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Published by pis.khairudin, 2019-10-10 22:39:56

Interviewee Kit v1.4_General (1)

Interviewee Kit v1.4_General (1)





Interview Approach

• 15 minutes for each interview session
❑ 2 minutes for introduction / self p
❑ 13 minutes for questions & answ

• 3 approaches of interview will be conducted
❑ Physical Interview
❑ Skype Interview
❑ WhatsApp Video Call Interview
❑ Any other application/software s

wers (Q&A
d depending on the availability of candidates and

set by MBOT

Video Call Interview E

• Look at the camera, not the screen : Maintain
• Computer/Camera Angle: Where you place yo

camera at eye-level.
• Dress: Dress professionally from head to toe lik
• Connection: Check internet connection to ensu
• Keep your Profile Professional: Make sure tha

and photo are appropriate.
• Background: Keep the background simple and

does not convey professionalism.
• Close other programs on your computer: Ge

distracting and unprofessional. Before your inter
are closed
• Prepare your surroundings: Pick a quiet place
• Don't interview and drive. In addition to being

your phone isn't safe, so leave the interview for a


n direct eye contact with your interviewer.
our computer/camera is also important. You want the

ke an in-person interview.
ure the video call session going smoothly
at your Skype/WhatsApp contact name, email address

clear of distractions. Clear the area of anything that

etting Facebook notifications during your interview is
rview, make sure all other windows on your computer

e to interview to avoid any interruptions.
illegal in Malaysia, driving while holding
a moment when you can concentrate

Area of Assessment

Competence & Commitment

Competence Knowledge and Understan
Commitment A Use a combination of general an

imise the application of existing

Application to Practice
B Apply appropriate theoretical an

al /technical problems.

C Leadership/Management/S

Provide technical and commerc

D Interpersonal Skills

Use effective communication an

Professional Conduct
E Demonstrate a personal commi

society, the profession and the e


nd specialist technological knowledge and understanding to opt
and emerging technology.

nd practical methods to the analysis and solution of technologic

Supervision Commitment

cial leadership / management / supervision commitment

nd interpersonal skills.

itment to professional standards, recognising obligations to

Use a combination of general and specialist engineeri
mise the application of existing and emerging technolo

Maintain and extend a sound theoretical approach in enabling the This coul
introduction and manipulation of new and advancing technology and

A1 other relevant developments • Iden

Knowledge through experience and information resources • Striv
• Broa

This coul

Maintain and extend a sound evidence-based approach to problem-

solving • Esta

• Ass

A2 • Iden


Apply technology/technical principles and best practice • Prom
• Sec

• Dev

This coul

A3 Definition and basic concept of technology field

• Diffe

This coul

A4 Evolution of the current technology field

• Prom

This coul

A5 Latest technology and solutions being applied in the market

• Dev

ing knowledge and understanding to opti

ld include an ability to:

ntify the limits of own personal knowledge and skills
ve to extend own technological capability
aden and deepen own knowledge base through research and experimentation.
ld include an ability to:

ablish users’ needs
sess marketing needs and contribute to marketing strategies
ntify constraints and exploit opportunities for the development and transfer of techno
y within own chosen field
mote new applications when appropriate
cure the necessary intellectual property rights
velop and evaluate continuous improvement systems.
ld include an ability to:

erentiate and explain basic concepts of related technology field
ld include an ability to:

mote new technology when appropriate
ld include an ability to:

velop and evaluate application of technology and solutions to the current systems

Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to
technological /technical problems.

B1 Select engineering techniques and procedures This could include an

Contribute to technological /technical design & • Explore the terri
Development • Review the pote
Use resources effectively to complete tasks services
• Use own knowle
This could include an

• Identify and agre
• Assemble the ne
• Carry out the ne
• Collect, analyse
• Draft, present a
• Undertake techn

B3 Implement and evaluate solutions This could include an

• Ensure that the
• Identify the requ

mpact of the ou
• Determine the c
• Evaluate the ou
• Actively learn fro

o the analysis and solution of

n ability to:

itory within own responsibility for new opportunities
ential for enhancing engineering products, processes, systems and

edge of the employer ’s position to assess the viability of opportunities.
n ability to:

ee appropriate methodologies
ecessary resources
ecessary tests
e and evaluate the relevant data
and agree design recommendations
nological and technical design.

n ability to:

application of the design results in the appropriate practical outcome
uired cost, quality, safety, reliability, appearance, fitness for purpose and environmental i
criteria for evaluating the design solutions
utcome against the original specification
om feedback on results to improve future design solutions and build best practice.

Provide technical and commercial leadership / manag

This could include an ability

C1 Plan for effective projects • Identify the factors aff
• Lead on preparing and
• Ensure that the neces
• Negotiate the necessa

This could include an ability

• Set up appropriate ma

• Agree quality standard
C2 Manage budget, finance, people and resources • Organise and lead wo

• Ensure that variations

on is taken

• Gather and evaluate f

This could include an ability

Manage teams and develop staff • Agree objectives and
C3 • Identify team and indi

Supervise technological tasks • Lead and support team

• Assess team and indi

This could include an ability

C4 Manage continuous quality improvement • Promote quality throu
• Develop and maintain
• Direct project evaluati

gement / supervision commitment

y to:

fecting the project implementation
d agreeing implementation plans and method statements
ssary resources are secured and brief the project team
ary contractual arrangements with other stakeholders (client, subcontractors, suppliers,

y to:

anagement systems
ds, programme and budget
ork teams, co-ordinating project activities
s from quality standards, programme and budgets are identified, and that corrective acti

feedback and recommend improvements.
y to:

work plans with teams and individuals
ividual needs, and plan for their development
m and individual development
ividual performance and provide feedback.
y to:

ughout the organisation and its customer and supplier networks
n operations to meet quality standards
ion and propose recommendations for improvement.

Use effective communication and interpersonal skills

This could include an ab

D1 Communicate with others • Contribute to, chair
• Prepare letters, doc
• Exchange informati
This could include an ab

D2 Presentation and discussion • Prepare and deliver
• Lead and sustain d
• Feed the results ba
This could include an ab

D3 Personal and social skills • Know and manage
• Be aware of the ne
• Be confident and fle
• Identify, agree and
• Resolve conflicts an

This could include an ab

Engage in the awareness, diversity, creativity • Develop a better se
Interact with one an
D4 and innovative development of technology and con • Bring both a creativ
Connect the literatu
tinuous improvement of technical systems. •

bility to:

r and record meetings and discussions
cuments and reports
ion and provide advice to technical and non-technical colleagues.
bility to:

r appropriate presentations
debates with audiences
ack to improve the proposals.
bility to:

own emotions, strengths and weaknesses
eeds and concerns of others
exible in dealing with new and changing interpersonal situations

work towards collective goals
nd create, maintain and enhance productive working relationships.
bility to:

ense of things happening in emerging technology
nother, and bring new challenges and opportunities for diversity management
ve input and a technical knowledge to an action.
ure about technical change with that of innovation systems and networks.

Demonstrate a personal commitment to professional s
society, the profession and the environment.

Code and Rules of conduct This could incl

E1 Specific conduct: • Comply w
General k
Safety, health, accountability, time management, quality assurance, resource • Work con
nd emplo
management, cost impact vs quality vs time, discipline, dedication, responsibil •

This could incl

Manage safe systems of work

E2 System: • Identify a
alth and w
eco-system of respective technology field, any tools involve in delivering the • Develop a
work, system thinking (risk assessment) • Manage,

This could incl

E3 Sustainable development • Operate a

• Use imag

This could incl

CPD personal planning • Undertak
E4 Continuous learning & development, teamwork and communication • Prepare a
• Carry out
• Maintain
• Evaluate

standards, recognising obligations to

lude an ability to:

with code of ethics
knowledge of Act 768
nstructively within all relevant legislation and regulatory frameworks, including social a
oyment legislation.
lude an ability to:

and be accountable for self and people under your care and responsibility for safety, he
welfare issues
and implement appropriate hazard identification and risk management systems
evaluate and improve safety and health systems.
lude an ability to:

and act responsibly, taking account of the need to progress environmental, social and
c outcomes simultaneously
gination, creativity and innovation to provide products and services which maintain and
the quality of the environment and community, and meet financial objectives
lude an ability to:

ke reviews of own development needs (lifelong learning)
action plans to meet personal and organisational objectives
t planned (and unplanned) CPD activities
evidence of competence development
CPD outcomes against the action plans

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