Sanad Matuq
Professor Gail Marxhusen
EDUC 1300
Career Exploration Portfolio
Please type your answers under the questions below.
1. What is your intended career? If you are not sure of a career right now, choose one of
interest to explore.
The career that I intend to achieve is Mechanical Engineering.
2. Find a professional website for your career. What is the name of the website? Please
provide the link here. You may find a professional website from the journal that you discovered
above or sometimes by using google.
3. Using the library databases or a professional website, find one professional/academic journal
related to your career. What is the name of the journal?
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design.
Aerospace engineering is the field I am looking forward to pursue, manufacturing.
5. Knowledge /Training:
Engineering and technology
Formulate mathematical models or other methods of computer analysis to develop, evaluate,
or modify design, according to customer engineering requirements.
Plan or conduct experimental, environmental, operational, or stress tests on models or
prototypes of aircraft or aerospace systems or equipment.
Math and science
The minimum education required for math and science are the following: Arithmetic, algebra,
geometry calculus, or statics
Manufactured or Agricultural goods
Manufacture and distribution of products
At the beginning there is no license required or certifications but after at least 2-4 years the
engineer can apply for the PE (Principles and Practice in Engineering) which is one of the best
certificated licenses to have after a lot of experience.
6. Salary/Earnings:
$51.84 hourly, $107,830 annual that’s for a graduate student that has no experience
7.Future of this career
The outlook for this career is to know how to interact with computers, and have the
ability to make decisions by analyzing information and evaluating results, and solve problems,
you also have to communicate with supervisors, peers, or subordinates, so you have to have an
open and easy personality in order to be successful.
I’m hoping to work for companies that are based in Houston, Texas, such as FMC
technologies, and eventually get the opportunity to work for ExxonMobil, Shell, or
8.Daily activities
Mechanical designers check drawings and bill of material, provide input to E-
plan and provide status, participate in technical meetings, and perform the work
proactively in order to have the chance to change and improve.
9.Career and me:
My Do What You Are results were, "People like you are outgoing, responsible and
quite strong-willed. You like to be around other people and are talkative, friendly and
confident. You prefer to be in charge of any situation, and are usually good at
organizing events and groups of people” These results show social strengths, which
will be effective in networking for the difficult job market for engineers. Being a
mechanical engineer, I'll need to be on site for operations, and teach people my
designs. For this, my organizational skills will benefit me. Also, my confidence will
allow me to be creative when solving problems, which is the primary job for a
mechanical engineer. The results do not show interests, but the personality traits will
be fitting to handle my career choice.
10. works cited:
"Aerospace Engineers at My Next Move." My Next Move. N.p., n.d.
Web. 09 Apr. 2017.<>
"Design & Manufacturing." N.p., n.d.
Web. 09 Apr. 2017.<>
“Aerospace Engineering.” Occupational Outlook Handbook. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
U.S. Department of Labor, 2016-2017 edition. April 6, 2017.
Job Analysis Worksheet
This worksheet is about a very particular type of job in your career field as a whole. For
example, you are researching high school biology teacher and NOT “education” as a whole
Please type your answers under the questions below.
Using the internet or other sources indicated on the list provided by your instructor or librarian, look for a
specific job posting in the area of the state or country in which you want to work. List that job posting as one
of your sources in MLA format. Print or copy the job posting to turn in with this worksheet. Use the job
posting to answer the following questions.
1. What is your intended career? If you are not sure of a career right now, choose one of interest to explore.
My career choice is mechanical engineering
2. What is the title of the position?
My job title would be Engineer
3. With what company/organization is this position?
Where is this position located? Try to find a position in the area of the state or country where you actually
think you will be working.
I would like to work for the company called FMC
4. a. What education/training is required for this position?
b. Describe your plans to accomplish your education/training.
The basic education required to become an engineer is a Bachelor’s degree in engineering. However, most
companies will still accept those with bachelor’s in science. People who wish to pursue this career are
encourage to take courses related to civil and chemical engineering as well.
5. a. How many years of previous experience are needed?
b. Describe your plans to gain the experience you need.
No previous experience is needed to become a mechanical engineer. However, people with basic
understanding of algebra, robotics, and science are more likely to get the job.
6. a. What specific skills required for this position?
b. Describe your plans to develop these skills.
Skills mainly needed for this career are problem solving and critical thinking. Engineers must also have a basic
understanding of algebra and science.
7. Does the position list a salary, and if so…
a. What is the range?
b. What is the starting salary?
b. What is the average salary?
Mechanical engineers make between $49,000 and $98,000. The average pay is about $88,000 yearly.
However, engineers living in Texas and Alaska make more than those in other states.
8. List three STRENGTHS (skills, knowledge and personal qualities) that you currently possess that can help you
be successful in this position. Describe why these are strengths to this position.
My strengths I believe are my problem solving abilities and an advanced knowledge of mathematics.
9. List three WEAKNESSES (personal traits that you currently lack) that can hamper your success in this
position. Describe why these are weaknesses for this position AND how you will improve upon these
I don’t really see a lot of weaknesses but I think I have a problem with chemistry in general, but with putting
more effort and more hours studying I will improve my performance and beat this weakness.
10. Describe the interesting facts did you discover about this career that you did not know before. (“There are
none” is not an acceptable answer.)
An interesting fact that I learned was that engineers in Texas make more money.
11. Describe how certain you now are about pursuing a position in this career.
I am more than %100 certain that I want to pursue this career.
12. Cite all the sources below in MLA format from which you obtained this information.
Transferable Skills
As you begin your job search, it is important that you know your own qualifications. Over the years you
have developed many skills from coursework, extracurricular activities and your total life experiences.
If you have researched topics and written, and edited and presented papers for classes, you have used
skills which are not limited to any one academic discipline or knowledge area, but are transferable to
many occupations. A prospective employer expects you to be able to apply the skills you have learned
in college to the work environment.
Below is a list of five broad skill areas which are divided into more specific, skills. Rate the skills
indicating your ability in each area.
0 = no ability 2 = some ability
1 = enough ability to get by with help from others 3 = strong ability
Research & Planning
Communication The search for specific knowledge and the ability to
conceptualize future needs and solutions for meeting
The skillful expression, transmission and interpretation of those needs.
3 knowledge and ideas. Speaking effectively 3 Forecasting, predicting
2 Writing concisely 3 Creating ideas
2 Listening attentively 3 Identifying problems
2 Expressing ideas 3 Imagining alternatives
2 Facilitating group discussion 2 Identifying resources
2 Providing appropriate feedback 2 Gathering information
3 Negotiating 2 Solving problems
2 Perceiving nonverbal messages 2 Setting goals
3 Persuading 1 Extracting important information
3 Reporting information 2 Defining needs
3 Describing feelings 2 Analyzing
2 Interviewing 2 Developing evaluation strategies
2 Editing
Human Relations Work Survival
The use of interpersonal skills for resolving conflict, The day-to-day skills which assist in promoting effective
relating to and helping people. production and work satisfaction.
2 Developing rapport 3 Implementing decisions
2 Being Sensitive 3 Cooperating
3 Listening 2 Enforcing policies
2 Conveying feelings 2 Being punctual
3 Providing support for others 2 Managing time
3 Motivating 2 Attending to detail
2 Sharing credit 2 Meeting goals
3 Counseling 2 Enlisting help
3 Cooperating 2 Accepting responsibility
3 Delegating with respect 1 Setting and meeting deadlines
3 Representing others 3 Organizing
2 Perceiving feelings, situations 3 Making decisions
3 Asserting
Organization, Management & Leadership
Career Specific (REQUIRED SECTION)
The ability to supervise, direct and guide individuals and
groups in the completion of tasks and fulfillment of goals. The specific skills required for an entry-level job in my
chosen career. See job posting for ideas.
2 Initiating new ideas
2 Handling details
3 Coordinating tasks 3 _____ Educated ______________________________
2 Managing groups
2 Delegating responsibility 0 _____ Experience ___________________________
2 Teaching
3 Coaching 3 _____ Solving problems ______________________
2 Counseling
2 Promoting change 2 _____ Critical thinking ________________________
2 Selling ideas or products
2 Decision making with others 3 _____ Understand the basics of algebra and science
2 Managing conflict
_______ ____________________________________
_______ ____________________________________
_______ ____________________________________
_______ ____________________________________
_______ ____________________________________
Ways I can develop my skills (REQUIRED SECTION):
I can develop my skills by putting more time and effort on what I need to achieve and practice more and studying a lot .
Sanad Matouq
7514 Parkcross Pl. 713-384-8051
Cypress, TX 77433 [email protected]
To obtain an internship as a Mechanical Engineer during the summer, to allow me to utilize my skill sets and
education to gain valuable work experience.
• Pursuing Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering
• Lone Star Community College
• Expected graduation: Fall 2021
• Cumulative GPA: 3.00/4
Special Qualifications and Skills
• Fluent in Arabic.
• Programming: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint.
Awards, and Leadership Skills
• High School Senior Class Leadership Award, 2015
• Basketball Teens Award, 2014.
Additional Experience
ZARA, Amman, Jordan Sales Associate April 2015 - December2015
• Achieved all set sales goals while providing outstanding customer service, maintained clean display and
store appearance, and ensured satisfaction at every stage of sale.
• Commitment to sales and customer service, which lead to sales goals be met and exceeded.
Bershka, Amman, Jordan Sales Associate January 2015 - April 2015
• Processed customers returns, answered questions about merchandise, and managed exchanges and shelf
• Commended by supervisors for flexibility in changing work hours when asked and filling in during
scheduled off-days for absent employees.
Gail Marxhausen
Lone Star College
Toll Brothers at Towne Lake, 9191 Barker Cypress Rd, Cypress,
TX 77433
Dear Ms. Marxhausen:
As a Mechanical Engineering student, I am interested in the field
engineer position at Lone Star Company.
I am currently a full time student pursing my Bachelor’s degree in
mechanical engineering at Lone Star College, and expect to
graduate in Fall 2021. I believe that the skills and experience I
have make me an ideal candidate for this internship.
Additionally, I’m involved in off-campus activities that have
improved my leadership and team working skills that will help me
work and communicate with other engineers.
I have my resume enclosed and I look forward to meeting with
you and discussing my qualifications in more detail. Thank you for
your time and thoughtful consideration.
Sanad Matouq
Sanad Matuq
Professor Gail Marxhusen
EDUC 1300
I decided to study Mechanical engineering because of the multi-field work opportunities.
For example, automotive industry, chemical and oil industry like the petroleum machines that
used to extract the oil from underground, and a lot more. Also, the way how engineers work,
which is mostly by hands and of course the other programs and tools that they use. One of the
people who inspire me to choose this career was my cousin, who has a lot of experience in this
field, plus I like math and physics. According to my DWYA assignment, the results showed that
I have a lot of similarities between my personality and my future career personal requirements.
For example, my score in the physical part of the assignment is high, which the mechanical
engineer should have. The research that I did helped me to know a few things about my career,
like how to introduce myself to the companies and the before work process.
The educational requirements for becoming a mechanical engineer are the following: first
of all, the student should have at least bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, also the
student should have a brief understanding of civil engineering and chemical engineering. The
mechanical engineers should get the professional engineer (PE) licensure, and to get this
licensure you need to have a specific achievements and certificates that you already pass, for
example the bachelor’s degree from a four-year college, work experience, and the student should
pass a certain engineering tests.
The day of a mechanical engineer is different from one person to another, depending on
the type of the mechanical engineering, and the company that you work with, and a lot more. But
the mechanical engineer seems to have a lot of stress days during the week, and that’s because
when they work on a project. for example, a car engine, or an electronic device, they spend a lot
of time just trying to complete their mission and reach their goal. There is a lot of jobs that the
mechanical engineer can work. For example, you can work for the Marines in developing and
operate vessels, designs and builds infrastructure for the huge buildings, distributes and markets
motor vehicles. In this career the engineer travels a lot from country to another most of the time,
which I dislike about it because you will stay away from your family and your home town, but at
the end the person will adapts with that. What I like about this career is that the useful things that
the mechanical engineer produce and create, and how that helps to improve the state of society in
There is a lot of effort must be made by me, not only to get this job but to be superior
also. Here at lone star I need as a mechanical student to finish all of my basics classes that the
major ask for. For example, the mathematics, all kinds of physics, chemistry and a lot more. My
grades in these classes should be (A) during my studies here at Lone Star college. After that I am
planning to transfer to a university, where I can finish my bachelor’s degree, and graduate. One
of the big employers for this career is Apple company, Google, NASA, Microsoft, which all
known about their technological developments during this time, and how they change the world
to the better, by making everything faster and cheaper for the humans.
Work cited:
you-do-with-a-mechanical-engineering-degree. N.p., n.d. Web.
requirements/. N.p., n.d. Web.
Http:// . N.p., n.d. Web.
companies-work/. N.p., n.d. Web.