Research in Nursing & Health, 2000, 23, 55–66
Test of a Model of Psychosocial
Resources, Stress, and Health
Among Undereducated Adults
Janet S. Barnfather,1* David L. Ronis2 †
1The University of Michigan–Flint, Department of Nursing, 552 CROB, Flint, MI 48502-2186
2Department of Veterans Affairs and The University of Michigan–Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
Received 27 January 1998; accepted 5 September 1999
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to test a model drawn from the Modeling and Role-
Modeling theory depicting relationships among psychosocial resources, perceived stress, and
health for undereducated adults. A purposive sample of 171 adults enrolled at an urban adult ed-
ucation center completed several self-report measures: Modified Erikson Psychological Stage
Inventory, Basic Need Satisfaction Inventory, Perceived Stress, and Positive Health Index. Based
on a structural equation modeling analysis, psychosocial development and basic need satisfac-
tion had significant direct effects on health, with the expected positive signs. Psychosocial de-
velopment had the strongest direct effect on health and also had a strong direct effect on basic
need satisfaction and an indirect effect on health. Support for the hypothesized model has im-
portant implications for nursing and other community-based care provider interventions regard-
ing health, including strengthening psychosocial resources. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Res Nurs
Health 23:55 –66, 2000
Keywords: model testing; psychosocial resources; health; undereducated adults
Educational attainment, as a key component of with higher educational levels (Danziger &
socioeconomic status, is a strong predictor of Gottschalk, 1995; House et al., 1990; Kessler, Fos-
health and well-being (Garrison, Gold, Wilson, & ter, Saunders, & Stang, 1995; National Center for
Kannel, 1993; MacKenzie et al., 1998; Pappas, Health Statistics, 1993).
Queen, Hadden, & Fisher, 1993; Williams, 1990).
Associations between education and health remain It is important to understand why this relation-
highly significant after controlling for income and ship occurs. Such understanding can guide devel-
occupation, two other indicators of socioeconomic opment of intervention programs (Grossman &
status (Winkleby, Fortmann, & Barrett, 1990). Fur- Joyce, 1989; Igoe & Giordano, 1992). Psychoso-
thermore, among older African Americans and cial factors that underlie the vulnerability of those
Whites, the level of education has a greater effect with less education remain incompletely under-
than race on health (Guralnik, Land, Blazer, Fil- stood, and the psychosocial processes that affect
lenbaum, & Branch, 1993). Individuals with less health and well-being in adults with low educa-
than a high school education are especially vulner- tional attainment have not received adequate at-
able to poor health and do not experience the post- tention from health care providers interested in
ponement or “compression” of morbidity and health promotion programs (Adler, Boyce, Ches-
functional disability that occurs in the subgroups ney, Folkman, & Syme, 1993; Blane, 1995; Syme,
The assistance of Mary Ann Swain, Ph.D., and Lois Rosen, Ph.D., for manuscript editing and 55
Yvonne Eaves in data collection for this study was greatly appreciated.
Contract grant sponsors: The Office of Vice President for Research, The University of Michi-
gan, Ann Arbor; Sigma Theta Tau International, Rho Chapter, Ann Arbor, MI.
Correspondence to Janet S. Barnfather.
*Associate Professor.
†Research Health Science Specialist.
© 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The purpose of this study was to examine pre- and includes planning and purposeful interven-
dictors of health for undereducated adults, indi- tion. Health is defined as a state of physical, men-
viduals without a 12th-grade education enrolled in tal, and social well-being, not merely the absence
an adult education program, using major con- of disease or infirmity (World Health Organiza-
structs from the Modeling and Role-Modeling tion, 1988). Health connotes a state of dynamic
(MRM) theory (Erickson, Tomlin, & Swain, equilibrium among various human subsystems
1988). MRM theory is especially useful in this (Erickson et al., 1988).
population because it has a clear focus on human
development, needs, and health. MRM is a nurs- Figure 1 contains the theoretical model relating
ing theory that synthesizes concepts from several several of the main constructs in the MRM theory
theories, including those of psychosocial devel- and demonstrates the hypotheses of the study. If
opment, human needs psychology, and stress- psychosocial resources are weak, then a resource
adaptation to examine the health of individuals deficit exists that directly affects health. The abil-
across the life span in a range of clinical practice ity to contend with stress is directly related to the
settings. Human needs psychology refers to basic availability of these psychosocial resources and
need satisfaction (physical, safety/security, be- resources are directly related to health (Kinney &
longing/love, esteem/self-esteem) and growth Erickson, 1990). The three constructs (a) psy-
needs (self-actualization) (Goble, 1974; Maslow, chosocial development, (b) basic need satisfac-
1968, 1970). Psychosocial development is de- tion, and (c) perceived stress are considered major
fined as a process by which individuals acquire at- contributors to health. The more positive the
tributes associated with trust, autonomy, initia- achievement of psychosocial development, the
tive, industry, identity, intimacy, generativity, and more likely that basic needs are satisfied, and pos-
integrity, which contribute to growth and health itive psychosocial development and basic need
(Erikson, 1982; Erickson et al., 1988). Erickson satisfaction means it is less likely that one will be
and colleagues (1988) have suggested that basic overwhelmed by stress. Psychosocial develop-
need satisfaction and psychosocial development ment facilitates human growth and psychosocial
contribute to psychosocial resources on which in- maturity promotes health and well-being. Within
dividuals rely. According to MRM theory, the the MRM theoretical perspective, psychosocial
availability of psychosocial resources influences development and basic needs satisfaction are
one’s ability to resolve a situation adaptively, with sources of psychosocial resources for individuals
minimal stressful effects. Psychosocial resources to draw upon. These resources enable them to
may be internal or external. Internal and external avoid or minimize the harmful and discomforting
resources are developed over time as basic needs effects of stress (Erickson et al., 1988; Kline Lei-
are satisfied and developmental tasks are accom- dy, Ozbolt, & Swain, 1990).
plished successfully.
Erickson et al. (1988) proposed that the rela-
MRM theory posits that psychosocial resources tionships among the major constructs in MRM are
influence the ability to contend with stress. Stress- relevant across the life span for the purpose of un-
adaptation is captured within the concept of adap- derstanding both ill and healthy populations. Giv-
tive potential that has biophysical and psycholog- en the current state of model testing, MRM theo-
ical components, and is conceptually defined as ry has been shown to be a promising systematic
the ability to mobilize coping resources to contend approach for nurses to use in generating a body of
with stressors (Barnfather, Swain, & Erickson, knowledge on which to base professional prac-
1989a; Erickson, 1976; Erickson & Swain, 1982). tice (Acton, Irvin, & Hopkins, 1991). Kinney and
Stressors are stimuli that precede and elicit stress. Erickson (1990) reviewed the importance of inter-
Stress is a nonspecific response of the person to relationships among psychosocial development,
any demand. Coping is the process of contending basic needs, and perceived stress in hospitalized
with external and internal stressors and can be individuals and individuals in the community.
adaptive (growth and health directed) or maladap- Psychosocial development was found to be posi-
tive (illness directed). Adaptive potential is the tively related to health outcomes for both healthy
broadest concept and contains a psychological and ill persons. In one study, measures of psy-
component identified as perceived stress. MRM chosocial development derived from trust, auton-
theory synthesizes several theories into a nursing omy, and initiative, and measures of satisfaction
perspective to better understand the client’s view with daily living were examined using multiple re-
of the world (model). Role-modeling means help- gression to predict health status (Erickson, 1984).
ing individuals redesign their model of the world Aspects of psychosocial development predicted
by assisting them in developing a healthier role(s) satisfaction with daily life, and as satisfaction with
life decreased, there was an increased perception
FIGURE 1. Major constructs in the Modeling and Role-Modeling theory.
of poor health, and an increased number of health model accounted for 49% of the variance in well-
problems emerged. being. Leidy (1990) proposed and tested a theory-
based structural model describing the relation-
Results of several studies (Barnfather et al., ships among the major MRM constructs of
1989a; Erickson, 1976; Erickson & Swain, 1982) psychosocial development, basic need satisfac-
have supported the construct validity of adaptive tion, and perceived stress for people with chronic
potential when operationalized using biophysical obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Psy-
and psychological measures (perceived stress). In chosocial development was determined to be a
a study of hospitalized patients, researchers found useful predictor of basic need satisfaction; basic
that individuals who had the worst adaptive po- need satisfaction was a predictor of perceived
tential had the longest length of hospital stay (Er- stress. In general, psychosocial development was
ickson & Swain). In a study of college students, a significant predictor of basic need satisfaction
Barnfather et al. (1989a; 1989b) found that low for both sexes. The model explained 39% of the
adaptive potential was associated with thoughts of variance in symptomatic experience of COPD.
dropping out of school. Another study with under- Both studies support the theoretical proposition
educated adults enrolled in an adult education pro- linking basic need satisfaction to health and well-
gram indicated adaptive potential was useful in being, but only Leidy (1990) addressed the im-
predicting attendance rates (Barnfather, 1988). portance of both psychosocial development and
Multidimensional scaling analysis supported the basic need satisfaction contributing to psychoso-
hypothesis that basic need satisfaction and adap- cial resources.
tive potential are directly related (Barnfather,
1993). The MRM theory has been useful in multiple
studies to understand more about health and well-
The importance of basic need satisfaction in being in ill and healthy populations. There is sup-
personal resource availability is central to MRM port for validity of the model proposed in Figure
(Erickson et al., 1988). Acton (1993) used a theo- 1; however, most of the research has examined bi-
retically derived causal model approach to study variate relationships or has required meeting vari-
the well-being of caregivers for individuals who ous implausible assumptions. For example, re-
have dementia. Several propositional statements gression analysis assumes that predictor variables
were examined regarding basic need status, stress- are measured without error and is biased by ran-
adaptation, and well-being; basic need satisfaction dom measurement error in the predictors (Bollen,
was a strong predictor of well-being. The total
1989). None of the studies have used structural and household income below $15,000 (87%, n ϭ
equation modeling with latent variables that have 162). Students identified their ethnicity as African
multiple indicators. Structural equation modeling American (68%, n ϭ 126), Caucasian (25%, n ϭ
does not make the unrealistic assumption of no 47), Hispanic (3%, n ϭ 5), other (3%, n ϭ 6), and
measurement error in the predictors and is not bi- unspecified (1%, n ϭ 2). The sample represented
ased by random measurement error (Bollen). The approximately 21% of the total 580 students en-
purpose of this study was to test the MRM hy- rolled for the semester in the adult education cen-
pothesized, theoretical relationships proposed in ter at which data were collected. Nonparticipants
Figure 1 among undereducated adults using struc- were students not taking the selected classes and
tural equation modeling with latent variables. those who were absent from the selected classes
on data collection days. Although participation
The theoretical propositions in this study have was voluntary, no student refused to participate.
potential to assist community-based health care
professionals, including advanced practice nurses Measures
and school nurses, in their interdisciplinary ap-
proach to health promotion with undereducated Psychosocial development. Psychosocial de-
adults and their families. Nurses have recognized velopment was assessed with the Modified Erik-
the importance of psychosocial processes when son Psychological Stage Inventory (MEPSI),
working with undereducated adults, and have which was designed to measure psychosocial mat-
shown that nurse interventions can be theoretical- uration related to Erikson’s eight stages of psy-
ly based; there is, however, little research to guide chosocial development (Darling-Fisher & Kline
these interventions (Barnfather, 1991). Nurses en- Leidy, 1988). The MEPSI measures specific psy-
counter undereducated adults in multiple settings, chosocial attributes that arise from progression
including hospitals and clinics, as well as adult ed- through each of the eight stages. The MEPSI is a
ucation centers and when these adults are the par- self-report instrument that contains 80 items rated
ents of school-aged children, where family in- on a 1- to 5-point scale, hardly ever true to almost
volvement is the most effective focus of care always true. Higher scores (4 –5) indicate a pre-
(Uphold & Graham, 1993). dominance of positive attributes reflecting suc-
cessful psychosocial maturation, that is, the high-
METHOD er the score the stronger the positive attributes.
Lower scores (1–2) indicate a predominance of
Sample negative attributes, reflecting less successful psy-
chosocial maturation. An overall mean score was
A purposive sample of 186 undereducated stu- computed that reflects the degree of psychosocial
dents enrolled at an urban adult career education attribute strength across stages. The overall mean
center completed self-report questionnaires over a score can be used to detect developmentally relat-
1-hr session in classroom settings. The director of ed strengths and limitations (Leidy, 1990). Exam-
the center used simple random sampling to select ple items include: other people understand me; I
the classrooms included in the study, and the really believe in myself; and I like to assume re-
teachers selected the day and time. According to sponsibility for things. Findings from secondary
Bentler & Chou (1987), the sample size is ade- analyses of four studies indicate that the MEPSI is
quate for structural equation analysis because relatively stable across diverse populations; alpha
there are at least five cases per free parameter. coefficients for the total MEPSI range from .93 to
.97 (Leidy & Darling-Fisher, 1995). In addition,
Ages of the students ranged from 17 to 47 years
(M ϭ 27.9, SD ϭ 7.7). The majority were female Table 1. Mean Scores for All Scales (n ؍171)
(81%, n ϭ 151) and single (64%, n ϭ 120). Most
indicated they were not high school graduates Scale M SD Range
(95%, n ϭ 176). The remaining 10 students in the
sample were high school graduates with less than MEPSI 3.65 .46 1.9 –4.5
a semester of postsecondary education. The re-
ported educational levels of class attendance were BNSI 5.09 .53 3.5 –5.9
below 9th grade (12%, n ϭ 23), 9th grade (20%, n
ϭ 37), 10th grade (16%, n ϭ 30), 11th grade (25%, Perceived Stress 3.30 .81 1.3 –5.0
n ϭ 47), currently attending 12th grade (21%, n ϭ
39). A large majority reported their personal in- PHI 4.13 .56 2.9 –6.0
comes as below $10,000 per year (89%, n ϭ 166)
Note. MEPSI ϭ Modified Erikson Psychological Stage Inventory;
BNSI ϭ Basic Need Satisfaction Inventory; PHI ϭ Positive Health
construct validity was evident in the relationships ly high for a two-item scale (Nunnally, 1978). Af-
found between chronological age and total score ter consulting with MRM experts, the two-item
(r ϭ .19, p Ͻ .05, n ϭ 163). The total scale had an scale was judged by the first author to capture psy-
alpha coefficient of .92 in this study. chological components of perceived stress that
were consistent with MRM theory (Erickson et al.,
Although the MEPSI includes eight subscales 1988).
corresponding to Erikson’s eight stages (1982),
the high correlations among subscales and the Health. Health was considered a state of in-
high internal consistency of the overall scale jus- creased effectiveness in dealing with the self and
tify the current researchers’ and past researchers’ environment and as a positive phenomenon, rather
(Darling-Fisher & Kline Leidy, 1988; Leidy & than as the absence of disease. The person is
Darling-Fisher, 1995) use of the MEPSI as a sin- viewed as a multidimensional, holistic being: phy-
gle scale and our modeling of it as a unidimen- sical, psychological, social, and spiritual. Health
sional measure of psychosocial development. The was represented in two ways: (a) The Positive
mean scores for the MEPSI and all other scales are Health Index (PHI), which required respondents
displayed in Table 1. to rate their health on a 6-point scale of 1 (always
untrue) to 6 (always true), and (b) a single self-re-
Basic need satisfaction. Basic need satisfac- port item about overall health on a 6-point scale
tion was assessed using the Basic Need Satisfac- from 1 (sickest) to 6 (healthiest). The PHI has 47
tion Inventory (BNSI), which was developed items to rate, with a higher score indicating better
(Kline, 1988) by selecting and refining items from health. The PHI was developed after a careful lit-
a large national survey conducted on the Quality erature review that resulted in identifying the con-
of Life scale (Andrews & Withey, 1974). The the- cept of positive health (Miller, 1989). Content va-
oretical framework for selection of items was lidity was reported by Miller, who developed
drawn from the work of Maslow (1970) on fulfill- positive health dimensions by reviewing and syn-
ment of physical, safety, belonging, self-esteem, thesizing the literature (Antonovsky, 1979; Bel-
and self-actualization needs. The BNSI contains loc, Breslow, & Hochstim, 1971; Dunn, 1961;
27 self-report items to rate on a scale from 1–7, Pender & Pender, 1987). Example items are (a) I
with higher scores indicating greater basic need go over and over my problems more than I should
satisfaction. An overall basic need satisfaction (reverse scored), (b) I give 100% to the things I do,
score is obtained by calculating a mean for all (c) I listen carefully to what people say, (d) I have
items. Example items include: my physical needs a hard time doing what is good for my health (re-
are met; I am secure from people who might steal verse scored), and (e) I eat well balanced meals.
or destroy my property; and I have the chance to The PHI score, indicating overall positive health,
know people with whom I can really feel com- yielded an alpha reliability estimate of .97 for the
fortable. The scale was scored as the mean rating aggregate measure (Miller). Alpha reliability lev-
on the 27 items, indicating an overall sense of need el in this study for the aggregate measure was .83.
satisfaction. The total scale had an alpha of .89 in
this study. Validity and reliability testing of the Procedure
scale has been reported (Leidy, 1994), and alpha
reliability levels of the total scale in both ill and Before approaching potential subjects, the first au-
healthy individuals range from .89 to .93. Con- thor consulted with the director and attended
struct validity was supported by testing relation- meetings at the center to discuss the study with the
ships between the BNSI and Self Transcendence teachers and staff. During these meetings the study
(ST), defined as the capacity to extend the self be- was explained and questions answered. Several
yond personal concerns and take a broader life experienced teachers reviewed the study question-
perspective (Reed, 1991). In a sample of healthy naires and rated them at 4th grade through 6th
adults, a measure of ST correlated significantly grade levels, appropriate levels for their students,
with the BNSI total scale (n ϭ .58, p Ͻ .001, n ϭ according to the Fry Readability Graph (Fry,
58). 1968). In addition, the investigator conducted a pi-
lot study (N ϭ 10) for readability with students
Perceived stress. Perceived stress was mea- who were attending the center but who were not
sured by asking subjects to rate two items: (a) I included in the study. These students had com-
have a lot of stress in my life, and (b) How often ments about the reading level difficulty that re-
are you stressed more than you want to be. The flected their need for reassurance about the mean-
questions were rated on a 5-point scale: 1 (almost ing of some items. After the investigator con-
never) to 5 (almost always). Higher scores on the firmed their understanding, students were able to
scale indicate more perceived stress. The alpha co-
efficient was .79 in this study, which is particular-
verbalize accurately the intent of the items in their including over 300 free parameters, which is not
own words. Teachers announced in their classes practical. Parceling was used to bring the analytic
that a study would be conducted at the center in task down to manageable size: analysis of a 12-by-
which students would complete several question- 12 covariance matrix using a structural equation
naires over a 1-hr period in their classrooms and model with 29 free parameters. Careful consider-
for which they would immediately receive $5.00 ation led to the parceling approach, despite the fact
in cash. A female, African American doctoral stu- that information specific to individual items of the
dent familiar with the principal investigators’ pro- original instrument will be unknown.
ject and the center administered the study ques-
tionnaires and paid participants (Porter & Parceling in this study is consistent with MRM
Villarruel, 1993). theory, which is founded on the belief that indi-
viduals have a continuous potential for growth,
Indicators Used In Data Analysis development, and health throughout their life span
(Erickson et al., 1988; Fitzpatrick & Whall, 1989).
Following the approaches of Marsh, Antill, and Parceling is also consistent with the findings that
Cunningham (1989) and Stacy, Bentler, and Flay the originally proposed subscales of the MEPSI
(1994), we randomly assigned each item of the correlate highly with each other as expected for a
MEPSI to one of three subscales, calculated the unidimensional scale. A general goal of the MRM
three subscale scores as means, and modeled psy- theory is to focus on satisfaction of basic needs,
chosocial development as a unidimensional latent promotion of psychosocial development, and adap-
variable with the three subscales as indicators. The tation to contend with stress to explain differences
same approach was followed to create three indi- in health.
cators from the original items in the BNSI and the
PHI. Thus, three indicators were developed for RESULTS
three of the latent variables, psychosocial devel-
opment, basic need satisfaction, and health, by us- Structural equation modeling was conducted em-
ing items from the appropriate instrument and ran- ploying the EQS program using maximum likeli-
domly splitting the respective items into three new hood estimation on the covariance matrix from
indicators for each latent variable. An additional subjects (n ϭ 171) with complete data (Byrne,
self-report item served as a fourth indicator of 1994). These subjects represent 92% of persons in
health. the study. Subjects excluded from the analysis due
to missing data were similar to those included with
This approach creates new indicators called regard to health and demographic characteristics.
parcels. The latest research on parceling indicates
that when certain conditions, including unidimen- A confirmatory factor analysis model was esti-
sionality of each scale, are met, analysis using mated with the proposed indicators to assess the
three parcels per factor will produce the same es- measurement of the constructs and the strengths of
timates of the relationships between factors as the associations among them. None of the indica-
structural equation modeling using the individual tors were allowed to load on more than one factor,
items (Marsh, Hau, Balla, & Grayson, 1998). Im- and each indicator was found to load significantly
portant advantages to analyzing responses for par- on its construct (p Ͻ .01). One indicator (the sin- AUQ:
cel scores are (a) scores typically have greater re- gle item self-rating of health) had only a weak MSP049
liability and generality, (b) response biases and loading (.2) on its factor. All other measures had
other characteristics that are idiosyncratic to indi- strong loadings, over .75. Modification indices did
vidual items are likely to have less influence, not suggest any meaningful changes that would
(c) the distribution of scores is more nearly nor- improve the fit.
mal, and (d) the model has many fewer parameters
to estimate (Marsh et al., 1989; Stacy et al., 1994). The chi-square test indicated that the hypothe-
Parceling was not needed for the two stress items sized factor analysis model could be statistically
that were used as indicators for the latent variable rejected, 2 (48, n ϭ 171) ϭ 72.3, p ϭ .01, indi-
perceived stress. Using two indicators to measure cating that the confirmatory factor analysis model
a latent variable is supported in structural equation did not perfectly fit the data. Rejection of models
modeling literature (Byrne, 1994; Hayduk, 1987). as an exact fit to the data is typical of structural
equation modeling except when sample sizes are
Without the parceling approach, structural equa- very small. Because of this, various practical mea-
tion modeling using the individual item data sures of fit have been developed, such as the Non-
would have involved analysis of a 157-by-157 co- Normed Fit Index (NNFI; Bentler & Bonett, 1980)
variance matrix with a structural equation model and the Comparative Fit Index (CFI; Bentler,
1990). The NNFI and CFI can both be viewed as Having established a good fitting measurement
estimates of the proportion of information in the model in the confirmatory factor analysis, we then
covariance matrix that is explained by the model. estimated the path model, with results shown in
They range from 0 to 1 with values over .95 indi- Figure 2. The chi-square test indicated that the
cating good fit (Hu & Bentler, 1999). Both the path model could be rejected as a perfect fit to the
NNFI and the CFI for the confirmatory factor data, 2 (48, n ϭ 171) ϭ 72.3, p ϭ .01. Again
analysis model were .98. the NNFI and CFI were .98, indicating a good fit.
All the paths in the model were statistically sig-
In addition to assessing fit and the loadings of nificant at p Ͻ .05, except the path from perceived
the indicators on the factors, confirmatory factor stress to health, which did not reach significance
analysis also produces estimates of the disattenu- (p ϭ .09). The coefficients of all paths in Figure 2
ated correlations among the factors. These are es- had the predicted signs. The model explained 55%
timates of how strongly the factors would corre- of the variance in health. Examination of the esti-
late with each other if each factor was measured mated path model and further analyses revealed
without error. According to estimated disattenuat- that psychosocial development had the strongest
ed correlations, health was most strongly associat- direct and indirect paths to health, whereas stress
ed with psychosocial development (.71), whereas had the weakest (and nonsignificant) path to
basic need satisfaction (.52) and perceived stress health.
(Ϫ.49) also were associated strongly with health.
These constructs were all hypothesized to directly Table 2 shows the decomposition of the rela-
affect health, and each correlation was significant tionships in the model based on the data and on the
(p Ͻ .05) and had the hypothesized sign (Figure assumptions of (a) causal closure (no two factors
1). These constructs were significantly correlated in the model are both influenced by a factor not in
with each other: basic need satisfaction with psy- the model) and (b) weak causal ordering (causal
chosocial development (.55), psychosocial devel- influences do not run in directions opposite to
opment with perceived stress (Ϫ.51), and basic those specified by the model) (Williams & DeLur-
need satisfaction with perceived stress (Ϫ.42). gio, 1994). The most notable findings are that the
FIGURE 2. Estimated model of psychosocial development, basic need satisfaction, perceived stress, and health. All
coefficients are standardized. All paths are statistically significant (p Ͻ .05) except the path from Perceived Stress to
Table 2. Decomposition of Bivariate Relationships Among the Constructs
Causal Effects
Relationship Disattenuated Direct Indirect Total Noncausal
Correlation Effect
Stress with health Ϫ.49 Ϫ.14 .00 .19 Ϫ.35
Basic needs with health .52 .16 .03 .71 .33
Psychosocial development with health .71 .55 .16 .00
Basic needs with stress .00 Ϫ.20
Psychosocial development with stress Ϫ.42 Ϫ.20 Ϫ.11 Ϫ.51 Ϫ.22
Psychosocial development with basic needs Ϫ.51 Ϫ.40 .00 .00
.55 .00
.55 .55
strong correlations of stress and basic needs with to growth and health. The model is consistent with
health are mostly noncausal in nature. Assuming an approach that supports psychosocial develop-
that the form of the model is correct, the main rea- ment as an important base that directly influences
son for the correlations of basic need and stress health. The findings from this study (especially the
with health is that all three of the factors are .55 path from psychosocial development to basic
strongly influenced by psychosocial development. need satisfaction) are consistent with previous re-
In contrast to these findings are the results of the search results that psychosocial development is a
decomposition of the correlation between psy- good predictor of how well basic needs are met
chosocial development and health. The form of the (Leidy, 1990).
theoretical model implies that this strong relation-
ship (r ϭ .71) is entirely causal. The estimation of Taken together, the two constructs, psychoso-
the model and the decomposition of the relation- cial development and basic need satisfaction, are
ship indicate how much of the effect is direct and identified as the sources of psychosocial resources
how much is indirect, mediated by basic need sat- from which individuals can draw to contend with
isfaction and stress. Results show that most of the stress (Leidy, 1990). Since positively resolved
relationship is due to the direct causal path (.55) psychosocial development as well as basic need
with only a minimal influence (.16) through the satisfaction were related to lower perceived stress
two mediating variables. (with path coefficients of Ϫ.40 and Ϫ.20), the re-
sults support the proposed view that psychosocial
DISCUSSION development and basic need satisfaction are im-
portant psychosocial resources for undereducated
The theoretical model was an excellent fit to the individuals as they contend with stress. Interest-
data and accounted for more than half of the vari- ingly, there have been recent literature reports that
ance in health, which supports the rationale for use psychosocial resources were important predictors
of MRM theory to predict health for undereducat- of morbidity and mortality, and less formal educa-
ed adults. Undereducated individuals are at risk tion contributed to worse health outcomes (Bern-
for poor health. MRM theory can provide a valid stein & Carmel, 1996).
basis to understand more about why educational
attainment is related to health. Early and on-going attention to psychosocial
development can directly and indirectly influence
The proposed model in this study is consistent health for adults (Walsh, 1996). Nationally, insuf-
with the theoretical linkages contained in the ficient human development limiting health as well
MRM theory (Erickson et al., 1988). In the study as ability to address critical basic needs of nutri-
model, psychosocial development and basic need tion, housing, and safety are at unacceptably high
satisfaction had significant direct effects on health, levels (Lavin, Shapiro, & Weill, 1992). Neglected
with the expected positive signs. Psychosocial de- developmental and basic needs of individuals in
velopment had the strongest direct effect on health our society will be precursors to adult lives of de-
and also had a strong direct effect on basic need pendency and poor health. Programs at schools
satisfaction and an indirect effect on health (Table must include collaborative professional services
2). MRM theory suggests that psychosocial de- for biophysiological, psychosocial, and cultural
velopment and basic need satisfaction are central components to solve interrelated education, so-
cial, economic, and health care problems (Uphold
& Graham, 1993). Findings from the current study
support careful attention to these components as
predictors of health. In addition, health, as a posi- for change through community-based research
tive phenomenon, is consistent with new para- (Lavin et al.), which will be central to creating a
digms for community health, which include a re- healthy future for undereducated individuals. A
structured approach to health care toward health national research agenda that is consistent with
promotion and disease prevention (Igoe & Gior- the previously mentioned approaches includes (a)
dano, 1992; Pender, Barkauskas, Hayman, Rice, psychological and sociological status of youth co-
& Anderson, 1992). horts; (b) responses to life transitions such as di-
vorce, changing residences, and death of signifi-
In this study and in the Irvin and Acton study cant family members; (c) circumstances such as
(1996) in which a general health questionnaire acute illness, chronic health conditions, domestic
was administered to measure health, there was no violence, tobacco/drug/alcohol use, and (d) be-
significant relationship between perceived stress haviors that are health-enhancing or health-threat-
and health. One possible explanation for the find- ening (Bradley, 1998). The national research
ing may be related to the conceptualization and agenda has an important community-based focus
measurement of health as a positive concept. An to improve health outcomes.
intensive review and synthesis of the literature
suggests that stress-health linkages have been Advanced practice nurses (APNs) influence
measured using categories such as affective status, health outcomes in community-based settings.
symptoms related to an illness or condition, and APNs in school-based centers plan to include sys-
complications (Barnfather & Lyon, 1992). In this tematic psychosocial assessment as they study
study, health was operationalized in a way that was alternative models of care in which quality is
consistent with the theoretical definition of health defined in terms of health, prevention, cost-effec-
as physical, mental, and social well-being and not tiveness, and patient satisfaction (Walker, Baker,
merely the absence of disease (WHO, 1988). In & Chiverton, 1998). There are trends for APNs to
addition, the two-item measurement of perceived function as primary care providers in school-based
stress may have not captured the full range of pos- health centers and to move toward delivery of
sibilities for individuals in the study. Finally, the health care in a variety of settings including rural
theoretical linkage between perceived stress and and urban neighborhoods. Primary care services
health may be questionable, given the recent syn- include basic laboratory services and the prescrip-
thesis of the empirical literature (Werner & Frost, tion of medications; however, psychosocial re-
in press). source assessment is also an important aspect of
the care provided by ANPs as a basis for their di-
A limitation of the current study is the cross- rect care and for providing appropriate referrals
sectional sample. With such a design, it is impos- and follow-up. Nurses in community-based set-
sible to establish the direction of causal relation- tings are particularly concerned with the effec-
ships among constructs. No statistical analysis, tiveness of their interventions related to psy-
including structural equation modeling, can insure chosocial resource assessment for low-income
causality. The directions of causality in the model and undereducated women (Reutter, Neufeld, &
are theoretically based rather than experimentally Harrison, 1998).
demonstrated. The authors suggest that future re-
searchers use either longitudinal data or experi- Nurses who use the concepts and relationships
mental manipulations or both to establish these contained in this model could sharpen their obser-
paths more firmly. In addition, a purposive sample vations and facilitate their understanding of hu-
and moderate sample size are methodological man responses to inform interventions (Campbell,
limitations to consider improving upon in future Finch, Allport, Erickson, & Swain, 1985; Kinney
studies. & Erickson, 1990; Rogers, 1996; Sappington &
Kelly, 1996). Clinical nursing interventions might
Recommendations for further research include include strengthening psychosocial resources and
rigorous intervention studies to specifically ad- focusing on the client’s perceived needs through a
dress MRM theoretical propositions in clinical highly interactive process involving decision-
practice with undereducated adults. Such studies making and problem-solving skills. The approach
would include developing and testing interven- focuses on tailoring interventions to specific psy-
tions to facilitate psychosocial developmental chosocial needs of individuals, which appears to
growth and basic need satisfaction. Concurrent be strongly related to cost-effective health care
measurement of health for these adults should be (Sobel, 1995). The findings demonstrate support
examined. Programs for advancing educational at- to proceed cautiously with this approach and con-
tainment are a highly important consideration for tinue to bridge the practice-research-theory gap
a healthy nation (Lavin et al., 1992). Intervention (Erickson et al., 1988; Acton et al., 1991).
studies can be based on guidelines in the agenda
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