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The monthly magazine of St Martin's & St James Anglican Churches.

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Published by muzzr, 2018-04-14 03:07:36

Crosstrax (April 2018)

The monthly magazine of St Martin's & St James Anglican Churches.

APRIL 2018

St Martin’s & St James
Anglicans in the Community


The women who came to the tomb where we live! ‘Let Him Easter in us’
early on that first Easter morning – not Easter as a noun naming an

thought the story had ended, that it historic event in Jerusalem but,

was all over between them and Jesus. instead, Easter as a verb, as

But when they arrived, they received something that transforms our present

the breath-taking announcement that lives, giving us new hope, meaning,

God had raised Christ from the dead, courage, and new life now.

He had gone ahead of them to Bishop Philips Brooks once wrote,
‘The great Easter truth is not that we
Galilee, and they would see Him
there. What they got was ‘Easter’ as are to live newly after death, but that
a noun (a ‘naming’ word), identifying
we are to be new here and now by
an event. the power of the resurrection’

In his poem, ‘The Wreck of the [emphasis mine]. Easter is something
Deutschland’, Jesuit priest Gerard that happens to us – now. The power

Manley Hopkins uses the noun of the resurrection is not something

‘Easter’ as a verb (a ‘doing’ word) in that simply awaits us after death, but

his wonderful phrase, ‘Let Him Easter something that comes to us now and

in us, be a dayspring to the dimness always, something that proclaims the
of us’. What a beautiful prayer: ‘Let good news that new life is possible
Him Easter in us’! What a remarkable here, now, today!

way to look at the unquestionable The gospels and tradition tell us that
truth, the transforming reality of the first women to the tomb ultimately
Easter: Let Easter get into us, did experience Easter as a verb,
permeate our souls, come and live

Our Purpose? To make Christ known.
St Martin’s & St James — the Soul Agents in our communities!



because they eventually went and told many people long for new life, for

the other disciples that Christ had Christ to Easter in them, and be a

been raised from the dead. Because dayspring to the dimness in them.

He eastered in them, they were The good news of Easter is about the

transformed from being frightened, possibility and promise that new life is

fearful people to people who boldly available to everyone, here and now.
God’s ‘Great Clean Up of the world’
went out and proclaimed the good
news: ‘Because Christ is risen, life is has begun, and we can all eagerly

stronger than death, love is stronger participate. We can let Easter get into
than hate, and God’s peace is more us and permeate our souls. We can
powerful than human violence’. let Easter come and live where we

Two of today’s most important New live. And we can let Him Easter in us
and be a dayspring to the dimness in
Testament scholars, Bishop N T
us and in others.
Wright and John Dominic Crossan, air

their understandings of the historical What would it mean if you knew

reality and theological meaning of Easter as a verb rather than a noun?
Jesus’ resurrection in ‘The How would your life be different with
Resurrection of Jesus’. Explaining Christ eastering in you?

the meaning of the resurrection, Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is
Wright says: ‘Please note that the risen indeed. Alleluia!

resurrection stories in the Gospels do — JD
not say, “Jesus is raised, therefore
we’re going to heaven or, therefore,
we’re going to be raised”. No! They

say, “Jesus is raised, therefore God’s Correction to the front page of the
new creation has begun, and we’ve March Crosstrax magazine:
got a job to do” ‘. Crossan says,
‘God’s Great Clean-Up of a world

grown old in evil and impurity, The first sentence in column 2 should
injustice and violence has already read:
begun . . . and we are called to

participate in it. The end of the He once wrote of the decision he had

world is not what we are talking about. to make early in his ministry about his
We’re talking about cosmic
ministry focus: Would he focus on
transformation of this world’
doctrinal purity (fundamentalism) and

[emphases mine]. opposition to the prevailing liberal

The good news of Easter is not simply theology, or would he focus on
that God has raised Christ from the evangelism and discipleship
dead. Easter is a verb. Easter is (evangelicalism).

something that happens in us. So



Bishop Victoria Matthews will be Unfortunately the building was burnt

performing a De-consecration Service down but a section soon became

at Riccarton St James on Tuesday 3 available on the corner of Mandeville

April 2018 at 6pm. Street and Riccarton Road.

History: The Parish of St James’ This better site was purchased and

Lower Riccarton started in 1906 as an the present St James Church was

outreach from St Michael and All built and opened on 26 July 1924 (St

Angels, with the building of a mission James Day). The vicarage was

room on the corner of Peveral and completed in 1929. The parish grew,

Rotherham Streets. The first service a Guild room with kitchen was

was held on 11 November 1906. opened in 1927, and this was

The area west of Hagley Park was extended for use as the main Sunday
growing apace and the nearest
churches were St Michael’s and St In 1929, St James officially became a
Peter’s. The growth in Riccarton full parish.

enabled the mission outreach to Due to the
become a Parochial District with development
separation from St Michael’s in 1910. of State
As the parish grew, the mission room Housing in
was not large enough so Wharenui the west of
School was used for Sunday School the parish, a
as well as the Church room. section was

purchased in


Avenue in

1942. The shell of a state house was

then modified to become a Church
hall. This later became St Hilda’s

Anglican Church.

In 1987, the Church Property Trust



leased the West end and earthquake

section of the St damage. We are very

James site and built grateful to the vicar,

an administration Les Memory, and our

centre for the Diocese. treasurer, for steering

This provided the us though these times

Church with a source and also for the

of income which was eventually used support of the Vestry members.

to renovate and modernise the church It became impractical to stand alone

hall facilities with a new kitchen, as a parish and after much prayers

lounge, and new office. and discussion, Les Memory and

The vicarage gradually fell into John de Senna with Bishop Victoria’s

disrepair. Becoming too costly to approval, it was agreed that the two

renovate, it was demolished and, parishes of Riccarton and Spreydon

together with the old hall and land would amalgamate.

behind the church (tennis courts), was Sadly, the badly damaged St James

sold. The proceeds enabled the Church building is now surplus to

parish to purchase a new Clergy requirements and will be De-

House. consecrated by Bishop Victoria on

Later, the Parish purchased the Tuesday 3 April 2018 at 6pm, 69

Diocesan building from the Diocese. Riccarton Rd. Light refreshments will

This acquisition provided the parish be served afterwards in the Parish

with a very good rental income. Centre.

The last few years were difficult for —Helen & Allan
the parish with decreasing numbers



Just Look back in their

At My place. Once

Hands Horace was

Yes, Horace, the object of
I’m looking at her disdain

your when he
hands— picked up his

strong pen after she
hands, long had said ‘All
sinuous pens down’,
fingers stretching out with thick blue to dot his ‘i’s as he had forgotten to
veins leading up towards your arms, and she insisted on all ‘i’s being

and I think about what those hands dotted. He told her what he was

have done over a period of one doing but he got the strap anyway and

hundred years. it made his hand quite numb and very

These ‘Hands’ played games with his sore as he had thin skin on his hands.

five brothers and sisters and These ‘Hands’ took on new

especially with his older sister, who experiences when he joined the

was especially loving towards him and railway where he stayed for forty

introduced him to Sunday School at years working on administration.

four years old with its circle of little When war broke out he was medically
chairs and a sand tray on a table with unfit and spent five years in the
a mirror in the middle to represent the Airforce mainly at Waiouru where they
sea of Galilee. This really fascinated had the biggest radio station in New
him and he was hooked and didn’t Zealand. He started his training in the
miss a day off in the year. Horace Airforce in Wigram and was sent to
enjoyed making things and as his Wellington where they trained him on
father was a carpenter and built a special type of enigma machines,
houses, there was always ‘stuff’ to where he was sworn to secrecy and
use and make things which his father he had to learn special codes etc.
encouraged and took a keen interest Horace found the training very
in the results. interesting as he was taken to places
not many people had a chance to see.
These ‘Hands’ got Horace into trouble

as well for when he was in Primer 3 or He was taken to the basement of

4 he remembers that he knew 4+3=7 parliament (where he found rows and

but when his teacher (an old biddy) rows of pretty girls all typing away

asked him what 3+4 equalled he busily on their secret coding

didn’t know and got ‘the cuts’. When machines). He went to the Army head

in standard 6 he had a terror of a office, all the offices of: the Airforce,

teacher and she would leave the room the Governor General, and the Prime

and listen outside under the window Minister. He was not allowed to put to

and then punish the last child to be paper anything he saw and was



forbidden to speak These ‘Hands’ have

of it (He certainly handled thousands of

spoke to me about pounds (now dollars)

the pretty girls in while working in

the basement administration for the

several times!) railways. Every

These ‘Hands’ were second Thursday he
often very cold would go to the bank
when he worked in and a policeman
Waiouru as it was would accompany
3,000 feet above him in a Public
sea level and in Service car with a
winter they were revolver within reach
allocated 8 blankets as they had £100,000
for their bunks and in the mornings to bring back. There
they were white with frost. were two pay days. The first was to
pay the managers, foremen, clerks,

When Horace got out of the Airforce and the Health nurse. The second

he went back to the railways—back to was for 25,000 railway workers. He

Invercargill. had five men to help him and each

man had his pay given to them in

During all this time Horace attended ‘their hand’ as a Railway Men’s Union

the Methodist Church and one night had agreed to. Sometimes Horace

he rode his bike to Bluff to attend a was scared of working in a room with

church social. There he met a girl so much money.

called Brenda. It was love at first
sight and he offered to see her home These ‘Hands’ often had a tender

and as it was now pouring with rain, touch as he lovingly held first his son

he left his bike at the railway station and then his daughter and today they

and ordered a taxi to take them home. can happily play with his grand

Well. Horace met Brenda’s mother children.

who was most impressed to find that Horace left the Methodist Church on a

Horace was related to a highly matter of principle and one Sunday
thought of surgeon in Invercargill (his
father’s cousin) and she asked him to night he walked down the road to St
Martin’s Church where his brother
come to lunch the next day.
worshipped and there he met the Rev.

Soon these ‘Hands’ were joined with David Pickering outside the door
Brenda’s in marriage and Horace welcoming folk in, he was always
started a new job in Palmerston outside the door before service. The
North. Brenda found good board and vicar made Horace so welcome and
Horace was able to visit her once a introduced him to his father-in-law,
month. who with Horace became the best of
friends from then on.



‘It was a joy to become an Anglican and Horace remarks ‘I have enjoyed

and that’s why I stayed.’ whatever I have done for St Martin’s

For years there was no sound system and I never wanted to go anywhere
in St Martin’s and the traffic noise was

getting bad and the vicar asked These ‘Hands’ played the organ for

Horace if he could do something me to sit back and reflect on the many

about it. Horace had a big amplifier of parishioners who have benefited from

his own and Robin Kingston helped the skill of these hands to provide

him install it. Later Horace took cables sound systems and improvements to

from the new church to the original our church through the years, to make

church now used as an office and tapes etc of sermons or copies of

then to the vicarage. The first sound beloved tapes, and the loving hugs as

system which was later updated when Horace shares the love of Christ.

they had more money. —Mary
These ‘Hands’ have never been idle,


Our meeting was held on the Our April meeting will be on
1 March and 21 members Thursday 5 April at 7.30pm
attended. in the Thompson Lounge.
Where we will have a talk
After we had dealt with from Dawn on her time
business we spent a spent as a store detective.
pleasant evening making
Palm Crosses to be We will also farewell
used at our Palm Val as she prepares to
Sunday services and move to Nelson.
given to people the
Church has contact —Barbara

Prayer is the breath of faith.
P r a y e r m e e t i n g s a r e t h e l u n g s o f t h e c h u r c h . C. H. Spurgeon.

The Hour of Power
Monday at 7pm, St Martin’s Church



They say that weather along

amongst the top with the traffic

most stressful life hazards of a big

events are city, and walking

retirement and through large

relocation to a crowded Malls

new town. We and yet not

are experiencing meeting anyone

both as we move we knew.

to Nelson in April. A few weeks
We are packing after returning to
up our Ilam home Christchurch,
and heading to Eric’s parents
the Sunshine (Ernie and
Capital of New Florence) were
Zealand. We are keen that we join
excited and sad, peaceful and them at the monthly Parish breakfast
nervous. We know it’s a good and and find how friendly St Martin’s folk
right decision to move closer to our were. We happily renewed friendships
extended families as we enter our with older Parishioners at the
retirement years. breakfast table but were concerned

However it is a sad thing to leave the that our son should find some

city that has been our home through teenagers to befriend as that would

the trials and triumphs of the past 27 determine which Church we would

years and holds so many memories. It attend. The Lord answered those

is difficult to say goodbye to our many silent prayers, as later at morning tea,

friends here. We will miss the regular Matt introduced himself to our Matt

contact and will especially miss all of and quickly discovered that we were

you - our church family. friends with his Aunt and cousin in

In many ways this move has been Kaitaia and went and found his mum
Sue to tell her. That was the
made possible, because of the beginning of a long and special
friendship between our two families.
strength and blessings received here
at St Martin’s. After an absence of

twenty years we arrived back in In the weeks following, the three of us

Christchurch on a very cold Queen’s found many new friends amongst

Birthday weekend having travelled Parishioners - Matt at Youth Group,

from the Far North town of Kaitaia. Val at AAW Young Wives, and Eric at
Our son Matt couldn’t remember Men’s Dinners. On hearing of our

having ever worn a jersey, long previous Ministries, the Vicar Terry

trousers and shoes with socks. It was, Alvey asked if we would host and lead

in reality, a complete culture shock for an adult cell group in our new
our family – experiencing cold winter Halswell home. We were also invited



by University Student Parishioners to years, but we have upheld each other

lead a cell group for them, which we in prayer and practical support and
happily did for a number of fun years. have always been sustained by God’s

Our various Ministries developed from love and emerged a stronger united

there and increasingly became times Christian fellowship.
of listening for God’s leading.

You were the friends that we turned

We have relished the many joys of life to, as we walked through our own

at St Martin’s - Celebrating our dark valleys of major health issues,

Centenary, planning annual family redundancy and our personal family

camps, serving on Vestry and bereavements. You have also been

Committees, teaching various groups, the friends that shared our

performing in Parish concerts and the celebrations of milestone birthdays,

Community Musical in the Hillmorton graduation, and enquired after our

High School hall, marching in Jesus travel adventures especially our long

parades through city streets, hoped-for pilgrimage to Israel.
appearing on TV in Louise’s stick
ministry team, acting in the Easter So now it is time to say a heartfelt
Passion Play at Halswell Quarry, “thank you” and a “fond farewell”. We
arranging Church flowers, candles will always consider St Martin’s as our
and displays, rehearsing children for “Home Church”, so full of amazing
Christmas, Easter and Pentecost fellow believers who offer a warm
pageants, working on fund raising welcome to the stranger and continue
activities, and having worshiped and to serve our Lord in the power of the
prayed with you all in so many spirit- Holy Spirit. We will keep you in prayer
filled Services and events. These are and will visit as often as we can.

the treasured memories we take with Shalom and Be Blessed.
us. —Eric and Val

As a Parish we have, sadly, also

experienced deep sorrows over the

Next Food drive: 3 June 2018


St Ambrose is known in the diocese as a Mission Outreach District.
Any non-perishable food and toiletry items would be greatly appreciated and
can be left at St Martin’s Church on 3 June 2018, or in St James Parish
Centre, or a donation can be given to JD.



CS Lewis was a People who say ‘It

great Christian must be ok if it
teacher and writer. doesn’t cause

In 1952 I read harm to anyone
‘Mere Christianity’ else’ are only

and his teaching, thinking of the first

influenced my aspect.

formative years But if the ship is
and is still relevant today. He taught not seaworthy with good engines and
that morality had three aspects. navigation and steering how can it

1. Fair play and harmony between avoid collisions and damage to

individual. others. If we are selfish, greedy,

2. Tidiness and harmony on the cowardly or angry people, we will

inside of individuals. damage others who may then not be

3. The general purpose of life or what seaworthy, and cause them to fail.

was man made for. The third aspect is more difficult for

Lewis told parables like Jesus and he people to agree on as it depends on
said morality was ‘like a fleet of ships
going from London to New York’. The your belief about the universe which
leads to differing behaviours and
journey will only be a success if. purposes in life.

1. The ships keep on course and If Jesus Christ is right and we live
don’t collide with each other or forever after death it’s very important

separate and get lost. to be on the right road that leads to

life (Matthew 7:14) which means

2. The ships remain seaworthy with committing yourself to Him and His

the engines and navigation and teaching and follow His leading.

steering working correctly. —Allan
3. They all reach New York and

unload their cargo.


Non perishable food items can be left in the Breadline basket which is at
the back of the St Martin’s Church. We are currently in desperate need
of the following items: breakfast cereals, sugar (500g), sandwich
spreads, soups, tins of baked beans, tins of spaghetti, pasta, and pasta
sauces, tins of vegetables, tins of fruit, and tea bags (30s). All donations
are gratefully received.



Gerald Clark, 1958- John de Senna’s link

1967, Dodoma and with Peter Blackburn.

Kigoma, Tanzania Though Peter, who

In 1958 Gerald joined went with NZCMS

the staff of the Singapore was not at
Alliance School, St Martin’s, he does

Dodoma having been have a special link to

educated in England John de Senna, as

and Christchurch. they both were part of

While teaching in the Takapuna

Christchurch he was Anglican Church.

active in Sunday Also, when John was

School, Bible Class, a student at Westlake

Crusader Camps and Boys High School,

League of Youth. Peter was a
Chemistry teacher there. Peter’s
He taught in Dodoma and became brother, Jack, was the Youth Group
Head of Livingstone College, a new leader when John was part of it. It is
Secondary School in Western wonderful to see how God works in
Tanzania, where the family stayed preparing people for further service at
until an African headmaster was home and abroad.
appointed in 1967. After being

Principal of Samuel Marsden School

for Girls in Wellington, Gerald and Alison Rowe, Singapore, 1971-1975
Noeline retired to Napier. Alison taught at St. Margaret’s

Secondary School for girls in

John Croucher, 1966-1971, Singapore, with a background at St.
Musoma, Tanzania Martin’s, Spreydon, in Crusader’s,

John, from Nelson had taught in two League of Youth and study at the
secondary schools in Blenheim with a
fine sporting background and Bible Training Institute. Further details
are in the book ‘Out From St Martin’s’.

involvement in Crusader Camps, Alison and her late husband, Gavin

before joining the staff of Musoma McMillan were been very much part of

Alliance Secondary School. The story St. Timothy’s, Burnside.

has been told in John’s autobiography —Bishop Henry Paltridge
and ‘Out From St Martin’s’. Of recent

years John and Alison have been very

much involved in the Stoke Parish,




Das Ministry We had a great

Report - March time at

2018 Bozraghuna

We had three joyful Village with our
Christmas whole family
outreaches in present and
December. approximately 120
Everyone who came villagers. Ajit gave
received a blanket a message and
and food parcel. Lorna shared the
salvation message, ‘Pray to Jesus

The folk from Gundondi and Krishna and prove for yourself that He is real
Khali villages came and we had the and cares about you’.

best outreach ever, with 64 adults and We had a lovely family time over
children present. Ajit gave a clear call Christmas and New Year with Bejoy
to follow Jesus and see the
and wife Rachel, and Sarita visiting.
abundance of blessings in their lives.

Lorna gave the message of salvation January and February have been
and spoke about Ram’s curse on the taken up with the Education launches

fishermen caste and how Jesus for the four villages. Each occasion

power can break that curse forever. included singing, a concert, a prize-

Their ears pricked up and they giving, distribution of school fees,

listened attentively. Rina testified of exercise books, and pens, with photos

how Jesus had healed her daughter of each child taken. The huge task of

from mental illness after prayer with sending out the reports to each

us. Bilashi Bala thanked Jesus that sponsor is now underway!

she can walk again and declared she Our medical ministry has had far-
believed in Jesus and will go to reaching effects on folk from far and
heaven! An elderly widow came for near. We value your prayers for all
prayer and prayer was offered for who have opened their hearts to
God’s miraculous provision for her Jesus to grow in faith each day. Every
this year (please join us in prayer). home in each village has a New

An Outreach was held at Modunaghat Testament and some children are

with about 100 present. The singing reading to their families and praying

was great and a strong message of together at night.

salvation given. Deeply moving We deeply appreciate your fellowship
in prayer and support for God’s work
testimonies were shared: Suma for
her son’s healing; Sujon for Jesus here and look forward in anticipation to
healing his severely damaged leg
what He will do in our midst this year.
after an accident; Josna came in

visible distress asking for prayer and —Sharon Rees, Mission Support Co-
said that ‘Jesus knows my dilemma’. Ordinator



Evangelism also gave $1000

outreach ministry last year towards

in our parish the main

community. expenses. We

We want to make have a budget that
a difference to our covered our basic
community. expenses last
Person by person, year, but there is
house by house nothing extra for
and street by street. Bus repairs.

We had major work done last week to
The first thing that has to be done is get a Certificate of Fitness (Inv
to find a way to get to know the
$526.36), and were told that more
people we want to reach out to. The work had to be done before the
bus has proven to be a tremendous next COF is due in six months (quote
tool for this. When the children see $1248.33). In the past 15yrs, no
the bus parked up, they run to us with major work has been done on the bus
excitement and enjoy a fun filled 90 and for this we are grateful, however,
minutes that helps equip them with we are now faced with fundraising for
life skills and an understanding of how these repairs.
they can follow Jesus.

As a parish, we are looking at a three
Over the past 15yrs since the bus has pronged way to raise the necessary
been operating, we have seen
funds. We are open for other
hundreds of children. Through the
children we get to know their parents 1. Sausage Sizzle after the 10 am
and siblings. Many have come to faith
service on 6 May.
and of these seven have been
baptized here at St Martin’s. At 2. Baking sales table on the same
present we also have a Discovery
3. Love offering from the
Bible Study group for adults meeting,
a stick ministry group and music

group for preschoolers. The core of Thank you for what help you can give.
our work is what is done on the bus. —Captain Louise Weller

Funding comes from private Please contact Sharon re Fundraising

individuals, some AAW’s and the for the Bus.

Christchurch City Council. Our parish




Starting 10 April
2nd and 4th Tuesday’s of the month

Neave Room, St Martin’s Church
Gold coin donation for refreshments.
Contact Helen for more details (Tel: 338 4062)


Saturday 5 May

St Martin’s Church, 50 Lincoln Rd.
Advance notice: Days of Prayer 2018:
First Saturday in August, November.



 Sundays @ 7: 7pm, St James Parish Centre.
 Sunday 1 April: Easter Sunday—8am and 10am, 7pm
 Mondays: ‘The Hour of Power’ Prayer Meeting: 7pm, St Martin’s

 Tuesday April 3: Riccarton St James De-consecration—6pm, St

James Church. 69 Riccarton Road.
 Wednesdays: Service of Holy Communion: 11am in the Thompson

Lounge, St Martin’s, preceded by morning tea at 10:15am.
 Wednesdays: Mainly Music: We would love to see more young ones 0-5

years old. Contact 338 4062
 Thursday April 5: AAW meeting—7.30pm, Thompson Lounge.
 Sunday April 22: Parish AGM—2pm, Thompson Lounge.
 Fridays: St Martin’s Playgroup: Contact 338 4062
 Fridays: St James Playgroup: Contact 338 4062
 Saturday May 5: Day of Prayer— 9am-5pm, St Martin’s Church

Editorial note: Opinions expressed in the Crosstrax represent personal
thoughts, beliefs, feelings, views, ideas, or judgements.
They do not necessarily express the official view or opinion of the Anglican
Church or our Parish.



Sunday Services April 2018

Sunday April 1 @ St Martin’s Easter Day
Act 10:34-43
8am Contemplative Service with HC Mark 16:1-8

10am Contemporary Service with HC

10am Kids’ Church:

7pm @ St James Evening Worship Revelation

Sunday April 8 @ St Martin’s Easter 2
Psalm 133
8am Contemplative Service with HC Acts 4:32-35
John 20:19-28
10am Contemporary Service

10am Kids’ Church:

7pm @ St James Evening Worship Revelation

Sunday April 15 @ St Martin’s Easter 3
Acts 3:12-19
8am Contemplative Service with HC Luke 24:36b-48

10am Contemporary Service with HC

10am Kids’ Church: School Holidays

7pm @ St James Evening Worship Revelation

Sunday April 22 @ St Martin’s Easter 4
8am Contemplative Service with HC
John 10:11-18
10am Contemporary Service

10am Kids’ Church: School Holidays

7pm @ St James Evening Worship Revelation

Sunday April 29 @ St Martin’s Easter 5
Acts 8:26-40
8am Contemplative Service with HC John 15:1-8

10am Contemporary Service with HC

10am Kids’ Church: School Holidays

7pm @ St James Evening Worship Revelation

Riccarton-Spreydon Anglican Parish
St Martin’s - 50 Lincoln Rd—St James - 69 Riccarton Rd

Priest-in-Charge: Rev’d John de Senna
Pastoral Care and Community Ministries: Rev’d Christine de Senna

Ministers: People of the Parish
Parish Office: St Martin’s & St James 338 4062

50 Lincoln Rd, Spreydon, 8024

Email: St Martin’s: [email protected] Admin: [email protected]

Website: under construction Twitter: @stmartinsstjames



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