Instructor’s Name: L. Dobbins Title of Course: Web Design
Room No.: 417 E-mail Address: [email protected]
Tutorials/make-up work: Every morning from 8:20-8:45 and afternoons by apt (4:05-4:30).
Teacher Website: Edmodo
Edmodo Code: 2nd – ws5yz2
1. FBLA – leadership development, community
IT-IDT – 1 Demonstrate employability skills required
service, and employability skills
by business and industry
2. Online safety and digital citizenship
IT-IDT - 2 Explore, research, and present findings on 3. Emerging and future technology
positions and career paths in technology 4. Hardware and software
and the impact of technology on chosen 5. Problem solving, flowcharting and algorithms
career area. 6. Visual programming
7. Employability Skills
IT-IDT-3 Create documents using a variety of tags 8. Information Technology Careers: Programming,
following coding practices commonly
used to create web pages. Gaming, and Software Development
IT-IDT-4 Create and use graphics to enhance web
pages using a variety of tools.
IT-IDT-5 Define and apply essential aspects of the Semester 2:
IT-IDT-7 Cascading Style Sheets to format elements 9. FBLA – entrepreneurship development,
IT-IDT-8 within a web site.
IT-IDT-9 competitive events, professional communication
Use (Graphic User-Interface) GUI-based 10. Operating systems
HTML editing software to create web 11. Customer relationships
sites. 12. Networking basics
Develop an understanding of e-commerce 13. Online resources
practices and related technologies
necessary to create a secure, useful 14. Web design
interface to conduct business online.
Test, analyzes, and identifies performance 15. Ethics, legal issues, and cyber security
issues related to publishing and 16. Information Technology Careers: Network
Systems, Information Support & Services, and
maintaining web sites. Web & Digital Communications, Computer
Explore how related student organizations
are integral parts of career and technology
education courses through leadership
development, school and community
service projects, entrepreneurship
development, and competitive events.
PATHWAY: Web and Digital Design
-Introduction to Digital Technology (1st course)
-Digital Design (2nd course)
-Web Design (3rd course)
*End of Pathway Assessment: W3Schools HTML5 Certification
DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the MMHS BCS Department is to prepare
students for college and/or a career by teaching a technologically relevant curriculum in specialized courses.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Can you think of any company that does not have a web presence? Taking this course
will equip students will the ability to plan, design, and create a web site. Students will move past learning how to write
code and progress to designing a professional looking web site using graphical authoring tools that contains multimedia
elements. Working individually and in teams, students will learn to work with web page layout and graphical elements to
create a professional looking web site.
Various forms of technologies will be used to expose students to resources, software, and applications of web design.
Professional communication skills and practices, problem-solving, ethical and legal issues, and the impact of effective
presentation skills are enhanced in this course to prepare students to be college and career ready. Employability skills are
integrated into activities, tasks, and projects throughout the course standards to demonstrate the skills required by business
and industry. Competencies in the co-curricular student organization, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), are
integral components of the employability skills standard for this course.
Web Design is the third course in the Web & Digital Design pathway in the Information Technology cluster. Students
enrolled in this course should have successfully completed Introduction to Digital Technology and Digital Design. After
mastery of the standards in this course, students should be prepared to take the end of pathway assessment in this career
CAREER PATHWAY: Information Technology Support
Help Desk Support
IT Tech Support
Web Administrator
INTERNET USE: All students are required to have a signed Student Agreement Form on file. The internet
will ONLY be used when the teacher deems it necessary. Any other use will result in an automatic referral to
the office (no warnings). Internet use is not limited to just the internet; it includes music software (Media
Player, Real Player, etc) and games. Any use not instructed by the teacher will result in a referral. It is also
against school policy to log-on to a computer using any other screen name than the one assigned to you (this
means no using 311 student or another student’s log-on).
FBLA: The development of positive personal qualities and leadership is a vital component in career success. In
this course that development is achieved through a variety of methods, which include Future Business Leaders
of America (FBLA). FBLA is a student organization that is designed to enhance this class. FBLA provides
career and leadership development through peer interactions, adult mentoring, and competitions based on
knowledge and skills learned in the classroom. Every student is strongly encouraged to join FBLA.
GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: Performance standards provide clear expectation for
assessment, instruction, and student work. They define the level of work that demonstrates achievement of the
standards. The performance standards isolate and identify the skills needed to use the knowledge and skills to
problem-solve, reason, communicate, and make connections with other information. Foundations skills and
course objectives can be found at http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-
You will receive a grade for each assignment; therefore, you will have a large amount of grades for each
grading period. *Extra credit will be given when necessary. On every paper that you turn in you must have the
following: Your NAME, PERIOD, and ACTIVITY NAME.
Classwork = 25% Test = 20% Quizzes = 10% Projects = 10%
Homework = 15% Final Exam =15%
Grading Scale: A (90-100) B (80-89) C (71-79) D (70) F (Below 70)
MAKE UP WORK: It is your responsibility to make up any work missed while you are out. Any work
assigned and due within a given 4-½ week grading period, will not be accepted beyond that grading period. If
you have missed tests and/or work and a grading period is about to end, you may have to make up your work
more quickly. It is YOUR responsibility to find out about work completed in class and to keep up. Remember
that EVERY day we learn something new, and it is important for you to learn each concept in order to be
successful in the next step.
LATE WORK: Every assignment is expected to be turned in on it’s due date and in the appropriate class
period. However any assignment you choose to turn in late will have points deducted.
1 day late 2 days late 3 days late 4+ days late
-10 points -20 points -30 points Zero for that assignment
REQUIRED MATERIALS: You will always need a pen/pencil and paper handy everyday. Flash drives and
headphones/ear buds are strongly recommended.
Mundy’s Mill High School
Business and Computer Science Program
Classroom Expectations
Computer Lab Procedures & Rules
1. Seating Area – Seats are assigned. Keep your feet on the floor, not on the chairs.
2. Attendance – Attendance is taken each period from the seating chart. If you’re not in your assigned
seat, you’re not here. Attendance is taken as soon as the bell rings.
3. Tardiness – You are tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings.
4. Announcements – They are important. Immediately stop all conversation when announcements come
over the intercom. Listen until they are completed.
5. On Task – Keep movement and noise to a minimum. Remain at your seat unless there is a legitimate
reason to be elsewhere. This also means no sleeping/putting your head down at anytime, whether you
are finished with your work or not.
6. Computers – Each computer is set up for a specific task and multiple users. You may not change any
settings!!!! Leave all files and settings as they are. Do only the task that is assigned.
7. Misuse/abuse – The equipment in this lab is state and school property. Any attempt to alter, copy,
misuse, or abuse the equipment will result in serious punishment both by the school and county.
8. Internet use – The Clayton County School System requires each student to complete an Internet
Agreement Form and have it on file prior to his/her use of the internet. Even though you have this form
signed it does not mean you can use the internet whenever you please.
9. Food and drink - ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED.
10. Chairs – Place your chair under the table at the end of class. .
11. Clean-up – You are expected to clean up your workstation and/or the area around your assigned seat
each day before you leave. Place trash and litter in the trashcans. Do not throw paper at the trashcan or
toss it to another person.
12. Safety – Everyone is responsible for safety in the lab. Horseplay is not allowed.
13. Office/storage cabinet – They are off limits, unless specifically sent by me.
14. Dismissal – Approximately three to five minutes before the end of class, you will be directed to clean up
and put things away. After cleaning up your area, stay seated and wait for the bell. Remember that I
dismiss you, not the bell.
15. Electronic Devices - Absolutely NO cell phones, MP3 Players, IPods, headsets, headphones, etc are to
be visible in the classroom. A warning will be given the first time and any offense there after will result
in the device being taken up.
NOTE: This list may not address every situation in this class. The teacher is the ultimate authority here, and
any questions should be directed to her. You are expected to exhibit mature, responsible, adult behavior at all
time in this room.
Since this is a Business class and the end goal is to prepare you for the business world, my aim is for us to be
very business like in the class. You must remember that certain behaviors are not acceptable on the job,
therefore, they will not be acceptable in this class. Along with your normal participation grade in class, a work
ethics grade will also be incorporated. The following is a break down of how you will be graded.
The Work Ethic Grade Rubrics
Time Management
Cooperative Work
Pride in Work
Unexcused Tardiness ................................................................................................. -10
Insufficient use of time (ex. sleeping/putting head down) .......................................... -5
Excessive talking .......................................................................................................... -5
Disturbing others ......................................................................................................... -5
Eating/Drinking in class ............................................................................................ -10
Cheating (Zero on assignment) ................................................................................. -35
Disrespectful/Uncooperative ..................................................................................... -20
Unauthorized Computer Use..................................................................................... -25
Other inappropriate behavior................................................................................... -10
***Each student will start with 100 points on the Work Ethics chart
The violation of any rules will result in the indicative point deduction.
Failure to abide by the classroom rules/procedures and the work ethics criteria will result in the following
1st Violation –Verbal Warning
2nd Violation –Parental Contact and Detention (Detention is schedule on the student’s time schedule. If the
student misses detention, it is there by doubled. If the student does not serve the double detention, they will
receive violation 3)
3rd Violation – Discipline Referral
**The first two consequences will be skipped when a student uses the internet or any other program when not
instructed to do so. Fighting or any other behavior that puts another student or themselves in danger will also
result in an immediate referral (no warnings).
I will:
Follow all safety rules given by the teacher.
Perform processes exactly as instructed by my teacher.
Not help other students, or allow them to help me, if they have not received safety training.
Not operate any tools or equipment unless instructed to do so.
Use all protective equipment as instructed.
Carry out good housekeeping practices.
Know where to get help fast.
Know the location of first aid, fire fighting, and other safety equipment.
Conduct myself in a responsible manner at all times in a laboratory situation.
I hereby give my consent for my child’s to use the Internet in this course based upon the classroom instruction
and TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR INTERNET USE provide by Clayton County Public Schools.
In addition, I hereby give my consent for my child to use websites for educational learning purposes that require
students to create online accounts which may require creating a username and/or password for individual sites.
Sites will vary based upon technology updates. Some sites require using an existing email address; however,
students will not be allowed to send/receive email at school, but must create an online account for creating,
saving, and retrieving class work from online storage devices. One example site includes but not limited to
By signing below, the student and parent/guardian acknowledges that they
have read and agree to safety regulations, classroom syllabus, grading
procedure, internet permission and rules and responsibilities for Mr.
Dobbins’s class (i.e. everything in this packet). I further agree to follow all
other written and verbal instructions given in class.
Students Name (PRINT):____________________________________
Student’s Signature: _______________________________________
Parent’s Name (PRINT): ___________________________________
Parent’s Signature: ________________________________________
Parent’s E-mail Address: ___________________________________