Words to remember (4 minutes)
家賃は一月いくら Familiarize yourself with these words and
ですか? test yourself using the flap.
yachin wa hitotsuki ikura desuka
How much is the rent per month? room 部屋
❺ roof heya
floor 床
ceiling 天井
bedroom 寝室
bathroom バスルーム
basu ru-mu
kitchen 台所
dining room ダイニングルーム
dainingu ru-mu
living room 居間
attic 屋根裏
yane ura
parking space 車庫
Useful phrases (3 minutes)
Learn these phrases and test yourself.
shako wa arimasuka
Is there a parking space?
itsu nyu-kyo dekimasuka
wall ❻ When can I move in?
Say it (2 minutes) 家具付きですか?
kagu tsuki desuka
Is there a dining room?
Where’s the attic? Is it furnished?
It’s furnished.
Warm up (1minute) Inside the home
What’s the Japanese The Japanese often end their sentences with short
for “table” (pp.20–21), “markers” that don’t really change the meaning but
“desk” (pp.80–81), “bed” carry different nuances. For example, the yo marker
(pp.60–61), and “curtains” can imply and even or to be sure and ne can mean
(pp.60–61)? something like isn’t that so? You’ll see examples of
these in the conversation below.
How do you say “This car
is small”? (pp.64–65)
Match and repeat (3 minutes) faucet ❷
❶ sink
Match the numbered items
to the list in the panel rice cooker ❸
below. Then test yourself
by concealing the Japanese ❺ dishwasher chair ❻ ❼ cabinet table ❽
with the cover flap.
❶ 流し
❷ 蛇口
❸ 炊飯器
❹ 調理台
❺ 食器洗い機
shokki araiki
❻ 椅子
❼ 戸棚
❽ テーブル
In conversation (3 minutes)
これが冷蔵庫です。 炊飯器はありますか? はい、そしてこれが
kore ga reizohko desu sui-hanki wa arimasuka レンジです。
This is the refrigerator. Is there a rice cooker? hai, soshite kore ga renji desu
Yes, and here’s the stove.
Words to remember (2 minutes) couch ソsoフfaァ
carpet 絨jyu毯-tan
Familiarize yourself with these words
and test yourself using the flap. bath バbaスsu
toilet トtoイ-eレe-reh
このソファは新しいです。 stove レreンnjiジ
kono sofa wa atarashih desu washing machine s洗en濯ta機ku ki
This couch is new. refrigerator r冷ei蔵zoh庫ko
Useful phrases (4 minutes)
❹ counter Learn these phrases and then test yourself using
the cover flap to conceal the Japanese.
Say it (2 minutes)
The refrigerator 冷蔵庫が壊れて
Is there a washing is broken. います。
machine? reizohko ga kowarete
The refrigerator is new. imasu
The faucet is broken.
I’m not fond of カーテンが気に
the curtains. 入りません。
kahten ga kini irimasen
Are heat and 光熱費込みですか?
electricity included? kohnetsu hi komi desuka
流しが新しいですね。 それから食器洗い機 なんてきれいなタイル
nagashi ga atarashih desune もありますよ。 なんでしょう!
The sink is new. sorekara shokki araiki nante kireh na tairu
mo arimasuyo nandeshoh
And there’s even What pretty tiles!
a dishwasher.
102 WEEK 10 NIWA
Warm up (1minute) The garden
What’s the Japanese for Japanese gardens, often with water features and plants
“day” and “month”? like lilies and cherry trees, can be seen in public places
(pp.28–29) such as parks, temples, and hotels. Space constraints
mean that many Japanese homes don’t have their own
Say “Where’s the florist?” gardens, but houseplants and flower arrangements
(pp.68–69) and “Is there are popular.
a garden?” (pp.98–99)
Words to remember (3 minutes) ❷ tree plants ❸
Familiarize yourself with these words and
test yourself using the flap.
冬 winter
春 spring
夏 summer
秋 fall
waterfall ❶
flowers ❿
stones ❾ rocks ❽
Useful phrases (4 minutes)
Learn these phrases and then test yourself using
the cover flap.
What kind of これは何の木
tree is this? ですか?
kore wa nanno ki desuka
I like the pond. 池が好きです。
ike ga suki desu
What beautiful flowers! きれいな花ですね!
kireh na hana desune
Can we walk in 庭を歩いていいですか?
the garden? niwa o aruite ihdesuka
Match and repeat (5 minutes)
soil ❹ Match the numbered items to the words in
the panel below.
Say it (2 minutes)
❺ path ❶ 滝
What kind of flower ❻ grass taki
is this?
I like the waterfall. ❼ pond ❷ 木
Is there a pond? ki
❸ 植物
❹ 土
❺ 小道
❻ 草
❼ 池
❽ 岩
❾ 石
❿ 花
Warm up (1minute) Animals
Say “My name is John.” The Japanese tend to keep small lap dogs and
(pp.8–9) sometimes cats in the house as pets. There is not
Say “I like the pond.” usually enough space indoors for larger animals.
(pp.102–103) Reptiles and insects, such as snakes and crickets,
What’s “fish” in Japanese? are also popular, particularly among young boys.
Match and repeat (3 minutes)
Match the numbered animals to the Japanese bird ❷
words in the panel below. Then test yourself
using the cover flap.
❶ 猫 cat ❶ fish ❸
neko ❺ horse
dog ❹
❷ 鳥
❸ 魚
❹ 犬
❺ 馬
Useful phrases (4 minutes)
Learn these phrases and then test yourself
using the cover flap.
この犬はおとなしい Is this dog あなたの猫です
ですか? friendly? か?
kono inu wa anata no neko desuka
otonashih desuka Is this your cat?
名前は何ですか? What’s his name?
namae wa nandesuka
猫は苦手です。 I don’t really care
neko wa negate desu for cats.
この犬は噛み付きません This dog
よ。 doesn’t bite.
kono inu wa
kamitsuki masenyo
Cultural tip Some buildings will keep larger dogs outside as 猛犬に注意
guard dogs. Native Japanese dog breeds, such as the Kishuken, Beware of the Dog
Shibaken, and Ainuken, are known for their toughness and are
employed as “yard” dogs rather than treated as pets.
あれは何という魚 Words to remember (4 minutes)
a-re wa nanto yu sakana desuka Familiarize yourself with these words and test
What’s that fish called? yourself using the flap.
monkey 猿
sheep 羊
cow 牛
pig 豚
rabbit 兎
mouse ネズミ
Read it Most basic words referring to natural
features or animals, such as tree, dog, flower,
cow, etc., are written in kanji—often with just
a single character. Look at the kanji for animals
on this page and see if you can spot them in the
example phrases.
Put into practice (3 minutes)
Join in this conversation. Read the Japanese on
the left and follow the instructions to make your
reply. Then test yourself by concealing the answers
with the cover flap.
あなたの犬ですか? はい、イチローと
anata no inu desuka いいます。
Is this your dog? hai, Ichiroh to ihmasu
Say: Yes, his name
is Ichiroh.
犬は苦手です。 大丈夫です。
inu wa negate desu おとなしいですよ。
daijyohbu desu.
I don’t really care for dogs. otonashih desu yo.
Say: Don’t worry.
He’s friendly.
Answers (Cover with flap) Review and repeat
Colors Colors (4 minutes)
❶ 白 What are these colors in Japanese?
❶ white ❺ red
❷ 黄色 ❷ yellow ❻ blue
ki iro ❸ green ❼ pink
❹ black
❸ 緑
❹ 黒
❺ 赤
❻ 青
❼ ピンク
Kitchen Kitchen (4 minutes)
❶ 調理台 Say the Japanese words for the numbered items.
counter ❶ sink ❷ ❸ faucet
❷ 流し
nagashi rice ❹
❸ 蛇口
❹ 炊飯器
❺ 食器洗い機
shokki araiki
❻ 椅子
❼ 戸棚
❽ テーブル
dishwasher ❺ chair ❻ cabinet ❼
House (4 minutes) AT HOME 107
You are visiting a house in Japan. Join in the Kotae
conversation, replying in Japanese where you Answers (Cover with flap)
see the numbered English prompts.
basu ru-mu wa kochira desu
❶ What pretty tiles! ❶ なんてきれいな
daidokoro wa ohkih desu でしょう!
❷ Is there a washing machine? nante kireh na
tairu nandeshoh
hai, sorekara shokki araiki mo arimasuyo
❸ Is there a parking space? ❷ 洗濯機は
ihe demo niwa ga arimasu sentaku ki wa
❹ Is it furnished? arimasuka
mochiron desu ❸ 車庫はありますか?
❺ How much is the rent per month? shako wa arimasuka
❹ 家具付きですか?
kagu tsuki desuka
❺ 家賃は一月いくらで
yachin wa hitotsuki
ikura desuka
At home (3 minutes) At home
Say the Japanese for the ❶ 洗濯機
following items. sentaku ki
❶ washing machine
❷ couch ❷ ソファ
❸ attic sofa
❹ dining room
❺ tree ❸ 屋根裏
❻ garden yane ura
❽ table ❹ ダイニング
dainingu ru-mu
❺ 木
❻ 庭
Warm up (1minute)
Post office and bank
Ask “How do I get to the
station?” and “Where’s Postcards are a popular form of letter in Japan,
the post office?” (pp.50– especially when sending a New Year’s greeting.
51 and pp.68–69) Some postcards are prepaid (the bird and flower
pictures work as stamps), so you can mail them
What’s the Japanese for as soon as you write them.
passport? (pp.54–55)
Ask “What time is it?”
Words to remember: mail (3 minutes)
手紙 letter Familiarize yourself with these words
tegami and test yourself using the cover flap
to conceal the Japanese on the left.
封筒 envelope
fu-toh はがき
小包 package hagaki
kozutsumi postcard
エアメール air mail
ea mehru
書留郵便 registered
kakidome yu-bin mail
切手 stamps
郵便配達人 mail carrier
yu-bin haitatsu nin
ポスト mailbox
In conversation (3 minutes)
お金を両替したいです。 身分証明書をお持ちですか? はい、これがパス
okane o ryohgae mibun shohmehsho ポートです。
shitai desu o omochi desuka hai, kore ga pasupohto desu
I’d like to change some
money. Do you have any Yes, here’s my passport.
クレジットカード Words to remember: bank (2 minutes)
kurejitto kahdo
credit card Familiarize yourself with these words and test yourself
クレジットカードで using the cover flap to conceal the Japanese on the right.
kurejitto kahdo de harae masuka money お金
Can I pay with a credit card? okane
PIN ピン、暗証番号
pin 、ansho bangoh
cashier 窓口
bills 紙幣
coins 硬貨
exchange rate レート
Say it (2 minutes) Useful phrases (4 minutes)
I’d like to change Learn these phrases and then test yourself using
some dollars. the cover flap.
Here’s my credit card.
Where’s the mailbox? I’d like to change お金を両替したいです。
some money. okane o ryohgae
shitai desu
What is the レートはいくら
exchange rate? ですか?
rehto wa ikura desuka
Where’s the ATMはどこですか?
ATM? “ATM” wa doko desuka
ここにご署名をお願いしま どんな紙幣をご希望ですか? 五千円札をお願い
す。 donna shihei o gokiboh します。
koko ni goshomeh desuka go-sen-yen satsu
o onegai shimasu o onegai shimasu
Please sign here. How would you like
the bills? 5,000-yen bills, please.
110 W E E K 11 SHU-RI
Warm up (1minute) Repairs
What is the Japanese for You can combine the Japanese words on these pages
“The refrigerator is with the vocabulary you learned in week 10 to help
broken”? (pp.100–101) you explain basic problems and cope with arranging
most repairs. Rented accommodations are usually
What’s the Japanese for arranged via agents, known as fudohsanya. They
“today” and “tomorrow”? can also help with problems.
Say “Thank you very
much.” (pp.40–41)
Words to remember (4 minutes)
Familiarize yourself with these words and test
yourself using the flap.
配管工 plumber
電気技師 electrician
denki gishi
機械技師 mechanic
kikai gishi
建築家 builder
kenchiku ka
大工 carpenter
コンピューター修理店 computer
konpyu-tah shu-ri ten repair store
清掃業者 cleaner
seisoh gyohsha
コック cook 機械技師は必要ないです。
kokku kikai gishi wa hitsuyoh nai desu
I don’t need a mechanic.
In conversation (3 minutes)
おはようございます。 おはようございます。 食器洗い機が壊れて
山田ですが。 どうかなさいましたか? います。
ohayoh gozaimasu. ohayoh gozaimasu. shokki araiki ga
Yamada desuga dohka nasai mashitaka kowarete imasu
Good morning. Good morning. Is there The dishwasher is broken.
This is Mrs. Yamada. anything wrong?
S E R V I C E S 111
Useful phrases (3 minutes)
Learn these phrases and then test yourself using
the cover flap.
Please clean バスルームを掃除
the bathroom. してください。
basu ru-mu o sohji
shite kudasai
Can you repair テレビを修理して
the television? もらえますか?
terebi o shu-ri shite
これはどこで修理してもら mora-e masuka
kore wa doko de shu-ri shite Can you recommend 良い修理屋を紹介
mora-e masuka a good mechanic? してもらえますか?
Where can I get this repaired? ih shu-ri ya o shohkai
shite mora-e masuka
Put into practice (4 minutes)
Cover up the text on the right and complete the
dialogue in Japanese.
CDドライブが壊れています。 良いコンピューター修理店
CD doraibu ga を紹介してもらえますか?
kowarete imasu ih konpyu-tah shu-ri
ten o shohkai shite
Your CD drive is broken. mora-e masuka
Ask: Can you recommend a
good computer repair store?
今日中に修理できる 街に一店あります。 どうもありがとう
でしょう。 machi ni itten arimasu ございます。
kyohjyu-ni shu-ri dekiru deshoh There’s one in town. dohmo arigatoh gozaimasu
It’s possible to repair it today. Say: Thank you very much.
修理担当者を送ります。 今日中に来てくれ すみません。明日の朝に
shu-ri tantoh sha ますか? なります。
o okuri masu kyohjyu ni kite kure masuka sumimasen. ashita no asa
We’ll send a repairman. Can you do it today? ni narimasu
Sorry. But it will be
tomorrow morning.
112 W E E K 11 KURU
Warm up (1minute) To come
Say the days of the week Japanese verbs don’t generally change with the subject
in Japanese. (pp.28–29) but do take different endings according to the tense or
How do you say “mood” (see pp.40–41). Below you will see some of
“cleaner”? (pp.110–111) these changes for the verb kuru (to come) with examples,
Say “It’s 9:30,” “10:45,” including the useful ki-te form used for invitations.
and “12:00.” (pp.30–31)
Useful phrases (6 minutes)
Say the different forms of kuru (to come) aloud.
Use the cover flap to test yourself and, when you
are confident, practice the sample sentences below.
来る to come
kuru (infinitive)
来ます come/coming
kimasu (present)
来ません not come/coming
kimasen (present negative)
来ました came
kimashita (past)
来ませんでした didn’t come
kimasen deshita (past negative)
来て come!
ki-te (invitation)
バスが来ません。 The bus isn’t coming.
basu ga kimasen
大工さんは九時に The carpenter came
来ました。 at nine o’clock.
daikusan wa kuji
ni kimashita
清掃業者は今日は The cleaner didn’t
来ませんでした。 come today.
sehsoh gyohsha wa
kyoh wa kimasen deshita
明日来るつもりです。 I intend to come 彼らは電車で来ます。
ashita kuru tsumori desu tomorrow. karera wa densha de kimasu
They’re coming by train.
Conversational tip Beware of English phrases using
come that translate differently in Japanese. For example,
the Japanese equivalent of I come from Australia would
be ohsutoraria jin desu, which translates literally as
Australia person I am.
S E R V I C E S 113
Invitations (4 minutes)
You can use ki-te (come!) with kudasai (please) for basic
invitations, but there are also different expressions
depending on the level of formality.
Please come to my 私の誕生パーティーに来て
birthday party. ください。
watashi no tanjyoh pahtih
ni ki-te kudasai
Can you come to our 月曜日のレセプションに
reception on Monday? いらしていただけますか?
getsuyoh-bi no resepushon
(formal) ni irashite itadake masuka
Would you be able to come 金曜日のセミナーにお越し
to our seminar on Friday? 願えますでしょうか?
(very formal) kinyoh-bi no seminah ni
okoshi negaemasu deshohka
Come to my dinner party! ディナーパーティーに
(informal) 来てね!
dinah pahtih ni kitene
Put into practice (4 minutes)
Join in this conversation. Read the Japanese on the left
and follow the instructions to make your reply. Then test
yourself by concealing the answers with the cover flap.
もしもし。 もしもし。私の誕生
moshi moshi パーティーに来てください。
moshi moshi. watashi
Hello. no tanjyoh pahtih ni
Say: Hello. Please come to ki-te kudasai
my birthday party.
パーティーはいつ 明日の8時です。
ですか? ashitano hachi ji desu
pahtih wa itsu desuka
When is the party?
Say: It’s tomorrow at
eight o’clock.
はい、ぜひ。 ではまたあした。
hai, zehi dewa mata ashita
Yes, I’d love to.
Say: So see you
Warm up (1minute) Police and crime
What’s the Japanese Japanese police cars are black and white with a red
for “tall” and “short”? strip light on the roof. The uniforms are blue and gray
(pp.64–65) with a peaked cap. Note that the terms otoko (man)
and onna (woman) in section 4 are not very polite as
Say “The room is big” they refer to criminal suspects. More polite equivalents
and “The bed is small.” would be danseh and jyoseh.
Words to remember: crime (4 minutes)
Familiarize yourself with these words. 弁護士が必要です。
どろぼう thief/burglar bengo shi ga hitsuyoh desu
doroboh I need a lawyer.
通報 police report
報告書 statement
hohkoku sho
証人 witness
shoh nin
目撃者 eyewitness
mokugeki sha
弁護士 lawyer
bengo shi
警察官 police officer
kehsatsu kan
Useful phrases (3 minutes)
Learn these phrases and then test yourself using the cover flap. カメラ
すられました。 I’ve been kamera
surare mashita pickpocketed. camera
何が盗まれましたか? What was お金
nani ga nusumare stolen? okane
mashitaka money
犯人を見ましたか? Did you see saifu
hannin o who did it? wallet
いつおこり When did it
ましたか? happen?
itsu okori mashitaka
Words to remember: appearance (5 minutes)
Learn these words and then test man/men 男
yourself using the cover flap. otoko
した。 woman/women 女
otoko wa shiraga majiri de megane
o kakete imashita tall 背の高い
The man had gray hair and glasses. se no takai
onna wa se ga takaku kami ga short 背の低い
nagakatta desu se no hikui
The woman was tall and had long hair.
young 若い
old 年を取った
toshi o totta
fat 太った
thin 痩せた
beard あごひげ
ago hige
mustache 口ひげ
kuchi hige
glasses 眼鏡
Read it The Japanese script for police is written with two kanji characters:
警察 (kehsatsu). Adding the character 官 (kan) will produce policeman: 警察官
(kehsatsu kan); and adding 署 (sho) will produce police station: 警察署 (kehsatsu sho).
Put into practice (2 minutes)
Practice these phrases. Then use the cover flap to hide the text on the right
and follow the instructions to make your reply in Japanese.
男はどんな格好でしたか? 背が低く太っていました。
otoko wa donna kakkoh se ga hikuku futotte
deshita ka imashita
Can you describe him?
Say: He was short and fat.
髪は? 白髪であごひげを生やして
kami wa いました。
shiraga de ago hige
And the hair? o hayashite imashita
Say: He had gray hair
and a beard.
Answers (Cover with flap) Review and repeat
To come To come (3 minutes)
❶ 私はバスで来ます。 Put the following sentences into Japanese using
watashi wa basu the correct form of kuru (to come).
de kimasu
❶ I’m coming by bus.
❷ 電気技師は昨日 ❷ The electrician came yesterday.
来ました。 ❸ Please come to my birthday party.
denki gishi wa kinoh ❹ The cleaner didn’t come on Thursday.
❸ 私の誕生パーティー
watashi no tanjyoh
pahtih ni ki-te kudasai
❹ 清掃業者は木曜日に
sehsoh gyohsha wa
mokuyoh bi niwa
kimasen deshita
Bank and mail Bank and mail (4 minutes)
❶ クレジットカード Name the numbered items in Japanese.
kurejitto kahdo credit card❶
❷ 紙幣 ❷ bills
❸ postcard
❸ はがき ❹ package
❹ 小包
❺ 切手
❺ stamps
Appearance (4 minutes) S E R V I C E S 117
What do these descriptions mean? Kotae
❶ se ga hikuku yasete imashita Answers (Cover with flap)
❷ otoko wa shohto katto deshita
❸ onna wa megane Appearance
o kakete imashita ❶ He was short
❹ otoko wa kuchi hige and thin.
o hayashite imashita ❷ The man had
❺ otoko wa shiraga short hair.
de ago hige o ❸ The woman
hayashite imashita had glasses.
❹ The man had
a mustache.
❺ He had gray hair
and a beard.
The pharmacy (4 minutes) The pharmacy
You are asking a pharmacist for advice. Join in the ❶ 腹痛がします。
conversation, replying in Japanese where you see fukutsu ga shimasu
the numbered English prompts.
❷ いいえ、でも
konnichiwa. doh shimashitaka 頭痛がします。
❶ I have a stomachache. ihe, demo zutsu
ga shimasu
kaze gimi desuka
❷ No, but I have a headache. ❸ それのシロップは
kore o onomi kudasai sore no shiroppu
❸ Do you have that as a syrup? wa arimasuka
hai, arimasu ❹ いくらですか?
❹ How much is that? ikura desuka
happyaku yen ni narimasu ❺ ありがとう。
❺ Thank you. arigatoh
118 W E E K 12 REJYAH
Warm up (1minute) Leisure time
What is the Japanese for Popular leisure activities outside the house include
“museum” and “movie shopping, playing in the ubiquitous and often very large
theater”? (pp.48–49) arcades, or going to karaoke “boxes.” New theme parks
open regularly and are popular with adults and children
Say “I like the pond.” alike. Sumo is popular with older people, but theater
(p.103) and opera are minority pursuits.
Ask “What’s your
profession?” (pp.78–79)
Words to remember (4 minutes) 歌舞伎が大好きです。 セット
kabuki ga daisuki desu setto
Familiarize yourself with these words I love Kabuki theater. set
and test yourself using the cover flap
to conceal the Japanese on the left.
劇場 theater
映画 movies/film
テーマパーク theme park
tehma pahku
音楽 music
アート art
スポーツ sports
旅行 traveling
読書 reading
In conversation (4 minutes)
カラオケに行きませんか? カラオケはきらいです。 暇なときは何をしています
karaoke ni ikimasenka karaoke wa kirai desu か?
Do you want to go to I don’t really like karaoke. hima na toki wa nani o
a karaoke bar? shite imasuka
What do you do in your
free time?
L E I S U R E A N D S O C I A L I Z I N G 119
Useful phrases (4 minutes)
Learn these phrases and then test yourself using
the cover flap.
What do you do in your 暇なときは何をして
free time? (formal) いますか?
hima na toki wa nani
o shite imasuka
What do you do in your 暇なとき何してる?
free time? (informal) hima na toki nani shiteru
ビデオゲームが好きです。 My hobby is reading. 趣味は読書です。
bideo gehmu ga suki desu shumi wa dokusho desu
I like video games.
I prefer the movies. 私は映画の方が好きです。
俳優 watashi wa eiga no
haiyu hohga sukidesu
I hate opera. 私はオペラは大嫌いです。
watashi wa opera wa
daikirai desu
舞台 Say it (2 minutes)
stage I like music.
I prefer art.
My hobby is opera.
I hate theme parks.
ショッピングが好きです。 私はショッピングは大嫌い 良いですよ。一人で
shoppingu ga suki desu です。 行きます。
I like shopping. watashi wa shoppingu wa ihdesuyo. hitori de ikimasu
daikirai desu No problem. I’ll go on
I hate shopping. my own.
Warm up (1minute)
Sports and hobbies
What’s the Japanese for
“fish”? (pp.104–105) Traditional Japanese sports include wrestling, martial
arts, and fishing. These are still popular, but soccer,
Say “I like the theater” baseball, and golf have also established themselves.
and “I prefer traveling.” Arts and crafts include flower arranging, silk-screen
(pp.118–119) painting, and calligraphy. Participating in tea
ceremonies is also a popular hobby.
Say “I don’t really like ….”
Words to remember (5 minutes) バンカー
Memorize these words and then bunker
test yourself. ゴルファー
サッカー soccer
sakkah golfer
野球 baseball 毎日ゴルフを
yakyu します。
テニス tennis mainichi gorufu
tenisu o shimasu
水泳 swimming I play golf
suiei every day.
登山 mountain
tozan climbing
魚釣り fishing
sakana tsuri
絵を描くこと painting
e o kaku koto
習字 calligraphy
Useful phrases (2 minutes)
Familiarize yourself with these phrases.
野球をします。 I play baseball.
yakyu o shimasu
彼はテニスを He plays tennis.
kare wa tenisu
o shimasu
彼女は絵を描くこと She likes painting.
kanojyo wa e o kaku
koto ga suki desu
Phrases to remember (4 minutes)
Learn the phrases below and then test yourself.
Notice that I play is shimasu for sports but
hikimasu for musical instruments.
What do you like doing? 何をするのがお好きですか?
(formal) nani o surunoga
osuki desuka
What do you like doing? 何をするのが好き?
(informal) nani o surunoga suki
バイオリンを弾きます。 I like playing golf. ゴルフをするのが好きです。
baiorin o hikimasu gorufu o surunoga suki desu
I play the violin.
I like playing baseball. 野球をするのが好きです。
フラッグ I play tennis. yakyu o surunoga suki desu
furaggu テニスをします。
flag I like going fishing. tenisu o shimasu
ゴルフコース 私は魚釣りが好きです。
gorufu kohsu I go mountain climbing. watashi wa sakana tsuri ga
golf course suki desu
tozan ni ikimasu
Put into practice (3 minutes)
Learn these phrases. Then cover up the text on the right and complete
the dialogue in Japanese. Check your answers.
何をするのがお好き サッカーをするのが
ですか? 好きです。
nani o surunoga osuki desuka sakkah o surunoga
What do you like doing? suki desu
Say: Playing soccer.
野球もなさいますか? いいえ、ゴルフをします。
yakyu mo nasai masuka ihe, gorufu o shimasu
Do you play baseball
as well?
Say: No, I play golf.
よくプレーなさいますか? 毎週です。
yoku pureh nasai masuka maishu desu
Do you play often?
Say: Every week.
Warm up (1minute)
Say “(your) husband” and
“(your) wife.” (pp.12–13) As a business guest, it’s more common to be invited
to a restaurant than to someone’s home. This is
How do you say “lunch” partly practical—people often have long commutes.
and “dinner” in Japanese? But if you’re staying for longer, you may be invited
(pp.20–21) for a meal or a party.
Say “Sorry, I’m busy that
day.” (pp.32–33)
Useful phrases (3 minutes)
Learn these phrases and then
test yourself.
ディナーにいらっしゃい Would you
ませんか? like to come
dinah ni irasshai for dinner?
水曜日はいかが What about
ですか? Wednesday?
suiyoh bi wa
ikaga desuka
また今度誘ってください。 Perhaps another
mata kondo time.
sasotte kudasai
Cultural tip When visiting a Japanese home, remember that it’s
customary to remove your outdoor shoes at the door. Take a gift
for the host or hostess. Flowers, a bottle of wine, or a present from
your home country will be very appreciated.
In conversation (6 minutes)
火曜日のディナーに すみません。火曜日は忙しい 木曜日はいかが
いらっしゃいませんか? です。 ですか?
kayoh bi no dinah ni sumimasen. kayoh bi wa mokuyoh bi wa ikaga desuka
irasshai masenka? isogashih desu What about Thursday?
Would you like to come Sorry. I’m busy on Tuesday.
for dinner on Tuesday?
shohtai sha
Words to remember (3 minutes)
お客 Familiarize yourself with these words and test
okyaku yourself using the flap.
party パーティー
ご招待ありがとう pahtih
goshohtai arigatoh gozaimasu invitation 招待
Thank you for inviting us. shohtai
gift お土産
Read it You can now distinguish the three Japanese
character sets and recognize some basic recurring
words. Use the tables on pp.158–159 to look back over
the lessons and see how much more you can read.
Put into practice (2 minutes)
Join in this conversation.
土曜日にパーティーを開く はい、素敵ですね!
のですが、お暇ですか? hai, suteki desune
doyoh bi ni pahtih o hiraku
no desuga, ohima desuka
We are having a party on
Saturday. Are you free?
Say: Yes, how nice!
ああよかった! 何時に伺い
ah yokatta ましょうか?
That’s great! nanji ni ukagai mashohka
Say: At what time
should we arrive?
はい、素敵ですね! ご主人もご一緒に。 何時に伺いましょうか?
hai, suteki desune goshujin mo goissho ni nanji ni ukagai mashohka
Yes, how nice! Please bring your husband. At what time should
we arrive?
Answers (Cover with flap) Review and repeat
Animals Animals (3 minutes)
❶ 猫 Name the numbered
neko animals in Japanese.
❷ 鳥 ❶ cat
bird ❷
❸ 馬
❹ 魚
❺ 犬
❹ fish
I like … I like … (4 minutes)
❶ 野球をするのが好き Say the following in Japanese.
です。 ❶ I like playing baseball.
yakyu o surunoga ❷ I like playing golf.
suki desu ❸ I like painting.
❷ ゴルフをするのが好 ❶
gorufu o surunoga ❸
suki desu ❷
❸ 私は絵を描くことが
watashi wa e o kaku
koto ga suki desu
Answers (Cover with flap)
Leisure (4 minutes) Leisure
What do these Japanese ❶ I hate karaoke.
sentences mean? ❷ I like video games.
❸ My hobby is reading.
❶ karaoke wa daikirai desu ❹ I prefer the theater.
❷ bideo gehmu ga suki desu ❺ I play the violin.
❸ shumi wa dokusho desu
❸ horse ❹ watashi wa gekijyoh no
❺ dog
hohga sukidesu
❺ baiorin o hikimasu
An invitation (4 minutes) An invitation
You are invited for dinner. Join in the conversation, ❶ すみません。
replying in Japanese following the English prompts. 土曜日は忙しいで
doyoh bi no dinah ni irasshai masenka sumimasen. doyoh bi
❶ Sorry, I’m busy on Saturday. wa isogashih desu
mokuyoh bi wa ikaga desuka ❷ はい、素敵
❷ Yes, how nice! ですね!
hai, suteki desune
goshujin mo goissho ni
❸ At what time should we arrive? ❸ 何時に伺いましょう
ichi ji han dewa nanji ni ukagai
❹ Thank you very much. mashohka
❹ ありがとうございま
arigatoh gozaimasu
meat ❹
126 R E I N F O R 4C2EglasAs ❺WNEDE KP4R O G R E S S
TAKUSHIH, BASU,Warm up (1minute)
Reinforce and progresCsHIKATETSURegTuhlaisr
ipsrmacyt…ice(4ims intuhtees) Say “I want to go to the and advancing 58 WEEK 6
ksteatyionto.” (pmp.a40in–4t1a)ining
HEYsTuabxwi, abyus, and Bookno
ybosuofSJ❶❷“grtW0?aa’ses”–ren34h(typc1eu5dpr)ttrei.4nioenoa0Jxrian–eenpt4,xeayg1ony)tnueteodsoneui?ndewxgteihylrleocfiaOinuiisrsndnryesidocbkcsauunoatisegnepoevhswte,taooyh.wrolnieeue.mdAtgutgyectnehhoeerfyaoellnuydhtaaokvfeeyoatouA(tprispcpkjako.W1“–aonf1rrwe9omy)mm, auuaccpmhha(ia1srctmthhwiiannitule?lt”e)
no G❸o Tbhaescekartehmryough the lessons in a different order, mix Japan ha
andsimblinagtsc. h activities to mWakoerdusptyooruemr oewmnbe1r5(4-mminiunteus)te
What are “breakfast,” well as th
“lunch,” and “dinner”? Rabuhot
(pp.20–21) avoided.
no daily program, or focusFoamniltioarpiziecysouthrsaeltf wariteh tohfese words. What are “three,” “four,” hotels) ar
particular relevance to your currenバtスneebduss. “five,” and “six”? (pp.10–11) suitable
I’d like … (3 minutes) タクシー taxi Revisit the WUSatsrameyfuwUlpaprbhmorexaedsseutspo(3 minutes)
takushih subway reamnwdionprdkhyryoaPcoousruaenrrcscstee.wialcMfaelioyantfkghtekehthserseoeyuupJrwaeghpohryaaronsadeuelslsseanodn
します。 Say “I’d like” the following: bus station then test
ます。 地下鉄 taxi stand the left w
❹ tea cake ❶ of them onchaorhesgh朝uok食laur込kboみmasでiidsすe.sかuk?a Is break
basu teh
takushih noriba
い 地下鉄の駅 subway 部屋からインターネットに Does th
chikatetsu no eki アクセスできますか? internet
sugar ❷ station Review and repeat again
fare WlesosrokntahsroauwghayaoRferveiienwforacnidngRwephoeerydaaaktskuaserasuindteakhimneatstuoknai
ます。 運賃 line/rouaoRtennedtwuprhnhicrtahosyethosuepmraeraes8wh停einnana8cまo番kthleeoりijlkysのdoまousnd-oバihすengantスecoかthrfmhはio?cbearこaroibnamnこnonafoiysoでdubkkteaoa.snupti.cルはruーあ-mムりuサまsaーすhビbかiスs?u Is there
coffee ❸
Does the number 88 wa arimasuka
stop here?
In conversation: taxi (2 minutes) チェックアウトは What tim
Carry on conversing 秋葉原までお願い わかりました。
Reread the In します。 wakarimashita chekkuauto wa
Akihabara ma-de Very well. nanji desuka
Conversation panels. onegai shimasu
Say both parts of To Akihabara, please. In conversation (5 minutes)
the conversation,
paying attention to kokode oroshite kudasai
the pronunciation. Can you drop me
here, please?
Where possible,
try incorporating
new words from
the dictionary.
GETTING AROUND 53 空いている部屋は はい。ダブ
ありますか? がござい
Useful phrases (3 minutes) aiteiru heya wa hai. dabu
arimasuka gozaimas
Learn these phrases and then test yourself using Do you have Yes, we h
the cover flap. any rooms? double ro
What time do 何時に開きますか? Practice phrases
you open? nanji ni akimasuka Return to the Useful
Phrases and Put into
What time does the 店は何時に Practice exercises.
store close? 閉まりますか? Test yourself using the
mise wa nanji ni cover flap. When you
shimari masuka are confident, devise
your own versions
Is wheelchair 車いすは使えますか? of the phrases using
access possible? kurumaisu wa new words from
the dictionary.
tsukae masuka
Put into practice (4 minutes)
70 WEEK 7
DENKIYAWarm up (1minute) REINFORCE AND P R O G RCEuSltuSral tip 127 currency
Electronics store The Japanese
What are “forty,” thanU1secfeunltp, yhtohrueam’slle.gsBei(n4llemdraienlnulytoembs)einsaptei
confuse the Lneuamrnbtehre
RfbRMrl““tJS(eyapahaseeaaefppoyptmmevrath.u3e“e.ncrosb0nieaeruDhtnit–ngsimsuy3,neda”d,i”1r.ns”argb“)(ndcneyiapne,dito”“v6uensgpnee4mtradad–hrsxtntar“6oeeeetl,enl5eds”lrane)t,ef”dicn?hnwoiiescdfetwMwieso.xooanTtrntArcTrtoeaadoeoedcknrnnkwcssihsghyychtdeaioeareanaybnneocinaosntdkfltrrdahcudahatsohottera“iRememmocestdoneleepeenesplqucottfudnuttofeore-ubiuehiparpclssjasmetreg,tnipoconcaecdubtewanrgnt.aimcoGtdnbdanitwe.lufe”hiyrcriaWieH.caeltsrlhsaaeswt,eocnrtgobeoootrwaeprrdyydvekeooigsesscrauelrivtsdtntcaosh’sart,ohynalam,enrfadigefnnae.dpdmsatyaorotuhsusu, nbgeeoethd the cover
❹ laptop Use
❺ screen Learn th
on the r
under t
as show
Match and repeat (4 minutes) Read it When you see price What
Match the numbered items to the labels, you will usually see the
Japanese words in the panel below symbol for yen (¥), or sometimes
and test yourself using the cover flap. the character 円, with the price
in Western figures. The full-stop
❶ マウス and dash after the amount That cam
mausu mean and no more. too expe
❷ アダプタ hard drive ❻ transformer ❸ Mat
adaputa Match t
soil ❹ the pan
❸ トランスフォーマー How mu
❺ pa
❹ パソコン
❺ 画面
❻ ハードドライブ
hardo doraibu
❼ USB フラッシュドライブ
USB furasshu doraibu
❷ adapter Will it w
❼ USB flash drive ❶ mouse
In conversation (5 minutes)
Say it again Say it (2 minutes) ❼ pond
The Say it exercises are a useful instant
reminder for each lesson. Practice these What kind of flower
using your own vocabulary variations from is this?
the dictionary or elsewhere in the lesson. I like the waterfall.
Is there a pond?
あのパソコンは 税込み10万円です。 ハードディスクの 500ギガで、メモリーは8 イギリスで
いくらですか? zeikomi jyu-man yen desu 容量はいくらですか? ギガです。 ますか?
ano pasokon wa ikura hardo disuku no yoryo wa gohyaku giga de momori wa igirisu de t
ikura desuka hachi giga desu Will it wo
Using other resourcesdesuka
How much is that It’s 100,000 yen, How big is the hard drive? 500 gigabytes, and 8
including tax.
Ilanptaopdcdomitpiuotenr? to working with this Practice your new knogwigalbeydtesgoef moefmtohry.e
book, try the following language Japanese scripts and characters (see
extension ideas: pp.158–159). Look at the back of food
packages and other products. You
Visit Japan, if you can, and try out will often find a Japanese list of
your new skills with native speakers. ingredients or components. See
Otherwise, find out if there is a if you can spot some familiar words
Japanese community near you. There in the Japanese list and then compare
may be stores, cafés, restaurants, and them to the English equivalents.
clubs. Try to visit some of these and use
your Japanese to order food and drink Look at the titles and advertisements
and strike up conversations. Most of Japanese magazines and manga
native speakers will be happy to comics. The pictures will help you to
speak Japanese to you. decipher the script. Look for familiar
words and characters, even if you
Join a language class or club. There can’t make out the whole text.
are usually evening and day classes
available at a variety of different levels. Use the internet to find websites
Or you could start a club yourself if you for learning languages, some of
have friends who are also interested in which offer free online help.
keeping up their Japanese.
This guide lists the most common terms you may
encounter on Japanese menus. Dishes are divided
into categories, and the Japanese script is displayed
clearly to help you identify items on a menu.
Appetizers and soups
hamu ハム ham
ohdoburu オードブル hors d’oeuvres
otsumami おつまみ Japanese appetizer
tsukidashi つきだし Japanese appetizer
ise-ebi 伊勢えび lobster
meron メロン melon
minestorohne ミネストローネ minestrone
kuruma-ebi 車えび shrimp
smohku sahmon スモークサーモン smoked salmon
misoshiru みそ汁 soup made with
fermented bean paste
tomato supu トマトスープ tomato soup
Egg dishes
behkon-eggu ベーコンエッグ bacon and eggs
tamago 卵 egg
medama-yaki 目玉焼き fried eggs
hamu-eggu ハムエッグ ham and eggs
tamago-yaki 卵焼き Japanese omelet
omuretsu オムレツ omelet
omuraisu オムライス rolled omelet filled
with rice
chawan-mushi 茶碗蒸し MENU GUIDE 129
tamago-dohfu 卵豆腐
savory “custard”
Fish and sushi with egg and fish
steamed egg and tofu
awabi あわび
suzuki すずき/鱸 abalone
fugu フグ/河豚 sea bass
katsuo かつお/鰹 blowfish
unajyu うな重 bonito, tunny
koi コイ/鯉 broiled eel on rice
nami 並 carp
cheaper selection
hamaguri はまぐり/蛤 of fish
tara タラ/鱈 clam
tarako タラコ cod
anago あなご cod roe
kani かに/蟹 conger eel
unagi うなぎ/鰻 crab
joh 上 eel
unadon うな丼 expensive selection
nishin にしん/鰊 grilled eel on rice
kazunoko かずのこ herring
aji あじ/鯵 herring roe
saba さば/鯖 horse mackerel
gomoku-zushi 五目寿司 mackerel
chirashi-zushi ちらし寿司 mixed sushi
mixed sushi on rice
tako たこ/蛸 octopus
Osaka-style sushi
oshi-zushi 押し寿司 cut into squares
kaki カキ/牡蠣 raw fish
sashimi 刺身 raw fish on riceballs
sushi 寿司/すし raw fish on riceballs
nigiri-zushi にぎり寿司 salmon
sake さけ/鮭 salmon roe
ikura イクラ sardines
iwashi いわし/鰯 scallop
hotategai ホタテ貝 sea bream
tai タイ/鯛 seasoned rice and
kappa-maki カッパ巻き cucumber wrapped
in seaweed
inari-zushi いなり寿司 seasoned rice
wrapped in fried tofu
uni うに sea urchin
ebi えび/海老 shrimp
nori-maki のり巻き sliced roll of rice,
vegetables, and fish
ika イカ powder, wrapped
ayu あゆ/鮎 in seaweed
masu マス/鱒 squid
maguro まぐろ/鮪 sweet smelt
kujira くじら/鯨 trout
buri ブリ/鰤 tuna
Meat and poultry MENU GUIDE 131
bahbekyu バーベキュー barbecue
gyu-niku 牛肉 beef
bihfu ビーフ beef
teppan-yaki 鉄板焼き beef and vegetables
grilled at the table
gyu-shohgayaki 牛しょうが焼き beef cooked in soy
sauce with ginger
bihfu-sutehki ビーフステーキ beef steak
niwatori 鶏 chicken
abaraniku あばら肉 chops/ribs
korokke コロッケ croquettes
tonkatsu とんかつ deep-fried pork
katsudon カツ丼 deep-fried pork
cutlet on rice
kamo 鴨 duck
hireniku ひれ肉 fillet
yakiniku 焼肉 fried pork marinated
in soy sauce
kushiyaki 串焼き grilled meat or
vegetables on skewers
hanbahgah ハンバーガー hamburger
rebah レバー liver
niku 肉 meat
nikudango 肉団子 meat-filled
honetsuki 骨付き on the bone
butaniku 豚肉 pork
buta-shohgayaki 豚しょうが焼き pork cooked in soy
sauce with ginger
uzura うずら quail
kareh-raisu カレーライス rice with curry-
flavored stew
rohsuto-bihfu ローストビーフ roast beef
rohsuto-chikin ローストチキン roast chicken
rohsuto-pohku ローストポーク roast pork
sohsehji ソーセージ sausage
sahroin サーロイン sirloin
yakitori 焼き鳥 skewered chicken
cooked over a grill
shabu-shabu しゃぶしゃぶ sliced beef with
vegetables boiled in
sukiyaki すき焼き a pot at the table
sliced beef with
spearibu スペアリブ vegetables cooked
suzume すずめ at the table
stehki ステーキ spare ribs
Rice dishes steak
...domburi …丼 bowl of rice with
something on top
unagidon うなぎ丼 domburi with
grilled eel
oyakodon 親子丼 domburi with
chicken and egg
tendon 天丼 domburi with
deep-fried seafood
tamagodon 卵丼 MENU GUIDE 133
chyukadon 中華丼
nikudon 肉丼 domburi cooked in
katsudon カツ丼 egg with onions
domburi with
chah-han チャーハン pork and vegetables
gohan/raisu ご飯/ライス domburi with
kamameshi 釜飯 sliced beef
domburi with
chikin raisu チキンライス deep-fried breaded
onigiri おにぎり pork cutlet
fried rice
rice steamed in fish
stock with pieces
of meat, fish, and
rice with chicken
rice balls wrapped
in seaweed
Noodle dishes
rahmen ラーメン Chinese noodles
chahshumen チャーシューメン Chinese noodles
in pork stock
chanpon ちゃんぽん Chinese noodles in
salted stock with
kanton-men 広東麺 meat and vegetables
Chinese noodles in
soba そば salted pork-flavored
udon うどん soup with vegetables
long, brownish
buckwheat noodles
long, thick, white
wheatflour noodles
sohmen そうめん long, thin, white
wheatflour noodles
wantan-men ワンタンメン (usually served cold
in the summer)
tempura soba 天ぷらそば noodle squares
tsukimi soba 月見そば (wonton) containing
ground pork and
niku udon 肉うどん leeks, served in soup
noodles in fish stock
kake soba かけそば with deep-fried shrimp
kitsune udon きつねうどん noodles in fish
chikara udon 力うどん stock with raw
moyashi soba もやしそば egg on top
mori soba 盛りそば noodles in fish
stock with pork
miso rahmen 味噌ラーメン or beef
gomoku soba 五目そば simple dish of
noodles in fish broth
noodles in fish broth
with fried bean curd
noodles in fish broth
with rice cake (mochi)
noodles in pork broth
with bean sprouts
noodles served cold,
with sweetened soy
sauce dip
noodles and pork in
bean paste broth
soba noodles in
broth with pieces of
vegetables and meat
Vegetables, seasonings, and salads
aspara アスパラ asparagus
takenoko 竹の子 bamboo shoots
tohfu 豆腐 bean curd, tofu
mame 豆 beans
ohitashi おひたし boiled spinach with
kyabetsu キャベツ cabbage
ninjin にんじん carrot
kyu-ri キュウリ cucumber
nasu なす eggplant
miso 味噌 fermented soybean
nattoh 納豆 fermented soybeans
abura-age 油揚げ fried bean curd
shohga しょうが ginger
pihman ピーマン green pepper
matsutake 松茸 Japanese mushrooms
nori 海苔 dried seaweed
retasu レタス lettuce
mayonehzu マヨネーズ mayonnaise
masshurumu マッシュルーム mushrooms
kinoko きのこ mushrooms
(general term)
karashi からし mustard
abura 油 oil
tamanegi 玉ねぎ onion
poteto/jyagaimo ポテト/ジャガイモ potatoes
poteto sarada ポテトサラダ potato salad
sarada サラダ salad
shio 塩 salty
soy sauce
shiokarai 塩辛い soybeans
shohyu 醤油 sugar
daizu 大豆 sweetcorn
hohrensoh ほうれん草 vegetables
satoh 砂糖 yellow radish pickles
amai 甘い
kohn コーン
tomato トマト
yasai 野菜
su 酢
takuan タクアン
Japanese fixed menus
tehshoku 定食 fixed menu with rice,
higawari 日替わり soup, pickles, and
tempura 天ぷら main dish
tehshoku of the day
yakiniku 焼肉 tehshoku with
tonkatsu とんかつ deep-fried shrimp,
seafood, or vegetables
as the main dish
tehshoku with
grilled meat as the
main dish
tehshoku with
battered and deep-
fried pork cutlet
as the main dish
sashimi 刺身 MENU GUIDE 137
ohiru no お昼の tehshoku with raw fish
bentoh 弁当 as the main dish
lunchtime tehshoku
boxed lunch (sold at
train stations,
convenience stores, etc.)
Fruit and nuts
banana バナナ banana
cherih/sakurambo チェリー/ cherries
kuri 栗 chestnut
kokonattsu ココナッツ coconut
furu-tsu/kudamono フルーツ/果物 fruit
gurehpu-furu-tsu グレープフルーツ grapefruit
remon レモン lemon
meron メロン melon
orenji オレンジ orange
pihchi/momo ピーチ/桃 peach
kaki 柿 persimmon
painappuru パイナップル pineapple
kiichigo ラズベリー/木苺 raspberry
sutoroberih/ichigo ストロベリー/ strawberries
mikan みかん tangerine
kurumi クルミ walnuts
suika スイカ watermelon
appuru pai アップルパイ apple pie
kehki ケーキ cake
chihzu-kehki チーズケーキ cheesecake
chokorehto チョコレート chocolate
shu-kurihmu シュークリーム cream puff
kurehpu クレープ crêpe
uji-gohri 宇治氷 crushed ice with
green tea syrup
kohri meron 氷メロン crushed ice with
melon syrup
dezahto デザート dessert
dohnatsu ドーナツ donut
mitsumame みつ豆 gelatin cubes and
sweet beans with
aisukurihmu アイスクリーム pieces of fruit
zerih ゼリー ice cream
yohkan ようかん jelly
jelly with soft, sweet
mochi もち bean paste filling
rice cakes (soft and
senbeh せんべい glutinous when
manjyu まんじゅう ready to eat)
rice crackers
shohto kehki ショートケーキ rice-flour buns with
bean paste
shahbetto シャーベット “shortcake” (similar
sufure スフレ to sponge cake)
kasutera カステラ sorbet
sponge cake
sutoroberih aisukurihmu ストロベリー MENU GUIDE 139
oshiruko アイスクリーム
purin おしるこ strawberry ice cream
banira aisukurihmu
kurihmu anmitsu プリン sweet bean soup
with rice cake
yohguruto バニラ vanilla egg custard
アイスクリーム with brown sugar
クリームあんみつ vanilla ice cream
ヨーグルト vanilla ice cream
with seaweed jelly,
sweet beans, and fruit
Western snacks
pan パン bread
batah バター butter
chihzu-rohru チーズロール cheese roll
furaido chikin フライドチキン fried chicken
hamusando ハムサンド ham sandwich
jamu ジャム jam
ranchi ランチ lunch
mahmarehdo マーマレード marmalade
piza ピザ pizza
sando icchi サンドイッチ sandwich
spagetti スパゲッティ spaghetti
tohsto トースト toast
nomimono 飲み物 beverages
bihru ビール beer
kohcha 紅茶 black tea (“red tea”)
kokoah ココア cocoa, hot chocolate
koh-hi コーヒー coffee
kohra コーラ cola
shohchyu 焼酎 Japanese vodka
nama bihru 生ビール draft beer
sohda sui ソーダ水 green, sweet,
carbonated drink
ocha/ryokucha お茶/緑茶 Japanese tea
remon tih レモンティー lemon tea
miruk/gyunyu ミルク/牛乳 milk
miruku shehku ミルクシェイク milkshake
mineraru wohtah ミネラル mineral water
orenji sukasshu オレンジ orange cordial
orenji jyu-su オレンジジュース orange juice
pain jyu-su パインジュース pineapple juice
sake/nihon-shu 酒/日本酒 rice wine
saidah サイダー soda
miruku tih ミルクティー tea with milk
tomato jyu-su トマトジュース tomato juice
tonikku wohtah トニック ウォーター tonic water
uisukih ウイスキー whisky
onzarokku オンザロック (whisky) on
the rocks
mizuwari 水割り (whisky) with water
wain/budohshu ワイン/ぶどう酒 M ENU GUIDE 141
edamame 枝豆
soybeans in the
pod served as snacks
with drinks
Chinese meals
subuta 酢豚 a kind of sweet-and-
sour pork
mahboh-dohfu マーボー豆腐 bean curd in spicy
meat sauce mixture
chu-ka ryohri 中華料理 Chinese food
harumaki 春巻き deep-fried spring roll
gyohza 餃子 fried dumplings
stuffed with
kurage no くらげの minced pork
shu-mai シュウマイ sliced parboiled
niku-man 肉まん small steamed pork
dumplings in thin
Chinese phyllo pastry
steamed dumplings
filled with seasoned
minced pork
Festival food
yaki-imo 焼き芋 baked sweet potato
watagashi 綿菓子 cotton candy
ikayaki イカ焼き charcoal-grilled squid
takoyaki たこ焼き griddle-fried octopus
(in batter)
oden おでん hodgepodge of fish
and vegetables boiled
amaguri 甘栗 in fish broth
tohmorokoshi とうもろこし roasted chestnuts
okonomiyaki お好み焼き roasted corn on the cob
tako senbeh たこせんべい savory pancakes
pink crackers
Cooking methods and styles
robatayaki 炉端焼き charcoal-grilled fish
and vegetables
okashi お菓子 confectionery
kappoh 割烹 special order
agemono 揚げ物 dishes
tempura 天ぷら deep-fried foods
deep-fried seafood and
nabemono 鍋物 vegetables in batter
food cooked in a pot
sunomono 酢の物 at the table
yakimono 焼き物 foods with vinegar
kaiseki ryohri 懐石料理 grilled foods
nihon shoku/washoku 日本食/和食 haute cuisine
Japanese-style cuisine
men rui 麺類 MENU GUIDE 143
tsukemono 漬物
tori-ryohri 鳥料理 noodle dishes
kyohdo ryohri 郷土料理 pickled foods
gohan-mono ご飯もの poultry dishes
nimono 煮物 regional specialities
shirumono 汁物 rice dishes
mushimono 蒸し物 simmered foods
shohjin ryohri 精進料理 soups
steamed foods
sehyoh ryohri 西洋料理 ascetic, monastic style
of vegetarian cooking
Western-style cuisine
English to Japanese
The plural is normally the same as the singular in Japanese. In general, Japanese
descriptive words, or adjectives, may change depending on how they are used.
Some of these adjectives are followed by (no) or (na). If a noun is used following
such a word, then the no or na must be put after the adjective: kanojo wa kireh desu
(she is pretty); kanojo wa kireh na jyoseh desu (she is a pretty girl).
A anniversary kinenbi Australia Ohsutoraria
another (different) betsu (no) Australian (person)
about: about 16
jyu-roku kurai (further) moh hitotsu (no) ohsutoraria jin
answering machine (adj) ohsutoraria no
accelerator akuseru automatic jidoh
accident jiko rusuban denwa away: is it far away?
accommodations heya antifreeze futohzai tohi desuka go away!
accountant kaikehshi antique store kottoh hin ten atchi e itte
ache itami antiseptic bohfuzai/ awful hidoi
across from: across from ax ono
shohdokuzai axle shajiku
the hotel hoteru no hantai apartment apahto
gawa appetite shokuyoku B
actor haiyu apple ringo
adapter (electrical) application form baby akachan
adaputa baby wipes bebih waipu
address jyu-sho mohshkomisho back ushiro
adhesive tape serotehpu appointment (go)yoyaku;
admission charge (upper back, body) senaka
nyujoh ryoh apo (lower back, body) koshi
after ato apricot anzu backpack ryukku sakku
afternoon gogo April shi gatsu bacon behkon
aftershave lotion architecture (field of study) bacon and eggs
afutah-shehbu-rohshon behkon-eggu
again mata kenchiku gaku bad warui
against hantai are: you are very kind bakery pan ya
agenda kaigi jikoh balcony barukonih
air conditioning eakon anata wa totemo shinsetsu ball bohru (dance) butohkai
air freshener ea-furesshnah desu we are British ball-point pen bohru-pen
air hostess ea-hosutesu watashi tachi wa igirisu jin banana banana
air mail ea mehru desu they are Japanese band (musicians) bando
airline kohku-gaisha karera wa nihonjin desu bandage hohtai
airplane hikohki arm ude bandage (for cut)
airport ku-koh arrivals tohchaku bansohkoh
alcohol arukohru art ahto; bijutsu bank ginkoh
all zembu that’s all, thanks art gallery bijutsukan bar bah
arigatoh, sore de zenbu desu artist geijutsuka bar of chocolate
almost hotondo as: as soon as possible itachoko
alone hitori de dekiru dake hayaku barbershop riyoh in
already sudeni ashtray haizara bargain bahgen
always itsmo Asia Ajia baseball yakyu
am: I am British asleep: he’s asleep basement chika
watashi wa igirisu jin desu kare wa nemutte imasu basin (sink) sen-mendai
ambulance kyu-kyu-sha aspirin aspirin basket kago
America Amerika asthmatic: I’m asthmatic bath ofuro/basu to take
American (person) amerika zensoku mochi desu a bath ofuro ni hairu
jin (adj) amerika no at: at the post office bathroom basu (ru-mu);
and (with nouns) to yu-bin kyoku de ofuroba
(with verbs) soshite at night yoru battery batteri; denchi
ankle ashikubi at 3 o’clock san ji ni beach hamabe/kaigan
attic yane ura
attractive miryokuteki (na)
August hachi gatsu
aunt oba(san)
beans mame (verb) yoyaku suru building tatemono/biru
beard hige bookstore hon ya bumper banpah
beautiful utsukushih boot bu-tsu burglar doroboh/yatoh
beauty products keshoh hin border kokkyoh burn (verb) moyasu
beauty salon biyoh in boring tsumaranai
because (da)kara born: I was born in … (place) (noun) yakedo
watashi wa… de umare- bus basu
because it is too big mashita (year) watashi wa… business shigoto; bijinesu
ohki-sugiru kara nen ni umare-mashita business card meishi
bed beddo both ryohhoh businessman kaisha in
bed and breakfast both of them futari tomo bus station basu teh
chohshoku to yu-shoku tsuki both of us watashi tachi busy (person) isogashih
bed linen shihtsu to futari
makurakabah both … and … …to… (crowded) konzatsu shita
bedroom shinshitsu/ bottle bin but demo
beddo ru-mu bottle opener sennuki butcher niku ya
bedspread beddo supureddo bottom (of box, sea) soko butter batah
beef gyu-niku bowl bohru button botan
beer bihru box hako buy kau
before mae ni box office kippu uriba by: by the window mado no
beginner shoshinsha boy otoko no ko
behind ushiro boyfriend bohi-furendo soba by Friday kinyoh bi
beige behju bra burajah ma-de ni by myself jibun de
bell beru bracelet udewa/
below shita buresuretto C
belt beruto brake (noun) burehki
beside soba (verb) burehki o kakeru cabbage kyabetsu
best ichiban ih branch (office) shiten cabinet (kitchen) todana
better motto ih brandy burandeh cable car kehburu kah
between aida ni bread pan cable TV kehbru terebi
bicycle jitensha breakdown (car) koshoh café kafe/kissaten
big ohkih (nervous) shinkei-suijaku cake kehki
bikini bikini breakfast chohshoku
bill okanjoh breathe iki o suru cake shop kehki ya
bills (money) shiheh I can’t breathe calculator kehsanki
bird tori iki ga dekimasen call: what’s it called?
birthday taniyoh bi bridge hashi
happy birthday! briefcase kaban nan to ihmasuka
otaniyoh bi omedetoh British/English (nationality/ calligraphy shu-ji
birthday present things) igirisu no camera kamera
taniyoh bi no purezento the British igirisu jin can kanzume can I
biscuit bisketto brochure panfuretto
bite (verb) kamu (by insect) broken kowareta have …? …o onegai shimasu
mushi sasare … is broken …ga can (tin) kan
bitter (adj) nigai kowarete imasu can opener kankiri
black kuro broken leg kossetsu Canada Kanada
blanket mohfu shita ashi Canadian (person) kanada jin
blind (cannot see) mohmoku brooch burohchi
(no) (on window) buraindo brother (older) onihsan (adj) kanada no
blister mizu-bukure (younger) otohto cancer gan
blood ketsueki/chi brown cha-iro (no) candle rohsoku
blood test ketsueki kensa bruise dabokushoh/ cap (bottle) futa (hat) bohshi
blouse burausu uchimi car kuruma
blue ao brush (noun) burashi car seat (for a baby)
boat fune bucket baketsu
body karada Buddha Hotoke bebih shihto
boil (verb: water) wakasu Buddhism Bukkyoh carbonated tansan no
(noun: on body) hare-mono Buddhist (noun) Bukkyohto carburetor kyaburetah
boiled yudeta (adj) Bukkyoh no card (business) meishi
bolt (on door) boruto budget (noun) yosan cardigan kahdigan
bone hone builder kenchiku ka careful chu-i-bukai
book (noun) hon
be careful! ki o tsukete
carpenter daiku
carpet jyu-tan/kahpetto
carriage (train) kyakusha
carrot ninjin
carry-cot akachan yoh
kehtai beddo
case (suitcase) su-tsu-kehsu
cash (money) genkin (coins) first class ittoh sha contact lenses
kohka/koin to pay cash second class nitoh sha kontakuto renzu
genkin de harau classical music
kurasshikku ongaku contraceptive hinin-yaku
cashier (bank, etc.) clean (adj) kireh (na) (pills) hiningu/kondohmu
madoguchi cleaner seisoh gyohsha
clear (obvious) meihaku (na) contract (noun) kehyaku sho
cassette kasetto (water) sumikitta cook (person) kokku
cassette player is that clear?
wakari-masuka (verb) ryohri suru
kasetto purehyah clever kashikoi cooking utensils
castle shiro client kokyaku
cat neko clock tokei (alarm) ryohri-dohgu
cave hora-ana/dohkutsu mezamashi-dokei cool suzushih
CD drive CD doraibu close (near) chikai cork koruku
ceiling ten-jyoh (stuffy) iki-gurushih corkscrew sen-nuki
cellphone kehtai (denwa) (verb) shimeru corner kado
cemetery bochi we close at six o’clock corridor rohka
center sentah roku ji ni cosmetics keshohhin
certificate shohmeisho clothes fuku cost (verb) kakaru
chair isu clothespin
sentaku-basami what does it cost?
swivel chair kaiten isu club kurabu (cards) kurabu ikura kakari-masuka
chambermaid meido coach choh-kyori basu cotton kotton
change (noun: money) otsuri (of train) kyakusha cotton wool dasshimen
coach station basu couch sofa
(verb: general) kaeru hacchaku jyo cough (noun) seki
(verb: transport) norikaeru coat kohto cough drops nodo gusuri/
character (written) ji coathanger hangah nodo ame
charger (electrical) chahjyah cockroach gokiburi counter (kitchen) chohridai
cheap yasui coffee koh-hih country (state) kuni
check (payment) kogitte coins kohka/koin (not town) inaka
check-in chekku in cold (illness) kaze (weather) cousin itoko
checkbook kogitte choh samui (food, etc.) tsumetai cow ushi
checkout (hotel) chekkuauto collar eri crab kani
(supermarket) reji collection (stamps, etc.) cramp keiren
cheers! kanpai shu-shu crayfish zarigani
cheese chihzu color iro cream (for face, food)
cherry sakurambo/cherih color film karah firumu kurihmu
chess chesu comb (noun) kushi (verb) toku credit card kurejitto kahdo
chest mune come kuru come to my crime hanzai
chewing gum chu-in-gamu party pahtih ni kitene crosswalk ohdan hodoh
chicken niwatori come here! koko ni kinasai crowded konzatsu shita
child kodomo I come from … …jin desu cruise kohkai/kuru-zu
children kodomotachi compartment shikiri crutches matsubazue
children’s ward kyakushitsu cry (weep) naku
shohni byohtoh complicated fukuzatsu (na) (shout) sakebu
china tohki computer konpyu-tah cucumber kyuri
China Chyugoku computer repair store cuff links kafusu botan
Chinese (person) chyugoku konpyu-tah shu-ri ten cup kappu
jin (adj) chyugoku no concert ongakukai/konsahto cupboard todana
chips chippu conditioner (hair) rinsu/ curlers kahrah
chocolate chokorehto kondishonah curry kareh
box of chocolates conductor (orchestra) curtains kahten
hakozume no chokorehto shikisha customs zeikan
chop (noun: food) choppu conference (meeting) cut (noun) kirikizu (verb) kiru
(to cut) kizamu konferensu (academic) gakkai
chopstick rest ohashi-oki congratulations! omedetoh D
chopsticks ohashi constipation bempi
Christian name namae consul ryohji dad otohsan
church kyohkai consulate ryohjikan daily planner techoh
cigar hamaki dairy (products) nyu seihin
cigarette tabako damp shimetta
city toshi/machi dance dansu
city center chu shingai dangerous abunai
class: (train) dark kurai
daughter musume san door doa embassy taishikan
my daughter musume double room (hotel) embroidery shishyu
emerald emerarudo
day hizuke/hi/nichi daburu ru-mu emergency hijoh
dead shinda (ryokan) hutari-beya
deaf mimi ga tohi down shita emergency room
dear (person) shitashih drawer hikidashi kyu-kyu byohtoh
December jyu-ni gatsu dress (noun) doresu emperor tennoh
deck chair dekki che-ah drink (verb) nomu empty kara (no)
deep fukai (noun) nomimono end owari
deliberately wazato drinking water nomimizu engaged (couple) konyaku
delivery haitatsu drive (verb) untensuru shita (telephone)
dentist ha-isha driver untenshu hanashichu
dentures ireba driver’s license engine (motor) enjin
deodorant deodoranto unten menkyosho engineering (field of study)
department drops (for eyes) megusuri kohgaku
dry kawaita England Igirisu
(of company, etc.) bu dry cleaner dorai English (language) eigo
department store depahto kurihningu ya Englishman igirisu jin
departures shuppatsu during: during … …no aida ni Englishwoman igirisu jin
designer dezainah duster dasutah enlargement (of
desk tsukue/desuku duty-free menzei photography) hikinobashi
develop (a film) genzoh suru enough jyu-bun
diabetic: I’m diabetic E entertainment goraku
entrance nyu-jyoh guchi/
tohnyoh byoh desu each (every) sorezore iriguchi
diamond (jewel) daiyamondo 200 yen each envelope fu-toh
sorezore ni-hyaku yen desu epileptic: I’m epileptic
(cards) daiya tenkan mochi desu
diapers omutsu ear mimi escalator esukarehtah
earbuds iyafon especially tokuni
disposable diapers early hayai estimate (noun) mitsumori
kami omutsu earrings iyaringu Europe Yohroppa
diarrhea geri east higashi evening yu-gata/yoru
diary nikki East Asia Kyokutoh good evening konbanwa
dictionary jisho easy yasashih/kantan (na) every (morning, day, etc.)
die shinu egg tamago mai- (all) subete no
diesel dihzeru eight hachi everyone minna
different chigau/betsu (no) eighteen jyu-hachi everything minna/zenbu
I’d like a different one eighty hachi-jyu everywhere doko demo
betsu no ga hoshih desu either: either of them executive (person) jyu-yaku
difficult muzukashih exhibition tenji kai
dining car shokudohsha dochira demo example rei
dining room dainingu either … or … …ka… for example tatoeba
ru-mu; shokudoh elastic (noun) gomuhimo excellent saikoh/subarashih
dinner yu-shoku/dinah elastic band wagomu excess luggage
directory (telephone) elbow hiji chohka-nimotsu
denwachoh electric denki no exchange (verb) kohkan suru
dirty kitanai electrician denki gishi can I exchange this?
disabled karada no fujiyu (na) electricity denki kohkan dekimasuka
dishwasher shokki araiki electronics denshi-kohgaku exchange rate rehto
dishwashing liquid shokki electronics store denkiya excursion ensoku/
yoh senzai elevator erebehtah kankoh ryokoh
distributor (in car) haidenki eleven jyu-ichi excuse me! shitsurei
dive tobikomu else: something else shimasu/sumimasen
diving board tobikomi-dai nanika hokano mono exit deguchi
divorced rikonshita someone else expensive takai
do suru dareka hokano hito explain setsumei suru
dock hatoba anything else? extension (telephone) naisen
doctor isha nanika hoka ni (lengthening) kakuchoh
document shohsho; email (ih) mehru eye meh
dokyumento email address eyebrow mayu
dog inu (ih) mehru adoresu
doll nin-gyoh embarrassing hazukashih
dollar doru
donut dohnatsu
F fishing rod tsuri zao ippai desu
five go full board shokuji tsuki
face kao flag hata; furaggu funny omoshiroi (odd) okashih
faint (unclear) usui/bonyari flash (camera) furasshu furnished: is it furnished?
flat (level) taira (na)
shita (verb) kizetsu suru flat tire panku kagu tsuki desuka
to feel faint memai ga suru flavor aji furniture kagu
fair (entertainment) yu-enchi flea nomi
it’s not fair fukohhei desu flight hikoh(ki) G
fall (season) aki
false teeth ireba/gishi flight number … …bin garage (parking) shako
family kazoku flight attendant (gasoline) gassorin sutando
fan (folding fan) sensu kyakushitsu jyohmu in (repairs) shu-ri ya
(electric) senpu-ki flip-flops zohri
(enthusiast) fan flippers hire-ashi garbage (refuse) gomi
fan belt fan beruto floor (of room) yuka (poor quality) garakuta
far toh-i is it far from here? florist hana ya
koko kara toh-i desuka flour komugiko garbage can gomibako
fare unchin; ryohkin flower hana garden niwa
farm nohjoh flute furu-to garlic ninniku
farmer nohfu fly (verb) tobu (insect) hae gas station
fashion fasshon fog kiri
fast hayai folk music minzoku ongaku/ gassorin sutando
fat (of person) futotta (on fohku myu-jikku gasoline gasorin
meat, etc.) abura/shiboh food tabemono gate (airport)
father otohsan food poisoning
my father chichi shoku chyudoku tohjyoh guchi/gehto
faucet jyaguchi foot (on body) ashi gay (happy) yohki (na)
February ni gatsu for: for … …no tame ni
feel (touch) sawaru for me watashi no tame ni (homosexual)
I feel hot atsui desu what for? nan no tame ni homosekusharu
I feel like … …no yoh na for a week isshu-kan gear giya
ki ga shimasu foreigner gaikoku jin gear lever giya rebah
felt-tip pen feruto pen forest mori geisha (girl) geisha
ferry ferih fork fohku get motte kuru
fever netsu fortnight ni-shu-kan have you got …?
fiancé konyakusha/ forty yon-jyu …o omochi desuka
fianse fountain funsui to get to the train
field (agricultural) nohara fountain pen mannen-hitsu densha ni noru
what’s your field? four shi/yon get back: we get
gosenmon wa fourteen jyu-yon/jyu-shi back tomorrow
fifteen jyu-go fourth yombamme ashita kaerimasu
fifty go-jyu fracture kossetsu to get something back
fig ichijiku free jiyu (na) (no cost) kaeshite morau
figures (sales, etc.) muryoh get in (to car, etc.) noru
gohkeh gaku freezer reitohko (arrive) tsuku
filling (tooth) ha no jyu-ten french fries poteto-furai get out (of bus, etc.) oriru
(sandwich) nakami Friday kin-yoh bi get up (rise) okiru
film (movies) eiga fried ageta gift omiyage; okurimono
(camera) firumu friend tomodachi gin jin
filter firutah friendly shitashimi no aru/ girl onna no ko
finger yubi furendorih na girlfriend gahrufurendo
fire hi (blaze) honoh front: in front of … give ageru
fire extinguisher …no mae ni glad ureshih
shohkaki frost shimo I’m glad ureshih desu
firework hanabi frozen foods reitoh shokuhin glass gurasu
first saisho (no) fruit kudamono/furu-tsu (for drinking) gurasu
first aid ohkyu teate fruit juice furu-tsu jyu-su glasses megane
first floor ikkai fry ageru glossy prints kohtaku no
fish sakana frying pan furai pan aru purinto
fishing sakana tsuri full ippai gloves tebukuro
to go fishing tsuri ni iku I’m full onaka ga glue nori
go iku where are you
going? doko iku no
I’m going to … …ni ikimasu
goggles suichu megane
gold kin