2019 Redwood County Fair
4-H Premium List
And Resources
Table of Contents
4-H Project Resources 3 Animal Science Superintendents 30
Redwood County Fair Dates and Deadlines 4 Auction Rules and Guidelines 31
Redwood County 4-H Competitive Events Deadlines, Auction Bio Form And Signature Form 32
Consequences, and Exemptions 5 Animal Science Project Descriptions and Resources
My First Step – Navigating Static Judging 6 (includes Science of Ag, Zoonotic) 34
County Fair Maps: Club Project Description and Resource Page 52
Static Judging Day Map – Where to Go For Judging 8
Project Display Map – Where to Find Projects After Static/General Project Premium Book Rules and
Judging Night 9 Guidelines 54
Premiums and Distribution 10 Demonstration Information AND Form 57
4-H Club County Fair Pre and Post Fair Work Performing Arts Bio Form 60
Schedules 12 Clothing and Fashion Revue Bio Form 61
4-H Food Stands Club Work Schedule 12 Static/General Project s Description
4-H Club Food Stand Coordinator Role 13 and Resources 62
4-H Club Food Stand Work Sheet 14 State Fair Eligibility 88
Redwood County Fair Events Schedule 15 Project Release Protocol and Rules 90
Static/General Project Judging Schedule 17 Sick/Injured Animal Project Release Protocol and
Animal Science Show and Judging Schedule 18 Rules 90
Animal Science Post County Fair Judging Auction Booster Scholarship Information and
Schedule - Dog Project 19 Application 91
Fair Entry Help Sheet 20 Cloverbud And Competition Fact Sheet 93
Animal Science Project Premium Book Rules and Graduation From 4-H Form 97
Guidelines 26
4-H Project Resources
Project Resources Location Link
Animal Science Project Minnesota 4-H https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/4-h-animal-science/home
Blue Ribbon Project Minnesota 4-H https://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/handle/11299/48990/
Demonstration Tool Kit
Dog Project Pages RC Website https://local.extension.umn.edu/local/redwood/4-h
Fair Entry Minnesota 4-H https://extension.umn.edu/4-h-animal-science-projects/4-h-
R Website
Downloads https://local.extension.umn.edu/local/redwood/4-
Horse Project Pages Minnesota 4-H https://extension.umn.edu/4-h-animal-science-projects/4-h-
Judging Tips RC Website
Downloads https://local.extension.umn.edu/local/redwood/4-h
Minnesota 4-H https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yyV9cDlX4vA_QNeBG
4-H MN State Fair & Minnesota 4-H
Premium Book https://extension.umn.edu/4-h-events/4-h-minnesota-state-
4-H State Fair Resource Minnesota 4-H
Page Minnesota 4-H https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/4-h-at-fairs/
Out Door Adventures (SSW) https://extension.umn.edu/what-4-h/4-h-outdoor-adventures-
Project Pages projects
Static/General Project Pages Minnesota 4-H https://extension.umn.edu/4-h/4-h-projects
Redwood County Fair Dates/Deadlines
Topic Deadline Resource
Market Beef and Dairy Steer February 15 https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/4-h-animal-science/animal-id
Animal ID
Auction Booster Scholarships May 3 https://local.extension.umn.edu/local/redwood/4-h
(pg 91) May 15 Mail to 403 S Mill St, Redwood Falls Mn 56283
All Other Animals https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/4-h-animal-science/animal-id
(except pets)
Fair Entry Opens May 16 - Opens redwoodmn.fairentry.com
Fair Entry Closes June 12 – All projects for county fair must be entered into fair entry by 11:59
Closes pm 6/12/2019
4-H Enrollment Activation
October 2018 Mn.4honline.com
Auction Participants:
Auction Bio and Signatures July 1 Mail or email [email protected]
Friday July 19 We need your placement, award, ribbon information
County Fair Info 5:00 pm 4-H Sheep participants must report immediately following the sheep
Due Office show
State Fair Trip Acceptance Saturday July Exhibit Building
and Packet/Payment Turn In 20
5:00 pm 4-H
4-H Families needing assistance are welcome to call us at the 4-H Extension Office 507-637-4025. We will have
office hours at the Redwood County Fair as well. All questions are welcome!
Redwood County - 4-H Competitive Events: Deadlines, Consequences and Exemptions
This document is designed to assist 4-H members, families and 4-H staff in understanding state and county 4-H individual competitive event deadlines, consequences applied to each situation/deadline, and the
use of the one-time exemption to remove all consequences for a single situation/deadline. County fair purple State fair or state trip County fair County fair County fair rate-of-gain
County fair ribbon and
4-H event participation premium ribbon eligibility advancement auction showmanship and awards
Not eligible3,4 Not eligible3.4 El i gi bl e
Membership enrollment or Youth must be enrolled as 4-H Eligible to exhibit for El i gi bl e Eligible (as long as
Not eligible3,5,6 Not eligible3,5,6 El i gi bl e
re-enrollment received after members prior to participating blue, red or white appropriate process for
Animal Science ID received Youth must be enrolled as 4-H Eligible to exhibit for El i gi bl e Eligible (as long as
Faaftier r edgeiastdrlainteio(nFerebc1e5ivefodr members to identify a 4-H blue, red or white appropriate process for
after county's pre-entry Youth must be enrolled as 4-H Eligible to exhibit for Not eligible3,4 Not eligible3,4 El i gi bl e El i gi bl e Eligible (as long as
deadline members and accepted in blue, red or white appropriate process for
State Fair trip acceptance Y4oHuOtnhlminuesttobreegeinsrtoelrlefodrafsai4r-.H1 Epliagciibnlge atondexrheilbaittefdor Eligible Not eligible until full Eligible El i gi bl e Ewleigigibhl-ein is followed)
received after State Fair Trip members and accepted in blue, red or white trip lineup has been
placing and related depl eted.8
Oactcheeprtaconucentdyeianddlivniedual 4HOnline to register for fair.1 rEilbigbiobnleptroemexihuimbi.t for Not Eligible
competitive event Youth must be enrolled as 4-H Not Eligible Not Not applicable Not applicable
registration received after members prior to participating blue, red or white applicable
deadline in any 4-H event.1,2 placing and related
ribbon premium.
1. Youth may enroll in project areas at any time. However, to be eligible to exhibit at the county fair with full privileges the information in the Competitive Event Table must be met.
2. For youth enrolling in 4-H for the first time and/or joining clubs or programs organized after the May 15 deadline, enrollment will be received for a period of one calendar week after the group is
organized. Because of the animal science ID deadlines, youth enrolling after May 15 will not be able to exhibit in animal science projects with full privileges.
3. 4-H member may choose to utilize their one-time exemption recognizing that they have missed a 4-H deadline and waive all consequences for that deadline. The one-time exemption applies for the
career of the 4-H member and transfers among Minnesota counties.
4. The one-time exemption form must be submitted with the late enrollment or late registration form.
5. For Animal Science ID deadline, the 4-H member has one calendar week after set deadline to turn in, to the Extension Office, the animal ID form and the one-time exemption form. (The animal must be
owned by deadline.)
6. When a 4-H member uses their exemption for a late ID, then the animal(s) being ID'ed may only be shown by that same 4-H member at a 4-H county and/or state 4-H event. The late ID'ed animal(s)
cannot be exhibited by another sibling at a 4-H event during the current 4-H year.
7. If the county determines the 4-H member is "not eligible," this consequence is removed, if the youth chooses to use the one-time exemption.
8. Grievance procedures and one-time exemptions are not allowed when possible outcome could affect another youth (e.g. State Fair trip acceptance deadline.)
9. Central County ID options: 1) Attend designated county ID with animal(s); 2) Make arrangements with someone else to ID animal(s) at designated date/place; 3) Make arrangements with 4-H Program
Staff to attend another county's central ID date (not elibile for rate of gain); 4) Use one-time exemption and identify own animal(s). (Arrangements must be made with 4-H Program Staff prior to
identifying own animals; not eligible for rate of gain.)
Exemption process originally implemented 10/1/13; updated 10/1/14, 1/27/17
Navigating Redwood County Fair
Color coded to following Static Judging Day map
First: Go To fair entry to register your projects. The link is provided above. This guide will help you determine what
project areas to sign up for. Deadlines are in place for when to register your projects.
Next: Once you get to the fair go to the registration desk. On Static Judging Night (Tuesday) it is in the front of the Exhibit
Building. If you are first coming on Thursday morning check in with your superintendent first then check in at the 4-H office
in the back of the 4-H Exhibit Building. Here you will be given your project entry cards.
What if I didn’t get all my projects done? Not a problem. Simply turn your project cards back into the registration area.
We call those dropped project cards. It is important we get those back to alert the judges not to expect you.
What else is available at the Registration Desk?
Wristbands for our 4-H’ers are provided by a local business. Wristbands for fair entry have been provided by local
business and at the time of this printing this gift has not been secured yet. Wristbands for parents are available for
sale at $10 each.
4-H families may purchase meal tickets for the Clover Café and Lil’Buds food stands
T-shirts provided by Corn and Soybean Growers and their Check-Offs
5 Gallon buckets provided by Runnings
Boerboom is providing buckets to our animal science participants as well. Boerboom wishes to meet and greet 4-H
members and they will be available during the fair.
My Second Step?
You may choose to visit which ever project judge you wish. Remember to smile, introduce yourself and your project, and
thank the judge for their time when you have completed your time with that judge.
How Long Do I Have To Get My Projects Judged?
Our judging opens at 3:00 pm closes at 7:30 pm. If you are in line waiting to be judged at 7:30 pm you will be fine. Judges
will take their supper break from 5:00-5:30 pm.
What Do I Do With My Project When I Am Done With Judging?
Bring your project and project entry card to one of the project check-in tables. Here you will have your project
scanned and be given the ribbon you earned on this project. This year we are asking you to place your own project
for display. We will have volunteers to direct and assist you as needed.
Can I Help After I Am Done With Judging?
YES! It takes a village to get our exhibit building ready. We will take all the help we can. We also need help tearing
down the Poultry Barn so they can get ready for their shows. Help is much appreciated!
I Need Help. Who Do I Ask?
Anyone in a 4-H or Extension Shirt will help, and most adults who are volunteering with judging night will be able to help
too. Registration Desk and 4-H Office are also good places to find help. Please ask questions!
Is Food Available?
Yes, Lil’ Buds food stand will be open for business. We have a small menu and this year will have cold stone creamery
there too for judging night.
How Do Wristbands Work and Meal Tickets Work?
Wristbands: The last couple years Farmers Union Industries sponsors 4-H and provides wristbands for
all 4-H youth who are participating in the fair (projects and/or volunteering). All other needed wristbands
are $10 each. This is a discounted price for 4-H families only. Please remember to thank Farmer Union
Industries for their past support! At the time of this printing a sponsor for wristbands has not been secured.
We will keep you posted!
Meal tickets are available for purchase and kept at the Clover Café. This is helpful for
participants who remain at the fair much of the day and need to eat on the fair grounds. These
can be purchased at any point during the fair. We do not refund surplus funds.
T-Shirts can be picked up either before or after judging. The Corn and Soybean Growers and Check-Offs
supply us with the t-Shirts. Please thank them! You included a size with your County Fair Registration. If
your shirt ordered is the wrong size we may be able to exchange them toward the end of the evening.
July 17-21, 2019
Static Judging Day Map North
Poultry & Rabbit Barn 4-H Exhibit Building West East
Biology, Entomology, Crafts and Fine
Geology, Exploring the Vet Arts After 4-H
Environment, Water and Science, Judging Office
Wetlands, Forest Resources, Pets, Community Pride, Bring Your
Wildlife, Exploring Club Projects, Project Here
Fishing Sports, Shooting Animals, Youth Leadership, Check-in,
Sports, Wildlife Management Dog, Cat, Computers, Global Ribbon
Horse Connections, Pick-Up
Vegetable Garden, Potatoes, Related, Child and Family
Fruit, Horseless Development, Photo
Horse Consumer graph
Club Flower Box, Education, Home y and
Flower Gardening, Indoor Small Environment,
Grains, Needle Arts Video
Gardening, Lawn and Legumes,
Landscaping Plant and
Red Barn Shop and Wood REGISTRATIONAfter Judging Bring Your
Science, Small Project Here Check-in,
Cloverbud Ribbon Pick-Up
Judging Engines,
Aerospace, T-Shirt & Bucket
Bicycle, Pick-Up
Health and
Safety, Tractor,
Grain Lil’ Buds Clover Café and Deck
Bin Food Stand
Foods Revue Judging 7 pm
Salads, Subway, Pizza,
Ice Cream, Beverages Foods, Nutrition, Pastry, &
Preservation Judging
Refrigeration/Microwaves 8
Available If Needed
Project Display Map State Fair 4-H Office
Exhibit Building Registration
Crafts and Fine Arts
Club Booth Consumer Vet Glass Clothing and Textiles
Club Booth Education Science, Case
Club Booth
Club Booth Community Child and Pets, Needle Arts
Club Booth Pride, Family Exploring Food and
Club Booth Citizenship Animals, Nutrition, Pastries,
Club Projects, Developme Preservation
Youth nt. Horse
Leadership, Table Display
Computers, Home Biology,
Global Environment Entomology, Aerospace
Connections Forest, Exploring Electric, Robotics,
Environment, ,
Vegetable Indoor Water, Wetlands, Engineering
Garden, Gardening Forest, Wildlife,
Potatoes, Lawn and Fishing, Shooting Cloverbud Corner
Fruit, Sports, Stage
Flower Small Champion Items
Gardenin Grains, Seating After Judging is
Legumes Area
g, Plant and Complete
Soil Science
Bicycle, Tractor Health and Safety,
Shop, Wood Science, Small Engines
Club Flower 9
4-H County Fair Project Exhibitors: will earn a premium based on the judges ribbon placing following your judging event.
Exhibitors are paid their premium through their 4-H Club. Redwood County Fair Board will write a check to your club.
This typically happens either August or September.
One Check. One check per club will be issued from the Redwood County Fair Board. Clubs will then issue checks to
Project Area Blue Red White
Booth/Banner ............................$7.00 5.00 4.00
Cloverbud / Participation..................2.00
Demonstrations ..............................7.00 5.00 4.00
Showmanship ..............................5.00 (Champion & Reserve only)
Mechanical Sciences .......................3.00 2.50 1.00
Engineering Design, RG……………3.00 2.50 1.00
Personal Growth & Dvlp ................3.00 2.50 1.00
Expressive Arts ..............................3.00 2.50 1.00
Family & Consumer Sci ...................3.00 2.50 1.00
Natural Sciences..............................3.00 2.50 1.00
Plant & Soil Sciences.......................3.00 2.50 1.00
Veterinary Science, Sci of Animals..3.00 2.50 1.00
Exploring Animals ............................3.00 2.50 1.00
Cat, Pet, Dog Displays.....................3.00 2.50 1.00
Beef, Sheep, Swine, Meat Goat ......7.00 5.00 4.00
Dairy, Dairy Goats ...........................7.00 5.00 4.00
Horse & Dog ..................................7.00 5.00 4.00
Poultry, Rabbits, Lamas...................7.00 5.00 4.00
What the Ribbon Colors Mean
Purple. The exhibit meets all standards. The exhibitor has shown complete understanding of what, how, and why the exhibit
was done, and has a thorough knowledge of the subject. The exhibit and workmanship are extraordinary and need no
Blue. The exhibit meets most standards. The exhibitor can explain what, how, and why the exhibit was done and has a good
knowledge of the subject. The exhibit is well organized and well done.
Red. The exhibit meets some standards. The exhibitor can somewhat explain what, how, and why the exhibit was done and
has a fair knowledge of the subject. Some improvements may be needed on the exhibit.
White. The exhibit meets few standards and lacks the quality of other exhibits. The exhibitor cannot adequately explain the
what, how, and why of the exhibit. Possibly they have overlooked a safety flaw. Improvement is needed in either the exhibit,
the knowledge of the subject, or both.
Participation. A red/white/blue-striped ribbon is awarded for participation. Project areas that are awarded participation ribbons
are not considered for blue, red, or white ribbons. They may or may not be considered for a purple ribbon.
Multi-color. This ribbon is used for our Cloverbuds during their judging process. Cloverbuds are not part of the competitive
judging process. The judges working with our Cloverbuds focus on participation in conversation, reporting on their project,
and encouragement for continuation in their project areas.
4-H Club Work Schedules
Pre-Fair Clean-Up
Post-Fair Clean-Up
Food Stand Work Schedules
Pre-Fair Clean-Up: 6:00 pm July 10, 2019
Club Assignment Bring
Springdale Climbers
Golden Gophers Grounds Crew Garbage Bags, gloves, rakes, weed
Show Arena Shade whips
Lamberton Leprechauns
Sunktanka & Gloria Dei Riders Exhibit Building Set-up/Clean-up Cleaning buckets, cleaner, Window
Stage Set-Up Cleaner, Barn or Industrial size
Brooms, Dusters (to get at spider and
cob webs out of the glass cases)
Barns and Sheep Area Clean Up Brooms, rakes, garbage bags,
Show Arena Clean-Up Cleaning Supplies in Food Stand
Food Stand and Lil’ Buds
Post-Fair Clean-up: 7:00 pm July 21, 2019 Bring
Club Assignment Cleaning supplies in Food Stand
Vesta Vikings Exhibit Building Clean-Up Cleaning supplies in Food Stand
Brooms, Shovels,
Shooting Sports Food Stand
Milroy Go-Getters Exhibit Building Stage
Valley Blazers Food Stand Inventory and Lil’Buds
Animal Science Participants Barn Clean Up
Food Stand 4-H Club Work Schedules Both Stands Open 10:30 am – 9:00 pm
Date Time Club
Tuesday July 16 3:30-7:30 pm Gloria Dei Riders – Lil’ Buds
Wednesday July 17 5:00 – 8:00 pm AIS Robotics Team – Lil’ Buds
Thursday July 18 9:00 – 3:00 pm Valley Blazers
Thursday July 18 3:00 – 9:00 pm Springdale Climbers
Friday July 19 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Vesta Vikings
Friday July 19 3:00 – 9:00 pm Milroy Go-Getters
Saturday July 20 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Sunktanka
Saturday July 20 3:00 – 9:00 pm Golden Gophers
Sunday July 21 8:00 – 3:00 Lamberton Leprechauns
Sunday July 21 3:00 pm – Close Shooting Sports and Wildlife plus Clean-Up
Role Description
4-H Club Food Stand Coordinator
Location: Redwood County Fair
All Minnesota 4-H volunteers must successfully complete the volunteer screening process and orientation,
which explains the policies, expectations, and vision of serving as a 4-H volunteer. All 4-H volunteers should
genuinely enjoy young people and be committed to working in partnership with the University of Minnesota to
ensure their positive growth and development. In return, the Extension Center for Youth Development staff will
provide access to local, regional, and statewide training, share appropriate curriculum, coach and offer feedback
for success, and be open to program growth and improvement.
● Support the positive growth and development of each youth involved through working at the Food
● Create opportunities for youth to learn, lead and serve as they develop life skills such as customer
service, food safety, communication, and citizenship - the importance of supporting their 4-H
● Involve youth in becoming competent, caring and connected citizens of character in their community.
Time required
● 1 month, approximately 6-8 hours of time including your work in the food stand.
● Work with club families to sign up for shifts to work in the food stand during your club assigned shift.
● Assist club members and families to work alternative dates and times if your assigned shift does not
work for them. Example; club member has a species show during your assigned food stand shift.
● Meet with Food Stand Manager at the beginning of shift to get instructions for your shift (or designatee)
● Ensure club members are signed in and sign in sheet is given to 4-H Office.
● Work with club members/food stand workers to ensure food safety practices such as hand washing, hair
pulled back, appropriate footwear rules are followed.
This role is ideal for individuals who have
● Desire to take on a short term leadership role for your 4-H club
● Strong interpersonal skills, good at communicating with youth, parents and volunteers
● Experience working with youth and families
● Training to enhance personal skills and knowledge
● Role model need and benefit of contributing to your community
Food Stand Worksheet
4-H Club:___________________________________________________________________________
Food Stand Coordinator: __________________________________________________________________
Food Stand Coordinator Contact Phone: ______________________________________________________
Shift Assigned: __________________________________________________________________________
Cashier (must be 18 or older and have advanced skills in handling money)
Shift One: _______________________________________________________________________________
Shift Two: _______________________________________________________________________________
Shift One: Time:_________________ (Include Name and Phone Numbers)
Dishes Steam Table Service Clearing Tables Grill Master Prep Area Garbage Duty
& Refilling
Shift Two: Time:________________ (Include Name and Phone Numbers)
Dishes Steam Table Service Clearing Tables Grill Master Prep Area Garbage Duty
& Refilling
Food Stand Coordinators may schedule as many volunteers as desired. We recommend 1 adult to 3-4 youth ratio
Clubs may choose to split shift by 2 or work entire shift. Worksheet is a sample
All workers must sign in when working. Food Stand Coordinator must turn in their schedule to 4-H Office prior to fair
Redwood County 4-H Events Schedule
Rabbit Agility Workshop Saturday July 20 Show Arena
4 pm
Pancake Breakfast Sunday July 21 Clover Cafe
9 am – 12noon
Fashion Show and Court of Honor Sunday July 21 4-H Exhibit Building
Awards 12 Noon – Practice
1:00 pm Fashion Show
4-H Volley Ball Sunday July 21 TBD
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Static/General Awards Ceremony Sunday July 21 4-H Exhibit Building
4:30 pm
4-H Selfie Contest Winners Sunday July 21 4-H Exhibit Building
Announced 4:30 pm
4-H Graduates Recognition Sunday July 21 4-H Exhibit Building
5:30 pm
State Fair Orientation Sunday July 21 4-H Exhibit Building
6:00 pm
4-H Food Overstock Sale Sunday July 21 6:30 pm Clover Café
4-H Event Descriptions
Rabbit Agility Workshop: Fun event led by Kandiyohi 4-H’er Rabbit Project member. This event currently runs as an
exhibition event in Minnesota 4-H. Come see what it is all about! Good for people of all ages to attend. Considering
starting in the Rabbit Project? This free event is for you to come explore and ask questions!
Pancake Breakfast: This event happens Sunday morning of county fair. It is our only public fundraiser for Redwood
County 4-H Endowment Fund at this time.
Fashion Show and Court of Honor: Youth participating in the Fashion Revue project members are judged on Monday
morning of Redwood County Fair. This group of people will be ranked by the clothing judges and placed in a Court of
Honor. The award is given during the Redwood County 4-H Fashion Show. The Fashion Show is a popular event on
Sunday afternoon in the 4-H Exhibit Building Stage Area. All clothing project members are welcome to participate.
Participation is awarded with a $2 premium. Never been in a fashion show? Great! Let this year be your first!!
4-H Volleyball: New tradition started 2018 by Golden Gophers 4-H Club. Youth will gather to play volleyball Sunday
afternoon for fun and to close out our County Fair in style. All are welcome to participate in this pick up Volleyball game. 4-
H Federation provides bottled water for this event.
Static/General Projects Award Ceremony: Why Static/General? Our new fair entry program introduced the work static in
lieu of the term general. So, to make sure we are all on the same page we use Static/General. The awards ceremony
recognizes 4-H youth and their accomplishments during the county fair season.
4-H Selfie Scavenger Hunt Contest: Sponsored by Redwood County 4-H Junior Ambassadors the 4-H Selfie Scavenger
Hunt will have fun prizes and will be handed out during the awards ceremony.
4-H Graduation Recognition: Each year we like to recognize our 4-H graduates with a small token of good luck with their
next steps outside of 4-H. 4-H graduates are those people who have completed high school or completed their first year of
post highschool 4-H participation often referred to as their “13th” year of 4-H. Did you know our 4-H youth are welcome and
encouraged to remain in our 4-H program one year past high school?
State Fair Orientation: This meeting is required for all attending the Minnesota State Fair. Attendee’s, Chaperones, and
parents/guardians will get their state fair entry passes and meal tickets, review expectations, new programs or guidelines,
and discuss transportation. We will also review your state fair packets as needed to ensure all information is correct. This
is an important meeting please plan to attend. Anticipate 30 minute meeting.
State Fair Chaperones: Please consider becoming a chaperone! We have training available for you and there are
lots of 4-H staff who are available to help once at the state fair too. We are required to provide chaperones for youth
attending the Minnesota State Fair. Redwood County 4-H Federation pays for transportation, lodging on the state
fairgrounds, and meals in the 4-H building. We are required to provide 1 adult for each 10 youth attending. If we do not
have chaperones by Sunday of Redwood County Fair that means the Redwood County 4-H Federation will not be able to
sponsor transportation to the Minnesota State Fair. Youth/parents/guardians will have to find their way to and from their
judging events on their own.
Redwood County Fair Static/General Judging Schedule
Date/Time Location
Clothing, Non-Garment, Monday July 15 First United Methodist Church
Fashion Review & Quilting 8:30 am – 12 Noon 601 Veda Dr, RWF
Performing Arts Judging Monday July 15 Garnette Gardens
Registration 9:30 am 511 S Dekalb St, RWF
Judging Begins 10 am
Static/General Project Judging Tuesday July 16 Redwood County Fairgrounds
– Valley Blazers, Golden 3:00-5:00 pm 201 North Dekalb St, RWF
Gophers, Sunktanka,
Lamberton Leprechauns
Judges Supper Break 5:00 – 5:30 pm Concessions Open for All attending at Lil’ Buds next to
the Exhibit Building
Static/General Project Judging Tuesday July 16
– Milroy go Getters, Vesta 5:30-7:30 pm Redwood County Fairgrounds
Vikings, Springdale Climbers, 201 North Dekalb St RWF
Shooting Sports, Gloria Dei
Foods Review Tuesday July 16 Clover Café Food Stand. Use refrigeration as needed.
Livestock Demonstrations 7:00 pm Tables provided.
Saturday July 20 Show Arena
3:00 pm
Exhibit Building – following Livestock Demonstrations
Saturday July 20
3:30 pm
See Competitive Events Deadlines, Consequences, and Exemptions for details
Animal Science Show and Judging Schedules
Species Date/Time Location
Horse Interviews Tuesday July 16 Horse Barn. You may decorate your stalls at this time
6:00 pm as well.
Rabbit Entry and Interviews Wednesday July 17 Rabbit/Poultry Barn
3:00 Greenish/Blue Bldg across from Show Arena
Poultry Entry and Interviews Wednesday July 17 Rabbit Poultry Barn
5:00-7:00 pm
Rabbit Show Wednesday July 17 Show Arena
6:00 pm
Animal Entry and Check-in Thursday July 18 All Trucks and Trailers OFF grounds by noon
8:00-11:30 am
Horse Show Thursday July 18 Horse Arena located on the north side of fairgrounds
9:00 am May park on fairgrounds until horse show is complete
Poultry Show Thursday July 18 Poultry Barn
10:00 am
Dairy, Goat, and Swine Thursday July 18 Dairy Barn and Swine Barn
Interviews 1:00 pm
Sheep Interviews Thursday July 18 Sheep Barn Area
2:00 pm
Beef Barn Meeting & Beef Thursday July 18 Beef Barn
Interviews 2:45 pm
Goat Show Thursday July 18 Show Arena
3:00 pm
Swine Meeting Thursday July 18 Swine Barn
5:00 pm
Swine Show Thursday July 18 Show Arena
6:00 pm
Beef Show Friday July 19 Show Arena
9:00 am
Dairy Show Friday July 19 Show Arena
11:30 am
Sheep Exhibitors Meeting Friday July 19 Sheep Area
5:00 pm
Auction Report Deadline Friday July 19 4-H Office in Exhibit Building. Sheep report following
5:00 pm Sheep Show
Lamb Lead and Sheep Show Saturday July 20 Show Arena
6:00 pm
Auction Participant Meeting Saturday July 20 Show Arena
8:30 am
Auction Welcome Breakfast Saturday July 20 Show Arena
9:30 am
Auction Saturday July 20 Show Arena
10:00 am
Premiere Show Competition Saturday July 20 Show Arena following Auction
Noon 18
Animal Science Post Fair Judging Schedules
Dog Agility Judging Thursday July 25, 2019 4 pm Redwood County Fairgrounds
Dog Jumpers Judging Thursday July 25, 2019 4 pm Redwood County Fairgrounds
Dog Obedience Judging Saturday July 27, 2019 9 am Redwood County Fairgrounds
Dog Showmanship Judging Saturday July 27, 2019 9 am Redwood County Fairgrounds
Dog Rally Judging Saturday July 27, 2019 9 am Redwood County Fairgrounds
Spectators Welcome. No gate fee’s.
4-H’ers are expected to bring all supplies needed for their dogs, water, water dishes, kennels, etc
4-H’ers be prepared to accept or deny state competition trips immediately following completion of the final dog
FairEntry – detailed instructions for families
Created: March 24, 2016
Updated: April 20, 2018
● In order to register for 4-H at your county fair, each youth must be enrolled as an active
4-H member and you must know (or obtain) your 4HOnline family login (email address and password).
For more information about enrolling and/or obtaining lost login information, go to www.4-
● For county fair information, premium books, dates and more, visit your county website, findable from
When you’re ready to register for the fair, start at the FairEntry URL supplied by your county.
● You can also go to www.fairentry.com and click to “Find your Fair”.
Once you’re at your county’s fair page, proceed as follows:
1. Click on “Sign in with 4HOnline”
This will bring up a popup window
(watch for pop-up blocker notices and/or a hidden
2. This is where you’ll enter your 4HOnline login email
and password (this is another opportunity to request a
forgotten password).
If this is your FIRST TIME logging in, you will see a welcome
screen. (See below for subsequent logins)
● Click “Begin Registration”
● Click on “Individual”
● Click on the 4-H member you are registering
and click on “Continue”
● As you proceed, you may or may not see a question(s) to answer,
depending on your county.
● Click “Continue”
Congratulation! You have now created an Exhibitor profile, which can be reviewed if desired.
Note: Do not “Continue to Payment” and “Submit” the invoice until all entries are registered for all
family members. If you do submit an invoice, you will need to wait until Extension staff have approved
the first invoice before you can create a new invoice and add new entries and/or exhibitors.
The next step is to create entries
● Click “Continue to Entries”, then “Add
an Entry”.
● Select the desired Department.
● Select the desired Division.
● Click on “Choose”
At this point, the registration option you see will depend on the Class being entered:
Option 1 - Selecting from a list of Classes.
Option 2 - Selecting to enter multiple entries (exhibits) in one more Classes at one time.
Option 3 - Selecting a single animal Class and then (in some cases) choosing a specific animal.
Option 4 - Selecting a specific animal, and then entering that animal into one or more Classes.
(See below for details on each option)
In all options, you will at some point see the member’s 4-
H Club displayed.
In some cases, you must “Select” (or change) the club.
Options for doing that may vary, but generally the
suggested club can most easily be selected with a blue
“Select this Club” button. In other cases the club will
already be selected.
OPTION 1 - Selecting from a list of
● Click on “Select” to register one
entry in that Class
OPTION 2 - Selecting to enter multiple entries in one more Classes at one time (IF allowed in the Class)
● Check the box to the left of the desired Class
● Change the Quantity as desired
● Click “Continue”
● Review Entries and then click on “Create Entries”
OPTION 3 - Selecting a single animal Class
and then (in some cases) choosing a specific
● Click on “Select” to register one entry in
the desired Class.
● Click “Continue”
● Select your Club (see above note about
selecting a Club)
● If an animal is required, click
on “Add an animal” to choose
from previously ID’d and
available animals
● Click “Continue”
OPTION 4 - Selecting a specific animal, and then entering that animal into one or more Classes.
● The first step in this option is to select the animal to be entered. (Only one animal at a time can be
entered with this option.)
● If this is the first time entering this particular animal, it must be “added” to the screen, by clicking on
“Add Animal”.
● Once the animal is listed, click on the radio button to select it.
● Then, choose the Class(es) that
this animal will be entered into
● Click on [Continue] to review
● Click on [Create Entries] to
complete the process.
In the process of registering entries,
some entries will have additional
questions you must answer. Follow the
on-screen instructions to complete the questions and proceed with registration.
In some cases you may run into errors or situations
where you cannot proceed. If you see a “blue” button
or information, follow the instructions to complete the
tasks indicated.
There may be situations where you cannot proceed
with your fair entries for some reason or another. For example, you may need to enter an animal that is not
showing up as being available for entry, or you may be unsure about the correct Class to enter. In these cases,
contact your County Extension Staff - contact information can be found at www.extension.umn.edu/county
After successfully completing an entry, you can:
● Click “Add another Entry” to continue adding entries.
● Click “Register another Exhibitor” to change to
another 4-H member in the family.
● Click “Continue to Payment”. (There are no fees or
payments needed, but this step is required to complete
your registration).
Do not proceed to Payment and the Submit the Invoice
(containing all the entries) until all entries and family
members have been registered.
Click “Continue to Payment” to finish, following the steps as prompted to submit the “invoice”.
● Once an invoice has been submitted, Extension staff will review and approve your family’s entries.
Until then you are not able to create additional entries.
● You can log back in at any time to review entries previously created.
When logging back in, you will find your family profile in one of three “invoice statuses”:
Invoice ● You can continue
adding or
submitted, but completing entries
not approved
on that invoice.
● Entries cannot be
changed, but they
can be deleted from
an un-submitted
● New entries not allowed
● Previous entries can be reviewed but cannot be deleted or changed.
Invoice ● You can add new
submitted and entries by starting a
approved new invoice.
● Previously
submitted entries
cannot be deleted or
Click on the fair “Title” to return to your family
Dashboard at any time.
● This is where you’ll be able to find completed/
approved invoices and printable lists of entries.
When working on an invoice, you can often click on any of the navigation buttons even if they are not green.
This can be helpful for going “back and forth” while working on entries.
Animal Science
Science of Ag
Project Area’s
Animal Science General Information
Member Enrollment in 4-H Online:
4-H member must have active 4-H enrollment as evidenced by active status in Minnesota 4-H Online.
4-H members must be enrolled in the livestock project they intend to exhibit.
o To enroll in your animal science project area go to your 4-H online account
o Click on participation tab
o Click on project areas intended for showing
Animal Ownership or Lease:
All animals exhibited must be owned solely by the member, member’s family, or leased by agreement.
The family includes the 4-Her’s parents or guardians and siblings living together as a family unit. The definition of family
includes an extended family where the animals may be owned by grandparents with the 4-Her’s parents actively involved with
working on the farm.
Animals owned in partnership with non-family members (as defined above) must be leased and follow guidelines within the
lease agreement.
Registered animals, not leased, must be registered in the exhibitor’s name and/or the exhibitor’s family name.
Pedigrees will be required for all purebred livestock (dairy, beef, sheep & swine) shown by club members competing for State
Fair trips.
Animal ID Requirements:
Animal ID requirements must be met, completed, and entered into your 4-H online account by May 15th
Market Beef and Dairy Steer animal ID requirements must be met, completed, and entered into your 4-H online
account by February 15
Poultry must be banded upon entry or will be provided a metal band from the Board of Animal Health upon entry.
Poultry must provide health papers received upon purchase of your bird.
See Resources Page for more information
Late ID’s see Competitive Events: Deadlines, Consequences and Exemptions
Cloverbuds DO NOT ID animals for County Fair. Cloverbuds may borrow animals to show at County Fair. Questions
on this should be referred to Redwood County 4-H Program Coordinator or your species superintendents.
Project Enrollment in Fair Entry:
All projects must be enrolled by the established entry deadline
All 4-H Members are expected to sign-up for showmanship in their animal species area. Exhibitors are expected to use their
own exhibit for showmanship.
Every specie will have a Jr. division (grades 3-8) and a Sr. division (grades 9 & up).
If there are more than 8 participants in the Jr. category it will be divided further.
If split, categories will be: Jr. (Gr 3-5); Int. (Gr 6-8).
There must be a minimum of 3 in each class.
Showmanship Dress Code:
Dairy: White pants and top, closed toe shoes
Dairy Goat: Black or Blue pant with white shirt
Horse: Western boots; western hat or helmet; dress or western shirt with long sleeves & collar; dress or western pants or
jeans and belt. (Gloves, vest, jacket or sweater are optional) Chaps & spurs are prohibited. If showing English, use
appropriate English attire.
Rabbit/Poultry: Black Pant/White top, closed toe shoes
Swine, Beef, Sheep:
o A buttoned down shirt or polo top and long pant (no holes please), closed toe shoes.
o Shirt can be long sleeve, ¾ length or short sleeve (not sleeveless).
o Only the top button should be unbuttoned.
o The shirt needs to be tucked in and must be long enough to stay tucked in when bending over. .
o A belt is recommended but not required.
Individuals not meeting the showmanship dress code requirements will not be permitted in the arena. If you have problems getting any
of the items, please contact the Extension Office and we will try to help out.
Livestock Quality Assurance and Ethics Training (LQA & E):
LQA & E is required for youth grades 6 and older and Recommended for youth grades 3-5
Eligibility for State Fair requires youth to have completed Quality Assurance/Ethics Training.
Species within requirement include all youth participating in beef, dairy, sheep, swine, poultry, rabbits, meat goat, dairy goat,
and lama.
Training includes either 3 hour in-person workshop (LQA&E) – good for 3 years, or a 1 hour on-line training (good for 1 year
only) & (YQCA). Youth completing either quality assurance training option will receive a certificate of completion.
LQA & E must be completed PRIOR to Redwood County Fair
Livestock Health Regulations:
Veterinarian for Redwood County Fair: Riverside Animal Clinic
All animal health regulations will be in effect as stipulated by the Minnesota Board of Animal Health and the County
Agricultural Society.
General Health Requirements:
Livestock or poultry known by the exhibitor to have an infectious communicable disease or to have been exposed to an
infectious, communicable disease, or to be from a quarantined herd or flock may not be entered in an exhibition.
Warts and ringworm are considered communicable diseases. Therefore, livestock affected by these diseases cannot be
exhibited. A statement from the veterinarian that an animal is being treated for these diseases is not acceptable.
All livestock will be inspected by the Official Veterinarian on the opening day of the exhibition.
The Official Veterinarian will order the immediate removal from the exhibition premises of any livestock with symptoms of
infectious or communicable diseases. They may not enter the show ring.
This includes livestock with warts or ringworm.
Any quarantined animal cannot be shown
Livestock Species Specific Health Information and Requirements:
o Bovine Tuberculosis
o Cattle housed in Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin are allowed to be transported for exhibition
into Minnesota with proper health certificates and identification.
o Exhibitors must check with individual states regarding transportation back into the state of origin.
o Dairy cattle are not required to have a health certificate.
o Dairy Cattle known by the exhibitor to have an infectious, communicable disease OR to have been exposed to
an infectious communicable disease, OR to be from a quarantined herd may not be entered.
o Dairy Cattle will be inspected by the official Fair Vet on opening day of exhibition and daily thereafter.
o The official Fair Veterinarian will order the immediate removal to the quarantine facility or removal from the
Fairgrounds of any Dairy Cattle with symptoms of an infectious or communicable disease.
o All horses must be negative to an official test for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA)
o Must have a negative Coggins test within 12 months prior to the opening date of the exhibition.
o A test is not required for suckling foals accompanying a negative mare.
o Coggins test must accompany ID Paper by May 15.
Sheep & Goats:
o All sheep and goats, including wethers, must be identified with official identification approved for use in the Scrapie
eradication program.
o Premise ID numbers are required. Information or online registration of premises can be found at
http://www.bah.state.mn.us/bah/nais or call (651)201-6816.
o Swine NOT originating from Minnesota: Must meet the Minnesota importation requirements in addition to the
requirements outlined in this summary.
o The Certificate of Veterinary Inspection must list the name of the exhibition as consignee. Certificates will be
accepted if examination and tests are conducted within 90 days prior to the exhibition.
o The Gp 1ELISA test is approved for importation of swine.
o Swine which must be tested and individually identified by ear tag number, tattoo number, registry number or other
identification satisfactory to the Minnesota Board of Animal Health.
o Premise ID numbers are required. Information or online registration of premises can be found at
http://www.bah.state.mn.us/bah/nais or call (651)201-6816.
o All chicken, guineas, turkey exhibitors must have a “Statement of Origin” indicating their bird is from a Pullorum-
Typhoid free flock within 12 months prior to entry day.
o If you do not have a “Statement of Origin”, you must provide a Minnesota State Board of Animal Health Certificate
stating that your bird tested negative at the Pullorum-Typhoid test.
No health certificates are required for waterfowl or pigeons.
Rabbit: No unhealthy animals will be allowed to show. They will be sent home (no premiums).
Dog & Cat: Dogs & cats over six months of age must be accompanied by a certificate of rabies vaccine issued by a licensed
veterinarian. Dogs must be 6 months old to participate in the Dog Training Program.
Imported Animals:
o All imported animals must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection and meet the Board’s importation
Animal Entry into Redwood County Fair:
Rabbit and Poultry enter Wednesday of County Fair. Exhibitors should check in with their species superintendent
Poultry Exhibitors must present the health papers AKA Statement of Origin Papers upon entry. 4-H Office will make copies for
the Vet inspecting our animals and will upload the papers to the MN 4-H website for state fair winners. Health papers will be
returned to the exhibitor prior to project dismissal on Sunday of County Fair.
All other animals enter Thursday morning between 8 am and 11:30 am and exhibitors should check in with their species
All Species will be checked (weight, ID, etc) when they arrive on the fairground on entry day.
All Trucks and Trailers must be off fairground property by 12 Noon on Thursday
Horses may keep their truck and trailers on grounds until completion of the horse show Thursday afternoon.
Parking for trucks and trailers is located in the grass parking area across from the north entrance of the fairgrounds. Trailers
should be parked on the far north side of the parking area (nearest to the baseball field) lined up “front to back” but not on the
sidewalk. . Please put wood or similar under your hitches.
Suggest trailers and supplies left in trailers be locked up.
Animal Care Expected During Redwood County Fair:
No horns on Dairy Steers or Dairy Animals
Bedding – Dairy, Sheep, Swine, Beef, Rabbit, and Poultry will be provided wood shavings. Families are welcome to bring
their own if that is your preference.
Horse Exhibitors must use wood chips
4-H’ers exhibiting at County Fair are responsible for the care, feeding, and watering of your animals.
4-H’ers exhibiting must have a plan to keep animals comfortable during hot weather. Such as frozen water bottles for rabbits,
fans, plenty of water, etc.
Herdsmanship – It is the responsibility of the superintendent, members and parents to have the buildings and animals
presentable to the public.
Exhibitors are expected to speak to the public when asked questions and help educate fair guests in your project area.
Upon animal release 4-H exhibitors are expected to stay and help clean the barns prior to leaving the fair for home.
Grooming and Fitting:
All grooming of livestock, including clipping, trimming and blocking (all species) must be clearly done by the exhibitor,
members of the immediate family or any other registered Minnesota 4-H member.
Immediate family members are defined as being parents, step parents, legal guardians, grandparents, brothers or sisters.
The 4-Her exhibiting the animal should be present and involved in the fitting process at the fair. This is an opportunity to learn,
practice, and/or teach new skills.
Animal Science Superintendents
Species Contact Name Information
Beef and Dairy Steer Contact Redwood County 4-H 507-637-4025
Beef and Dairy Steer
Goat Dairy, Meat, Market
Redwood County 4-H Livestock Ribbon Auction
Participation Requirements: https://local.extension.umn.edu/local/redwood/4-h Downloads section.
2019 Ribbon Auction Sign up Form
1. Due 7/1/2019 or earlier. Complete the Auction Sign Up Form and Submit via Email or mail is accepted prior to
County Fair attendance. Email: [email protected] or Mail: PO Box 130, 403 South Mill Street, Redwood Falls
Mn 56283.
2. This form will be kept on file in the 4-H Office at County Fair.
3. Members at the completion of their animal show(s) must report to the 4-H Office Staff which animal you
intend to take to the Ribbon Auction.
4. NO additions or changes will be accepted after the final call Friday evening at 5 pm with exception of sheep species
participants due to the timing of their show.
Eligibility: You qualify to participate in the Redwood County 4-H Blue Ribbon Auction IF:
o You are in Grade 3 or older. You must show your own animal to go through the auction.
o You have received a Red Ribbon placing or better
o Your species must qualify as livestock: Beef, Dairy, Goat, Sheep, Rabbit, Poultry, Swine
o You have personally made 2 contacts/invitations to attend the Redwood County Ribbon Auction. This is a
requirement for all auction participants.
o You have attended the Auction Participant Training Program for those in grades 3-completion of 10th grade.
Member Name: ____________________________________________________
Contact Signature: __________________________________________________
Auction Contact Name and Address: ___________________________________
Contact Signature: __________________________________________________
Auction Contact Name and Address: ____________________________________
Auction Participant Training Participated In: _____________________________
Record Invitation at Sign Up Genius:
This will help other know who to contact and who has been invited. Thank You
Announcer Form:
Member Name: _______________________________________________________
Grade: ________ Club: __________________________________ Yrs. In 4-H _____
Parents: ____________________________________________________________
Species for Auction: ___________________________________________________
Show Placement Awarded:_______________________________________________
Show Ribbon Awarded: _________________________________________________
Awards at 2019 County Fair: _____________________________________________
Outside Interests: ______________________________________________________
Favorite thing about 4-H:
Submit This Form To 4-H Office By July 1, 2019
Updates to this form are allowed following your species show and
are due by 5 pm Friday July 19, 2019
BEEF – Interviews – 3:00 p.m. Thursday
Resource: https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/4-h-animal-science/home
Birth Dates
Spring Calf....................... Jan 1 – Apr 30, 2019
Fall Calf ........................... Sept.1-Dec. 31, 2018
Summer yearling.............. May 1-Aug. 31, 2018
Junior yearling ................. Jan. 1-April 30, 2018
Senior yearling................. Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2017
Cow/Calf .......................... Calf born on or after Jan. 1, 2019
Prospect Calf ................... Jan. 1-April 30, 2019
Market Beef ..................... Born on or after January 1 to August 31 of
Market Heifer ................... Born on or after January 1 to August 31 of
Dairy Steer....................... Born on or after January 1 to August 31 of 2018
**Judging classes will be according to weight. Calves must be weighed upon unloading.
Use the following Classes, with the Divisions (breeds) and birth dates above, to indicate the age of your project
Breeding Heifer Registered - All Breeds Breeding Heifer Commercial – All Breeds
A - 1- 1* Spring Calf A – 1 - 6* Spring Calf
A - 1- 2* Fall Calf A – 1 - 7* Fall Calf
A - 1- 3* Summer Yearling A – 1 - 8* Summer Yearling
A - 1 - 4* Junior Yearling A – 1 - 9* Junior Yearling
A – 1 - 5* Senior Yearling A – 1 - 10* Senior Yearling
A-1-11* Calf (Spring & Fall calf - all breeds)
A – 7 - 1* Cow and Calf pair A – 9 - 1* Heifer Calf
A – 9 - 2* Steer Calf
- Both Cow and the Calf are exhibited. A – 9 – 3 Dairy Steer Calf - County Fair Only Project
- Calves must be born on/after January 1, 2019.
- Calves are encouraged to be enrolled and shown in - Prospect Market Calves and Spring Calves no longer
need to come from a cow/calf project
the Prospect Calf or Spring Calf classes
- Another 4-H member or immediate family member - Prospect Calves and Spring Calves may be a part of
cow/calf pair exhibit at the county level and still be
must be in the show ring. eligible for State Fair.
- Judged in Show Ring
- Beef heifer ownership ID forms and/or lease agreements must be on file in the Regional Extension 4-H Office by May
15th of the current year.
- If more than 1 state fair trip is earned the participant can choose the animal they want to bring. The animal chosen
MUST be at the county fair.
All beef must check arrive on the fairgrounds no later than noon, check-in and weigh-in is 11 am – 1 pm
A - 3 - 1* Market Steer Requirements:
A – 3 - 2* Market Heifer - All Market Beef/Dairy Steers must cross the scale to be weighed and have
their ID checked when arriving for entry at the fair.
- Recommended minimum weight for State Fair is 1,000 pounds;
recommended maximum weight is 1,500 lbs.
- Market animals exceeding the maximum weight will not be Purple Ribbon
eligible for State fair.
DAIRY STEER Requirements:
A – 5 - 1* Purebred Dairy Steer -Recommended minimum weight for State Fair is 1,000 pounds; Recommended
(no reg. papers maximum weight is 1,600 lbs.
required) -Market animals exceeding the maximum weight will not be Purple Ribbon eligible for
State fair.
A – 5 – 2* Crossbred Dairy -Pure Breed Dairy Steers must be 100% dairy breed. These breeds will be accepted
Steer without registration papers: Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein and Jersey.
Milking Shorthorn dairy steers must be registered with American Milking Shorthorn
Society and not carry the “S” suffix.
-Dairy Steers showing permanent teeth may be shown, but they can place no higher
than a red ribbon, and they will not be eligible for State Fair or auction.
-A Crossbred Dairy Steer division has been added. Crossbred Dairy Steers must be
from the following breeds in any combination: Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey,
Holstein, Jersey, Milking Shorthorn, Montebeliards, Normande dairy, Red & White,
Norwegian Red and Viking Red (Swedish, Danish & Finnish Red)
A – 60 – 1 Grades 9+ A – 80 – 1 Cloverbud Beef
A – 60 – 2 Grades 6-8 A – 80 – 2 Cloverbud Beef Poster – judged at Static/General Judging on Tuesday
A – 60 – 3 Grades 3-5
Beef Trips:
- There are no additional trips added for dairy steers, cow /calf or prospect calf.
- All beef will be included in one state fair line up with the highest quality animals going to the State Fair.
- For Example: If we are awarded 7 state fair trips, recipients could consist of 7 market beef only. Another
scenario would be if 3 cow/calf, 2 dairy steers, one breeding beef and one market beef are the top animals, then
they would receive the trips. The trips can be a combination of the best animals (breeding, market, dairy steer,
cow/calf or prospect calf) to represent Redwood County at the State Fair.
DAIRY – Interviews – 1:00 p.m. Thursday
Birth Dates:
Winter calf........................ Dec l, 2018 to Feb 28, 2019
Fall calf ........................... Sept l to Nov 30, 2018
Summer Junior Yearling .. June 1 to August 31, 2018
Spring Junior Yearling ..... March 1 to May 31, 2018
Winter Senior Yearling..... Dec 1, 2017 to Feb 29, 2018
Fall Senior Yearling ........ Sept 1 to Nov 30, 2017
Junior 2 year old .............. March 1, to Aug 31, 2017
Senior 2 year old.............. Sept 1, 2016 to Feb 28, 2017
Three year old cows ........ Sept 1, 2015 to Aug 31, 2016
Four year old cows .......... Sept 1, 2014 to Aug 31, 2015
Cow, five years & older…………Born before Sept 1, 2014
Use the following Classes, with the Divisions (breeds) and birth dates above, to indicate the age of your project animal(s):
B – 1- Holstein - Registered & Grade - 1* Winter calf
B – 3- Colored Breeds - Registered & Grade - 2* Fall calf
- 3* Summer Junior Yearling (all breeds)
- 4* Spring Jr. Yearling (all breeds)
- 5* Winter Sr. Yearling (all breeds)
-6* Fall Sr. Yearling (all breeds)
- 7* 2-yr old
- 9* Cow - three years and older - all breeds
- 11* Cow, 5 years & older-all breeds
-12* Dry Cow
- Senior Yearlings that have calved must compete in the two-year-old cow class.
-Showmanship must use winter calf or older
B – 80 – 1 Cloverbud Dairy B – 60 – 1 Grades 9 +
B – 80 – 2 Cloverbud Dairy Poster B – 60 – 2 Grades 6-8
B – 60 – 3 Grades 3-5
DAIRY POSTERS Posters are Sponsored by
R-510-4 Grade 9+
R-510-5 Grade 6-8 Redwood County American Dairy Association
R-510-6 Grade 5 & Under -Limit 1 exhibit per person – County Only Project
-Posters should be 14” x 22” and promote the dairy
industry. Posters will be displayed in the Dairy Building.
-You will receive a free malt from the Dairy Association.
-No Premiums associated with this project.
Resource: https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/4-h-animal-science/home
GOAT DAIRY-Interviews – 1:00 p.m. Thursday
Note that only 3 Goats per Class with a maximum of 8 total animals per 4-H’er are allowed
Resource: https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/4-h-animal-science/home
Junior Doe Kid ........................April 1 to June 30, 2019
Senior Doe Kid........................January 1 to March 31, 2019
Dry Yearling Doe ....................Born in 2018
Milking Yearling Doe...............Born in 2018
Milking two-year old Doe.........Born in 2017
Milking three-year old Doe…………. Born in 2015 or 2016
Milking four-year old Doe……………Born before 2015
Milking five-year old & older Doe….. Born Before 2014
NOTE: For safety reasons all dairy goats must be debudded/dehorned. Regrowth of less than ONE INCH is allowed.
D–4 - 1* Junior Doe Kid
-Registered, Recorded Grade, - 2* Senior Doe Kid
-Unrecorded Grade and Combined - 3* Dry Yearling Doe
-Must be dairy breeds or cross of dairy breed - 4* Milking Yearling Doe
- 5* Milking Two Year Old Doe
DAIRY GOAT – CLOVERBUD - 6* Milking Doe – Three to Four Years Old
D – 80 – 1 Cloverbud Dairy Goat - 7* Milking doe – Five Years old
D – 80 – 2 Cloverbud Dairy Goat Poster – judged at - 8* Milking Doe – 6+ Years Old
Static/General Judging on Tuesday
Dairy Goat Showmanship
D – 60 – 1 Grades 9+
D – 60 – 2 Grades 6-8
D – 60 – 3 Grades 3-5
Use the following Classes, with the Divisions and birth dates above, to indicate the age of your project animal(s):
GOAT MEAT - Interviews-Thursday 1:00 p.m.
Pygmy Goats (all breeds) are classed as Meat Goats
Note that only 3 Goats per Class with a maximum of 8 total animals per 4-H’er are allowed
Market Goat................................Dec 1, 201 – April 30, 2019 (Wether or Doe, no bucks)
Dairy Market Goat (Wether)........Dec 1, 2018-April 30, 2019
Sr.Yearling Meat Goat Breeding Doe………Dec 1, 2017 – Feb. 28, 2018 (Registered or Grade – Never kidded)
Jr. Yearling Meat Goat Breeding Doe……March 1, 2018 – May 31, 2018 (Registered or grade – Never kidded)
Fall Yearling Meat Breeding Doe June 1, 2018 - Nov 30, 2018 (never kidded)
Senior Meat Breeding Doe Kid ...Dec 1, 2018 – Feb 28, 2019
Jr. Meat Breeding Doe Kid..........Mar 1, 2019 – May 31, 2019
Requirements: For State Fair
- MARKET animals must be a minimum of 40 pounds but not to exceed a maximum of 110 pounds by state fair
NOTE: For safety reasons, all market goats must be de-horned/disbudded.
- Re-growth must not exceed 1 inch.
- Does shown in market classes must be disbudded in accordance with market animal rules.
- Cut (saws) off horns are not permitted.
- Meat breeding does may have horns and they do not need to be capped or blunted.
- However, if the animal is deemed a safety concern at the discretion of the committee, additional safety
measures may be required.
Market Goat Meat Mkt Goat - Wether Meat Goat Showmanship
E – 20 - 1* Meat Mkt Goat - Doe E – 60 – 1 Grades 9+
E – 20 – 2* Dairy Market Goat - Wether E – 60 – 2 Grades 6-8
E – 20 – 3* Dairy Market Goat – Female E – 60 – 3 Grades 3-
E – 20 – 4* Mkt Goat- Nursing Mkt Doe (Doe/Kid)
E – 20 – 5*
Meat Breeding Doe
D –30 – 1* Meat Goat-Jr. Breeding Doe, Reg. or Grade
D– 30 – 2* Meat Goat-Sr. Breeding Doe, Reg or Grade (Never Kidded)
D – 30 – 43 Meat Goat - Dry Breeding Yrling, Registered or grade
E – 80 – 1 Cloverbud – Meat Goat
E – 80 – 2 Cloverbud – Meat Goat Poster
Resource: https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/4-h-animal-science/home C – 6 - 1 Foundation
- 4-Her must be enrolled in the Dog Project. C – 6 – 2 Beginner
- Dogs in the Redwood County 4-H Dog Project may not be shown in the C – 6 - 3 Graduate Beginner
C – 6 - 4 Novice
Redwood County 4-H Pet Project C – 6 – 5 Graduate Novice
- 4-H’ers – Cloverbuds are eligible for county dog show C – 6 – 6 Pre-Open
- 4-H’ers 3rd grade and up are eligible for county and state dog show. C – 6 – 7 Open
- Must have Dog Identification papers into the Extension Office by May 15. C – 6 – 8 Graduate Open
- Must have a rabies vaccination certification from Vet along with you. C – 6 – 9 Pre-Utility
C – 6 – 10 Utility
C-80-1 – Cloverbud Dog C – 6 – 11 Veterans
C -80-1 Cloverbud Dog Poster C – 6 – 12 Brace
DOG AGILITY C – 6 – 13 4 Dog Team
C – 1 – 1 PreAgility (no state fair trip for kids in Foundation and Beginner)
C – 1 – 2 Agility – Beginner (state fair trip if past 4th grade and must be in up
classes for obedience)
C – 1 – 3 Agility – Elementary (must get a blue in Beginner Agility)
C – 1 – 4 Agility – Intermediate (must get blue in Elementary to advance to this
C – 1 - 5 Agility – Senior (must get blue in Intermediate to advance to this class)
C – 1 – 6 Agility – Advanced (must get blue in Senior to advance to this class)
C – 1 - 10 Agility – Pre-Jumpers (1st year members with NO State dog trip)
C – 1 - 7 Agility – Jumpers 1(must receive blue to move to jumpers 2)
C – 1 - 8 Agility – Jumpers 2(must have blue to move to jumpers 3)
C – 1 – 9 Agility – Jumpers 3
C – 3 – 1 Pre Novice
C – 3 – 2 Novice (must get a blue in Pre Novice)
C – 3 – 3 Pre Advanced (must get a blue in Novice)
C – 3 – 4 Advanced (must get a blue in Pre Advanced)
C – 3 – 5 Excellent (must get a blue in Advanced)
C – 3 – 6 Veterans (for older dogs who can no longer jump)
C – 3 – 7 Foundation (1st year member)
DOG SHOWMANSHIP Novice Showmanship: For youth
**Open to all members in the dog project. that haven’t shown before.
C – 9 - 1 Novice Jr. (Gr. 3-7) Open Showmanship: For youth
C – 9 - 2 Open Jr. (Gr. 3-7)
C – 9 – 3 Novice Sr. (Gr. 8-13) that have shown for at least one
C – 9 – 4 Open Sr. (Gr. 8-13) year.
- 4-H’ers shall exhibit in the classes corresponding to the level of training they and their dog have received.
Definition of Dog Classes
Foundation: A 4-H ‘er and dog in the first year of training at home or in an organized class. The 4-H’er may participate in this class
only once during their 4-H career. All exercises will be performed on leash. Exercises include heal on leash & figure eight, stand for
exam, grooming, recall, and long sit/down. A dog entering this class with more than ten (10) weeks of training in an organized class
prior to enrolling in beginner level 4-H training classes is ineligible. A dog with one leg of its AKC-CD (or equivalent) is ineligible.
Beginner: A 4-H’er with previous obedience training experience who is working with a new dog OR a dog with previous
experience in an organized training class working with a new 4-H’er. All exercises will be performed on leash. Exercises
include heel on leash & figure eight, stand for exam, grooming, recall and long sit/down. The 4-H’er working with the same
dog may participate in this class for only one year. A dog with one leg of its AKC-CD (or equivalent) is ineligible.
Graduate Beginner: Exercises include heel on leash & figure eight, stand for exam off leash, grooming, recall off leash,
long sit/down off leash. A 4-H’er and dog may participate in this class until receiving a blue ribbon at the county or state
show level. A dog with one leg of its AKC-CD (or equivalent) is ineligible.
Novice: Exercises include heel on leash & figure eight, stand for exam off leash, heel free, recall off leash, and long
sit/down off leash. A 4-H’er and dog may participate in this class until receiving a blue ribbon at the county or state show. A
dog with an AKC-CD (or equivalent) is ineligible.
Graduate Novice: Exercises include heel on leash, stand for exam off leash, heel free & figure eight, moving drop on
recall, willing retrieve from hand and out of sight sit/downs. A 4-H’er and dog may participate in this class until receiving a
blue ribbon at the county or state show level. A dog with one leg of its AKC-CDX (or equivalent) is ineligible.
Pre Open – All exercises are performed off leash. Exercises include heel free & figure eight, drop on recall, dumbbell
recall, recall over broad jump, and out of sight sit/downs. A 4-H’er and dog may participate in this class until receiving a
blue ribbon at the county or state show level. A dog with one leg of its AKC-CDX (or equivalent) is ineligible.
Open: All Exercises are off leash. Exercise includes: Heel free, Figure 8, drop on recall, retrieve, high jump, broad jump
sit & down. A 4-H member may participate in this class until they receive a blue ribbon at county or state show.
Graduate Open: all exercises are off leash. Exercises include: Signal exercises (10 foot distance for down, sit, come),
retrieve on flat or placed metal article, retrieve on flat for placed leather article, directed retrieve (with two gloves), broad
jump & moving stand and exam. 4-Her may participate in this class until they receive a blue ribbon in county or state show.
Brace: For a 4-H’er with two dogs of their own or those who wish to borrow/lease a dog if they do not have two dogs of
their own. (A third dog may not be used for Brace.) No particular level of training is required or prohibited in this class. The
Graduate Beginner score sheet will be used for judging. A 4-H’er may participate in this class indefinitely.
Four Dog Team: For 4-H’ers wishing to work together in training their dogs to perform as a unit of four. No particular level
of training is required or prohibited in this class. Exercises include heel on leash & figure eight, stand for exam off leash,
team uniformity, recall off leash, long sit/down off leash. Dogs will be called simultaneously. The Four Dog Team score
sheet will be used for judging. One alternate is allowed to be named if the team desires. The alternate must be named at
the county fair or qualifying show. The five names may be registered as exhibitors, as long as one of the five names is
listed as the alternate. 4-H members may only be listed on one team each year. No substitutions may be made. For teams
qualifying for the State Dog Show, the registration fee is charged for four exhibitors. The named alternate may compete in
place of one of the original four members.
Horse Interviews: Will be held Tuesday, July 16 during
County Fair judging at the fairground.
Horse Show Limit: 4-H’ers may exhibit 2 horses and show 1
per class
State Fair Eligibility: you must sign up in the ADVANCED
classes and completed the Horse Interview during the Redwood
County Fair. Showmanship at halter is highly recommended
County Fair Horse Show Classes:
English Equitation English Pleasure
F – 1 – 1 Saddle Seat (all ages) F – 6 – 1 Saddle Seat (all ages)
F – 1 – 2 Hunt Seat – Advanced F – 6 – 2 Hunt Seat – Advanced
F – 1 – 3 Hunt Seat – Intermediate F – 6 – 3 Hunt Seat – Intermediate
F – 1 – 4 Hunt Seat – Novice F – 6 – 4 Hunt Seat – Novice
Western Horsemanship Western Pleasure
F – 12 – 1 Advanced F – 15 – 1 Advanced
F – 12 – 2 Intermediate F – 15 – 2 Intermediate
F – 12 – 3 Novice F – 15 – 3 Novice
F – 12 – 4 Novice Walk/Trot F – 15 – 4 Novice Walk/Trot
Pole Weaving Jumping Figure 8
F – 21 – 1 Advanced F – 22 – 1 Advanced
F – 21 – 2 Intermediate F – 22 – 2 Intermediate
F – 21 – 3 Novice F – 22 – 3 Novice
Barrel Race
Key Race F – 24 -1 Advanced
F – 23 – 1 Advanced F – 24 – 2 Intermediate
F – 23 – 2 Intermediate F – 24 – 3 Novice
F – 23 – 3 Novice Showmanship At Halter
F – 60 – 1 Advanced
Trail Class F – 60 – 2 Intermediate
F – 40 – 1 Advanced F – 60 – 3 Novice
F – 40 – 2 Intermediate HORSE TRAINING
F – 40 – 3 Novice F- 100 - 1Horse Training - steps 1-6
CLOVERBUD (4-H’ers must bring both their 4-H Training Book
F – 90 – 2 Cloverbud Leadline (an adult holds on to the and Achievement Book to the fair. 4-H’ers will
demonstrate and be conference judged regarding
lead line but the rider sits on the horse & has training their horse.)
control of the reigns)
F – 90 - 3 Cloverbud Showmanship at Halter (an adult is New project area for Redwood County 4-H. Contact the 4-H
also holding on to the lead rope along with the Extension Office for more information. 507-637-4025.
Minature Horse
County Fair Static/General Horse Projects
(Judged and shown with Static Entries NOT Horse Show)
F – 105 – 1 Grades 6+ General Exhibit Bldg – 3-7:30 p.m.)
F – 105 – 2 Grades 3-5
Requirement: F – 108 – 1 Grades 6+
F – 108 – 2 Grades 3-5
- Must be enrolled in the Horse project to exhibit in
this division Requirement:
- Exhibits may be a model, poster, scrapbook, - Must be enrolled in Horseless Horse to exhibit in this division
essay, and/or article. The exhibit should show or and family does not own a horse.
explain something the 4-H member has made, - Exhibits may be a model, poster, scrapbook, essay, and/or
done, or learned in the project. article. The exhibit should show or explain something the 4-H
member has made, done, or learned in the project.
- Exhibits are conference judged with the exhibitor - Exhibits are conference judged with the exhibitor present.
https://www.extension.iastate.edu/4hfiles/project https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JzhaZeMqdsRIaha7Teuj
s/hotsheets/horseponyhotsheet.pdf UXb7zMvNX2FS0eO7KFir1Jc/edit
F – 90 – 4 Cloverbud Horse Poster
Description of Class Breakdowns
Advanced-Must have completed 6th grade, rides with lots of experience and much confidence & be no more than one year
beyond high school graduation (STATE HORSE SHOW ELIGIBLE)
Intermediate – Not eligible for State Horse Show. Have some show experience of at least 1-2 years, and is getting more
confident in riding skills.
Novice – 5th grade & under (unless an older 4-Her is just starting to ride), regular 4-H (not Cloverbud) hasn’t had much
experience showing, not eligible for State Horse Show trips.
Cloverbud- Kindergarten – 2nd grade. This 4-H’er may show a horse and may use a family members’ horse AND must
have an adult in charge of her animal at ALL times. See cloverbud policy for more details.
- Western boots, belt, helmet, long sleeve western shirt with collar, western pants or jeans. If showing English, use
appropriate English attire.
- Classes may be combined or split depending on the numbers of entries.
- Horses ARE STALLED during the entire duration of the fair and will be released at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday. If there are
too many horses for the number of stalls and you are bringing 2 horses, qualified State Show horse is REQUIRED to
remain at the fair and the other can be taken home. You will need to talk to the Superintendent if you are bringing 2
horses to the fair. Cloverbud & Horse Training horses do not need to stay at the fair and can be taken home after the
- Horses are ridden ONLY in the horse arena during exercise time. Horses are NOT TO BE RIDDEN with their
halter’s. Horses must be saddled up and bridled during exercise time if they are ridden.
All participating in any 4-H sponsored mounted activity are required to wear properly fastened ASTM/SEI approved
protective headgear. Helmet use is required when mounted. This policy also extends to 4-H volunteers when they
are working with 4-H youth in a 4-H volunteer role during mounted activities. Additional information can be found on
Selection of the State Qualifying Horse Show Winners:
- Blue ribbon class placing earns the following values: 1st = 6 points; 2nd = 5 points, 3rd = 4 points; 4th = 3 points; 5th = 2
points; 6th = 1 point.
- No points are awarded for red or white ribbons.
- Points won in games and pleasure on the same horse will be tallied separately.
- Both Pleasure and Game horses will be allowed to earn points in 4 areas:
- Pleasure – Showmanship at Halter; can show both Western Pleasure and English Pleasure – points from highest
placing will be used for trip points; can show both Western Horsemanship and English Equitation – highest
placing will be used for trip points; & Trail.
- Halter: Exhibitors can participate in both English and Western Showmanship at Halter at the County Level. The
Exhibitors highest score of the two will be used towards there points for State Qualifying Horse Trips.
- Games – Poles, Barrels, Jumping Figure 8, & Key Race.
- Games classes will place the top horses by use of a time clock. A 3 second penalty will be assessed for each
obstacle knocked over. A 1 second penalty will be assessed for loss of helmet.
How State Fair Trips are Awarded: will be awarded according to number of points earned. If a trip is declined, next high
point can go. In case of a tie, the oldest 4-H member will go. If both members are the same 4-H age, a coin will be
flipped. Each member with 2 horses will be required to report to the superintendent, which horse he or she will take to the
state show if they have both high point pleasure and high point game horse.
- Individual patterns for Horsemanship/Equitation classes is strongly encouraged.
- Saddle Seat Any saddle seat exhibitor receiving a blue or higher at the county level may participate in the
corresponding classes at the state show: English Showmanship, Saddle Seat Pleasure and Saddle Seat Equitation.
Counties may allow for a rider to show a Saddle Seat horse as well as a Western/Hunt/Game, as this trip will not
affect county quotas. However, 4-H’ers are allowed only 1 horse at the state 4-H horse show unless the second
horse is a training project.
- Trail Class Rules-Pattern will be posted 1 hr. prior to the class. There will be a 30 second time limit per obstacle
and the time limit will be called by the announcer from the announcer’s stand.
- All classes will be judged on the basis of entrants that day with the first place receiving the trophy, purple ribbon
& top points.
- Animal ID: A photo copy of BOTH the Horse ID and COGGINS must have been turned in to the Extension
Office by May 15.
- If you qualify and accept a State Horse Show Trip, you will be given a State Show Packet. You will need to
complete it and turn it in by noon on Saturday of the County Fair.
- If, after the County Fair is over, you find that you are unable to take your trip, you must contact the Extension
Office and Project Leader ASAP, so that spot may be offered to an alternate.
Resource: https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/4-h-animal-science/home
**Judging will be held at a regional show NOT at the county fair.
However, your animal will be required to be kept at the fair in order
to receive your premium money:
Resource: https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/4-h-animal-
Birthdates: 4-H Llama projects must be born prior to January 1, 2019.
-No sexually intact male above 18 months is eligible for exhibition
-All castrated males born prior to January 1, 2019 are eligible for exhibition
-All females born prior to January 1, 2019 are eligible for exhibition
G – 1 - 1 Costumes (All Grades)
G – 3 – 1 Obstacle Course
G – 5 – 1 Public Relations
G – 60 – 1 Showmanship
Lama Fiber
G-10-1 All Classes
Lama Fiber Grades 9+
Lama Fiber Grades 6-8 Lama Fiber Grades 3-5
Lama – Cloverbud
G – 80 – 1 Cloverbud Showmanship
G – 80 – 2 Cloverbud Costume
G – 80 – 3 Cloverbud Llama – judged at Static/General Judging on Tuesday
– Entry & Interviews Wednesday 5-7 pm
Resource: https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/4-h-animal-science/home
Poultry Requirements:
Egg production pen of two pullets will have separate lots, one for white
egg layers and one for brown egg layers. White egg layers must be
hybrid. Brown egg layers must be commercial purebred or hybrid; hybrids are preferred
Poultry exhibited must be of this year's hatch, (except advanced classes). All, except waterfowl and pigeons,
must have health certificate and must be identified by a numbered leg band.
Breeding classes will be judged on breed characteristics using the American Standard of Perfection as a guide.
Chickens Market pen of two males or two females Doves
H – 1 – 1* Breeding pen of one male & two females H – 2 – 1* Purebred breeding pair
H – 1 – 2* Bantam Breeding pen of one male & two females
H – 1 – 3* Egg production pen of two pullets (white egg layers)
H – 1 – 4* Egg production pen of two pullets – brown egg layers
H – 1 – 5*
Ducks Market pen of two males or two females Geese
H – 3 – 1* Breeding pen of one male & two females H – 4 – 1* Market pen of two males or two
H – 3 – 2* Bantam Breeding pen of one male & two females females
H – 3 – 3* H – 4 – 2* Breeding pen of one male & two
H – 6 – 1* Utility, 1 breeding pair H – 5 – 1* Market pen of two males or two
H – 6 – 2* Utility, 1 young bird male or female, 1 young bird, this females, same breed
H – 5 – 2* Breeding pen of one male & two
year band females, same breed
H – 6 – 3* Fancy, 1 Breeding Pair
H – 6 – 4* Fancy, Young bird Male or Female, 1 young bird, this For State: only Pearls, White and Lavender
breeds can be shown
year band
H – 6 – 5* Flying, 1 Breeding Pair Poultry – Cloverbud
H – 6 – 6* Flying, young bird Male or Female, 1 young bird, this H – 80 – 1 Cloverbud – Poultry
year band Poultry Showmanship
H – 60 – 1 Grades 9+
Turkeys - Domestic only H – 60 – 2 Grades 6-8
H - 7 - 1*Market pen of two males or two females H – 60 – 3 Grades 3-5
H - 7 - 2* Breeding pen of one male & two female
H – 8 - 2 Breeding pen of 2 females and 1 male
H – 8 - 3 Breeding pair of 1 female and 1 male
**May include but not be limited to pheasants, Canadian geese,
guineas, peacocks, quail and breeding birds over one year old. Only
domestic water fowl, domestic turkeys and all breeds of large fowl and
bantams, current year hatch, will not be included.
Entry & Interviews – Wednesday 3:00 p.m.
Show – 6:00 p.m. Livestock Arena
Exhibitors limited to 10 entries
Resource: https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/4-h-animal-science/home
4 CLASS - SMALL BREEDS 4 class (Small) rabbit breeds include Dutch, Florida
I – 1 – 1* Small Breed Sr. Buck over 6 months of age White, Holland Lop, Jersey Wooly, Mini Lop, Mini Rex,
I - 1 – 2* Small Breed Sr. Doe Over 6 months of age Netherland Dwarf, Polish, Rex, American Fuzzy Lop,
I – 1 – 3* Small Breed Jr. Buck under 6 months of age American Sable, Dwarf Hotot, English Angora, French
I – 1 – 4* Small Breed Jr. Doe under 6 months of age Angora, Satin Angora, Belgian Hare, Britannia Petite,
Standard Chinchilla, English Spot, Harlequin, Havana,
6 CLASS - LARGE BREEDS Himalayan, Lilac, Rhinelander, Silver, Silber Marten,
I – 2 – 1* Large Breed Sr. buck over 8 months of age Thrianta, Mini Satin, Lion Head and Tan
I - 2 – 2* Large Breed Sr. Doe over 8 months of age
I – 2 – 3* Large Breed Int. Buck 6-8 months of age 6 Class (large) rabbit breeds include New Zealand, Satin,
I – 2 – 4* Large Breed Int. Doe 6-8 months of age American Giant Angora, Bevern, California, Champagne
I – 2 - 5 * Large Breed Jr. Buck under 6 months of age Dargent, Checkered Giant, American Chinchilla, Giant
I – 2 – 6* Large Breed Jr. Doe under 6 months of age Chinchilla, Cinnamon, Crème Dargent, Flemish Giant,
French Lop, Hotot, English Lop, Palomino and Silver Fox.
6 CLASS – RUNNING BREEDS Breeding Rabbit
I – 4 – 1* Running Breed Sr. buck over 8 months of age requirements apply to running Breeds
I – 4 – 2* Running Breed Sr. Doe over 8 months of age Running Breeds include
I – 4 – 3**Running Breed Int. Buck 6-8 months of age Checkered Giant, English Spot, Rhinelander and Tan.
I – 4 – 4* Running Breed Int. Doe 6-8 months of age
I – 4 – 5* Running Breed Jr. Buck under 6 months of age
I – 4 – 6* Running Breed Jr. Buck under 6 months of age
I – 3 – 1* Single fryer, 3½ to 5½ pounds, not over 70 1-060-1 Rabbit Showmanship Grades 9+
1-060-2 Rabbit Showmanship Grades 6-8
days old 1-060-3 Rabbit Showmanship Grades 3-5
I – 3 – 2* Pen of three fryers, 3½ to 5½ pounds, not over
70 days old
OTHER RABBITS- not state fair eligible
I – 5 - 1 Crossbred Doe (County Only)
I – 5 - 2 Crossbred Buck (County Only
Rabbit – Cloverbud
I – 80 – 1 Cloverbud Rabbit
- Purebred rabbits are those which have a three-generation pedigree showing the ancestral background being of all the
same breed, making it eligible for registration.
- All breeds recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association are eligible. Rabbits will be judged according to
ARBA standards.
- Each rabbit must be permanently tattooed in the left ear for identification purposes.
SHEEP Interviews Thursday 2:00 p.m.
Resource: https://sites.google.come/umn.edu/4-h-animal-
Each exhibitor may show a total of 10 sheep with a maximum of 7
being market lambs.
Classes must contain at least 3 head. It may be necessary to
combine breeds and/0r Registered and Commercial Animals.
Wether Dams will be shown by weight, not age.
No Muzzles Allowed
January Ewe Lamb .......... Born in January of Current Year
February Ewe Lamb ........ Born in February of Current Yr.
March Ewe Lamb............. Born in March of Current year
Yearling Ewe.................... Born on or after January 1 of previous year and must not show evidence of four permanent
Market Lamb.................... Born on or after January 1 of current year
BREEDING EWE MARKET LAMB – limited 7 per 4-Her
J – 1 – 2*Registered Yearling Ewe (All Breeds)(Fitted and Slick Shorn) J – 10 – 1* Market Lamb (Speckle Face)
J – 10 - 2* Market Lamb (Black Face)
J – 1 – 3* Registered Ewe Lamb (All Breeds)(Fitted and Slick Shorn) J – 10 - 3* Market Lamb (White Face)
J – 1 – 6* Commercial Yearling Ewe (All Breeds )(Fitted and Slick
Shorn) - Recommended minimum weight for State Fair is 105
J – 1 – 7* Commercial Ewe Lamb (All Breeds)(Fitted and Slick Shorn) pounds; recommended maximum weight for state fair
J – 1 – 8* Wether Dam (All Breeds) (Yrling Ewe, must be slick shorn) is 170 pounds. Market animals exceeding the
J – 1 – 9* Wether Dam (all Breeds) (Ewe type lamb, must be slick maximum weight will not be eligible for Championship.
LAMB LEAD Sheep Showmanship
J – 20 - 1 Lamb Lead
J – 60 – 1 Grades 9+
Requirements: J – 60 – 2 Grades 6-8
- Lamb lead exhibitors must groom and train a sheep and
must wear a garment made from at least 60% wool. J – 60 – 3 Grades 3-5
Garment is defined as a piece of clothing covering the
main part of your body (not socks or accessories.) Sheep – Cloverbud
- Exhibitors will be judged based on project knowledge, J – 80 – 1 Cloverbud Sheep
poise, their outfit, and their lamb. J – 80 – 2 Cloverbud Sheep Poster – Judged at
- The Lamb Lead will be at 6:00 p.m.. prior to the Sheep Static/General Judging on Tuesday
Show. Time will be allowed to change clothes for the
Sheep Show. 46
J – 90 – 1* Fleece
- All 4-H'ers receiving a blue ribbon on their fleece may
exhibit at the State Fair; no housing will be provided!
– Interviews Thursday 1:00 p.m.
Resource: https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/4-h-animal-
January Gilt................Born in January of current year
February Gilt..............Born in February of current year
March Gilt ..................Born in March of current year
Market Barrow ...........Born on or after January 1 of current year (recommended farrow date of Feb 1 or after)
Market Gilt…………………Born on or after January 1 of current year (recommended farrow date of Feb 1 or after)
K – 1 – 1 January Gilts (all breeds) K – 3 – 1* Market Gilts
K – 1 – 2 February Gilts (all breeds)
K – 1 – 3 March Gilts (all breeds) Requirements:
Recommended minimum weight for State Fair is 220 pounds; maximum
K – 2 – 1* Market Barrow State Fair weight is 300
K – 2 - 4 Prospect Class
All pigs under the determined weight at fair time will be placed in the prospect class.
PEN OF 3 - Determined at County Fair by Superintendents
K – 40 - 2 Pen of 3 - Please sign up for the class as you normally would
- Three market hogs. May be 3 barrows, - Swine over the determined weight will be shown in the market class
3 gilts, or a combination of both. Any - Your premiums will not change.
combination of market hogs may be used in
this class. Exhibitor + one other helper Swine Showmanship
must show your own pigs. K – 60 – 1 Grades 9+
K – 60 – 2 Grades 6-8
SWINE CLOVERBUD K – 60 – 3 Grades 3-5
K – 80 - 1 Cloverbud Swine
K – 80 – 2 Cloverbud Swine Poster – K – 2 – 3 Commercial Production (County Only)
Judged at Static/General Judging on
Tuesday -This will be the first class judged based on carcass and packer appeal
-In order to be eligible, pigs must come from regular commercial
production operation
-Pigs with special breeding, that come from specific dames or sires, with
the primary purpose of show or not ordinary within the operations normal
production ARE NOT ELIGIBLE.
-There will only be one class and pigs may come from the market gilts,
market barrows, production carcass or breeding gilts.
-These pigs must be shown in either the market barrow, market gilt or
breeding class as well.
-Individuals will only be allowed to show 1 pig.
-A minimum of 4 pigs must be entered in the class for judging to take place
in this class. 47
Other Pertinent Swine Information:
-It is strongly recommended that NO pigs be taken home from the Redwood County Fair. Only exceptions to be
considered should be State Fair Trip winners and valuable breeding stock. If you must take swine home from the fair, we
strongly recommend the hogs be quarantined in isolation on a separate farm for a period of at least 30 days.
-In 2019 – Market Gilts will again be shown at State Fair
-All hogs must cross the scale to be weighed and have their ID checked when you arrive for entry at the fair.
-21 Day Rule for Swine State Fair Trip: Participants winning a state fair trip in Market Swine should take animal they won
the trip with at county fair. Unless this animal meets the 21 day rule. See State Fair Premium Book for details.
-PREMISE ID’s…the National Animal Identification System program is now requiring Premise ID’s on all 4-H Swine ID
Affidavits. This ID is for where the animal is kept from May 15 until the time of the fair, not where you live. (Example. If the
animal is kept at Uncle Joe’s, then the Premise ID address is Uncle Joe’s address). This ID is good for all species of animal
you have and you do not need one for each specie. If you already have a premise ID, you do not need to get an additional
Animal ID:
-Pay attention to Animal ID requirements dates and deadlines
-Ear Notches use the Animal ID worksheet to ensure your are entering the correct notches
Science of Animals Educational Exhibits
Health Health Exhibit – Beef Breeding Breeding Exhibit – Beef
L – 10 – 1* Health Exhibit – Dairy L – 20 – 1* Breeding Exhibit – Dairy
L – 10 – 2* Health Exhibit – Goat-Dairy L – 20 – 2* Breeding Exhibit – Goat-Dairy
L – 10 – 3* Health Exhibit – Goat-Meat L – 20 – 3* Breeding Exhibit – Goat-Meat
L – 10 – 4* Health Exhibit – Poultry L – 20 – 4* Breeding Exhibit – Poultry
L – 10 – 5* Health Exhibit – Rabbits L – 20 – 5* Breeding Exhibit – Rabbits
L – 10 – 6* Health Exhibit – Sheep L – 20 – 6* Breeding Exhibit – Sheep
L – 10 – 7* Health Exhibit – Swine L – 20 – 7* Breeding Exhibit – Swine
L – 10 – 8* L – 20 – 8*
Production Production Exhibit – Beef Zoonotic Diseases (Spread of disease from animals to
L – 30 – 1* Production Exhibit – Dairy humans)
L – 30 – 2* Production Exhibit – Goat-Dairy
L – 30 – 3* Production Exhibit – Goat-Meat L – 50 – 1* Zoonotics – Beef
L – 30 – 4* Production Exhibit – Poultry L – 50 – 2* Zoonotics – Dairy
L – 30 – 5* Production Exhibit – Rabbits L – 50 – 3* Zoonotics – Goat - Dairy
L – 30 – 6* Production Exhibit – Sheep L – 50 – 4* Zoonotics – Goat – Meat
L – 30 – 7* Production Exhibit – Swine L - 50 – 5* Zoonotics – Poultry
L – 30 – 8* L – 50 – 6* Zoonotics – Rabbits
L – 50 – 7* Zoonotics – Sheep
L – 50 – 8* Zoonotics – Swine
Other Zoonotic Resources:
L – 40 – 1* Other Exhibit – Beef https://www.vetmed.umn.edu/research/signature-
L – 40 – 2* Other Exhibit – Dairy programs/emerging-zoonotic-diseases-signature-
L – 40 – 3* Other Exhibit – Goat-Dairy program
L – 40 – 4* Other Exhibit – Goat-Meat
L – 40 – 5* Other Exhibit – Poultry http://www.cfsph.iastate.edu/?lang=en
L – 40 – 6* Other Exhibit – Rabbits
L – 40 – 7* Other Exhibit – Sheep
L –40 – 8*Other Exhibit – Swine
Exhibit Suggestions and Notes:
Projects are judged at Redwood County Fair during Static/General Project Judging
- Items construction (such as feeding systems or show equipment) or science exhibits focusing on one of the four
divisions listed above.
- These projects may be enhanced with 3-dimensional displays, posters or notebooks.
State Fair trips will be available. Exhibits will be judged during Livestock Weekend and 4-H’ers may exhibit both in animal
and a Science of Animal Educational Exhibit.
Zoonotic Disease state fair trips earn additional $25.00 premium from the state fair. Resource kits are available in the 4-H
Extension Office. Call if wanting to reserve a kit. 507-637-4025.
Redwood County 4-H
Club Activities
And Projects