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Cambridge - English Grammar in Use (Essential) Supplementary Exercises (2nd Ed)

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Cambridge - English Grammar in Use (Essential) Supplementary Exercises (2nd Ed)

Cambridge - English Grammar in Use (Essential) Supplementary Exercises (2nd Ed)

word order Units 93-95

Write the sentences with often, still, also etc.

1 Rachel is late for school,

2 Maria goes to bed before midnight.

3 I've got lots of friends, but they are on holiday at the moment,

4 I like chocolate.
(very much)

5 When do you do your homework?

6 I can remember my car registration number.

7 Carmen always arrives late from work.

8 Clare is a good piano player. She's learning to play the guitar,

9 John and Steve? They are living in Brazil now.

10 Jose finished his exams.

Complete the sentences. Use still (+ positive verbs) and yet (+ negative verbs).

1 TEACHER: OK everyone. Stop now. Please give me your test papers.
Sorry, I .bMfiKli. (finish) still. (write)

2 SALLY: Come, on we're going to be late.

MARK: I my keys, (look for)

I (find them)

3 Dear Sue

The weather continues to be wet. It (rain)

We (see the sun)
4 (on the phone)

SUE: You sound very sleepy.

KAREN: Yes, I (get up)

I in bed. (be)

5 DAVE: Are you and Tony friends again? (apologise)
IAN: No. He with him. (be angry)

6 SAM: What car have you got at the moment?

TONY: I my old Toyota, (drive)

100 I (buy a new car)

and but or so because when Units 97-98

Read about Jane's Friday morning. Complete the sentences with and, but, or, so or because.

'On Friday morning I woke up late (l) I'd forgotten to set the alarm clock the night

before. I jumped out of bed (2) got dressed quickly. I wanted to wash my hair,

(3) I didn't have enough time to do that (4) have breakfast too. Big

decision! Shall I wash my hair (5) have breakfast? Breakfast won. I needed some toast

and coffee, (6) unfortunately the toaster burnt the bread, (7) I just drank

the coffee.

I ran out of the house to catch the bus. It was raining hard (8) I didn't have my

umbrella with me, (9) I got wet. I had to wait at the bus stop for 20 minutes

(10) no bus arrived. Then I saw a taxi coming down the road, (ii) I put

up my arm to catch the driver's attention. Unfortunately, he didn't see me and drove past. I now

had the choice of walking to work in the rain, waiting for another taxi (12) going

h o m e . I w e n t h o m e (13) rang m y office. " I ' m really sorry, I can't c o m e in today

(14) I've got a terrible cold." And I stayed in bed all day.'

Complete the conversations. Use any other words that are necessary.

1 LISA: How long has Anne worked at Harrods?
She started there .F^f^H^.^LLE^E ( a f t e r / finish college)
SUE: I thought Joe lived in Manchester.

3 HELEN: He used to ^ . ^ ^ . . . h ^ . J P L ^ X ^ . , he lived there, (before / get married)
Ooh! Are these flowers for me?
4 DAN:
MUM: Yes, they arrived (while / at work)

5 SAM: What did the doctor say, Mum?
You mustn't go back to school (until / better)
Dad, Dad. Come and play football with me.
7 ADAM: Sam, be quiet. Don't talk to me

MARIA: (when / speak on phone)

8 MARK: , I'm going to travel for six months.

LUCY: (when / finish college)

9 JILL: Can I come with you?
Oh, Maria, you're completely wet!
MIKE: I know , it started raining h a r d .

(while / walk home)

O K , we're ready. Let's go.

Hang on. I must make sure the cat is outside

(before / leave the house)
I can't believe that Clare's writing a book! I've never even seen her reading one.

I know! , I thought it was a joke.

(when / hear the news) tomorrow.
Oh, no! I've broken my lovely blue vase.
Don't worry. I'll get you another one

(when / in town)


if we go and if we went Units 99-100

Jill and Tina are waiting at the bus stop. They're on their way to the cinema. Complete their
story. Use the end of the previous sentence to make the beginning of the next sentence.

SUE: Oh dear, what's happened to the bus? Why hasn't it come?
SUE: If (l) soon, we'll be late.

TINA: If (2) late, we'll miss the beginning of the film.

SUE: I f (3) the film, we won't understand the story.
SUE: If (4) the story, we'll be bored.
If (5) , we'll probably fall asleep.

If (6) , we'll miss the end of the film.

Let's not go to the cinema.

There is a mistake in each of these sentences. One verb is right and the other is wrong.
Correct the verbs that are wrong.

1 If I^vill see\Anne, I won't ask her about the exam. s^e
2 I haven't got a bike. If I have one, I would lend it to you.
3 Barbara's in bed with a fever. She would be here with you

if she wouldn't be ill.
4 All the plants in the garden will die if it won't rain soon.
5 What would you do if you would find a lot of money in the street?
6 Ben doesn't get up early enough to catch the 6.30 train.

If he would get up earlier, he wouldn't be late.
7 If I ask Tony for the answer, I know he doesn't tell me.

What do you say in the following situations? Make sentences with the words.

1 Paul has asked you to go to a jazz concert. You don't like jazz, so you're not going with him.

(I / go / with you / if I / like / jazz)

2 You're in a restaurant with your sister. She's got some peas on her plate. You know she doesn't

like them, but you do!

(If you / not / want / your / peas / I / eat / them) .m.L.P.^..,...

3 You want to go on holiday, but you're very busy at college at the moment.

(If I / not / be / busy at college / 1 / go / on holiday)

4 You want to buy a new laptop. The one you're looking at is quite cheap, but it doesn't have any

more memory than the one you've got.

(If it / have / a bigger memory I I I buy / it)

5 Your brother is going to buy an old car in bad condition. You don't think it's a good idea.

(I / not / buy it / if I / be / you)

6 You and Sarah are at the railway station, waiting for David. You are all going to Manchester.

David is late and the train leaves in five minutes.

(We / miss / the train / if he / not / arrive / soon)


a person (who) ... a thing (that/which) ... Units 101-102
(relative clauses) my sister.

Make one sentence from two sentences. Use who or which.

1 James lives on an island. It is famous for its beautiful beaches.
James lives

2 There's a new chef in our canteen. He's very good at making desserts.
There's a new chef ^f). Pwr..oc^te^n....hP....Y.'ErTM....f??.??^.

3 A car crashed into mine. It was green.
The car

4 Where's the newspaper? It was on the table.

5 A backpack was left on the bus yesterday. It belongs to my sister.
The backpack

6 I spoke to an assistant. She had long, dark hair.

7 Peter writes books. They are translated into many languages.

8 A lot of people went to last night's concert. They enjoyed it.
The people

Make one sentence from two sentences. Don't use who, that or which.

1 Gill is looking at a man. She thinks she knows him.
Gill thinks she knows

2 I worked in a shop. It was called 'Bangles'.
The shop I

3 I was watching elephants on TV. They were playing in a river.
The elephants I

4 'Sally stayed with some friends.' 'What's their name?'
What's the name

5 Kate went on holiday with some people. They live in the same street.
The people

6 I'm reading a book. It was written over 300 years ago.
The book

7 You were waiting for a train. Did it arrive?
Did the train

8 Fiona's playing tennis with a man. W h o is he?
Who's the

a person (who) . a thing (that/which) Units 101-102

Complete the sentences. Read the extra information first.

GUIDE: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the house (l) McH

CLARE: (Michael Barnes was born in this house.)

ADAM: Who's Michael Barnes? •

CLARE: H e ' s t h e m a n (2)
(Michael Barnes wrote over 100 books.)
I've never heard of him!
CLARE: Y o u h a v e ! Y o u k n o w t h a t film (3)
(We went to see a film last week.)
ADAM: Well, it was based on one of his books.


And now, if you look on your right, you can see Jane Carter's house.
Why is that important?
You must remember! Jane Carter is the woman


(I told you about Jane Carter.)

Oh yes. She lived until she was 100.
That's right. And do you remember the name of the institute

CLARE: (The institute was started by Jane Carter.)
The Fellcome Institute, wasn't it?
CLARE: Yes, and it was the Fellcome Institute
CLARE: (6)
(The Fellcome Institute gave me the money to study in America.)
I remember now. So, this is her house. Interesting.
And now, let's go into the main street and look at the statue of King Henry VIII.
I know about him. He's the king (7)

(Henry VIII made tennis popular.)

Did he? I thought you were going to say that he's the king


(He had six wives.)

Well, let's go and see him, anyway.

at until before Units 101-102
(prepositions of time)

Complete the sentences. Choose words from the boxes.

at night 22 November 1963 winter
on + midnight Thursday morning 6.30 am
in st h e e v e n i n the weekend

1 After working all day, J o h n is too tired to go out

2 Last night I went to bed

3 President Kennedy was shot

4 Our cat stays out and comes back in the morning.

5 Jill loves skiing, so she usually takes her holidays

6 My parents' alarm clock always rings

7 Clare's grandfather was born , so he's now a very old man.

8 I've had a busy week, so I'm going to stay at home

9 I have a lecture , so I can't meet you then, I'm afraid.

Complete the text with the words from the box. Use some words more than once.
after at before for from in on since until to

The Channel Tunnel

The Channel Tunnel is 50 kilometres long and is

between Britain and France. There are two tunnels

for trains and one smaller service tunnel.

The tunnel was first talked about (i) M the

beginning of the 19th century. This, of course, was

(2 ) trains and cars were invented.
(3 ) 1802, it was suggested that two

tunnels could be built for carriages which would be

pulled by horses. Fortunately, nothing happened.

Then (4) the end of the 19th century, began (ii) December 1987.

the English Channel Company started to build a The French and British tunnel workers 'met'

tunnel. Engineers on both sides began digging (12) the 1st of December 1990.

(5 ) 1881. Technically, it was a success. The engineers said the tunnel would be ready

(6 ) the first year, each side had dug for opening (13) five years' time.

almost two kilometres of tunnel. But digging In fact, it was two years late. It opened

stopped two years later because Britain and France (14) May 1994. (15)
were no longer political friends. (7)
that time, the channel tunnel trains have carried

then (8) 1966, nothing more millions of passengers. It takes about three

happened. (9) 1966, the Prime hours to travel between London and Paris, and

Ministers of Britain and France decided to try again, during that time, the train is under the Channel

and (io) 20 years of talking, work (16) about 20 minutes.

at until before Units 103-105

Complete the story of Jess Brewer's life. Use the words from the box.
after before during for from since to/until until while

Jess Brewer was a pupil at her local school (l) .few 1 9 8 0 (2) 1 9 9 3 . (3)

her last year at school she learnt how to use computers, and this knowledge was very useful for

her later. (4) leaving school, she went to university and studied mathematics. She was

responsible for producing a student magazine (5) she was there. She stayed at

u n i v e r s i t y (6) f o u r y e a r s a n d t h e n d e c i d e d t o t r a v e l (7) looking for a job.

She has been working as a computer programmer (8) she came back from her travels,

but she wants to go away again. She knows that she has to stay with the computer company

(9) she has enough money to go and do what she wants.

Jess is describing a normal day in her life. Complete her story with the words f r o m the box.
Use some words more than once.

after -at before during for from in on since to until while

'I wake up (10) .(?£. about 7 . 3 0 (ii) during the week, but much later (12)

Saturdays. (13) I wake up, I move very fast. In fact, I'm very good (14) the

mornings. I only need 2 0 minutes (15) the time my alarm clock rings (16)

the time I leave the house. I don't have breakfast at home; I have to wait (17) I arrive

at the office for a cup of coffee.

I start work (18) 9 o'clock and work (19) four hours. (20)

lunchtime, I often sit in the park and read (21) I'm eating my sandwiches.

(22) going back to the office, I do some shopping. T h e afternoon passes very quickly. I

work (23) 6 o'clock and then I go home. I've been working for the same company

(24) 1 9 9 9 .

(25) the evenings, I usually watch T V or maybe go out for dinner with some friends.

I don't go to bed late because I have to get up for work the next day. (26) weekends,

my routine is very different.

Now write a paragraph about a normal day in your life. Use the words from the box to help

wake up / get up breakfast work / school lunchtime afternoon evenings bed

i.-.^wcU^. up

in under through Units 112-113
(prepositions of place and movement)

Some customers in the supermarket can't find what they want. You are the assistant.
Complete the sentences.

CUSTOMER 1: I can't find the cereals.
CUSTOMER 2: They're Pft the left, on the bottom shelf, betow the sugar.
Where's the rice, please?
YOU: It's the left, the top shelf, the pasta and the

CUSTOMER 4: bread.
Where are the biscuits, please?
YOU: They're the right, shelf,

CUSTOMER 6: the nuts.
Where's the water, please?
YOU: It's the right, shelf, the


I can't find the tea.

It's the right, shelf, the


And the cakes?

They're the cola, shelf,

middle, the biscuits and the


And the coffee?

CUSTOMER 8: And the flour?


in under through Units 106-110

C o m p l e t e Leo's story using to, in or a t if necessary. In one sentence, no preposition is

'I'm flying (i) Italy on Sunday the 2nd of September, and

the plane arrives (2) Rome airport at 11 o'clock at

night. I'm staying (3) R o m e (4) the Park

Hotel for three days. Then, on Wednesday, I'm going

(5) Bangkok for five days. I'll arrive (6)

the Plaza Hotel (7) the centre of Bangkok late on

Wednesday evening. On Saturday, I'm meeting a friend of mine

(8) the hotel. He lives (9) the north of

Thailand and is coming (10) Bangkok. We're going

on holiday together.

On Monday the 10th, we're taking a boat (ii)

one of the islands, Ko Samui. We're staying there for two weeks.

It's going to be wonderful. On the 26th, we return

(12 ) Bangkok. Early the next day, I fly back

(13 ) England. I arrive (14) home in the

middle of the night. A wonderful month for me!'

Look at the journey that Felix, the cat, made in Sue's garden. Complete the story with
prepositions (over, up, into, out of etc.).

Felix jumped (l) the wall and walked (2) the grass. Then he went

(3) the pond and (4) the path. He walked

(5) Sue's chair and (6) the table. Suddenly, he jumped

(7) the table and took the fish which was (8) Sue's plate.

He jumped (9) the table with the fish. Then the dog, Rosie, came

(10) the house and chased the cat. They both ran (ii) the

bushes and (12) the patio. Felix stopped suddenly, but Rosie fell

(13) the pond. Felix looked at her and then jumped (14) the

wall again, still holding the fish in his mouth.


good at (doing) listen to Units 112-113
(prepositions before and after verbs)

Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has the same meaning. Use a
preposition (to, at, with etc.).

1 I always got the best mark in history at school. _ (good)
I wa.s .gpocij^ h ^ (different)
(not interested)
2 The apples you bought yesterday were green. These are red.
These apples (fed up)
3 Turn the T V off, please. It's rugby and I don't like it. (not very good)
4 Rain, rain, rain! I'd like some sunshine for a change. (full)
? (angry)
5 Charlie doesn't like storms. They frighten him.

6 Stuart can't cook. A boiled egg is too difficult for him!

7 Jess always helps her elderly neighbours.

8 You can't move in my grandmother's sitting room. She's got a lot of furniture.

My grandmother's sitting room
9 What's the matter? Why are you shouting at Liz?


Complete the letter. Use a preposition + verb.

good at (doing) listen to Units 112-113

Read this interview between a police officer and Tina Bledlow, who saw a bank robbery
yesterday. Write a preposition where necessary. There is no preposition in one sentence.

OFFICER: Can you tell us what you saw?
Well, J o e and I were standing opposite the bank, waiting (i) f9.IT. a bus. I was
TINA: talking (2) J o e (3) the film we were going to see. I know he

OFFICER: w a s n ' t r e a l l y listening (4) m e b e c a u s e h e w a s l o o k i n g (5) a
OFFICER: car which was parked across the road.
OFFICER: What kind of car was it?

TINA: A blue Mercedes, I think. Anyway, I decided to call (6) my friend,
Naomi. I wanted to thank her (7) the present she gave me for my

birthday on Saturday. And I needed to ask her (8) another friend's mobile


And what was J o e doing while you were speaking (9) your friend?

Reading a holiday brochure. We're planning to go away next month. To be honest, I

think he was fed up (10) listening to me on the phone.

And did you see the two women coming out of the bank, and getting into the car?

Yes, I remember thinking that they looked very well-dressed. Joe was looking

(11) them, too.

We'd like to interview J o e . We've looked (12) him at his address, but he

wasn't there. We found this mobile at his apartment. Do you know if it belongs

(13) h i m ?

Yes, it's his.

Tina, we think that Joe knows something about the bank robbery. Now, tell us ...


go in, fall off, run away Units 114-115,
(phrasal verbs) Appendix 6-7

Complete the sentences with up, off, in etc.

1 Hurry MP. , Patti. The plane takes P.ff. in ten minutes.

2 Jane was asleep on the bus. Suddenly, the bus driver said, 'Wake ! This is your

stop.' Jane quickly got and the bus drove

3 A young boy ran out of the sweet shop and rode on his bike. Two seconds later,

the shop assistant came out and shouted, 'Come ! You haven't paid!'

4 Be careful! There's an old woman trying to cross the road. I think you're driving too fast. Slow

a bit, please.

5 If you've finished Exercise 6, turn and carry Exercises 7 and 8 are

on page 5.

6 SUE: Can I speak to Bob, please?

MEG: Sorry, I can't hear you. Can you speak ?

SUE: Can I speak to Bob, please.

MEG: Yes, hold a minute. He's in the kitchen, washing I'll call

him. BOB!

7 One cold night last winter my car broke I went to a house and asked for help.

The man there was very kind and said, 'Come and keep warm.'

Complete the sentences with a verb + on, off, up etc.

1 You're in a clothes shop. You want to buy some jeans, but first you want to see if they're the

right size. What do you ask the shop assistant?

Can I t r a . . . . t e e j ; e a j a s ...on ? please?

2 It's dark in the room. You need some light. What do you ask?

Could you , please?

3 Your father can't read the newspaper because he isn't wearing his glasses.

What do you tell him to do?

, Dad.

4 You borrow some money from a friend. You promise to return it tomorrow.

What do you say?

I'll tomorrow.

5 Your grandmother has dropped a magazine on the floor and she can't get it.

What does she ask you?

Could you for me, please?

6 Your sister's playing her music very loudly. You don't mind, but you don't want it so loud.

What do you ask her?

Could you a bit, please?

7 You're in the sitting room and the T V is on. Your mother comes in and asks if you're watching

it. What do you say?

No, not really. You can

8 You've found some very old tomatoes in the fridge. What do you ask?

Do you want these tomatoes or shall I ?


In many of these answers you 5 How old is she? 10 's sitting / is sitting
can use the full form of the 6 Is that ... ? 11 's wearing / is wearing
verb (I am, he has etc.) or the 7 What's his name? 12 is eating or eating
short form of the verb {I'm, 8 Are those ... ?
she's etc.) 8
1 There are a lot more than ten 2 Sam and Eric aren't playing
possible sentences in this with a ball.
3 'm/am exercise. Example answers: They're playing with a
4 is train.
5 'm not/am not 3 Are your parents old?
6 'm not/am not 4 I'm/am an engineer. 3 They aren't wearing
7 is 5 How old is Anna? sunglasses.
8 isn't/is not 6 Jim's book isn't expensive. They're wearing hats.
9 Vis 7 Where's/is Anna?
10 are 8 Your parents aren't at 4 Pam isn't cooking chicken.
11 aren't/are not She's cooking fish.
12 Vis work.
13 Vis 9 How are your parents? 5 She isn't laughing.
10 I'm/am not 18. She's crying.
Example answer:
His name is Steve. 6 6 Jo isn't standing with her
He's 45 years old. mother.
He's an engineer. + -ing She's lying on the grass.
He's interested in cars. helping
He isn't at work today laughing 7 She isn't eating an orange.
listening She's eating a banana.
because he's sick. playing
starting 8 Fred, the dog, isn't lying on
2 wearing the grass asleep.
working He's playing with a ball.
2 Where are you ... ? n - * nn, t - * tt etc.
3 How ... are you? digging 9
4 What colour are your ... ? forgetting 2 Where are you sitting?
5 What's your ... ? putting 3 Why are you laughing?
6 What are you ... ? robbing 4 What are you watching?
7 Who's your ... ? stopping 5 Are you enjoying (it)?
8 Why are you ... ? swimming 6 Is he cooking (dinner)?
winning 7 Who's he talking (to)?
3 e ing 8 Are they talking (to James)?
coming 9 What are they making?
2 Russia aren't islands. dancing
3 Peas are green. deciding 10
Carrots and onions aren't living 2 She doesn't drive a car.
green. making She rides (a bike).
4 Elephants and whales are writing
big (animals). ie ying 3 She doesn't work in an
Cats aren't big (animals). lying office.
5 Gold is expensive. tying She stays (at home).
Milk and ice-cream aren't
expensive. 7 4 She doesn't have lunch in a
6 Example answers: restaurant.
I'm interested in sport. 2 'm lying / am lying She makes (lunch at home).
I'm not interested in politics 3 am watching or watching
4 are swimming 5 She doesn't like cats.
and music. 5 aren't swimming She prefers (dogs).
6 're standing / are standing
4 7 are watching or watching 6 She doesn't play computer
2 How old is he? 8 are playing games.
3 Is ... your ... ? 9 isn't lying She watches (TV).
4 Who's that?
2 sleeps
3 has
4 holds
5 doesn't move
6 takes
7 costs


8 don't pay 10 walks 4 's reading
9 don't want 11 lives 5 aren't watching
10 doesn't work 12 costs 6 do you get up
13 sits 7 Does Sandra eat
12 14 likes 8 are you smiling
15 is 9 don't understand
2 Do you go to the office 16 doesn't eat
every day? 17 has/buys/drinks 19
2 Do you read a newspaper
3 My car doesn't work (Use the paragraph about
when it is cold. Paula to help you with your every day?
answer.) Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
4 What time does the film 3 Does it rain much in your
start? 15 country? Yes, it does. /
2 I'm writing No, it doesn't.
5 How many eggs do you 3 I hate 4 Do you usually do your
want for breakfast? 4 Do you remember homework on a computer?
5 he's lying Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
6 OK~ 6 keeping 5 Are you having a drink
7 What does your father do? 7 he sleeps now?
8 I don't write many letters. 8 he doesn't catch Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
9 are watching 6 Do you drink coffee for
I usually use email. 10 They like breakfast every day?
9 What does Sue usually 11 They aren't laughing Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
12 I work 7 Are you working at the
have for lunch? 13 I don't want moment?
10 OK 14 are you doing Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
11 Charlie plays tennis, but 15 you're sitting 8 Do students eat lunch at
16 the sun's shining school in your country?
he doesn't enjoy it. Yes, they do. /
16 No, they don't.
2 St John's Hospital Example answer: 20
3 10 o'clock Every day I get up at 7 o'clock
4 6 o'clock 2 's/has got
5 bus and clean my teeth. I go for 3 hasn't got
6 20 children a run and then I have a 4 have got
7 many times shower. 5 's/has got
8 wakes the children up At the moment I'm sitting in 6 's/has got
9 gives them breakfast my room and I'm doing this 7 hasn't got
10 very tired exercise. I'm holding a cup 8 's/has got
of coffee in my left hand and 9 's/has got
12 do you work I'm thinking about my lunch. 10 's/has got
13 do you start work 11 haven't got
14 do you finish 17
15 do you go to work Example answers:
16 children do you have in 2 What do you do? I've got blue eyes. I haven't
What are you doing?
your section got a brother.
17 do you look at the 3 When do you usually finish My mother has got a kind
children Why are you leaving now? face. She hasn't got a lot of
18 does the day nurse arrive money.
19 does she do 4 What's John doing? Our neighbours haven't got a
20 do you usually feel Does he read a lot? dog. They've got a garden.
My teacher has got a digital
14 5 Why are the children camera. She hasn't got a car.
2 Do you go running? My best friend has got
3 How do you get/travel What time do they start a problem. She hasn't got
4 How much does it cost school? a job.
5 Where do you (usually) sit
6 What/Which kind of films 18 113

do you like 3 's raining
7 What's your favourite
8 Do you eat/buy


21 the dentist. I had an 11 Who did he marry?
2 have they got appointment at half past two. 12 Did they have any
3 has it got After my appointment, I went
4 Has he got shopping. I bought some jeans children? or ... have a
5 Have they got and two T-shirts. In the child?
6 Has she got evening I went to the cinema 13 When did he die?
7 Have you got with some friends, but I didn't
enjoy the film very much. 29
26 2 spent/had
2 He was 3 was
3 It was Did you go to school? 4 saw/visited
4 They were Did you have a big lunch? 5 climbed/went
5 It was Did you have a history lesson? 6 was
6 We were Did you play football? 7 were
7 They were Did you spend any money? 8 took/caught
8 I was Did you visit your 9 walked/went
10 weren't
23 grandmother? 11 went
Example answers: Did you watch any TV? 12 thought
2 I was in the city centre 13 didn't like / didn't enjoy
3 I was at the cinema 27 14 was
4 I was at the sports centre
5 I was in bed 2 didn't have (Use the postcard from Elena
6 I was in a restaurant 3 won to help you with your
7 I was in the park 4 taught answer.)
5 was
24 6 left 30
2 Was it difficult ... it wasn't 7 studied
3 Was it fast ... it was 8 wasn't 2 Sam was climbing a tree in
4 Were they expensive ... 9 wore the park.
10 sang
they weren't 11 made 3 Sam's dogs were running
5 Were you nervous ... I 12 went in the park, or ... were
13 spent playing in the park.
wasn't 14 met
6 Was she ill ... she was 15 married 4 Lynn was lying on the
16 had grass in the park.
25 17 weren't
2 had lunch 18 died 5 Mrs Drake was going into
3 went to an art exhibition the baker's.
4 met Chris 28
5 didn't go to the Tango 6 Philip was sitting in the
Club 2 When did he win a school garden.
6 bought a birthday present singing competition?
7 had a picnic by the river 7 Mike and Tim were
8 didn't take a boat cruise 3 How did he learn to play waiting at the bus stop.
9 made dinner in Sarah's the guitar?
apartment 8 Felix was sleeping on a/the
4 Why did his family move car.
10 caught the late flight home to Memphis?
9 Paul was getting into
Example answer: 5 When did he leave school? a/the/his car.
On Friday morning I got up 6 Did he work? or Did he
at eight o'clock and had Example answers:
breakfast. I went to work as have a job? 10 At 10.30 in the morning I
usual. At one o'clock I had 7 Why did he study at night
lunch with two of my was sitting in my office.
colleagues. In the afternoon I school? 11 At 12.30 I was having
didn't go to work. I went to 8 What did people love
114 (about him)? 12 At 6.15 in the evening I
9 How many movies did he
was writing an email.
make? 13 At 8.30 in the evening I
10 How long was he in the
was cooking the dinner.
army? or ... did he stay 14 At midnight I was
in the army?


31 7 Where did he stay? 21 moved
8 What did he do on holiday? 22 do you do
1 Did you see ... was reading 23 likes
2 telephoned ... was sitting Example answer: 24 swims
Jill is 2 9 and she lives in 25 love
... drinking ... Was ... was Dublin. She's a computer 26 'm making
working ... did you go ... programmer and she studied 2 7 's swimming
went mathematics at university. She
3 broke ... was washing ... likes travelling, swimming and 36
were ... dropped chocolate. Last year she went
4 Did you think ... was ... to Thailand for one month 2 hasn't heard
didn't write ... was with friends. She stayed in a 3 've lost
dreaming hotel by the sea and she did 4 've (already) bought
5 was ... happened ... was lots of water sports. 5 hasn't got
raining ... weren't going ... 6 have (you) taken
Were ... broke ... cut (Use the paragraphs about 7 've (never) tried
6 wasn't talking ... were you Marco and Jill to help you 8 has (he) invited
talking with your answer.) 9 has written
10 Has (he) lost
32 34 11 've broken
12 haven't seen
2 Where was Joan Turner? 3 OK
3 What was Mrs Jones 4 usually go 37
5 didn't have
doing? 6 are you looking 2 Have you ever had ... Have
4 Where was Mrs Walters 7 're/are wearing you ever broken
8 bought
going? 9 is Tim doing 3 Have you ever eaten
5 Were the robbers carrying 10 fell 4 Have you ever travelled
11 OK 5 Have you ever lost
guns? 12 Did he hurt 6 Have you ever slept
6 Where was the big car 13 woke 7 Have you ever climbed
14 didn't watch
waiting? 15 don't usually watch Two of the following:
7 Was the driver a man or a 16 went He has broken his leg (twice).
17 OK He has travelled in a canoe.
woman? 18 OK He has slept outside.
8 Did you see a man on the He has climbed a high
35 mountain.
corner? And the following:
9 Were some men repairing 2 was He has never eaten crocodile.
3 went He has never lost his way.
the road? 4 was sitting Example answers:
10 Was anyone waiting at the 5 walked I've broken my arm once.
6 saw I've never slept outside.
bus stop? 7 was
11 Did you phone the police? 8 was 38
9 is
13 was in the baker's 10 made 2 have (they) gone
14 was walking along the 11 were have (they) been
12 had
street 13 did it happen 3 have(n't) been
15 was going into the baker's 14 were riding 4 's gone
16 were carrying 15 stopped 5 's gone . . . ' s (already) been
17 was waiting opposite the 16 fell
17 broke 39
bank 18 talk
18 was a woman 19 Do you ride 2 have done
19 was standing 20 stopped 3 's/has travelled or been
20 were repairing 4 's/has met or seen
21 were waiting 5 's/has made or earned or
22 phoned
33 6 's/has (already) written

3 What does he do?
4 What does he study?
5 What does he like?
6 Where did he go for his last




7 's/has ridden 7 It's been raining for 12 48
8 's/has (just) sold or sent hours.
9 've/have played 3 reached
10 've/have (never) been 44 4 have just started
5 did (they) spend
40 2. When did John lose his job? 6 took
3 How long has Ricardo had 7 arrived
2 How long have you been 8 has been
married to Paul? For a cat? 9 said
4 What time did you finish 10 have worked / have been
3 How long have you had a
(new) dog? Since work last night? working
5 When was the last time you 11 has been
4 How long have you worked 12 won
as a hairdresser? Since had a holiday? 13 has won
6 How long did you watch 14 was
5 How long has Paul been a 15 scored
train driver? For TV last night? 16 has been
7 When did Chris go out? 17 left
6 How long have your 8 How long has your father 18 have had
parents lived with you? 19 was
For been in hospital?
7 How long has your mother 45
looked after the baby? 2 've lost ... did (you last) see
Since 2 I've been here since last ... left
8 How long has your father 3 bought ... has (he) had
been ill? Since 3 OK 4 haven't finished ... started
4 She was a photographer 5 Did (you) see ... Have (you
Example answers: five years ago. ever) seen . . . ' v e also
3 3 years ago 5 James and I met last touched ... was ... was
4 for three years or since 6 's crashed ... has (she) done
2003 6 OK 50
5 10 years ago 7 John has been looking for
6 since Monday or for three 2 have you worked / have
a new job since last you been working
days month.
7 5 years ago ... 2 years ago 8 Did you speak to your 3 Do you like
8 since the summer or for a parents last night? 4 was
9 I've played the guitar since 5 are you looking
month I was a child. 6 is
10 What did you do last 7 Has it gone/disappeared
42 night?
2 've been 46 5A
3 've been waiting 6A 2 was
4 's been 2B 3 watched
5 'shad 3A 4 ate
6 's been shining 4B 5 had
7 went 6 enjoyed
8 's lived or 's been living 47 7 'm writing
9 got married 8 'm sitting
10 's known 2 has Jane/she had her 9 had
computer 10 was
43 11 've been
3 has been a politician for 12 came
2 John's been talking for 20 4 has worked here or has 13 have (got)
minutes. 14 was
been working here 15 Do you like
3 They've been walking for 5 haven't finished it/my 16 's practising
six hours. 17 've just sent
4 You've been watching TV 6 met his best friend, Ahmed,
since 9 o'clock this morning. 7 have had flu for
8 has been interested in music
5 Laura's been feeling sick
since lunchtime.

6 Fred's been travelling for
two days / since June 28th.


18 did you find or have you 67 22 thinks
found 2 3 is happening
2 How many languages are 24 are being given
19 left spoken in the world?
2 0 's sitting Example answers:
3 Where is coffee grown? Bank robbery: € 6 million
52 4 What is the country of taken
Thieves entered a bank in
1 time you spent with me Siam now called? Bergamo yesterday and took
very much. We had some 6 When was the first €6 million. Six members of
good fun. staff were locked in a room,
photograph taken? but no-one was hurt. Police
2 You left a big box of 7 Where were CDs first made? are now looking for a white
chocolates for my parents. 8 When was the Taj Mahal van which was used to take
Thank you. We've just away the money.
finished them - they were built?
delicious. 9 Where was John Lennon Dog attacks man outside
3 And thank you also for the shot? A man was attacked by a dog
CDs. They arrived yesterday. outside the Laftis supermarket
I haven't played all of them 55 yesterday afternoon. He was
yet. At the moment I'm 3 is locked bitten on the arms and legs.
listening to 'Paradise Rock'. 4 are checked The man was taken to
It's very good. 5 is being made hospital, but he has now been
6 are being put released.
4 My mother found your 7 isn't exported
photo album the day you 8 is washed Local woman wins lottery
left. I sent it back two 9 is allowed A 55-year-old woman has
weeks ago. Have you won £3 million in the lottery.
received it yet? 10 is being served Jane Smith, a shop assisstant
from Brighton, was told the
5 Do you remember Steve? 56 news on Sunday morning.
We met him at Sue's party.
Well, he came to my house what has been done Car hits actor on bike
last week. He asked for The lamp has been repaired. The actor James Grady was
your address, so I gave it to The glass has been broken. hit by a car yesterday
him. I hope that's OK. He's The lights have been afternoon while he was
in California now on cycling with friends. An
business. switched/turned off. ambulance was called and
The window has been closed, Grady was taken to hospital.
6 I'm looking out of the what hasn't been done The driver of the car was later
window at the moment. The computer hasn't been arrested for dangerous driving.
The sun's shining and it's a
beautiful warm day. In fact, switched off. 58
it has been sunny every day The chairs haven't been
since you went back to San 2 has
Francisco. Honestly! repaired. 3 was
4 doesn't
7 The CD has just finished. 57 5 haven't
Tell your brother I love his 6 is
music. Does he want a 3 was taken 7 were
publicity agent in London? 4 caused 8 weren't
5 were covered 9 are
(Use exercise SI to help you 6 left 10 didn't
with your answer.) 7 walked
8 are being repaired
53 Across 9 has disappeared 59
5 read 10 have (just) been removed
Down 6 bought 11 have (just) heard 3 gave ... forgot
1 chosen 8 grown 12 blew 4 found .. . left
2 written 9 spoken 13 is waiting 5 showed ... taken
3 made 14 was 6 escaped ... caught
4 found 10 forgotten 15 was sent 7 thought ... done
7 thought 12 held 16 kicked
13 taken 17 was hurt
10 felt 14 built 18 crashed
11 shot 19 was carried
20 played
2 1 is being taken



8 wore ... given 7 What time does the flight 67
9 learnt/learned ... fell ... land?
3 No, he won't. He'll
swum 8 Who's meeting us at the probably be in the city
airport in Beijing? centre.
10 felt ... went ... slept
Example answer: 4 True.
60 Do you We're meeting at 7 a.m. and 5 No, he won't. He'll be with
the check-in desk opens at
2 have you quarter past seven. We're his friends.
3 Did you going to the airport by train 6 Tvi/iG
4 Was it and we're meeting Jane at the 7 No, he won't. He'll be 40.
5 did you station. We're staying at the 8 No, they won't. They'll
6 Have you Plaza Hotel in Beijing for the
7 was it first night. The flight lands at probably be at school.
8 Does it or 4 o'clock in the afternoon and 9 He doesn't know where
9 Do you someone from the hotel is
10 Has he meeting us. he'll be in 2 0 5 0 .

12 bought 64 Example answers:
13 had This evening I'll probably be
14 got 2 What are you going to buy
15 chose for Paul's birthday? at home.
16 read Is he going to have a party? Tomorrow morning I'll
17 made
18 learnt 3 Are you going to buy a new probably be at school.
19 took computer? Next month I'll be on holiday.
20 put What kind are you going to A few years from now I'll
21 sent get?
22 used probably have a good job.
23 shown 4 What's Sarah going to do In 2 0 3 0 I don't know where
after university?
61 How long is she going to be I'll be.
2 'm having 68
3 is coming 5 Are Chris and Kate going
4 is getting married to get married? Example answers:
5 are going Where are they going to 2 I don't think I'll walk.
6 'm driving live?
7 does (the meeting) start I think I'll go by car.
8 'm talking 65 3 I don't think he'll fail (his
9 leaves/goes/is
Example answers: history exam).
62 I'm going to listen to some I think he'll pass.
4 I think they'll go to
Example answers: rock music. Australia.
2 I'm going to the cinema. I'm not going to spend a lot I don't think they'll stay in
3 I'm having lunch with my Scotland.
of money. 5 I think she'll stay at the
sister. My brother is going to play garage.
4 I'm playing football. I don't think she'll change
5 I'm working on Sunday. on the computer. jobs.
My mother is not going to eat 6 I don't think she'll buy a
63 new computer.
some chocolate. I think she'll keep her old
3 When does the check-in My friend, Colin, is going to computer.
desk open?
do some work. 69
4 How are we travelling to I'm going to email some
the airport? 2 Shall I make
friends. 3 Shall I close
5 Where are we meeting Jane? 4 Shall I open/do
6 Where are we staying for 66 5 Shall I turn
6 Shall I take
the first night? 2 's going to have 7 Shall I clean/wash
3 She's going to be
4 He's going to 70
5 They're going to
6 I'm going to 2 Shall we stay
3 Shall we use/take



4 Shall we drive or Shall we 75 80
go by car 2 might take/get a taxi ... 3 Could I borrow a hair

5 shall we go they might not come dryer, please?
6 Shall I ask/invite 3 I might invite/ask Sarah ... 4 Could you give me a wake-

71 I might not invite/ask Tony up call at 6.30 in the
4 She might buy/get some morning, please?
2 are you doing 5 Could I have breakfast in
3 are going jeans ... she might not my room tomorrow
4 will fly buy/get anything morning, please?
5 shall we go 6 Could I leave my passport
6 We're not going to camp 76 and traveller's cheques in
7 we'll probably stay 3 He's going to walk along the hotel safe, please?
8 We're going to have 7 Could you get a taxi for
9 I'll phone the Great Wall. me, please?
4 He might go on a boat trip (You can also use can in these
72 situations.)
down the Yangtse River.
1 It'll probably be about 5 He's not going to eat 81
three hours.
I'm going to the dentist at western food. 2 must study ... mustn't
5.30. 6 He might try green tea. watch ... don't need to buy
7 He's going to learn a little any food / go shopping
2 When does the next term
begin? Chinese. 3 must take your medicine ...
What are you going to do 8 He might not come home. mustn't get up ... don't
during the holidays? need to eat anything
My school doesn't finish 77
until next week. Example answers:
Then I'm going to look for 2 can I must email my friend
a job for the summer. 3 can't
4 can't because I want to ask him
3 I'm going to visit my 5 can't something.
grandmother. 6 can I mustn't shout at my brother
I'm going to take it to the because he cries when I do.
garage tomorrow. 8 could see I don't need to take the dog
I'll lend you mine. 9 couldn't get for a walk tonight because I
I'll pay for the petrol. 10 couldn't climb took him this morning.
11 couldn't phone 1 don't need to go to the gym
73 12 could see today because I went
yesterday for 2 hours.
3 'm seeing 78
4 '11 make 82
5 does (the sun) rise 3 can't cook Example answers:
6 are (you) going 4 couldn't sleep 3 had to work late
7 OK 5 couldn't understand 4 must go to bed
8 '11 snow 6 can't come 5 had to stay with a friend
9 OK 7 couldn't catch 6 had to go to the dentist
10 '11 call 8 couldn't play 7 must hurry
11 OK 9 can't see
74 79 2 You should go
2 He could play the guitar ...
2 I'll buy/get you another one. You shouldn't eat/have
3 I'm going shopping with he couldn't sing. 3 You should take/have
3 He could swim really well
my sister. You shouldn't work/read/
4 I'll ring/(tele)phone/call you ... he couldn't ride a bike. use the computer
4 he can't play the guitar. 4 You should tell
this evening. 5 He can play the piano ... he You shouldn't lend/give
5 Tony and Rachel are
can't drive a car. 119
coming to dinner tonight
6 you'll like it Example answers:
7 What are you doing When I was younger, I could
8 I'm going to the seaside
sleep for a long time. I
couldn't speak English.
Now, I can drive a car. I can't
cook very well.


84 89 93

2 Do you think I should ask 2 Turn 2 there's
3 Do you think I/we should go 3 Walk 3 it's
4 Do you think I/we should 4 Cross 4 there's
5 Take 5 there are
get/buy/have 6 Ask 6 Is there
7 there are
85 Example answer: 8 Are there
Go straight up Banbury Road. 9 there aren't
Example answers: Turn left at the cinema. Walk 10 Is it
2 I think / 1 don't think she along Stone Avenue and then 11 There isn't
take the first road on the 12 It's
should go to the party. right. It's called Wessex Street.
I think / 1 don't think she Cross the road and you'll see 94
should (stay at home and) the supermarket.
study. 2 It's
3 I think / I don't think he 90 3 there wasn't
should stay at school. 4 it was
I think / I don't think he Example answers: 5 There's
should listen to his parents. 2 Don't open 6 it was
4 I think / I don't think they 3 Have a piece of or Have 7 it was
should be careful with their 8 there was
money. some 9 It's
I think / 1 don't think they 4 Let's not have or Don't 10 There's / There
should go out every night. 11 it's
let's have ... Let's go to the
86 new 95
2 Do I have to write 5 Turn the music down
3 don't have to shout 6 Don't ask me questions 2 Don't you?
4 didn't have to choose 3 Can't he?
5 has to stay 91 4 Did I?
6 didn't have to tell 5 Doesn't she?
2 used to be 6 Haven't you?
87 3 used to play 7 Aren't you?
4 used to swim/fish 8 Was he?
2 Did you have to do 5 used to live 9 Were you?
3 did you have to travel 6 used to walk 10 Has she?
4 don't have to wear 7 used to eat/cook
5 had to wear 8 used to work 96
6 has to work 9 used to be
7 does he have to take 2 didn't you
8 has to get Example answers: 3 do you
9 didn't have to do I used to go to the park every 4 haven't you
10 had to take 5 isn't it
day. 6 were they
88 I used to like drawing. 7 have you
I used to listen to cassettes.
2 Don't eat I used to live in a small village. 97
3 Don't use
4 Wash up 92 2 Tim doesn't have a
5 Throw the rubbish away girlfriend at the moment,
6 Don't play music 2 used to live but Damian does.
7 Lock the door carefully 3 used to hunt
Example answers: 4 wear 3 Tim was good at school,
Clean the shower after 5 used to cook but Damian wasn't.
6 used to take off
you use it. 7 used to spend 4 Tim went to university, but
Make a cup of coffee for me 8 used to wear Damian didn't.
9 ride
every evening. 10 used to take 5 Tim enjoys listening to
Don't borrow my clothes. 11 go other bands, but Damian
Don't make a noise when you 12 used to be doesn't.
13 hate
come in. 6 Tim hasn't been to many
countries, but Damian has.


98 102 106
2 I don't know if he'll go and
2 wasn't born 2 does she come from? or is
3 didn't live she from? work abroad.
4 can't speak 3 I don't know if his fiancee
5 haven't got 3 's she waiting for?
6 isn't 4 's she talking to? is Spanish.
7 don't live 5 did it belong to? 4 I don't know where he met
8 won't be 6 's he looking at?
7 are they talking about? this wonderful woman.
99 5 I don't know how long
4 I do. 1 Where did you ... Who did they've known each other.
5 Neither have I. 6 I don't know when the
6 I'm not. you ... What was
7 So did I. 2 What have you ... How did wedding is.
8 Neither do I. 7 I don't know if we're
9 So will I. you ... Does it
3 What time does it ... How invited.
11 neither can Meg
12 neither has Meg long does it ... Which 107
13 so did Meg jacket shall I 2 Do you know what he was
14 neither does Meg
15 so will Meg 104 wearing?
3 Do you know who was
Example answers: 2 Why didn't you ring me last
Julia and Meg can't play night? with him? or ... who he
was with?
volleyball and neither can I. 3 Who are you giving that 4 Do you know how much
Meg likes jazz and so do I. present to? it / the camera cost?
Julia and Meg haven't got any 5 Do you know what kind of
4 How much has Mary shop he went into? or Do
brothers and neither have I. spent? you know which shop ...
Meg isn't looking for a new 6 Do you know why the
5 Where did J o go for her person (with him) was
job and neither am I. holidays last year? laughing?
7 Do you know where the
100 6 How long does it take to train was going to?
get to your school?
2 What do you do? 108
3 Did you go to university? 7 What do you usually do in
the evenings? 2 Do you know why all the
or ... study at university? shops are closed today?
4 Are you married? 8 What happened yesterday
5 Where/How did you meet evening? 3 Do you know where the
Regent Hotel is?
your wife? 9 When was the Taj Mahal
6 Have you got any built? 4 Do you know how much
the tickets cost/are?
children? or Do you have 105
5 Do you know when Mr
7 Does Emily go to school? 2 What do you want to see? Collins died?
8 Does your wife work? 3 Have you seen it?
9 Do you enjoy your job? 4 Who did you go with? 6 Do you know if there's a
10 How much holiday do 5 What was it like? Chinese restaurant nearby /
6 would you like to do near here?
you have/get?
something else? 109
101 7 Why don't you come to Example answers:
Do you know if the subway
3 are you going to say my house?
4 happened 8 How long are they going closes at night?
5 likes Do you know if you can go
6 told to be away?
7 's playing 9 Can I bring anything for up the Statue of Liberty?
Do you know what's on at the
10 What do you want to talk theatre?
Do you know where I can buy
to me about?
11 how long does it take to some stamps?

walk to your house from 121
the station? or ... from
the station to your house?


110 13 to go 173
14 writing
3 he had (got) a few days' 3 holding
holiday 114 4 having
5 to swim
4 (he) was going to Italy 2. told David not to play with 6 to bring
5 he was ill that knife 7 leaving
6 (he) had been in bed for 8 to go
3 didn't let his young sons 9 do
two days play with toy guns 10 to go
7 she didn't like parties 11 to study
8 (she) couldn't dance 4 persuaded Jane to come 12 telling
9 his sister was arriving swimming with us
from Australia on 5 didn't expect you to fail the 3 do
Saturday exam or expected you to 4 made
10 he was going to meet her pass 5 made
at the airport 6 make
11 she loved parties 6 made me pay back all the 7 makes
12 (she) would be free on money I (had) borrowed 8 made
Saturday 9 do
11 5
111 10 doing
2 do 11 do
2 Paul said you didn't work 3 do 12 to do
here on Mondays. 4 doing 13 made
5 to do 14 do
3 Stuart said you'd gone out. 6 doing 15 making
4 Simon said you were at 7 to do 16 do or to do
17 did
lunch and (you) would be Example answers: 18 did
back soon. 2 They made me go to bed 19 to do
5 Mike said you left early on
Mondays. early. 120
6 Diana said you were 3 They never let me go to
making a cup of tea. 2 Do you have a
7 Mary said she didn't know other children's houses. temperature? or Have you
(where you were). 4 I don't mind washing the got ...
Example answer:
8 I was in the chairman's dishes. 3 What are we going to have
office. 5 I've always wanted to learn for lunch today? or What
are we having ...
112 to dive.
6 I most enjoy watching a 4 Can you have a look at my
2A computer? or Could you
3B video or DVD.
4C 7 I'd like to be a doctor. 5 How many jobs have you
5B had?
6B 116
7C Example answers: 6 Shall we have a walk later?
8C 3 invite her to my party.
9C 4 some information. 121
10 C 5 to pay the bills / for my
2 him
113 holiday. 3I
6 to make a cup of coffee / 4 We
3 to go 5 It
4 to be for a knife. 6 me
5 to tell 7 to finish her work / for 7 he
6 to drive 8 them
7 to let sport. 9 they
8 to do 8 to see the new Disney 10 its
9 slowing 11 my
10 to see film / for a letter. 12 our
11 to come
12 talking 117
The correct answers are:
122 2 doesn't mind / likes
3 made / let
4 use / learn
5 started / suggested
6 forgot / don't need
7 told / advised


13 My 9 I like this house but its 8 babies
14 his windows are broken. 9 sheep
15 their 10 days
16 her 10 1 know Mary, but I don't
know her brother. 131 are:
I l l sometimes ask myself The correct answers
2 you why I work in a noisy city. 2A
3 your 3 A/C
4 me 126 4 B/C
5 my 5A
6 mine 2 Anne's car 6A
7 They 3 Elena's house 7C
8 them 4 the students' books 8 A/B
9I 5 my sister's birthday
10 her 6 Mrs Penn's cakes 132
11 us 7 grandparents' house
12 his 8 Chris's parents 1 some suntan oil
13 he 2 some CDs
14 him 127
15 him a CD player
16 them 2 The computer games are some perfume / a bottle of
17 Their Alan's. perfume
18 hers a pair of sunglasses
19 mine 3 The books are Alan's. 3 some books
20 yours 4 The football is Mike's. a pair of jeans
21 their 5 The chocolates are Mike's. some face cream
22 your a map
or The box of chocolates is 4 two pairs of trousers
123 Mike's. some/three T-shirts
6 The (running) shoes are some money
4 by herself Alan's. a (rain)coat/jacket
5 each other 7 The guitar is Alan's.
6 myself 8 The magazine is Mike's. Example answers:
7 each other a camera, a guidebook, a
128 sunhat, a dictionary, a pair of
124 walking boots, some books
3 John's favourite team
2 cut themselves 4 the result of the match 133
3 understand each other 5 your parents' anniversary
4 went by herself 2 a (musician) ... the (best)
5 enjoyed ourselves party 3 an (idea) ... the (new)
6 wrote ... each other 6 the windows of the house 4 the (station) ... a (taxi) ...
7 the telephone number of
125 the (city centre)
the station the (kitchen) ... a (guest)
3 James gave me those 8 Mark Turner's daughter ... the (dining room)
books. I really like them. the (capital) ... a (large)
129 the (third) ... an (old)
4 Some friends of theirs told a (large) ... the (middle)
them the news. 2 an empty glass ... the (country) ... a (dog)
3 a difficult question
5 Pat gave her brother a 4 an old book the (dog)
DVD and he gave her a 5 a hot day the (same; .. an (older) .
book. 6 a cheap hotel the (most)
7 a young man 10 the (nearest) ,.. the (end)
6 My sister and her husband 8 a heavy bag ... the (left) . . a (bus
don't love each other any 9 an interesting film stop)
more. They aren't happy
together. 130 134

7 John is a good friend of 2 watches 3 the station manager
mine. 3 tomatoes 4 an Italian restaurant
OK 4 feet 5 the left
5 teeth
6 women
7 children



6 the Information Centre 139 144 5 all
7 the restaurant 6 every
8 a woman 2 haven't got any money / 2 all 7 all
9 the kitchen don't have any money or 3 all
10 the man have (got) no money 4 Every
11 OK
12 the same 3 haven't got any chocolates / 145
13 the papers don't have any chocolates
14 the police or have (got) no chocolates 2 Everyone/Everybody
15 OK 3 everything
16 the table 4 aren't any (biscuits) or are 4 everywhere
no biscuits 5 everywhere
135 6 everyone/everybody
3- 5 isn't any milk or 's no
4 the milk 146 7-
5- 8 of
6 the 6 haven't got any food / don't 2- 9 of
7- have any food or have 3 of 10 -
8 the (got) no food 4 of 11 of
9- 5-
7 isn't any time or 's no time 6-
10 -
140 147
11 the 2 Some of Richard's
2 any
12 - 3 None colleagues walk to work.
4 OK or Some of them walk ...
13 - 5 any
14 - 6 any 3 All (of) Richard's colleagues
15 - 7 OK have (got) a car. or All of
8 no them have ...
136 9 some
4 Most of Richard's
2- 141 colleagues use their car
every day. or Most of
3 the 2 None them use ...
4- 3 no
5 the 4 any 5 Some of Lisa's friends go to
6 the 5 Some the cinema every month.
7- 6 no
7 some 6 All (of) Lisa's friends play
8- 8 any some kind of sport, or All
9 any of them play ...
9- 10 some
7 None of Lisa's friends study
137 142 every night, or None of
2 any them study ...
3 some 2 nowhere
4 some 3 nothing 8 Most of Lisa's friends enjoy
5 some 4 someone/somebody dancing, or Most of them
6 any 5 somewhere enjoy ...
7 some 6 No-one/Nobody
8 any 7 someone/somebody Example answers
9 some 8 anything All of us take regular exercise.
10 any 9 something Most of us play some kind of
10 anywhere
138 sport.
2 something 143 Some of us enjoy dancing.
3 someone/somebody None of us study every night.
4 something 2 something to eat
5 anyone/anybody 3 nothing to do 148 5 Both of
6 something 4 anyone/anybody to play 6 either of
7 anything 5 anywhere to stay 2 Neither 7 Neither
8 Someone/Somebody 6 something to wear 3 either
9 anything 7 anything to say / to talk 4 Both

124 about


173 4 famous places/sights 5 C, B, A: ' O f ' is the most
5 delicious food/meals common preposition in
Example answers: 6 friendly people English and 'at' is more
Both of us like dancing. 7 difficult language common than 'into'.
Neither of us has got a 8 busy roads/streets/towns
9 big country/place 6 A, C, B: The Great White
brother. Shark is the most
Both of us go to the gym 154 8 carefully dangerous creature and the
9 well scorpion is more dangerous
every day. 2 happy 10 delicious than the cockroach.
Neither of us is married. 3 good 11 badly
Both of us have to learn 4 well 12 hard 158
5 good 13 quickly
English. 6 brilliantly 2 Who's the most interesting
Neither of us drives a car. 7 fantastic person you've ever met?

150 155 8 colder/worse 3 What's the most frightening
9 as experience you've ever had?
2 There isn't much 2 than 10 as
champagne. 3 more 11 more 4 What's the worst film
4 as 12 than you've ever seen?
3 There isn't any orange 5 as
juice. 6 more 5 What's the most expensive
7 more thing you've ever bought?
4 There isn't much cake.
5 There aren't any 6 What's the most unusual
food you've ever eaten?
6 There isn't much fish. 7 Which is the largest city
7 There aren't many cherries. you've ever visited?

151 (Use the paragraphs about the 159
USA and Australia to help
2 How much milk do you you with your answer.) 2 J o lives much further
like in your coffee? (A lot. / away now.
Not (very) much. / A little. / 156
None.) 3 My mum is the same age
4 Life is more expensive as my dad.
3 How many cars can you see than it was.
out of the window? (A lot. / 4 OK
Not (very) many. / A few. / 5 People are not as friendly 5 This is the oldest house in
None.) as they were.
the city.
4 How much money do you 6 Films are more violent 6 Traffic in the city is worse
spend in one month? than they were.
(A lot. / Not (very) much. / in the evenings.
A little. / None.) 7 People live longer than 7 This dictionary is the best
they did.
5 How many good friends do I've ever had.
you have? (A lot. / Not 8 Houses are better than 8 Paul isn't as lazy as he
(very) many. / A few. / they were.
None.) seems.
9 Families are not as big as 9 OK
6 How much water do you they were. 10 Meg is the most intelligent
drink every day? (A lot. /
Not (very) much. / A little. / 10 Children have (got) more person in her family.
None.) freedom than they had. 11 It's not as warm as it was

7 How many pairs of socks 11 People eat better food yesterday.
do you have? (A lot. / Not than they did. 12 This is the most
(very) many. / A few. /
None.) 157 comfortable chair in the
152 5 little 2 B, C, A: The python is the
6 a little longest snake and the 160
2 a few rattlesnake is longer than
3 a few the cobra. 2 Have you got enough
4 little money to pay for the
3 B, A, C: Antarctica is the tickets?
153 coldest place and Scotland
is colder than France. 3 Have you got enough
2 old hotel information to answer the
3 hot water 4 A, C, B: The cheetah is the question?
fastest animal and the lion
is faster than the mouse. 125


4 Has he worked hard enough 6 Yes, he's old enough to 168
to pass his exams? leave school. 3 while you were at work
4 until you're better
5 Are there enough plates for 7 No, she's too young to 5 when I'm speaking on the
everyone? vote, or she's not old phone
enough to ... 6 When I finish college
6 Is your tea sweet enough or 7 While I was walking home
would you like some more 165 8 before we leave the house
sugar? 9 When I heard the news
2 Maria rarely goes to bed
161 before midnight. 10 when I'm in town

2 sharp enough to cut 3 I've got lots of friends, but 169
3 enough money to buy they are all on holiday at
4 well enough to go the moment. 2 we're
5 enough time to answer/do 3 we miss the beginning of
6 warm enough to play 4 I like chocolate very 4 we don't understand
much. 5 we're bored
162 6 we fall asleep
5 When do you usually do
2 ate/had too many chocolates your homework? 170
3 is too much traffic or are
6 I can never remember my 2 if I had one
too many cars car registration number. 3 if she weren't/wasn't ill
4 are too many people 4 it doesn't rain
5 is too hot 7 Carmen always arrives 5 you found
6 drank/had too much coffee home late from work. 6 he got up
7 he won't tell
163 8 Clare is a good piano
player. She's also learning 171
3 There aren't enough to play the guitar.
cinemas. 3 If I weren't/wasn't (so) busy
9 John and Steve? They are at college, I'd go on
4 There's too much noise and both living in Brazil now. holiday.
10 Jose finished his exams 4 If it had a bigger memory,
5 The parks are too small, or yesterday. I'd buy it.
The parks aren't big
enough. 166 5 I wouldn't buy it if I
were/was you.
6 There aren't enough things 2 'm still looking for ...
to do in the evenings. haven't found them yet 6 We'll miss the train if he
doesn't arrive soon.
7 There are too many 3 's still raining ... haven't
tourists. seen the sun yet 172

Example answers: 4 haven't got up yet . . . ' m 3 which crashed into mine
There are too many cars and still in bed was green

not enough parking spaces. 5 hasn't apologised yet ... 'm 4 's the newspaper which was
There aren't enough tennis still angry on the table

courts. 6 'm still driving ... haven't 5 which was left on the bus
The shops aren't open long bought a new car yet yesterday belongs to

enough. 167 6 spoke to an assistant who
There's too much noise in the had long, dark hair
3 but
city centre. 4 and 7 writes books which are
5 or translated into many
164 6 but languages
7 so
3 No, they're not old enough 8 and (but is also possible) 8 who went to last night's
to get married, or they're 9 so concert enjoyed it
too young to ... 10 because (but is also

4 Yes, he's old enough to possible)
drive a car. 11 so
12 or
5 No, she's not old enough to 13 and
buy a dog. or she's too 14 because
young to ...


173 12 on 20 At 12 across
13 After 21 while 13 into
2 worked in was called 14 in 22 Before 14 over
'Bangles' 15 from 23 until
16 to/until 24 since 181
3 was watching on TV were 17 until 25 In
playing in a river 18 at 26 At 2 are different from the
19 for ones/apples you bought
4 of the friends Sally stayed yesterday
with (Use the paragraphs about
Jess Brewer to help you with 3 'm not interested in rugby
5 Kate went on holiday with your answer) 4 'm fed up with (the) rain
live in the same street 5 is afraid of storms
178 6 isn't very good at cooking
6 I'm reading was written 7 is nice to her elderly
over 300 years ago 2 It's on the left, on the top
shelf, between the pasta neighbours
7 you were waiting for arrive and the bread. 8 is full of furniture
8 man Fiona's playing tennis 9 are you angry with Liz?
3 They're on the right, on the
with bottom shelf, opposite the
174 182
4 It's on the right, on the
2 who/that wrote over 100 middle shelf, next to the 2 about/for not writing
books cola. 3 of/about leaving
4 in selling
3 (which/that) we went to see 5 It's on the right, on the top 5 with saying
last week shelf, above the cola. 6 of being
7 at selling
4 (who/that) I told you about 6 They're below the cola, on
5 (which/that) she started the bottom shelf, in the 183 8 for
6 which/that gave me the middle, between the 9 to
biscuits and the chocolate. 2 to 10 with
money to study in America 3 about 11 at
7 who/that made tennis Example answers: 4 to 12 for
7 It's on the right, on the top 5 at 13 to
8 who/that had six wives shelf, opposite the bread. 6-
8 It's on the left, on the
175 7 for
middle shelf, in the middle,
2 at midnight between the sugar and the 184
3 on 22 November 1963 eggs. 2 up ... off ... away/off
4 at night
5 in winter 179 3 off/away ... back
6 at 6.30 am 4 down
7 in 1 9 2 0 2 at 5 over ... on
8 at the weekend 3 in 6 up ... on ... up
9 on Thursday morning 4 at 7 down ... in
5 to
176 10 after 6 at 9 in 185
11 in 7 in 10 to
2 before 12 on 8 at 11 to 2 switch / turn the light on or
3 In 13 in 12 to switch / turn on the light
4 at 14 in 13 to
5 in 15 Since 14 - 3 Put your glasses on
6 After/In 16 for 4 give it / the money back (to
7 From 180
8 to/until 3 past/(a)round you) or give (you) back
9 In 4 along/down the money
5 (a)round 5 pick it / the magazine up
177 7 before 6 under or pick up the magazine
8 since 7 on/onto 6 turn it / your music / the
2 to/until 9 until 8 on music / down or turn
3 During 9 off down your/the music
4 After 10 out of 7 turn it off
5 while 11 through 8 throw them away/out
6 for



The authors would like to thank Alison Sharpe and Jessica Roberts of Cambridge
University Press for advice and support, and Liz Driscoll for her helpful suggestions and
great editing. Also, everyone at Kamae for their creative design work.
Photo Acknowledgements
The publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright
photographs and material:
Key: 1 = left, c = centre, r = right, t = top, b = bottom
Alamy Images/©Tibor Bognar for p 11; Art Directors & TRIP for p 108; Corbis/OJohn
Springer Collection for p 20, /©Royalty Free for p 29, /©Bill Varie for p 48, /©Hans
Strand for p 85, /©Goegel/Zefa for p 93; Getty Images for pp 7(t), 7(b), 32, 74, 99;
Photolibrary/©The Travel Library Ltd for p 9; Punchstock/©PhotoAlto for p 8; Rex
Features for pp 35, 43, 49.
Picture Research by Hilary Luckcock.

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