Regional Director 3
Greetings & Activities
Regional Leadership 6
Team 7
International 10
Updates 11
Regional &
Dear Sorors, at the North Atlantic Region Bag Swap. Together we
collected 6,691 hoes for Soles 4 Soles in support of our
The past several months since my installation as your Global Impact international program target.
North Atlantic Regional Director at Alpha Kappa
Alpha’s 68th Boule in Houston, TX have been busy and During our Fall Cluster Conference season, we also
rewarding as the regional leadership team has truly hit took time to honor two of our precious pearls who
the ground running to fulfill our promise to lead the were celebrating major milestones. At the Cluster II
Notable North Atlantic Region with a high note. Leadership Conference, we celebrated Epsilon Sigma
Omega chapter’s vibrant Diamond Soror Hettie Love’s
In July, I appointed my Transition Chairman and birthday along with her 78 years of active service to
Transition Committee members followed shortly Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Theta Phi
thereafter by the appointments of Regional Chairmen Omega’s Soror Juanita Collier’s was presented with a
of the Communications, Technology and Print special song written by me in recognition of her 70
Communications Committees. years of service to our Sisterhood.
Over the next several weeks, we distributed three We also welcomed the newly initiated Sorors of Upsilon
editions of Noteworthy News, my Administration’s email Iota chapter from Bridgewater University (Bridgewater,
newsletter, which included a call for applications from MA), the first undergraduate chapter chartered by this
Sorors looking to serve in Regional positions and Administration, and the first black Greek letter
announced our NAR Logo Contest. Over 600 Sorors organization at the university.
raised their hands to volunteer their time and talents
to help move our region forward and our logo contest Currently, plans for the 88th NARC are underway as NARC
generated great enthusiasm and “pink and green” Chairman Soror Norma R. Evans, Vice Chairmen Soror
sisterly competition throughout the region. The Dianne Williams-Fauntleroy, Soror Roselyn Holmes Grant,
winning submission will be unveiled as the logo of our Soror Debora West, the NARC Steering Committee and
88th North Atlantic Regional Conference (NARC) the Sorors of Cluster IV eagerly anticipate your arrival in
scheduled for April 3 – 7, 2019 in Atlantic City, NJ. Atlantic City.
In early August, I joined the Sorors of Cluster I for a Sorors, it truly is an honor to serve as your Regional
luncheon celebrating our Supreme Basileus Soror Director. Thank you all for you hard work and sisterly
Glenda Glover. In addition to delivering the welcome support as we continue Exemplifying Excellence Through
address, I was honored to help kick off AKA’s HBCU for Sustainable Service. I look forward to partnering with
Life program with a challenge and a “1908” donation. A each of you as we lead the Notable North Atlantic Region
few weeks later, I joined the Sorors of Omicron Xi with a high note in 2019 and beyond!
Omega, my home chapter, for an Afternoon of Music
and Celebration attended by nearly 700 Sorors, Blessings flow,
including six former North Atlantic Regional Directors.
Next came our Undergraduate Roundup and five Soror Mary 3
Cluster Leadership Conferences, marked by record-
breaking attendance and the introduction our AKA
NAR Kurrency used while shopping at the vendors or 3
Nov. 12-13, 2018 Site Visit for 2020 North Atlantic
Regional Conference (TBD: Hartford, CT)
July 12, 2018 Installation of 34th North Atlantic Nov. 15, 2018 ASAH Humanitarian Award recipient
Regional Director (Houston, TX) (Atlantic City, NJ)
Aug.11, 2018 Supreme Basileus Soror Glenda Nov. 18, 2018 88th NARC Steering Committee Meeting
Glover Installation Brunch (Atlantic City, NJ)
(Washington, DC)
Aug. 23, 2018 Directorate Meeting (Chicago, IL) Nov. 27, 2018 Chapter Visit
Aug. 26, 2018 Day of Prayer Service (Indianapolis, IN) Nov. 28-Dec. 1, 2018
Aug. 29, 2018 Chapter Visit Association of Fraternity and Sorority
Advisors Meeting (Indianapolis, IN)
Sept.8, 2018 Installation Celebration Luncheon, Dec. 1, 2018 Theta Tau Omega 50th Golden Gala
Omicron Xi Omega Chapter Anniversary Celebration (Bridgeport, CT)
(Montclair, NJ)
Dec. 8, 2018 Bridgewater University Chartering
(Bridgewater, MA)
Sept. 13-14, 2018
Dec. 9, 2018 Kappa Theta Omega New Membership Luncheon,
Congressional Black Caucus Events Keynote Speaker (Easton, MD)
(Washington, DC)
Sept. 21-22, 2018 Undergraduate Roundup Dec. 15, 2018 Omicron Xi Omega Chapter Meeting (Montclair, NJ)
(East Brunswick, NJ)
Oct. 5, 2018 Bridgewater University Site Visit Dec. 15, 2018 Sickle Cell of New Jersey Annual Holiday
(Bridgewater, MA) Celebration (Host)
Oct. 6, 2018 Cluster V Leadership Conference Dec. 16, 2018 Omega Eta Omega New Membership Luncheon,
(New Haven, CT) Keynote Speaker (Howard County, Fulton, MD)
Oct.13, 2018 Cluster IV Leadership Conference Dec. 18, 2018 Pi Theta Omega Chapter Repository Reception
(Lincroft, NJ) (Morristown, NJ)
Oct. 20, 2018 Cluster I Leadership Conference Jan. 5, 2019 Basilei Council Meeting (Atlantic City, NJ)
(Washington, DC)
Jan. 5, 2019 Leadership Summit (Atlantic City, NJ)
Oct. 26, 2018 Chapter Visit Jan. 5, 2019 88th NARC Steering Committee Meeting
(Atlantic City, NJ)
Oct.27, 2018 Cluster II Leadership Conference
(Wilmington, DE)
Jan. 6-7, 2019 88th NARC Site Visit (Atlantic City, NJ)
Oct. 29, 2018 Thurgood Marshall College Fund, Jan. 26, 2019 Rho Xi Omega Prayer Breakfast, Keynote Speaker
HBCU President of the Year with (Pikesville, MD)
Supreme Basileus Soror Glenda
Glover (Washington, DC) Jan. 27, 2019 Beta Alpha Omega’s 85th Anniversary Celebration
(Newark, NJ)
Nov. 1-3, 2018 Directorate Meeting (Chicago, IL) Feb. 9, 2019 Theta Phi Omega, Cluster IV Founders’ Day
(Plainfield, NJ)
Nov.4, 2018 Award Recipient, Julian Bond
Community Service Award
Feb. 23, 2019 Cluster III Founders’ Day Celebration (New York)
Nov. 6, 2018 Chapter Visit Feb. 28– Mar. 2, 2019 Directorate Meeting
Nov. 10, 2018 Cluster III Leadership Conference 4 4
(Dix Hills, NY)
Deborah M. Wilson
Please visit for contact information of all committee chairmen. Executive Assistants to
the Regional Director
AKArazzi Regina Fleming* Transition Team
Archives+ Charlane Brown-Wyands INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEES
Awards Aida Roberts Bush
Communications Liz Nolley Tillman All positions appointed by the Supreme Basileus.
Connection+ Erma Barron
Regional Pecunious Ruth Marcus-Sturgis Basilei Certification
Grammateus Chapter History Book Chenita Daughtry
Corporate Sponsorship Regenia Moore-Lee Joan Wilmer
EAF+ Susan Peevy Constitution Bonnie Murdoch (C)
Regional Tamiouchos Shariah Dixon-Turner Toyin Ajasin
Fund Development Tracey Barbour-Gillett Contracts Advisor/Special Aseeli Coleman (UG)
General Member Liaison Sandra Lee Resource Committee
Golden Sorors Carolyn Weeks Corporate Strategic Partners Arlean Leland (C)
Regional Hodegos MaryFrances Perkins Diamond Golden Silver Alicia Tibbs Tolson
Amada Koon* Angela Gibson
Leadership Institute Dean Jacqueline McGuire Disaster Relief Committee Jasmine Adkins Moore (C)
Logistics Wdonna Woods Nelson
Medical Response Tiffani Middleton Economic Impact Study Angela Parks
Membership+ Arla J. Bentley Kim Dumpson
MIP + Yvette Gray Finance Mary Bentley LaMar
Music Rochelle Archelus Deborah M. Wilson
Norma Evans Foundations Cheryl Petty Garnette
Graduate/Undergraduate April Hamilton
Deborah West Task Force Jenika Hyppolite (UG)
Co-Chairman, Programs Graduate Advisors Joana Langston (C)
North Atlantic Regional Dianna R. Williams HBCU Task Force Tamara Lewis
Conference 2019 Co-Chairman, Operations Human Resources Cerise Jeanye Little
Roselyn Holmes Grant Impact Days Nicole Watson Sumpter
Co-Chairman, Social Hazel Estwick Hurley
International Day of Prayer Brenda Smith (C)
NJ Specialty License Chika Oparaocha Adriane Blair Wise
Plate Coordinator Co-Chairman, Undergraduate Investments Karla Hall (C)
Nominating (elected) Activities Shariah Dixon Turner
Print Sherri Eure-Washington Investigative Team Lezell Murphy
Leadership Development Shari McCoy
Program+ Lavdena Adams Orr Desiree McNeil
Gina Scott Leadership Fellows Elicia Pegues Spearman (C)
Program - Tonja Ringgold Karen M. Spruill
Health & Wellness Edith Pearson Mitchell Liaison to Capitol Hill Erica Johnson
Protocol (Resource) Jennell Rush (C)
Regional Chaplain Robyn Jones* Protocol Tracey Simmons Hart
Kristia Watkins (Resource)
Risk Management + Frances Frost Publications/
Adriane Blair Wise Communications Doxie McCoy
Rituals+ Roselyn Grant Reinstatement Task Force Kendra Brown
Sisterly Relations+ Haley Dunson (Resource) Sanctions Review Erma Barron (C)
Social Media Stephanie Rawlings Blake Special Advisors Vivian Smith (C)
Soror Bill of Rights Destiny Boykin Shauna Berry Cooke
Standards Operations+ Maisha Duncan Carey* Special Projects Africka Hinds
Standards Investigation+ Arlean Leland Kim Daniel-Robinson
Technology Beverly Malloy Strategic Planning Andrea Webster
Undergraduate Activities Candace Glover Datcher Technology Lucy M. Brice (UG)
Vendor Relations Aubreana S. Holder Undergraduate Activities
Geniece Gary Adams
+Regional Representatives appointed by Supreme Basileus
Greetings Dear Sorors of the Notable North Atlantic Chairman: No Soror who has ever been suspended
Region, for hazing will be allowed to serve in the position of
MIP Chairman. This guideline must be adhered to
The International Constitution & Bylaws Committee whether a Chapter elects (e.g., the 1st or 2nd Anti-
also known as your “Parliamentary Pearls Promoting Basileus holds the position by “Virtue of Office”) or
Excellence” or “P3E” for short, will be reaching out appoints the MIP Chairman. Regardless of how a
throughout the year to share information about chapter fills the role, any Soror who has been
parliamentary procedure in hopes that these suspended for hazing will NOT hold the position of
resources will entice you to want to learn more MIP Chairman.
about the awesome world of parliamentary
procedure where rules, precedents, order and Regional Conference Highlights
authority take on a life of their own. We also invite Once again, we hope to offer a Parliamentary
your general questions about parliamentary Procedure workshop at the 88th North Atlantic
procedure. If we are unable to answer your Regional Conference, a tradition that started in the
questions directly, we’ll suggest another committee Notable North Atlantic Region in 2002. The class offers
that may be able to help. Sorors an opportunity to become knowledgeable
around proper procedures, positioning themselves as
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “It is never too an asset to their chapters. Additionally, Sorors may
late to do the right thing.” You will hear our P3E elect to take the entrance exam to become a member
team echo this sentiment again and again. of the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP).
The exam is based on the first 10 chapters of Robert’s
“Straightforwardness without the rules of propriety Rules of Order, Newly Revised In Brief, 2nd Edition
become rudeness” (est. $7). Additional details about the class will be
--Confucius included in the North Atlantic Regional Conference
packet and registration materials.
Although a long-established practice may be
considered an unwritten rule, it usually “falls to the Sorors, this Committee is dedicated to supporting
ground” in the face of an actual rule. Over time, this YOU, serving Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,
situation can occur within any organized body, even Incorporated® and bringing our global platform
our wonderful Sisterhood. It’s important that every “Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service”
member knows the rules of Alpha Kappa Alpha to life.
Sorority, Incorporated® so we can all strive to do
the right thing in all that we do. Learning more Sisterly,
about parliamentary procedure is a great place to Soror Bonnie Washington Murdah, PRP
start. It is our hope that many of you will become Supreme Parliamentarian
engaged at a deeper level and want to learn more Chairman, International Constitution & Bylaws
about correct procedures and become assured, Committee
comfortable, and knowledgeable Sorors, [email protected]
empowered to run your meetings efficiently and
effectively. Soror Toyin Ajasin
68th Boule Highlights North Atlantic Representative to the International
At the 68th Boule held in Houston, Texas, five (5) Constitution & Bylaws Committee
amendments were adopted out of the eight (8) that [email protected]
had been proposed. The adopted amendments Soror Aseeli Coleman
have already been placed into our documents. Of
particular note is the provision regarding the new Undergraduate Representative to the International
Constitution & Bylaws Committee
guideline around Sorors that wish to hold the [email protected]
position of Membership Intake Process (MIP)
Sorors of the North Atlantic Region 2019 Reinstatement Workshops
have enthusiastically embraced and Application for Suspended
the new administration’s theme, Sorors
“Exemplifying Excellence through
Sustainable Service.” Globally, We Want Our Sorors Back!
sorors have contributed over Locations and dates have been
38,500 pairs of shoes in support announced for four (4) Regional
of our partnership with reinstatement workshops. The sites
Soles4Souls. Notably, the North of the workshops will be
Atlantic Region has contributed forthcoming. All workshop times
will be on Thursdays from 8:30 a.m.
6,691 pairs of shoes. to 5:00 p.m.
Sorors are encouraged to
partner with the Lions South Eastern South Atlantic Great Lakes South Central
Club International and March 7, 2019 April 11, 2019 April 18, 2019 April 18, 2019
donate eyeglasses. Mobile, AL Greensville, SC Detroit, MI New Orleans, LA
Chapter Reporting The registration fee for Reinstatement Workshops is
$150 with a registration deadline date of January 22,
Sorors are encouraged to 2019. This workshop is exclusively designed for those
enter their Target Reports Sorors who were suspended from Alpha Kappa Alpha
in the international Sorority, Incorporated and have completed the
website shortly after their suspension time period.
chapters’ events.
Capturing the program data is essential to monitoring To attend the Reinstatement Workshop, a Soror must
success with target goals. write a letter to the Regional Director (and copy the
Alpha Kappa Alpha Corporate Office) requesting
Fall Program Resources Shipped permission to return to active status. Once the Regional
Director confirms the Soror’s eligibility to attend this
Chapter Basilei and course, the Soror will then be asked to submit the
Program Chairmen are reinstatement essay, data sheet, and registration fee to
reminded that the the Corporate Office by January 22, 2019.
International Program
Committee emailed a Contact: Soror Arla J. Bentley, Chairman
variety of program [email protected]
resources. The Program
Resource Guide was also
shipped out to chapters.
An electronic version of this
guide will not be available.
Contact: Soror Tonja Ringgold, Chairman
[email protected]
Chapter Giving We are pleased to announce the
Sorors are you ready to availability of Calling Post for
LEVEL UP? All Sorors in the Region who are not
undergraduate online. For those unfamiliar with
and graduate chapters Calling Post, it is a service that
are asked to “level up” in allows us to record and send
their level of giving. The phone calls to groups of people
deadline for chapter level at a time.
recognition is Friday,
February 1, 2019. To facilitate the signups, control
costs and ensure we’re offering
Undergraduate Scholarship Deadline the service to those Sorors who need it most, we’re
The deadline for Undergraduate EAF asking all Chapter Basilei to collect and submit the
Scholarship applications is Monday, April 15, names and preferred contact phone numbers of
2019. Sorors who aren’t online
at [email protected]. Please include
Glitter, Glam and Giving—EAF NARC General Members. All Chapter Basilei and Cluster
Breakfast Coordinators should submit their names and phone
Make plans to attend the 88th North Atlantic numbers for inclusion as well.
Regional Conference's EAF Breakfast, “Glitter,
Glam, and Giving for EAF.” It will be held at the Contact: Soror Liz Nolley Tillman, Chairman
Harlem Renaissance with a Roaring 20s theme [email protected]
set for the breakfast. We encourage you to wear
your Roaring 20s attire in green, white, and TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE
black with pearls!
Sorors, we have launched a
North Atlantic Regional Director’s EAF new regional website. The
Endowment address remains the same:
Sorors, don’t forget that our own Madam To
Regional Director now has an EAF Endowment. access the ‘Members' Only’
Please remember to search for the “Mary section, please use your
Bentley LaMar Caring For Those Who Care corporate login information.
Fund” when you are donating on the EAF site.
End of the Year Online Reminder
Contact: Soror Susan Peevy, EAF Coordinator Basilei and Technology Chairmen, remember the End of
[email protected] The Year Online Presence Report is due by December 31,
2018. Please send your completed form to the North
Atlantic Region Tech Evaluation Team
at: [email protected].
International Technology Committee Update
Chapters’ Dues Transmission for chapter dues
transmission has opened as of December 1st. Cluster
Coordinators and Chapter Basilei should be advised of
this update.
Congratulations Sorors!
New Chapter Chartered At Row 1: Upsilon Iota Chapter pictured with Madam Regional Director, Mary Bentley
Bridgewater State University LaMar; Row 2: Graduate Chapter Basileus Kimberly Zouzoua, Psi Iota Omega Chapter,
Campus Advisor Diane Bell and Graduate Advisor Janet Roberts-Williams.
The Psi Iota Omega Chapter welcomed
the newest undergraduates of Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. On
December 8, 2018, the Upsilon Iota
Chapter was established on the campus
of Bridgewater State University, in
Bridgewater, MA.
Congratulations to the first
undergraduate chapter chartered under
the leadership of our Regional Director,
Mary Bentley LaMar. We are beyond
proud of these 13 ladies for their
commitment to sisterhood and service!
Welcome to the sisterhood, Sorors!!!
North Atlantic North Atlantic Region
Region Raises Over Welcomes New Diamond Soror
$17,000 for
Regional Fund Congratulations to
Diamond Soror Gloria F. Holmes
Congratulations to the
three Sorors that won the North Atlantic Xi Omega Chapter
Region’s Texas Split Raffle, held at the 68th (Washington, DC)
Boule during the North Atlantic Region’s
Luncheon in Houston, Texas, a culminating
event under the administration of North
Atlantic Regional Director Soror Meredith L.
Sorors Aida Roberts-Bush of Pi Theta Omega
Chapter, Soror Andrea Webster of Tau Omega
Chapter and Soror Beryl Miles of Delta Rho
Omega Chapter each won $1,442.
A grand total of $17,300 was collected before 9
fees. While the majority of the ticket holders 9
were Sorors, we thank the Notable North
Atlantic Region and our family, friends and
partners for their support.
Soles4Soul Collection, Undergraduate Roundup, September 25, 2018 Undergraduate Updates from the UAC
Upsilon Iota Chapter chartering, Bridgewater State University, December 8, Upcoming Leadership Fellows Application
2018. Deadline
All Undergraduate Sorors are encouraged to
apply for the Leadership Fellows Program.
information and application materials are posted
in the Undergraduates section of the Members
Only Section of
Save the Date for the Spring 2019 Skee
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated,
sorority-wide 2019 Spring Skee-Week will be
February 24 - March 2, 2019.
Thank you so much for participating in the
sorority-wide 2018 Fall Skee-Week! Words
cannot express how enthusiastic the 2018-2020
International Undergraduate Activities
Committee (UAC) was that the first Skee-Week of
the current administration was met with such
engagement and excitement!
Coming Soon!
• The unveiling of the 2018-2020
undergraduate program and logo presented
by Soror Kasey A. Coleman, Second
Supreme Anti-Basileus.
• Recap of the International Undergraduate
Webinars that recently premiered and was
hosted by Soror Kasey A. Coleman, Second
Supreme Anti-Basileus and the
Undergraduate Activities Committee.
Undergraduate Roundup, September 25, 2018 Stay Connected!
Instagram: AKA_UAC
For questions, email [email protected] or your
UAC representative—Soror Lucy M Brice
([email protected]).
save those dates Register For The 2019 Leadership Summit
IMPACT DAYS Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Sorors, if you’re interested in elevating your
JAN 15, 2019 Inc.® Founders’ Day Sorority Quotient (SQ), then make plans to attend
the North Atlantic Region Leadership
JAN 15, 2019 AKA Reactivation Day Summit on Saturday, January 5, 2019 at
the Sheraton Hotel in Atlantic City, New
JAN 21, 2019 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Jersey.
Day of Service
The theme for the Summit is "So Together
FEB 1, 2019 Pink Goes Red for Heart Anew." Chapter officers, regional committee
Health chairmen, regional committee members and
Sorors who want to elevate their SQ are asked to
APR 1, 2019 AKA Global Impact Day attend. The day will begin with a Basilei Council
Observance meeting from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., followed by
CONFERENCES the Summit from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Lunch is
JAN 5, 2019 included with the registration fee. A block of hotel
rooms has been reserved for Friday night at The
Ocean Resort. The registration deadline is
January 2, 2019.
APR 4 – 7, 2019
The objective of News of Note, under the Planning for AKA Days at the State Capitol
leadership of Regional Director Mary Bentley Plans for our AKA Days at the State Capitol are
LaMar is to share the noteworthy news of the underway. To facilitate this process,
region, updates on the regional director’s the Connection Committee is looking for the
activities, and international and regional names, positions and contact information
committee highlights. of Sorors in the region who serve in elected
positions at the Federal, State and local levels.
The North Atlantic News of Note newsletter will
published quarterly with the following issue Chapter Connection Chairmen are asked to please
dates: December (Winter), March (Spring), June submit this information to Soror Erma Barron
(Summer) and October (Fall). ([email protected]), Chairman, North
Atlantic Region Connection Committee and
Submissions should be emailed to Madam Representative to the International Connection
Regional Director for consideration and should Committee as soon as possible.
not exceed 250 words. Due to space, all items
must be approved in advance. Information
should be shared with Cluster Coordinators for
immediate sharing.
Spring Deadline: February 1, 2019
(Release Date: March)
Submission Email: [email protected]
Happy Holidays!