Myambitionis... Author: Hana Safiyya Zulfaisol Ilustrator: Nur Hidayah Hamzah
WhenI was a littlekid, I wanted to bea lot of different things. g Wheni was 4, I wanted to bea 'Fixer' becauseI saw myfatherfix things. Helooks likea ' Fixerman'
But I was wrong,he actually works inan officeina tall building.
And then whenI turned 5, I wanted to bejust like my mom.
But then, I saw that she did to manythings and i don't have octopushands likeher!
One day, I went to school and I met the most amazingteacher. Hernameis teacher Nashima and her husband was a musician. They must beanawesomecouple.
Teacher Nashima was the mostfun, amazing,kind and lovingteacher. Shetaughtus withso much care.
From there, Iknew that I wanted to bea teacher, just likeTeacher Nashima. I wanted to teachand help my students seekknowledgeinafun way.
I wanted to bea teacher becauseI want mystudents to besuccessful in life. Beinga teacher is anoblejob. moralvalues; " Nevergiveup onyour dreams, workhard to succeed"
Lots oflove, Hana Safiyya Zulfaisol