with Desiree Adaway
Influence in Three Parts
1. Building relationships
2. Establishing a good reputation
3. Actively guiding others' actions
The New Leadership: Accessibility
Have you admired someone from afar?
Wanted to meet a blogger or author?
Had an idea to share with a COO or CEO?
Do you want to know the secret to getting influential people to do stuff
for you? Put the idea of “getting influential people to do stuff for me”
completely out of your mind. Instead, try to help people. Slay the
dragon of insecurity and make bold, but humble, asks:
• Invite someone to breakfast or coffee.
• Ask for a few minutes to chat on the phone.
• Listen, smile, and thank them.
That’s what I do; that’s all I do. In other words: make a friend.
Leadership is influence; nothing more, nothing less.
—John Maxwell
There are people out there who are waiting to connect with those bold
enough to ask. Most people have a bad habit of talking themselves out
of greatness. We doubt ourselves, thinking we don’t have what it takes
or are not worthy to talk to someone famous or on a different level. We
give-in to fear and sabotage ourselves before we even begin. We are
our own worst enemy.
Being plugged in to an active, engaged network is part of what
influencers do best. They’re able to connect to and build relationships
with people who they can help and who can help them.
Put yourself out there – be accessible and allow
others to be accessible to you.
Not an Influencer Yet?
Why not?
Why aren’t you doing what it takes to be an influencer?
Why aren’t you connecting with influential people and influencing
You may have succumbed to one of the following temptations:
• You’re scared to ask.
• You don’t listen.
• You talk about yourself too much.
• You think it’s all about you.
• You’ve bypassed winning friends and tried to
immediately influence people. In other words, you’re
trying to use people.
I believe you have something to say.
I believe you have sabotaged yourself one too many times.
I believe the world needs your voice and dream.
It’s time to act.
Will you be bold and start making some asks?
Seven Character Attributes
to Enhance Influence
There are seven integral character-based leadership attributes needed
to increase one’s influence on others in order to generate waves of
impact and positive results.
Core Questions
What creates a person of influence?
Where does your reputation, character, credibility and stature come
What character attributes have you found to be effective in influencing
What purposeful and intentional actions have you used to influence
Words of Wisdom
"Great leaders don't set out to be a
leader...they set out to make a
difference. It's never about the role -
always about the goal." Lisa Haisha