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Myntranama IV April edition

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Published by shobhit.pal, 2016-04-30 06:56:50

Myntranama IV

Myntranama IV April edition

Myntra Catalog Quarterly Magazine MYNTRANAMA
April 2016
#W H AT ’ S T R E N D I N G 2016

Myntranama | April 2016



20-23Styling Tips From Runways
“Orange is Really the New Black”

13Technology, Fashion 15 Summer Escape
& Innovation
2710 Type of People Based On
1Message from Pulkit Their Workplace Attire
3Business Update
4-7HR Initiatives 28Know Your Colleague
17Spring Splash 29Zen of Zero Email Inbox

Cover Picture Credits
Vikram Singh (Photographer)

Himalika (Stylist)
Rupjyoti (MUA)

From the Editor’s

Greetings and a very
warm welcome to
the fourth edition of

19Denim Fever Our Myntranama
‘Coz denims are forever… family becomes only
bigger this edition
with Bangalore Catalog
team also joining us for
collaboration, and we
couldn’t be any happier!

Have a look at the
Contents section & you
will notice categories
on Business Update
covering achievements
made in quarter (Jan-
Mar’16), HR initiatives,
regular sections on
Makeup, Styling Tips,
Recipes of the season,
exhibition of work of
our talent & Gyaan Guru.
We also have varied
articles based on our
theme of this edition -

It feels great to share

the work of so many

committed and

11SKIN & HAIR CARE: thoughtful people.
DURING Feel free to send in
comments on the

articles to share your

thoughts or ask the

author a question.

30-33 37Exhibiting Work of Mocktail Recipe We appreciate your
Our Talent

35Brand Launches 39Gyaan Guru Thanks,

Page 3

Myntranama | April 2016

HHello Folks,
After three successful Gurgaon Editions Myntranama finally comes
to Bangalore!

This edition is going to be all about trends. We at Myntra are always at
the forefront of creating trends and setting them out in the market.
We went all feed and only mobile last year, things which had not
been seen in the Indian E-commerce industry. We launched multiple
new brands; enabled designers to create and sell their brands; and
became a house of best of fashion brands in the process!!

Catalog Bangalore also created new trends last year. We took up
new initiatives such as content on imagery, scan cube, new types of
videos, changed the light set-up, look book, Dexter, flat shoot…the
list goes on & on. All of these helped us in scaling new heights and
pushed Myntra in becoming what it is today.

The credit goes to each one of you for enabling these advantages for
Myntra by displaying great collaboration and inventiveness!

The journey has been exciting as well as
heartening so far and this year we are
geared to take it up a notch further – push
boundaries of creativity, quality and scale.
I am sure that our teamwork will enable
us to work towards this common vision.
As a team, our ability to direct individual
accomplishments towards organizational
objectives is our biggest strength, allowing
common people to attain uncommon
I hope all of you enjoy the magazine.

Pulkit Nanda Page 1
Senior Manager - Operations, Bangalore

Myntranama | April 2016

Business Update



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Myntranama | April 2016

AtaCoelbtnxlLaaouaaptdhwsilaasnliadatnlnslrntroeiyshgedgdsieso,sashssn.tGIe;mBfmIdourTheearnaotteegioenm-nttaafhdatewooemelrfInnilTu-tbawahtrbrhntlnaaoeelociassaseuoqedmharpduei&pesnerCtpnsgewEartiasimcOhesoemacep,npsimresssarAecioetto&tnevohonaedoeuqimnfwntufmtoteabaeherneurssrntistgatehhthiacsnioeeeotvfelioncedrswfuIes,Triared.tewrmnhHliaehenphneobenflitprortomafelaupyoedtosiecsadrtneucsrntrsasuuAede.toncfsnafftgsialoutteeoyrhnrdtgteetsh. #dance


HR Initiatives

#masti #party #discodancer #fun #gettogether

#food #happy #energetic #candid #backtochildhood

#crazy #friends #swagers #culinarygala #smiles

#prettysmile #poolparty #zumba #dancer #myntralove
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Myntranama | April 2016





#all hand meet (AHM)

#valuechampion #womens day



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Myntranama | April 2016

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Myntranama | April 2016


The 88th Academy awards saw their conclusion on the night of Feb 28. A majority of observers and
paparazzi were on the lookout for some goof-ups and some interesting takeaways to keep the internet
world abuzz with behind-the-scenes as well as on-stage stories. There was no denying Chris Rock was
smouldering fun even as his satirical no-black-nominations take was stretched beyond requirement.
But the cinephiles’ event this year would be remembered more for rewarding the celebrated actor
,Leonardo Di Caprio, his first Oscar, even if the competition wasn’t really tough apart from Michael
Fassbender and Bryan Cranston proving to be worthy contenders for living up to their
complicated characters in Steve Jobs and Trumbo, respectively.
Come to think of it, Leo’s previous onscreen transformations (the likes of
Best Film: Spotlight What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Django Unchained and The Wolf of Wall
Best Actress: Brie Larson (Room) Street, for instance) have been far more quenching and rewarding than
Best Supporting Actor: Mark Rylance (Bridge his latest act. Now the jury, comprising mostly of experienced auteurs
in cinema, seems to be easily enamoured by surface characters
of Spies) requiring grotesque physical and mental transformations. So
Best Supporting Actress: Alicia Vikander (The while an Eddie Redmayne, being beyond brilliant in depicting the
physical decadence of his character in The Theory of Everything,
Danish Girl) caught the critics’ attention, a subtle and restrained Tom Hanks
Best Original Screenplay: Tom McCarthy cleverly underplaying his part in Captain Phillips was largely
ignored by the Academy the year prior. Leo was fairly competent
(Spotlight) this year, but this won’t probably be counted among his five
Best Adapted Screenplay: Adam Mckay and performances if a film magazine were to summarise his career
twenty years from now.
Charles Randolph (The Big Short)

‘BIOSCOPE’ The Oscars being regarded as the ultimate emotionally complex and troubled character
judge of a person’s talent is a sham. There have in Woody Allen’s Blue Jasmine.
been films in past, now regarded as watershed
moments in cinematic history, which lost Best Supporting Actor: Mark Rylance (Bridge
against films that are best remembered as of Spies)
tad above average now. Martin Scorsese’s Personal pick: Tom Hardy (The Revenant), for
dystopian Taxi Driver was one of the most easily being the best performer in the
instrumental works in giving shape to an film, playing the diabolical, manipulative, and
era of Hollywood which saw its surgence double-crossing Fitzgerald with absolute
late into the 1960s. It had a narrative from relish.
the eyes of a lonely, on-the-brink-of-insanity
cabbie (Robert DeNiro in arguably his best Best Supporting Actress: Alicia Vikander (The
act) in New York City. This film lost out to the Danish Girl)
engrossing yet disputed winner Rocky in one Personal pick: Jennifer Jason Leigh (The
of the major Academy upsets of all time. Pulp Hateful Eight), for playing a character you feel
Fiction hardly won any awards against Forrest pity towards after she is perpetually punched
Gump which had a clean sweep in early 1995 and elbowed, but can’t help smirk at when
but the former is now often regarded as the she responds with wisecracks and morbid
best example of neo-noir cinema to have chuckles in an uncompromisingly brutal film.
come out during the decade. While Kramer
vs Kramer was a film noted for its bravura Best Original Screenplay: Tom McCarthy
performances from its stellar cast (Dustin (Spotlight)
Hoffman and Meryl Streep in their finest Personal pick: Pete Doctor and team (Inside
forms), the Palm D’Or winner Apocalypse Now Out), for conjuring their wild imagination
released the same year got a major snub. Over in creating a story so refreshingly original in
a passage of time, many critics and fan clubs Disney/Pixar’s best effort in years.
hailed it as the greatest war film ever. Recent
examples of infamous Oscar snubs include Best Adapted Screenplay: Adam Mckay and
Roman Polanski’s Tour de Force The Pianist Charles Randolph (The Big Short)
(losing out to the average musical Chicago), Personal pick: Well deserved, though I’d
Ang Lee’s heart-rending story of forlorn love be partial to Drew Goddard’s marvellous
The Brokeback Mountain (losing out to Crash), adaptation from Andy Weir’s The Martian.
James Cameron’s astounding Avatar (losing
out to the documentary-like The Hurt Locker), It was well-culminated, so to say, with Mad
and David Fincher’s biopic masterpiece The Max: Fury Road, the jarring, insane ride taking
Social Network (losing out to the badly-aged a chunk of the awards for its production
The King’s Speech). values, but one of the best parts of the event
While the world celebrates Leo’s win, they was DiCaprio’s utilising of the platform for
probably forgot to give enough prominence addressing a major global and economic
to Ennio Morricone, also nominated for concern. Whether deserving of the award
his sixth Oscar, winning for the first time. or not, this would go down as a memorable
The much-revered musician is known for acceptance speech.
composing for most of Sergio Leone’s western
classics, including the signature music of The
Good, Bad and Ugly and Once Upon a Time in
the West. As far as the other major winners go,
let’s look at how deserving or undeserving
they were this year:

Best Film: Spotlight
Personal pick: Spotlight
As a noted critic said in his review, “the film
deserved a Pulitzer prize on its own.”

Best Actress: Brie Larson (Room) Pranay Mathur
Personal pick: Cate Blanchett (Carol), for Quality Auditor, Gurgaon.
a beautifully measured and towering
performance again after playing an

Page 11

Myntranama | April 2016

Fashion &

Ravi Shankar Jha “Fashion changes, but style endures”
Specialist - Sizing, Bangalore These were the words of the great Coco Chanel. Well, regardless of
our thoughts on the matter, there’s another thing that changes along
with fashion. It is technology. With every passing moment, technology

brings up something new with much more possibilities.

We can’t say for certain if they’ll actually catch on but these fu-
turistic fashion styles do look pretty awesome which can change
or impact the world of Fashion. Here are few tech-savvy innova-

tions that are revolutionizing style:

Fabric Out of Milk, Tea, and Virtual Fitting Rooms- One of my

Coffee Beans! - Milk, tea and favorites!! Online retailers deal

coffee tend to stick together... with a high percentage of returns

3-D Printing but not like this. As technology due to poor fit, material quality

Fabric Out of Milk, Tea, and is flying high in making fashion satisfaction, and customers
Coffee Beans!
more sustainable, few of them do just not like what they get.
The unseen
are turning food products into Smart on-line shopping tools are
Fashion is constantly evolving, and in
recent years we have witnessed the wearable commodities. being developed that have the
impact that technology has had on
the way that consumers and retailers potential to dramatically reduce
shop. The increase in new technol-
ogies has changed our relationship Fabric made of Beer!! – Amazed?? returns and minimize shipping
with fashion and high-tech accesso- - In today’s world of incredibly energy and waste in the process.
ries are becoming more and more innovative fashion, now we can Creating size less garments with
have party with a dress that can help of virtual fitting rooms will
popular. By combining style and turn into beer. The process starts take e-commerce profitability to a
functionality, there have been a few with (what else?) beer, which is new height.
people who have taken fashion to
fermented. A bacterium named
the next level.
Acetobacter is then added to The Unseen- How about clothing

the beer which that responds

converts the “it’s always to the weather

precious liquid exciting to see around you?

into raw fiber changes coming Garments made

material. of liquid crystals
to fashion through which respond to
3D printing- In an friction can make
it happen. A gust
industry where of wind or a ray of
sunshine would
marketers talk an effect on the beautiful
of clothing.
a lot about the importance of have
personalization, 3-D printing is piece
seen as a soon-to-be powerful


Solar Clothing & Accessories-

Electro-medical Fabric- As fabric Flexible solar panels sewn into
design and development moves the clothing can utilize the solar
forward into the 21st century, energy to charge our gadgets.
there seems to be no end to what Solar charging garments will
textiles can do. On the surface, definitely make an impact on
the material looks like a beautiful, explorers and adventurists.

intricately woven fabric. Amidst

the cotton and wool yarns lie We love seeing innovations like

some more unique threads, this. There are so many ways to

which contain layers of copper, create fashion but it’s always

polymers, glass and silver that exciting to see changes coming to

act as both sensors that pick fashion through technology.

up information, as well as the

antennae that transmit it.

Page 13

Myntranama | April 2016


4. 2.

SEusmcmapere 5.

Shabna Alavi VM
Content Writer,

H Bangalore
appiness is when you travel around the
world. Especially when you are busy with
a life filled with schedules and meetings,
you deserve a break. What better way than
a beach holiday to break this monotony?
Prepare for your getaway with the season’s
hottest pieces.


8. 7.


1. Floral Love 6. Feed your Skin!

Nothing describes a perfect beach look better than a Don’t let the scorching weather out there mount on your
vibrant floral print dress. This one from FOREVER 21 is face. Carry a sunscreen that gives your skin maximum
sure to unleash your ultra-chic side this season. protection.

2. Best Foot Forward! 7. Sexy Chic

Treat your gorgeous feet with these gladiators from Tao Nothing pretty has to be kept under the wraps. So get
Paris and walk the talk. out there on the sands in this sensuous bikini and flaunt
your curves.
3. Tote it is!
8. The Amazing Duo
Your mobile, wallets, makeup kit, and what not, stash
your necessities in this tote bag and stay organised. When comfort marries style, this is what we get. A pair of
barely-there shorts and a vivid print kaftan crop top will
4. An Eye for Style be your best comrade on this beach getaway.

Don’t shy away from the shine by wearing these square 9. Scent-elacious
sunglasses. Your shelter from the sun, it lends the right
amount of style to your look. Let’s face the truth girls! You are going to sweat a
lot in this scorching weather. Make sure you have a
5. The Style Factor mesmerising fragrance that keeps you fresh all day long.

Retain your sophisticated edge with this floppy sun
hat. Its wide rim and subtle design make it a sure-shot
fashion statement.

PPaaggee 1155

Myntranama | April 2016

This spring add a splash of colour to your life with a list of shades
that have been topping the charts of 2016 and impressing the
fashion police. Let these hues bring out your cheerful personality
this season.


Spring fashion in 2015 left us spinning blue sky above us, Powder blue comforts with
on our toes and 2016 is no exception. a calming effect, bringing a feeling of respite
Spring and summer bring with them even in turbulent times. A transcendent
a desire to shake off those dark dull winter blue, serenity provides us with a naturally
colours and embrace everything that is connected sense of space. Very English in its
bright and fresh! It’s time to make a new shade, it will give you a classy appeal. Grab
beginning with a spring in your step and lilt on to a powder blue dress with minimal
in your heart. Kindle your hopes and dreams accessory and a high sleek ponytail for an
new as we show you how you can make your uptown chic-look.
2016 wardrobe a pleasure to flirt with!
Rachika Singh A maritime-inspired blue, plays
The soothing, calming nature of colors in the
Quality Auditor, Spring collections are led by- in the navy family, but with a happier, more
Rose Pink, a persuasive yet gentle tone energetic context. The name alone implies
that conveys compassion and a sense of
composure. Like a blushing serene sunset, a relaxing vacation and encourages escape.
flushed cheek or budding flower, Rose Pink
reflects a feminine side of you during the hot It is striking yet still, with lots of activity
but lighthearted spring and summer months.
Add on a rose pink top to your fashionable bursting from its undertones. When we
wardrobe. The amalgamation of subtleness
and femininity will help you make a very have nautica and indigo topping the fashion
classic statement. Add on to the cuteness
factor by adding lace to your ensemble. charts, we just can’t afford to miss out on

The fashion police has been in love with this one. Experiment with the or cobalt blue
orange for several seasons. Coming to the
next trending shade is peach-colour, a dresses and tops, or stick to the classic navy
shade that emanates friendlier qualities,
evoking warmth and accessibility. It is an and white striped dress alongside a pair of
all-encompassing, tempered companion in
the playful orange family. Soothing and very tan wedges to anchor a catching look.
pastel in its appearance, it brings a dash of
glow to your overall look. Try out a peach- While the majority of the Spring/Summer
coloured lipstick or nail polish and watch it palette trends toward calmness, a few
do wonders for you as it instantly it brightens diversions from the theme emerge that offer
up your look. a contrast. With the Buttercup shade reveals
a shining beacon transporting its wearer to
Weightless and airy, like the expanse of the a happier, sunnier place. Compliment the
cheerful side of you with a pair of buttercup
cluttoes, a white crop top and white wedges
for a sunny girl next door!

As in most any season, the need for neutrals
arises. Essentially a basic, the subtlety of the
Lilac, adds a distinctive edge to this pretty
purple shade. Pick a lilac satchel team it
with a dress and pretty heels for a summery

The high energy Coral red is a harbinger of excitement, encouraging free-spirited
exploration to unknown but welcoming locales. A strong and fiery, orange-based red,
the vivid coral provides a stark contrast to the calming, softer nature of this season’s
palette. Adorn a coral red neckpiece with a solid white dress and heels to showcase
the fun-loving and vibrant side of you !

A transitional color that will take us through the seasons, Iced Coffee manifests as
another strong neutral for the season. With its natural earthy quality, the softness and
subtlety of Iced Coffee creates a stable foundation when combined with the rest of
this season’s palette. A shirt dress in this colour- sophistication can’t get any better!

White- a classic colour from ages, that never ceases to impress the fashion-lovers. A
symbol of purity, peace and beauty, a wardrobe essential, versatile in nature and a
perfect canvas to create multitude of avatars. This season’s top trend- culottes have
gone iffy-trendy to basic must-haves. Grab on to one of these pairs with cut-work and
for an extra chic look club them with a floral or nautical crop top and wedges.

Mint green is a very pervasive in the natural environment that says renewing,
refreshing and rejuvenating. This soothing English colour has come into trend time
and again. With its lightweight and breezy feel it has made it in our top colours for this
season. Ditch your boring regular jeans and switch on to some pastel shades to bring
some subtle glow to your look.

Now that we have helped you to keeps up to date with international trends across
various subjects such as lifestyle and fashion. Brought you the spring colour scheme
straight from the rampwalks and catwalks and given a list of trends and colours to
complement your looks while adding a glamorous edge to it. With the addition of
palattes, now you can create looks that have subtle and contemporary palettes and
that have a definitive “wow” factor that separate it from the rest.

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Myntranama | April 2016


Saloni Anand Girls, admit it, your wardrobe may welcome many new trends, but those
Quality Auditor, Gurgaon. denims you’ve sheltered since ages are something you would never bid

adieu to! Isn’t it true, fashion may come and go, but denims make for a
perennial trend? Whether you are running errands or heading out for a
romantic date with your spouse, they will surely pack a punch. However, if
you think are stuck in a style rut, you may want to thank the fashion gods
for advancing denims from plain, typical outfits to a swankier piece. Yes,
the season is offering us a plethora of style to choose from; let’s have a

look at them.

‘Coz denims
are forever…

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. Pastel Jeans: Pastel is the new feminine blouse and steal the don’t look overdressed. For girls
wonder-color of the season. show! who adore fitted jeans, these
So, why to settle for the printed jeans are the best pick
monotonous blue and black 3. Boyfriend Jeans: Haven’t we to vouch for!
hues when the fashion world always envied boys for their
has so much to offer! From comfy and laid-back clothes? 5. Wide Leg Jeans: Tired of
celebrity hang-outs to street Not anymore! Indulge in these squeezing yourself into those
style, these pastel denims are highly comfortable and stylish skinny jeans just for the heck
creating a rage everywhere! boyfriend jeans and flatter the of style? Well, be grateful to the
These can either be clubbed baggy style. Just cuff them fashion gurus who have bought
with stripes and florals or above the ankles and go for a wide leg jeans back in trend!
you can just go neutral for an look that not only defines style Not only do these add length
understated yet suave look. but comfort as well. After all, to your silhouette, but also help
why should boys have all the cover those bulges and bumps.
2. Distressed Jeans: Yes! Distressed fun? Pair them with an off-shoulder
jeans have made their way back blouse for a little flirty ensemble
into the fashion world and are 4. Printed Denims: Denims have or add some structure to your
hotter than ever! So if you have become like a canvas for many look by breaking out a boxy
your old denims sitting idle in of the designers who have top.
your closet for ages, its time announced these funky printed
you take them out, experiment denims. One of the season’s key
and inject a sexy rock and roll trends, these printed jeans will
edge to your outfit. Create a surely bring forth your feminine
chic effect with distressed jeans and chic style. For that perfect
by cross-mixing these with a look, club these jeans with
subtle or solid tops so that you

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Myntranama | April 2016



Nimmi Kumari
Stylist, Gurgaon.



With this season’s love of all things off-shoulder the flat mule shoe has gone from strength
to strength.

From sexy bare shoulders and lingerie­inspired • EVERYTHING VICTORIAN -­Romance in its 2016 avatar
dressing to an inventive twist on the classic white comes with feathers, ruffles, sheer details, chiffon,
shirt, this set of styles delivers big on statement pastels and many other dainty add­ons. A sensual
factor, even if you’re just looking for a way to amp up your sari or a frock, romantic, flirty ensembles will charm
office look. their way into your wardrobe this year. For designers
like Michael Kors, Miu Miu, Roberto Cavalli and more,
We’ve got you covered — read on to start your outfit ruffles became a key detail trend. Quantity and
planning now. quality were both important here.

• OFF SHOULDER - ­With this season’s love of all things • FRINGE DETAIL ­We saw it last spring, we saw it this fall,
offs­houlder—from clingy knit dresses to peasant and it looks like it’s sticking around for spring 2016.
blouses. The sexy silhouette popularised by Brigitte We’re referring to fringe, which several designers
Bardot in the late ’50s. the French actor paired her off­ employed to trim skirts and dresses. The beauty of
shoulder blouses with everything from midi skirts to this trend lies in its softness—think the ends of a
cropped trousers for an unapologetically seductive velvet scarf or macrame rather than westerns­tyle
look. A bare décolletage may seem like the perfect fringe. Designers from New York to Paris embraced
canvas for your favourite statement necklace, but the playfulness of fringe for spring, giving hemlines,
suppress the urge. Keep jewellery to a minimum and bodices, sleeves and collars flouncy appeal — be it
let your toned collar bone steal the spotlight. bohemian, tribal, flapperi­nspired or Western.

• THE FLAT MULE -­Get yourself a new pair of cool • ORANGE - Yes, you guessed it right, Orange really the
mules, pronto. Acne’s woven checkerboards and new black. The hue is popping up in all shades from
Balenciaga’s cream lace slides are some of the hottest tangerine and sherbert to bright, punchy hues like
flats of the season, and super­comfortable to boot. mandarin and apricot. One of the most prominent
With a flat sole and easy slip-­on style, the flat mule hues hitting the runways is a deep, cinnamon color
shoe has gone from strength to strength. Designers that has sexy and warm undertones. No matter what
are giving a twist by Indianising mules, using fabrics the shade may be, the good news is that oranges
like khadi and cotton or just decking them up with are being used in everything from chic menswear-
lines of fur. Anupama Dayal gave a twiston slipons inspired suits to swingy dresses. We already saw
by adding shiny fringe details and made it look very how designers paired orange with blue, but a pretty
beachy. staggering amount chose to spotlight the the color

For designers like Michael Kors, Miu Miu, Roberto Cavalli and more, ruffles became
a key detail trend.

Page 21

Myntranama | April 2016

‘Orange is really the new

on its own. Expect to see tons of pants, blouses, skirts, and—our Designers from New York to Paris embraced
favorite—romantic dresses done up in the divisive hue. the playfulness of fringe for spring, giving
hemlines, bodices, sleeves and collars
• ALL STRIPES DIFFERENT - the new collections are zinging with flouncy appeal — be it bohemian, tribal,
seafaring stripes of all shapes and sizes - for all shapes and sizes. flapper-inspired or Western.
Horizontal, vertical, on ribbed jerseys, billowing silks, for night,
for day, and layered too. The simplest ideas are always the best.
Dip a toe into this trend: try a Breton tee worn under a crisp white
shirt. Consider it a fresh start to the new season. From swirly and
bold to irregular and unconventional, stripes in compelling color
combinations and linear patterns infused the Milan collections
with visual vibrancy. The look was pronounced in collections
byMissoni, Prada and Marco de Vincenzo, and provided a lively
graphic pop at Salvatore Ferragamo. For SS16, the stripe is oh so

• FLORALLY YOURS - This ultra-feminine look with its pretty English
garden floral patterns is all about the upcoming spring summer.
You can see them on jackets, onesies, blouses, frocks and shift
dresses.We love it when we can tell just what type of flower is
depicted on a certain piece of an outfit. That is what makes Trina
Turk’s daisy embellished tight fitting cropped pants in aqua,
white and buttercup yellow that fantastic for a customer. It is
bright, it is sunny and it is perfect for the spring and summer
seasons.. Alice Temperley brought in inspirations from Havana,
while Victoria Beckham had fun with her Moroccan exotic flora.
Gucci brings in tiny little white bud on a green background,
making the jock letter jacket into a very feminine entity. Pretty
red and blue flowers against a black background appear at Tanya

Victoria Beckham had fun with her Moroccan
exotic flora. Kate Spade, on the other hand,
simply screams flower power!

SS16’ Taylor, appearing quite lovely with their bare shoulders and
looser feeling to the dresses.Those fields extend to bluebells it
The look was pronounced in seems with Michael Kors looking fantastic in New York, and Suno
collections by Missoni, Prada and giving us a rather intriguing view of its beauties. Kate Spade, on
Marco de Vincenzo, and provided the other hand, simply screams flower power!
a lively graphic pop at Salvatore
Ferragamo. • BEDROOM EYES - Pajama dressing was taken to whole new—
and very literal—level at New York Fashion Week, evidenced by
the amount of sleepwear-as-daywear we spotted. From crisp
PJ-style sets at Thakoon, lingerie-inspired pieces at Givenchy,
and nightie dresses at Prabal Gurung, we’ll all be sleeping in our
clothes this spring. The slip dress is back and looking slinkier
than ever – trimmed with scalloped lingerie lace at Celine, in 90s
satin or see-thru chiffon at Saint Laurent, and layered over fine
knits at Pucci. With underwear as outerwear as a lead concept,
SS16 is looking pretty sexy already, we’d say.

Page 23

Myntranama | April 2016


Dhanya Raghavan
Hair & Make Up Artist, Bangalore

We all love the summers. This season is a time of fun and relaxa-
tion for most people, but because of the harmful UV rays from
the sun, it is important to take extra precautions when it comes to
your skin and hair and that requires some effort on your part.


• Exfoliate: Exfoliation removes dead skin from the surface of the body. Exfoliate once or twice a week if you have
dry skin or 2- 3 times a week if you have oily skin. After exfoliation apply a toner, moisturizer and sunscreen
followed by make up. Make up lasts longer on an exfoliated skin.

• Keep hydrated & healthy diet- Drink water throughout the day. Fresh juices and tender coconut water are very
good in summers. Eight glasses of room temperature filtered water a day helps to maintain critical moisture
balance of the body and skin and assist in detoxification. Your diet should consist of a lot of vegetables and fruits
in the form of salad, steamed veggies, juices and smoothies and reduce the intake of sugar, refined and processed

• Apply Sunscreen: Do not step out of the house without sunscreen in summers. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before
you get out in the sun allowing it to sink in to the skin. Use a sunscreen with high SPF and which also protects
from UVA and UVB rays. There are various types of sunscreens available in the market choose one according to
your skin type.

• Soothe over-exposed skin- If your skin is overexposed to the sun then use super soothing botanicals and cooling

gels, which prevents peeling, and reduce redness • Makeup in summers- After moisturizing your
and inflammation. Aloe Vera gel is one of the best skin, always apply sunscreen to protect your
cooling gel for sunburns, for oily skin cleansers with skin. Mineral make up is better during summers
salicylic or glycol acid are also very good to use in as it is lighter than the cream based ones which
the nighttime. will help the skin to breathe. For the base
tinted moisturizers, sunscreens and BB creams
• Eye creams and lip protection- Sun exposure will are recommended. For oily skin set this with
gradually thin the skin and cause wrinkles. Protect powder. Bronzers are highly sought after for sun
the delicate areas of your face with appropriate kissed look. Apply bronzer on your cheekbones,
creams and balms. There are lip balms available in middle of forehead, nose and chin. Bright pop
the market with SPF protection. up lip colors look best in summer or if bright is
not your thing, use tinted lip stains. Use only
• Cold water showers- Hot water showers can further waterproof mascara and eyeliner.
dry your skin making it more prone to tanning. So,
it is advisable to have cool showers in order to keep HAIRCARE
skin fresh and hydrated.
• Wash your hair regularly- Hair needs special care
during summer. Pollution and dust mixes with
sweat and tends to accumulate on the scalp,
which results in a lot of hair problems. Shampoo
and condition the hair very regularly to maintain
the shine and greatness. Make a habit of using a
hair product that contains UV filters.

• Avoid chemical treatments and hot tools- Using
artificial colors, chemical based treatments and
heat treatments will make the hair very brittle
and weak during summers. Use natural products
so that hair remains moisturized and nourished.

• Haircuts and Split end removal- Summer is the
ideal time to experiment with different types
of haircuts. Short haircuts are apt for summers
but if you don’t really want to shorten your hair
go for a trim that will take care of the ends and
bring back life to your hair.

• Swimming in summers- Hair has the tendency
to absorb the first thing that comes in contact
with it. So before taking a dip, wet your hair with
clean water or leave-in conditioner so it does
not absorb as much salt water or chemicals
from the pool. After a swim rinse your hair as
soon as possible.

• To reduce the frizz- Summer heat makes your
hair extra dry, making it frizzy. You can control
the frizz by tying it up with different hairstyles
from braids to ponytails to up-dos, knots and
buns. It helps the hair from being frizzy and
also controls sweat. Also, using hats and scarfs
in summers protects your hair and they are also
great fashion accessories!

Page 25

10Myntranama | April 2016
Types Of People
Based On Their
Workplace Attire


The Dudes

1. Conversational print shirts, jeans and canvas shoes guy - Simple 2.
yet not too basic, this is a style that you can nail down if you
have a need to manage people and tasks yet look relaxed at the 4.
same time. Tried and tested, this style over time has transformed 5.
many wardrobes and if you haven’t tried to experiment with your
clothes, it’s about time you start trying.

2. The Metrosexual - Facial and scalp hair groomed consistently.

Wardrobe varies from Henley and cargo shorts combinations

to well-fitted shirts and chinos. Shoes vary based on the look 3.
and attention to detail is staggeringly effeminate but stylish


3. I don’t need to be told I got style - Attire comprises of quirky and
unique printed topwear and joggers. Form and function are dealt
equal importance. Footwear may be casual mid-top sneakers or
flip-flops. Usually carried by dudes who got substance and don’t
really feel the need to strut. It shows.

4. The Quintessential Geek - Speaks for himself! Actually, his uber-
cool tees usually do. A pair of washed denims to go with! And
some Vans or Converses for effect. Simple, substantial and quite
the eye-catcher! Quirk and swag becomes this chap.

5. The Cowboy Biker - Checked shirts, slim-fit denims, boots, leather
during permitting weather! You know this boy rides a bike. And
you can be sure he’s flaunting his shizz one quarter of a mile at
a time!

Disclaimer: This article has been written and designed in good humour and in no way intends to
hurt the sentiments of any person. Our sincere gratitude to Mark Zuckerberg and all the people who
forwarded their own or friends’ images to enrich our article. Cheers!

Gautam Krishnan
Content Writer, Bangalore


The Chicas

1. The Brand Label - Name the top five brands and this girl got them
all and how. She’s usually raising the oomph bar that she sets for
herself. High standards and what not! Vero Moda, Forever 21,
DressBerry, Lavie, Steve Madden. Yeah, she’s all that...And more!

2. Geek Chick Alert - Much like her male counterpart, this one likes
3. her prints to do her talking. A pair of glasses thrown in there for

effect and matching ballerinas, and dayyum fellas...You want her
4. talking nerdy to you all day long!

3. Boho Babe - Yeahp! The whole Shebang! Crop tops, quirky tops,
sassy pants/skirts, funky jewellery, hipster labels, this chick is out
to conquer the world. One Bohemian Rhapsody at a time!

4. Dress Impress - You know how some silhouettes are just meant
to be draped ever so elegantly. Well this is her. A-lines, maxis,
skaters, peplums, fit and flares, there’s not much she doesn’t rock.
Oh, add to that an enviable collection of heels and you know
she’s got the whole world on her little pinky! Va va voom!

5. Her Ethnic Grace - Churidars, salwar kameez, jutis, jewellery! Her
roots bear her regality and her wardrobe is unapologetically her.
Quoting Wordsworth, “She walks in beauty, like the night, of
cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and
bright, meet in her aspect and her eyes.”


Page 27

Myntranama | April 2016

Know Your Colleague!!

Mr. Balram Sharma: The
Chutney Man

Balram ji works as a photographer on the product studio.
He is lovingly called thus by his peers as a mark of respect.
He personifies wisdom, calm and sober intellect
He’s quiet and humble
And unassuming and simple
He is deepy religious, with an unshakeable belief in God
and doesn’t leave home without getting an assortment of chutneys
One for every day of the week
While many don’t leave the table before having spoonfuls of this chutney
A few rush to the loo, while others run for glasses of water and dollops of
The chutneys are mouth-wateringly delicious, made with copious
amounts of love and compassion by his better half
From mangoes and apples, to guavas and potatoes, she can them all
Balram ji greets everyone with a charming and infectious smile
To help, he’d put his best foot forward and walk mile upon mile
He’s a remarkably patient and efficient resource
He works with focus, sans fuss and furore

Pranay Mathur
Quality Auditor

Zen of Zero Mail Inbox

Azero mail inbox is not a common practice – ticular response is required, just say “thanks.” If you
spend a little time on google searching for own an “action item” but can’t get to it for a while,
email practices and you would know. Mas- let the sender know you saw the message and es-
tering the art of a zero mail inbox is not something timate when you expect to reply. But don’t let mail
that we can learn over-night. pile up in your inbox without acknowledging its re-
Here are some basic email practices, put together
from a couple of articles, which have proven to • Create a list for your actions. Hav-
work over time. ing a separate list means you can list the actions in
the sequence that makes sense for you, versus let
• Filter out everything that’s not di- the sequence in your inbox drive you.
rectly to you. To do so, create an inbox rule to re-
move everything that’s not directly “To” or “CC” Anti-Patterns
• Using your inbox as a large collec-
• Create a folder for everything that’s tion of action and semi-action items with varying
read. Have a folder to move everything you read priorities
and act on. This is how you make way for incoming.
• Using your inbox as a pool of inter-
• Part of the key is acting on mail ver- spersed action and reference items
sus shuffling it. For a given mail, if you can act on it
immediately, you should. If now’s not the time, add • Adopting complicated mail and
it to your list of actions. If it will take a bit of time, task management systems
then drag it to your calendar and schedule the time.
• Make sure you respond to mail HR - Catalog, Bangalore
directed at you no matter what - Acknowledge
promptly that you received a message. If no par-


(ImaAgneswederito-rC, hGeutragnaon)

(Image editor, Gurgaon)


Page 29

Myntranama | April 2016

Vikram SinghHR(imPuhpaojliytkooagti(rS(aMtpyUhliseAtr)))


Exibiting Work of Our Talent

Karan Pal Singh (Photographer) photographer- Vikram Karan Pal Singh (Photographer)

Karan Pal SinMghee(PnShaookntsaohlgi(rS(MatpyUlhiAset)r)) MeenUakttsahmi &(PRhuoptjoyogtria(pMhUeAr))

Page 31

Myntranama | April 2016

QualityMAruidduitloarT, hBaamngmalaoiareh

QualityMAruidduiltaorT, hBaamngmaaloiareh

Visual Auditor, GSuhrogbahoint

QualitMy rAiduudliatoTrh, Baamnmgaalioarhe

QualityMAruidduitloarT, Bhaanmgmalaoiraeh Quality AuditoSra, yBoannigDaulotrtea

Page 33

Myntranama | April 2016




Page 35

Myntranama | April 2016


It’s that time of the year again when the sun beats
down with all its mighty glory. The only thing that
gives respite from the scorching heat is a glassful
of chilled beverage. But an average drink won’t do
the trick; you need something that will make you
feel cool from within. That’s why our desi summer

coolers score high as they are refreshing, en-
ergy-boosting and are healthy too. So here’s bring-

ing you a list of Indian summer drinks to combat
the heat and stay hydrated.

Cooler Drinks

Refreshing Coconut
& Orange Drink!

Tender coconut water and Citrus Cooler
orange crush are a brilliant
combo, as they produce a Cool Cucumber Ingredients
tingling sensation that excites Drink 1 tbsp orange squash
your taste buds and rejuvenates
Cool Cucumber DrinkCool 1 tsp lemon juice
your body and soul! cucumber, the refreshing 2 tsp whipped cream or vanilla ice-
But, the excitement does not end combination of cucumber and
there, as this lovely Coconut and mint cools you down in one shot! cream
Orange Drink is further jazzed cucumber juice has been proven to 1 bottle lemonade
up with pieces of chilled coconut improve the complexion and health
flesh, which offers exciting bites of our skin, as cucumber’s high Method
in every gulp. Indeed, every sip water content makes it naturally Chill the lemonade
of this exciting drink is worth hydrating—a must for glowing Put the fruit in a tall glass and then
skin. Mint spikes up the otherwise add the orange squash
relishing! bland drink, with a memorable, Add the lemon juice and ice-cream
Ingredients: sharp hue. Glass made: shot glass and top with the chilled lemonade
2 cups chilled tender coconut Serve immediately
water 2 cucumber, peeled and cubed
1/2 cup chilled coconut flesh,
1 tsp lemon juice
torn into pieces 4 tsp mint syrup
4 tbsp orange crush 1/2 tsp black salt
8 tbsp crushed ice
Method: 4/5 mint leaves
Combine all the ingredients in a
blender and blend till smooth. Method:
Pour equal quantities into 3 Combine the cucumber, lemon
individual glasses and serve juice, mint syrup and black salt
with 1 cup water in and blend in a
mixer till smooth
Strain the mixture using a strainer
In each shot glass, place 2 tbsp
of crushed ice and pour equal

quantity of the juice over it
Serve immediately.

Page 37

Myntranama | April 2016


How often do we hear the words ‘stylist’ thrown around
the office? What does styling really mean? What do
stylists really do?

As a stylist, just creating the perfect look is not all we do

After delaying this for more than 3 months and having the editors of this
newsletter breathing down my neck about it, finally, here I am, sitting in a plane
[yes, most stylists travel a lot] writing an article for this section that’s called
‘Gyaan Guru’ so that’s exactly what you are going to read below… Gyann from
the Guru [or so I would like to believe]

Fashion stylists can work in the following areas:

Editorial Styling: conceptualizing and organizing the photo shoots for the
pages in fashion magazines, etc. This may also involve selecting items to appear
in fashion product pages for magazines and writing articles on personal style,
fashion trends etc.

Video/Commercial Styling: styling models or actors for advertising commercials,
film clips, industrial and educational videos.

Television: style actors, talent, live broadcasts, news and current affairs, breakfast
television, sitcoms, soap operas, dramas, styling show hosts and visiting talent.

Carlton DeSouza Wardrobe Styling: working on film, television, concert or theatre productions
developing the look and selecting the wardrobe items for the actors, musicians/
performers, dancers, television personalities / newsreaders.

Associate Creative Director - 1 Show styling: organizing events and fashion parades. This could involve public
speaking/comparing, working backstage at fashion parades, selecting models,
Styling organizing the running order, selecting garments and/or accessories, selecting


the venue, developing the event concept, dealing with the Merchandise Styling: Creating displays
media, photographers, and PR companies. of products in retail stores or for photo
Celebrity styling: working with a clients in many situations and shoots.
capacities, from red carpet events and commercial shoots to As a stylist, just creating the perfect
shopping and salon trips and holds many roles, such as fashion look is not all we do, we are part of the
consultant, personal shopper and most time, a friend! larger creative team, the point of contact
Corporate styling: styling company executives and advising between photographers, designers, hair
companies on their corporate uniforms, providing talks/ and make-up artists, models, art and
seminars to staff on personal appearance set directors, post production teams,
Personal shopping: Involves selecting clothes for a client. ensuring all thoughts and ideas are
Runway styling: Styling for fashion shows and parades. combined perfectly to create what I like
Catalogue styling: Working with designers or businesses on to call ‘Art!’
developing promotional materials such as product catalogues. There are 13 sub stylist roles above,
Retail fashion styling: Styling retail customers in-store. having personally dabbled in all of
Prop and set styling: Finding and buying the props that them over my career, trust me when I
surround the products featured in print advertisements. say, what we do here, no one else does,
Photo Styling: Styling any photo shoot and includes editorial our teams here do a bit of each of them
styling, commercial styling and catalogue styling. everyday, which is no easy task. We
shoot catalogues, but we also advise
our customers on what to wear and
how to wear it, we create merchandise
lookbooks within tight guidelines for our
brand partners, with the use of props and
the perfect model direction our fashion
shots could just as well be published in
a fashion magazine or used for a print
campaign. Make-overs, fashion shows,
brand campaigns, basically anything
that is asked of you, together, this team
Myntra, as a company is constantly
growing and to keep up with that
pace we need to focus on using all our
creative talents to push ourselves to
produce the best work we possibly can.
We have our medium, our tools, our skill
set and access to whatever we need. We
are all artists of our own craft, together
let’s create world class Art!
Keep at it!
Stay focused! Stay happy! Stay grounded!
Stay inspired!

Page 39


Concept, Editing & Execution
Nancy Chopra
HR, Gurgaon

Execution (Bangalore)
Samyuktha Ramachandran

HR, Bangalore
Visual & Graphic Design

Shobhit Pal
Visual Auditor, Gurgaon

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