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Published by darren.yong, 2021-12-28 03:24:07



Lilong Sauna Equipment:-

Using their patented technology to develop and manufacturing spectrum sauna series.
The wood materials are import from Canada and the smell of the wood may improve
your sleep
Tourmaline stone using are able to release anion which help in healthy air circulation.
The spectrum far-infrared releases may improve our body temperature and improve our
blood circulation body detoxifications.

Major 8 benefits from Lilong Sauna Equipment:-

1. Body detoxifications 5. Prevention from tumor, stroke
6. Prevention from artery disorder
2. Recharge body energy 7. Improve skin regeneration cycle.
8. Reduce skin infections and body pain
3. Improve body blood circulations
4. Improve blood pressure, glucose control

Below are some issues that may get improving:-

1. Constipation 13. Gout 25. Mouth Ulcer
2. Obesity
3. High cholesterol 14. Hepatitis 26. Prostatitis
4. High blood pressure
5. Cloasma 15. Allergic Reaction 27. Ovary cyst
6. Chronic (Acne)
7. Diabetes 16. Liver Cyst 28. Hyperplasia
8. Cholecystitis
9. Eczema 17. Kidney Cyst 29. Uterus Fibroid
10. Heart disease
11. Cirrhosis 18. Snoring Problem 30. Stroke
12. Psoriasis
19. Insomnia 31. Backache

20. Arthritis 32. Hypertrophy Prostate

21. Rheumatism 33. Malnutrition

22. Bad breath 34. Severe bronchitis

23. Strong body odor 35. Shoulder Pain

24. Clogged Blood Stream 36. Endocrine Disorder

** If you experience 3 or more the above scenario, it is advice to use the equipment twice a day for

In using Lilong Sauna 30 minutes, it is like below:-

1. 50 minutes of lymphatic drainage 6. 36 million cell movements
2. 300 aerobic exercises 7. Complete visceral fat
3. 30 minutes of body meridian massage 8. 3 times body whitening and moisturizing
4. 2 hours of Yoga 9. 3 sessions professional facial
5. 10 KM slow jogging for fat consumption 10. Body complete relaxation

Note 1. This device is not a medical device and only meant for healthcare purposes.
Note 2. If there is sickness or illness, advisable consult with doctor (clinic or hospital)

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