Akhil Upadrasta
Slide #1: Initials
● Your name (first and last) AU
● Country name
● Flag (give credit on your references doc
if applicable)
Add your initials to the bottom right text box
on slide!
Absolute Location:40°N, 44° E
Relative Location: between Azerbaijan,
Georgia, Iran, and Turkey.
Slide #2: Initials
● Insert map of country on slide (give credit)
● Include absolute and relative location AU
● Give credit to your source on your
references doc!
● Add your initials to the bottom right text
box on slide!
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Armenia is part of the Asian
Slide #3: Initials
● Label the geographic region where your
country is located.
● Place an asterisk in each country that is
part of that region
● Color countries once printed
● Add your initials to the bottom right text
box on slide!
Spas dikim Assyrian
Շնորհակ Kurdish Thank
ալությու you
Armenian Languages English
Greek of Armenia Russian
Ευχαριστ Спасибо
Slide #4: Initials
● Create graphic organizer showing
● Choose a common phrase we use at
write in both English and at least three
other languages (if you have less than 3
languages choose 2 phrases)
● Add your initials to the bottom right text
box on slide!
Slide #5: Initials
● Create a digital collage to show the art, AU
architecture, and music found in your country.
● Paste collage on this slide.
● Cite your image source(s) on your references doc
● Add your initials to the bottom right text box on
Slide #6: Initials
● Copy the two pie charts you created to
show the religions into this slide.
● Add your initials to the bottom right
● Color in once printed.
Slide #7: Initials
● Create a word cloud with at least 10
words related to the government of your
● Insert your government word cloud onto
this slide.
● Add your initials to the bottom right text
box on slide!
Fish Meat
Barley Spinach
Chicken Parsley
Slide #8: Initials
● Creatively display the types of food that
are commonly eaten by people in your
country on this slide.
● Give credit for your images on your
references doc if applicable)
● .Add your initials to the bottom right text
box on slide!
● GDP $8,500 ● GDP $55,800
● War to the south ● Safety from war
● All your family lives ● Family is here
● More than enough
in the US.
● Lack of food food and water
Slide #9: Initials
● Create a chart that shows the push/pull AU
factors that may currently (not historically)
bring immigrants from your country to the
United States.
● Add your initials to the bottom right text box
on slide!
Slide #10: Initials
● On this map you need to add an asterisk
(shift 8) to EVERY state that had a high
percentage of people who immigrated
from your country/region between 2012
and 2016.
● Once printed, you will color in these
● Add your initials to the bottom right text
box on slide!
Image 1 with Image 2 with Image 3 with Image 4 with
description description description description
Landforms in California
Image 1 with Image 2 with Image 3 with Image 4 with
description description description description
Slide #11: Initials
● On this slide, create a table showing
landforms found in the country of origin
and the states where the people settled.
● Give credit on your references doc for
● Add your initials to the text box on the
Armenia was caoonuAncnreitemrioneeftsnt.hiaeis6 ThcehfuwirrsoctbrhludiiAnlwtrtimanhseenia.
the first
country to Did You
Christianity. Know?
inAitr.omuAetsrnMmiidaoeertnheoiaaf nns live
Slide #12: Initials
Student Choice
● Give credit on your references doc for
● Add your initials to the bottom right text
box on slide!