B asketball
By: Lily Estright
Table of Contents
Page 3 Glossary
Page 4 Descriptive
Page 5 Descriptive Picture
Page 6 Sequence
Page 7 Sequence Picture
Page 8 Compare and contrast
Page 9 Compare and contrast Picture
Page 10 Cause and effect
Page 11 Cause and effect picture
Page 12 Problem and solution
Page 13 Problem and solution Picture
Page 14 Autobiography
● Barrier- A fence or other obstacle that prevents
movement or access
● Boundaries- A line that marks the limits of an area; a
dividing line.
● Foul- Offensive to the senses, especially through
having a disgusting smell or taste or being
unpleasantly soiled.
● Oblong- An object or flat figure in an elongated
rectangle or oval shape
● Referee- An official who watches a game or match
closely to ensure that the rules are adhered to and (in
some sports) to arbitrate on matters arising from the
Basketball is a game that could be played inside or
outside. Professional players play on an indoor court while
when you play for fun you normally have to play outside.
Basketball can be played by anyone. There are 2 baskets
on the opposite side of the court. There is also lines
around the court to show the b oundaries of the court and
a line that splits the court in half and the line is called half
court line. There can only be 10 players on the court, 5 for
each team. You play defense and offense no matter what.
Your uniform consist of a really baggy shirt and shorts,
you must tuck your shirt in to prevent injuries and a
barrier for the defensive player.
How do you start a basketball game? Well you start with
jump ball. How do you do jump ball? Well that easy, first
you start in a squat potion but instead of you legs to the
side of you one foot is forward and one foot is back. Next,
you put your dominant hand up like you are going to arm
wrestle the other player. Then, the r eferee will blow the
whistle and throw the ball up in the air. Last, you jump and
try to hit the ball to your teammate.
Compare and contrast
Basketball and football are both popular sports in the
United States. They both have plays you have to do to get
the ball where they need to get it. Football and basketball
have some similarities but many things are different. One
thing is the uniforms and equipment, football has tighter
and more protective equipment. Basketball has baggier
and less patting, you only wear knee pads if wanted.
Basketball has a round and orange ball with 4 black lines
and football has a oblong shape ball that is brown with 8
white stitches. These are only a few similarities and
differences but there are many other.
Cause and Effect
Playing basketball has many causes and effects. Some
are good and some are bad. A good effect is when
someone hits your hand while someone you are shooting
the ball. That is called a f oul. Since you got fouled you get
to take foul shots. On the contrary you could be the one
fouling the other player. Another cause could be you shot
the ball and make it. If you make it you get you get 2 or 3
points depending on where you shoot. If you miss you
don’t get points and the other team may get the ball. In
basketball there are many causes and effects in.
Problem and solution
There were 30 seconds left in the game the score was
tied. Isla had to get the ball down the court as fast as
possible. She passed the ball down the court to Kayla. Isla
ran as fast as she could. Kayla bounced passed the ball
back to Isla and she went for the layup. There are 5
seconds left on the clock her team is cheering louder than
a tigers roar. 3, 2, 1 score Isla made the layup. The crowd
cheered, Isla just won the state championships, they are
going to nationals.
The author of this book is Lily Estright she is 12 year and
was born on March 2nd 2007.She lives with her mom,
dad, brother, and dog. She love to play sports, she plays
basketball, softball, and soccer. Her lucky number is 13 so
most of her jersey numbers are 13. Lily is very crafty even
though she is a bad artist. She is always doing something
but if she isn’t she likes to kick back and hang with friends
or relax and watch a show or movie. She loves to hunt and
fish with her dad. She has been in many fishing
tournaments and has shot a deer before.