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Published by Digital Projects KSU, 2019-07-15 08:59:11

Occopodian 1999



Richard A. Breeden John Andrew Brem Nicholas Alton Brown
Cincinnati, Ohio Toronto, Ohio Wooster, Ohio

Bowling Green State John Carroll University Allegheny, College

Alex T. Bui Tracey Renee Burns Turner Clay Butts
Houston, Texas Lansing, Michigan Houston, Texas
University of Houston Michigan State University
Stephen F. Austin State

David Edward Canter Rodney Lynden Carlson John Stephen Catafygiotu
St. Louis, Missouri Dayton, Ohio Smithfield, North Carolina

Angelo State, University Wright State University North Carolina
State University

Windy Elaine Cole Peter Dai Dang Kirby Hudson Deeter
New Middletown, Ohio Costa Mesa, California Leawood, Kansas
University of Cincinnati University of California at University of Kansas


Constantina Sophia Marc Dominick Dolce Nancy A. Domanowski
Demou Huron, Ohio Buffalo, New York
Canisius College
Vermilion, Ohio Bowling Green State
Ohio Northern University University

Timothy J. Donatelli James Kevin Duncan Jeffrey Adam Feld
Hermitage, Pennsylvania Almont, Michigan Woodbury, New York
Eastern Michigan Syracuse University
Indiana University of University

David John Garchar Debra Mary Gibson Jeffrey James Glaser
Boardman, Ohio Gulf Shores, Alabama Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
John Carroll University
Ohio State University University of South

Scott Allen Handley Alfonso Anthony Haro III Jay Thomas Hassenfratz
Rossford, Ohio Dothan, Alabama Buffalo, New York
Auburn University Canisius College
University of Toledo

Stephen Morris Hayes Emory J. Hilton Arnold Alvin Horowitz
Tulsa, Oklahoma Lake Norden, Rockaway Beach,
University of Tulsa South Dakota New York
Dakota Wesleyan State University of

University New York at Stony Brook

Richard Franklin Jennings, Jr. Jamal P. Jeter Tanya Nicol Johnson
East Liverpool, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Rochester, New York
Bethany College Hampton University St. John Fisher College

David Wayne Jones William Dietrich Jones Cherie L. Kelly
New Orleans,Louisiana Jackson, Mississippi Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Xavier University Xavier University Bethany College
of Louisiana of Louisiana

Paul Christopher Lafata Estratios Demetrios Lloyd B. Landis
Reading, Pennsylvania Lagoutaris St. Petersburg, Florida

Alvernia College Canfield, Ohio University of South
Youngstown State Florida


Chassitty Lasha Loving Tuan Hoang Mai Michael Allen Maier
Valdosta, Georgia Houston, Texas Middleburg Heights,
University of Houston
Valdosta State University Ohio
Baldwin Wallace College

Mark Joseph Mazur Bradley Matthew Mehl Stephen Francis Mielich
Columbus, Ohio Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Fort Wright, Kentucky
Thomas More College
Ohio State University College of Wooster

C. Bryan Moore Michelle Renee Keith Wellington Myrick
Ashland, Kentucky Murray-Clark Valley Station, Kentucky
Marshall University
Hampton, Virginia Thomas More College
Howard University

Glenn Thomas Ogg Ketan Bakulbhai Patel Thomas Clinton
Grafton, Ohio Stone Mountain, Georgia Pfennigwerth

Case Western University University of Georgia Mars, Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh

at Johnstown

Kim Erik Ploot Chris Michael Powell Samuel Brechbill Rameas
Leadville, Colorado North Canton, Ohio McMurray, Pennsylvania
Michigan State University Miami University
Westminster, College

Susan Jeanne Rosso Sean Michael Roth Alexander Paul
Jeannette, Pennsylvania Cleveland, Ohio Rusanowsky
University of Pittsburgh
Ohio State University Merritt Island, Florida
at Johnstown University of Central


Andrew David Saffer Athanasia Sarros Anita Naheed Shah
Charleston, Chicago, Illinois Indianapolis, Indiana
Loyola University
South Carolina Purdue University
College of Charleston

Eymard E. Silva Angela Dean Smith Maggi Halim Saad Smith
Wood Dale, Illinois Chattanooga, Tennessee Westlake, Ohio
University of Tennessee
Northern Illinois Wright State University
University at Chattanooga

Brian Patrick Spencer Mark Christopher Jonathon Kirk Stroebel
Chesterland, Ohio Stanos, Jr. Bloomington, Minnesota
University of Wisconsin
Ohio State University Chardon, Ohio
Univesity of Toledo at Madison

Amber Heather Tessmer Jerry E. Toups, Jr. Paul Cu Tran
West Palm Beach, Florida Sheveport, Louisiana Plattsburgh, New York

Mashall University Louisiana State State University of
University at Shrevesport New York at Plattsburgh

Stacy Aaron Uebele Theresa Lynn Vacheresse Douglas Ira Vis
Mecosta, Michigan Columbus, Ohio Munster, Indiana
Michigan State University St. Joseph's College
Ohio State University

Jonathan Gordon Wash Jason Meade Weber Gary L. Williams
Waco, Texas Corapolis, Pennsylvania Orland Park, Illinois
University of Pittsburgh Purdue University
Baylor University

Rondrick Eshon Barbara Ann Yeager Christina Marie Zotis
Williamson Johnstown, Pennsylvania Bethel Park, Pennsylvania
Ohio Dominican College
Columbia, South Carolina John Carroll University

Clemson University

The Rest of the Class of 1999

Cynthia Y. Olvera Avila Ross B. Feinman Paul Vincent Perns
Brownsville, Texas West Bloomfield, Michigan Chicago, Illinois
Texas Woman's University Oakland University Northeastern Illinois


Paul Davis Brooks Megan Huang Rodney Allen Raker
Panama City, Florida Burr Ridge, Illinois Newnan, Georgia
South Alabama University University of Illinois Valdosta State University

at Chicago

Christopher Andrew Bush Michael S. Husar Donald Lee Stone
Stanhope, New Jersey Youngstown, Ohio Akron, Ohio
East Stroudsburg University Youngstown State University Mount Union College

Rick Lavon Chandler Jonathon Scott Logan Paul Serdoncillo Vallejo
Monroeville, Alabama DuQuoin, Illinois North Hollywood, California
University of Alabama University of Evansville University of California

at Birmingham David Evans Miller at Los Angeles
Brogue, Pennsylvania
Bryan W. Danhires Western Maryland College CONGRATULATIONS !
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Bethany College

Corey Endres Michael Eugene Munson
Seattle, Washington Toledo, Ohio
University of Washington Ohio University

Bryan Vincent Fallis Hoang Kim Nguyen
Edgewood, Kentucky Dayton, Ohio
Northern Kentucky University Saint Louis University

Above: Preparing for life as a doctor. Above: Want to see my 15 wood?

Above: Don't Ask.

Farewell Class of 1999

Rambo, D.P.M.?

Two more
days and

I'm just

Windows on the River
May 26, 1999

Graduation Day
May 28, 1999




1998-1999 Class Officers
Standing: Mike Goddard -Clinical Representative, Mitch Revelle

- President, Rich Kunig -Treasurer
Seated: Debbie Cook -Secretary, Megan Evans -Vice President


Jeff - after hearing Now what are we getting
about the Mt.Sinai ourselves into

Lois and Clark

I thought for sure they said tonight


More Candids...



Left: Below:
"You think I'm kidding?" Sweet Daddy Dom

Class of 2000 supports Walk-A-Thon '98.

We're still waiting for
2 grilled cheese sand-

Lisa and Brandon enjoy
an evening at the Rain


So, who's corrupting whom?
...and this little piggy goes....

You said

Even Dan begins to doubt Jeff's story
Bummer, not even bun length!


" She's got toe jam!!!!!!"

Being from Kentucky, Reiko marvels at his
first exposure to power equipment.

Where's your blue jacket?


Christy's taking growth
hormone supplements


Michael and Liliana Dujela Andy and Joi Scott Matt and Angela Renshav
July 25, 1998 July 19, 1997 December 28, 1997

Rob and Amy Przynosch Chris and Melanie Kestner Ryan and Jennifer Ryder
June 6, 1998 July 25, 1998 July 25, 1998


Bhaskar and Ann Randy and Tammy Carlson Art and Melinda Viscusi
Bhattacharyya July 25, 1998 December 27, 1997
July 31, 1998

James and Lori Duncan Wedding Sketch Randy and Kari Hall
September 12, 1998 EKP '99 July 25, 1998




1998-1999 Class Officers
Standing: Jeff Dull, Danielle Meyka, Matt Eller

Seated: Mark Moss, Tim Blackerby


Above: I want to pump YOU up.
dLe. ft: The future board f
Foiroetctaonrds, AAnmkelr"ican Colloege of

e Surgeons.

Fred must not have noticed that Barney Rubble stole outfit.

Below: "Two people laughing."
18 should see us on Halloween.


Center: It's tough be-
ing a podiatrystudent.
Here we see Charlie
attempting to sell his
Christmas presents
outside the science
Mark stands speech-
less as Rob balances a
40oz. beer on his head.


Well, I guess it's a reading assignment.

Tony Alberelli shows us that even big boys can Jason conserves his energy as he prepares to lunge
have a soft touch when handling patients. over the desks to reach the Grum's


Below: It just goes to show you
John will hit on anything.

Above: Couples Night at OCPM,
part 2.
Below: Why did Pete just rub my

Looks like Gary's roll-on
rolled off.

~bove: This is why it is so
important to know your

Below: Tim is testing the new
third-floor classroom chairs for
their sand-repulsion capabilities.

Left: "Yes Mr. Wilusz, this is a
foot. It is attached to the leg.




1998-1999 Class Officers
Andrew Bartell - Treasurer, Ingie El-Khashab - Secretary
Amy Miller - President, Jon Smedley - Clinical Director


Jesse practicing for Physical Diagnosis. (We think
Trevor is too.)

A Pearl-Drops moment.

Above: Some Cleveland
nights are longer and colder
than others.

Left: Andrew and Kristin
complete the Designated
Drunk Driver Course.

Left: Have you heard the r'..~
one about the Invisible Man
and Wonder Woman? ~·,

t 27

Below: Jungle Love?

Above: Is Yoo-Hoo dairy?... I think
I may be lactose intolerant !?!


Below: Minoxidil (Rogaine) launches
its new product, the roll-on chest ap-
plicator, at a local bar.

Below: At the 1999 "Annual Gala for
the Members of the North Coast Pimp
Society," these daddy-o's pose for a

Above: This year's 'Dance Marathon
for the Ozone Layer Above Central-
Western Arkansas National Postal
Library' wini1er .

Left Opposite: Jump-Jive, we're the
walking Gap ad.


Travis "Body by Jake" Montgomery relaxes for an exam.
Below: Kazu shows Christine his naked gun

Right: Ted smiles about what's going on below




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