RHSBear Dai l y.com Roosevelt High School - Wyandotte, MI
@RHS_WyNews Wy-News
December 2018
Photos: Emma Rankine, Isaac Bolton, and Wendy Guzman
Spr eadi n g hol i day cheer
i n Wyan dotte
SaMya Overall, FeatureEditor
The holiday season of giving is in full swing in Wyandotte
as old traditions, group gatherings, and holiday meals bring
the city together for a month of holiday cheer.
Though it can be difficult to find the perfect gift, the joy of
giving can make people happier than receiving a gift. As
people get older, it gets more difficult to shop for others, but a
simple way to combat this is to make a list of the person?s
interests. Many feel that the more money that is spent on a
gift, the more appreciation is shown. However, most
psychologists disagree, believing that it is the thought behind
the gift that matters the most. Find out more on page 14.
Some holiday traditions, such as decorating a Christmas
tree, were started because of the symbols they represented.
Other traditions, like Christmas stockings, have many myths
and stories associated with them, as the true origin of the
society is unknown. Santa Claus, a popular legend during the
holiday season, even has multiple variations around the
world, tracing back to 280 A.D. Find out more on page 12.
The holidays are often associated with food, which can
ultimately lead to weight gain. The many holiday parties and
get-togethers only help expedite the process, leaving people
with more pounds after Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New
Year's. Also, popular habits, such as fasting before a big meal
can be less effective than most think, leading to people eating
much less than they had planned. Find out more on page 16.
The Wyandotte tree lighting ceremony is an event many
residents await every year. The event is planned many
months in advance to work out all the details of the event
well before the ceremony in November. The locally grown
tree is decorated with lights and ornaments on the corner of
Sycamore and Biddle Avenue, while street vendors, the RHS
choir, and eager residents wait and relish in the community?s
holiday cheer. Find out more on page 13.
The hockey team holds Hope For Hearts Junior and senior architecture students The theater department puts on the
charity game with help from DECA. create structural gingerbread houses. production, It'sa Wonderful Life.
Checkout page6! Checkout page11! Check out page 23!
Con ten ts RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 2
December 2018
The Wy-News From TheEditor... 'Tis theseason
2018-2019 Staff
Edi t or -i n-Chi ef : Emma Rankine, Editor-in-Chief The most exciting thing, for me at season so much more.
Emma Rankine, 2019 least, is always the first snowfall of the Everywhere you look, especially in
Executive Editor : No matter how stressful the year. Now, I get that we live in Michigan
Wendy Guzman, 2019 holidays can get, how awkward arguing and we get snow literally every year, but the school, there?s a club or an
Bear Daily Editor : about politics over family dinners is, or hey, a girl?s gotta look forward to organization that?s giving back during
Max Skolnik, 2019 even struggling through the bitter cold something. Not to mention, you cannot the season: Key Club?s canned food
Feature Editor : that Michigan brings, the winter will tell me that the way the freshly fallen drive, NHSkids going bell ringing or to
Sa'Mya Overall, 2019 always have a special place in my heart. snow glistens off of Christmas lights soup kitchens, FFA collecting goods for
Sports Editor : isn?t beautiful. troops, or even the Hope for Hearts
Nick Campbell, 2019 DECA project. The holidays stand to
Another reason the winter is an remind people that they need to help
News Editor : amazing time of year is really just one another out, and I think that that?s
Lillian Settles, 2020 because of the atmosphere it brings. one of the most important things to
There?s an overwhelming sense of keep sight of.
community, joy, and generosity that
surround it (I mean, as long as we?re As the celebrations arise, keep your
counting out Black Friday). Even little loved ones close, enjoy the atmosphere,
community traditions, like the tree and don?t forget to think of others
lighting downtown, or the above all this holiday season.
Thanksgiving/ Christmas parade, or
even holiday-themed Third Fridays, are The next time you will hear from us it
what make so many people love the will be 2019; have a great rest of your
year as well as a wonderful holiday
break, RHS, you deserve it.
Business Editor : Tabl e of Con ten ts
Kate Simpson, 2020
Repor ter s:
Pg. 3 Marijuana legalization: What are the restrictions?
Hannah Gripp, 2019 Pgs. 4-6 California Wildfires, Governor, and Hope for Hearts
Cecilia Kujawa, 2019
Featur es:
Natalie Reid, 2020
Isaac Bolton, 2021 Pgs. 7-10 Clubs, Mrs. Moline, and holiday sickness
Alex Gervasi, 2021
Megan Harper, 2021 Hol i day:
Jude Rodriguez, 2021
Pgs.11-13 Architectural gingerbread housesand Christmastraditions
Julia Tully, 2021 Pgs.14-17 Gift giving,Black Friday,food,and online shopping
Advisor :
Janet Haddad
TheWy-NewsisRoosevelt High School?s Spor ts:
student-produced newspaper, editorials
and bylined columnsreflect theopinionsof Pgs.18-19 Winter Sport insights
Pgs. 20-21 Hudson Hill, swimming, Braden Linstrom, and hockey
individual columnistsand not the
Wy-Newsstaff, itsadvisor, theRHS faculty, En ter tai n m en t :
administration, or student body. Pgs.22-24 The what to's,how to's,and want to'sof Downriver
All signed letters to the staff are welcome.
The Wy-News reserves the right to edit
letters printed for publications. Submit
letters to:
Mrs. Haddad, Room C-119
Roosevelt High School
540 Eureka
Wyandotte, Michigan 48192
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Education that no person shall, on thebasis
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News RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 3
December 2018
Mar ijuana?s long r oad to legalization Currentlythere
isno definitive
Lillian Settles, NewsEditor
Recreational marijuana was voted to be legalized in distribution and production methods. way to test
Michigan in November and will officially go into effect on According to the Gray, ?...marijuana won?t be THC levels
December 6, but with new substance laws comes new commercially available for sale until probably early 2020, in besides
responsibilities for law enforcement and its users. part because the state must still put regulations in place and blood A driver
issue licenses for recreational sales.? test. who tests
Kathleen Gray, a reporter for the Detroit FreePress, said in
the article Legal marijuana in Michigan: What you need to Law enforcements also have many decisions to make on for any
know, ?The ballot proposal calls for LARA [Licensing for how to penalize people under the influence, and
Regulatory Affairs] to take up to a year to develop the rules how to change legislation to match the new
and regulations that will govern the recreational marijuana
industry in the state before it begins accepting applications regulations. amount of
for recreational licenses.? According to the Gray ?Police will still
THC can be Graphic: Lillian Settles
The federal law still states that marijuana is illegal under be able to arrest people they suspect are
the Controlled Substance Act, but they only enforce this law driving under the influence of penalized in
under certain conditions. LARA has been working to create marijuana or if they?re lighting up in a the same
laws to make marijuana a safer substance in Michigan since public. Michigan State Police and 3/ 5 way drunk
its legalization for medical use in 2016, but they now face a other police organizations haven't vote drivers
new challenge of balancing medical and recreational yet worked out how their would
cannabis. enforcement procedures will change ar e.
with the legalization.? allow
?[Medical and recreational marijuana] each are regulated
by different laws,?LARA Communications Manager, David The main struggle for law enforcement legislature *I n for m at i on
Harns said. ?The MMFLA [Medical Marijuana Facilities is finding a way to test THC levels, from
Licencing Act] in 2016 regulates the medical side and this act because there is no a current way of to change Det r oi t
regulates the adult-use side...LARA is tasked with regulating testing at routine traffic stops. Free Press
both. Law enforcement is tasked with enforcing all laws, proposal one and David
including these.? ?It?s going to to be increasingly more difficult Har n s
for us to determine whether someone is
Many regulations were already decided within the new
proposal including a minimum age of 21 (medical marijuana intoxicated with THC or not,?Ingham 10 %tax will be one
has no minimum age) and restrictions on the amounts of county sheriff Scott Wringgelsworth said in
marijuana a person can be in possession of. an article from Michigan Radio. A placed on
recreational need to
?Proposal 1 imposes a 10-ounce limit for marijuana stored Beyond the law, businesses still are able commission pot. be 21 to
in residences. It requires that any amount greater than 2.5 to decide how they are going to allow
ounces be secured in locked containers,?Harns said marijuana to affect their place of work and isdetermining have/ consume
how they run their business.
The proposal also outlined how cannabis will be taxed, THC'simpact on recreational
and how these new funds will be distributed throughout the According to Gray, ?Landlords can still
state. prohibit smoking and growing plants on safe driving. marijuana.
their properties and employers can still do
?The new tax will generally be split amongst schools, road
and municipalities where marijuana businesses are located,? pre-employment and random drug tests The Department of A Michigan already
Harns said. on employees and maintain zero Licensing and bill
This change will not be immediate, as it will take years for tolerance policies for their employees. has l aws
the organizations to create a safe way to monitor the
Employers can refuse to hire, fire or Regulator y would because of
Ch emcoi cmalp o si t i o n discipline employees who test positive for Affairs addressthe medical
THC- (Tetrahydrocannabinol)
Michigan is working hard to organize regulate sentencesof pot.
The Psychoactive chemical in distribution and get business licenses so the weed. peopleconvicted
citizens can have their new law go into effect as
quickly as possible, but creating regulations and minor offenses.
laws takes time and the safety of Michigan citizens is
their main concern.
Federal exception
Marijuana, TCH is in higher To prevent the distribution of marijuana to minors
concentrations in recreational To prevent the revenue of the sale from going to criminal enterprises,
marijuana. This is the chemical gangsor cartels
that gives a user the traditional To prevent the transportation of marijuana from legal to illegal states
high. To prevent the legal marijuana activity from being used asa cover to
CBD- (cannabidiol) traffic other illegal drugsor other illegal activity
The chemical in marijuana that To prevent violence or the use of firearmsin the growing or selling of
is knows for its medical mar i j uana
benefits. CBD is known to
prevent seizures and tremors. It To prevent public health consequencesassociated with marijuana use,
is seen in higher concentration such asdrugged driving
in medical marijuana.
To prevent the growing of marijuana on public lands/ avoid *I n for m at i on
environmental dangersposed by marijuana production from Americans
for Safe Access
To prevent marijuana possession or use on federal property
News RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 4
December 2018
California wildfires affect more than just residents
Hannah Gripp, Reporter "The prisoners battling the fires in California deserve homes and important TV sets such as the current Photo courtesy: AFSC
real wages, their rights as workers lead us to larger Bachelor house, but have also released toxins that
The 2018 California Wildfire season is officially the issues of prison labor, fires or not,?David Fathi, a could be dangerous to people all over California.
most destructive wildfire season on record, with Camp member of the American Civil Liberties Union, said in
Fire being the deadliest fire in California of all time. a blog post regarding the prisoners working on the According to the Environment Protection Agency,
wildfire. depending on the type of wood being burned to
Camp Fire affected primarily the city of Paradise as release the smoke, inhaling the polluted air can lead to
well as other parts of Butte County from November Fathi, as well as many other equal rights advocates cardiovascular and lung diseases such as cancer.
8-25, finally settling down once three days of rain deem the insufficient labor funds and lack of
helped local firefighters gain control over the massive appreciation for prisoners service in the wildfires ?I think it is difficult for people in general to
blaze. inhumane. understand how this impacts others unless they have
been through similar situations,?Global Events
"The Camp Fire ignited November 8th in the brush ?They are sentenced to be incarcerated, not to be teacher, Ronald Adams said. ?I try to give my students
of a rugged canyon in the parched foothills of the exploited for slave labor,?Terri Scofield, a follower of material that helps them see how everyone involved
Sierra Nevada Mountains,?John Bacon wrote in an the ACLU commented on Fathi?s post. ?The fact that was impacted and not those who lost everything.?
article published on USA Today November 19. ?At its some of them volunteer for firefighter duty illustrates
peak the inferno swallowed up the equivalent of 60 the extent of torture and abuse inmates face on a daily Although the process is lengthy, recover efforts are at
football fields per minute.? basis when $1.45 a day of hard labor in a dangerous an all time high from volunteers and employees.
environment looks good by comparison.?
The Camp Fire tragedy has a current death toll of Firefighter puts out a deadly wildfire that burnt a building
88, with over 203 residents reported missing. Prisoners do not have the same legal protections as to the ground.
other workers such as workers?compensation or
Although the Camp Fire has been contained, there minimum wage laws, making them a vulnerable
is still a lot of work to be done before residents are able workforce.
to return home.
Not only do local civilians and prisoners feel the
?There is still a massive recovery effort to make the heat from the wildfires, many celebrities such as the
town safe going onwards,?Town of Paradise public Kardashian/ Jenner family, Liam Hemsworth, and
officer, Matt Gates said in a recent press conference. Miley Cyrus have lost or dealt with severe damages to
?Thousands of people are still at work in that area their homes from the fires.
around the clock, to make Paradise safe.?
These celebrities, as well as many others have had to
Among those people at work, prisoners have been evacuate their homes in the Los Angeles and Malibu
given the opportunity to help maintain wildfires in areas due to the rapid spread of the also highly
California, like Camp Fire. destructive wildfire, Woolsey.
California?s Conservation Camp program has The fires have not only burnt down thousands of
allowed over 200 prisoners to work with actual
employees to fight the fires, making on average only
$1.45 per day.
Michigan faces deadly threat to health of public
Megan Harper, Reporter
Fifteen cases of measles have been reported in was reported in a patient who had returned from through coughs, sneezes, saliva, skin-to-skin contact
international travel, according to the Michigan with an infected person, or touching a contaminated
Michigan in 2018 - a disease that was practically Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). surface. It can also be spread from mother to baby by
non-existent 10 years ago. Vaccination is less readily available in developing pregnancy, labor, or nursing.
countries, so the virus is more common.
This is a large increase from the two measles cases Signs and symptoms of the virus do not typically
reported in the state of Michigan in 2017. ?I think it?s really sad that people are still getting sick appear for ten to fourteen days after a person becomes
from something that can be easily prevented with a infected, but the disease is generally only contagious
According to the Centers for Disease Control, 220 vaccine,?sophomore Ayla Johnson said. when a rash is present.
individual cases of measles have been reported in 26
states and the District of Columbia in 2018 as of The Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine, known Common symptoms include a widespread rash,
November 3. as MMR, has proven to be extremely effective in fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, and inflamed
preventing the virus. eyes.
Measles infection rates have decreased significantly
in the last 100 years due to widespread vaccination, but The vaccine is administered to children under the "Vaccinations save lives. They do more good than
with the popularity of the anti-vaccination movement age of 13 in two doses, typically between the ages of
and the limited availability of the vaccine in twelve months and six years, or before the child starts bad,?Earth Science and Astronomy teacher Tina
developing countries, the disease is still a threat to school. Weller said. ?My kids are vaccinated, my cat, Kylo, is
many around the world.
Measles is extremely contagious, and is spread vaccinated, I am vaccinated, and therefore, we are not
The first case of measles in Michigan in March 2018
1657: Measles 1961: A Histor y of Measles 2018: Measles begin to
found in Boston Massive breakout in Venezuela
Epidemic hits 1963: Measles 1983: Low Vaccination 2015: Measles
1757: Measles is Greenland Vaccine is Rates = Measles Breakout breakout in
recognized as an Licensed Disneyland
infectious disease
1958: Testing for the 1981: Measles 2000: Measles 2008: Record breaking
1916: Measle Measles vaccines begin are almost Eliminated from U.S. number of Measles cases
specific completely
antibodies found eliminated Graphic: Hannah Gripp
Source: History of Vaccines
News RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 5
December 2018
Whitmer winsMichigan
Governor position
SaMya's takes on
Emma Rankine, Editor-in-Chief
improving the education system. In addition, the tax Historic
Democrat Gretchen Whitmer will be taking office
revenue from Proposal 1, the legalization of dates
in January as governor of Michigan, after eight years marijuana, may help to pay for some of the
under Republican Rick Snyder. resolutions to these issues, according to K. Stec.
?I think this term will be different in no small part ?These things are important because they?re things
because there's a split in power now,?Regional Field
Director for Michigan One Campaign and RHS that benefit everyone in the state of Michigan. Fixing
alumni Kelly Stec said. ?Governor-elect Whitmer has the roads will help people who can?t exactly afford a
a record of being able to make tough but fair
negotiations and do what's best for the people of Women in politics:set of new tiresevery timethey driveto beableto still
Michigan during her time as a legislator, and I think have transportation. Helping Flint with their drinking
having that legislative background will give her a water is super important because there?s so many
major advantage to working with Speaker Chatfield
and Majority Leader Shirkey regardless of party. I'm Naughty or Nicehealth issuesrelated to that,?Michigan One
honestly excited for things to be more bipartisan Campaign volunteer and RHSalumni Annie Stec
because it gives us a chance to have better
conversations.? said. ?Our public education system has gotten so SaMya Overall, FeatureEditor Photo: Isaac Bolton
screwed over by the DeVos family, cutting funding in
According to a statement issued by Whitmer?s cities that need the funding the most, and that?s not December is holiday month! While people near and far
transition team, ?Governor-elect Whitmer is excited fair to those who live there? And affordable are decorating their trees and jamming out to Mariah
to get to work. There are a limited number of days healthcare is a must. It?s not fair that people who are Carey, ole Saint Nick is typing out his list of those who are
between now and the inauguration, and right now sick can?t get better because they can?t afford it. We naughty or nice. But despite popular beliefs, we all know
she?s focused on building a strong foundation so she should be helping those in need, not hurting them.? that Mrs. Claus is the one running the place in the North
can hit the ground running on day one.? Pole, just as women are starting to run things after
Both K. Stec and A. Stec worked closely with November?s election.
The Governor-elect?s main goals for her time in Whitmer on her campaign, and believe that she has
office include fixing the roads, making healthcare the ability to ?reach across the aisle?in ways that Gretchen Whitmer was elected governor of Michigan,
affordable, helping to fix the Flint Water Crisis, and other politicians do not, which is one reason why the second female governor in the state?s history. Whitmer
they believe she was the best suited person to win the advocates for women?s rights and Medicare for
election. low-income citizens, so since I fit nicely into both
categories, Mrs. Claus and I will be sitting back writing her
?There are many, many positive name down under the ?Nice?list.
things to be said about
Governor-elect Whitmer. She has Women are finally starting to make a regular
a phenomenal professional appearance in politics, and quite honestly, it?s about time.
background both as a legislator It was only a little over 100 years ago that Jeannette
and as a county prosecutor,?K. Rankin became the first woman in U.SCongress, being
Stec said. ?But the moment I elected to the House of Representatives by the great state
knew that I wanted her as my of Montana.
governor was when she stood at a
rally at MSU this fall following the And though over 100 years, 102 to be exact, seems like a
Larry Nassar incident and shared long time, when was the first man elected into the U.S
her own story of her time at State Congress?Exactly.
and the importance of making
changes to help survivors. She is Mrs. Claus, put Montana on the ?Nice?list, please.
not only supremely qualified, but Locally, women make up half of the Wyandotte school
also deeply empathetic and board, with Theresa Crnkovich and Cynthia Kinney
caring--it's not an act. I'm excited becoming next year?s female trustees. Together, the
to see that care amplified to help women received 30%of all total votes, with a 50 vote
margin between the two.
Michigan I personally know and love Crnkovich, so I have no
people and doubt that she?ll advocate for programs and events that
their benefit the students. And though I don?t know the other
families.? trustees, Mrs. Claus wrote their name on the Nice side of
her list as well, so they can?t possibly be bad people, right?
In no way am I stating that men shouldn?t be in politics,
nor am I implying that it isn?t a great feat for men to be
elected into any public office. I would be put on the
Naughty list for that. Some may disagree, claiming that no
one forgets about women. However, when you think of
Christmas, do you think of Santa Claus or his wife?
High five, Mrs. Claus. I still remember you.
1. Whitmer Having so many women in office was something
poses with A. unheard of in the late 1800s when Victoria Woodhull
Stec during became the first female presidential candidate.
Photo courtesy: Annie Stec Whi t m er 's
campaign. A. It was still unheard of in 1916 when Rankin became the
Stec first female Representative.
volunteered in It?s still weird today, even with nine women being
Whi t m er 's
campaign this elected or reelected in Michigan?s midterm. Having
past year. 2.
Whi t m er female voices in our government can broaden the
perspective of those in power, and hopefully help them
speaks at a make better decisions to benefit the whole school district,
campaign rally state, or country. Merry Christmas RHS, and remember
before Election
1. 2. Day. history tends to repeat itself.
News RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 6
December 2018
DECA hosts Hope for Hearts event
KateSimpson, BusinessEditor
Hope for Hearts, a charity for congenital heart guiding them on the steps to take to prepare for an Bernaiche said.
event,?Cumiskey said. ?So how did they reach out to DECA has goals they would like to meet, and
disease, is benefiting this year from the DECA the community, ordering the jerseys, making the letter
fundraiser event at the hockey team?s home opener. for sponsorship and and helping the social media Laforest who has many goals for the organization as
awareness and just getting items donated.? well.
?Hope for Hearts was chosen because we went to
Mrs. Sutka and asked if she knew of any local kids in Bernaiche and Juarez are working towards their ?My goal is to help them raise as much money as we
our school system that are a part of an organization fundraising goals by staying focused and trying to can to help fund a Home Monitoring Program to help
that may need financial assistance, so really it was just advertise for the event. kids like me who have special hearts. I also hope to
a brainstorming effort of trying to find kids in our raise awareness about heart defects,?Laforest said.
community that have something that we can help ?During class everyday we try to be as busy as we
with,?marketing teacher Elissa Cumiskey said. can, make sure that we don?t catch ourselves not doing The Hope for Hearts event not only raises awareness
anything, always going business to business spreading throughout the community but also raises awareness
Aidan Laforest is the face of the Hope for Hearts the word and just making sure people know about the for everyone involved.
DECA fundraiser. Laforest was born with an game,?Bernaiche said.
undetected heart defect leaving him with half a heart, ?I think it?s important for the DECA chapter to be
he is now involved in the non-profit Hope for Hearts Although the DECA students are running the involved because it teaches them about leadership
organization. project, Laforest also gets involved by spreading the and giving back to community service,?Cumiskey
word. said. ?I think it?s important for the hockey players to be
?I got involved when Mrs. Cumiskey invited my involved because they are also realizing how lucky
mom and I into her class to learn about my special ?I?m involved by telling people to go to the game...I they are and playing for a reason. It?s helpful to the
heart, to talk to me and learn about our non profit get to throw out the game puck and will be there to foundation because it gives them exposure and also
Hope for Hearts, it was fun meeting high school kids. cheer on the team along with hanging with everyone financial assistance so I think it?s a win win for
We heard about the event and about what the class is there,?Laforest said. everyone involved.?
doing to raise money for us,?Laforest said.
DECA is raising money by selling jerseys and shirts, People who get involved with this event are eager to
Four students in DECA are running the event with doing raffle baskets, a silent auction, miracle minute, help by giving back to the community.
two separate DECA projects being produced. and chuck a puck at the game. All proceeds will
benefit the organization. ?I enjoy meeting all the nice people. The students
?Elliot [Bernaiche] and Mateo [Juarez] are running chose to support my non profit Hope for Hearts and I
the community service side of this, and Natalie [Reid] ?Our goal is to make at least five thousand dollars or want to help them have a good event and support
and Bella [Kholstrand] are running the public more. Hopefully we reach that goal because a lot of them,?Laforest said.
relations side of it so there?s actually two projects people that are suffering from congenital heart disease
coming out of this... I?ve helped them...through could use the money and they go through a lot,? Laforest is looking forward to the event as it will
raise awareness while he can have a good time.
The H ope for H ear ts DECA pr oject r ai sed... Photos: Kate Simpson 1. Senior goalie
Jon Mi ch eal
$4,588.42 Slaughter wears
jersey in support
1. 2. 3. 4. of Laforest and
Hope for Hearts.
2. Laforest takes
picture with
friends wearing
Hope for Heart
shi r t s.
3. Roosevelt
Bear collects
money for
miracle minute
during the game.
4. Laforest drops
the puck at the
start of the game.
Bear business; students share important opinions
Emma Rankine, Editor-in- Chief
formulate educated decisions when it comes to administration, so getting the students opinion, and Photo: Emma Rankine
The RHSadministration is teaming up with making choices about things that impact kids.? not just the officers, is important,?Freshman Class
members of Student Council, as well as all class Officer Nina Steffin said. ?We never really talk [all
presidents, to get students?input on policies and The purpose of the group is to get students?opinions together] that much, so we need better
decisions for the school. and ideas on what is going on within the school. They communication.?
?It was kind of a culmination of a few things. It?s plan to meet at the beginning of every month to
something I?ve been wanting to do, and feedback from discuss upcoming events, as well as the needs of the All parties involved intend for this group to create a
students led me to reach out to see what we could do students and staff. more positive and inclusive atmosphere at RHS.
to get it in our school,?Assistant Principal Kelly
Reynolds said. ?I plan to talk about new policies in the school, new ?[We want to] get a better look at what is going on in
things like the Chromebooks, and other policies that our students?day to day life and how decisions are
Though the group, ?Bear Business and Bagels?, is they?re thinking about implementing,?Senior Class impacting them,?Reynolds said. ?I want to get our
made up of Student Council officers and class President and Student Council Representative Jake students much more involved in those things in a
presidents as of now, an opening discussion topic was Baker said. ?I think this should have been there all positive way, because this is your school.?
who will be able to come to meetings. along... It?ll inspire better communication, and I think
it?s actually very important. I think the student body Freshman Reese Blackledge and Steffin engaging in
?I found a model from Carlson High School, they do will be more informed, and we won?t find out about conversation with Reynolds.
?Pizza with the Principal?, basically they invite their things after the fact.?
executive board and a friend, and that?s what we?re
going to do,?Reynolds said. ?We thought what we Most students involved believe that this event will
could talk about at that first meeting is talk about if put an end to the separation between administration
we?re reaching the right demographic, if we should and students, as well as increase communication and
expand and invite others? We have such a great understanding.
student body, with such diverse needs and skills, I just
think it?s important to tap into all of that to help us ?I think it?ll make a much better impact because [the
school] is kinda just ran by the teachers and by
Featur es RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 7
December 2018
New Key club officersstep up during holiday season
KateSimpson, BusinessEditor
The holidays are always an important time for Key ?This year we already have a lot more new members point of the bags is so families who leave in a rush can
Club, but with a new executive board this year, they are joining which is great. We also have more organized have things they would not think of when they run out
working to create more projects and improve old ones. meetings with a set plan each time, we're trying to make the door in a hurry,?Murasky said. ?We also are working
?We have already done a peer to peer Halloween party the most of our short time together and help out as much with peer to peer this year to throw holiday themed
and we plan on doing a Christmas one as well. We are as we can,?Junior-Robins said. events for the class. As well as many other small projects
starting a canned food drive.. this week, and we plan to Board members would like to get more involved by like the canned food drive, Gleaners Food Market, and
have a bottle drive over the holiday break,?Key Club doing more local community service projects. Salvation Army.?
President Adrianna Junior-Robins said. ?We're also going ?My goals this year are to get more involved with the The board members have been putting in extra time to
to do another miracle minute...There will also be a community around us. I'd like to implement more make sure the meetings are more impactful and the
breakfast with Santa Saturday, December 8th and we service activities throughout the year and have as many activities are more successful.
have more activities planned as the year progresses.? new members be involved as possible,?Junior-Robins ?We?re meeting weekly, and so where Key Club meets
While the new board members are planning new events, said. every other week, our board members meet on those off
they still receive guidance from Key Club Advisor The board is trying to make their meetings more weeks to plan what we?re doing,?Morris said. ?It?s much
Michelle Morris. productive by creating year-long events. more structured, it?s much more organized, we can look
?We put the focus more on the kids running it, and the ?I'm trying to get more projects started up this year, down the road and have things more planned out. They
kids projects and things...we want to get out in the and I have set a year long project that requires a lot of have taken ownership of Key Club.?
community more and do more community based work,?Junior-Robins said. ?This will help us have
projects. Make our board more active, which they?ve something to do every meeting and guide our
stepped up and done, so I think that?s the biggest thing,? fundraising and volunteer activities.?
Morris said. The club is also working to get more involved in
The board members - Junior-Robins, Vice President service through RHSand collect more funds through the
Baylee Murasky, Treasurer Brandon Powell, Secretary students.
Gabriella Giammalva, Webmaster Lily Wink, and ?One of my goals for Key Club this year is to have a
Communications Officer Kelsey Wink - have been much larger impact on the school and community,? Photo: Kate Simpson
working collectively to organize many new and old Murasky said. ?Another goal is to provide Hannah?s Care
events. Packages, which is our largest project, with a decent
?I think this year is better because the board is very amount of funds raised and products we collect.?
organized. We have a lot of projects set up and ready to Key Club participated in many community service
go as well as everything we need for the meetings. The projects throughout the year, some of which they do all
board gets along very well, and Mrs. Morris is such a big year long.
help with everything,?Murasky said. ?Our main activity is Hannah?s Care Packages, which
The board members feel they are organizing the club are bags with things like blankets, socks, full size Key club officers meet in the LMC to discuss plans for
upcoming events including bell ringers and breakfast with
well, considering input from all of the new members. shampoo and conditioner, snacks, toothbrushes, the Santa.
Poetry Out Loud gives students platform to perform
Photo: Isaac Bolton Hannah Gripp, Reporter happens in January on the stage, we have it can be understood you?ve done a lot of
three outside judges to be unbiased things that we?ve taught for years and
Photo: Hannah Gripp As Poetry Out Loud enters its eleventh including one accuracy judge, and from years in English,?Baker said. ?You have
year at Roosevelt, the competition is there we pick the Roosevelt winner.? to figure out how each diction selection
1. Caleb Ave-Lallemant performs in Mr. filled with a mix of returning competitors affects the tone and overall meaning of
Baker's room to qualify as one of the ten and newcomers. The winners competing in the school the poem.?
finalists at RHS. 2. Senior Sarah Creech finals include freshman Alexis Brand,
practices her poem before the first round Among the returners, senior Sara sophomores Caleb Ave-Lallemant, Kiara Regardless of its benefits, Poetry Out
of auditions. Creech finished second in Creech knows the pressures of Bilyk, and Addison Tracy, junior Destiny Loud serves as a creative outlet for all of
last year's RHSPoetry Out Loud competing. King, and seniors Sara Creech, Hannah its participants in their own individual
competition and is competing again this Daw, Kate Fuller, Sydney LaBell, Megan way.
year. ?I tried out my sophomore year and Leske, and Katelyn Lesko.
totally freaked out and forgot my poem, ?This has really served as an outlet for
but I came back last year and ended up Like Poetry Out Loud at the state level, me to express myself in a unique way,"
getting second place,?Creech said. Baker?s judge panel consists of two LaBell said. "I?m just really proud for
performance judges and an accuracy myself for doing it, as it?s something I?ve
Sydney LaBell, a senior also competing judge who has a printed copy of the always wanted to do."
in Poetry Out Loud but as a first time poem, and checks for any mistakes the
performer, feels the same pressures contestant makes in their performance. Most contestants, despite experience,
Creech did her first year. can agree that panicking over the
?First of all, I have a God awful competition will never help throughout
?The most difficult part is getting past memory. I really mean it. It is incredibly the process.
that performance wall, you have to just short term, so I spend more time than the
be completely anxiety free, and I?ve been average person practicing my poems, but ?It?s so important to not overthink
finding that really hard,?LaBell said. I really don?t mind it since I love and during this, honestly that?s what ruined
enjoy it,?Creech said. me and my chances at competing
Considering only one contestant is able sophomore year,?Creech said.
to represent Roosevelt at the statewide Unlike Creech, LaBell feels as though it
Poetry Out Loud competition, the is not as heavy of a commitment. Even if not interested in competing,
selection process has many steps. Baker as well as many Poetry Out Loud
?It doesn?t require too much time, I contestants encourage their peers to try
?It all has to deal with auditions and only spend a few minutes a day looking out some form of poetry.
being judged at a couple different levels. over and reading my poems and that?s
The first round is just an audition round about it,?LaBell said. ?If you look around enough, you?ll find
it?s pretty informal, it?s not even on the a poem that you think is clever, moving,
stage, it?s just in my classroom and the Poetry Out Loud, in addition to or funny, just something that speaks to
judges are Mr. Keast and myself, and we teaching its participants time you in a certain way,?Baker said. ?One of
also have a third judge who is an management, also benefits them the things poetry does is that it allows us
accuracy judge,?Baker said. ?From there, academically. to express ourselves in ways that no other
we narrow it down to ten to fourteen for ?If you can understand a poem as best as literature can.?
the school finals where they have to have
two poems prepared. This usually
Featur es RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 8
December 2018
Moline worksto ensure graduation for students
Alex Gervasi, Reporter work with more kids,?principal Thomas For the students she helps, Moline is a good push for him, helping hims toward
Kell said. constant presence. his goals. Moline is satisfied with her
This year there is a new graduation new job. She loves being at Roosevelt,
coach, former aid Melissa Moline, who Moline?s qualifications and ?So, she usually comes to get me on and she loves seeing kids throughout
is working with students to help experience have been apparent. Thursdays, or I?ll come down whenever the day.
motivate and ensure their on-time ?Mrs. Moline is a certified teacher,?Kell I feel like it,?Keathley said. ?Usually I ?Getting to know the students,?Moline
graduation. said. ?We?ve had some experience with come down everyday and we just go said. ?I?m trying to help them, I don?t
her before, she works very well with the over my grades, and we talk about what know if I?m always successful but I
?I work with kids who either have kids.? I can do to be better.? definitely try.?
attendance issues or have issues with
their grades,?Moline said. ?I have had a Moline?s job requires her to be tough Keathley has found Moline to be a
lot of experience working with different on the students she deals with, but the
kids; I?ve worked in special ed, bilingual students she works with learn through Photo: Isaac Bolton
students, and different age groups. I her persistence.
think my patience, and my sense of Photo: Lillian Settles
humor helped prepare me for this job.? ?She?s helped me with a lot of stuff,?
freshman Damian Keathley said. ?I feel Moline assists freshman Dean Graff with his classwork on the computer in her room
Since Moline used to be an aid and like, I wouldn?t be able to play my during lunch.
most recently worked at Wilson Middle sports, and be where I am.?
School, there are some key differences
between that job and her current role as Moline deals with many freshmen like
graduation coach. Keathley, but she also deals with
upperclassmen, such as senior Hayden
?I?m a lot more hands on with the Szczepanski.
students,?Moline said. ?I worked as an
aid, and that was very hands on, and I ?Mrs. Clark introduced me to Mrs.
enjoyed it...but I didn?t get to really Moline,?Szczepanski said. ?So I?ve been
know the kids, I didn?t feel like I was working with her most of the time.?
really helping them, and I really missed
being at the high school level.? Once introduced to Moline,
Szczepanski has come to depend on
The office for the graduation coach is her.
significantly larger than other offices in
the building. It may seem like Moline "I thought she would be really nice,
doesn?t need much room to operate, and she is really nice. She helps me out
but there are sometimes where it is a lot. She?s not mean, but she?ll be on
important to have that extra space. you. She gets on you, she stays on you to
make sure you can get what you need to
?The fact that it?s bigger allows her to do," Szczepanski said.
Featur es RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 9
December 2018
Staff l ook for war d to br eak
Custodian Icenogle gives back, enjoys family during holidays
Julia Tully, Reporter Photo courtesy: Don Icenogle
Christmas break is a time to relax anywhere to do this or that and decorating or visiting family.
instead we can focus on getting our
and hang out with the people that are project done without interruptions,? ?My favorite Christmas tradition is
close to you as much as possible, so Icenogle said. ?For me though, it?s
how does the maintenance nice for a couple days and then it opening up gifts,?Icenogle said.
department spend their holiday starts to get too quiet, it makes the
season? day go by faster when I?m moving ?More than that, seeing the
around and talking to people.?
Don Icenogle is a very well-known expressions on people?s faces when
and caring member of the custodial With the days off that they get, the
staff at RHS. maintenance department plans on they open up a gift that I got them. So,
"Don is a regular at Applebee's, spending them each in their own
where my stepmom works," senior way. just gift opening in general.?
Hannah Daw said. "Whenever I see
him he'll say hi and ask about my ?I plan on spending my days off As people get older, some
dad's progress in chemotherapy and with the family,?Icenogle said. ?As I
tells me that he hopes things will get get older, there?s not as much family Christmas traditions tend to fade
better for him soon. Don is probably around. It?ll be just my two sons and
one of the most kind hearted people my wife, but I?m still grateful to spend away, but the traditions still make the
I've ever met; he genuinely cares time with them.?
about everyone at RHS." people smile when they think about
Everyone has their favorite
The maintenance department gets Christmas tradition, but some Mai nt enancethem.
Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and people?s favorites aren?t as simple as ?I used to make a little town under
the day after off. After that, they are the tree,?custodian Tom Martinez
allowed to take vacation time or work. said. ?I did that for about ten years in Union raisesfunds
a row. It had fifteen buildings and a for Wyandotte
"Some of us might go on vacation big train that goes around them. I still
during the entire break," Icenogle have all of the stuff but I just don?t
said. "The first week of break we get
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off, fami l i es thr oughhavethetime, and now that my kids
and then we're required to work
Thursday and Friday." have gotten older, so I don?t feel the
need to do it anymore.?
For the custodians that do decide to
work, it is different working during a Charity Basketball
break rather than during school
hours. Fundr ai ser
?If we decide to work we?re Photo: Megan Harper Q&A with Don Icenogle:
assigned jobs from our boss,?
Icenogle said. ?Things like fixing light Icenogle standing beside the christmas tree set up in the maintenance What was the basketball
bulbs, painting, some construction department's office. The maintenance department also set up the tree in the main fun dr ai ser ?
work, and just more detailed office with help from Jo Brighton students.
cleaning.? "That was our AFSCME Local 1055
Wyandotte school maintenance
Working during the break is fundraiser to raise money for families in
different for all of the custodians, need during the Christmas season, and
some enjoy the peace and quiet, for blessings in a backpack."
others would prefer the students to be
around. Who competed in the game?
?Well firstly, there?s nobody in the "It was the Michigan state police against
school, so we?re not getting called the Downriver police department. They
brought in a lot of raffle items to use too. "
Which team won?
"Michigan State Police won 57-44 over the
Teacher s look for war d to holiday plans Downriver policedepartment"
How much money was raised
?For me,the best part of Christmasbreak isbeingable to ?I am most looking for ward to be able and what was it put towards?
have time to spend with family.I don?t get a lot time to do to sleep and to slow down a little bit so "We raised six thousand dollars. Five
hundred went to the scholarship, one
that.My wife and I live in Michigan and therest of our that I can truly enjoy my family over thousand went to Blessings in a Backpack,
family isin New York and Virginia,so it?sa really valuable break?- Mrs. Kelly Lomas two thousand to Jo Brighton, and the rest
of the money was spread around the
time to spend with family.?- Mr.Mark D?Angelo ?I get to see my daughter a lot more,sheisonly a little over a year district to different families by $100 Meijer
gift cards."
?I am most looking forward to spending so I come to school and hangout with other people'skidsinstead
time with friends and family, and hopefully Were the expectations for the
going outdoors when there?s snow to go of my own so over break I will get to spend two weekswith the fundraiser met?
snowboarding.?- Mr. Robert Curtiss
ClairBear.?- Mr.Brian Cotner ?Just time to relax, "I think that anytime you can raise money
for a good cause, you always meet the
and hangout with expectations. No matter what we raise,
the effort was there to help families and
?Obviously? spending time with my kids and family. We host a lot of my girls and students around here."
events and we love when people come to our home to celebrate the husband." - Mrs.
holidays and relax and eat some good food and have a good time together.?
Krista Guerriero
- Mrs. Lela Blake
Featur es RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 10
December 2018
Wi n ter ti m e fun
m ak es n oses r un
Each year moreget sick, forced to missschool, work
Julia Tully, Reporter
Around November, the flu season starts up and hits November to March, the coldest months. In southern doesn?t have the appropriate defense mechanism to
fight against germs,?Oncologist at University of
a lot of people hard, causing them to miss important latitudes, it is from May until September. Michigan Shannon Hallenbeck said. ?They are more
susceptible to get sick versus somebody that has a
things and feel awful while missing it. Here in Michigan, school is in session during the flu stronger immune system.?
According to a New York Timesarticle by Gina season, and being sick for long periods of time can According to Demarco, it?s safe for patients
diagnosed with any type of cancer to get the flu
Kolata, flu season in northern latitudes is from cause someone to get behind in their work, forcing vaccine. But sometimes the vaccine doesn?t work as
well among cancer patients as it does in the healthy
them to quickly catch up when they are healthy. population, particularly those on active treatment.
?I tried to keep up with my work while I was sick,? These patients then have to be even more aware of
their health and take more precautions such as
sophomore Cordelia Krajewski said. ?But it was really wearing a mask and gloves, avoiding crowded areas,
and staying away from sick people and children ages
hard to keep up with it without any explanations.? five and younger.
Krajewski missed more than a week of school due to If an oncology patient does encounter an illness like
the flu it can be a very long process to get the patient
illness, causing her to miss important information. healthy again.
?I missed like, a really important subject in math,? ?It depends on their diagnosis and their age,?
Hallenbeck said. ?A seventy-five year old with terminal
Krajewski said. ?I have no idea what?s going on now, leukemia will probably be in the hospital for four to
five days, but sometimes people can just go home on
and we have a test on the subject soon.? antibiotics.?
Students being sick If a cancer patient starts experiencing symptoms like
a fever, runny nose, sore throat or coughing, they are
causes them to miss a lot of told to see a doctor right away according to Demarco.
work, but people who have Sometimes people can get lucky, like Krajewski, and
just have a bad cold, but other times it could turn into
more serious illnesses have something life threatening.
bigger concerns during flu
According to an MD
Anderson Cancer Center
Photos: Julia Tully article by Cynthia Demarco,
the biggest concern is that
cancer patients are at a
higher risk of developing
serious complications if
they do get the flu.
?A cancer patient?s body
Serenity Lairy and Allison Thompson choose to blow their noses outside of their
classrooms because they didn't want to keep disturbing the class.
Dreaded common winter illnesses
Influenza Common Strep
Cold Throat
(The Flu)
- Viral infection marked by runny nose Photos: Fair Use Source
- Usually comes on quickly with high fever, or nasal congestion, sore throat,
which lasts up to five days, cough, sore cough, or headache. - Children generally present with sore
throat, headache, and stomachache. throat, headache, and stomachache.
- Most colds worsen over 3-5 days and
- The best way to avoid this illness is to get then begin to improve in about 7-10 - Children with strep should stay
the annual flu vaccine. days. home from school until they have
been on antibiotics for 24 hours.
Source: Childrensmd.org
Holi day RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 11
December 2018
Holiday sculptures
New architectural project incorporates Christmas season
Alex Gervasi, Reporter limited to simple houses, in fact, that is not Photo: Emma Rankine
what it is at all. Most of the projects will be
Gingerbread houses were made during going against the traditional look of a 1. PPhhoottooss::AAlleexxGGeerrvvaasisi
the holiday season in select architecture gingerbread house. 1. Juniors Nick Miello and Joseph Kazmierski build their structure together. 2. The
classes as a fun learning experience for the finished structures included the Rockefeller Center (constructed by seniors
students. ?For example, I have a group that?s Rhiannon Clamp and Sara Wauters), Big Ben (built by Anna Cole and Jacob Ford),
making the London Bridge,?Rankine said. the Big House at the University of Michigan (created by juniors Nick McPhall and
"They?re going to learn how to scale,? Xavier Tyrpin), and many more.
architecture teacher Natalie Rankine said. Students that made the model
?Obviously, they?re using food instead of gingerbread houses enjoyed the project a
building materials but you can relate to our lot because it was something that fits the
subject.? season.
Last year, there was a similar project for ?I?m excited that we get to use different
Rankine?s classes. The only difference materials than just the same old same old,?
between the model building project from senior Rhiannon Clamp said.
last year to this year is that they went from
having all food available for their models, to Another thing that students like about
only gingerbread house materials. The this project is that it is extremely unique,
previous project ran for a number of years. and unlike other projects that they have.
?The students are pretty good at model ?The fact that we?re not just using, the
building,?Rankine said. ?I thought it would same stuff,?senior Sara Wauters said. ?We
be a fun opportunity to express themselves get whatever creative factor we want out of
by food instead of regular model building.? it.?
Making architectural gingerbread houses Model gingerbread houses were put in
requires planning and effort. The project place this year to add festivity to the
itself may seem like it could take a number holidays, as well as giving the students in
of weeks to plan out and perfect, but in architecture classes another opportunity to
actuality it only takes a single week. learn while having fun.
?The very first thing we?re doing [at the As much as some of the students would
start of the project] is we?re going to do like to eat the gingerbread houses after
some research,?Rankine said. ?So they?re finishing, they are unfortunately not edible,
figuring out what scale they want it to be.? due to the glue and other products that
were used.
Architectural gingerbread houses are not
Key Club hosts canned food drive for struggling families
SaMya Overall, FeatureEditor runs as smoothly as possible. little of a surplus of food,?Sutka said. ?It?s hard for a lot Photo: SaMya Overall
As temperatures drop and the holiday season begins, ?We currently are on the announcements and we?re of families that their kids eat breakfast and lunch here.
They depend on that and Blessings in a Backpack, and
many families struggle to keep food on the table, telling people we have the canned food drive going two weeks is a long stretch. It?s cold and it?s a time
especially during the long two-week Christmas break. on,?Key Club board member Christina Raupp said. where it?s hard to get out...so I like giving them
?We are also working with NHSa little bit. They are different types of foods.?
Every year, Key Club hosts the Canned Food Drive, going to come down and help us sort out some cans
where RHSstudents and staff bring canned foods and because we do get a lot of cans.? Seniors Cameron Harris and Aaron Canter put canned
nonperishable goods for fifteen struggling families. food into the boxes in auto shop teacher Mark Miciura
The main goal of the drive is to evenly distribute the classroom, with the determination to have the most cans.
?We ? . give to the families that are needy during the cans to the local families in need.
holidays,?Key Club advisor Michelle Morris said.
?Then we stock the pantry here for school with granola ?We don?t have a certain amount of canned food
bars and things like that...Things for if kids need that we need because we always end up getting more
something to snack on or to eat.? than enough,?Raupp said. ?We definitely make sure
when we have like 7-10 families, we have to make sure
The families are chosen by social worker Maria we divvy up the canned foods. We don?t want to give
Sutka based off of recommendations from RHS them too much of one thing.?
students, staff and parents.
Though the event is supposed to give back to those
?Sometimes parents would call, sometimes kids in need, it becomes difficult to make sure everyone
would come in and ask, or teachers would contact me gets help.
and let me know a student doesn?t seem to have what
they need,?Sutka said. ?Some of the kids are homeless, ?The hardest thing is trying to spread it out enough
so they can use help.? to help everyone,?Sutka said. ?I worry that there might
be some kids that I?m missing because I don?t know
The Canned Food Drive ran from December 3-11. them or other people haven?t identified them. So I did
RHSstudents and staff were encouraged to bring food the ask the Teen Task Force to help identify kids that
to their first hour to store in a box until collection day. might need some help.?
?Every classroom will have a box,?Morris said. ?On the
11th we have a half day, and Key Club members and However, the thought of being able to help at least
anybody else who wants to help will bring them down one family during the holiday season makes the event
from the classrooms and we sort them out in the worthwhile.
commons and distribute from there.?
?The best part is knowing that we?re sending
Key Club members are encouraging students to students home during Christmas break at times with a
participate in the cause and making sure the event
Holi day RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 12
December 2018
Histor y behind popular holiday customs
Emma Rankine, Editor-in-Chief
Hanginggiant socksover a fire,bringinga tree inside to decorate with glassballs,and tellingchildren to behave so a strangeman
can break into their house to deliver them presents;How did these odd actsbecome themost popular Christmastraditions?
Santa Claus Christmastrees Stockings
Whether he is called Kris Kringle, Father Almost everyone that celebrates Christmas joins the While it is not completely clear as to why stockings are
Christmas, or Saint Nicholas, the legend of Santa tradition of putting a decorated tree up somewhere in hung above the fireplace before Christmas morning,
Claus is one that is known far and wide their home, but most do not know why they do, or how there are many legends and stories that may serve as an
throughout the world. However, not all places it started. explanation.
celebrate the same Santa, or know why they
celebrate him at all. The evergreen tree has always been looked at as a The most popular legend tells of a recently-widowed
symbol of everlasting life, because it is one of the only and impoverished man and his three daughters. Though
The Santa Claus everyone knows today can be trees that does not lose its leaves or change color during his daughters were beautiful, he was worried that his
traced back to 280 A.D. to a monk from modern the winter. financial status would make it nearly impossible for them
day Turkey, Saint Nicholas, who gave all of his to get worthy husbands. Though he was in need, he
wealth to the sick and the poor. His stories The evergreen has been used in Pagan winter would not accept any direct help. Luckily for him and his
eventually influenced the modern day idea. Even celebrations for thousands of years to symbolize life daughters, St. Nicholas was wandering in their town and
his name is evolved from the monk?s own name; and to remind them of the coming springtime. It was heard of their trouble. He went down their chimney one
The Dutch word for Saint Nicholas is ?Sint also widely accepted in many countries that the tree night, saw the girls socks drying near the fire, and slipped
Nikolaas?, which eventually was nicknamed, would keep away witches, ghosts, evil spirits, and gold coins in them. The girls woke the next morning to
?Sinter Klaas?, which morphed into the modern illnesses. the gold in their socks, and were finally able to marry.
day ?Santa Claus?.
As for bringing the trees inside homes to decorate and The story eventually began to influence actual people,
Though the idea was influenced by one specific celebrate with, Germany is to thank. Many German and children began to take large socks from their father?s
person, there are many different variations of devout Christians started it all in the 16th century, drawer, and fill with treats for each other. The tradition
Santa Claus all over the world. decorating with edible things, such as gingerbread and eventually morphed into handmade or custom-made
gold-covered apples. Soon after, glass stockings that are hung above the fireplace each year for
For example, in Scandinavia, children are told makers created the first Christmas tree ?Santa?to fill, which is what people do to this very day.
about a jolly old elf named ornaments, which were very similar to the
?Jultomten?who delivered ornaments that are hung today. As far as when this tradition began
presents in a goat-drawn exactly, it is mostly unclear. However,
sleigh; In Russia, and Unfortunately, the tradition was in Clement Clarke Moore?s An
old woman named marked as a ?Pagan mockery?of the Account of a Visit from Saint
?Babouschka? holiday, and was not accepted in Europe Nicholas(more commonly known as
leaves children gifts or America until the popular Queen TheNight BeforeChristmas), written
by their bedsides; In Italy, a Victoria and her prince were sketched in 1823, he wrote that Saint Nicholas
kind witch named ?Le with one in the London News in 1846. ?fill?d all the stockings; then turn?d
Befana?rides her with a jerk?. This implies that not
broomstick down the After that turn of events, decorating only were stockings used then, but
chimney to deliver presents to and putting up Christmas trees were also popular enough to
good children. became the widely accepted and reference in a well-known poem.
practiced Christmas tradition that
it is today.
Photos: Emma Rankine, Wendy GUzman Mmloufiycfssktetlveitcoitlaotslehppeiisorhiwstouseu.prspseowhshoeilddchtaobnprdoinwsgsaegrsdossod
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iChristmasfun facts...JsCuehnnrorColt s f ihraenpglsac e .
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came about asa way t
quiet during C
Holi day RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 13
December 2018
Wyandotte?sannual treelightingbringslight to community
Wendy Guzman, ExecutiveEditor community would not beable to enjoy eventslike these.
For many citizens, the annual tree lighting in Downtown ?The community has alwaysloved the tree lighting. It
Wyandotte marks the beginning of theholiday season within is a family tradition for many of the citizens to take
the community. their holiday card photosin front of the tree which
is very special,?Thiede said.
?We?ve been going to the tree lightingever since I was a
little kid,?senior Matt Trusewicz said. ?We drink hot Many citizens attend thetree lightings with their
chocolate while the tree is getting lit, and I feel like every friends and family, creatinglasting holiday
year is a great memory for me.? memories.
At the tree lighting, visitors are welcomed at the ?Last year, I remember going with my
intersection of Sycamore and Biddle Avenueto an array of friend, she wasin choir, so I got to watch
vendors and holiday songs sung by RHS?s choir as they await them sing and I thought it wasreally cool
the lighting of the tree. because when they were singing a lot of
people were coming up and actually
?I like Christmas a lot and it was a fun experience for me listening instead of just walking around
getting to see how pretty it was,?freshman Hannah Moore downtown,?Smith said.
Thiede has a soft spot for city events,
In order for the community to have such a unique event, a having grown up going to them.
lot time has to be sacrificed, planning months in advance.
?I have grown up going to city events.
?I typically start planning the holiday events in the My father wasan employee of the city
summer to secure the reindeer for theevening and get the for over 40 yearsso thetree lighting,
contracts sent out to our vendors,?Special Events parades, and other eventsare
Coordinator for the City of WyandotteHeather Thiede said. somethingwe have been a part of for
what seems like forever,? Thiedesaid.
Thiede has been responsible for city events for 12 years, ?It also marksthe end of the events
and has been working for the city for 15. season for my officeso we can start
planningthe next year?sfestivities
?It is my responsibility for the organization of all detailsfor for the community.?
the event. I work with the lighting company to design the
theme of the tree, the RHSChoir to choosethe songs, write City events, such as the
contracts, arrange the festivities happening that evening, treelighting arepart of
work the evening,?Thiede said. what makesthe city of
Wyandotte unique,
Additionally, the event requires paperwork and other especially during the
tasks, including letters to Council for property use, contracts holidays.
for the vendors created, memos to the City Departments,
meetings with companies and staff, ordering of supplies, and ?I really like that the
many others. community of
Wyandotte comes
The ornaments for the tree have been collected over the together for this every
years, but a lot of the decorations and lightingare done by year, I feel like it unites
Grosse Ile Lawn Sprinkler and Fertilizer.The tree thecity and strengthens our
currently uses was planted after the old tree wasdamaged communi ty,? Trusewi cz
during a storm. said.
?[All the work the city puts in] is going into a really good
thing and it?s helping our community grow,? freshman
Isabella Smith said.
Without the work from Thiede and the department, the
TeSwhpliaovnmoeonefrpmisittkmdahuisa'-nelsah1agg8oraei0pzz0ioewnsfd.eass Photos: Emma Rankine, Wendy GUzman
el f
SSzecnzi ors Cal vi nJ o hn s an d wvaeynnandnuodaorl t t e ci t giszhytecinansmgow.rael k by t he
e pan sk i s har e c an dy c s g at t he
t i
670, candy canes Hay de n al o n
to keep children ane s. r ee l
Chr i stmas mass.
Holi day RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 15
Holiday shopping December 2018
spending habits Give more, show appreciation
50.3% 21.4%Gifts for familyCandy, decorations, etc.NatalieReid, Reporter more money spent on a gift, the more valuable and
more appreciation we show. Peter Bregman wrote in
Other sales and promos Gifts for friends Sitting down with someone you care about and an article called ?The Real Point of Gift-Giving?that
watching their priceless reaction as they open up a gifts don?t show appreciation. People do. Without the
special gift you thought so much about creates a person showing appreciation, the gifts do not have
feeling like no other. the same meaning. The monetary value of gifts
should never determine the value of appreciation.
A gift is something you give to someone to show The more you spend does not mean anything. It is
appreciation for them and to make them feel special. simply the thought that counts.
Without expecting anything in return, the feeling you
get from making someone?s day is the best. There?s The bad news is, as someone gets older, it is harder
no better feeling than knowing your role in for them to pick out gifts for the ones they care about.
someone?s life is important. Marie Haaland from the New York Post wrote in an
article called ?Gift giving gets more difficult with age?
In fact, many psychologists say that giving makes that results show a person over 55 years old is twice
someone happier than actually receiving the gift. In as likely to call themselves a terrible gift giver, rather
an article called ?The Science of Generosity: Why than someone in their 20s or 30s, who may be more
Giving Makes You So Happy?, John Haltiwanger says confident with their choices.
that spending money on someone else rather than
ourselves makes us far more happy. This statistic may affect the way someone feels
about shopping for the special gifts. Haaland said
According to curioushistory.com, gift giving goes that almost half of those in their 50s claim they do
back to the origin of our species. It is one of the not find as much enjoyment in shopping as they
oldest human activities. Although the types of gifts used too.
have changed from rocks to things like a watch or
clothes, the general purpose is still the same. Shopping and picking out the perfect gift for
someone can be challenging. According to
What we give someone is a reflection off of our Huffington Post, picking out gifts can be simple.
personalities and what we may find interesting. Judy Making a list of what the person likes or needs may
Stanigar wrote in an article called ?The Psychology of help you. Looking into the past and bringing out
Gift Giving and Happiness?that gift giving comes good memories may create the perfect gift. Along
with an opportunity to express yourself. The more we with simply just trying to make the person laugh, the
care about someone, the more time we spend littlest thought is what shows appreciation.
thinking about what gift to give them.
The priceless reaction of a person opening a
Stanigar also says that our gender plays a role in heartfelt gift and the appreciation they have for your
the type of gifts we give. Women tend to be on the efforts will last a lifetime.
more sentimental side of the spectrum while men
stick with the more practical and functional gifts.
However, a common misconception is that the
15.3% 7.5%
Other gifts 1. 2. Photos: Natalie Reid
Gifts for coworkers 1. Junior McKenna Wiejacha picks out the perfect Christmas gifts for her family. 2. Junior Autumn Amos helps Wiejacha
wrap up her gifts for her family.
3.1% 2.5% New Phone
Source: National Retail Foundation Gaming System
Wi r el ess Speaker
Polaroid Camera Headphones
Top giftsfor teens2018
Holi day RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 15
December 2018
Working Sales
Photos: Fair Use Source
Black Friday workersgive perspective on shopping holiday
SaMya Overall, FeatureEditor Allen said. ?Creating signage, making sure daily tasks However, some employees believe tasks get easier
are completed for an entire week so that associates can the more frequently they are able to work the holiday.
Black Friday is one of the biggest public holidays in help customers and not worry about paperwork,
the United States, generating over $691.90 billion in scheduling the right people to work in the right ?It?ll actually be a lot easier because I?ll know what I
sales in 2017, according to BlackFriday.com. However, positions, making sure you have enough supplies and can expect,?American Eagle employee senior Bryanna
the work that retail workers have to put in can making sure you have a good environment for LeBlanc said. ?I experienced more responsibilities and
sometimes be forgotten. shopping.? was able to do more than one thing at once.?
?The traffic at the store is exponentially higher than a Managers and others in charge make sure that The hardest part about Black Friday is workers being
regular day,?Tianna Allen, sales leader of Francesca?s, employees are well prepared for the overwhelming able to think on their feet.
said. ?Your focus goes from delivering a unique crowds in order to ensure the day runs smoothly.
shopping experience to making sure everyone gets ?The pace is extremely fast,?Allen said. ?So you have
what they want with as little hassle as possible.? ?Make sure everyone knows what is expected of to make a lot of very quick decisions. These decisions
them, and they understand the responsibilities,?Allen could end up causing more problems down the road,
The workers have to juggle more things than on a said. ?I made sure to have conversations with every so there is a lot of stress associated with it.?
normal workday. team member...When you know the expectations
ahead of time, it really helps everyone to feel Though Black Friday is busy, there are some upsides
?There are more people, and we have to ring up prepared.? to the public holiday, including socializing with the
people pretty fast, faster than we usually do,?TJMaxx customers and improving their experience.
employee senior Tasia Taylor said. ?So it?s just harder The day can be difficult to get through the first few
on us in general.? times. ?I think the best part is when you get to help
someone who is feeling kind of defeated feel good,?
Though many customers are drawn to bigger stores, ?It just makes me not want to work,?Taylor said. ?It Allen said. ?On Black Friday, you get to experience that
smaller store employees still have to prepare well in makes the job harder, so I don?t enjoy it as much.? feeling a lot, and truly get to make a lot of people?s
advance for Black Friday. day.?
?There?s a lot of prep that goes into Black Friday,?
Retailersspar for top spot
Cecilia Kujawa, Reporter online shopping convenience, but both are seeking a appear soon.
cashier-less option. In addition, Walmart?s Vudu may prove to be
Although Amazon may still be the ruler of online
Amazon Go opened in Seattle in January 2018, and competition for the video and music streaming
shopping, Walmart has made changes to their new stores are planned for Chicago and San Francisco. services offered through Amazon Prime.
business model that are being noticed. Customers scan their phones, then Amazon uses
cameras and sensors to track purchases and With retail markets moving toward bundled and
The fight to win over customers has led to several automatically charge purchases. on-demand services, the changes to traditional brick
interesting mergers within the past two years. and mortar and online retailers is proving to be
Walmart cannot be counted out with its July switch innovative and exciting for the consumer.
Amazon?s latest acquisition is the Whole Foods to Microsoft Azure and Office 365. Walmart has been
markets, while Walmart has purchased Jet.com, working on a cashier free option since last year and
Shoes.com, and Moosejaw, to name a few. with a Microsoft collaboration, these stores may
According to eTail.com, ?Meeting customers?needs Photo: Cecilia Kujawa
is critical as they adopt more digitally-driven Graphic: SaMya Overall
lifestyles,?Jeff Muench, Sr. Director of Business 3.7%* 43.7%*
Development at Walmart said.
* of total online market
Having 4,755 stores throughout the UShas allowed
Walmart an advantage over Amazon. Senior Sarah Haener uses the improved Walmart to Source: Forbes Magazines
browse the new grocery shopping feature.
Amazon may offer free next day delivery with an
Amazon Prime membership, but Walmart is able to
offer discounted online items when customers choose
to pick up in store.
Amazon Prime membership is not free, however.
The membership will cost subscribers $99 per year as
compared to Walmart?s free two day shipping on
orders over $35.
According to Forbes.com, ?Two-day free shipping is
the first of many moves we will be making to enhance
the customer experience and accelerate growth,?Marc
Lore, president and CEO of Walmart ecommerce, said.
Not only are these retailers working to improve
Holi day RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 16
December 2018
Wei ghti n g for Chr i stm as day
Holidayseasonfoodcelebrationstendto increaseweightgain amongparticipants
Max Skolnik, Bear Daily Editor-in-Chief real ?culprit?food group, calorie intake is calorie intake. so is by fasting all day, or eating very lightly or nothingPhoto: Emma Rankine
Certainly the more calorically dense foods like those at all, until the big meal has arrived. This, however, is
The holiday season for most people means spending with a high fat or sugar content add up more quickly not the approach that should be used.
time with family and enjoying the festivities that come and can lead to weight gain,?Allen said.?Don?t deprive
with it. yourself of these ?special?holiday foods, rather have ?Well, your stomach is a muscle, and when you don?t
small portions, eat slowly and enjoy the holiday use your muscles, they get tight,?biology teacher David
?[My favorite part is] all my family coming together experience.? Blake said. ?By dinnertime your stomach gets super
so we can sit at the table and catch up,?junior Serenity tight, like a golf ball, and you try to cram your favorite
Lairy said. ?The food is amazing and we all bring our To show the effects of holiday weight gain, the NCBI dinner in there and it resists. You end up eating way
own dishes.? (National Center for Biotechnology Information), a less than you hoped for.?
branch of the National Institutes of Health, conducted
However, as the season approaches, those who a study to prove that people tend to gain weight over According to thekitchn.com, it is recommended that
celebrate tend to experience an increase in weight, the holiday season. those wanting to eat a larger meal continue eating the
known as ?holiday weight gain.? day before and the day of the big meal to keep the
According to the NCBI, to estimate actual stomach stretched, but to not undereat or overeat as
?I pile my plate up so that I can get everything [all holiday-related weight variation, they measured body well.
the food]. Then seconds, then pie,?Lairy said. weight in a sample of 195 adults. Subjects were
weighed four times, six-eight weeks apart, and a final Sophomore Marissa Pelland falls subject to holiday
This time of the year is a prime time for people to put weight was obtained in 165 participants the following overeating, much like most others in the wintertime.
on extra weight. September. Other vital signs and self-reported health
measures were obtained to mask the main outcome of Whhaotl'sidyaoyufrofoadv?orite
?The holidays are a time of celebration and interest.
gathering, most often these gatherings are centered
around food,?Greenfield Health System Dietitian and The results proved true to the stigma, as they found
RHSalumni Karen Allen said. ?Often, these ?special? that the average person gained around 0.81 lbs. While
holiday foods are higher in calories than everyday this was not as much as people tend to believe, weight
faire. Guests are encouraged and expected to try some gain over the holiday season was evident.
of everything to avoid offending the host. When you
take into account how many parties you attend during However, according to the New York Times, weight
this short period of time, more often than not you are gain truly depends on the person at question.
exceeding the amount of calories you actually expend,
leading to weight gain.? As stated by the New York Times, researchers found
that from early October to late February the subjects
In these times of holiday celebration, people tend to gained an average of 1.05 pounds, 75 percent of that
forget their eating habits and succumb to from Thanksgiving to January1. In another study
over-indulgence. conducted at Tufts University, the it was reported that
roughly 10%of people gain over five pounds of excess
?When we over-eat at a holiday gathering, usually it is weight during the holiday season, significantly more
due to lack of mindfulness while eating,?Allen said. than the NCBI tested.
?Socializing, cultural pressure, and the variety of foods
presented lead us into mindless eating. Ours is a Keeping off the extra holiday weight is easier than
culture of indulgence - food is equated with love. believed.
Focusing on small portions and eating more slowly
can help reduce the overall calorie intake. Making a ?Skip having ?seconds?? wait 20 minutes and allow
plan to eat smaller meals consisting of more fruits and the hunger control center in your brain catch up to
vegetables earlier in the day can help lessen the overall your stomach. Stand up and talk, or go for a walk to
calorie load.? take your mind away from eating,?Allen said.
While different dinner tables bring different dishes, Those who want to eat a very large meal usually
Allen believes that all foods are accountable for excess attempt to prepare for it. One common way by doing
weight gain.
?I think it is important to point out that there is no
50% Graphic: Emma Rankine
5% pMoatsahtoeeds 28% 17%
Ccaanndeys Chcor ioskt mi eass Ham
Taken from a poll on the @RHS_WyNews Twitter
Holi day RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 17
December 2018
They k n ow what you do, say, sear ch
How Google, Facebook, other appstrack what you do to target habits, interests
JudeRodriguez, Reporter With Google processing over 3.5 billion searches a ?It?s almost like a necessary evil,?Adams said. ?We Photo: Jude Rodriguez
day and Facebook having over 2.2 billion users, they need to do this in order to communicate and gather
Big technology companies such as Google and have collected a lifetime?s worth of personal data and and collect data because it?s very efficient.?
successful social media companies such as Facebook private information.
store all of its users data and sell it to advertising Since most websites are free to use, the only way
businesses. ?I don?t like that they {Google and Facebook} collect those sites can make money is by showing ads. Google
as much data as they do,?Trudell said. ?That?s part of and Facebook are really just the middleman that
When an advertisement appears online about the reason I use ad-blocking software so that it limits makes those ads more accustomed to the user.
something previously searched about or even talked the amount of data that?s collected.? However, that doesn?t mean everyone should be
about earlier, it is no coincidence. comfortable with companies selling private
Google has its tracking software on 70%of the information.
?I don?t think it?s a surprise,?Instructional Internet?s most popular sites, including medical sites
Technology Coach George Purdu said. ?I see some (MIT Technology Review). Google can see what sites a ?All you have to do is Google your name, you?ll be
stuff that comes through? like a sports team you like user visited and display relevant ads based on that amazed at what you can actually see what?s out there,?
and all of the sudden you start seeing ads for Fanatics.? information. Adams said.
In the Google Play Store, there are 250+ apps that ?I was looking for sideboards through Pinterest? An ad for Marvel Comics collectible figures appear on
have the software, Alphonso (Google Play Store). Next thing you know, I open up my Facebook and I see sophomore Marvel fan Alex Dakin's phone.
Alphonso is an audio software that listens to the user?s sideboards? ,?Global Events teacher Ronald Adams
environment and picks up on TV commercials and said. ?It?s kind of strange to think that they can track us
specific shows. It records what ads users see on TV and in that manner.?
processes it so that whatever business that
broadcasted the ad can see how well their ad In April 2018, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
campaign affected their business (Alphonso TV). testified before the Senate to defend how Facebook
Google can access this information to show users handled user data. Questions about user privacy arose
more ads that they deem relevant to them. after a political consulting firm hired by the Trump
campaign during the 2016 presidential election gained
?It?s amazing the way they [Google] are trying to access to over 50 million Facebook users?private
collect information on us,?Technology Director Jeff information. The data collected was used to try and
Trudell said. ?By watching or listening to the TV ads, identify the personalities of American voters and
it?s now going to give you ads inside of Twitter or influence their behavior.
Facebook or wherever that are associated with the
kind of television that you?re currently watching.?
Popular apps Alphonso issoftware attached to popular appsthat listensto your lives:Photo Courtesyof JoshuaCastillo Other apps: Wordscapes, Crossyroad,
that feature Paper.io, Subway Surfer, Facebook,
Alphonso: Twitter, and more
Search in Google Play or turn off
your phone's microphone to prevent
this tracking
Convenient but risky holiday trend needssavvy to stay safe
JudeRodriguez, Reporter Photo: Jude Rodriguez there are very easy steps one can take to minimize the Unknown/ New Conceptprotect users from snooping and other interferences
Online shopping fraud is expected to spike 60%this risk of financial information being compromised. on public networks by encrypting online activity.
Use secure sites Never provide payment information via e-mail
holiday season according to cybersecurity provider
Carbon Black, which would shatter 2017?s record of a Major online retailers such as Amazon and eBay are A major red flag is when a retailer asks for financial
30% i ncrease. considered secure sites, since they encrypt all data or other private information via e-mail. No retailer
transmitted between the web server and browser. To needs to know someone?s social security number or
In order to protect personal identity and finances, see whether a site is secure, check the site?s URL. A lock birthdate.
icon should appear to the left of the site?s web address ?You have to make sure you know what it?s asking for,
Sophomore Logan Neal uses a computer in class, when at or the URL should start with ?https?. as far as payment information,?Purdu said. ?...I think
home he shops online. ?Check if the site is secure,?Instructional Technology it?s one of the important steps when looking at what
Coach George Purdu said. ?I think that would be the you?re using.?
most important thing to really look for.? Regularly change passwords
Don?t shop with public Wi-Fi
Change passwords periodically and try not to use the
An unsecured Wi-Fi network is very risky to use with same password for different accounts. Using the same
sensitive information, as anyone in range of the signal password for email, banking, and social media
can view what passwords or card numbers are typed accounts is an easy way to be a victim of identity theft.
?If you?re using some of the larger online stores like
?I never save my credit card information, like when Amazon, set up two-factor authentication,?Technology
the websites say, ?Do you want to save this for next Director Jeff Trudell said. ?No one can log into your
time for a speedier checkout??,?avid online shopper account without that second factor.?
Kelly Lomas said. ?God forbid, if somebody should get
their hands on my information? I don?t mind taking All of these protective measures can only minimize
the extra few minutes to put the information in each the risk of online fraud, as no one is truly 100%safe
time.? from all cyberattacks.
If a public connection is the only kind available, ?My wife had been affected {by online fraud},?
make sure to use a VPN (virtual private network). VPNs Trudell said. ?It?s good that we?re very cautious and
aware of what our shopping habits are.?
Spor ts RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 18
According to Nick December 2018
Pistonscould become Competitive cheer battles
championship young players, new coach
Lillian Settles, NewsEditor hour on each round,?sophomore Photo: Lillian Settles
Nick Campbell, Sports Jenna Williams said.
Editor Competitive cheer is jumping into
the new season,working to fix the Their new coach, Bobbie Haidy,
The Detroit Pistons holes caused by injuries and a new believes that the increased practices
have been an average coach. are paying off especially in the team's
team for a number of tumbling abilities.
years now, but this may ?We lost a few girls from sideline so
be their time to make a we are still learning how to stunt ?They have improved their
move to contend. together and building a bond as a gymnastics skills and have been
team,?senior Miranda Harris said. landing and sticking more skills,?
If you?ve followed Haidy said.
basketball this season or They have had to overcome
for the past few years, concussions and many bone and The girls are also working hard to
you know that the joint injuries including torn ACLs get on task and improve leadership
Pistons are a middle of and sprained and rolled ankles. within the team. Having only one
the pack team in the Eastern Conference. There senior, some juniors have stepped up
are a lot of power house teams like the ?One of the freshmen just got to fill the empty spots.
Philadelphia 76ers, Toronto Raptors, Milwaukee injured, and she was really valuable
Bucks, and Boston Celtics, but the Pistons are because of her tumbling skills so we ?Being the only senior I have to
talented in a way that separates them from the are worried about not having enough make sure that everyone is on task
rest of the league: they have the most talented big tucks for round two, and we just and make sure that I am always
man duo in all of basketball. finished round three so it?s hard to go doing what I am supposed to be
The first of this duo is dominant center Andre all the way through not knowing it doing,?Harris said.
Drummond, who is averaging a monster 20 very well,?sophomore McKenna
points, and 16 rebounds (first in the league). Wiejacha said. Wiejacha for example has
Drummond is only one half of the Detroit duo. taken the underclassmen under
The other half is power forward Blake Griffin, who Though Wiejacha is concerned her wing and are helping them
signed with Detroit in the middle of last season about their upcoming performance, stay on task and get new skills.
from the LA Clippers. The Clippers had the talent she thinks they have a lot to learn.
to win big for a long time, but year after year, ?Most of the team is
struggled to win in the playoffs. Griffin needed a ?We have had to make changes underclassmen so it is hard to get
change of scenery, and the Pistons needed because of an injury and people not them to do what they need to do?
someone to come in and turn their franchise being at practice, but this will just so I try to get them motivated to get
around. teach us that we need to work harder new skills and work hard,?Wiejacha
Griffin was a top player in the NBA in his early because teams will be beating us,? said.
years on the Clippers, but after being plagued by Wiejacha said.
injuries, he wasn?t himself for a while, due to the According to Haidy and Wiejacha
fact that he had to sit out a lot of games. This The team has increased their the team is working towards their
season looks different for Griffin, which has been number of practices and have been three main goals; getting out of
a major part of the Pistons?success. working with a new coach to improve districts, having 12 standing back
Back in October, Griffin showed the league that their performance. tucks, and scoring over a 300 in
he was still a top player, by dropping 50 points round three.
and hitting the game winning free throw against ?We are practicing really hard. We
the 76ers. Griffin is averaging 25 points, 10 practice five days a week and work an
rebounds, and 5 assists and has been one of the
league?s best players this season. This duo has Bowlingteamsface challenges
been the Pistons?most effective piece to their
success. Nick Campbell, SportsEditor and IsaacBolton, Reporter building ourselves back to where we were last year.?
Point guard Reggie Jackson has also provided 16
points per game this season. Though the team The bowling season is underway for both boys and girls, There are seventeen girls participating this season, and
could easily upgrade the point guard spot and the teams are facing two different challenges for the
replacing Jackson, I think that the team could new season. only six guys. Though the boys team is a lot smaller than
become a serious contender if they signed a star
shooting guard or small forward. The girls have five out of six returning varsity members, previous years, they
One of the things that the team has lacked for a while the boys only have three returning members.
number of years is quality three point shooting, are doing their best
the team is ranked 26th in three point percentage Another advantage the experienced girls have is that
out of 30 teams in the league. A strong fit in they are comfortable with coach Marty Janeski, after to support each
Detroit would be Washington Wizards?shooting making states for the past three years.
guard Bradley Beal. The Wizards are struggling other along the way.
this season and have already committed to being ?I love the coach in general. We had him last year as a
ready to sell, while on the other hand, Beal is second coach, and he did really good,?sophomore ?We encourage
averaging 22 points a game and is 13th in three Gabrielle Parmelee said. ?The girls work harder and are
point field goals this season. very supportive of each other.? each other and lift
They would finally be ready to compete for a
championship, their first since 2004. The Pistons The team, even with the loss of top bowler Julia Janeski, each other up to do
are getting closer to competing, and could only be has high hopes for the season.
one move away. the finest that we
?I am really hoping that we make regionals and maybe
get first place,?senior Skylar Kellenberger said. can,? sophomore
Though the girls are looking at yet another strong Jayden Ensign said.
season, the boys took a major hit by losing three out of six
guys from last year?s team that took fifth in the state. The Both teams are
guys have had a lot of success for the past four years,
making states four straight years, and even winning the prepared to rise to Photo: Isaac Bolton
state championship in 2016.
their own
?We lost a lot of seniors, but I think we?re going to do
okay,?senior Ryan Kuzma said. ?Besides that, we are challenges this
season, and hope to
compete strong
from start to finish.
?We just want to
win and keep
goi ng,? seni or Senior Ryan Kuzma throws his shot
Tanna Porter said. down the lane.
Spor ts RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 19
December 2018
Hi gh hopesfor tak e-down
Strongreturningleadersmake state qualification well within reach for wrestlers
Hannah Gripp, Reporter With all of the new assets and experienced wrestlers, ?Wrestling has a great impact on our athletes. It Photo: Hannah Gripp
the team is driven by the same goal this season. teaches them to work hard, learn from their mistakes
Varsity Wrestling is predicted to have a strong season and to keep going,?Greene said. ?It is full of obstacles
this year with many experienced wrestlers coming ?We all believe this will be the first team to make it to and we have to problem solve on how to overcome
back to the mats. the state tournament,?fifth-year wrestler senior Carlos them.?
Vargas said.
?Unlike years past, we have a lot of wrestlers?with Junior Nick Biundo wrestles in the opener at Trenton
varsity experience and freshmen coming in with club The senior members of the team are not only is goal High School on December 5, 2018.
and middle school experience,?coach Brett Greene oriented, but also are take a large responsibility with
said. their leadership role.
The team has two returning state qualifiers, senior ?The biggest struggle by far is having the team
Jake Campbell and junior Kyle Cox, and a returning control their weights, and for the newer members of
regional qualifier, junior Nick Biundo. the team not to get all stuck in the hype of the season,
we all need to stay focused,?Vargas said.
?I expect to go back to states this year and hopefully
place,?Campbell said. ?I want to teach some of the With all of this, Greene keeps his athletes within their
freshmen and less experienced wrestlers and maintain weight through close moderation and healthy, safe
my leadership role on the team.? methods.
In addition to the high qualifying returners, the team ?Our program doesn?t encourage weight loss, our
is welcoming three girls to the team, seniors Anna athletes diet properly and naturally through exercise
Tertel and Madison McKenzie and freshman Salena and diet lose a few pounds,?Greene said. ?The weight
Givens. that the wrestlers do lose is monitored on a daily basis
and each wrestler is tested for body fat each year so
?My teammate from rowing, Anna Tertel, had told that they are not losing a lot of unnatural weight.?
me about the sport and I wanted a winter sport since
it?s the only season I didn?t have a sport for,?McKenzie Although wrestling can seem intimidating, the sport
said. ?Since I like working out and wanted to fill my teaches it?s athletes a great lesson.
time in the winter, I decided to wrestle.?
Junior heavy boys basketball Girls basketball looks to rebound from
team aims for success, unity loss of top scorersHamilton, Thorington
NatalieReid, Reporter captain Hayden Loya said. ?Having a Nick Campbell, SportsEditor going to be challenged with filling the
The Bears varsity basketball team is team full of seniors with varsity The girl?s basketball team is coming off shoes of the players that are no longer on
experience will be good for us.? the team.
junior heavy, but the team is looking at McKinney expects the juniors to get of three successful Downriver League
it as an advantage. prepared, under- stand their roles, and seasons, much of which was attributed to ?The graduating seniors played a big
have good energy. In the season the class of 2018. role on our team,?senior guard Jordan
?We?ll be able to gain experience as opener, Loya showed that energy Tarrence said. ?The people that play their
we go on game by game and next year, scoring 32 points to lead the Bears to Now that they have graduated, the positions have big shoes to fill for sure,
it will give them that same experience,? their first win over Monroe. team is left with a new challenge: but I think this year?s team has potential.?
Coach Josef McKinney said. ?We?ll continuing their success without them.
have leadership and we?ll have a lot of ?I think our 2020 class has a lot of The team has made leagues for the past
guys come back next year and be a potential,?senior captain Darian ?Trying to replace last year?s seniors three years, and hope to continue their
much more experienced team.? Henderson said. ?They are willing to will be really hard because they were our success in the league and beyond this
learn and listen so I know it?ll be a biggest offensive threat,?senior forward season.
Looking beyond this year is a goal for positive outcome.? Lillienn Corby said. ?We have to rely on
the coach and the players. everyone on the court to make shots at ?I think we?re going to continue to be a
Some juniors already had varsity all time.? threat in leagues, and I think if we really
?I think it will for sure be an experience from last year that made bond and work our butts off, we could
advantage for us next year,?junior them more aware of how they would The newer players on the team are even win districts,?Corby said.
like to see their team succeed.
Senior Darian Henderson reaches out to Senior guard Kelly Adkins looks for an For the senior girls, the transition to
block the other player form passing him ?I think playing on varsity last year open teammate to pass to. leading, and for some, as a captain, have
helped me see how little pure talent involved major changes in the way that
can do for a team,?Loya said. ?It takes they go about playing the game.
chemistry and hard work to succeed.
Most of the team has been playing ?Being a captain is a lot different than
together for years, and I have never being an underclassmen, it means you
questioned the work ethic of our have to be a mentor? and you have to
team.? communicate with everyone,?Tarrence
said. ?I have to be a good example at all
The variety of ages allows more than times and take over when necessary.?
just seniors to lead the team through
the season. The team is ready to begin working,
and is hoping to continue their success
?We have one junior that?s a captain from previous years.
and one senior that?s a captain so I
think everyone gels well together and ?This year we have a lot of different
we just play,?McKinney said. strengths that will help us for better, the
Photo: Lillian Settles goal is to get better everyday and
Photo: Nick Campbell hopefully leaves us with a win at
districts,?Sliwka said.
Spor ts RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 20
December 2018
Hill diveshisway to success
Cecilia Kujawa, Reporter Randazzo pushed him harder than ever before to get Photo: Cecilia Kujawa
Hudson Hill is not only expected to break records, him ready for the high school season.
Hill prepares to execute his dive. He recently broke the freshman
but to qualify for diving states as a freshman. ?I have pushed him hard, and I know he can diving record with a final score of 257.5.
?He will break the freshman record for both six and handle it because he wants it,?Randazzo said. ?How
you work in practice is what shows up in meets. He?s
11 dive meets,?diving coach Sam Randazzo said. ?He more than ready to kick this season off strong.?
will qualify for D2 state meet and has a great chance
to win our league meet altogether.? According to Randazzo, Hill has a shot of not only
going to states, but being able to continue his diving
Hill has already mastered dives that are difficult for career at a higher level.
seniors, with only a few high school meets under his
belt. ?He is more than qualified to continue in college,?
Randazzo said. ?He can dive D1, D2, or D3. He has
?He is the most talented freshman diver I have ever the talent to dive where he wants.?
coached in my past 39 years,?Randazzo said. ?His
dive list is at a senior level, [they are] very difficult Hill has high expectations from his parents,
dives.? teammates, and coaches. He is expected to do well
all four years of high school.
At a middle school level, Hill has already has an
impressive list of accomplishments. ?[In the future years] I expect him to achieve
all-area, all-league and all-state honorable mention
?I?d have to say my biggest accomplishment so far [placing top 16 at state meet]. Big expectations, but
is probably the fact that I got third at the MISCA state it?s the goals I set,?Randazzo said.
meet,?Hill said. ?I plan to bring the same energy all
the way through high school.? With all these expectations, Hill has plenty of
motivators to achieve these goals.
In seventh grade, Hill suffered an accident that
prevented him from competing at states, which ?My biggest motivators are my family and my
motivated him to come out strong in his eighth grade coach,?Hill said. ?They?ve all been there since the
season and every season in the future. beginning, and I wouldn?t be where I am today
without them.?
?For awhile, Hudson was afraid to dive again,?
mother Patty Leapley-Hill said. ?He injured his neck Hill?s training experiences have helped him grow as
right before states and had to wear a neck brace for well.
three weeks.?
?He was lucky enough to practice with Nolan
It took Hill about seven months to get over his fear [Gutenschwager], an alumni diver, now a big ten
of diving, and the process of getting over this was diver at MSU,?Randazzo said. ?He inspired him and
long and difficult. help him set his goals to break his records.?
?We ended up buying a trampoline that helped me With Hill already having this much experience, he
get back everything that I had lost,?Hill said. ?After is expected to do great things this upcoming season.
taking so long off, I started training rigorously night
and day, working on new tricks and getting better ?I am so excited for this season,?Leapley-Hill said.
again.? ?My boys will be a powerhouse together. I can?t wait
to see what they achieve.?
Once Hill got back in the swing of things, coach
Small team aims to continue program success GDi rilv'seSSwt ai mt es&
Nick Campbell, SportsEdotpr Photo: Nick Campbell the team. ?Everyone needs to understand what Senior diver Marissa Woida recently placed Photo: Cecilia Kujawa
The swim team has had success over ?We?ve been one of the best teams they bring to the team and give their 4th in the state on November 16-17. This is
best effort.? the highest a diver has placed in states in
the past few years, but with their loss of over the years due to hard work and Wyandotte history.
strong seniors from last season, the dedication, but this year we have a lot According to Alt, a big part of the
team will have to find new ways to of new swimmers that need to step up team?s potential success this season
succeed. and fill shoes,?senior Matt Trusewicz would be the leadership of the seniors.
?We lost some very talented seniors ?Not only will we need their talent
last year. It?s almost like a fresh start Not only did the team lose a lot of and experience, but they will have to
and it will be a lot of fun,?coach Susan talent from last season, but the team set an example for discipline and
Alt said. also has taken a hit with the lack of perseverance,?Alt said.
swimmers participating this season.
The team was near the top of the This change was a big transition for
Downriver League last season, but ?The team is definitely smaller than the seniors, who have been swimming
these graduated swimmers left holes in last year, and that?s gonna be a major on the team since they were freshmen.
struggle,?senior Sawyer Hill said.
Junior Nick Hickey competes in the IM ?Being a senior is a lot different to
relay at the relay meet in Allen Park on Though the team lost guys from last when I was a freshman, you have to
Saturday, December 1 season, they still feel that they can adopt a leadership role and give a
work their way to the top. good example for the younger
?I feel like we could place in the top swimmers to follow and to push them
three with our biggest competitors how I was pushed as a younger guy on
being in Carlson and Trenton,?Hill the team,?Hill said.
No matter how the team finishes,
Alt has been coaching for 25 years their goal is to progress as a group, and
and has been in this position before, finish strong.
and knows how to coach her way out.
?Our goal is just to simply get better,
?It?s often difficult to get kids to we can do that by pushing people out
understand that swimming is a team of their comfort zones because we
sport and meets are not won by just need people to step up,?Trusewicz
one or two hot shots,?Alt said. said.
Spor ts RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 21
December 2018
Li n dstr om tr ai n s for pr os
Senior choosesnot to play school hockey for better scouting opportunities
Megan Harper, Reporter
Wyandotte Public Schools has many student ?I decided not to play for the high school players are responsible for the costs of ice time,
athletes in a multitude of sports, but some because I think playing AAA will get me more equipment, and merchandise. Travel players
students choose not to play school sports in favor recognized for where I want to be in the future,? often face much higher costs, due to added travel
of travel sports or other programs. Lindstrom said. expenses, registration and association fees,
Senior Braden Lindstrom has been playing Lindstrom?s team is a AAA team, which means training camps, higher-caliber equipment, and
hockey since the age of three, but in his four years that he is more likely than athletes on lower-level other expenses.
at RHS, he has never played for the school team. teams to be scouted by United States Hockey The Jr. Grizzlies practice three times a week,
Instead, he has chosen to play travel hockey for League (USHL), National Collegiate Athletic starting on the ice and finishing with off-ice
the Oakland Jr. Grizzlies in Troy. Association (NCAA), North American Hockey training. In comparison, the Bears practice
League (NAHL), and even National Hockey everyday after school for around two hours. All of
League (NHL) scouts than the average high the team?s games are played in weekend
school player, due to his higher level of tournaments, beginning on Friday and ending
competition. Sunday or Monday. The winter season runs from
Lindstrom has been approached by several September to March, but players continue to play
NCAA, NAHL, and USHL teams, but has not in spring leagues and summer practices.
talked to any NHL scouts. One junior team ?I want to continue to play hockey after high
Lindstrom has been approached by is the school because it?s always been a dream of mine,
Dubuque Fighting Saints, a USHL team in and it would be a dream come true because I?ve
Photo courtesy: Cameron Lindstrom
Dubuque, Iowa. Lindstrom was drafted to the Photos: Wendy Guzmanworked my whole life to make it there,?Lindstrom
Fighting Saints in May 2018, but is unsure if he said.
will go play for the team. Several of the seniors on After high school, Lindstrom plans to play in
the school team are in a similar situation. the junior leagues for a while, then hopes to move
?No one on the school team has been on to professional hockey.
approached by any colleges because we haven?t ?I am very proud of what my brother has
gone to any showcases yet,?senior JonMichael accomplished through his career in hockey,?
Slaughter said. ?I?ve talked to a couple of junior sister Cameron Lindstrom said. ?I love that his
teams and I?ve been talking with Oakland experience has given me the opportunity to
University about going to play for their D3 watch him grow as a player and as a person. He is
program.? always working hard to be a better player, and my
A major difference between school and travel family and I are excited to see what the future
Lindstrom carries the puck across the ice. He has been teams is the overall cost of play. School hockey holds for him.?
playing hockey for 14 years.
Young, driven team prepares for new season
Wendy Guzman, ExecutiveEditor great job at stepping up to the plate so far, and the players and that?s gonna be a hard step to
freshmen agree. overcome.?
Despite losing their first three games, the varsity
hockey team continue this season with a strength ?[The upperclassmen] have been great, Jacob In order for the team to overcome the struggles
in unity among players and a need for more Ford, he?s brought me onto the team and feeling they will have to work hard.
leadership. like I?m apart of the team, he?s like a brother to
me,?freshman defenseman Josh Mills said. ?It all depends on how hard we work, we can
?There?s not such a divide in the team,?junior compete with everybody but it?s just gonna be
defenseman Tyler Andry-Stelter said. ?We?re kind Although a younger team might be challenging who does the little things to win the big games,?
of a family this year, we all get along.? now, it means there is more room for growth. Butler said.
Comparing to past years, the returning ?We?ll have some of these guys for at least Regardless, players on the team are looking
members of the team believe their chemistry will another two years so it?s exciting for the future,? forward to the season and believe this year shows
benefit them on the ice. Butler said. a lot of promise.
?I feel like we have a lot less negative energy in On the ice, one of the team?s biggest struggles ?[I?m looking forward to] seeing how far this
the locker room. Everyone?s a lot more positive has been the success of their offense. team can go and proving a lot of people wrong,?
and it?s a lot happier team,?senior captain Jacob Ford said. ?I think we can go all the way.?
Ford said. ?I feel like we?re a really close team, we ?[The team has been struggling with] putting
have a lot of good chemistry and we make good pucks in the net, you can?t score many goals right Sophomore Jason Johnson fights for the puck from his
plays together.? now,?Butler said. ?[They need to] come up with a opponent.
plan and stick with that plan.?
Although their unity will be beneficial, assistant
coach Kevin Butler believes the returners on the On the other hand, the team?s defense seems to
team need to step up as leaders for the be their strength.
underclassmen in order for the team to succeed
in games. ?From the defensive side of the puck, we?re
looking really good this year,?Andry-Stelter said.
?The hockey team is looking young,?Butler
said. ?This year some guys that aren?t used to Having suffered an injury during tryouts,
taking [the leadership] role are gonna have to step Andry-Stelter will be out for the rest of the season,
up if we?re gonna do anything special.? and the team is suffering other setbacks as well.
Butler believes senior leaders, including ?I tore my ACL in the second tryout and I found
captains Ford and Andrew Burke, have done a out I?m gonna be out for the whole year.?
Andry-Stelter said. ?We also lost two of our best
En ter tai n m en t RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 22
December 2018
Let'stry1 3 : Piekid you not
Wendy Guzman, ExecutiveEditor ways
Sweet happy medium dish
Although the holidays are intended for devouring Brief history of pie
unconventionally large meals, we always seem to
leave room for some kind of dessert. Personally, I like The funny thing about pies is that originally they types of meats and flavoured with peppers or dates. A
pie because it?s not as sweet as cake or cookies, but
can still cure your sweet tooth. I like to think of pie as were not intended to be eaten the way they are now. great misconception about pie is that there was a
a more grown up cake, like a cake that?s been through
eight years of medical school and is getting married The crust was meant to serve as a container for the pumpkin pie at the first Thanksgiving, but the first
next spring.
filling, and it was actually pretty hard to eat them. The recorded recipe was in 1675, and the dish didn?t gain
first pies were said to be made by the early Romans who much popularity until the 1800s. A cookbook from 1796
got the basic idea from the Greeks. In medieval only listed three types of sweet pies, but the popularity
England, early ?pyes?were made to be savory rather grew so drastically that now a days no one thinks of pies
than sweet. They would often be filled with different as anything but sweet.
Nanna's Ki tchen McDonald's Sam's Cl ub
I forgot to check Nanna?s hours and arrived at
6:57 when they closed at seven, but thankfully the I think at some point everyone has had a pie from I don?t know about anyone else, but I think Sam?s
staff was nice enough to let me stay and try their McDonald?s in their life. I remember having a Club?s bakery is best thing ever. Growing up I got my
pie. They only had coconut and banana cream the birthday cake one when two were accidentally birthday cake there every year, so my hopes for their
day I went, so I chose banana cream (which I?ve placed in my bag, but I didn?t really like it. pie were high. Price wise, Sam?s takes the cake (haha
never had before!). This wasn?t really a great Currently, our local McDonald?s only offers apple get it?), I could get eight times as much as I could at a
decision on my part since I?m lactose intolerant, pie, but since apple is the superior pie, I wasn?t restaurant for almost the same price. I think the best
but I didn?t let that interfere with my evaluation. As bothered. I was quite surprised and delighted when part of the pie was the overall taste of the apple filling.
for the pie itself, wow. I didn?t have any other the lady over the drive-thru speaker announced my I think if they sold only their filling in a container with
banana cream to compare it to but I was so total was only $1.06 for two apple pies, with that a spoon I?d buy it. My only concern is that that there
impressed. The best part was by far the filling, it price I wouldn?t care what it tasted like. I didn?t have was too much crust, which overshadowed the
had the perfect amount. I was so sad the slice was the highest expectation since it is a burger franchise fantastic filling. Also on the inside the crust was
kind of small and I had to eat it quickly, because I but I was pleasantly surprised, McDonald?s has slightly gooey which made me wonder if it was
honestly could?ve milked it for at least another 20 pretty good pie. It was warm and flaky and came in a undercooked but I realized it was probably just the
minutes. I don?t usually get desserts at restaurants cute little package I could eat it straight out of like a moisture from the filling and gave them the benefit of
but next time I go to Nanna?s I?ll have to leave some Hot Pocket. I liked how the crust wasn?t super the doubt. I think I?d reach for a pie from Sam?s Club
room for another slice of pie. overwhelming and wasn?t too dry either. Stopping to take to a potluck or something rather than to enjoy
by McDonald?s when you?re craving some apple pie it on my own.
is definitely a good choice.
Photos: Fair Use Source
decorate a Christmastree
Ac c o r ding t o Kat e Simps o n
Bus ines s Edit o r
Decorating my Christmas tree can be very difficult considering how many ornaments I have that may or may not fit on the tree.
Here are a few things I take into consideration when decorating my tree.
Pick out your tree. Picking out the tree is the most important step to take Most of the time when I decorate, I find myself hanging the ornaments in the
because not only is it your foundation but you have to make sure it is full and same area so I divide the tree into parts and hang one ornament in every part
sturdy enough to hold up the many ornaments you have. before I go back to another.
Put the lights on before anything else. You don?t want to have to weave your After all the ornaments are on the tree you will want to put any extra
lights around all of the decorations and possibly knock them down. I also decorations on like tinsel or garland.
recommend putting your tree topper on at this time in case you happen to fall
into the tree. Place some presents or fake present decorations to spice up the look and
improve the feeling of Christmas.
I, personally, always forget that a tree skirt is a thing until after all the The final step, of course is to turn on all the lights and gaze at your
decorations are placed on the tree, so it?s a good idea to put it on beforehand so beautifully decorated Christmas tree.
you won?t bump into any ornaments on the way down.
En ter tai n m en t RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 23
November 2018
I n theater s...MaxSkolnik,Bear DailyEditor inChief
Th i s settl es i t
Dec. 14 Dec. 19 Dec. 21 Dec. 21 Lillian Settles, NewsEditor
Tim Burton?s TheNightmareBefore
I T'S A WONDERFUL LI FE Christmasis by far the best movie to watch
anytime from October through December,
14. Photos: Isaac Bolton and Greg Timmons but media outlets and cable channels alike
are divided as to if the classic film is a
1. 2. 1. (L-R) Freshman Teige Gourlay, Halloween or Christmas movie.
5. 4. 3. sophomore Grace Harper, and
senior PJDavenport act out their Twitter has blown up over this controversy
scene. 2. Harper talks to and the family friendly film is played on
Davenport about his past. 3. (L-R) many cable channels ontheir ?31 days of
Sophomores Julia Tully and Halloween?or ?25 days of Christmas?
Cordelia Krajewski, junior Henry specials.
Secen, freshman Damion Mydini,
and sophomore Dexter Kmet all For those who don?t know the movie is
show what life could be like about Jack Skellington searching for more to
without George Bailey. 4. Senior life than Halloween. He comes across some
Xavier Sutka answers the phone. 5. doors in the woods and discovers the world
Senior Sara Creech goes to talk to of Christmas. He decides to give Christmas a
Davenport as he talks on the go in his town of Halloween and comes
phone. across a few challenges along the way.
Tune in this m onth The movie overall is a super easy watch
and has some great artistry and songs. It is
Dec. 7 Dec. 7 Dec.14 Dec. 21 done completely from claymation and the
work behind it is fascinating
Evi l Geni u s Sk i n s Di ffer en t BLOOD SWEAT Despite my high ratings the debate still
Wor l d TEARS stands as to whether or not this is a festive or
Gu cci Man e XXXTen taci on spooky movie, and when it should watched.
Al an Wal k er Gr oun dbr eak i n g
To me the answer is obvious, it is The
Nightmare BEFORE Christmas and therefore
a Halloween movie. The title is just a figure
of speech for Halloween.
The main setting is Halloween land, and
the Christmas aspect of it is secondary to the
Halloween aspect. The movie could have
had the exact same theme if Jack would have
gone through any of those doors, but the fact
that the movie was set in Halloween really
sets the tone because Halloween is such a
unique holiday.
The dark and spooky vibe of Christmas is
what drives Jack to want change, without it
Jack would have had no need for
I do understand people?s argument that
the entire movie is based around the chase
for Christmas. At the end though the chase is
unsuccessful and Jack accepts that
Halloween is the holiday for him.
He learns to enjoy Halloween and
discovers that Santa knows Christmas best.
He also defeats Mr. Oogie Boogie and saves
the love of his life.
This movie is meant to be watched near
Halloween as a precursor to get the watcher
ready for Christmas. It is the perfect movie
for the end of October or the beginning of
This movie though can be watched really
anytime a year. Tim Burton did such an
amazing job mixing his artistic style with a
family friendly movie while incorporating
hilarious and catchy music.
En ter tai n m en t RH SBear Dai l y.com Page 24
December 2018
Across thepages What holiday traditionsare
YOU looking for ward to most?
Acr oss Down
4.Which senior captain wasquoted in the 1.Who isthegovernor-elect of Michigan?
hockey article? 2.Accordingto FeatureEditor SaMya Overall,
5.Who isthe faceof theHope for Hearts who really runstheNorth Pole?
fundraiser? 3.Accordingto NewsEditor Lillian Settles,
6.What student'sfavorite movie is A what kind of movie isTheNightmareBefore
ChristmasStory? Christmas?
7.Who isthe new graduation coach? 9. Which almost-eradicated disease was
8.What AAA team doesBraden Lindstrom recently reported in Michigan?
play for?
10.What charity gamedid thehockey team
and DECA hold? *Once completed, bring to room
11.How many peopleare there on the C-119 during all lunches on
Wy-News Staff? December 15th ONLY for a prize!
4by4 What isyour What is What isthe When
favorite your best gift does the
Christmas favorite you've ever Christmas
song? Christmas received? season
movie? start?
9 "'Jingle Bells' "HomeAlone, "Aguitar, "When snow is
by Frank becauseI kind becauseI've fallingfrom the
Alec Sinatra of wish that alwayswanted sky because
Rui z because he would happen to learn how to you can't have
was the best to me." play it." Christmas
singer of his
time." without snow."
10 "'Rockin' Around "TheGrinch, "Last year I got "Personally, right
theChristmas becauseof how sticksand a after
Treebecauseit's atough-hearted practicepad to Thanksgiving,
upbeat and puts character grows practice but any timecan
mein the tolovethejoy drumming, beChristmas
Jadyn Christmas Christmas that'sprobably time."
Schroeder mood." brings." my favorite."
11 "'JingleBells' "Elf,because "Probably "Theday after
becauseit'sone it'sareally gettingmy first Thanksgiving."
Gabe guitar. I've
Mullins of thebest good and alwaysfelt the
original comical guitar wasjust
Christmassongs movie." a great
to hear beforeor instrument."
on Christmas."
12 "Lately I can't "It'scliché, "My favoritegift "Christmas
get 'SantaBaby' but A I'veever received season startson
Hannah out of my head, Christmas isprobably the November 1st.
Daw so I'll go with Story. I used gift of precious Then you can
that smooth toalways friendships." play the
classic." watch it with Christmastunes
and start
my family." decorating."