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Occopodian 1968

President I.F.C. OFFICERS
___ _ _______ __ ________Tony Napoli

Vice President ___ ---------------· ·---- ____ ______________David Keller

First Row: Morris Serwitz, Tony Napoli, David Keller, Richard Koenig.
Second Row: James Dooley, Roy La Barbera, Mark Sussman, Howard Blank.


Alpha Gamma Kappa

Forty ev n 1 all 2-:roup of podiatry

student found Tc mma Kappa fraternity.

Their intent wa t h Ip uppl m nt th ir academic

training to contribut t th d y l pment of their

profession and t nri h h ir cial xperiences.

Each year th 2Tom1 in numbers

but the ba ic ten uidepo t for our


Lecture demon tration routine Yi itations to

the Eastern tar ur ino- Hom and participation as

team trainer for a l al hi h ch ol football team

supplement our didactic and clinical experiences.

President Picnics, ma querade partie and a gala dinner
dance add to the enrichment of our ocial life.

But more important. the planning and haring of
these experiences continue to help u better under-

stand the meaning of brotherhood, appreciate the

greatness of our profe sion and hopefully, make us
better men.


President ________________________________________________________Bill VanPelt

Vice-President . ______________________________________Marcel DeMaria

~;;::~~~r---------- ----_ -~::~·:~:~:::~~:~:~:::j~;~~ty~o~~il!

Front Row: William Wolery, Bruce Fertel, Daniel McArthur, Larry Gilger, Robert Guytine,
James Byron, Claude Abbondante, Robert Kostka, Edward La Belle, Frank Sobolewski, Alan

Parker, David Unde, James Stewart.
Second Row: James Long, William Krauskoff, Barry Johnson, Henry Green, Charles Williams,
Wayne Wolfe, Bill Van Pelt, Frank Mottola, Robert Monroe, George Wagoner, Anthony DeVin-

centes, Frank Pokobla, Ronald w·archolak.
Row Three: Charles Glane, Jerry Gross, Dan Rowe, Randal Vecchione, Fred Perry, John Stroh,
Matthew Polito, Michael Mineo, Rob ert Parker, Gerald Weinkam, Christopher Chiodo, Jack
Hamilton, Ernest Ajluini, Edward Warcholak, Samuel Thomas, James Whipple, Ralph Minervino.
Row Four: Elliot Biggs, Charles Giebel, Charles Marlowe, Fred Conti, James Vitalo, Robert
Gorman, Peter VanRyn, Paul Hofbauer, William Teasdale, Robert Flannery, Walter Dickson,
Gary Larsen, Louis Falletta, Edward Brown , Stan Bogusz, Cameron Elliot, Carl Vogel.


Kappa Tau Epsilon




'\,, .,,
,., .. ~ - F"

r ath crrmrth and
p ilon. The key
unity and enthu-
" ,,- rk d to<Tether this
f 11 i t am effort hm

citing parti

demonstration . it ha b n a olden year.

D urino- m ' f ur · ar h r . K. .E. ha been a

very dear part f m · lif . , nd no,,·. a crraduation

approache I lo k b k and am thankful for the

fr ui tfu l relation l ip " 'ith K.T. . I t ha been an

President honor and a pl a ur n · a pre ident.
T o the enior I _t nd b t ,vi h ! And to the

rest o f the m rnber hip- arr · O n.

President _________________________________________________Robert Shagrin
Vice President ______________________________________________David Keller
Recording Secretary ____________________________________Harvey Wine

Treasurer _____________________________________________________stuar t Tatar

First Row: Sam Person, Art Swedlow, Arthur ·wright, Michael Bernstein, Stuart Tattar, Joel

Keller, Jeff Myer.
Second Row: Cyril Scully, William DiOrio, James Dooley, Howard Blank, James Steinberg, Gil
Guster, Charles Gratz, Terry Beegle, David Keller, Howard Curtis, Steven Gross, Ron Peltz,

Harvey ·wine.
Third Row: David Gross, Anthony Tocco, Richard Eusanio, Michael Stern, Earl Beck, Larry
Spivack, Burt Fogelman, Bruce Mittleman, Richard Koenig, Sheldon Freelan, Ben Clark, Stephen

Wittenberg, Carl Albright, Stuart Schilling.
Fourth Row: William Faddock, Robert Fierman, William Wood, Michael Wineberg, Mark Lenet,
Steve Michaels, Marvin Grossman, Jess Songer, Bernard Helfand, Raymond Moore, Barry
Swedlow, Rich Polisner, Steven Ostendorf, Henry Mittleman, David Taub, Dale Rosenblum,
Richard Tuchman, Steven Grossman, John Keith, Robert Josephs, Gerald Steines.


Phi Alpha Pi

The purp Phi .\l h. Pi I odiatric fraternity

1s to further frt t rn. li m amoncr the tudcnt and

praction r f ( race, creed.

color r nati n r th


i •rat rnity.

further the cience

uppl m nting the

du ti n. I xp nen . Through

our clinic maint, in d at •airhill H pital and the

Con nt, the tuden a uir additi nal clinical and

educational , p nen a i nall · prominent lec-

President turers in mo t pha f I odiatri medicine and foot-
surger part1opat in ur ft n imitated Special

Lecture eri . 0th r fr, rnit · actiYitie include

home and clinical demon tration . ocial eyents. and

raffles. In total. th a t1nt1 help to timulate

fraternalism and profe ional abilitie ·within our



President ---------------------------- _________________________Robert Kahl
Vice President _____________________________.______________ Howard Roth

Recording Secretary ________________________ Sheldon Goldstein

Treasurer -----------------------------------. _____________Morris Serwitz

First Row: Ron Kaplansky, Ernest Seckel, William Tenney, Chuck Young, Howard Roth, Ronald
Sandler, Robert Weiss, Robert Forster, David Ehrlich, Roy Labarbera, Barry Weinhouse
Second Row: Marc Kravette, Joel Miller, Martin Linde, Harvey Rose, Dennis Cohen, Sheldon
Goldstein, Robert Kahl, Elliot Pollack, Morris Serwitz, David Lief, Art Weinstein, Mike

Solomon, Paul Colon.
Third Row: Alvin Lasker, Allen Wittenberg, Steve Glickman, Ron Sanders, Terry Freed, Stuart
Sharon, Al Knudsen, Dan Steiner, Ed Gordon, Bob Ketai, Jeff Spector, Harvey Pearl, Jonas

Katz, Larry Cohen.
Fourth Row: Richard Steiner, Steven Karbel, Maurice Richmond, Gordon Moore, Fred Leff,
Barry Schrager, Ronald Gelb, Perry Horton, Bernie Frager, Steve Matlin, Ron Silver, Mark
Sussman, Gary Kaplan, Al Golub, Elliott Kramer, Miles Schneider, Lenny Yourofsky, Jon

Rogovin, Don Hovancsek, Charles Markle, Dale Anderson.


Student Council

During the 1967-6 ·ear, as in the previous year,

this administration, has devoted itself to propound-

ing a stronger, more ecure liaison bet,reen the stu-

dents and faculty. Mo t note1\·orth · in this vein is

the Student Council ' repre entation on the Faculty

Senate and the Clinic Committee. This ,rill serve to

create a do er adherence of the tudents to the col-

lege and clinic ince the · ,\.·ill be made more aware

of the change and problem which are transpiring.

Just a a chool ha n , i tence "·ithout its stu-

dents, so too i it d p nd nt on it faculty. All too

frequently ho"· Y r. h in tructor ,rho do more

than their har n in a ubject. who also

President instill enthu ia m r i , r th llege and for the
profession, are n uf i icntl · r cognized. For this
reason, in ord r t h ·w ur ratitude to the instruc-

tor who it i f 1 h iv n h mo t to the students,

the college and t p diatr ·, h tudent Council has

initiated the " tud nt oun il In tructor of the Year

Award. " Th award a la ue i to become an an-

nual presentation at c mm nc m nt to this outstand-

ing faculty member.

In retrospect it i impo sible to name all the

individuals , ho ha ·worked for thi year's Student

Council and helped to make our yariou acti, ities a

success. I can a with o-reat QTatitude that I have

been fortunate in having uch a fine Executive Com-

mittee as tan Booa-u z ice President· Frank Mot-
tola, Secretar ; and Hank Green, Treasurer. The

friendship, team effort and enthusiasm they pro-

vided have served as an incentive toward perfection.

The class presidents repre entati, es, especially those

who also acted as committee chairmen and other

workers have also contributed to our success.

To the Senior Class, " Podiatry of Today," and to

the underclassmen, " Podiatry of Tomorrow," our

fondest personal regards for a successful future.

Work for podiatry and for the college, and we are

certain rewards will not be to far behind. God Bless


President ------------------ -------------------------------R oy L a Barbera

Vice-president ----------- ------- -- -------- ------------------Stan Bogusz

Treasurer -~------ -------------------~:~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~i~Ha~~I-koG;t~ ~~

Bottom Row: George "\i\Taggoner, Steven Wittenberg, Stan Bogusz, Roy La

Barbera, Henry Green, Frank Mottola, Wayne Wolf.
Top Row: Richard Traczyk, Frank Sobolewski, Jack Hamilton, James Dooley,
Ben Clark, Anthony De Vincentis, Michael Salter, Steven Grossman.


American Podiatry Student Association

President Unity-this "\\ as the theme which echoed through
ANTHONY F. DeVINCENTIS the chambers of the Hou e of Delegates of the Ohio
Chapter of the American Podiatr · tudent Association
58 this year. The delegat organized and fought to instill
into the student bod our principal goal-professional
advancement. They tro e knmdedgeably to achieve
this goal through unit . The worked and fought for
a greater liaison ,v ith the facult · of the college and the
Ohio Podiatry ociation.

This year sa, ne,v and r a er advancement for the
chapter in public relation . pon orino- a Monte Carlo
Night with proceed iv n t h nited Cerebral
Palsy Foundation of Cl , land gav u another oppor-
tunity to aid the community and to achieve Podiatric
advancement in the communit .

A series of lectur outlined the cientific aspect
of the organization thi y ar. The lecture ranged from

incre_asing one's knm ledge of financial matters t? i~-

provmg one's knowl dge of th medical and psychiatric
~are of the patient. Th achie, ed their goal by help-
mg to round out the educatjon of the tudent.

~his year, the student in the chapter expected and
received an education in Podiatr . Thi was brought
about by making them aware of the American Podiatry

Student~ Association legislati e tructure. The Am~n-
can Podiatry Students sociation is the only orgamza-
tion which brings together the students of the five
colleges of Podiatry. It afforded the students an oppor-
tunit~ tC? vie,~r the workings of the merican Podiatry
As_sociat10n smce its legislative body is molded ~rom
this group. Its close liaison with the American Podiatry
Association provided the students an opportunity to
express themselves on both a local and national level.
It is the key to personal and professional relationsh_ips
and an understanding of Podiatric legislative bod!es.
Whei_:e does it_ receive its strength, its ideas, its nounsh-
~en~r It rece~ves this support from its members: How
is ~h_is all achieved? It is achieved through u111ty-by
umtmg all students for one primary purpose-the ad-
vancement of Podiatry.

P~esident_________________________________________Anthony DeVincentis

Vice President · B bM
o~~;i~Secretary ________---~----------- ----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:(B;r~y J
Treasurer _______---------------------- ---------- ______-------------R on H"1nes

First Row: Michael Janning, J. Bary Johnson, Anthony DeVincentis, Bob Monroe.

Secon d Row : Michael Rosenblatt, Harvey Pearl, Jes Songer, Dan Rowe, Tom

Pokabla, Gil Guster.
Third Row: William Faddock, Ed Gordon, Tony Tocco, Steve Ostendorf, Maurice

Richmond, Mark Sussman.


Zaccharian Research Society

(Pi Delta National Honor Society)

The Societ ha m a Ion ,ra · from it meager

beginning in 1943 ,vi h a handful of members, one

of whom , as Dr. Jam nfor i. The Society

then decided hat the h uld do om thing about

President getting more of an education than ,\·a offered in the
classroom. From thi evok d an organization dedi-
cated to the betterm nt f their cho en profession,

and it assumed the re pon ibilitie of the recognition

of student cholastic achi vement a "·ell a service

to Podiatry on both a local and national leYel.

Its membership con i t of those students who

have demonstrated a high degree of proficiency in

their academic studie in addition to presenting to

the Society an original re earch paper on a subject

of interest and importance to Podiatry. In this way

we insure that our member hip i of the caliber that

will serve our profession with pride. .

I'm sure that in years to come, these men will

evolve as the leaders of Podiatr , building for all of

u s a profession of unrivaled achievement and un-

questionable pride.

~JI=~gt;~t: :.d ·- - ·::::: :OFFICERS : : ~;~;;v~_:,!!~

Pres1 ent

Research Director __________________________Anthony. DeVmcenus
-------------------------------- ______Rosano LaBarbera

First Row : Mark Kravette, Steven Glickman, Earl Beck, Terry Freed, Anthony DeVincentis,
·william Van Pelt, Steven Matlin, Mark Sussman, Rosario LaBarbera, Elliot Pollack, Jack

Hamilton, Steven Karbel, Carl Albright.
Second Row: Charles Giebel, Stanton Southward, Daniel Rowe, Ronald Sanders, Robert Ketai,
Barry Koble ntz , ·william Faddock, Sheldon Goldstein, Edward Gordon, H. Alan Knudsen,
William ·wood , Robert Parker, Michael Mineo, John Stroh, Michael Rosenblatt.
Third Row: Alan Golub Randal Vecchione, Barry Schrager, David Lief, Wayne Wolf, Alan
Wittenberg, David Ehrlich, David Gunsberg, Myles Schneider, Stuart Tattar, Gerald Weinkam,

Morris Serwitz.


Alumni Association

President The Alumni ssociation of the Ohio College of
ROSALIE S. DIKRAN, D.S.C. Podiatry extends warrne t greeting and congratula-
tions to the graduating cla of 196 ! \\ e wish each
ALUMNI OFFICERS (1967-68) and every one of you ever ucce and much happi-
Dr. Rosalie S. Dikran ______________________________President ness in your new ventur .
Dr. Edward Buchbinder ________________President-elect
Dr. ] ohn Ziegler ______________________________Vice-President It is with great prid that ,;,·e welcome you into
Dr. Henry Fenton _____________________ _____________Treasurer our ranks; thu joinin hand "-ith the many loyal
Dr. George Peterson ______________Assistant Treasurer alumni who in the p a ha\' ontributed in many
Dr. A. Schwartzenfeld __________Recording Secretary ways to insure the u c of h pr ent da ·graduate.
Mrs. Bettie Adams ________________Executive Secretary
Our new memb r now h Y th priYilege and
the opportunity to carr th rch o that graduates
of the future , follm vin iz th ir foot teps may re-
ceive the highe t qu alit f P diatric education.

The class of 196 ha the honor of being the
first class to graduat fr m th Ohio College of
Podiatry receiving th d egr Doctor of Podiatric
Medicine. It is alway a plea ur being part of a
"first". May this be onl the beginning of a succes-
sion of outstanding "fir t ' in your professional

Your Alumni s ociation i pledged to advance
the best interests of the lumni the Profession, the
Student Body and the Ohio College of Podiatry.
Our efforts are directed through unified leadership
and an organized Alumni voice. Podiatry must ad-
vance! ! This progress is possible only ,;\ith an active,
interested and cooperative lumni Association . • ·


Alumni Association


Executive Cotntnittee
Aluinni Association

First Row: Dr. Jesse Titus, Mrs. Bettie Adams-Executive Secretary, Dr. Rosalie Dikran-President,
Mrs. Betty Eckstrom-Clerk, Dr. Eddie Buchbinder, President-elect.
Second Row: Dr. Donald Bliehall, Dr. Allan Schwartzenfeld-Recording Secretary, Dr. James
Conforti, Dr. Henry Fenton-Treasurer, Dr. Henry Dennis, Dr. Ed Schwartzenfeld-Member of
Board of Directors, Dr. Edward Fiffick and Dr. Leo Abrams.
Not shown: Dr. John Ziegler-Vice President, and Dr. George Peterson-Assistant Treasurer.

Dr. Rosalie Dikran
Presenting Alumni Award

for outstanding service
to Dr. James A. Conforti

Women's Board of O.C.P.

Our organization is com posed of wi\ e and fianc e tudent.

at the Ohio College of Podiatry. Member of \\ om n oard haYe

the opportunity of increasing their knmdedge of Podiatr · thu better

understanding their husband 's chosen profe ion. comino- b tter

acquainted with Podiatry, we are able to furth r th nam of Podiatry

in the public's eye b y being awar e of the continual dY n m nt in the

field of Podiatric Medicine. By b eing actiY in \ m n · ard. ,re

are better able to fulfill the rol e of the Podia ri t' "\\'i , a
a great asset to her husband if she is an acti\' ,n 1. n c mmum. y ro-an -


We meet once a month, and each m m

informative speaker. Throughout th r. " . 11

Caduceus jewelry, and have variou th r m 1

to achieve our goal of a gift to the h h

I would like to thank all our memb h

out the year. Particular credit goe

men: Kathy Traczyk, Vice-P re id

Frances Person, Treasurer; Margi B

Jo Albright and Sally Marlow J w lr ,

Publicity Chairman; and Rita H amilt 1 , Pr h irm.1.

On behalf of Women 's Board , I would lik t 1 ·1 ula ·111 rrra -

uating seniors. May they, as well a all und r L n n. fin l 11fillm nt
in Podiatry.

_( ' \ / ) _

Wotnen's Board of O.C.P.

President __________________________________________________________ __Ev Guster
Vice-President ____________________________________________Kathy Traezyk
Secretary ------------------------------ __________________Bernadene Wood
Treasurer __________________________________________________Frankie Person
Publicity ___________________________________________________________ Gwen Kahl
Social Chairman ________________________________________Margie Beegle
Jewelry Co-Chairmen ______________________Audrey Jo Albright

Sally Marlow
Program Chairman __________________________________Rita Hamilton


The Foot Prints




Special Assistant Charles F. Gratz (stand-
ing) makes suggestions to Co-editors
Howard Blank and Howard Roth.

Seated: Mark D. Sussm a n, Howard
Blank, Howard Roth.

Standing : Earl L. Beck, Harvey A. Pearl,
Louis L. Endress, Howard B. Curtis, Har-
vey N. Brown , John W. Stroh.


The 1968 Occopodian

h i n i more than just a year-
book ... i £unf rrrettable memories
ur olle(Te and progre
f di in .




Standing: Jeff Spector, Michael Mineo, Earl Beck.
Seated: Elliot Kramer, Morris Serwitz.

Edi tor _______________________________________________________Morris Serwitz
Business Managers ______________Elliot Kramer, Jeff Spector
Layout ____________________________________Michael Mineo, Earl Beck


Earl Beck, Morris Serwitz, Elliot Kramer, Mi he el Iin , e[ pe tor.

Dr• \ \ i ner di cu ino- financial matter with editor,
Nlorri erwitz.

Our mall but deYoted ta££ a embll·ng the layout
of the 196 Yearbook.

Clinicians James C. MacVeigh, D.S.C.
Howard Mitchell, D.S.C.
Donald F. Bliehall, D.S.C.
Henry S. Dennis, D.S.C. Alan G. Silver, D.S.C.
Henry L. Fenton, D.S.C. Carl C. Sosinski, D.S.C.
John N. Kane, D.S.C.
Thomas Brosky, D.P. Raymond J. Suppan, D.S.C.
Robert E. Gosselin, D.S.C.
Leon Hickey, D.P. Harold Zucker, D.S.C.
Samuel Ulevitch, M.D. Michael Forman, D.S.C.
Simon Bunin, M.D. Howard Steiner, 11.D.

Consultants Mo e Leeb, Af.D.
lbert 11. Pf Her, I.D.
Jack H. Berman, M.D. fax Porn rantz, I.D.
Malcolm Brahms, D.S.C., M.D. amuel L. Robbin , ?\I.D.
Leon H. Dembo, M.D. h n ramer, .. LD.

J. Edgar Fisher, M.D. Howard teiner ~I.D.

Stuart B. Fisher, M.D. lfred Fader i\LD.
Samuel Ulevitch, M.D.
Simon Bunin, M.D.


Laboratory Technician



x-ray Technician ecretar to the Director

' of Clinic

74 Supply Officer

Clinical Faculty

Assistant to Chairmen Department of Podiatry Director of Clinics
Department of Surgery

Chief of Podiatry Department of Podiatry Consultant Podo-Pediatrics

Highlandview Hospital

Director of Externs Chief of Clinicians Chief of Podiatry
University Hospital
Cleveland State Hospital


Clinical Faculty

Consultant in Internal Consultant Clinican Head of Department of Podiatry
in Orthotics
Medicine Breck ville \ '.A. Hospital

Chairman in Clinical Podiatry Chairman of D epartment of u r ery

SAMUEL N. ULEVITCH, M.D. JOH i M. " 'ARRIX D ..C. H..\R LD zcc"KER._D-~,C.
Consultant Clinician in Department of Podiatry Con ultant in Pod1atr.


Clinical Faculty

I' -


1· I -•


I' I



A Message from Our Clinic Director

A professional life must be a disciplined life. It

is easy to make assumptions of knowledge and ot

skills, but to knm, and to be killed in the eyes of

one's peers requires more than uperficial commit-

ment. Requirement include true perception and


Continuing education doe not assure wisdom,

for wisdom i a balan e of knowledge and skills

which come rom e p rience. nd all experience

must be acquir d n a ba f per on-to-person rela-

tionships that brin into pla · under tanding and


I am mo t pl a la of 1968 because

collectivel the , h " a uircd a ound foundation

upon , hich th ir pr f ional liYe may be built.

With sincer ff rt dir t d toward constant self-

improvem nt , i h a umption of re ponsibilities

directed tm ard pr r in profe ional and com-

m unity affair , I f 1 hat , n the mo t remote, but

desirable, obj ctiv an be r ached. I look to this

class for many contributi n to the di cipline which

JAMES A. CONFORTI, D.S.C. is Podiatry, for in makin he contributions will
Director of Clinics
this class find it gr at t r -ward .

Congratulation and be t wi he for a most suc-

cessful future.

JA1IE. . Co~F?RT1, D.S.C.

Director of Clinics

Physical Medicine
Clinical Pathology
Clinical Research


•••• Slow but sure
reaches goal
and reward


· · • • Experience
is the mirror
· of the mind


... • Patience assures

thy victory



..•• Practice is the
fruit of theory



. . • . The advancing aspects
of Podiatry

.... ~~;; i: t; ¥)

The surgery room in the clinic en.
compasses the most modern and upto
date facilities which are open to all the
students as they rotate through thede-
partment. The surgery department is
capable of handling fifteen to twenty
procedures per day. Any type of pro-
cedure is within reach of the internsand
clinicians who are the best Podiatnc
surgeons in the world.


• •.. a minor surgical


A Message From Our Director of Interns

" Never" and " always" are words that do not

belong in the good teachers lexicon. It might

even be stated that many of the world's woes

come from our turning a ' ometimes" into ar.

" ah ays" and a ·rarely" into a "never".

People tend to follow rules, even when they

are inapplicable to a gi, en situation because this

is , hat the have been taught. However, mas-

tering th ule i not ma tering the game; in

fact a ma t r i n "h know how, when,and

,h t i r Y n def · the rules.
· t m often teaches the

R. J. SUPPAN, D .S.C. 111

Director of Interns ur untr ·

94 p rof 1 n.

J.R. {;PPA~, D.S.

Director of Intern


Dr. Mar vin Z. Arnold Dr. Michael J. Berlin Dr. Card J. DiFranco

Dr. .Jerome R. Erman Dr. Leonard C. Franklin Dr. Daniel J. Orenick Dr. Robert B. Ritchlin

Dr. Edward T. Tupka Dr. David W. "\Veston Dr. Thomas A. Zoldowski


The Internship.•

·~1 ·

a learning and teaching experience I

Extern Program at Cleveland State Hospital

The Podiatry Department has played an ac-
tive part on the Cleveland State Hospital Staff
for over a period of eighteen years. It was
founded through the co-operation of the super-
intendent of the hospital and the Ohio College

of Podiatry.
I ts super ision i under the direction of grad-

uate Podiatri t Dr. John . Kane. The staff
also consist of Dr . Carl C. osinski, W. Larry
Lund , John M. Warrix and James C. Mac-

The D par m n ha at it disposal all the

facilities o a m d rn ho pital. This enables the

staff to o £ r a r ompl t and comprehen-

sive teachin pr ·am. F r he pa t two years,
the staff ha al in lud d one full time intern.

th ni r tudent ample oppor-

tunitie ip in ho pital protocol,
er-all hospital func-
surgical b n ati n


Thi pro am n

his per p ti, a pr

the m dical d par m

same tim h


ps chiatri

OH , . K ."E D..c.
D ·rector, Department of Podiatry


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