2020 Analytical Exposition Text Modul blog.fabletics,com Putri Ismayana Kelas XI Semester Gasal 6/2/2020
LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN Modul : Analytical Exposition Text Modul Nama Penulis : Putri Ismayana, S.Pd, M.Pd NIP : 19890408 201403 2 002 Sekolah Tempat Ditugaskan : SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Negeri Sembawa Disahkan pada tanggal 30 Juni 2021 Oleh : Ir. Mattobii, MP NIP.19640905199003113 Kepala Sekolah Estri Rahajeng, S.TP, M.Sc NIP.197501132006012001 Koordinator PKB
Kompetensi Dasar 3.1 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait isu aktual, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. 4.1.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis, terkait isu aktual. 4.1.2 Menyusun teks eksposisi analitis tulis, terkait isu aktual, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks. Alokasi waktu : 3 Pertemuan (45x6) Pembagian Waktu : 2x45 menit: membaca, diskusi, struktur teks 2x45 menit: unsur kebahasaan teks 2.45 menit: menulis, berkreasi dan berkontribusi Materi Pembelajaran : teks tertulis Analytical Exposition Indikator: 1. Menunjukkanfungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis tentang topik yang hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. 2. Memahami makna teks tulis melalui berbagai macam strategi membaca. 3. Menjawab berbagai pertanyaan mengenai teks eksposisi analitis tentang topik yang hangat dibicarakan umum. 4. Mengidentifikasi argumen dalam teks 5. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi dari teks 6. Memahami langkah-langkah penyusunan teks Metodologi 1. Brainstorming 2. Diskusi 3. Kerja individu dan kelompok Kebutuhan Peralatan 1. Laptop 2. Proyektor 3. Kamus 4. Buku mata pelajaran atau buku pegangan guru 5. Alat tulis 6. Lembar kerja
Annalytical exposition Text Lesson 1 3.1 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait isu aktual, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Tujuan Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial yang terkandung dalam teks eksposisi analitis yang dibaca Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi struktur teks eksposisi analitis yang dibaca Annalytical exposition Text Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait isu aktual, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial yang terkandung dalam teks eksposisi analitis Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi struktur teks eksposisi analitis yang dibaca Picture 1.1 (sourcce:paulinecornish.com) 1 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial yang terkandung dalam teks eksposisi analitis (sourcce:paulinecornish.com)
2 Annalytical exposition Text Why conventional agriculture should be banned by: Joel Edwards When chemicals were first introduced in farming, everyone marveled at what they could do. Yields were dramatically increased. In the beginning, the soil was so healthy, any damage done by chemical fertilizers was imperceptible, and pests had yet to evolve resistance to the insecticides. Our technologies were exported around the world as a revolution in agriculture - the green revolution. Chemical fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, antibiotics, hormones, factory farms, and genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. It just keeps coming. Almost no one calls it the green revolution anymore because there is nothing green about it, at least not in the modern ecologically friendly meaning of the word green. There are a number of problems brought on by conventional agriculture's techniques. Conventional methods are inhumane to animals; they spread disease and pollution and degrade our nation's soil and water. In the interests of sustainability, protecting our nation's resources and improving our health, conventional agriculture needs to be banned, both in the U.S. and abroad. A return to organic agriculture, which prohibits the use of chemicals and encourages crop rotation, will protect our nation's arable land, increase the nutritional value of our food, and dramatically reduce our food's toxicity. Yes, our food is toxic when grown by conventional means. Ninety-three percent of Americans tested by the CDC had metabolites of chlorpyrifos, a neurotoxin in their urine. Chlorpyrifos has been banned for use in homes because it has been linked to autoimmune diseases and neurological damage, but it is still commonly used on golf courses and in bait containers, and it is sprayed all over our food. Over 99% of Americans tested, tested positive for exposure to DDT. DDT has been banned from use in the U.S. since 1972. But it's still perfectly legal to manufacture it in the U.S. ship it to Mexico and other countries, and then have it sprayed on food, and then sell the food to the U.S. DDT has been linked to various cancers and birth defects. It is a persistent toxin that stays in the environment for an extended period of time. The government sets limits on how much of each pesticide can be on our food, but there is no limit to the number of different approved pesticides that can be on our food or the total amount of chemical contamination. The Pesticide Action Network tells us that Americans are exposed to an average of 10-13 pesticides every day. As a last resort, organic farmers do use pesticides; however, organic farmers use pesticides that are plant based. These bio-chemicals naturally, quickly decompose. In contrast, conventional agriculture uses a vast array of chemicals, most of them synthetic. There are over 600 pesticides used in the United States. Many of these chemicals are known to last for hundreds or thousands of years before breaking down, and they are toxic to both humans and animals. The degree of exposure to these chemicals directly affects one's risk of developing numerous cancers, especially cancer of the brain, prostate cancer, leukemia, and lymphoma. If growing nutrient deficient, chemical laden food isn't bad enough, conventional agriculture has gone even further by genetically modifying our food to make it easier to Reading Activity
3 Annalytical exposition Text grow at an even higher cost to the consumer's health. Many genetically modified foods are modified to produce pesticides within the plant. GMOs radically alter the microorganisms in the soil, damaging the soil's fertility. GMOs introduce new allergens, new toxins, and unknown proteins into our bodies. "Every day we make life or death decisions, decisions about what we eat. This may sound melodramatic, but it's true." Superfoods RX Studies have repeatedly shown that the nutritional content of organic food is dramatically superior to the nutritional content of conventionally grown food. Before the advent of today's conventional agriculture, our food contained more nutrients. Organic agriculture's predominant strategy is to cultivate nutrient rich soil. In order to add nutrients back into the soil, organic agriculture uses crop rotation and natural fertilizers. This produces healthy plants, which makes for healthy food. We must protect our nation's arable land in order to protect our food supply for future generations. With approximately 18% to 19% of America's land being arable, we have the world's most abundant farming resources. Even though agriculturally viable resources are obviously of great economic value to the entire nation, our nation's soil is treated as though it were disposable. Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and petroleumbased fertilizers strip the soil of nutrients and kill beneficial organisms such as earthworms, predatory insects, and microorganisms. In order to grow anything in such chemical laden soil, more chemicals are added. This process degrades the topsoil and causes salts to build up in the land, leaving barren dirt. After this process strips the land of its agricultural viability, conventional agribusiness moves on, acquiring more farmland. Then the process is repeated, rendering more land barren. By comparison, organic farming replenishes the soil through crop rotation, natural fertilizers, and the use of time-honored, natural techniques. A whopping 50% of antibiotic use is not for human beings but for livestock. The media is constantly warning about the dangers of overuse of antibiotics. The concern is that overuse (and abuse) of antibiotics can breed antibiotic-resistant bacteria. It is commonplace to add antibiotics to livestock feed, even when the animals aren't sick. This is because conventional methods typically overcrowd the animals so badly that too many of them will get sick without an on-going diet that includes antibiotics. It is cruel and inhumane to force animals to live with their own waste and in such crowded conditions. To keep consumers in the dark about the realities of factory farming, many states are passing laws forbidding filming inside these factory farms. The stench of these crowded pens is unbearable to any but the most stalwart and habituated individuals, and the animals' waste is so concentrated that it poses a risk to nearby natural water sources. These are perfect conditions for pathogens to thrive. It provides bacteria with the opportunity for many different food sources, and many different animal hosts to infect. This gives bacteria an opportunity to develop resistance to our medications. These conditions are also ideal for viruses to spread from animal to animal and potentially to humans. Conventional farming utilizes phosphorous and nitrogen chemical fertilizers. When rain and runoff carry these fertilizers into the ocean, marine life is suffocated. The fertilizers trigger overgrowth of marine plankton. Once the masses of plankton die, their death feeds ocean bacteria. The bacteria consume oxygen, and with an unnatural overabundance of plankton, the bacteria consume just about all of the oxygen left in the ocean. Shrimp, fish, and all other forms of marine life either leave the area or die from lack of oxygen. The end result is hypoxia, oceanic dead zones. These areas are devoid of nearly all life other than plankton and bacteria. Scientists have documented coastal dead zones, areas that are hypoxic in over 400 coastal areas. All over the world, these dead zones are found downstream of conventional farming from Chesapeake Bay to Oregon to Denmark, and to the Black Sea.
4 Annalytical exposition Text We have a vested interest in marine life. It is not only shameful that marine animals suffocate as a side effect of our farming pollution, it is also economically damaging. The ocean provides us with billions of dollars worth of food annually. Nothing of commercial importance survives a dead zone, fish, shellfish, and shrimp all either leave the area or suffocate in the dead waters. Many of these dead zones are thousands of square miles. The dead zone off of the Gulf of Mexico was once recorded as being an area larger than the state of New Jersey, 22,000 kilometers. Pesticide residue, antibiotics, preservatives, and genetic modification directly affect the long-term sustainability of farming, fishing, the consumer's health, and the health of those who grow and produce the food. We do not exist separately from the environment in which we live. If what we consume is polluted, our bodies become polluted. Beyond choosing what we buy in the store, we as a nation must choose, for the long term or short term, organic or conventional. This choice affects us all, even those not yet born. If you are in a position to grow your own food, check out How To Start A Vegetable Garden and Ten Great Gardening Tips. If you're not growing your own food in very healthy soil, it's time to get more nutrition: Make Your Own Homemade Multivitamin and Mineral Formula. (Sources: www.organiclifestylemagazine.com) Disscus Make a grup, each group consist of three people. Then read the questions carefully. Note down your opinions and reactions to the questions. During the discussion with your teacher and group, offer your personal reaction and understanding of the text. 1. In your opinion, is chemical agriculture inhuman to nature and animal? If yes, why? If no, why not? 2. What action is the Indonesian government taking to address the chemical agriculture? Discuss. 3. What actions are you taking to address the issue? Explain. 4. What are the effects of chemical agriculture on the nature and society? Describe. 5. Do you think humans are responsible for this issue? Give suitable examples to support your opinion. 6. Is organic agriculture movements will help nature? Discuss. 7. Do you think educating masses on the issue of chemical agriculture will help reduce it? Discuss. 8. How did nuclear dissaster reach such an extent without us noticing it sooner? Discuss. 9. Do you think chemical residue will bring next dissaster? Discuss. 10. In your opinion, why the farmer still use chemical agriculture method?
5 Annalytical exposition Text Building Blocks AnAlyticAl Exposition An analytical exposition text evaluates a topic critically but focuses only one side of an argument. In your life if you have ever tried to persuade anyone on a certain issue or argued relentlessly about something with someone, then you have usedexposition. The argument and point of view have to be supported by facts and relevant information. The thesis statement has to be reiterated in the conclusion. Analytical exposition is a kind of argumentative text. Its social function is to persuade the readers or listeners that the idea is an important matter.
Annalytical exposition Text Example of analytical exposition text: Annalytical exposition Text Example of analytical exposition text: 6
7 Annalytical exposition Text Komponen yang dibutuhkan dalam teks eksposisi analitis: Struktur Teks Eksposisi Analitis: 1. Judul (Tittle): - menjelaskan tentang topik utama dari teks 2. Pembukaan (Introduction/thesis): - Poin awal dari penulisan esai - Mengemukakan topik serta pendapat penulis - Penulisan kalimat pendahuluan baiknya melibatkan emosi dan bisa juga menggunakan pertanyaan untuk menarik perhatian pembaca - Menyertakan ulasan-ulasan tentang topik yang dibahas untuk mendukung materi yang akan diangkat 3. Badan (Body/arguments): - Berisi beberapa argumen untuk meyakinkan pembaca - Setiap paragraf diawali dengan argumen baru - Setiap paragraf disertai pendapat, alasan dari pendapat tersebut, dan bukti yang mendukung pendapat tersebut - Menggunakan kata-kata yang emosional, kata kerja mental, hubungan sebab akibat untuk membujuk pembaca - Setiap paragraf harus memiliki hubungan dengan paragraf sebelumnya dan kalimat pernyataan penulis 4. Penutup (Conclusion/reiteration): - Sampaikan kembali pandapat yang telah dikemukakan - Beri kesimpulan Menyebutkan dengan jelas pendapat (sudut pandang) penulis. Menggunakan hasil penelitian yang valid untuk mendasari pendapat yang dikemukakan Pertahankan pendapat yang telah dibuat. Pendapat tersebut didukung oleh datas yang jelas seperti gambar, grafik, tabel, dan lain sebagainya.
8 Annalytical exposition Text Text organisation They want you to think the Fukushima nuclear disaster is over. But it’s still with us. Introduction Thesis Statement Six years ago, over 15,000 people perished and tens of thousands of people’s lives changed forever. Northeastern Japan was hit by a massive earthquake, followed by an enormous tsunami that wiped out coastal towns one after another. Then, in the days that followed came the horrifying news: the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors went into meltdown. The disaster is still with us. Argument 1 + elaboration Nuclear survivors continue to live with fear for their families’ health and with uncertainty about their future. Women are bearing the greatest brunt. They continue to grapple with unanswered questions, unable to relieve a deeply held sense of anger and injustice. Argument 2 +elaboration Over the past six years, starting just two weeks after the beginning of this nuclear disaster, Greenpeace conducted radiation surveys in the contaminated region. The latest survey gathered data in and around selected houses in Iitate village, located 30-50 km from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. In some homes, residents would receive a radiation dose equivalent to getting a chest x-ray every week. And that’s assuming they stay in the limited decontaminated areas, as 76% of the total area of Iitate has not been touched and remains highly contaminated. Argument 3 + elaboration Despite this, the government, headed by Shinzo Abe, intends to lift evacuation orders from the village and other areas in March and April 2017; and one year later terminates compensation for families from those areas. It will also cancel housing support for those who evacuated outside designated zones. For those dependent on this support, it could mean being forced to return. Argument 4 + elaboration Women and children are the hardest hit by the nuclear disaster. They are physically more vulnerable to impacts of the disaster and radiation exposure. Evacuation broke up communities and families, depriving women and children of social networks and sources of support and protection. Conclusion Reiteration of thesis statement Together with a yawning wage gap (Japan has the third highest gender income disparity in the most recent OECD ranking), female evacuees – especially single mothers with dependent children-face far higher poverty risk than men. Despite, or because of the adversity, women are the greatest hope for transformative change. Though women are politically and economically marginalized, they have been at the forefront of demanding change from the government and the nuclear industry. Mothers from Fukushima and elsewhere are standing up against the paternalistic government policies and decisions, to protect their children and to secure a nuclear-free future for the next generations. They are leading anti-nuclear movements by
9 Annalytical exposition Text organising sit-ins in front of the government offices, spearheading legal challenges and testifying in court, and joining together to fight for their rights. Let’s stand up with women at the forefront of anti-nuclear struggle. Let’s fight for their rights and future together. Exercise 1 Read the text carrefully and answer the questions bellow Chemical-based agriculture multiplies cancer cases and genetic defects in Argentina by: L.J. Devon, Staff Writer (NaturalNews) It's as if populations of people are being put into fishbowls, confined to an idea of glass walls that forces the people to be like helpless goldfish, looking up for their food, accepting whatever is tossed in. Corporate hands operating in a global economy feed the fish, the people, spraying them with chemicals in the process. The people swim around with no say, doing what they are told, consuming whatever is handed their way. Instead of being wild and free fish, feeding on what is natural, they have been confined to consume and produce within the glass walls. Large-scale chemical-based agriculture takes over entire countries and their farming communities, exposing the people there to agrochemical toxins year after year. The people accept what is fed into their fishbowl, not seeing the cancer and genetic defect apocalypse occurring within the tank to which they are confined. Argentina is no exception. Instead of producing the food that the country needs, the Argentine people are forced to farm GM soy for export. In the process, the people are being stripped of their food sovereignty and agricultural diversity, while being forced to withstand an onslaught of agrochemicals that researchers are now confirming to be causing the population's genetic defects. Researchers link soy agrochemicals to rare genetic defects in Argentine farming villages According to research in Chaco province, Argentina, by Professor Andres Carrasco and biochemist Raul Horacio Lucero, severe damage is being done to the human genome in areas most sprayed with agrochemicals. The late Carrasco spent his life fighting for the people of Argentina and the world, who are suffering from new birth defects and earlyonset cancers all because of agrochemicals like glyphosate. In his research, he found a cancer cluster in the "pampa gringa" region, a place dense with genetically modified soy and careless agrochemical spraying. He found that the death rate from these cancers is double the national average in the "pampa gringa" region. His colleague, Dr. Lucero, confirmed the findings, saying, "This was official confirmation of what we have denounced for years. Cancer cases multiply like never before in areas with massive use of pesticides." Dr. Lucero had tracked the damage more Let's Practice
10 Annalytical exposition Text than two decades ago, when he investigated major malformations and birth defects in people in rural Chaco. Those working closest to the chemicals were most at risk. The late Dr. Carrasco strengthened the research when he linked the agrochemical glyphosate to malformations in amphibian embryos -- the same kind of defects typically seen in the farmers working in Chaco. The passionate Dr. Carrasco went on to tour several universities with other scientists and spoke about the repercussions of chemical-based agriculture, how farmers were suffering from one generation to the next. Dr. Lucero met Carrasco on the speaking tour and added to his research. Dr. Lucero showed documentation from the Pediatric Hospital of Chaco's Genetic Studies Laboratory that revealed severe cases where patients suffered serious orthopedic and genital malformations. He witnessed various cases during his research in Chaco, documenting anomalies such as phocomelia, which is a defect of the arms. There are also cases of arm bone aplasia, shortened limbs, imperforate anus and hypertrophy of the clitoris. Lucero, stating what he saw firsthand: "I never had any doubt that the defects were caused by exposure to agrochemicals during pregnancy at an early gestational age. Anyway, I could not publish these comments because they required substantiation from large scale epidemiological studies, as well as measurements of pesticides or their metabolites in blood and urine, and measurements of the level of DNA damage in these patients through genotoxicity studies." Right now, the Institute of Regional Medicine, UNNE, is engaged in a research project to validate the work of Drs. Carrasco and Lucero. The project will look at the blood of exposed populations in the Chaco province of Argentina, investigating the biomarkers of genetic damage called chromosome aberrations and micronuclei. "All patients came from areas of high agricultural production and the mothers of these children had been exposed to pesticides in a very direct way. Working in the field, they were exposed to agrochemicals sprayed from planes flying overhead," Dr. Lucero confirmed. Sources for this article include: http://www.gmwatch.org https://www.aan.com http://science.naturalnews.com 1. What is the topic of the text above? 2. Give your opinion based on text, why the writer wrote this text? 3. Mention some arguments supporting his/her idea? 4. Do you think this issue is important?why? 5. What do you do as agricultural student to reduce some chemical-based agriculture impact? Exercise 2 Find the analytical exposition text from the internet and analyse based on the structure and the writer point of view. Do it by yourself.
Annalytical exposition Text Lesson 2 4.1.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fu unsur kebahasaan teks eksposisi analitis lisan dan Tujuan Siswa memahami unsur kebahasaan teks eksposisi analitis Siswa memahami auxiliary verb 'should' Siswa dapat membuat kalimat yang terdapat Annalytical exposition Text .1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis, terkait isu aktual Siswa memahami unsur kebahasaan teks eksposisi analitis auxiliary verb 'should' dan penggunaannya Siswa dapat membuat kalimat yang terdapat auxiliary verb 'should' di dalamnya Picture 1.1 (sourcce:paulinecornish.com) 11 ngsi sosial, struktur teks, dan tulis, terkait isu aktual. di dalamnya Picture 1.1 (sourcce:paulinecornish.com)
12 Annalytical exposition Text Materi pokok/ Uraian materi Unsur kebahasaan dalam teks eksposisi analitis: Teks eksposisi analitis menggunakan kata-kata bujukan yang bersifat emosional untuk memberi penegasan pada sudut pandang penulis. Kata-kata ini bisa bersifat positif ataupun negatif. Contohnya: - bad appalling, unfavorable, ghastly, terrible - good fantastic, incredible, momentous, remarkable - Persuading convincing, urguing, enticing, realistic - persuasive credible, realistic, rational, sane, coherent Menggunakan present tense, contoh: i eat, he lives Menggunakan mental verbs, contoh: I belive, I agree, I doubt Menggunakan saying verbs untuk mendukung pendapat, misalnya: people say, it is said, research indicates Menggunakan connecting words untuk menggabungkan pendapat sehingga alurnya lebih masuk akal dan lancar, contohnya: additionally, furthermore, not only Text organisation They want you to think the Fukushima nuclear disaster is over. But it’s still with us. Language Features Introduction Thesis Statement Six years ago, over 15,000 people perished and tens of thousands of people’s lives changed forever. Northeastern Japan was hit by a massive earthquake, followed by an enormous tsunami that wiped out coastal towns one after another. Then, in the days that followed came the horrifying news: the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors went into meltdown. The disaster is still with us. Emosional horrifying Argument 1 + elaboration Nuclear survivors continue to live with fear for their families’ health and with uncertainty about their future. Women are bearing the greatest brunt. They continue to grapple with unanswered questions, unable to relieve a deeply held sense of anger and injustice. Argument 2 +elaboration Over the past six years, starting just two weeks after the beginning of this nuclear disaster, Greenpeace conducted radiation surveys in the contaminated region. The latest Conjunctive relation Starting The latest
13 Annalytical exposition Text survey gathered data in and around selected houses in Iitate village, located 30-50 km from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. In some homes, residents would receive a radiation dose equivalent to getting a chest x-ray every week. And that’s assuming they stay in the limited decontaminated areas, as 76% of the total area of Iitate has not been touched and remains highly contaminated. Argument 3 + elaboration Despite this, the government, headed by Shinzo Abe, intends to lift evacuation orders from the village and other areas in March and April 2017; and one year later terminates compensation for families from those areas. It will also cancel housing support for those who evacuated outside designated zones. For those dependent on this support, it could mean being forced to return. Argument 4 + elaboration Women and children are the hardest hit by the nuclear disaster. They are physically more vulnerable to impacts of the disaster and radiation exposure. Evacuation broke up communities and families, depriving women and children of social networks and sources of support and protection. Conclusion Reiteration of thesis statement Together with a yawning wage gap (Japan has the third highest gender income disparity in the most recent OECD ranking), female evacuees – especially single mothers with dependent children-face far higher poverty risk than men. Despite, or because of the adversity, women are the greatest hope for transformative change. Though women are politically and economically marginalized, they have been at the forefront of demanding change from the government and the nuclear industry. Mothers from Fukushima and
14 Annalytical exposition Text elsewhere are standing up against the paternalistic government policies and decisions, to protect their children and to secure a nuclear-free future for the next generations. They are leading anti-nuclear movements by organising sit-ins in front of the government offices, spearheading legal challenges and testifying in court, and joining together to fight for their rights. Let’s stand up with women at the forefront of anti-nuclear struggle. Let’s fight for their rights and future together. Exercise 1 Find the meaning and synonym of these words and make the sentences based on these words Word Meaning (in Indonesia) Synonym (in English) Horrifying Together Disasater Region Anger Exercise 2 Grouping these words and phrase based on the categories Mental Verbs Present Tense Connecting words the fire goes government evaluate since they thought neither my analyze even though they commite although they live however if
15 Annalytical exposition Text Teks eksposisi analitis merupakan teks yang bersifat mempengaruhi dan mengajak pembaca supaya pembaca menerima dan memiliki pola pikir yang sama dengan si penulis. Maka dari itu kata dan kalimat yang digunakan bersifat persuasif. Auxiliary Should Should is an auxiliary verb – a modal auxiliary verb. Uses: - give advice or make recommendations - Talk about probability and expectation - Express the conditional mood - Replace a subjunctive structure Structure of Should Basic structure for should Structure for positive, negative, and question sentences: Type of sentences subject auxiliary should not main verb base + He should work. - You should Not go. ? Should We Help? Tips: - The main verb can never be the to-infinitive. We cannot say: He should to go. - There is no short form for should, but we can shorten the negative should not to shouldn’t. Example: Should for advice or opinion: Subject + auxiliary verb (should) + main verb
16 Annalytical exposition Text - You should see the new Beauty and The Beast movie. It’s great - They should make that legal. - There should be a law against that. - People should worry more about global warming. Should for obligation, duty, correctness: - You should be wearing your seat belt. (obligation) - I should be at work now. (duty) - You shouldn’t have said that to her. (correctness) Should for probability, expectation: - Two packs is enough. It shouldn’t consume more than that. - Let’s call mary. She should have finished work by now. Shouldn’t expresses negative advice. - You shouldn’t sit so close to the TV. It’s bad for your eyes. Note Should expresses the opinion of the speaker and it is often introduced by I think or I don’t think. - I think politicians should listen more. - I don’t think people should get married until they are 20.
Annalytical exposition Text Lesson 3 4.1.2 Menyusun teks eksposisi analitis tulis, terkait isu aktual, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks. Tujuan Memahami langkah-langkah penyusunan teks eksposisi analitis berdasarkan struktur teks Siswa dapat menyusun teks eksposisi analitis Annalytical exposition Text Menyusun teks eksposisi analitis tulis, terkait isu aktual, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan langkah penyusunan teks eksposisi analitis berdasarkan struktur teks Siswa dapat menyusun teks eksposisi analitis 17
18 Annalytical exposition Text Kita dapat menggunakan berbagai cara agar dapat memudahkan dalam penyusunan sebuah teks. Pembahasan kali ini menganai penyusunan teks eksposisi analitis berdasarkan pengembangan dari ide pokok. Penyusunan teks dapat diawali dengan: Building Blocks 1. Menentukan topik/isu yang akan diangkat. 2. Menyusun ide pokok dari teks tersebut, karena teks yang akan kita buat adalah teks eksposisi analitis maka ide pokok disini merupakan pembukaan dan pernyataan penulis yang terdapat dalam teks. Biasanya terdapat di awal paragraf. 3. Pembuatan badan teks, di sini kita akan mengemukakan beberapa ide pendukung yang terbentuk menjadi beberapa argumen. Tiap-tiap ide pendukung ini akan dilengkapi dengan kalimat-kalimat fakta (hasil penelitian), contoh, dan bisa juga data yang diperoleh dari ahli. 4. Terakhir adalah penutup, berisi tentang pernyataan awal penulis yang lebih disampaikan lagi sebagai penekanan.
19 Annalytical exposition Text Berikut ini penggambaran dari bagian-bagian teks Example: Topic Passive Smoking Main idea (Thesis Statement) Passive smoking is silent killer Supporting idea (Argument) how passive smoker inhale the smoke (argument 1) Disease caused (argument 2) The victims (argument 3) Closing (reiteration of thesis statement) passive smoking is dangerous, make illness, and the most terrible is death Introduction Thesis statement conclusion reiteration of thesis statement Argument 1 (fact, example, data) Argument 2 (fact, example, data) Argument 3 (fact, example, data) Opening & Main Idea Closing Supporting Idea
20 Annalytical exposition Text Exercise 1 Read this text carrefully and discuss the questions with your group (3 people per group) Let's Practice Without the oceans, you wouldn't exist by Frida Bengtsson All life on Earth comes from the oceans... and they're still looking after us today. The oceans have protected us from the worst impacts of global warming. Our oceans have trapped 90% of the extra heat caused by greenhouse gas emissions over the last sixty years. 20,000 years ago the world was just over 4°C colder on average than today, and a large part of North America was buried kilometres-deep in ice. Without the oceans absorbing the man-made heat of the past half century, we would have seen the Earth warm by an average of 36°C. Even disaster movies haven't considered anything this devastating. So, while we've been looking after the ocean for the past decades, the ocean has been looking out for us, for much longer. Our oceans are home to many species that enable life to exist on Earth. And like all nature, oceans are finite, vulnerable — and struggling to recover from companies’ crude industrial fishing practices that are stripping seas of life, and the poisons and pollutants dumped by humans. We're pushing ocean ecosystems to their limits and we don't know how long they can withstand it. Our oceans give us every other breath and every other mouthful of food. They regulate our climate. We have to start protecting our oceans, or they will be unable to continue protecting us. The solution is actually very simple. Healthier oceans with plenty of marine life, means a healthier atmosphere, more food, and greater safety from extreme weather. Achieving healthier oceans means rebuilding marine species populations and their diversity. Right now, I'm at the United Nations discussing a new global treaty to protect biodiversity in the 'open oceans' (the two thirds of the world's oceans that don't belong to any nation or state). This treaty will include rules to create and properly manage ocean sanctuaries. For years scientists have been telling us that protecting large marine areas in a network of ocean sanctuaries is the most effective way to reverse the current ocean crises, rebuild threatened marine populations and increase their capacity to respond to environmental changes. But at the moment, for most of the ocean, there is no way to create these areas. We need ocean sanctuaries while cutting our emissions as much as possible, as quickly as possible. These are probably the most important things we can do to protect the future of humankind. In a world where everything is interconnected, there is no such thing as a dying ocean and a thriving, living planet. (source, www.greenpeace.org)
21 Annalytical exposition Text Answer these questions 1. What is the topic of the text above? 2. What is the main idea of the text above?explain 3. What are the supporting ideas (arguments) consist on the above? Explain data supporting the argument Exercise 2 Choose one of the topics given bellow and make the analytical text 1. Agriculture the impact of climate change 2. People is what they eat Tertulis: - Latihan soal pada bagian Let’s Practice Unjuk Kerja: - Menganalisis teks - Menulis teks eksposisi analitis Penilaian sikap melalui observasi - Sikap saat kegiatan membaca - Sikap saat diskusi - Sikap saat kerja kelompok Let's Write Evaluation
22 Annalytical exposition Text Key answer Lesson 1 Exercise 1 Kebijakan guru Exercise 2 Kebijakan guru Lesson 2 Exercise 1 Word Meaning (in Indonesia) Synonym (in English) Horrifying Mengerikan Terrifying Together Bersama With each other Disasater Bencana Catastrophe Region Wilayah Territory Anger Marah Angry Exercise 2 Mental Verbs Present Tense Connecting words They thought The fire goes Government evaluate my analyze they commite they live Since Neither Even though Although However if Lesson 3 Exercise 1 1. The importance of the ocean 2. Ocean is a home of many species and looking out of us. 3. For years scientists have been telling us that protecting large marine areas in a network of ocean sanctuaries is the most effective way to reverse the current ocean crises Exercise 2 Kebijakan guru