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Published by rpatel, 2019-03-21 08:09:30

Clarion Brochure

Clarion Brochure

Remember when you

were young and everything

ignited your curiosity.

When was the last time you spent the day thinking or exploring a question from
every possible angle? When was the last time your curiosity led you to discover
your own breakthrough? When did you last experience how your ideas or
actions positively impacted others?

How does your curiosity drive you?

When you start looking at things around you differently. When you start
connecting your own experiences with the learnings in class. When you
understood you can make a difference in the world. When you know you
are ready to face the challenges of the future.

At Clarion, we ignite curiosity every day.

The Art of Igniting

“Mom, my teacher has

changed my life!”

“My son came home and announced ‘Mom, my teacher
has changed my life!’ Then he shows me his work with
its incredibly detailed thinking process and just starts
telling me concepts and explaining his own theories.
Everything is just coming alive for him.
“– Clarion parent

At Clarion, your child enters a world of learning and creativity paired
with imagination and academic knowledge. A world where Master’s
degree teachers keep academic expectations high yet recognize
developmentally appropriate practice. A world where the education
experience is as individual as your child and your child’s own ideas.
Where passionate interests are known and affirmed. Where children
are required to think beyond the “right” answer. Where the art of
igniting curiosity is fully realized.

“At Clarion, our mission is not to

give your child the answer, but
rather, have them discover the

“answers themselves.
– Aparna Verma, Clarion Founder


High academic
standards, meet
a progressive

At Clarion, we ensure that children
meet clear academic goals while
keeping alive their curiosity that
supports exponential thinking. Clarion in
collaboration with Bank Street College of
Education has designed a localized, integrated,
interdisciplinary curriculum that meets academic
goals and responds to your child’s questions,
exploration and growing intellect.

On-going professional
development, meet
master educators

A progressive curriculum works only in the hands
of master teachers. The experience to recognize
your child’s potential for deep learning, and the
ability to reshape a lesson to respond to your
child’s curiosity requires the agility of Clarion’s
Master’s degree educators. Our educators are
continually supported with on-going
professional development.

Clarion master educators become activators
letting children work through the learning
process to construct their own ideas and
meaning, rather than interpret and reconstruct
the teacher’s understanding.

“It is inspiring to work in an

environment that understands
every child is different and one

“size does not fit all. - Clarion Teacher

“Authentic assessment,
meet standardized testing

Standardized testing can provide an academic snapshot. At Clarion
we are looking for much deeper learning than a snapshot can capture.
Teachers and students reflect collaboratively on the learning journey.
At Clarion we ask, what do you understand? What other questions are
posed? What do you relate this to? Formally, informally, every day in
every subject we invite your child into a process of thinking, reflection,
collaboration and problem solving. We are seeking subject mastery
and sustained curiosity. We change the learning dynamic from an
external grade motivation to one of intrinsic personal growth.

“As important as what we learn is

how we learn it and what we do
with what we know - Betty Brown, Dean of Studies

Vibrant community
meet genuine partnership

From the beginning, Clarion has been a school built around community.
Parents are valued as an integral part of the learning experience and are
encouraged to be proactively engaged with the school.

Friendships are made at the Clarion Café over a cappuccino and
relationships are built through common interests. The learning experience
is not solely for children but for the adults as well. There are a number of
events centered around supporting personal and professional growth for

Preparation for
university, meet
readiness for an
undefined future

Middle school, high school, and university
demand a strong academic foundation,
but that is not enough.

Today we know that success also demands
creativity, collaboration, communication
combined with determination, perseverance,
and adaptability. Clarion’s goal is to educate
children who will be successful in life and
ready to meet whatever challenge they take on.

Learning Journey

PreK, K1 and K2

Your child’s kindergarten years are full of curiosity, exploration and
exuberant guided play. Combined with curriculum goals and the
beginning of numeracy, literacy and science studies, we nuture the
development of critical thinking skills and the foundation of a lifetime
of deeper learning.

Elementary School

Curiosity is ignited through a curriculum of integrated skills in literacy,
research, the scientific method, mathematical reasoning and creative
thinking. From reading to forming hypothesis, geometry to design
technology, field trips to hands-on learning, mathematical discovery to
model making, and beyond, students begin to link ideas and develop
complex thinking under the guidance of master teachers.

Middle School

A strong academic program incorporating critical discussions, nuanced
learning, creative thinking, and independent research are the basis for the
program. Clarion Middle School is an exponential growth of self-awareness
and self-reflection, critical thinking skills and deeper learning.

High School

Personal integrity, initiative, perseverance, collaboration and communication
help your high school child develop their passions to take on their biggest
challenges yet. The culmination of skills and knowledge, assessment and
achievement, and independent projects will guide your child to the IB
diploma at Grade 12 graduation.

learning meet Clarion

Children have the All class teachers
opportunity to have a master's in
construct their own education from the
ideas and meaning top US teaching
rather than interpret universities
and reconstruct the


An environment designed to
support children’s understanding
that learning happens within
themselves and not within a


Scholars International Group has been educating children for over 40 years. We
are an organization dedicated to providing high caliber, achievement-oriented
schools in support of the development of the next generation of leaders.

To learn more about Clarion and how we can support your child
to fulfill their potential, please contact our admissions office at
[email protected] or +971 (04) 407 3000.

D-13, Al Asayel Street, Dubai, UAE / +971 (04) 407 3000 /

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