Sony Pictures
offers you an
Motion Picture Group, Fox Filmed Entertainment, and Paramount Motion Pictures Group.’’
opportunity to
Read more: Your Complete Guide to Everything Owned by Comcast (CMCSA) purchase shares of
Comcast Corporation
Class A common stock
at a discount using
after-tax payroll
deductions. Eligible
employees can
Improving the Employee & Customer Experience with NPS Elevations purchase stock at 15%
off the lower of the
For almost a year now, employees across our company have been putting the Net
Promoter System (NPS) into action. Customer and employee feedback is the cornerstone •The closing price on
of NPS, and by listening, learning and acting on that feedback, we’re addressing gaps in our the first business day
systems, tools, processes and policies and delivering a better customer experience overall.
of the quarter
NPS Elevations empower employees to raise issues at the local level and elevate them to
•The closing price on
Regional, Divisional or National teams for solutions. Sometimes those solutions result in the last business day of
new, more customer-and employee-friendly ways of doing things. And where it makes
the quarter
sense, those changes are scaled, creating a better and more consistent customer and
employee experience companywide.
Click here for more
As of 1/24, there are 2,154 NPS Elevations. 1,075 of these Elevations have been resolved
or closed to date. About 93% of Elevations have been resolved at the Division level or information.
Learn more about NPS Elevations click here
Learn more about the Customer Experience Fact Sheet click here
***Don’t forget to submit your suggestion to name The RCT newsletter***
Leadership Corner
Hi Team!
I want to start off by saying
thank you to everyone on this EMPLOYEE OFFERS
team who has made RCT a
Sign up now for XFINITY HOME for only $9.95 a month!
great place to work. I have
learned so much from
everyone and it has been a Free installation through March 21st!
privilege to work with all of Weekly raffle for FREE XFINITY Home add-ons. The sooner you sign up, the more
you. It really was a hard chances you have of winning!
decision to leave such a great Sign up for XFINITY Home by March 21st and be entered to win one of these great
team, but the opportunity I XFINITY Home add-ons: August Smart Lock with Connect, Kwikset Door Lock, Nest
was presented and the chance Thermostat, My Q Garage Door Controller, or a Lutron Caseta Wireless Lighting
to move to the Pacific Starter Kit (Plug in)
Northwest is a once in a
lifetime opportunity that I XFINITY Voice Unlimited
couldn’t pass up, both
• Only $4.00 a month for employees!
personally and professionally.
• Covers nearly ½ the world with unlimited nationwide calling and international
It was five years ago this calling to 8 countries! Caller ID, call waiting, voicemail and more.
March that I first started at • Use with the Connect App to stay connected to family and friends when traveling
the Corporate office. While I without using your cellular data.
held a few different roles, I
Blast and Performance Pro Speed Increases!!!
had the fortune of all of those
roles to be under Nicole. I
have learned so much and I • Employees who already own or lease an XB3 or other compatible device can
can’t thank her enough for all simply power cycle their modems to enjoy the faster speeds.
the guidance and support that • Employees without a compatible device will be contacted directly in the coming
she has provided me over the weeks with more information on upgrading their current modem.
years. To my team (Team • If you have XFINITY Home or are a Multi-Device customer, information on how you
Awesome), thank you for can take advantage of these increased Internet speeds will be sent to your home in
being by my side during my the coming weeks
tenure as your supervisor. I
have learned so much from Sign up for Courtesy Services
each and every one of you and
hopefully you have learned a
thing or two from me. I will Next Tech
truly miss you all.
With Customer Timeline, you can very quickly:
While I may be on the other Customer Timeline allows
side of the country, and 3 time you to view all customer
• See previous support calls and agent
zones away, I will still be with
interactions with our trouble shooting steps
Comcast. Feel free to reach
products, services and
out to me anytime for • See previous truck roll information
support channels in a single
anything you need. I’ll still be • See if the customer has an escalation
page intuitive interface.
in global so I should be easy to • Quickly identify recent product errors,
When you use Customer e.g. X1 errors, XOD errors
find! If any of you find
yourself out in the Seattle Timeline you will be more • See network outages and degraded
area, please reach out – it informed of the customers service in real time
would be great to reconnect. experience and will help • See current promotion details and
you and the customer save promotion roll off events
Stay awesome RCT. This
time. • View service change and service
department has grown and
confirmation notifications
done so many things over the
past few years. I’m sure many
great things are yet to come. ***Don’t forget to submit your suggestion to name The RCT newsletter***
February March
Connie Cannon - 2/2 Maria Graham-Baptist - 3/2
Alexa Ortiz - 2/11 Shavon Burkett - 3/4
Stephen Nolan - 2/15 Justin Buckley - 3/6 Professional
Lynnisha Hairston - 2/16 Angela Valentine - 3/7 Development
Rhiannon Fiocchi - 2/17 Rueben Negron - 3/10
Sean Smith - 3/15
Work Anniversaries Join an Employee
January February March Resource Group. To
Elizabeth Morton - 24 years Angela Valentine - 15 years Alicia Wade-King - 11 years enhance our workforce
Derrick Brown - 18 years Rhiannon Fiocchi - 9 years Raul Beltran - 5 years
Jeremy Cassell - 9 years Donte Fisher - 3 years Justin Buckley - 8 years culture, Comcast
Matt Doner - 7 years cultivates company-wide
Employee Resource
Groups (ERG) led by
employees with guidance
Pay Dates:
3/3 – Regular Pay w/ Overtime, if applicable from Executive
3/17 – Merit Increase Champions. The mission
3/31 – No Medical/Dental/Vison/Life Insurance/Health & Dependent Flex Spending/Commuter
of the ERGs is to empower
Other Dates: a community whose
3/17 - Deadline for entering goals and development plans in Self-Service collective understanding
3/31 - Deadline for submitting 2016 Flexible Spending Account expenses
and innovation drives
exceptional business
results and supports an
inclusive company
ThaT’s so RegulaToRy ERGs develop
programming targeting
2 four focus areas 1.
Commerce, 2. Career, 3.
3 Culture and 4. Community.
Join by completing
1 registration on the portal
1 on Comcast Now.
Choose from the 8 groups
by completing the
For more information,
click on the link below
Employee Resource
Across Groups
1. Film Company owned by Comcast
***Don’t forget to submit your suggestion to name The RCT newsletter*** The RCT Newsletter Issue 01 March 2017