The NHCC 9-Hole WGA play every Wednesday (unless otherwise noted), April through
October with a 9:30am Shotgun Start followed by lunch in the Clubhouse. Sign up for play
online, in the Pro Shop or at the luncheon following golf. Interclub start times may vary;
check the bulletin board in the Ladies Locker Room for information on specific events
April June
7th Spring Meeting & Luncheon, 10:30am 1st Start of Couples Tournament
14th Get Acquainted Scramble, East/Front 5th Men’s Team Champ., 8:00am, East
21st Individual Low Gross (Flighted), West/Front 6th Men’s Team Champ., 8:00am, West
28th Individual Low Gross (Flighted), East/Back 27th Ladies Team Champ., 9:00am, West
May Individual Low Gross (Flighted), West/Back July
5th Individual Low Gross (Flighted), East/Front 17th Sr. Men’s Club Champ.,7:00am, East
12th Match Play #1, West/Front 18th Sr. Men’s Club Champ.,7:00am, West
19th Pink Flamingo Scramble, East/Back 31st Hogan Cup, (East & West Course)
June 1st Hogan Cup, Both
2nd Individual Low Net, West/Back 8th Husband & Wife, 9:00am, East
9th Play with the Pro, East/Front 21st Men’s & Ladies’ Club Championship,
16th Member/Guest, West/Front/8:30am
23rd Match Play #2/Low Putt, East/Back 7:00am, (East & West Course)
30th Individual Low Gross (Flighted), West/Front 22nd Men’s & Ladies’ Club Championship,
July 7:00am (East & West Course)
7th Individual Low Net, East/Front
14th Individual Low Gross (Flighted), West/Front September
21st Scramble with 18-Hole, West/Back/9:00am SEPT. 6TH-12TH
28th Match Play #3, West/Back
August October NHCC
4th Individual Low Gross (Flighted), East/Back 16th Hardest 18 WGA
11th Individual Low Net, West/Front 9-HOLE
18th Past Chair Tournament, East/Front November 2021
25th Individual Low Gross Flighted, West/Back 20th Turkey Open
15th Take Me Out to the Ballgame, East/Back
22nd Club Championship #1, West/Front INTERCLUB SCHEDULE: TBA
29th Club Championship #2, East/Front
October WGA
6th Individual Low Net, West/Back 9-HOLE
13th Match Play #4, East/Front 2021
20th Halloween Hoot Scramble, West/Front
27th Fall Meeting & Luncheon, 10:30am
The NHCC 9-Hole Free Golf Membership
WGA For Guests Any woman with golfing privileges
at Norwood Hills Country Club is
We are a group of women who play Members of the NHCC 9-Hole entitled to membership in the NHCC
social golf on Wednesday mornings WGA may bring three guests 9-Hole WGA. Each NHCC 9-Hole
during the golf season at Norwood WGA member will be assessed
per year on any weekday $60.00 per year, billed through the
Hills Country Club. Our 9 hole (other than Wednesday a.m.) Accounting Office. You may play
format permits the beginner to to enjoy a round of golf with with the NHCC 9-Hole WGA
intermediate level golfer to have a no guest fees. Cart fees are not without an established handicap. To
be eligible to win golf prizes and
friendly, non-intimidating included. awards, you will need a 9 Hole
experience while still offering the handicap. (You do not need a
experienced golfer the challenges of To learn more about the NHCC 9-Hole WGA, handicap to be eligible for
Contact: attendance prizes.) This can be
the game. achieved by posting five 9 hole
Ann Lieb Frawley at rounds of golf in the Pro Shop
Weekly [email protected] or computer or by using the GHIN app
on your phone. These rounds can be
Events 314-313-7751 played at any time at Norwood Hills,
not just on Wednesday mornings, or
The NHCC 9-Hole WGA play every Other Golfing they may be transferred from
Wednesday (unless otherwise another Club.
noted), April through October with a If you are interested in joining,
9:30am Shotgun Start. Our weekly The NHCC 9-Hole WGA is a member please contact Debra Sperling
games consist of fun, socially of the metro wide 9-Hole Interclub
entertaining events that appeal to Association where member clubs at (314) 521-0682
the broad spectrum of golfers in our or by email at
group. We also have traditional rotate hosting a scramble event
match play and club championship throughout the season. This is an [email protected].
events. Prizes are awarded weekly easy, fun way to experience golf at
and year-end prizes and trophies are other clubs in the area and meet
awarded for the more traditional other 9 hole women golfers. The
tournaments. Lunch always NHCC 9-Hole WGA also hosts a 9
follows golf where all players have Hole Member Guest Event in June
an opportunity to get to know each where NHCC 9-Hole WGA members
other in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. can bring a guest or guests to play a 9
hole scramble event at Norwood.
This offers a great opportunity to
show off your club and reciprocate
to friends.