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ancient civ. notebook for social studies

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Published by Elaina Gardner, 2019-05-06 14:11:59

Lainey's Ancient civ notebook

ancient civ. notebook for social studies

A Look at the
Mississippian, Maya,

Aztec and Inca


Multiple-tier timelines use two or more rows of events.
While each row represents a different subject, the time
period is the same.

Multiple-tier timelines can be used to help us look at
cause and effect relationships or patterns and themes
among events in a specific period of time.

We will be using a multi-tier timeline to show the rise
and fall of four early civilizations in the Americas: The
Mississippian, Inca, Maya, and Aztec and look for
RELATIONSHIPS between the dates.

You will insert a picture in this space of
you holding your completed timeline at

the end of this project!


The Mississippians

Did you know that the mississippians had their own
way of government? Well they had their own way for
pretty much everything. You see, back then there
wasn’t a president, or restaurants you could just go to,
they had to work for their things. The Mississippians
were many things. They were mound builders, and
chiefs, and they even built their own houses, but in this
article, your learning about agriculture, government and

The mississippians had their own religion. It was
mostly based off of the sun. They also believed in the
Great Serpent Mound. Like us today, they did have
rules, for example the people were expected to rituel
suicide for their gods, and leaders.

The agriculture for the mississippians was huge,
they grew their own food like corn, beans, and squash.
There wasn’t grocery stores that they could just buy
their food, they had to grow and trade with other tribes.
They mostly traded their food, along with art they make.

The tribe was split into two groups, the commoners
and the elites. The elites had advantages to, because
they were a higher level. They had bigger homes, better
food and even better clothing. Lastly, they have chiefs
like the leaders of the group, and are picked based off
of religious beliefs, kind of like presidents only aren't
voted in.

The mississippians work hard, though they grow
their own food, and make their own houses we too can
work hard with a little bit more effort all the time.

Where in the World…
Were the Mississippian Located?

What is the approximate latitude
and longitude of the location you
What might the weather be like in
this location based on the latitude
and longitude?

What is the approximate latitude and longitude of the location you colored?
33 n longitude, and 84 w latitude west of south carolina and east of alabama
What might the climate be like in this location based on the latitude and longitude?
The climate will be hot and humid because it is close to the equator.
How would this affect the way people live in this area?

The soil will be good for agriculture because of rain and the sea. Also, they will need
lighter cloths to stay cool. Clean water may be scarce do to the fact that they are near
the equator Lastly, they’ll need shelter to stay away from the sun

What is

What is the
circle on the
left side of the


Why do you
think it was
made? What was
it used for?

Why do you
think they
chose this


How do you
think they
made this?

Read the Khan Academy article posted in your
Schoology course: Fort Ancient Culture: Great
Serpent Mound. After you read, complete the
page below with your team.

The fort ancient tribe They believe the mound
could have built this imitates the constellation
tribe. They also named draco. Also, the
predict the rattlesnake was a
Mississippians could common theme in the
have also. Mississippian tribe.
Could have been used to
show eclipse

The mound meant
something to the

tribe that was
important. It
something possibly
from they’re religion

Explore the Mississippian links in the Symbaloo posted in your
Schoology course as well as in the books and other resources
available in class to complete this organizer.

What was the government like?
Did powerful relationships exist

between the people and their

How was their society set up?
What were the types of jobs
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization?

Describe their religion. Did the
relationship the people had with
their gods and religious leaders

follow rules?

did the people invent, create,
or trade that allowed them to
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships

What was the agriculture like?
What food did they eat? How

did they grow it? What
relationships did the people
have with their environment?

The Maya

Where in the World…
Were the Maya Located?

Map from What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Maya
The approximate location is 80
degrees south longitude, and
seventeen degree north latitude
North of present day guatemala, and
south west of mexico and belize.
What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and
The location is most likely hot since
ts near the equator. It could have
scarce water since it is so hot, and
you need more water due to the
How would this affect the way people
live in this area?
The would wear less or cooler cloths
because of the hot climate. They
need lots of water, and the weather
could cause a drought, bd for

The Mayan Government/
Social Structure

King or queen or ruler:
Given right to rule by
the gods, and were
judges if anyone broke

the rules
The Priest: is sometimes
known as a king, and have
just as much respect, and


Nobles: Did not have to pay taxes.
Could chose if they wanted to
have jobs or not.

Merchant/ craftsman: Peasants, with a
better life, and some were nobles, and

wanted jobs

Commoners/ peasants:
They are the lowest rank, and has to pay taxes to the

king or queen

Mayan Religion Mural

The Mayan have many gods. Each corner
of the mural are representing them. Each
god showed an element. Then, we joined
them all together in the middle, like how
they are joined to create the earth

Mayan Language and
Number Systems

Explore the Mayan links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.

What was the government like?
Did powerful relationships exist

between the people and their

How was their society set up?
What were the types of jobs
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization?

Describe their religion. Did the
relationship the people had with
their gods and religious leaders

follow rules?

did the people invent, create,
or trade that allowed them to
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships

What was the agriculture like?
What food did they eat? How

did they grow it? What
relationships did the people
have with their environment?

Ancient Maya
Concept Map

The Aztec

At the end of this unit,
you will insert at least
three images on this page
that you feel represent
the Aztec people. Delete
this text box when this is

Where in the World…
Were the Aztec Located?

Map from What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Aztec
100 degrees west longitude
20 degrees latitude
North of guatemala , east of the
Pacific, west of Atlantic
What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and
The weather will be hot or warm
causing them to wear lighter cloths,
Because they lived in a valley they will
have a cool winter. It will be very
humid wich means thicker air and
more water. They had lots of rain may
to october
How would this affect the way people
live in this area?
The crops and vegetation won’t be
great, relying on their hunting.
Watering the crops will be a challenge.
Their houses and clothing will have to
adapt to the variation of temperature

The Aztec Government/
Social Structure

Eporrer or king
were the

rulersThey felt
that they were
appointed by

the gods

These were the rulers of the
city -state. They had power
over all of the judges in their


They were the noble class. They were
able to wear golden feathers

Aztec Sun Stone

The sun stone calendar was used by the
Aztecs. How was it used? Well, it had
365 days, 18 months containing 20 days

each, and five unlucky days when
disasters were likely to happen.

Explore the Aztec links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.

What was the government like?
Did powerful relationships exist

between the people and their

How was their society set up?
What were the types of jobs
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization?

Describe their religion. Did the
relationship the people had with
their gods and religious leaders

follow rules?

did the people invent, create,
or trade that allowed them to
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships

What was the agriculture like?
What food did they eat? How

did they grow it? What
relationships did the people
have with their environment?

Ancient Aztec
Concept Map

Replace this example with your own concept map!

The Inca

At the end of this unit,
you will insert at least
three images on this page
that you feel represent
the Incan people. Delete
this text box when this is

Where in the World…
Were the Inca Located?

Map from What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Inca
13 degrees south latitude
72 degrees west longitude
South of columbia, east of the pacific
ocean, west of brazil

What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and
The climate will be very hot, but
because of the altitude it will be cool,
very humid. This is the climate
mostly in the north side of the

How would this affect the way people
live in this area?
Since the climate is cold, they need
more clothing. They may have trouble
farming with the cool weather.

The Inca Government/
Social Structure

The Inca Government:

Inca Social Structure

Noble class-The Inca Empire was

ruled by the ancestors of the original Inca
people. These were the people who
originally established the city of Cuzco.

Public administrators- Below the Inca or

noble class was the class of public administrators.
These people ran the government at the low level.

Commoners- almost the lowest rank in the inca
government. The majority of them had jobs as farmers
or artisions.

The Ayllu-The basic unit of Inca society was the ayllu. The ayllu was

made up of a number of families that worked together almost like one
large family. Everyone in the empire was part of an ayllu.

Inca Religion,
Science, Roads,


Replace this slide with the
template you chose or created.

Explore the Incan links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.

What was the government like?
Did powerful relationships exist

between the people and their

How was their society set up?
What were the types of jobs
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization?

Describe their religion. Did the
relationship the people had with
their gods and religious leaders

follow rules?

did the people invent, create,
or trade that allowed them to
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships

What was the agriculture like? They grew chili peppers, corn, tomatoes,
What food did they eat? How and squash on the floating gardens. They
put chili into almost everything. They made
did they grow it? What tortillas and flat breads. They sweetened
relationships did the people their food with honey. They hunted ducks
have with their environment?

Ancient Inca
Concept Map

Replace this example with your own concept map!

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