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Published by Digital Projects KSU, 2019-10-29 09:55:44

Occopodian 2011

Occopodian 2011

PAD Formal

Black Out Formal

Dance, Dance...

Dance Against Diabetes!!!

What we stand for...

The Sports Medicine Club's objective is to promote interest
and knowledge in the field of sports medicine and the role
that pediatric medicine plays in the prevention and
treatment of athletic injuries. Throughout the year, the club
sponsors several lectures, seminars, and workshops on
pediatric sports medicine and is active in providing
pediatric medical care at various athletic events in the
Cleveland area. The club also provides opportunities where
students can observe pediatric sports medicine in various


SNPMA ~Mf'M'Q Of'fir_e.,,~

P1ruide11-t -

The Ohio Chapter of the Student National Podiatric Medical Association PtHridta Mefdte
represents interests of minority students, including American Indians, \/ir.e P1ruide11-t -
Blacks, Asians, and Hispanic students. SNPMA works toward
l<ittj~ Pa-tef
disseminating information regarding podiatric recruitment and retention
of qualified ethnic minority students at OCPM. SNPMA provides T1re&t1re.,, -

information regarding podiatric ethnic minority health organizations. littttea Catttt

~r.1re-ta"'l -

AMe'l Dttr.kett

Defaqa-te -

J emaa1r C1rldtam

36% of graduating seniors, from the 8 podiatric medical colleges, are minority students.


Kappa Tau Epsilon provides
special lectures and programs
for podiatric medical students.
The fraternity sponsors many
outside activities, both social
and professional, to provide as
many experiences for its
members as possible.

Panini1s and Trivia Events KTE Formal
January 201.1

OCPM Women•s Basketball







Special Thanks to all those in
helping to put this vearbook




The federal government takes

steps to prevent bullying in

schools af'}<tpommunities. To

make inf ccessible,

a steering evelops

Thiss Wikileoks/Diplomats

Army 4th lnfah\cy, returns The U.S. government is
compromised when Julian
home to Colorado as a Assange's Wikileaks website
result of President Obama's publishes sensitive diplomatic
directive to reduce our cables discussing Pakistan,
troops in Iraq. North Korea, Iran and China.

After a nearly fatal gunshot :) The Oil Spill Individuals and businesses affected by
the Deepwater Horizon oil spill submit
wound, Representative A BP oil rig explosion official claims for costs and damages
Gabrielle Giffot'ds continues triggers the biggest with the Gulf Coast Claims Facility.
herdiffic oil spill in U.S. history,
releasing more than one
staff sergea hundred million gallons
Afghanista11, is*the first llving into the Gulf of Mexico.
recipient of the Medal of
Honor since 1976. Not long after North Korean
leader Kim Jong II fires
at the South Korean
island of Yeonpyeong,
he names his youngest
son as his successor.

Getty Images

• President Obama signs H.R. 3590, the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act. The 2,400-page law is aimed at improving
Alaska Senator Lisa health care coverage and lowering costs.
Murkowski is re-elected
as a write-in candidate.

infestations, once
almost eradicated
in the U.S., are a
growing nuisance
in hotels, stores,
office buildings
and homes in all
50 states.

Republicans regain control of the House of
Representatives in the midterm elections.
Representative John Boehner of Ohio becomes
the 61 st Speaker of the House.

I!}ProVision Emerging from bankruptcy,
General Motors is profitable
again. The company raises
$20.1 billion in the largest

lobal initial public offering
in U.S. histbry.

Teen driver fatalities
decrease, thanks in
part to graduated driver
licensing (GDL) programs.
Motor vehicle crashes
remain the leading cause
of death for teens.

To promote healthy family habits, First Lady Michelle Obama
appears in multimedia Public Service Announcements with
Disney Channel stars for Disney Magic of Healthy Living.

Despite attempted Thanksgiving holiday protests, airports
across the U.S. implement full body scanners to screen airline
passengers for possible weapons and explosives.

A U.S. senatorasks the
government to lnyestigate
when reusa
bags sold

TOMS Shoes, Which
donates one pair to a child
in need for every pair sold,
becomes a philanthropic
fashion phenomenon.

:) Electric Car Researchers using fruit
flies to study human
Nissan introduces obesity have found that
the Leaf, an electric obese flies have many
car. According to the of the same problems as
official EPA sticker, obese people, including
the car achieves the high cholesterol and
equivalent of 99 miles difficulty regulating insulin.
per gallon.
A Nielsen survey reports that the
Apple iPad is the most-wished-for
holiday gift among pre-teens.
Thirty-one percent otkids want one.

A new element, discovered in

1996, finally receives its official

name: Copernicum. It is named

in honor ofCopernicus, the

Renaissance tician

and astrono

NASA-funded astrobiology G. Newman Lowrance/Getty Images

researchers discover a new

life form, a bacterium that

can use the toxic chemical
arsenic as fuel for growing

and rebuildil19):t$elf.

Mission shows
amazing images of
comet Hartley 2,
23 million miles
away from Earth, in
November 2010.

The NBA and WNBA promote Vaccines for
Teens, an awareness campaign designed to
educate teens and parents about the importance
of vaccinations.

An 8.8 magnitude earthquake

ih Chile shifts our planet's
ax1s by about three inches
and shortens the Earth day
by 1.26 millionths of a second.

(: Disappointing Job

Despite optimistic
economic news, including
holiday shopping
numbers, job growth is
still slow, according to the
Department of Labor.

Actress and singer Selena Gomez, age 18, serves as the
spokesperson for UNICEF's trick-or-treat campaign. She
is the organization's youngest goodwill ambassador



Spain defeats The Netherlands i

to win 201

Cup Cha hy. ~
IMidfielder .. .
's goal
Imakes the final score 1 to 0.

... . ......... ..c:i..-.,.,.,,,. Cy Young Award
Phillies pitcher Roy
.. .........-. Halladay wins the
National League Cy
Young Award by a
unanimous vote,
becoming the fifth
pitcher to receive the
honor in both leagues.

The NFL announces
that players can be
suspended without
pay for dangerous
hits to an opponent's
head. The move is
aimed at preventing
tackling injuries.

The San Francisco Giants capture the Commissioner's
Trophy by defeating the Texas Rangers 3 to 1 in Game 5
of the World Series.

Horse/Andy Lyons/Getty Images ,

In the Breeders' Cup Tony Hawk welcomes Olympic gold medalist snowboarder
Classic at Churchill Downs, Shaun White to his second annual Stand Up for Skateparks
thoroughbred cbampion benefit in Las Vegas, Nevada.
racehorse Zenyatta ends
her 19-race winning streak,

losing by a he~ to Blame.

Jonathan ByrcfsHole-in-one The Chicago Blackhawks

Golfer Jonathan Byrd wins win their first Stanley Cup
his fourth PGA Tour victory 1,?ince 1961 ,Jn·Ga!tne 6,
with a hole-in-one on the they defeat the Philadelphia
fourth playoff hole in the Flyers 4 to 3 in overtime.
Justin Timberlake Shriners
Hospitals for Children Open.

LeBron James announces
via live ESPN special that
he is leaving the Cleveland
Cavaliers to join the Miami
Heat. Fans and commentators

1 Sports l1/ustrated

presents its 2010

Sportsman of the Year

award ew Orleans

Saints rback,

and Super Bowl MVP,

Drew Brees.


Roger Federer "'

catches up to Pete ~

fSampras' record
of 64 singles

tournament wins E
by winning the ~

Stockholm Open .,

in Sweden's Royal {

Tennis Hall. B


Tennis champion



ladies' srngles title at

Wlmbledon without

losing a single set in

the e ournament.

Gymnast Alicia Sacramone takes a hiatus from her college
career to take a gold medal for vault at the Artistic Gymnastics
World Championships in Rotterdam.

Genre-spanning Christian Bobby Ray Simmons, also known as B.o.B., sees
his second single, "Airplanes," soar to the top of
artist Francesca Battistelli the charts in the U.S. and the U.K.

releases a new album, Travie McCoy

Hundred Mote Years. The first Travie McCoy, of
single is 1'Tt)1~ls the stuff." Gym Class Heroes,
releases his first
solo album. The lead
single, " Billionaire,"
goes double platin um
and tops the U.S.
1 and U.K. charts.


Taylor Swift's Speak
Now is the first
release by a female
artist since Britney
Spears to sell more
than 1 million copies
in its first week.

Miranda Lambert receives a record-breaking nine CMA
nominations. She wins three trophies, including Album of the
Year for Revolution and Female Vocalist of the Year.

Country supergroup Brad Paisley takes home the Country Music - Favorite Male
Lady Antebellum took Artist award from the American Music Awards and the CMA
Entertainer of the Year Award.
home five Grammy awards,

including Song of the Year

and .flecord of tl'le Year.

Justin Bieber is Underwood WOW$
named Artist of the
Year at the American an Music Award
Music Awards. At io album, Play On,
age 16, he is the
youngest recipient 9ilil1ers the Country Music ....
of this top honor.
Favorite Album award.
Sugarland wins the CMA Vocal Duo of the Year Award and
releases "Stuck Like Glue," the first single from their album,
The Incredible Machine.

Lady Gaga took home two Grammy awards for Female Pop
Vocal Performance and Pop Vocal Album.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt Showing1esu!tsfot koa'J deit. SUrchinsreMtf01 f(atzs d1•1i
gives a talk agout how
Google TV will unite web K.ltz·s oeti<a1esst'rtNew'((l1~
surfing with channel surfing.
~=-~~:: !'1Dltl.Ulaste• ~ lhtbts'ldd.{,1~1nf-H!W'r(lrt To1WthebnllC'IINt1tylulown lor
lhi! M~ In lllt f ~ •)I

,,wl;o\1~ .·,11..-,<M '"'";""1)l~,
>.,i~ 11'1. "".

This is definitely not,your

father's boom box. The

latest MP3 technology Suzanne Collins publishes Mockingjay, the third
and final book in her popular science fiction series,
combined with 1980s styling The Hunger Games trilogy.

make this machine a must Featuring a new
keyboard and 83 songs,
for modern parties. Rock Band 3 is released
. ........-- ..,,.......,. - worldwide. Its Pro mode
~ ·.. 1:,/ \l ~-_:> ~ •~ mimics the experience of
fl playing real instruments.
( CAll DUTY "..._ CAU DUTY
You don't need a controller to play the newest
I..___ • . ,.✓ ~--· ·- ; , technology games. The Xbox Kinect features a
~ l~ sensor that can read motion, faces and voices.

Black Ops, the seventh
installment in the Call of Duty
game series, sells a record-
breaking 7 million copies in
the first 24 hours of its release.

A new generation adopts the f
retro bean bag chair. This
updated classic is ideal for 0
watching television, playing
games, reading and keeping s"'
up with social media.




1<1: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

A new, motion-sensing controller debuts tor the PlayStation 3
console. The Move is a Bluetooth wireless wand . Players can
use up to tour at once.

In The Lost Hero, the sequel Younger kids get their very own dance video game. Just
to his Percy Jackson & the Dance Kids challenges Wii players to master more than
Olympians series, author 40 dances led by real kids.
Rick Riordan introduces
three new characters:
Jason, Piper and Leo.

Cake &Jss American/do/announces
that Jennifer Lopez and
Members of the A~~osmith's Steven Tyler
Valastro family,
of Carlo's Bake in Randy Jackson to
Shop in Hoboken,
become popular new crop of aspiring/;
reality television singers for Season 1O.
stars in Cake Boss
on TLC.

Team Coco rejoices Gleeks are being
as Conan O'Brien heard! The popularity
returns to late night of Glee prompts a
television. Conan resurgence of glee
uses Twitter and clubs in middle
YouTube to schools, high schools
announce the and colleges across
premiere of Conan the country.
on TBS.
Aria, Hanna, Emily and Spencer are back for another season
of mystery, intrigue and secrets on the ABC suspense drama, j).n iconic, 1960s crime dram~
Pretty Little Liars.
s with a cool,. new g~$~,"
"i Pive-0 chronictes Me

Minute to Win It, starring Guy Fieri, returns to NBC for a
second season of fast-paced challenges and cash awards of
up to $1 million.

.'.. . mistaken identity
spirals out of
control when a

:I::::::.::::~."ic" suburban couple
, reservation in the
l action comedy
t : Date .Night.

What happens to toys once theirowners go to
college? In Toy Story 3, Woody and Buzz Lightyear
find new friends and face new challenges.

HowDo You Know

Reese Witherspoon
tries to decide
between Paul ·Rudd
and Owen Wilson in
-~, How Do You Know ,

l t~'"-'-~~ ..:{~ a romqntic ·comedy
2 I. about a love triangle.

t'.fr~t;:i~~?~:~$;:J;;::>··· ;·:?I!~;j

- - - - - - - - - David James/©Columbia Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection


Leonardo DiCaprio
is the world's top-
grossing movie star.
His 2010 releases
earn a combined
$1.1 billion at the
box office.

io .Western

Academy Award nominations
incltJQing Best Picture.

Amanda Seyfried stars as the title character in Red Riding
Hood, a romantic horror tale about a medieval village
terrorized by a werewolf.

Justin Bieber Robert Downey, Jr. returns
EIS the inventor-superhero
Teen superstar Justin Tonystark in Iron Man 2,
Bieber hits the big
screen with the Etited sequel
biopic concert film storylines adapteQ
Never Say Never.
Based on the true
story of King
George VI, The
King's Speech
earns 12 Academy
Award nominations.

(ii • • -• When a cartoon super-villain
defeats his nemesis, he loses
IUU • hls Will to be evil. Will Ferrell
A runaway train is lends his voice to the reluctant
on a collision course
with disaster, unless h~w otMegamind.
Denzel Washington
and Chris Pine can ysterious toxin
save the day in the
suspenseful thriller, water supply ohm
wn, many residents
Mysterious "burglaries" in a family home turn out to be ne in The Crazies,
something far more sinister in Paranormal Activity 2, the a'sci.,fl horror flick.
prequel to a popular horror film.
Pbif Bi<ay/TM &©Fox-Walden. All rights
reserved/courtesy Everett Collection

The sequel to a science-fiction thriller from 1982, Tron: Legacy Chronicles of Namia: The
follows the adventure of a young man who investigates his Voyage of the Dawn Treader
father's mysterious disappearance. is a 30 feature film adaptation
otthethird book in the C.S.
1.#VJis fantasy series.

The e@y-style p@iaid flann~!

shirt is a popular look for

both guys and girls. Just

add ir of pe~ectly
war s.

From popped collars to headphones that make a strong, street-smart
Top Siders, prep style fashion statement. They look cool. And they

endures. True Prep shows Energy drinks are the Mineral Makeup
beverage of choice
a nevti>§eneratjen how it'!%& • among sleep-deprived Beauty mavens
done and what it means. students, despite agree: mineral makeup
concerns that they rocks. These sheer,
:) Pillow Pets contain unhealthy levels lightweight, powdery
of sugar and caffeine. formulas are the
Now it's a stuffed
animal. And now
it's a pillow. Puffy,
popular PillowPets'"
may be the snuggliest,
softest trend of
the year.

ression is alwa

in t n and Je right

tomakes it easy add panache

(ancl bide a bacl hair day). All
you ~eed is a ~JJte fedor~pr a
jaunty newsboy cap.

There's nothing olive drab Dentists report that more and more teens
about this trend. Military are asking about teeth bleaching procedures,
jackets are snappy, sl especially for photo-op occasions like proms
or sweet sixteen parties.
and ~hi.c - a far cry fro he

oversized Army surplus look
of y,esteryear.

Hippie style is
hip once more.
Tie-dyed effects
on shirts and
dresses appear on
runways, beaches
and boardwalks.

The bandz are
banned! Some
schools decide that
Silly Bandz - the
popular silicone
rubber bracelets -
are too distracting
for the classroom.

Everybody needs an afternoon snack but nobody has
time for milk and cookies. The newest granola bars
deliver easy energy between lunch and practice.



The elebrate a
milestone as the modern Stone
Age fam11y turns 50 on
September 30, 2010. A
special Google Doodle marks
the occasion.

sthe top

ding to

are the year's

top 10 h terms:

1. BP Oil Spill

2. World Cup

3. Miley Cyrus

4. Kim Kardashian

5'. Lagy:Gaga :)Redbox

Redbox kiosks serve
as conveniently
located vending
machines for DVDs
and video games.
Just pick a flick
and swipe your
credit card .

High-speed broadband You can buy anything from puppies to Pontiacs on
Facebook's Marketplace app, which rivals Craigslist
devices are on the verge of as the classified section of the social media generation.

multi-channel high-definition Ad8oord

TV broadcasting thanks

to ernergingWiMAX 4G

techn that improves

ata capabilities.

Disgruntled passengers fight over space in the overhead bins
as most airlines institute baggage fees ranging from $15 to
$25 per bag per flight.

Old media acknowledges facebook • --:---,.... @
the power of new media
when TIME names Fauboolt helps you conn~• and sha This 16-page World Beat section Jostens
Facebool< founder Mark lhe people In your life. is printed on SFI certified stock.

©2010 Jostens, Inc. Printed in USA. 10-0708 (1033)
Andrew Harrer/ Bloomberg via Getty Images

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