TSI Vocabulary Project
By: Anthony Pruneda, Jose Graciano, Cynthia Reyna, Natalya Ramirez
1. Undoubtedly
Definition: not called in question; accepted as beyond doubt; undisputed.
Synonyms: doubtless, indeed, assuredly
Antonyms: uncertain, doubtfully, questionably
Prefix: Un- (not, against)
Suffix: -ly (adverb in the matter of)
Root Word: doubt (to be uncertain about; consider questionable or unlikely; hesitate to believe)
Sentence: It was undoubtedly a facer, but Scottie came back in his usual calm manner.
2. Disloyalty
Definition: the quality of being disloyal; lack of loyalty; unfaithfulness.
Synonyms: faithlessness, falseness, sedition
Antonyms: honesty, trueness, trustworthiness
Prefix: Dis (not, opposite of)
Suffix: ty
Root Word: loyal (faithful to any leader, party, or cause, or
to any person or thing conceived as deserving fidelity)
Sentence: If she still desired his friendship, there was no disloyalty to Sidney in giving it.
3. Deactivate
Definition: to cause to be inactive; remove the effectiveness of.
Synonyms: disband, shut off, discharge
Antonyms: active, turn on, set off
Prefix: De (to do the opposite, reverse)
Suffix: No suffix
Root Word: active (involving physical effort and action )
Sentence: Conn used the manual to control to set it down and deactivate it, then got out and went to
examine it.