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Published by indigocommercial, 2019-03-26 09:00:04

Eaziplay Guitar P1 - Flip Sample



Instantly Play Guitar

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


Simple, fast and fun approach to learning guitar

Instantly Play Guitar

INDEX ➢ Your Music Stand 18 ➢ What Is A Root Note? 43
➢ Introduction
➢ Guitar Instrument Family 3 ➢ Why Do My Fingers Hurt? 18 ➢ He’s Got The Whole World 45

Classical Guitar 4 ➢ Black & White Notes in Music 19 ➢ My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean 46

Flamenco Guitar 4 ➢ Range Of Your Instrument 20 ➢ Hungarian Dance No.2 47
4 ➢ Note Values 48
Acoustic Guitar 4 ➢ What is Frequency? 21 ➢ Write Your Own Song! 49
➢ Guitar Accessories 50
Semi-Acoustic ➢ What is Perfect Pitch/Frequency? 21

Electric Guitar ➢ Range of Guitar 22
➢ Instrument Posture 4 ➢ Principles of Tuning 24 ➢ Major Scales for Guitar 52
➢ Left Handed vs Right Handed
➢ Guitar Picking Styles 5 ➢ Tuning Your Guitar 26 ➢ Teachers Practice Schedule 55
➢ Fretting the Strings Correctly 28 ➢ Blank Sheet Music 58
➢ What Size Guitar? 10 ➢ Labeling Your Guitar
➢ The Guitar Fretboard 32 ➢ Course Certificate 59
➢ String Reference Guide 11 ➢ Happy Birthday
➢ Finger Letters ➢ Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
➢ What is Fingerpicking Style? 12 ➢ Alphabet Song 33
➢ Let’s Clap To Rhythm 34 SONG LIST
➢ Eaziplay Pulse Strip 12 ➢ Brahm’s Lullaby 35 ➢ Happy Birthday
➢ Bars of Music 32

13 ➢ Let’s Clap To Rhythm 36 ➢ Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star 33

14 ➢ Legato, Staccato & Rests 37 ➢ Alphabet Song 34

14 ➢ What is Flamenco Style? 39 ➢ Brahm’s Lullaby 35

15 5 Stroke Tremelo 39 ➢ He’s Got The Whole World 45

15 Picado 40 ➢ My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean 46
Arpeggio 40 ➢ Hungarian Dance No.2

16 Golpe 41

17 Alzapua 41

17 Legato 42

Rasqueado 42

Published by Eaziplay

This book © 2017 by Eaziplay

While every effort has been made to trace the owners of copyrights, in a few cases this has proved impossible, and we take this
opportunity of tendering our apologies to any owners whose rights may have been unwittingly infringed. Suitable arrangements will
be made with those holders of copyright whose permission had not been obtained at the time of going to press.

Eaziplay Guitar Series

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4


WELCOME to the exciting world of playing a guitar. This course will help you get the best out of your
guitar whether it be a Classical Guitar, Flamenco Guitar, Acoustic Guitar or Electric Guitar.

This complete self teaching programme will enable anyone to pick up a musical instrument and play it within a matter of weeks. Our
4 part series of books dedicated to each instrument, help guide the student through the most difficult parts of learning and playing a
musical instrument. Our ultimate goal is that everyone enjoys playing music, and with Eaziplay™ they will explore an alternative side to
playing a musical instrument. The journey will be fun, easy and extremely beneficial to a person’s intelligence, motor skills and self
confidence levels. This book is Part One in the Eaziplay Series. Before commencing Part Two, it is advisable to complete Part One so as
you will have a better understanding of the topics covered in Part Two. By the end of this book you will be skillful in:

❑ Reading Sheet Music (All Black & White Notes)
❑ Playing Popular Melodies (7 Songs)
❑ Playing All Major Scales
❑ Learning to Write Your Own Song! (Part 1 of 2)
❑ Music Theory (Bars of Music, Rhythm, Rests, Legato & Staccato)

Although written primarily as a ‘teach yourself’ system, The Eaziplay Series books have been taken up eagerly by teachers especially at
elementary and high school level. The course is equally beneficial to special needs centers' and hospitals that deliver music therapy
programs to individuals.

If you are teaching yourself to play, two helpful features are available to budding musicians – stickers for your instrument (located at the
back of book) – which remind you of the reference for the musical notes and audio files of the songs which can be downloaded
from our website @ so you can play along. The audio files enable you to learn about playing in time to a metronome
which is a clever device that measures timing in music. Our website contains lots more songs to
play and registration is free. So let’s begin.

Good luck!



Guitar Instrument Family

The first thing we are going to do is introduce you to ‘Perri’! He will always be there to help you as you begin
your journey to play music. Your journey will be fun and full of wonderful mystery, and Perri will give you tips to
make things easier. So without further ado, say “HELLO’ to Perri!


Classical Flamenco Acoustic Semi-Acoustic Are guitars expensive? The
Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar ‘Reach out to Asia’ Fender
Stratocaster is the world’s most
expensive guitar at a whopping
$2.7 million dollars! Signees of this
expensive guitar include Mick
Jagger, Keith Richards, Eric
Clapton, Brian May, Jimmy Page,
David Gilmour, Jeff Beck, Pete
Townsend, Mark Knopfler, Ray
Davis, Liam Gallagher, Ronnie
Wood, Tony Iommi, Angus &
Malcolm Young, Paul McCartney,
Sting, Ritchie Blackmore, Def
Leppard, and Bryan Adams, the
coordinator of the charity project.

As you can see from the images above, there are several types of guitars in the acoustic range of guitar instruments. They are:
1) Classical Guitar, 2) Flamenco Guitar, 3) Acoustic Guitar, 4) Semi-Acoustic Guitar. The Classical Guitar is used for Spanish &
Classical styles of music. Famous players include Francisco Tárrega and Niccolò Paganini. The Flamenco Guitar is used in ‘toque’, the
guitar-playing part of the art of flamenco. Flamenco guitars are built lighter with thinner tops than classical guitars, which produces a
“brighter” and more percussive sound quality. Famous players include Paco de Lucía and Paco Pena. Acoustic Guitars are used in
many styles of music including popular, rock, blues etc. The Semi-Acoustic Guitar enables guitarists to plug directly into an amplifier,
mixer or other electronic input connector. This allows guitarists to play at large venues without feedback problems from microphones.


Instrument Posture

The type of guitar you are using determines what type of posture you take when playing the guitar. The posture types are, 1) Classical
Posture 2) Flamenco Posture, 3) Acoustic / Electric Guitar Posture. You can see from each of the images below how each posture
identifies each type of guitar. This chapter is very important before you begin to play guitar. Posture is vital to your playing technique.

Classical Guitar Posture Flamenco Guitar Posture Acoustic / Electric Guitar Posture

The most important aspect to posture is keeping your back straight. After all, if you are sitting uncomfortably with your instrument for
long periods of time your back will suffer in the long run. If you feel pain in your back while playing the
instrument this is a sign that your posture needs to be corrected.

The adjustable guitar foot stool for classical guitarists is an essential requirement as it is used to raise the Classical Guitar Foot Stool
leg because the guitar is played at a more upright position than an acoustic or electric guitar. Of the
most famous of all Flamenco guitarists, Paco de Lucía always played his guitar with his
right leg crossed across his left knee, But once you are comfortable in the position you decide, this
is fundamental in progressing in the guitar.


Thumb Position The most used position to hold a guitar is shown in
the image to the left. Your thumb finger should sit
firmly atop the neck, while the other four fingers
should be loose so as they can navigate freely
across all areas of the fretboard.

Hand Grip Your hand grip on the guitar neck should be similar
to how you would hold/grab a wrist i.e., your
thumb and palm press against the wrist while the
fingers collapse in from the other side.

Beginners by default place their thumb not atop

Guitar Neck the neck, but incorrectly below center and
sometimes near the bottom of the neck. This

creates severe strain on your wrist while playing.

Left Handed vs Right Handed

As there are many ways for holding the guitar neck with one hand, there are also many ways to pick

the guitar with your other hand. Right handed people play right handed guitars, while Left handed

people play left handed guitars. Around 10/15% of the world’s population are left-handed. Studies show

that mathematicians, musicians, architects and artists are more commonly left handed than would be

expected. Let’s look at guitar left handed people, some obvious, but others you’d never even known.
Jimi Hendrix, Tony Iommi, Kurt Cobain, Paul McCartney to name a few, and it wasn’t always easy

for some of them.

The most famous of them all, Jimi Hendrix modified his first (right handed) guitars for his natural

leftism, restringing and changing the nut. But when his father Al was around, he felt he had to play a
right handed guitar simply flipped over (treble E at the top). So Jimi taught himself to be “both handed.”

Modern guitars can be constructed to suit both left and right handed players. Normally, the dominant
hand (in most people, the right hand) is used to pluck or strum the strings. This is similar to the
convention of the violin family of instruments where the right hand controls the bow. Left handed
guitars have been available through special order from the major manufacturers since the 1950's.
They just cost more because of additional tooling costs and you usually had to wait quite a while for them.

In his autobiography about Paul McCartney, Phillip Norman wrote "Paul, strangely, made little progress at the guitar. His left hand

fingers found it irksome to shape the patterns of black dots shown in the tuition book, and his right hand, somehow, lacked the bounce

necessary for strumming. Then he made the discovery that, although right handed for every other purpose, he was left handed

as a guitar player”. So in the end when you first pick up the guitar it will feel natural when you begin to play it with one hand. If it

feels awkward in right hand mode, switch to left hand mode to see if it feels more natural. 11

Tuning Your Guitar


Tuning Pegs & Fine Tuners
There are two areas we tune the guitar with: 1) Tuning Pegs, 2) Fine Tuners. Beginner & Intermediate Guitars do not come with a fine
tuner mechanism attached to each string, they only have the standard tuning peg mechanism. More expensive guitars contain fine
tuners attached to each string. The reason for this is that the fine tuners on electric guitars are a lot more complex and require good
knowledge of intonation and how locked tremolo systems operate. Expensive and custom guitars with these features ensure the guitar
remains in tune for longer periods.

Floyd Rose

Fine Tuners

Tuning Pegs The Tuning Pegs on a standard guitar are used to quickly turn the strings lower or higher in pitch. Be very
careful when turning them while tuning the guitar. With more expensive guitars the ‘Fine Tuners’ are located

at the Bridge area usually as part of a Floyd Rose Tremolo System. Before using the main tuning pegs make
sure the ‘Fine Tuners’ are set at half way i.e., there is some slack to go either lower or higher in pitch. Fine
Tuners enable you to set the tuning of each string in very ‘FINE’ detail – slightly adjusting pitch.


68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44

BC D Fretboard Markers
A The next song you will learn how to play is ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’. As before, we are going to play all these notes
on the bottom E4 String. To play simply follow the notes below, pluck in the correct direction and press the matching
E notes on the fretboard of your guitar with the correct Left Hand Fingers (A, B, C, D, E).

For example the first note for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is the 44th note. This is an open string so you simply pluck
the string downward without depressing the fretboard. Next is the 44th note, so pluck the same string upward without
depressing the fretboard. Next is the 51st note. To play this note you use your Left Hand Middle Finger (C) to press
down on the fretboard on the 51st note while you pluck the string downward. Follow the sequence until the end. Take
note of each bar and how each bar is identified.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Words & Music by Jane Taylor


4 44 44 51 51 53 53 51 49 49 48 48 46 46


˄˅˄˅ ˄˅ ˄ ˅˄˅˄ ˅ ˄ ˅
how I won____der what you are
Twin___kle Twin____kle Lit_____tle Star,


51 51 49 49 48 48 46 51 51 49 49 48 48 46 44 44 51 51 53 53 51

˄ ˅ ˄ ˅ ˄˅ ˄ ˅ ˄ ˅ ˄ ˅˄˅ ˄ ˅ ˄ ˅ ˄˅ ˄
Up a____bove the world so high, like a dia__mond in the sky. Twin__kle Twin__kle Lit__tle Star,


49 49 48 48 46 46 44

˅ ˄ ˅˄ ˅ ˄ ˅
what you are.
34 how I won_________der

Let’s Clap To Rhythm (Quarter, Eighth, Sixteenth)

As in the previous lesson when we clapped to the WHOLE NOTE and the HALF NOTE, we are now going to clap to the QUARTER
NOTE, EIGHT NOTE and SIXTEENTH NOTE. Remember from earlier we say one, two, three, four. With the WHOLE NOTE we
clapped on beat one, but not on beat two, three or four. With the HALF NOTE we clapped on beat one, not on beat two, on beat three
but not on beat four. With the QUARTER NOTE we clap on beat one, two, three and four. With the EIGHT NOTE we clap 2 times on
beat one, two, three and four. With the SIXTEENTH NOTE we clap 4 times on beat one, two, three and four.

Bar of Music

Beat 1 Beat 2 Beat 3 Beat 4






Blank Sheet Music

Song Title:

Music by


Simple, Fast & Fun Instantly Play Guitar

Simple, fast and fun approach to learning guitar

The Worlds First Complete step-by-step self-learning guitar
series from Beginner to Degree Level that is customized to
suit the very needs of anyone beginning to play a musical
Includes lots of songs to play along to from the get-go. No
complications or distractions with complex music theory. Just
instantly play songs.
Makes learning fun for all and you start to see results as
soon as you get your guitar set up for Eaziplay. Perfect for
teacher and or parent participation.

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