The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the education landscape
of the country, accelerating the digitisation of higher education. Virtual learning has
become the new norm, with new, more flexible teaching and learning processes, and
this must continue even after the pandemic, to ensure that meaningful learning is
achieved in the best possible way. Therefore, our KPPB Project entitled “Designing
Virtual Learning and Teaching Activities for Year 3 Students” is an important project for
providing all Tesl students with in-depth exploration of the engaging virtual learning
activities based on learning theories, principles in English language teaching as well as
elements of Arts in Education. This project has given me the eye-opener experience
and opportunity for me to prepare myself as a future English teacher.
There is no doubt that there were many challenges faced in order for this project
to succeed. First, the learning and teaching activities need to be carefully designed for
the year 3 students. We need to make sure that all the activities are suitable for them at
their age. Secondly, all activities should be carried out in virtual learning. We have to
keep in mind that these students are interacting with us through a computer screen,
therefore something we designed should be engaging enough to attract their attention.
Thirdly, our activities also need to be varied. This is because we learned that students
have different intelligences and learning styles. Hence, the designed activities should
fulfill all the differences so that all students can learn best in their own way of learning.
However, every problem has its own solution. We discussed the problems among
ourselves and sought guidance from our lecturers regarding the consequences to get
the best way to solve them. For the first problem, to ensure our activities are relevant for
the year 3 students, we refer to the Standard 3 Textbook, Year 3 DSKP and Scheme of
Work as our main sources. Based on these sources, we will know their learning
syllabus, the content and learning standard as well as proper activities that can be
planned according to it. Next, for the virtual learning, we tried to design fun activities as
much as we could by attaching some games or enjoyable videos for their learning to
attract their attention. I feel very thankful as we live in the 21st century, in which ICT is
not a new thing for the world anymore, hence many beneficial ideas I can get from the
people around the globe. Furthermore, there are many research papers and academic
articles people publish on the topic related to the project. These help us in designing our
activities more effectively by understanding theorist’s, researcher’s, teacher’s and
student’s point of view through the articles.
In conclusion, this project provides the opportunity for me in designing
meaningful activities for the students in order for them to achieve meaningful learning.
The challenges that we faced indeed made me learn something new and helped me in
becoming a better teacher in the future. Therefore, this kind of project should be
conducted more in the future as students will get many opportunities and benefits from
The second semester is now over, which means that my first year in Institut
Pendidikan Guru is now completed. Throughout this whole semester, I have been
involved in a project for TESL students that have been given and guided by the
generous lecturers in IPGKTI. This project was created to give PISMP Semester 2
TESL students the opportunity to learn more about unique and engaging virtual learning
activities based on learning theories, principles in English language teaching, and
elements of Arts in Education in order to meet the teaching and learning needs of
pandemic and future global learning scenarios.
What makes this project so fascinating is that it is carried out in collaboration with
a worldwide teacher award winner which is Mr. Samuel Isaiah, virtual learning experts,
and experienced school teachers that we got a chance to meet and observe directly at
school during our School Based Experience (PBS). This project is really helpful in
engaging our new norm and study standard in our country. As a result, students get
baseline knowledge about learning theories through academic readings from credible
sources, explore different virtual learning for primary pupils, and share their experiences
with learning partners.
In order to complete the project, we will need to find and assess virtual activities
that mix visual art, music, and motions into English language learning, as well as write a
reflective report. They must find and assess virtual activities that use visual art, music,
and movement in English language learning, as well as write a reflective report. Then
we must present our plan in a video and publish it to a Google Site. We next construct
the activity guidelines individually to provide reasons for the planned activities based on
theories and models. The goal of this project is to give in-depth professional training in
learning theories, principles, and practise in English language teaching, as well as their
practical implementation in current teaching and learning situations. This Google Site
and the planned activities will be a helpful resource for English teachers in primary
schools. So it is obvious that this project is precious and meaningful not just to us but to
all of the teachers in our country in order to adapt and engage with the new norm of
learning which is virtual learning.
Finally, I luckily got a chance to be involved in a big group consisting of my other
friends to create a website specifically for the project. This gets me so excited as I have
never been involved in anything like this before. All these are new things to me and I
believe that as a student, from this project, I continue to develop, discover new things,
enhance additional aspects of my knowledge and expose myself to the latest advanced
technology that is applied to our current teaching and learning process. This project was
tough at first, but I pushed through. I feel like I did fairly well for this project and luckily I
am satisfied with all my worku and its result.
When I was requested to complete an assignment involving the multiple
intelligence in the students,, I got experience interviewing the school teacher and
working with children. Using a variety of knowledge and abilities that I have learned and
know, I did ask a few questions to know their opinion about different abilities in the class
along with observing the students’ behavior in the class. First and foremost, the subject
for this semester is about the learner and the learning. I learnt all the theories on how to
tackle students in the classroom. I learnt that different people used different approaches
to observe the students’ behavior. For example, Gardner theory, Goleman theory,
pavlov theory, skinny theory, and so many others. Ergo, it is important for me to learn all
of these theories because it will help me to be open about my students without having
any skepticism about them.
As a result, the 6Cs competency is the criterion that I will focus on in today's
reflection. The first C is communication. According to Miller (2015), Communication
refers to the capacity, in a simple, meaningful way, to present ideas and knowledge. The
four primary goals of communication are to educate, instruct, inspire, and persuade
audiences. There are four people with whom I communicate. Because we are only
having an Online Class due to the epidemic, I use a variety of approaches and
techniques while talking with my professor and friends, especially when they are far
away. When interacting with them, I mostly utilized Whatsapp because it is more
comfortable and easy to use, and I'm very confident that everyone has it on their
smartphone or other device. I can use this app to transmit chat, music, photos, and
even files to support any contact I have with them. If I can't understand what's on the
screen, I can also call them on the phone or video call them. Aside from that, I utilized
Google Meet to make it feel like I was having a real-time conversation with others. As
for the teachers and students, I communicated with them face-to-face since I managed
to go to school. There are a lot of infos I get from the teachers regarding the students’
behaviour in school.
Collaboration is the next C. Collaboration, according to Mirjam Anugerahwati
(2019), demonstrates how students combine their diverse experiences, abilities, and
experience to collaborate and create something new. It refers to a team's ability to
function individually and synergistically when they have high interpersonal and squad
abilities, such as managing team dynamics, making substantial decisions collectively,
and learning from and contributing to others' learning. For this one, I primarily did a
collaboration with my lecturer, my mentor at school, the school teachers and my friends.
I did collaborate with my pals on how to improve the report by trading ideas. For
example, we might practice coming up with a question to ask the teacher we've chosen
to interview. Meanwhile, my lecturer is quite helpful in educating me on how to write in
the proper style and format. The teachers on the other hand help me to see the reality
of the students. They help me get exposed to the multiple intelligences of the students.
In addition, creativity. It refers to a student's ability to apply their skills and/or
abilities to create something unique or from a different perspective. In the twenty-first
century, an individual must be able to create something new or develop something in a
novel way using the knowledge he already has. This includes not only art, but also
many answers to challenges encountered in everyday life. In creating the activities for
daily lessons, I watched videos from youtube and tiktok to gain inspiration as much as I
could. Then, I will try to put it according to the topic and language that I will focus on.
There are a lot of fantastic ideas that can be modified to use it in the class. Being
creative in creating a lesson material is very important so the students won’t find our
class boring or dull. They will also eventually have fun while learning and have that
intrinsic motivation coming. For example, since I do really know kids nowadays love
online games so much, I used the platform as their homework. I modify the games into
educational content so they will fall in love with learning too.
Moreover, critical thinking is required. It refers to the manner in which students
filter, assess, and dispute any knowledge they acquire in various media, whether
written, spoken, or broadcast, and then synthesize it to suit their comprehension,
according to Miller and Fullan (2015). In this one, I do a lot of research and cite a lot of
sources to ensure that the information I gathered is accurate and applicable to the
theory that I learnt in class. Reading a lot of articles to get as much supporting material
as possible is the key to developing critical thinking skills. Because the number of words
available is limited, I must critically organize my thoughts. It is critical for me to not
overlook any major points that should be mentioned in the report rather than any
lengthy explanation that has no bearing on the theory.
Furthermore, citizenship. It necessitates students' ability to be in touch with
everything that influences them, to comprehend and respect their origins, as well as the
views and values held by persons in their culture and their community's past. This Cs
strengthens my love for my culture and nation because it is my job as a citizen to
ensure that my future pupils are aware of their history. It's critical for me to understand
my background so that I'm not readily persuaded by the enemy's other bad motives. It is
also to teach about respect for my own country. When having my school based
experience, I actually got the opportunity to teach them. I realized how crucial a
teacher's role is in developing well-balanced children. I feel excited and enthusiastic
when preparing the materials for the teaching lesson. The feelings where I loved to
teach. As a result, it motivates me to be a good teacher who never gives up on her
students, so that they will continue to learn and pursue knowledge in order to be decent
citizens in this country.
Connectivity, or character education, is the final C. Both refer to the capability
that we, as instructors, can help our students develop, whether it's connectedness or
character education. As part of a global environment where technology is a part of daily
life, I should be able to communicate with my peers and other people around me in
order to create a better world, and in the process, my surroundings should encourage
me to become a responsible, caring, and productive citizen. The entire process has
influenced me to never stop learning. I also discovered that in order for me to approach
youngsters easily, I must first understand their interests. As a result, I should not be
embarrassed or sluggish to learn what is now peaking the interest of children. This
actually helped me to have communication with the teachers that I interviewed with. I
found myself interacting without having any awkward moments. It is easier for me to
gain a lot of inos for my tasks. In addition, I learned that it is critical to ask the courteous
professor any questions that trouble me when it comes to professional writing skills.
Even though it seems ridiculous, I should never be afraid to ask my lecturer for
confirmation. As I get stronger at writing a reflection on what I've learned throughout the
course, my writing skills improve. To continue to evolve, I must always ask around, and
rather than relying on myself to survive, I must collaborate with others, particularly
Officially, a collaboration is an arrangement in which two or more persons or
groups collaborate to achieve common goals. Collaborations can be official, informal, or
even silent as long as they involve persons or organizations working together. Most
experts feel that for a relationship to be totally effective, both parties must be supported.
When two parties work together for the better good of a school or to improve student
learning, we call this an educational partnership. Anyone who is enthusiastic in or
dedicated to enriching educational experiences can be a partner for students, families,
colleges, and society. Most significantly, no single person or group chooses what should
be done and when it should be done in a partnership. Decisions are made jointly in a
relationship. Lecturers and friends have been my learning partners throughout this
endeavor. They are assisting me tremendously in completing this assignment. They are
really beneficial, from technical skills to concept progression. They taught me a lot of
new stuff, such as how to video record using a laptop. They are also a source of moral
support for me, especially when we are unable to meet in person.
Not only that, but all of the technology skills I've acquired are crucial since they
enable me to deliver information clearly and without being misunderstood. To organize
my data, I used Google Apps such as Doc, Slide, and Meet. This makes it easier and
more convenient for me to complete my duty. For video editing, I also utilized Imovie,
Canva, WPS, and Inshot. These apps have been quite beneficial to me in better
projecting my ideas. Students who are continuously creating software skills, according
to Kirsty McLaren (2019), are quietly getting ahead of the market, acquiring skills that
will be directly beneficial to new areas of industry, from artificial intelligence to
blockchain and machine learning, both of which cause dramatic changes in the way
corporations and communities work. These talents not only aid in the development of
explicitly applicable talents required to bring the technology-related vision to reality, but
also in the enhancement of desirable transferable talents, such as writing code for
applications and websites and learning how to utilize video editing software. In today's
world of knowledge, having the perfect response is becoming less important than
understanding the proper question to ask.
Finally, all of the steps I've outlined so far have aided me in becoming a better
teacher in the near future. It opens my eyes and mind to always take the challenge
since this is when I can observe my growth and progress. It also signifies that I'm
getting better, which is a wonderful thing because I'm always trying to learn as much as
I can. Furthermore, it motivates me to strive to see the bright side of each and every
action I take. In other words, keep a positive attitude and strive to remain cool when
dealing with problems, particularly those involving children's behavior.
A project entitled ‘Designing Virtual Teaching and Learning Activities for Year 3
Students’ was assigned to my batchmates and me. This project was assigned to PISMP
Year 1 Semester 2 students. Mr Taufik Lock Kim Wai leads the project while Dr Ng Pei
Fern and Mr Ramesh A/L Sathappan supervise the students. This collaborative process
includes three subjects which are Arts in Education (TSL3052), Principles and Practices
in ELT (PPELT) and Learning and the Learner (EDUP3030i). These three subjects are
somehow related to one another.
Throughout the entire collaborative effort process, I gained a lot of new
knowledge. The goal of this project is to give in-depth professional training in learning
theories, principles, and practice in English language teaching, as well as their practical
implementation in today's teaching and learning environment. I learned a lot on how to
prepare for a good and fruitful performance kit by reading scholarly articles from
reputable sources and discussion with my peers. The participants are divided into
several groups. I am assigned in a group that is required to find the official documents
regarding the project. My group consists of four people. We work hand in hand to find
the project-related documents. We managed to finish our work within the time frame
Moreover, my group members and I decided to make a poster for the project.
We discussed and divided the parts for each member. While going through the task, I
realized that there were a variety of types of posters that we can use for our project.
Choosing the design of the poster is important because a crowded poster will
overshadow the main points. During the process of making the poster, I realized that
making such a poster requires a lot of physical and mental energy. Besides, I learned
that making a poster is not an easy task. After a long discussion, we decided on the
design of the poster. Not only that, a QR code to the Padlet is also included in the
poster. We made a few types of posters and asked for opinions from others.
In my opinion, the teamwork of my group should be highlighted as one of my
group’ strength. This can be seen when I did ask for my group members’ opinions and
views regarding the activities that I find interesting. They are fully committed and
dedicated to their own tasks. In the midst of busyness, they still took their time to help
in any way that they could. From that moment, I did realise that teamwork between us
really matters in order to complete our tasks.
In conclusion, as we all know, group work is all about teamwork so we need to
have mutual respect for every member and tolerate each other's ideas. Not only that,
we need to remember that every member has their responsibilities and try to be more
reliable by engaging more with the group members so that miscommunication could be
avoided. I did learn that teamwork between us was important and it was the most
important thing that should have in every work in grouping. It was to ensure that the
whole process was done perfectly. Good teamwork and good communication play a
vital part to ensure the project runs smoothly.
Throughout the whole semester, there are so many things and matters
happening from online classes and assignments to virtual learning projects. Based on
three subjects in this semester including Arts in Education, Principle and Practice in
English Language Teaching and Learning and The Learner, there are many things and
skills I have learned from other people in order to complete all the tasks given. All things
I have learned will be very useful in the future as a teacher especially when it involves
virtual learning. With that, there are 6 Cs of 21st century competencies that I would like
to emphasize as a reflection to myself and other people.
The first one is communication skills with other people including classmates,
lecturers, family members etc. As I complete the task, I realize that in order to achieve
productivity and sustain solid working relationships, good communication is a must.
Communication skills enable a person to comprehend the actions of others, including
not just their words but also their tone of voice and nonverbal gestures. At first,
communication with others from different classes is kind of awkward, but it improves as
we decide to open our mind and heart to accept each other. Secondly, it is about
collaboration with others as well. I realize when people collaborate openly, their
methods and goals become more aligned, resulting in a higher success rate in
accomplishing a common goal. This is where communication skills also play its
important role as we need to discuss how to divide the task and make any decision.
Without it, there is a lack of regard for one another's work, as well as a dysfunction that
undermines trust and prevents meaningful collaboration.
Besides, creativity is also one of the competencies I want to emphasize.
Creativity frees the mind, allowing people to see and solve problems in a more open
and innovative way. While discussing, I can see that creativity is a crucial skill since it
can be used to generate new ideas, improve productivity, and come up with solutions to
difficult situations. If there is no creativity in doing something, then the same ideas will
be used and it can cause repetition, plagiarism etc. Next, critical thinking has also
become a big part of my completed task. As I work in the team to complete my
tutorials, assignments, and projects, it is obvious that critical thinking enables someone
to see beyond cultural norms, rather than judging them, and to learn how to
comprehend other elements that can impact decision-making. Plus, effective teamwork
and leadership require empathy and understanding. In short, critical thinking skills are a
very important cognitive skill. Critical thinking and creativity is actually related to each
other based on my observation. Critical and creative thinking involves students thinking
broadly and deeply using skills, behaviours and dispositions such as reason, logic,
resourcefulness, imagination and innovation in all learning areas at school and in their
lives beyond school.
Last but not least, citizenship and character are also important competencies
while I’m learning and doing the tasks. Citizenship is addressed as global knowledge,
sensitivity to and respect for other cultures, and active involvement in addressing issues
of human and environmental sustainability. With that, I also considered many things
about citizenship in my assignments, tasks and projects’ contents as all those elements
are very important especially as a teacher in Malaysia, a country rich with cultures.
Moreoverover, character building is also crucial in completing any task as it attributes to
a student’s personal effectiveness which is their ability to empathize with others and
apply that information to their behavior. I realize that this C, also known as emotional
intelligence, is the cornerstone for building strong, lasting connections.
In conclusion, all the activities stated before actually bring all competencies
needed in 21st century learning. The 6 Cs competencies that I mentioned including
Communication, Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Citizenship and Character
are bringing me into another level of success in doing the activities with my teammates
and other people. I really hope these Cs also impact other people as it can change
someone’s life in a positive way.
As stated in the project, my friends and I in 2 PISMP TESL have done our
assignments and made a success of this project through collaboration and
smart-partnership with teachers. From the project that we have successfully done, I
have learned a lot of things.
It has helped me to explore more profound technology and information skills,
such as using an online productivity channel where we collaborate to make a vision
board about our assignments that we have done through smart partnership and
collaboration. This experience will surely help me in the future to create more innovation
for future generations. I believe that as a 21st-century teacher, it is crucial for teachers
to have high technical skills and get to know more about a variety of software that I can
use to teach our students. The use of technology will assist in promoting the
engagement of the children and increase the children’s productivity.
Other than that, through collaboration with my groupmates, I have learned that
everyone has their own taste in creativity. I am a much simpler person, and I did not
think that we could make it any better than the design that I have decided to do. But I
asked my friends if it is okay, and we discussed the design, and we modified it. In my
opinion, the result is satisfying and much better than the original one. I am glad that I
decided to ask my friends and discuss with them rather than make my own decision.
Furthermore, my group mates are very supportive and understanding when I make a
mistake. We fixed the issue that we had together.
Last but not least, when I saw my friends’ work on how they made the design of
the Google Sites, I learned that they are very creative, and it made me believe that I can
also have that potential. I need to explore more on how to put the words and pictures
and arrange them nicely. I know it is not an easy process as it requires a lot of
evaluation and try-and-error to come up with an excellent and eye-pleasing result. I
have also learned new things, such as embedding.
In conclusion, I am glad to be included in this project because it helped me
explore more things on the Internet, such as padlet and Google Sites, and use my free
time to work with my friends. The lecturers also have helped us a ton during the
process. The result is gratifying, and I am sure my participation in this project can help
me to come up with better ideas and improve my technology and communication skills.
Therefore, I can become a better teacher for my pupils.
The project that was given to us has taught various other things that were new
knowledge to me. The purpose of this project was to create a Google Site and Padlet
for the use of others in referencing or to gain an in-depth knowledge on virtual learning.
This knowledge is able to help the future teachers on how to conduct the class with
nowadays education systems.
We started by dividing the task among the participants. Each of us has our own
task in order to create an excellent reference material. For my group, we are in charge
of Padlet in organising and creating the material needed related to the project. Padlet is
an extremely easy-to-use tool that allows learners to collaborate online by posting text,
images, links, documents, videos and voice recordings. It is our first time using this
google tool. It does take time to familiarize with it, but it is also fascinating and
interesting as we explore the use of the tool. We were able to create an interesting
padlet that is easy to read and has a lot of useful information regarding virtual reality
Other than that, we also created a poster to promote the Padlet. We
brainstormed the introduction in order to attract the attention of the readers. To be
honest, it is not that easy to create a poster with an introduction that can intrigue the
reader. There are a lot of discussions and disagreements in creating it. But we were
able to come up with a good introduction. Next, one of our friends thought of an
interesting idea. That is, to put a Quick Response code (QR Code). We instantly agreed
on the idea. Creating the QR code is also our first time. We have fun trying to create it.
The purpose of QR code is to be easily accessible for the visitor to the Padlet. Not only
can it be accessed easily, visitors can refer to the Padlet anywhere and anytime without
any difficulties.
From this project, it also develops my 6 competencies in the process. This
project helps in my critical thinking, collaboration skills and communication skills
development. By creating and managing new knowledge and tools, my critical thinking
skills are also able to develop. It needed me to think outside the box to make an
excellent Padlet for others to refer to. In the process of creating it, the collaboration
between the group members is also important. Without the collaboration, we may not be
able to create a good reference material. And that will affect the whole project
altogether. Subsequently, my communication skills were also able to develop. I am able
to communicate effectively and my language skills also benefited from it. All in all, this
project helps in my development towards an excellent individual and also my future.
In conclusion, this project has taught me various things in terms of knowledge
and personal development. I am grateful that I can be part of this project. It certainly has
taught me a lot. I hope that I will be able to participate in this kind of project or event in
the future that will further enhance my development.
The purpose of this essay is to reflect on the learning journey that I had been
through in order to complete the project, “Charging Forward New Norms: Engineering
Virtual Learning Environment.” This project comprises three courses, that is, Learning
and the Learner (EDUPi 3033), Arts in Education (TSLB 3052) and also Principles and
Practice in English Language Teaching (TSLB 3033). This project has one thing in
common where TESL students are able to explore in depth about unique and engaging
virtual learning activities based on learning theories that are learned in Learning and the
Learner, principles in English Language Teaching as well as elements of Arts in
Education. Generally, this project has enabled me to develop the skills in 6Cs’ (Critical,
Creative Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Characters and Citizenship).
First and foremost, I had developed critical and creative thinking in the process of
doing this project. This is because I had expanded my ability in thinking skills such as
explaining, analysing and also evaluating. I realised that I am able to think of a lesson
plan and explain it according to the learning theories and principles of English Language
Teaching. I had also developed my critical and creative thinking skills after I had figured
out of the box to find a solution. For example, one of the problems during virtual learning
is students have short concentration spans. Therefore, I had implemented the elements
of Arts in Education during virtual learning so that students will feel engaged and enjoy
the virtual lessons.
Apart from that, I realised that my communication skill has improved after
completing this project. This project required us to record a video of ourselves
presenting the lesson plans that we had created. Before recording my presentation, I
had watched several TED talks videos. I had observed how the speakers presented the
speech with confidence and I had practised these skills in my projects.
Not only that but I had learnt to collaborate with others through these projects.
Both Learning and the Learner EDUPi 3033 and Arts in Education TSLB 3052 are group
projects which require us to collaborate with our friends and come out with an excellent
lesson plan that are suitable to be conducted in a Year 3 primary English classroom.
Through this process, I had learnt some skills to collaborate with my friends. For
example, we should always stay calm and always state reasons for disagreeing with
someone’s points. In fact, my friends and I used some of these techniques that helped
us to collaborate well in this project.
I had successfully increased my characters and citizenship skills through this big
project. I had learnt the ways to find more resourceful materials and information from
various sources. Exploring Google and reading academic journals are one of my ways
to increase knowledge. Through this journey, I had learnt to accept new ideas. For
example, virtual learning activities are new to me at the beginning of the year. However,
I had read a lot about examples of virtual learning activities which helped me to
complete this project successfully. Autonomy learning can be defined as a process of
learning where students are allowed to create their own learning path. I had practised
autonomous learning while completing this project. I have started watching some
videos, reading journals and exploring websites that are related to virtual learning. My
lecturers act as facilitators where they will give guidance throughout the journey.
I found that I had also improved on my ICT (Information and Communication
Technology) skills while completing this project. This is because everything need to be
done using our laptop or computer. I had explored several websites that were new to
me. For example, Quizizz, Kahoot, Canva, Picsart, Padlet and also Google Site. All
these websites are used to complete this project. Quizizz and Kahoot are used to create
fun quizzes and activities virtually for students. I used Canva and Picsart to edit my
videos for my projects. Finally, Padlet and Google Site are used to present the final
projects of all TESL students.
Overall, I am really glad to participate in this project. I had learnt a lot of things, in
terms of the elements in 6Cs’ and also my skills in technology. While doing this project, I
had always felt the urge to improvise it so that it would be perfect and suitable for all
primary Year 3 English students. Last but not least, I am always looking forward to
another project in the next semester.
What I have learned in this KPPB project is that learning theories, teaching
approaches, strategies, techniques, principles in teaching, and application of arts in
education are very important for teachers to creatively apply all of that knowledge into
their lessons and plan a meaningful curriculum for their students. Furthermore, by
observing their students and reflecting on each teaching approach that they have
applied in the classroom, they can improve time by time to properly meet the needs of
their students to make them engage in the learning. Not to forget, this project concerns
the use of advanced technologies and online tools that allow the teachers to explore
many new things on the internet to create teaching tools and manage their online
classes. By scaffolding their teaching approaches, students can actively participate in
the learning process.
According to Rupendra Joshi's article, scaffolding helps students become
independent, self-regulating learners, and problem solvers. Scaffolding is a teaching
approach that helps students implement constructivism in the classroom by enhancing,
encouraging, and enabling learning. Not only that, but it also helps facilitate students'
ability to build on prior knowledge and internalize new information. For example, as a
scaffolder, the teacher applies various concepts, materials, tools, and technology to
assist students in their learning tasks that they have been learning from these three
courses in their classroom. To be able to scaffold an effective teaching approach, the
teacher required creative and critical thinking skills where this project provides
opportunities to enhance both skills. Creative and critical thinking is one of the most
important skills for this project which students must be able to analyse, explain, and
evaluate to create lesson plans and performance kits suitable for primary school
In conclusion, I have learned the importance of scaffolding strategy in this
project. This is because the scaffolding strategy provides a supportive and conducive
learning environment for the students. Students are not only free to ask questions,
provide feedback, assist their peers in learning new material, and become more
responsible and accountable for their responsibilities in a scaffolding learning
environment but they are also encouraged to go beyond their current skills and
knowledge levels. The knowledge of learning theories, teaching approaches, strategies,
techniques, principles in teaching, and application of arts in education are very useful
for the teachers to scaffold their lessons. So, by applying a scaffolding strategy in the
classroom, the teachers can make their students more responsible in their learning
activities and can expect good learning outcomes.
During this whole process, my learning journey was intense. I had the experience
of working on three subjects, namely, Arts in Education (TSLB3052), Learning and the
Learner (EDUP3033), and Principles & Practice in English Language Teaching
(TSLB3033), that had common objectives; for students to explore unique and engaging
virtual learning activities based on learning theories, principles in English language
teaching as well as elements of Arts in Education to cater for the teaching and learning
needs during the pandemic.
First and foremost, to prepare a successful theory-based English virtual learning
resource for primary English year three classrooms in the contemporary teaching and
learning context, I had to incorporate the learnings and knowledge gained from all three
subjects; TSLB3052, EDUP3033 and TSLB3033. It was a fantastic experience as I had
the opportunity to learn the subjects efficiently as it was relatable, which made my
learning more profound. Through this project, I also learned transferable skills that will
last a lifetime in time management, adaptability, self-confidence and communicating
with supportive members. In my future pursue of educational achievements, this
learning opportunity would be helpful.
Next, the virtual performance kit for teaching and learning English in primary
schools were made with visual art activities, music, and movements (TSLB3052). Which
was planned closely by applying current teaching approaches, strategies, and
techniques (EDUP3033), which was then analysed and compared the applicability of
the theories in TSLB3033 for virtual learning and teaching of the four skills.
One of the few challenges I faced doing this project was during the planning and
construction of virtual learning-teaching activities. I had to be precise in providing the
rationale about the planned activities based on theories and models. I overcame this
challenge through the brilliant partnership with a global teacher award winner and
experts in virtual learning, and experienced school teachers. Also, I have gained more
knowledge on the integration of technology in the accomplishment of my assignments.
The virtual factor in planning the teaching and learning activities drove me deep into
exploring the various creative methods used for remote learning. For example, the
‘Virtual Classroom’ that my groupmate and I created taught us how to make animated
versions of ourselves- teaching the students in a highly interactive virtual setting.
In conclusion, I strongly agree with this collaborative effort because it has the
power to drive students to succeed at the highest level. I have felt the urge to keep
improvising on my work throughout my assignments because it has more meaning and
Learning can be done in many different ways as people usually have their own
preferences in learning. By joining this KPPB project, it gives me an interesting way to
learn in which it provides opportunities for me to challenge myself to explore in-depth
online learning activities based on suitable theories, methods and approaches for
English Language Teaching. During this semester, I need to work on three assignments,
which are Arts in Education (TSLB3052), Learning and the Learner (EDUP3033), and
Principles and Practices in English Language Teaching (TSLB3033) that has the same
objective; to plan virtual learning activities by integrating arts such as visual, music and
movement according to the suitable theories.
This project gives me many benefits such as it enhances my critical thinking skills
in order to plan the teaching and learning activities. It was a great experience to be able
to create a performance kit by myself as it requires many skills such as computer skills,
reading skills, creative thinking skills and more. In addition, it requires me to think out of
the box and suggest alternatives for problem solving. Next, this KPPB project also can
improve my communication skills as it needs a collaboration between group members to
do presentations of our learning activities. We helped each other by giving ideas and
suggestions so that the activity plan turned out great. Collaboration is important as it not
only can improve our communication skills, but also help enhance our leadership and
social skills that will benefit us in the future.
In conclusion, I believe that this KPPB project is really a good approach to
encourage students to be more effective for in-depth learning as it helps them to view
something in a wider perspective. Not only that, it improves our digital utilization in
which we will have the knowledge to use online platforms such as Google Classroom,
Zoom, Google Site and many more. For example, while doing this project, I have a
chance to handle a Padlet for the first time, which I can use this skills for another project
next time. It was a great experience to gain knowledge about online resources through
this project. I hope this KPPB project can be done again next time so that it will prepare
us for more challenging tasks in the future.
New Pedagogy Deep Learning (NPDL) has a pivotal role in ensuring survival of
the recent generation. Competencies and abilities are necessary for living, working, and
being a decent citizen in the twenty-first century. Therefore, this program has been
intended to provide the novice educators with an awareness of the attributes children
require for success through developing nuanced understanding and meaning rather
than relying on the acquisition of superficial knowledge that can easily be obtained
through search engines.
In this recent style of teaching, students are given the advanced abilities as they
need to deal with a world in which decent professions are becoming more cognitively
demanding. In order to enhance their skills, the teachers are advised to strengthen the 6
C’s of NPDL which are Citizenship, Character, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical
Thinking, and Communication.
The first C in NPDL emphasizes the importance of being able to think and
understand as a global citizen, contemplating global concerns with a thorough
awareness with wide insight and without prejudice, and with a genuine interest in and
ability to tackle real-world challenges affecting human and environmental sustainability.
In this component, it shows that diversity does make this world more lively as the
cultures and heritage are differ from one another which leads to the differences in
interpreting problems and ways to solve them.
Character in the 6 C’s shows the needs in training the students to deep learn
which includes the importance of characteristics grit, tenacity, perseverance, and
resilience, as well as the capacity to make learning a part of daily life. This will enable
students to respect themselves and others which increases their positive value in life.
As an addition, this component will enforce their within will to study as they have seen
education as a prior factor in life.
In this 21st century, education has largely involved interdependency and
teamwork. This then will lead to excellent interpersonal and team-related abilities.As this
setting has been implemented in the classroom, scholars may learn from and contribute
to others. Throughout the collaboration, students will learn how to make appropriate
decisions and learn from the scaffolding situation as they will interact with one another.
To help the students survive according to the current situation, it requires
creativity to identify, plan, and solve problems. Throughout the NPDL, students will be
trained to address the correct inquiry questions to produce innovative ideas and develop
leadership to pursue and transform those ideas into action. The ideas correspond
holistically with the issues or addressed questions and will be implemented in real life
Throughout the process of addressing issues in the Creativity section, a scholar
needs to think critically as the progress will need them to evaluate information and
arguments, seeing patterns and connections, building meaningful knowledge and
applying it in the real world. This is one of the ways to increase a better understanding
and outcomes in education which may lead to lifelong learning.
In a real life situation, communication has been the tool for individuals to
associate with one another. Therefore the need for effective communication has arisen
since then. In this component, NPDL highlights the importance of communication as it
utilizes a wide range of sounds, forms, and tools for a variety of audiences. The
students will be taught on being aware of their audience and being able to weave their
point of views correctly.
Throughout the past five months of second semester in Teaching English As
Second Language Degree, a talk was being held to encourage and give a wider insight
in applying the usage of Arts in Education. Theater has been widely known in the
entertainment field as it requires an individual to act, sing, and move according to the
script. However, it has yet to be implemented widely in the education field even though it
has impactful usage in educating languages in schools.
In theater, the actors will be taught exactly alike with our daily life situation as
they will learn how to express their emotions, the correct tone, and how to communicate
throughout the project with one another. These activities are actually useful for a
teacher to teach the students on how to communicate effectively in daily life which may
enhance their self-esteem.
According to the speaker, theater has been actively used in her school as it is
seen positively even for the lower-proficient students. However, for other schools,they
might see this activity as something unfamiliar as they have never been able to
participate and experience it in the first place. Not to forget that the speaker pointed out
that through this activity, the students will slowly gain interest in learning english as it is
fun to try it out.
In acting, it is important for students to understand the content of the script
thoroughly. This includes the importance of literacy skills as it requires them to
understand the setting and characteristic of the roles and cultures which trigger the
actions and the intonations of each role. Therefore, throughout this lesson, a student will
be trained on embracing the diversity and appreciate another’s culture despite being a
foreign as it will enhance their understanding globally without judging them.
Seeking feedback and appreciating our own works are important for the students
in theater as it builds up their character. Most importantly, through this component, the
students will learn how to see things positively and learn from their mistakes. Through
the feedback they have gained after some training such as during the reading script
session, the students will learn how to enhance their intonation and how to pronounce
according to the role’s accent. Thus, the students will excel in their acting when they
see the feedback positively rather than taking it in other ways.
Theatre is a collaborative art form that expresses meaning via the use of words,
voice, movement, and visual aspects. The concept "theatre" refers not just to live
improvisational and scripted work, but also to dramatic forms such as cinema,
television, and other electronic media. Not just by the definition itself and the concept,
during the acting too, the actors will collaborate with each other and also with the stage
team. Therefore, collaboration in theater will encourage the students to communicate
and collaborate much easily with the experience they have gained during the lesson.
Through theater children may learn about emotions, problem solving, and
relating to others. Students' imaginations and confidence grow as a result of their
encounters with theater. For example, the students will imagine and think of the suitable
props according to the budget. Therefore, even if there is an issue of limits in costs, the
students will be able to encounter the issue with other solutions and build proper
Theatre fosters critical thinking skills. Analyzing and understanding perspectives
of others sharpens the skill of critical thinking by approaching common situations from
multiple angles. The students then will naturally learn how to act and how to build an
effective strategy when they encounter some issues in real life situations.
Communication can help people, despite coming from different social groups
within a community, we, humans, are able to exchange information and ideas in a
positive and productive way. Through this activity, the students will learn how to
communicate effectively and correctly to avoid misunderstandings and
misinterpretation. Therefore, by experiencing this activity, the students will be able to
sound out their opinions and cooperate with one another to make a harmonic society
within them.
To sum up all the statements above, it is believed that by giving the students
experience such events, with a suitable and correct supervisor which is the teacher,
surely, the students will be able to point out and follow the 6 C’s of NPDL. Therefore,
this will lead to a lifelong learning which encourages students to own inner force to
appreciate education. This then will help them to apply the knowledge they have
learned into real life situations.
Since virtual learning now has become the only platform to keep teacher and
student connect and contact, we, as an educator, should be responsible in finding ways
to develop a blended, self-paced, mastery-based instructional model that empower all
students to learn. Throughout the Semester 2, we are introduced to three interesting
subjects, Learning and the Learner (EDUP3033), Principles and Practice in English
Language Teaching (TSLB3033) as well as Arts in Education (TSLB3052) that are
interrelated in terms of learning objectives which is to cater for the teaching and learning
needs during pandemic and futuristic global learning context through integration of
visual art activities, music and movements in English language learning by following the
learning standard in English Year 3 DSKP.
First and foremost, I have learnt that collaboration, which is one of the 6Cs’ skills,
is the primary skill that is needed to be developed. By collaborating with my group
members during group projects, we have come up with an idea in which the teaching
and learning process should be motivating when we are drafting our content. There is
no denying that it is a challenge for teachers to detect the multiple intelligence
possessed by each student, especially during virtual learning. To ensure all students are
actively involved in the activities planned, it is essential for us to become tech-savvy and
seek for creative authentic English virtual learning resources especially when designing
and assigning lessons. For instance, me and my group members have designed
activities that require students to create stories from their own experiences using
Jamboard or Google Docs in order to make learning relevant to their surroundings
besides improving their technology literacy which is in line with the 3R (Rigor,
Relevance and Relationship) principles. Thus, collaborating with each other can help in
improving our communication skills as well as creative thinking skills which aids in
discovering suitable and motivated activities for the benefit of the students.
Besides, our project which is designing virtual teaching and learning activities for
Primary Year 3 students was done through a smart partnership with a global teacher
award winner, Samuel Isaiah along with Mdm Mazura Bt Mohd Yusof who are both
experts in virtual learning and experienced school teachers. They have acted as a
support and role model that drives our motivation to learn and to thrive in this new norm
throughout the whole project.
By understanding student-centered strategy in teaching in EDUP3033 and
TSLB3033 courses, I realised that students should be given the chance to take
ownership of their learning. Only when students are challenged with new situations, are
they able to demonstrate their learning in their own unique way. As an illustration, I have
implied strategies such as discussion, self-reflection, problem-solving and group work
as well as individual work in my performance kit and activity plan. Nevertheless,
teachers should always give clear instructions and demonstrations from the beginning
of the lesson and give evaluation and reflection at the end to better acknowledge each
student’s performance besides modify the teaching and learning plan.
To put it laconically, I am grateful to have the opportunity to explore and expand
our knowledge of teaching and learning based on learning theories, principles in English
language teaching as well as elements of Arts in Education. With the help of other TESL
students, we have also created Google Site and Padlet specifically for this project.
Although the whole process needs a lot of effort, we have managed to complete it and
these all thanks to the constant guidance from our lecturers. Meaningful learning only
exists when teachers are constantly keeping up with the pace of 21st century learning
but not neglecting the importance of human connections and interactions with the
support of learning theories that are universally recognised. This is to ensure that we
are well-prepared to gear towards the School Transformation 2025 Program (TS25)
initiative in Malaysia.
The arts are an essential component of human existence. Engaging in the
creative process fosters critical thinking and problem-solving abilities that are essential
in today’s fast-paced environment. The three strands of Arts in Education; Visual art,
Music and Movement encourage students to discover, communicate, and interpret their
personal passions and strengths. They also develop empathy and appreciation for other
people's voices, practises, and works. Through the arts, students learn that there are
many ways to convey their thoughts, and space is created for them to live in the
unknown, the unfinished, and the unresolved. Having said that, by organising a
showcase of students’ works might help educators to plan out their lesson plans in the
classroom. Besides, our KPPB project definitely helps the students' teachers in
retrieving more understanding about planning out activities in the classroom, according
to their multiple intelligences.
Along the process of creating and gathering my friends’ works that they did
especially on the lesson plans, a lot of knowledge I have gained in discovering different
ways to engage students in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, a proper
planning of teaching is needed to make sure that all students are able to perceive and
comprehend the learning content or syllabus as each student has their own multiple
intelligence (Gardner, 1983). Having said that, the strengths of these performance kits is
that students were actively involved and things that are relevant in their lives were used
as part of the lesson. Moreover, these performance kits are able to make a positive
impact on student learning. As children manipulate objects and explore through their
senses, they are developing key strategies to problem solving together through
collaboration. Collaborative learning can develop soft skills, but most activities centre on
the learner's exploration of the curriculum, not the teacher's presentation of it. Pupils
learn to perceive and anticipate differences between themselves and others, as well as
to use it to their benefit. Well-planned collaboration allows all students to recognise and
value the importance of their own contributions. Furthermore, collaborative learning
helps to embeds knowledge more powerfully through listening and sharing. A student is
more likely to remember something learnt with and from a peer than something
broadcast from the front of the classroom. To conclude, colour-painting and drawing fun
pictures has always been a favourite activity of children in various educational
institutions. It stimulates a sense of their hidden potential. Arts integration in school is
also important because it helps kids develop attention to detail. Acting, singing, and
drawing are effective ways to increase concentration. Children begin paying attention at
such a young age, which is imperative for a successful didactic career. This is a
valuable skill that helps children excel in their academic, family, and social lives.
Last but not least, this project appears as a platform for teachers to know more
about digital utilization especially during a global pandemic, where there are a lot of
aspects and elements we need to take into account to make sure that the activities can
be conducted suitable with the new normal which is ODL (Open and Distance
Learning). One of the challenges is planning classroom activities especially with current
situations that limits the process of teaching and learning between students and
teachers. Therefore, the activities that my group have planned can be used for English
teachers to help students engage and catch up with the syllabus. In conclusion, in this
project, we made sure that the models of teaching can be used for online teaching
The Kapasiti Pedagogi Pembelajaran Bermakna or KPPB project serves a
purpose as to drive learning pedagogies to a more meaningful knowledge acquisition. It
has taught me many things in how to generate critical thinking in designing meaningful
learning apparatus and approaches that are permeable to the conveniences of the
current technologies. So the whole cohort of TESL IPGKTI was tasked with
assignments that were focussing on the development and creation of new knowledge
that may help future teachers to conduct their classes via virtual learning.
In the journey, there are indeed obstacles that we need to overcome in order to
make this project into realization. What I meant in designing is not just a simple lesson
plan but rather designing an innovative lesson plan for teachers to utilize in their virtual
classroom. Crafting the lesson plan was taking account of the learning theories such as
Edward Thorndike Law of Readiness, Law of exercise and so on. Also we need to
perceive that learning not in the teaching perspective but in the sense of we are learning
about the subject and thus that is where the first obstacle. The question that I brought
upon myself was “How to craft an activity that explicits the lesson target for the day but
also making it enjoyable for students? The students also are different from one another
in terms of their abilities thus how am I going to utilize their abilities to create a
meaningful lesson activity?”, I asked myself. Luckily, a sharing session with Puan Mas
and Mr. Samuel Issaiah enlightens me on how the process of learning occurs through
their experience as teachers.
During the process, I refer closely to the DSKP English Year 3 and the module
Get Smart Plus 3 so that the product is not too far fetched from other sources and was
on the right track. After finishing the lesson plan and activity, we proceed to the
assignment of Arts in Education where we apply the knowledge of inculcating arts into
the lesson crafted. It was a great experience as we need to innovate and create a kit
that is interactive yet enjoyable for the students but the challenge lies in how to make it
applicable in virtual learning. As for me, I made a kit that can be utilized both in physical
classroom and online learning. However, there are many aspects that can be improved
from that version.
In conclusion, this KPPB project really emphasized on how we can create new
learning pedagogies that can help to secure more meaningful learning for the students.
Moreover the age of digitalisation is within our reach. The possibilities of creating new
pedagogie are limitless and we are very lucky to be included in this great project.
On 28 of March, our lecturers Dr Ng Pei Fern, Mr Taufik and Mr Ramesh held a
Google Meet session at 8pm to discuss the project “Charging Forward New Norms:
Engineering Virtual Learning Environment.” The three main courses that cooperate in
this project are Learning and the Learner (EDUPi 3033), Arts in Education (TSLB 3052)
and also Principles and Practice in English Language Teaching (TSLB 3033). All
PISMP Year 1 Semester 2 TESL students took part in this project. The aim of this
project was to be able to provide a platform for these students to explore in depth about
unique and engaging virtual learning activities based on learning theories that are
learned in Learning and the Learner, principles in English Language Teaching as well
as elements of Arts in Education. Through this project, I have definitely been able to
develop and expand my skills in 6Cs’ (Critical, Creative Thinking, Communication,
Collaboration, Characters and Citizenship).
Critical and creative thinking was one of the most important skills for this project.
This is because this project required me to analyse, explain and evaluate. This skill has
helped to come up with a lesson plan which was very efficient which had all the criteria
of the learning theories and principles of English Language Teaching. I was able to
explain and link my lesson plan toward the TSLB 3033 subject. Besides, to include Arts
in Education in my lesson plan, I came up with various types of activities that can be
done by students during online class. This definitely helped me improve my ability to
think out of the box.
Besides, I have improved my skill of collaboration. For this project, collaboration
has also played a major role. Both Learning and the Learner EDUPi 3033 and Arts in
Education TSLB 3052 are group projects. We had to collaborate with our friends and
come up with an excellent lesson plan that is suitable to be conducted in a Year 3
primary English classroom. To be able to complete the task successfully, collaboration
was very important. I have learnt that it is important to always give others a chance to
voice out their ideas. This way the project will definitely turn out to be more interesting.
Moreover, I have also realised that my communication skills have improved since
the project. For Arts in Education TSLB 3052, we were asked to record a video of
ourselves presenting the lesson plans that we had created. Before recording the final
video, I practiced speaking in front of a mirror, watched several youtube videos on voice
projection and voice exercises so that my presentation will be very clear and interesting.
These practices have definitely given me a good impact on my communication skills.
Apart from that, I have also gained good knowledge on how to sharpen my
characters and citizenship skills from this project. This project has made me explore the
internet and read as many academic journals as possible to increase my knowledge. I
have also learnt the correct method on finding relevant and resourceful information and
materials. This skill has also taught me how to accept new ideas and do autonomous
learning. Virtual learning is something that I got to know only recently due to the
pandemic. However, to make sure I am on track with virtual learning, I explore other
resources like reading journals, websites and youtube videos to expand my knowledge.
This project has also helped me improve my Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) skills. Since virtual learning is done on laptops, computers or tablets, I
have started exploring these devices more. I have learnt various techniques and
methods on how to do an interesting powerpoint, padlet and even Google sites. This
project gave me the opportunity to explore and learn how to use these websites and I
believe it will definitely benefit me in the future.
In conclusion, I am very grateful to be given this opportunity to participate in such
a meaningful project. This project has definitely benefited me in many ways and I am
looking forward to gaining more with the upcoming projects.
The closure of school during the Covid-19 lockdown has fundamentally
challenged the manner in which students are taught. In just the blink of an eye,
face-to-face teaching in classrooms was replaced with various forms of remote teaching
such as giving lectures or worksheets using a variety of technology platforms. I believe
that each form of remote teaching has its own benefits and challenges. The virtual
classroom should not be seen as the understudy to the physical classroom experience
but as a different medium offering other, exciting and opportunities. Therefore, we
created a project that designs virtual teaching and fun learning activities that focus on
Year 3 students. All teachers can access the project and look up the activities as their
guidelines for online learning.
While preparing this project, I was exposed to various theories and principles that
are quite similar to English Language Teaching and Arts Education. Brainstorming with
my other teammates, we try to incorporate the learnings and knowledge gained from all
three subjects (TSLB3052, EDUP3033, and TSLB3033) and make a complete lesson
plan that is suitable for online learning. We also tried to minimize all possible obstacles
caused by our lesson plan. We are lucky enough to take advice from the teachers in
school during our school-based experience (PBS). Furthermore, we learned a lot
through a smart partnership with a global teacher award winner, Samuel Isaiah along
with Madam Mazura Bt Mohd Yusof who are both experts in virtual learning and
experienced school teachers. They gave inspiration for us to produce more ideas in
virtual learning and adapt them to new norms throughout the whole project. This was a
fun experience as I had the opportunity to voice out my opinions as well as my curiosity
towards their perspectives in online learning.
In this project, we were required to create a virtual performance kit for Year 3
students. The virtual performance kit for teaching and learning English in primary
schools were made with visual art activities, music, and movements. We were taught all
the three elements in the Arts in Education subject. To create the best performance kit,
we choose and apply the teaching approaches, strategies and techniques that were
taught in the Learning and Learner subject. Moreover, we considered many principles
that apply to the performance kits. Personally, I enjoyed preparing the performance kit
because I can imagine the students have fun doing these activities. Not only that, these
activities that we prepared help them to develop their cognitive skills and their creativity
as well.
Other than that, throughout the project, I have learned that communication and
collaboration are important skills that need to be polished as an individual. These skills
need to be acquired so that we can achieve our goals successfully. In terms of these
skills, my group members are doing their parts very well to make the project go
smoothly. I believe that effective collaboration and communication enable us to
understand our own roles in the projects. Besides, with great teamwork, we were able to
keep conflict and confusion away from the project. So, it’s crystal clear that we enhance
these skills while preparing the project.
However, it is undeniable that we are still lacking in certain parts. Managing time
is not as easy as we thought. Managing time is something that most of us have difficulty
with. Moreover, because of the MCO, we find it difficult to discuss since we all have
different schedules at home. To improve on our time management, I think we should
organize our work first by planning the discussion over the amount of time we have.
Though it is hard to execute the discussion in time as we planned, try to finish it within
the time that we planned among group members.
In conclusion, I am grateful to be part of the project as I learned a lot during the
process. I hope I will be able to participate in the upcoming project because I want to
explore and learn through experiences. There is so much to be learned. Moreover, I
strongly agree that this project helps us to explore in-depth, unique, and engaging
learning activities based on the three subjects that we learned this semester. Last but
not least, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to all the
lecturers for their guidance, encouragement, and support during the preparation of the
Over the past few weeks, my friends and I have been assigned to a project called
‘Designing Virtual Teaching and Learning Activities for Year 3 Students’. This project is
led by Mr Taufik Lock Kim Wai along with Dr Ng Pei Fern and Mr Ramesh A/L
Sathappan as the students' supervisors. This collaborative project comprises three
subjects that are included in the semester for Year 1 Semester 2 TESL students, which
are Learning and The Learner (EDUP 3033i), Principles and Practices in English
Language Teaching (TSLB 3033) and Arts in Education (TSLB 3052).
Subjectively, I have come to realize that through this project, I’ve learned a lot of
knowledge that would become beneficial and useful for me to utilize in my teaching
career. That includes the theories and approaches that were introduced to us
throughout the semester. To begin, the theories have been quite an eye-opening
experience for me as I was previously trained in a traditional classroom as a kid.
However, through theories such as Thorndike’s Learning Readiness Theory and
Vygotsky’s Constructivist Theory, I have learned many important aspects that a teacher
needs to consider in order to secure effective learning. This includes developing
awareness such as acknowledging the fact that lessons are not perfect and that
students are bound to learn through trials and errors. It is also important to note that the
learning process should be a collaborative work between teachers and students, as well
as among students themselves. This is crucial so that they can see many perspectives
in life and learn from their peers in order to enhance their comprehension towards
certain topics and groups of people.
Not just that, I have also now familiarized myself with some of the approaches
used in English language teaching such as the well-known Eclectic approach and
Communicative Approach. These approaches are commonly used methods in the
classroom environment as it is easier to match with students of various backgrounds
and differing learning styles. In my perspective, this introduction of approaches has
been very beneficial to me as it allows me to firstly grasp the ideas of each approach
and then use my own creativity to attract students to participate in the learning process.
Not to forget, this course can also be closely related to the EDUP 3033 and TSLB 3052
courses as it also stresses the importance of the influencing factors among students
which include motivation, support in their surroundings and teaching strategies.
To illustrate, the EDUP 3033 would give a basic idea as a fundamental base of
how memories are stored in one’s brain and what particular elements play an important
role in the memory encoding process. Hence, the knowledge of TSLB 3033 and TSLB
3052 would then be used to incorporate the best approach, methods and techniques
while delivering the lesson content to the targeted group of students. Simply put, these
three courses are relatively significant to one another in order to arrange the best lesson
plan for the sake of the students. As a result, through this project, I’ve also achieved a
better understanding of the theories and approaches and how to apply it in a context.
Moreover, as the overall project focuses on the practice of the new norms; which
is virtual learning, I have also been introduced to many educational virtual platforms that
can be used in order to facilitate the learning process and monitor the students’
progress. This additional knowledge makes me more intrigued on how I can make the
best use of each platform to carry out the most effective lesson plan for my students.
Aside from that, this extra knowledge may also be used in the actual classroom
environment rather than only for virtual learning, which is obviously advantageous to the
students and teachers in the long run.
On the other hand, I have cooperated well with my partners during the tasks that
we have been assigned to. I learned many skills that can be improved on my personal
lacking aspects. This includes having the confidence to actively facilitate the activities in
the performance kit while imagining what it would be like in a real virtual classroom
situation. I realized that I could not gain their interest by just introducing fun activities but
I would also have to make lively and fun interactions with the students themselves so
that they would be more interested to participate. My partner on the other hand seems
natural at imagining and handling the situation. This could be partly because of her
family environment which exposes her to many children. Her ideas while our discussion
for the arrangement of activity plan also shows her creative side which helps motivate
me to search for more fun and interactive activities that can be considered in the activity
plan. In addition, I have also been able to discover more interactive platforms where I
can conduct an activity in a simpler environment for all students having online classes.
To conclude my thoughts, I think knowledge is a crucial key element in order to
move forward in life and promote a better quality of life to the community. Furthermore,
cooperation towards a better understanding of how we can conduct a more effective
functioning of the classroom is a starting point to that better life quality. Hence, I think
that as a part of the community which is dedicated to the purpose of growth and
development of the newer generation, we should emphasise more on an effective use
of both values namely, knowledge and cooperation.
On the 28th of May, a project was assigned to me and several of my
coursemates. The project revolves around the usage and work in Google Site and
Padlet as it eases the process of looking back, referencing the course for future
purposes or a deeper understanding of the courses relating to virtual learning. Not only
that, the purpose of using Google Site and Padlet is also for us students to learn and
gain knowledge on how to use them so that the knowledge will be useful in the future
especially in the current educational era where virtual classrooms and learning are
considered relevant and significant.
We were given a briefing on the first day by Dr Ng Pei Fern about the project
through Google Meet. We were told to do what we’re supposed to do and we were
given guidance by her. There were multiple tasks that we had to do, hence we were
given the chance to divide ourselves into task groups according to our own interests. I
had chosen to be in the group that was assigned to edit videos of the webinars that we
held as I personally think I work best in editing videos. There were two webinars that
were held, one was by Samuel Isaiah, who was the Global Teacher Award Finalist for
2020 that was held on 21st March 2021 and the other was by Madam Mazura bt Mohd
Yusof, which was on 24th March 2021. Both webinars were held through Zoom Meeting
and were recorded. Since there were four of us that were in charge of this task, we
decided to work in pairs for each webinar videos.
I was partnered with Mariam Najiha to edit Samuel Isaiah’s webinar video. It was
honestly challenging as we had to cut down a one hour thirty minutes video into a short
five minutes video. Najiha worked on the first two to three minutes of the video for the
introduction to Samuel Isaiah. She has included the awards that he had gotten and
achieved to show how much a spectacular role model he is towards all the student
teachers like us. I worked on the next few minutes, in which I had taken out the
highlighted or motivational things that he had said. This was to include a glimpse of
what he has said throughout the whole webinar as it was impossible to fit all of it. While
I was editing the video, I had recalled back what helpful and inspirational things he had
No doubt, I’ve gained a lot of knowledge through this project. Besides that, I get
to develop several of my skills even further. For example, my communication skills,
collaboration skills, critical thinking and creativity. Since my job was to take out the
highlights of the webinar video, I’m also able to effectively highlight important
information as it is important because when one is able to highlight effectively, it means
that they understand the message that was being conveyed.
In conclusion, this project was such a big opportunity for me to learn and develop
myself even more. I am grateful that Dr Ng has seen the potential in me and decided to
give me out of many of my coursemates an opportunity to polish myself. It is not every
day that you get a chance to do something like so.