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Published by nyalkareem0912, 2022-04-14 10:49:22

Ny's History Portfolio -2022

Ny's History Portfolio -2022

Chapter 17
~France: the road to


When Louis X I I I died in 1643, his son Louis XIV was only five years old. Cardinal virtually, who
had died a year earlier, had groomed a young cardinal, Mazarin, to rule for the new child king.
Louis’s reign over 70 years (1643–1715) was one of the longest range of any key in history.
Because Louis XIV chose the sun as a symbol of his ring, he became known as a “Sun king”.
Embodying the doctors name of evolutionism and its purest form, Louis exit IV was a pitta me of an
absolute ruler.
(The term bureau is the French word for "desk." Bureaucracy [byoo-rök'ra-sè]literally means
government by men who sit at desks.")
In this way, all local matters were handled by agents of the centralized government.
About 10 miles from Paris, Louis had the famous palace of Versailles built.
His minister of finance Nance, Jean Baptiste de Colbert mobilize the countries economic resources do
policies a developed trade with French colonies encouraged
And 1608, Samuel de chaplain, known as the father of new France, founded Quebec, the first
permanent French colony in America.
In 1673, Jacques Marquette [mär kèt'], a Jesuit missionary, and Louis Joliet [zhô'lya'], a fur trader,
explored the central Mississippi River.
In 1682, Robert Cavalier de la Salle [kä'val-va' da la sâl'] sailed down the Mississippi River to the
Gulf of Mexico. La Salle claimed the entire Mississippi Valley for France and named it Louisiana in
honor of Louis XIV.
The war of the league of Augsburg broke out in 1688.
Under Eugene in Melbourne is leader ship, the alliance health firm in the faith of adversaries and one
several important battles against the French; the most notable victory was the great Battle of
BlenhHein along the Danube river in 1704.
The war of the Spanish succession ended in 1713 with the stinging of the treaty of Utrecht, a series of
agreements among the warring nations.
The treaty of Utrecht also establish among the nations of Europe and the balance of power concept -
the idea that no nation should be too strong to week.
As Louis X IVs rain due to a close, France answered what is known as the Age of Enlightenment.
One of the most influential enlightenment philosophers was Voltaire, “the father of the enlightenment”.
Voltaire elevated the philosophy of rationalism – the idea that man’s reason is the soul criterion for
Another influential philosopher of the enlightenment was Jean-Jaques Rousseau.
Denis Diderot [de'dro: 1713-1784], another important figure of the Enlightenment, was the editor of
the Encyclopedia, a multivolume work that was an attempt to reorganize all human knowledge from
the perspective of rationalism.
When Louis XIV died in 1715, his grandson Louis XV inherited the throne of France.
Unfortunately, the Louis XVI (ruled 1774-1793) came to the throne that year, France received
another ruler who was grossly unfit for the task of leading a great nation, for he had neither the
education nor the character for the job. Under Louis XVI’s reign, France would indeed succumb to the
sweeping a flood of revolution.
The clergy made of the First estate, the nobility made the Second estate, and everyone else in France
end from prosperous middle-class to merchant poor peasant - belong to the Third estate.
Determined to regain some of the power they had lost, the French nobles insisted that Louisville called
Estates General
On June 17, he declared itself to be the National Assembly, the official representative body of all the
people of France.

On June 20, 1789, the national assembly took the so-called Tennis Court Oath, vowing to continue
reading until in a national constitution have been written.
On July 14, 1789, hoping to secure more weapons into three people in prison for opposing the old
regime, a Paris in mob stormed the Bastille, an old castle.
In the center set a group without any particular programs or principles. They became known as a
A year later, the constituent assembly drafted Frances first written constitution, known as the
constitution of 1791.
The revolutionaries who devised a new system of weights and measures, the metric system, because
the whole system reminded them of the kings and aristocrats who had established it.
In 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte returned to Paris from a military campaign in Egypt.
On November 9, 1799, Napoleon and his followers drove the legislators of the directories from their
chambers and proclaimed a new republic - the Consulate.
Napoleon began the Russian campaign in June 1812 and took a few provisions, intending to live off the
land, but that was nearly impossible in Russia's cold climate, even at that time of year. The march to
Moscow took much longer than Napoleon anticipated. The Russian army kept retreating, leading the
French army deeper into the cold, hostile country. Finally, in early September, Napo leon's troops
captured Moscow and drove out its inhabitants. its inhabitants. But the French had no sooner won the
city than the Russians set it on fire. Within several days, Napoleon found himself living in charred
ruins, while Czar Alexander refused to discuss a treaty. After more than a month in the remains of
Russia's capital.
On June 18, 1815, however, Napoleon met his final defeat at the battle of Waterloo in Belgium.

Chapter 18
~England and America:

quest for freedom

James VI of Scotland, the only son of Mary Queen of Scots, should unite the crown to Scotland and
England to rule as James I (ruled 1603 - 1625).
One group of separatists, the pilgrims, came on a flight to Holland in 1609 to escape persecution, and
later South America in 1620.
By 1611, scholars had completed the King James or Authorized Version of the Bible, the best love
and most widely used translation of God‘s Word ever produced.
Several attempts to colonize Virginia in New England, territories England claimed in America, had
failed during the late 1500s.
But in 1607, English colonies established Jamestown, Virginia - in the first permanent English
settlement in the New World.
In 1620, English separatist fleeing from persecution established the New England colony at Plymouth.
History of the English Bible:
1382 • John Wycliffe translated the Bible into English from the Latin Vulgate.
1525 • William Tyndale produced the first printed English translation of the Greek New Testament.
1535 • Miles Coverdale published the first complete English Bible from the original languages; it was
also the first issued by royal authority.
1537 • John Rogers publishes Matthew's Bible, a more accurate version using much of Tyndale's and
Coverdale's original work.
1539 • The Great Bible (based on previous translations) is commissioned by King Henry VIII for use
in the churches of England.
1560 • The Geneva Bible is published, becoming the most popular English translation of its time
(Shakespeare, John Bunyan, the Puritans, and the Separatist Pilgrims all used the Geneva Bible).
1611 •The Authorized (King James) Version is published.
James‘s son, Charles I (route 1625–1649), because the king is following his father‘s death.
In 1628, parliament, the legal representative of the people of England, drew up the Petition of Right,
to which Charles grudgingly assented.
Thus began the “Eleven years Tyranny” of Charles I.
Charles also tightened his grip on the church of England. In 1633, he appointed William Laud (1573-
1645) as archbishop of Canterbury.
Those who supported parliament were called roundheads because many of them were their hair short,
cut in the shape of a bowl.
As war became eminent, mini Englishman armed themselves and chose sides. Those who supported
parliament recalled roundheads, and those who supported the king were called Cavaliers because many
of them wear their hair long ringlets in French fashion.
The English Civil War began officially on August 22, 1642.
Early in the war, the Puritan name Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) was placed in command of the
parliament armies.
The tide turned in favor of the round heads on July 2, 1644, at the battle of Marston Moor or
Cromwell personally led a charge that routed a Cavalier Army.
Richard Cromwell succeeded his father as lord protector in 1658, but he quickly fell from power.
In 1670, Charles secretly signed the treaty of Dover with Louis XIV a France without parliament's
As Charles became increasingly pro Catholic, a group known as the Whigs arose in parliament to
oppose him.
William of Orange and his wife Mary (a protestant daughter of James II) became William III and
Mary II, king and queen of England.

Another important political event during her reign was the official union of the England and Scotland
government in 1707 into the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
One man who was profoundly affected by the tightest movement was August Farkle, a young
professor at the German university of Leipzig.
The brethren, or German Baptist, were one group that broke the state church.
The great awakening began with Ernest around 1703 under the preaching of Jonathan Edwards
(1703-1758), the pastor of the congressional church in North Hampton, Massachusetts.
The best known great awakening evangelist was actually an English preacher – George Whitfield
Revival came to England around 1740 through the ministry of the great English revivalist, John
Weasley (1703–1791).
The late 17th and early 18th century in England were known as the age of reason because several
English philosophers and writers adapted forms of rationalism, Deism, and other humanistic
One of the most influential philosophers of this age was John Locke (1632-1704).
As students, John, his brother Charles Weasley (1707–1788), and George Whitefield met regularly
with several other young men to study the Bible in the classics to encourage each other and their
spiritual development.
Many Anglican and dissenter (non-angelican ) churches were greatly revived, and the Methodist
Church, founded by John Weasley, became one of the largest denominations in both England and
America during the 19th century.
The work of God that began the great masses of the people during the Wesley and revival spread to
the upper classes where it touched William Wilberforce (1759–1833), when the great Christian
statesman of English history.
Another person motivated by the revivals was Robert Raikes (1735-1811), the editor and publisher of
a large newspaper in Gloucester, England.
Another social reformer was John Howard (1726-1790), a fine Christian gentleman who was a
personal friend of John Wesley.
The year 1792 marks the official beginning of modern missions, four it was when William Carey
(1761-1834), an English Shoemaker saved during the Weasley and revival, began his historic
ministry in India.
The greatest British navigator and explorer of the age was Captain James Cook (1728-1779).
Out of the period of awakenings that took place in the 18th century came a new nation – the United
States of America. Founded on biblical principles and built by people with a strong Christian heritage,
the United States will become a unique land of liberty and opportunity in the centuries to come. But
first, the American people had to weather it difficult. Of oppression by domineering British government
and wage a war for independence.
The reign of George I (ruled 1714–1727,) became the Hanoverian line of English kings.
The next Hannover in, George II(rude 1727–1760), learned the English language, but he was even
less involved in the English government that his father had been.
It was during the reigns of George II and his successor, George III(ruled 1760–1820), that England
came to dominate much of North America.
But in 1757, the tide began to turn when the British statesman William Pitt the Elder (1708-1778)
became Prime Minister of England.
Britain’s administration of her New World possessions reflected the economic policy of mercantilism,
which held that the real measure of a nation's wealth was the amount of gold and silver it possessed.

Chapter 19
~The age of industry

One indirect but profound result of the spiritual revivals that swept Great Britain and America in the
18 th century was the “ Industrial Revolution,” a time of dramatic changes in agriculture, industry,
and technology.
The Industrial Revolution thus began what is known as the Age of Industry in Europe and America, a
period of great progress for Western civilization which lasted from about 1760 to 1900.
Throughout most of world history( and in undeveloped nations even today), the majority of people
have engaged in “subsistence farming”-growing just enough food to feed their own families.
Mastery of the food supply is the most critical material factor in determining how far a nation may
Work was a nuisance to the nobility.
This Protestant work ethic, the way of life based on the biblical teachings that God expects all men to
work and all work is a noble duty to be performed toward God, paid off in greater food production, new
technology, and a generally more advanced civilization – a better word for mankind.
Most of the earlier inventions, such as Jethro Tulll’s seed drill, introduced about 1701, were developed
by the English.
In 1837, American John Deere patented his famous steel plow.
In 1834, Cyrus McCormick introduced reapers to American farmers, enabling them to harvest six
times more land than they could harvest by hand.
Later, the thresher made it possible to separate grains from chaff more efficiently.
By 1900, the reaper and the thrash were joined in one machine called the combine.Before the age of
industry, manufacturing was carried out under a process known as the domestic system.
Under the domestic system, work was done in small private shops.
Slowly, technology came with the gymnastics system and manufacturing was replaced by the factory
system, in which ever increasing numbers of people were employed to produce manufactured goods in a
systematic way for wages.
Industrialism ushered in the gray age of wealth and luxury for all civilized man kind, and not just the
rich. Modern scholarship shows that real wages (wages as compared to the cost of living) increased in
England during the age of industry.
The industrial revolution began in English textile factories.
In 1733, John Kay invented the flying shuttle, which allowed one person to leave both cloth
semicolons before, to have been needed.
In 1764, James Hargreaves solved this problem by inventing the spinning Jenny, which automatically
spun fiber into thread.
In 1769, Richard Arkwright invented the water powered spinning frame, on which cotton could be
spun into thread.
In 1779, Samuel Crompton made a major investment by combining the spinning Jenny and spinning
frame into the spinning mule.
In 1785, Edmund Cartwright patented the power loom to replace hand weaving.
English textile mills also needed a source of 24 and inexpensive cotton. The fields of the southern
United States provided a source, and Eli Whitney (1765–1825) made it expensive.
The most famous was the Erie canal, completed in 1825, connecting Lake Erie to the Hudson river.
George Steffensen, an English inventor, built the first practical steam powered locomotive in 1814.
During the 19th century, scientists discovered many important truths about the forces that govern
God‘s creation. In 1803, English chemist Dan Dalton (1766–1844) proposed the atomic theory Dash
that all matter is composed of some molecular particles called atoms.

Pasteur also invented a process called pasteurization which killed the microorganisms that caused milk,
wine, and other foodstuffs to spoil. Another medical breakthrough based on Pasteur's work came in
1867, when English physician Joseph Lister introduced the use of antiseptics to fight germs follow-
ing surgery, greatly reducing the number of deaths caused by infection of wounds and incisions. As a
result of these and other developments in medicine, the average life span increased. Before the 19th
century, life expectancy was very short.

Chapter 20

~The Victorian era,

England’s age of

The enlightenment philosophers of the 18th century in the French revolution of 1789 incited in the
heart of mini Europeans on the continent and spirit of revolutionary nationalized – a desire to break
loose from the established government And ruled themselves based on what they saw as “natural”
boundaries of national origin.
Continental Europe was no face with two alternatives – anarchy (political disorder and violent; lack of
any government) or dictatorship.
Five great English poet dominated this age: William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord
Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelby, and John Keats.
German philosopher Immanuel Kant said that the senses and the mind are the sore avenues of
knowledge and that man cannot new guy or the soul by either of these avenues.
G. W. F. Heagle, another German philosopher, introduced dialectic thinking, the idea that one facts or
idea (thesis) works against a contradictory effect (anti-pieces) to create a “new fact” (synthesis).
Kant’s idealism had profound influence on the German theological in Frederick Schleiermacher, one of
the most influential theology ends of the 19th century Protestantism.
The product of the relativism and religious liberalism of the 19th century was “higher criticism,”
which questioned in the guise of scholarship the inspiration, authority, texts, and meaning of the Bible.
This error is still popular today among modernists (religious laborers).
The Congress of Vienna lasted eight months.
European countries were represented, the key diplomats were Czar Alexander I of Russia, Lord
Castlereagh of Great Britain, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand of France, and Prince von Metternich
of Austria.
Prince and Metternich, the “prince of diplomats,” so dominated the decision making at Vienna that the
first half of the 19th century is often called the “Age of Metternich.”
Instead of again becoming hundreds of tiny states, it was to remain as Napoleon had reconstituted it,
as 38 largest states organized into the German confederation.
With the prompting of meta-Rich, the nations of the quintuple alliance formed the Congress system, or
the concert of Europe, to meet periodically to work together to put down any rumblings of revolution
for a while. Did the congress system work.
In 1823, President Monroe issued a statement which became known as the Monroe doctrine, warning
the European powers that intervention in Latin America would be looked upon by the United States as
an unfriendly act.
In 1827, these nations fought a major naval battle against the Turks and Navarino in the
Mediterranean, in 1829, they forced Turkey to accept the Treaty of Adrianople, but the turks agreed
to submit terms offered by England, France, and Russia.
They choose Louis Napoleon, nephew of the late Napoleon Buonaparte.
In 1852, he followed up his action by declaring the second empire and proclaiming himself Emperor
Napoleon III.
In 1863, while the United States was involved in its own Civil War, Napoleon supplied troops to
support Archduke Maximilian of Austria in a takeover of Mexico.
Encouraged by the success of a revolution in France, they declare their independence in 1830 and
appointed Leopold I, the uncle of Britain’s queen Victoria, as a team.
As a result of this July revolution, Charles ex was forced to flee to England, and France soon had a
new king, Louis Philippe.
Crimean war (1854-1856), Britain join France in Sardinia to stop Russia’s attempt to assert his
dominance over turkey and sees portions of Turkish territory, and move which also endangered British
interests in the Middle East.

When the Russians refused to back down, the allied nations declared war on Russia. The campaign
centered on the Crimean peninsula, located at the northern tip of the black sea. Although the allied
forces eventually succeeded in defeating the Russians, they suffered terrible casualties.
In 1791, British Prime Minister William Pitt the younger divided Canada into two sections (British
and French) to ease tensions.
But by the 1830s, Canada was again in turmoil. Queen Victoria’s son Lord Durham to investigate
conditions in Canada, and he made the suggestions for settling Canadian problems.
Durhams plan was gradually enacted, and in 1867, the British North America act made Canada self-
governing commonwealth (Federation of states).
After 1757, when Robert Clive won the battle of Plassey against Indian forces, the company
controlled nearly all of India.
British rule was highly beneficial for India in a number of ways. The first and foremost benefit under
British rule was a work of protestant missionaries, such as William Carey (1771-1834) and others like
Henry Martin an Alexander Duff.
Libra, what is capital Monrovia named after you. S. President James Monroe, became the first
independent African republic in 1847.
The first Christian missionaries to Liberia were two African-American men stirrers from the United
States, Lott Carey and Collin Teague.

Chapter 21

~unbelief and revolution
in the 19th - century

The enlightenment philosophers of the 18th century in the French revolution of 1789 incited in the
heart of mini Europeans on the continent and spirit of revolutionary nationalized – a desire to break
loose from the established government And ruled themselves based on what they saw as “natural”
boundaries of national origin.
Continental Europe was no face with two alternatives – anarchy (political disorder and violent; lack of
any government) or dictatorship.
Five great English poet dominated this age: William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord
Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelby, and John Keats.
German philosopher Immanuel Kant said that the senses and the mind are the sore avenues of
knowledge and that man cannot new guy or the soul by either of these avenues.
G. W. F. Heagle, another German philosopher, introduced dialectic thinking, the idea that one facts or
idea (thesis) works against a contradictory effect (anti-pieces) to create a “new fact” (synthesis).
Kant’s idealism had profound influence on the German theological in Frederick Schleiermacher, one of
the most influential theology ends of the 19th century Protestantism.
The product of the relativism and religious liberalism of the 19th century was “higher criticism,”
which questioned in the guise of scholarship the inspiration, authority, texts, and meaning of the Bible.
This error is still popular today among modernists (religious laborers).
The Congress of Vienna lasted eight months.
European countries were represented, the key diplomats were Czar Alexander I of Russia, Lord
Castlereagh of Great Britain, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand of France, and Prince von Metternich
of Austria.
Prince and Metternich, the “prince of diplomats,” so dominated the decision making at Vienna that the
first half of the 19th century is often called the “Age of Metternich.”
Instead of again becoming hundreds of tiny states, it was to remain as Napoleon had reconstituted it,
as 38 largest states organized into the German confederation.
With the prompting of meta-Rich, the nations of the quintuple alliance formed the Congress system, or
the concert of Europe, to meet periodically to work together to put down any rumblings of revolution
for a while. Did the congress system work.
In 1823, President Monroe issued a statement which became known as the Monroe doctrine, warning
the European powers that intervention in Latin America would be looked upon by the United States as
an unfriendly act.
In 1827, these nations fought a major naval battle against the Turks and Navarino in the
Mediterranean, in 1829, they forced Turkey to accept the Treaty of Adrianople, but the turks agreed
to submit terms offered by England, France, and Russia.
They choose Louis Napoleon, nephew of the late Napoleon Buonaparte.
In 1852, he followed up his action by declaring the second empire and proclaiming himself Emperor
Napoleon III.
In 1863, while the United States was involved in its own Civil War, Napoleon supplied troops to
support Archduke Maximilian of Austria in a takeover of Mexico.
Encouraged by the success of a revolution in France, they declare their independence in 1830 and
appointed Leopold I, the uncle of Britain’s queen Victoria, as a team.
As a result of this July revolution, Charles ex was forced to flee to England, and France soon had a
new king, Louis Philippe.

Chapter 22
~World war one: “the war

to end all wars”

World War I, also known as the Great War and First World War, was a deadly global conflict that
originated in Europe. Beginning from 1914 and lasting until 1918, the First World War left with an
estimated nine million combatant deaths and 13 million civilian deaths as a direct result of the conflict.
World War I is a topic covered in the world history segment of the UPSC Mains examination. As such
candidates appearing for the exam will find the information from this article useful.
Towards the end of the 19th century, the growing rivalry between European nations became all too
apparent. Germany, upon its unification in 1871, was becoming an industrial power and other nations
of Europe, specifically France and Britain, felt threatened by this.
Around this time the fracturing Ottoman Empire gave birth to new countries in the Balkan region. One
of them, Serbia, was gaining land and power at the expense of the empire of Austria-Hungary. To
counter this threat, along with any future ones, the Austro-Hungarian Empire formed an alliance with
Germany and Italy to defend each other.
In response, Britain, France and Russia formed the Triple Entente for the same purpose.
During the 1900s both Britain and Germany added bigger and better battleships to their naval
arsenals. The rest of Europe also followed suit. By 1914, most of the European countries had their
armies ready for war. All it needed was a spark to ignite it. That spark came when Archduke Franz
Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia on June 28, 1914.
Franz Ferdinand was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary and the man who shot him was a Serb
nationalist, Gavrilo Princip. Gavrilo was protesting against Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia. Austria-
Hungary declared war on Serbia, prompting Russia to mobilize its army to defend Serbia. Germany, in
turn, declared war on Russia and on France. To invade France a large German army marched through
Belgium, violating its territorial integrity. This drew Britain into the war, since, in 1830, it had made
an agreement to defend Belgium if it was ever attacked.
The war drew in many European powers at the time along with their overseas colonies. They were
divided into two groups – the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. The Central Powers were made
up of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey, while the Allies including France, Britain and its
empire, Russia, Italy, Japan and from 1917, the United States of America.
The war was fought along two main lines, or fronts. There was the Western Front, which ran from
Belgium, through France to Switzerland, and the Eastern front which ran from the Baltic to the Black
Sea. There were also sporadic fighting in the Middle East and along the border between Italy and
At the end of 1917, following the Russian Revolution, Russia had started peace talks with Germany
and German soldiers who had been fighting on the Eastern Front were able to join the fighting in the
west, For a while, they outnumbered the Allied forces, but by 8 September 1918 over 1,20,000 well-
trained and well-equipped forces of the United States joined the allies in France.
This changed the balance power in favour of the Allies.
By the End of October, all German occupied-France and Belgium had been reclaimed with Turkey and
Austria-Hungary having been defeated.
In Germany, people were running short of food and fuel. The German navy mutinied and there was
widespread unrest.
On November 9, the German ruler, Kaiser William II, abdicated and on November 11.
1918 an armistice was signed between Germany and the allies, bringing the fighting to an end.
In January 1010, the Allies met at the Paris Peace Conference, which formally ended the war. It drew
up the Treaty of Versailles, which imposed a harsh peace upon Germany and laid the responsibility of
starting the conflict squarely on Germany’s shoulders.

Chapter 23
~The rise of communism

Communism is a form of Socialism with you at the kids the violent overthrow of existing government
with the goal of changing society and ultimately perfecting mankind
Communism always result in a totalitarian dictator ship that dominates the person, property, and even
though a bit citizens by means of force and terror.
Communism is also known as Marxism Leninism after two days most infectious theorist, Karl Marx
and Vladimir Lenin
As a student at the University of Berlin, Karl Marx (1818 Dash 1883) associated with radical
students and professors that came under the spell of the religious modernist of Germany who denied
the deity of Christ in question to authority of the Bible.
Marks viewed history as a record of class struggle between the halves (work) and the have Nots (poor),
and he blamed ownership of private property as the source of the conflict.
Marxist adaptation of Hegel’s dialectical reasoning is often called dialectical materialism.
As long as industries were probably wrong, he said, the middle class and Other worlds with the capital
on the factories and other means of production will continue to ruthlessly split the poor and grow rich.
Marx called religion the Opiate of the people because he believed that religion was like a drug that made
people contend with less in this life because they expect happiness only in the next.
In 1843, Marx went to Paris, where he met Frederick Engels(1820-1895).
What revolution broke out in Germany in 1848, they took advantage of the term more to issue the
communist manifesto, a pamphlet that laid out a program for communist revolution.
When the research came what he considered to be his greatest intellectual triumph – Das Kapital,
which was first published in 1867.
During this time, the town of Moscow rose to prominence.
By 1480, Ivan I I I, prince of Moscow, had driven the Mongols from power and headaches, and the
bandit rushes borders through conquest.
Ivan IV (Ruled 15 33–15 84), the grandson of Ivan the Great, took the title Cesar, but because of his
cruelty, he was better known as Ivan the terrible.
In 1613, Michael Romanov became Cesar, beginning the Romanov dynasty, which lasted for over 300
The greatest and most capable Romanova Caesars was Peter the Great ( Ruled 1689-1725).
Alexander also promoted Russian colonization in North America, especially in the region between
Alaska and the Oregon territory.
Russian empress Catherine the great (Ruled 1762-1796) also embraced western ideas, especially
those of the French philosopher Volitaire.
Alexander’s successor, Nicholas I (Ruled 18 25–18 55), immediately faced trouble from
revolutionaries during the Decemberists revolt of 1825.
After Nicholas died, his son Alexander II (Ruled 18 55–18 81) spoke to him.Alexander III was
succeeded by his son Nicholas I (ruled 18 94–1917).
Facing the threat of overwrite revolution, the separate Nicholas AA granted a constitution which
guaranteed certain freedoms in the established Duma, an elected legislative body with limited powers.
To restore law and order, the Duma set up a provisional government resembling a western
representative democracy.
On November 6–7, 1917, the Bolšhevik revolution succeeded the top of the provisional government.
Accordingly, Leanin created a secret police organization called the Cheka to bring the Russian people
under the heel of communism by arrest, imprisonment, torture, or death.
Those who opposed the communist were called White Russians; those who favored the communists
were called red Russians.

Chapter 24

~20th - century liberalism:

retreat from authority
and responsibility

In the modern sense, a liberal is someone who desires freedom from something or freedom to do
Modern liberalism, however, is a desire to be free from absolute standards and morals, especially those
of the Scriptures.
Standing in opposition to liberalism is conservatism.
Conservatism is the principle of practice of conserving (preserving) established traditions or in
situations opposing changes in them.
Deez pseudoscience in their founders are related to one another in the desire to strike down absolute
truth and rebel against God.
Mini of the suicide sisters were linked together by positivism, the teaching a French philosopher
Augustine Comete.
He formulated a system known as psychoanalysis, which says the subconscious physical dress
irrational fears determine a man’s actions.
Another philosophy which began to gain acceptance during this time was pragmatism, the philosophy
that an idea or action should be judged Solely by its results regardless of any moral or scriptural
Secularism is the belief that matters of mortality should be based on consideration of the well-being of
mankind in this present life, to the exclusion of all considerations drawn from the belief in God or in a
future existence.
Humanism, in this context, is dependent upon a man’s reasonings and feelings alone.
The new message of these modernists came to be known as the social gospel.
The social gospel movement originated in the liberalism of German theologian Albrecht Ritschul.
Another chief goal of the modernist was humanism, the outward union of all churches, denominations,
and six into the organization regardless of Doctrinal differences.
J. Gresham Machen (1881–1937) was the last of a long line of Presbyterian theologians at Princeton
who thought of themselves as upholding the traditional teachings of the denomination.
In chapter four of Christianity and Liberalism , Machen asserted that the Bible as both God’s
revelation and as inerrant was essential to Christianity.
He contrasted this view with the view of religious liberals, see document 19), who he argued placed
human experience at the center of religion.
In noting that nature was part of God’s revelation, Machen echoes a traditional view, which we have
encountered in detail in Palmer, “Baconianism and the Bible”. Writing several decades after Palmer,
however, in a world of increased secularism and scientific influence, Machen felt the need to argue for
the authority of the Bible, an authority Palmer could take for granted.
The writings of Machen, Fosdick, and Dixon included in this collection were part of the modernist-
fundamentalist controversy of the first decades of the twentieth century. In large measure, that
controversy still defines America’s religious world and influences our politics.
Toward the end of the 19th century, a movement known as impersonation became prominent.
In the realm of poetry, conservative art seems stuck in the shadows. New York Times poetry editor
David Orr wrote in his 2012 book: “Almost all poets, including myself, lean left.
There are maybe five conservative American poets, not one of whom can safely show his face at a
writing conference for fear of being angrily doused with herbal tea.”
Within the poetry establishment, Orr’s words are true enough but beg the question: Are conservative
poets being (ironically) oppressed and persecuted? Replace the word “left” with “white” and the word
“conservative” with “black” and you get: “Almost all poets, including myself, lean white.
There are maybe five black American poets, not one of whom can safely show his face at a writing
conference for fear of being angrily doused with herbal tea.”

The takeaway here is that no one should be treated this way, and the establishment is oppressive and
due for a change. People love an underdog, and conservative art is the underdog of today.
The most ambitious attempt at achieving permanent international peace during the 1920s was the
signing of the Paris peace pact in 1928.
To pay the extensive or dip placed upon it, the German government began to pour in large amounts of
paper money, creating massive inflation (in excess of money in circulation which causes the value of
money to go down and prices to go up).
In the United States, the federal reserve system (a central banking system that controls the nation's
money supply under the occupations of the federal government) kept interest rates low, making it easy
for businesses and individuals to borrow money.
As businesses prospered in the 1920s, many people bought stocks (investments or shoes and some
industrial or commercial companies) hoping to take advantage of the soaring stock prices.
Some investors, however, practice speculation (risky investments for the chance of making a quick
Finally, on October 29, 1929, remembered as Black Tuesday, the bottom fell out of the stock market.
The Roaring Twenties is known as a time of prosperity due to consumerism and mass-production from
the years 1920 to 1929.
This era in American history could be considered one of the most excessive times to date. Because of
the United States’ triumph in World War I, the country had its first involvement as a world power.
The increase of consumer goods greatly impacted the U.S. economy during this time of success.
The start of the airline industry along with the expansion of automobile manufacturers helped profit
banks. Several Americans became dependent on the newly developed methods of payment, which
eventually became the American standard way of living.
The quest to achieve this ideal lifestyle also known as the American Dream led to a severe shift in the
nation’s economy. Through both fiscal and monetary policy along with laissez-faire tactics, the Roaring
Twenties ended with the 1929 Wall Street Crash, which was the precursor to the worst economic
decline in history, The Great Depression.
People were affected differently by the Roaring Twenties. There was a large gap and inequality
between the distribution of wealth in the United States during this time.

Chapter 25
~World War II

He Italians blame the government for not insisting on Italy’s claims to more territory. This resentment,
coupled with the spiritual emptiness, inflammation, labor shakes, and unemployment, made many
people receptive to the promises of social Benito Mussolini; following World War I, Mussolini organize
the fascist party (also called the blacks shirts) in Italy.
Fascism - is a form of Socialism that is similar to communism; it exercise totalItarian control of
political, economic, cultural, religious, and social activities, and follows Darwinism ideas in its attempt
to change society and bring in a new social order.
Because they lack spiritual discernment, many Germans willingly believed the promises of prosperity
coming from socialist Adolf Hitler (18 89–19 45).
Tune Hitler became its leader, and the group took the name national Socialist German workers party,
or Nazis.
Like fascism, Nazism is a form of Socialism, but he relies more heavily on terrorism aggression,
financial racism, and anti-democratic nationalism.
In 1933, the United States officially recognize a communist government in Russia, making it possible
for the Russians to acquire both loans and technology to develop the military might.
One side, led by General Francisco Franco (18 92–19 75), fight to keep Spain from falling into the
hands of the communist forces who fight for the other side.
Encouraged by Hitler’s successes, Mazzolini ceased tiny Albania in the Balkans in April 1939.
Nazis took Poland by storm. German Stucker dive bombers destroyed the week polish Air Force on the
ground, while German panzer (tank) divisions overwhelm the Polish cavalry.
The German blitzkrieg was so swift and furious that the British and French troops who had assembled
in the northern France to block the Nazi advance resume push to the coast at the little port of Dunkirk
on the English channel. It seems certain that the allied troops would be forced to surrender.
But in a daring and courageous effort never to be forgotten, the British royal Air Force (R A F) held
off the Germans just long enough for hundreds of British specials of all kinds, both military and
civilian, to faerie more than 300,000 British and French soldiers across the channel to safety in
However, several periodic Frenchman escaped to Great Britain, where they organize the free French
government under the leader ship of General Charles de Gaulle.
On the day Germany invaded France and the low countries, Newville chamberlain resigned, and the
stalwarts Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Great Britain.
In July 1940, Hitler held his bombers against England, beginning the battle of Britain.
After getting the support of thins, as well as Romanian, Hungarian come in Bulgarian, who wanted to
rain territory lost in World War I, Hitler mast nearly 150(almost 3,000,000 soldiers) Alanis Sophia
border and struck on June 22, 1941
The allies, especially the United States, 7 billions of dollars worth of weapons and other supplies to the
Soviet union during the course of the war, enabling the communist to drive the Nazis out of Russia.
Finally, Congress passed the neutrality act of 1937, which continued the terms of the earlier legislation
and adopted the important cash and carry principle for dealing with warring nations. I need this
provision, the president could forbid trade with belligerence on American ships and limit trade with
warring countries to get paid for in cash and carried from American ports in foreign vessels.
In March 1949, Congress passed the Lend lease act, which granted the presidents we do powers to sell,
Liz, land, or otherwise dispose of war materials to any nation whose defense he felt to be vital to
American security. The lend lease act also declared the Amy’s of the fence, including worships, which
belongs to a friendly belligerent could be refilled or repair in United States.
In November 1941, the Japanese dispatch a special envoy to Washington for a final effort of
negotiations with The United States.

On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, just before 8 AM, waves of planes appeared in the sky over
Pearl Harbor and swept down on the unprotected American food.
While the British and Americans drove from the axis forces of the Mediterranean between 1942 in
1945, savage fighting took place between the Nazi and the Soviet on the eastern front. Hitler plan on a
final campaign to conquer the Soviet union. In May 1942, his army struck, capturing theCrimea and
pushing into the caucuses to seize it’s vital oil fields. But the Nazi offensive was stopped in October in
the city of Stalingrad, Where the Russian surrounded the Germans sixth army in pinned them in the
devastated city for nearly 2 months.
But on June 6, 1944 (D-day), thousands of American, British, Canadian, and French free troops hit
the beaches of Normandy in north western France, launching the largest and Fabius (Seaborne)
assaults in history.
The United States had three outpost between Hawaii in the Philippines: Midway,Wake, and Guam.
The Japanese ships and troops move that wants to see two of these islands. Guam Serena very quickly,
but a detachment of about 450 U. S. Marines on wake island heroically held of the Japanese until
December 23, 1941, with food, water, and any nation were nearly exhausted.
The 11,000 men on the Corregidor, The fortify island which car did the interest to manila bay, fire on
the loan against overwhelming as for about a month before they, two, were captured.
American prisoners from Bataan and Corregidor Forest by the Japanese captures to walk 70 miles to
prison camps. This march became known as the Bataan death march because the Japanese shot or buy
a knitted those prisoners who fell out of line of marching to the hunger, wounds, illness, or fatigue
come while others died from disease or salvation; by the end of March, over 10,000 Americans have
Hi troops in January 1942, the Japanese move to cities Burma and cut the Burma Road, the last me a
route to China.
The battle of Java sea, fat in February 1942, most of the American in Dutch vessels were sunk, and
the Japanese were able to complete their conquest on land by March.
During the four day battle of the coral sea, the first naval battle in history in which the opposing
vessels did not say one another, the Japanese last 2F craft carriers, a cruiser come in so many aircraft
that they had to been in there dressed.
What together, 6 million Jews-as well as numerous German, polls, Russians, Slavs, Intellectuals,
communist, and Christians (who have protested that atrocities), were systematically murdered by the
Nazis between 1934 and 1945.
This horrible slider is remember today as the holocaust.
Although the United States was not yet in war against the axis powers come America in great Britain
jointly issue the Atlantic charter.

Chapter 26
~the cold war era: years

of conflict

One concrete plans for a United Nations organization were drawn up by Dumbarton oaks, an estate
near Washington, DC., In the fall of 1944
On April 25, 1945, some 1600 delegates and Assistance for 50 nations gathered in San Francisco,
California, to draft a charger for the United Nations.
United Nations consist of three major organs:
General assembly, comprising of all member states
The security council, compose a five permanent members in the United States, great Britain, France,
the Soviet union come in China (after 1971, Communist China replace the Republic of China in the
UN)-and 10 elected members
The Secretariat, Made up of the secretary general and his undersecretary.
He has shown that the UN continues to pursue the humanistic, utopian goals of its founders.
What hardly fell silent in 1945 when another global conflict developed, an ongoing Cold War,
warfarin only with military weapons but with words, diplomacy, and ideology.
A rate against each other clashes were the free world, led by the United States, communist bloc,
dominated by the Soviet Union.
I’m the most noble were Americans Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were convinced of treason in
1951 and executed in 1953 for passing vital information to Russian agents, and, the Director of
Britians nuclear research program, who is convicted in 1950 for supplying Moscow or top-secret
trigger mechanism that would donate the atomic bomb.
Senator Joseph P. McCarthy exposed much communist activity in the state department, in the
entertainment and intellectual community, and even in the army.
In 1958, Western Europe formed the common market (European economic community, or EEC).
The symbol of Soviet oppression in Eastern Europe was the Berlin wall.
In August 1961, the communist built a war between east and west Berlin to keep east Berlin nerves
from escaping to the west.
The largest country in the western Europe, France emerged from world war two with cities in industry
badly damaged with communist controlling one of its largest political parties in chief labor unions.
A decade after China became a republic in 1911, communist forces tried to take control of the
government, but China’s nationalist government was able to prevent a communist takeover.
In 1927, Civil War broke out between the nationalists, led by Christian statesman Chang Kai Shek,
and the Chinese communist led by Mao Tse-tung.
Wow China is reeling from this devastating blow, now launching its first five-year plan.
In 1958, Mao inaugurated China’s second five-year plan, which he called the great leap forward.
On June 25, 1950 North Korea troops blessed the way across the 38th parallel and invaded South
Korea, beginning the Korean War.
President then named MacArthur supreme commander of all United States and United Nations forces.
Unassuming the duties of chief executive in 1961, US President John F. Kennedy was formed of a
plan for a force of Cuban exiles to annotate in the Auntie Castro Revolution by invading Cuba.
May 1961, Castro openly declared the cure to be a communist state and announced that there would be
no more elections.
In particular, Cuban aid in Nicaragua enabled a group of communist revolutionaries called the
Sandinistas to oust president Anastasio Somoza in 1979.
The discovery of vast quantities of oil in the late 1970s greatly increased Mexico‘s economic potential;
by 1981, Mexico had risen fourth place among the oil producing nations of the world.

Preparation for independence began with Turkey when it became a republic in 1922.
The Middle East played a vital part in world affairs today probably primarily because much of the
worlds not well reserves are located there and because of the conflict between the Arabs and the Jews
which date back to biblical times.
Most of the Palestinian Arabs, however, left the country. On May 14, 1948, the Jews proclaimed the
independent state of Israel.
The Yom Kippur war reactivated OPEC (organization of petroleum exporting countries).
In 1947, Ghana (formally the Gold Coast) became the first African nation south of the Sahara to gain
US Air Force planes dropped 600 Belgian paratroopers in Stanleyville to rescue the hostages. Minutes
before the paratroopers landed, 29 hostages were murdered, including Dr. Paul Carlson, an American
medical missionary.
Nigeria declared independence in 1967.
In 1960, Laos also became the scene of communist aggression when the Vietnam backed Pettit stage
rebellion against Laotian Government troops.
March 6, 1965, President Johnson said the first American combat troops and US Marines entered
south Vietnam to protect the American base there.
Cease-fire agreement was finally signed at Paris on January 27, 1973.
Communist flag soon flew over all of Vietnam, and Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City.
Edward Teller, a Hungarian born American physicist who worked on the Manhattan project, plan for
a more powerful nuclear weapon, the hydrogen bomb.
In spite of opposition, teller press forward and became known as the “father of hydrogen bomb.”
The world's most brutal “wars of liberation” resulted after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in
In 1979, conservative Margaret Thatcher became Britain’s first woman Prime Minister.
Thatcher's election was followed by another conservative victory with the 1980 election of republican
Ronald Reagan as President of the United States.
Issued the Reagan doctrine, an offensive policy of preemptive strikes to stop communist before it could
in slavery nation.
This was evident when he upheld the Reagan doctrine by sending troops to Grenada.
When free elections in Poland brought solidarity to power in the Polish parliament, and the Soviet
troops did nothing, the Hungarians began to tear down the fences in order to dismantle the minefields
that separated them from Austria.
Germans beat down sections of the wall with sledge hammers, on October 3, 1990, east and west
Germany were officially reunited.

Chapter 27
Notes ~


The level of globalization fostered by the Information Revolution, is altogether unprecedented in human
history, as the speed with which information, transactions, and capital can travel virtually anywhere on the
planet enables the sustained coordination of human activity at a new scale and level of complexity.
Although, the initial phases of economic globalization may be behind us today soaring flows of cross-border
data channeled through the internet are taking globalization to new levels.

Globalization - Empire of Networks is a series of short films documenting the fast-changing landscape at
the intersection of globalization and the ongoing expansion of information networks.


People have been exchanging goods and ideas on a global scale for millennia but in the past few
decades since the fall of the Berlin Wall the opening up of capital markets the rise of information
technology and the reduction in trade tariffs the pace of global connectivity has greatly increased as
many countries and people have entered into a single global economy of exchange.
With the advent of industrial technologies such as the steam engine and later the telephone and radio
the mass of society could communicate with people and travel to places far from their indigenous
locality tapping into the new energy sources of fossil fuels
One of the primary characteristics of the modern era has been the rise of capitalism and the market
system particularly since the Industrial Revolution with urbanization mass production and the
specialization of Labor the mass of people became dependent on the capitalist market.
Until the middle half of the 20th century hierarchies were almost unanimously seen as the only
effective method for organizing production within large mass societies.
A new ideology of the free market as a distributed coordination mechanism in its own right arose one
can see the early conceptual stages of this process with the work of Friedrich Hayek Hayek recognized
that prices produced by supply and demand alone could be an accurate and sufficient signal of
information to allow decentralized coordination to achieve the optimal allocation of resources within
Although the state was still seen to be needed for providing basic support Hayek saw the market as an
optimal self-sustaining system and enabling it required converting as much as possible into private
property and contracts that would allow for those signals to order economy spontaneously.
The latter half of the 20th century saw the realization of Hayek's ideas here in the United States and
in other developed economies with the acceleration of a process of transferring socio-economic
organization from hierarchical social organization to market structures as promoted by a new ideology
of neoliberalism in the 1970s 80s and 90s.
The neoliberal paradigm is the logic of the market system although originally it may have been an
economic theory neoliberalism came to be much more than this as it came to encompass a set of ideas
or paradigm about human nature.
Economic and social organization neoliberalism is the free-market ideology based on individual liberty
and limited government the connected human freedom to the actions of the rational self-interested
actor in the competitive marketplace.
Neoliberalism formed the conceptual rationale for shifting economic organization from people and
hierarchies toward an impersonal logic of the market.

In order for it to achieve this it had to remove power and capabilities from the nation-state a battle was
fought during the latter half of the 20th century for control over the state and it was largely won by
the proponents of this new market based model. Neoliberalism had a clear agenda to shift power from
democratic systems of governance and move it into the market.
This was done through two primary vehicles one was privatization and deregulation of national
economies the other method was the shifting of power out of national democracies and their
Parliament's and into the executive in international bodies that were not controlled via democratic
procedures such as the IMF or WTO as people became increasingly aware that the political power to
affect the things that mattered in their lives was fast slipping out of their hands civil society started to
react clashing with the architects of this new global economy.
The epicenter of which was here in Seattle on November 30th 1999 where massive street protests
turned mounting tensions into violent outbursts however the battle was already over the days of the
National Democratic system exercising independent power were coming to a close as all were becoming
interdependent in a new market system.
Critical aspects of an industrial age set of institutions started to grind to a halt in the face of an ever
more dynamic and complex environment that was presenting an ever more complex set of issues as
societies were starting to become aware of the realities of living in a globally interconnected context.
Everything and everyone is starting to become connected and to find themselves embedded within a
networked fabric of information that is wrapping around the world disrupting the centuries-old
structures that carved up the planet into separate jurisdictions and societies while the logic of
hierarchical management within the National framework has retreated and the market has proven
unsustainable information networks are emerging as the new form of globally distributed coordination
token markets can potentially enable the management of self-sustaining economies in a distributed
fashion without dependence on the centralized institution of the nation or corporation the responsibility
is shifted to the hands of every person the question is one of values what values do we build into this
set of emerging information based networks that is being pieced together with every new connection
made you the world of yesterday was ruled by the states and armies the world of today by markets and
finance the world of tomorrow will be an empire of networks but who will rule that Empire could it be


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