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Published by johntss124, 2021-04-29 22:18:59

1000 kanjis - japanese dictionary

1000 kanjis - japanese dictionary

List of 1000 Kanji

預251 YO to keep , 預け金 azuke kin - key money
汗252 預言 yo gen - a prophecy
遊253 よ to take charge of
値254 azukaru , azukeru to deposit
与255 あずかる, あずける

KAN sweat , 汗 ase - sweat
perspiration 汗腺 kan sen - sweat gland

YUU play; to be idle 遊園地 yuu en chi - an amusement park

ゆう 遊星 yuu sei - a planet
asobu 遊牧民 yuu boku min - nomad
あそぶ 夢遊病 mu yuu byou - sleepwalking

CHI value, price 価値 ka chi - worth, value

atai , ne
あ た い ,ね

YO to give , award , 与える ataeru - to give, to present

よ cause ,
ataeru to assign (a task)
あ た える 51

List of 1000 Kanji

温256 ON warm , 気温 ki on - temperature
暖257 おん temperature
頭258 atatakai 温泉 on sen - Onsen, hot spring
辺259 あたたかい 温度 on do - temperature (degree)
DAN warm , 地球温暖化 chi kyuu on dan ka - global warming
だん cordial 暖まる atatamaru - to warm up; warm oneself
あたたかい head , top 石頭 ishi atama - hard headed person (stone head)

TOU , ZU 赤頭巾 aka zu kin - Little Red Riding Hood
と う ,ず (lit. red hood)

atama vicinity , この辺 kono hen - this vicinity, around here
あたま neighborhood

HEN , BE to hit , to win , 弁当 ben tou - lunch box, Bento
へ ん, べ to guess
本当 hon tou - truth, really
atai 当然 tou zen - naturally, of course
あたい 適当 teki tou - suitable, good, fit

ataru , ateru
あ た る ,あ てる 52

List of 1000 Kanji

圧261 pressure 気圧 ki atsu - atmospheric pressure
暑262 電圧 den atsu - voltage
厚264 atsu summer heat; hot 暑中 sho chuu - summer (middle of)
跡265 あつ
heat , hot , 熱 ne tsu - a fever
SHO fever , craze
しょ 熱心 nesshin - fervor, zeal
atsui 熱帯 nettai - the tropical belt
thick 厚さ atsusa - thickness
NETSU 厚紙 atsu gami - thick paper
atsui trace , marks, 足跡 ashi ato - footprints
あつい remains
遺跡 i seki - ruins, historical remains
KOU 奇跡 ki seki - a miracle

あと 53

List of 1000 Kanji

暴266 BOU to disclose, open, 乱暴 ran bou - violent, rough
浴267 ぼう
危268 abaku exoise ,
あばく violent
脂270 YOKU to bathe 日光浴 nikkou yoku - sunbathing
abiru dangerous , 危機 ki ki - a crisis
unsafe 危機管理 kiki kanri - crisis management
KI unsteady 危急 kikyuu - emergency
き 危険 kiken - danger, peril
abunai , ayaui 危険人物 kiken jinbutsu - a dangerous person
あ やう い oil 醤油 shou yu - Soy sauce

YU 灯油 tou yu - kerosene
ゆ 油絵 abura e - an oil painting
あぶら fat 脂肪 shibou - fat (body fat)


あぶら 54

List of 1000 Kanji

甘271 KAN sweet 甘口 ama kuchi - mildness, sweet flavor


余272 YO to leave over , 余地 yochi - room, space
平均余命 hei kin yo mei - life expectancy
よ more than ,
amasu , amari , amaru the remainder ,

あます, あまり to remain,
あまる to be beyond
(one's power)

編273 HEN to compile , 詩編 shi hen - the Psalms
to knit
へん 編集 hen shuu - editing, compiling
amu 編集部 hen shuu bu - editing department

過274 KA a fault, error , 食べ過ぎ tabe sugi - eat too much

か to pass , elapse 過去 kako - the past

ayamachi , sugiru , sugosu to exceed , 過去形 kakokei - the past tense (grammar)

あ や ま ち, す ぎ る to go to excess 過ぎ越しの祭り sugi koshi no matsuri - the Passover


誤275 GO mistake 試行錯誤 shikou sakugo - trial and error
誤解 gokai - a misunderstanding

あやまる 55

List of 1000 Kanji

荒276 KOU violent, rude, wild 荒い arai - wild, rough
洗277 become rough 荒れ地 are chi - desert, wasteland
争278 こう
改279 arai , areru
表280 あ ら い ,あ れ る

SEN wash お手洗い o te arai - toliet, bathroom

せん 洗い熊 arai guma - racoon (lit. washing bear)
arau 洗濯 sen taku - washing; laundry
あらう 洗脳 sen nou - brain washing

SOU to struggle, quarrel 競争 kyou sou - competition, contest

そう quarrel , dispute 戦争 sen sou - war
南北戦争 nan boku sen sou - the US Civil War
arasou , arasoi

KAI to change , 改革 kai kaku - reform; reformation; innovation

かい reform , 経済改革 kei zai kai kaku - economic reform
aratameru , aratamaru to be reformed , 改訂 kai tei - revision

あらためる reform
あら たまる

HYOU to show , 座席表 za seki hyou - seating chart

ひょう to indicate , list , 時間表 ji kan hyou - time table
arawasu , omute
あ ら わ す, お む て table , schedule 代表 dai hyou - representative

the outside, surface 発表 happyou - announcement 56

List of 1000 Kanji

現281 GEN actual , appear 表現 hyou gen - expression
著282 げん
在283 arawasu 愛の表現 ai no hyou gen - an expression of love
暗284 あ らわす 現金 gen kin - cash, ready money
委285 現在 gen zai - now, present days, current
CHO 現場 gen ba - the actual spot, scene of the crime
arawasu , ichijirushii author , 著者 cho sha - author
あ らわす 著しい ichijirushii - remarkable
いちじるしい to write a book
ZAI conspicuous
aru to exist , 存在 son zai - existence
ある 滞在 tai zai - stay, sojourn
country ,
AN suburbs
kurai dark 真っ暗 makkura - total darkness
く らい
暗闇 kura yami - darkness, the dark
I 暗記 an ki - memorization, to learn by heart

commit , 委員 i in - committee member
to entrust with 任せる makaseru - to entrust, leave ~ to 57

List of 1000 Kanji

衣286 I clothes garments 浴衣 yukata - a yukata; summer kimono
囲287 衣服 i fuku - clothes
位288 い
胃289 koromo

I enclose ,surround 雰囲気 fun i ki - an atmosphere
囲炉裏 irori - a fireplace, hearth

kakomu , kakou
か こ む ,か こ う

I rank , position , 一位 ichi i - first place
い どの位 dono kurai - about how much; how far
kurai 位置 i chi - place, location, point
く らい

I stomach 胃 i - stomach

易290 I , eki easy 使い易い tsukai yasui - easy to use
分かり易い wakari yasui - easy to understand
yasashi i , yasui

やすい 58

List of 1000 Kanji

移291 I to transfer , 移民 i min - immigration, immigrant
依292 移住 i juu - migrate, migration
偉293 い to infect , to move
違294 utsuru , utsusu to remove ,
怒295 うつ る ,うつす to infect

I depend on 依る yoru - depends on, to depend on

い 状況に依る jyou kyou ni yoru - depends on the situation

e 依願 i gan - a request

I great , 偉い erai - great, important
remarkable 偉大 i dai - greatness


I differ; wrong 間違い ma chigai - a mistake

い ~に違いない ~ni chigai nai - I am sure of ~
chigau , chigaeru 違反 i han - violation , infrigement

DO get angry 怒る okoru - get angry
to get angry
ど 怒声 do sei - a roar
ikaru , okaru 怒らす ikarasu - to anger someone
い か る ,お か る 怒り ikari - anger; hatred 59

List of 1000 Kanji

息296 SOKU breath 安息 an soku - rest, repose
域297 そく
ため息 tame iki - a sigh
iki 息子 musuko - a son (irregular reading)
boundary 地域 chi iki - a region, area
iki 地域時刻 chi iki ji koku - local time

勢298 SEI power 勢力 sei ryoku - influence, power, might
幾299 せい 勢い込む ikioi komu - to go heart and soul into...
育300 ikioi
いきおい how many , 幾つ ikutsu - how much?, how many?
some 幾多 iku ta - many, a number of
き to bring up , 教育 kyou iku - education
いく to educate , 生涯教育 shou gai kyou iku - education for life
to grow 体育 tai iku - P.E.; gymnastics
iku 体育館 tai iku kan - a gym
sodatsu , sodateru
そ だ つ ,そ だ て る 60

List of 1000 Kanji

戦301 SEN war 雪合戦 yuki gassen - snow ball fight
池302 せん pond 冷戦 rei sen - the Cold War
勇303 ikusa , tatakau 戦場 sen jyou - a battlefield
石304 いくさ,たたかう 作戦 saku sen - tactics, stategy

CHI 電池 den chi - a battery
ち 池 ike - a pond
いけ brave 勇気 yuu ki - bravery
勇者 yuu sha - a brave man, hero
ゆう stone 隕石 in seki - a meteorite
isamu spring 化石 ka seki - a fossil
いさむ 磁石 ji shaku - magnet
宝石 hou seki - gem, jewel
SHAKU , KOKU 石鹸 sekken - soap
しゃく,こく 一石二鳥 isseki ni chou - killing 2 birds with one stone

ichi , seki 温泉 on sen - hot spring,
い ち ,せ き 泉水 sen sui - a fountain

泉305 SEN

いずみ 61

List of 1000 Kanji

忙306 BOU busy 忙しい isogashii - busy
板307 多忙 ta bou - busy
痛308 ぼう
抱309 isogashii
頂310 いそがしい

MAN , BAN board (wood) , 看板 kan ban - sign, billboard
まん , ばん 板挟み ita basami - a dilemma,
ita caught between a rock and a hard place


TSUU pain 片腹痛い kata hara itai - absurd, ridiculous, laughable
痛み止め itami dome - a painkiller
itai , itamu
いたい ,いたむ

HOU hug , hold 抱擁 hou you - hug, embrace

ほう 辛抱 shin bou - patience, to put up with...
idaku , daku , kakaeru 抱腹絶倒 hou fuku zettou - convulsed with laughter,

いだく, だく split one's sides laughing

CHOU summit , receive 頂上 chou jou - peak, summit (of a mountain)

ちょう 頂戴 chou dai - please, give me...
itadaki , itadaku 頂く itadaku - receive (something)
いただき ,いただく 62

List of 1000 Kanji

市311 SHI city 大阪市 oosaka shi - Osaka City
糸312 し thread 姉妹都市 shimai toshi - sister cities
営313 ichi 市場 ichi ba - market, marketplace
否314 いち
命315 糸 ito - thread, yarn, string
SHI 釣り糸 tsuri ito - fishing line

ito manage , 兵営 hei ei - barracks
いと barracks
営業 ei gyou - business, management
EI 営業中 ei gyou chuu - in business

itonamu no , denial 賛否 san pi - pros and cons, approval and disapproval
いとなむ 不定的 fu tei teki - negative, contradictory

HI order 一生懸命 isshou ken mei - with utmost effort,

ina with all one's might
運命 un mei - fate,destiny
MEI , MYOU 革命 kaku mei - revolution
めい , みょう 使命 shi mei - a mission
寿命 ju myou - a life span
いのち 63

List of 1000 Kanji

祈316 KI to pray 祈り inori - a prayer
要317 き 主の祈り shu no inori - the Lord's Prayer
居318 inoru
岩319 いのる require , 重要 juu you - important, momentous, major
祝320 necessary
YOU 必要 hitsu you - necessary
よう 要求 you kyuu - demands, request

iru reside 紙芝居 kami shi bai - a picture play,
いる rock; crag telling a story with pictures

KYO 人形芝居 nin gyou shi bai - a puppet show
きょ 居間 i ma - a living room

iru 溶岩 you gen - volcanic lava
いる 岩手県 iwate ken - Iwate prefecture
岩登り iwa nobori - rock climbing
がん celebrate 祝い iwai - celebration, congratulations

iwa 祝祭日 shuku sai jitsu - a festival day
いわ 祝福 shuku fuku - a blessing

しゅく, しゅう

いわい 64

List of 1000 Kanji

引321 IN draw , pull 割引 wari biki - a discount, reduction
いん sign , mark 綱引き tsuna hiki - tug-of-war
印322 hiku , hikeru 引き出し hiki dashi - a drawer (from a desk)
因323 ひく, ひける 引越し hikkoshi - to move
羽324 引用 in you - a quotation, citation
宇325 IN
いん 印象づける in shou zukeru - to impress someone
shirushi 印象的 in shou teki - impressive
しるし 印度人 in do jin - a person from India

IN cause 原因 gen in - cause, source
いん 因って yotte - because of, accordingly
よる feather , wing 羽 hane - a feather

U 羽 wa - a counter for birds
う 一羽 ichi wa - one (bird)
ha , hane
は, はね universe, 宇宙 u chuu - the universe, space
eaves, house
U 宇宙人 u chuu jin - an alien
う 宇宙飛行士 u chuu hi kou shi - an astronaut
宇宙旅行 u chuu ryo kou - Space travel 65

List of 1000 Kanji

初326 SHO first、 最初 sai sho - first, from the beginning, onset
植327 しょ beginning 初場所 hatsu basho - New Year's Sumo tournament
伺328 ui , hatsu , hajime
浮329 うい, はつ to plant , to set up 田植え ta ue - rice planting
受330 はじめ 植物 shoku butsu - plants,vegetation
植民地 shoku min chi - a colony
しょく to ask , to visit , 伺う ukagau - to visit, to ask, inquire (honorific)
ueru , uwaru to hear
う え る ,う わ る
to float , 浮く uku - to float
し to come to mind , 浮世絵 uki yo e - Ukiyoe
ukagau to be left over (pictures of everyday life in the Edo Period)
to receive , 授受 ju ju - give and receive
ふ popularity , 受ける ukeru - to be received, become popular,
ukabu , uku receptacle to catch on
う か ぶ ,う く
受験 ju ken - taking a test
JU 受け身 ukemi - the passive (grammar)
ukaru , uke
う か る ,う け 66

List of 1000 Kanji

承331 SHOU to hear , 承知 shou chi - know, say yes, consent
失332 しょう to agree to 承認 shou nin - recognition, acknowledgement
薄333 uketamawaru
疑334 うけたまわる to lose , slip 失業 shitsu gyou - unemployment

内335 SHITSU 失敗 shippai - failure, mistake
しつ 失望 shitsu bou - disappointment
失礼 shitsu rei - rude, impolite, excuse me
うしなう thin , light , 薄々 usu usu - dimly, slightly
weak , pale 薄荷 hakka - peppermint
はく to doubt , suspect , 懐疑 kai gi - doubt, skepticism
うすい suspicion , 疑う utagau - to doubt

GI doubt 容疑者 you gi sha - a suspect (person)

utagau 疑問 gi mon - a question, doubt, problem
疑問文 gi mon bun - interrogative sentence
な い ,だ い inside 案内 an nai - information, guidance

uchi 県内 ken nai - within a prefecture
うち 内緒 nai sho - secret, confidential, privacy 67

List of 1000 Kanji

打336 DA strick , hit , to beat 舌打ち shita uchi - click one's tongue, smacking lips
美337 だ
器338 utsu 抜打ち nuki uchi - a sudden assault; be surprised by…
腕339 うつ 打ち上げる uchi ageru - to launch, shoot up
BI (a rocket, space shuttle or fireworks)

utsukushii beautiful , 賛美 san bi - praise
うつくしい beauty
讃美歌 san bi ka - a hymn, praise song
KI 美人 bi jin - a beautiful woman
き 美術 bi jutsu - art, fine arts
うつわ vessel , tool 火炎放射器 ka en hou sha ki - a flame thrower

WAN 楽器 gakki - a musical instument
わん 消化器 shou ka ki - a fire extinguisher
ude 炊飯器 sui han ki - a rice cooker
arm , talent ,ability 腕 ude - an arm
さん 両腕 ryou ude - both arms
ubu , umu 腕相撲 ude zumou - arm wrestling (arm Sumo)
う ぶ ,うむ
childbearing , お土産 o mi yage - a souvenir,

product , present from a trip for someone
fortune , 国産 koku san - a national product
to give birth , 破産 ha san - bankrupt
to produce 不動産 fu dou san - real estate 68

List of 1000 Kanji

馬341 BA horse 馬 uma - horse
埋342 ば
敬343 uma , ma 河馬 ka ba - a hippo; hippopotamus
裏344 うま ,ま 縞馬 shima uma - a zebra
占345 流鏑馬 yabu same - archery from horseback
MAI 馬鹿 baka - foolish, an idoit, stupid
umaru , umeru to be buried , 埋まる umaru - to be buried
うまる ,う める 穴埋め ana ume - to fill in the blanks (of a form...)
to be filled up ,
KEI to bury ,
けい to fill up
うやまう respect 尊敬 son kei - repect, honor,esteem
敬語 kei go - honorific language, terms of respect
り reverse side , 裏技 ura waza - an underhanded trick ,
うら back , using secret knowledge
opposite 裏口 ura guchi - back door
SEN 手裏剣 shu ri ken - a throwing star (ninja!)
せん 裏切る ura giru - to betray
uranau , uranai , shimeru
うらなう,うらない to divine , 独占 doku sen - a monopoly
しめる 占領地 sen ryou chi - occupied territory (by an army)
divination ,
to occupy ,
to hold (a seat) 69

List of 1000 Kanji

得346 TOKU acquire , 心得 kokoro e - information, knowledge
絵347 とく gain 得る eru - to get; to gain
uru , eru
うる, える picture 油絵 abura e - oil painting

KAI , E 浮世絵 uki yo e - Ukiyoe, everyday life in Edo period
かい,え 絵本 e hon - a picture book (children)

回348 KAI , E a turn , 一回 ikkai - once, one time
泳349 かい,え to turn 今回 kon kai - this time, now
栄350 mawaru , mawasu 回し mawashi - Sumo's lioncloth
まわる ,まわす swim 回復 kai fuku - recovering, recovery

EI 遠泳 en ei - long-distance swimming
えい 水泳 sui ei - swimming
oyogu 寒中水泳 kan chuu sui ei - swimming in dead of winter
flourish , glory 栄光 ei kou - glory
EI 栄養 ei you - nutrition
sakaeru , hae , haeru
さかえる ,はえ
は える 70

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永351 EI eternal 永遠 ei en - forever, eternity
鋭352 えい 永続 ei zoku - permanence, persistent
役353 nagai
液354 ながい sharp 鋭い surudoi - sharp

EI war , office , 悪役 aku yaku - the bad guy part, role of the villian
surudoi duty , role , 毒見役 doku mi yaku - a taster for posion
するどい service 役に立つ yaku ni tatsu - be useful; be helpful

EKI , YAKU liquid 毒液 doku eki - venom (from a snake...)
えき,やく 血液型 ketsu eki gata - blood type


枝355 SHI a branch 枯れ枝 kare eda - a dead branch
(of a tree)
し 爪楊枝 tsuma you ji - toothpick
eda 枝垂れ柳 shi dare yanagi - a Weeping Willow
えだ 71

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越356 ETSU to go over , 引越し hikkoshi - moving, changing residence
笑357 えつ 追い越し oi koshi - passing
選358 koeru , kosu to exceed ,
園359 こえる , こす to cross ,
遠360 to move to
し ょう to laugh , 可笑しい okashii - funny, strange, amusing
emu , warau to smile 笑顔 e gao - a smiling face
えむ, わらう
to choose 選ぶ erabu - to choose, select
SEN 選挙 sen kyo - elections (very noisy!)
erabu garden 公園 kou en - park
えらぶ 幼稚園 you chi en - kindergarden

EN far 永遠 ei en - forever, eternity
sono 耳が遠い mimi ga tooi - poor hearing
その 望遠鏡 bou en kyou - telescope
遠足 en soku - trip; hike; picnic
えん, おん

とおい 72

List of 1000 Kanji

塩361 EN salt 食塩 shoku en - table salt
演362 えん 塩水 shio mizu - salt water
しお to act , 演歌 enka - Enka (style of Japanese music)

EN to perform a play 開演 kai en - curtain opening (start of a play)

延363 EN to be postponed , 延ばす nobasu - to lengthen; to stretch; to grow a beard
煙364 延期 en ki - to postpone
緒365 えん to be extended ,
nobiru , nobasu , nobe to postpone ,

のびる,のばす to extend , total

EN smoke 禁煙 kin en - NO SMOKING!
煙い kemui - smokey\
kemuru , kemuri , kemui

けむる ,けむり

SHO , CHO beginning (lineage) 一緒 issho - together

しょ,ちょ cord, string 内緒 nai sho - secret, private
お (of a musical 内緒話 nai sho banashi - a secret talk

instrument) 73

List of 1000 Kanji

汚366 O to bring 汚す yogosu - to stain, to soil
老368 お disgrace upon , 汚染 o sen - pollution
負369 kegasu , yogosu , kitanai to soil , 大気汚染 tai ki o sen - air pollution
けがす, よごす to get dirty ,

O , WA peace, sum, 昭和 shou wa - emperor & era name of Japan (1926-89)
お,わ 調和 chou wa - harmony
yawaragu , nagomu 平和 hei wa - peace
やわらぐ, なごむ 和食 wa shoku - Japanese style food

ROU old 海老 e bi - a lobster, shrimp
敬老の日 kei rou no hi - Respect for the Aged Day
oiru , fukeru
お い る ,ふ け る

FU to bear , 勝負 shou bu - a match, contest, bout

ふ to be indebted to , 負け make - a defeat
ou , makeru , makasu to lose , 根負け kon make - to run out of patience;

お う ,ま け る be defeated , to give up due to being out-done
ま かす to beat ,defeat

OU chase 追い掛ける oi kakeru - to run after; chase
追放 tsui hou - banishment; exile
つい 74

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王371 OU king 王国 ou koku - kingdom, monarchy
黄372 おう yellow 王子 ou ji - a prince
央373 center 王手 ou te - checkmate, check (shougi/chess)
OU , KOU 王様 ou sama - a king
黄金律 ou gon ritsu - the Golden Rule
ki , ko 黄昏 taso gare - twilight
きこ 黄色 ki iro - yellow

OU 震央 shin ou - center of earthquake; epicenter
おう 中央 chuu ou - the center; central; middle

横374 OU side , width , 横泳ぎ yoko oyogi - the sidestroke (swimming)
欧375 おう beside
yoko 横綱 yoko zuna - the highest ranking in sumo
よこ 横断 ou dan - crossing (a road)

OU Europe 西欧 sei ou - Western Europe
おう 欧風 ou fuu - European style 75

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押376 OU push 押し入れ oshi ire - a closet
奥377 おう 押し売り oshi uri - a high pressure salesman
犯378 osu , osaeru
おす , おさえる interior , 奥さん okusan - (your) wife
拝379 inner part , 奥の手 oku no te - the last resort; secret skills
補380 OU
おう depths , 違犯 i han - violation; transgression
oku heart 再犯 sai han - second offense
おく 防犯 bou han - crime prevention
to commit , 現行犯で gen kou han de - caught red handed
HAN violate , 犯罪 han zai - a crime
はん offense
okasu 偶像礼拝 guu zou rei hai - idolatry
おかす worship , 礼拝 rei hai - worship
humbly 拝啓 hai kei - Dear ..., (start of a letter)
はい to supply , 補給 ho kyuu - supply; replenish
ogamu 補聴器 ho chou ku - hearing aid
おがむ to compensate ,
to supplement

お ぎなう 76

List of 1000 Kanji

置381 CHI to place , 位置 i chi - place; situation
to put 置き場 oki ba - a place to store something


億382 OKU hundred million 一億 ichi oku - 100,000,000


遅383 CHI slow , late 遅刻 chi koku - to be late; lateness
遅延 chi en - to delay; procrastination

okurasu , okureru , osoi


贈384 GOU , SOU to present a gift 贈収賄 zou shuu wai - bribery; corruption
贈り物 okuri mono - a present; gift


幼385 YOU childish , 幼児 you ji - a baby; infant
very young 幼稚園 you chi en - kindergarten
おさない 77

List of 1000 Kanji

治386 CHI , JI to rule over , 政治 sei ji - politics; government
収387 ち ,じ
恐388 osamaru , naosu govern , 民主政治 min shu sei ji - Democratic government
落389 お さまる ,な おす cure 治す naosu - to cure; heal
夫390 明治時代 mei ji ji dai - the Meiji Period (1868-1912)
しゅう to obtain , 収穫 shuu kaku - harvest
おさまる to pay (taxes) , 収入 shuu nyuu - income
to store 収容 shuu you - accommodation
きょう to fear , 恐ろしい osoroshii - terriable; dreadful
osoreru , osore , osoroshii
おそれる ,おそれ fear , anxiety , 恐怖 kyou fu - terror; fear
おそろしい fearful , fierce , 恐竜 kyou ryuu - dinosaur

RAKU awful
ochiru , otosu to fall 落ちる ochiru - to fail (a test); fall down; to drop
お ち る , お とす お洒落 osha re - fashion-conscious
husband , 猿も木から落ちる saru mo ki kara ochiru -
FU , FUU man
ふ ,ふう Even monkeys can fall from the trees.
(idiom) anyone can make mistakes
おっと 工夫 ku fuu - a device; scheme
丈夫 jyou bu - healthy; strong; sturdy
大丈夫 dai jyou bu - ok; alright
夫婦 fuu fu - a married couple; husband and wife 78

List of 1000 Kanji

訪391 HOU to visit , 探訪 tan bou - an inquiry; searching
踊392 ほう to call on 訪問 hou mon - to visit; to call
各393 otozureru , tazuneru
帯394 お とずれる dance , 踊る odoru - to dance
覚395 たずねる 踊り odori - a dance
to dance ,
YOU to jump
odori , odoru each , 各国 kakkoku - every country; each country
おどり ,おどる every
各駅停車 kaku eki tei sha - local train
KAKU (a train that stops at every station)
onoono a belt , 危険地帯 ki ken chi tai - danger zone
a region , 黒帯 kuro obi - a black belt (martial arts)
TAI to wear 携帯電話 kei tai den wa - a keitai (portable phone)
たい 熱帯 nettai - the tropics
obi , obiru
おび ,お びる to remember , 感覚 kan kaku - sense; sensation
to understand
obaeru , kaku 目覚し時計 me zamashi to kei - alarm clock
おばえる ,かく 目を覚めます me o samemasu - to wake up

(eyes wake up) 79

List of 1000 Kanji

面396 omo , men , omote face , 月面 getsu men - the surface of the moon
折397 おも,めん
降398 おもて surface, 地面 ji men - ground; earth's surface
御399 side , phase , 赤面 seki men - to blush (red face)
香400 ori , setsu , oru mask , face , 両面 ryou men - both sides
お り, せ つ , お る outside, front 面接 men setsu - interview (for job...)

kou , furu , oriru to break , 折り紙 ori gami - paper folding, origami
こう ,ふる to fold 右折 u setsu - to turn right
to fall 降雨 kou u - rainfall, rain
on , gyo , go 降参 kou san - to surrender, give into...
お ん , ぎょ , ご (rain, snow)
to get off
こう ,きょう to come down
ka , kaori , kaoru
か,かおり,かおる honorific prefix 御飯 go han - rice (rice is important)

御苦労様 go ku rou sama - thanks for your hard work
御馳走 go chi sou - feast! treating someone to food

fragrance 香水 kou sui - perfume
香港 hon kon - Hong Kong 80

List of 1000 Kanji

科401 KA subject of study 学科 gakka - subject; course of study
化402 か
荷403 科学 ka gaku - science
加404 KA , KE 教科書 kyou ka sho - a textbook
果405 か ,け
bakeru , bakasu change (into) 国際化 koku sai ka - internationalization
ばける ,ばかす
地球温暖化 chi kyuu on dan ka - global warming
KA 文化 bun ka - culture
か お化け o bake - ghost
に load 荷物 ni motsu - luggage, baggage
重荷 omo ni - a heavy load; burden
か add 参加 san ka - participation
kuwaeru , kuwawaru 増加 zou ka - an increase
く わ え る ,く わ わ る
fruit , end 効果 kou ka - effect, results
か 果たし状 hatashi jou - a letter of challenge
hanisu , hateru , hate (from an enemy)
はにす ,はてる
はて 果汁 ka juu - fruit juice 81

List of 1000 Kanji

貨406 KA money, goods 金貨 kin ka - a gold coin
課407 か 硬貨 kou ka - a coin
河409 KA section, lesson 課長 ka chou - section chief
菓410 か 課税 ka zei - taxes, taxation

KA possible, approve 許可 kyo ka - permission, approval

可愛い kawaii - cute, pretty
KA 不可能 fu ka nou - impossible
か 可能性 ka nou sei - possibility
かわ river 銀河 gin ga - The Milky Way

KA 氷河 hyou ga - a glacier

河馬 ka ba - hippopotamus

candy, お菓子 okashi - sweets, snack
confectionery 菓子屋 kashi ya - confectionery shop 82

List of 1000 Kanji

靴411 KA shoes 靴下 kutsu shita - socks
貝412 か 靴磨き kutsu migaki - shoe shine, shining shoes
階413 kutsu
械414 くつ shell , 貝 kai - a shell
kai 貝塚 ka zuka - a shell mound
かい (remains of ancient socities' dump)

KAI (1st, 2nd) floor 音階 on kai - music scale
(of a building) 武士階級 bushi kai kyuu - warrior class
KAI rank; 階段 kai dan - stairs
machine 機械 ki kai - a machine
機械翻訳 ki kai hon yaku - machine translation

快415 KAI pleasant 愉快 yu kai - pleasant, happy
快速 kai soku - express (train), high speed
こころよい 83

List of 1000 Kanji

解416 KAI , GE explanation , 誤解 go kai - a misunderstanding
灰417 かい,げ
介418 toku , tokasu , tokeru to solve , untie , 正解 sei kai - answers, solution
皆419 とく ,とかす dissolve 理解 ri kai - understanding, comprehension
害420 と ける 問題解決 mon dai kai ketsu - solve a problem,

KAI problem-solving
hai ashes 火山灰 ka zan bai - volcanic ash
はい 灰色 hai iro - grey (color)

KAI mediate , 紹介 shou kai - introduce
かい 自己紹介 ji ko shou kai - self-introduction
come between ,
KAI to aid
mina all , everything , 皆さん mina san - everyone
everyone 皆既日食 kai ki nisshoku - total solar eclipse
がい harm , 迫害 haku gai - persecution
calamity 煙害 en gai - smoke pollution 84

List of 1000 Kanji

交421 KOU to be mixed , 外交 gai kou - diplomacy
返422 to associate with
省423 こう 見交わす mi kawasu - to exchange glances,
変424 kau , majiru , majiwaru to look at each other
か う ,ま じ る 交換 kou kan - to exchange, trade

return 繰り返し kuri kaeshi - to repeat

kaesu , hen , kaeru 息を吹き返す iki o fuki kaesu - to come back to life
かえす,へん, 返事 hen ji - reply, answer

SEI , SHOU to reflect upon , 文部省 mon bu shou - Ministry of Education
各省 kaku shou - each ministry (of the govenment)
せ い ,し ょ う to look ,
kaerimiru , haburu suffix 'government
かえりみる ,は ぶる
to omit , cut down

HEN change , 相変わらず ai kawarazu - same as always;
へん nothing changed
kaeru , kawaru 大変 tai hen - dreadful, terrible, very...
かえる ,かわる 変身 hen shin - metamorphosis, transformation

TAI replace 振り替え furi kae - transfer (money at post office)
着替え ki gae - a change of clothes
kaeru , kawaru
かえる ,かわる 85

List of 1000 Kanji

換426 KAN exchange 交換 kou kan - trade, exchange
係427 換気 kan ki - ventilation (exchange of air)
掛428 かん
限429 kaeru , kawaru
欠430 かえる ,かわる

KEI connect, in charge 関係 kan kei - relationship (between people and things)
係員 kakari in - person in charge of something
kakari , kakaru

hang, catch, call 手掛かり te gakari - a clue (in a case), scent, trail

kakari , kakeru , kakaru 追い掛ける oi kakeru - to chase,
かかり,かける follow someone or something

GEN limit 無限 mu gen - infinite
制限速度 sei gen soku do - speed limit

KETSU lack 欠伸 akubi - yawn, yawning
欠点 ketten - a weak point, fault
kaku , kakeru
あく ,かける 86

List of 1000 Kanji

角431 KAKU angle, corner, horn 三角 san kaku - triangle
客432 かく
格433 kade , tsuno 対角 tai kaku - diagonal
かで, つ の 兎に角 toni kaku - anyway, anyhow, at any rate
角界 kaku kai - the world of Sumo
かく ,き ゃく guest, customer お客様 o kyaku sama - customer (said to customers)

来客 rai kyaku - a visitor, guest, caller
観光客 kan kou kyaku - a tourist

KAKU , KOU norm, status 人格 jin kaku - personality, character
か く ,こ う 合格 gou kaku - passing (test), success

確434 KAKU make certain, 確か tashika - if I'm not mistaken... definite
革435 かく certain
tashika , tashikameru 確認 kaku nin - affirmation, confirmation
たしか 未確認飛行物体 mi kaku nin hi kou buttai - UFO
leather, reform 改革 kai kaku - reform, reformation
かく 経済改革 kei zai kai kaku - economic reform
kawa 革命 kaku mei - revolution
かわ 87

List of 1000 Kanji

額436 KAKU amount, forehead 金額 kin gaku - an amount of money
賢437 かく 差額 sa gaku - balance,diference, margin
数438 hitai
形439 ひたい wise, clever, smart 賢明 ken mei - wisdom, intelligence
型440 賢人 ken jin - wise man
か しこい

SUU , SU count, number 算数 san suu - arithmetic
複数 fuku suu - plural
す う ,す
kazu , kazoeru

KEI , GYOU shape, form, type 過去形 ka ko kei - past tense (grammar)
けい,ぎょう 人形 nin gyou - a doll
kata , katachi
かた ,か た ち type 血液型 ketsu eki gata - blood type
原型 gen kei - a prototype, model
かた 88

List of 1000 Kanji

片441 HEN fragment, 片仮名 kata kana - Katakana
肩442 へん one-sided 片思い kata omoi - unrequited love, one-sided love
固443 kata
難444 かた shoulder 肩凝り kata kori - stiff shoulders
KEN 肩車 kata guruma - piggy back on shoulders,
けん riding on one's shoulders
かた solid, firm, hard 固い katai - stubborn, firm
凝固点 gyou ko ten - freezing point
katai , ko , katameru ,
katamaru difficult, disaster 避難 hi nan - to take refuge, evacuate, run for cover

か た い , こ ,か た め る 食べ難い tabe nikui - hard to eat
かたまる 有り難う arigatou - thank you

NAN hard 硬い katai - hard, firm, strong
なん 硬貨 kou ka - a coin
katai , muzukashii ,
かた ,いむずかし い

かたい 89

List of 1000 Kanji

堅446 KEN firm 堅い katai - hard, steadfast
傾447 けん 堅苦しい kata kurushii - formal, stiff, stuffy
勝448 katai
活449 かたい incline, lean 傾聴 kei chou - listen carefully

KEI 耳を傾ける mimi o katamukeru
けい - to incline one's ears, to listen
katamuku , katamukeru
かた むく win, excel 打ち勝つ uchi katsu - overcoming, conquer
かたむける 勝負 shou bu - a bout, fight, match

SHOU active, live, 生活 sei katsu - life, living,lead a life
しょう activity 復活 fukkatsu - revival, restoration
katsu , masaru 活火山 kakkazan - an active volcano
か つ ,ま さ る divide 活動 katsu dou - activity, movement

KATSU 一割 ichi wari - 10 percent
かつ 分割 bun katsu - partition, division

割450 KATSU

waru , wari , wareru , saku

さく 90

List of 1000 Kanji

担451 TAN bear, undertake 負担 fu tan - burden, charge, responsibility
門452 たん 担任 tan nin - person in charge of something
悲453 katsugu , ninau
必454 かつぐ,になう gate 専門 sen mon - major (university), speciality,
彼455 subject of study, expert
もん 入門 nyuu mon - entering an institute, introduction to...
かど sad 慈悲 ji hi - compassion, mercy
無慈悲 mu ji hi - ruthless, merciless
ひ without fail 必死に hisshi ni - frantically, desperately, for one's life
kanashii , kanashimu
かなしい 必勝 hisshou - sure victory, be certain of victory
あなしむ 必要 hitsu you - necessary, essential

HITSU he, that 彼氏 kare shi - a boyfriend
ひつ 彼女 kanojo - a girlfriend


kano , kare
かの,かれ 91

List of 1000 Kanji

構456 KOU structure, posture , 結構 kekkou - splendid, nice, it's enough
髪458 こう construct, mind, 構いません kamaimasen - I don't mind, it's ok
辛459 kamou , kamaeru put oneself in a
枯460 かもう ,かまえる

SHIN , JIN god, God, mind 神戸 kou be - Kobe (city in Japan)

しん,じん 精神 sei shin - mind, spirit, intention
kami , kan , kou 神様 kami sama - God

HATSU hair 金髪 kin patsu - blond hair

はつ 散髪 san patsu - hair cutting
kami 共白髪 tomo shira ga - growing old together (couple)

SHIN hard, 辛い karai - spicy hot

しん spicy hot (food) 辛い tsurai - hard, heart breaking

KO to let dry , 枯れ木 kare ki - a dead tree, dry wood
wither 夏枯れ natsu gare - summer slump

karasu , kareru
からす,かれる 92

List of 1000 Kanji

絡461 RAKU entwine, 連絡 ren raku - contact, communication, connection
軽462 らく
皮463 karamaru , karamu to twine around 短絡 tan raku - short-circuit (electronics)
側464 からま る,からむ
乾465 light (weight) 軽犯罪 kei han zai - a light offence
KEI 軽口 karu kuchi - a talkative person (loose mouth)
karui , karoyaka skin 皮 kawa - skin, hide, leather, fur, pelt, bark
かるい,かろやか 皮肉 hi niku - sarcasm

HI side 内側 uchi gawa - the in-side, interior
ひ 向かい側 mukai gawa - the other side
かわ dry 乾燥機 kan sou ki - a dryer

SOKU (drying machine for clothes...)
そく 乾杯 kan pai - cheers! (lit. dry cup)

kawakasu , kawaku
かわかす,かわく 93

List of 1000 Kanji

寒466 KAN cold, 寒中水泳 kan chuu sui ei -
感467 かん
samui swimming in the dead of winter
完468 さむい 防寒 bou kan - protection against the cold
管470 KAN feeling, sense, 実感 ji kan - real feelings
かん feel
第六感 dai rokkan - the 6th sense, a hunch
KAN 女の直感 onna no chokkan - women's intuition
かん 感じる kanjiru - to feel, experience
感謝 kan sha - thanks, gratitude
KAN 感動 kan dou - to be moved (emotionally)impressed
complete, perfect 完璧 kan peki - perfect, completeness
かん 完全 kan zen - perfection, completeness
kuda 完全主義者 kan zen shu gi sha - a perfectionist (person)
government 警察官 kei satsu kan - a policeman
官庁 kan chou - government office

pipe, control 血管 kekkan - a blood vessel

管楽器 kan gakki - a wind (musical) instrument
管制塔 kan sei tou - a control tower
危機管理 ki ki kan ri - crisis control (management) 94

List of 1000 Kanji

関471 KAN concern, barrier 関係 kan kei - a relationship

か ん 玄関 gen kan - entrance to house
seki (where you take of shoes)
せ き 関心 kan shin - concern, interest

観472 KAN view 観光 kan kou - sightseeing
かん 観光ビザ kan kou biza - tourist visa

刊473 KAN publish 月刊 gekkan - a monthly publication
週刊 shuu kan - published weekly
夕刊 yuu kan - evening paper

慣474 KAN habit, custom, 習慣 shuu kan - custom, habit, manners
to get used to 慣れる nareru - to become accustomed to, get used to...
nareru , narasu

干475 KAN dry 梅干し ume boshi - umeboshi (dried sour plum)
干し草 hoshi kusa - hay (dry grass)
hosu , hiru


List of 1000 Kanji

巻476 KAN roll up, volume 絵巻き e maki - a scroll with pictures
簡477 かん
maku , maki 竜巻 tatsu maki - a tornado
まく,まき 鉢巻き hachi maki - a headband
巻き物 maki mono - a scroll
かん simple 簡単 kan tan - easy, simple
簡略 kan ryaku - simplicity

缶478 KAN a can 空缶 aki kan - an empty can

か ん (drink or food can) 缶詰 kan zume - packed can, canned goods

缶切り kan kiri - a can opener

患479 KAN sickness, 患者 kan ja - a patient
affection 重患 juu kan - a serious (heavy) sickness
わ ずらう

丸480 GAN round 日の丸 hi no maru - the Japanese flag
丸見え maru mie - completely visable, see everything
maru , marui , marumeru

まるめる 96

List of 1000 Kanji

岸481 GAN (sea) shore 海岸 kai gan - seashore, coast
願482 がん 川岸 kawa gishi - a river bank
含483 kishi
記484 きし wish, 念願 nen gan - one's heart's desire
GAN ask a favor, 願い negai - a wish, a desire
がん desire 願望 gan bou - desire, wish, aspiration

GAN contain, include, 含蓄 gan chiku - significant

がん keep in one's 含み笑い fukumi warai - suppressed laugh,
fukumu , fukumeru mouth giggle, chuckle

KI write down 暗記 an ki - memorize, learning by heart

shirusu 日記 nikki - a diary
しるす 創世記 sou sei ki - Genesis
記憶 ki oku - memory
ご ,き term expect 延期 en ki - to postpone, postponement

学期 gakki - a (school) term, semester
同期 dou ki - same class, entered (work, school)

at the same time 97

List of 1000 Kanji

希486 KI rare, aspire, 希望 ki bou - wish, desire, hope
季487 き desire
喜488 希望者 ki bou sha - person wishing to do something
機489 KI (join something...)

規490 season 四季 shi ki - the 4 seasons
KI (of the year)
き 季節 ki setsu - the seasons, season
yorokobu 季節的 ki setsu teki - seasonal
joy, happy 大喜び oo yorokobi - great joy
KI 喜び歌う yorokobi utau - joyfully singing

hata machine, 機械 ki kai - a machine
はた occasion 乾燥機 kan sou ki - a dryer, drying machine
危機 ki ki - crisis
KI rule, 自動販売機 ji dou han bai ki - a vending machine
き regulation,
compass (drinks...)
扇風機 sen puu ki - an electric fan

規格 ki kaku - norm, standard
規則 ki soku - rule, regulations 98

List of 1000 Kanji

寄491 KI to approach, 年寄り toshi yori - the aged, old people
机492 き 言い寄る ii yoru - to court, to make a pass
議493 yoru , yoseru to drop in,
技494 よ る ,よ せ る to gather ,
消495 contribute,
KI to draw up a chair

tsukue desk 机 tsukue - desk
机上の空論 ki jou no kuu ron - amchair theory;
GI academic gossip, empty theory

discuss, 会議 kai gi - a meeting, conference
GI debate
ぎ 不思議 fu shi gi - strange, mysterious
waza 議会 gi kai - Diet, congress, parliament
skill 裏技 ura waza - underhanded trick, secret trick
しょう 特技 toku gi - a special skill
kieru , kesu 技術 gi jutsu - technology, technique, art
extinguish, 解消 kai shou - to cancel, cancellation
put out, spend
消える kieru - to vanish
消しゴム keshi gomu - an eraser 99

List of 1000 Kanji

利496 RI advantage, 権利 ken ri - right, privilege
効497 り profit
兆498 kiku 勝利 shou ri - victory, win,triumph
刻499 きく 便利 ben ri - convenient, handy, useful
KOU effect, 効果 kou ka - effectiveness, result
こう efficiency 効果的 kou ka teki - effective, successful
きく trillion (US) 兆し kizashi - a sign, omen
前兆 zen chou - omen, premonition
CHOU billion (Eng)
ちょう sign, symptom
kizashi , kizasu
きざし,きざす engrave, carve, 深刻 shin koku - serious

KOKU to cut fine 遅刻 chi koku - lateness, to be late
kizamu to build , 改築 kai chiku - reconstruction
きざむ construction
建築 ken chiku - construction
CHIKU 修築 shuu chiku - renovation, resoration, repair
きずく 100

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