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Snapshot Autobiography Final Presentation-2

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Published by kgertest0002, 2019-09-20 11:53:57

Snapshot Autobiography Final Presentation-2

Snapshot Autobiography Final Presentation-2

Surviving Life

By Kayli J. Gertes

My Birth Story

I was born on October 23,2006 at Kaiser Permanente, Harbor City. It was a Monday, that
morning at 10:55. I was born a premature baby, that means that I came out to early than
what was my due date. I only weighed 3lbs, 5 ounces. And my height was 18 ½ inches. My
sister weighed the same amount of pounds just 8 ounces more, and was 18 inches. My
parents say that it was the doctors choice to take my sister and I out early, and to put us
in the incubator. They said that because they knew that I wasn’t going to grow any more,
but most likely my sister would have. So they made that decision so they could feed me
through a tube, so I could grow out more. I was in there for about 2-3 weeks. My sister
got to go home with my mom, but I had to stay in there more week than her. My mom,
dad, aunt (5 years old), nana (grandma my version of calling her that, on my mom’s
side), and grampi (grampa just my version of calling him that, on my mom’s side) all
came to my birth. My dad was the only one who could have came on his side. My
grandparents on his side couldn’t have made it. So that is my Birth Story.

My Parents

My parents were together for a long time, until they just didn’t work out
anymore. I was very little at the time so I really didn’t know what was
going on at the time, but as I got older I started to know and started to
understand what happened. It changed me, thinking when I got a little
older thinking, would I see my dad ever, or will I always have to be with
my mom. It turns out that they fought for custody, and my mom won.
My dad was devastated. I think I was only 5 years old or younger. So I
actually do remember going to the courthouse and waiting for a long
time, but I was still young so I don’t actually know why I was there until
today. Since my mom won she didn’t really make me see my dad. I think
I only saw him 1-2 times a week. But that faded over time because my
mom started to think that she shouldn’t keep us away from our father.
And then I started to see my dad again. I was so happy to see him more
than once or twice a week. My parents today are still good friends, they
still talk to each even if it is about us or not.

Farrah (a.k.a. Fairy)

A person, well a baby is important to me. She is my baby sister. Her
name is Farrah. She is only 18 months old now, and she is my joy in
life. She makes me a better person. By me taking more responsibility
to things and to watching her, and to do time management more. I do
time management when I am with her. By me doing my homework,
and then having to entertain her sometimes. She is my “Fairy”, ever
since she was born I called her “Fairy”. I love her, sometimes I do go
easy with her though. My family always says that I am to soft when it
comes to disciplining her. I think that they are right, so know I do
start to disciplining her but not to much, to be honest it is
heartbreaking since she is just a baby to me. To them she is a 1 year
old going onto 2. That is more on the responsible side. She loves to
watch Frozen so I watch it with her. It is our favorite thing to do
besides doing Drill Team stretches.


Being in S.A.S.-Honors is a very important part in my life. Ever since
Elementary I never really thought I was smart enough. Mostly because
I wouldn’t really be in the same class as my sister, and in 5th grade I
discovered that over in my Elementary there would be the same grade
levels just different classes. Meaning one is for advanced and the other
is regular. I was in the regular classes throughout the entire time I was
in elementary, while Camille was in the advanced classes. Until we
went to Stephen White, and I still was in regular classes. Camille was
still in advanced. Until I got into the advanced classes in 7th grade. I
was so happy, and worried to know whether I would be smart enough
to make it. Camille was always good at her grades, meanwhile I was
still pretty good just not that good in math. But then I started to be
good in S.A.S.-Honor classes. Just to know that I was some-what but
still smart as Camille made me very proud, and confident in myself.

About The Author

Kayli Jordan Gertes is a fun, adventurous, crazy, wild, and more
characteristics to come girl. She loves to go to Bolsa Chica Beach. It is
the only beach she feels comfortable to get in the water, and have fun
in. Any other beach she will be comfortable, but she perfer’s this one.
When she goes there she loves to jump, or go under the waves and to
collect seashells. Her seashells she says is like her. Chipped, undefined,
and go where ever she is meant to go to. Kayli loves lotuses It is her
favorite flower that she loves. Purple, well Dark Purple is her favorite
color next to Black. Her actual birth date was November 23rd, 2006,
but she came early along with her sister. Her zodiac sign is the Scorpio.
One of her favorite symbol is the Infinity. To her it means 2 things.
Infinity and Family. Her favorite Princess is Mulan, but when she goes
to the cool, chilled Princess she would go to Ariel. Those are the only
princesses she will love. Giraffes are her favorite animal. And lastly she
loves her Family.

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