Over 18 years of experience teaching (K-8) and leading (6-8) in Washington, DC in both
charter and traditional district schools. Strong track record improving student achievement
on MAP (Measures of Academic Progress), ANet (Achievement Network) and PARCC
assessments. Developed strong practices to engage families including student-led
conferences, home visits and improving ongoing communication. Focus on teacher and
leader development through cognitive coaching, training and support around leading
adult learning, and weekly observation and feedback meetings.
Cornell University The George Washington University
Bachelor of Science Master of Arts
Human Development/Pre-Medicine Transitional Special Education
Columbia University Teachers College Drexel University
Master of Education Doctor of Education
School Building Leadership Educational Leadership (June 2021)
2001 In 2001, I started my career at Whittier
Elementary School as a kindergarten teacher.
While there I developed a creative writing class for
5th graders and served as a double dutch coach.
My final position at Whittier was as an early
childhood special education teacher. That was a
humbling position and I knew I wanted to work
with older struggling readers, so I transitioned to
middle school.
2006 In 2006, I began working at DC Prep's
Edgewood middle school as a special
education teacher focused on literacy. I fell
in love with middle school and enjoyed the
high-paced achievement-driven culture at
Prep. While there I began working as a
mentor teacher coaching new teachers.
2007 In 2007, I taught my first course as an
adjunct professor at GWU. The course was
an introduction to special education and
the law for preservice teachers. In this
experience I found an interest leading
adult learning.
2009 In 2009, I transitioned into school
leadership at my alma mater (then Paul
JHS) to work as Director of Academics and
later Middle School Principal. It was an
honor to serve in the same place where I
was a student and give back to a
community that gave me so much.
2014 In 2014, I participated in the inaugural year of
Relay Graduate School of Education's Summer
Principal's Academy. This program allowed me
to learn from leaders across the country and
"practice" what it means to be an instructional
leader. This training significantly changed my
practice as a school leader.
2018 In 2018, I returned to DC Public
Schools to help a growing dual
language school, MacFarland Middle
School build strong systems to
improve school culture and student
Behavior/School Culture Data Skills
DeansList Excel (i.e. pivot tables)
Kickboard Leading Data Meetings
PBIS & Token Economies Google Sheets
Information Systems Intervention
Aspen MAP (Measures of
PowerSchool Academic Progress)
Read 180
General RTI Process
Google Platform Wilson Reading
Master Scheduling
Spanish (Conversational) Observation & Feedback
Danielson Framework
Leverage Leadership
Married to a A 5th generation
wonderful husband Washingtonian
and lived in DC
and have two
amazing sons. my entire life
(minus time in
Member of Girlfriends
Turning Pages, an school).
empowering women's Love to travel
book club and and learn about
philanthropic group for different
over 15 years. cultures. Studied
abroad in Brazil
Believe in community service
and giving back and I (in 2000).
currently volunteer in several
ministries at Zion Church.