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Cars, Trains, Ships, and Planes - A Visual Encyclopedia of Every Vehicle

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Published by norzamilazamri, 2022-04-21 22:52:44

Cars, Trains, Ships, and Planes - A Visual Encyclopedia of Every Vehicle

Cars, Trains, Ships, and Planes - A Visual Encyclopedia of Every Vehicle

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Established in 1846, the Smithsonian Institution—the
world’s largest museum and research complex—includes
19 museums and galleries and the National Zoological

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Museum of Natural History, which holds more than
126 million specimens and objects. The Smithsonian is

a renowned research centre, dedicated to public
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the arts, sciences, and history.


Clive Gifford is the winner of the Royal Society
Young People’s Book Prize and the School Library
Association Information Book Award. He has written
more than 150 books including Wow! Science,

Car Crazy, and Super Trucks.


A visual encyclopedia of every vehicle


DK India Foreword 6
Project Editor Sneha Sunder Benjamin timelines 8
Project Art Editor Vaibhav Rastogi Land 16
Editor Medha Gupta
Art Editor Rakesh Khundongbam Animal power 18
Assistant Editor Isha Sharma Camel caravan 20
Bicycle 22
Assistant Art Editors Anusri Saha, Riti Sodhi Pedal power 24
Jacket Designer Dhirendra Singh Speed wheels 26
Sprint finish 28
Jacket Managing Editor Saloni Singh Bike business 30
DTP Designer Jaypal Chauhan Fun on wheels 32
Extreme cycling 34
Senior DTP Designers Harish Aggarwal, Neeraj Bhatia Mountain bike madness 36
Picture Researcher Aditya Katyal Motorcycle 38
Managing Editor Rohan Sinha Revving up 40
Bikes in battle 42
Managing Art Editor Sudakshina Basu Scooting around 44
Pre-production Manager Balwant Singh Three-wheelers 46
Road burners 48
Production Manager Pankaj Sharma Burning rubber 50
Jumps and flicks 52
DK UK Off-roaders 54
Fastest on two wheels 56
Senior Editor Francesca Baines Easy riders 58
Senior Art Editor Rachael Grady Car 60
Pioneering cars 62
US Editor Allison Singer Thrills and spills 64
Jacket Designer Mark Cavanagh Early race cars 66
Machines with style 68
Jacket Assistant Claire Gell Fins and finery 70
Managing Editor Linda Esposito Faster and faster 72
Managing Art Editor Philip Letsu Fast and furious 74
Pre-production Controllers Nikoleta Parasaki, Gillian Reid The ultimate test 76
Production Controller Srijana Gurung Fun in cars 78
Design Development Manager Sophia MTT Crazy cars 80
A spin across the waves 82
Publisher Andrew Macintyre Family cars 84
Art Director Karen Self Outdoor warriors 86

Associate Publishing Director Liz Wheeler
Publishing Director Jonathan Metcalf

First American Edition, 2015
Published in the United States by DK Publishing
345 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014

Copyright © 2015 Dorling Kindersley Limited
A Penguin Random House Company

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Convertibles and sports cars 88 On the farm 116 Dawn of diesel 134
Mini motors 90 Monster leap
The Mopetta microcar 92 Construction and mining 118 Mainstream diesel 136
Supercars 94 Tanks and tracks
Luxury rides 96 Steam train 120 Rail workhorses 138
Record breakers 98 Early steam
Dragster burnout 100 Mainstream steam 122 Going electric 140
Truck 102 Flying Scotsman
Tons of trucks 104 Diesel train 124 High-speed electric trains 142
Special task trucks 106
Shuttle crawler 108 126 Bullet train 144
Bus stop 110
Tractor 112 128 Urban railroads 146
Total tractor 114
130 Streetcars and trolleybuses 148

132 Hold on tight! 150

Water 154 Sailing ship 160 City on the sea 152
156 Sail power 162 World War ships
Taking to the water 158 Trade and exploration 164 Aircraft carriers 178
World of watercraft 166 Modern warships 180
Over the top War at sea 168 Submarine 182
Riding the wind 170 Dive, dive, dive 184
Steamship 172 Need for speed 186
Steam meets steel 174 Fun and games 188
Working ships 176 A flying success 190
Passenger carriers 192

Air 198 Eyes in the sky 226 Spacecraft 196
200 Helicopter 228 Launch vehicles
Airplane 202 Whirlybirds 230 Space probes 236
Taking to the skies 204 Working choppers 232 Out of this world 238
First planes 206 Air support 234 Liftoff! 240
The girl of nerve 208 242
Fighter planes 210 244
Strike force 212
Racers and record-breakers 214
Jet fighters 216
Super speed 218
Seaplanes 220
Light aircraft 222
Plane spotting 224
Coming in low
Straight up and supersonic

Glossary 246
Index 250
Acknowledgments 255

KTM 350 SX-F Peel P50 New Holland T6.140

Foreword aircraft—from massive jet bombers to nimble
aerobatic biplanes. I found them astonishing,
Welcome to the world of fast cars and even just as I did the giant trucks and two Ferrari
faster planes, of mighty ships, awesome supercars in the air show’s parking lot. I was
motorcycles, and heavy hauling trucks and hooked and have remained excited by all forms
trains. All these and many more machines of transportation ever since.
that move people, goods, and materials can
be found in this big book of transportation. This book is packed with vehicles, craft, and
vessels that have enabled people to travel farther,
I have had a fascination with transportation faster, and with greater ease—from the slickest
for as long as I can remember. My father flew street bike to the most powerful diesel train.
gliders and worked for an early airline company Many have played their part in changing people’s
that offered many people their first taste of air lives, and how and where they work and live.
travel. I remember him taking me to an air show Before the development of modern cars, trains,
when I was eleven to see an array of amazing ships, and planes, few people traveled outside

DHR Class B De D ion-Bouton Type O

Montgolfier Hot-air Balloon

Bücker Bü133C Jungmeister

of their own neighborhood and even fewer Throughout this book you will find scale boxes
traveled long distances overseas. Today, coast- that show the sizes of types of transportation
to-coast journeys that once took weeks take compared to either a child or a school bus.
hours, while you can cross the planet in less
than a day on a giant jet airliner. Shipping now Child = 4 ft 9 in (1.45 m) tall
connects all parts of the globe, enabling you
to buy food grown on the other side of the School bus =
world and many other goods, too. Advances in 36 ft (11 m) long
transportation have helped people explore and
settle new lands, make exciting discoveries about
our world, and even blast off, leaving the planet
altogether to explore the marvels of space.

Clive Gifford


Sea-Doo® Spark™ John Deere 650K XLT

On the road 1769

The first automobile was a steam-powered cart that set off in French
1769 at a top speed of 2.5 mph (4 km/h). Over the years, many inventor
clever inventions have helped shape modern motor vehicles. Nicolas-Joseph
Today, more than one billion travel along the world’s roads. Cugnot builds the first
working automobile.

1868 The first 1885 1927

traffic lights The Benz Motorwagen, the The Napier-Campbell
are installed in first wheeled vehicle powered Blue Bird sets a
London. Not long by an internal combustion
engine, takes to the road. land-speed record of
afterward, 195 mph (314 km/h).
they explode! 1900
Blue Bird

German engineer Nikolaus
Otto builds the first internal

combustion engine.


1880 1894 1908

Several inventors In Germany, Hildebrand The Ford Model T goes
develop so-called and Wolfmüller build on sale in the USA. It
the Motorrad, the first becomes the first car
“safety bicycles” production motorcycle. to be mass-produced on
driven by a pedal and an assembly line.
chain mechanism.
The High Wheeler, the first
bicycle with big front wheels to

boost speed, is designed.

1916 The Ford Model T

first fully working
armored tank, the
Mark 1, goes into battle
in France in World

War I.


1979 Bigfoot, the first 2013 British company

monster truck, is developed FlashPark invents a
in the USA by Bob Chandler talking parking ticket.
for off-road adventures.

1938 1997

The Volkswagen Type 1, Thrust SSC sets a world
or Beetle, rolls off the land-speed record of
production line in Germany.
Over the years, a further 763 mph (1,228 km/h), faster
21.5 million are built. than the speed of sound.

1950 1980

The world’s first Formula 1 The world’s longest
World Championship is won recorded traffic jam
by Italy’s Giuseppe Farina in of 105 miles (170 km)
an Alfa Romeo 159. blocks roads in France.

1950 2000

1946 1981 2005

In Italy, Vespa produces Stumpjumper, the first mass- A Bugatti Veyron sets the record
its first scooter, sparking produced mountain bicycle, for the world’s fastest production
a fashion craze from the car, clocking 253 mph (407 km/h).
1950s onward. goes on sale in the USA.
Bugatti Veyron
1940 Jeep
1949 Sierra Sam becomes
The Jeep is first
introduced as the first fully formed crash
a general test dummy, used to test
purpose the safety features of cars.
light truck.


Along the tracks

Steam locomotives were known as “iron horses” when they

started a transportation revolution in the early 1800s, speeding 1913
up the movement of people and goods all over the world. Today,
diesel and electric locomotives have taken over from steam. Grand Central Terminal
opens in New York. The

station has the most

number of tracks—

1829 1830 The first intercity 67 in all.

The first modern steam steam passenger service, the 1881
locomotive, the Rocket, Liverpool and Manchester
built by Robert Stephenson, Railway, begins.

sets new speed records. The first electric

streetcar service

1770 begins in Germany.

Scottish inventor 1869
James Watt invents
the compound steam The first Transcontinental
engine, versions of Railroad across the USA
which will power is completed—a total of
early locomotives. 1,907 miles (3,069 km)
of tracks.

1800 1850 1900

1804 1863 1914

The Pen-y-Darren The first underground city railroad, the Throughout World
locomotive is built Metropolitan Line, opens in London.
by British inventor War I, railroads
Richard Trevithick, en-y-Darren locomot
for work in mines. 1906 prove invaluable

The for moving troops

Simplon Tunnel, and supplies.

connecting Italy and

P ive Switzerland under the

Alps, opens. It is the world’s

longest railroad tunnel.


Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express 1964 1984

1916 The world’s first bullet In the UK, the first commercial
train, Shinkansen, maglev transportation system
The world’s longest railroad line, the connects Tokyo to opens, connecting Birmingham
Trans-Siberian Railway across Russia, is other cities of Japan. International Airport and
completed. It runs for 5,772 miles (9,289 km). nearby terminals.
1937 1960 2012
The high-speed
German inventor French Railways Channel Tunnel Tokyo metro carries
Hermann Kemper introduce the world’s Eurostar service begins 3.29 billion passengers in a
develops magnetic from London year, making it the busiest
levitation (maglev) as a first 125 mph metro system in the world.
force for moving trains. (200 km/h) service— to Paris.

the Le Capitole.

1950 2000

1955 1975 2007

Initial trials of the English In the UK, the Inter-City HST An experimental French TGV sets the
Electric Deltic—the most becomes the fastest diesel- world record for the fastest electric train,
powerful diesel locomotive powered train in the world.
in the world—take place. with a speed of 357 mph (574 km/h).


1938 First passenger-carrying
test run of Japan’s new maglev
The Mallard sets the world record for train system. Trains reach speeds
the fastest-ever steam locomotive, at a
speed of more than 125 mph (200 km/h). of 373 mph (600 km/h).

1988 The world’s longest
underwater railroad tunnel,
the Seikan Tunnel, 33.5 miles
(53.9 km) long, is built to connect

two Japanese islands.


Across the water

Humans have been traveling by water for so long that it is 1768
impossible to know exactly when the first boats were built.
Some have changed little over the centuries, but today Captain James
there are also hi-tech speedboats, mighty Cook sets off from
tankers, and giant cruise liners on the England to explore the
waters of the world. South Pacific. His voyage
takes three years and covers
Santa Maria more than 30,000 miles

1492 (48,000 km).

Explorer Christopher 1661
Columbus sails west from
Spain in the Santa Maria. The first recorded yacht race takes
He crosses the Atlantic place, between the English King
Ocean and lands in Charles II and his brother James,
the Bahamas. on the Thames River in London.

1500 1600 1700

1510 1620

The English ship Mary Rose The Mayflower leaves 1716
is one of the first to be built
Plymouth, England, ptluhnediremreodstSpdIaanCnntiagthsherheierbowtberueaeasatar,elsnayrusswr1epo7eif0srrehat0hitsapee,tss.
with gunports, holes for
cannons to fire through. taking 102 pilgrims

to settle in the New Mayf lower
World (America).


Portuguese navigator
Ferdinand Magellan sets out
with a fleet of five ships. Just

one would make it back in
1522, having completed the
12 first voyage around the world.

opnuiSnltalweWMmbdoaiuynawteen1clorse8rooos-sysondkseiteiwaanLn,rg1ha-Usoek9kwSnleid2asAPh.s2R,eeianpwlvipnaehsnted 2014 The CSCL Globe container ship goes into service. At 1,311 ft

(400 m) long, it is the longest container ship in the world.

Tûranor PlanetSola


Dreadnought 2012

1819 Tûranor PlanetSolar,
the largest solar-
SS Savannah
becomes the first powered boat in the
steamship to cross world, completes its
the Atlantic Ocean. trip around the globe.

1800 1906 1914 1977

The Dreadnought is launched The Panama Canal, NS Arktika, a nuclear-
by the English king, George V. linking the Pacific Ocean powered icebreaker,
with the Atlantic Ocean, becomes the first
At the time, it was the most opens. Ships no longer surface ship to reach
powerful battleship in the world. have to take the long and the North Pole.
dangerous route around
1900 South America. 2000

1775 1912 2009

In the USA, the world’s On her maiden voyage, the MS Allure of the Seas—
first combat submarine, the biggest passenger
the Turtle, is designed. RMS Titanic sinks after cruise liner ever
built, launches.
1822 striking an iceberg in
the North Atlantic. 1954
French scientist
The world’s first nuclear-
Augustin Fresnel designs a powered submarine, the USS

lens that makes the beam of Nautilus, is launched.
In 1958, it crossed the
a lighthouse five times North Pole underwater.

more powerful.

Turtle USS Nautilus 13

Up in the air 1913 Russian Pyotr Nesterov

Powered flight took off in 1903 when American brothers becomes the first pilot to fly a
Wilbur and Orville Wright attached an engine to a glider loop-the-loop.
and traveled through air for 12 seconds. This short flight
blazed the trail for supersonic jets, giant airliners, and
even spacecraft.

1785 Frenchman Jean-Pierre

Blanchard and American John
Jeffries fly across the English
Channel in a balloon.

1783 1900 The first rigid airship, the 1903

In Paris, France, the Zeppelin LZ1, makes its maiden The Wright brothers’ first
Montgolfier brothers’ voyage in Germany. powered flying machine,
hot-air balloon makes the Wright Flyer, takes
the world’s first manned off in the USA.
flight, lasting 25 minutes.
1891 1896 1907
German “Flying man” American inventor The first flight of a
Frenchman Jules Otto Lilienthal makes Samuel Pierpont rotary-wing aircraft,
Henri Giffard’s the first of more than Langley flies his forerunner of the
steam-powered 2,000 flights in a series steam-powered helicopter, is
airship makes its of fixed-wing gliders. model aircraft, piloted by
first flight, proving the Aerodrome. French engineer
controlled flight Paul Cornu.
is possible.
14 Lilienthal’s Normal Apparatus

1930 A nurse by profession, Ellen

Church becomes the first flight attendant.

Space Shuttle Columbia

1969 1969 1981

In the UK, the The US Apollo 11 spacecraft Space Shuttle Columbia lifts off from
Hawker Siddeley takes off for the moon. Two Cape Canaveral, Florida, for its first
Harrier becomes the of its astronauts become the space mission. The Space Shuttle
first vertical-take-off- first humans to walk on the program continues until 2011.
and-landing (VTOL) lunar surface.
military jet in service.

The American Boeing 307 Stratoliner,
the first airliner with a pressurized
cabin, helps make flying a pleasant
experience for passengers.


1952 1961 1976 2014

In the UK, the first commercial Russian cosmonaut Yuri The UK/French After a 10-year
jet airliner, the de Havilland Gagarin becomes the supersonic airliner journey, the
Comet, enters service. first man in space. He the Concorde enters
orbits the Earth for 108 passenger service. European Space
1927 minutes onboard his Agency spacecraft
Vostok 1 spacecraft.
American Charles Lindbergh makes Rosetta reaches
the first nonstop flight across North a comet and lands a
Atlantic in his Ryan NYP Spirit of probe on its surface.
St Louis, a distance of more than
3,600 miles (5,800 km).

1Ifit9rsi4st 9rneofAunesBtleo-5dp0ifnlSigumhpitedarafroiorruftorneudsrstthimmeaweksoe!rsldth. e



Animal power

Handler, called Wooden, RCohmae r2i0o0 tBCE
musher, gives spoked wheel
commands to dogs Leather
Roman harness
tic region chariots pulled

by four horses

could race at speeds
of 30 mph
(50 km/h).
LandHusky sled Arc
Chuck wagon USA 1866
Canvas cover stretched over iron hoops Reins are attached to the
to provide protection against weather harness at the mouth

Straight Liverpool g ig UK 1800s

Conestoga wagon Distinctive
glass lanterns
USA 18th and 19th century

The Glass
Coach is used for

the weddings

of the British
royal family.

The Glass Coach

UK 1881

For thousands of years, people have As early as 3000 BCE, animals were used to pull

harnessed the power of large animals the first chariots into battle in the Middle East and

to transport them and their goods. Oxen, Asia. Later, the Romans turned chariot racing

dogs, horses, mules, and reindeer have into a sport, using lightweight designs in which

all been used to pull sleds or haul wagons the driver rode from a small platform over the

18 and, in some parts of the world, still do. wheel axle. Wagons got bigger when pioneers set

“Rumble” Arched hood Coachman’s
seat for can be raised seat
servant or lowered
or groom

phaeton Animal power


Rubber Square landau
UK c.1890
Lead dogs find
the trail and set Railway horse bus
the pace
UK c.1900
Enclosed cab
for passengers

Iron hoop
forms frame for
a canvas cover

Chuck box—a
set of drawers

for storing goods

Flag with red cross indicates
wagon was a medical vehicle

Wooden wheels Ambulance wagon
with iron rims
World War I 1914–18

off across North America in the 18th and 19th as they herded cattle across the country. In the 19
centuries. The four-wheeled, covered Conestoga towns, small, lightweight carriages such as the
wagon could carry five tons of food, tools, and Liverpool gig or the Spider phaeton carried
belongings, and was usually pulled by oxen. Not up to two people on short journeys, while bigger
long after, fully working kitchens on wheels, called carriages, such as the Square landau could
chuck wagons, could be seen following cowboys transport four people in greater comfort.

CAMEL CARAVAN Out of the way, there’s a convoy coming through!
It’s made up of camels carrying salt—Ethiopia’s
white gold, mined from the Danakil Depression. Highly prized, both to flavor food and preserve
it, salt is levered out of the giant salt flats at Danakil in slabs. These slabs are then cut into blocks
and lashed onto the backs of the camels, the ultimate desert pack animal.

Caravans (convoys) of pack animals—from camels, horses, Ethiopia, from Danakil to the trading center of Mekele,
and mules, to yaks, llamas, and even elephants—have been involves a 60-mile (100-km) trek across one of the hottest
used throughout history to transport food, materials, and places on Earth, with temperatures soaring past 122°F
goods for trade. Camels are famed for their ability to (50°C). Salt caravans have crossed the Sahara for more
withstand heat and a lack of water, making them perfect for than 2,000 years. In the past, thousands of animals made
cargo-carrying trips across hot deserts. This route across up the camel trains, but today 20 to 30 are more common.


Land Bicycles are a fun and efficient way
of getting around. A cyclist can travel
around four to five times faster than a Saddle ❯ The Seat post
walker, using the same amount of energy.
Although designs vary, most bicycles share bicycle’s seat can be solid Seat
common key parts. A chain, powered by or padded for comfort. tube
a chainwheel and driven by pedals and It is attached to a seat
cranks, transmits power to the rear wheel,
which turns and drives the bicycle forward. post, which slides into the
frame’s seat tube.

Rear brake

Wheel and tire ❯ These Rear brake

support the weight of the
bicycle and the rider. Different
tires have different patterns
on their outer surface known
as tread. This bicycle has
smooth tread tires for road
racing. An off-road bicycle
will have chunkier tread
to provide better grip.

Gear cable

derailleur ❯

The derailleur
gear moves
the chain
to different
gear cogs.

Spokes ❯ Thin and Chainwheel

strong, spokes connect Chain Bottom
the wheel’s rim to its bracket
center, or hub. They allow
wheels to be built that are strong
but light in weight, and they let air
22 through when the wheel faces the wind.

Frame ❯ This is the skeleton Stem Handlebars ❯ These act as a lever Bicycle

of the bicycle, to which all the for the rider to grip and turn the front
other parts are attached. The wheel when steering. They also hold
the gear controls, bicycle computers,
frame is usually formed out and brake levers. This racing bicycle
of hollow tubes of steel for has dropped handlebars for a low,
cheaper bikes, or aluminum tucked-in riding position.
combined with other metals
(alloy), titanium, or carbon fiber Brake lever
for higher performance models.
Cable guides
Cannondale rac
Water bottle
held in cage

ing bike


Crank ❯ The crank is

a shaft connecting the
pedal to the toothed
chainwheel through a series
of arms called a spider. The
spider and chainwheels turn
on the bottom bracket axle.


Pedal power Similar-sized front
and rear wheels
Padded Handlebar
ar mrest on iron stem Velocipede UK 183

Land 9
High wheeler UK 1871
Dandy Horse Draisienne

Germany 1817



Wooden Long shaft
crossbar connects pedal to

rear wheel

Saddle on single
metal spring


bMonicehshaaukxeVr eFlraoncceip18e6d9e Solid iron
handlebar stem

Spoon brake
presses directly on
solid rubber tire to
slow bicycle down


Considering the wheel has been around The German Baron Karl Von Drais invented the
for more than 5,000 years, it is amazing Dandy Horse in 1817, which had a saddle and
to think that it was only 200 years ago handlebars but was powered by a rider paddling
people finally got the idea to place two his feet along the ground. It led to other human-
wheels on a frame and create pedal- powered machines, including the Michaux
24 powered personal transportation. Velocipede, which had pedals fitted directly

Curved steel High wheeler Pedal power
tubes form a front wheel acts Singer tricycle UK 1888
diamond shape
Rover safet as a rear wheel

y bicycle UK 1885

Straight In 1885, Chain links pedals bicSywcliftsae fUeKt
front forks and rear wheel
the Rover bicycle Cur ved
Large front Solid rubber tire, front
wheel up to won a 100 mile replaced by pneumatic forks
5 ft (1.5 m)
in diameter (160 km) race in (air-filled) tires
the UK in 7 hours, from 1888

5 minutes. y


Simple mudguard
covered the small
rear wheel

Facile dwarf safety bicycle Singer safety UK 1888

UK 1888 Saddle made
of 131 ft (40 m) of
In 1884, woven cord weighs
31⁄2 oz (100 g)
Thomas Stevens

crossed the USA
on a high

Dursley Pedersen bicycle UK 1898–99

to the front wheel. The experience of its iron resulting in many falls. Alternatives were sought, 25
“tires” on cobbled streets earned it the nickname including pairing two high wheeler front wheels
boneshaker. High wheelers, or Penny Farthings, to form the rear wheels of the Singer tricycle,
in the UK, France, and the USA had no chains or and using a chain-driven rear wheel, as in the
gears, but had bigger front wheels to boost speed. Rover safety bicycle. This design ushered in
It perched the rider high above the ground, the modern bicycle with wheels of similar size.

Speed Seat post

Rear wheel Dedacciai Strada Assoluto Italy 2011 Isaac Force Germany 2005
with spokes
and carbon Tires inflated with helium gas
to save 3⁄8–9⁄16oz (10–15 g) per tire
fiber rim


Molded carbon
fiber frame

track bicycle
weighed just

20 lb (9 kg).

bicycles often have
narrower handlebars

Marin Ravenna A6WFG USA 2012 Single, fixed gear

If you have a need for speed, then a Not all racing bicycles are used for racing. Many
racing bicycle is for you. Designed for are used by cyclists to commute rapidly to work or
fast riding on smooth surfaces, racing for a workout. Frames are designed for both men
bicycles are light in weight with a high and women; the Ravenna A6WFG is a women’s
seat and low, dropped handlebars. racing bicycle designed for endurance riding.
Competition racing bikes are designed with super-

Narrow aero bars help bicycle Frame extends all Long tri-bars
and rider cut through air the way to the saddle to rest arms on

Rossin Time Trial pe 108 UK 1992

Italy 1983

Lotus Ty Speed wheels
Cantilever UK 1986
Three-spoke This Brake and gear cables
carbon fiber wheel hidden inside frame to
bicycle broke improve aerodynamics
handlebars the 400 m Cervelo P5

world record in the Canada 2012

1992 Olympic


Windcheetah Carbon

Pannier bags
for storage

Third bottle fitted Cannondale ST1000 USA 1988
underneath down tube

lightweight frames of aluminum or titanium alloys, aerodynamic (cut through air more easily) than 27
or carbon fiber. The Assoluto’s carbon fiber frame wheels with spokes. Solid-bodied track racers,
weighs just 2lb 6oz (1.1kg), a little more than a such as the Windcheetah Carbon Cantilever,
baseball bat. Solid disk rear wheels are used on appeared in the 1980s with a solid carbon fiber
track racers, in time trials, and on triathlete’s bikes body. They were tested in wind tunnels to ensure
such as the Cervelo P5, because they are more they were as aerodynamic as possible.

SPRINT FINISH You can feel the pain just watching these sprinters pump the
pedals at the end of another grueling stage of the world’s
most famous bike race, the Tour de France. This stage—the tenth of the 2011 Tour—started 98miles
(158km) back. In a photo finish, André Greipel of Germany (right) crossed the line a fraction ahead
of Mark Cavendish of the UK (left). Both are given the time of 3 hours, 31 minutes, and 21 seconds.

The Tour de France takes place over three weeks every part, each with nine riders. The cyclists’ times for each day
summer. It covers more than 2,175 miles (3,500 km), broken are added together and the rider with the overall lowest time
up into 21 stages. Each year, the route across France changes, gets to wear the prized maillot jaune (yellow jersey). But there
sometimes entering other European countries, but it always are also prizes for the fastest sprinter (green jersey), the
challenges riders over all sorts of terrain, with stages on the fastest climber (red polka dot jersey), the fastest rider under
flat, in the hills, and in the mountains. Around 20 teams take 25 (white jersey), and for the fastest team.

Bike business

Land Wicker basket holds up Pannier bag Response bicycle UK 2000
to 55 lb (25 kg) of goods contains emergency
medical equipment
shley Delibike UK 1948

Butterfly screw can be Folding stand supports
loosened to fold frame in half the bicycle when parked

side lights
on rack bag

BSA Airbo

rne UK 1943

Tool bag hung from Police mountain bicycle
top tube of frame
Germany 2000s
Folded-up bicycle is less
than 23 in (57 cm) in height
and 22 in (55 cm) in length

There are
more than

1,200 parts

in a Brompton


Brompton Folding Bicycle UK 1981–83

Cycling may be lots of fun, but many In both crowded towns and cities, and isolated
people ride their bicycles to and from countryside areas, police mountain bicycles
work, or use them in order to do their allow officers to get to a crime scene quickly.
jobs. Bicycles offer a cheap, quick, and Response bicycles, with their pannier bags
convenient way to get around, and to filled with lifesaving medical equipment, can get
30 transport people and deliver goods. through traffic or crowds to reach a patient where

Container for letters Bike business
and small packages Trishaw Malaysia
DHL Parcycle Netherlands 2014
Hooded canopy
provides shade


Seat for up to 1980s Canopy
two passengers keeps ice cream
Cart handle acts as shaded from Sun
Height and angle of the bicycle’s handlebars
saddle can be adjusted for Tricycle ice cre
cart India 1980s
maximum comfort am

Brake and gear
cabling hang loose, so
the bike can be folded

Luggage rack Small wire
can hold large bag basket to

ycle China 2000s carry shopping

Public bic

Small, 16-in
(40.6-cm) wheel

larger vehicles cannot go. The BSA Airborne bicycles are equipped with baskets or carriers to 31
was used by British troops during World War II— carry cargo. The DHL Parcycle fits a giant
its frame folded in half when two butterfly screws container onto a bike to carry packages. Bicycles
were loosened. Folding bicycles, such as the can also be modified, and their frames attached
Brompton Folding Bicycle, continue to be to carts or carriages, such as the ice cream cart
used by thousands of commuters. Delivery and the pedal-powered Penang Trishaw taxi.

Fun on wheels SL 1981


Padded seat Velocar France 1933 MarWkinVdIcShpeeeetdayh
supports back


Unicyc Backrest includes Riders
lockable trunk and experience
rear lights
“rubber legs”
le France 1800s KiUnKg1c9y90csle
when they try a
new style of bike

and use new

Dropped handlebars
with brakes for the rider

at the back

Santana Triplet USA 2000s

If you think all bicycles feature just one A unicycle has a single wheel, turned by pedals,
rider sitting upright, supported by two and demands great balance from the rider to stay
wheels, think again! Many variations on. Three-wheelers are easier to ride, and some,
on the bicycle’s basic design have been such as the Pashley Tri.1, even offer a platform
attempted for greater speed, more to carry large loads. Tandem bicycles, such as the
32 comfort, or just for fun. Dawes Galaxy Twin, have two riders pedaling,

Joystick Kingcycle Be

Brakes on Body shell and Fun on wheels
front wheel bicycle weigh an UK 1984
82 lb (37.2 kg)

This e Switzerland 1995 Hinged windshield
slick bicycle acts as a door

has joysticks Twik

Electric motor, plus instead of
pedal power, gives top
speed of 15 mph (24 km/h) handlebars

Handlebars for steering.
gripped under

rider’s knees

Twin seats

Sinclair C5 UK 1985 Platform to
carry loads
rack Pashle

Hinged frame y Tri.1 UK 2013
folds up for storage

Dawes Galaxy Twin UK 2008

Timing chain links two sets
of pedals and chainwheels

but only the front rider steers. The Santana The Windcheetah Speedy was cycled the length 33
Triplet has seats for three riders, with a long of the UK in just 41 hours, 4 minutes, 22 seconds.
chain linking each rider’s chainwheel to ensure Some recumbents fit a body shell around the rider
smooth pedaling. In recumbent bicycles, riders sit to let air flow past more smoothly. In 1990, the
or lie down with their legs out in front; the bicycle Kingcycle Bean set a world speed record of
is low and can slip through air at high speed. 47 mph (76 km/h) over one hour.

Extreme cycling

Land Trek 8900 Pro USA 1990 Suspension allows Gear changer on the
front forks to telescope handlebar helps select
down into lower tubes between the bicycle’s 15 gears
when hitting bumps
Single gear
cog on rear


Specialized Stumpjumper Raleigh Kool Ma x UK 2000s

Frame made of USA 1981
carbon fiber tubes fitted
to aluminum joints 2ft-6in- (6.4-cm-)
wide tire for great grip
in sand, dirt, and mud

Some Fat Chance Yo-Eddy USA 1991
bicycles have

up to 30 gears

to speed over


Shock absorber
cushions bumps

Trek 6000

USA 19 91

Toe straps Hydraulic (fluid-
secure rider’s operated) disk brakes
feet on pedals
Stumpjumper FSR Pro USA 2004

While ordinary bicycles can be ridden The first mountain bicycle made on a large scale

off-road, their smooth tires and slender was the Specialized Stumpjumper. Only 500

frames are not suitable for rough stuff. were initially produced, but they started a

When bikers in the USA began redesigning revolution. Soon, many manufacturers came up

bicycles for better off-road performances with their own designs. The Trek 6000 had a

34 in the 1970s, mountain biking was born! lightweight, all-aluminum frame, while the Trek

Rubber grips Derailleur gear system Front forks have suspension
on handlebar has 20 different gears for that can slide as much as 3.8 in
Cushioned saddle
with plastic covering rider to select from (99 mm) to cushion bumps

Large frame Marin Nail Trail

Rigid USA 2014

Chain guard Reflector fitted to
stops clothing from wheel spokes
snagging on chain
Saddle set low so
Foot peg for that rider’s weight is
stepping on when
performing tricks over rear wheel

MBM Instinct BMX Haro Freestyler BMX
stunt bicycle Italy 2000s racing bike USA 2012

8900 Pro’s frame was made of carbon fiber to such as the Stumpjumper FSR Pro, have shock 35
keep its weight down. Many mountain bikes are absorbers for both wheels. BMX bikes are strong,
fitted with suspension systems. Hardtail bicycles small-wheeled bicycles, some of which are raced
(with rigid frames), such as the Marin Nail Trail, over dirt tracks. Freestyle (stunt riding) BMX
have front forks that lessen the impact of bumps bikes such as the MBM Instinct, are built for
and landings. In contrast, full-suspension bicycles, doing tricks and out-of-the-saddle moves.

MOUNTAIN BIKE MADNESS MTB freerider Louis Reboul
launches his mountain bike
off a giant 52-ft- (16-m-) high ramp during the Red Bull Rampage 2014. He twists the bike and his
riding position in midair to pull off a perfectly judged landing. One mistake and the result could be
disastrous, with a huge drop onto the hard, unforgiving sandstone below.

Mountain bike (MTB) freeriding involves riders pulling moves and complexity of their tricks. These can involve full 360°
and tricks as they take on a challenging run, full of dramatic spins, backflips, and no-hands riding. Held on the edge of
natural features and, sometimes, man-made obstacles such Zion National Park in Utah, the Red Bull Rampage is an
as large ramps. Competitors ride bikes with full suspension annual invite-only tournament for some of the hottest
on both wheels to allow for heavy impacts on landing, and freeriders in the world. Each gets to pick their own route
their runs are judged for speed, control, and the execution along the almost-vertical drops of ridges and cliffs.


Land Bikes were first fitted with engines in the 19th century and have

never looked back! Today, millions enjoy the fast, convenient

travel and the freedom of the open road or trail that motorcycles Chassis ❯ The frame
provide. This Yamaha XJR 1300 is called a “naked” bike,
because its engine is not hidden behind body panels. With a top to which other parts
speed of 130 mph (210 km/h), it is faster than many cars. of the motorcycle are
attached, the chassis
Rear seat ❯ Big motorcycles have a helps keep the wheels in
line for good handling. It
seat long enough for a passenger, who is usually made of steel
can grip the handle behind the seat.
or a combination of
metals (alloy).

Yamaha XJR 1300


Shock absorber ❯

A coil-spring and
oil-filled cylinder cushion
the bike and rider over
bumps in the road.

Rear wheel ❯ Exhaust pipe ❯ The exhaust

This is driven by pipe channels waste gases from
power from the the engine out behind the bike.
engine through a shaft
or belt, or on this
motorcycle, a metal chain
38 similar to a bicycle chain.

Side mirrors ❯ Throttle ❯ Controlled by twisting the Motorcycle

Mounted on the right handlebar, the throttle controls
handlebars, these allow the flow of gas and air mixture into the
cylinders in the engine. More air means
the rider to see what’s more power and a higher speed.
going on behind the bike.
Fuel tank ❯

The tank
holds the gas
and pumps it
to the engine.

Headlight ❯ Powered by

the motorcycle’s alternator,
this lights up the road ahead.

Front Front wheel ❯ Fitted
with an air-filled tire,
this wheel is steered

by the handlebars.

Brake disk

Engine ❯ Fueled by gasoline, the engine generates power,

which is transmitted to the rear wheel. This engine generates
around 107 horsepower, as much as a hatchback car.


Revving up Mveiclohcaiupxe-dPe F

Land Handlebars Saddle caught fire on ranecer1r8e6a7–u7x1
for steering its first journey because it

Metal-rimmed was directly above the
wooden wheel hot ignition tube



weighing 195 lb

(88 kg) had no

5Daimler Reitwagen Germany 188

nd & GWermolafnmy 1ü8l9l4er

Mudguard Cyklon Germany 1901
was also the
motorcycle’s With its 0.5horsepower engine, the Daimler
Reitwagen is considered to be the first “real”
water tank motorcycle, even though it was crafted out of
wood. It proved to be an uncomfortable ride due
The first powered motorcycles used a to its wooden wheels and lack of suspension. The
small steam engine to drive the rear faster Motorrad and the first widely made
wheel, but motorcycles made a great
leap forward once internal combustion
engines were built small enough to
40 attach to a bicycle-styled frame.

Sprung n Single USA 1904

Mo La India

urdienl KBlCezmechenRetpuSblliacv19ia Pedaling backward Revving up
activated the brakes
Pedal to start 03 Brass tank held
the engine gas and oil FN Four

Pope Mo Belgium 1911

del L USA 1911 Engine gives top speed Comfortable padded
of 40 mph (64 km/h), a leather seat

record at the time

Three speed Wilkinson TMC UK 1912
gears when many
motorcycles had one Engine is water-cooled

Carl like many cars
Clancy rode
Early record
17,895 miles
(28,800 km)
around the world Long handlebars extend 71 mph (115 km/h)
on a Henderson
back toward the seat
Four in 1912.

Motorcycle gives top speed
of 60 mph (97 km/h), making

it a hit with police forces

Henderson Four Norton Old Miracle UK 1912

USA 1912

motorcycle, with around 2,000 built. Some early more than one cylinder. The Pope Model L had 41
motorcycles had their engines mounted in strange two cylinders and cost as much as a Ford Model T
places. The Cyklon’s engine sat in front of the car. The FN Four was one of the first motorcycles
rider; it drove the front wheel around. The Indian with four cylinders. The four-cylinder Wilkinson
Single’s engine was so low, riding over a bump TMC was designed for long-distance touring with
could knock it. Over time, engines were built with a padded leather seat, but it had no front brake.

Bikes in battle

Land Rikuo Type 97 Japan 1933 Sidecar wheel powered by the
motorcycle’s 745 cc engine

Headlight hood to mask the Sun’s glare, Zundapp KS750
which could give away the bike’s position

Germany 1940


BMW R12 Germany 1940 Steel frame for heavy panniers

Twin fuel tanks hold that could hold ammunition
5 gal (19 liters) of gas
8-in (20-cm) UBiKg19Four
drum brake


Indian 841 USA 1941

As motorcycles became faster, sturdier, Many World War II motorcycles were adapted
and more reliable, they were adopted by civilian models. More than 70,000 Harley-
armed forces in their thousands. World Davidson WLAs were made for the American
War II saw heavy motorcycle use, as forces, while 126,000 BSA M20s were built by the
scouts, in convoys, and as couriers, UK and its allies—making it the most produced
42 transporting messages and people. motorcycle of the war. A prewar Harley-Davidson

Motorcycle could carry Cannister, with
three soldiers and their the bike fitted
weapons at speeds up to
59 mph (95 km/h) inside, is just 13 in
(33 cm) in diameter


Bikes in battleWelbike UK 1942
BSA M20 UK 1942 A


could be put
together in just

11 seconds.

canvas panniers

Norton 16H Desert Duty UK
Holster to hold rifle n WLA USA 1942
or machine gun
Metal sheet
The just 130-lb (60-kg)

“bash plate” motorcycle could be dropped by

to protect engine parachute or carried by a glider

Small engine used
0.26 gal (1 liter) of gas
per 33 miles (53 km)

Royal Enfield WD/RE125 Flying Flea UK 1948

built in Japan, the Rikuo Type 97 served was one of the biggest World War II sidecars. 43
Japanese forces during wartime. Its sidecar was In contrast, the 71-lb (32-kg) Welbike could
engine-powered, improving travel over rough be folded inside a cannister, dropped from a
ground, a feature also found in the sidecar of the plane, and parachuted to the ground. Another
Norton Big Four, used as a scout by British lightweight, the Flying Flea was used to carry
soldiers. The 930-lb (420-kg) Zundapp KS750 messages when radio contact was impossible.

Scooting around

Steering column folds Lockable glove box
down when not in use
Autoped Enclosed
202 cc engine
USA 1915 mounted under

the seat

Cushman Auto-glide

USA 1938

155 cc engine directly
over the front wheel

Rear wheel Large
is 10 in (25 cm) windshield
in diameter
Exhaust pipe
Lambretta LD150 Italy 1957

Padded bench
saddle seats two

Vespa Rally 250

Italy 1976

Saddle that can
seat two people

More than Air vents help cool
engine, which can
60 million
propel scooter to speeds
Super Cubs have up to 70 mph (113 km/h)
been built—the most

produced motor

vehicle ever.

Honda Super Cub C100

Japan 1958

Scooters are small motorcycles with a step- The Autoped was one of the first scooters; its

through design and the driver’s seat above engine drove the front wheel using gears. The

an enclosed engine. The term mopeds once VéloSoleX 45, an early moped, had an engine

meant motorized bikes that had to be that powered a ceramic roller that gripped the

pedaled to start, but now it applies to small top of the front wheel to turn it. Lightweight and

44 scooters with 50cc or lesser power engines. fuel-efficient, scooters and mopeds such as the

Safety cell crumples in This Hooded onda PCX 125 Japan 2 Scooting around
crash to protect rider scooter instrument panel
can go from Large lithium-ion battery 010
BMW Front wheel fitted powers electric motors and
C 0–60mph with hydraulic brake can be recharged in 4 hours
BMGeWrmCanyE 2v01ol4ution
1 200 Germany 2001 (100km/h) in under H

7 seconds.

Scooter travels 60 miles Carrier with
(100 km) on a single charge storage box

Small fuel tank holds
1.3 gal (5 liters) of gas

Steel VFérlaoncS
luggage Yamaha Jog RR


olee X19449 5 Motobécane Mobylette

Japan 2011 France 1986
Hinged seat with
compartment underneath

fitted into the
plastic fairing

Naked Taiwan 2011

Honda Super Cub proved to be a cheap form and mopeds are still in demand. The Yamaha 45
of transportation in the postwar years. A craze Jog and the PGO PMX, powered by small
for stylishly designed Italian scooters in the 50 cc engines, are aimed at young riders. Future
1950s and 1960s led to the popular Lambretta scooters may be enclosed with a roof, such as
LD150 with its large windshield, passenger seat, the BMW C1 200 concept, or be powered by
and top speed of 50mph (80km/h). Scooters electric motors, like the BMW C Evolution.


Ariel Tricycle UK 1898 Single-cylinder Top box holds tools
engine propelled bike and spare clothing
Fuel to 24 mph (39 km/h)
tank Passenger
RTaalnedigehmRTarlieciagrhUeKtt1e904 seat in front
of the driver

Steering wheel
instead of handlebars

Rexette 5HP UK 1905 Coiled radiator
tubes filled with
water to cool engine


Front fender

SeHravril-eCya-rDGavEidUsSAon1969 Chopper-styled Honda Stream Jap
wide, padded seat


an 1982

Not all motorcycles have two wheels. Ever Early three-wheelers were pedal-powered tricycles

since bikes were first developed, engineers fitted with an engine. The Ariel Tricycle used

have experimented with three-wheeled the space between the rear wheels for the engine.

machines, which are easier to learn to ride, Some manufacturers preferred to power a single

have more space for engines or loads, and rear wheel, so they placed a pair of wheels in the

46 come with an extra tire for better grip. front. Both the Rexette 5HP and Raleighette

Vandenbrink Carver One Netherlands 2007

Honda Goldwing EML Trike Three-wheelers

Japan/Netherlands 1994 Three-wheeled
car-like body tilts up to
Short, plastic
windshield deflects air 45 degrees, with wheels
up and over rider’s head staying on the road


Can-Am front

wheel has its own


to ride out


Weighs 335 lb
(152 kg), a quarter
of the Carver One

Can-Am Spyder Trike Yamaha Tricity

Canada 2011 Japan 2014

Twin six-spoked wheels
with 13.8 in (35 cm) diameter

Tricar had rear-wheel drive and used the space a small hatchback car. Advances in technology 47
above the front wheels to fit a passenger chair. have brought in new three-wheelers that can tilt
The Harley-Davidson Servi-Car GE served their bodies as they turn. The Vandenbrink is like
police forces and breakdown mechanics from a three-wheeled car, with a fully enclosed cockpit
the 1930s to the 1970s. In contrast, the Can-Am and twin rear wheels, while the Yamaha Tricity
Spyder is built for fun and has as much power as resembles a motorcycle with twin wheels in front.

Land Road License-
burners plate

exhaust pipe

Seat with springs

Royal Enfield 500
Twin UK 1951

Front fender shows
name of motorcycle

Harley-Davidson Chrome Honda CB550
Electra Glide USA 1965 front forks Four Japan 1976

More than Rear tire with 18 in
(45 cm) diameter, 33⁄4 in
3,000 police (9.4 cm) width

units across KMZ Dnepr
MT11 Russia 1985
the USA use


Kawasaki H2C Japan 1975
BMW R60/6 Germany 197

Various types of motorcycles have been Standard motorcycles are ideal for riding around
designed for road use, from standards to town and for short journeys. Popular midsize
cruisers. Most standards offer a relatively engine bikes in the 1970s included the BMW
upright riding style and have smooth tires. R60/6 and the Honda CB550, with a top speed
Cruisers are bigger, with a reclining back of 102mph (164km/h) from its 500 cc engine.
48 and relaxed riding position for long rides. For long-distance riding, cruisers are more

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