The Journey Continues
Jefferson Health – New Jersey Nursing
2017 Annual Report
1 The Journey Continues
2 Mentorship Activities
3 “Falls Call” Safety Awareness
4 Professional Development
5 Interprofessional Decision-Making
7 Engagement
8 The BEE Award/Awards & Recognition
11 Opioid Crisis Symposium
12 Progressive Mobility in the ICU
13 Perioperative Medicine Program
14 Congestive Heart Failure Specialist Role
15 Impact of Arrival Time to EKG
16 Research Studies
18 Philosophy of Nursing
19 Scholarly Activities
21 Contributors
The Journey Continues
Helene Burns, MSN, We are pleased to present the Another initiative, started in 2016, is
RN, NEA-BC Jefferson Health – New Jersey recognition of our clinical associates
Chief Nurse Executive 2017 Nursing Annual Report. At through the introduction of the BEE
the close of 2016, we submitted our Awards and development of the
Magnet Designation® application Patient Care Technician’s Clinical
to the American Nurses Advancement Program. Also in this
Credentialing Center (ANCC). section are examples of Jefferson
Health nurses’ podium, webinar,
In early 2017, we received notice poster, publication and research
our application was accepted. initiatives throughout the year.
From there, we began document
preparations and submitted our For Exemplary Professional
stories on August 1, 2017. We await Practice, we are proud of this year’s
approval of our documents, and Interprofesssional Symposium, a
look forward to a Magnet® survey in conference sponsored by physicians
2018. This Annual Report includes and nurse leaders about the ongoing
content initially relayed as stories Opioid Crisis. We also share stories
submitted to ANCC. related to Progressive Mobility
initiatives in the Intensive Care Unit and
In the Transformational Leadership improvements in knee replacement
section, we share one clinical outcomes related to the integration
nurse’s journey as she transitioned of surgery and medicine by the
to a nurse leader role. Also included Perioperative Medicine Department.
in this section is a story of our
passion for patient safety and the In New Knowledge, Innovation,
role that nurse leaders play in that & Improvements, you will read
journey. about the role of a Congestive
Heart Failure Specialist and how
Structural Empowerment covers clinical nurses improved the door-
the journey of nurses pursuing to-EKG time for chest pain patients
their advanced degrees and in an Emergency Department.
acquiring national certification
in their specialty. The case study 2017 was an exhilarating year, as
about our Cherry Hill ICU transfers Kennedy Health merged with
highlights clinical nurse involvement Jefferson Health, a Philadelphia-
in decision-making. based, world-class health care system.
We celebrate our past and look
forward to our continued journey
of clinical excellence as Jefferson
Health – New Jersey.
Mentorship Activities
Transformational leaders It is an expectation that all and charge nurse classes
drive the success of Magnet® nurse managers and nurse offered, and serves in both
organizations, which leaders will hold a Master’s of these roles.
Jefferson Health – New Degree in Nursing (MSN),
Jersey aspires to become. or related field, by 2020. Farnum took advantage of
Our Nursing Leadership Nursing Leadership has growth opportunities, and
places a strong emphasis also advocated for the became a founding member
on professional growth and establishment of an annual of the Unit Council and the
leadership development. Nursing Scholarship. Practice Council, where she
Since 2015, 10 scholarships, had input in decision-making.
Multiple strategies for totaling $60,000, have Inspired by the changes in
furthering a continuous been awarded. which she played a part,
learning environment were Farnum decided to obtain
included in the 2014 – 2017 Through this supportive her BSN and certification.
Strategic Nursing Plan. The culture, Jefferson Health
implementation of methods, New Jersey is able to assist She enrolled in a RN-to-BSN
such as shared governance, clinical nurses to grow and program and received her
professional development, develop. Colleen Farnum, a BSN in December 2016. She
leadership training, clinical clinical nurse for nearly 20 obtained Certified Post-
advancement programs, years, has taken full advantage Anesthesia Nurse (CPAN®)
internships, residencies, of the mentoring and certification in April 2016.
and mentor programs, has education resources available, Farnum successfully submitted
bolstered this initiative. engaging in the preceptor a CAP portfolio in 2015 and
achieved exemplary status.
She credits Nurse Executive
Helene Burns for initiating
this “spark” that changed the
practice environment.
Colleen Farnum currently
serves as Director for Surgical
Services at the Cherry Hill
campus. She has evolved into
a transformational leader,
and is now mentoring others
on their journey – “paying it
forward,” and helping others
in our health system pursue
their professional goals.
Elaine Joyce, MSN,RN,CNOR, CRNFA, Assistant VP of Surgical Services
at Jefferson Health - New Jersey, with Colleen Farnum, BSN, RN, CPAN,
Nurse Director of Surgical Services, Jefferson Cherry Hill Hospital.
‘Falls Call’ Improves
Safety Awareness
Transformational Leaders
have a positive impact
not only on their areas of
responsibility, but across the
organization. Patient safety
is a top priority for Jefferson
Health – New Jersey, and
Chief Nurse Executive Helene
Burns devised a process to
involve all clinical areas in a
safety-focused initiative.
In May 2015, Burns that promote patient safety. The interprofessional
implemented a bi-weekly The overriding purpose of the collaboration fits into the
Safety Call that expanded call is to engage everyone in Relationship-Based Care
beyond nursing, to include the hospital setting in ensuring model practiced by Nursing,
interdisciplinary participants, patient safety. fostering a true partnership
such as Risk Management, based on respect for
Education, Infection Control, The bi-weekly Safety Call has the talents each person
Wound Care, Pharmacy, increased transparency and brings to the relationship.
Medical Imaging, Laboratory awareness of all safety issues The decision to include
Services, Physical Therapy, within the clinical setting. departments beyond nursing
Transport, Food & Nutrition, Expanding the call to inter- has had a positive impact,
along with Pphysicians. disciplinary departments building a sense of teamwork
provided opportunities for and ownership, while
This idea was sparked by a improvement beyond improving quality outcomes.
successful reduction in falls nursing, while promoting
due to a weekly “Falls Call” increased collaboration
established in 2013. The between disciplines for
expanded Safety Call format patient safety.
focuses on events that provide
a “lesson learned” benefit for
all, while providing insight
from all areas to gain a global
perspective into strategies
Structures that Promote Professional Development
National Certification and The National Academy of Certification were placed in
a Bachelor’s of Science Medicine has recommended the then-Kennedy Health
in Nursing (BSN) degree that all health care 2014-2017 Nursing Strategic
have been correlated with organizations increase the Plan. Two certification goals
improved patient outcomes. percentage of nurses with were set:
Jefferson Health – New a BSN degree to 80% by
Jersey promotes and 2020. With these facts in 1) 40% of all clinical nurses
supports its clinical nurses mind, goals for obtaining to be certified by 2018
in pursuing both. a BSN degree and National
2) 35% of medical-surgical
Table 1: Clinical Nurse Certification nurses to be certified
by 2018.
Initiatives to support nurses’
Baseline-2014 NA 26% professional growth include:
• Tuition reimbursement
2015 29.50% 29.5% • Scholarships
• On-site BSN classes
2016 33.00% 36.47% • Certification program
2017 36.50% 37.8% • In-house review courses
2018 40.00% Each year, since its
establishment, the goals
Table 2: Clinical Nurses with Medical Surgical Certification have been met or exceeded.
of the Jefferson Health –
Baseline-2014 NA 23.88% New Jersey Nursing
Strategic Plan for 2018 –
2015 26.27% 36.45% 2022, new goals will be
set as we continue to strive
2016 28.91% 39.7% for excellence. Tables 1, 2,
and 3 provide the annual
2017 31.80% 39.05% goals set in the Strategic
Plan, and the actual
2018 35% percentage achieved.
Table 3: Clinical Nurses with BSN Degree or Higher
Baseline-2014 NA 52.1%
2015 56.75% 58.32%
2016 61.4% 62.33%
2017 66.05% 67.58%
2018 70.7%
2019 75.35%
2020 80%
Clinical Nurses In 2015, then-Kennedy Facilitated by the Quality
Involved in University Hospital (KUH) & Process Improvement
Interprofesssional established a Hospital Flow Department, the HFSC
Decision-Making Steering Committee (HFSC) was also tasked to develop
to provide oversight for data-sensitive indicators to
The Centers for Medicare all patient flow-related measure the performance
and Medicaid (CMS) and initiatives happening of key processes that drive
The Joint Commission independently at each patient movement through
(TJC) have identified poor hospital campus (Cherry Hill, various services during
“patient flow” or “patient Stratford and Washington hospitalization.
congestion,” as a precursor Township, NJ).
and contributing factor to
negative patient outcomes.
As part of the Continuous The Cherry Hill Campus After more exploration,
Quality Improvement Hospital Flow (HF) it was determined that a
Process, it was determined Committee – represented frequent barrier to efficient
that there was a delay in by nurse managers and transport was directly related
patient transfers out of the clinical nurses – reviewed to patients not being ready
Cherry Hill hospital Intensive transfer data from January when transporters arrived to
Care Unit (ICU). In January and February 2016. This data the unit. As a result, nurses
2016, Cherry Hill ICU clinical showed that transporter committed to having patients
nurses ascertained that it response time, with a goal prepared for the transporter
took a long time to transfer of 30 minutes, had an upon arrival.
patients who no longer met actual performance time of
critical care criteria to a 23 minutes. Clinical nurses Once the plan was in place,
hospital unit with a lower in the ICU expressed that, ICU transfers decreased from
level of care. As a result, this even though the goal time 23 minutes to 12 minutes.
caused a delay in receiving was being met, they still Patients’ readiness for
critical care patients from experienced a “bottleneck” transfer improved, as noted
the Emergency Department, for appropriate patients to by transporters and shown
Recovery Room or other be admitted. in the data. The graph shows
hospital units. the sustained improvement
in transfer time through the
first half of 2017.
Transfer time out of CH-ICU
30 Post-Data
Transfer Time (Minutes) Pre-Data
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17
Transfer Time 23 23 17 20 15 13 13 13 13 24 12 15 22 13 16 13 11 5
Structure that Program (CAP), similar to process improvement. PCTs
Supports and the Nursing CAP, would be have the opportunity to
Promotes a strong initiative to address advance within the program,
Engagement both issues. and receive a financial bonus
for their engagement.
In January 2016, hospital-based In collaboration with nursing
Patient Care Technicians (PCT) leadership, the workgroup Education classes were held
were offered the opportunity group met through from October 2016 – March
to participate in the Press October 2016, defining the 2017 to introduce the program,
Ganey Engagement Survey parameters for a PCT CAP which launched in April 2017.
administered by the Department program to begin in 2017.
of Nursing to determine The program consists of The PCTs have one year
employee satisfaction. four domains – Professional to participate in different
Development, Clinical Expertise, activities of their choice.
“Recognition” and “Respect” Teaching & Leadership, and Portfolios showcasing the
were two of the major Quality Improvement – events were submitted in
dissatisfiers for this group. activities that PCTs can March 2018. The new
In response, a system-wide engage in to earn points. PCT CAP program is one
workgroup of PCTs was example of how the “voice”
established, which The program supports of associates can have a
subsequently determined involvement in committees, positive impact on the
that a Clinical Advancement continuing education, practice environment.
community service,
certification, and
The BEE Award: Providing a Structure for Recognition
The Clinical Recognition Committee, during the second quarter of 2017, launched a new program,
the BEE Award, for non-nursing staff who contribute to the patient experience.
BEE stands for “Beyond Expectations of Excellence” and is a companion to the nursing DAISY
Award. Just like daisies cannot survive without bees, nurses cannot survive without the
support of their non-nursing colleagues.
BEE Award nominations are welcomed from patients, families, and peers. Each
quarter, the Nursing Recognition Committee reviews the nominations and selects
the honorees based on established criteria. Winners of the award receive a BEE
pin, a certificate of recognition, and commemorative statue. To date, more than
50 nominations have been received, with over 20 BEE awards presented.
Awards & Recognition
2017 BEE Honorees
Second Quarter
Diane Zellers, Stratford, Surgical Services, Administrative Assistant
Mark Pizzutillo, Health Care Center, Security Guard
Cindy Ford, Stratford, ICU, Unit Secretary
Rosalie Harker, Health Care Center, Unit 100, Certified Nursing Assistant
Nichole Gares, Washington Township, MS3, Patient Care Technician
Lorie Landrau, Washington Township, Same-Day Surgery, Unit Secretary
Tyrone Harvel, Washington Township, Same-Day Surgery, Patient Escort
Third Quarter 2017
Brenda Gorman, Cancer Center, Oncology Office Assistant
Ruthann Polillo, Washington Township, Dietary, Nutritional Care Assistant,
Lauren Desiderio, Stratford, Guest Relations, Guest Services Coordinator
Lorenza Mothersill, Stratford, 2-East Patient, Care Technician
Mattie Brown, Health Care Center, Unit 400-500, Certified Nursing Assistant
Holly Sloane, Washington Township, ICU, Patient Care Technician
Eamon Sullivan, Cherry Hill, T2, Patient Care Technician
Diane McCormick, Cherry Hill, T2, Unit Secretary
Shawn Laphan, Washington Township, MS2, Patient Care Technician
Rhonda Davis, Cherry Hill, Guest Relations, Guest Services Coordinator
Kari Dayton, Washington Township, Operating Room, OR Technician
2017 ‘Power of One’ Award Winners
Clinical Nurses
Melissa O’Sullivan, BSN, RN-BC, OCN, ONC, CMSRN, Cherry Hill Medical/Surgical Unit
Jessica Horvath, BSN, RN-BC, CMSRN, Stratford Medical/Surgical Unit
Christina Goehringer, BSN, RN, Washington Township Intensive Care Unit
Maria Gagliardi, BSN, RN, Washington Township Surgery Center
Nurse Leader
Cassie Aldrich, LPN, Health Care Center Unit Manager
Valerie Nerenberg, MSN, RN, CNL, Stratford Intensive Care Unit Nurse Manager
Clinical Associates
Tracy Mahan, Cherry Hill Medical/Surgical Unit Secretary
Michael Reid, Stratford Medical/Surgical Patient Care Technician
Lauren Kreusser, Washington Township Surgical Intensive Care Unit Technician
Kathy Caruso, Cancer Center Radiation/Oncology Supervisor
Sharon Martinez, Health Care Center Unit Secretary
2017 Finalists for the March of Dimes ‘Nurse of the Year’
Category: General Adult Care
Janine Meehan, RN, CMSRN, Washington Township, MS3
Melissa O’Sullivan, BSN, RN-BC, OCN, Cherry Hill, T2
Category: Nursing Administration
Susan Fulginiti, DNP, RN-BC, NEA-BC, Corporate Nursing
National Pampers Swaddlers Award
Laurie Milliken, BSN, RN, MSCRN, RNC-OB
2nd Annual National Pampers Swaddlers “Thank You Nurses” Award, May 2017
Organization of Nurse Leaders New Jersey Nominees
Category: Nurse Leader
Margaret Rosso, MSN, RN, NE-BC, Cherry Hill, T2, Nurse Manager
Category: Aspiring Nurse Leader
Jill K. Paulsen, BSN, RN, CMSRN, Washington Township, MSL, Clinical Coordinator
DAISY Honorees
4th Quarter 2016
Maria Boyer, BSN, RN, CMSRN, RN-BC, Cherry Hill, T2
Michaela Bailey, RN, Washington Township, Neuro ICU 2
Sommer McGuigan, RN, Stratford, Emergency Department
Michelle Hudak, BSN, RN, Jefferson Washington Township Surgery Center
First Quarter 2017
Rebecca Basich, RN, CAPA, Jefferson Washington Township Surgery Center
Ruth Duma, BSN, RN, CMSRN, RN-BC, Cherry Hill, T1
Musa Williams, RN, Health Care Center, Unit 100
Lynn Stott, RN, CMSRN, CBN, Stratford, 4-East
Alexis Kennedy, RN, CMSRN, Washington Township, Same-Day Surgery
Second Quarter 2017
Maggie Mae Yacobacci, RN, CMSRN, Cherry Hill, ICU
Alyssa Arabia, BSN, RN, Stratford, 4-West
Denise Lamplugh, BSN, RN, Washington Township, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Third Quarter 2017
Nicole Butterick, RN, Home Health Care
Jacqui Martin, BSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, Home Health Care
Sheronne Gould, MSN, RN, Stratford Case Management
Francis Oswald, BSN, RN, Cherry Hill, T2
Carolyn Rooney, BSN, RN, CMSRN, Washington Township, MS3
2017 DAISY Award Team Honorees
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit – Washington Township
Tower 1 – Cherry Hill
2017 DAISY Leader Honorees
Lisa McCarry, RN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, Washington Township, Maternal-Child Services,
Assistant Nurse Manager
Opioid Crisis Interprofessional Symposium
In the face of our society’s worst Jefferson Washington Township
public health epidemic since HIV/AIDS, Emergency Department physician
everyone in health care plays a vital role James Baird, DO
and has the ability to make a positive
impact. Jefferson Health – New Jersey is
committed to educating the health care
community about the ongoing opioid
crisis affecting communities throughout
the nation, including those in southern
New Jersey.
Chief Nurse Executive Helene Burns
collaborated with Jefferson Washington
Township Emergency Department
physician James Baird, DO, to develop
a regional interprofessional Opioid
The September 2017 symposium –
open to Jefferson Health – New Jersey
clinicians, as well as area EMTs, rescue
squads, police and fire departments –
provided an array of material on the
subject, ranging from the role of a
health care system in treating this
epidemic, collaboration with community
advocates and local programs to help
our patients, law enforcement education
from local and federal organizations,
pain management and its role in this
epidemic, and tools health care providers
can use within their own departments
and specialties to make a real impact.
Progressive Mobility in the Intensive Care Unit
Early Progressive Mobility Kennedy University Hospital) no ventilator-associated
(EPM) is the standard of care launched a pilot effort in pneumonia, and the
for patients in Intensive Care August 2016 to incorporate incidence of Deep Vein
Units (ICUs). The American a PMP program into their Thrombosis (DVT) has
Association of Critical Care standard of care. decreased. Plans are in place
Nurses (AACN) promotes an for the PMP program to also
evidence-based Progressive The results have been be implemented in the near
Mobility Program (PMP). The impressive: since its future at Jefferson’s Cherry
ICUs at Jefferson Washington implementation, there have Hill and Stratford hospitals.
Township Hospital (then- been no pressure ulcers,
Perioperative Medicine Program
In 2014, the system-wide The team explored models Another area of focus was to
Surgical Services team began of care and investigated the ensure early intervention for
exploring the complication concept of Perioperative patient testing needs, such
rate for patients undergoing Medicine – defined as the as appropriate specialty
total knee replacement medical care of patients from consultation, education,
procedures. The team turned the time of contemplation and medical clearance
to external experts to identify of surgery through the studies, while eliminating
how to improve post- operative period, to full unnecessary clinical studies.
operative complication rates recovery, excluding the
in this patient population. procedure itself. Post-operatively, patients are
now followed by a Hospitalist
In January 2015 – with the Seeking best practices, and a Perioperative Medicine
focus on ensuring patient the team earmarked APN to provide a consistent
safety during the pre- nearby South Jersey-based approach to maintaining safety,
operative, perioperative AtlantiCare as a local external diminishing complications,
and post-operative phases – resource because of its encouraging a smooth
a Perioperative Design dramatic improvement over transition for continuity of
Steering Committee was time in patient outcomes care, and ultimately decreasing
formed, which determined through the adoption of the hospital length-of-stay.
that the existing Pre- Perioperative Medicine Model.
Admission process was This redesign, implemented
disjointed and needed Using information gathered with support from local
improvements. for a practice-setting experts, has enabled Jefferson
change, a workgroup was Health – New Jersey to
It was decided that it would charged with implementing improve outcomes and
be advantageous to convert a Perioperative Medicine sustain lower-than-expected
the existing Pre-admission model that would include complication rates for
Testing (PAT) process to conducting comprehensive patients receiving total knee
an integrated, pro-active history and physical replacements.
practice setting, led by examinations with an
Medical Staff Hospitalists expanded focus on risk
and Advanced Practice stratification for patients
Nurses (APNs). undergoing elective joint
Establishing a Congestive Heart Failure Specialist Role
Congestive Heart Failure The CHFS also connects
(CHF) is a growing health patients and families with
problem in the United States. other community resources,
According to the Centers for such as home care,
Disease Control (CDC), CHF extended care facilities,
affects more than 5.7 million durable medical equipment
people, with about half of companies, primary care
those affected dying within providers, and specialists.
five years of diagnosis.
By the close of 2015, the
In early 2015, then-Kennedy 30-day readmission rate
Health developed a role for of CHF patients seen by the
a Congestive Heart Failure CHFS at the Washington
Specialist (CHFS). The CHFS Township hospital campus
collaborates with multiple remained consistently lower
disciplines to educate on than the 30-day readmission
heart failure, develop an rate for all CHF patients at
individualized treatment the hospital. This has
plan, and assess compliance remained the case since
to and effectiveness of the establishment of the
the plan. program. The CHFS role
became permanent in 2016.
30-Day Readmission Rate of Congestive Heart Failure Patients seen by Heart Failure Specialist
as compared to all CHF patients at Jefferson Washington Township Hospital
50% Pre-Data
Readmission Rate 40%
30% Intervention
Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Total WTC 30 Day Readmit Rate 19.1% 12.2% 5% 20.4% 17% 20% 17% 14% 28.1% 20% 12.5% 18.9% 22.5% 15% 13.3% 32.1% 23.8% 42.8% 8.3% 28.5% 26.8% 16.6% 12.9% 23.9% 7.8% 20% 6.3% 20.4% 23.6% 26.9% 21.4% 8.9%
30 Day WTC Readmit Rate 14.7% 4.7% 10% 11.4% 14.3% 16% 15.2% 8% 5.6% 4.8% 6.5% 10.3% 11.5% 13.7% 0% 0% 25% 9.5% 15% 35% 6.2% 14.2% 18.1% 0% 16.6% 21% 23% 7.6% 9%
for those seen by HFS
Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 2016. Heart failure fact sheet. Retrieved from
Impact of Arrival The Cherry Hill ED Unit registration could then accurately
Time to EKG in Council designed a process be used as the arrival time to
the ER Setting to enhance the workflow ensure alignment with AHA
for patients presenting with best practices.
In the summer 2015, chest pain. The Council
it was determined the members developed The now-Jefferson Cherry
Emergency Department educational materials, then Hill Hospital Emergency
(ED of then-Kennedy educated all nurses, ED Department continues to exceed
University Hospital - Cherry technicians, ED physicians the AHA benchmark of less than
Hill) did not have an and the Healthcare Access 10 minutes from arrival to EKG,
established process to (Registration) manager, who as demonstrated by the three
ensure EKGs were performed then educated ED Registrars. most recent months of data:
in less than 10 minutes from
patient arrival, a goal set The new process ensures that September 2017 – 6.3 minutes
by the American Heart any ED patient with chest pain October 2017 – 6.3 minutes
Association (AHA). is immediately registered and November 2017 – 6.85 minutes
taken for an EKG. The time of
Cherry Hill ED patients having diagnostic EKG within 10 minutes of arrival
Arrival-to-EKG 15 Pre-Data Intervention Post-Data
(Average Minutes)
-5 Jul 15 Aug 15 Sep 15 Oct 15 Nov 15 Dec 15 Jan 16
-2.25 -1.65 4.83 7.47 5.29 6.05 5.73
Arrival-to-EKG 10 10 10 10 10
AHA Benchmark 10 10
ANCC Research Studies – June 2017
Research IRB Date Study Date Study
Study Title Review Type Approved Status Completed
The Role Transition Exempt 5/15/2014 Complete 9/15/2016
Characteristics of
New Registered Nurses: Exempt 12/11/2015 Complete 3/28/2017
A Study of Environmental
Influences and Expedited 9/29/2016 Complete 11/4/2016
Individual Traits
Nursing Satisfaction
with Incidence
Reporting Systems
Bariatric Void Trial
and Dehydration
Post-Hoc Analysis)
Factors that Influence Exempt 6/19/2017 Ongoing
a Nurse’s Decision to
Pursue an Advanced 8/21/2017 Ongoing
Practice Nursing Degree 8/31/2017 Ongoing
The Breakdown in Sepsis: Exempt
The Link Between Skin Exempt
Failure and Sepsis
Understanding Clinical
Nurses’ Involvement in
Decisions for Healthy
Work Environment
Feasibility of Managing
Severe Sepsis Patients in
Non-Critical Care Settings
Study Scope Study Types
Nurse PI, Co-PI, Role(s) of Credentials Internal to a Single
&/or Site PI Nurse(s) Organization
Multiple Organizations
Martin Manno PI PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CEN within a System
Independent Organizations
Regina McBride PI BSN, RN, CGRN
Rebecca Phillips Co-PI BSN, RN, CMSRN
Renee Stephens Co-PI BSN, RN, CCRN
Lynn Stott PI RN, CMSRN, CBN
Leslie Beck Co-PI MSN, RN-BC
Pat McConaghy Co-PI RN, CMSRN
Dawn Sass Co-PI RN, CMSRN, CBN
Linda Fleming Co-PI RN, CMSRN
Margaret Martin Co-PI BSN, RN, CBN
Constance Bowen PI DNP, RN, APN-C
Rosie Serrock Co-PI MSN, RN, APN-C
Julie Daly Co-PI MSN, APN, NP-C
Noreen Loreto Santos Co-PI MSN, APN, ACNP-AG, FNP-BC
Gwyn Parris-Atwell Co-PI MSN, RN, APN-C
Patricia Zielinski PI BSN, RN, WCC
Sherry Grillo Co-PI RN, WCC
Deborah Sloan Co-PI RN, WCC, OMS
Helene Burns PI MSN, RN, NEA-BC
Mary L. Johansen Co-PI PhD, NE-BC
Maria Lakernick PI BSN, RN, PCCN, CCRN
Faith Granroth Co-PI BSN, RN, CCRN
Maryann Tullo Co-PI BEN, RN, CCRN
Lea Ann Kellum Co-PI MSN, RN, CCRN, CEN
Cindy Hou Co-PI DO, MA, MBA, FACOI
Jefferson Health – New Jersey
Philosophy of Nursing
Our philosophy is built on the work
of Florence Nightingale and Jean
Watson, which supports the
mission, vision, and values
of our organization.
Through Relationship-
Based Care, nurses are
empowered to provide
safe, quality care in a
respectful, compassionate,
and competent manner.
Our focus centers around
patients, families, colleagues,
and one’s self. Care delivery
is defined within the Nursing
Professional Practice Model.
2017 Scholarly Activities 2017 Healthcare Source User Conference
November 7, 2017, Phoenix, AZ.
Podium Presentations Net Competency: The Kennedy Way
Cheryl Boehly, RN, and Coleen Nilsen, MS.
2017 Annual NICHE Conference
April 19-22, San Antonio, TX. “The Nursing Core Checklist for Antibiotic
“Geriatric and Bariatric Care: A Growing Stewardship: How to Engage Nursing to Curtail
Sub-specialty with Special Consideration:” Antibiotic Usage,” American Journal of Infection
Melissa Mordecai, MSN, APN, ANCP-BC, CEN, Control, Volume 45, Issue 6, Supplement, 1 June
and Peg Martin, BSN, RN, CBN. 2017, Page S20, Cindy Hou, DO, MBA, FACOI;
Marianne Kraemer, MPA, ED.M, BSN, RN, CCRN;
2017 Association for Professional Nursing Mary Miller, BSN, RN, CIC; and Rita Olans, DNP,
Development Conference RN, CPNP-PC, APRN-BC.
July 18-21, New Orleans, LA.
“Lippincott Users Group: Lippincott has Webinar Presentations
brought the sizzle to Kennedy Health:”
Gwen Heaney-Cutts, MSN, RN, and 2017 NJ ENA 39th Annual Emergency Care
Coleen Nilsen, MS. Conference, March 15-17, 2017, Atlantic City,
NJ. An Education Program to Reduce Violence
35th GLMA Annual Conference on LGBT Health against Nurses in the Emergency Department
September 13-16, 2017, Philadelphia, PA. Michael Zielinski II, DNP, APN, CEN, RN
“The Clinical Significance of Companion 1st Place in Education Category.
Animals for LGBT+ Youth: A Qualitative Study:”
Jeffrey Jin, LSW, ACSW. NJ Antimicrobial Stewardship Learning Action
Collaborative Webinar, November 9, 2017
New Jersey Hospital Association What Do Nurses Have to Do With Antibiotics?:
Nursing Workplace Environment & Developing a Nurse-Friendly Antibiotic
Staffing Council Education Session Stewardship Education Program
October 27, 2017, Princeton, NJ. Donna Cybulski, MSN, RN, CCRN.
Research on Healthy Work Environment
Helene Burns, MSN, RN, NEA-BC. APIC, March 22, 2017, available through
December 31, 2019. The Role of the Infection
Organization of Nurse Leaders New Jersey Preventionist (IP) in Sepsis Initiatives
(ONL-NJ), Aspiring Nurse Leader Conference, Cindy Hou, DO, MBA, FACOI and
November 17, 2017, Princeton, NJ. Marianne Kraemer, BSN, MPA, Ed.M, CCRN.
Legislation on Mandated Staffing
Helene Burns, MSN, RN, NEA-BC.
Organization of Nurse Leaders New Jersey
(ONL-NJ), Aspiring Nurse Leader Conference
November 17, 2017, Princeton, NJ
Research on Healthy Work Environment
Helene Burns, MSN, RN, NEA-BC.
Poster Presentations 2017 Association for Professional Nursing
Development Conference, July 18-21, New
2017 Oncology Nursing Society Congress Orleans, LA. Learning Outcomes in the Dedicated
May 2017, Denver, CO. Beyond the Checklist: Education Unit: A Systematic Review, Michele
Development and Implementation of the Hanifin, DNP, RN, RNC-OB and Sue Fulginiti,
Oncology Nursing Society Oncology Nurse DNP, RN-BC, NE-BC.
Generalist Competencies, Michele E. Gaguski,
MSN, RN, AOCN®, CHPN®, APN-C. Interviews
2017 Annual NICHE Conference, April 19-22 Melissa Mordecai, MSN, BSN, AS, RN, APN,
San Antonio, TX. Increasing satisfaction with CEN, ACNP-BC, interviewed by the ENA
cluster care, Ann Marie Flory, MSN, RN, NE-BC Connection, October 2017: “High Depression
and Fahim Alikhan, RN, MHA, CMSRN. Rates in Elderly Patient Population Require
Continual Assessment.”
2017 Annual NICHE Conference, April 19-22, San
Antonio, TX. Implementation of a fall program Evidence-Based Projects, PI &
in long term care and sub-acute rehabilitation Nursing Research
Peggy White, MSN, NEA-BC; Shannon Spaeth, RN;
and Melissa Mordecai, MSN, APN, ANCP-BC, CEN.
2017 APIC Annual Conference, June 14-16, Pain Assessment Documentation
Portland, OR. Traveling in the Right Direction: Improvement Project. PI project: Michelle King,
Improving Infection Prevention Orientation for BSN, RN, PCCN.
Short-Term Contracted Nurses, Mary Miller,
BSN, RN, CIC; Lea Ann Kellum, MSN, RN, CCRN, The Nurses Role in Antibiotic Stewardship –
CEN; and Marianne Kraemer, MPA, ED.M, BSN, PI Project: Donna Cybulski, MSN, RN, CCRN.
The Breakdown in Sepsis: The Link Between
2017 APIC Annual Conference, June 14-16, Skin Failure and Sepsis - PI Project:
Portland, OR. How to Increase Hand Hygiene Patty Zielinski, BSN, RN, Wound Care Nurse.
Adherence for Nurses with an Electronic Warning
System, Cindy Hou, DO, MBA, FACOI; Mitchell Structured Teaching Plan for Nurses of CHF
C. Rosenberg, MD, FACC; Robert A. Steer, Ed.D.; Patients - PI Project: Shoba Matthews, MSN,
Mary Miller, BSN, RN, CIC; Corinne S. Cricco, MBS; RN, FNP-BC, CCRN, PCCN, CMSRN.
and Kevin J. Campos.
Understanding the experience of clinical nurses’
2017 APIC Annual Conference, June 14-16, involvement in decisions about a healthy work
Portland, OR. The Nursing Core Checklist for environment and staffing. A pilot study, Nursing
Antibiotic Stewardship: How to Engage Nursing Research with Rutgers School of Nursing,
to Curtail Antibiotic Usage, Cindy Hou, DO, Helene Burns, MSN, RN, NEA-BC.
MBA, FACOI; Marianne Kraemer, MPA, Ed.M,
BSN, RN, CCRN; Mary Miller, BSN, RN, CIC;
and Rita Olans, DNP, RN, CPNP-PC, APRN-BC.
Executive Editors
Helene Burns, MSN, RN, NEA-BC
Chief Nurse Executive
Kim Packer, MS, BSN, RN, NEA-BC
Corporate Director, Clinical Excellence
Susan Fulginiti, DMP, RN-BC
Manager, Clinical Excellence
Managing Editor
Nicole Pensiero
Corporate Director, Communications
Consulting Editors
Dana Earley
Corporate Manager, Communications
Michael Baratta
Communications Specialist