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Published by Tessa Malmgren, 2022-01-03 10:50:05

400 Zang St Apt 102 Property Report



400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

P r e s e n t e d b y| | | | | | | | | | |

Kathi Spencer REALTOR®

Colorado Real Estate License: 100003110

Mobile: ( 720) 435- 1241|
| ||| ||| | | || ||

Mai n: homes@303kat hi . c om| | | | | | | |
|| | | | | | || | | |

Of f i c e: www. 303kat hi . c om| | | | | |
| | | | | || | | |

Keller Williams Realty Urban Elite

3550 W 38 t h A v e S t e 20| |
|| || || || || || ||

De n v e r,| | | | | CO| | | |80211

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Legend: Subject Property

Off Market Sold Date: 4/23/2004, Public Record

Current Estimated Value


Last RVM® Update: 12/14/2021

RVM® Est. Range: $208K – $276K

RVM® Confidence:

This report contains data and information that is publicly available and/or licensed from third parties and is provided to you on an "as is"
and "as available" basis. The information is not verified or guaranteed. Neither this report nor the estimated value of a property is an
appraisal of the property. Any valuation shown in this report has been generated by use of proprietary computer software that
assembles publicly available property records and certain proprietary data to arrive at an approximate estimate of a property's value.
Some portions of this report may have been provided by an RPR user; RPR is not responsible for any content provided by its users. RPR
and its information providers shall not be liable for any claim or loss resulting from the content of, or errors or omissions in, information
contained in this report.

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Home Facts Public Facts Listing Facts Realtor
Home Facts Condo/Townhouse/Apt. –
Condominium Unit (Residential) – –
Property Type – –
Property Subtype 1 – –
Bedrooms 1 – –
Total Baths 1 – –
Full Baths – – –
Partial Baths 812 – –
Living Area (sq ft) – – –
Lot Size Yes – –
Garage Yes – –
Pool 1980 – –
Year Built Forced Air Unit – –
Heating Packaged Unit – –
Cooling 1 – –
Fireplaces Frame – –
Construction 1 –
Number of Units
Tramutt Timothy Michael
Homeowner Facts 400 Zang St APT 102 Lakewood CO 80228-1021

Owner Name (Public) Yes
Mailing Address
Owner Occupied

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Extended Home Facts

Legend: Subject Property

Interior Details 812 sq ft Exterior Details 3913.00
200 sq ft C
Effective Area Neighborhood Code

Location Details Other Details

Walkability Score (out of 5) Overall: 1.7 | Amenity: 1.7 | Leisure: 2.1 Building Quality

Schools (based on location)

Elementary School South Lakewood Elementary School

Middle School Creighton Middle School

High School Lakewood High School

School District Jeffco Public Schools

AARP Livability™ Index for 80228 Housing 46
Thischart ratesthe overall livability of a 0-19 20-39 40-59 60-79 80-100 Affordability & Access 57
selected ZIP code on a scale from 0 to 34
100. AARP Livability™ isa trademarkof Total Score Neighborhood 80
AARP Inc. 58
57 / 100 Access to Life, Work & Play 60
Data Source: AARP
A score over 50 is above average Transportation
Update Frequency: Annual
Safe & Convenient Options


Clean Air & Water


Prevention, Access & Quality


Civic & Social Involvement


Inclusion & Possibilities

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Property History

Median Estimated Home Value

Thischart displaysproperty estimatesfor
an area and a subject property, where
one hasbeen selected. Estimated home
valuesare generated by a valuation
model and are not formal appraisals.
Data Source: Valuation calculations
based on public recordsand MLS sources
where licensed
Update Frequency: Monthly

This House
Jefferson County

Sales History

Sales Date Sales Amount Price per sq. ft.
4/26/2004 $99,750 $122
9/1/2000 $89,500 $77
6/19/1997 $63,000
Census Tract:
7/31/1996 $58,600 080590117.322000

Legal Description

APN: Tax ID: Zoning: Abbreviated Description: City/Municipality/Township:
49-082-01-727 156486 – CITY/MUNI/TWP:LAKEWOOD Lakewood, CO 80228
0102 TRACT

Mortgage Records

Recording Date 1/27/2014 5/25/2006
Lender Type Bank Bank
Loan Amount $72,000 $75,300
Document Number 2014006538 2006062790
Loan Type New Conventional Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
Contract Date 1/21/2014 5/18/2006
Due Date 2/1/2044 6/1/2036

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Deed Records 4/26/2004
Warranty Deed
Recording Date $99,750
Document Type Full amount stated on Document
Sales Price Code Single Man
Buyer ID F2012487
Seller Name $10
Document # 4/23/2004
Total Transfer Tax
Contract Date

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Sales and Financing Activity

Thischart showsa property'ssalesand financing history. It can be used to compare the value of the property asseen by public records, such asdeedsand tax
records, with the estimated home value. Actionstaken against the owner, such asthe issuance of a Notice of Default, are noted. Salesactivity, such aslisting
date and price reductions, are highlighted.

KEY Sale Listing Financing Distressed Assessed Assessor AVM Sales Est.
Activity Activity Actions Value Market or Comp Loan
Value RVM® Valuation Balance

Data Source: Public recordsand proprietary data; listing data from on- and off-market listingssources

Update Frequency: Valuationsare updated twice monthly; actionson the home, such aslisting activity or distressed property notices, are updated daily asmade
available from public recordssources

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Estimated Home Values

Thismap layer showsthe average estimated home values, based on the AVMsand RVMs® for propertiesin an area. Source(s): Public recordsand MLS data
where licensed; updated Quarterly.

12-Month Change in Estimated Value

Thismap layer showsthe change in estimated home valuesover the past 12 months, based on the AVMsand RVMs® for propertiesin an area. Source(s): Public
recordsand MLS data where licensed; updated Quarterly.

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Estimated Value per Square Foot

Thismap layer showsaverage estimated value per square foot of homes, based on the AVMsand RVMs® for propertiesin an area. Source(s): Public recordsand
MLS data where licensed; updated Quarterly.

Flood Zone

This property is in Flood Zone: X (unshaded), Low Risk
Area of moderate flood hazard, usually the area between the limitsof the 100-year and 500-year floods. B Zonesare also used to designate base floodplainsof
lesser hazards, such asareasprotected by leveesfrom 100-year flood, or shallow flooding areaswith average depthsof lessthan one foot or drainage areasless
than 1 square mile.

Thismap layer showsan area’sflood zone designation asdetermined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). A high-riskarea hasa 1 percent
or greater annual chance of flooding and a 26 percent chance of flooding over the life of a 30-year mortgage. High-riskareasare red or orange. The coast areas,
shown in purple, are also considered high risk. Green areasare low to moderate risk. A moderate-riskarea isbetween risklimitsof a 100-year and 500-year flood.
White areasare undetermined, and all other areasare considered no or low risk. For more detailson the categoriesof flood risk, see Source(s): FEMA; updated Annually.

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Neighborhood: Housing Stats and Charts

Median Estimated Home Value 80228 Denv er Jefferson County Colorado USA
Estimated Home Value 12-Month Change $613K $532K $588K $514K $303K
Median List Price +21.9% +19.2% +20.9% +21.7% +19.6%
List Price 1-Month Change $615K $550K $589K $505K $144K
List Price 12-Month Change +8% 0% -0.2% +1% -4.3%
Median Home Age +18.3% +10% +19% +15.4% +4%
Own 39 58 42 40 42
Rent 68% 50% 71% 65% 64%
$ Value of All Buildings for which Permits Were Issued 32% 50% 29% 35% 36%
% Change in Permits for All Buildings – – $495M $10.3B $307B
% Change in $ Value for All Buildings – – +4% +8% +13%
– – +36% +7% +10%

Median Estimated Home Value
vs. Median Listing Price

Thischart comparesa ZIP code'smedian
estimated home value with itsmedian
listing price. Estimated home valuesare
generated by a valuation model and are
not formal appraisals.

Data Source: Public recordsdata; listing
price data from on- and off-market listings

Update Frequency: Monthly

Median Estimated Value

Median List Price

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Median Sales Price vs. Sales

Thischart comparesthe price trend and
salesvolume for homesin an area.
Home pricestypically follow sales
volume, with a time lag, since sales
activity isthe driver behind price
Data Source: Public recordsand listings
Update Frequency: Monthly

Median Sales Price
Public Records
Median Sales Price
Sales Volume
Public Records
Sales Volume

Median Listing Price vs. Listing

Thischart comparesthe listing price and
listing volume for homesin an area.
Listing pricesoften follow listing volume,
with a time lag, because supply can drive
price movements.
Data Source: On- and off-market listings
Update Frequency: Monthly

Median List Price
Listing Volume

Listing Inventory 1/3/2022

Thischart showsthe number of For Sale
listingsin a ZIP code.
Data Source: On- and off-market listings
Update Frequency: Daily

ZIP Count Listings by PropertyType

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Median Sales Price by Square

Thischart showsthe median price of
homesreported sold in the past six
months, according to the size of the
living space (square footage sourced
from public records). The amount shown
for the subject property issold data where
available, or the property'sestimated
value when salesdata are unavailable
(such asnon-disclosure states) or
provided in range format.
Data Source: Public recordsand MLS
data where licensed
Update Frequency: Monthly

This House

Price per Bedroom of Homes

Thischart showsthe distribution of
homesreported sold in the past six
monthsat different pricesper bedroom in
the area of your search. The amount
shown for the subject property issold
data where available, or the property's
estimated value when salesdata are
unavailable (such asa non-disclosure
state) or provided in range format.
Data Source: Public recordsand MLS
data where licensed
Update Frequency: Monthly

This House

Price per Square Foot of
Homes Sold

Thischart showsthe distribution of
homesreported sold in the past six
monthsat different pricesper square foot
(living area sourced from public records).
Data Source: Public recordsdata
Update Frequency: Monthly

This House

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Price Range of Homes Sold

Thischart showsthe distribution of
homesreported sold in the past six
monthswithin different price rangesin
the area of your search. The amount
shown for the subject property issold
data where available, or the property's
estimated value when salesdata are
unavailable (such asa non-disclosure
state) or provided in range format.
Data Source: Public recordsdata
Update Frequency: Monthly

This House

Age Range of Homes Sold

Thischart showsthe distribution of
homesreported sold in the past six
monthsof different age rangesin the
area of your search.
Data Source: Public recordsdata
Update Frequency: Monthly

This House

Size of Homes Sold

Thischart showsthe distribution of
homesreported sold in the past six
monthsof different sizesin the area of
your search.
Data Source: Public recordsdata
Update Frequency: Monthly

Sales Count By Living Area

Number of Bedrooms in
Homes Sold

Thischart showsthe distribution of
homesreported sold in the past six
months, according to the number of
bedrooms, in the area of your search.
Data Source: Public recordsdata
Update Frequency: Monthly

Sales Count by Bedroom

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Neighborhood: People Stats and Charts

Population 80228 Denv er Jefferson County Colorado USA
Population Density per Sq Mi 35.1K 706K 575K 5.61M 325M
Population Change since 2010 2.38K 4.61K 752 54.1 –
Median Age +18.3% +21.7% +10.3% +6.5% +7.7%
Male / Female Ratio 40 35 40 37 38
48% 50% 50% 50% 49%

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Education Levels of

Thischart showsthe educational
achievement levelsof adultsin an area,
compared with other geographies.

Data Source: U.S. CensusAmerican
Community Survey via Esri, 2020

Update Frequency: Annually

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Population of Children by Age

Thischart showsthe distribution of the
population of children by age range —
from birth to 17 — in the area of your
Data Source: U.S. Census
Update Frequency: Annually


Population of Adults by Age

Thischart showsthe distribution of the
population of adultsby age range —
from 18 to 75-plus— in the area of your
Data Source: U.S. Census
Update Frequency: Annually


Households With Children

Thischart showsthe distribution of
householdswith children, categorized by
marital status, in the area of your search.
Data Source: U.S. Census
Update Frequency: Annually


Household Income Brackets

Thischart showsannual household
income levelswithin an area.
Data Source: U.S. Census
Update Frequency: Annually


Presidential Voting Pattern

Thischart showshow residentsof a
county voted in the 2020 presidential
Data Source:
Update Frequency: Quadrennially

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Neighborhood: Economic Stats and Charts

Income Per Capita 80228 Denv er Jefferson County Colorado USA
Median Household Income – $43,770 $44,119 $38,226 $34,103
Unemployment Rate $84,992 $68,592 $82,986 $72,331 $62,843
Unemployment Number – 5% 4.1% 4.5% 4.6%
Employment Number – 21.8K 14.1K 144K –
Labor Force Number – 414K 331K 3.08M –
– 436K 345K 3.22M –

Unemployment Rate

Thischart showsthe unemployment
trend in the area of your search. The
unemployment rate isan important driver
behind the housing market.
Data Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Update Frequency: Monthly

Jefferson County

Occupational Categories

Thischart showscategoriesof
employment within an area.
Data Source: U.S. Census
Update Frequency: Annually


Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Neighborhood: Quality of Life Stats and Charts

Quality of Life in 80228 80228 Denv er Jefferson County Colorado USA
2,857 2,857 2,955 – –
Elevation (in feet) 16 16 18.29 18.45 –
Annual Rainfall (in inches) 63.25 60.05 69.49 51.79 –
Annual Snowfall (in inches) 113 113 120 126 –
Days of Full Sun (per year) – 26 28 26 27
Travel Time to Work (in minutes) – – – – –
Water Quality - Health Violations – – – – –
Water Quality - Monitoring and Report Violations 0 4 3 45 2,402
Superfund Sites Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Brownfield Sites

Average Commute Time

Thischart showsaverage commute times
to work, in minutes, by percentage of an
area's population.
Data Source: U.S. Census
Update Frequency: Annually


How People Get to Work

Thischart showsthe typesof
transportation that residentsof the area
you searched use for their commute.
Data Source: U.S. Census
Update Frequency: Annually

Average Monthly

Thischart showsaverage temperaturesin
the area you searched.
Data Source: NOAA
Update Frequency: Annually

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

School: South Lakewood Elementary School

School Details School Facts South Lakewood Jefferson County School
Elementary School District No. R-1
Name Overall Grade
South Lakewood
Elementary School

Lev el Total Enrollment 397 84,078
Elementary Students per Teacher 16:1 18:1
Students in Free Lunch Program 48% 32%
Public Academic Grade 3.49 (out of 11727 responses)
Grades Served Average GPA – 54%
K-5 Math Proficiency 34%
Reading Proficiency 49%
School District
Jefferson County School
District No. R-1

8425 W1St Ave,
Lakewood, CO 80226

Phone Gifted Students 5% –
(303) 982-7325 APEnrollments – –

Graduation Rate – 85%

Average ACTScore – 27 (out of 2892 responses)

Average SATScore – 1,220 (out of 3309 responses)

Teacher Grade

Average Teacher Salary $61,462 $61,462
Teachers in 1st or 2nd Year 13% 16%

About this data: Facts and proficiency scores are provided by Niche, which compiles scores, community
reviews and other data about schools across the United States. Ratings for this school are based on the
most recent available facts for each school and district. Data compiled from the U.S. Department of
Education, Private School Universe Survey, Common Core Data and others.
Source: Niche Update Frequency: Quarterly

Community Reviews for this School

Posted: 3/21/2018 by Parent
Thisschool hasbeen a good fit for our family. Our kidsare very different learnersand South Lakewood hasbeen able to help both succeed.

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

School: Creighton Middle School 400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

School Details School Facts Creighton Middle Jefferson County School District No.
School R-1
Creighton Middle School Overall Grade 84,078
Lev el Total Enrollment 874 32%
Middle Students per Teacher 18:1
Students in Free Lunch Program 61% 3.49 (out of 11727 responses)
Type 41%
Public 54%

Grades Served –
6-8 85%
27 (out of 2892 responses)
School District Academic Grade – 1,220 (out of 3309 responses)
Jefferson County School 35%
District No. R-1 Average GPA 43% $61,462
Math Proficiency 22% 16%
Address Reading Proficiency
50 S Kipling St, Lakewood, Gifted Students
CO 80226

(303) 982-6282

APEnrollments –

Graduation Rate –

Average ACTScore –

Average SATScore –

Teacher Grade

Average Teacher Salary $61,462
Teachers in 1st or 2nd Year 22%

About this data: Facts and proficiency scores are provided by Niche, which compiles scores, community
reviews and other data about schools across the United States. Ratings for this school are based on the
most recent available facts for each school and district. Data compiled from the U.S. Department of
Education, Private School Universe Survey, Common Core Data and others.
Source: Niche Update Frequency: Quarterly

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

School: Lakewood High School

School Details School Facts Lakewood High School Jefferson County School District
No. R-1
Name Overall Grade
Lakewood High School 84,078
Total Enrollment 2,046 18:1
Lev el Students per Teacher 19:1 32%
High Students in Free Lunch Program 36%
3.49 (out of 11727 responses)
Type 41%
Public 54%

Grades Served –
9-12 85%
27 (out of 2892 responses)
School District Academic Grade 3.49 (out of 1272 1,220 (out of 3309 responses)
Jefferson County School Average GPA responses)
District No. R-1 Math Proficiency $61,462
52% 16%
9700 W8Th Ave,
Lakewood, CO 80215

Phone Reading Proficiency 70%
(303) 982-7085 Gifted Students 27%

APEnrollments 636

Graduation Rate 95%

Average ACTScore 28 (out of 313

Average SATScore 1,290 (out of 359

Teacher Grade

Average Teacher Salary $61,462
Teachers in 1st or 2nd Year 16%

About this data: Facts and proficiency scores are provided by Niche, which compiles scores, community
reviews and other data about schools across the United States. Ratings for this school are based on the
most recent available facts for each school and district. Data compiled from the U.S. Department of
Education, Private School Universe Survey, Common Core Data and others.
Source: Niche Update Frequency: Quarterly

Community Reviews for this School

Posted: 6/16/2021 by Senior
Lakewood High School isa wonderful building to be in with a diverse student body, supportive staff and faculty, and an inspiring school spirit. Asa student
myself, I've never felt more comfortable and accepted in a school building. The studentsare a group of passionate peersthat I get to learn from on a daily basis,
and the teachersare intent and focused on our education, but also our mental and physical health. Lakewood High School looksbeyond the education system
and ensurestheir studentshave a memorable high school experience that can prepare them for their futures.

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

400 Zang St, Apt 102, Lakewood, CO 80228

Posted: 5/19/2021 by Junior
Asa current student at Lakewood High School, I thinkit'sa really amazing place to be in, you make friends, there are some nice teachersto talkwith. Lakewood
High also givessome great opportunitiesto studentssuch asthe option of AP and IB classesand for those who are juniorsand senior they also have another
different opportunity in going to Warren Tech that offersstudentsto picka program of that you can get free college credit from also.

Posted: 4/16/2021 by Junior
Lakewood isa great school for AP and IB students, with lotsof dedicated teachersand a good school atmosphere. Traditionslike the Spoon Game and assembly
chantsmake "We Are Family" about astrue asyou can expect of a 2,000 student school.

Posted: 2/22/2021 by Junior
Lakewood High School isan institution that striverson diversity and opportunities. If diversity had a place to a name, it would be Lakewood High School through
it'sstudents. Although facilitiesand administration are amazing, communicationsfrom these institutionsto the studentslackssometimes. Lakewood High School
doesoffer traditional AP and IB classes, with more AP classesthan IB. Although the optionsare very approachable, the counselorsoften do a poor job explaining
the benefitsand drawbacksof the two programs. I am a junior in the IB program with an unweighted GPA of 3.8, but it tooka lot two yearsto truly comprehend
the difference in the academicsoffered at Lakewood. Finally, the Music and ArtsProgramsoffered at Lakewood isone of it'sstrongest attributes. Three orchestras,
four bands, four choirs, percussion, IB photography, AP Music theory, IB Music Theory, IB Theater, Ceramics, Woodworking, 2D Art, 3D Art, AP Art, IB Art, Art
History and many more choices.

Posted: 2/20/2021 by Senior
Thisschool hasbeen amazing! It hasmolded me into the person I am today. It haseverything you will every need, community, family, great staff and amazing
programs. It islocated in the heart of Lakewood and lovesbeing there. The sportsprogram thrive and compete at a very high level. My older brother graduated
from there and my sister will go there aswell. Family issuper important to Lakewood high school.

Copyright 2022 Realtors PropertyResource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1/3/2022
Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.

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