Personal Development Goals
By: Nurul Amira binti Jaiman
I have my own dreams and ambition and I wish it come true when I am growing up.
Since I was as a kid, I always dreams to become a great person with great achievements. For
example, I want to be a teacher, rich and pretty person. So, I want all my goals will achieve
when I be an adult. But, I realize that I need take an action to arrange and set up my goals so
that after this I know what is my target in my life. This is because I just want make sure all of
my goals will achieve. Achieving goals should not be tough but it can be fun and pleasure if
we go in a right way.
What specifically I want to do in my life? Since I got the best result in my examination
so I want to further my studies in university and wants to be a successful person in my career
one day. For your information, I ambition is to be an Executive of Human Resources in big
company such as Petronas. This is because after I get an offer from University Technology
Mara in course of Human Resources Management and I think this course is interesting which
is I learn more new things from my study in this course. Furthermore, job opportunities in this
field are huge but my chance to get the job from Human Resources Department is hard
because I need to compete with other people.
Besides, if I get the chance to continue my study in Master or “Doctor of Philosophy”
or more known as phD, I will do it. This is because I don’t want to stop my study in degree
only. Nowadays, we can see that there are many people out there having a degree so I want
more than that. I always remind myself that I need to do and finish my further study so that I
can get better job and of course better salary.
Sometimes I think whether my goals can be achieve or not. So I start to the set up
when I will reach each my goals or dream. Well, of course it will take some time to achieve as
I am now in my degree study of Human Resource’s course. My degree study will take 3 years
to complete. By that time, I will be graduated at 23 years old. So I still have time to further
studies in Masters and will take only 1 year to complete and I can get a better job at 25 years
old. This journey will a little bit hard but I hope that I can do my best. In the same time, I want
build my career. So, I will make sure my goals will achieve before my age getting 28 years
I need to find my power to accomplish all of mission goals for my life. The key to make
myself more motivate to accomplish my dream is I have to be hardworking person because
nothing is impossible if you are a hardworking person. Then, I have to strengthen my mind by
ignoring what people around me says about me. Next, I have to make sure that I can face all
the challenges in order to get what I dream. For example, if I am having a financial problem I
can try to apply for a scholarship as long as I scored every examinations during my degree
studies. In addition, I will build my soft skill where I need to be a confident when I doing
something or voice out my opinion and ideas in front of public. I will learn how to communicate
with other people in right way. This is because in working environment I need to communicate
in many people. So from now I need to practice my communication skills so that I can improve
it from time to time. I can conclude that my power to accomplish my goals is hardworking and
having great soft skill.
To make my dreams are realistic, I make all of successful person like Nurul Amalina
binti Che Bakri as my inspirations to be like her. Even I don’t want to be a doctor like her but I
inspire with her spirit in finishing their study in medical field. As we know medical field is not
easy but she success finished it with awarded Darzi Academic Clinical Fellowship. Her
achievements motivate me to be success. Besides, support from my parent to help me in
accomplish my goals. I need to work hard to make sure my goals are achieve.
Thus, I had planned that I want to accomplish all of my goals. I have to complete my
degree studies first and then apply for a masters in the same course. Obviously, I am aiming
to achieve my mission or my ambition at the age of 25 or 26 years old. I will find the job which
is suitable with my qualifications. In my prediction, I achieve my target in 28 years old of my
age. Well, all of this are just my basic planning and we know His plans are much better. So,
what can I do now are pray to Him so that He will make my planning easier.
We need to set up the goals in goal programme which is recommends from Ziglar. Its
help us to achieve our goals in a right way and we will know what, when and how we achieve
our goals. Generally, goal is not only of what I want to be in future. Goal including money,
health, wealth, happiness, love and so on. As I said, I want to be an Executive of Human
Resources. That is in terms of ambition or mission. Of course, I don’t want to have any financial
problems because I want to help my family. I want my parent proud and happy with me so that
we can share the happiness together.
Basically, I am targeting to reach my goals by the age of 28. At that time, I already
have my own career. I also have my own assets such as house or car. This is because I want
to be successful person in a young age. I also aimed that I will make my parents proud and
happy on me because of my great achievements in education and career. I know that we
cannot do or achieve all the goals without praying and ask Him to make it truth.
However, to achieve all of my goals is not easy. There are many obstacles that I need
to face to make sure my dream come true and of course I need to overcome it. I don’t want all
of obstacles or weakness of myself become the reasons my goals did not achieves. For
example, my first obstacle in achieve my goals in education especially in degree life is I face
financial problem. As we know, study in university need more money to pay fees and so on.
This problem makes me think to quit from my study because I don’t want burden my parent
anymore. Besides, I realise that I need to overcome my weakness too. My weakness is I have
low confident level. I feel not comfortable when I need to present in front of public. Last
semester, I did not dean list. From that, I feel that I am not the best one because I make my
parent disappointed on me. It becomes worst because I am the only one of my parent’s
daughter but I failed to make my parent proud of me. I feel so sad that time.
Thus, I very thankful to Allah because I have the great persons around my life to help
me in achieving my goals. My parent always be main supporters, what I do in my life they
always give advices and moral support to make sure their daughter become a better person
in future. When I down and feel that I cannot achieve my goals, my parent come and cheer
me up to make sure I do not give up in education and they always keep remind me my goals.
From my parent words, I become more confident to continue my study and get dean list in this
semester. Not only my parents, my friends also never give up to support me in when I down.
I think without them I cannot to continue my journey to achieve my goals.
Next step requires me to know what kind of ability or skills that I need to have. My
ambition or mission is want to be an Executive of Human Resources. Of course, I must have
to build my confident level and improve my communication skill. So, in order to get good
communication skills, I have to always practice to speak louder and overcome my shyness
during communicate with people. How can I want to be successful person if I don’t have
confident when to voice out my idea or opinion in front of public. When I can improve myself
in communicating and so on I will be confident to accomplish my goals. It helps to make my
dream come true.
Last but not least, I have to find some motivations that can motivate me to achieve my
goals. In life, we must have some motivations so that our self-esteem will not go down. “The
pain that you feel today is the strength that you feel tomorrow” really work on me. Why? As an
ordinary human, I admit most of the times I will feel down like no one will support me on what
am I doing right now. But, that motivation quote give me some strength which is I have to make
all the pain that I felt all this while will become strengthens and makes me achieve my goal.
The benefit that I can give to my parents and family is that I can make them really proud of
me, I can make them happy and can living well. I am also can be a role model towards my
other people because I want inspired other people with my achievements.
A plan of action that requires me to do is that I have completed my degree studies first
and then if Allah gives me chance to continue my study in masters, for sure I will do so. After
I achieved what I want, only then I will carry on my plan which is to travel with my family and
friends. To get married with my loved ones also one of my dreams and also want to have my
own family. My plan of action is already half way and for sure I will not miss the opportunity to
make it truth.
Finally, it is not easy to achieve all of my goals because I need sacrifice such as money
that spend on my study and time to spend with family or friends. I need work hard to make
sure my goals are achieve. If all of my goals achieved, it will make myself more satisfied
because what I want before this I get it. The key of achieve the goals is you need to trust
yourself that you can be what you want. Hopefully, all my goals will achieve on time that I was
targeted to achieve it.