Power Factor Correction & Active Harmonic Filters - 97
Comprehensive Solutions – Harmonic Active Filtering Medium Voltage Power Factor Correction Solutions
Modern electrical equipment imposes stringent demands on voltage ABB’s ABBACUS is a packaged reactive compensation system which
stability and power quality. The power network has to be free from combines both primary components and secondary control and protection
harmonics and other electrical disturbances. systems within a compact modular enclosure. The system can be
configured as either a fixed or switched capacitor bank. The switched
By installing harmonic filters several benefits are obtained: bank consists of single or multiple steps, automatically controlled to
improve power factor.
• Higher power factor, improved voltage stability & network losses ABBACUS has been developed to provide effective power factor
• Filtering of harmonics in the system correction for both electrical distribution utilities and large industrial power
• Reduced resonance problems / amplification of electrical disturbances users including mining, pulp and paper, chemical, petrochemical, wind
farms, plastics and heavy industrial applications.
A “clean” network also imposes much less strain on equipment and The ABBACUS is available in a range of MECB (Metal Enclosed
lengthens its life span. This means lower maintenance costs and lower Capacitor Bank) models and is suitable for voltage ranges between 1kV
costs for replacing worn-out equipment. and 24kV – for higher voltages please contact ABB.
What problems can harmonics cause? Design Configuration
• Increased losses, with machinery & cabling operating at increased The ABBACUS design consists of an incoming module and/or connecting
temperatures power modules housing the primary equipment with optional secondary
and ancillary equipment kits. This modular approach allows future
• Resonance between inductive & capacitive parts of the power network expandability.
• Malfunctioning of control systems since electronic meters, relays, etc Incomer Module
are matched to the fundamental frequency
The incomer module facilitates connection to the customer network. It
• Overloading of capacitors, leading to malfunctioning & premature ageing comprises of a high voltage compartment and a control cubicle allowing
• Interference with telecommunications & computers for a single point termination of power cables and control wiring.
• Disturbances in ripple control systems
• High currents in neutral conductors Power Module
Harmonics are not only found in industrial networks, they can also spread
into the distribution network and cause problems for other power users. The ABBACUS power modules, when energized, generate the reactive
power. They are designed to be interconnected to each other and the
The ABB Power Quality Filter (PQF) eliminates the harmonics present in incomer module. An appropriate power module can be selected
the supply system. It is insensitive to large network impedance changes depending on the required application.
due to change in network topology such as paralleling of sources, or
switching between mains supply and generator operation. Total Service Approach
Fundamental Only idistortion An ABB PQF active filter is ABB is committed to a total power quality service approach that goes well
Supply designed for installation in parallel beyond supplying just the equipment. Thanks to the unrivalled technical
to the polluting loads. It monitors backup of the global ABB organization, we support our customers through
icompensation Load the line current harmonics, as well every step of the project, from establishing the problem, identifying the
as the requirements programmed ideal solution and then installing and commissioning your power quality
Active by the user. It then generates for equipment. For complete peace of mind, we offer a comprehensive
Filter each harmonic frequency a equipment maintenance and repair service anywhere in the UK.
compensation current in perfect
Clean Feeder Load Active Feeder phase opposition that effectively
Current Current Current cancels it out. This is achieved by
monitoring the line current in real
Harmonic Order Harmonic Order Harmonic Order time and processing the measured
harmonics as digital signals in a
high-power multi-DSP (Digital
Signal Processor) based system.
The use of a closed loop control Closed Distortion
system in combination with the Loop Source
capability to select individual
harmonic components makes the Active
ABB PQF active filter the most Filter
precise active filter on the market.
Un-filtered Line Current (100 A / Div) 800 The use of active harmonic filters
enables installations to comply with
Filtered Line Current (100 A / Div) 0 even the most stringent of harmonic
regulations and guidelines such as
- 800 IEEE 519, G5/4, etc.
TIME (5 ms/div) Unlike other active filter products
on the market, the ABB PQF active
800 filters make it possible to set
individual harmonic target limits as
0 imposed by regulations.
-800 The PQF also offers Modbus RTU
communication facilities with the
TIME (5 ms/div) customer’s existing communication
network, enabling the PQF to be
easily monitored and controlled
from a remote location.
ABB Ltd Tel : +44 (0) 151 357 8400
Unit 6 Riverview Business Park Fax : +44 (0) 151 355 9137
Riverview Road
Bromborough Email : [email protected]
CH62 3RH Website : www.abb.com/uk
98 - Betobar-r / Technical Specification
betobar-r – High Quality Production Routing Example
The “betobar-r” busbars have been developed as a modern, all-purpose Example of betobar-r connection to transformator
means of efficient and safe transmission of electrical energy. It has been
in manufacture for more than thirty-five years. The “betobar-r” system Major Advantages
complies with all the requirements for current distribution at low and
medium voltage. • Compact dimensions
• Simple installation
The busbar consists of copper or aluminium conductors, embedded in an • Low voltage drop & high short-circuit withstand capacity
enclosure of a fire retardant, self-extinguishing and homogeneous insulation • Degree of protection IP68 for Low Voltage & IP67 for Medium Voltage
mix based on epoxy cast-resin with mineral fillers ensuring high mechanical
strength and chemical withstand. Standard types are available for current busways as per IEC 60529
ratings up to 6300 A and voltage ratings up to 17.5 kV. Systems for higher • High mechanical impact strength of IK.10 as per DIN52453 & IEC 62262
current ratings or DC applications are possible. The busbar line consists of • Fire proof property: tested for 750°C for 3 hours as per IEC 60331-21
a number of prefabricated elements. The electrical joining of the conductors
is achieved by means of double fish plates and high tensile steel bolts. tested for 850°C for 2 hours as per pe-BS 7346
• Self-extinguishing insulation as per IEC 60332
The junctions and the element ends are overcast with the same insulation • Overload capacity of +20% for 2 hours
mix as used for the elements. In this way an integral insulating enclosure • Fire wall bushings of S90 & S120 in accordance with EN1366-3 & NBN
up to IP68 is guaranteed over the full length of the busbar run. Straight
junctions and also elbow junctions are available each facilitating 713.020
installation adjustments of 10-20 mm per standard junction. • Fire retardant bushings A90 for normal fire & H60 for hydrocarbon fire in
“betobar-r” busbars are suitable for application in large buildings, offshore applications
industrial plants, power stations, sub-stations and data centres, such as: • Electrical continuity E30-E120 finishing available under fire conditions as
• Factory distribution of low & medium voltage power per DIN 4102-12
• Rising mains with tap-offs to sub-distribution boards in highrise buildings • EMC compatible (for sensitive environment)
• Transformer switchboard connections • Insulation level of class 'B', 130°C
• Main switchboard feeders to distribution panels • Explosion proof: ATEX & IEC Ex certified on request
• Generator & large motor feeders • Excellent resistance to atmospheric pollution & wide range of chemicals
• Long lines with low voltage drop
• 400 Hz distribution systems
Extensive Element Range
The “betobar-r” busway system is available in a wide range of standard
element shapes, forms, lengths all of which are fabricated to suit the
typical project requirements.
• Straight element
• Elbow elements, horizontal & vertical
• Thermal expansion compensation elements
• Tailor-made terminal elements for transformer or generator & switchboard
connection “betobar-r”
• Z (double elbow) & T elements
• Flanged terminal elements
• Tap-off facilities & phase-transfer elements
Maximum Voltage
PH-types are designed for a maximum voltage of 17.5 kV. In areas open
to the public and if the type has no screening, the voltage level is limited
to 7.2 kV.
The weights of the “betobar-r” for the LV-types are the average weight of
a 3-phase + neutral type, including the junction and the casting mix per
system length of 2m. For MV-types, the supporting insulators and any
possible screening is included. If partitions for a full phase segregation
are needed, they have to be added as extra weight.
Eta-com UK Ltd Tel : 01403 265767
Unit 19/20 Horsham Court Fax : 01403 254131
City Business Centre
6 Brighton Road Horsham Email : [email protected]
West Sussex RH13 5BB Website : www.etacomcs.com
LV MCCB Switch / Panel / Distribution Boards - 99
Leading Safety Technology
Every day Compromise:
Personnel & Property Protection vs. Selective Trip Settings
• High set or non-instantaneous circuit breakers sacrifice people &
property protection for selective coordination
• Current limiting molded case circuit breakers are quick to respond &
provide excellent protection, but are challenging to coordinate for
• Maintenance switches sacrifice coordination for protection
Your power distribution system can be selective without sacrificing arc
flash protection. ArcWatchTM = A balanced solution
ArcWatchTM is powered by Instantaneous Zone Selective Interlocking (I-ZSI) and
Wave Form Recognition (WFR).
I-ZSI allows intelligent communication between circuit breakers like traditional System Reliability System Protection
ZSI, but adds interlocking of the INST protections of the trip units. This allows
more sensitive and fast-acting circuit breakers to be selective when responding Selective Arc Flash
to a fault. Each circuit breaker will only operate when needed and act as back Coordination Mitigation
up only when necessary.
GE’s I-ZSI capability provides the fastest interlocked protection in the industry.
You can get instantaneous protection, selectively, regardless of the size of your
system or main circuit breaker.
WFR provides current limiting devices the intelligence to recognize the operation GE
of downstream devices. An Instantaneous algorithm allows a feeder circuit
breaker to be set very sensitive and still provide selectivity while providing
instantaneous protection where you need it. What's more, the setting is not
dependent on a complex coordination study; it simply depends on the device with
which you are trying to be selective. When paired with GE current limiting molded
case circuit breakers, WFR allows lower INST pick-up settings while maintaining
full selective coordination.
Only GE’s ArcWatchTM solution provides arc flash protection and instantaneous selective coordination – simultaneously!
Short-Time &
ZSI Enabled:
to 85kA
Curve Maximum Instantaneous Selectivity that May be
Overlap Achieved Using I-ZSI Limited Only by the Short
Shows Circuit Rating of the Downstream and Withstand
Selectivity Rating of Upstream Device.
Normal Operations: Sensitive Response; Short-Time Protection Limits Selectivity to less than 6kA
As the curve overlap illustrates (see lower right diagram), zone selective interlocking (ZSI) is effective, but has
limitations. With no ZSI, selectivity is limited to <6kA. With ZSI, it improves to >10kA. With Instantaneous Zone
Selective Interlocking (I-ZSI), shown in the upper right diagram, 85kA selectivity is achieved and instantaneous
protection still provides reduced arc flash energy to maximize both system reliability and protection.
GE Industrial Solutions Tel : 0800 587 1251
3 Oakland Road Fax : 0800 587 1239
LE2 6AN Website : www.ge.com/uk/industrialsolutions
100 - Power Factor Correction - How to Select
How to Select Power Factor Correction Determining PFC Requirements
Power factor correction technology has been around for many years but • Conducting a site study • From specification
more recently is seen as an increasingly important element of an electrical • Carrying out a site survey • From electricity billing information
installation due to: • By calculation • From electricity metering
• Significantly increasing energy costs year on year The power factor is shown as the cosine of the angle of lagging power
• Reduction of the production of greenhouse gases through increased factor in an inductive circuit or leading power factor in a capacitive circuit.
efficiency of the electrical installation Power Factor Cosφ = kW (Useful power)
Recent changes to Part L of the Building Regulations recognise the kVA (Total / apparent power)
importance of power factor correction in reducing the carbon footprint of
an organisation. Useful power (kW)
Most loads on an electrical distribution system fall into one of three categories: Wattless Apparent power (kVA)
component of
• Resistive – such as heating elements
Power factor = 1 (also referred to as ‘unity’) load (kVAr)
• Inductive – such as transformers, fluorescent lighting & AC induction Power Factor Improvement by Adding Leading kVAr
motors. Power factor <1 (lagging)
Note: it is possible to over-compensate and too much capacitance can
• Capacitive - such as rotary phase advancers, synchronous motors lead to over-correction through the creation of a leading power factor.
& capacitors. Power factor <1 (leading)
Leading kVAr Reduced
A power factor of less than 0.85 is considered to be poor. Correction added apparent power
should typically achieve 0.95 to 0.98. Any piece of electrical plant that after correction
draws inductive current such as motors, will reduce the power factor and (Capacitor)
increase the kVA Power Demand and obviously increase the kVAr units. Useful power (kW)
Advantages of Power Factor Correction: Resultant Apbpeaforreentcoporrwecetrio(nkVA)
Reduction of heating losses in transformers and distribution equipment
= improved efficiency: kVAr
• Longer plant life
• Stabilised voltage levels
• Increased capacity existing system & equipment
• Improved profitability
• Every kVAr of capacitors installed reduces the amount of CO2
generation by 160kg
Calculation of kVAr Requirements Example
Consumption of active energy EW = 300000kWh Consumption of reactive energy EB = 400000kVArh
Number of working hours: ..........t = 600 H
Resulting average active factor: P=300000kWh = 500kW
Calculation of the original power factor COSφ1 1 = 1 2 = 0.6
2 400000kVAr h
E +1
EW +1
Origal PF Conversion Factor for a Target Power Factor
0.2 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1
0.25 3.879 4.017 4.149 4.607 4.696 4.899
0.3 2.853 2.991 3.123 4.279 4.415 4.473 4.536 3.581 3.670 3.873
0.35 2.160 2.298 2.430 2.888 2.977 3.180
0.4 1.656 1.795 1.926 3.253 3.389 3.447 3.510 2.385 2.473 2.676
0.45 1.271 1.409 1.541 2.000 2.088 2.291
0.5 0.964 1.103 1.235 0.560 2.695 2.754 2.817 1.693 1.781 1.985
0.55 0.712 0.850 0.982 1.440 1.529 1.732
0.6 0.498 0.637 0.768 2.057 2.192 2.25 2.313 1.227 1.315 1.518
0.65 0.313 0.451 0.583 1.042 1.130 1.333
0.7 0.149 0.287 0.419 1.672 1.807 1.865 1.928 0.877 0.966 1.169
0.75 0.138 0.270 0.729 0.817 1.020
0.8 0.132 1.365 1.500 1.559 1.622 0.590 0.679 0.882
0.85 0.458 0.547 0.750
0.9 1.112 1.248 1.306 1.369 0.328 0.417 0.620
0.95 0.193 0.281 0.484
0.899 1.034 1.092 1.156 0.037 0.126 0.329
0.714 0.849 0.907 0.970
0.549 0.685 0.743 0.806
0.400 0.536 0.594 0.657
0.292 0.398 0.456 0.519
0.130 0.266 0.324 0.387
0.135 0.194 0.257
0.058 0.121
For the improvement of the power factor form 0.6 to 0.94, read the factor 0.970 from the chart above.
The required capacitor power is 500kW x 0.970=48kVAr
Building Information Modelling
Eaton Corporation is proud to offer Building Information Modelling (BIM) friendly models for a wide range of electrical distribution products. Architects,
design-build contractor and surveyors, consulting engineers and others are able to integrate Eaton equipment into their drawings with ease, and without
cost. BIM-friendly models from Eaton bring seamless integration to your building plan.
Eaton Electric Ltd Customer Support Centre
Grimshaw Lane Tel : 08700 545 333
Middleton Fax : 08700 540 333
M24 1GQ Email : [email protected]
Website : www.eaton.uk.com/electrical
Eaton Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) - 101
Solutions for Nine Power Problems For small office / home office (SOHO) applications, Eaton offers low-cost
solutions such as the Eaton 3S and Eaton Ellipse ECO UPS for the
Eaton UPSs address all of the nine common power protection problems protection of general desktop systems. For safeguarding mission-critical
described below. They are designed to meet the power protection, systems like network servers and power-hungry blade servers, Eaton’s
distribution and management needs of offices, computer networks, data offering includes line-interactive and online UPSs such as the Eaton 5PX,
centres as well as in the telecommunications, healthcare and industrial 9130, EX, 9PX, 9155, 9355, 9395, 93PM, 93E and BladeUPS.
Power problem Definition* Cause* Solution
Power failure A total loss of utility power Can be caused by a number of events: Single-phase Series 3 UPS Passive standby topology (offline)
lightning strikes, downed power lines, Single-phase Series 5 UPS
grid over-demands, accidents and natural Single and three-phase Series 9 UPS AC to DC DC to AC
disasters. Rectifier Inverter
Triggered by the startup of large loads, Battery
utility switching, utility equipment failure,
Power sag Short-term low voltage lightning, and power service being Line-interactive topology
insufficient to meet demand. In addition
Power surge Short-term high voltage to causing equipment crashes, power Buck Boost
(spike) above 110 per cent of sags can also damage hardware.
nominal AC to DC DC to AC
Can be caused by a lightning strike and Rectifier Inverter
can send line voltages to levels in excess Battery
of 6,000 volts. A spike almost always
results in data loss or hardware damage.
Undervoltage Reduced line voltage for Can be caused by an intentional utility
(brownout) periods ranging from a few voltage reduction to conserve power
minutes to a few days during peak demand periods or other
heavy loads that exceed supply capacity.
Double conversion topology (online)
Overvoltage Increased line voltage for Triggered by a rapid reduction in power Internal Static Bypass
periods ranging from a few loads, heavy equipment being turned
Electrical minutes to a few days off, or by utility switching. Can result in AC to DC DC to AC
line noise damage to hardware. Rectifier Inverter
High frequency waveform Battery
Frequency caused by EMI interference Can be caused by either RFI or EMI
variation interference generated by transmitters,
welding devices, SCR driven printers, Normal operation
Switching lightning, etc. Battery power
A change in frequency Resulting from generator or small
stability co-generation sites being loaded and
unloaded. Frequency variation can cause
Instantaneous under- erratic operation, data loss, system
voltage (notch) crashes and equipment damage.
Normal duration is shorter than a spike
and generally falls in the range of
Harmonic Distortion of the normal Switch mode power supplies, variable
distortion line waveform, generally speed motors and drives, copiers and
transmitted by nonlinear loads fax machines are examples of non-linear
loads. Can cause communication errors,
overheating and hardware damage.
*Reference IEEE E-050R & old FIPS
Eaton Electric Ltd Eaton Sales Support
221 Dover Road Tel : 01753 608 750
Slough Fax : 01753 608 995
SL1 4RF Email: [email protected]
102 - Cable Management
Elegance 170 Aluminium 170 55.5 Shielding Effectiveness
92 36 49
Material Shielding effectiveness (attenuation in dB) measures the ratio between
A the external environment field strength and the field strength after passing
Aluminium trunking is manufactured through any material. This is recorded in a logarithmic scale.
from high precision extruded aluminium B
with a powder coat finish. MT Supertube multi layer conduit systems absorb and reflect emitted
Accessory boxes are supplied in PVC-U A radiation from sources of interference, where an attenuation of 80dB
or polycarbonate, both of which are would reduce the resultant field within MT Supertube by a factor of 10,000.
100% recyclable. 19
Shielding Effectiveness
Attenuation Field Strength
A = 1764mm² total area
A = 794mm² 45% space factor in dB Reduction
Without Accessory 62
B = 4508mm² total area
B = 2028mm² 45% space factor 20 10
With Accessory 36 40 100
B = 1748mm² total area
B = 787mm² 45% space factor
60 1000
GRP Ladder & Tray 80 10000
Material Powertrack
GRP (Glass Reinforced Polyester) has good stability to UV, great Powertrack is an underfloor busbar system rated at 63 Amp maximum.
mechanical strength and is 40% lighter than steel. It is available in Standard or CE (Clean Earth) versions.
GRP is a non-conductive insulating material, resistant to temperatures
from -800ºC to + 1400ºC and has excellent resistance to fire and corrosion Lengths
being self-extinguishing and zero halogen.
Powertrack lengths of 1.2m, 1.8m, 2.4m and 3.6m with tap-off outlets at
MT Supertube 300mm.
MT Supertube provides LSOH (Low Smoke Zero Halogen) polyethylene- Raised Floor Boxes
coated aluminium cable protection for installation where halogen free
products are a requirement. Three and four compartment boxes and a range of grommets that can
be configured to meet client requirements for accessing multiple services
Material concealed below a raised floor system.
Raised floor boxes are third party tested to comply with:
Conduit: A seamless aluminium tube sandwiched between two layers of BS EN 61534-22:2009
extruded LSOH polyethylene. BS EN 60670-1:2005
Fittings: LSOH polycarbonate or cast metal with paint finish (either black BS EN 60670-23:2008
or white). BS EN 50085-1:2005
BS EN 50085-2-2:2008
Internal Polyethylene layer
External Polyethylene layer
Aluminium layer • Lid/trim: flame retardant polypropylene grey RAL 7011
• Box assembly: galvanised steel
• Load plate: 3mm zinc plated steel
• Accessory plate: galvanised steel
Load Testing
Load testing of floor boxes to:
BS EN 61534-22:2009
BS EN 50085-2-2:2008
Marshall-Tufflex Ltd Tel : +44 (0) 1424 856600
Churchfields Industrial Estate Fax : +44 (0) 1424 856611
East Sussex Email : [email protected]
TN38 9PU Website : www.marshall-tufflex.com
Unistrut® - Technical Solutions - 103
The Unistrut name is synonymous with innovative products.
Two such product designs, offering the customer significant savings in
both purchased components and installation times, are:
Modular Framing – pre-populated or standalone metal frames
co-designed, manufactured and fully load tested to optimise costs and
meet your installation specifications.
Kwikstrut – a range of fast and easy to install brackets and fixings,
designed to reduce the installation time and give easy adjustment for a
fast and effective on-site solution.
Unistrut prides itself on product quality and as such, all materials used
in the manufacturing of our products comply to the highest material
Hot Dip Galvanized – GC BS EN ISO 1461: 2009
Short Circuit Testing Electrodeposited Coating – EZ EN 12329
Durability and reliability for our products are an essential part of meeting ISO 4042 – A3A
the demands of the modern industry installation.
Short circuit testing of our wire basket products, proves the quality of our Electroplated BS 3382: PART 2
cable management systems under the stresses exerted during short
circuit fault conditions, giving customers the confidence in our products, Galvanized BS 443
exceeding all their application needs in a safe and efficient manner.
Zinc Dichromate ASTM B633
Load Bearing
Stainless Steel – 304L EN 10088-2 – AISI304L
To comply with the rigorous demands of the modern industry needs, we
pride ourselves on the quality and strength of the products we Stainless Steel – 316L EN 10088-2 – AISI316L
As such, our products have load bearing compliance to IEC61537 and
are supported by our load design calculation software that helps to give
you the optimum recommendations for safe and guaranteed load bearing
performance when using Unistrut channel products.
Design Software
This load analysis software is a user friendly, two dimensional calculation
program to analyse Unistrut channel sections, utilised as beams and
The program provides instantaneous results of geometries containing
multiple spans with single or multiple load conditions.
Unistrut (UK) Ltd Tel : 0121 580 6300
Delta Point
Greets Green Road Email : [email protected]
West Bromwich Website : www.unistrut.com
B70 9PL
104 - Polestar Characteristics / Wiring Accessory Standards & Finishes
Polestar Compact Rockergrid
System Rockergrid plates and grids are available in 1 to 24 gang versions
including both 1 gang and 2 gang architrave products.
• TPN distribution boards rated at 125A & 250A Standard plate finishes; Satin Chrome (SC), Highly Polished Chrome
• SPN distribution boards rated at 125A (HPC), Polished Stainless Steel (PSS), Polished Brass (PB), Bronze
• Paint finish, epoxy powder, light grey RAL 7035 (BR), White Moulded (Up to 6 gang) (WH).
• IP3X (door closed) White metal plates available in 8, 9, 12, 18 and 24 gang versions.
• BS EN 61439-3 10AX and 20AX switch modules to BS EN 60669-1. Other modules to
BS 5733 where applicable.
MCBs & RCBOs Rockergrid dimmer modules to BS EN 60669-2-1 and BS EN 55014-1.
Module panel cut-out dimensions 35mm x 18mm. Fixing centres 40mm.
• MCBs 6A to 63A
• Type B, C & D characteristics Decorative Metalplate
• Single, double & triple pole
• 18mm modular width Standard decorative metal plate finishes; Stainless Steel (SS), Satin
• 16kA - BS EN 60898 Chrome (SC), Highly Polished Chrome (HPC), Polished Stainless Steel
• RCBOs 6A to 50A (PSS), Polished Brass (PB), Bronze (BR).
• Type C characteristic
• Single pole Platinum Low Profile & Flatplate Range
• 18mm modular width
• 16kA - BS EN 61009 Standard Crabtree Platinum low profile plate finishes; White Moulded
(WH), Satin Chrome (SC), Highly Polished Chrome (HPC), Polished
Brass (PB), Black Nickel (BKN).
Standard Crabtree Platinum flat plate finishes; Stainless Steel (SS),
Polished Stainless Steel (PSS), Polished Brass (PB).
Platinum cover plates and grid yokes available in 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 gang
variants for both, in low profile and flat plate versions.
Product standards, recommended terminal capacities and box depths;
10A switches to BS EN 60669-1. Suitable for 4 x 1.0mm², 1 x 2.5mm² or
3 x 1.5mm² cables, 16mm box depth.
13A sockets to BS1363. Suitable for 3x 2.5mm² or 2 x 4.0mm² cables,
25mm box depth.
13A fused connection units to BS1363. Suitable for 3 x 2.5mm² or 2 x
4.0mm² cables, 25mm box depth.
20A switches to BS EN 60669-1. Suitable for 3 x 2.5mm² or 2 x 4.0mm²
cables, 25mm box depth.
32A switches to BS EN 60669-1. Suitable for 2 x 6.0mm² or 1 x 10.0mm²
or 1 x 16mm² cables, 35mm box depth.
45A DP control switches to BS EN 60669-1. Suitable for 2 x 6.0mm² or
1 x 10.0mm² or 1 x 16mm² cables, 40mm box depth.
45A DP cooker control units to BS4177 and BS1363. Suitable for 2 x
6.0mm² or 1 x 10.0mm² or 1 x 16mm² cables, 40mm box depth.
45A cable outlet to BS5733. Suitable for 2 x 10.0mm² cables, 35mm box
6A TP isolator to BS EN 60669-1 and BS EN 60947-3. Suitable for 4 x
1.0mm², 3 x 1.5mm² or 1 x 2.5mm² cables, 25mm box depth.
Electrium Sales Ltd Tel : 01543 455010
Commercial Centre Fax : 01543 438611
Lakeside Plaza
Walkmill Lane @ElectriumNews
Bridgtown Email : [email protected]
Cannock WS11 0XE
Website : www.electrium.co.uk
LV / MV Distribution Products / Forms of Separation & Application - 105
SIVACON S4 • 8 way add on unit suitable for 250A MCCBs
The SIVACON S4 energy distribution concept consists of full galvanised • 4, 8 or 12 way add on units suitable for SP & TP 125A MCCBs
chromed sheet steel frames, of sturdy self standing design, flush or wall
mounted. SIVACON S4 low voltage power distribution are constructed in • Fully RoHS compliant
accordance to a modular design system by means of flexible assembly
kits, and can be combined to meet a wide range of power distribution needs. • Form 3b type 2 BS 61439-2
Assembly Kits with SENTRON 3WL • Paint finish, epoxy powder, light grey RAL 7035
• Rated current 630-3200A • IP3X (door closed)
• 3 pole & 4 pole
• Withdrawable & fixed mounted design • Designed & manufactured in the UK to BS EN 61439-2:2009
• Copper assembly kits
• Integral incoming metering lightning & surge protection
Assembly Kits with SENTRON 3KA & 3KL
• SENTRON 3KL5/6 (LBS) switch disconnectors with rated current up
to 630A • Utilising Siemens Technology
• SENTRON 3KL7/3KA7 (LBS) switch disconnectors with rated current • 250A TP 36kA & 65kA rated MCCBs
up to 1250A
• 125A SP & TP 25kA rated MCCBs
• 3 pole & 4 pole
• Fixed mounted design • IEC/EN60947-2
• Copper assembly kits
• Door coupling rotary drive Forms of Separation
Assembly Kits with SENTRON 3VA, 3VL & 3VT MCCBs As described in BS EN 61439-1 & -2 the Forms of Separation comprise
four levels as detailed above.
• Thermomagnetic & electronic protection The various methods of achieving separation can involve sleeving the
• 3 pole & 4 pole busbars inside a separate box or a combination of both methods.
• Plug in & fixed mounted design
• Copper assembly kits Cost Effective Specification
Assembly Kits with Built In Installation Devices In order to gain maximum benefit from the standard it is necessary to
consider the application for which the switchboard is required and the
• Modular spacing - 24 with 600mm cubicle width & 36 with 800mm appropriate level of separation for the environment in which it is to be
cubicle width installed.
For example, a Form 4 switchboard may be appropriate where general
• 150mm or 200mm matrix access is permitted to the switch room.
• Depth-adjustable multi profile busbar (AL 35mm) However, where the switchboard is in a locked substation with access
• Siklip raid wiring system restricted to qualified personnel, a lesser degree of separation may be
more appropriate.
Powerstar 125 Panelboards
Typical Applications
Form 1 – No separation
• 250A & 400A panelboard system Typical applications are places where the switchboard is in a secure
• 6,8,12 & 16 125A outgoing ways location and where failure of the switchboard will cause little or no additional
• Fully RoHS compliant disruption to other areas being fed by the switchboard.
• Form 3b type 2 BS 61439-2
• Paint finish, epoxy powder, light grey RAL 7035 Form 2 – Separation of busbars from functional units
• IP3X (door closed) Applications may well be the same as Form 1, but where it is important
• Designed & manufactured in the UK to BS EN 61439-2:2009 that a fault in the switchboard need not affect all functional units being fed
• Integral incoming metering lightning & surge protection from the same busbar system.
Powerstar 250 Form 3 – Separation of busbars from functional units and the
functional units from one another but not their terminations
System Should be applied where it is important to provide protection from internal
live parts and where failure of functional units being fed from the same
• 400A & 630A panelboards busbar would cause unacceptable disruption.
• Main units are available with 2, 4 or 6 outgoing ways suitable for 250A
Form 4 – Separation of busbars from functional units and the
TP MCCBs functional units from one another including their terminations
Should be applied where it is important to provide protection from internal
live parts and where failure of functional units being fed from the same
busbar would cause unacceptable disruption.
Because all the terminations are separated it is possible to isolate and work
on a single functional unit.
Electrium Sales Ltd Tel : 01543 455010
Commercial Centre Fax : 01543 438611
Lakeside Plaza
Walkmill Lane @ElectriumNews
Bridgtown Email : [email protected]
Cannock WS11 0XE
Website : www.electrium.co.uk
106 - Underfloor Track / Floor Boxes / Floor Grommets
Powerfloor Powertrack System Extension module can be connected at
any point on the circuit allowing
Multipoint Powerfloor is a single phase powertrack system rated at
either 32 Amps or 40 Amps. It is typically used under platform floors in considerable flexibility in the layout
commercial and industrial premises and distributes power from the
distribution board to the final socket of the fixed wiring installation. Extension Module
Mains Connection Module includes Mains Connection Module Dual-Earth and Clean-Earth
the terminals for the supply cable. systems, require external
earth to be terminated
No separate feed unit required
Terminals for 16mm² Cables
Example Floor Layout
Dimensions Socket Configurations
Standard Earth Non-Standard Earth Keyed Earth
Gazelle Floor Boxes
Dimensions - Raised Floor Box Recommended floor tile cut-out size = 337mm x 217mm Features - Raised Box
Tolerance = ± 1mm
Lid locking feature available Left hand and right hand offset
356 Robust outlets with foam power plates allow for moulded
plug strain relief
Carpet Recess = 323 x 167 inserts to protect cables
4mm thick steel Cable retainers included as
66mm deep box has 3 compartments load plate in lid standard
20mm diameter knockouts
75mm deep box has 16mm diameter Comprehensive range Fast fit installation
holes filled with domed plugs of power, data and AV
Lifting handles on mounting
plates available plates
Standard Floor Box - 4 Compartment - 75mm to 153mm Deep 4mm thick steel load plate Carpet recess Standard floor box has 2 separate back
boxes that allow the data to be connected
without interfering with the power supply in
most configurations.
Version available with 4 separate back
8x 20 diameter and 10 x 25 diameter knockouts
(except 75mm deep Floor Box – see table)
Available with Busbar system means
double pose switch fewer internal connections
with neon indicator and greater reliability
Electropatent Desk Module Earth bonding Different colours and
point for desk numbers of sockets available.
This range of desk modules is designed to be used in electrical metal work Also available in 100mm
installations to BS 7671. pitch socket spacing
Modules are available with data compartment including versions with a
deep data compartment to allow for Cat 6 cabling. Robust all metal housing
A range of connector options are available including 16A Wieland, 32A
Neutrik and 40A Harting connectors. Different options for circuit
Sockets for other countries available. protection including fuses
MCBs, RCDs and RCBOs
Certificate No. 2034
Hard wearing epoxy power coat
black finish. Alternative colours
available on request
Metal fixing flanges
Available pre-wired to supply leads
including powertrack tap-offs,
13 Amp plug leads and Wieland leads
Electropatent International Limited Tel : 020 8867 3500
30/32 Blyth Road Fax : 020 8573 9090
UB3 1BY Email : [email protected]
Emergency Lighting Design Guide - 107
The main reason for installing an emergency lighting system is to enable Where direct sight of an emergency exit is not possible, an illuminated
the building to meet fire safety legislation in a way that is visually directional sign (or series of signs) shall be provided to assist progression
acceptable and meets the user's needs for ease of operation and towards the emergency exit.
maintenance. Consequently it is important to establish all the relevant
legal requirements for emergency lighting and fire alarm systems before BS 5499 Pt 1
commencing the design. These should ideally be agreed between the Signs are still acceptable, if they are
“responsible person” and the system designer. already in the building.
Ensure the Exit Signs are of Correct Format & Size
Section 4.1 of BS 5266 Pt 7 states that “Signs which are provided at all
exits intended to be used in an emergency and along escape routes shall
be illuminated to indicate unambiguously the route of escape to a point
of safety”.
Sign Formats Should Not Be Mixed
BS 2560:197
Old-style signs now obsolete. Should
have been replaced by December 1998.
European Signs Directive Format ISO 7010
This came into force on 1st April 1996 In 2011, it was decided by many of the
under The Signs Directive. National Standards bodies to consider
adoption of a single pictogram format as
BS5499 has been recently updated and now follows the ISO format and detailed in ISO 7010. This format was
allows the addition of text to the sign. adopted by BSI in the latest edition of
Maximum Viewing Distances BS5266: 2011 which is considered to be
For all formats of safety signs, the maximum viewing distances and the ‘de-facto’ emergency lighting standard
luminance conditions are given in BS 5266 pt 7/EN 1838. Signs can be in the UK.
either internally illuminated, such as exit boxes or edge lit emergency
luminaires with a screened sign that have a controlled illuminance, or
Internally Illuminated Signs - 200 x the panel height painted signs. These include photo luminescent signs, but to be
acceptable they must have an external emergency light illuminating them.
Maximum viewing distances are:
Externally Illuminated Signs - 100 x the panel height
Illumination Requirements between 5:1 and 15:1. The minimum luminance of any 10mm patch area
The sign must conform to the colours of ISO 3864, which defines that on the sign must be greater than 2cd/m2 and the ratio of maximum to
exit and first aid signs must be white with green as the contrast colour. minimum luminance shall be less than 10:1 for either colour.
The ratio of luminance of the white colour to the green colour must be
Note: Internally illuminated exit signs are pre-tested to ensure they meet
Min luminance=2cd/m2 these requirements, provided that they comply with EN60598-2-22. If the
sign is designed to be externally illuminated, considerable care must be
Ratio of luminance shall be taken by the system designer to see that these conditions are met. Even
less than 10:1 for either colour though an emergency luminaire must be sited within 2 metres from the
sign (see stage) calculations should still be made to check that the sign
Contrast of the colours must be between is illuminated to 5 lux in emergency conditions.
5:1 and 15:1
Eaton Tel: 01302 321 541
Cooper Lighting & Safety Ltd Fax: 01302 303 220
Wheatley Hall Road
Doncaster Email: [email protected]
South Yorkshire DN2 4NB Website: www.cooper-ls.com
Products Divisible PMA
PMAFLEX Multilayer System Smart Line
Application area PHT
Machine building PLU
General applications static
Heavy loads dynamic
Outdoor applications static
Traction vehicles Outdoor applications with sunlight exposure static
Outdoor applications dynamic
Indoor applications static
Rail infrastructure Outdoor applications with sunlight exposure static
Indoor and tunnel applications static
Automation/Robotics Moving systems dynamic
Systems with extreme movements dynamic
Ship + Off-shore Outdoor general applications static Tel : 01264 333527
Indoor applications dynamic Fax : 01264 333643
Energy Passenger area static Email : [email protected]
Others dynamic Website : www.pma-uk.com
108 - Flexible Conduits Outdoor applications with sunlight exposure static
Indoor applications static
Exposed to radiation static
Vehicle building static PMA UK
Telecommunications indoor A Member of the ABB Group
outdoor Unit 4 Imperial Court Magellan Close
Building constructions indoor Walworth Business Park Andover
outdoor Hampshire SP10 5NT
High temperature applications static
To find on page 2/9 2/9 2/10 2/10 2/11 2/12 2/13 2/13 2/14 2/14 2/15 2/15 2/16 2/16 2/17 2/17 2/18 2/18 2/19 6 2/19 2/20 2/20 2/23 2/23 2/24 2/25 2/25
6 Please scan the QR Code to see Catalogue Automation Products
suitable (application details to be considered)
ABB Wire & Cable Management Systems - 109
Fastening Solutions
Cable Tie Material Selection Information
0 RANGE 2.5-3.1% Transparent 2000
FLAMMABILITY 1.14 DIN 53453 [KJ/m²]
-40ºC to +85ºC
PA 6.6. X* -40ºC to +85ºC 1.14 2.5-3.1% Black 2000 2-20
UV-stabilised TY...MX V2
PA 6.6. H -40ºC to +105ºC 1.14 2.5-3.1% Transparent 2000 2-20
Heat stabilised TYH...M V2
PA 6.6. FR -40ºC to +85ºC 1.16 3.0-3.5% White 1400 3-25
Flame retardant TY...MFR V0
Nylon 12 C...X -55ºC to +85ºC 1.02 0.7-1.1% Black 1600 3.5-13
Nylon 4.6 TYC...MX V2 Beige
Polypropylene C...MT
P...X -40ºC to +100ºC 0.90- 0.01-0.03% Black 1100 3-17
TYP...MX HB 0.91 1300
ETFE Z -55ºC to +165ºC 1.75 0.02% Aquamarine 1000 o. B.
Ethylenetetrafluorethylene V0 1.67-
Stainless steel 28 M 7.95
27 M
TCZ 223 - TCZ
YLS -80ºC to +538ºC 0 0 1.93 x 105 122 J (IZOD)
(-80ºC TO 150ºC
for coated
UV- Flame Heat Weatherproof Flexible at low Chemically Resistant against
resistant retardant resistant temperatures resistant radioactivity
Termination Systems Optimal deformation is the compromise between electrical
requirements against mechanical specifications. Our graph
What is crimping? shows that the optimum crimp compression for many types
Crimping is a method of permanently joining wires / cables to of connectors lies between 10% and 20% of the initial
connectors whereby the conductor is inserted into the barrel of the cross-section. The amount and type of deformation must be
connector and then compressed about the wire to form a solid joint. engineered to provide the optimal electrical and mechanical
Technically the two parts are deformed at such a high pressure that characteristics required for a particular application.
a cold flow of the material is accomplished, oxide layers are broken
up and a high quality gas tight connection is obtained, the mechanical
and electrical properties of which exceed those of the wire itself.
ABB (Wire & Cable Management) Tel: 0115 964 3820
Wilford Road Fax: 0115 986 0071
Nottingham Email: [email protected]
NG2 1EB Website: www.tnb-europe.com
110 - Emergency Lighting
Emergency lighting is vital to help people escape from a building. It must illuminate Points of Emphasis
the escape route to a regulatory level and light clearly any essential fire equipment
en route permitting safe evacuation. Emergi-Lite Safety Systems will now discuss The following places have been identified at which emergency luminaires
requirements for designing emergency lighting systems.
should be located near (within 2m):
Requirements & Standards
• Stairs • Changes of level
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, Statutory Instrument No.
1541 became law on 1st October 2006. ‘Fire Risk Assessment’ became the • Changes of direction • Intersection of corridors
responsibility of the building owner, user, or occupier / employer superseding
the previous Fire Certificate regime. • At an exit door • At each first aid point
Originally the requirement for emergency lighting was set from the Fire • Fighting equipment or manual call points
Precautions Act 1971. This was further enforced by the Fire Precautions
(Workplace) Regulations 1997 and amended in 1999. Additional Areas & High Risk
Certain areas are not part of the escape route but still require illumination if
The Fire Safety Order and other related documents introduced the concept of people could be located there. This includes: lifts, escalators, moving
‘Risk Assessment’. Risk assessment is a multi-stage process, which guides the walkways, toilets larger than 8m², toilets smaller than 8m² without borrowed
assessor or ‘competent person’ in identifying the risk and the need for fire light, disabled toilets, small lobbies, motor and plant rooms and pedestrian
precautions, to reducing those risks down to acceptable levels. In reducing those routes within covered car parks. Other additional areas, which require special
risks, the need for emergency lighting is established. Once a decision is taken attention, are high-risk task areas, places of entertainment and open areas
to install emergency lighting in premises, then BS 5266 Parts 1, 7, 8 and 10 greater than 60 m².
should be followed. When designing a scheme the luminaires should conform
to the general product standard BS EN 60598-1 & standard BS EN 60598.2.22 Stand-by Lighting
for emergency luminaires. Central power supply systems should comply with BS If stand-by lighting is used as emergency lighting it should conform to all the
EN 50171. Certified products show a compliance with good quality and safety. requirements of emergency lighting.
Internally illuminated exit signs should also comply with the product standard. Mounting Heights
The format of the legends should comply as noted in the Exit Sign section Emergency luminaires should be mounted at least 2m above the floor. There
below. An installer will have more confidence and be less at risk with the work is no upper limit but luminaires should be fitted below smoke level if there is
performed, by using products certified to the product standard and marked a significant risk of floor illumination being affected. A low-level ‘way finding’
with the approval of the national test house. lighting system could be installed as a supplementary to high-level emergency
lighting, where appropriate.
Certified and approved emergency lighting has an enhanced level of safety
compared to general lighting, which is only required to be ‘safe in use’. ‘Safe Luminaire Failure
in use’ in the general lighting context, means that it is neither an electric shock The possibility of emergency luminaire failure should always be considered
nor a fire hazard and that non-operation of the fitting would be an in the scheme design. A minimum of 2 luminaires should be allowed for in
inconvenience. In the emergency sense ‘non-operation’ of an emergency each lighting compartment.
luminaire is a safety hazard.
Luminaires & Emergency Lighting Systems
The Industry Committee for Emergency Lighting (ICEL) has a registration A varied range of emergency lighting is available to suit different budgets,
scheme for luminaires and conversion modules. decors, building requirements, colours and specifications. Emergi-Lite Safety
Systems can help the Specifier with the selection or possibly consider a special
General Requirements for Emergency Lighting luminaire to a particular requirement.
BS 5266 Parts 1, 7, 8 & 10 Types of Emergency Lighting
Emergency lighting must: • Self-contained: Each luminaire contains a battery & is a micro-system
in itself
• Indicate the escape routes clearly with exit signs so there is no doubt
which is the way out • Slave: Luminaires that are powered from a central battery AC/AC or
AC/DC system
• Illuminate open areas used in an escape route so that obstacles such
as equipment or furniture can be avoided • Conversions: Most mains fluorescent luminaires can be converted for
emergency use. Emergi-Lite has specialist conversion centres for this
• Ensure fire alarm call points & fire-fighting equipment can be readily located purpose. The Morley site is 3rd party certified to ICEL-1 004
• Provide illumination for high-risk areas to allow machinery processes Categories of Emergency Lighting
to be shut down safely • Non-maintained (NM): Luminaires operate when the mains fail
Exit Signs • Maintained (M): Luminaires operate when the mains fail, but can also
A designated escape route, or point leading to a route, must be clearly signed be operated if required using a switch when the mains are healthy
with the correct format of sign, positioned for unambiguity and with
consideration for viewing distance constraints. • Combined non-maintained: The luminaire has more than one lamp,
one illuminates when the mains is healthy, the other in emergency
The pictogram formats to ISO7010 or to the European pictogram format signs, when the mains fails
compliant with the Safety signs directive (SI341), or those to the BS 5499
format are currently acceptable in the UK. • Combined maintained: Both lamps operate in emergency
Text only signs are not allowed and must be replaced. Exit signboards can be Testing & Maintenance of Emergency Lighting
used, providing that an adjacent emergency luminaire illuminates the board To be effective it is essential that Emergency Lighting is regularly tested and
adequately. A more effective way of emphasising the way out is to use a maintenance procedure is set in place to current British Standards BS 5266
internally illuminated exit signs, such as the Emergi-Lite Serenga, Horizon, Part 1:2005 and BS 5266 Part 8:2004 (EN 50172). Automatic test systems
Silver-Lite, Silverscape, Escapeline or Navigator Ranges. are covered in the IEC62034.
Escape Routes Semi-Automatic Testing
It is essential that people can move safely along an escape route in an Semi-automatic testing systems are available that can initiate a test to verify
emergency. There are often minor hazards such as steps that should be the correct operation required in the prescribed monthly and annual tests. The
illuminated. It is not unusual for an object (trolleys, boxes, suitcases) to be left Emergi-Lite remote infra-red test system (IR2) is simple to use and enables
on the escape route, in which case the lighting should be sufficient (a minimum the user to control and observe tests or download and store data for
of 1 Lux on the escape route) for people to see the obstruction and avoid it. assessment later on a PC.
Open Areas Fully Automatic Testing
Where an escape route leads through an open area, then illumination of 0.5 This can be achieved with the Naveo web based system running
Lux minimum should be provided. Centrel addressable testing. A remote operator can then
oversee a system by logging in. A local central control unit
communicates to each emergency luminaire via a two-core
cable for automatic testing schedules and data retrieval.
ABB Emergi-Lite Tel : +44 (0) 113 281 0600
Bruntcliffe Lane Fax : +44 (0) 113 281 0601
Leeds Email : [email protected]
LS27 9LL Website : www.emergi-lite.co.uk
DALI Applications & LCM Connections - 111
In a modern lighting environment with many demands in lighting control, LCM Connection Details
the need to provide a simple cost effective means of control with one
commonly accepted lighting protocol has seen the rapid growth of the Emergency Key Network Network Network
DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface). This has led to the downturn Switch Test Facility Beldon 2 Core or CAT 5 Beldon 2 Core or CAT 5 Beldon 2 Core or CAT 5
in what were the protocols used in the industry with no common interfacing, 230V Mains In
analogue 1-10V and DSI (Digital Serial Interface) systems. 230V Mains In 230V Mains In
Advantages of DALI Beldon 2 Core RJ11 RJ11
• Simple wiring of control lines which are not polarity sensitive Note: RJ11
sockets for
• Individual addressing of luminaires & control products connection of
network if not
• Group addressing with a maximum of 64 single units, 16 groups & using internal
16 light scenes connection
• Application of individual addresses, group assignments, light scene CAT 5 CAT 5 RJ11 CAT 5
values, fade times, emergency reports & power up levels
Note: Switch to be Note: PIR cut
• Status messages for comms, ballast, lamp & inverter centre retractive
out size 42mm
The concept is to use DALI as a “sub system” to a building’s lighting 1 Max of 4 PIRs
system. Each “DALI gateway” has a maximum of 64 individual addresses Common
that can be distinguished within its group. per LCM
DALI sub systems are not excluded from centralised lighting control 4
systems, but can be integrated into a fully addressable control system with Orange & Orange/White Brown & Brown/White
the use of a Canbus protocol which connects it to other sub systems and Brown & Brown/White Green & Blue/White
other areas of the project. Blue & Blue/White Blue & Blue/White
DALI control wiring must follow the cable size and distances shown in the Orange & Orange/White
table below. The connection of DALI products are not polarity dependent.
No termination resistors are required, dimming subject to lamp and Ceiling/Floor Modular Wiring Solution
manufacturer gives 0.1-100%.
Lead Length Minimum Lead Diameter
Up to 100 metres 0.5mm²
100-150 metres 0.75mm²
Above 150 metres 1.5mm²
The DALI control pair may be run either in or along side the mains cabling DALI Classroom Solution
as it is rated at the same insulation as the power cables. The maximum
voltage drop on a DALI line must not exceed 2V.
DALI products available to our customers include DALI 64 address
modules, DALI 3 channel switching relay modules, DALI pluggable 10 way
LCMs both Master and Slave versions, DALI PIRs and DALI Scene Plates.
Modular Wiring Standards
Cable: BASEC Approved BS 7211 LSOH 6491B
BUS Cable: Typically Beldon 8719, 8471 (or equivalent)
Flexible Conduit: Galvanised Steel to BS EN 50086
Connector Housings: Galvanised Steel to BS EN 10142:200
Connectors: Polyamide 6/6 UL94-VO Halogen Free
Clamping Spring: Stainless Steel
Voltage Rating: 400V/6kV/3 IEC 60664
Current Rating: Lighting and Fan Coil Systems up to 25A
Underfloor Power: 32A
Through Resistance: 20A and 32A Systems 0.5 mohms between male
and female contacts
Approvals: BS 8488-1:2009, BS 5733, BS EN 61535:2009
Protection Class: IP20 for connectors
Pluggable Cycles: 200 cycles without load, 100 cycles with resistive load
Insertion Force: Approx 20-40N
Withdrawal Force: Approx 20-35N
Retention Force: >120N with locking device
Mismating Protection: 100% protected against mismating connectors
having different number of poles, 180º mismating, staggered mismating
and mating of one pole connectors
Continuous Temperature: Cable @ 70ºC insulating components 105ºC
First make/last break earth contact with insertion and withdrawal possible
under load in accordance with DIN VDE0628.
Lighting Controls Tel : 01252 470027
5 Bourne Mill Business Park Fax : 01252 782288
Guildford Road
Rainham Email : [email protected]
Surrey GU9 9PS Website : www.lightingcontrols.ltd.uk
112 - Simmtronic - Completed Projects / Case Studies
Brighton Football Stadium KPMG, City of London
5,400 sq ft - 3,642 Luminaires 538,000 sq ft - 5,400 Luminaires
4 floors of hospitality suites and public The new building has achieved a 50%
area efficient lighting control. Suitable cut in CO2 emissions through re-use of
for a board meeting for 10 or a dinner many resources and reduced utilities
dance for 500 with 9 stunning lounges consumption including lighting energy.
and 14 executive boxes. All lounges Occupancy sensors used for lighting are
include state-of-the-art equipment with shared to BMS in order to optimise
plasma screens and integrated PA energy use in heating/cooling control.
systems. Simmtronic overcame DALI inverter
issues through tests via its own DALI AG approved testing laboratory.
Silverstone Wing Building
The Ark, Hammersmith
59,000 sq ft - 2,965 Luminaires
2 large hospitality suites, a reception 151,000 sq ft - 3925 Luminaires
centre, paddock and pits areas, 3 large Innovative iconic building supported by
halls, business centre, conference wireless RF switches deployed to meet
facility and 100-seat auditorium. Many local switching requirements of client
areas are controlled by scene plates GE. Wireless switches mean freedom
with easy to operate programmed zones to move as required as the floor plan
and dimming for extra effect. Working changes its use. Partitions can be
in the background are 300 LCMs included without unsightly cables and
detecting 492 sensors, making sure energy-efficient lighting control is wiring restrictions. The Ark, as its name
performed seamlessly without disruption to the pleasant hospitality. suggests, is a curved building symbolising a ship, using curved copper
structures and other metal interior structures, but these posed no problem
Olympic Aquatic Centre for wireless radio switches running at distances of over 20m.
401,000 sq ft - 2,077 Luminaires Glaxo Bioscience Incubator & Accelerator Buildings
To commission the Aquatics Centre,
normal access to the floodlights was not 95,000 sq ft - 975 Luminaires
possible due to physical constraints. State-of-the-art open innovation research facility developed by Glaxo.
Typically, 20 to 30 floodlights were Simmtronic’s automatic lighting control system is ideal for the unique
commissioned each day and so to multi-tenant occupation of the
complete the installation, work had to laboratory and write-up areas.
take place while other trades were still Individually addressed design means
active in the pool area. Special that the lighting is easily re-programmed
treatment was applied to the hardwire lighting control modules to protect to suit each occupier in their own areas.
them against chlorine and such chemicals used within the pool areas that Common restaurant and social breakout
become airborne. areas all require automated control for
balanced comfort and energy-saving
6 Bevis Marks, City of London management.
160,000 sq ft - 5,000 Luminaires 123 Victoria Street, London
Bevis Marks features an innovative top
floor garden square and private terraces 199,000 sq ft - 9,000 Luminaires
on floors 11 and 15, all controlled by the Triple height atrium, glass building with height and width, natural daylight
Simmtronic SPECS3 lighting control and high specification throughout. Converged one common Network with
system. These relaxing outdoor areas head-end server in rack format located
create the perfect space for informal in the IT server room, ready for data
meetings, lunch and client entertaining. exchange with other systems such as
BMS. Highly efficient building with
Centrica HQ, Oxford BEMS (Building Energy Management
System) and also water use control on
85,000 sq ft - 2,071 Luminaires occupancy demand from sensors from
Energy control for energy company. The building is the HQ for Centrica, Simmtronic’s lighting control system.
a division of British Gas, housing up to
1000 employees and visitors. New build Network Rail, Milton Keynes
with new technology applied to meet
BREEAM “Excellent” and the latest 400,000 sq ft - 9,500 Luminaires
lighting controls with DALI dimming and 4 buildings housing 3000 staff under one glazed roof covering “The
ballast and lamp health monitoring. Street”, together with car park, all of which are controlled by Simmtronic’s
Automatic emergency testing and SPECS3 lighting control system. Offers a stimulating work environment
reporting using feedback from DALI with inner and outer atria where meeting facilities and breakout facilities
inverters. encourage excellent motivation for collaborations and an excellent
BREEAM rating for energy efficiency. DALI dimming technology is fully
American Express HQ, Brighton utilised offering good daylight dimming energy regulation on a large area
of the property. Innovative installation
335,000 sq ft - 7,890 Luminaires methods were also employed using
2 new buildings for the largest employer open ceiling design.
in Brighton to house 3000 staff. HQ Emergency fittings are configured so
operation including large conference, they can be tested under ATS
training and gym facilities. Highly (Automatic Emergency Testing System)
efficient glass building on its way to with Simmtronic’s lighting control
achieving BREEAM “Very Good”. system.
Perimeter daylight harvesting.
Simmtronic Ltd Tel : 01992 450126
Waterside Fax : 01992 445132
Charlton Mead Lane
Hoddesdon Website : www.simmtronic.com
EN11 0QR
Structured Wiring Specification / BS 8488 / BS 61535 - 113
Typical Structured Wiring Specification
Armoured & Unarmoured Systems
General: System: Unarmoured
A prefabricated wiring system shall be utilised for the distribution of lighting The structured wiring system shall comprise of LSOH flexible cable
and power circuits. assemblies, steel enclosures (MDBs) and polyamide enclosures.
The structured wiring system is rated at 230V/20A.
The system shall offer a high degree of flexibility comprising modular sub
circuit distribution, which is entirely prefabricated off site. Connector System:
The connector system used throughout the entire structured wiring system
The system will provide a complete installation from the respective shall incorporate a connector system manufactured and tested in
distribution board to the furthest point of a circuit. accordance with BS EN 61535: Installation Couplers Intended for
Permanent Connection. Connectors shall be 3, 4, 5 or 6 pole type and have
The wiring components for lighting and power systems shall be colour fully shrouded female (live) contacts.
coded and polarised in such a way that one system shall not plug into the
components of the other systems. RST Specification IP66 / IP68
The connector used throughout the prefabricated wiring system must be RST 20i2/i3 RST 25i3 RST 20i4/i5 RST 25i5
manufactured and tested in accordance with BS EN 61535 - Installation 250 V 250 V
Couplers Intended for Permanent Connection. 20 A 25 A
3 Pole
System: Armoured Rated Voltage 2 or 3 Pole 250/400 V 250/400 V
Unused connectors shall have fully shrouded (live) contacts. Rated Current
The connector system may only be disconnected by means of a key or tool. Number of Poles 20 A 25 A (L,N) 1 -
The system comprises 6491B LSOH BS 7211 cables enclosed with a metal Contacts (1,2) 10
flexible conduit.
Connectors will be rated at 20A for Lighting and 32A for Radial Power. A
The connector system shall be circular to allow for ease of installation
through fire barriers and stud walls. 4 or 5 Pole 5 Pole
The cable termination of the connectors should be screwless type therefore
maintenance free during the life of the installation. Ambient Operating Connectors 55ºC 55ºC 55ºC 55ºC
The system and all components must meet the relevant British and Temperature Distributor 40ºC
European Standards for Prefabricated Wiring Systems - BS 8488 Part 1. Under Full Load
Temperature Range: 40ºC to +100ºC
System Components: Material: Contact parts: brass. Surface-plated housing
Regulations: parts: thermoplastic material PA66, halogen-
The principal components of the structured wiring system is as follows: Approvals: free, V2 sealing material: NBR.
• Home Run Cable • Master Distribution Box (MDB) DIN VDE 0606 T200, DIN EN 61984 (VDE
627), VDE 0110 IEC 60999: UL 2238 CSA:
• Extender Cable • Fused Spur Unit C22.2 No.182.2-M1987; LR Type Approval
• T Connector • Switch Module
Pending VDE; UL; CSA; LR; GL; DNV.
Home Run Cables:
Home run cables comprising 2.5mm², 4.0mm² or 6.0mm² LSOH singles Degree of Protection: IP65, IP66, IP67 and IP68 (3m; 2 hours).
(number dependant on number of circuits) in metal flexible conduit (up to
40mm diameter) complete with gland and lock-nut. Glow-Wire Test 850ºC, 30s: For connectors, distribution units, cable
assemblies and appliance couplers.
If the structured wiring system is to be integrated with a lighting or BMS
control system, the home run cable generally comprises a Belden type 8719 Coding: Mechanical coding symbolised by colour
fieldbus cable or DALI control pairs. These are to be run internally of the code. Grey and black with the same
conduit with the power conductors, not separately. mechanical coding. Other codings are
Length of the home run cable will be determined by position on site and
can be supplied pluggable for direct interface with the Distribution Board.
Master Distribution Boxes (MDBs): Note: Protection against shock generally
MDBs generally comprising a solid galvanized steel enclosure with a guaranteed even when disconnected.
removable lid and provision for earthing. Protective conductor leading. Connection to
the live cable must be made with a female
Output ports shall be positioned around perimeter of the MDB. Number of connector according to the regulations. It is
outputs will be determined by the project by standard configurations of 6 or therefore not possible to have a ring circuit
9 port/circuit. arrangement. Only pluggable in the correct
pole configuration: one pole cannot be
Extender Cable: connected. Contacts protected against
Extender cable assemblies of up to 4.0mm² LSOH singles in a metal flexible strain on the cable. All components can be
conduit and pre-wired male and female. interlocked. DIN VDE 0606 T200 requires
the use of a locking device. Dangerous
Fused Connection Units: mismating with installation connector
Fused connection units (for connection to fan-coils or similar loads) systems of other suppliers is not
comprising male and female connectors, suitable rated switch and fuse and automatically excluded by compliance with
provision for earthing. DIN VDE 0606 T200. Installation connectors
do not replace national connector/outlet
T Connector: systems for home applications.
The T connector comprising male and female connectors and tails, flex or
conduit drop lead for connection to luminaire/lighting control module (LCM)
fan coil unit (FCU) variable air volume unit (VAV).
Switch Module:
Switch modules shall allow for a local switch within the system. This can
control 1-way, 2-way, intermediate, PIR or dimming switching requirements.
Wieland Electric Limited Tel : 01483 456270
Riverside Business Centre Fax : 01483 569783
Walnut Tree Close [email protected]
Guildford www.wieland.co.uk
Surrey GU1 4UG www.wielandmetalynx.co.uk
114 - Underfloor Heating & Ramp Heating - Product Selection
Selecting Underfloor Heating System Project Design
Select the right underfloor heating system using the table below: Our design software will provide key information for your client and for
your contractor:
Overfloor Area T2 Product Extra Features
• Complete bill of materials
Tiles Dry Areas T2Reflecta Exceptionally fast heat-up time. Energy • Installation plan (2D & 3D version)
T2Red Saving. Even heating distribution • Product part numbers for easy quotation request
(Kitchen, entrance hall, T2QuickNet-90 • Circuit sizes & layout
living room, bedroom & T2QuickNet-Plus-160 Adjusts heat output • Heat outputs per area
bathroom) For renovation (thin extra layer)
For renovation (thin extra layer). For fast
T2Blue-20W heat-up or poorly insulated under floors
Pre-terminated, flexible & robust heating
cable for flexible design
Pre-terminated, flexible & robust heating
cable for fast heatup requirements
CeraPro Ultra thin (3mm) & robust heating cable
for undertile applications. For installation
directly into tile adhesive (thin profile
installation). Excellent for renovation
Wet Areas T2QuickNet-90 For renovation (thin extra layer)
(Walk-in shower, T2Red For renovation (thin extra layer).
swimming pool areas, T2Blue-10W For fast heat-up or poorly insulated
etc) T2Blue-20W under floors or for higher temperature
Adjusts heat output
Pre-terminated, flexible & robust heating
cable for flexible design
Pre-terminated, flexible & robust heating
cable for fast heatup requirements
Wood / Laminate / Dry Areas CeraPro Ultra thin (3mm) & robust heating cable
Plastic / Carpet for undertile applications. For installation
T2Reflecta directly into tile adhesive (thin profile
T2Red installation). Excellent for renovation Typical 2D Installation Plan
Exceptionally fast heat-up time.
Even heating distribution
Adjusts heat output
Power Output Requirements Building Regulation Compliance Information
Ensuring the heated floor reaches a comfortable, efficient, and safe Raychem floor heating systems are designed to enable Part L compliance
temperature is an important requirement of the building regulations. in conjunction with Raychem zone controls and suitable floor insulation.
Raychem's SlabHeat software is a surface heating output modelling tool For compliance, support and further information on the new 2010 Building
providing finite element analysis of the floor surface. The actual floor profile Services Compliance Guide, please contact us on 0800 969 013.
can be modelled to ensure the correct surface temperature is achieved. Raychem Ramp Heating
Product Data Sheets For a complete guide to ramp and surface heating systems, please
Full product specification and data sheets are available at: contact Pentair Thermal Management on 0800 969 013 and request our
www.raychemfloorheating.com new ramp heating technical handbook (document reference CDE-1540)
available free of charge. Temperature (ºC)
0 Node Location (mm) 42.54 30.24
0 42.13 29.83
5 50 100 41.72 29.42
10 41.31 29.01
15 0 40.90 28.59
20 40.49 28.18
25 5 40.08 27.77
30 39.67 27.36
35 10 39.26 26.95
40 38.85 26.54
45 15 38.44 26.13
50 38.03 25.72
Slab Depth (mm) 55 20 Slab Depth (mm) 37.62 25.31
60 37.21 24.90
25 36.80 24.49
0 36.39 24.08
30 35.98 23.67
35.57 23.26
35 35.16 22.85
34.75 22.44
40 34.34 22.03
33.93 21.62
45 33.52 21.21
33.11 20.80
50 32.70 20.39
32.29 19.98
55 31.88 19.57
31.47 19.16
60 31.06 18.75
30.65 18.34
50 100
Node Location (mm)
For a FREE SlabHeat report call 0800 969 013
(Please mention that you have seen the Electrical Engineers’ Notebook)
Pentair Thermal Management Tel : 0800 969 013
3 Rutherford Road Fax : 0800 968 624
Stephenson Industrial Estate
Washington www.pentairthermal.co.uk
Tyne & Wear NE37 3HX www.raychemfloorheating.com
Leak Detection / Design Guide - 115
Design Guide – TraceTek Leak Detection The TraceTek TTC, TTA-S IM and SZA modules provide local indication
of the system operating status via LEDs, plus voltage-free contacts for
TraceTek leak detection systems can be utilised in a variety of installations remote connection to external alarm signals, remote annunciation panels,
to detect water, chemical or fuel leaks. TraceTek sensor cables detect or building management systems. A typical circuit is shown below:
and locate leaks along their entire length. TraceTek point sensors detect
leaks at a specific point. Virtually any number of point sensors can be Large Circuits, Concealed Sensors or Separated Areas – for large
combined with sensor cable on a leak detection single circuit. circuits (normally more than 40 meters or where sensors are distributed
between several separate areas) or installations where the sensor is
The following information is provided for initial guidance only. Complete concealed and normally inaccessible, an alarm and location module is
product information, including selection guides, data sheets, installation most appropriate. The TT-TS12 provides voltage-free alarm contacts,
instructions and operating manuals, can be downloaded from our website. 4-20 mA output, and digital communication via simple RS-485 wiring and
the ModBus protocol.
Sensor Selection Alternatively, TTSIM modules can be connected either to the TT-TS12 or
directly to a building management system via RS-485 wiring. The TTSIM
The first design task is to select the most appropriate sensor type based supports ModBus and Johnson Controls Metasys protocols directly,
on the liquid to be detected and the area to be monitored. providing complete sensor status and leak location information digitally
to the host system. The TT-TS12 can be connected to as many as 128
TT1000-POINT-PROBE should be selected for water detection in areas TTSIMs via a single RS-485 network, allowing extremely large leak
requiring only a single point of detection, such as drip trays under HVAC detection systems to be easily configured and integrated.
TT1000 sensor cable should be selected for water detection in
commercial building applications where larger area coverage is required, A variety of accessories are available to complete your system and make
such as under raised floors in computer or telecom rooms, in building installation easy. Most accessories must be specified with type PC (for
service / utility areas, etc. use with TT1000 sensors) or type MC (for use with all other sensors)
TT3000 sensor cable should be selected for aqueous chemical detection TT-MLC modular leader cable – used to connect sensor circuits to alarm
or for water detection in double contained pipe systems. modules.
TT-MJC modular jumper cable – used to interconnect sensor circuits.
TT5000 sensor cable should be selected for fuel and oil detection. TT-MBC modular branch connectors – used to layout circuits in a variety
of branched configurations.
TT5001 sensor cable should be selected for organic solvent detection. TT-WL weighted length – provides an artificial circuit length of 4.5 meters,
in order to clearly separate sensor sections that are on the same circuit
TT7000 sensor cable should be selected for strong acid detection. but in different areas.
TT-MET modular end termination – required at the end of each sensor
Sensor Layout circuit.
TT-TAG plastic tags used for clearly identifying TraceTek sensors, and
The next design task is to determine the optimum sensor layout. The for tagging mapping data on the sensor.
sensing cable or point probe should be positioned so that leakage from TT-HDC hold down clips – available in two sizes: ¼ inch for TT1000 and
the potential leak sources will contact the sensor quickly, before reaching TT3000 sensors and ½ inch for TT5000 and TT5001 sensors.
any critical equipment, cables or other items to be protected.
Perimeter Protection – lay the sensing cable along the perimeter of the
room, at a minimum of 600 mm from the wall.
Surface Protection – lay the sensing cable in a serpentine pattern
(typically on a 1.2 to 2 meter pitch) to protect larger surface areas.
Around Equipment – lay the sensing cable around equipment so that
leaks can be detected before spreading out.
Interconnecting Separate Areas – jumper cables, branch connectors,
and weighted length modules can be used to connect sensors from
separate areas into a single circuit, as illustrated below:
Modular branch Modular sensing
connector cable
Alarm Modular jumper Modular jumper Modular end
module cable cable termination
Modular leader
Alarm Module Selection
Depending on the size of the leak detection system and accessibility of
the sensors, an appropriate alarm (or alarm and locating) module must
be selected.
Small Area Circuits – for small leak detection circuits (normally those
less than 40 meters of sensor cable in a single area), a simple alarm
module may be selected.
Authorised Distributor: Tel : 01403 216100
Aquilar Ltd Fax : 08707 940320
Weights & Measures House Website : www.aquilar.co.uk
20 Barttelot Road Horsham Website : www.tracetek.com
West Sussex RH12 1DQ Email : [email protected]
116 - AEI Cables Technical Data for Total Fire Solutions
Firetec Singlecore
No. of cores & Nominal Current Rating (Enclosed in Conduit) Voltage Drop Maximum DC Conductor Nominal Overall Nominal Weight
CSA of Conductor Resistance@ 20°C Diameter
Single Phase ac or dc Three Phase ac dc Single Phase ac Three Phase ac Kg/Km
no x mm² Ω/Km mm 26.00
1 x 1.50 Amps Amps mV/AM mV/A/M mV/A/M 12.10 3.50 38.00
1 x 2.50 22.00 19.00 31.00 31.00 27.00 7.41 4.10 54.00
1 x 4.00 30.00 26.00 19.00 19.00 16.00 4.61 4.6 75.00
1 x 6.00 40.00 35.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 3.08 5.10 124.00
1 x 10.00 51.00 45.00 7.90 7.90 6.80 1.83 6.70 183.00
1 x 16.00 71.00 63.00 4.70 4.70 4.00 1.15 7.60 285.00
1 x 25.00 95.00 85.00 2.90 2.90 2.50 0.73 9.40
126.00 111.00 1.90 1.90 1.65
Firetec Standard
No. of cores & Current Rating (Clipped Direct) Voltage Drop Maximum DC Nominal Nominal Recommended Accessories
Nominal XSA of Single Phase ac or dc Three Phase ac Conductor Overall Weight
dc Single Three Phase ac Diameter Clips Glands Shrouds
Conductor Phase ac Resistance@ 20°C Kg/Km
mV/AM mm 87.00 FCL30 FG1 FXG20
no x mm² Amps Amps 29.00 mV/A/M mV/A/M Ω/Km 7.70 129.00 FCL34 FG1 FXG20
2 x 1.50 19.50 - 18.00 12.10 9.10 110.00 FCL32 FG1 FXG20
2 x 2.50 27.00 - 29.00 - 7.41 8.20 163.00 FCL37 FG2 FXG20
3 x 1.50 - 12.10 9.70 139.00 FCL34 FG1 FXG20
3 x 2.50 - 17.50 - 18.00 - 7.41 9.20 210.00 FCL43 FG2 FXG20
4 x 1.50 - 24.00 - 12.10 10.90
4 x 2.50 - 17.50 - - 25.00 7.41
- 24.00
- 15.00
- 25.00
- 15.00
Firetec Enhanced
No. of cores & Current Rating (Clipped Direct) Voltage Drop Maximum DC Nominal Nominal Recommended Accessories
Conductor Overall Weight
Nominal XSA of Single Phase ac or dc Three Phase ac dc Single Three Phase ac Diameter
Phase ac Resistance@ 20°C Kg/Km
Conductor mV/AM mm 103.00 Clips Glands Shrouds
29.00 Ω/Km 9.10 140.00
no x mm² Amps Amps 18.00 mV/A/M mV/A/M 12.10 9.70 135.00 FCL34 FG1 FXG20
2 x 1.50 19.50 - 29.00 - 7.41 9.60 186.00 FCL37 FG1 FXG20
2 x 2.50 27.00 - - 18.00 - 12.10 10.70 165.00 FCL37 FG1 FXG20
3 x 1.50 - 7.41 10.70 234.00 FCL43 FG2 FXG20
3 x 2.50 - 17.50 - - 25.00 12.10 11.90 FCL40 FG2 FXG20
4 x 1.50 - 24.00 - - 15.00 7.41 FCL47 FG2 FXG20
4 x 2.50 - 17.50 - 25.00
- 24.00 - 15.00
Firetec Power
No. of cores & Current Rating Voltage Drop Maximum DC Gross CSA of Armour Nominal Overall Nominal Weight
Nominal XSA of Single Way Ducts Three Phase ac Conductor Diameter
Laid Direct Free Air Kg/Km
Conductor Resistance@ 20°C mm 367.00
13.30 454.00
no x mm² Amps Amps Amps mV/A/M /Km mm² 14.70 556.00
16.00 783.00
4 x 1.50 32.00 26.00 26.00 27.00 12.10 17.00 18.20
4 x 2.50 42.00 34.00 35.00 16.00 7.41 20.00
4 x 4.00 55.00 45.00 47.00 10.00 4.61 22.00
4 x 6.00 69.00 56.00 107.00 6.80 3.08 36.00
Current Ratings for 4x 10.0 to 4x 400.0 sqmm please refer to Firetec Impact Power. For further constructional information refer to our website www.aeicables.co.uk
Firetec Impact Power Laid Direct Current Rating Free Air Voltage Drop Maximum DC Gross CSA of Armour Nominal Overall Nominal Weight
Conductor Diameter
No. of cores & Amps Single Way Ducts Amps Three Phase ac mm² Kg/Km
Nominal XSA of Resistance@ 20°C mm
55.00 Amps 47.00 mV/A/M 42.00 812.00
Conductor 69.00 59.00 Ω/Km 42.00 20.00 853.00
92.00 45.00 82.00 10.00 42.00 20.00 1029.00
no x mm² 119.00 56.00 107.00 6.80 4.61 50.00 20.00 1367.00
152.00 75.00 140.00 4.00 3.08 70.00 22.50 2240.00
4 x 4.00 182.00 96.00 172.00 2.50 1.83 78.00 29.90 2705.00
4 x 6.00 217.00 124.00 209.00 1.65 1.15 90.00 33.50 3375.00
4 x 10.00 266.00 149.00 363.00 1.15 0.73 131.00 37.10 4560.00
4 x 16.00 319.00 177.00 324.00 0.87 0.52 147.00 39.10 5805.00
4 x 25.00 363.00 218.00 376.00 0.60 0.39 206.00 43.00 7430.00
4 x 35.00 406.00 263.00 430.00 0.45 0.27 230.00 48.30 8820.00
4 x 50.00 458.00 300.00 495.00 0.37 0.19 255.00 52.40 10600.00
4 x 70.00 529.00 338.00 584.00 0.30 0.15 289.00 56.60 13380.00
4 x 95.00 592.00 382.00 666.00 0.26 0.12 319.00 64.30 16255.00
4 x 120.00 667.00 442.00 766.00 0.21 0.10 452.00 70.70 21145.00
4 x 150.00 496.00 0.19 0.08 80.30
4 x 185.00 570.00 0.17 0.06
4 x 240.00 0.05
4 x 300.00
4 x 400.00
Firetec FRF2 Current Rating (Enclosed in Conduit) Voltage Drop Maximum DC Nominal Overall Nominal Weight
Conductor Diameter
No. of cores & Nominal Single Phase ac or dc Three Phase ac dc Single Phase ac Three Phase ac Kg/Km
XSA of Conductor Resistance@ 20°C mm 135
Amps Amps mV/A/M mV/A/M mV/A/M 10.00 168
no x mm² 34.10 34.10 - Ω/Km 11.20 149
3 x 1.50 23.00 - 20.90 21.00 - 13.30 11.20 211
3 x 2.50 31.00 - - - 7.98 12.40
4 x 1.50 21.00 - - 29.70 13.30
4 x 2.50 - 28.50 17.60 7.98
Mineral Insulated
Conductors Cables exposed to touch Sheath Earth Fault Maximum Cable diameter Cable weight Recommended accessories
effective loop conductor (mm) (Kg/km)
Cable ref Size Current rating (amps) Volt drop resistance Glands & seals Copper fixings
(mm2) MV/A/m CSA impedance (ohm/km at Bare LSZH Bare LSZH
No (mm2) (R1+R2)
(ohms/m) 20°C)
Bare LSF covered Gland ref RGM One hole clips Two-way saddles
2L1.5 2 1.5 21.0 23.0 28.0 6.3 21.2 12.1 5.7 7.0 131 154 20 20 22 28 222 302
2L2.5 2 2.5 28.0 31.0 17.0 8.2 13.3 7.4 6.6 7.9 180 206 20 20 26 32 272 342
3L1.5 3 1.5 17.0 19.0 24.0 7.8 20.6 12.1 6.4 7.7 168 194 20 20 24 30 272 342
3L2.5 3 2.5 23.5 26.0 14.0 9.5 12.9 7.4 7.3 8.8 222 272 20 20 28 34 302 342
4L1.5 4 1.5 17.0 19.0 24.0 9.1 20.2 12.1 7.0 8.3 203 231 20 20 28 34 302 342
4L2.5 4 2.5 23.5 26.0 14.0 11.3 12.5 7.4 8.1 9.6 286 336 20 20 32 37 342 422
2H1.5 2 1.5 22.5 25.0 28.0 11.0 19.8 12.1 7.9 9.4 224 259 20 20 30 37 342 382
2H2.5 2 2.5 31.0 34.0 17.0 13.0 12.4 7.4 8.7 10.2 275 314 20 20 34 40 342 422
Extended ranges are available for all of the above cable types – refer to our website for additional information or contact [email protected]
AEI Cables Tel : +44 (0) 191 410 3111
Durham Road Fax : +44 (0) 191 410 8312
County Durham Email : [email protected]
DH3 2RA Website : www.aeicables.co.uk
Salamandre IP4X Distribution Trunking - 117
Legrand has invested heavily in Salamandre distribution trunking to ensure that it provides everything you would expect from the market leader. The latest
innovations have been made to keep you up to speed with the amendments to the Wiring Regulations...
Changes to the Wiring Regulations
BS 7671 : 2008 – Amendment No. 1 : 2011 to the 17th Edition of the Wiring Regulations includes specific instructions relating to the requirement for IP
conformity of all trunking systems using non-sheathed cables.
Section 521.10.1 of the regulations includes the following paragraph:
“Non-sheathed cables are permitted if the cable trunking system provides at least the degree of protection IPXXD or IP4X, and if the cover can only be
removed by means of a tool or deliberate action.”
BS 7671 : 2008 - Amendment No. 3 : 2015 also includes the note:
“If a system includes site-fabricated joints the installer must confirm the completed item meets at least the degree of protection IPXXD.”
The Index of Protection
The index of protection is defined in BS EN 60529 - Degree of protection of enclosures of electrical equipment.
As quoted in Section 521.10.1, the Regulations allow two levels for the degree of protection:
IP4X – Protected against solid bodies greater than 1mm in diameter. The test uses a 1mm diameter, 100mm long test probe / wire. The probe is applied
with a force of 1N±10% and is not allowed to enter the enclosure being tested.
IPXXD – Solid bodies no greater than 1mm in diameter may enter the top of the enclosure but will remain clear of hazardous parts. The test uses a 1mm
diameter, 100mm long test probe / wire. The top of the enclosure may allow entry of the 100mm long test wire, however the wire is not allowed to touch
any hazardous parts within the enclosure.
The Salamandre range of distribution trunking has evolved to include a simple solution to IP4X conformity.
A Simple, Convenient Solution
To achieve IP4X conformity using Salamandre trunking lengths requires the addition of a simple
‘cover strap’ which is connected to each coupler over the joint between two lids.
A new range of IP4X fittings with all the time-saving installation benefits of Salamandre integrates fully
with existing lengths and accessories to provide a total solution when using non-sheathed cable.
BS 7671:2008 BS EN 60529 For IP4X protection, simply clip a ‘cover strap’
Amendment No. 1:2011 IP4X – 1mm Probe to each coupler over the joint between two lids
Trunking should be cannot enter enclosure IP4X fittings should be specified to achieve the
IP4X or IPXXD IPXXD – 1mm probe can correct level of conformity
enter but must remain
clear of live parts IP4X
1mm dia probe
1mm dia probe
BS EN 50085-1:2005
Can only claim IP4X or above
if there are no ‘butt joints’
Legrand Electric Ltd Tel : +44 (0) 345 605 4333
Great King Street North Fax : +44 (0) 345 605 4334
Birmingham Website : www.legrand.co.uk
B19 2LF Website : www.legrand3d.co.uk
United Kingdom Email : [email protected]
118 - Leak Detection - System Design Guide
Floodline Floodline 4 Zone Control Panel
The Andel “FLOODLINE” range covers all possible requirements, from Leader Cable LSF-0H Zone 3 Zone 1
stand-alone single zone modules and units for the smaller installation, to Multi-8 Zone Detection Cable Zone 2
comprehensive multi-zone systems with the capacity to handle the largest
building offering outstanding flexibility, with a range of equipment and “Plug and Play” Start of Line (SOL)
sensors to tailor each installation to the client's exact needs. “Plug and Play” Autocoupler (Auto)
“Plug and Play” End of Line (EOL)
Choosing the best sensor to suit the application and the areas to be
monitored: Oil Sensor
Multi - 8 Zone Detection Cable: CONTROL PANEL SELECTION:
Within raised floor voids in data centres, comms / server / IT rooms, Small:
teapoints and vending areas, drip trays, A/C units and underfloor pipework. Up to 20m of Detection Cable in the raised floor void of one room, within
a short length of drip tray, 1 - 3no Point / Oil Sensors, usually within the
Multi - 4 Zone Detection Cable: same room or 1no FGS1000 Ref. Gas Sensor.
Attach along the full length of high level pipework especially above critical - Floodline One Zone Control Panel - Volt free outputs for ‘LEAK’ and
/ sensitive areas.
‘SYSTEM’ fault.
Point Sensor:
Plant rooms, tank rooms, trenches, small drip trays, base of lift shafts, Medium:
toilets and showers. 20 - 300m of Detection Cable either within single or multiple rooms, several
A/C Units or separate Drip Trays and combination of between 5 - 50no
Flexi-Pad: Point / Oil Sensors in large Plant / Generator Rooms and 4 - 20no
Pipe joints and junctions, plumbed in water coolers and inaccessible areas. FGS1000 Ref. Gas Sensors, etc.
- Floodline 4 - 32 Zone Control Panels – Volt free outputs for ‘LEAK’ and
Pipe-in-Pipe Sensor:
Double containment water pipework and tanks and high level alarm. ‘SYSTEM’ fault and individual zone output relays available.
DP01 Double Containment Sensor: Large:
Double containment oil / diesel pipework and tanks, either along full length Over 300m of Detection Cable either within a large area (data centre) or
or at lowest point. across many smaller room (server and comms rooms) and/or combination
of Point / Oil / Ref. Gas Sensors.
Oil Sensor: - Floodline 128 System - 32 / 64 / 96 / 128no Zones – Volt free outputs
Bunded oil storage tanks, generator rooms and oil pipework trenches.
for ‘LEAK’ and ‘SYSTEM’ fault, RS232 / 485 + MODBUS and individual
FGS1000 Refrigerant Gas Sensor: zone output relays available.
Office areas served by VRF / VRV units, in chiller plant rooms, along
refrigerant gas pipework routes. Floodline 16 Zone Control Panel
SYSTEM LAYOUT: A/C UnitZone 2 Zone 7 Zone 11
Choosing the best design for optimum coverage with the most suitable sensor: Comms Room Zone 6 Zone 12
Zone 1
Perimeter: ZoneZone 4Plant
Install Multi - 8 Zone Detection Cable in the raised floor void attached to Zone 8
the floor slab approx. 500mm in from the wall. A/C UnitZone 5
Kitchen Zone 10 Zone 9
Whole Floor Area: Oil Tank bund
Install Multi - 8 Zone Detection Cable in the raised floor void across the
whole floor space at 2m centres. ACCESSORIES:
Various options for connecting components, installing the Floodline sensors
A/C Units / Downflow Units: and control panels and adapting the system for each individual site:
Install Multi - 8 Zone Detection Cable either around the ‘footprint’ of the
unit or ‘zig-zagged’ directly beneath. Zone Couplers:
Start / Auto / End of Line – Using RJ48 connectors for ease of installation
Low Level Pipework in Floor Void: by simple ‘plug & play’ connectivity.
Install Multi - 8 Zone Detection Cable beneath the pipework within the
floor void in a ‘serpentine’ pattern along the full pipe length. Junction Boxes:
For use with Multi - 4 Zone Cable to connect from panel to the first zone
High Level Pipework: and then between each concurrent or separate zone.
Attach Absorbent Multi - 4 Zone Detection Cable to the underside of the
whole pipe length outside any lagging. Leader Cable:
Full LSF - 0H interconnecting cable for use from the control panel to each
Plant Room: individual or set of zones.
Install Point Sensors either at equidistant positions around the room or
targeted at specific items of equipment e.g. Pump Sets, Water Tanks, etc. Remote Panel:
Provides audible and visual alarm at a secondary position i.e. at a
Double Containment Pipework: reception desk or security office.
Install DP01 Pipe-in-Pipe Sensor at equidistant positions along the full
pipe lengths - usually 10-15m apart or at the lowest point if the pipework Caution Tags:
runs to a fall. Usually fitted every 1-2m along clearly identifying detection cable.
Refrigerant Gas: Clips:
Within offices, install at mid level (approx. 1m from floor) preferably Self-adhesive 6.3mm clips or drilled and plugged ‘P’ clips usually installed
adjacent / near to VRF units. For Chiller Rooms, etc. install every 6m3 every metre and every change of direction along the full length of the
across the whole area. detection cable.
Andel Ltd Tel : 01484 845 000
New Mills Fax : 01484 845 222
Brougham Road Email: [email protected]
Huddersfield Website : www.andel.co.uk
West Yorkshire HD7 6AZ
Cable Management Systems - Technical Issues & Standards - 119
Selecting the Correct Material
Cable management systems are predominantly supplied in four finishes:
• Pre-Galvanized (BS EN 10346:2009) • Stainless Steel (BS EN 10082-2:2005)
• Hot Dipped Galvanized (ISO 1461) • Electro-Zinc for cable baskets (ISO 4520:1981)
The important factor is to know when and where to specify which material.
Pre-Galvanised (BS EN 10346:2009)
Mild steel material pre-coated at the steel mill. It has good resistance to rust in a dry indoor environment. Not recommended for use in humid or outdoor
Hot Dipped Galvanised (BS EN 1461)
Generally and commonly referred to as “galv after” – this is a mild steel material which is galvanized after the product has been manufactured. This process
achieves a thicker coating of zinc which increases the products resistance to corrosion. Products made in this material are suitable for outdoor installations.
Stainless Steel
Used extensively in the process industry and where product is required in harsh environments:
304l: Specified for pharmaceutical and food industry. This is a tough corrosion resistant grade.
316l: Specified for coastal environments or areas with a high saline content. Referred to as Marine Grade.
Stainless Steel is the only product of the four which will prevent the formation of Zinc Whiskers.
Electro-Zinc (ISO 4520:1981)
Used extensively in the manufacturing process for cable basket. The steel wires are cut and welded together to form the cable basket which is then
passed through a zinc bath. An electrolytic process applies the zinc to the steel to provide its coating. Suitable for use in dry indoor environments. Not
recommended for use in humid or outdoor installations.
Certificated Training -
Cutting & Forming Cable Basket
Cable Basket is the only cable management product range which requires
operatives to cut and form accessories, and although the National
Engineering Specification states in clause 2025D that “all accessories will
be factory made”, the reality is that all accessories will be produced on site.
To ensure that the cutting and forming process is completed safely and
with a high degree of consistency, Unitrunk provide free on-site training.
The training takes about 30 minutes to complete and covers all the
aspects of cutting and forming that is likely to be required.
The training is certificated, so everyone who attends and takes part
receives a formal document to validate their involvement which is a useful
component in demonstrating the contractors commitment to the site
health and safety programme.
Additionally, attendee names will be added to a database register that
Unitrunk maintains and each Site Manager will receive a register for their
records of all the operatives who have undertaken the training.
Unitrunk has, to date, trained over 400 site operatives, none of whom
had ever received any such instruction before. Unitrunk will provide a
free of charge set of bolt croppers to all sites where the training is
requested. It is this level of support and accountability that enables the
contractor to have complete peace of mind when using Unitrunk products.
Short Circuit Testing
Understanding the performance of the products under load and when
subject to stress, such as during the installation of cables, is key to
selecting and specifying the correct cable management product.
All RIS (Rapid Installation Systems) products, Speedway Cable Ladder,
UniKlip® Cable Tray and EasyConnect Cable Basket have been subject
to short circuit testing as a way of clearly demonstrating the inherent
mechanical strength of the range.
During testing, all RIS products were subject to fault levels of 100kA. The
test configuration illustrated shows two lengths of UniKlip® Cable Tray
coupled together and loaded with three 35mm single core cables mounted
in trefoil and cleated to the cable tray.
The photograph shows the coupling of the UniKlip® Cable Tray after the
100kA test. The cable and the tray has been stressed and distorted, but
the UniKlip® coupler has maintained its integrity.
Unitrunk Tel : 02892 625100
Blaris Industrial Estate Fax : 02892 625101
Altona Road
Lisburn Email : [email protected]
County Antrim BT27 5QB Website : www.unitrunk.co.uk
120 - Specialist Cable Systems - Technical Specifications
Pyrotenax MI Fire Survival Cable - System Data & Accessory SelectionPYRO BARE AND LSF COVERED CLIPS AND SADDLESPYRO SADDLEHEAVY DUTY 750V GRADE
CABLE SIZE REFERENCE PYRO CLIP LIGHT DUTY 500V GRADE For information on Terminations & Fixings please refer to technical support at Pentair Thermal Management
BARE CABLE CC (contact details shown below)
BARE Values quoted are nominal lengths only - please contact our customer service department to confirm exact lengths available
CABLES EXPOSED TO TOUCH NOMINAL CURRENT RATINGS AS PER BS7671 BARE Pyrotenax is a trademark of Pentair Thermal Management and its affiliates in designated countries
LSF For single core cables this value will
depend on the number of cables
EFFECTIVE used within the circuit.
SHEATH AREA Please contact us direct for further
Pentair Thermal Management Tel : 0808 178 1858
3 Rutherford Road Fax : 0808 178 1859
Stephenson Industrial Estate
Washington Email : [email protected]
Tyne & Wear NE37 3HX Website : www.pentairthermal.co.uk
Fire Alarm & Extinguishing Systems - 121
Cerberus & Siemens ASA™ Smoke Detectors Application Guide
Siemens has been involved in fire alarm and extinguishing systems for High Suppression PS8
over 160 years. Cerberus invented the automatic smoke detector in 1941; Specifically developed for dance floors in discotheques, live venues and
we have been doing reliable smoke detection longer than anybody else theatres. Requires a relatively small change in temperature of 8K in
and are a trend setter in detection technology. We employ over 450 people addition to an alarm signal from the optical chamber to create an alarm.
in R&D and have experience of over 60 million detectors installed around Provides a much faster response than switching to pure thermal detection.
the world. Our products are reliable and will always be manufactured and Enhanced safety at critical times where visibility is reduced and large
supported for over 20 years. They will always be backward and forward numbers of people are in attendance. Complies with the norm EN54-5.
compatible with whatever technology we bring out in the future ensuring Suppression PS5
the customers’ investment is well protected for the long term. Highly robust behaviour, therefore very suitable for applications with
deceptive phenomena such as steam, heavy cigarette smoke or exhaust
Siemens Equipment Range gases. At the same time the detector reacts with the ASA parameter set
quickly and reliably in case of a real fire due to the dynamic influencing
Digital Addressable Systems of the parameters. Complies with the norms EN54-5 and EN54-7. For use
in kitchens and production areas with operational related deceptive
This type of system improves collective systems by using loop wiring, phenomena.
device isolators and software programming to increase reliability and Suppression CO PS12
provide individual identification of devices in alarm, fault or detector status. Highly robust behaviour, therefore very suitable for applications with
In addition to the ‘normal’, ‘fire’ or ‘fault’ status, the system is capable of deceptive phenomena such as steam, heavy cigarette smoke or exhaust
identifying detectors that require maintenance and the status of every unit. gases. At the same time the detector reacts with the ASA parameter set
This enables optimum service intervals and reduces periodic checks. quickly and reliably in case of a real fire due to the dynamic influencing
of the parameters. Sensitivity is influenced by the CO concentration.
Siemens Cerberus PRO™ Fire Detection System Separate CO alarming and control for the detection of unhealthy or
dangerous carbon monoxide build up. Complies with the norms EN54-5
Siemens Cerberus PRO™ is a unique fire detection system consisting of and EN54-7. For use in kitchens and production areas with operational
panels ranging from simple 1 loop to powerful 28 loops to meet all related deceptive phenomena.
applications from the same system. It can be networked to provide a High Compensation PS7
seamless system with up to 64 panels - all certified to EN54-13. It provides Identical to the robust setting except the drift compensation is extended.
normal detectors for standard applications and ASA smoke detectors for Especially suited for rooms in which a lot of dust and other deposits are
the most demanding of environments. With ASAtechnology™ (Advanced expected to build up over a period of time such as paper mills, carpenters
Signal Analysis) reliable smoke detection can now be achieved where workshops, textile production and recycling plants. Complies with the
previously only heat detectors would be suitable. norms EN54-5 and EN54-7.
Robust PS2
Siemens Cerberus PRO™ Equipment Range Robust behaviour therefore very suitable for applications with deceptive
phenomena such as cigarette smoke, dust and exhaust gases. At the
Includes FC720 Control Panels, neural ASA fire detectors, wide spectrum same time the detector reacts with the ASA parameter set quickly and
smoke detectors, linear smoke detectors, heat detectors, infrared flame reliably in case of a real fire due to the dynamic influencing of the
detectors, aspirating smoke detectors and SWING wireless detection. parameters. Compared to PS5 this set may be used to improve detection
speed on higher ceilings. Complies with the norms EN54-5 and EN54-7.
Voice Evacuation Systems For use in event locations, conference rooms, smoking rooms,
gastronomy, industry production and underground garages.
The Siemens E100 VA System is a digital voice actuated alarm and Balanced PS4
evacuation system, available as a stand-alone model or fully networked For use in normal environments. Balanced response characteristic,
and integrated to the fire alarm system. European standards recognise sensitive in the case of fire, robust with deceptive phenomena. Due to its
that voice evacuation is an integral part of fire detection and needs to be distinct dynamic the detector reacts quickly to open fires and smouldering
treated with the same high standards. fires according to the definitions of EN54. The ASA parameter set reacts
E100 complies fully with EN60849: electro-acoustical emergency warning very robustly to deceptive phenomena such as cigarette smoke or small
systems and EN54-16 components for voice-actuated alarms in fire alarm amounts of steam. Often used when system is unmanned mode e.g. at
systems and voice-actuated alarm centres. night. Complies with the norms EN54-5 and EN54-7. For use in open plan
offices, hallways, hotel rooms, out of hours use in harsh environments.
Graphical Management Package Balanced CO PS10
Using the criteria smoke, heat and CO the device is more sensitive to
Siemens MM8000 is a professional danger management and monitoring fires creating CO than PS4 without the CO signal. This parameter set is
system for integrating security and safety systems, providing event history robust with deceptive phenomena such as cigarette smoke or small
and analytical reports. It can be configured to provide text only display of amounts of steam. It also offers early alarming in the event of fires
the entire subsystems or full graphical representation of protected areas. generating a large amount of CO such as mattress fires. Complies with
the norms EN54-5 and EN54-7. Same applications as with PS4 but with
Current Fire Detection Standards higher robustness against deceptive phenomena.
Fast Response PS6
All components of the Cerberus PRO System fully comply and are certified This parameter set reacts in a fast and highly sensitive manner. It is
by VdS or LPCB for CPR (Construction Product Regulation) introduced especially suited for rooms without deceptive phenomena where the
from 1st July 2013. priority is on detecting fire as early as possible and is an excellent
BSEN54-13 - Complete system compatibility test. replacement for ionisation detectors. For use in high ceilinged rooms,
BS-5839 - Part 1:2013 : Fire detection and alarm systems in buildings. storage rooms, warehouses with highly flammable material, IT rooms,
EN-54 - Parts 2 & 4:1998 : Power supplies and control/indicating equipment control of extinguishing systems. Complies with the norms EN54-5 and
including all Options With Requirements (OWRs). EN54-7.
BSEN-54 - Various parts covering detection and alarm devices. High Sensitive Fast PS9
BS-7273 - Part 4 including Category A. This parameter set allows for the fastest possible detection for both open
and smouldering fires. It is intended for use in clean applications with no
Sinorix™ Intelligent Extinguishing Solutions deceptive phenomena such as hospital rooms, museums, operating
rooms, rooms with high ceilings where high sensitive detection is of great
The comprehensive Sinorix extinguishing portfolio for room and object importance. Complies with the norms EN54-5 and EN54-7.
protection comprises solutions with natural or chemical extinguishing
agents, gas/water-combined as well as water mist solutions. Our range
Sinorix N2 Ar CO2 - Automated extinguishing solutions with natural agents.
Sinorix CDT - Automated extinguishing solution with nitrogen providing
constant gas discharge.
Sinorix al-deco PLUS - Safe object protection system for machine tools.
Sinorix al-deco STD - Object protection system for machine tools.
Sinorix 1230 - Automated extinguishing solution based on chemical agent
Novec 1230.
Sinorix 227 - Automated extinguishing solution based on extinguishing
agent HFC-227ea.
Siemens Building Technologies Tel : 01276 690207
Fire Safety Products - Cerberus PRO
Brunel House
Sir William Siemens Square
Frimley Surrey Website : siemens.co.uk/cerberus
GU16 8QD Email : [email protected]
122 - Gent by Honeywell - Fire Sensor Application Guide & System Design
System Design - System Category & Selection HEAT detector spacing (under flat horizontal ceiling) SMOKE & HEAT detector spacing in corridors (category p only)
The general steps for the designer are: SMOKE detector spacing (under flat horizontal ceiling) SMOKE detector (under pitched roofs)
• Ensure the Fire Risk Assessment is complete Loudspeakers
• Confirm level of protection or system category is correct (listed below) Gent by Honeywell’s range of Voice Alarm Loudspeakers is a key element
of the complete Voice Solution. Certified to EN54 Part 24 you can be sure
• Confirm the ‘Cause & Effect’ to meet the demands of any system and comply with the design
requirements of BS 5839 Part 8.
• Agree any ‘Variations’ with all relevant parties
• Complete the specification drawings
• Sign off the Design Certificate required within BS 5839-1:2013
System Categories are fully described within BS 5839-1:2013 and vary
depending on the Risk. These are commonly referred to as Category M,
L5, L4, L3, L2 or L1 or Life protection of P1 or P2 for Property protection.
Below is a small portion of advice taken from notes associated with one
of the Approved CPD training seminars that relate specifically to fire
detection design.
Detector Selection & Siting
Selection and siting of sensors (for further advice please refer to
Clauses 21 and 22 of BS 5839-1:2013)
The objective is to select the correct sensor for the appropriate
application, to provide the earliest warning of fire without the risk of a
false alarm. It is therefore worth trying to visualise the type of fire that is
likely to occur in a particular room or area and also to familiarise oneself
with the application and the risks that could give rise to a false alarm.
It should also be remembered that a Vigilon system can incorporate a
whole range of different sensors using S-Quad multi-sensors. These can
be set up for different applications and can be switched from ‘state to
state’ should particular risks be present for short periods of time. This
should be read in conjunction with the application / risk charts.
To download our free S-Quad Selector Mobile App for iPhone, iPad
and Android devices, please go to www.gent.co.uk
Obviously conditions may vary depending on the particular application
and if there are any doubts, please contact Gent for further consultation.
Voice Alarm (VA) & Public Address (PA)
Voice messages are more effective than tone signals alone.
Research has shown in an alarm situation (EN54 Part 16):
• 13% of people react in timely manner to bell tones
• 75% people reacted quickly to a voice message explaining the nature
of the emergency
In addition to this it was found that people will naturally use the entrance
they used to enter the building to leave even if it is not the closest.
The newly harmonised EN54 Part 16 defines the specific functionality of
the VA equipment and applies to any component that is part of the core
functionality of VA. Our rack system is now certified as a complete unit,
so the new standard means it is no longer possible to build a system
using components from third party suppliers.
EN54 Part 24 covers the minimum requirements for loudspeakers and
the method for testing their operational performance. Acoustic
requirements for loudspeakers vary according to the nature of the space
where they are installed so many projects may involve at least one
application where there is a need to employ specialist design support.
Gent by Honeywell will provide FREE advice on Fire Detection and Voice
Alarm system design recognising the responsibilities imposed on the
Designer. This is available through our Network of Approved System
The service our Sales Support Team can offer is:
• Fire Detection design & application advice
• Voice Alarm design
• Acoustic design & modelling using the Ulysses tool
• Central Battery & Static Inverter design, sales support & commissioning
• Aspirating design & application support
• Factory Acceptance Testing
• Site survey & application support
• Site training
Gent by Honeywell Tel : +44 (0) 116 246 2042
140 Waterside Road Fax : +44 (0) 116 246 2300
Hamilton Industrial Park Literature Helpline : +44 (0) 870 240 1434
Leicester Website : www.gent.co.uk
LE5 1TN Emal : [email protected]
Factors to consider when Selecting Video Surveillance Cameras - 123.
Introduction Technology for Lighting Issues
Selecting the right cameras for your video surveillance system is critical Because light is vital for producing a quality image, it is essential to
to the success of your project. First, you need to determine what you want understand your lighting conditions prior to selecting a camera. The
the camera to capture for you. Here are some things to consider: amount of light available will determine the amount of light required in
order to produce usable video. There are technologies available to ensure
• Do you want to see a scene and know if something is happening? you capture usable video regardless of lighting conditions:
• Do you want to see an event and determine exactly what is happening? • Day/Night • Digital Noise Reduction
• Do you want to see the individual and determine exactly who is • IR Illumination • Digital Slow Shutter
True Day/Night cameras have a movable IR filter. During daytime
Your answers to these questions will begin to affect the type of cameras
you need. Once you can answer these questions, use the rest of this performance, the IR filter is in place to block all the IR light, creating a
guide to understand other factors when selecting the right camera.
nice colour image. At night, when the amount of light decreases, the IR
Camera Type
filter is replaced with a clear glass filter that allows all available visible and
• Will your cameras be used indoors or outdoors?
IR light to reach the sensor and to be recorded. As a result, colour images
• Should it be a visual deterrent or discreet?
are captured during the day and clear black and white images at night.
• Is there a particular look you prefer?
There are numerous camera types to consider from PTZs, box cameras, Artificial IR Illumination can be provided by IR Light Emitting Diodes
mini-domes and bullets. (LEDs) to augment the naturally occurring light in the scene. If IR LEDs
are used, when the ambient light drops below a defined threshold, the IR
PTZ – Pan/tilt/zoom cameras are very versatile, can pan (move LEDs turn on, the mechanical IR cut filter within the camera switches, and
left and right), tilt (move up and down), and zoom in or out. the camera changes from colour to black and white. Perfect colour images
Additionally, PTZ cameras can rotate 360º to view an object are captured by day and clear black and white images at night.
directly below them. Indoor and outdoor options are available.
Night Image with no Day/Night or IR Night Image with Day/Night Night Image with IR
Box – Box cameras are comprised of the camera body, lens and
power supply. For indoor use, a mount bracket is required for Digital Noise Reduction (DNR) removes noise artefacts, improving the
installation. For outdoor use, housing is required. performance of motion detection and typically giving end users the ability
to record for longer periods using digital or network video recorders.
Mini-Dome – Dome cameras are half spherical-shaped cameras.
These cameras are usually used when discreet applications are Digital Noise Reduction OFF Digital Noise Reduction ON
needed. They can be vandal resistant, and indoor and outdoor
options are available. Digital Slow Shutter (DSS) technology improves the light sensitivity of
the camera and extends its usable range. This allows a brighter image to
Bullet – Bullet cameras are stylish with a bullet-like shape. Some be obtained with minimal motion blurring.
come with infrared lighting, and they can be used indoors or out.
Field of View
The field of view is a measure of how large an area the camera is capable
of viewing. The focal length of the lens affects the field of view.
A shorter focal length lens captures more of the scene and therefore
displays a larger field of view.
Conversely, a longer lens magnifies the scene more, thereby decreasing
the field of view.
10mm Focal Length Field of View 22mm Focal Length Field of View 50mm Focal Length Field of View
Resolution Digital Slow Shutter OFF Digital Slow Shutter ON
Resolution is the measure of noticeable detail that you see in an image. Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) technology allows end users to capture all
The higher the resolution, the better the definition, clarity and quality of the details in a scene, whether those details are partially obscured by low
the picture. Lower-resolution cameras produce images with less detail. A light or distorted by strong backlighting. With WDR, you get clear images
high resolution camera could capture the detail of a person’s face or a when there are both very bright and very dark areas simultaneously in
number plate from a wide area. the field of view of the camera.
The wider the area you want to view, the more resolution you will need
in order to see all the detail. If you want to monitor a smaller area and do
not need to see a detailed view, a camera with lesser resolution might do.
Keep in mind that higher resolution images also mean larger file sizes,
which will take up more storage space on your DVR.
480 TVL Resolution VGA Resolution 3 Megapixel Resolution Wide Dynamic OFF Wide Dynamic ON
Contact Honeywell Security for additional support in selecting the right cameras for your applications. © Copyright Honeywell
Honeywell Security Group Tel : 08448 000 235
Aston Fields Road Fax : 01928 754 050
Whitehouse Industrial Estate
Runcorn [email protected]
Cheshire WA7 3DL www.honeywell.com/security/uk
124 - Power Surge Protection & Regulations
High Current - High Voltage - Short Duration Surge Protection Device Co-ordination
Impulses - Power Surges!
BS 7671 and BS EN 62305 require the co-ordination of SPD, where the
These are all terms to strike fear into the minds of all electrical and latter standard considers the installation of the correct device to limit the
electronic system designers and installers. It is time and more importantly transient overvoltages at the appropriate location within the building.
it is a requirement to act to reduce or eliminate these risks. However, it
seems that cost and competition are significant factors in ignoring the To facilitate this, the building is partitioned by areas or zones (Lightning
need for effective and co-ordinated protection. These rarely seen or often Protection Zones) for which the SPD with the recommended overvoltage
undetected threats originate from many sources: suppression is intended for installation. Zones are based on the degree
of risk and to provide a method that ensure the protection of the equipment.
• An indirect Lightning Stroke, some kilometres away is looking for an
easy path to earth and will find a route through a building Zone LPZ 0 is outside the structure of the building and subject to the
severest threat of lightning currents and electrical fields.
• A direct Lightning Stroke, where a portion of the discharge current
into the lightning protection system or other conductive materials will Zone LPZ 1 is the first zone within the building and prone to the induced
attempt to flash over into the internal installations fields and flashover into the building.
• The effect of Electrical Switching, caused by utilities, isolation arcing, Zone LPZ 2 is the second zone within the building where the risk to
electrical motor cycling or sudden changes in electrical flow electrical equipment is still high.
There is little we can do to ensure that faults are not created and certainly Zone LPZ 3 is the third zone and subsequent areas of diminishing risk
nothing to prevent the randomness and unpredictability of lightning to the equipment.
strikes. However, although we cannot eliminate the many and varied
causes, we can certainly reduce their effects. SPD Selection
Surge Protection Devices are designed to specifically protect electrical In the main distribution board and as close to the service entrance as
and electronic equipment from these spikes and transients. They can possible, this will probably only be possible after the meter.
improve reliability, availability, maintainability and safety, all resulting in
the reduction of lost production time and fewer repairs, together with less Structural Lightning Protection System (LPS) installed (or overhead
data and information loss, thereby improving productivity and profitability. mains supply) a Type 1 device is fitted typical to PD Devices’
T1SP3/25/100/230 for critical buildings i.e. hospitals, schools, etc. For
The extra cost may be a fraction more, but with a significant reduction in less critical buildings T1SP3/12.5/50/230 are recommended. Single
ongoing expenditure, the savings more than make up for the initial outlay. phase versions are also available.
The Power Utilities external surge arresters provide good primary Structural Lightning Protection System (LPS) and metal services
protection, but long lead length, installation mistakes and supply installed a Type 1 device similar to the PD Devices’ Enhanced DSP
variances can cause a problem to the user that is not necessarily Series can be utilised. Although these are of a lower current impulse,
recognised by the utility. Surge Protection Devices within the facility are they offer an all mode protection.
therefore necessary.
Without a structural LPS fitted and underground mains supply feed
The Lightning Protection Systems where fitted offer a good protection a Type 2 device is fitted similar to the PD Devices’ DSP Series or SPM
provided the earth bonding is good throughout the facility. series. The T1SP Series devices would offer the same levels of protection.
Standards and Regulations make it a clear requirement for Surge Critical Equipment – Here it is advisable to install Type 3 devices to
Protection Devices. ensure the protection level is kept to below the recommended 1500 volt.
The PD Devices’ DSP Series being Type 2 and 3 can be fitted. In cases
BS 7671:2008 IET Wiring Regulations 17th Edition where the protection needs to be at the equipment itself, then devices
Section 443: Existing protection against overvoltage of atmospheric similar to the PD Devices’ MBP type of products are advisable.
origin or due to switching
Telecommunication and Data Equipment should be protected by
Section 534: Deals with the installation of surge protection devices additional devices similar to PD Devices’ TLP and DBP ranges. The panel
(SPDs) where required is the best place for surge protection when dealing with transient
overvoltages. There are many reasons for this:
BS EN 62305 Series of Standards defines the Protection against Lightning
Part 1 - General Principles for Protection of Structures against Lightning • Multiple circuits can be protected by one device, rather than the
multiple ‘at equipment’ devices that would otherwise be required
Part 2 - Risk Management
• Limits the electromagnetic propagation of the overvoltage. Surge
Part 3 - Physical Damage to Structures & Life Hazard protection in the panel limits the inductive coupling to other
conductors by minimising the size of the conducting ‘loop’ (e.g. phase
Part 4 - Electrical and Electronic Systems within Structures to earth) during an overvoltage event
BS EN 61643-11 • Electrically ‘noisy’ equipment is usually supplied by its own ring or
Requirements and tests for Low Voltage Surge Protection Devices spur, so a surge protection device in the panel is effectively between
connected to low voltage power distribution systems the ‘noisy’ source and the equipment that requires protection
BS EN 61643-12 • Maintenance and monitoring of the surge protection is centralised
Selection and application for Low Voltage Surge Protection Devices and simplified, as many panel products have options for automatic
connected to low voltage power distribution systems monitoring and pre-failure warning
BS EN 61643-21 • As panels are normally located at the entrance to an installation or
Requirements and tests for Low Voltage Surge Protection Devices area, the installation of surge protection at the panel fits well with the
connected to telecommunications and signalling networks Lightning Protection Zone concept of BS EN 62305
BS EN 61643-22 • Lead lengths can be controlled and kept to a minimum, loops can be
Selection and application for Low Voltage Surge Protection Devices eliminated
connected to telecommunications and signalling networks
• Ensures a good co-ordinated approach
PD Devices is a UK based in-house manufacturer of Surge Protection Devices offering a full range of products including the key Metal Oxide Varistor element.
This allows full customisation at standard product pricing.
PD Devices Ltd Tel : +44 (0) 1364 649248
Unit 1 Old Station Yard Fax : +44 (0) 1364 649250
South Brent
Devon Email : [email protected]
TQ10 9AL Website : www.pddevices.co.uk
Lightning & Transient Overvoltage Protection - 125
Structural Lightning Protection Earthing & Bonding
BS EN 62305 (Protection against lightning) clearly advises strict adherence to the Sensitive electronic systems housed within a structure require a Type B earthing
provision of a conventional (or Faraday Cage) lightning protection system (LPS). arrangement. A low impedance-bonding network is required to avoid dangerous potential
differences between all equipment housed within the inner zones of the structure.
External Lightning Protection System (LPS)
Magnetic Shielding & Line Routing
An external LPS is termed:
a) “Isolated” – typically a catenary system suspended over the structure The following measures will significantly reduce the surges / transient overvoltages
b) “Non-isolated” – typically a mesh system located directly on the roof of the structure entering the structure:
An external LPS consists of: • The use of reinforcing bars, stanchions etc to create a spatial shield or screen
a) Air termination system
b) Down conductors • Suitable routing of internal lines minimizes induction loops & reduces internal surges
c) Earth termination system • The shielding of cabling & equipment by use of metallic cable ducts & metallic
These individual elements of an LPS should be connected together using appropriate enclosures
Lightning Protection Components (LPC) complying with the BS EN 62561 series of
standards. This will ensure that in the event of a lightning current discharge to the Effective Earthing
structure, the correct design and choice of components will minimise any potential damage.
Furse design and model earthing electrode systems in compliance with BS 7430,
Internal Lightning Protection System IEEE standard 80, BS EN 50522, ENA TS 41-24 and other accepted standards.
The comprehensive Furse range of earthing equipment includes solid copper,
The fundamental role of the internal LPS is to ensure the avoidance of dangerous stainless steel and copperbond earth rods and accessories, high copper alloy bonds
sparking occurring within the structure to be protected. This could be due, following and clamps, earth pits, solid copper plates, lattice mats, earth rod seals and the
a lightning discharge, to lightning current flowing in the external LPS or indeed other FurseWELD exothermic welding system.
conductive parts of the structure and attempting to flash or spark over to internal
metallic installations. Using & Choosing Surge Protection Devices (SPDs)
Carrying out appropriate equipotential bonding measures or ensuring there is a Damaging transient overvoltages caused by lightning (or electrical switching) can
sufficient electrical insulation distance between the metallic parts can avoid be conducted into electronic equipment on mains power, data communication, signal
dangerous sparking between different metallic parts. and telephone lines. Therefore, as a general rule, SPDs should be fitted to all cables
that enter a building, or travel between buildings. The exception is fibre optic cabling,
Lightning Equipotential Bonding which, of course, is a non-conductive medium.
Equipotential bonding is simply the electrical interconnection of all appropriate metallic A number of products are available which claim to protect electronic equipment
installations / parts, such that in the event of lightning currents flowing, no metallic against lightning induced transient overvoltages. However, tests have shown that
part is at a different voltage potential with respect to one another. If the metallic parts many of these units have unacceptably high “let-through” voltages, which leave the
are essentially at the same potential then the risk of sparking or flash over is nullified. electronic equipment open to damage.
This electrical interconnection can be achieved by natural / fortuitous bonding or In order to provide effective protection, an SPD should:
by using specific bonding conductors. In accordance with BS EN 62305, the use of
lightning current / equipotential bonding surge protection devices (SPDs) is required • Have a low “let-through” voltage for all combinations of conductors
where the direct connection with bonding conductors is not suitable – for example
metallic power and telecommunication lines. • Be compatible with the system it is protecting
Classes of LPS • Survive the transient
There are four classes of LPS (I, II, III, IV) which have corresponding mesh conductor • Not leave the user unprotected as a result of failure
sizes, down conductor spacings and where appropriate, different rolling sphere radii.
• Be properly installed
Down Conductors
“Let-Through” Voltage (Protection Level)
The down conductor spacings range from 10 m for a class I LPS up to 20 m for a class
IV LPS. BS EN 62305 permits the use of “natural conductors” such as rebars and The larger the transient overvoltage reaching the electronic equipment, the greater
structural steelwork, provided that they are electrically continuous and adequately earthed. the risk of disruption, degradation or physical damage to its components. Thus the
let-through voltage of the SPD should be lower than the level at which interference
Earth Termination System or component degradation may occur.
The earth termination system is vital for the dispersion of the lightning current safely The let-through voltage should be equally low between any two conductors.
and effectively into the ground. Although lightning current discharges are a high Because transients can exist between any pair of conductors (phase and neutral,
frequency event, at present most measurements taken of the earthing system are phase and earth, neutral and earth on mains power supplies, and line to line and
carried out using low frequency proprietary instruments. The standard advocates a line to screen / earth on data communication, signal and telephone lines), the
low earthing resistance requirement and points out, that can be achieved with an let-through voltage between any pair should be below the level at which the system
overall earth termination system of 10 ohms or less. can suffer damage. BS EN 62305 recognises SPDs with low let-through voltages
as “enhanced” SPDs, which further minimise the risk of damage and disruption.
BS EN 62305-3 recommends a single integrated earth termination system for a
structure, combining lightning protection, power and telecommunication systems. Compatibility
Two basic earth electrode arrangements are used:
(i) Type A arrangement – This consists of horizontal or vertical earth electrodes, It is important that the SPD does not interfere with or restrict the system’s normal
connected to each down conductor fixed on the outside of the structure. This is in operation.
essence the earthing system used in BS 6651 where each down conductor has an
earth electrode (rod) connected to it. • Mains power SPDs should not disrupt or corrupt the continuity of the supply,
(ii) Type B arrangement – This arrangement is essentially a ring earth electrode nor introduce high earth leakage currents
that is sited around the periphery of the structure and is in contact with the surrounding
soil for a minimum 80% of its total length (i.e. 20% of its overall length may be housed • Data communication, signal & telephone SPDs should not impair or restrict the
in say the basement of the structure and not in direct contact with the earth). system’s data or signal transmission as a result, for example, of the SPDs
The ring electrode should preferably be buried at a minimum depth of 0.5m and maximum operating voltage, current rating, in-line impedance or bandwidth
about 1m away from the external walls of the structure.
Where bare solid rock conditions are encountered the Type B earthing arrangement
should be used. Although lightning discharges can have currents of 200 kA, transient overvoltages
caused by the secondary effects of lightning are unlikely to have currents exceeding
The Type B ring earth electrode is highly suitable for: 10 kA (8/20 waveform). The SPD should therefore be rated for a peak discharge
current of not less than 10 kA. Lightning is a multiple pulse event, and so the
• Conducting the lightning current safely to earth protector should not fail after the first transient.
• Equipotential bonding between down conductors at ground level Protection Failure
• Controlling the potential in the vicinity of conductive building walls When in-line SPDs fail – for example those used on data communication, signal
and telephone lines – they take the line out of commission, thereby preventing
Protection of Electrical & Electronic Systems damage to the system. However, it is unacceptable for SPDs on mains power
distribution systems to fail by short circuit. It is therefore important that SPDs for
BS EN 62305-4 defines the protection against Lightning mains power distribution systems have a properly indicated pre-failure warning,
Electromagnetic Impulse (LEMP). The basic protection measures whilst protection is still present.
Installation – BS 7671:2008 +A1:2011 Section 534
• Earthing & bonding
The performance of SPDs is heavily dependent upon their correct installation. For
• Magnetic shielding & line routing example, to gain maximum protection, the length of the SPD connecting leads need
to be kept as short as possible to minimise additive inductive voltage dropped by
• Surge protective device set these leads. Thus, SPDs must be supplied with detailed installation instructions
(in-line with Section 534 of BS 7671) and installed as per these instructions.
ABB Furse Tel : +44 (0) 115 964 3700
Wilford Road Fax : +44 (0) 115 986 0071
Nottingham E-Mail : [email protected]
NG2 1EB Website : www.furse.com
126 - Useful Electrical Formulae
TO CALCULATE = I x V x p.f. = I x V x √3 x p.f.
1000 1000
= IxV = I x V x √3
kVA 1000 1000
Motor HP = I x V x % Eff. x p.f. = I x V x √3 x % Eff. x p.f.
746 746
= HP x 746 = HP x 746
Current V x % Eff. x p.f. √3 x V x % Eff. x p.f.
Transformer = kW x 1000 = kW x 1000
Secondary Current V x p.f. √3 x V x p.f.
Approximate prospective 3 phase transformer = kVA x 1000 = kVA x 1000
bolted short circuit secondary current V √3 x V
I sc
Maximum prospective 3 phase transformer = kVA x 105
H.V. switchgear MVA rating kVAsc V x √3 x % Z
Time for which a copper / PVC conductor will accept t = MVA x 106
a known fault current V x √3
%Z =
V= Volts = 115² S² seconds
I² sc
Transformer percentage impedance
I = Amperes kVA = Transformer Rating
% Eff. = Percentage Efficiency HP = Horsepower = 746 Watts
p.f. = Power Factor kVAsc = Prospective fault level
I sc = Short Circuit current ( RMS ) S = Conductor C.S.A. in mm²
Lighting F = The Lumen output of the lamp(s) or tube(s)
N = Number of Luminaires
Average Illumination (Lumen Method) M = Maintenance Factor
EAV = F x N x M x C or N = Eav x A A = Area (M²)
EAV = Average illumance (lux)
C = Coefficient of utilisation (ascertained by Room Index & Manufacturers data)
Room Index L = Length of room
N = Width of room (metres)
RI = LxW Hm = Mounting height of luminaire above working plane (metres)
E = Point height of luminaire above working plane (metres)
Hm (L + W) I = Source intensity (candelas)
Ø = Angle of beam from vertical plane
Point by Point Method H Height of source (metres)
E = I Cos³ Ø or E = I Cos Ø
H² D² + H³
D = Horizontal distance away from source (metres)
Metric Conversions / Conversion Formulae - 127
Inches Millimetres Miles Kilometres Cu Feet Cu Metres Gallons Litres
0.039 1 25.400 0.621 1 1.609 35.315 1 0.028 0.220 1 4.546
0.079 2 50.800 1.243 2 3.219 70.629 2 0.057 0.440 2 9.092
0.118 3 76.200 1.864 3 4.828 105.944 3 0.085 0.660 3 13.638
0.157 4 101.600 2.485 4 6.437 141.259 4 0.113 0.880 4 18.184
0.197 5 127.000 3.107 5 8.047 176.573 5 0.142 1.100 5 22.730
0.236 6 152.400 3.728 6 9.656 211.888 6 0.170 1.320 6 27.277
0.276 7 177.800 4.350 7 11.265 247.203 7 0.198 1.540 7 31.823
0.315 8 203.200 4.971 8 12.875 282.517 8 0.227 1.760 8 36.369
0.354 9 228.600 5.592 9 14.484 317.832 9 0.255 1.980 9 40.915
Feet Metres Sq Feet 1 Sq Metres Cu Yards Cu Metres Ounces 1 Grams
2 2
3.281 1 0.305 10.764 3 0.093 1.308 1 0.765 0.035 3 28.350
6.562 2 0.610 21.528 4 0.186 2.616 2 1.529 0.071 4 56.699
9.843 3 0.914 32.292 5 0.279 3.924 3 2.294 0.106 5 85.049
13.123 4 1.219 43.056 6 0.372 5.232 4 3.058 0.141 6 113.398
16.404 5 1.524 53.820 7 0.465 6.540 5 3.823 0.176 7 141.748
19.685 6 1.829 64.583 8 0.557 7.848 6 4.587 0.212 8 170.097
22.966 7 2.134 75.347 9 0.650 9.156 7 5.352 0.247 9 198.447
26.247 8 2.438 86.111 0.743 10.464 8 6.116 0.282 226.796
29.528 9 2.743 96.875 1 0.836 11.772 9 6.881 0.317 1 255.146
2 2
Yards Metres Sq Yards 3 Sq Metres Pints Litres Pounds 3 Kilograms
4 4
1.094 1 0.914 1.196 5 0.836 1.760 1 0.568 2.205 5 0.454
2.187 2 1.829 2.392 6 1.672 3.520 2 1.137 4.409 6 0.907
3.281 3 2.743 3.588 7 2.508 5.279 3 1.705 6.614 7 1.361
4.374 4 3.658 4.784 8 3.345 7.039 4 2.273 8.818 8 1.814
5.468 5 4.572 5.980 9 4.181 8.799 5 2.841 11.023 9 2.268
6.562 6 5.486 7.176 5.017 10.559 6 3.410 13.228 2.722
7.655 7 6.401 8.372 5.853 12.318 7 3.978 15.432 3.175
8.749 8 7.315 9.568 6.689 14.078 8 4.546 17.637 3.629
9.843 9 8.230 10.764 7.525 15.838 9 5.114 19.842 4.082
The Key Figure printed in Bold in the centre column can be read as either the metric or British measure, thus 1 metre = 1.094 yard or 1 yard = 0.914 metre
Conversion Formulae
To convert Multiply by To convert Multiply by To convert Multiply by
Area continued Capacity
Length Sq yards to sq metres 0.8361 Pints to millilitres 568.26125
Sq metres to sq yards 1.1959 Millilitres to pints 0.001759
Inches to centimetres 2.5456 Acres to hectares 0.4046 Gallons to litres 4.546
Hectares to acres 2.471 Litres to gallons 0.2199
Centimetres to inches 0.3937 Sq miles to sq kilometres 2.5899
Sq kilometres to sq miles 0.3861 Weight 28.3495
Feet to metres 0.3048 Ounces to grams 0.03527
Volume 16.387 Grams to ounces 453.59
Metres to feet 3.2808 Cu inches to cu centimetres 0.06102 Pounds to grams 0.002204
Cu centimetres to cu inches 0.02831 Grams to pounds 0.45359
Yards to metres 0.9144 Cu feet to cu metres 35.3147 Pounds to kilograms 2.2046
Cu metres to cu feet 0.76455 Kilograms to pounds 1016.05
Metres to yards 1.0936 Cu yards to cu metres 1.30795 Tons to kilograms 0.000984
Cu metres to cu yards Kilograms to tons
Miles to kilometres 1.6093
Kilometres to miles 0.6213
Area 6.4516
Sq inches to sq centimetres 0.155
Sq centimetres to sq inches 0.0929
Sq feet to sq metres 10.7639
Sq metres to sq feet
International Paper Sizes
A mm A mm A mm A mm
AO 1189 x 841 A2 594 x 420 A4 297 x 210 A6 148 x 105
A1 841 x 594 A3 420 x 297 A5 210 x 148 A7 105 x 74
32 40 50 60 70 75 85 95 105 140 175 212 ºF
To convert degrees F to degrees C:
Deduct 32 & Multiply by 5/9
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 60 80 100 To convert degrees C to degrees F:
Multiply by 9/5 & Add 32
128 - Project Team Project Ref No. Fax No.
Site No. Mobile
Project Title Fax No.
Clerk of Works Fax No.
Representative Mobile
Client Position
Address Tel No. Fax No.
Email Mobile
Address Representative Fax No.
Position Mobile
Quantity Surveyor Tel No.
Address Email Fax No.
Structural Engineer Representative
Address Position Fax No.
Tel No. Mobile
Services Consultant Email
Address Fax No.
Representative Mobile
Management/Main Contractor Position
Address Tel No. Fax No.
Email Mobile
Mechanical Sub-Contractor
Address Representative
Electrical Sub-Contractor Tel No.
Address Email
Tel No.
Tel No.
Tel No.
Project Team - 129
Project Title Project Ref No. Fax No.
Clerk of Works Site No. Mobile
Fax No.
Client Fax No.
Address Representative Mobile
Architect Tel No. Fax No.
Address Email Mobile
Quantity Surveyor Representative Fax No.
Address Position Mobile
Tel No.
Structural Engineer Email Fax No.
Address Mobile
Services Consultant Position Fax No.
Address Tel No. Mobile
Management/Main Contractor Fax No.
Address Representative Mobile
Mechanical Sub-Contractor Tel No. Fax No.
Address Email Mobile
Electrical Sub-Contractor Representative
Address Position
Tel No.
Tel No.
Tel No.
Tel No.
130 - Addresses & Telephone Numbers
Name Address Number
Addresses & Telephone Numbers - 131
Name Address Number
ABB LV : Advanced Diesel : Schneider : Power Capacitors : Legrand : HITEC : EURO-DIESEL : GE Industrial : PILLER : Hitzinger : E-TEC : Prism Power : SOCOMEC
Meeting Date Meeting Title Project Reference
Item No.
Technical literature, reference information, additional notebooks - visit the website - www.buildingdesign.co.uk
Emerson Network Power : Broadcrown : Cummins : Bells Control : The Generator Co. : Havells : Yellow Power : SHM : Carlo Gavazzi : Hager : ABB Power : Eta-com
Eaton Electric : Marshall-Tufflex : Unistrut : Crabtree/Electrium : Elbagate-EAE : Electropatent : PMA : ABB (Wire & Cable) : Eaton - Cooper : Lighting Styles : ITAB Prolite : Emergi-Lite
Meeting Date Meeting Title Project Reference
Item No.
Recruitment Consultants for Professionals in the U.K. Construction Industry - www.buildingdesign-recruitment.co.uk
Lighting Controls :Simmtronic: Wieland : Pentair Raychem : TraceTek :AEI :Andel : Unitrunk: Pyrotenax :SiemensBT : Gent :Honeywell :Eaton Security: PDDevices :Furse