Characteristic of ➢ have fang
Sphenis tigris ➢ sharp claws
➢ stereoscopic and ➢ use to swim
➢ sharp hearing
➢ use to slide
Once upon a time, a community called slide because of the fur in front of their body
that they used to slide. This is because of the
Sphenis tigris live peacefully on Sahara desert. rough surface of the sand. Due to this
It is a combination of penguin's body and characteristic, they become prey to predators
tiger's claw and head. They used their body to such as hyena and Saharan cheetah.
slide across the sand but it's hard for them to
Sahara desert is a place where it's hard to find suffer but they also must suffer because of
human's greed. The logging of cactus are done by
water so living things who lives there become human for their health benefits.
competitive for water. Having insufficient amount
of water is not all they had to
Due to them becoming prey and lack of this make them separate into two groups, the
one who stay and the one who immigrate.
water, their population decreases rapidly. Only Those who immigrate went to find cold
half of them survived living on the desert. So, weather for their new environment.
they immigrate to find a suitable environment.
The group that immigrate then arrive at turned into white fur due to the cold weather.
The fur in front of their body also slowly thin
Antarctica. With just a small amount of them, out, making it easier for them to slide with
they try their best to adapt themselves with their front body
the new environment. Slowly their orange fur
When they have adapted themselves with predators because of their sliding skill. They
also got to catch fish easily with their sharp
the new environment, their population claws. In the end, their population grows in
begins to increase. They got enough water new environment.
for them and they get to escape easily from