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Published by shobhit.pal, 2017-05-17 03:02:16

Myntranama bollywood

Myntranama bollywood



While I have completed almost 3 years in brands and shoot as per their requirements. Not
Myntra, I truly believe that dreams and only on the imagery part, our content displayed
dedication are surely a powerful combination. on the website and app is also written in accord-
Being one of those early birds who joined Myntra ance to a brand’s need and present in a better way
Gurugram office, I have had the opportunity to to the customers. The look and feel of our display
work with an experienced and knowledgeable lot. pages vary from brand to brand, which is why
Being a part of the Myntra family
itself gives me a sense of accom- Myntra plays it better than others.
plishment. Not only this, we make sure that our
With E-commerce growing prime focus does not shift from deliv-
rapidly in India, we make sure ering quality as well. We play a balanc-
that our customers get a one- ing act between delivering quantity and
of-a-kind shopping experience. quality both. The quality department is
Further adding to it, we suc- trained in such a manner that we de-
cessfully have launched our first liver content and an overall shopping
experience store for our largest experience as per our quantitative and
MFB brand Roadster and have qualitative standards. With automa-
launched several big brands like tion coming in and several cross func-
HUGO BOSS online too. The re- tional collaborations, we have further
sponse that we have got from our customers is improved on delivering quantity and
overwhelming. quality.
All this takes a lot from our catalog department With such wonderful teams and employ-
that works in sync with the customer experience ee-friendly environment, we surely will achieve
and category teams so that we can deliver what many more milestones. Our journey, as a compa-
our customers want. We get in touch with the ny has just started and it has a long way to go to
brighten our future of online shopping.



Concept, Editing & Execution
Nancy & Samyuktha, HRBP
Visual & Graphic Design

Shobhit, Associate-Art Direction
Deepak, Image Editor
Nazir, Image Editor

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