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Ultradent Malaysia Catalogue Digital2

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Published by joel-hay, 2019-05-16 03:27:53

Malaysia Catalogue

Ultradent Malaysia Catalogue Digital2


Skini Syringe 1.2 ml Empty Syringe

• Generates pressure in the syringe with low force to the plunger, • Snug Luer Lock threads prevent tips from popping off
resulting in more precise apical delivery
Designed for: All 30 ml IndiSpense® syringes.
• Low waste

Designed for: EndoREZ® and PermaFlo® DC.

0.5 ml Skini Syringe 20pk 50pk 1.2 ml Empty Syringe 20pk 100pk
1680 1681 124 157

ViscoStat® Empty Syringe 5 ml Syringe

• Snug Luer Lock threads prevent tips from popping off • Syringe barrel flanges positioned for optimum control/leverage
• Colored plastic is light sensitive to preserve chemistry
Designed for: Irrigants for in-office or dentist-supervised procedures, as
Designed for: 30 ml IndiSpense syringes of ViscoStat®, ViscoStat® Clear, well as Capillary tip, ChlorCid®, Ultradent® Citric Acid, Ultradent® EDTA 18%
Astringedent®, and Astringedent® X. Solution, and Consepsis®.

1.2 ml ViscoStat Empty Syringe 20pk 100pk 5 ml Syringe 10pk
1278 3096 201

Ultra-Etch® Empty Syringe Ultradent® Syringe Cover

• Snug Luer Lock threads prevent tips from popping off • Provides an easy, reliable barrier
• Blue color makes identification easy • Ensures asepsis of syringe during cleanup

Designed for: 30 ml IndiSpense syringes of Ultra-Etch®. Designed for: All 1.2 ml syringes.

1.2 ml Ultra-Etch Empty Syringe 20pk 1.2ml Syringe Cover 300pk
129 249 101


Capillary Tips Endo-Eze™ Irrigator Tip

• Evacuates canals and substantially minimizes • Provides ideal reach reducing risk of expressing
use of paper points chemicals past the apex

• Narrow, flexible taper accesses curved canals • Comes with a flexible, blunt cannula with a
unique, anti-obturating end
Attach to the Ultradent® Luer Vacuum Adapter for
moisture removal from endodontic canals. • Non-sterile

® mm 20pk 50pk Designed for: ChlorCid®, ChlorCid® V, and Ultradent®
0.36 mm 341 3099 5 ml syringe.
Capillary 0.014ʺ 0.48 mm 186 1425
Capillary 0.019ʺ

mm 20pk

Note: Do not use for delivery of endodontic sealers. Endo-Eze Irrigator 27 ga 25 207

Endo-Eze™ Tips

• Great for endodontic procedures
• Flexible, strong cannulae
• Bend easily

Designed for: Luting materials and air/water delivery.
Use with: TriAway™ Adapter, PermaFlo® DC, and other Ultradent

Endo-Eze 22 ga - 0.028ʺ mm 20pk 100pk 2 2 ga 2 0 ga 19 ga 18 ga
Endo-Eze 20 ga - 0.035ʺ 0.70 mm 348 1431
Endo-Eze 19 ga - 0.042ʺ 0.90 mm 347 1430
Endo-Eze 18 ga - 0.049ʺ 1.06 mm 346 1429
1.25 mm 345 1428

102 +6 03 8600 8050


NaviTip® Tips NaviTip® 31 ga Tip
with Double Sideport Irrigator
• Provide controlled delivery to the apex
• Flexible, stainless steel cannulae easily navigate curved canals • Double sideports deliver irrigants safely,
minimizing the possibility of chemicals being
29 ga delivers paste materials: MTAFlow™, EndoREZ® and UltraCal XS®. expressed past the apex
30 ga delivers solutions/gels:
File-Eze®, Ultradent® EDTA 18% Solution, ChlorCid®, ChlorCid® V, • One of the world’s smallest cannula navigates
Consepsis®, Consepsis® V, and Ultradent® Citric Acid 20% Solution. the most intricate canal spaces

Designed for: ChlorCid®, ChlorCid® V, ChlorCid® Surf,
Ultradent® EDTA 18% Solution, Ultradent® Citric Acid
20% Solution, and Consepsis®.

® mm 20pk 50pk
21 mm 5121 5122
NaviTip 31 ga 27 mm 5123 5124
NaviTip 31 ga

27 mm 25 mm 21 mm 17 mm

29 ga

27 mm 25 mm 21 mm 17 mm Listed as an “EXCELLENT” product by a ­
30 ga prominent independent research institute.1

® mm 20pk 50pk NaviTip® FX® Tip
27 mm 5115 1377
NaviTip 29 ga 25 mm 5114 1376 • One-of-a-kind brush cleans, scrubs,
NaviTip 29 ga 21 mm 5113 1374 and irrigates simultaneously
NaviTip 29 ga 17 mm 5112 1378
NaviTip 29 ga 27mm–17mm 5116 1379 • Rigid cannula
NaviTip 29ga–29 ga 20pk 50pk
mm 1354 1424 Designed for: Ultradent® Citric Acid 20% Solution.
® 27 mm 1250 1423
25 mm 1349 1422 ® mm 20pk
NaviTip 30 ga 21 mm 1249 1421 17 mm 1452
NaviTip 30 ga 17 mm 1351 3319 NaviTip FX 30 ga 25 mm 1454
NaviTip 30 ga 27mm–17mm NaviTip FX 30 ga
NaviTip 30 ga
NaviTip 30 ga–30 ga

1. Clinical Research Associates Newsletter. Volume 29, Issue 1, January 2005. 103


Ultradent® Mixing Wells Ultradent® Micro Applicators

• Use with bottled chemistries • Bend easily
Designed for: Peak® and Peak ZM®. • Apply small amounts accurately
• Standard size

The micro applicator is composed of small nonlinting, nonabsorbent fibers that
suspend solutions, creating a nondripping sphere.

4545 Mixing Wells 100pk 4548 Micro Applicator Brush 400pk
200 x Each color

IntraOral Impression Tip Luer Lock Cap

• Allows precise placement • Winged, polypropylene, plastic luer lock cap
• Attaches to mixing tips • Use to seal syringes loaded in the office

Designed for: Thermo Clone® VPS and Chromaclone® PVS. Designed for: All Ultradent® plastic syringes.

IntraOral Impression 50pk Luer Lock Cap 20pk
2906 205

Dynamic Mixing Tip Syringe Organizer

• Easily and securely locks on cartridge • Holds 14 syringes
• Provides consistent mixing of base and catalyst • Made of clear acrylic
Designed for: Mosiac®.
Designed for: Thermo Clone® VPS 380 ml cartridges.
Syringe Organizer
Dynamic Mixing 50pk 1pk
4075 382

Mixing Tips 50pk
Mixing Tips Yellow 2903
Mixing Tips Pink 2904
Mixing Tips Green

• Enable direct delivery of impression materials
• Automixing, disposable, and color coded

Designed for: Thermo Clone® VPS and Chromaclone® PVS.

104 +6 03 8600 8050


ViscoStat Clear

Astringedent X


Fischer’s Ultrapak Packers
Ultradent Slide Packers



For more than 40 years dentists have trusted the immediate
hemostatic power, detailed margins, and elimination of surface 1. Burnish hemostatic agents firmly 2. Using the Dento-Infusor® tip with
bleeding and sulcular fluid provided by using Ultradent’s tissue against sulcus until bleeding stops padded scrub brush, scrub firmly to
management products. Our complete line of solutions continuously and no more coagulum forms. infuse hemostatic and clean cut sulcus.
sets the standard for superior control and predictability while offering
dentists fast, reliable, and affordable products.

Unparalleled tissue management starts with rapid, profound
hemostasis. For continuous control of bleeding and sulcular fluid,
no one offers a more complete line of solutions.

Firmly rub Viscostat, Astringedent, or 3. Apply firm air/water spray to remove 4. After complete hemostasis has been
Astringedent X against the cut bleeding residual coagulum and test tissue for reached, excellent retraction is achieved
tissue to obtain hemostasis. quality, profound hemostasis. If bleeding using Ultrapak® knitted cord placed with
continues, repeat infusion technique. the Ultrapak® packer.

Reduce cross-contamination and need Courtesy of Dr. Cornelis Pameijer. ViscoStat® hemostatic protects tissues
for sterilizing by loading unit dose even with low pH.
directly from IndiSpense® syringe. Note: ViscoStat hemostatic will not
remove dentinal smear layer, resulting
TISSUE MANAGEMENT IS KEY TO QUALITY in less tooth sensitivity even after 10


“We have many products and procedures in dentistry that are technique sensitive—­­
tissue management is especially so. Done right, it’s gorgeous! You see results almost
immediately. Done wrong, the bleeding doesn’t stop, and you end up with that awful
coagulum everywhere.”

Contralateral molars removed for maxillofacial
surgery. Crowns fabricated by same technician.
Different dentists made impressions.

Timeline: 0 1 min. 2 min. 3 min. 4 min.

Bleeding Rub hemostatic Clean sulcus with If necessary, Perform final Place soaked Remove Ultrapak
agent firmly with air/water spray repeat hemostatic cleaning/testing with Ultrapak cord(s); cord(s); air/water
Dento-Infusor tip application firm air/water spray leave 1 to 3 minutes spray; air dry

106 +6 03 8600 8050



1. Well-healed tissue 2 weeks post-op. 2. Sulcular fluids contaminate 1. Several Class V restorations were 2. With microleakage, blood pigments
bonding materials/preparation performed on these anterior teeth move into space between preparation
SEAL/DRY when not controlled. 2 months prior. Inadequate tissue and restoration and stain interface.
management or inadequate removal of
PREP SCOURED hemostatic and/or blood contaminants RESTORATION
resulted in microleakage on maxillary
right central incisor.


3. Seal epithelium by gently rubbing with 4. Scour off hemostatic agent and
ViscoStat® hemostatic and Blue Mini® residual temporary cement with
Dento-Infusor® tip. Consepsis® Scrub, prepare site for
application of any dentin bonding agent,
including self-etching systems. 3. Isolate tissues with Ultrapak® 4. Replaced Class V restoration 3 months
cord soaked in hemostatic solution. post-op.
Firmly air/water spray/rinse excess
WASH/DRY SEAT RESTORATION hemostatic from cord, tissues, and
tooth surfaces to prevent contamination
and resultant leakage.


5. Wash and dry. Tissue stays dry. 6. Preparation ready for final cementation.

1. For Class V restorations, ViscoStat 2. Successful bonded restoration.
hemostatic and Ultrapak cord are ideal
Note: Perfect sulcular fluid control is mandatory if bonding and for controlling blood and sulcular fluids
luting is adjacent to gingival sulcus.1 and can also protect tissue from burs.
Use a firm air/water spray to remove
excess hemostatic solution.


1. Bailey JH, Fischer DE. Procedural hemostasis and sulcular fluid control: a prerequisite in modern dentistry. Pract 1. Packing Ultrapak cord quickly
Periodontics Aesthet Dent. 1995;7(4):65-75; quiz 76. displaces tissues and improves access
for indirect veneer luting.


An astringent is a substance that eliminates permeability of epithelium - EXPANDED APPLICATION
to tissue fluid flow. The result is a dry field, an important tissue
management solution. An ideal impression for successful crowns, HEMOSTASIS ANTIMICROBIAL
veneers, and bridges must accurately capture the preparation
margins. This can be ensured only through reliable hemostasis
and gingival displacement.


Courtesy of Dr. Jaleena Jessop. 1. Control bleeding. Use Dento-Infusor 2. Apply a sustained antibacterial like
tip with ViscoStat or Astringedent® ZOE in a thin layer.

1. Subgingival preparation with bleeding. 2. Burnish Astringedent® X hemostatic
firmly against bleeding tissues with
CLEANING/TESTING Metal Dento-Infusor® tip.


3. Create a eugenol barrier.* Apply 4. Apply Ultra-Etch® phosphoric acid or
a thin layer of Ultra-Blend plus liner Peak® SE Primer.
because eugenol inhibits most resin

3. Firm air/water spray removes residual 4. Soak Ultrapak® knitted cord in Note: Apply ZOE and Ultra-Blend® plus liner in minimal thickness to
coagulum and tests tissue for quality, ViscoStat hemostatic, pack, and leave keep maximum dentin available for bonding.
profound hemostasis. for 1–3 minutes.
Note: Remove all hemostatic and extraneous coagulum prior to
DRYING/TESTING MAKE IMPRESSION placement of the thin layer of ZOE.


5. Remove Ultrapak knitted cord, follow 6. Deliver Thermo Clone VPS impression 5. Apply Peak® Universal Bond adhesive. 6. Use flowable and/or paste composite
with a firm air/water spray and dry. material. as desired.


7. Predictable quality impressions. 1. Fei AL, Udin RD, Johnson R. A clinical study of ferric sulfate as a pulpotomy agent in primary teeth. Pediatr Dent.
1991;13(6):327-32. 2. Fuks AB, Holan G, Davis JM, Eidelman E. Ferric sulfate versus dilute formocresol in pulpotomized
108 primary molars: long-term follow up. Pediatr Dent. 1997;19(5):327-30. 3. Landau MJ, Johnsen DC. Pulpal responses
to ferric sulfate in monkeys [IADR abstract 822]. J Dent Res. 1988;67(suppl):215. 4. Fuks AB, Eidelman E, Cleaton-
Jones P, Michaeli Y. Pulp response to ferric sulfate, diluted formocresol and IRM in pulpotomized primary baboon teeth.
ASDC J Dent Child. 1997;64(4):254-9.

+6 03 8600 8050



Using the correct tip is essential to achieving profound, dependable
hemostasis and sulcular fluid control.
Hemostatic agents are only as good as their delivery systems. Dento-
Infusor tips infuse hemostatic agents into bleeding capillaries. The
padded brush end rubs the agent into capillaries and wipes coagulum
away. The result is a clean, dry preparation ready for impressions.

1. Old, fractured amalgam filling. 2. Remove old amalgam. Keep caries as Courtesy of Dr. Jaleena Jessop.
Patient has been chewing on fragments a barrier for the time being, in case pulp
for months, leaving gingiva inflamed. is exposed.

Bleeding must be controlled before Profound hemostasis achieved,
starting any direct bonding procedure. preparation is ready to restore.

3. Expose gingival margin of restoration 4. If necessary, achieve profound As a rule, the Metal Dento-Infusor device is the tip of choice
before placing a rubber dam. Move to hemostasis by applying ViscoStat® for use with ViscoStat®, ViscoStat® Clear, Astringedent® and
step 4, if necessary, to improve visibility. hemostatic or Astringedent® X hemostatic Astringedent® X hemostatic agents. It can be used with enough
with brush end of Metal Dento-Infusor® tip. pressure to infuse the capillaries with the hemostatic agent. If only
control of sulcular fluid is required, the softer tip end of the plastic
Blue Mini® Dento-Infusor® tips may be gentler on the newly healed
epithelium at the time of bonding subgingival definitive restorations.
Both infusors allow hemostatic agents to be scrubbed into the tissue
in a targeted and sparing way, which is not possible with other means
such as cotton pellets, micro brushes, and special brushes.

5. Place a dental dam; then remove 6. DO NOT wedge matrix band until first
residual caries. Treat exposed pulp if layer of composite has been placed.
necessary. Etch and bond with Peak®
Universal Bond adhesive.

Tip infuses hemostatic agent into A blunt, bent cannula with padded “scrub
capillaries, forming a cork-like “plug,” brush” on Metal Dento-Infusor tip enables
then cleans coagulum away. ViscoStat Clear hemostatic to temporarily
close off capillary ends by causing
collagen in them to swell.

7. CORRECT: First, place matrix band 8. Wedge after first layer. Loosen matrix Dento-Infusor Tips, see pages 98–99
to create a gingival barrier; then place band and contour for good interproximal
first layer of composite. Optional: Etch contact. Place an initial adaptive layer
and bond after placing matrix band, with a flowable composite (PermaFlo®
and then place first layer of composite. composite) and fill cavity with one of our
quality composites. 109

TISSUE MANAGEMENT “ViscoStat hemostatic has allowed me to take clean, dry, accurate impressions even
in some of the most hemorrhagic situations. Thank you! I appreciate it, my lab man
ViscoStat® appreciates it, and my patients appreciate it.”
20% FERRIC SULFATE “ViscoStat hemostatic can stop bleeding in the cervical area of a crown prep like nothing
else I have ever seen! It is a miracle solution! I wish I knew how many thousands of hours
1 it has saved me over the years. Thank you, Ultradent!”
Best Hemostatic Agent “Without a doubt I would be lost without ViscoStat hemostatic! It quickly stops sulcular
bleeding, allowing me to place the Ultrapak #OOO cord and get an excellent impression
on the first try. It is also great to use when bonding composites near gingival tissues.
ViscoStat hemostatic is a vital part of my crown prep and composite armamentarium.”

Metal 647 ViscoStat Dento-Infusor IndiSpense Kit
DI® Tip 1 x 30 ml IndiSpense syringe
page 99 20 x Metal Dento-Infusor tips
20 x 1.2 ml empty syringes

3093 ViscoStat Dento-Infusor Kit
4 x 1.2 ml syringes

20 x Metal Dento-Infusor tips

• Creates profound hemostasis 3070 ViscoStat Syringe 20pk
• Stops bleeding in seconds, saving chair time 1.2 ml syringes
• Does not impede hard or soft tissue healing
• Eliminates sulcular fluid contamination for optimal bonding
• Decreases costly impression remakes 645 ViscoStat IndiSpense Syringe 1pk
ViscoStat hemostatic is a 20% ferric sulfate equivalent hemostatic 30 ml syringe
agent with inert binding agents in a viscous, aqueous solution. It
contains fumed silica to limit the acidic activity, making it kind to
hard and soft tissue. 1278 ViscoStat Empty Syringe 20pk
ViscoStat hemostatic solution is suited for a variety of dental and 1.2 ml empty syringes
oral surgery procedures to arrest surface capillary bleeding. Such
procedures include fixed prosthodontics, restorative-operative,
periodontal treatment, etc. ViscoStat hemostatic is also recommended 3096 ViscoStat Empty Syringe 100pk
for retrofillings, canine impactions, gingivectomies, and as a “fixative” 1.2 ml empty syringes
for pulpotomies.
Tip: Prevent leakage caused by sulcular fluid contamination during 1.
direct bonding procedures. Soak an Ultrapak® knitted cord in
hemostatic and isolate the tissues. Follow with a firm air/water spray.

!Note: Do not use epinephrine preparations with ferric sulfate products
(ViscoStat, Astringedent), as blue/black precipitate will occur.

110 +6 03 8600 8050




• SPECIALLY DESIGNED for the esthetic zone • TRANSPARENT GEL stays on the sulcus
• LEAVES NO RESIDUE and rinses off easily • DOES NOT INTERFERE with bonding

ViscoStat® Clear 111PHONE NUMBER: +6 03 8600 8050
25% aluminum chloride


ViscoStat® Clear



Best Hemostatic Agent

1. Subgingival preparation and bleeding 2. Rub hemostatic firmly against bleeding
sulcus. tissues with the Metal Dento-Infusor® tip.
The clear gel allows easy visibility and
rinses away quickly.

Metal 3. Press soaked Ultrapak® cord into 4. Remove cord. Firm air/water spray. Air
DI® Tip the sulcus. Leave 4–5 minutes. dry. Rub hemostatic into the sulcus again.
page 99 Leave 1 minute.

• Does not discolor the gingiva 5. Finished restoration 2 weeks post-op.
• Stops minor bleeding in the esthetic zone Facilitates great control in esthetic zone
• Rinses easily with no gingival stain.
• Viscous gel
• Does not interfere with bonding2 6409 ViscoStat Clear Dento-Infusor Kit
ViscoStat Clear hemostatic is a 25% aluminum chloride gel in a 4 x 1.2 ml syringes
viscous, aqueous solution. Its tissue-kind silica formula temporarily
eliminates minor bleeding. No coagulum is formed, nor does residue 20 x Metal Dento-Infusor tips
adhere to the preparation, which is especially critical in the esthetic
zone. ViscoStat Clear hemostatic will not stain the hard or soft tissues. 6407 ViscoStat Clear Dento-Infusor IndiSpense Kit
ViscoStat Clear hemostatic is intended for sulcus retraction prior to 1 x 30 ml IndiSpense syringe
impression making and to control bleeding and gingival oozing in
restorative and operative dentistry. It is designed to be used with or 20 x Metal Dento-Infusor tips
without gingival retraction cord and/or the Dento-Infusor tip. The gel 20 x 1.2 ml empty syringes
facilitates the insertion of the cord into the sulcus.

6410 ViscoStat Clear Syringe 20pk
1.2 ml syringes

6408 ViscoStat Clear IndiSpense Syringe
30 ml syringe

1. 2. Data on file.

112 +6 03 8600 8050


15.5% FERRIC SULFATE Astringedent® X


• The “Classic” hemostatic agent • Effectively treats difficult-to-stop bleeding
• Stops bleeding in seconds • Is less acidic than competitive iron subsulfate solutions
• Eliminates sulcular fluid contamination for optimal bonding
• Decreases costly impression remakes Astringedent X hemostatic is an aqueous 12.7% iron solution that
Astringedent hemostatic is an aqueous 15.5% ferric sulfate contains equivalent ferric sulfate and ferric subsulfate that works fast.
hemostatic solution with a pH of ~1.0.
“Highly recommended as effective and easy to use for control of Note: Diluted Astringedent X hemostatic does not equal ViscoStat or
bleeding, tissue management, and pulpotomies. Rating+++++.”2 Astringedent hemostatics.
Astringedent hemostatic solution is well suited for a variety of
dental and oral surgery procedures to arrest bleeding. Astringedent Use when a stronger, more potent hemostatic is required and when
hemostatic can be used to prevent leakage caused by sulcular fluid the attainment of quality hemostasis may be more challenging (e.g., in
contamination during direct bonding procedures. cases of difficult-to-stop, problem bleeding).

Listed as a “CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT” product by a Courtesy of Dr. Bruce LeBlanc.
prominent independent research institute.2

111 Astringedent Bottle 1pk
686 Astringedent IndiSpense Syringe 1pk
30 ml

Astringedent X hemostatic and Dento-Infusor tip facilitate profound hemostasis, even
with challenging cases.

NOTE: ViscoStat® and Astringedent hemostatic agents are more 112 Astringedent X Bottle 1pk
viscous and should be used with a Metal Dento-Infusor® tip with, as 690 Astringedent X IndiSpense Syringe 1pk
there is less flow through plastic Blue Mini® Dento-Infusor® tip. The 30 ml
plastic Dento-Infusor tip should be used when you are dealing with
newly healed epithelium, as the softer tip is slightly less aggressive.

1. 2. “Can’t Live Without” Clinical Research Associates Newsletter, Volume 21, Issue 7, July 1997. 113





Best Gingival Retraction Material

With easy packing, excellent absorption,
and exceptional retention, the proprietary
knitted design of the Ultrapak cord has
been the preferred choice for years.

Listed as a “CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT” product by a
prominent independent research institute.3

Data shows Ultrapak® knitted cord
vs. leading competitors’ absorption abilities.*

• The original knitted cord GingiBraid™** 4.4
• Provides rapid tissue displacement, detailed margins, GingiKnit™** 5.6

for quality impressions GingiPak® Z Twist™** 4.2
• Facilitates easy packing and stays in place better than SiliTrax® Plain**
Sure-Cord®** 7.9
twisted or braided cord Ultrapak® 5.8
• Compresses upon packing then expands for optimal retraction Stat-Pak™** 5.5
• Does not entangle in diamond bur Proretract™** 5.8
• Bright colors facilitate easy identification and removal 0
Ultrapak cord is made of 100% cotton which has been knitted 2.7
into thousands of tiny loops to form long, interlocking chains. After
hemostasis is achieved this unique knitted design exerts a gentle, 6.1
continuous outward force following placement as the knitted loops 6.8
seek to open. Optimal tissue displacement occurs in 1–3 minutes.
Ultrapak cord can also be used to deliver ferric sulfate solutions 6.4
subgingivally for sulcular fluid control. Ultrapak cord is designed to 6.2
enhance tissue management techniques that use ViscoStat® and
Astringedent® hemostatics. Conventional techniques using alum, 3.7
aluminum chloride, etc. are also enhanced when using Ultrapak 10.9
plain knitted cords, which carry significantly greater quantities of 11.2
hemostatic solution than conventional cords.

6.3 ViscoStat®
4.3 ViscoStat® Clear
5.7 Water


Unit of measure: µl/cm

2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0

* Date on file. ** Trademark of a company other than Ultradent. 1. 2. Note: Do not use Ultrapak
E knitted cord or other epinephrine preparations with ferric sulfate solutions, including ViscoStat, Astringedent, and

Astringedent X hemostatics, as a blue/black precipitate will occur. Ultrapak knitted cord with epinephrine is not available
in all countries. 3. “Can’t Live Without” Clinical Research Associates Newsletter, Volume 21, Issue 7, July 1997.

114 +6 03 8600 8050


To ensure cord retention during preparation, use a cord large enough The most common challenges in getting a quality impression are
to firmly compress into sulcus. adequate tissue retraction and sufficient moisture control. Try a double
retraction cord technique combined with effective hemostatic agents
PREPACK PREPARATION to alleviate both.


1. Place Ultrapak® knitted cord soaked 2. Extend margin subgingivally by 1. Once hemostasis is achieved, carefully 2. Place a second, thicker cord soaked
in hemostatic solution using a cord size cutting partway into knitted cord, which place a single cord—such as Ultrapak® in a hemostatic agent to expand the
that appears slightly too large to ensure won’t entangle in diamond bur. Remove knitted cord #0 or #00—as deep as tissue laterally.
cord retention. The thin Ultrapak® Packer remnant of cord with an explorer or possible into the sulcus. Use Fischer’s
quickly slips cord into position. The other instrument. Bleeding is minimal Ultrapak Packers to place cords properly
knitted cord’s unique design (interlocking if at all. A small portion of uncut tooth and efficiently.
loops) facilitates easy packing and locks above gingival attachment is preserved
it into place. to record in impression. If additional RINSE/DRY
retraction is required, repack with
appropriately sized cord. Rinse, air dry,
and make impression.


HEMOSTASIS CLEAR FIELD 3. Rinse the area well, lightly dry, and
make impression.


1. Complete hemostasis is essential, 2. After hemostasis is achieved and ULTRAPAK
especially when taking digital tissue is retracted, preparation is ready Knitted Ultrapak cord is composed of
impressions, for the most accurate for digital impression. thousands of tiny, interlocking loops so
marginal fit of any restoration. it compresses and expands easier than
other cords. 100% cotton fibers provide
high absorption of hemostatic agents Ultrapak cord compresses upon packing
and sulcular fluids. and then expands for optimal tissue

“Ultrapak cord is excellent at displacing the gingival tissue and allowing proper Ultrapak cord, saturated with Ultrapak CleanCut design features a
hemostasis, and is easy to place and remove. It works very well for all retraction hemostatic solution, controls bleeding blade in the cap for efficient cutting. A
purposes. The different sizes are good for all situations.” and sulcular fluid for near gingival and special dispensing orifice prevents cord
—DR. Y CLEMENT SHEK – SAN FRANCISCO, CA subgingival preparations. from falling into the bottle.
“In dentistry, time is money. Ultrapak cord’s woven design makes packing the cord
quick and easy, plus the tooth can be prepped or touched up without snagging the
cord. This increases patient comfort in shortening the appointment with far less repeat
“Ultrapak cord has taken the stress out of cord packing. This was the most frustrating
part of my day when I was using other products. Add the amazing Astringedent
hemostatic and…LIFE IS GOOD!”


130 Ultrapak Kit Each bottle contains 8 ft/244 cm of cord.
1 x Each #00, 0, 1, and 2 cord
1 x Ultrapak organizer #1 - .049” (1,245 MM)
• Non-impregnated #1 and #2 sizes are particularly effective for

#000 - .035” (0,889 MM) tissue control and/or displacement when soaked in coagulative
• Lower cord in the “double-cord” technique hemostatic solution prior to and/or after crown preparations
• Anterior teeth • Protective “pre-preparation” cord on anteriors
137 Ultrapak Cord #000 Regular 1pk 132 Ultrapak Cord #1 Regular 1pk

#2 - .056” (1,422 MM)
• Upper cord for “double-cord” technique
#00 - .041” (1,041 MM) • Protective “pre-preparation” cord
• Preparing and cementing veneers 133 Ultrapak Cord #2 Regular 1pk
• Restorative procedures dealing with thin, friable tissues
136 Ultrapak Cord #00 Regular 1pk #3 - .063” (1,6 MM)
• Areas that have fairly thick gingival tissues where
#0 - .045” (1,143 MM)
• Lower anteriors a significant amount of force is required
• When luting near gingival and subgingival veneers • Upper cord for use with the “double-cord” technique
• Class III, IV, and V restorations 134 Ultrapak Cord #3 Regular 1pk
• Upper cord for use with the “double-cord” technique
131 Ultrapak Cord #0 Regular 1pk

116 +6 03 8600 8050


Fischer’s Ultrapak® Packers


#170 and #171 (45º to handle)
#172 and #174 (90º and parallel to handle)

These specially designed packers ease the packing of Ultrapak® “Ultrapak Packers help place the cords properly in a
knitted cord. Their thin edges and fine serrations press into the cord, quick and efficient manner. Thanks to the inventors!”
preventing it from slipping off and reducing the risk of cutting the — DR. JOHN LUI – BELLEVUE, WA
gingival attachment.
45° TO HANDLE: Our most popular packers, with heads at 45° to the 171 Small Packer (45º to handle) 1pk
handle and three packing sides. Circular packing of the prep can be 170 Regular Packer (45º to handle) 1pk
completed without the need to flip the instrument end to end. Use the 174 Small Packer (90º to handle) 1pk
small packer on lower anteriors and upper lateral incisors. 172 Regular Packer (90º to handle) 1pk
90° AND PARALLEL TO HANDLE: Same size design as the 45º to
handle packer, except one of the heads is in line with the shank and
the other is at a right angle to the shank.

Ultradent® Slide Packers


834 Small Slide Packer (45º to handle) 1pk
833 Regular Slide Packer (45º to handle) 1pk

These thin, non-serrated slide packers are designed to place and 117
compress cord with a sliding action as the clinician places cord
around the prep. The thin head presses into the cord, and the smooth,
circular head allows placement of cord in a sliding motion around the
preparation without lifting the instrument from the cord.



Haleigh, from the United States—a hairstylist, gamer, and athlete—

smiles because she loves to be herself. Opalescence Go® prefilled whitening
trays are the perfect way to whiten on her busy schedule. For many patients a
brighter, whiter smile is all they need to shine. That’s the power of a smile.

118 +6 03 8600 8050


Questions Behind Tooth Whitening
Whitening Treatment Protocol

Opalescence Tooth Whitening Reference Guide
Opalescence Carbamide vs. Hydrogen Peroxide Concentrations

Opalescence PF 10% and 15%
Opalescence 10%

Opalescence Shade Guide Cards
Opalescence Gift Bags

Opalescence Pocket Tray Cases
Opalescence Go 6%

Ultradent LC Block-Out Resin
Sof-Tray Classic Sheets

Ultradent Utility Vinyl Cutters
Ultradent Ultra-Trim Scalloping Scissors


OpalDam/OpalDam Green

Opalescence Boost 35%
Opalescence Endo

Opalescence Whitening Toothpaste





Kam, from the Bahamas, smiles when he sees his daughter.

Opalescence® Boost® in-office whitening is perfect to quickly whiten
his smile in about an hour.

Opalescence Boost Whitening A bright smile in under an hour!

112200 ++6600338866000088005500




WHITEN YOUR SMILE - Questions Behind Tooth Whitening

There are many causes of tooth staining. Certain medicines, tooth trauma, root fillings, and foods and beverages can cause tooth discoloration
over time. Some discolorations are superficial, while others are internal. Both can be effectively treated by a dentist. Professional whitening is
the best option to safely lighten discolored teeth.

During the whitening treatment, hydrogen and carbamide peroxide Whitening results are very stable. However, depending on your diet
change to form reactive oxygen species. These penetrate the tooth and lifestyle habits, whitening may need to be redone periodically.
and break down the stain molecules to change their optical properties. Due to the safety of the whitening agents, this should
This interaction transforms the color molecules, making the tooth not cause any concerns.
appear more white.
Reactive oxygen species are able to migrate throughout the tooth, WILL WHITENING CAUSE TOOTH SENSITIVITY?
so there is no need for the entire surface of the tooth to be in contact Tooth sensitivity can occur as a result of whitening. If sensitivity
with the whitening agent for the entire tooth to be whitened. occurs, it is transient and disappears after the completion of whitening
Because the reactive oxygen needs to dissipate from the tooth treatments. If desensitizing treatments are desired, we recommend
before bonding, it is necessary to wait 7–10 days before any the use of UltraEZ® desensitizing gel or Enamelast fluoride varnish.
bonding procedure. Opalescence® Whitening Toothpaste Sensitivity Formula can also be
used to help to prevent or lessen sensitivity if it occurs.

No. Tooth whitening has not been shown to weaken tooth enamel.5–9

Tooth whitening treatments are effective and safe if they are
used appropriately and with the correct materials. This includes a
comprehensive exam, briefing on the chosen whitening process, and
monitoring of the patient during the treatment phase. Self-treatment
by the patient with over-the-counter (OTC) products often does not
provide the results desired, and leaves the patient without options for
managing potential sensitivity or other concerns.

WILL WHITENING AFFECT BOND STRENGTH? 1. Klukowska M, White DJ, Kozak KM, et al. Effect of bleach on microleakage of Class V composite restorations. J Dent
Even though whitening agents release oxygen into the tooth, existing Res. 85(Spec Iss B):0035, 2006 ( 2. Angerame D, Garaffa S, Maglione M, Di Lenarda R, De
bonds are not weakened.1,2 Stefano Dorigo E. Effect of in-office bleaching on Class V composite restorations seal. J Dent Res. 84(Spec Iss A):3013,
Note: Allow a period of 7–10 days after whitening treatment before 2005 ( 3. Wilson D, Xu C, Hong L, Wang Y. Effects of clinical factors during tooth whitening
bonding. The high concentration of oxygen in the tooth could have
a significant adverse effect on polymerization of the resins.3,4 on enamel. J Dent Res. 86(Spec Iss A):2632, 2007 ( 4. Lim B-S, Ryu I, Lee Y-K, et al. Effect
of bleaching agent on shear bond strength to dentin. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss B):0036, 2006 (www.dentalresearch.
org). 5. Basting RT, Rodrigues AL Jr, Serra MC. The effects of seven carbamide peroxide bleaching agents on enamel

microhardness over time. J Am Dent Assoc. 2003;134(10):1335-42. 6. Al-Qunaian TA. The effect of whitening agents
on caries susceptibility of human enamel. Oper Dent. 2005;30(2):265-70. 7. Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB, Amaechi
BT. Influence of fluoridated carbamide peroxide bleaching gel on enamel demineralization. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss
A):0497, 2006 ( 8. Amaechi BT, Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB. Enamel fluoride uptake

from fluoridated carbamide peroxide bleaching gel. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):0498, 2006 (
9. Browning WD, Myers M, Downey M, Pohjola RM, Brackett WW. Report on low sensitivity whiteners. J Dent Res.
85(Spec Iss A):1650, 2006 ( 121





Whitening Treatment Protocol

We recommend the following steps for professional whitening evaluation and treatment.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not whiten. Patients with Tooth whitening results can last a year or more. Depending on the
serious health concerns should consult their primary care provider patient’s nutrition and lifestyle habits, whitening may need to be
prior to treatment. repeated periodically to maintain the look they desire. Instruct patient
2. PERFORM DENTAL EXAM how to use the chosen whitening products and answer any questions
Determine origin of staining, evaluate gingival and dental health. or concerns.
Check for restorations in the esthetic zone that may not match after 9. DETERMINE THE FINAL TOOTH COLOR
whitening. Discuss changing them out or resurfacing after whitening. Identify the final tooth color using the shade guide. Take a photograph
3. MANAGE PATIENT’S EXPECTATIONS with initial and final shade tab. A definitive color change should only be
Discuss the possibilities and limitations of whitening for their specific recorded a few days after the end of the treatment, as the teeth may
circumstance and help them to establish realistic expectations. continue to whiten after the final whitening treatment.
Proceed to the hygiene treatment. Use polishing paste to remove Some patients may experience lingering sensitivity. We recommend
all plaque. For patients with known sensitivity, wait 3–5 days before using UltraEZ® desensitizing gel or Enamelast® fluoride varnish.
beginning whitening treatment. Opalescence® Whitening Toothpaste Sensitivity Formula can also be
5. DETERMINE THE INITIAL TOOTH COLOR used to help minimize sensitivity.
Identify the initial tooth color with the aid of a shade guide.
Take a photograph with shade tab after hygiene treatment. Note: Allow a period of 7–10 days after whitening treatment before
6. CREATE WHITENING TREATMENT PLAN bonding. The high concentration of oxygen in the tooth could have a
Multiple Opalescence® whitening products may be used as part of significant adverse effect on polymerization of resins.
the whitening treatment plan to help the patient achieve their desired
results. If patient has a history of tooth sensitivity, add a desensitizing
protocol prior to the whitening treatment and consider using a lower
concentration of gel and/or reduced wear time. Additionally, if patient
tolerates whitening treatments without sensitivity, consider providing
a higher concentration gel for more rapid results.
Have the patient sign a whitening consent form that outlines
the whitening treatment and cost involved.

122 +6 03 8600 8050


Opalescence® Tooth Whitening Reference Guide

Product Name Active Contains Indications Flavors Wear Time
Ingredient For Use
Opalescence® PF 10% Potassium 10% Mint 8–10
10% Nitrate, TAKE-HOME 10% Regular hours a day
Opalescence® PF 15% Carbamide Fluoride Patients with
Opalescence® Go 6% Peroxide concern of sensitivity; 10% Mint 4–6
and Xylitol can be worn day or night 10% Melon hours a day
15% 10% Regular
Carbamide Potassium TAKE-HOME 60–90
Peroxide Nitrate, Faster whitening; 6% Mint minutes a day
Fluoride recommended to wear
6% – 3–5
hydrogen and Xylitol during the day days per
peroxide application
Potassium TAKE-HOME 2–3, 20-minute
Nitrate, Ready-to-go; applications
Fluoride an alternative to DO NOT exceed
OTC products 3 applications
and Xylitol per visit

Opalescence® Endo 35% – DENTIST-ADMINISTERED Office visit
hydrogen for internal whitening
peroxide of endodontically 15–60
treated teeth minutes a day

Opalescence® Boost 35% 35% Potassium DENTIST-ADMINISTERED –
hydrogen Nitrate and Fast chairside
peroxide treatment

Opalustre® Microabrasion Slurry 6.6% – DENTIST-ADMINISTERED –
hydrochloric – Chairside treatment –
acid silicone removes superficial
white/brown stains
UltraEZ® Desensitizing Gel 3% potassium Sensitivity treatment
nitrate and
.25% neutral

Opalescence tooth whitening gel contains PF (potassium nitrate and fluoride).
In an in vitro study researchers looked at whether treatment with tooth whitening products with different concentrations of carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide would

increase the susceptibility for caries. Even a tooth whitening product with a neutral pH and 10% carbamide peroxide did not lead to a higher caries risk. 123


Opalescence® Carbamide Peroxide vs. Hydrogen Peroxide Concentrations

About one-third of the carbamide peroxide (CP) contained in whitening agents separates into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the active whitening agent.
This is important to know in order to correctly assess the intensity of whitening products.

H2O2 - Hydrogen peroxide CP - Carbamide peroxide Hydrogen peroxide released
from Carbamide peroxide

Opalescence® PF 10% 10% CP
Take-Home Whitening Custom Trays 3% H2O2

Opalescence® PF 15% 15% CP
Take-Home Whitening Custom Trays 5% H2O2

Opalescence® Go 6% 6% H2O2
Take-Home Whitening
Disposable Prefilled Trays

Opalescence® Endo 35% H2O2
Walking Bleach Chairside Intercoronal

Application For Non-Vital Teeth

Opalescence® Boost 35% 35% H2O2
In-Office Whitening

Chairside Direct Applications

0 10 20 30 40 50

124 +6 03 8600 8050



PF 10% and 15% Courtesy of Dr. Robert Nixon.

CARBAMIDE PEROXIDE WITH POTASSIUM NITRATE AND FLUORIDE Before whitening. Upper teeth after 5 nights of treatment,
approximately 40 hours.

Best Hemostatic Agent

Courtesy of Carol Jent, RDH.

Before whitening. After seven Opalescence® Boost™ whitening
treatments over six months. Patient also
whitened at home with Opalescence® PF
10% and 15% whitening.

Courtesy of Carol Jent, RDH.

Before whitening. After one month of whitening.

• Opalescence PF tooth whitening gels contain PF A 12-year-old before whitening. After 5 nights of whitening.
(potassium nitrate and fluoride)
Before whitening. After 16 days of treatment with
• Formulated to prevent dehydration and shade relapse Opalescence® PF.
• Four concentrations for treatment flexibility
• Available in Mint, Melon and Regular flavours Moderate to advanced tetracycline stains. Improvement in 2 weeks. With tetracycline
• Sticky, viscous gel won’t migrate to soft tissues and ensures stains, treatment can require 2 to 6 months.4

tray stays securely in place
• Day or night wear

The sticky, viscous formula of Opalescence gel does not leach
from the tray like other whitening agents,4 and the sticky gel holds
the comfortable tray securely in place. Opalescence gel contains
PF (potassium nitrate and fluoride). Twenty percent water content
prevents dehydration and shade relapse, making Opalescence gel
one of the most reliable whitening gels available.2-5 A university
study proves that the gel stays active for hours during overnight
whitening,5 which means patients experience results quickly,
increasing compliance. Opalescence gel is available in a variety of
concentrations, formulations, flavors, and kit configurations to meet
all your patients’ whitening needs.

Opalescence gel is recommended for whitening discolored teeth prior
to placement of composite, veneers, and/or crowns. It is effective
in breaking down some or all internal tooth discolorations due to
congenital, systemic, pharmacologic, traumatic, etc., factors as well as
aging. It is successful with fluorosis and even tetracycline staining.4,6 125



ith an optimumThceomFbirinsat,tioSntiocfkpyo,taVsissicumounsitrGaetel and fluoridew

1. Pour impression with fast-set plaster 2. For reservoir spaces, apply Ultradent® LC “I recommend Opalescence PF gel to other doctors because the results from patients
or dental stone. Pour alginate shortly after Block-Out Resin approximately 0.5 mm thick using it are consistent. The sticky, viscous Opalescence PF gel is one of the most
making impression to ensure accuracy. onto labial sur­faces and approximately 1.5 mm effective solutions I’ve used. My patients feel better knowing that the application
Trimming is less work if quantity of stone is shy of the gingival margin. DO NOT extend onto of the gel also provides beneficial results such as improving enamel health and
kept to a minimum. Palate and tongue areas incisal edges or occlusal surfaces. Using VALO® increasing enamel microhardness.”
are not poured or should be removed after curing light, cure each tooth 5 seconds. Wipe —DR. FRANK SPEAR – SEATTLE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED DENTAL EDUCATION
plaster has set. Allow model to dry two hours. off oxygen inhibition layer.
“On behalf of my staff as well as my patients, not one person has made a comment
3. With vacuum former, heat tray material 4. With tactile scissors (Ultra-Trim in regards to sensitivity while using this product.”
(Sof-Tray® Classic Sheets) until it sags Scalloping Scissors), carefully and precisely —DR. HEDY ATASHBAR – SILVER SPRING, MD
approximately 1 inch. Adapt plastic over trim tray to clear line which is at gingival
model. Cool and remove model from height. Scallop edges to avoid contact with “Opalescence gel has had 100% patient satisfaction [in our office] for over 10 years.
vacuum former. gingival tissue. Despite all the changes and competition of OTC products and otherwise, Opalescence
gel has been a product that we have been proud to stake our reputation on….The
5. Return tray to model; check tray extensions. Gently flame polish the edges one quadrant at Active Peroxide Strength %cosmetic aspect of my practice has been dramatically enhanced.”
a time, if necessary, with a butane torch. While still warm, immediately hold periphery of each —DR. GUY MINOLI – NEW YORK, NY
segment firmly against model for three seconds with water-moistened gloved finger. If this
over-thins the tray material, fabricate a new tray. STAYS ACTIVE THROUGH THE NIGHT!

80 15 sec.
70 Indiana University: Small quantities of gel were
60 removed and analyzed at various intervals.5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7. Review enclosed instructions with patient 8. Place tray over teeth. Gently press tray to 1. 2. Rosenstiel SF, Gegauff AG, Johnston WM. Efficacy and safety evaluations of a home bleaching
to brush teeth and explain process of move gel into place. Pressing too firmly will procedure. 1994. The Ohio State University, College of Dentistry. Data on file. 3. Russell CM, Dickinson GL, Johnston
loading tray by expressing one continuous force gel out of tray. MH, et al. Dentist-supervised home bleaching with ten percent carbamide peroxide gel: a six-month study. J Esthetic
bead of gel approximately halfway up from Dent. 1996;8(4):177-82. 4. Caughman WF, DMD, Frazier KB, Haywood, VB. Carbamide peroxide whitening of non-vital
the incisal edge on facial side of tray from single discolored teeth: Case reports. Quintessence Int. 1999;30(3):155-61. 5. Matis BA, Gaiao U, Blackman D, Schultz
molar to molar using about one third to one FA, Eckert GJ. In vivo degradation of bleaching gel used in whitening teeth. J Am Dent Assoc. 1999;130(2):227-35. 6.
half of a syringe. Morgan J, Presley S. In-office “power” bleaching of vital teeth as an adjunct to at-home bleaching. Pract Perio Aesthet
Dent. 2002;14(suppl 2):16-23.
9. Gently wipe off excess gel with a soft
toothbrush. Opalescence® Custom Tray Patient Instructions

126 General Precautions Welcome to Use these instructions to quickly and easily
Opalescence Whitening explain the take-home whitening process
1. Keep Opalescence whitening system products and procedure to your patients.
out of reach of small children.
2. Do not swallow gel. 80040 Patient Instructions 50pk
3. Some patients experience sensitivity with
whitening. Should this occur, stop treatment and
contact your dentist.
4. Some patients have noticed temporary
discomfort of the gums, lips, throat, or tongue.
Should any of these symptoms persist more than
two days, or if they progressively worsen, call your
dentist. These side effects will usually subside
within 1–3 days after treatment is discontinued.
5. Coffee, tobacco, and other products can
restain your teeth over time. Should this occur, the
teeth can be rewhitened within a few nights with
Opalescence whitening gel.
6. Some amalgam or “silver” fillings may leave a
dark purple color in your whitening tray. This is
7. Crowns, bridges, partial dentures, veneers, and
composite fillings will not whiten.
8. Store whitening gel out of the sun and heat.
Refrigeration is recommended. Do not freeze.
9. Check expiration date and store according to
10. Regular dental checkups and cleanings are
important before and after whitening to maintain a
healthy smile.

10. Clean tray with soft toothbrush and cool © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
water. Store tray in appliance case when 80040.9 080818
not in use.

+6 03 8600 8050

Opalescence Patient Kits WHITEN

Flavor 10% PF 15% PF “There is no other product on the market that can deliver the
Mint 5364 5367 extremity and stability of results that we have experienced
Melon 5365 5368 using Opalescence PF. It is a well-tuned whitening product
Regular 5366 5369 that contains a desensitizing agent as well as fluoride, to
maximize comfort and physical benefits whilst achieving what
8 x 1.2 ml Opalescence syringes we refer to as Sustainable Whiteness.”
1 x 1 oz Whitening Toothpaste —DR. JURKA VULETIC - AUCKLAND - NEW ZEALAND
1 x Tray case
1 x Shade guide Opalescence® Giftbags

Opalescence Doctor Kits

Mint 5379 5382
Melon 5380 5383
Regular 5381 5384

8 x 1.2 ml Opalescence syringes
1 x 1.2 ml Ultradent LC Block-Out Resin syringe
2 x Sof-Tray 0.035ʺ 5ʺ x 5ʺ sheets
1 x Black Mini tip
1 x Tray case
1 x Shade guide


Opalescence Syringe 40pk Note: Gift bags only. Product not included.

Flavor 10% 10% PF 15% PF Description QTY Sku
Mint 5391 5394 5397 Frosted Plastic 10pk 8752
Melon 5395 5398
Regular - 5396 5399

Small Organza 10pk 8751

1.2 ml syringes

Large Organza 10pk 8750
Carryall 1pk 5337

Opalescence® 8 9 10 11 12 1 Opalescence® Pocket Tray Cases
Shade Guide Card 7 2
707 Pocket Tray Cases Variety 20 pk

3 5
Yellow/Br4own 5 3 Gra4y/Brown

2 6

1 7

Before whitening, record your starting shade to track your progress.

Starting Shade: Finishing Shade:

This guide is not suitable for determining tooth
shades. It is intended to help you visualize where

you are in the whitening process.

498 Shade Guide Card 50pk 127

WHITEN 6% hydrogen peroxide
Opalescence Go gel for
outstanding results


• Unique UltraFit™ tray material offers a remarkably comfortable fit Delivery tray for insertion Soft, thin, adaptable tray
and easily conforms to any patient’s smile and placement only material adapts to tooth
anatomy for a more
• Molar-to-molar coverage ensures the gel comes in contact with BEFORE AND AFTER comfortable fit
more posterior teeth
Female patient, results with Opalescence
• Convenient prefilled trays can be worn right out of the package Go® 6% whitening after ten trays
• Optimal gel quantity allows easy cleanup after whitening
• 6% - wear 60–90 minutes for 5–10 days
• Opalescence Go tooth whitening gel contains PF

(potassium nitrate and fluoride)
• Delicious Mint flavor

Opalescence Go take-home whitening system is recommended for Before
patients looking for professional whitening to go or as an alternative to
over-the-counter whitening products. With no impressions, models, or
lab time required, Opalescence Go trays are also a perfect follow-up to
in-office whitening.

Before Male patient, results with Opalescence
Go 6% whitening after ten trays
1. Remove from package. 2. Center tray on arch.
3. Gently suck down or swallow. 4. Remove outer tray. Opalescence Go Patient Kits
5. Suck down or swallow again. 6. Wear 6% for 60-90 minutes, 10%
for 30–60 minutes and 15% for 15–20 Flavor 6%
UltraFit tray before. minutes. Mint 6pk 4639EU
After 10 minutes in mouth.
128 10 x Each upper/lower trays

Opalescence Go Mini Kits 6%
Flavor 4649EU

Mint 12pk

4 x Each upper/lower trays

Opalescence Go Sample Dispenser Kit/Refill

Flavor Kit 20pk Refill 20pk
Mint 6% 4654 4657

20 x Each upper/lower trays
25 x Patient instructions


+6 03 8600 8050


Ultradent® LC Block-Out Resin


For reservoir spaces, apply Ultradent LC Ultradent LC Block-Out Resin is a hard,
Block-Out Resin approximately 0.5 mm strong, no-mix material for blocking out
thick onto the labial surf­aces, staying undercuts on dies and filling in voids.
about 1.5 mm from gingival line, and
light cure. Do not extend onto incisal
edges and occlusal surfaces.

Black 240 Ultradent LC Block-Out Resin Kit
Mini® Tip 4 x 1.2 ml syringes
page 98 20 x Black Mini tips

• Optimal viscosity for proper application 242 Ultradent LC Block-Out Resin 20pk Kit
• Blue pigment for visibility during application 20 x 1.2 ml syringes
• Great utility resin with multiple uses 20 x Black Mini tips

Ultradent LC Block-Out Resin provides reservoir space for whitening 241 Ultradent LC Block-Out Resin Syringe 4pk
trays and is useful for other laboratory procedures such as model and 1.2 ml syringes
die repairs. Ultradent LC Block-Out Resin can be rapidly and efficiently
delivered with the Black Mini tip. It must be light cured and is not
intended for intraoral use. 1.

“Ultradent LC Block-Out Resin is the original resin block-out product
for extraoral use and it’s still the best.”

Also use for periodontal trays. 129

WHITEN Ultradent® Utility Vinyl Cutters

Sof-Tray® Classic Sheets

Select the 0.035ʺ for most whitening trays, and the 0.060ʺ or the
0.080ʺ for whitening patients who are bruxers.

• Use for gross trimming of tray
604 Ultradent Utility Vinyl Cutters 1pk

Ultradent® Ultra-Trim Scalloping Scissors

With vacuum former, heat Sof-Tray® Classic Sheet until it sags approximately 1 inch. Adapt
plastic over model. Cool and remove model from vacuum former.

226 Sof-Tray Regular Sheets 0.035ʺ 5ʺ x 5ʺ 25pk • Use for precise trimming of border around interdental papilla
• Spring loaded to minimize finger fatigue
0.9 mm - 127 x 127 mm • Grips tray material easily
0.035ʺ THICKNESS • Made of durable stainless steel

605 Ultradent Ultra-Trim Scalloping Scissors 1pk

227 Sof-Tray Medium Sheets 0.060ʺ 5ʺ x 5ʺ 20pk

0.5 mm - 127 x 127 mm

284 Sof-Tray Heavy Sheets 0.080ʺ 5ʺ x 5ʺ 20pk

2.0 mm - 127 x 127 mm

130 +6 03 8600 8050


® KleerView™



KleerView cheek and lip retractors are perfect for in-office tooth
whitening, bonding, composites, and clinical photography.

1820 KleerView Child Size 1pk
1821 KleerView Adult Size 1pk

Featuring the UltraFit™ tray

• Provides immediate results IsoBlock™
• Eliminates sensitivity
• Non-flavored gel available in syringes or disposable trays BITE BLOCK
UltraEZ gel is a sustained-release 3% potassium nitrate desensitizing
gel with fluoride (0.25% neutral NaF). This sustained-release formula 1
quickly eliminates sensitivity from toothbrush abrasion, thermal and
chemical changes, tooth whitening, and root exposure.

1008 UltraEZ Syringe 4pk
1.2 ml syringes

1007 UltraEZ Econo Syringe 20pk • Eases TMJ strain
1.2 ml syringes • Designed to be comfortable for patient
• Provides bilateral support with tongue restraint
These disposable IsoBlock bite blocks relax the lips and cheeks,
5743 UltraEZ Mini Tray Combo 4pk allowing full access to facial and buccal surfaces for in-office
4 x Each upper/lower trays whitening, Class V restorations, veneers, cementation,etc.

331 IsoBlock 10pk
5721 UltraEZ Tray Combo 10pk
10 x Each upper/lower trays

1. 1. 131

WHITEN 324 OpalDam Kit
4 x 1.2 ml OpalDam syringes
OpalDam® and OpalDam® Green 10 x Micro 20 ga tips
10 x Black Mini tips
325 OpalDam Syringe 4pk
1 1.2 ml syringes

Micro Black 326 OpalDam Syringe 20pk
20 ga Tip Mini® Tip 1.2 ml syringes
page 99 page 98
1824 OpalDam Green Kit
• Protects soft tissue with impervious seal 4 x 1.2 ml OpalDam Green syringes
• Removes easily 10 x Micro 20 ga tips
• Applies directly 10 x Black Mini tips
OpalDam light-cured resin barrier is a passively adhesive (sealing)
methacrylate-based resin barrier used for isolating tissue adjacent 1825 OpalDam Green Syringe 4pk
to teeth being whitened. For single-tooth whitening, it may be used 1.2 ml syringes
to protect adjacent teeth. OpalDam resin barrier is light reflecting to
minimize heat and tissue sensitivity during curing. OpalDam Green 1826 OpalDam Green Syringe 20pk
resin barrier ensures a safe, unmistakable barrier every time. 1.2 ml syringes

1. Apply OpalDam resin barrier 4–6 2. Remove cured resin quickly and COLSEOE TRHE
mm wide on gingiva. Seal interproximal easily in one piece or a few large pieces.
spaces. Overlap resin approximately 0.5 Check interproximally for retained OpalDam® Green
mm onto dry enamel to seal. Extend resin resin. Designed to remove easily from Light-Cured Resin Barrier
one tooth beyond last tooth whitened. embrasures and undercuts.
Light cure using a scanning motion for
20 seconds.

1. OpalDam Green resin barrier offers effective coverage of oral tissues, making in-office whitening easier than ever before.

132 +6 03 8600 8050


IMPORTANT NOTE: After mixing, Opalescence® Boost™ gel is good
1 for 10 days refrigerated. Before disposing of syringes aspirate
water into the syringe and express liquid down the drain. Repeat
Best In-Office Cosmetic Bleaching System a couple of times before disposing of the syringe. Make sure any
gauzes used are rinsed with water.
WARNING: Clinician, assistant, and patient must wear protective
eyewear with side shields when mixing and applying Opalescence
Boost in-office whitening.


1a. C

1. Check to see that the syringes are 2. Press the plunger of the red syringe (C)
securely attached. Depress the small in, pushing all contents into the
clear plunger (A) into the middle small clear syringe (B).
clear syringe (B) to rupture the internal
membrane and combine whitening agent
and activator.


Micro 20 ga Micro 20 ga
FX® Tip Tip
page 100 page 99

• NO LIGHT NEEDED! 3. Press the clear plunger completely 4. Press all mixed gel into the RED
• Powerful 35% hydrogen peroxide gel back into the red syringe (C). To syringe. Separate the two syringes and
• Two to three 20-minute applications for a total of 40–60 minutes thoroughly mix activator with whitening attach the Micro 20 ga FX® tip onto the
gel, push stems back and forth continually red syringe. Check the flow on a cotton
of treatment time, not exceeding 3 applications in one visit with thumbs and mix a minimum of 50 gauze or mixing pad prior to applying it
• Precise delivery times rapidly (25 times each side). intraorally. If resistance is met, replace
• Easy to see for complete removal the tip and recheck the flow.
• Chairside syringe-to-syringe mixing ensures maximum strength
• Opalescence Boost tooth whitening gel contains PF 5. Place Ultradent IsoBlock™ bite block 6. Securely attach a Micro 20 ga tip to
and self-supporting plastic cheek an OpalDam® resin barrier syringe and
(potassium nitrate and fluoride) retractors. Completely rinse and air dry check flow. Express a continuous bead
Opalescence Boost in-office whitener is chemically activated, so teeth and gingiva. along the gingival margin, overlapping
it does not require a light for whitening. Syringe-to-syringe mixing approximately 0.5 mm onto the enamel.
activates the product just prior to application. The activated 35% Begin and finish the bead one tooth
hydrogen peroxide is conveniently delivered via syringe and applied beyond the most distal tooth that is being
to teeth for whitening. whitened, building the barrier 4–6 mm
While there are many other factors to consider, the beginning shade wide and 1.5–2.0 mm thick. Express the
sets the foundation for proper expectations after treatment. This resin through any open embrasures.
is especially true with in-office whitening. Opalescence® Boost®
whitening is an excellent in-office treatment for less severe, more
mild staining as well as tetracycline staining. Patients should see
immediate results and, in most cases, their teeth will continue to
whiten 24–48 hours after the treatment. 133



Before Opalescence Boost in-office After two 20 minute applications of
whitener. Opalescence Boost whitening treatments.

7. Light cure the OpalDam resin barrier 8. Apply a 0.5–1.0 mm thick layer of the
for 20 seconds per arch using a gel to the labial surface of the tooth.
scanning motion. Check the resin cure Allow the gel to remain on the teeth
with an instrument using caution not to for 20 minutes per application.
disrupt the seal.

Before Opalescence Boost in-office After three 20 minute applications of
whitener. Opalescence Boost whitening treatments.

9. Suction gel from teeth using the 10. After the final application is complete “Our practice uses this in-chair whitening product is a no-gimmick professional
Ultradent® Luer Vacuum Adapter and and all visible gel is removed, thoroughly whitening tool that works to deliver maximum whitening power for teeth that need an
SST™ tip or a surgical suction tip. rinse the teeth with an air/water spray extra nudge. In our hands, the Ultimate Boost is achieved if used via the combination
Do not use water. Repeat steps 8–9. and high volume suction. whitening approach in conjunction with the custom nightguard bleaching technique.”
Stop when desired results are achieved, —DR. CLARENCE TAM – AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND
or if the three applications per visit
maximum have been met.

4488 Opalescence Boost 35% Non-PF Patient Kit
2 x 1.2ml syringes Opalescence Boost
1 x 1.2ml OpalDam
2 x Surgical suction tip
2 x Luer Caps
5 x 20ga Micro FX tips
5 x 20ga Micro Tips
1 x Instructions
1 x Shade guide

11. Gently slide the tip of a dental 11. Evaluate the shade change. If 4487 Opalescence Boost 35% Non-PF Refill kit
instrument beneath the OpalDam resin additional whitening is desired and no 5 x 1.2ml syringes Opalescence Boost
barrier and lift it off. Check for and sensitivity is noted, reschedule patient 1 x instruction
remove any interproximal remnants. in 3–5 days for repeat treatment or 1 x shade guide
dispense take-home whitening treatment.

134 +6 03 8600 8050



NON-VITAL “WALKING BLEACH” - 35% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Courtesy of Dr. Jaleena Jessop.


Black 1. A glass ionomer is placed on the 2. Apply a layer of Opalescence Endo gel
Mini® Tip floor of the pulp chamber to seal the to the chamber.
page 98 obturation from penetration of the
• 35% hydrogen peroxide hydrogen peroxide.
• Easy to place inside pulp chamber
• 3–5 day treatment

Opalescence Endo non-vital whitening gel is formulated specifically
to whiten endodontically treated discolored teeth using the “walking
bleach” technique.

BEFORE AND AFTER 3. Insert a cotton pellet inside the chamber. 4. Deliver mixed UltraTemp® Regular
filling material directly to site.

Courtesy of Dr. Rich Tuttle.

Before. After.
Before. 5. Easily wipe away excess with a wet Finished. Repeat every 3–5 days until
Before. cotton ball or gauze before it sets. desired results are achieved.

Note: Not intended for use in traumatized teeth, any sign of cervical
resorption, or after multiple whitening attempts.


Courtesy of Dr. Jaleena Jessop. 1270 Opalescence Endo Kit
2 x 1.2 ml Opalescence Endo syringes
20 x Black Mini tips

After. 1323 Opalescence Endo Syringe 2pk
1.2 ml syringes

Courtesy of Dr. Arno Schoeler.

After. 1. 135


Opalustre® Courtesy of Dr. Ted Croll.



1. Before. 2. After rubber dam placement, apply
Opalustre slurry to discolored enamel
using the syringe.

Mac™ Tip
page 100

3. Use bristle cup to compress Opalustre 4. After enamel microabrasion and 21
slurry on tooth surface. Intermittent days of using Opalescence® whitening gel.
rinsing and inspection is recommended.

• Permanently removes superficial white and brown stains INSTRUCTIONS - OPALDAM
• Provides minimally invasive, permanent treatment for fluorosis
• Low 6.6% hydrochloric acid concentration aids in

chemical stain removal
• Silicon carbide microparticles provide gentle mechanical abrasion
• Features optimum viscosity for precise abrasion and

control of the slurry
• Autoclavable OpalCups minimize splatter
Opalustre 6.6% hydrochloric acid slurry contains silicon carbide
microparticles. This combination provides chemical stain removal
along with gentle mechanical abrasion. OpalCups are latch-type bristle
polishing cups that are used with the Opalustre slurry microabrasion
technique to facilitate a more aggressive action and minimize
splatter. OpalCups finishing cups are used with Opalustre slurry
for micropolishing the newly treated enamel surface. Both types of
OpalCups are autoclavable through a limited number of cycles.
Use Opalustre slurry and OpalCups to quickly remove unsightly enamel
decalcification defects that are less than 0.2 mm in depth. Abrasion
slurries are ideal for superficial white and brown demineralization due
to enamel mottling from fluorosis.2 This treatment can be classified
under ADA insurance code 9970: enamel microabrasion.
Courtesy of Dr. Renato Herman Sundfeld. 1. Isolate mottled teeth with OpalDam 2. Press the cup against the surface at a
Courtesy of Dr. Ted Croll. resin barrier. Apply Opalustre slurry directly slow speed.
out of the syringe with a Black Mini® tip.

Nature’s Opalustre’s 3. Remove Opalustre slurry with an 4. Result of the Opalustre slurry
Aprismatic Aprismatic air/water spray. Please pay attention treatment: Upper: before. Lower: after.
to careful vacuuming. Check to see if
Surface Surface repeating the treatment is appropriate.

Chemical and mechanical abrasion Silicon carbide microparticles contained 1. 2. Croll TP, Segura A, Donly KJ. Enamel microabrasion: new considerations in 1993. Pract
produce a natural-looking surface. in Opalustre. Periodontics Aesthet Dent. 1993;5(8):19-28; quiz 29.

136 +6 03 8600 8050

Courtesy of Dr. Renato Herman Sundfeld. BEFORE AND AFTER WHITEN

Interproximal Cleaner, see page 95

Courtesy of Dr. Rich Tuttle. Remove or significantly reduce mild to moderate decalcification related to orthodontic INTERPROXIMAL CLEANER
treatment with a few applications of Opalustre® slurry. Apply with stiff bristle cups and
10:1 gear reduction handpiece with firm pressure. Toothpicks vs. Opalpix cleaners.
Enamel decalcification corrected after one application of Opalustre® slurry using
OpalCups bristles and 10:1 gear reduction handpiece with firm pressure. • Will not splinter or break
• Has a textured surface for better cleaning
Courtesy of Dr. Jaleena Jessop. • Perfect balance between flexibility and rigidity
• Massages interproximal tissue while removing debris and plaque
• Personalized stickers available with 100pk upon request

Fluoride Varnish, see pages 94

Remove or significantly reduce mild to moderate decalcification with a few applications
of Opalustre® slurry.

554 Opalustre Kit WALTERBERRY
4 x 1.2 ml Opalustre syringes ORANGE CREAM
10 x Each OpalCups bristle and finishing
20 x White Mac tips COOL MINT

555 Opalustre Syringe 4pk
1.2 ml syringes

5800 OpalCups Bristle 20pk BUBBLE GUM

5799 OpalCups Finishing 20pk • Patented adhesion-promoting agent for enhanced retention
• Superior fluoride release and uptake
• Smooth, nongritty texture
• Nearly invisible appearance
• Certified nut free and gluten free 137

WHITEN Removes surface stains to lighten teeth
two shades in just one month!2
Original and Sensitivity Relief Whitening Toothpaste
Best Whitening Toothpaste
Colgate Total®* 183
Advanced Whitening

Colgate Total®* 197
Advanced Whitening

0 50 100 150 200 250

Opalescence Whitening Toothpaste has lower
abrasiveness than other leading whitening toothpastes.3

402 Opalescence Whitening Original Toothpaste 24pk
3472 Opalescence Whitening Sensitivity Toothpaste 24pk
1.0 oz tubes

• Unique formulation used daily is ideal for promoting oral health and 401 Opalescence Whitening Original Toothpaste 12pk
maintaining bright, white smiles 3470 Opalescence Whitening Sensitivity Toothpaste 12pk
4.7 oz tubes
• Low abrasion formulation protects enamel while removing
surface stains
* Trademark of a company other than Ultradent. 1. This toothpaste does not contain peroxide. 2. Gultz J, Kaim J, Scherer
• Efficient, quick fluoride release W. Whitening efficacy of a whitening toothpaste creme [IADR abstract 2747]. J Dent Res. 1998;77(suppl 2):975.
• Available in Original and Sensitivity Relief formula 3. Schemehorn BR. Relative dentin abrasion test on dentifrices. Data on file.
• Triclosan-free formula
• Cool Mint flavor
Opalescence toothpaste assists in the prevention of dental caries as
it helps patients maintain whitened smiles. It is also gentle enough
to use every day. The Original formula offers a fresh, Cool Mint flavor
patients love, and a high fluoride uptake that promotes oral health.
The Sensitivity Relief formula has all the benefits of the original, plus
potassium nitrate to help reduce sensitivity.

138 +6 03 8600 8050


Posters Small and Large
Ceiling Posters

Statement Stuffers
Office Flyers

Appointment Cards
Display Stands

Opalescence Whitening Menu
Opalescence Custom Tray Patient Instructions

Display Inserts
UltraSeal XT plus Display Inserts

Display Brochures
Window Clings
Mirror Clings

Opalescence Gift Certificate
Enamelast After Care Treatment Card
Opalescence Toothpaste Patient Handout

Opalescence Gift Bags
Ultradent Candles

Get your patients excited with marketing materials
designed specifically for your practice.


MARKETING MATERIALS Opalescence® Large Posters 1pk
24ʺ x 36ʺ
Opalescence® Small Posters 1pk
16ʺ x 20ʺ



Nidia, from Peru–smiles most when admiring gorgeous views after a good Mike,from the United States—smiles when he sees others succeed, especially his kids.

hike. Opalescence® PF whitening has various concentrations with flexible wear times, Opalescence® PF whitening gives him flexible wear times so he can be there for his kids whenever they
so she can whiten on her own schedule. need an encouraging smile. That’s the power of a smile.

Ask us about Opalescence PF whitening. Ask us about Opalescence PF whitening.

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007445.1 092618 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007529.1 093018

1007445 - PF 1007529 - PF JoyfulMY SMILE IS ContagiousMY SMILE IS FunMY SMILE IS
April, from the United States, is a stay-at-home mom
#MYSMILEISPOWERFUL #MYSMILEISPOWERFUL Nidia, from Peru, smiles most when admiring gorgeous views after Kam, from the Bahamas, smiles when he sees his daughter.
who smiles most when she is with her family. Opalescence Go®
a good hike. Opalescence® PF whitening has various concentrations with Opalescence® Boost® in-office whitening is perfect to quickly whitening trays are an easy way for her to whiten and juggle four
flexible wear times, so she can whiten on her own schedule. whiten his smile in about an hour. kids at the same time.
Ask us about Opalescence PF whitening. Ask us about Opalescence Boost whitening. Ask us about Opalescence Go whitening.

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007442.1 092718 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007441.1 092718 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007443.1 092718

1007442 - PF 1007441 - Boost 1007443 - Go

Kam, from the Bahamas—smiles when he sees his daughter. Opalescence® Boost® Augustina,from China—a data analyst, painter, and kickboxer—travels the world with GenuineMY SMILE IS

in-office whitening is perfect to quickly whiten his smile in about an hour. a smile. Opalescence® Boost® in-office whitening is perfect to quickly whiten her smile in less than #MYSMILEISPOWERFUL
Ask us about Opalescence Boost whitening. an hour, because a friendly smile is the same in any language. That’s the power of a smile.

Ask us about Opalescence Boost whitening.

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007444.1 092618 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007530.1 093018

1007444 - Boost 1007530 - Boost



April, from the United States—a stay-at-home mom—smiles most when she Gabbi,from Italy—a massage therapist and actor—smiles when she spends time with friends and family. Chad & Jace, are brothers from the United States— they Daria & Paizley,from California, loves swimming, hiking, and Gabbi,from Italy—a massage therapist and actor—smiles when she

is with her family. Opalescence Go® whitening trays are an easy way for her to whiten Opalescence Go® prefilled whitening trays are a convenient way she can whiten on her own schedule. A brighter can’t begin to count the many things that make him smile. Opalescence® PF taking long walks. She smiles most in the bright sunshine of summer. Opalescence® spends time with friends and family. Opalescence Go® prefilled whitening
and juggle four kids at the same time. smile gives her the confidence to take on any casting call. That’s the power of a smile. gives him flexible wear times so he can be there for his kids whenever they Boost® at-home whitening gives her flexible wear times to keep up with her trays are a convenient way she can whiten on her own schedule. A whiter
need a bright, encouraging smile. A brighter, whiter smile will jet-setting lifestyle. That’s the power of a smile. smile is sure to brighten your day. That’s the power of a smile.
Ask us about Opalescence Go whitening. Ask us about Opalescence Go whitening. help your patients shine too. That’s the power of a smile. Ask us about Opalescence Boost whitening. Ask us about Opalescence Go whitening.

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007446.1 092618 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007528.1 093018 Ask us about Opalescence PF whitening. © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007534.1 093018 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007536.1 093018

1007446 - Go 1007528 - Go © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007535.1 093018 1007534 - Boost 1007536 - Go

1007535 - PF

Your new, bright

white smile
is waiting

Love your Your new, A bright
bright new bright
smile white smile is always
in style
is waiting

Love your © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007467.1 092718 A bright
bright new 1007467 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007469.1 092718
smile is always
1007469 in style
© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1006591.2 083018


© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007460.1 090518 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007461.1 090518 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1007464.1 090518

1007460 1007461 1007464

Be confident Be confident Share your

in your smile in your smile brightest
© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007470.1 092718 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007471.1 092718
Teeth whitening
1007470 1007471
to fit your lifestyle
Love your Love your
© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007462.1 090518
bright new bright new
smile smile 1007462 - PF

Teeth whitening

to fit your lifestyle

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007472.1 092718 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007473.1 092718 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1007465.1 090518
© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1006573.2 072018
1007472 1007473
1007465 - Boost

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007466.1 090518

1007466 - Go

140 +6 03 8600 8050

Opalescence® Ceiling Posters 1pk MARKETING MATERIALS
24ʺ x 24ʺ
Opalescence® Office Flyers 50pk
Place these on the ceiling above your dental chairs. Patients will see
them and ask for more information about whitening treatments. Customize it! Visit to personalize these products using
our printing template.



Nidia, from Peru, smiles most when admiring gorgeous views after a good Kam, from the Bahamas, smiles when he sees his daughter. April, from the United States, is a stay-at-home mom who smiles Mike, from the United States, smiles when he sees others succeed, especially his kids. Opalescence® PF whitening Augustina, from China—a data analyst, painter, and kickboxer—travels the world with a smile. Opalescence® Boost® Gabbi, from Italy—a massage therapist and actor—smiles when she spends time with friends and family. Opalescence Go®

hike. Opalescence® PF whitening has various concentrations with flexible wear times, Opalescence® Boost® in-office whitening is perfect to quickly most when she is with her family. Opalescence Go® whitening trays are an gives him flexible wear times so he can be there for his kids whenever they need an encouraging smile. That’s the power of a in-office whitening is the perfect way to brighten her smile in about an hour so she can keep up with her jet-setting lifestyle. A prefilled whitening trays are a convenient way she can whiten on her own schedule. A whiter smile gives her the confidence to take on
so she can whiten on her own schedule. whiten his smile in about an hour. easy way for her to whiten and juggle four kids at the same time. smile. Find out more at brighter smile is the same in any language. That’s the power of a smile. Find out more at any casting call. That’s the power of a smile. Find out more at

Ask us about Opalescence PF whitening. Ask us about Opalescence Boost whitening. Ask us about Opalescence Go whitening.

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007439.1 092718 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007438.1 092718 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007440.1 092718

1007439 - PF 1007438 - Boost 1007440 - Go

The Opalescence PF whitening system is Opalescence Boost whitening is a powerful, Opalescence Go whitening is effective and easy
customized entirely for you; it’s the ideal fit chemically activated whitening option that to use. Wear Opalescence Go trays once a day
for your smile and your lifestyle. After taking requires no light or laser to whiten your teeth. for 15–60 minutes, depending on your dentist’s
impressions, we will create customized trays The in-office Opalescence Boost whitening recommendations, and you’ll see results in
for your teeth. Fill these trays with Opalescence treatment offers a brighter, whiter smile in about a week. Offering a prescription-strength
PF whitening gel and wear daily for best results. about an hour. formula at an affordable price, Opalescence
Go whitening is easier to use than over-the-
InfectiousMY SMILE IS Ask your doctor for more information. © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. Ask your doctor for more information. © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. counter products, and it’s available in two © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
1007586.1 102518 1007587.1 102518 concentrations and two delicious flavors. 1007588.1 102518
ClassicMY SMILE IS Ask your doctor for more information.

#MYSMILEISPOWERFUL CheerfulMY SMILE IS 1007586 - PF 1007587 - Boost 1007588 - Go


Mike,, from the United States—smiles when he sees others succeed, especially Augustina,from China—a data analyst, painter, and kickboxer—travels the world with Gabbi,from Italy—a massage therapist and actor—smiles when she spends time Get more Get more Get more

his kids. Opalescence® PF whitening gives him flexible wear times so he can be there for a smile. Opalescence® Boost® in-office whitening is perfect to quickly whiten her smile in less than with friends and family. Opalescence Go® prefilled whitening trays are a convenient way confidence confidence confidence
his kids whenever they need an encouraging smile. That’s the power of a smile. an hour, because a friendly smile is the same in any language. That’s the power of a smile. she can whiten on her own schedule. A brighter smile gives her the confidence to take on in your smile in your smile in your smile
Ask us about Opalescence Boost whitening. any casting call. That’s the power of a smile.
Ask us about Opalescence PF whitening.
© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007531.1 093018 Ask us about Opalescence Go whitening.

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007533.1 093018 1007531 - Boost © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007532.1 093018

1007533 - PF 1007532 - Go

Brighten Get a brighter, © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
your smile, 1007398.1 082718 1007400.1 082718 1007397.1 082718
brighten your whiter smile today!
possibilities. The Opalescence PF whitening system Opalescence Boost whitening is a powerful, Opalescence Go whitening is effective and easy
is customized entirely for you; it’s the chemically activated whitening option that to use. Wear Opalescence Go trays once a day
ideal fit for your smile and your lifestyle. requires no light or laser to whiten your teeth. for 15–60 minutes, depending on your dentist’s
After taking impressions, we will create The in-office Opalescence Boost whitening recommendations, and you’ll see results in about
customized trays for your teeth. Fill these treatment offers a brighter, whiter smile in a week. Offering a prescription-strength formula
trays with Opalescence PF whitening gel about an hour. at an affordable price, Opalescence Go whitening
and wear daily for best results. is easier to use than over-the-counter products,
Ask your doctor for more information. and it’s available in two concentrations and two
Ask your doctor for more information. delicious flavors.
1007400 - Boost
1007398 - PF Ask your doctor for more information.

1007397 - Go

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007458.1 092718 © 2017 Ultradent Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1006563.1 091517 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007459.1 092718

1007458 1007459

Opalescence® Appointment Cards 50pk

Opalescence® Statement Stuffers 50pk Printed on a perforated 8 1/2ʺ x 11ʺ sheet with a blank back so you
can print a message and your address using an inkjet or laser printer.

JoyfulMY SMILE IS perferation guide- do not print

Nidia, from Peru, smiles most when admiring ContagiousMY SMILE IS JoyfulMY SMILE IS JoyfulMY SMILE IS

gorgeous views after a good hike. Opalescence® PF Kam, from the Bahamas, smiles when he Looking for a
whitening has various concentrations with flexible wear powerful smile?
sees his daughter. Opalescence® Boost® in-office
times, so she can whiten on her own schedule. whitening is perfect to quickly whiten his smile #MYSMILEISPOWERFUL
#MYSMILEISPOWERFUL in about an hour.
© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007436.1 100918
powerful smile? JoyfulMY SMILE IS
Ask us Ask us
today! #MYSMILEISPOWERFUL today! Looking for a
powerful smile?
Ask us © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007436.1 100918
1007448 - PF 1007477 - Boost JoyfulMY SMILE IS
© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007436.1 100918
FunMY SMILE IS Looking for a Ask us
powerful smile? today!
April, from the United States, is a stay-at-home
mom who smiles most when she is with her family.
Opalescence Go® whitening trays are an easy way for © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007436.1 100918
her to whiten and juggle four kids at the same time.


perferation guide- do not print perferation guide- do not print perferation guide- do not print

1007449 - Go JoyfulMY SMILE IS JoyfCuolntagiousMY SMILE ISMY SMILE IS


Your smile, Teeth whitening Looking for a Looking for a Looking for a
powerful smile? Looking for apowerful smile? powerful smile?Looking for a
brightened that fits your lifestyle powerful smile? #MYSMILEISP OWERFUL
#MYSMILEISPOWERFUL powerful smile?# M Y S M I L E I S P O W E R F U L
Call us to set up a Call us to set up a #MYSMILEISPOWERFUL
FREE smile evaluation FREE smile evaluation #MYSMILEISPOWERFUL
and learn more about the and learn more about the
Opalescence Tooth Whitening System. Opalescence Tooth Whitening System. Ask us Ask us Ask us Ask us Ask us Ask us
© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007476.1 092718 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007475.1 092718 today! today! today! today! today! today!

1007476 - PF 1007475 - Boost © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007436.1 100918 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 10074©362.101810U0lt9ra1d8ent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007435.1 100918 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 10074©352.101810U0lt9ra1d8ent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007437.1 100918

1007436J-oMyYPSfMFILuE ISl 1007J4o3y5fCuo-lnBtaogoiosutsperferation guide- do not print 1007437F- GuonContagiousMY SMILE IS

perferation guide- do not print perferation guide- do not print

Looking for a Looking for a Looking for a
powerful smile? Looking for apowerful smile? powerful smile?Looking for a
powerful smile? #MYSMILEISP OWERFUL
#MYSMILEISPOWERFUL powerful smile?# M Y S M I L E I S P O W E R F U L


Ask us confident smile Ask us The bright, Ask usLooking for The bright, Ask us
today! today! Ask usconfident swmapnotLieloewdokeinrgfufolr a more todayp!owerful sa mmoirleeyc?oou’nvefidalweanyts today!
Bright smiles, you’ve always wanted today!you’ve always Ask us smile
smile? today!
ready to go. © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007436.1 100918 wanted

Call us to set up a © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 10074©362.101810U0lt9ra1d8ent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007435.1 100918 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 10074©352.101810U0lt9ra1d8ent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007437.1 100918
FREE smile evaluation
and learn more about the © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007456.1 091918 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007456.1 091918© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007457.1 091918 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007457.1 091918 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007455.1 091918
Opalescence Tooth Whitening System.
© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007474.1 092718 1007456 1007457 1007455

10074474- Go The bright,

confident smile The bright, a more Looking for The bright,
confident swmapnotLieloewdokeinrgfufolr sa mmoirleeyc?oou’nvefidalweanyts smile
you’ve always wanted smile? powerful
you’ve always wanted

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007456.1 091918 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007456.1 091918© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007457.1 091918 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007457.1 091918 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. 1007455.1 091918 141

MARKETING MATERIALS Opalescence® Display Inserts 1pk

Plastic Display Stands 1pk

Get a brighter, Get a brighter, The professional
more confident more confident teeth whitening

smile smile standard

Your smile sa
physical feat
notice about

If you’ve eve
you can get
whitening tre
more than 25
smiles from d

Give your sm
today with O

23920 1006290 © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
1007394.1 082718 1007395.1 082718 1007396.1 082718

1007394 - PF 1007395 - PF 1007396 - PF

Opalescence® Displays 1pk

Professional Whiter teeth
teeth whitening.
Fast, easy,

Get a brighter,
more confident


© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
1007392.1 082718 1007393.1 082718 1007391.1 082718

1007392 - Go 1007393 - Go 1007391 -
Go - Ortho
80028 68218

Opalescence® Whitening Menu 50pk Professional in-office

Get a brighter, teeth whitening
more confident in about an hour


Educate patients on the many whitening options available in your
office and set your offerings apart from the many over-the-counter
whiteners available.

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
1007374.1 082718 1007390.1 082718

1007374 - Boost 1007390 - Boost

PROFESSIONAL Connect the dots Tongue Tw
Connect the ORANGE dots to see what If you think regular tongue
MENU happens when the robot brushes daily try saying these thre
when your mouth
Connect the YELLOW dots to see what
happens when he doesn’t. Tommy tickled his
twice trying to tre
Your smile says more about you than any UltraSeal XT® plus Display Inserts 1pk his teeth to a tooth
other physical feature. Help your smile
be as bright as can be with Opalescence The lips, the teeth
Tooth Whitening Systems. of the tongue,
the tip of the tongu
Opalescence whitening features the teeth, the lips.
professional, affordable tooth whitening
for every lifestyle, budget, and smile. A bit of brush
bad bugs b
A customized approach to whiter teeth a bit of
© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. b
68396.10 031918


Opalescence® Custom Tray Patient Instructions Protect
50pk the smile that
matters most.

Use to quickly and easily explain the take-home whitening process
and procedure to your patients.

General Precautions Continued Welcome to Prevent and
Opalescence Whitening Protect with
Dental Sealants
8. Do not use tobacco or eat while whitening trays
are in place. © 2015 Ultradent Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1003984.1 091515

9. Teeth are naturally darker along the gum line. 84094 1003984
These areas may require more time to lighten than
the rest of the tooth surface and usually remain
slightly darker.

10. White spots that appear on the enamel during
the whitening process may blend with continued

11. Crowns, bridges, partial dentures, veneers,
and composite fillings will not whiten.

12. Coffee, tobacco, and other products can
re-stain your teeth over time. Should this occur,
teeth can be re-whitened.

13. Some amalgam fillings may leave a dark purple
color in your whitening tray; this is normal.

14. Check expiration date and store according to

15. Avoid swallowing large amounts of gel or water
used to rinse gel residue from the teeth.

16. Avoid contact with eyes.

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
80040.9 110818


142 +6 03 8600 8050

Opalescence® Display Brochures 50pk MARKETING MATERIALS

Get more confidence Get more confidence THE POWER OF A PROFESSIONAL WHITE SMILE Get more confidence Tooth Whitening, see page 119-137

in your smile in your smile in your smile INTRODUCING THE NEW LOOK OF THE
Opalescence® Boost™ PF In-Office Whitening ANY LIFESTYLE.
• 40% hydrogen peroxide—no light needed ALWAYS OPALESCENCE.
• Professional whitening in about an hour
• Contains PF (potassium nitrate and fluoride)

1 Browning WD, Myers M, Downey M, Pohjola RM, Brackett WW. Report on low sensitivity 1 Browning WD, Myers M, Downey M, Pohjola RM, Brackett WW. Report on low sensitivity Opalescence® PF Take-Home System 1. Basting RT, Rodrigues AL Jr, Serra MC. The effects of seven carbamide peroxide bleaching agents on enamel
whiteners. J Dent Res 85(Spec Iss A): 1650, 2006 ( whiteners. J Dent Res 85(Spec Iss A): 1650, 2006 ( • Available in Mint, Melon, and Regular flavors microhardness over time. J Am Dent Assoc. 2003;134(10):1335-42.
• Five concentrations of carbamide peroxide 2. Al-Qunaian TA. The effect of whitening agents on caries susceptibility of human enamel. Oper Dent.
2 Basting RT, Rodrigues AL Jr, Serra MC. The effects of seven carbamide 2 Basting RT, Rodrigues AL Jr, Serra MC. The effects of seven carbamide 2005;30(2):265-70.
peroxide bleaching agents on enamel microhardness over time. J Am Dent Assoc. peroxide bleaching agents on enamel microhardness over time. J Am Dent Assoc. (10%, 15%, 20%, 35%, 45%) 3. Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB, Amaechi BT. Influence of fluoridated carbamide peroxide bleaching gel on
2003;134(10):1335-42. 2003;134(10):1335-42. 1•BWroewanritnimg WesD,frMomyer1s5Mm, DinouwtenseytoMo,vPeorhnjioglhatRbMa,sBerdaocknedtteWntWis.tRreepcoormt omnelonwdasteionnsitivity enamel demineralization. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):0497, 2006 (
w•hitCeonenrtsa.iJnsDePnFt R(pesot8a5s(Ssipuemc IsnsitAr)a: t1e65a0n,d20fl0u6o(rwidwew) 4. Amaechi BT, Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB. Enamel fluoride uptake from fluoridated carbamide peroxide
3 Al-Quanaian TA. The effect of whitening agents on caries susceptibility of human 3 Al-Quanaian TA. The effect of whitening agents on caries susceptibility of human bleaching gel. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):0498, 2006 (
2 Basting RT, Rodrigues AL Jr, Serra MC. The effects of seven carbamide 5. Browning WD, Myers M, Downey M, Pohjola RM, Brackett WW. Report on low sensitivity whiteners. J Dent
ays more about you than any other enamel. Oper Dent. 2005;30(2):265-70. Your smile says more about you than any other enamel. Oper Dent. 2005;30(2):265-70. Your smile says more about you than any other peroxide bleaching agents on enamel microhardness over time. J Am Dent Assoc. Res. 85(Spec Iss A):1650, 2006 (
ture. Often, it’s the first thing people 2003;134(10):1335-42.
t you. 4 Clark LM, Barghi N, Sounmemnaitmt JeBl d, AemmianeecrhailizBaTt.ioInnf.luJeDnpceenhtoyRf efslsuioc8r5iad(Salptefedec caIsastrbuAa)r:me0i4d.9e7O, 2f0t0e6n, it’s the first thing people p4erColxairdkeLbMle,aBcahrignhgigNe,lSounmemnaitmt JeBl d, AemmianeecrhailizBaTt.ioInnf.luJeDncepenthoRfyeflssuo8icr5id(aSaptleefdcecIsaasrtbAua):mr0ei4d9e.7O, 20ft0e6 n, it’s the first thing people
peroxide bleaching gel 3 Al-Quanaian TA. The effect of whitening agents on caries susceptibility of human © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
er wished for a brighter, whiter smile, notice about you. ( notice about you. enamel. Oper Dent. 2005;30(2):265-70. For professional use only. 80035.8 031618
it now with Opalescence teeth (
eatments. As the industry leader for 4 Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB, Amaechi BT. Influence of fluoridated carbamide
5 years, Opalescence whitening has 5 Amaechi BT, Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB. Enamel fluoride uptake from fluoridated 5 Amaechi BT, Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB. Enamel fluoride uptake from fluoridated peroxide bleaching gel on enamel demineralization. J Dent Res 85(Spec Iss A): 0497, 2006
taken hundreds of thousands of (
dull to dazzling. carbamide peroxide bleaching gel. J Dent Res 85(SpecIIfssyAo): u04’9v8e, 20e0v6er wished for a brighter, whiter smile, carbamide peroxide bleaching gel. J Dent Res 85(Spec IIsfs Ay)o: 0u49’8v,e20e06ver wished for a brighter, whiter smile,
( ( 5 Amaechi BT, Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB. Enamel fluoride uptake from fluoridated
mile—and your confidence—a boost you can get it now with Opalescence teeth you can get it now with Opalescence whitening (cwaOrwbpwaam.dleiednsetcapelerenroscxaierdcehG.boolreg®a)c.Phirnegfiglelel.dJ DDeinstpRoess a8b5(lSepeTcraIsyssA): 0498, 2006
Opalescence® whitening treatments. w6•••hBitATWrewovnewaeoanrilsrcian.tobgJinmlWeDceeDeinnsn,tMtoMRrfyaeees1tlri.o5os8nn–M5s6(a,S0DnopofdemwchMinyInsedisunyrAttoMe)gf:sl1,eaP6onvo5noh0pcrj,oese2lar0po0Rxe6Mird(,dweBawr(ya1wc0.kd%eetnt atWanlWrde.sR1ee5apr%cohr)t.oorng)l.ow sensitivity
6 Browning WD, Myers M, Downey M, Pohjola RM, BrawckehttiWteWn. Rinepgorttornelaowtmsenesintivtisty. As the industry leader for 6 Browning WDeDn,tMRyeesr.s8M5(,SDpoewc nIsesyAM):1, P6o5h0j,o2la00R6M(,wBwrawctt.kdrheeetantatWantlWrme.2sRe5eeaprncoyhrtte.soora.ngr)lA.osws,sOetnhspeitaiviiltney dscuesntrcyelewadhieter nfoinrgmhoarse
whiteners. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):1650, 2006 (wwwm.deonrtaelretsheaarcnh.o2rg5). years, Opalescence whitening has whiteners. J • Contains PF (potassium nitrate and fluoride)

successfully taken hundreds of thousands of successfully taken thousands of smiles from dull

smiles from dull to dazzling. to dazzling. © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
1006605.1 092917
Give your smile—and your confidence—a boost Give your smile—and your confidence—a boost

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. today with Opalescence® whitening treatments. © 2017 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. today with Opalescence® whitening treatments.

1006605.1 092917 1006606.1 092917

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- PF - PF - PF - PF

The power of a professional The power of a professional

white smile white smile

Your smile says more about you than any other 1  Hein DK, Ploeger BJ, Hartup JK, Wagstaff RS, Palmer TM, Hansen LD. In-office vital tooth Your smile says more about you than any other 1  Hein DK, Ploeger BJ, Hartup JK, Wagstaff RS, Palmer TM, Hansen LD. In-office vital tooth
physical feature. Often, it’s the first thing people bleaching—what do lights add? Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2003;24(4A):340-52.  physical feature. Often, it’s the first thing people bleaching—what do lights add? Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2003;24(4A):340-52. 
notice about you. 2  Kugel G, Papathanasiou A, Williams AJ 3rd, Anderson C, Ferreira S. Clinical evaluation notice about you. 2  Kugel G, Papathanasiou A, Williams AJ 3rd, Anderson C, Ferreira S. Clinical evaluation
of chemical and light-activated tooth whitening systems. Compend Contin Educ. of chemical and light-activated tooth whitening systems. Compend Contin Educ.
If you’ve ever wished for a brighter, whiter smile, 2006;27(1)54-62.  If you’ve ever wished for a brighter, whiter smile, 2006;27(1)54-62. 
you can get it now with Opalescence teeth 3  Browning WD, Myers M, Downey M, Pohjola RM, Brackett WW. Report on low sensitivity you can get it now with Opalescence teeth 3  Browning WD, Myers M, Downey M, Pohjola RM, Brackett WW. Report on low sensitivity
whitening treatments. As the industry leader for whiteners. J Dent Res 85(Spec Iss A): 1650, 2006 (  whitening treatments. As the industry leader for whiteners. J Dent Res 85(Spec Iss A): 1650, 2006 ( 
more than 25 years, Opalescence whitening has 4 Basting RT, Rodrigues AL Jr, Serra MC. The effects of seven carbamide more than 25 years, Opalescence whitening has 4 Basting RT, Rodrigues AL Jr, Serra MC. The effects of seven carbamide
successfully taken hundreds of thousands of peroxide bleaching agents on enamel microhardness over time. J Am Dent Assoc. successfully taken hundreds of thousands of peroxide bleaching agents on enamel microhardness over time. J Am Dent Assoc.
smiles from dull to dazzling. 2003;134(10):1335-42. smiles from dull to dazzling. 2003;134(10):1335-42.
5 Al-Quanaian TA. The effect of whitening agents on caries susceptibility of human 5 Al-Quanaian TA. The effect of whitening agents on caries susceptibility of human
Give your smile—and your confidence—a boost enamel. Oper Dent. 2005;30(2):265-70. Give your smile—and your confidence—a boost enamel. Oper Dent. 2005;30(2):265-70.
today with Opalescence® whitening treatments. 6 Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB, Amaechi BT. Influence of fluoridated carbamide today with Opalescence® whitening treatments. 6 Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB, Amaechi BT. Influence of fluoridated carbamide
peroxide bleaching gel on enamel demineralization. J Dent Res 85(Spec Iss A): 0497, 2006 peroxide bleaching gel on enamel demineralization. J Dent Res 85(Spec Iss A): 0497, 2006
( (
7 Amaechi BT, Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB. Enamel fluoride uptake from fluoridated 7 Amaechi BT, Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB. Enamel fluoride uptake from fluoridated
carbamide peroxide bleaching gel. J Dent Res 85(Spec Iss A): 0498, 2006 carbamide peroxide bleaching gel. J Dent Res 85(Spec Iss A): 0498, 2006
( (

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
1006601.1 0929 17 1006601.1 0929 17

1007634 1007635
- Boost - Boost

Get more confidence Get more confidence Get more confidence

in your smile in your smile in your smile

Your smile says more about you than any other 1. Browning WD, Myers M, Downey M, Pohjola RM, Brackett WW. Report on low Your smile says more about you than any other 1. Browning WD, Myers M, Downey M, Pohjola RM, Brackett WW. Report on low Your smile says more about you than any other 1. Jadad E, Montoya J, Arana G, Gordillo LA, Palo RM, Loguercio AD. Spectrophotometric
physical feature. Often, it’s the first thing people sensitivity whiteners. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):1650, 2006 ( physical feature. Often, it’s the first thing people sensitivity whiteners. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):1650, 2006 ( physical feature. Often, it’s the first thing people evaluation of color alterations with a new dental bleaching product in patients wearing
notice about you. 2. Basting RT, Rodrigues AL Jr, Serra MC. The effects of seven carbamide notice about you. 2. Basting RT, Rodrigues AL Jr, Serra MC. The effects of seven carbamide notice about you. orthodontic appliances. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2011;140(1):e43-7.
peroxide bleaching agents on enamel microhardness over time. J Am Dent Assoc. peroxide bleaching agents on enamel microhardness over time. J Am Dent Assoc.
If you’ve ever wished for a brighter, whiter smile, 2003;134(10):1335-42. If you’ve ever wished for a brighter, whiter smile, 2003;134(10):1335-42. If you’ve ever wished for a brighter, whiter smile, 2. Haywood VB. Orthodontic caries control and bleaching. Inside Dentistry. 2010(Apr):36-48.
you can get it now with Opalescence teeth 3. Al-Qunaian TA. The effect of whitening agents on caries susceptibility of human you can get it now with Opalescence teeth 3. Al-Qunaian TA. The effect of whitening agents on caries susceptibility of human you can get it now with Opalescence teeth
whitening treatments. As the industry leader for enamel. Oper Dent. 2005;30(2):265-70. whitening treatments. As the industry leader for enamel. Oper Dent. 2005;30(2):265-70. whitening treatments. As the industry leader for 3. Browning WD, Myers M, Downey M, Pohjola RM, Brackett WW. Report on low sensitivity
more than 25 years, Opalescence whitening has 4. Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB, Amaechi BT. Influence of fluoridated carbamide more than 25 years, Opalescence whitening has 4. Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB, Amaechi BT. Influence of fluoridated carbamide more than 25 years, Opalescence whitening has whiteners. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):1650, 2006 (
successfully taken hundreds of thousands of peroxide bleaching gel on enamel demineralization. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):0497, successfully taken hundreds of thousands of peroxide bleaching gel on enamel demineralization. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):0497, successfully taken hundreds of thousands of
smiles from dull to dazzling. 2006 ( smiles from dull to dazzling. 2006 ( smiles from dull to dazzling. 4. Basting RT, Rodrigues AL Jr, Serra MC. The effects of seven carbamide
5. Amaechi BT, Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB. Enamel fluoride uptake from 5. Amaechi BT, Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB. Enamel fluoride uptake from peroxide bleaching agents on enamel microhardness over time. J Am Dent Assoc.
Give your smile—and your confidence—a boost fluoridated carbamide peroxide bleaching gel. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):0498, 2006 Give your smile—and your confidence—a boost fluoridated carbamide peroxide bleaching gel. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):0498, 2006 Give your smile—and your confidence—a boost 2003;134(10):1335-42.
today with Opalescence® whitening treatments. ( today with Opalescence® whitening treatments. ( today with Opalescence® whitening treatments.
6. Browning WD, Myers M, Downey M, Pohjola RM, Brackett WW. Report on low 6. Browning WD, Myers M, Downey M, Pohjola RM, Brackett WW. Report on low 5. Al-Qunaian TA. The effect of whitening agents on caries susceptibility of human enamel.
sensitivity whiteners. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):1650, 2006 ( sensitivity whiteners. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):1650, 2006 ( Oper Dent. 2005;30(2):265-70. 6. Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB, Amaechi BT. Influence of fluoridated carbamide
peroxide bleaching gel on enamel demineralization. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):0497, 2006
© 2017 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2017 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved. (
1006603.1 092917 1006604.1 092917
7. Amaechi BT, Clark LM, Barghi N, Summitt JB. Enamel fluoride uptake from fluoridated
carbamide peroxide bleaching gel. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss A):0498, 2006 (www.

8. Klukowska M, White DJ, Kozak KM, et al. Effect of bleach on microleakage of Class V
composite restorations. J Dent Res. 85(Spec Iss B):0035, 2006 (

9. Angerame D, Garaffa S, Maglione M, Di Lenarda R, De Stefano Dorigo E. Effect of in-
office bleaching on Class V composite restorations seal. J Dent Res. 84(Spec Iss A):3013,
2005 (

© 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
1001712.6 022718

1007631 1007631 1007633
- Go - Go - Go

UltraSeal® XT plus Display Brochures 50pk

wisters Crossword Puzzle ACROSS CHECK DON’T
twisters are hard, 2. Happy people ___ a lot. WHAT DANGER
ee times fast PreDvOenYt OanUd:Protect YOUR IS YOUR SMILE
4. Your dentist can put ___ on your teeth to help protect with Dental SealantsDrink sugary or acidic beverages,including: ORAL HEALTH
is numb! them from cavities. HIDING?
Juice Talk to Your
s tongue 6. You have to open your ___ wide so the dentist can see Soda Dental Professional Today TAKE THE QUIZ
eat all of your teeth. Energy drinks TO CHECK YOUR RISK!
hbrush. Sports drinks Talk to your dental professional about your risk factors
7. ___ your teeth at least two times a day. Sweet coffee or tea and learn how you can protect your oral health!
h, the tip Alcohol
9. The big teeth in the back of your mouth are called Eat chewy or sticky foods, including:
ue, ___. Chewy candy (licorice, caramel, etc)
. Granola or fruit-based bars
13. An ___ is a round, red fruit that’s good for you. Dried fruit
hing bans Gummy vitamins
beautifully, 15. A hole in your tooth is called a ___. Use tobacco (smoking, chewing, etc.)
beautiful Take medication that causes dry mouth
shing bans 16. Replace your toothbrush at least every ___ months. Undergo head or neck radiation therapy
bad bugs. Have an orthodontic appliance
DOWN Have a removable partial denture
Have exposed root surfaces
1. ___ is a sticky film of bacteria that constantly forms Have acid reflux
on your teeth and produces acids that attack tooth Skip cleanings at the dentist
enamel. Have one or more dental restorations
(fillings, crowns, etc.)
3. Drink ___ to help build strong, healthy teeth and
bones. 1. Cavities/tooth decay. Mayo Clinic.
symptoms-causes/dxc-20320184. 2. Tooth abscess. Mayo Clinic.
5. A ___ has bristles that help clean your teeth. Just one check mark means diseases-conditions/tooth-abscess/symptoms-causes/dxc-20185944. 3. The use described in

8. You only need a pea-sized amount of ___ on your text may not be cleared wih the FDA. 4. Fluoride treatments in the dental office. The Journal of the
toothbrush to help clean your teeth.
you’re at risk for oral infectionF! ACTS American Dental Association. 2007;138(3):420.
10. Toothpaste should have ___ in it to help strengthen
teeth and fight cavities.

11. A well-balanced ___ can keep you healthy.

12. Don’t eat too much ___ because it can
cause cavities.

14. Teeth help you ___ your food so you can
digest it properly.

Talk to your dental professiona&l F U N © 2018 Ultradent Products, Inc.All Rights Reserved.
about your risk level. I NS IDE ! 1006735.1 111517
ACROSS 2. smile 4. sealants 6. mouth 7. brush 9. molars 13. apple 15. cavity JZNEDZQNHF?NBXFIF X
16. three DOWN 1. plaque 3. milk 5. toothbrush 8.toothpaste 10. fluoride 11. diet
12. candy 14. chew F Improving Oral Health Globally

Q •••





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Though preventable,

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MARKETING MATERIALS Enamelast® After Care Treatment Card 25pk

3ʺ x 6ʺ After the application of Enamelast, a slight coating of varnish will remain on your teeth.
In order to achieve the maximum benefit of treatment, please adhere to the following
Place these in your windows or mirrors so patients will see them and recommendations after you leave our office.
ask for more information about whitening treatments. • If possible, do not brush your teeth, take fluoride supplements, or use home

98761 - Blue fluoride treatments the day of varnish application
• Resume normal oral hygiene the day after Enamelast treatment. Thorough brushing

and flossing easily removes any remaining Enamelast.
• Do not eat hard or chewy foods, or chew gum on treatment day
• Avoid hot drinks and products containing alcohol (i.e., beverages, oral rinses, etc.)

during the treatment period
• Enamelast needs to be reapplied every 3–6 months

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© 2014 Ultradent Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
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144 +6 03 8600 8050

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