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Do you want to buy peace Lily plants online for your home? Here are the top ways to take care of them easily to keep them healthy and beautiful.

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Published by leafbaba01, 2022-06-20 05:55:30

Top 4 Tips to Keep Your Peace Lilies Healthy and Beautiful

Do you want to buy peace Lily plants online for your home? Here are the top ways to take care of them easily to keep them healthy and beautiful.

Keywords: buy indoor plant,buy indoor plant online,buy peace lily online

Top 4 Tips to Keep
Your Peace Lilies
Healthy and Beautiful

You can find various plants from
our collections. Either indoor or outdoor
plants, that is all you call!

Reasonable Price Fast Delivery Dedicated Customer Support

01 If we talk about the easiest houseplants to grow, it is Peace Lilies.
We have several beautiful houseplants in front of us, but Peace Lilies
is the most excellent option for home gardeners. Though they do not
ask for too much care and attention, they thrive quickly when given
the right atmosphere and maintenance. If you buy peace lily online,
you’ll first learn the best ways to take care of them. Here, we will help
you understand the top tips to keep your Peace Lily plants healthy
and beautiful. Let’s Begin:

The Perfect

You often buy peace lily plant online, and it dies quickly no matter how much you
care for them. One of the biggest reasons your plants cannot survive is the wrong
location. Peace Lilies love being in bright indirect sunlight; if you keep them in a dull
corner, they will soon die. Also, too much direct sunlight can be a significant reason
behind their demise. The best option is to choose a bright, shaded corner such as an
east-facing window, where they can quickly receive sufficient sunlight.

Consistent The key to a happy and beautiful peace lily plant is consistent watering.
Watering Peace lily plants do not prefer being in a wet or too dry environment, and
it is recommended to follow a consistent watering schedule for the
plants to keep them moist. However, it is equally important to keep them
from standing in too much water. When you buy peace lily plants online
from Leaf Baba, water them in short intervals to protect them from

Fluoride Control

There are many reasons your plants don’t survive even after good care, and one of
them includes a high level of Fluoride present in tap water. If your tap water
contains a high level of Fluoride, there are chances that your Peace Lilies won’t
survive for long. The best way is to use filtered water or keep the water overnight
in a container before applying it to your peace lilies. Leaf Baba is the number one
platform to get your favorite houseplants delivered to your doorstep.


Unlike other houseplants, peace lily plants are not
much dependent on fertilizers. However, you can
occasionally choose rich organic fertilizer to feed
them, especially during the primary growing
season, to encourage high bloom. You can buy
Peace Lily plants online from the largest online
nursery in Lucknow and feed them every six
weeks with rich organic fertilizer for best growth.

Contact Us

Our mission is to give you the best service
and plant choice, especially for houses. We
provide high-quality plants that you can easily
take care of at home.

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+91 - 8960073886 [email protected]

Thank You!

For trusting us to decorate your
house and garden with our lovely plant
collections! We hope our products and services
can add a more calming and relaxing

touch to your home.

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